CO Urt of Tax Appeals: Republic of The Philippines Quezon City
CO Urt of Tax Appeals: Republic of The Philippines Quezon City
CO Urt of Tax Appeals: Republic of The Philippines Quezon City
Promulgated :
FEB 2 2 2005
In a Petition for Review filed pursuant to R.A. No. 9282, an Act Expanding
the Jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals, in relation to Rule 43 of the 1997
Rules of Civil Procedure, petitioner seeks for the reversal and setting aside of the
Resolutions dated January 19, 2004 and June 18, 2004 denying petitioner's
"Motion for Partial Execution" of this Court's Decision rendered in CTA Case No.
1971 , it entered into a service contract with the National Power Corporation (NPC)
for the supply of steam which the latter will use in the production of electricity.
For the period September 1995 to February 1996, Petitioner billed NPC
the 10% VAT on its supply of steam which was not paid by NPC but was
An administrative claim for refund was filed by petitioner with the Bureau
of Internal Revenue on July 10, 1996 on the basis of the exemption provided
Code , to wit:
from VAT.
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Due to respondent's failure to act on the claim and in order to toll the
running of the two-year prescriptive period , petitioner filed a Petition for Review
with this Court on July 2, 1997. In his Answer, respondent advanced the
10. The subject taxes have been paid and collected in accordance
with law and regulation .
12. The present case is no exception to the basic rule that claims
for refund are construed strictly against claimant for the same
partake of the nature of exemption from taxation . (CIR vs.
Ledesma , G.R. No. L-17509 , 31 SCRA 95 , January 30 , 1970).
The sole issue brought for the consideration of the Division of this Court
transaction .
that neither Petitioner nor NPC is liable to pay the VAT. However, only the
amount of P9,012 ,31 0.26 out of the total claim of P39 ,328 ,775.41 was granted .
The balance of the claim was denied because the official receipts issued by
petitioner to NPC included the VAT payable shown in the Summary of Payments
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Received from NPC for each production period . Therefore , it was held that
petitioner was not the one who shouldered the VAT but NPC.
1999, the motion was denied on the ground that there were discrepancies in the
involved .
Petitioner, thus, filed a Petition for Review with the Court of Appeals
August 23 , 1999 by the court a quo . The Court of Appeals denied the petition in
as follows :
On June 14, 2002 , petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration which was
Supreme Court on August 12, 2002 assailing the Court of Appeals' Decision and
amount of P9 ,012 ,31 0.26 with the Division of this Court. The same was denied in
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Reconsideration but was likewise denied in a Resolution dated June 18, 2004
reiterating that the Decision promulgated on April 21 , 1999 is not yet final and
On July 8, 2004 , petitioner filed with this Court en bane the instant Petition
On the first assigned error, petitioner asserts that the granted portion of
the claim amounting to P9 ,012 ,310 .26 has become final and executory. The
Decision of the court a quo which was promulgated on April 21 , 1999 was never
appealed by the respondent. Petitioner pointed out that the pending appeal
before the Supreme Court only covers the denied portion of the claim amounting
to P30 ,316,465 .15. Hence, the decision has become final and the amount of
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P9 ,012 ,310 .26 has ripened into a demandable right which Petitioner can
Petitioner further insists that the appellate court has no power to resolve
unassigned errors , except those that affect the court's jurisdiction over the
subject matter and those that are plain or clerical errors : Thus, since the granted
portion of the claim was not an assigned error in the Petition for Review filed with
the Supreme Court, there could be no occasion to reverse the said award .
As general rule , the execution of a judgment should not be had until and
unless the judgment has become final and executory, i.e.,the period of appeal
has lapsed without an appeal having been taken , or appeal having been taken ,
the appeal has been resolved and the records of the case have been returned to
the court of origin , in which event, execution "shall issue as a matter of right".
There being an appeal filed by the petitioner to the Supreme Court with
respect to the denied portion of the claim , it can no longer invoke the execution of
the granted portion of the claim as a matter of right. The appeal has the effect
of opening the whole case for review, i.e., both the denied and granted portions
of the claim . Failure on the part of the Respondent to file an appeal assailing the
decision of the court a quo does not render it final and executory.
In the assailed Resolution dated January 19, 2004, the court a quo held :
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(Underlining supplied)
Hence, Petitioner's contention that the decision has become final as to the
granted portion of the claim which has ripened into a demandable right, is not
Moreover, while it is true that the amount of P9 ,012 ,31 0.26 was not an
P9 ,012 ,31 0.26 may be executed independent of the remaining claim for refund
amounting to P30 ,316465 .15. The claim for refund consists of five (5) separate
VAT remittances made between September 1995 and February 1996 and each
erroneous remittance allegedly gave rise to one cause of action for tax refund .
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Respondent, on the other hand , asserts that the allowed and the
disallowed portions of petitioner's claim for refund are anchored on the same set
Decision and Resolution logically involves the evaluation of the entire documents,
whether or not considered by the lower court. Upon filing an appeal with
respect to the denied portion of the claim , petitioner "took the risk of making the
approved claim for refund in the amount of P9 ,012 ,310 .26 again the subject of
further jud icial scrutiny and review, thus making the said amount still the subject
Petitioner's claim for refund involves only one cause of action and the
executed independent of the denied portion which has been controverted and
As aptly explained by the court a quo in its Resolution dated January 19,
For all the foregoing , the Court en bane finds no reason to set aside the
assailed Resolutions dated January 19, 2004 and June 18, 2004 of the Division
of this Court.
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Presiding Justice
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Associate Justice Associate Justice
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Presiding Justice