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Court of Tax Appeals: First Division

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Members :

ACOSTA, Chairperson
- versus - UY, and


X- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X



Before the Court is a Petition for Review filed by petitioner

Fax N Parcel Inc. praying for the cancellation of the assessments

allegedly issued by respondent Commissioner of Internal

Revenue (CIR) for deficiency income tax (IT) and value - add ed

tax (VAT) for the fourth (4th) quarter of 2002.

Petitioner avers that it is a duly organized local corporation

engaged in the business of transmitting information through

different mediums of communication, such as but not limited to

CTA CASE NO . 7415
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telephones, telegraphs, facsimile and other over-the - counter-

related services. Its principal place of business is at Unit 33 LGF

Building A, SM Megamall, EDSA, Mandaluyong City . 1

Respondent, on the other hand, is the Commissioner of the

Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) empowered to issue and

cancel disputed assessments. She holds office at the BIR

National Office Building, BIR Road, Agham, Quezon City.

On March 18, 2005, respondent issued against petitioner a

Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN), 2 with attached Details of

Discrepancies 3 for unreported income from understatement of

sales in the amount of P3,195 , 663 .73 on purchases made by

third parties during the 4 th quarter of 2002. Petitioner received

the PAN and the Details of Discrepancies on March 18, 2005. 4

On April 28, 2005, respondent issued a Formal Assessment

Notice (FAN) 5 with another Details of Discrepancies, 6 which was /

Par. 1, Pet it ion for Rev iew.
Ex hibit "3".
Ex hibit " D " and "3- C" .
Ex hibit "3".
Ex hibit "4".
Ex hibit " 4- b".
CTA CASE NO . 7415
Page 3 of 37

but a reiteration of the Details of Discrepancies 7 issued on March

18, 2005. They were received by petitioner on April 30, 2005. 8

On May 30, 2005, petitioner filed a Protest Letter, 9 and

submitted supporting documents on July 29, 2005. 10

Respondent however failed to act on the said protest within the

required 180-day period from petitioner's submission of

supporting documents. 11 Hence, this Petition for Review filed on

February 24, 2006.

In her Answer dated May 19, 2006, petitioner raised the

following Special and Affirmative Defenses:

"A) Deficiency Income Tax:

11) Pursuant to Revenue Regulations (RR)

No . 7- 95 dated 4 December 1995, as
amended by RR 13-97 and 7-99 dated
18 November 1997 and 10 February
1999, respectively, which was duly
approved by the Secretary of Finance
upon the recommendation of the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
the Bureau of Internal Revenue made
mandatory the submission of the
Summary List of Sales and Purchases
(SLSP) of all persons liable for VAT; /

Exhibit " D" and "3-C".
Exhibit "4".
Summary of Admitted Facts, par. 2, Respondent's Pre-Trial Brief dated July 04, 2006,
docket p. 71; Ex hibit " B" and "7".
Par. 1, Stipulation of Facts, Joint Stipulation of Facts, docket p . 78; Ex hibit "C".
Par. 2, Stipulation of Facts, Joint Stipulation of Facts, docket p. 78 .
Page 4 of 37

12) Verification disclosed that based on

the Summary List of Purchases
submitted by Petitioner's customers
for the 4th quarter of 2002, Petitioner
made a gross sale of P5,007,571.73,
however, Petitioner's VAT return for
the 4th quarter reflected a gross sales
of only P1,811,908.00, hence,
Petitioner has an undeclared income
from its undeclared sales in the
amount of P3,195,663 .73, which is
subject to income tax in the amount of
P1,968, 738.98, inclusive of surcharge
and interest;

B) Deficiency Value Added Tax:

13) The 1997 Tax Code provides that any

person who, in the course of trade or
business, sells, barters, exchanges,
leases goods or properties, renders
services, and any person who imports
goods shall be subject to 10% value
added tax on the gross selling price or
gross value in money in cases of sale,
barter or exchange of goods or
properties; or on the gross receipt in
cases of sale or exchange of services,
including the use or lease of
properties (Sections 105, 106 & 108);

14) As mentioned in the preceding

paragraphs, Petitioner made an under
declaration of its sale in the amount of
P3,195,663.73, such sale is subject to
VAT at 10% or an amount of
P629,239 .32, inclusive of surcharge
and interest;

C) Deficiency Assessments:

15) Contrary to the claim of Petitioner, the

exact amounts of its deficiency income
and value added taxes were stated in
the Formal Assessment Notice (FAN),
which was attached to the Details of
Discrepancies, further, Petitioner
CTA CASE NO . 7415
Page 5 of 37

received the FAN on 30 April 2005,

hence, this date should be the
reckoning point for the prescriptive
period for the filing of the protest and
other subsequent actions;

16) Assessments are prima facie

presumed correct and made in good
faith. The taxpayer has the duty of
proving otherwise. In the absence of
proof of any irregularities in the
performance of official duties, an
assessment will not be disturbed. All
presumptions are in favor of tax
assessments (Interprovincial Autobus
Co., Inc. v. Collector, 98 Phil. 290;
Cecilia Teodoro Dayrit v. Han.
Fernando Cruz and Commissioner, L-
39910, Sept. 26, 1988; Bonifacia Sy
Po v. CTA & Commissioner, G.R. No.
81446, Aug. 18, 1988, all cases cited
in Aban, Law of Basic Taxation in the
Philippines, 1st Edition, p. 1 09);"

To expedite the proceeding, the parties submitted a Joint

Stipulation of Facts on July 27, 2006, 12 which the Court approved

on September 7, 2006, thereby terminating the pre-trial


Trial ensued with petitioner presenting its first witness MA.

ELENA T. ESPIRITU, its accounting manager.

She testified that after filing its VAT Return for 2002,

petitioner received from the BIR Details of Discrepancies dated

Docket, pp . 78-80 .
Page 6 of 37

March 18, 2005 13 with attached Quarterly Report on Third Party

Information on Purchases. 14

This was followed by another Details of Discrepancies

dated April 28, 2005 15 received by petitioner on May 24, 2005,

assessing it for alleged VAT deficiency for its sales during the

fourth quarter of 2002 and for deficiency IT. The assessment

was allegedly based on third party information received by the

BIR from the customers of petitioner.

Petitioner filed a protestl 6 to the assessment stating that

the amounts allegedly reported by the third party customers

were different from those reflected in petitioner's record of actual

purchases of the named customers. The amounts cited ranging

from hundreds of thousands to millions of pesos were unrealistic

since petitioner was just a small enterprise engaged in

photocopying, fax and courier services.


Ex hibit " D" .
Ex hibit " E" .
Ex hibit " A" .
Ex hibit " B" and " 7".
CTA CASE NO . 7415
Pag e 7 of 37

The witness further testified that petitioner's transactions

range from as low as P2.00 to a couple of hundreds, except for

their courier service transactions which range from P1,500.00 to

P3,000.00. During the fourth quarter of 2002, petitioner had

only two photocopying machines, two fax machines, a computer

and a printer. Even assuming full capacity operation with no

downtime or lean periods, their photocopying including their fax

and courier services could only generate P30,000 .00, more or

less. The amount allegedly reported by informant SM Mart was

already equivalent to petitioner's sales for one whole month

assuming that its operations would run for straight eleven hours

daily .

In support of its protest, petitioner submitted to

respondent the summary of its sales for October, November and

December 2002, 17 together with the corresponding VAT remitted

to the BIR for the same period and Form 2550Q for the fourth

quarter of 2002.

On September 16, 2005, petitioner received a letter from

the BIR dated September 13, 2005, indicating that its protest v'
Ex hibi ts " G," " H," and " I " .
CTA CASE NO . 7415
Page 8 of 37

had been forwarded to Revenue District Office No. 50 for

appropriate action. The letter as well mentioned that the

assessed amounts of P1,968,738.98 was for deficiency IT, and

the P629,239.32 was for deficiency VAT, both for the fourth

quarter of 2002. The said amounts however were never

mentioned in the previously issued Details of Discrepancies dated

April 28, 2005 .

For failure of respondent to act on petitioner's protest

within the allotted period of 180 days, petitioner filed the instant

Petition for Review before the Court on February 24 , 2006.

On September 7, 2006, 18 Ma. Elena T. Espiritu was recalled

to the witness stand. She testified that the sales of petitioner

were net of VAT based on its books of accounts which she

personally prepared. She presented petitioner's Ledger for th e

months of October to December 2002. 19

On February 8, 2007, the same witness further testified

that petitioner had P6.8 Million Sales for the entire year of 2002 /

Ex hi bi t "A".
Exhi bits " N, " " 0 ," and " P".
Page 9 of 3 7

in stark contrast with PSM sales for one quarter alleged by the

BIR examiner. This was unrealistic since petitioner's Financial

Statement 20 and Income Tax Return 21 for the year 2002 showed

that petitioner paid an IT of only P46,233.43 . Further,

petitioner's Quarterly VAT Return for the fourth quarter of

2002, 22 and the Official Receipt 23 of the remittance of the VAT

amounted only to P7,655.00.

To bolster its claim, petitioner moved for issuance of

Subpoenas Duces Tecum Ad Testificandum to the third-party

purchasers who allegedly submitted a summary list of their

purchases from petitioner directing them to testify and bring to

the Court official receipts and/or other documents pertaining to

their claimed purchases from petitioner for the fourth quarter of

2002. 24

In compliance with the subpoenas issued by the Court,

Cheryl M. Joseph, Arlene Estipona, Nimfa A. Masculino, Ma. Irma

Topacio, Anna May Ceredon, Marivic Trosado, Loida P. Leyson ,

Minerva Baguing, Jean Tiempo, Lovely Magnaye appeared and /

Ex hibit " M" .
Ex hibit " R" .
Ex hibit "K".
Ex hibi t " L".
Ex hibit "Y".
CTA CASE NO . 7415
Page 10 of 37

identified their respective judicial affidavits and certifications

executed in compliance with the Court's directive.

CHERYL M. JOSEPH, Chief Finance Officer and previously

Chief Accountant of Leisure and Allied Industries Philippines, Inc

(LAIPI) in 2002, testified that in the conduct of their business in

SM Megamall, they occasionally utilize the photocopying services

of petitioner. For the fourth quarter of 2002, the total purchases

of LAIPI from petitioner amounted to P623. 75, inclusive of value

added tax, based on the official receipts issued by petitioner and

the cash disbursement voucher for payment and books of LAIPI.

She prepared a summary of LAIPI's transactions with petitioner

indicating the date, particulars, gross amount, corresponding

VAT, and official receipt number issued for each transaction.

However, some transactions in the said summary do not have

official receipt numbers as the corresponding receipts can no

longer be located despite diligent search. Thus, the entries for

these transactions made five (5) years ago were based on the

cash disbursement voucher and/or the books of LAIPI.

On cross, she added that LAIPI is the operator of the

Timezone Family Entertainment Center, a VAT registered /

CTA CASE NO. 74 15
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taxpayer . She confirmed that its total purchase from petitioner

for the fourth quarter of 2002 amounted to P623.75, inclusive of

VAT. However on ly P409.55 was reflected in the Quarterly

Report on Third Party Information on Purchases Per Taxpayer

submitted to the BIR as their company was required to report

actual purchases for the Fourth Quarter of 2002 and the

purchases for the month of December were liquidated in January


On re-direct, she explained that the purchases for the

month of December in the amount of P263.25 were liquidated in

January 2003 for they were deemed petty cash expenses of Time

Zone Megamall branch, thus were not included in the VAT

liquidation for the fourth quarter of 2002.

ARLENE ESTIPONA , Accounting Officer of Arancia, Inc.,

testified that she has no knowledge of any transaction with

petitioner either in her personal capacity or as an officer of

Arancia, Inc. She has no record showing that Arancia, Inc. ever

dealt with petitioner. 25

Ex hibit "U".
CTA CASE NO . 74 15
Page 12 of 37

Both MA. IRMA TOPACIO, the Vice President for Finance

of Music One Corporation 26 and MARIVIC TROSADO, the

Finance Officer of Hi-Integra, Inc., admitted that they were

aware of the assessment issued by respondent against petitioner

for deficiency IT and VAT for the fourth quarter of 2002. The

bases of this assessment were the computer print-outs showing

that Music One Corporation made purchases from petitioner in

the amount of P49.00 in December 2002, while Hi - Integra, Inc.,

in the amount of P54.00 in October 2002. But based on their

respective records, there were no such purchases made by them

from petitioner during the fourth quarter of 2002.

MINERVA BAGUING, Accounting Manager of SM Mart,

Inc., testified that per their record, they never purchased goods

or services from petitioner during the fourth quarter of 2002 and

that their company never reported to respondent any purchase

from petitioner for the same period. This is contrary to the

computer print-out of respondent showing that SM Mart

purchased from petitioner in October, November and December

Exhibit " V" .
Exhibit "X".
CTA CASE NO. 741 5
Page 13 of 37

2002 in the amo unts of P555,365.30, P574,387.60 and

P1,306,326, 70, respectively. 28

Jea n Tiempo , the Accounting Manager of Plaza Arcade,

Inc., declared that petitioner had been assessed for deficiency IT

and VAT for the fourth quarter of 2002. Allegedly, part of the

basis of said assessment was a report of purchases of Plaza

Arcade Inc., from petitioner in a computer print- out in the

amounts of P87,863.56 in October 2002, P168,004 .31 in

November 2002, and P424,061.14 in December 2002. However,

she could not show any proof of such purchases as they had

already disposed the records of all their transactions for that

period based on usual accounting practice. 29

NIMFA A . MASCULINO , the Junior Bookkeeper of Asian

Terminals, Inc. (ATI), alleged that per Official Receipt No.

104307 issued by petitioner to ATI on September 24 , 2002, the

latter purchased from petitioner during the fourth quarter of

2002 in the amount of P3,100 .00. This receipt was part of a

liquidation report submitted by ATI's former employees Mary

Ex hibit "Z".
Ex hibit " AA''.
CTA CASE NO . 741 5
Page 14 of 37

Jane dela Cruz and of ATI's accounting records in October

2002. 3 0

ANNA MAY CEREDON, Liaison Officer of Lyncor, Inc.

claimed that per Official Receipts Nos. 105485 and 106331, 31

their total purchases from petitioner for the fourth quarter of

2002 was only P30.00. 32

LOIDA P. LEYSON, Accounting Officer of Shinsung

Corporation, testified that Official Receipt No. 108629 33 indicates

that on December 8, 2002, they purchased from petitioner,

through Mr. So Young Lee Hong, in the amount of P1,929.00.

On July 07, 2009, LOVELY MAGNAYE, the Financial

Reporting Manager of Jollibee Foods Corporation identified the

Certification 35 she issued on April 3, 2007 to the effect that there

were no sales made by petitioner to Jollibee Foods Corporation in

the fourth quarter of 2002 .

Ex hibit "T".
Exhibit " W -2".
Exhibit " W ".
Ex hibit " Y-2".
Exh ibit "Y".
Exh ibit " BB".
CTA CASE NO. 74 15
Page 15 of 3 7

On August 20, 2009, petitioner rested its case and filed its

Formal Offer of Evidence.

In a Resolution dated November 16, 2009, the Court

admitted petitioner's Exhibits "F," "J," " K, " " L, " " M, " "N," " 0," "P,"

and "R" but denied the admission of the rest of the exhibits.

However, upon motion for reconsideration, the Court in the

Resolution dated February 26, 2010, admitted petitioner's

Exhibits "A I " "B I " "C I " "0 I " "E I " "G I " "H I " "I 1 " "Q I " "S 1 " "T I " "U I "

"X, " "Y," "Z, " "AA, " a n d " B B. "

Respondent, on the other hand, presented as its first

witness, Evelyn R. Garces, Information Technology Officer I

assigned at the Information System Development Service of the

BIR National Office. She supervises the generation of reports

regarding taxpayer's compliance, electronic submission of third

party information, including Letter Notices. A Letter Notice is a

computer generated document resulting from the automated

matching of third party information on purchases with the VAT

return filed by the taxpayer. The third party who is either a

customer or a purchaser provides information about its

transactions with the seller subject to VAT. /

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Page 16 of 37

According to the witness, the generation of Letter Notices

starts with the submission to the BIR of a summary list of

purchases (SLP) by the customers/purchasers . Only those

customers whose quarterly gross purchases exceed

Pl,OOO,OOO.OO are required to submit an SLP pursuant to

Revenue Memorandum Order No. RMC 24-02 and Revenue

Regulation 08-02. The SLP must be in a diskette for submission

to the Revenue District Office (ROO) that has jurisdiction over

the business situs on a quarterly basis. It shall be uploaded by

the ROO to the Integrated Tax System (ITS) server that will

electronically transmit the data to the Data Warehouse of the

BIR. The encoded and uploaded VAT Returns filed by the seller

with the BIR are likewise transmitted to the Data Warehouse.

Subsequently, a memorandum from respondent shall

authorize the ROO to run the program that will match the SLP as

declared by the customer with the sales per the seller's

declaration. The same memorandum sets the threshold or

percentage of the discrepancy/under-declaration between the

purchases and sales that will merit the issuance of a Letter

Notice. The computer program shall automatically compare the

sales and purchases of each taxpayer and determine the

discrepancies. If a discrepancy is detected, the computer /

CTA CASE NO . 7415
Page 17 of 37

program will determine if it matches with the threshold set in the

system as indicated in the memorandum. If the discrepancies on

the sales and purchases meet the set threshold, a Letter Notice

together with a Quarterly Report on Third Party Information on

Purchases will be automatically generated. The Letter Notice

informs the taxpayer that the computerized matching of the

purchases by their customers with the sales declared in their

returns discloses a discrepancy/under-declaration. Thereafter,

the taxpayer is invited to the Revenue District Office concerned

to reconcile the apparent discrepancy.

There had been no complaints regarding the accuracy of

the system for the past seven years of its implementation which

started in the last quarter of 2002.

On cross-examination, the witness admitted that in 2002,

she was not yet involved in the generation of reports from the

BIR Integrated Tax System (ITS) that resulted in the issuance of

the subject assessment. While there is a validation program

provided by the BIR, such includes only the checking of the

format of the file submitted and the viruses. The validation

process does not include the checking of the substance or

content of the SLP against any other source or documents. J

Page 18 of 37

Further, the SLP is only a listing without any attached invoices or

receipt of the purchases stated in the said SLP.

The witness confirmed that the subject Quarterly Report on

Third Party Information Purchases covers the fourth quarter of

2002 which was among the initial reports generated by the

system when it was implemented in the last quarter of 2002.

Since she does not handle tax assessments protests, she does

not know if a complaint or protest has been filed by petitioner in

relation to the discrepancies between the reports generated by

the system and the actual sales, which is the basis of the subject

assessment .

SAMIRA N. PAGDILAO, Revenue Officer III assigned at

RDO No. 38, Quezon City, testified that she conducts audit

examinations of taxpayers to determine their internal revenue

tax liabilities and other matters referred to her by their group

supervisor or revenue district officer.

Upon assignment and receipt of a Letter Notice, she

notifies the taxpayer concerned to formally reply on the apparent

discrepancies indicated in the Letter Notice . In the absence of

the required explanation on the discrepancies noted, the BIR

CTA CASE NO. 74 15
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shall issue a Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN). If the

explanation to the PAN is still insufficient, a Formal Assessment

Notice (FAN) is issued, otherwise, the case will be deemed closed

and terminated.

In the instant case, the petitioner, through a Letter Notice,

was informed about the discrepancies between the sales as

shown in its tax return and the sales as reported by its

customers. She served the Letter Notice to petitioner after it

was assigned to her. When petitioner failed to file the requested

reply, she served a second notice requiring petitioner to make a

written reply lest the case would be referred to th e legal division

for appropriate action. Only then that it filed a reply. However,

the said reply, coupled with supporting documents, did not

sufficiently explain the discrepancies stated in the Letter Notice .

Per her recommendation in a Memorandum 36 dated December

31, 2004, a PAN 37 with attached Details of Discrepancies was

issued against petitioner. Since there was no protest timely

filed, a FAN 38 was subsequently issued . J

Ex hi bit "2".
Ex hi bit "3".
Ex hi bit "4".
Page 20 of 37

Contrary to petitioner's contention, it received the FAN

containing the computation of the assessed deficiency taxes as

shown in the proof of receipt 39 appearing on the upper-right

hand corner on the first page of the FAN. After receipt,

petitioner filed a protest.

In both the PAN and the FAN, petitioner was subjected to

deficiency IT based on the discrepancy amounting to

P3,195,663.73 as revealed by petitioner's tax return and the

sales reported by its customers. Such discrepancy is considered

as undeclared sales. For respondent, the sources of funds not

accounted in the taxpayer's returns leads to an adverse inference

that part of taxpayers' income has not been reported. The

discrepancies noted in the Letter Notice in the total amount of

P3,195,663.73 was also subjected to VAT in both the PAN and

the FAN as the discrepancy represents unreported sales. Under

the Tax Code, all sales, unless otherwise exempt, are subject to


On cross, she claimed that she is familiar with the

computer system that generated the Quarterly Report on Third

Party Information which served as the basis of the subject J

Exhibit "4-a".
CTA CASE NO . 7415
Pag e 21 of 37

deficiency assessment. The said Report was generated by the

HEAD Office from the Summary Sales of Purchases submitted by

the Top 10,000 Corporations. After the matching of the Report

from the purchasers and the discovery of the discrepancies in the

documents submitted by petitioner, the docket was assigned to

the Districts, then to the RDO, who in turned, assigned the case

to the examiner for verification .

The witness added that the Protest Letter of petitioner was

filed on May 30, 2005, after the issuance of the FAN. Upon

receipt of the Protest, the case was re - assigned to another

examiner. Thus, she is not aware of the result of the said

Protest .

After the testimony of its second witness, respondent filed

her Formal Offer of Evidence on August 19, 2010.

In a Resolution dated September 22, 2010, the Court

admitted all the documentary exhibits offered by respondent to

which no objection was interposed by petitioner within the period

granted. However, on September 24, 2010 or after the

promulgation of the Resolution dated September 22, 2010, the

Court received petitioner's Comment to respondent's Formal J

CTA CASE NO . 74 15
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Offer of Evidence which was filed through mail on September 7,

2010 or the last day for the filing of such pleading.

In a Resolution dated October 07, 2010, the Court noted

petitioner' Comment but maintained its ruling to admit all of the

documentary exhibits offered by respondent.

On November 25, 2010, petitioner filed its Memorandum.

Respondent however failed to file any, despite notice.

In a Resolution dated December 06, 2010, the instant

petition was submitted for decision.

The parties stipulated to submit the following issues for the

resolution of the Court: 40

" 1. Whether on 30 April 2005, petitioner

received respondent's Formal
Assessment Notice dated 28 April
2005 containing the exact amount of
its deficiency tax liabilities, which is
presently the subject matter of the

2. Whether petitioner has an undeclared

income from its undeclared sales for
the 4 t h quarter of 2002 in the amount ~
of P3,195 ,633.73 ;

Sti pul ation of Issues, doc ket , p. 79 .
CTA CASE NO . 7415
Page 23 of 37

3. Whether petitioner has filed its income

tax return for the taxable year 2002
with Revenue District Office No. 50,
South Makati;

4. Whether for the taxable year 2002,

petitioner incurred the following tax
liabilities: a) Deficiency Value - added
tax covered by Assessment Notice No.
VT-1136-02-05-0149 dated 28 April
2005 in the amount of P629,239.32;
and b) Deficiency Income Tax covered
by Assessment Notice No. IT-1136-
02-05-0149 dated 28 April 2005 in the
amount of P1,968,738.98;

5. Whether or not the reported

purchases of alleged customers of
petitioner for the fourth quarter of
2002, are valid and with basis."

The Ruling of the Court

On the face of the Petition for Review and the Answer

thereto filed by respondent it is clear that the crux of the

controversy lies on the validity and correctness of the

assessment issued by respondent against petitioner. The

disputed assessment based on the computer generated Quarterly

Report on Third Party Information on Purchases is for the alleged

unreported income from understatement of sales of petitioner

during the fourth quarter of 2002 in the amount of

P3,195,663.73 that was subjected to income tax in the amount /

CTA CASE NO . 7415
Page 24 of 37

of P1,968,738.98, and 10°/o VAT of P629,239.32, inclusive of

surcharge and interest.

Be that as it may, the Court must first determine the

timeliness of the filing of the instant Petition for Review which is

intertwined with the first issue raised by the parties for the

determination of the Court. In this regard, Section 228 of the

National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), as amended, is

instructive, thus:

"Section 228. Protesting of

Assessment. - When the Commissioner or
his duly authorized representative finds that
proper taxes should be assessed, he shall
first notify the taxpayer of his findings:


Such assessment may be protested

administratively by filing a request for
reconsideration or reinvestigation within
thirty (30) days from receipt of the
assessment in such form and manner as
may be prescribed by implementing rules
and regulations. Within sixty (60) days from
filing of the protest, all relevant supporting
documents shall have been submitted;
otherwise, the assessment shall become

If the protest is denied in whole or in

part, or is not acted upon within one
hundred eighty ( 180) days from submission
of documents, the taxpayer adversely
affected by the decision or inaction may
appeal to the Court of Tax Appeals within
thirty (30) days from receipt of the said /
decision, or from the lapse of the one 14/"'
CTA CASE NO . 74 15
Page 2 5 of 37

hundred eighty ( 180)-day period; otherwise,

the decision shall become final, executory
and demandable. "

Evidence reveals that petitioner received the FAN dated

April 28, 2005 with attached Details of Discrepancies two days

from date of issue or on April 30, 2005, 41 assessing it for

deficiency IT in the amount of P1,968,738.98 and deficiency VAT

of P629,239.32 for the fourth quarter of 2002 . The amounts

were allegedly derived from undeclared income/discrepancy from

sales of petitioner as reported by its clients/customers through

their respective Quarterly Reports on Third Party Information on

Purchases .

Aggrieved, petitioner filed its protest against the said

assessment on May 30, 2005 42 in accordance with Section 228 of

the NIRC, as amended. Per the parties' stipulation, petitioner

submitted documents supporting its protest on July 29, 2005, 4 3

which was well within the 60 - day period mandated in Section

228 of the same Code.

Ex hi bits "4" and "4-a".
Ex hi bit "B" and "7".
Par. 1, Sti pul at ion of Facts, Jo in t Stip ul ati on of Fact s fi led on Ju ly 27, 2006, docket
p . 78 .
CTA CASE NO . 7415
Page 26 of 37

Respondent however, failed to act on the said protest

within the allowable period of 180 days which lapsed on January

25, 2006. 44 From the said date, petitioner had 30 days to assail

such inaction of respondent before the Court. Thus, petitioner

timely filed the instant Petition for Review on February 24, 2006.

On the issue of whether petitioner filed its Income Tax

Return (ITR) for the taxable year 2002 with Revenue District

Office No. 50, South Makati, suffice it to say that neither of the

parties dwelled nor gave premium on it. No evidence -

testimonial or documentary - was presented on the matter

thereby precluding the Court from making any finding of fact

that would justify a ruling on the matter. Besides, the issue is of

no moment as the alleged undeclared sales were allegedly

derived from third party information compared with the VAT

return for the 4 th quarter of 2002 and its supporting documents

submitted by petitioner. In fact, respondent, who is in custody

of all documents submitted by all taxpayers including petitioner,

did not find it relevant to merit its presentation in Court.

On the validity and veracity of the assessment for the

alleged undeclared income from petitioner's unreported sales for

Par. 2, Stipulation of Facts, Joint Stipulation of Facts filed on July 27, 2006, docket
p. 78.
Page 27 of 3 7

the 4 th q uarter of 2 00 2 in the amount of P3,195,633.73, note

that the su bject assessment is based on the electronical ly

generated docu m e nt known as Quarterly Report on third Party

Information on Pu rc hases . 45 It summarized petitioner's alleged

undeclared sales as fo ll ows:

Per Summary List of Pu rc hases submitted

by your customers p 5,007,571 .73
Sa les per Tax Return of petitioner 1,811,908.00
Discrepancy in Sales (under-
declaration) p 3 , 195,663 .73
Percentage (%) of Discre pancy 63 .82%

The foregoing pu rported sales to petitioner's customers are

as well reflected in t he Quarterly Report, as follows:

Gross Taxable Purchases

Name of Purchaser Year 2002 For the Month For the Quarter
SM Mart, Inc. October p 555,365.30
November 574,387.60
December 1,306,326. 70 p 2A36 ,079 .60

Manila Southern
Associates, Inc. October p 104,809.20
November 93,60 3 .20
December 233,456 .50 431,868.90

Major Shopp ing

Management Corp. October p 237,906.40
November 182,065 .20
December 323,099 .50 743,071.10

Plaza Arcade Inc. October p 87,863 .56

November 168,004.31
December 424,061.14 679 ,929.01

Ex hibit 1-b .
Ex hibits " 1", " 1- b", and " 1- b- 1" .
Page 28 of 37

Multi Store Corporation October p 107,390.90

November 121,511.00
December 238,253.10 467,155.00

Mercantile Stores Group,

Inc. October p 50,815.60
November 67,498.30
December 119,559.90 237,873.80
Asian Terminals Inc. October 2,818 .20
Cornell Foods Inc. October 409 .09
Edsa Shangri-La Manila October 727 .30
Hi-Integra Inc. October 49 .09
Jollibee Foods Corp. October 537 .90
Oriental Pasta, Inc. October p 69.60
December 55.23 124.83
Sports Grill Phils. Inc. October p 1,165.45
November 2,383.64 3,549.09
Student's Chow Place
Corp. October 350.00
Arancia, Inc. November 88.64
Chongson John
Christopher PE November 68.18
Leisure and Allied Indust
Phils Inc. November p 118.60
December 290.95 409.55
Lyncor Inc. November p 13.64
December 13.64 27.28
Prime Colors
International Inc. November 71.60
Semicon Inc. November 342.72
ABS CBN Broadcasting
Corp . December 27.30
Greasebee Auto Care
Center Inc. December 190.91
Music One Corporation December 49.00
Shinsung Corporation December 1,753.64
p 5,0 0 7,571.73

Respondent claims that these sales were reported to the

BIR by the very purchasers of petitioner through their respective

Summary Lists of Purchases submitted pursuant to Section /

CTA CASE NO . 7415
Page 29 of 37

4.1 10-4 of Revenu e Regul ati on s No. 7-95, as amended by

Re ven ue Reg ula t ion s No. 13-97 an d Revenue Regulations No. 7-


However, wh en served with Subpoenas Duces Tecum and

Subpoenas Ad Testificatum, 4 7 eleven ( 11) of the fifteen ( 15)

al leged purchasers of petitioner, through their duly authorized

officers or re prese ntative, either controverted or denied

respondent's allegations, as follows:

Reference Document Third Party Statement

No purchases of goods or
Judicial services from petitioner for
Exh. Z Affidavit SM Mart, Inc. the 4th quarter of 2002
No transactions with
Jollibee Foods petitioner in the 4th quarter
Exh. 88 Certification Corporation of 2002
total purchases from
Leisure and Allied petitioner for the 4th quarter
Judicial I ndustries Phils., of 2002 is P623 .75 , with
Exh . Q Affidavit Inc. ORs
ABS-CBN No document or rece ipt
Docket, Ex-Parte Broadcasti ng showing it has entered into
p. 261 Manifestation Corporation a transaction with petitioner
No transactions with
petitioner in the 4th quarter
Exh. U Affi davit Arancia, Inc. of 2002
total purchases from
petitioner for the 4th quarter
Sworn Asian Terminals, of 2002 is P3 , 100.00 , with
Exh. T Statement Inc. OR
Judicial Music One Never purchased from
Exh. V Affidavit Corporation petitioner during the 4th

Docket, pp. 178-181.
CTA CASE NO. 741 5
Page 30 of 3 7

quarter Of 2002
Total purchases from
Exh. W Judicia l petitioner for the 4th quarter
and W- 2 Affidavit Lyncor, Inc. of 2002 is P30 .00 , with Ors
No purchase s of goods or
Judicial services from petitioner for
Exh. X Affidavit Hi- Integra, Inc. the 4th quarter of 2002
Total purchases from
petitioner for the 4th quarter
Exh . Y and Judicial Shinsung of 2002 is P1 , 929 .00 , with
Y-2 Affidavit Corporation OR
No proof of purchases
Judicial since records were already
Exh . AA Affidavit Plaza Arcade, Inc. disposed

Up against t he foregoing testimonies of the third party

purchasers is the Quarterly Report of the BIR which shows

considerab le discre pancies, to wit:

Sales of
Actual purchases
petitioner p e r
made by third party
Third Party Quarte rly
for the 4 th quarter of
Re port, N e t of
SM Mart, Inc. none p 2,436,079 .60
Jollibee Foods
Corporation none 537 .90
Leisure and Allied P623. 75
Industries Phils ., (inclusive of VAT of
Inc. P56. 70, with Ors) 409.55
Corporation none 27.30
Arancia, Inc. none 88.64
P3,100 .00
Asian Terminals , (inclusive of VAT of
Inc. P281.80, with OR) 2,818.20
Music One
Corporation none 49 .00
Lyncor, Inc. P30.00 27 .28
CTA CASE NO . 74 15
Pag e 31 of 37

(i nclu sive of VAT of

P2.72, with ORs)
Hi-Integra, Inc. none 49.09
P1,929 .00
Shinsung (inclusive of VAT of
Corporation P175.36, with OR) 1,753.64
Plaza Arcade, Inc. record disposed 679,929 .01
TOTAL p 5 , 682.00 p 3 , 12 1 ,769 . 2 1

From the foregoing table, the total purchases made by the

third party purchasers from petitioner for the 4 th quarter of

2002, based on their own records/documents and books of

account is only P5,682.00. On the other hand, based on the BIR

Quarterly Report for the same details, it is P3 , 121,769.21.

Significantly and as admitted by respondent's own witness

Evelyn R. Garces, the summary lists of purchases received by

the BIR were not verified with other externally sourced data to

check the integrity of the information gathered . In fact, she

categorically testified that Integrated Tax System of the BIR can

only check or validate the format and possible viruses in the

computer program but certainly not the content or substance of

the encoded summary lists of purchases. She declared as


"Atty. Calibo
Q: When purchasers submit this /
Summary List of Purchasers as you
mentioned in your Affidavit, do you verify
Page 32 of 37

this data that they present to you before you

upload it to the system or do you merely
take the data that they give to you and
upload it directly to the system without any
verification or comparison with any source of

Ms. Garces
A: As far as I remember, when the
BIR release (sic) this regulation, it states
there that there is an RNC where in a
specified format for the Summary List of
Purchases or Sales, there is a validation
program provided by the BIR so we required
all the taxpayers submitting their SLS or the
SNT that this data should undergo validation
before it is uploaded to our server.

Atty. Calibo
Q: How does this validation, how is
this performed, this validation process?

Ms. Garces
A: It's also computer, (sic) Sir,

Atty. Calibo
Q : Okay, my question is, I understand
when you referring (sic) to RNC for 2006
customer and submit with the BIR this List of
Purchases in Excel Format. Am I correct?

Ms . Garces
A: Yes.

Atty. Calibo
Q: Now for instance, if you received a
file or a soft copy of this document in Excel
Format, do you upload it directly to your

Ms. Garces
A: No. the file undergoes to (sic)
validation .

Atty. Calibo
Q: Can you please describe how is this
validation process work? (sic)
Page 33 of 37

Ms. Garces
A: It checks the conformity of the file,
it checks for viruses.

Atty. Calibo
Q: But it does not check the
correctness of the values in the file against
any other source of information? Meaning,
your (sic) checking with respect to the
format but not the substance of that file.
Am I correct?

Ms. Garces
A: Yes.

Justice Uy
Can I just ask a follow-up question on
this matter? So, when a list is submitted, is
the purchaser or the customer required to
attach the document evidencing the
transaction like for a sale, do they attach the
invoice or just merely a listing (interrupted)

Ms. Garces
It's just merely the listing, your

Justice Uy

Ms. Garces
Yes, your Honors.

Justice Uy
So, there is no way to verify whether
that sale did really occur, it's just a list?

Ms. Garces
Yes, your Honors ." 48

Incidentally, this witness admitted that she was not the

one who caused neither has she any participation in the

Transcript of Stenogra ph ic Notes dated May 18, 20 10, pages 28 - 32 .
CTA CASE NO . 74 15
Page 34 of 37

generation of the subject Quarterly Report, which became the

basis of the disputed assessment. In fine, she has no

competence to testify on the subject document.

While it is true that tax assessments have the presumption

of correctness and regularity in its favor, it is also equally true

that assessments should not be based on mere presumptions no

matter how reasonable or logical the presumption might be.

This was highlighted in the case of Commissioner of Internal

Revenue vs. Hantex Trading, 49 the pertinent portion of which is

quoted below as follows:

"We agree with the contention of the

petitioner that, as a general rule, tax
assessments by tax examiners are presumed
correct and made in good faith. All
presumptions are in favor of the correctness
of a tax assessment. It is to be presumed,
however, that such assessment was based
on sufficient evidence. Upon the
introduction of the assessment in evidence, a
prima facie case of liability on the part of the
taxpayer is made. If a taxpayer files a
petition for review in the CTA and assails the
assessment, the prima facie presumption is
that the assessment made by the BIR is
correct, and that in preparing the same, the
BIR personnel regula r ly performed their
duties. This rule for tax initiated suits is
premised on several factors other than the j
G.R. No. 136975, Marc h 3 1, 2005.
Page 3 5 of 3 7

normal evidentiary rule imposing proof

obligation on the petitioner-taxpayer: the
presumption of administrative regularity; the
likelihood that the taxpayer will have access
to the relevant information; and the
desirability of bolstering the record - keeping
requirements of the NIRC.

However, the prima facie correctness

of a tax assessment does not apply upon
proof that an assessment is utterly without
foundation, meaning it is arbitrary and
capricious. Where the BIR has come out
with a "naked assessment, " i.e., without any
foundation character, the determination of
the tax due is without rational basis. In such
a situation, the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled
that the determination of the Commission er
contained in a deficiency notice disappears.
Hence, the determination by the CTA must
rest on all the evidence introduced and its
ultimate determination must find support in
credible evidence.

Finally, the imputation of fraud against petitioner adding

50°/o surcharge to its alleged income and value-added tax

liabilities, cannot hold water since the claimed fraudulent intent

was merely deduced from the fact that there was an under-

declaration of sales and/or income for the 4 th quarter of 2002,

which she utterly failed to establish. Since the under- declaration

was found to be inexistent, there is no basis for the allegation of

fraud justifying the imposition of 50°/o surcharge against J

CTA CASE NO . 7415
Page 36 of 37

petiti oner. Settl ed is t he rul e t hat fra ud cannot be presumed but

must be proved . 50

In the case of Wintelecom, Inc. vs . Commissioner of

Internal Revenue 5 \ thi s Co urt held, t hus:

"Considering the enormous power

given to respondent and the leniency in
the kinds of evidence respondent may
accept as basis for his assessments, he
had no excuse in failing to present to
this Court the third party information on
which the BIR examiners based the
assessments . It must not be forgotten that
an assessment must be based on actual
facts. For his failure to support his allegation
as regards the third party information, the
assessment for deficiency income taxes for
years 200 1 and 2000 xxx is cancelled for
lack of basis. As for the imposition of the
f ifty percent (50°/o) civil penalty, the
same is moot since there is no
assessment to speak of." (Emphasis

WHEREFORE , the instant Petition for Review filed by

petitioner Fax N Parcel, Inc. is hereby GRANTED . Accord ingly,

the deficiency inco m e tax and VAT assessments in the aggregate /

Azna r v. Court of Tax Appeals, et at., G.R. No . L- 20569, Au gust 23 , 1974 .
CTA Case No . 7056, Fe bruary 20, 2008.
Page 37 of 37

amount of P3,195,663. 73 are hereby cancelled and withdrawn,

for lack of factual basis.


We concur:

Q~ ~ . ~ ON LEAVE
Presiding Justice Associate Justice


Pursuant to Article VIII, Section 13 of the Constitution , it is

hereby certified that the conclusions in the above Decision were

reached in consultation before the case was assigned to th e

writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.

\' ~~·a~
Presiding Justice

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