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Science 10 Bow

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Caraga Administrative Region XIII

Division of Surigao del Sur
Tagbina II District


Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur


S. Y. 2019-2020

Grading Domain Concepts Content Time Frame Remarks


The Learners should be able to… 1. Plate Tectonics

1. describe the distribution of active 1.1 Distribution
1st Earth volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major 1.1.1 volcanoes
Grading mountain belts; 1.1.2 earthquake epicenters
And 1.1.3 mountain ranges
2. describe the different types of plate 1.2 Plate boundaries
Space boundaries; 1.3 Processes and landforms
along plate boundaries
3. explain the different processes that occur 1.4 Internal structure of the Earth
along the plate boundaries; 1.5 Mechanism (possible causes
of movement)
4. describe the internal structure of the Earth; 1.6 Evidence of plate movement

5. describe the possible causes of plate

movement; and

6. enumerate the lines of evidence that

support plate movement
The Learners should be able to… 1. Electromagnetic Spectrum
1. compare the relative wavelengths of
Force different forms of electromagnetic
2nd Motion
Grading 2. cite examples of practical applications
And of the different regions of EM waves,
such as the use of radio waves in
Energy telecommunications;

3. explain the effects of EM radiation on living

things and the environment;

4. predict the qualitative characteristics

(orientation, type, and magnification) of
images formed by plane and curved mirrors
and lenses; 2. Light
2.1 Reflection of Light in
5. apply ray diagramming techniques in Mirrors
describing the characteristics and positions of 2.2 Refraction of Light in
images formed by lenses; Lenses
6. identify ways in which the properties of
mirrors and lenses determine their use in
optical instruments (e.g., cameras and

7. demonstrate the generation of electricity by

movement of a magnet through a coil; and

8. explain the operation of a simple electric 3. Electricity and Magnetism

motor and generator. 3.1 Electromagnetic effects

The Learners should be able to…

1. describe the parts of the reproductive 1. Coordinated Functions of the
3rd Living system and their functions; Reproductive, Endocrine, and
Grading Things 2. explain the role of hormones involved in Nervous Systems
the female and male reproductive systems;
and their
3. describe the feedback mechanisms
involved in regulating processes in the female
reproductive system (e.g., menstrual cycle);

4. describe how the nervous system

coordinates and regulates these feedback
mechanisms to maintain homeostasis;
2. Heredity: Inheritance and
5. explain how protein is made using
information from DNA;

6. explain how mutations may cause changes

in the structure and function of a protein;
7. explain how fossil records, comparative
anatomy, and genetic information provide
evidence for evolution; 3. Biodiversity and Evolution

8. explain the occurrence of evolution; ]

4. Ecosystems
4.1 Flow of Energy and Matter
in Ecosystems
9. explain how species diversity increases the
4.2 Biodiversity and Stability
probability of adaptation and survival of
4.3 Population Growth and
organisms in changing environments;
Carrying Capacity
10. explain the relationship between
population growth and carrying capacity; and

11. Suggest ways to minimize human impact

on the environment.

The Learners should be able to…

1. investigate the relationship between: 1. Gas Laws
4th Matter 1.1 volume and pressure at constant 1.1 Kinetic Molecular Theory
Grading temperature of a gas; 1.2 Volume, pressure, and
1.2 volume and temperature at constant temperature relationship
pressure of a gas; 1.3 Ideal gas law
1.3 explains these relationships using the
kinetic molecular theory;

2. recognize the major categories of

biomolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, 2. Biomolecules
proteins, and nucleic acids; 2.1 Elements present in
2.2 Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins,
and nucleic acids
2.2.1 Food Labels
3. apply the principles of conservation of mass
to chemical reactions; and 3. Chemical reactions

4. explain how the factors affecting rates of

chemical reactions are applied in food
preservation and materials production, control
of fire, pollution, and corrosion.

Prepared by:


Science Teacher

Checked by:


Asst. School/ T-III

Approved by:


School Head/HT-III
Caraga Administrative Region XIII
Division of Surigao del Sur
Tagbina II District


Carpenito, Tagbina, Surigao del Sur


S. Y. 2019-2020

Grading Domain Concepts Content Time Frame Remarks


The Learners should be able to… 1. Respiratory and Circulatory

1. explain how the respiratory and Systems Working with the other
Living circulatory systems work together to Organ Systems
Things transport nutrients, gases, and other
1st molecules to and from the different
Grading and their parts of the body;
2. infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the
functioning of respiratory and circulatory

3. describe the location of genes in

2. Heredity: Inheritance and
2.1 Location of genes on
4. explain the different patterns of non- chromosomes
Mendelian inheritance ; 2.2 Non-Mendelian inheritance
2.2.1 Incomplete dominance
2.2.2 Sex-linked traits
2.2.3 Multiple alleles
2.3 Multiple genes

3. Biodiversity and Evolution

5. relate species extinction to the failure of 3.1 Causes of Species
populations of organisms to adapt to abrupt Extinction
changes in the environment; and 3.1.1 natural
3.1.2 anthropogenic

6. differentiate basic features and importance 4. Ecosystems

of photosynthesis and respiration. 4.1 Flow of Energy and Matter
in Ecosystems
4.1.1 Photosynthesis
4.1.2 Respiration

The Learners should be able to… 1. Chemical Bonding

1. explain the formation of ionic and covalent 1.1 Ionic and Covalent Bonding
2nd Matter bonds;
Grading 1.2 Metallic Bonding

2. recognize different types of compounds

(ionic or covalent) based on their properties
such as melting point, hardness, polarity, and
electrical and thermal conductivity;

3. explain properties of metals in terms of

their structure;
4. explain how ions are formed;

2. The Variety of Carbon

5. explain how the structure of the carbon Compounds
atom affects the type of bonds it forms; 2.1 Carbon Atoms
2.2 Organic Compounds
6. recognize the general classes and uses of
organic compounds;
3. Mole Concept
7. use the mole concept to express mass of 3.1 Mass
substances; and 3.2 Moles
3.3 Percentage Composition of a
8. Determine the percentage composition of a Compound
compound given its chemical formula and
vice versa.

The Learners should be able to… 1.Volcanoes

1. describe the different types of volcanoes; 1.1 Type of volcanoes
3rd Earth 1.2 Volcanic Eruption
Grading 1.3 Energy from volcanoes
And 2. differentiate between active and inactive

3. explain what happens when volcanoes

erupt ;

4. illustrate how energy from volcanoes may

be tapped for human use;

5. explain how different factors affect the

climate of an area; 2.Climate
2.1 Factors that affect climate
2.2 Global climate phenomenon
6. describe certain climatic phenomena that
occur on a global level;

7. infer the characteristics of stars based on

the characteristics of the Sun;
3. Constellations
3.1 Characteristics of stars
8. infer that the arrangement of stars in a 3.2 Arrangement of stars in a
group (constellation) does not change; group
3.3 Changing position of
constellations during the night and
9. observe that the position of a constellation at different times of the year
changes in the course of a night; and 3.4 Beliefs and practices about
constellations and astrology
10. show which constellations may be
observed at different times of the year using

The Learners should be able to… Motion in Two Dimensions

1. describe the horizontal and vertical 1. Projectile Motion
4th Force motions of a projectile; 1.2.Impulse, Momentum and
Grading 2. investigate the relationship between the Impulse
Motion angle of release and the height and range of 1.3.Conservation of Linear
the projectile; Momentum

Energy 3. relate impulse and momentum to collision of

objects (e.g., vehicular collision);

4. infer that the total momentum before and

after collision is equal;

5. examine effects and predict causes of

collision-related damages/injuries;
2. Work Power and Energy
6. explain energy transformation in various 2.1 Changes in form of
activities/events (e.g., waterfalls, archery, mechanical energy
amusement rides);

2.2 Conservation of energy

7. perform activities to demonstrate
conservation of mechanical energy;

8. infer that the total mechanical energy

remains the same during any process;

3. Heat, Work, and Efficiency

9. construct a model to demonstrate that heat
can do work;

10. infer that heat transfer can be used to do

work, and that work involves the release of

11. explain why machines are never 100-

percent efficient;

12. explain how heat transfer and energy

transformation make heat engines like
geothermal plants work; and 4. Electricity and magnetism
4.1 Power generation and energy
13. explain how electrical energy is generated, losses
transmitted, and distributed. 4.2 Transmission and
distribution of electrical
energy from power plants to
Prepared by:


Science Teacher

Checked by:


Asst. School/ T-III

Approved by:


School Head/HT-III

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