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2 Haddix Garcia Price-Dennis - Youth Pop Culture Media

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0 [ADOLESCENT LITERACIES ANO IDENTITIES (1994 cea sues Lstons om esearch withlanguaeminory ve Behavior, 264), 439-456 ‘Creating zones of pos 1 vygotsky and education ‘Moll, LC. 8¢ Gonzales, Ne "children Journal of Reading Moll, LC» 8 Greenberg, (1990) sevetion, In LC: Moll (Ed ridge University res erin, Cy & Grebe |. 989) Yar ove Propet er Community eS Nee noo proce Combining resores [or ete SA ARP Sub- ant No, 1-10), Tusron: Univers of Azona, ‘Natcedl Couel for the Socal Studies. (2013) The college, rans ite tendarde: Guidance xen (er eograpy, and history. Sve SPINES eee ean ene vB Pacis Com of School Offi- ands for English language arts and on 0 & CCSEO). (2010) Common Core State Sa a ei sedi scence and enc bet. WSN DG: Author. en teen Sanat Lend Stes (2013), Next sees standards: Generation Ses Sed om wana esigescince aes geet ene rondards. erryunrClar, 5. M. (2013). Aftocentrie tesco ‘clusion. New Yor: Peter Lan Pipa, 6. U (1972, Farin Per in community and classroom. oFianguage i be classroom (p 370~ acho EY Re (O14), Seriptare based discourses ‘Reading Research Quarterly, #914) 417-435. sarrenbs 12002}, n-berweenes: Religion and con ‘Quarterly, 3712, 130-148. ste 14003, March) Legiimzng and marginals Sine fm communities and practices. Raper present toon and Communication San Francisca, CA nt ae, Religie in ela racy casroom, Renn Research Quat- tery, 4, 233-250. smite (193) "The Blacker he berry, the sweeter th Her ihe naional assesment of educational proses (ERIC! ‘Hc Clearinghouse for English Language Acts, i Gros, 0993. Serpe tree and the eel performance of eM Jornal of Personal Social Prycbolegy 698), 77 Se a abt Adasen 8 eds of otal sui, she we Ma Me ean eneray and soa stale Teraces an as Berkeley Revie of Education, 4. 35-68 atenuuda, A. (1999). Subtactive schooling: Us “teay, Sate Univesity of New York res. waren pllenger, © OgonowsK M. Rosebery A 8 Ho ey i earning science The loge of everday neh ‘Seence Teacbing, 38, 1-24 ee Sede wre” other oun loneat: Tenis te Amaricat Foor erry efecto wring sil Ups ostorh ‘iserso6 ehigan State University, East Lansing, MI tives: Combining soil contexts for “pp. 319-348). New Yorks Cam- reer and civic life (C3) fremework igor of KI cvs, econo arch Rethinking appropriateness and sue and communicative competence: Warm Springs hi a eden, D. yee, 8 W. John (Eds Functions Spay, New York Teachers College Pest. oy Tree Day Saint and Methodist youths, let visions of era. Reading Research How the internat bas shaped responses Ghat the Conference on College Com African American student No. 366944)-Urbans Th [SeMexican youth and the polis of

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