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1 2011 BookreviewFloraldiagrams

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Floral Diagrams: An Aid to Understanding Flower Morphology and Evolution.

Louis P. Ronse De Craene . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2010. xv +
441 pp. ISBN 978 0521 72945 1...

Article  in  Edinburgh Journal of Botany · March 2011

DOI: 10.1017/S0960428610000326


1 406

1 author:

Peter K Endress
University of Zurich


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E D I N B U R G H J O U R N A L O F B O T A N Y 68 (1): 157–158 (2011) 157
Ó Trustees of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (2011)


Floral Diagrams: An Aid to Understanding Flower Morphology and Evolution. Louis

P. Ronse De Craene. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2010. xv + 441 pp.
ISBN 978 0521 72945 1, £35 (paperback); ISBN 978 0521 49346 8, £75 (hardback).

When we study unknown flowers, it is helpful to first draw a ground plan of the
flower, like an architect draws the plan of a house representing the rooms and
connections between them, thus gaining an idea of the spatial arrangement of all the
parts. Such a floral diagram conveys information that may help to determine the
systematic position of a plant. It is also a first crude but practical approach to get to
know a flower.
Since the classic work by A. W. Eichler on floral diagrams (Blüthendiagramme, 1875,
1878), the present book is the first work that approaches the topic by covering a large
diversity of angiosperms, worldwide. The author, Louis P. Ronse De Craene, is a well-
known researcher on comparative floral morphology, and through his own work on
many families has great experience in the diverse structures of angiosperm flowers.
The most valuable aspects of the present work are that a systematic approach is
used, and that many angiosperm groups for which previously there were no floral
diagrams available in the literature are comparatively treated. The main text is
a broad-brush description of flower diversity and evolution through many of the
major angiosperm clades as they are currently recognised in the classification of
the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. The text contains many references, which help
the reader to find more detailed studies on the groups treated.
For a family, mostly one genus (with one species) is represented, sometimes two,
very rarely three or four (five in Fabaceae). In total 181 genera (of 150 families) are
considered. This is only about one third of the angiosperm families, but it is a good
representation. In Eichler’s work many more genera were treated and illustrated, and
also more families. However, the present work contains some additional families,
and diagrams are revised according to new insights into the flowers. Many diagrams
are based on original observations by the author. Families represented here with
diagrams that were not in Eichler include Amborellaceae, Illiciaceae, Hernandiaceae,
Atherospermataceae, Monimiaceae, Triuridaceae, Nelumbonaceae, Trochodendra-
ceae, Berberidopsidaceae, Aextoxicaceae, Olacaceae, Simmondsiaceae, Cactaceae,
Moringaceae, Cunoniaceae and Elaeocarpaceae. An innovation is that for a number
of flowers the sequence of organ initiation is indicated. In concert with floral
diagrams, floral formulae are another, complementary way to represent basic
features of a flower, especially the number of organs and of organ whorls or series,
and fusion of organs. The author provides a formula for each species represented
with a diagram and a general formula for each family or subfamily covered.

The fascination of flowers to the author of this book is obvious. He experiments

with new ways in the representation of ground plans. Sometimes they become
baroque (e.g. Viola, fig. 10.42; ovary of Haloragis, fig. 10.4), or almost surrealistic
(Oncidium, fig. 6.7). In some flowers with an inferior ovary two diagrams are drawn,
one for the upper level and one for the lower level. The author explores whether
other features, in addition to organ number and their mutual positions, can be
represented by a floral diagram. The book also shows limits of possibilities of
representing complex flowers, especially monosymmetric flowers. For some mono-
symmetric flowers the author is quite successful (e.g. Viola, fig. 10.42), for others he
obviously comes to the limit (e.g. Aconitum, fig. 7.6; Diascia, fig. 11.25; Ligularia, fig.
11.36). Other kinds of intricate shapes also cannot be represented by such diagrams.
If too much information from different structural levels (organisation, architecture)
is packed into the diagrams, they become too idiosyncratic and too difficult to
compare through the angiosperms.
Phyllotaxis can easily be represented only if it is whorled. To draw diagrams for
spiral or irregular phyllotaxis becomes more cumbersome. The attempt to do this has
led to some errors in the drawings. For example, the floral organs of Illicium have
a spiral phyllotaxis, but this is not seen in the diagram (fig. 5.5). The spiral flower of
Calycanthus (fig. 5.9) erroneously shows a reversal of the direction from organ 16 to
17, and the same for Berberidopsis (fig. 8.3) from organ 8 to 9. In Nelumbo (fig. 7.9),
the stamens are represented as whorled, although in reality their position is irregular.
In some cases the legend does not fit with what is shown in the figure (Eichhornia,
fig. 6.19, merism; Meliosma, fig. 7.7, perianth organs vs. subtending bract). In fig.
10.52 (Strongylodon) the flower has an incorrect position with regard to its
pherophyll and resupination works the other way around on the hanging in-
florescence. In fig. 10.14 (Medinilla) and fig. 11.20 (Nerium) all flowers should have
the same direction of petal contortion, and in fig. 10.53 (Carpinus) the ovules should
be represented in lateral, not median, position.
Many different signatures are used for stamens, staminodes and ovules. There are
seven different signatures for ovules but it is not explained in detail what they mean.
Often anthers are represented in the dehisced state, but it is not clear why, except for
some cases in which the difference between dehisced and undehisced depicts the
sequence of anther opening in a flower.
All in all, this is a very valuable book that should be useful to all biologists
interested in flowering plant diversity.
P. K. Endress

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