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Socket Programming

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1. PC 2
2. NICs 2
3. Hub 1
4. data cables 2

TCP is a transport layer protocol used by applications that require guaranteed delivery. It is a
sliding window protocol that provides handling for both timeouts and retransmissions. TCP
establishes a full duplex virtual connection between two endpoints. Each endpoint is defined by an
IP address and a TCP port number. The operation of TCP is implemented as a finite state machine.
The byte stream is transferred in segments. The window size determines the number of bytes of
data that can be sent before an acknowledgement from the receiver is necessary.

The User Datagram Protocol offers only a minimal transport service -- non-guaranteed datagram
delivery and gives applications direct access to the datagram service of the IP layer. UDP is used
by applications that do not require the level of service of TCP or that wish to use communications
services (e.g., multicast or broadcast delivery) not available from TCP. UDP is almost a null
protocol; the only services it provides over IP are checksumming of data and multiplexing by port
number. Therefore, an application program running over UDP must deal directly with end-to-end
communication problems that a connection-oriented protocol would have handled – e.g.,
retransmission for reliable delivery, packetization and reassembly, flow control, congestion
avoidance, etc., when these are required. The fairly complex coupling between IP and TCP will be
mirrored in the coupling between UDP and many applications using UDP.


In computer networking, an Internet socket or network socket is an endpoint of a bidirectional inter

process communication flow across an internet protocol based computer network such as the
internet. The term internet socket is also used as a name for an application programming interface
(API) for the TCP/IP protocol stack, usually provided by the operating system. Internet sockets
constitute a mechanism for delivering incoming data packets to the appropriate application process
or thread, based on a combination of local and remote IP address and port numbers. Each socket is
mapped by the operating system to a communicating application process or thread. A socket
address is the combination of an IP address (the location of the computer) and a port (which is
mapped to the application program process) into a single identity, much like one end of a telephone
connection is the combination of a phone number and a particular extension.

Two types of internet sockets:

1). Stream sockets: They are connection oriented reliable sockets also called TCP sockets.
2). Datagram sockets: They are connectionless unreliable sockets also called UDP sockets.

The TCP client server model

Most interprocess communication uses the ​client server model​. These terms refer to the two
processes which will be communicating with each other. One of the two processes, the ​client​,
connects to the other process, the ​server​, typically to make a request for information.
Notice that the client needs to know of the existence of and the address of the server, but the server
does not need to know the address of (or even the existence of) the client prior to the connection
being established.

Notice also that once a connection is established, both sides can send and receive information.

The system calls for establishing a connection are somewhat different for the client and the server,
but both involve the basic construct of a ​socket​.
A socket is one end of an interprocess communication channel. The two processes
each establish their own socket.
The steps involved in establishing a socket on the ​client ​side are as follows:
1. Create a socket with the ​socket() ​system call
2. Connect the socket to the address of the server using the​ ​connect()​ ​system call.
3. Send and receive data. There are a number of ways to do this, but the simplest is to use
the​ ​read()​ ​and​ ​write()​ ​system calls.
The steps involved in establishing a socket on the ​server s​ ide are as follows:Create a socket with the
socket()​ ​system call
1. Bind the socket to an address using the​ ​bind()​ ​system call. For a server socket on
the Internet, an address consists of a port number on the host machine.
2. Listen for connections with the​ ​listen()​ ​system call
3. Accept a connection with the​ ​accept()​ ​system call. This call typically blocks until a
client connects with the server.
Send and receive data.

​Stages of Server​:
● socket creation:
​int​ ​sockfd = socket(domain, type, protocol)

​sockfd:​ socket descriptor, an integer (like a file-handle)

​domain:​ integer, communication domain e.g., AF_INET (IPv4 protocol) ,
AF_INET6 (IPv6 protocol)
​type: ​communication type
SOCK_STREAM: ​TCP(reliable, connection oriented)
SOCK_DGRAM: ​UDP(unreliable, connectionless)
protocol: ​Protocol value for Internet Protocol(IP), which is 0.This is the same number
which appears on protocol field in the IP header of a packet.(man protocols
for more details)

● Setsockopt:
i​ nt setsockopt(int sockfd, int level, int optname, const void *optval, socklen_t optlen);
This helps in manipulating options for the socket referred by the file descriptor sockfd. This is
completely optional, but it helps in reuse of address and port. Prevents error such as: “address
already in use”

● Bind:
​int​ ​bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);
​After creation of the socket, bind function binds the socket to the address and
port number specified in addr(custom data structure). In the example code, we
bind the server to the localhost, hence we use INADDR_ANY to specify the IP
● Listen:
​int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
​It puts the server socket in a passive mode, where it waits for the client to approach the server
to make a connection. The backlog, defines the maximum length to which the queue of
pending connections for sockfd may grow. If a connection request arrives when the queue is
full, the client may receive an error with an indication of ECONNREFUSED.
● Accept:
int new_socket= accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);
It extracts the first connection request on the queue of pending connections for the listening
socket, sockfd, creates a new connected socket, and returns a new file descriptor referring to
that socket. At this point, connection is established between client and server, and they are
ready to transfer data.

Stages for Client

● Socket connection:​ Exactly same as that of server’s socket creation
● Connect:
i​ nt connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);
​The connect() system call connects the socket referred to by the file descriptor sockfd
to the address specified by addr. Server’s address and port is specified in addr.
UDP Client Server Model

The entire process can be broken down into following steps :

UDP Server :
1. Create UDP socket.
2. Bind the socket to server address.
3. Wait until datagram packet arrives from client.
4. Process the datagram packet and send a reply to client.
5. Go back to Step 3.
UDP Client :
1. Create UDP socket.
2. Send message to server.
3. Wait until response from server is recieved.
4. Process reply and go back to step 2, if necessary.
5. Close socket descriptor and exit.

Necessary Functions :

int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)

Creates an unbound socket in the specified domain.
Returns socket file descriptor.
Arguments :
domain –​ Specifies the communication
domain ( AF_INET for IPv4/ AF_INET6 for IPv6 )
type –​ Type of socket to be created
protocol –​ Protocol to be used by socket.
0 means use default protocol for the address family.

int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen)

Assigns address to the unbound socket.
Arguments :
sockfd –​ File descriptor of socket to be binded
addr –​ Structure in which address to be binded to is specified
addrlen –​ Size of ​addr​ structure

ssize_t sendto(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags,
const struct sockaddr *dest_addr, socklen_t addrlen)
Send a message on the socket
Arguments :
sockfd –​ File descriptor of socket
buf –​ Application buffer containing the data to be sent
len –​ Size of ​buf ​application buffer
flags –​ Bitwise OR of flags to modify socket behaviour
dest_addr –​ Structure containing address of destination
addrlen –​ Size of ​dest_addr​ structure

ssize_t recvfrom(int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags,

struct sockaddr *src_addr, socklen_t *addrlen)
Receive a message from the socket.
Arguments :
sockfd –​ File descriptor of socket
buf –​ Application buffer in which to receive data
len –​ Size of ​buf ​application buffer
flags –​ Bitwise OR of flags to modify socket behaviour
src_addr –​ Structure containing source address is returned
addrlen –​ Variable in which size of ​src_addr​ structure is returned

int close(int fd)

Close a file descriptor
Arguments :
fd –​ File descriptor

Multithreading in C

What is a Thread?
A thread is a single sequence stream within in a process. Because threads have some of the properties of
processes, they are sometimes called ​lightweight processes.​

Why Multithreading?
Threads are popular way to improve application through parallelism. For example, in a browser,
multiple tabs can be different threads. MS word uses multiple threads, one thread to format the text,
other thread to process inputs, etc.
Threads operate faster than processes due to following reasons:
1) Thread creation is much faster.
2) Context switching between threads is much faster.
3) Threads can be terminated easily
4) Communication between threads is faster.
Pthread library is used to perform multithreading in C.

Functions in Pthread;

● pthread_create: creates new thread

● pthread_join: Joins two threads

NOTE: To run pthread in gcc compiler

CMD: gcc -pthread -o term [FILENAME]

Study simple client-server hello message program of TCP and UDP. Compile and run the program
​and understand output.

Study multithread sample code. Compile and run the program and understand output.


FTP using socket programming:

Design an application of FTP using TCP. GET method is given to you using that Implement PUT
and LIST methods in FTP. Design your own message structure. Use appropriate data structure.
Hint:[TCP client server code is available in folder]

Multithreaded server:

Extend the application you have designed in Exercise 2a such that server can handle multiple
clients in parallel. Use multithreading.


Implement a scenario in which there is one server (PC1) which can handle multiple clients (using
multithreading implemented in exercise 2b) and one client (PC2). Server is supposed to send a file of
50Mb for each request. Client (PC2) can send multiple requests (by generating multiple threads) for
the same file.

● Find the time required to transfer file for each request of client. (Hint: Use time function used
in linux shell ​​ )
● Change the number of requests generated from 1to 10. Create a table for time required to
transfer file to any one client(fixed) for different number of requests.
● Plot a graph of time required to transfer file for any one client(fixed) vs. different number of

Exercise 2d:
Implement a scenario in which two clients are supposed to access the same file at the server. Provide a locking
mechanism which prevents them to access the file at the same time.(Hint: Use code with mutex and locking
mechanism from reading material )

Exercise 3:
Goal of this exercise is to implement a scenario where all the clients of the server receives the file at the same
time. (Such as online game or stock market etc)
Implement a scenario in which there is one server and multiple clients.

Periodic measurement of RTT

1. Server sends echo message to all clients
2. for each client i
a. measure the timestamp when echo message is sent ( T si )
b. Measure the timestamp when reply is received ( T ri )
c. RT T i = T ri − T si
3. ΔT = max (RT T i )

Clients send request to get a file(50Mb) from server. Server sends the file with timestamp( T ms ) and
ΔT . When client receives file(at time T mr ) it holds file till ( ΔT -( T ms - T mr )) time. After that it
displays file. If the client receives file after ΔT then it sends request to server to update value of ΔT .


Submit a zip file containg all the codes the naming convention should be as following:

1. zip file name must be lab3_groupid

2. File which contains code must have name ExerciseNumber_Client/ server

3. Submit word file for exercise 3.

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