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SocketProgramming 3

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Socket Programming

Srinidhi Varadarajan
Client-server paradigm
 initiates contact with server network
data link
(“speaks first”) physical

 typically requests service request

from server,
 for Web, client is
implemented in browser; for
e-mail, in mail reader
 provides requested service application
to client network
data link
 e.g., Web server sends
requested Web page, mail
server delivers e-mail
Application Layer Programming

API: application programming interface

 defines interface between application and
transport layer

 sockets: Internet API

– two processes communicate by sending data
into socket, reading data out of socket
Socket Interface. What is it?
 Gives a file system like abstraction to the
capabilities of the network.

 Each transport protocol offers a set of

services. The socket API provides the
abstraction to access these services

 The API defines function calls to create,

close, read and write to/from a socket.
Socket Abstraction
 The socket is the basic abstraction for network
communication in the socket API
– Defines an endpoint of communication for a process
– Operating system maintains information about the
socket and its connection
– Application references the socket for sends, receives,

Process Process

Ports (Sockets)
What do you need for socket communication ?

 Basically 4 parameters
– Source Identifier (IP address)
– Source Port
– Destination Identifier
– Destination Port

 In the socket API, this information is

communicated by binding the socket.
Creating a socket
int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)

Protocol Family: Usually



The call returns a integer identifier called a

Binding a socket
int bind (int socket, struct sockaddr *address, int addr_len)

 This call is executed by:

– Server in TCP and UDP

 It binds the socket to the specified address. The

address parameter specifies the local component
of the address, e.g. IP address and UDP/TCP port
Socket Descriptors
 Operatingsystem maintains a set of
socket descriptors for each process
– Note that socket descriptors are shared
by threads
 Three data structures
– Socket descriptor table
– Socket data structure
– Address data structure
Socket Descriptors
Socket Socket Data
Descriptor Structure
Table proto family:
Address Data
1: service: Structure
address family:
.. local address:
remote address: host IP:
. port:
TCP Server Side: Listen
int listen (int socket, int backlog)

 This server side call specifies the number

of pending connections on the given

 When the server is processing a

connection, “backlog” number of
connections may be pending in a queue.
TCP Server Side: Passive Open
int accept (int socket, struct sockaddr *address, int *addr_len)

 This call is executed by the server.

 The call does not return until a remote

client has established a connection.

 When it completes, it returns a new socket

handle corresponding to the just-
established connection
TCP Client Side: Active Open
int connect (int socket, struct sockaddr *address, int *addr_len)

 This call is executed by the client. *address

contains the remote address.

 The call attempts to connect the socket to a

server. It does not return until a connection has
been established.

 When the call completes, the socket “socket” is

connected and ready for communication.
Sockets: Summary
int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)
int connect (int socket, struct sockaddr *address, int addr_len)

int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)
int bind (int socket, struct sockaddr *address, int addr_len)
int listen (int socket, int backlog)
int accept (int socket, struct sockaddr *address, int *addr_len)
Message Passing
 int send (int socket, char *message, int msg_len, int
flags) (TCP)
 int sendto (int socket, void *msg, int len, int
flags, struct sockaddr * to,
int tolen ); (UDP)
 int write(int socket, void *msg, int len); /* TCP */

 int recv (int socket, char *buffer, int buf_len, int

flags) (TCP)
 int recvfrom(int socket, void *msg, int len, int
flags, struct sockaddr *from, int
*fromlen); (UDP)
 int read(int socket, void *msg, int len); (TCP)
Summary of Basic Socket Calls
(3-way handshake)
connect() accept()

new connection
write() Data read()

read() Data write()

close() close()
Network Byte Order
 Network byte order is most-significant
byte first
 Byte ordering at a host may differ
 Utility functions
– htons(): Host-to-network byte order for a short
word (2 bytes)
– htonl(): Host-to-network byte order for a long
word (4 bytes)
– ntohs(): Network-to-host byte order for a short
– ntohl(): Network-to-host byte order for a long
Some Other “Utility” Functions
 gethostname() -- get name of local host
 getpeername() -- get address of remote
 getsockname() -- get local address of
 getXbyY() -- get protocol, host, or service
number using known number, address, or
port, respectively
 getsockopt() -- get current socket options
 setsockopt() -- set socket options
 ioctl() -- retrieve or set socket information
Some Other “Utility” Functions
 inet_addr() -- convert “dotted”
character string form of IP address to
internal binary form
 inet_ntoa() -- convert internal binary
form of IP address to “dotted”
character string form
Address Data Structures
struct sockaddr {
u_short sa_family; // type of address
char sa_data[14]; // value of address

 sockaddr is a generic address structure

struct sockaddr_in {
u_short sa_family; // type of address (AF_INET)
u_short sa_port; // protocol port number
struct in_addr sin_addr; // IP address
char sin_zero[8]; // unused (set to zero)
 sockaddr_in is specific instance for the Internet address

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