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Front Office Accounting System Terminology

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Front Office Accounting System in Hotel

A front office accounting system monitors and charts the transactions of the guests,
businesses, agencies and other non-guests using the hotel’s services and facilities.
There are two types of accounts maintained by front office department with front
office accounting system:

1. Guest Account
A guest account in front office accounting system is to record of financial transaction
between a guest and the hotel. It is created when the guests guarantee their
reservations or during registration. The front office usually seeks payment for
charges during the departure and settlement stage of the guest cycle.

2. Non-Guest Account
A hotel may extend in-house charge privileges to local businesses or agencies as a
means of promotion or to groups sponsoring meetings at the hotels. The front office
creates non-guest accounts to track these transactions which may also be called
house accounts or city accounts.

Front office transactions are charted on account statements called folios. A folio is a
statement of all transactions (debits and credits) affecting the balance of a single
account. There are basically five types of folios used in front office accounting and
maintained with front office accounting system:

1. Guest Folios – Accounts assigned to individual guests or guestrooms.

2. Master Folios – Accounts assigned to more than one guest or guestroom,
usually applicable for group accounts.
3. Non-Guest or Semi-Permanent Folios – Accounts assigned to non-guest
business or agencies with hotel charge purchase privileges.
4. Employee Folios – Accounts assigned to employees with charge purchase
5. Split Folios – Accounts assigned to a guest on his/her request to split his/her
charges and payments between two personal folios – one to record expenses
to be paid by the sponsoring business company and the other to record
personal expenses to be paid by the guest. In this case two folios are created
for the same guest.
A voucher details a transaction to be posted to a front office account. There are
several types of vouchers used in front office accounting system:

1. Cash Voucher – A voucher used to support a cash payment transaction at the

front desk.
2. Charge Voucher – A voucher used to support a charge purchase transaction
that takes place somewhere other than the front office.
3. Allowance vouchers: Allowance vouchers can be of 2 types. One type of
allowance is a compensation given to a guest for poor services or discounts
etc. The other type of allowance is a correction to a posting error on an existing
account after the close of business. Any account allowances must be
documented with the use of an allowance voucher. All allowance vouchers
require management approval.
4. Cash Advance Voucher – A voucher used to support cash flow out of the
hotel, either directly to or on behalf of the guest.
5. Correction Voucher – A voucher used to support the correction of a posting
error which is rectified before the close of business on the day the error was
6. Credit Card Voucher – A form designated by the credit card company to be
used for imprinting the credit card and recording the amount charged.
7. Paid-Out Voucher (VPO)– Also called as a Cash Advance or VPO. It is cash
paid out by the hotel on behalf of the guest. If petty payments like taxi fare,
cinema tickets, postage etc. are made by the front desk, a Visitor’s Paid Out
Voucher is issued on guest’s name and his signature is collected and the
amount is debited in guest’s folio.
Physically a paid out is the slip of paper you put in your cash drawer to replace
what you’ve given back to a guest in the form of a refund or security deposit
return. At our hotels we always have the giver and receiver sign off on the
paid-out slip. That slip is then included in the clerk’s drop for the shift, and is
dealt with by Management.
8. Transfer Voucher – A voucher used to support a reduction in balance on one
folio and an equal increase in balance on another. Transfer vouchers are used
for transfers between guest accounts and for transfers from guest accounts to
non-guest accounts when they are settled by credit cards.
9. Travel Agency Voucher – In travel agent guaranteed reservation, the travel
agent forwards a voucher to the hotel as proof of payment and guarantees that
the prepaid amount will be sent to the hotel when the voucher is returned to
the travel agency for payment.

The term ‘point of sale’ denotes the location at which goods or services are
purchased. Any hotel department that collects revenue for its goods and services is
considered a point of sale. The front office accounting system must ensure that all
charge purchases at these points of sale are posted to the proper guest or non-guest
account. A computerized POS system allows terminals at the points of sale to
communicate directly with a front office computer system, and helps front office
staff to create a well-documented folio statement with a minimum number of errors.
Some basic information to be provided by the POS includes the amount of the
charge, name of the POS outlet, room number, name of the guest and a brief
description of the charge.

A ledger is a summary grouping of accounts. A front office ledger is a collection of
front office account folios. There are two types of ledgers in front office accounting

Guest Ledger – It refers to the set of accounts related to the registered hotel guests.
It is also known as Transient ledger, Front Office ledger or Rooms ledger.
City Ledger – Also called the non-guest ledger, it is the collection of non-guest
accounts. It can contain credit card payment accounts, direct billing accounts, and
accounts of past guests due for collection by the hotel.

Visitor Tabular Ledger(V.T.L)

V.T.L is one of the important ledger maintained by front
office cashier in order to keep the record of all the transaction of the guest during
his/her stay in the hotel. V.T.L is generally made for each guest who check-in to
the hotel and use the hotel facilities. This sheet is prepared daily basis by front
office cashier. After the completion of billing procedure, each day transaction is
carried out by a night auditors. The account of guest is calculated and carried down
in a new ledger for the next date which is usually close when the guest checkout
from the hotel.

Importance and purpose of V.T.L :

 It shows the total sales of each outlet in a hotel.

 It shows the over all sales of hotel in a particular day.
 It shows the types of service used by the guest.
 It shows the cash deposit made by the guest and also the credit balance.
 It shows the cash paid by the guest during their stay and also the discount
offered to them.
 It shows the total balance of the guest transferred to a city ledger.
 It shows the total transaction of a particular guest in a particular day.
Posting procedure of V.T.L :-
1. Always use capital or block letter and use ink or ball pen for writing the
name of the guest.
2. Details about the guest information should be written legible after the
registration of the guest such as pax, plan, tariff, etc.
3. Use dashes where there is no transaction or figure.
4. All the transactions should be entered as per the bills or voucher sent by the
5. Enter total amount in the respective debit and credit column.
6. Guest charges for different service are written in the respective columns as
per the heading.
7. Cash advance or deposit made by the guest is written in the guest account
under cash deposit column.
8. Guest amount or charges are written under the column "city ledger", if the
guest do not settle bills during check-out. Generally, these types of guests
are from company or travel agency.
9. If the guests amount is paid by other party or guest, the amount is written
under transfer column, which includes debit and credit.
10.Calculate the sub-total from all the charges under individual after adding the
tax and vat.
11.Grand total is carried out after adding or reducing from balance brought
forward in the daily total.
12.In allowance column, amount are written for those guest who are provided
amount from the hotel.
13.Last balance column in the V.T.L under the column balance b/d or c/d and
respective debit and credit column.
Non-Automated: Guest folios in a manual system contain a series of columns for
listing debit and credit entries accumulated during occupancy. At the end of the
business day, each column is totaled and the closing balance is carried forward as
the opening balance of the next day.
Semi-Automated – In this system, transactions are printed to a machine-posted
Fully Automated – Computerized systems in which POS transactions are
automatically updated in the front office accounts.

The front office accounting system must monitor guest and non-guest accounts to
ensure that they remain within acceptable credit limits.

 Guests who present an acceptable credit card at registration may be extended

credit facility equal to the floor limit authorized by the issuing credit card
 Guest and non-guest accounts with other approved credit arrangements are
subject to limitations established by the front office called house limit.
 The night auditor is mainly responsible for identifying accounts which have
reached or exceeded the fixed credit limits. Such accounts are called high risk
or high balance accounts. The front office may deny additional charge
purchase privileges to such accounts.
 This situation may be resolved by requesting the guest to make a partial
payment or requesting the credit card company to authorize additional credit.


Transaction postings in the front office conform to a basic accounting formula,

Previous Balance + Debits – Credits = Net Outstanding Balances


Internal control in the front office involves:

 Tracking transaction documentation

 Verifying account entries and balances
 Identifying vulnerabilities in the accounting system
 FRONT OFFICE CASH SHEET – The front office is responsible for a
variety of cash transactions affecting both guest and non-guest accounts. The
front office cashiers have to complete a front office cash sheet that lists each
receipt or disbursement of cash.
 CASH BANK – A cash bank is the amount of cash assigned to a cashier so
that he/she can handle the various transactions that occur during a particular
work shift. Cashiers should sign for their bank at the beginning of their shift
and only the person who signs should have access to it.

NET CASH RECEIPTS = Amount of Cash, Checks, Vouchers etc in the

Drawer – [Amount of Initial Cash Bank + Paid Outs]

OVERAGES – When the total of cash and checks in a cash drawer is greater than
the initial cash bank + net cash receipts

SHORTAGES – When the total of cash and checks in a cash drawer is less than the
initial cash bank + net cash receipts.

DUE BACK – A due back occurs when a cashier pays out more than he/she receives
i.e. there is not enough cash in the cash drawer to restore the initial cash bank. This
may happen when a cashier accepts many checks, or encashes large amount of
foreign exchange offered by a guest during shifts. These checks and bills are
deposited with other receipts and consequently the front office deposit may be
greater than the cashier’s net cash receipts, with the excess due back to the front
office cashier’s bank.
 AUDIT CONTROL – Internal auditors should make unannounced visits to
the front office cashier’s desk for auditing accounting records as well as
conducting spot checks of the cash bank of the cashier on duty. A report
should be completed for management and ownership review.

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