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A Research of Blended Teaching Based On The Flipped Classroom Model Applies To Vocational Education - Experiment in The Major of Numerical Control Lathe

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Science Journal of Education

2016; 4(2): 73-77
doi: 10.11648/j.sjedu.20160402.19
ISSN: 2329-0900 (Print); ISSN: 2329-0897 (Online)

A Research of Blended Teaching Based on the Flipped

Classroom Model Applies to Vocational Education
--Experiment in the Major of Numerical Control Lathe
Jian-yong Lou1, Chen Jiang1, Pei-rong Zheng1, Zhen-pei Huang2
College of Education and Science Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, China
Taizhou Technical School, Taizhou, China

Email address: (Chen Jiang)

To cite this article:

Jian-yong Lou, Chen Jiang, Pei-rong Zheng, Zhen-pei Huang. A Research of Blended Teaching Based on the Flipped Classroom Model
Applies to Vocational Education --Experiment in the Major of Numerical Control Lathe. Science Journal of Education.
Vol. 4, No. 2, 2016, pp. 73-77. doi: 10.11648/j.sjedu.20160402.19

Received: March 21, 2016; Accepted: March 31, 2016; Published: April 19, 2016

Abstract: The digital revolution developing swiftly in the world, it is the trend of the times to use technology in the education.
The birth of flipped classroom perfect confirms this point. Under the background of vocational curriculum reform and using
technology to improve the quality of secondary vocational education, the blended teaching mode is refreshing and has practical
significance. In this paper, the hybrid-assembled advantages of “flipped class” and the traditional teaching, which brings new and
fresh teaching experience for teachers and students. What’s more, it can high-efficiency transports lots of high technicians for
enterprise firm company, to keep in step with the times.

Keywords: Vocational Education, Flipped Classroom, Blended Teaching Model

Vocational education has been the focus of support objects.

1. Introduction Various financial grants and various financial aid vocational
Education must adapt to the request of the era of talents, it schools want to be able to provide qualified social workers.
need to reform continuously. The blended teaching mode used However, to transport personnel and excellent social work is
in the major of numerical control lathe in the area of secondary not easy; the most critical is to improve the quality of
vocational education, not only can enrich teaching resources vocational education. Improve the quality of teaching first
for teachers and students but also cultivate their self-learning condition is interested students learned knowledge; this is the
ability, cooperative ability, management ability. This paper primary task of vocational education curriculum reform.
choices Taizhou technical school as an experimental point, the However, from the existing state of view, vocational school
course and the data information root in there. The research learning atmosphere is not strong, traditional education has
simply prove that the blended teaching mode is suitable for slightly weak pace, the results of the development of
vocational school, this teaching model still needs to much education needs to keep up with the times. In order to change
more deep study. the traditional teaching model and improve the students’
learning interests to maximize the benefit of education. All of
those eventually inspired the “flipped classroom” of
2. The Secondary Vocational Student’s intervention, and the combination of “traditional classroom”
Study Present Situation and “flipped classroom” teaching mode hybrid advantages
resulting. Chinese style traditional teaching there are too many
Significance of vocational education in today’s society is to drawbacks, but 5,000 years of Chinese cultural heritage and
transport a batch of high-quality professional skilled historic traditional teaching methods witnessed the inevitable
personnel and high-quality social service providers. spread so far and rationality. Therefore, this article introduces
74 Jian-yong Lou et al.: A Research of Blended Teaching Based on the Flipped Classroom Model Applies to
Vocational Education --Experiment in the Major of Numerical Control Lathe

the traditional teaching methods after extraction of the essence classroom is typical of recent and Japanese popular these
and removing the dross and “flipped classroom” teaching days, but as the witness time, people on the network
method combining hybrid-teaching model in vocational education attributed to a rational, balanced the emerging
education and professional CNC applications. online educational disadvantages, hybrid teaching model in
this context came into being. The so-called hybrid teaching
3. Flip the Classroom Intervention model is the traditional teaching of the inherited advantages
of combined network teaching development of modern high
Flipped classroom also known as “reverse class” or technology brings, combined the two teaching mode. This
“inverted classroom” flipped teaching sequence, after the will not only have inherited the traditional leading role of
change of the traditional classroom learning to teach for the teachers in teaching -guidance, inspiration, supervision of
first post-teaching, and the use of advanced information teaching process also played a student
technology-assisted teaching. In the self-learning section initiative-autonomous learning, cooperative discuss
before class, students learn according to the teaching difficult problems. In the tradition of study abroad, the
resources provided by the teacher (video, audio, independent blended learning model is divided into four major
study before class task list, etc.) of new knowledge, in the categories: conversion mode, elasticity mode, menu mode
form of these teaching resources no longer a single, which is and enhanced virtual mode [1]. However, each model needs
unmatched by traditional teaching. There is no doubt that to mix and match, arbitrary choice, but most of the teachers
students are very receptive to these new and have fun learning and students of all ages or conversion mode. (Conversion
nature. Independent Study section before class to take notes, mode flipped classroom also interspersed therein) hybrid
mark do not know where, and for reporting in the classroom, teaching model shown in Figure 2.
so that teachers understand students’ progress and to grasp the
situation and make the appropriate adjustments classroom. In
the classroom the next day, for group cooperative learning,
can discuss, debate, do exercises and other activities to
promote the internalization of the absorption of knowledge.
Student is the protagonist of the classroom, the teacher's role
more as a subsidiary, answering questions and classroom
discipline managers. Flipped classroom in response to calls Figure 2. Framework of blending teaching model.
for education reform has brought new ideas to the classroom.
As a humane classroom strategy to break the limitations of In addition, building a hybrid teaching model needs a
traditional teaching, so that students have more opportunity to variety of resource. There are: (1) teachers should both master
experience, to promote understanding of knowledge, the literacy ability and IT expertise, and must first work out
emphasis on learning and learning process, to promote the corresponding teaching objectives, then set out in detail
students’ self-learning ability and ability Practice conducive to the knowledge points, provide curriculum instructional videos,
long-term development of students. Flipped classroom courseware and other types of multimedia teaching resources.
structure shown in Figure 1. (2) The school must have a network-teaching platform,
network teaching platform is a carrier of the students, the
students obtain teaching resources through the network
teaching platform for learning exchanges. Once you have
these resources, as shown flipped classroom built on the
framework of a hybrid teaching model-teaching strategies
Figure 3.

Figure 1. Flip class structure.

4. Based on Flip Class Blending Teaching Figure 3. The construction of blending teaching strategy.

Mode Is Put Forward 4.1. Teacher Online Module

With the rapid development of information technology, Online module is a new mode of teaching should focus on
network teaching concept was put on the agenda, flipped prominent part, is the highlight of the teaching mode reform.
Science Journal of Education 2016; 4(2): 73-77 75

First of all, teachers in the task of teaching arrangement 4.4. Students in Classroom Module
should explicitly consider how student learning goals and
objectives to enable students to complete independence. In Students during the early part of the classroom teaching
the task form can be diversified (images, video, audio, essays, content should be the first independent study notes and jobs
PPT, etc.) in order for students to individual choice. To spend into the classroom summary report. Do not understand the
a lot of hard work of teachers teaching task design. Teachers difficult issues are gathered together, and finally by teachers
should always stand in the perspective of the students to FAQ. Between students before class on self-learning section
think, learning content should be appropriate to grasp the did not understand the depth of knowledge of the content, so
degree of difficulty, some students do not have to strain to the student can be in the classroom in small groups to explore
complete the self-study portion of this carefully controlled cooperation in the form of well-prepared teachers’ heavy and
factor supporting arrangement exercises that also conform to difficult problems. Especially CNC professional, this
Vygotsky “Zone of proximal development.” Types of practical course, each student is required to personally hands.
teaching resources are even more numerous, and a variety of Finally, the students have to do final summary in the
learning materials links, regardless of national boundaries, classroom and carefully recorded for future reference as an
regardless of region. This can not only broaden their evaluation.
horizons of knowledge, but also to promote students’
interaction, mobilize their enthusiasm for learning. The most 5. Carry Out Blending Teaching Model
important point is that teachers and discuss the establishment
of Q zone exchange zone on autonomous learning platform the NC Specialty in Secondary
for between students’ online discussions between teachers Vocational Schools
and the difficult point.
According to the hybrid teaching model-building process,
4.2. Teachers in Classroom Module we are prepared based on the “NC programming and
machining” course was the concrete realization. Based flipped
In the classroom, the teacher is leading role mainly in under classroom teaching mode hybrid we propose to implement the
the premise of a student-centered individualized student process presented in the following four stages:
guidance and teaching. The role of the classroom teacher is the
organizer, mentors and service providers, teachers use more 5.1. Integrating the Resource of Curriculum Modules
heuristic teaching methods, discussion and conversational,
emphasizing student body participation, focus on Development of teaching tasks based on the teaching
self-exploration and cooperation and exchange of students, objectives. First, according to the syllabus prepared teachers
teachers realize with students one on one personalized to teach specific content, and with a full knowledge of the unit,
instruction [2]. and hybrid-teaching model, which is more livelihoods.
Arrangements for classroom teachers in the task, but also Therefore, you must be a completely textbook knowledge in
take the initiative in the manager’s role, as it will organize a accordance with connective divided among a number of
number of activities to promote cooperation and exchange of modules, each module subdividing into a number of complete
students, the classroom atmosphere is definitely very active, knowledge, learning throughout the course structure shown in
but also to ensure that the classroom discipline. Teachers also Figure 4.
do quiz record for future reference, and timely feedback
between students and exchange, will learn to maximize

4.3. Students Online Module

Dewey said, “Education process no purpose other than its

own, it is their purpose.” That is by now learning, so that
students learn how to learn more and more willing to learn, to
realize not taught to learn, to achieve lifelong learning [3].
After students online self-learning of new knowledge, make
notes, if the new knowledge and understanding thorough
Figure 4. Curriculum structures about blending teaching model.
enough, you can watch the video repeatedly re-learning. Then
complete the other tasks of teachers arranged, for example, a Based on the above ideas, to “NC programming and
number of supporting exercises and fun quiz. Unable to machining” to adjust the course content, the course content is
resolve the problems encountered can exchange forum for divided into six modules, each module consists of a number of
help teachers and other students. This will not only enhance small dots of knowledge, to facilitate independent learning.
the feelings of teachers but also students exercise the Having a coupling between modules, each connected in series
cooperation and exchange of students, the ability to help each constitutes a complete system. Course structures as shown in
other mutual assistance. Table 1.
76 Jian-yong Lou et al.: A Research of Blended Teaching Based on the Flipped Classroom Model Applies to
Vocational Education --Experiment in the Major of Numerical Control Lathe

Table 1. Course structures. finally absorbed within the knowledge of the learned. Such a
learning mode does not require teachers and parent’s
Teaching model Knowledge point content
oppression, do not bring aversion for students. It solving
Ex-circle, external thread,
First degree fuel tank Three
outside slot processing
students do not want to learn to solve the problem from the
Second degree fuel Inner bore, inside slot root.
tank processing Expand blended teaching model to burnish students’
Third degree fuel tank One Thin-wall part machining exchanges discussion session. In the past, those discussions
The rockets head parts are just the top students reported that the other students do not
One Macro processor
of model
The rockets tail parts Inside and outside
participate in the discussions, so there are a lot of ideas just in
Two their minds nor speech, finally all of ideas died in silence. The
of model circular conical surface
The rockets booster A cusp of outside circular new teaching model opened up a new world for students’
parts of model conical surface process discussions, students are free to play, and there published his
own mission on purpose, but also to guide each other and
5.2. The Construction of Network Teaching Resources discuss with classmates, or even debate, greatly improving
Teachers teaching according to various forms of knowledge student engagement, make the classroom more active, more
production of teaching resources teaching PPT, instructional profound memories. Fun, you will learn.
videos, micro courses and collect knowledge and teaching The so-called knowledge is to have school must ask, but for
network resources, the resources released in the online what they have learned to how to identify problems, ask
teaching platform for students to download and study. To questions and solve problems has been plagued by teachers
further enhance students’ learning enthusiasm, students will and students, a few hundred thousand years, since ancient
previous excellent reports, practice works plug on online times. Hybrid flipped classroom-teaching mode to provide
teaching platform, presented to the students visit. students with a special discussion area, there are many
The construction of a teaching strategy based on the problems and answers, there is no time and geographical
blended teaching to implement the teaching activities. Based constraints, should read, in forums with classmates and
on micro-channel public platform demonstration program teachers again depth exchanges. Such discretion and after
once the teaching process, the process reflects the teacher, thorough consideration, hard knowledge points and problems
student activities and classroom teaching platform in the can be resolved and digested. In fact, these are for the students
network, and the teaching process shown in Figure 5. As can self-learning capabilities tailored.
be seen from Figure 5, during the implementation phase 5.4. To Optimize the Teachers’ Teaching Behavior
blended learning, students are the center of the learning
process; teachers play a major role in guiding. Traditional teaching authority of the teacher's role is to
teach, students only as passive bearers of knowledge,
knowledge is always just a one-way transmission, teachers are
too busy to take into account students’ inner absorb new
knowledge. However, with the development of the times,
teachers haven’t been allowed to go on like this capricious, not
only to change their ideas, teachers’ behavior also needs to
improve. First of all, teachers should self-positioning, change
from traditional teacher role to students’ mentors, assistor and
FAQ [4]. Implementation of blended teaching model,
relieving teachers who need to do lectures insanely in the
classroom, teachers can devote more time to go one on one
Figure 5. Courses implement process. guidance, individualized, let the strong execution and the poor
students steady progress [5].
5.3. Optimization of Students’ Autonomous Learning Teachers will use class time to organize more activities,
active classroom atmosphere can bring a pleasant learning
There are too many shortcomings in the traditional teaching, experience, and every classroom activity should arrange
because the teaching model is always teachers leading and carefully and properly handled. The students are the main
students with patterns which causing some students to produce activities, teachers are facilitators’ activities, there are difficult
cynicism (do not want to learn, not learn, refused to learn). problems to help solve.
However, since flipped classroom joined, resolved this The most important thing is how to evaluate students’
problem, people-oriented is the core concept of flipped achievement, which is a heavy work of teachers. The new
classroom, it is student-centered and it changes students’ model not only cares about the best academic value, the usual
passive role into active person image. The flipped classroom class participation is also very important, what’s more
starts with interesting videos, pictures, animations and stories twenty-first centuries is to foster comprehensive development
to attract students to take the initiative to explore new of talent, like teamwork and problem-solving ability should be
knowledges, and to identify problems, then solve problems, included reference [6]. There are many dimensions of
Science Journal of Education 2016; 4(2): 73-77 77

evaluation, academic performance is not the only measure. understanding and support of the government, schools,
Therefore, making out a curriculum evaluation standard to families and each community. Home-school teaching
suitable for courses is very important [7]. Of course, the phenomenon is the one we all common pursuit.
evaluation results should be timely feedback to students and
parents, in order to facilitate adjustment and make proper 8. Conclusion
handling of common progress.
Blended teaching model has a profound and lasting
influence in academic world. However, if hybrid teaching
6. The Blending Teaching Mode of model should be applied to consummate the point, for
Assessment Mode vocational schools, it is a great challenge. After all, it’s just
getting started, which will face a series of difficulties and
Traditional teaching assessment of student achievement setbacks. It requires continuous reflection and improvement,
includes: normal results, experimental results, and to maximize the effectiveness of teaching.
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