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Indah Permatasari



This thesis is fully dedicated to my beloved parents

Sumarni, S.Pd. & Sutarmin S.Pd.

and my dearest sisters and brothers.


“Acquire knowledge, and learn tranquility and dignity.”

 Omar ibn al-Khattab

“A learned man who doesn’t restrain his passions is

like a blind man holding a torch. He guides others but

not himself.”

 Shaykh Sa’di


Alhamdulillah, all praise goes to Allah SWT, the Almighty and the
Merciful, for the blessings given to me so that, finally, I could finish this
thesis. Invocation and peace go to Muhammad, the Prophet, his families,
and his disciples. May Allah bless them and give them peace.
My deepest appreciation is addressed to my one and only
supervisor, Tri Wahyuni Floriasti, M.Hum., who has patiently guided me
during the process of the thesis writing. I thank her for her support,
encouragement and suggestions.
I would also like to thank Ibu Suciati, M.Pd., my academic advisor,
for her support and motivation during my study and Ibu Sri Lestari, S.Pd.,
the English teacher in SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah, for her
cooperation during the research. A bunch of thanks are also given to all
students of class X KP 1 for being so cooperative.
My greatest gratitude goes to my family. Firstly, I would like to
thank my beloved mother and father who had raised me and always
supported me whatever I do. I would also like to express my love to my
dearest sisters and my brothers; I know they always love and support me
even they rarely say so.
My deepest love also goes to all of my friends in English
Education Department, especially those in class PBI F 2012. I am very
grateful for having many lovely best friends.
Finally, I hope that this thesis will be useful for those who read it. I
do realize that this thesis is still far from being perfect. Hence, any
criticism, ideas, and suggestions for the betterment of this thesis are greatly
Yogyakarta, June 1st 2016

Indah Permatasari


TITLE ..................................................................................................................... i
APPROVAL .......................................................................................................... ii
RATIFICATION .................................................................................................. iii
PERNYATAAN .................................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION ........................................................................................................v
MOTTOS .............................................................................................................. vi
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................. vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... xi
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ xii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ xiii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .........................................................................1
A. Background of the Study ...........................................................................1
B. Identification of the Problem .....................................................................3
C. Limitation of the Problem ..........................................................................4
D. Formulation of the Problem .......................................................................5
E. Objectives of the Study ..............................................................................5
F. Significance of the Study............................................................................5
CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................7
A. Theoretical Descriptions ............................................................................7
1. The Nature of Speaking .......................................................................7
a. Definitions of Speaking ..................................................................7
b. Aspects of Speaking Skill ...............................................................8
c. Basic Types of Classroom Speaking Performance .......................11
d. Difficulties in Speaking ................................................................13
e. Microskills of Speaking ................................................................14
f. Input ...............................................................................................15
g. Video .............................................................................................16

2. Teaching Speaking ............................................................................19
a. Principles of Designing Speaking Techniques..............................19
b. Teacher’s Role in Teaching Speaking ..........................................22
c. Text-Based Instruction ..................................................................24
d. Teaching Speaking in Vocational High School ............................26
e. Assessing Speaking .......................................................................28
3. The Concept of Role Play Techniques ..............................................33
a. The Definition of Role Play ..........................................................33
b. The Advantages of Role Play .......................................................35
c. The Disadvantages of Role Play ...................................................35
d. Points to Remember when Setting up a Role Play .......................36
B. Relevant Studies .......................................................................................37
C. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................38
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD ...........................................................40
A. Research Design ......................................................................................40
B. Research Setting.......................................................................................42
C. Data Collection Instruments.....................................................................43
D. Data Collection Techniques .....................................................................44
E. Data Analysis Techniques ........................................................................46
F. Validity and Reliability ............................................................................47
G. Research Procedure..................................................................................50
A. Research Findings ....................................................................................54
1. Reconnaissance..................................................................................54
2. Identification of the Field Problems ..................................................55
3. The Selected Problems to Solve ........................................................58
4. The Implementation of Cycle I..........................................................60
5. The Implementation of Cycle II ........................................................78
B. Discussions ..............................................................................................93
A. Conclusion .............................................................................................100

B. Implication .............................................................................................101
C. Suggestion ..............................................................................................102
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................104
APPENDICES ....................................................................................................106
APPENDIX A ......................................................................................................107
APPENDIX B ......................................................................................................114
APPENDIX C ......................................................................................................129
APPENDIX D ......................................................................................................138
APPENDIX E ......................................................................................................156
APPENDIX F .......................................................................................................160
APPENDIX G ......................................................................................................163
APPENDIX H ......................................................................................................167
APPENDIX I........................................................................................................174
APPENDIX J .......................................................................................................176
APPENDIX K ......................................................................................................179


Table 1: The Tenth Grade Students’ Standard Graduate Competencies................26

Table 2: The Standard of Competence and Basic Competence of the Tenth Grade
Students of Vocational High School ......................................................................27
Table 3: Speaking Rubric for Students of Grade X Nursing Programme of SMK
Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah ..........................................................................31
Table 4: Schedule of the Research .........................................................................42
Table 5: Table of Data Collection Instruments and Techniques ............................43
Table 6: Field Problems in the English Teaching and Learning Process of Grade X
Nursing Programme of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah ..........................57
Table 7: The Selected Problems to Solve ..............................................................58


Figure 1: The Activity Cycle of Assessing Speaking ............................................30

Figure 2: Cyclical AR Model based on Kemmis and McTaggart (1998) ..............41
Figure 3: Chart of students’ speaking scores in pre-test ........................................96
Figure 4: Chart of students’ speaking scores in post test .......................................98
Figure 5: Students’ mean scores of five speaking aspects in the pre-test and post-
test ..........................................................................................................................98

Indah Permatasari


The research was aimed to improve the speaking skill of Nursing

Programme students grade X in SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah, in
the 2015/2016 academic year through the use of role plays. Based on the
observation and interview that had been conducted, it was revealed that there
were three problems to solve. They were the students’ pronunciation, the
students’ vocabulary, and the activities in English teaching and learning
process. Regarding to those problems, the researcher decided to use role play
as the innovative way to improve speaking skill for grade X Nursing Class
in SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah.
The type of the study was action research. It was conducted in two
cycles. The participants of the study were 22 students of class X Nursing
programme and the English teacher. The data obtained during the research
were qualitative data and quantitative data. The qualitative data were
obtained from observations and interviews, while the quantitative data were
gained from tests. The qualitative data were analyzed by reducing the data,
displaying the data, drawing conclusion and verification. The mean scores of
the tests were gained as the result of the quantitative data analysis. The
validity of the research data used was democratic, outcome, process,
catalytic, and dialogic validity. The reliability of the data used were time
triangulation, investigator triangulation, theoretical triangulation, and inter-
rater reliability.
The results of the research showed that the use of role plays
successfully improved the students’ speaking skill. The improvements can be
divided as follows. In the pre-test, the mean score of the grammar in the
students’ performance was only 1.8. The vocabulary mean score was 2.1, the
comprehension’s mean score was 2.2, the fluency’s mean score was 1.8, and
the pronunciation mean score was only 2. Meanwhile, the mean score of the
grammar in the students’ performance in the post-test was 3.8. Then, the
vocabulary mean score was 3.4, the comprehension mean score was 3.9, the
fluency mean score was 2.9, and the pronunciation mean score was 3.1. So, it
was very clear that there are significant improvements on the students’
speaking skill through the use of role play.

Keywords: improvements, role plays, speaking skill.


A. Background of the Study

English has become a primary language of communication. It is

spoken by millions of people all over the world. It has become a dominant

language in many fields of activity, such as industry, military, business,

tourism, transportation, sports, international relations, etc. Besides, English

language also covers abilities of language. One of them is speaking ability.

Speaking is a process to convey and to share ideas and feeling orally.

It involves some skills such as accuracy, appropriateness, fluency, and

vocabulary building. It is a crucial part of second language learning and

teaching so that we need to practice it in our educational environment,

especially in an English lesson. Despite its importance, for many years,

teaching speaking has been undervalued and English language teachers have

continued to teach speaking just as a repetition of drills or memorization of

dialogues. However, teaching speaking to vocational high school students

tends to be different comparing to that for high school students. Also, with

t h e increased number of students enrolled in nursing programs and lack

of clinical training sites, there is a need to adopt alternative innovative ways

to teach the clinical component of a nursing programme.

Based on the observation and interviews conducted to grade X Nursing

Class students of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah, it was revealed


that there were some problems identified regarding the English teaching and

learning there. The first problem was the pronunciation. The materials used to

teach the students were merely from the handbook which focused more on

teaching grammar and could not attract the students’ attention to practice

their speaking though there were some listen and repeat activities. They

found it difficult to pronounce certain English words which made them afraid

of making mistakes. They also did not know how to express their ideas orally

as they were not confident to speak English.

The second problem was the vocabulary. Based on the classroom

observation, most students lacked vocabulary mastery that made them

difficult to build sentences in English. They preferred to be silent and did not

actively participate in the classroom activities. Furthermore, it could be seen

that the activities done in the classroom were monotonous and less

motivating. The activities could not encourage students to speak English.

The teacher tended to use explanation and discussion as the activities.

When the observer did the interview to some students, it was found that the

methods used by the teacher made them bored and sleepy. Even though the

students could communicate with their friends during the discussion activity,

they felt that they did not get enough time to practice their speaking. Also, the

facilities in the school were not the complete ones. Almost all of the activities

were held in the classroom. There was no LCD projector available for each

classroom that made it difficult for the teacher to use video or power point as

the media.

Regarding the problems mentioned above, the observer decided to use

role play as the innovative way to improve speaking skill for grade X

Nursing Class at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah. It was because

unlike traditional teaching methods utilized in common classes, innovative

teaching strategy like role play helps students to learn the skills that they

need to accommodate with their future career.

B. Identification of the Problem

It has been mentioned earlier that the speaking skills of grade X

Nursing Class students of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah were

relatively low. There were some factors such as the students, the teacher, and

the facility that caused the problem.

The first factor was the students. The students were hesitant to speak

English as they thought it was difficult. They also lacked confidence to speak

in English as they were afraid of making mistakes and had difficulties in

pronouncing certain English words. Besides the pronunciation, the vocabulary

mastery was also important for the students. However, the students still have

low vocabulary mastery that made them hard to be able to speak in English.

The second problem was related to the teacher. The teacher tended to

use explanation and discussion as the activities that cause the students’

boredom. The activities done in the classroom could not encourage students

to speak English because they were monotonous and less motivating. The

students felt that the activities did not give many opportunities to them to

improve their speaking skills even though they can communicate with their

friends during the discussion activity.

Last but not least, the next factor was related to the facility. The

teacher could not present the media which can be used to attract students’

attention. Also, the appropriate speaking material for Nursing

p r o g r a m m e were also not present because of the limited facility.

Whenever the teachers need LCD projector for their media, the teacher had to

take the LCD from the teacher’s room and to bring it into the classroom. This

condition made the teacher rarely used media in the teaching and learning

activity. The materials used in the classroom were only the materials from

textbook which were less various.

In conclusion, all aspects related to the students, the teacher, and the

facility for grade X Nursing Class of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah

need to be improved. The improvements are needed to support the

development of the students in mastering their speaking skill, and it can be

reached by implementing role play as the innovative activity in the teaching

and learning process.

C. Limitation of the Problem

This study will be focused on the techniques used to improve students’

speaking ability, the students’ improvement, and also about its effect on the

students’ interest and skill. Nowadays, there are so many techniques that can

be used to improve speaking ability, and one of the methods is role play.

The researcher decided to use role play because it can give the students

new atmosphere in speaking session. The students are asked to express


dialogue and imagine it based on the simulation given by the teacher. Role

play improves the fluency of the students’ oral performance—many teachers

have found that students speak more freely when they are playing a role,

when they do not have to be themselves.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Considering the background of the study above, the problems which are

investigated by the researcher are stated as follows.

1. Does the role play method interest students in their learning


2. Does the role play method improve the students’ speaking skill?

E. Objectives of the Study

This study aims to know that role play attracts the students’

interest in their learning process and to know that role play improves the

students’ speaking skill.

F. Significance of the Study

In this study, the researcher expects that it will give some contributions

to the English language teaching. There are three significances gained from

this study. They are:

1. The teachers

The English teachers can get knowledge about teaching speaking

using role play and use the result of the study to help them teaching

and motivating the students to be active in the process of English

teaching and learning.


2. The students

Students are expected to get better learning by which they will be

able to improve their speaking ability. They are expected to have

better courage in expressing themselves and have great creativity in

speaking English.

3. The researcher

The researcher is expected to have better knowledge about teaching

English using role play and is expected to be able to provide

information as the starting point for the students to improve their

speaking skill.

A. Theoretical Descriptions

1. The Nature of Speaking

a. The definition of speaking

Speaking is one of the most important skills to acquire. The reason is

because speaking is the real aspect that implies the language as a means of

communication. However, there are various definitions of speaking that are

stated by some experts in language teaching. One of them is proposed by

Brown. Brown (2001:267) states that when someone can speak a language it

means that he can carry on a conversation reasonably competently. In

addition, he states that the benchmark of successful acquisition of language is

almost always the demonstration of an ability to accomplish pragmatic goals

through an interactive discourse with other language speakers. Thus,

speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves

producing and receiving and processing information. In speaking, students

have to understand that there are interactive language functions. It occurs

when students speak. Sometimes, people need to act following what they


Furthermore, Harmer (2001:246-247) states that students need to

follow the sociocultural rule and turn-taking rule. Sociocultural rule deals

with the differences of the sociocultural background. Sometimes students


have to understand the partner of the conversation. They have to know the

partner’s habit. Moreover, when they are speaking, they have to consider the

rule of turn-taking which deals with the timing when to speak. Here, the

speakers should know their chance to speak.

In conclusion, speaking is very important because it is used by the

society in order to have relation. Here, speaking can be said as a means of

communication. To make the communication run well, students should

acquire the speaking skill. This productive skill, speaking, will help them to

deliver their message through the knowledge of grammar, knowledge of

vocabulary, and knowledge of the rules of speaking. They are used to

make the students know what to say and how to say. Thus, they can

communicate well.

b. Aspects of speaking skill

There are a lot of essential aspects that have important roles in

speaking English. Accuracy and fluency are two aspects which English

teachers concern most when dealing with speaking activities. In creating

speaking activities in the class, teachers need to decide whether the

activity focuses on either accuracy or fluency.

According to Spratt, Pulverness, and Williams (2005:34) fluency is

speaking at normal speed, without hesitation, repetition or self-correction, and

with smooth use of connected speech. Then, accuracy in speaking is the use

of correct forms of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.


Brown (2001:268) also mentions that both fluency and accuracy are

important goals to pursue in communicative language teaching. While

fluency becomes the initial goal in language teaching which means that

fluency is needed to be the symbol of automaticity in learning language, the

accuracy is achieved by allowing students to focus on the element of

phonology, grammar, and discourse in their spoken output. Both fluency and

accuracy are needed to be acquired by the students in order to speak like a

native speaker. When the students speak in fluent and accurate way, it can

be said that they have understood the language.

Similar as Brown, Richards (2006: 14) states that fluency is natural

language use occurring when a speaker engages in meaningful interaction

and maintains comprehensible and ongoing communication despite

limitation in his or her communicative competence. The activities on fluency

reflect natural use of language, focus on achieving communication, require

meaningful use of language, require the use of communication strategies,

unpredictable language production, and seek to link language use to context.

Meanwhile, the activities in accuracy reflect classroom use of language,

focus on the formation of correct examples of language, practice small

samples of language, do not require meaningful communication, and control

choice of language.

Besides fluency and accuracy, I concerned on grammar, vocabulary,

comprehension, and pronunciation when teaching English to my students. It

was because I did not want that my students were fluent in speaking English

but knowing nothing about what they were saying. I wanted my students to

be able to understand, use and speak English in the correct way.

Furthermore, besides considering the importance of the aspects above,

teachers also have to pay attention to the language features which are

necessary for spoken production. Harmer (2001:269-270) suggests four

language features as follows.

The first language feature is the use of connected speech. Effective

speakers of English have to be able not only to produce the individual

phonemes but also to use fluent connected speeches. In connected speech,

sounds are modified, omitted, added or weakened. Because dealing with

connected speech seems to be a complex thing, teachers should provide

students with activities which are expected to improve and help them be

familiar with speech connecting.

The second feature is the use of expressive devices. Native speakers of

English use expressive devices when they communicate. They change the

pitch and the stress of certain parts of utterances, vary the volume and the

speed, and use the facial expressions. By doing so, they are able to express

their ideas. Therefore, students are expected to use those devices in order to

be effective communicators.

The third language feature is the use of lexis and grammar. The use of

lexical and grammatical features are usually found in a spontaneous speech

in the performance of particular language functions, such as agreeing or

disagreeing, expressing surprise, shock or approval.


The last language feature is the use of negotiation language. Usually

speakers use negotiation language to seek for clarification. The use of

negotiation language is important for students because they need to ask for

clarification when they are listening to someone else. The use of negotiation

language is also used to show the structure of what speakers are saying. In

this case, students need to use certain phrases if they want to be understood

by the others.

c. Basic types of classroom speaking performance

Based on Brown (2004:141-142), there are five types of speaking.

Those are imitative, intensive, responsive, interactive, and extensive or

monologue. The range depends on the complexity of learning to speak in the

target language.

The imitative speaking performance deals with imitating words and/or

sentences. This kind of performances focuses on how well the students

pronounce words and gives no focus on how students understand and

express ideas in conversations. Brown (2001: 271) states that when learners

perform an intonation contour or try to identify a particular vowel sound,

the aim is not for the purpose of the meaningful interaction but for

concerning on some particular elements of language forms.

The second type of speaking performances is called intensive

performance. Intensive performances focus on building up students’ mastery

in grammatical and/or phonological aspect of language.


The third type of speaking performances is called responsive

performance. This type of speaking performance involves students to take

part in a very short conversation or an interaction such as standard greeting,

small talk, simple requests, comments, and many other similar interactions

that can make students to be more active in classroom talk.

The fourth type of speaking performances that has a higher

complexion than the previous types mentioned before is interactive

speaking. Even though this kind of speaking performances is similar to

responsive speaking that also invites students to actively involve in the

interactions and/or conversations, there is a difference between them. The

difference between responsive and interactive speaking is in the length

and complexity of interaction, which sometimes includes multiple

exchanges and/or multiple participants.

The last type of speaking performances, which is the most complex

one, is extensive performance. This speaking performance tasks include

speeches, oral presentation, and story-telling, during which the opportunity

for oral interaction from listeners is either highly limited or ruled out

together. In these tasks, the register is more formal and deliberative. In

addition, these speaking performances can be either planned or impromptu.

In conclusion, I can say that the students of grade X Nursing class of

SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah were focusing on intensive and

interactive performances. It was because through role play, I want the

students to be aware of their grammar and to be more active in speaking


English correctly.

d. The difficulties in speaking

In speaking, students need to understand that English is different from

Indonesian. English has its own rules and they need to know how to speak

appropriately to meet their needs in the future. However many students seem

to face difficulties when they are trying to speak in English. Then, to avoid

doing mistakes, students need to know the factors that make speaking

difficult. Brown (2001:270-271) outlines some aspect of spoken language

that makes speaking sometimes difficult. The aspects are clustering, word

redundant, reduce form, performance variables, colloquial language, rate of

delivery, stress, rythm, and intonation, and interaction. The eight factors

should be understood by the students, so the students can avoid the mistakes.

To avoid the mistakes, students should train themselves to resolve the

difficulty of speaking by knowing the speaking strategies. As stated by

Harmer (2001:249), students need to know the strategies of speaking to help

them resolve the difficulty they are encountering. The strategies are

improvising, discarding, foreignising, and paraphrasing. The strategies can

be used by the students to avoid making mistakes and also help them to train

their fluency of speaking.

By knowing the characteristics of speaking, especially what makes

speaking difficult, students are hoped to understand what to do. Also, it

implies that the teachers have to guide them to avoid making mistakes. In

this case, the teacher can help them by providing good speaking strategies

for the students. Therefore, the teachers will have a chance to make their

students acquire the language appropriately.

e. Microskills of speaking

Similar to other skills of language, speaking also has its own

microskills. The microskills refer to producing the smaller chuncks of

language. Brown (2001: 271) states that in teaching oral communication, both

the forms of language and the functions of the language are important.

Students have to understand all of the micro-skills in order to help them to

speak like the native speaker.

Moreover, Richards (2008: 21-28) also classifies the micro-skills of

speaking according to the functions of speaking. The micro-skills involved in

using talk as interaction are the abilities to open and close the conversation, to

choose topics, to interrupt, etc. The micro-skills involved in using talk as

transactions are the abilities to explain a need, describe something, make

suggestions, etc. Meanwhile, the micro-skills involved in using talk as

performance are the abilities to use an appropriate format, present

information in an appropriate sequence, maintain audience engagement, use

correct pronunciation, etc.

Furthermore, according to Brown (2004: 142-143) there are evelen

micro-skills of speaking. The micro-skills are producing differences among

English phonemes and allophonic variants, producing chunks of language of

different lengths, producing English stress patterns, rhythmic structure, and

intonation contours, producing reduced forms of words and phrases, and the

ability in using an adequate number of lexical units (words) to accomplish

pragmatic purposes

Besides, the micro-skills of speaking also cover the ability in

producing fluent speech at different rates of delivery, monitoring one’s own

oral production and use various strategic devices, producing speech in

natural constituents, expressing a particular meaning in different grammatical

forms, and using cohesive devices in spoken discourse.

Meanwhile, from those microskills of speaking stated by Brown, there

are some skills that I implemented in teaching the students of SMK

Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah. The microskills are:

1. Using grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc.), systems (e.g. tense,
agreement, pluralization), word order, patterns, rules, and elliptical
2. Producing speech in natural constituents: in appropriate phrases, pause
groups, breathe groups, and sentence constituents.

f. Input

Input is very important for students because it can give them the

knowledge needed when they are learning to speak English. The general

term of input might include a variety of student and teacher characteristics,

such as intelligence, sex, personality, general learning or teacher style,

previous experience, motivation, attitudes, and so on. Brown (2007: 293)

states that input is simply the process of comprehending language (listening

and reading). Also, Krashen (1982) defines that optimal input should be

comprehensible, be interesting and /or relevant, not be grammatically

sequenced, and be in sufficient quantity. It is because if the leaner can be


exposed to input having to these features, it is considered acquisition is more

likely to occur.

Moreover, it is a well-known fact that audio-visual materials are a

great help in stimulating and facilitating the learning of a foreign language.

According to Wright (1976:1) many media and many styles of visual

presentation are useful to the language learner as long as they are used at the

right time, in the right place. In language learning and teaching process,

learner use his eyes as well as his ears; but his eyes are basic in learning.

River (1981:399) claims that it clearly contributes to the understanding of

another culture by providing vicarious contact with speakers of the language,

through both audio and visual means.

Finally, it is very clear that input is very needed by the students to be

able to speak English. Without any input received, it is impossible for the

students to do role play. They will not know how to produce and speak the

correct English utterances for their role play. So, in providing the students

with the good, appropriate, and clear examples of role play, the researcher

decided to use video as the input.

g. Video

One of the most appreciated materials applied to language learning

and teaching is video. According to Cakir (2006), video provides authentic

language input for the students. It shows them how people behave in the

culture whose language they are learning by bringing into the classroom a

wide range of communicative situations and also helps to promote

comprehension. Video makes meaning clearer by illustrating relationships in

a way that is not possible with words, which proves a well-known saying that

a picture is worth thousand words.

Moreover, Harmer (2001: 282) claims that video can give students

realistic models to imitate for role-play; can increase awareness of other

cultures by allowing the students to look at situation far beyond their

classroom, creation and motivation. Also, there are three basics type of video

which can readily be used in class: off-air programmes, real world videos, and

language learning videos.

1. Off-air programmes

Off-air programmes are programmes that are recorded from a

television channel. When using this kind of video as an input for

our students, we have to the make sure that the programmes are

engaging for our students, have a sensible length, and easy to

understand. All television programmes also have copyright

restrictions which vary from country to county, so it is very

important to know what that law is and realise that breaking it can

have serious consequences.

2. Real-world videos

There is no reason why we and our students should not use

separately published videotape material such as features films,

exercise’s manual or comedy that there are no copyright


restrictions for doing this. However, once again, we need to make

our choice based on the length, how engaging and comprehensible

the extract is likely to be.

3. Language learning videos

Many publishers now produce video to accompany coursebooks.

The main advantage of specially made video is that they have been

designed with students at a particular level in mind. They are

comprehensible, designed to appeal the students’ topic interest, and


Furthermore, in teaching the students of grade X Nursing class of

SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah, I used the real-world videos. The

videos that I used entitled at the doctor and the doctor and the patient. The first

video was about a nurse that making an appointment for a patient who was

going to see the doctor. Then, the second video was about a doctor who was

threating his patient in a hospital.

However, even though video is a good input for students in learning

English, there are some disadvantages of video that should be taken into

account. The main disadvantages are cost, inconvenience, maintenance and

some cases, fear of technology. Additionally, the sound and vision, quality of

the copies or home-produced materials may not be ideal. So, the teacher

should be well-trained on using and exploiting the video. The teacher can also

be a controller, an assessor, an organizer, a prompter and a participant as well.


2. Teaching Speaking

a. Principles of designing speaking techniques

Principles for designing speaking techniques are useful to assist teachers

in conducting a speaking class. Brown (2001: 275) suggests some principles

for designing speaking techniques as follows.

1. Using techniques that cover the spectrum of learner needs, from

language-based focus on accuracy to message-based focus on

interaction, meaning and fluency.

Teachers should design tasks which are formulated to help students

to understand and use the building blocks of language. In addition,

teachers should make any drilling as meaningful as possible instead

of making students bored with repetitious drilling.

2. Providing intrinsically motivating techniques.

Sometimes students do not know why they should do certain

activities provided by the teacher. So, it is good for the teacher to

help them to see how those activities will benefit them.

3. Encouraging the use of authentic language in meaningful contexts.

Though it does not easy and takes energy as well as creativity to

design authentic contexts and meaningful interactions, but with

the help of storehouse of teacher resource materials, it is possible

to do so. Even drills can be designed to present a sense of


4. Providing appropriate feedback and correction.

It is important for teachers to insert kinds of corrective feedbacks

that are appropriate for the moment.

5. Capitalizing on the natural link between speaking and listening.

As many English teachers know, speaking and listening are linked

and can strengthen each other. Many teaching techniques involving

speaking will also contain listening. That is why; teachers have to

maximize the opportunities to integrate these two skills.

6. Giving students opportunities to initiate oral communication.

A good deal of typical classroom interaction is characterized by

teacher initiation of language. Also, part of the oral communication

competence is the ability to initiate conversations, to nominate

topics, to ask questions, to control conversation and to change the

subject. Therefore, in designing speaking techniques, teachers

should design a technique which gives students opportunities to

begin an oral communication.

7. Encouraging the development of speaking strategies.

Since some students are not aware of developing their own

strategies for carrying out oral communication, teachers have to

help them. Teachers can create a classroom environment that can

make students get opportunities to practice strategic competence

such as asking for clarification, asking someone to repeat

something, using filters, using conversation maintenance cues,


getting someone’s attention, and so forth.

Furthermore, according to Bailey (2005), there are some principles in

teaching speaking that are described below.

1. Being aware of the difference between second language and foreign

language learning context.

A foreign language (FL) context is one where the target language is

not the language of communication in the society (e.g., learning

English in Japan or studying french in Australia), while a second

language (SL) context is one where the target language is the language

of communication in the society (such as English in the UK or Spanish

in Mexico).

2. Give students practice with both fluency and accuracy.

In language lessons, learners must be given opportunities to develop

both their fluency and their accuracy. They cannot develop fluency if

the teacher is constantly interrupting them by correcting their oral

errors. So, teachers must provide students with fluency-building

practice and realize that making mistakes is a natural part of learning a

new language.

3. Provide opportunities for students to talk by using group work or pair

work, and limiting teacher talk.

Pair work and group work activities can be used to increase the amount

of time that learners get to speak in the target language during lessons.

One further interesting point is that when the teacher is removed from

the conversation, the learners take on diverse speaking roles that are

normally filled by the teacher (such as posing questions or offering


4. Plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning

This principle involves checking to see if you've understood what

someone has said, clarifying your understanding, and confirming that

someone has understood your meaning. By asking for clarification,

repetition, or explanations during conversations, learners get the

people they are speaking with to address them with language at a level

they can learn from and understand.

5. Design classroom activities that involve guidance and practice in both

transactional and interactional speaking.

Interactional speech is communicating with someone for social

purposes. It includes both establishing and maintaining social

relationships. Then, transactional speech involves communicating to

get something done, including the exchange of goods and/or services.

b. Teacher’s role in teaching speaking

The teachers have an important role and responsible to make the

teaching and learning process run well. They have to set all the components

of teaching and learning process, try not to dominating the class, and give the

students enough time to talk. There are eight roles of a teacher in a

classroom that can facilitate students to learn and to help students improve

their language skills. Those are a controller, an organizer, an assessor, a


prompter, a participant, a resource, a tutor, and an observer.

Similarly, Harmer (2001:275) points out three different roles that the

teacher needs to play to get students speak fluently. The first role is as a

prompter. Sometimes, when students are involved in a role-play activity, for

example, they are get lost, do not know about what they are going to say next,

or they forget for words. In this situation, it is natural that the teacher wants to

help the students and acts as a prompter. It means that teachers can help them

by offering careful and supportive suggestions. As long as it can be done

without disrupting the activity, it will make the activity to progress easier

and at the same time, it will stop the students from being anxious as they

suddenly cannot express their ideas.

The second role is as a participant. Back then, teachers do not participate

and give feedback to the student while they are doing a group discussion or

role play. They just listen to them carefully. However, there is a time when

teachers want to participate in the discussion or role play. By participating in

the activity, the teachers can prompt covertly, introduce new information to

help the activity along, ensure continuing student engagement, and generally

maintain a creative atmosphere. Here, a teacher should not participate too

much because she might dominate the speaking and drawing all the attention

to themselves.

The last role is as a feedback provider. It is very important for the teacher

to give feedback in his students’ speaking activities. In this regard, a teacher

should know how and when feedback is given. A teacher also has to avoid

over-correction because a helpful and gentle correction can make the students

confident and it may get the students out of difficult misunderstanding and


In addition, accordding to Spratt, Pulverness, and Williams (2005:145),

every teacher changes roles during a lesson that will be appropriate to the

type of lesson, activities, lesson aims, and the level and age of the students.

At different times we may act as a planner, an informer, a manager, a parent

or friend, or a monitor. For example, when students doing a role play, as a

monitor, we have to make sure that they are doing what we want them to do.

As a teacher, we also can act as an involver, diagnostic, and resource.

These roles are to make sure that the students are taking part in the

activities, to recognize their difficulties, and to help and to give advice to

the them. Finally, by applying the roles of teacher in the teaching learning

process, the teachers can help the students to master the language. Besides,

the students will feel comfortable that result on the achievement of the aims of

the teaching learning process.

c. The PPP method

Among many methods, the PPP is a successful one and is widely used

throughout the world by many English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and

English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers. According to Harmer (2001:

80), in PPP method the teacher introduces a situation which contextualises the

language to be taught.

Moreover, because every PPP lesson has a language aim which students

should fulfill by the end of it, the PPP method not only can be applied to

teach grammar items, but it can also be used to teach functions, vocabulary

and even pronunciation. The stages of teaching and learning implemented can

be explained as follows.

1. Presentation

The presentation phase usually consists of two steps. The first step is

as introductory activity such as a warm-up or lead-in, an activity

intended to raise the students’ interest in the topic, and the second step

is an introduction of the target language. In this stage, the teacher

began the lesson by asking the students some questions related to the

topic and showed a video which shown the context being studied.

2. Practice

In th practice stage, the focus is on form. The teacher provides

opportunities for students to practice the learnt item in a controlled

way. This is a chance for the students to use what they have learnt

without making mistakes. So, it is very important that the students are

monitored and all mistakes are corrected. During this stage, the

researcher guided the students in creating and practicing their

dialogues by correcting all of the students’ mistakes and errors.

3. Production

Once students have practiced their dialogues, now it is time for them

to perform it in real-situation like activities. The production stage


focuses on fluency and provides the students with an opportunity to

personalise the language learnt by doing less controlled tasks and

using their own ideas. In this stage, using the role play cards, the

researcher asked the students to perform their role play in front of the


d. Teaching speaking in vocational high school

Teaching speaking to vocational high school students tends to be

different compared to that for high school students. It is similar to teaching

English for Specific Purposes because students of vocational high schools

learn in one major programme which leads them to a specific career.

Based on Permendiknas 2006 No.23, teaching English in Vocational

High School is divided into three levels. Those are Novice level for the tenth

grade, Elementary level for the eleventh grade, and Intermediate level for the

twelfth grade. There is also a number of standard graduate competencies of

Vocational High Schools which stated in Permendiknas 2006 No.23. The

table below shows the standard graduate competencies of English for the

tenth grade students of Vocational High Schools.

Table 1: The Tenth Grade Students’ Standard Graduate Competencies

Skill Graduates Competencies

Listening Understanding meaning in both interpersonal and
transactional oral expressions, either formal or
informal, in listening requests and commands related
to daily activities.

Speaking Expressing meaning orally in both interpersonal and

transactional expressions, either formal or informal,
in delivering request and commands related to daily

Reading Understanding meaning in both interpersonal and

transactional written expressions, either formal or
informal, in reading requests and commands
related to daily activities.

Writing Expressing meaning in both interpersonal and

transactional expressions, either formal or informal,
in delivering requests and commands related to daily
activities in written form.

In order to reach the graduate competencies above, there are

standard competences and basic competences set by the Education

Ministry for the tenth grade students of Vocational High Schools. The

lists of the standard competences and basic competences are mentioned in

the table below.

Table 2: The Standard of Competence and Basic Competencies of the

Tenth Grade Students of Vocational High School

Standard of Basic Competencies Microskills

1.3 Describing things, Using the
people, correct
characteristics, time, grammatical
1. Communicating day, month, and year. word classes,
in English equal pattern and
to Novice Level. tense in
with the

Standard of Basic Competencies Microskills


1.4 Producing simple Using the

utterances that are correct tense,
enough for basic patterns, and
functions. rules in
utterances with
the appropriate
phrases, pause,
and breathe

Finally, it is decided that this study will focus on the process of

learning of the students in mastering the language. It starts by identifying the

kinds of uses of language the learners is expected to be able to master at the

end of a given period of instruction.

e. Assessing speaking

It becomes such a challenge when it comes to assessing speaking.

Luoma (2004:1) mentions that assessing speaking is challenging, however,

because there are so many factors that influence our impression of how well

someone can speak a language, and because we expect test scores to be

accurate, just and appropriate for our purpose. Along with the statement from

Luoma, Thornbury (2005: 125) also states that deciding and applying

satisfactory criteria for speaking assessment is challenging since different

testers have different criteria.


In assessing speaking, Thornbury (2005: 127) proposes two main

ways. Those are holistic scoring and analytic scoring. Holistic scoring gives a

single score on the basis of an overall impression. It takes lesser time and is

probably adequate to informal testing of progress. Yet, it will be better if

there is more than one scorer who can discuss and join the result of the

assessment. On the other hand, analytic scoring gives a separate score for

different aspects of the task. It is good to use analytic scoring since there

are various factors which are taken into account. Even though it takes

longer but it is possibly fairer and more reliable. Conversely, there is a

disadvantage in using analytic scoring. The scorer may be distracted by all

the categories included. Therefore; four or five categories seem to be fine to

be dealt with in one time.

In addition, Thornbury (2005: 127) also suggests four categories to be

taken into account in assessing speaking. Those categories are based on CELS

Test of Speaking. Those are Grammar and Vocabulary, Discourse

management, Pronunciation, and Interactive Communication. However,

besides knowing about types of scoring, we also have to understand about

the cycle of assessing speaking.

Luoma (2004: 4) shows a simplified graph of the activity cycle of

assessing speaking that is shown in the figure below.


Figure 1: The activity cycle of assessing speaking

The activities begin at the top of the figure, when someone realizes that

there is a need for a speaking assessment. This leads to a planning and

development stage during which the developers define exactly what it is that

needs to be assessed, and then develop, try outing and revising tasks, rating

criteria and administration procedures that implement this intention. They

also set up quality assurance procedures to help them monitor everything that

happens in the assessment cycle. After that, the assessment can then begin to

be used.

The cycle continues with two interactive processes. The first is the test

administration/test performance process, where the participants interact with

each other or with the examiner(s) to show their speaking skills. The second

process is rating/evaluation, where raters apply the rating criteria to the test

performances which produce the scores. At the end of the cycle, if the need

still exists and there is a new group of examinees waiting to be assessed, the

cycle can begin again. Also, if information in the previous round indicates

some need for revision, this has to be done. However, if there is no need for

revision, the next step is administering a new round of tests.

Furthermore, in scoring the students’ performances, the researcher used

a scoring rubric that was adapted from Brown (2004: 172-173). This rubric

had been consulted with the researcher’s supervisor and the English teacher of

SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah as the collabolator The speaking

rubric can be seen below.

Table 3: Speaking Rubric for Students of Grade X Nursing Programme of

SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah

No. Aspects Descriptions Range of Score

Control of grammar is good,
can be understood by others Very good 5
and have confident control of
the grammar.
Control of grammar is good,
can be understood by others
Good 4
even though with less
sufficient structural accuracy.
Grammar Errors in grammar are quite
often, can be understood by
Moderate 3
others, have less confident
control of grammar.
Errors in grammar are frequent
but still can be understood by Poor 2
Errors in grammar are frequent
and cannot be understood by Very poor 1
Rich of vocabulary, idioms
Voca- Very good 5
2. either in formal or informal
conversations, can understand

the conversation.

Rich of vocabulary and can

understand the conversation. Good 4
Have sufficient vocabulary to
speak the language and Moderate 3
understand the conversation.
Poor of vocabulary but still can
Poor 2
understand the conversation.
Poor of vocabulary and cannot
Very poor 1
understand the conversation.
Can understand any
conversation context without Very good 5
many repetitions, slowed
speech, or paraphrase.
Can understand any
conversation context with Good 4
slowed speech or paraphrase.
Can understand some
Compre- conversation contexts with
3. Moderate 3
hension repetitions, slowed speech, or
Hard to understand some
conversation contexts without
Poor 2
repetitions, slowed speech, or
Cannot understand any
conversation context even with
Very poor 1
repetitions, slowed speech, or
Be able to speak in normal
speed without too many fillers, Very good 5
oneself correction, and
Be able to speak in normal
speed with some fillers and 4
4. Fluency Good
oneself correction, without
Be able to speak in slowed
speed with many fillers,
Moderate 3
oneself correction but have
enough confidence.

Be able to speak in slowed

speed with hesitation and filler Poor 2
and oneself correction.
Hard to speak in slowed speed,
using many fillers, oneself Very poor 1
correction, and hesitation.
Speaking without errors in
pronunciation, good accent, Very good 5
confident, and can be
understood by others.
Speaking with fewer errors in
pronunciation, can be
Good 4
understood by others, using
good accent and confident.
Speaking with fewer errors in
Pronun- pronunciation, can be
5. Moderate 3
ciation understood by others, less
Speaking with many errors in
pronunciation, still can be
Poor 2
understood by others, less
Speaking with many errors in
pronunciation, cannot be
Very poor 1
understood by others, less
Total score 25x4=

3. The Concept of Role Play Technique

a. The definition of role play

There are various strategies on teaching speaking, and one of the most

famous strategies is role play technique. Role play is one of the techniques to

teach speaking that asks the students to play characters based on the topics

given in front of the class. Ladousse (1987) states that role play is an activity

where students play a part in a specific situation in which they are

experimenting their knowledge of the real world.


Furthermore, several types of role play activities are proposed by

Ladousse (1987) which are explained below.

1. The first type of role play activities is a role play in which

students play roles corresponding to a real need in students’ lives.

For example: a doctor dealing with patients.

2. The second type of role play activities is a role play in which

students play themselves in various situations, for example a

passenger asking for information. They may or may not have direct

experience with the situations. Most of this type of role plays is

highly motivating, especially when the situation is relevant.

3. The third type is a role play which some students will ever

experience directly. Being a TV journalist is an example of this type

of role play.

4. The fourth type is fantasy roles. Some students may feel this kind

of role play activities are not so interesting since it has nothing to

do with real life. On the other hand, once they understand what

they are trying to do in role, this fantasy role play can be an

enriching and a useful linguistic experience.

Finally, I decided to use the first type of role play for my students in

SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah. The students’ major, which is nursing

programme, is my main reason for choosing that type of role play.


b. The advantages of role play

There are many advantages that we can get by implementing role play

in our teaching and learning activity. Brown (2004: 174) also avows that role

play gives students opportunities to be creative and permits them to have a

rehearsal time which has effect of lowering their anxieties. According to

Ladousse (1987), there are some special reasons for using role play. The

reasons are because:

1. Through role play, a very wide variety of experience can be brought

into classroom.

2. Role play puts students in situations in which they are required to use

and develop the phatic forms of language which are so necessary in

oiling the social relationship.

3. Role play is a very useful dress rehearsal for real life.

4. Role play helps many shy students to speak out by providing them

with a mask.

5. Role play is fun.

Finally, it can be concluded that role play is one of a whole gamut of

communicative techniques which develops students’ fluency, promote

interaction in the classroom, and promote motivation.

c. The disadvantages of role play

Even though there are lots of advantages of role play, it is not

impossible that role play has had any disadvantages. Possible disadvantages,

especially for inexperienced nurse educator, are the time and the learners.

According to an experiment (2006) in University of New Mexico College of

Nursing, the time is needed to develop and set up a role playing situation and

some learners may be shy or anxious when asked to do role play in front of the


However, these disadvantages can be minimized through practice with

the good technique because like any skill, role play requires practice. The nurse

educator can ask members of the class to set up the role-playing situation,

suggest how to handle shy learner, and so on.

d. Points to remember when setting up a role play

When discussing the degree of success of an activity such as role play,

teachers often talk whether they “got into it” or not. No teacher likes an unruly

classroom, and role play, like any other pair or group work activity, can lead

into chaos if not properly organized. Ladousse (1987) proposed some points to

remember when setting up a role play. The first point is that we have to

distinguish between noise and chaos. Noise is only a problem if the teacher next

door complains.

The second points are that it is better for us to begin with pair work and

keep the activity short until students get used to it. We also have to make sure

that the activity can be used for different number of students and the students

have understood the situation before we start the role play. If our students break

into their native language, we can set up the task more progressively. Finally,

we have to set a strict time limit and make every attempt to stick to it.

Furthermore, Anderson (2006) also suggests some tips that can we used

to make our role plays work. According to Anderson, there are some aspects

that we have to take into account. Some of those aspects are the lead-in,

demonstration, classroom dynamics, props and mime, intonation, and trust in

the class. We have to consider those aspects because they will improve the

degree of success that any role play has.

B. Relevant Studies

Prof. Dr. Jassim Mohammed Rayhan (2014) from Babylon

University/College of Basic Education investigated the impact of using role play

on improving students' speaking ability for the primary school. From the data

analysis, it was found that the mean of the experimental group’s post-score was

57.7333, which was higher than the mean scores of the control group that was

found to be 48.1000. This showed that role play was more useful for them in

teaching speaking skill since the students’ achievement in the experimental group

was better than that of the control group.

Furthermore, Nurdiana Mahdalena Sinurat and Willem Saragih (2012)

investigated how role play can improve the speaking skill of vocational high

school students. This study was conducted by using classroom action research.

Based on the students’ speaking score, it was found that the students’ score kept

improving from the first test to the third test. In the pre-test, the mean score was

only 37.66, then in the first cycle of the test, the mean score was 48.33, and in the

second cycle of the test, the mean score was 57.33.


Based on the data obtained from field notes, observation sheets,

questionnaires and interviews, it was also found that the students agreed that role

play helped to encourage them to speak, to express the language through

appropriate expressions, and to think that speaking is not difficult.

C. Conceptual Framework

As stated in the previous chapter, the speaking skills of grade X Nursing

class students of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah were relatively low.

There were some factors that caused these problems. The first factor was the

students. The students were hesitant and lacked confidence to speak in English

as they were afraid of making mistakes and have difficulties in pronouncing

certain English words. The students also still have low vocabulary mastery that

makes them hard to be able to speak in English.

The second factor was the teacher. The teacher’s way of teaching was

monotonous and caused the students’ boredom. Also, the facilities provided by

the school were so limited and did not support the students’ practical works.

Based on those problems, the researcher wanted to implement role play to

improve the speaking skill of grade X Nursing class students of SMK

Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah. The action was carried out in the first

semester of the Academic Year of 2015/2016. The use of role play was

chosen since it provided opportunities for the students to get involved in

speaking English. It helped to gain the students’ confidence and make the

students practice the language in real world context.


In addition, videos were also used as the input for the students. The

researcher decided to use video as the input because video can give students

realistic models to imitate for role-play. It can increase awareness of other

cultures by allowing the students to look at situation far beyond their

classroom, creation and motivation.

Furthermore, since role play could be done in pairs or groups, the

students would learn speak without worry and they could naturally improve

their ability in speaking. They could get advice and monitor their own language

through the help of their friend during the role play. By doing this, they would not

be afraid of making mistakes and they could improve their English.


A. Research Design

The design of this research study was action research. This action

research aimed to find a way to solve a problem related to the improvement

of speaking skills of grade X Nursing class of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten

Tengah. Also, there are various definitions of action research stated by some


The first definition of action research comes from Carr and Kemmis.

Carr and Kemmis (1986) in Burns (2010: 5) describe action research as a self-

reflective analysis done by the participants aimed to improve the rationality

and justice of their own educational practices, their understanding of these

practices and the situations where these practices are performed.

The statement given by Carr and Kemis is supported by Burns.

According to Burns (2010), by conducting action research, a teacher can gain

more understanding about him or herself, the students, as well as the situation

of the classroom, and it can encourage teachers to find solutions for their

classroom issues.

Furthermore, Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) in Burns (2010) state that

action research typically involves four broad phases in a cycle of research—

planning, action, observation, reflection. The first cycle may become a


continuing spiral of cycles which recur until the action researcher has achieved

a satisfactory outcome and feels it is time to stop. This model of action

research is illustrated in Figure 1.2 to show its iterative nature.

Figure 2: Cyclical AR model based on Kemmis and McTaggart (1988)

Finally, based on several definitions stated by some experts, it can be

concluded that action research is any systematic inquiry undertaken by

participants in a social situation (including education) which is directed

towards greater understanding and improvement of practices in which those

practices are carried out.


B. Research Setting

1. Time

The research study was carried out at the first semester of the

Academic Year o f 2015/2016, and can be seen on the schedule below.

Table 4: Schedule of the Research

Cycle I Cycle II
No. Observation Pre-test Act 1 Act 2 Act 1 Act 2

Oct 24th, 2015 Oct 29th, Oct 30th, Nov 5th, Nov Nov
2015 2015 2015 6th, 12th,
2015 2015

2. Place

The research was conducted in SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah

which is located in Jombor Indah street, Buntalan, Klaten. This school

provides three majors to choose, which are accounting, nursing, and office

administration. There are also some facilities, such as a mosque, a library,

parking areas for teachers and students, canteens, a hall and laboratories to

support students’ learning process.

However, all of the classes were not facilitated with an LCD projector.

Whenever the teachers need an LCD projector for their teaching and learning

activities, they have to take it from the teacher’s room and use it in turns. The

laboratories are also limited and small enough for students to do their

practical works.

3. Subjects of the research

The subjects of the research were 22 female students who belong to

class Nursing 1 of X grade Nursing Program. They were chosen as the

subjects of the research based on the concern that they will use English more

frequently. Furthermore, based on the interview with the teacher, the students

in this class have high motivation to master speaking skill, but they feel so

difficult to explore and express their ideas orally. Therefore, I chose them as

the subjects of the research.

C. Data Collection Instruments

To collect the data, several instruments were used in the research. They

were observation checklists, interview guidelines, speaking rubric, camera

and recorder. Furthermore, the detail of the data collection instruments of this

research can be seen on the table below.

Table 5: Table of Data Collection Instruments and Techniques

No. Data Instrument Technique

Teaching and learning process Observation Observation
of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 checklist Interview
Klaten. Interview-
Field notes
2. Students’ performance Pre-test Test
Post-test Interview

Speaking rubric

D. Data Collection Techniques

Because the data in this research were in the form of qualitative and

quantitative, the data were collected using some data collection techniques.

The qualitative data were collected through observation and interview.

Meanwhile, the quantitative data were collected by using a pretest and a

posttest. The comparison of the pretest and the posttest score was used to

know the improvement of the students’ speaking skill. Furthermore,

documentation was also used in this research.

1. Observation

Classroom observation was conducted at the first step of the

research to find out what the real problem existing in the classroom

teaching and learning process was. Observation checklists were used

to gather the data. After that, an ongoing observation was also

conducted during the research. Field notes were used to keep

valuable information obtained during the observation processes, such

as the teacher’s teaching performances.


2. Interview

The interviews were performed to gain the information about the

speaking teaching and learning process of SMK Muhammadiyah 3

Klaten Tengah. In planning the action, I interviewed the English

teacher, as the collaborator, and we discussed what kind of activity that

suited the students well.

The interviews with the students were also done before and after

each meeting in both Cycle I and Cycle II. This helped to find the

students’ opinion of the teaching and learning processes. Furthermore,

the interviews with the collaborator in the reflection phase were also

done i n o r d e r to evaluate the processes of the implementation of role

play that had been done including the materials, activities, and all of the

instruments needed in the research.

3. Tests

Two tests were conducted in this research study: a pre-test, a test

conducted to know the students’ speaking mastery level before the

action, and a post-test, a test conducted at the end of every cycle. The

tests were used to see whether or not there were improvements on the

students’ speaking skills after the actions.

Furthermore, both of the researcher and the teacher assessed the

students’ performance based on the speaking rubric. Next, the aspects

in each test were compared to each other, and then analyzed to draw the


4. Documentation

In this research study, documentations were also used to collect

the data. The data was in the form of photographs which showed how

the teaching and learning process ran and recordings of the interviews.

E. Data Analysis Techniques

To analyze the data obtained qualitatively, the researcher adopted the

process of analyzing data by Miles and Huberman (1994: 10-12).

1. Data reduction

Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing,

simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in

written-up field notes or transcriptions. In this process, the researcher

tried to reduce and transform the data so they can be made suitable to

the discussions’ topic of the implemented role play activities in the

teaching speaking.

2. Data display

Data display is the second element of Miles and Huberman’s

model of qualitative data analysis. It is an organized, compressed

assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action.

The data that had been reduced were organized and compressed. In this

step, the data were described in the form of text and were supported by

a table to get an understandable result. The text was explained from


field notes and interview transcripts.

3. Drawing conclusion and verification

After reducing and displaying the data, the researcher was

drawing conclusion and was doing verification. Drawing conclusion

involves stepping back to consider what the analyzed data mean and to

assess their implications for the existing questions. Moreover,

verification involves revisiting the data as many times as necessary to

verify the emergent conclusions.

In this last step, the researcher made some conclusions of her

own research. Then, she verified her conclusion by doing a discussion

with the collaborator of the research. This was done by looking from

the students’ performances, field notes, and interview transcripts.

Meanwhile, to analyze the quantitative data, the researcher compared

the students’ scores in the pre-test and post-test. The data were gained by

applying inter-rater. Both of the researcher and the teacher scored the

students’ performance by implementing an analytical scoring. By comparing

the students’ scores in both tests, the researcher could see the improvements

of students’ speaking skills.

F. Research Validity and Reliability

According to Anderson et al. (1994) in Burns (1999: 161-162), there

are five types of validity that can be used to evaluate the quality and the

acceptability of the research. They are democratic validity, outcome validity,


process validity, catalytic validity, and dialogic validity.

1. Democratic validity

Democratic validity relates to the extent to which the research is

truly collaborative and allows for the inclusion of multiple voices. To

fulfill this validity, the researcher was having discussions with the

English teacher as the collaborator. The collaborator was free to give

opinions, thoughts and ideas related to the research.

The discussions were held at the end of Cycle I to evaluate the

actions that had been implemented and to plan the next cycle.

Moreover, the students were also involved in some interviews after

each meeting. This was done to see their opinions and suggestions for

the next actions.

2. Outcome validity

Outcome validity is referred to the successful results of the

actions within the research context. The researcher was formulating

some indicators that show the improvement of the students’ speaking

skills in order to fulfill this validity.

3. Process validity

This criterion raises questions about the ‘dependability’ and

‘competency’ of the research. To accomplish the process validity, both

the collaborator and the researcher collected data by observing and

taking notes during the research.


4. Catalytic validity

This validity is related to the extent to which the research

allows the participants to deepen their understanding of the social

realities of the context and their capability to make change within it.

To fulfill this validity, the researcher tried to learn more about the

realities in the English teaching and learning process of grade X

Nursing class of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah.

5. Dialogic Validity

Dialogic validity parallels the processes of peer review which are

commonly used in academic research in order to monitor the value of

the research. To fulfill this validity, I did some discussions regarding

the research findings with the collaborator, supervisor, and some

students of English Education Department of Yogyakarta State


Moreover, in enhancing the trustworthiness of this research, several

triangulation techniques were applied. They were time triangulation,

investigator triangulation and theoretical triangulation. Time triangulation

was used to see the factors that were involved in the change process. Then,

the investigator triangulation was used to avoid the subjectivity by

employing the English teacher, as the collaborator, to collect the data.

This research also applied theoretical triangulation that analyzed the

data from more than one perspective. The researcher tried to see the

students’ speaking ability through the aspects of grammar, pronunciation,

vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. Then, to ensure the reliability of

the data, some genuine data were provided in the forms of field notes,

interview transcripts, photographs and students’ speaking scores.

Meanwhile, to know the result of the students’ performance in

speaking, the researcher used a speaking rubric. In using the rubric, the

researcher used inter-rater. It means that there were two or more raters who

evaluated the result of the students’ speaking. By doing this, the reliability

of the research could also be achieved. Furthermore, to make the

quantitative data reliable, as it used a collaborator, the data were analyzed

by using inter-rater reliability.

G. Research Procedure

According to Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) in Burns (2010: 7),

action research occurs through a dynamic and complementary process which

consists of five fundamental steps in a spiraling process. They are as follows:

1. Reconnaissance

In this step, the researcher tried to find out the real problems

happened in the process of teaching and learning of English in SMK

Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah by conducting a classroom

observation. Besides, a pre-test and an interview with the English

teacher, as the collaborator, and some students were also carried out to

gain the information about the students’ speaking skills and their

difficulties in speaking English.

2. Planning

After finding problems in the reconnaissance phase, the

researcher planned the action. In this step, the English teacher and the

researcher discussed the implementation of role play that will be

used to solve the problems related to the students’ speaking skills.

Then, the course grid, the lesson plans, and all of the instruments

needed in Cycle I were created to be implemented in the actions.

3. Acting

In this stage, the researcher implemented role play technique in

the teaching and learning process of English for students of grade X

Nursing programme in SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah. The

actions of Cycle I were conducted in two meetings.

4. Observing

As the researcher was teaching the students, the English teacher

did the observation. In this step, together with the collaborator, the

researcher observed and documented the students’ activities during the

teaching and learning process. Observation checklists were also used,

and the data gained from this step were in the form of field notes.

5. Reflecting

After all actions of Cycle I were conducted, the researcher made a

reflection on the implementation of the actions. The students and the

collaborator were interviewed to find out whether there were

improvements or not during Cycle I. After that, based on the result of

the observations and the interviews in Cycle I, Cycle II was decided to

be conducted to make significant improvements. The successful actions

would be reapplied and the unsuccessful actions were improved in

Cycle II.

6. Revised Plan

Based on the reflection of Cycle I, there was a new topic that

would be implemented in Cycle II. The new topic was expressions of

command and request. The course grid, the lesson plans and all of the

instruments needed for the Cycle II that has been consulted with the

collaborator were made. Furthermore, to encourage students to more

actively participate in the teaching and learning process, the researcher

planned to give rewards to those who were actively involved in the

learning process.

7. Acting

The actions of Cycle II were also done in two meetings. In this

cycle, a new topic was introduced, and the materials for the role play

were materials that had higher range of difficulties from those in cycle


8. Observing

Similar to Cycle I, the observation in Cycle II was also done by

observing and documenting the English teaching and learning process

in the classroom helped by the collaborator. Observation checklists

were used to gain the data which were then written into field notes.

9. Reflection

The reflection stage was also conducted after all actions in Cycle

II were done. It was conducted by interviewing the students in order

to know about their feelings toward the actions. Besides that, the

researcher also interviewed the English teacher, as the collaborator, i n

o r d e r to obtain the opinions and the suggestions. Finally, the result

showed that significant improvements on the students’ speaking skills

were gained. Therefore, the research was considered to be successful

and in this way the researcher ended the research.


A. Research Findings
1. Reconnaissance

In this stage, the researcher carried out some activities that can be used

to find out the field problems. First, a classroom observation on Oct 24th, 2015

was conducted to gather the information about the English teaching and

learning process in class X Nursing programme of SMK Muhammadiyah 3

Klaten Tengah. The researcher came to the classroom and observed the

English teacher in delivering the English materials to the students.

Second, some interviews were also done by the researcher on Oct 24th,

2015. The researcher interviewed the students in order to collect data about the

students’ perspective on the English class. Then, to find out the weaknesses as

well as the suggestions related to the English teaching and learning process,

the researcher did an interview with the English teacher.

After conducting classroom observation and interview, on Oct 29th,

2015, the researcher conducted pre-test to strengthen the findings. The pre-test

was carried out to find out about the students’ speaking skills; grammar,

vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, pronunciation. The result of the pre-test

showed that the students still lacked in their speaking skills.

During the pre-test, most students were still shy to perform their

dialogue. It was seen that they were afraid of making mistakes, especially in


pronouncing some words. They hesitated in doing so since they were not sure

how to pronounce them correctly. Lack of vocabulary also became a problem

which prevents them from expressing what they intended to say. Furthermore,

all of the students relied on their notes so it seemed that they just reading

aloud the dialogues.

2. Identification of the Field Problems

The identification of the problems was based on the classroom

observation, interview, and pre-test. The classroom observation was

conducted on October 24th, 2015, and can be seen on the column below.

...After checking the students’ attendance list, teacher asked the

students to mention several jobs (doctor, teacher, and mechanics) in order
to build their knowledge of the topic being discussed. Some students
answered to the teacher orally. Most of their pronunciations were false.
After that, the students are asked to listen and repeat after the teacher in
mentioning some professions and their descriptions. Next, students are
explained with the description of some jobs (Nurse, teacher, doctor, and
farmer) and are asked to complete some missing words in their handbook
guided by the teacher. However, most of the students still confused about
the meaning of some words in their handbook. Then, the teacher asked
them to check their dictionary. After explaining about Professions, the
teacher came to the next topic which is Nationalities. Here, students did the
listen and repeat activity related to Nationalities and are asked to mention
someone’s nationality and profession (Mr. Jokowi, David Beckam) in order
to practice their pronunciation.
Besides Professions and Nationalities, the teacher also explained about
the expressions used to ask someone’s nationality and language. After that,
together with the teacher, they completed some missing words in their
handbook as the exercise. The students are also explained with the
expressions used to ask someone’s physical and non-physical appearances.
Again, students did the listen and repeat activity related to physical and
non-physical appearances and are asked to mention people based physical
and non-physical appearances (Mr. Jokowi). Finally, students are asked to
mention their parents based on the physical and non-physical appearances
as their task. Because of the time limitation, only some students who are
able to mention their parents’ job to the teacher. They did not have enough
chance to speak English in the class. Besides, they also laughed at a

classmate who made a mistake and made up something for fun in

answering the teacher’s questions. At last, as the bell rang, the teacher told
the students about the next topic and closed the lesson by saying a prayer.

(Field note I—Appendix A)

From the field note above, it could be seen that there were less media

and less opportunity for the students to practice their speaking. Even though

the teacher had already done the listen and repeat activity, the students’

involvement in the English teaching and learning process was still low.

Mostly, the students just listened to the teacher’s explanation and practiced

their speaking only when the teacher asked them—whether to do the listen

and repeat activity or to answer questions.

The activities conducted by the English teacher were also monotonous

since most of the things that the students did were completing exercises on

their handbook. The teacher used handbook as the only source of learning and

used no media in teaching the students. Furthermore, since data could not be

obtained only by doing the observation, a pre-test and an interview with the

students and English teacher were conducted. From the interview, it could be

known that most of the students had difficulties in vocabulary, pronunciation,

grammar, and motivation. The English teacher admitted that it was hard to

motivate the students to practice their English.

Based on the data collected from the classroom observation, interview,

and pre-test, there were some problems identified in the English teaching and

learning process of grade X Nursing programme of SMK Muhammadiyah 3

Klaten Tengah. The findings are presented below

Table 6: Field Problems in the English Teaching and Learning Process of

Grade X Nursing Programme of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten

No. Field Problems Codes

1. Most students were not confident to speak English. S
Most students were afraid to make mistakes when they
2. S
spoke English.

3. The students were passive; most of the time, they S

simply listened to the teacher.
4. The activities were monotonous. Act
5. There were no media presented. Md
6. The students lacked in vocabulary. S
7. The students had difficulties in pronouncing words. S
8. The students lacked in grammar. S
9. Only did few students bring dictionaries to the class. S
The students did not get enough opportunities to
10. S
practice speaking English.
11. The handbook’s materials were less varied. Md
12. The activities were less encouraging to work in group. Act
The students were less motivated to be actively involved
13. S
in the activities.
14. There was less active speaking activity in the class. Act
The students liked to laugh at the other friends when
15. S
they were performing in front of the classroom.
The students liked to disturb the other friends during the
16. S
The students were difficult to express what they
17. S
intended to say.
S: Students Act: Activities Md: Media

3. The Selected Problems to Solve

As mentioned in the beginning of this study, the researcher helped by

the collaborator focused on improving students’ speaking skills by the use of

role play. Therefore, the problems selected to be solved were based on the

feasibility and the urgency level. Then, based on the identified field problems,

the selected problems to solve are presented as follows.

Table 7: The Selected Problems to Solve

No. Field Problems Codes

1. Most students were not confident to speak English. S
2. The activities were monotonous. Act
3. There were no media presented. Md
4. The students lacked in vocabulary. S
5. The students had difficulties in pronouncing words. S
The students did not get enough opportunities to
7. S
practice speaking English.
8. The handbook’s materials were less varied. Md
The students were less motivated to be actively involved
9. S
in the activities.
S: Students Act: Activities Md: Media

After deciding the field problems to solve, the researcher analyzed the

field problems and the main causes. Regarding the selected field problems,

there were three factors which affected the problems. Those were the

students, the media and the activities in English teaching and learning


The first cause was the students. The students were reluctant to speak

English since they thought it was difficult. The students were less confident

in expressing their idea because they lacked vocabulary and had difficulties

in pronouncing English words correctly. They often mispronounced some

words and they were less motivated in participating in the classroom

activities. Therefore, they tended to be passive in the teaching and learning


The second factor was related to the media. Media which can be used to

attract students’ attention was absent. This condition made the students got

bored easily. Moreover, the materials used were only from the handbook

which was less various. It made the students less interesting because the

exercises in the handbook did not provide enough activities for the students to


Last but not least, the next factor was related to the activities in

teaching and learning process. Based on the classroom observation, the

teacher tended to dominate the classroom. Almost all of the time, the students

were listening to the teacher’s explanation. Although there was a listen and

repeat activity, it did not give enough time for the students to practice their


Furthermore, since most of the activities were taken from the

handbook, they were likely to be individual tasks. The activities focused


more on writing and reading that make the students’ opportunities to practice

their speaking skills were rare.

4. The Implementation of Cycle I

a. Planning

In this phase, the researcher and the English teacher had a discussion to

decide what actions to be implemented in Cycle I. The attempts focused on

improving the students’ speaking skills through the use of role play. During

this planning session, the course grid, lesson plan and all of the materials

needed were prepared. There were two meetings in Cycle I (on October 30th

and November 5th, 2015), and the role play activities were included in each

meeting as the main action. The reports of the implementation of role play in

Cycle I were presented below.

1) First meeting

a) Material

In this section, the researcher planned to explain about expressions used

to describe people based on their professions, nationalities, and physical

appearances. Here, the researcher tried to provide some materials that were

suitable with the students’ programme of study and could improve their

speaking ability. In addition, even though the students did not learn about

adjective phrase yet, the researcher also assisted them to be familiar with it

since it was used to describe people based on their professions, nationalities,

and physical appearances.


The next plan that the researcher implied was giving daily worksheet to

the students. The worksheet was consisted of some explanations and

exercises needed by the students to improve their speaking ability. As we

have already known earlier, the handbook that the teacher used to teach the

students was less various. It did not provide enough activities for the students

to practice their speaking. So, by giving daily worksheet that suitable with the

students’ need, the researcher expected that the students would understand the

material easier and be more familiar with their future surrounding in English.

b) Media

In order to attract the students’ interest, the researcher planned to use

video. The video that would be used by the researcher was a real-world video.

It consisted of some expressions used in describing someone’s professions,

nationalities, and physical appearances. Moreover, the researcher also planned

to use power point to deliver the material. Based on the classroom observation

before, the students bored as the English teacher did not use any media in her

English teaching and learning activity. Therefore, by using power points that

contained several interesting pictures related to the material, the researcher

hoped that the students would be more interested in learning speaking English.

c) Activities

Vocabulary and pronunciation are parts of speaking skills that the

students need to master in order to make a good communication. Because the

students still lacked in those two aspects of speaking, the first activity that

researcher planned to do was building their vocabulary and pronunciation


ability related to the topic. This action would be done in the building the

context and modelling of the text phase since she used genre-based approach

in English teaching and learning process.

Second, to make the students familiar with English, acting as a teacher,

the researcher planned to use the classroom English during the teaching and

learning process for all of the meeting in cycle I. The researcher planned to

use English instead of Bahasa Indonesia in several situations. Those were i n

opening the lesson, leading a prayer, introducing the materials, giving the

instructions of the activities or the tasks, giving feedback, and ending the

lesson. However, the researcher realized that the students’ ability in speaking

English was still low. So, the researcher still used Indonesian in explaining the

materials, giving instructions of the activities, and giving feedback in order to

make the students understand.

Furthermore, the use of role play was aimed to provide fun activities

for the students in improving their speaking skills. By introducing role play,

the researcher wanted the students to play roles that correspond to the real

need in their lives as a future nurse. So, in designing the role play, the

researcher chose some activities that suitable for their surroundings. The

researcher also introduced some vocabularies that were necessarily used for a

doctor or a nurse when they are dealing with patients.

In applying role play for the students, firstly the researcher would

explain the benefits of learning English through playing roles. Next, the

researcher would show them with the example of role play they will deal with

in order to build the students’ knowledge of the field. After that, the researcher

would give the students some tasks that could help them produce their own

dialogues. In this phase, the researcher still wanted to go around the classroom

to help and assist the students in producing and practicing their dialogue

before asked them to perform their role plays in pairs.

The fourth activity that the researcher planned to do was giving

feedback on the students’ performances during all meeting of Cycle I. The

focus of the feedback covered several aspects of speaking skills such as

grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation. Instead of

merely telling them what their mistakes were, the researcher pointed out the

positive aspects of their performances in order to improve their confidence

and to reduce their fear of making mistakes.

2) Second meeting

a) Media

In order to make the students create the dialogue easier, the researcher

provided some situations for the students. These situations were in the form of

role play cards. So, before the researcher scored the students’ performances,

the researcher would ask each of the students to pick two cards consisting of

their names and their role play cards.


b) Activities

Before continuing to the next phase of the English teaching and

learning process of speaking, to remind the students’ memory, firstly the

researcher planned to review the last material through giving task. This was

done in order to make the students understand the lesson better.

After reminding the students about the previous material, the researcher

planned to score the students’ performance in doing the role play. In the joint

construction of the text, the students were asked to create their own dialogues

consisting of some expressions used to ask people’s nationality, job, and

physical appearance. Then, as in the independent construction of the text

phase, the students were asked to perform a role play that would be recorded

by the researcher for scoring.

However, based on the classroom observation, the students tended to be

passive and relied on their handbook. This situation happened because they

did not get enough opportunities to practice their speaking from their teacher.

By implementing role play, the researcher expected that the students would

have enough opportunities to practice their English, be more confident, and

able to work in pairs or groups instead of working individually.

b. Actions

The action was conducted two times on October 30th and November

5th 2015. While the researcher acted as the teacher in implementing the action,

the English teacher acted as the collaborator to observe the teaching and

learning process. Besides filling the observation checklist at the back of the

classroom, the English teacher also took pictures of the running of the

teaching and learning process. The complete description of actions in

Cycle I was presented below.

a) First meeting

On the first meeting, the topic was about describing people based on

their professions, nationalities, and physical appearances. Because the

researcher used genre-based approach in the teaching and learning process, to

build the students’ background knowledge of the topic, the researcher asked

several questions to the students (e.g. When you go to the hospital and you see

a person wearing white uniform with stethoscope on his neck, do you know

what his profession is?).

Furthermore, to attract the students’ attention and to give example for

them related to the topic being discussed, the researcher showed a video. The

video entitled My Family and consisted of some expressions needed by the

students to learn completed with its subtitle. The researcher chose to use video

because the researcher wanted the students to understand the material easier

and be more familiar with the surrounding of their future career.

Moreover, in using video as the input for the students, the researcher

did the pre-viewing, while-viewing, and post-viewing phase. In the pre-

viewing phase, the researcher showed some of the pictures of the video to the

students and asked them to guess what the video was about. Next, in the

while-viewing phase, the researcher asked the students to collect information

as much as possible. The students had to try and collect as much information

as they could about what they have seen. Finally, in the post-viewing phase,

the researcher asked the students to answer some questions related to the video

and report their answers to the class. This action was aimed to build the

students’ vocabulary and pronunciation ability.

After showing the video to the students, the researcher showed the

students with the material through slides power point. In this meeting, besides

presenting about expressions used to ask someone’s profession, nationality,

and physical appearance, the researcher also guiding the students to be

familiar with adjective phrases. However, because the students had got the

same material in the previous meeting, the researcher focused on drilling the

students’ pronunciation through listen and repeat activity.

Next, in the joint construction of the text, the researcher then asked the

students to arrange a simple conversation using the given expressions in order

to make them practice their speaking. The researcher also showed a dialogue

to the students and asked them to answer some questions based on it in order

to check their understanding.

Moreover, the use of role play was also introduced in the last task. The

students worked in pairs and made a dialogue using the given expressions.

Then, before performing their role play, the students were given a worksheet

by the researcher. The use of the worksheet was to enrich the students’


As the students worked on the tasks of the worksheet, the researcher

moved around the class to check their work; in case some of them had

difficulties in doing the task. After that, together with the students, the

researcher discussed the answers of the tasks. The researcher also explained

the rules of the role play before asking the students to perform the dialogue in

front of the classroom.

Unfortunately, none of them raised their hands. They were not

confident enough to be a volunteer and too shy to perform in front of the

class. At last, since it took much time to wait for them to volunteer, the

researcher called some names randomly to do the role play in front of the

class. The researcher also did not forget to give general feedback about the

performance and to motivate the students that it was alright to make


b) Second meeting

The second meeting was implemented on November 5th, 2015. In this

meeting, the researcher planned to do the scoring. However, before doing the

scoring, firstly the researcher reviewed the previous materials in order to

remind the students by giving a task. The task was about asking the students

to create a simple dialogue based on their own situation related to the

previous lesson and practice it with their partner. This action was done in

order to give the students enough time to practice their speaking.

Then, after finished in practicing their speaking, the students worked

on the next task. This time, each of the students were asked to pick two paper

consisted of their names and the role play cards. The purpose of this action

was to make the students did not get the same partner and situation all the


Furthermore, after each of the students got their cards, they worked

with their pairs and discussed a certain topic that they took. The researcher

gave 35 minutes for the students to create and practice the dialogue before

perform it in front of the class. The researcher also tried to help the students

by correcting their wrong vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. Finally,

when the students were ready, the researcher called the name of the students

randomly and recorded their performances.

Moreover, the researcher also did not forget to give feedback before

closing the lesson. The researcher did not only give feedback as the

students performed in front of the classroom but also gave it individually. It

was done while the researcher moved around the class to check the students’

works. By doing so, the students could gain self-confidence and brave

enough to perform in front of the classroom.

c. Observation

The observation was done during the researcher implemented the

action both on the first meeting and on the second meeting. The detailed of

the observation can be seen below.


a) First meeting

During the first meeting, in order to attract the students’ interest, the

researcher used video to give example related to material being taught to the

students. In this phase, the researcher did the pre-viewing, while-viewing, and

post-viewing activity in order to build the students’ vocabulary and

pronunciation ability.

Furthermore, after showing the video to the students, the researcher

presented the material through slides power point. To give more chance for

the students to practice their English and deepen their understanding, the

researcher asked them to create simple dialogues and answer some questions

related to the dialogue given by the researcher. However, this time the

researcher was more focused on drilling the students’ pronunciation because

they had got the similar material (KD 1.2) in the previous meeting.

The use of role play was also introduced by the researcher on the first

meeting of cycle I. Before the students were asked to perform the role play,

the researcher gave the students worksheet that can be used to help them in

creating their role plays. This action can be seen on the field note below.

...Next, the writer introduced role play to the students. However, before
the students did role play, the students are asked to complete some
missing word in the column of type of professions in order to enrich their
vocabulary and practice the pronunciation by checking in the dictionary...

(Field note 3—Appendix A)


Even though the students needed more time in creating their dialogue

and still too shy to perform in front of their friends, they seemed to enjoy the

role play in the classroom. The following interview transcript showed that the

students enjoyed learning through the use of role play.

Observer : Halo dek. Menurut kamu pembelajaran bahasa Inggris

kita hari ini gimana?
Student : Nyenengin Miss. Aku gak ngantuk jadinya.
Observer : Trus tadi kamu paham gak dek sama materi yang Miss
Indah jelasin?
Student : Paham Miss. Aku jadi lebih tau sekarang caranya nanya
sama ngasih tau tentang pekerjaan, kebangsaan maupun
ciri-ciri fisik seseorang.
Observer : Bagus dek. Trus kamu suka gak tadi sama role play yang
Miss Indah kenalkan?
Student : Suka banget Miss. Biasanya kita gak pernah role play
kaya gitu. Kalau tadi kan aku jadi bisa bebas bikin
dialognya. Berasa artis.
Observer : Oke dek, makasih ya.
Student : Iya Miss.

(Interview 5—Appendix B)

b) Second meeting

On the second meeting, the researcher did the scoring. This time, in

order to remind the students’ memory of the previous lesson, the researcher

gave the students a task. The task was about asking them to create a dialogue

related to the previous lesson and practice it with their partner. Then, after the

students were reminded of the previous lesson, the researcher asked them to

pick two cards consisted of their names and role play cards.

However, fortunately the researcher needed more time in guiding the

students to do the role play. The students still difficult in creating their

dialogue that made the researcher had to assist and give them more time

again. It could be seen that there was a problem with the time management.

Furthermore, the researcher still used bilingual communication to make the

students got more understanding in this meeting. She sometimes used

Indonesian in giving instruction and discussing the tasks. This action can be

seen on the field note below.

On the second meeting, the writer planned to do the scoring. Firstly,

after the writer greeted the students and opened the class by saying a
prayer, the writer tried to remind the students with the previous lesson.
The writer asked the students some questions such as, “What will you say
when you want to ask my nationality?” “Apa yang akan kalian katakan
kalau ingin menanyakan kebangsaan Miss Indah?” Then some students
answered, “What is your nationality, Miss?” After that, the writer also
asked some students to have a dialogue with his friend talking about
profession, nationality, and physical appearance and perform it in front of
the class.

(Field note 4—Appendix A)

d. Reflection

After implementing the actions, the researcher and the collaborator

reflected on the actions that had been done in cycle I in order to do the

evaluation. The discussion was done based on the observations in the English

teaching and learning process, the post-test and the interviews with the

students and the English teacher as the collaborator. The results of the

reflection of actions that had been implemented in cycle I were described


1) First meeting

a) Material

In this meeting, the researcher and the English teacher did not get any

significant difficulties in presenting the material since the students had got the

similar material in the previous meeting. The students could understand the

researcher’s explanation about describing people based on their professions,

nationalities, and physical appearances in the form of sentences and dialogues.

The reflection was made based on the classroom observation and interview

with the students. They understood with the researcher’s explanation and

enjoyed the English teaching and learning processes.

Moreover, in order to help the students to learn the materials and do the

role play easier, the researcher provided worksheet on the first meeting of

Cycle I. The worksheet consists of some explanations and exercises needed

by the students to improve their speaking ability.

By having this worksheet, the students were able to create their own

dialogue for role play. In addition, the tasks of the worksheet were tasks that

suitable with the students’ programme of study which is nursing. It could help

the students in selecting the proper vocabularies that they need to express

what they intended to say. The students could focus on the researcher’s

explanation instead of being busy taking notes since all the materials were

already provided in the worksheets. The action can be seen on the field note


... Next, the writer intoduced role plays to the students. However,
before the students did role play, the students are asked to complete some
missing word in the column of type of professions in order to enrich their
vocabulary and practice the pronunciation by checking in the dictionary.
Finally, the students practised the role play. The writer also recorded some
students in practising the role play. When the bell had rang, the writer
closed the lesson by saying a prayer and told the students about the next
(Field note 3—Appendix A)

b) Media

The use of video, pictures, and power point were successful in attracting

the students’ interest toward the material. By watching the video, the students

could get a good input since video could give students realistic models to

imitate for role play. It could help them see how people behave in the culture

whose language they are learning by bringing into the classroom a wide range

of communicative situations. In addition to that, the students could also practice

their pronunciation and deepen their comprehension during doing the question

and answer activity. The action can be seen on the field note below.

...Then, the writer showed a video to the students. The video was about
“My Family”. It consisted of some expressions used to describe someone’s
profession, nationality, and physical appearance. While they were watching the
video, the students were asked to analyze it. The students tried to observe the
expressions appeared on the video.
... After the writer did question and anwer to the students, the writer
showed the students with the material through slides power point. Because the
students had got the same material in the previous meeting (KD 1.2), so the
teacher explained the material in a flash and did listen and repeat more in order
to practice students’ pronunciation.

(Field note 3—Appendix A)


c) Activities

The implementation of building the students’ vocabulary and

pronunciation ability through tasks was generally successful in improving

their speaking skills and involvement. Most of them were actively engaged in

the activities. By asking the students some questions related to the topic, their

vocabulary and pronunciation had improved.

Then, the implementation of classroom English was also successful in

improving the students’ speaking skill and familiarizing them with English

words since the students answered in English when the researcher asked

questions in English. When the students were showed with a video related to

the topic being discussed, and were asked to answer some questions related to

the video, the researcher had increased their opportunity to speak English in

the classroom.

The students could also improve their communication ability when they

were having discussion with their friends. However, at times some students

still hesitated and shy to speak. In case they did not understand the

researcher’s explanation, the researcher repeated the explanation in

Indonesian to make them understood well. The researcher always tried to use

English as much as possible since the way the teacher used the language could

influence the students in using the language.

Furthermore, during the first meeting of Cycle I, the researcher

introduced role play as one of the activities done in the class. The use of

role play was not successful enough in improving students speaking skill since

there were some students who did not understand and looked confused when

the researcher explained about it. They were too shy to speak and only read

their script without using any body language in front of the classroom.

Moreover, the students still missed in pronouncing some words. There

were also some students who made some mistakes and spoke reluctantly

because they did not get used with the role play activity. However, based on

the interview that the researcher did with some students, the use of role play

could attract their interests in learning English. The students more active in

participating in the English teaching and learning process even they still

made errors and mistakes in their grammar and pronunciation. The evidence

can be seen on the interview transcript below.

Observer : Bagus dek. Trus kamu suka gak tadi sama role play yang
Miss Indah kenalkan?
Student : Suka banget Miss. Biasanya kita gak pernah role play kaya
gitu. Kalau tadi kan aku jadi bisa bebas bikin dialognya.
Berasa artis.
Observer : Oke dek, makasih ya.
Student : Iya Miss.

Interview 5—Appendix B

Another action that the researcher had done during the first meeting

of Cycle I was giving feedback on the students’ performances. In general,

this action was successful in improving their pronunciations. Besides

pronunciations, giving feedback was also focused on the students’ grammar

and vocabulary choices.


The feedback was given as the researcher observed the students in

performing their dialogues. Usually, the one who asked the researcher to

check their works willingly came forward to perform the dialogue. It showed

that giving feedback was helpful to reduce the students’ anxiety and fear

of making mistakes. It was also effective to help them improve their


2) Second meeting

a) Media

The decision of giving role play card for the students was the good one.

By providing some situations for the students, the researcher could help them

in creating their imagination. To help the students in creating their dialogue,

the researcher provided six different roles for the students to choose. In this

phase, the researcher also asked the students to pick the name of their partners

randomly so that they could work with the different partner. It can be seen on

the field note below.

...Next, the writer showed the students with the role play cards and asked
them to pick one each. The writer told the students about what they should
do with it. Because the students have to pick it randomly, so their partners
are different from the one on pre-test. After that, the writer gave 35 minutes
for the students to create and practice the dialogue based on their role play
card and then perform it in front of the class. The writer also tried to help
the students by correcting their wrong vocabulary, pronunciation, and
grammar. When the students were ready, the writer called the name of the
students randomly and recorded their performances. Finally, the writer gave
some feedbacks, told the next topic to them, said thanks and closed the class
by saying a prayer.

(Field note 4—Appendix A)


b) Activities

The implementation of classroom English was also implemented on

the second meeting of Cycle I. It was successful in improving the students’

speaking skill and familiarizing them with English words since the students

answered in English when the researcher asked questions in English. As

mentioned before, a dialogue or conversation is very important because

students need to speak as much as possible. However, since there were some

students who still did not understand when the researcher spoke in English,

the researcher used bilingual language in giving instructions and discussing

some of the tasks. It can be seen on the field note below.

On the second meeting, the writer planned to do the scoring. Firstly,

after the writer greeted the students and opened the class by saying a
prayer, the writer tried to remind the students with the previous lesson.
The writer asked the students some questions such as, “What will you say
when you want to ask my nationality?” “Apa yang akan kalian katakan
kalau ingin menanyakan kebangsaan Miss Indah?” Then some students
answered, “What is your nationality, Miss?”. After that, the writer also
asked some students to have a dialogue with his friend talking about
profession, nationality, and physical appearance and perform it in front of
the class.

(Field note 4—Appendix A)

Besides that, by reviewing the previous material—describing people

based on their professions, nationalities, and physical appearances—the

students’ knowledge was reminded. The task that the researcher gave to the

students could make them created a better dialogue for the role play.

Furthermore, the action of scoring and giving feedback to the students

were successful that could motivate the students to give their best

performance during the scoring. In this activity, the students were asked to

pick two papers consist of their names and role play cards. The purpose of

this action was to make the students not relied on the same partner and on the

same situation all the time. In addition, even though there were no significant

improvements yet, giving feedback was helpful to reduce the students’

anxiety and fear of making mistakes. It was also effective to help them

improve their confidence so that they could have better performances in

doing the role play.

5. The Implementation of Cycle II

a. Planning

From the reflection of the previous cycle, it showed that the use of role

play gave no great improvement of students’ speaking skills in terms of

pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and comprehension. The

students still relied on their notes and spoke reluctantly. Dealing with those

problems, the researcher had a discussion with the collaborator to determine

what actions to be applied in Cycle II.

Based on the discussion, we decided to conduct Cycle II in two

meetings. They were on November 6th and November 12th, 2015. The actions

applied in Cycle I were continued in Cycle II with some improvements.

Similar to Cycle I, the researcher also made a course grid, lesson plan, and all

of instruments needed for the Cycle II. The plans of Cycle II were briefly

presented below.

1) First meeting

a) Material

On the first meeting of Cycle II, the researcher planned to explain

about expressions of giving command and request. Similar to Cycle I, the

prepared materials were the materials that suitable with the students’ needs.

The expressions that were given to the students also had been made as

specific as possible to their future surrounding as a future nurse.

Furthermore, the researcher gave worksheet to the students during this

cycle. The worksheet was talking about visiting the doctor. So, if on the

previous cycle the worksheet was simply assigned the students to ask and

answer about someone’s profession and origin, this worksheet was a little bit

harder. This time, the students were introduced with some symptoms of

deseases through filling in some missing column before giving advice or

command to their partner. The students should be able to analyze their

partner’s problems in order to give the correct advice. By doing this, it was

expected that the students were able to deal with the situations they might

encounter in their future career as a nurse.

b) Media

Similar to Cycle I, the researcher planned to use a real-world video and

power point for this cycle. The video was used as input for the students and

the power point was used to deliver the material to the students. Even though

the media were as same as the media in Cycle I, there were some differences

in this cycle. This time, the video that the researcher used was used real

person as the actors and was not provided by its subtitle. The researcher

wanted to improve the students’ speaking skill by raising the level of

difficulties a step ahead. By giving this video, the researcher hoped that the

students could understand the material given without always relied on the


c) Activities

During the first meeting of Cycle II, the researcher wanted to reapply

the activities done in Cycle I. The first activity was drilling the students’

pronunciation and vocabulary through the listen and repeat activity. Then, the

researcher also still wanted to apply the use of bilingual communication

during all meeting of Cycle II.

Furthermore, the use of role play would also be introduced on the first

meeting of Cycle II. Similar to Cycle I, the use of role play was used to make

the students be able to play roles that correspond to the real need in their lives

as a future nurse. However, in this cycle, the researcher wanted to make the

students be able to perform the role play without looking at their notes. Then,

feedback on the students’ performances would be given during all meeting of

Cycle II.

2) Second meeting

a) Media

Just same as the previous cycle, in order to make the students be able to

create their dialogues, the researcher provided some situations for the students

in the form of role play cards. So, before the researcher scored the students’

performances, the researcher would ask each of the students to pick two cards

consisting of their names and their new role play cards.

b) Activities

In the second meeting of Cycle II, the researcher still wanted to review

the last material through giving task for the students. In the joint construction

of the text, the students were asked to create their own dialogues consisting of

some expressions used to express command and request. Then, as in the

independent construction of the text phase, the students were asked to perform

a role play that would be recorded by the researcher for scoring.

b. Action

1) First meeting

On the first meeting, the topic was about expressions of command and

request. To build the students’ background knowledge of the topic, before

showing the video, the researcher asked several questions to the students (e.g.

When you want to ask something to others, what should you say?).

The video that the researcher used as the input in this cycle entitled The

Doctor and The Patient. It consisted of some expressions of giving command

and request without its subtitle. The researcher chose to use this video because

the researcher wanted the students to move one step ahead in improving their

speaking skills. The researcher wanted the students to understand the material

easier and be more familiar with the surrounding of their future career without

always relied on subtitle.


Moreover, in using video as the input for the students, the researcher

also did the pre-viewing, while-viewing, and post-viewing phase in this cycle.

In the pre-viewing phase, the researcher showed some of the pictures of the

video to the students and asked them to guess what the video is about. Next, in

the while-viewing phase, the researcher asked the students to collect

information as much as possible. The students have to try and collect as much

information as they could about what they have seen. Finally, in the post-

viewing phase, the researcher asked the students to answer some questions

related to the video and report their answers to the class. This action was still

applied in order to build the students’ vocabulary and pronunciation ability.

After showing the video to the students, the researcher showed them

with the material through slides power point. In this meeting, the researcher

still more focused on drilling the students’ pronunciation through listen and

repeat activity. This action was done because the collaborator suggested that

the students need to drill their pronunciation more. Therefore, in explaining

the material to the students, the researcher focused on showing and practicing

the expressions needed by the students in expressing command and request.

Next, the researcher then asked the students to arrange a simple

conversation using the given expressions in order to make them practice their

speaking. The researcher also showed a dialogue to the students and asked

them to answer some questions based on it in order to check their


Moreover, the use of role play was also introduced in this meeting.

After doing the exercise on the worksheet, the students worked in pairs and

made a dialogue using the given expressions. As the students worked on the

task of the worksheet, the researcher still kept moving around the class to

check their work; in case some of them still had difficulties in doing the task.

After that, together with the students, the researcher discussed the answers of

the task. This time, before asking the students to perform the dialogue in front

of the classroom, the researcher explained the rule of the role play using

Bahasa Indonesia in order to make the students understand.

Fortunately, the students could understand how to do the role play and

started to active in doing the role play. The students seemed to be more

enjoying the activity and gaining their confidence. However, because in the

previous cycle the students still relied on their text, this time, the researcher

tried to make them perform their dialogue without looking at their notes. It

was challenging to motivate them not to rely on their notes since the students

worry that they would make mistake without looking at their notes.

To overcome this problem, the researcher kept motivating them and

said that it was okay not to do the role play as same as their notes. The

researcher gave more time for them to practice the dialogues without looking

at their notes. Finally, after the students finished in practicing their role play,

there were two students who willingly came forward the classroom to practice

their role play. Then, the researcher gave feedbacks to the students and

motivated them to do better and continue their hard work before closing the


2) Second meeting

The second meeting was implemented on November 12th, 2015. The

activities that the researcher implemented were as same as in Cycle I. The

difference was that the students had to perform the role play as good as they

could without looking at their notes. Before doing the scoring, the researcher

reviewed the previous materials in order to remind the students related to the

last lesson by giving a task. The task was similar to the task in Cycle I which

was asking the students to create a simple dialogue based on their own

situation related to the previous topic and practice it with their partner. This

was done in order to give the students more time to practice their speaking.

Then, after they finished in practicing their speaking, the students were

asked to pick two paper consisted of their names and the role play cards. This

time, the students would get the new situation and the new partner.

Furthermore, after each of the students got their cards, they worked

with their pairs and discussed a certain topic that they took. The researcher

gave 45 minutes for the students to create and practice the dialogue before

perform it in front of the class. At this stage, the researcher just observed the

students and tried to give limited help to the students. The researcher wanted

to know the range of the students’ speaking ability when they did not get

many helps from the researcher. Finally, when the students were ready, the

researcher called the name of the students randomly and recorded their


At the end, the researcher gave feedback to the students before closing

the lesson. The researcher gave feedbacks for the students in terms of their

pronunciation, comprehension, grammar, choice of vocabulary, and fluency.

The researcher also kept motivating the students to always active and threw

away their worry when learning to speak English.

c. Observation

1) First meeting

During the first meeting, the researcher still used video as the input and

power point to deliver the material to the students. While showing the video,

the researcher did the pre-viewing, while-viewing, and post-viewing activity

in order to build the students’ vocabulary and pronunciation ability.

Furthermore, to give more chance for the students to practice their

English and deepen their understanding, the researcher asked them to create

simple dialogues and answer some questions related to the dialogue given by

the researcher. However, as suggested by the collaborator, the researcher was

kept focusing on drilling the students pronunciation through listen and repeat

activity. This action was done because the researcher and the collaborator

thought that the students still need to enrich their vocabulary and practice

their pronunciation more.

Moreover, the use of role play was also introduced by the researcher

on the first meeting of cycle II. Before the students were asked to perform the

role play, the researcher gave the students worksheet that can be used to help

them in creating their role plays. Also, in order to make the students more

understand about the rules of the role play, the researcher gave more time for

them to create and practice their dialogue. During this stage, the researcher

was trying hard to motivate the students to not always relied on their not

during performing the role play. This action can be seen on the field note


...Next, the writer introduced the new role play activity to the students.
Similar to the previous meeting, before the students did role play, the
students are asked to complete some missing word in the column of type
of symptoms and advices in order to enrich their vocabulary and practice
the pronunciation by checking in the dictionary. However, the students
had to be able to perform their dialogues without looking at the text this
time. It was quite difficult to ask them in doing role play without the text,
but the writer always tried to motivate them. Finally, the students
practised the role play without the text and the writer recorded some of

(Field note 5—Appendix A)

2) Second meeting

On the second meeting, the researcher did the scoring. The activities

implemented in this cycle were similar to the previous cycle. Firstly, by

asking some questions and giving the students a task, the researcher reviewed

the previous lesson in order to remind the students’ memory of the previous

lesson. The task was about asking them to perform their previous dialogues

without looking at the texts. After that, the researcher asked them to pick two

cards consisted of their names and the new role play cards.

If in the previous cycle the researcher had a problem related to the time

management, the researcher gave more time for the students to create and

practice their dialogue to solve it. Moreover, the researcher also focused on

motivating the students to get rid of their texts in performing their role play.

The action could be seen on the field note below.

On the second meeting, the writer planned to do the scoring again.

After the writer greeted the students and opened the class by saying a
prayer, the writer tried to remind the students with the previous lesson.
The writer asked some of the students to perform their previous dialogue
without the text. The writer tried to push the students to be able in
speaking English with the correct pronunciation without looking at the
text. Some students still felt that she would never be able to make it such
as Khusnur. She said,”Ah Miss, aku gabisa kalau gak pake teks” (I cannot
do it without my text, Miss). Then, The writer told her,”Dicoba dulu dek.
Coba teksnya yang singkat-singkat aja. Pasti nanti bisa.” (Try it first. Try
to make the simple diologue. I believe that you will be able to make it).
After practised, practised, and practised, finally the students were able to
do the role play without looking at the text.
Next, the writer showed the students with the new role play cards
and asked them to pick one each. The writer told the students about what
they should do with it. After that, the writer gave 30 minutes for the
students to create the dialogue based on their role play card and 15
minutes to do the preparation. While the students made their dialogue, the
writer guided them. The writer assisted the students in correcting their
pronunciation and grammar. When the students were ready, the writer
called the name of the students randomly and recorded their
performances. Finally, the writer gave some feedbacks to them, said
thanks and closed the class by saying a prayer.

(Field note 6—Appendix A)

d. Reflection

After implementing the actions in Cycle II, the researcher and the

collaborator did the reflection. The results of the reflection of actions that had

been implemented in cycle II were described below.


1) First meeting

a) Material

During this meeting, the researcher and the English teacher could

present the material of expressing command and request well. The students

could understand the researcher’s explanation about how to ask a request and

give a command by the help of the video. They could understand with the

researcher’s explanation and enjoy the English teaching and learning


Moreover, in order to help the students to learn the materials and do the

role play easier, the researcher provided worksheet on the first meeting of

Cycle II. The worksheets consist of some exercises suitable with the

students’ need to improve their speaking ability. By having this worksheet,

the students were able to create their own dialogue for role play. They could

also be more familiar with a situation they may encounter in the future as a

nurse. The action can be seen on the field note below.

...Next, the writer intoduced the new role play activity to the students.
Similar to the previous meeting, before the students did role play, the students
are asked to complete some missing word in the column of type of symptoms
and advices in order to enrich their vocabulary and practice the pronunciation
by checking in the dictionary.
(Field note 5—Appendix A)

b) Media

The use of video and power point were successful in making the

students understand the material easier. When the students were showed with

a video related to the topic being discussed, the students were enthusiastic

since there were the real people as the actors and no subtitle. Besides that, by

doing some question and answer related to the video being showed, the

students could practice their pronunciation and deepen their comprehension.

The evidence can be seen on the interview transcript below.

Observer : Gimana menurut kamu pembelajaran kita hari ini dek? Bisa
dipahami gak?
Student : Nyenengin Miss. Bisa kok. Tadi tentang command sama
request kan?
Observer : Iya dek. Menurut kamu enakan pertemuan hari ini apa
pertemuan pas di materi kita yang sebelumnya?
Student : Sama-sama enak sih Miss. Tapi aku lebih suka tadi.
Soalnya contoh videonya pake orang langsung. Jadi aku bisa
lebih mudah memahaminya.
Observer : Kira-kira kalau besok Miss Indah minta kamu role play
udah harus bisa lepas dari teks bisa belum dek?
Student : InsyaAllah udah bisa Miss.
Observer : Oke. Makasih ya dek.
Student : Sama-sama Miss

Interview 11—Appendix B

c) Activities

The implementation of building the students’ vocabulary and

pronunciation ability through task during Cycle II were also generally

successful in improving their speaking skills and involvement. By asking the

students some questions related to the topic that would be discussed, their

vocabulary and pronunciation had improved.

Then, the re-implementation of classroom English was also successful

in improving the students’ speaking skill and familiarizing them with English

words. The students could also improve their communication ability when

they were having discussion with their friends. In this cycle, the students

seemed to be more active and easy in using classroom English. They could

speak more casual with each other during the lesson.

Furthermore, during the first meeting of Cycle II, the researcher

introduced role play again. The motivation that the researcher gave was

successful in making the students more confident in performing the role

play without looking at their texts. Moreover, the feedback and the

additional time that the researcher gave also very useful for the students to

create and practice their dialogue. The feedback was used by the students to

check the quality of their dialogue for role play. The action can be seen on the

field note below.

...the writer intoduced the new role play activity to the students. Similar
to the previous meeting, before the students did role play, the students are
asked to complete some missing word in the column of type of symptoms
and advices in order to enrich their vocabulary and practice the
pronunciation by checking in the dictionary. However, the students had to
be able to perform their dialogues without looking at the text this time. It
was quite difficult to ask them in doing role play without the text, but the
writer always tried to motivate them. Finally, the students practiced the role
play without the text and the writer recorded some of them. When the bell
had rang, the writer closed the lesson by saying a prayer and told the
students about the next activity.

(Field note 5—Appendix A)


2) Second meeting

a) Media

The decision of giving role play card for the students during the second

meeting of Cycle II was successful in helping the students to perform their

role play. By kept providing different situations for the students, the

researcher could help them in expanding their imagination. The researcher

could help the students to be able to have a good work with different types of

partners in their lives. This evidence can be seen on the interview transcript


Observer : Dek Wahyuni, Miss Indah mau tanya. Menurut kamu dari pre-
test sampai sekarang pembelajaran kita yang pake role play ini
Student : Menurut aku seneng, asik, nyenengin lah.
Observer : Terus kamu merasa ada yang bertambah gak di kemampuan
bahasa Inggris kamu?
Student : Iya. Aku ngomongnya bisa lebih baik lagi. Vocabnya juga
Observer : Merasa lebih PD gak dek kalau berdialog pake role play?
Student : Iya. Kalau dulu masih susah, tapi sekarang udah bisa lebih
Observer : Terus kalau kedepanya Bu Tari menggunakan role play di
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kamu setuju gak?
Student : Setuju aja sih.
Observer : yaudah, makasih ya.
Student : Iya.

Interview 14—Appendix B

b) Activities

The implementation of classroom English was implemented on the

second meeting of Cycle II. It was really successful that the students could

improve their speaking skills since they started to speak English more casual

with their friends. They did not reluctant again. However, since there were

some students who still found it quite hard to speak in English, the researcher

used Bahasa Indonesia to make them understand.

Besides that, by reviewing the previous material, the students’

knowledge was reminded. The task that the researcher gave to the students

could make them have many chances to practice their pronunciation.

Furthermore, similar to the previous cycle, the action of scoring and giving

feedback to the students were successful in motivating the students to give

their best performance during the scoring. The feedback and motivation that

the researcher gave also kept rising the students confidence in speaking

English. It action can be seen on the field note below.

Next, the writer showed the students with the new role play cards and
asked them to pick one each. The writer told the students about what they
should do with it. After that, the writer gave 30 minutes for the students to
create the dialogue based on their role play card and 15 minutes to do the
preparation. While the students made their dialogue, the writer guided them.
The writer assisted the students in correcting their pronunciation and
grammar. When the students were ready, the writer called the name of the
students randomly and recorded their performances. Finally, the writer gave
some feedbacks to them, said thanks and closed the class by saying a prayer.

(Field note 6—Appendix A)

Based on the reflections of Cycle II, all actions were successful in

improving the teaching and learning process of speaking. Then, as the aim

of research was achieved and because of the time limitation, the collaborators

and the researcher agreed to end the research in this cycle.


B. Discussions

As the final reflection, the writer and the collaborator discussed the

result of the research. They made a conclusion that role play can be the

effective way to help the students in improving their speaking skills. This

proved the theory proposed by Brown (2004: 174) that role play gives

students opportunities to be creative and permits them to have a rehearsal

time which has effect of lowering their anxieties Therefore, after the result of

the last cycle showed a good improvement in the students’ speaking skills,

the researcher and the collaborator decided to end the research. It can be seen

from these data:

1. Qualitative data

The qualitative data could be inferred from the observations during the

teaching and learning process and the interviews with the students and the

collaborator both in Cycle I and Cycle II. Those data gave significant result of

this result. The following are the explanation of the two cycles.

a. The design of action in Cycle I

In the first meeting, before implementing role play, the researcher used

video as the input and power point to deliver the material to the students. This

action was successful enough in attracting the students’ interest toward the

material being taught since video can give students realistic models to imitate

for role-play. It increased awareness of other cultures by allowing the

students to look at situation far beyond their classroom. Also, by using

power point that contained simple materials and many interesting pictures,

the students were able to expand their creation and increase their motivation.

Furthermore, the actions of giving daily worksheet that suitable with

the students’ need and using classroom English were also successful in

improving the students’ speaking skill in terms of grammar and

pronunciation. The students could understand the material easier and practice

their speaking using the situation they might encounter in their future career

as a nurse.

Meanwhile, the use of role play seemed not really successful in this

cycle. The students still confused and did not understand about the rules of

the role play. They also spoke reluctantly and always relied on their texts

during performing their role play. However, even though the students still

found it quite difficult to do the role play, they enjoyed to do the role play in

the classroom.

b. The design of action in cycle II

In Cycle II, the researcher continued the actions that had been

implemented in the previous cycle. To overcome the problem arose in Cycle

I, there were some changes in the actions. First, because the students still

confused about the rules of the role play during the previous cycle, the

researcher used bilingual communication in explaining and giving direction

to them. The researcher also showed the students with a video that used real

people as the actors without any subtitle. Even though not all students could

understand the video, most of them said that by using real people as the

model, it was easier for them to catch the meaning.


Furthermore, in order to make the students not to rely on their note

during doing their role play, the researcher kept motivating them and gave

more time for the students to create and practice their dialogue. These actions

were very successful because the students could gain their confidence and

perform a better role play during the scoring.

Overall, all of the actions implemented in this cycle could run well.

The students looked happy and enjoyed the activities during the teaching and

learning process because by giving various situations for the role play, the

researcher gave a new atmosphere in their classroom. This condition was

suitable with the theory stated by Ladousse (1987) that role play is a very

useful dress rehearsal for real life and helps many shy students to speak out

by providing them with a mask.

2. Quantitative data

The quantitative data were acquired from the pre-test and post-test of

the five speaking skills aspects. Here, the researcher categorized the students’

speaking skills into five criteria namely very good, good, moderate, poor, and

very poor.

The researcher conducted the pre-test on October 29th, 2015 and

conducted the post-test on November 12th, 2015. To assess the students’

speaking skills both in pre-test and post-test, the researcher used a speaking

rubric that had been consulted with the collaborator and the supervisor. The

rubric involved of five aspects of speaking, such as grammar, vocabulary,

comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation. The students’ speaking scores in


the pre-test and post-test could be seen in Appendix G, and the summary of

the students’ score in pre-test can be seen in the chart below.

Figure 3: Chart of students’ speaking scores in pre-test

From the chart above, the researcher discussed the result of students’

speaking scores as performed in the pre-test with the collaborator. The

discussion is related to the number of students that are categorized into those

six criteria.

In the pre-test scores, in term of the grammar, there were 3 students in

the moderate category, 13 students in the poor category, and 6 students in the

very poor category. In term of the vocabulary, there were 4 students in the

moderate category and 18 students in the poor category. In term of the

comprehension, there were 6 students in the moderate category and 16

students in the poor category. In term of the fluency, there was only 1

student in the moderate category, 17 students in the poor category, and 4

students in the very poor category. Then, in term of the pronunciation, there

were 7 students in the moderate category, 8 students in the poor category,

and 7 students in the very poor category.

Meanwhile, the result of the post-test showed that there were some

improvements on the students’ speaking skills. In term of the grammar, there

were only 4 students in the moderate category and 18 students in the good

category. In term of the vocabulary, there were only 1 students in the poor

category, 10 students in the moderate category, and 11 students in the good

category. In term of the comprehension, there was finally 1 students in the

very good category, 19 students in the good category, and only 2 students in

the moderate category.

Then, in term of the fluency, there were only 5 student in the good

category, 11 students in the moderate category, and 6 students in the poor

category. Also, in term of the pronunciation, there were only 5 students in

the poor category, 8 students in the moderate category, and 9 students in the

good category. The chart below shows the students’ progress in their

speaking during the post-test.



Number of Students

15 Very poor
10 Poor
Very good

Figure 4: Chart of students’ speaking scores in post-test

Furthermore, the mean of the students’ speaking scores also shows an

improvement. The following is the comparison of the mean scores of the

students’ five speaking aspects in pre-test and post-test.



Figure 5: Students’ mean scores of five speaking aspects in the pre-test

and post-test

The chart above shows that the students’ speaking skills in each test

are improved. It is presented in the pre-test result that the mean score of the

grammar in the students’ performance is only 1.8. The vocabulary mean

score is 2.1, the comprehension mean score is 2.2, the fluency mean score is

1.8, and the pronunciation’s mean score is only 2. Meanwhile, the mean score

of the grammar in the students’ performance in the post-test is 3.8. Then, the

vocabulary mean score is 3.4, the comprehension mean score is 3.9, the

fluency mean score is 2.9, and the pronunciation mean score is 3.1. So, it is

very clear that there are significant improvements on the students’ speaking

skills through the use of role play.


A. Conclusions

The two cycles of this action research were completely done. The

research began on October 14th, 2015 and ended on November 12th, 2015.

The aim of this research was to improve the students’ speaking skills through

the use of role play. Based on the findings on Chapter IV, it can be seen that

there was improvement in the students’ speaking skills after the

implementation of the actions. The conclusions of the research can be

concluded as follows.

1. After having role play as one of the activities in the classroom,

the students had better speaking skills because they had more

opportunities to practice their speaking.

2. Role play was helpful to attract the students’ interest and

motivation to actively participate in the English classroom. The

students did not get bored because role play provided fun and

enjoyable activities for them. Besides that, the activities in role

play used some situations that related to their future surrounding

as a nurse. It made them like having a real conversation in a real

situation, and felt like being another person which was in fact they

were learning English in the classroom as a student.

3. The mean of the students’ speaking scores also showed an

improvement. Based on the pre-test result, the mean score of the


grammar in the students’ performance is only 1.8. The vocabulary

mean score is 2.1, the comprehension mean score is 2.2, the

fluency mean score is 1.8, and the pronunciation mean score is

only 2. Meanwhile, the mean score of the grammar in the students’

performance in the post-test is 3.8. Then, the vocabulary mean

score is 3.4, the comprehension mean score is 3.9, the fluency

mean score is 2.9, and the pronunciation mean score is 3.1. So, it

is very clear that there are significant improvements on the

students’ speaking skills through the use of role play.

B. Implications

There were some implications due to the result of the research which

are described as follows.

1. The use of role play can improve the students’ speaking skills since

it provides opportunities for the students to practice their speaking

by interacting with others in the classroom. Moreover, because it

provides an enjoyable and fun activity, it can be used to increase

the students’ motivation to be more actively engaged in the English

teaching and learning process.

2. The students tend to be interested in participating in the classroom

when a fun way of learning is present. They easily get bored if the

classroom activities were monotonous. Therefore, by using video

as the input and slides power point to deliver the material, the

researcher could motivate them to actively participate in the English


teaching and learning process. It implies that the teacher has to be

more creative in finding or creating activities to motivate the

students to enjoy the lesson without getting bored easily.

C. Suggestions

Based on the findings, conclusions and implications of the use of role

play to improve the speaking skills of students grade X Nursing programme

of SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah, the researcher wants to suggest

some points to some parties. The suggestions are presented as follows.

1. To English teachers

The use of role play has a good effect to the students. It can help to

motivate them in learning speaking English. Therefore, it is

suggested to the English teachers to use role play as an activity in

the classroom. Fun activities like role play will help the teacher

to engage the students in the English teaching and learning


However, a teacher of English needs to enrich herself with the

knowledge of how to select the effective resources that can improve

the students’ motivation toward the lesson. By creating effective

and interesting activities, the teacher could make the student enjoy

the English teaching and learning process better.

2. To students

The students should manage themselves to always have

positive attitudes towards English lesson. They should have high

motivation in learning English, especially speaking. They should

understand that it is very important for them to have more

practices in speaking English. It is because vocabulary mastery

and pronunciation can be improved through practicing. Moreover,

they should continuously be active during the English teaching and

learning process.

3. To other researchers

It is suggested that the other researchers can use the result of this

study as a reference. It is also advisable to conduct further research

on this matter since this research is still far from perfect.


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A. Observation
October 24th, 2015

The English teacher and the writer came to class X KP2. The lesson
started at 08.30 am. When the teacher entered the classroom, the teacher
greeted the students, opened the class by saying a prayer, and checked the
attendance list. After checking the students’ attendance list, teacher asked
the students to mention several jobs (doctor, teacher, and mechanics) in
order to build their knowledge of the topic being discussed. Some students
answered to the teacher orally. Most of their pronunciations were false.
After that, the students are asked to listen and repeat after the teacher in
mentioning some professions and their descriptions. Next, students are
explained with the description of some jobs (Nurse, teacher, doctor, and
farmer) and are asked to complete some missing words in their handbook
guided by the teacher. However, most of the students still confused about
the meaning of some words in their handbook. Then, the teacher asked
them to check their dictionary. After explaining about Professions, the
teacher came to the next topic which is Nationalities. Here, students did
the listen and repeat activity related to Nationalities and are asked to
mention someone’s nationality and profession (Mr. Jokowi, David
Beckam) in order to practice their pronunciation.
Beside Professions and Nationalities, the teacher also explained about
the expressions used to ask someone’s nationality and language. After that,
together with the teacher, they completed some missing words in their
handout as the exercise. The students are also explained with the
expressions used to ask someone’s physical and non-physical appearances.
Again, students did the listen and repeat activity related to physical and
non-physical appearances and are asked to mention people based physical
and non-physical appearance (Mr. Jokowi). Finally, students are asked to
mention their parents based on the physical and non-physical appearances
as their task. Because of the time limitation, only some students able to
mention their parents’ job to the teacher. They did not have enough chance
to speak English in the class. Besides, they also laughed at a classmates
who made a mistake and made up something for fun in answering the
teacher’s questions. At last, as the bell rang, the teacher told the students
about the next topic and closed the lesson by saying a prayer.

B. Pre-test
October 29th, 2015

The pre-test was held on October 29th, 2015. Firstly, the teacher
accompanied the writer to do the pre-test but because she had to finish the
school administration, the writer did the pre-test without the teacher. When
the writer and the teacher came to the classroom, there are some students
who asked the teacher. “Kok Miss Indah datang kesini lagi sih Bu?
Ngapain Bu?” (Why does Miss Indah come to the school again ma’am?
What is she doing here?). Then the teacher replied, “Jadi anak-anak, Miss
Indah mau mengadakan penelitian disini, jadi mulai hari ini dan beberapa
minggu kedepan kalian akan diajar oleh Miss Indah. Untuk lebih jelasnya
biar dijelaskan sama Miss Indah karena bu guru harus menyelesaikan
administrasi sekolah di kantor.” (Miss Indah wants to do a research here.
So, for the next following weeks, you will be taught by Miss Indah. Later,
she will tell you about the detailed information because I have to finish the
school administration in the office).
After the teacher left, the writer explained to the students about the
pre-test. “Jadi dek, seperti yang dijelaskan oleh Bu Tari tadi, mulai hari ini
dan beberapa minggu kedepan kalian akan belajar bahasa Inggris bareng
Miss Indah” (As Mrs. Tari said before, starting from now until the next
following weeks, you will learn English with Miss Indah). Then a student
replied, “Wah asik, jadi gak ngantuk lagi deh hehehe” (Great, so we won’t
be sleepy anymore (laughing)). Nah, sebelum Miss Indah mulai mengajar
kalian, hari ini Miss Indah pengen mengadakan pre-test dulu ya. (Now
before I teach you English, I want to do the pre-test today). When the
students heard the word “test”, most of them are worried. “Yah Miss, aku
ga bisa. Gak mauu. Nanti kalau salah gimana?” (No Miss, I cannot. I do
not want to do it. How if I make mistakes?). Then the writer tried to calm
them. “Gak papa, sebisa kalian aja. Gak harus bagus kok. Ini hanya akan
Miss Indah gunakan untuk mengetes kemampuan speaking kalian” (It’s
okay. Just do it as good as you can. I will use this to know about your
speaking ability). After that, the observer showed the students a video as
their input. They looked interested in the video and finally they were
willingly to perform in front of the class. The video was about “At the
hospital”. It consist of some expressions used when someone talk with a
nurse to see a doctor at the hospital.
Next, after showing the video, the writer gave the conversation
guidelines to the students. The students were asked to create some
dialogues in pairs based on the questions provided by the writer. Then,
they had to perform it in front of the class recorded by the writer.
However, because the English teacher was not there, the students tend to
not serious in doing the task. Finally, when the recording had done, the
writer said thanks to the students and closed the lesson.

C. Cycle 1
1. First meeting
October 30th, 2015.
The first meeting was held on October 30th, 2015. The writer acted as
the teacher and the English teacher became the collaborator. The writer
started the teaching and learning process by greeting the students, leading
a prayer, and checking the students’ presence. After that, the writer
warmed up the students by asking some questions related to the topic that
would be discussed such as “When you go to the hospital and you see a
person wearing white uniform with stethoscope on his neck, do you know
what his profession is?” “Saat kalian pergi ke rumah sakit dan melihat
seseorang memakai seragam putih dengan stetoskop di lehernya, apakah
kalian tahu apa pekerjaanya?” and all of the students answered “Yes. He is
a doctor”. Then, the writer showed a video to the students. The video was
about “My Family”. It consisted of some expressions used to describe
someone’s profession, nationality, and physical appearance. While they
were watching the video, the students were asked to analyze it. The
students tried to observe the expressions appeared on the video.
In order to make the students active in speaking, the writer gave some
questions to the students such as, “So, what kind of expressions that you
use in describing your job?” “Jadi kira-kira bagaimana cara kalian
menjelaskan pekerjaan kalian?” Then the students answered
enthusiastically, “My profession is a student”. The students started to
interested in the lesson after watching the video. After the writer did
question and anwer to the students, the writer showed the students with the
material through slides power point. Because the students had got the same
material in the previous meeting (KD 1.2), so the teacher explained the
material in a flash and did listen and repeat more in order to practice
students’ pronunciation. The writer, then, asked the students to arrange a
simple conversation using the given expressions. The classroom sounded
noisy because the students were keeping talk with their friend like a
student named Nia asked to her classmate Lastri. She asked “What is your
Nationality Lastri?”, and Lastri answered “My nationality is Indonesian”,
then Nia wrote down on his book. The writer asked some students to
mention their answer orally. After that, the writer showed a dialogue to the
students. The writer asked the students to answer some questions based on
it, then discussed the answer together with the students.
Next, the writer intoduced role plays to the students. However,
before the students did role play, the students are asked to complete some
missing word in the column of type of professions in order to enrich their
vocabulary and practice the pronunciation by checking in the dictionary.
Finally, the students practised the role play. The writer also recorded some
students in practising the role play. When the bell had rang, the writer
closed the lesson by saying a prayer and told the students about the next

2. Second meeting
November 5th, 2015.

On the second meeting, the writer planned to do the scoring. Firstly,

after the writer greeted the students and opened the class by saying a
prayer, the writer tried to remind the students with the previous lesson.
The writer asked the students some questions such as, “What will you say
when you want to ask my nationality?” “Apa yang akan kalian katakan
kalau ingin menanyakan kebangsaan Miss Indah?” Then some students
answered, “What is your nationality, Miss?”. After that, the writer also
asked some students to have a dialogue with his friend talking about
profession, nationality, and physical appeareance and perform it in front of
the class.
Next, the writer showed the students with the role play cards and asked
them to pick one each. The writer told the students about what they should
do with it. Because the students have to pick it randomly, so their partners
are different from the one on pre-test. After that, the writer gave 35
minutes for the students to create and practice the dialogue based on their
role play card and then perform it in front of the class. The writer also tried
to help the students by correcting their wrong vocabulary, pronunciation,
and grammar. When the students were ready, the writer called the name of
the students randomly and recorded their performances. Finally, the writer
gave some feedbacks, told the next topic to them, said thanks and closed
the class by saying a prayer.

D. Cycle 2
1. First meeting
November 6th, 2015

The second cycle was held on November 6th, 2015. The writer started
the teaching and learning process by greeting the students, leading a
prayer, and checking the students’ presence. After that, the writer tried to
warm up the students by asking some questions related to the new topic
such as, “When you want to ask something to others, what should you
say?”, after that some of the students said “Can you help me?”, while the
other students said “Could you help me?”. Then, the writer showed a
video to the students. The video was about “The Doctor and The Patient”.
It consisted of some expressions used to express command and request in a
hospital setting. While they were watching the video, the students were
asked to analyze it. The students tried to observe the expressions used by
the actor on the video.
In order to make the students active and be able in speaking English
without looking at their texts with the correct pronunciation, the writer

focused on showing the expressions of command and request usually used

in the hospital and did the listen and repeat activity. However, the writer
also showed the students with the explanation of command and request.
Then, after the students have understood about the basic description and
the example of command and request, the teacher asked them to arrange a
simple conversation using the given expressions. After that, the writer also
showed a dialogue to the students in order to check their understanding.
The writer asked them to answer some questions based on it, then
discussed the answer together with the students.
Next, the writer intoduced the new role play activity to the students.
Similar to the previous meeting, before the students did role play, the
students are asked to complete some missing word in the column of type
of symptoms and advices in order to enrich their vocabulary and practice
the pronunciation by checking in the dictionary. However, the students had
to be able to perform their dialogues without looking at the text this time.
It was quite difficult to ask them in doing role play without the text, but
the writer always tried to motivate them. Finally, the students practised the
role play without the text and the writer recorded some of them. When the
bell had rang, the writer closed the lesson by saying a prayer and told the
students about the next activity.

2. Second meeting
November 12, 2015.

On the second meeting, the writer planned to do the scoring again.

After the writer greeted the students and opened the class by saying a
prayer, the writer tried to remind the students with the previous lesson.
The writer asked some of the students to perform their previous dialogue
without the text. The writer tried to push the students to be able in
speaking English with the correct pronunciation without looking at the
text. Some students still felt that she would never be able to make it such
as Khusnur. She said,”Ah Miss, aku gabisa kalau gak pake teks” (I cannot
do it without my text, Miss). Then, The writer told her,”Dicoba dulu dek.
Coba teksnya yang singkat-singkat aja. Pasti nanti bisa.” (Try it first. Try
to make the simple diologue. I believe that you will be able to make it).
After practised, practised, and practised, finally the students were able to
do the role play without looking at the text.
Next, the writer showed the students with the new role play cards
and asked them to pick one each. The writer told the students about what
they should do with it. After that, the writer gave 30 minutes for the
students to create the dialogue based on their role play card and 15
minutes to do the preparation. While the students made their dialogue, the
writer guided them. The writer assisted the students in correcting their
pronunciation and grammar. When the students were ready, the writer
called the name of the students randomly and recorded their performances.

Finally, the writer gave some feedbacks to them, said thanks and closed
the class by saying a prayer.


1. Interview
This interwiew was done during the observation phase. The purposes of the
interview were to know about the students’ problems in speaking and to decide
the technique that would be used to overcome the problems.

a. Teacher (Sri Lestari, S.Pd.)

October 24th, 2015. In the teacher’s office.

Observer : Selamat pagi Bu, boleh minta waktunya sebentar untuk

Teacher : Oh iya mbak, silahkan.
Observer : Begini Bu, saya ingin tahu. Biasanya aktivitas apa yang sering ibu
gunakan dalam pengajaran speaking?
Teacher : Kalau saya sih biasanya pakai teknik bermain peran mbak, atau
yang lebih sering disebut dengan role playing.
Observer : Bagaimana Bu Tari menyusun kerangka kegiatan untuk role
playing itu Bu?
Teacher : Ya biasanya anak saya arahkan dulu mbak. Jadi mereka dikasih
situasi juga sehingga mereka tidak bingung.
Observer : Kalau boleh tau, kenapa Bu Tari suka menggunakan role playing
dalam pengajaran speaking?
Teacher : Ya karna itu sangat membantu siswa mbak. Jadi mereka bisa
bertukar pikiran dengan teman mereka dan tidak terlalu bingung
dalam menyusun kata-kata.
Observer : Lalu selama penerapan role play tersebut, kesulitan-kesulitan apa
yang sering Bu Tari temui?
Teacher : Kesulitan utamanya itu di vocabulary mereka mbak. Jadi anak itu
masih sering buka kamus untuk mencari kata yang mereka ingin
Observer : Lantas solusi-solusi apa saja yang biasanya Bu Tari berikan
kepada siswa untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut?

Teacher : Pakai key word mbak. Jadi mereka saya kasih kata-kata yang
dibutuhkan dalam kegiatan speaking mereka, sehingga mereka
tinggal mengembangkanya saja.
Observer : Apakah vocabulary hanya satu-satunya masalah siswa Bu?
Bagaimana dengan pronunciation dan grammar mereka misalnya?
Teacher : Itu juga merupakan kendala utama mereka mbak. Meskipun saya
selalu mengajak mereka untuk listen and repeat dalam setiap
kegiatan, tapi karna anak-anak itu kurang baca jadi mereka sering
salah dalam pelafalan maupun penyusunan katanya.
Observer : Kemudian bagaimana untuk comprehension atau pemahaman
siswa Bu?
Teacher : Ya kalau untuk comprehension, ya ada sebagian anak yang bisa,
tapi juga masih banyak yang kurang mbak. Masih banyak yang
perlu dimotivasi. Masalahnya kan SDM disini juga menengah ke
bawah mbak.
Teacher : Berarti Bu Tari selalu menekankan pada pemberian motivasi pada
siswa untuk menekan masalah-masalah tersebut ya Bu?
Teacher : Iya mbak.
Observer : Selain role playing tersebut, apakah Bu Tari pernah menggunakan
teknik lain dalam pengajaran speaking?
Teacher : Mayoritas sih ya teknik itu tadi mbak. Pernah dulu siswa saya
suruh langsung ngomong. Jadi saya memberikan pertanyaan dalam
bahasa Inggris dan mereka menjawabnya. Tapi hasilnya mereka
malah bengong dan saya harus mengulang penjelasanya kembali.
Observer : Oh baik Bu. Mungkin ada hal lain yang Bu Tari ingin sampaikan.
Teacher : Ya intinya di motivasi itu tadi mbak. Jadi kita sebagai guru harus
pinter-pinter memotivasi mereka. Soalnya kan ya selain
kemampuanya kurang, sebagian besar anak rasa percaya dirinya
untuk ngomong bahasa Inggris itu masih lemah.
Observer : Baik Bu kalau begitu. Saya rasa sudah cukup informasi dari Bu
Tari. Terima kasih Bu.

Teacher : Iya, sama-sama mbak.

b. Student 1 (Asti)
October 24th, 2015. In the school’s laboratory.

Observer : Selamat pagi dek, mbak mau nanya-nanya nih. Boleh ga?
Student : Boleh mbak. Mau nanya apa ya?
Obsever : Dek, kalau mbak boleh tau, kesulitan-kesulitan apa yang sering
kamu alami saat speaking?
Student : Grammar mbak. Aku tu sering bingung kalau disuruh ngomong
bahasa Inggris. Bingung nyusun kata-katanya. Takut salah
ngomong juga.
Observer : Terus selain grammar, ada kesulitan yg lainya gak dek?
Student : Enggak mbak. Udah grammar itu aja.
Observer : Berarti kalau ada orang yang ngomong pake bahasa Inggris gitu
kamu udah paham dek?
Student : Paham mbak. Cuma buat ngomong baliknya itu lo yang susah.
Observer : Berarti kamu merasa kosa kata kamu masih kurang ya dek?
Student : Iya mbak. Jadi aku harus sering buka-buka kamus gitu kalau
pengen ngomong bahasa Inggris.
Observer : Biasanya kamu paling PD waktu ngomong pake bahasa Inggris
itu kapan dek? Dimana?
Student : Di luar jam pelajaran mbak. Pas sama temen gitu.
Observer : Dari semua aktivitas speaking yang kamu tau, kamu paling suka
ngapain dek?
Student : Diskusi mbak. Karna saya suka berinteraksi langsung sama
Observer : Kamu pernah denger tentang role play belum dek?
Student : Pernah mbak. Tapi gak begitu tau itu ngapain.

Observer : Nah jadi role play tu, nanti kamu dikasih situasi dek. Jadi kamu
tau pas dalam aktivitas speaking itu nanti kamu pura-puranya jadi
siapa dan harus ngapain, gitu gambaran singkatnya.
Student : Wah kayaknya asik ya mbak.
Observer : Iya dek. Jadi kalau umpamanya di kegiatan speaking kedepanya
diganti pake role play kamu gimana?
Student : Mau mbak.
Observer : O.k deh. Yaudah kalau gitu. Makasih ya.
Student : Sama-sama mbak.

c. Student 2 (Indah)
October 24th, 2015. In the school’s laboratory.

Observer : Halo dek, mbak mau nanya-nanya nih. Boleh ga?

Student : Boleh mbak. Gimana?
Obsever : Sama kaya dek Asti tadi, kalau mbak boleh tau, kesulitan-
kesulitan apa yang sering kamu alami saat speaking?
Student : Vocabulary mbak. Aku masih harus sering buka kamus gitu kalau
pengen ngomong pake bahasa Inggris.
Observer : Terus selain itu, ada kesulitan yg lainya gak dek?
Student : Udah sih mbak itu aja. Sama kadang aku bingung mbak cara baca
kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris itu. Sering salah ngucap.
Observer : Berarti masalah pronunciationya ya dek. Kalau ada orang yang
ngomong pake bahasa Inggris gitu kamu udah paham dek?
Student : Lumayan mbak. Cuma buat ngomong baliknya itu masih belum
Observer : Biasanya kamu paling PD waktu ngomong pake bahasa Inggris
itu kapan dek? Dimana?
Student : Di luar jam pelajaran mbak. Pas sama temen deket dan keluarga.
Observer : Dari semua aktivitas speaking yang kamu tau, kamu paling suka
ngapain dek?

Student : Diskusi mbak.

Observer : Kamu pernah denger tentang role play belum dek?
Student : Pernah mbak.
Observer : Tau gak role play itu apa?
Student : Jadi yang itu kan mbak, yang kita dikasih bahan. Terus nanti
siapa yang nangkep terakhir yang ngomong gitu.
Observer : Nah jadi role play itu, nanti kamu dikasih situasi dek. Jadi kamu
tau nanti kamu pura-puranya jadi siapa dan harus ngapain, kaya
main sinetron itu lo dek. Gitu gambaran singkatnya.
Student : Wah kayaknya asik ya mbak.
Observer : Iya dek. Jadi masih tetep pengen pake diskusi aja apa role play?
Student : Aku pengen role play aja mbak. Kayaknya lebih asik.
Observer : O.k deh. Yaudah kalau gitu. Makasih ya.
Student : Sama-sama mbak.

2. Cycle 1
1) First meeting (October 30th, 2015)
This interview was done after the class was over. It was done in order to find out
about the English teacher and the students’ opinions related to the English
teaching and learning activities held by the researcher.

a. Sudent (Lastri)
In the classroom
Observer : Hay dek. Gimana pembelajaran kita hari ini? Asik gak?
Student : Asik Miss. Nyenengin, bikin gak ngantuk lagi.
Observer : Paham gak kalau Miss Indah menjelaskan dengan bahasa Inggris?
Student : Ya awalnya sih bingung Miss. Cuma karna terus diterjemahin
sama Miss Indah jadinya paham Miss. Tadi tentang cara
mendeskripsikan pekerjaan, kebangsaan, sama ciri-ciri fisik orang

Observer : Iya dek bener. Trus menurut kamu gimana role play nya? Kamu
suka gak kalau pakai role play saat pelajaran bahasa Inggris?
Student : Suka banget Miss. Lucu. Jadi aku bisa akting-akting sesukaku
gitu. Aku bisa lebih banyak ngomong pake bahasa Inggris juga di
kelas. hehe
Observer : Oke dek, makasih ya.
Student : Iya Miss.

b. Student (Atik)
In the classroom
Observer : Halo dek. Menurut kamu pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kita hari
ini gimana?
Student : Nyenengin Miss. Aku gak ngantuk jadinya.
Observer : Trus tadi kamu paham gak dek sama materi yang Miss Indah
Student : Paham Miss. Aku jadi lebih tau sekarang caranya nanya sama
ngasih tau tentang pekerjaan, kebangsaan maupun ciri-ciri fisik
Observer : Bagus dek. Trus kamu suka gak tadi sama role play yang Miss
Indah kenalkan?
Student : Suka banget Miss. Biasanya kita gak pernah role play kaya gitu.
Kalau tadi kan aku jadi bisa bebas bikin dialognya. Berasa artis.
Observer : Oke dek, makasih ya.
Student : Iya Miss.

c. Teacher
In teacher’s room

Observer : Bagaimana pendapat Ibu mengenai pertemuan pertama hari ini

Teacher : Ya sudah cukup bagus mbak. Memang harus lebih diperbanyak di
listen and repeatnya. Masalahnya di pertemuan sebelumnya anak
sudah mendapatkan materi yang sama di KD 1.2. Jadi ya menurut
saya sudah pas kalau lebih di tekankan ke pronunciationya.
Observer : Iya Bu. Hal itu tadi saya lakukan karena menurut saya anak-anak
masih sangat lemah di pronunciation mereka, padahal
pemahamanya sudah cukup baik Bu.
Teacher : Ya memang benar gitu mbak. Makanya setiap mengajar saya
selalu listen and repeat sama anak-anak.
Observer : Baik Bu, terima kasih.
Teacher : Sama-sama mbak.

2) Second meeting (November 5 th, 2015)

Similar to the interview held in the first meeting, the purposes of this interview
were to know about the English teacher and the students’ opinion related to the
technique implemented by the researcher and to get advice for the next cycle
from the English teacher.

a. Student 1 (Salma)
In the classroom.
Observer : Gimana menurut kamu kegiatan kita hari ini dek?
Student : Asik Miss. Aku suka pake role play.
Observer : Jadi sekarang udah berdialog dengan lebih bak ya?
Student : Iya Miss. Jadi lebih tau cara baca kata-katanya juga.
Observer : Kalau di pertemuan selanjutnya pake role play lagi mau gak?
Student : Mau banget Miss.

Observer : Oke dek. Makasih ya.

b. Student 2 (Etik)
In the classroom.
Observer : Gimana dek role play kita hari ini?
Student : Nyenengin Miss.
Observer : Gak bosen kan pake role play?
Student : Enggak Miss. Justru malah lebih enak kaya gini. Jadi aku juga
bisa akting gitu.
Observer : Ada hal positif dari role play yang kamu rasain dalam
kemampuan speaking kamu gak dek?
Student : Ada Miss, aku jadi lebih tau cara-cara pengucapannya. Sama aku
juga jadi lebih PD buat ngomong.
Observer : Baik dek, Makasih ya.

c. Teacher (Sri Lestari, S.Pd.)

In the teacher’s room
Observer : Bagaimana menurut Ibu tentang penerapan role play di kelas X
KP1 pada cycle 1 ini Bu?
Teacher : Ya baik mbak. Saya lihat anak-anak sudah mulai aktif dan PD
dalam berbicara di kelas. Motivasi mereka buat ngomong bahasa
Inggris juga sudah mulai muncul.
Observer :Bagaimana menurut Ibu terkait dengan siswa dan 5 poin dalam
speaking rubrik yang saya gunakan sebagai pedoman penilaian?
Teacher : Sudah baik mbak. Saya lihat juga pronunciation anak-anak
meskipun masih salah-salah tapi sudah jauh lebih baik dari
sebelumnya. Pemahaman dan kosa kata mereka juga sudah cukup
meningkat. Hanya saja anak tadi masih terpaku pada teks ya mbak.
Observer : Iya Bu. Lalu apakah ada saran dari Bu Tari untuk pertemuan yang
selanjutnya di cycle 2 agar anak mampu lepas dari teks?

Teacher : Memang sih mbak. Anak-anak selama ini susah banget kalau
dsuruh lepas dari teks. Anak kelas 3 saja yang presentasi juga
masih membaca. Belum bisa benar-benar lepas dari teks. Menurut
saya ada baiknya nanti di pembelajaran pada cycle 2 lebih
ditekankan lagi pada pronunciation dan vocabularynya mbak.
Karena tadi kan masih ada beberapa yang salah dalam
pengucapanya. Akan lebih baik lagi kalau anak dikasih waktu yang
lebih untuk praktek speakingnya. Dialognya yang pendek-pendek
saja coba mbak.
Observer : Baik Bu. Terima kasih.
Teacher : Sama-sama mbak.

3. Cycle 2
1) First meeting (November 6th, 2015)
This interview was also done after the class was over. It was done in order to
compare the teacher and the students’ opinions of the English teaching and
learning process in cycle I and in cycle II.

a. Student 1 (Inayah)
In the classroom
Observer : Hay dek, gimana menurut kamu pertemuan kita hari ini?
Student : Cukup nyenengin mbak.
Observer : Paham gak dengan materi yang Miss Indah jelasin tadi?
Student : Paham kok. Apalagi tadi juga diliatin video tentang orang yang
lagi ketemu dokter.
Observer : Menurut kamu lebih enakan mana dek pertemuan kita hari ini apa
pertemuan kita pada materi yang sebelumnya?
Student : Lebih enak ini mbak. Kan kali ini videonya orang langsung.
Kalau kemaren gambar aja. Tapi dua-duanya bisa aku pahamin sih.
Observer : Bisa gak tadi bikin dialog buat role play yang Miss Indah kasih?

Student : Bisa mbak. Awalnya aku agak bingung sih, tapi aku terbantu
sama kegiatan yang kita harus melengkapi isian tentang penyakit
dan solusinya tadi.
Observer : Jadi besok kalau Miss Indah minta kamu role play lepas dari teks
udah bisa ya dek?
Student : InsyaAllah bisa mbak.
Observer : Oke dek.

b. Student 2 (Inge)
In the classroom

Observer : Gimana menurut kamu pembelajaran kita hari ini dek? Bisa
dipahami gak?
Student : Nyenengin Miss. Bisa kok. Tadi tentang command sama request
Observer : Iya dek. Menurut kamu enakan pertemuan hari ini apa pertemuan
pas di materi kita yang sebelumnya?
Student : Sama-sama enak sih Miss. Tapi aku lebih suka tadi. Soalnya
contoh videonya pake orang langsung. Jadi aku bisa lebih mudah
Observer : Kira-kira kalau besok Miss Indah minta kamu role play udah
harus bisa lepas dari teks bisa belum dek?
Student : InsyaAllah udah bisa Miss.
Observer : Oke. Makasih ya dek.
Student : Sama-sama Miss

c. Teacher (Sri Lestari, S.Pd.)

In the teacher’s office

Observer : Bagaimana pendapat Ibu mengenai pertemuan hari ini Bu?

Teacher : Ya sudah lebih bagus mbak. Memang anak harus di drill dalam
listen and repeat untuk melatih pronunciation mereka. Tadi juga
anak sudah dikasih waktu yang lebih banyak di praktiknya ya
Observer : Iya Bu. Tadi saya memberi waktu yang lebih banyak karena saya
berharap anak-anak akan mampu melakukan role play tanpa
terpaku dengan teks yang mereka buat.
Teacher : Ya sudah benar mbak. Memang seperti yang saya katakan
sebelumnya, anak-anak masih sangat susah untuk lepas dari teks.
Makanya pemberian kesempatan yang lebih untuk berlatih sangat
Observer : Iya Bu.

2) Second meeting (November 12th, 2015)

This interview was done in the last meeting of cycle II. The purpose of the
interview was to find out about the students’ opinion of role play. Also, the
interview was also used by the researcher and the English teacher in making
decision that the technique being used was successful.

a. Student 1 (Alecia)
In the classroom
Observer : Dek Alecia, Miss Indah mau tanya-tanya ya. Ini kan pertemuan
terakhir kita, menurut kamu gimana pembelajaran kita yang
menggunakan role play, nyenengin gak?
Student : Nyenengin banget.
Observer : Trus kamu merasa mendapatkan manfaat dari penerapan role
play ini gak?

Student : Iya mbak. Jadi aku lebih bisa menghafal dialog dengan baik sama
tau cara ngucapin kata dalam bahasa Inggris juga.
Observer : Terus kamu merasa lebih PD dan seneng gak pake role play ini?
Student : Iya mbak. Aku nyaman pake role play.
Observer : Kira-kira kalau kedepanya role play ini diterapin dalam
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kalian, kamu setuju gak?
Student : Setuju banget.
Observer : Yaudah, makasih ya.
Student : Iya.

b. Student 2 (Wahyuni)
In the classroom

Observer : Dek Wahyuni, Miss Indah mau tanya. Menurut kamu dari pre-test
sampai sekarang pembelajaran kita yang pake role play ini
Student : Menurut aku seneng, asik, nyenengin lah.
Observer : Terus kamu merasa ada yang bertambah gak di kemampuan
bahasa Inggris kamu?
Student Iya. Aku ngomongnya bisa lebih baik lagi, vocabnya juga nambah.
Observer : Merasa lebih PD gak dek kalau berdialog pake role play?
Student : Iya. Kalau dulu masih susah, tapi sekarang udah bisa lebih
Observer : Terus kalau kedepanya Bu Tari menggunakan role play di
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kamu setuju gak?
Student : Setuju aja sih.
Observer : yaudah, makasih ya.
Student : Iya.

c. Student 3 (Indah)
In the classroom

Observer : Dek Indah, Miss Indah mau tanya. Menurut kamu dari pre-test
sampai sekarang pembelajaran kita yang pake role play ini
Student : Enak sih, bisa ditangkep dengan baik.
Observer : Menurut kamu ada perbedaan gak dalam kemampuan speaking
kamu saat kamu belum kenal role play dan setelah kamu tau role
Student : Iya. Aku lebih tau cara pengucapanya. Aku juga bisa lebih kenal
mengenai kosa kata di bidang kesehatan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Observer : Jadi kamu merasa pronunciation dan vocabulary kamu
meningkat ya?
Student : Iya.
Observer : Terus kalau kedepanya Bu Tari menggunakan role play di
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris kamu setuju gak?
Student : Setuju aja sih.
Observer : yaudah, makasih ya.
Student : Iya.

d. Teacher (Sri Lestari, S.Pd.)

In the teacher’s office

Observer : Bu, saya mau tanya mengenai penelitian saya di smega. Menurut
Ibu bagaimana hasil penelitian yang dilakukan beberapa minggu
ini disini?
Teacher : Menurut saya sudah ada kemajuan, meskipun kemajuannya tidak
sangat bagus dalam artian anak sudah bisa lancar, bagus dan sangat
memenuhi aturan baku bahasa Inggris.

Observer : Iya. Lalu apakah menurut Bu Tari role play ini sudah mampu
meningkatkan kemampuan anak dalam berbahasa Inggris?
Teacher : Ya membantu mbak. Karna anak bisa praktek langsung meskipun
hanya dengan teman bukan dengan native.
Observer : Jadi menurut Bu Tari apakah penerapan role play di smega ini
sudah cukup berhasil?
Teacher : Ya bisa dikatakan berhasil, karena anak sudah mulai bisa
ngomong dan mengungkapkan dialog sesuai dengan aturan yang
Observer : Iya Bu, Karena kan di cycle 1 kemaren permasalahanya meskipun
anak sudah menunjukan perkembangan, namun mereka masih
terpaku dengan teks, dan sekarang mereka sudah mampu berdialog
dengan lebih baik dan tanpa teks. Meskipun dengan dialog yang
Teacher : Iya, bisa dikatakan berhasil mbak penelitian ini. Karena anak
sudah bisa termotivasi untuk langsung ngomong dan lebih PD
tanpa menggunakan teks.
Observer : Baik Bu, terima kasih.
Teacher : Iya.


Subject : English
Level : Novice
Grade : X (Nursing Programme)
School : SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah


Standard of Basic
Cycles Indicators Language Focus Teaching Activities Time Media Sources
Competences Competences
Communicatin 1.3 Mendeskri  Students are Expression used for asking: 1. Opening activities: 2x45  Role  Modul
g in English psikan able to  Country a. The teacher greets the minut play
equal to orang dan understand the  What is your original students and they es cards
Novice Level ciri-ciri) explanations country? respond to it.  Picture pembelaj
(describing of words used  Where are you from? b. The teacher leads a s
people to describe  Where do you come prayer.  Power
based on people based from? c. The teacher gives some point Acuan
their on their information and simple  Video mengaja
professions professions,  Profession examples related to the
, nationalities,  What do you do? expressions used to ask r Bahasa
I nationalitie and physical  What is your and answer people’s
country, profession, and Inggris
s, and appearances. occupation?
physical  Students are  What is your physical appearance. untuk
appearance able to profession? (When you go to the
hospital and you see a SMK/M
s) describe
people based  Physical appearances person wearing white AK.
on their uniform with stethoscope
 How is the physical  http://w
professions, in his neck, do you know
appearance of a
nationalities, what his profession is?)
and physical  What is the color of a publishi
appearances surgeon’s suit?

correctly. Expressions used for 2. Main Activities:

answering: a. Presentation
 Country 1) Teacher shows the video
 My original country about nationality, pdf/role-
is... profession, and physical
 I am from... appearance.
 I come from... 2) Students analyze the for-
video. (Students observe
 Profession the expressions used in the
 I am a/an... video) le_Plays
 My occupation is as _downlo
a/an... b. Practice
 My profession is as 1) Students respond to adable_p
a/an... the teacher’s question
by describing people
 Physical appearances about their profession,
nationality and
 He uses a white
physical appearance
uniform and brings
stethoscope around
2) Students listen to the
his neck.
teacher’s explanation
 The color of a
about the expressions
surgeon’s suit is blue.
used to ask and
answer people’s
nationality, job, and
Lists of countries and
physical appearance
through slides power
Indonesia Indonesian
Europe European
3) Students try to arrange
German Germany
a conversation using
the given expressions.
4) Students are showed

with the example of

Examples of adjective phrases: adjective phrases
related to the topics
 The girl who wears the being discussed.
green facial mask is the 5) After that, students
surgeon from Japan. read and try to answer
 The young woman in the the questions based on
white suit is the nurse. the dialogue given by
 This is the room where the teacher.
you will get your 6) Students discussed
injection. their answers with
their friends and get
Example of dialogue: feedback from the
(Nam is a nurse from Thailand teacher in order to
who works in Jakarta. When she check their
joined the International comprehension.
conference held in her hospital, 7) Students are asked to
she met Nina, a new dentist create their own
there) dialogues guided by
the teacher.
Nam: What is your original 8) After that, students
country Nin? practice the dialogues
Nina: My original country is in pairs.
Indonesia. And you?
Nam: I come from Thailand. c. Production
Nina: Well, what do you do in 1) In pairs, students
Indonesia? create their own
Nam: I am a nurse. I work in dialogues consisting
Jakarta International of some expressions
Hospital. used to ask people’s
Nina: So, could you tell me the nationality, job, and
physical appearances of the physical appearance

nurses in Thailand? Do they based on the role play

wear the same uniform as cards.
ours? 2) Students do the role
Nam: Yes, we are as beautiful as play with their partner
nurses in Indonesia. The in front of the class.
uniform is just the same (3 minutes for each
too. group)
Nina: That was great, then.
3. Closing Activities:
Vocabulary lists: a. The teacher summarizes
 Occupation the material being taught
 Surgeon and gives feedbacks to
 Hospital the students.
 Nurse b. The teacher gives some
 Great praises to the active
c. The teacher gives
homework to the
d. The teacher tells the
students about the next
e. The teacher closes the
class by saying a prayer.

Communicatin 1.4 Menghasilk a. Students are  A command is an 1. Opening activities: 2x45  Role  http://fitr
II g in English able to imperative sentence that a. Teacher greets the minut Play ianasety
an tuturan

equal to sederhana understand the is used to make an order. students and they es cards a.blogsp
Novice Level yang cukup explanation of  As the patient, respond to it.  Picture
untuk expressions you have to come b. The teacher leads a s 2011/04/
fungsi- used to here to see the prayer.  Power comman
fungsi express doctor. c. The teacher gives point d-and-
dasar. Command and  While waiting for some information and  Video request.h
(Expressio Request. the doctor, you simple examples tml
ns of can sit down first. related to the  https://m
Command b. Students are  When you are in materials that will be u2t.word
and able to use the the hospital, you taught to the students.
Request) expressions of have to be quiet. (When you want to m/2008/
Command and ask something to 04/08/a4
Request  A request is an order that others, what should -
correctly. is made to sound more you say?) expressi
polite by putting word ng-
“please” in front or at the 2. Main Activities: comman
end of a command form. a. Presentation d-and-
 For all of the 1) Students are showed request/
patients, please with a video related to  Pramesti
come here. Command and Request. , Maria
 Until the doctor 2) Students analyze the Regina
is coming, sit expression used in the Dyah.,
down, please. video. Pramono
 For the sake of ,
b. Practice Wirawan
the patients, be
1) Students listen and Sigit.,
quiet, please.
repeat some expressions Suherma
of Command and wan.
 Polite request is a request
Request pronounced by 2008.
that use certain
the teacher. English
2) Students listen to the for SMK
 Will you prepare teacher’s explanation 1.
my medicines,

please? about expressions of Jakarta:

 Can you follow me command and request Pusat
to go to this room, through slides power perbuku
please? point. an
 Could you help me 3) Students try to make Departe
to open this bottle, some command and men
please? request statements. Pendidik
 Would you mind 4) Students read and an
waiting for a answer some questions Indonesi
moment until the based on the dialogue a.
doctor comes, provided by the teacher.  http://w
please? 5) Students discuss their
 Would you be answer with their friends publishi
quite, please! and get feedback from
 Responses for the teacher in order to /content/
Commands and Requests check their pdf/role-
are : comprehension. plays-
6) Students are asked to for-
1. Positive responses create their own today/Ro
 Yes, of course. dialogues guided by the le_Plays
teacher. _downlo
 I’d be glad to.
7) After that, students adable_p
 Certainly.
practice their dialogues ages.pdf
 All right. in pairs.
 Ok.
c. Production
2. Negative responses 1) In pairs, students create
 I’m sorry, I can’t. their own dialogues
 Sorry I can’t. consisting of Command
 I’m sorry, but I have and Request based on the
to… role play cards.
2) Students do the role play

with their partner in front

of the class. (3 minutes
Example of the dialogue: for each group)
(Ani and Jono are working in
hospital. Because they have to 3. Closing Activities:
work until midnight, they are in a. The teacher summarizes
a hurry to go to the hospital in the material being taught
the morning.) and gives feedbacks to
the students.
Ani : Would you mind b. The teacher gives some
helping me for a minute, praises to the active
please? students.
Jono : Of course, what do you c. The teacher gives
want me to do? homework to the
Ani : Could you hold this students.
package while I’m d. The teacher informs the
driving the car? students about the next
Jono : I’d be glad to. What’s
e. The teacher closes the
in this package? It’s
class by saying a prayer.
extremely heavy.
Ani : It’s just some goods
that I have to bring to the
Jono : Alright. But don’t drive
too fast.
Ani : I’m sorry, but we must
get to the hospital on
Jono : Yes, I know, but it’s
dangerous. The traffic is
too heavy.

Ani : Don’t worry! Just hold

the side handles tightly
and you will be safe.

Vocabulary lists:
 Patient
 Doctor
 Package
 Heavy
 Goods
 Drive
 Hospital
 Traffic
 Dangerous


(Cycle I)

School : SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah

Subject : Bahasa Inggris
Class : X (sepuluh)
Standard of competence : Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara
Level Novice.
Language skills : Speaking
Time allocation : 3 x 40 minutes
Basic competence : 1.3 Mendeskripsikan orang dan ciri-ciri.

Indicators : 1. Students are able to understand the explanations

of words used to describe people based on their
professions, nationalities, and physical appearances.
2. Students are able to describe people based on
their professions, nationalities, and physical
appearances correctly.

Purpose of study : 1. Words used to describe people based on their

professions, nationalities, and physical appearances
can be mentioned correctly.

Social characters :

1. Friendly
2. Communicative
3. Curious
4. Honest

Language focus :
1. Expressions used for asking:
a. Country
 What is your original country?
 Where are you from?
 Where do you come from?
b. Profession
 What do you do?
 What is your occupation?
 What is your profession?
c. Physical appearances
 How is the physical appearance of a doctor?
 What is the color of a surgeon’s suit?

2. Expressions used for answering:

a. Country
 My original country is...
 I am from...
 I come from...
b. Profession
 I am a/an...
 My occupation is as a/an...
 My profession is as a/an...
c. Physical appeareance
 He uses a white uniform and brings a
stethoscope around his neck.
 The color of a surgeon’s suit is blue.

3. Table of countries and nationalities

Countries Nationalities
England British
Indonesia Indonesian
China Chinese
Spain Spanish
Portugal Portuguese
Europe European
German, etc. Germany, etc.

4. Examples of adjective phrases:

 The girl who wears the green facial mask is the surgeon
from Japan.
 The young woman in the white suit is the nurse.
 This is the room where you will get your injection.

5. Example of dialogue:

(Nam is a nurse from Thailand who works in Jakarta.

When she joined the International conference held in her
hospital, she met Nina, a new dentist there)

Nam: What is your original country Nin?

Nina: My original country is Indonesia. and you?

Nam: I come from Thailand.

Nina: Well, what do you do in Indonesia?

Nam: I am a nurse. I work in Jakarta International


Nina: So, could you tell me the physical appearances of

the nurses in Thailand? Do they wear the same uniform
as ours?

Nam: Yes, we are as beautiful as nurses in Indonesia. The

uniform is just the same too.

Nina: That was great, then.


1. Where does Nam come from?

2. What is Nina’s profession?
3. How is the physical appeareances of the nurses in

6. Vocabulary lists:
 Occupation
 Surgeon
 Hospital
 Nurse
 Great

Teaching activities:

1. Opening activities:
a. The teacher greets the students and they respond to it.
b. The teacher leads a prayer.
c. The teacher give some information and simple examples
related to the expressions used to ask and answer people’s
country, profession, and physical appearance. (When you go
to the hospital and you see a person wearing white uniform
with stethoscope in his neck, do you know what his
profession is?)

2. Main Activities:
a. Presentation
1) Teacher shows the video about nationality, profession, and
physical appearance.
2) Students analyze the video.

b. Practice
1) Students respond to the teacher’s question by describing
people about their profession, nationality and physical
appearance orally.
2) Students listen to the teacher’s explanation about the
expressions used to ask and answer people’s nationality,
job, and physical appearance through slides power point.
3) Students try to arrange a conversation using the given
4) Students are showed with the example of adjective phrases
related to the topics being discussed.
5) After that, students read and try to answer the questions
based on the dialogue given by the teacher to check their
6) Students discussed their answers with the teacher.
7) Students are asked to create their own dialogues guided by
the teacher.
8) After that, students practice the dialogue.

c. Production
1) In pairs, students create their own dialogue consisting of
some expressions used to ask people’s nationality, job, and
physical appearance based on the role play cards.
2) Students act their own dialogues out with their partner in
front of the class.

3. Closing Activities:
a. The teacher summarizes the material being taught and gives
feedbacks to the students.
b. The teacher gives some praises to the active students.
c. The teacher gives homework to the students.
d. The teacher tells the students about the next topic.
e. The teacher closes the class by saying a prayer.

Scoring :

1. Oral test:
 Describing people’s profession, nationality, and
physical appeareance based on the role play card.

Media : Role play cards, pictures, power point, video.

References :

1. Modul media pembelajaran, Acuan mengajar Bahasa

Inggris untuk SMK/MAK.

Mengetahui Klaten, 20 Oktober 2015

Guru Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa

Sri Lestari, S.Pd. Indah Permatasari

NBM. 843 833 NIM. 12202241026

Slides Power Points:


Students’ Worksheet:

Joining The Health Conference Role Plays for Today

Student A– Common Target language

People What is your profession?
You are a s t u d e n t o f n u r s i n g p r o g r a m m e w h o joins an What is your occupation?
International Health Conference at Jakarta. Choose one of the
What do you do?
jobs from the chart and ask the doctor the answers to these
What is your originally country?
Where are you from?
• What is your profession (expertise)?
What does he look?
• Where are you from?
• How do the look of people in your surroundings (the uniform,

Joining The Health Conference Role Plays for Today

Look at the table below. It describes five common jobs at the

hospital. Complete the table using the information from the

Duties people’s teeth injured

giving birth medicines

Jobs Duties Appeareance (Genre)

Dentist A doctor who is trained in dentistry and working in dentist’s. Male/Female

Their job is to threating (a)____________.

Psychiatrist A doctor who is also trained in (b)_________. Their job is to help Male/Female
people who has a special mental disorder.

Midwife A woman who is trained to help woman when they are Female

Nurse A person whose job is to care for people who are ill or (d)________, Male/Female
especially in a hospital

Pharmacist A person who is trained to prepare (e)________ and who works in a Male/Female
hospital or shop

• Do you agree with all this description? • Which of these jobs have you met over the last year?
• Do you have any other description of the jobs?

Joining The Health Role Plays for today

Student B – Health Conference

You are the health practitioner. Listen to student A, who
will ask you some question. Target language
My originally country is...
• Answer questions using the Target language expressions. I am from...
• Tell the student what she want to know. I come from...
I am a/an...
My occupation is as a/an...
My profession is as a/an...
Try to remember without looking at the chart.
We wear...
We use... as our equipment.
We often help the patients to...

(Cycle II)

School : SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah

Subject : Bahasa Inggris
Class : X (sepuluh)
Standard of competence : Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara
Level Novice.
Language skills : Speaking
Time allocation : 3 x 40 minutes

Basic competence : 1.4 Menghasilkan tuturan sederhana yang cukup

untuk fungsi-fungsi dasar. (Expressions of
Command and Request)

Indicators : 1. Students are able to understand the explanation

of expressions used to express Command and
2. Students are able to use the expressions of
Command and Request correctly.

Purpose of study : 1. Expressions used to express command and

request can be used correctly.

Social characters :

1. Friendly
2. Communicative
3. Curious
4. Honest

Language focus :
 A command is an imperative sentence that is used to make an order.
 As the patient, you have to come here to see the doctor.
 While waiting for the doctor, you can sit down first.
 When you are in the hospital, you have to be quiet.

 A request is an order that is made to sound more polite by putting word

“please” in front or at the end of a command form.
 For all of the patients, please come here.
 Until the doctor is coming, sit down, please.
 For the sake of the patients, be quiet, please.
 Polite request is a request that use certain expressions:
 Will you prepare my medicines, please?
 Can you follow me to go to this room, please?
 Could you help me to open this bottle, please?
 Would you mind waiting for a moment until the doctor comes,
 Would you be quite, please!

 Responses for Commands and Requests are :

1. Positive responses
 Yes, of course.
 I’d be glad to.
 Certainly.
 All right.
 Ok.
2. Negative responses
 I’m sorry, I can’t.
 Sorry I can’t.
 I’m sorry, but I have to…

 Example of the dialogue:

(Ani and Jono are working in hospital. Because they have to work until
midnight, they are in a hurry to go to the hospital in the morning.)

Ani : Would you mind helping me for a minute, please?

Jono : Of course, what do you want me to do?
Ani : Could you hold this package while I’m driving the car?
Jono : I’d be glad to. What’s in this package? It’s extremely heavy.
Ani : It’s just some goods that I have to bring to the hospital.
Jono : Alright. But don’t drive too fast.
Ani : I’m sorry, but we must get to the hospital on time.

Jono : Yes, I know, but it’s dangerous. The traffic is too heavy.
Ani : Don’t worry! Just hold the side handles tightly and you will be

1. Who are Ani and Jono?

2. Why were they in a hurry?
3. Mention the expressions of command and request that appeared in the
4. Why were Ani ask Jono to hold her package?
5. “The traffic is too heavy”. What does the statement mean?

 Vocabulary lists:
 Patient
 Doctor
 Package
 Heavy
 Goods
 Drive
 Hospital
 Traffic
 Dangerous

Teaching activities:

1. Opening activities:
a. The teacher greets the students and they respond to it.
b. The teacher leads a prayer.
c. The teacher gives some information and simple examples
related to the materials that will be taught to the students.
(When you want to ask something to others, what should you

2. Main Activities:
a. Presentation
1) Students are showing with a video related to Command and
2) Students analyze the expression used in the video.

b. Practice
1) Students listen and repeat some expressions of Command and
Request pronounced by the teacher.
2) Students listen to the teacher’s explanation about expressions
of command and request through slides power point.
3) Students try to make some command and request statements.
4) Students read and answer some questions based on the
dialogue provided by the teacher.
5) Students discuss their answer with their friends and get
feedback from the teacher in order to check their
6) Students are asked to create their own dialogues guided by
the teacher.
7) After that, students practice their dialogues in pairs.

c. Production
1) In pairs, students create their own dialogues consisting of
Command and Request based on the role play cards.
2) Students do the role play with their partner in front of the
class. (3 minutes for each group)

3. Closing Activities:
a. The teacher summarizes the material being taught and gives
feedbacks to the students.
b. The teacher gives some praises to the active students.
c. The teacher gives homework to the students.
d. The teacher informs the students about the next topic.
e. The teacher closes the class by saying a prayer.

Scoring :

1. Oral test:
 Creating a dialogue using the expressions of
command and request based on the role play cards.

Media : Role play cards, pictures, power point, video.


References :

3. Pramesti, Maria Regina Dyah., Pramono, Wirawan Sigit.,
Suhermawan. 2008. English for SMK 1. Jakarta: Pusat perbukuan
Departemen Pendidikan Indonesia.

Mengetahui, Klaten, 06 Novemver 2015

Guru Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa

Sri Lestari, S.Pd. Indah Permatasari

NBM. 843 833 NIM. 12202241026

Slides Power Point:


Students’ Worksheet:

Visiting the Doctor Role Plays for Today

Student A – Patient Target language

You are a patient at your local doctor’s surgery. Choose one of It started… (a week ago).
the illnesses from the chart and tell the doctor the answers to I feel… (tired, hot, etc.).
these questions: I had an accident when…
• How, when and where did it start? It hurts here.
I’ve got… (a sore throat, a swollen ankle).
• What symptoms have you got? I can’t… walk / sleep
• Have you taken any medicine or done anything else to help? Is it serious?
What should I do?
Student B will try to provide the correct diagnosis. At the end
tell student B if s/he was correct about the illness.

Look at the table below. It describes seven common reasons for
going to the doctor. Complete the table using the information
from the boxes.

Symptoms diarrhoea red eyes

a sore throat can’t move my hand a swollen ankle
can’t sleep (insomnia)

Advice prescription medicine go to hospital take vitamin C

don’t eat anything use crutches
take paracetamol

Illness/Complaint Cause Symptoms Advice

a cold a virus, usually caught a runny nose, keep warm, get some rest,
through contact or a) , b)
sneezing a cough

the ‘flu a virus, usually caught as for a cold, also a high go to bed,
through contact or temperature, aching bones and c)
sneezing head for the temperature and the aches

food poisoning eating food that isn’t stomach ache, vomiting, e)

fresh d) for 24 hours, get some rest,
drink water

stress too many problems, f) , take sleeping pills, take a long

especially at work worrying too much, holiday, change your job!
loss of appetite

a broken arm a serious fall, a very strong pain in my arm, h) ,

(e.g. off a ladder) g) set arm in plaster

a sprained ankle an unexpected fall, i) , bandage the ankle

(e.g. when playing can’t walk j) ,
football) get plenty of rest

hay fever an allergy to flowers a runny nose, l) ,

and plants in summer k) stay away from parks and gardens

• Do you agree with all this advice? • Which of these complaints have you had over the last year?
• Do you have any other advice for these complaints? • Did you go to the doctor?

Visiting the Doctor Role Plays for Today

Student B – Doctor
You are the doctor. Listen to student A, who will describe
her/his symptoms. Target language
What seems to be the problem?
• Ask questions using the Target language expressions.
Does it hurt here?
• Tell the patient what you think the illness is. Is the pain getting worse?
• Give the patient some advice. Do you have… (a cough, a temperature, a swollen ankle)?
Can you… (move your hand, go near parks and flowers)?
Are you allergic to anything?
Try to remember without looking at the chart. At the end,
I think you have…
student A will tell you if your diagnosis was correct.
You should / shouldn’t…
Try (not) to…(verb)



Have you ever gone to a Health Centre? Tell your

friend about it. Work in pairs and take turns. You

may use the questions below.

 What do you know about a health centre?

 Where did you go?

 Can you differentiate between a doctor and a nurse?

 How was the circumstance there?

 With whom did you go to the Health Centre?

 What did you do while you were there?

 Will you plan to work in a hospital?



You are a student from America. While You are a pharmacist in Indonesia.
studying in Indonesia, your teacher Your responsibilities are to prepare and
wants you to ask some questions to an sell medicines in a pharmacy.
Indonesian pharmacist. You want to
know about his duties and the physical
appearances of people in his/her

You are a student from Indonesia who You are a surgeon from Japan. Your
is joining the International Health duty is to do the operation. You are the
Conference in Japan. You have to ask first surgeon who has successfully done
some doctors in that conference. You the heart transplantation there.
want to know about their expertise,
their nationality, and the physical
appearances of people in their

You are a student from England. You You are an Indonesian midwife. You
want to know about midwives in work in a small clinic. Your duty is to
Indonesia. You want to know about help woman when they are giving birth.
their duties and physical appearances.


You are a psychiatrist. You meet with a You are a patient who has been
patient who has been suffering from suffering from stress. You want to meet
stress. As a psychiatrist, you have to get a psychiatrist. When you meet her, you
a lot of information about your patient’s tell the symptoms that you feel.
symptoms. After that, you tell your
patient about what he should and
shouldn’t do.

You are a dentist. You meet a patient You are a patient who has toothache.
who has toothache. As a dentist, you You want to meet a dentist. When you
have to know about the symptoms of meet him, you tell the symptoms that
your patient. After that, you have to tell you feel.
your patient about what she should and
shouldn’t do.

You are a doctor. You meet a patient You are a patient who gets
who gets stomachache. You want to stomachache. You meet a doctor at the
know about the symptoms of your hospital. You tell her the symptoms of
patient’s disease. Then, you tell her your disease.
about what she should and shouldn’t



No. Aspects Descriptions Range of Score

Control of grammar is good, can be Very
understood by others and have good
confident control of the grammar.
Control of grammar is good, can be
understood by others even though
Good 4
with less sufficient structural
Grammar accuracy.
1. Errors in grammar are quite often, can
be understood by others, have less Moderate 3
confident control of grammar.
Errors in grammar are frequent but
still can be understood by others. Poor 2
Errors in grammar are frequent and
cannot be understood by others Very poor 1

Rich of vocabulary, idioms either in Very

formal or informal conversations, can good
understand the conversation.
Rich of vocabulary and can
understand the conversation. Good 4

2. Vocabulary Have sufficient vocabulary to speak

the language and understand the Moderate 3
Poor of vocabulary but still can
understand the conversation. Poor 2
Poor of vocabulary and cannot
Very poor 1
understand the conversation.
Can understand any conversation Very
context without many repetitions, 5
slowed speech, or paraphrase.

Can understand any conversation

context with slowed speech or Good 4
3. Comprehension
Can understand some conversation
contexts with repetitions, slowed Moderate 3
speech, or paraphrase.

Hard to understand some conversation

contexts without repetitions, slowed Poor 2
speech, or paraphrase.

Cannot understand any conversation

context even with repetitions, slowed Very poor 1
speech, or paraphrase.

Be able to speak in normal speed Very

without too many fillers, oneself good
correction, and hesitation.
Be able to speak in normal speed with
some fillers and oneself correction, Good
without hesitation.
Be able to speak in slowed speed with
4. Fluency many fillers, oneself correction but Moderate 3
have enough confidence.
Be able to speak in slowed speed with
hesitation and filler and oneself Poor 2
Hard to speak in slowed speed, using
many fillers, oneself correction, and Very poor 1
Speaking without errors in Very
pronunciation, good accent, confident, good
and can be understood by others.
Speaking with fewer errors in
pronunciation, can be understood by
Good 4
others, using good accent and
Speaking with fewer errors in
5. Pronunciation
pronunciation, can be understood by Moderate 3
others, less confident.
Speaking with many errors in
pronunciation still can be understood Poor 2
by others, less confident.
Speaking with many errors in
pronunciation, cannot be understood Very poor 1
by others, less confident.
Total score 25x4=
(This speaking rubric was adapted from Brown; 2004, 172-173, and has been
modified based on the students’ needs)


Table of Students' Pre-test Scores

(The ones who scored the students’ performances were both of
the researcher and the English teacher)

No. Name Sum
1. Ahyu Restu Nofia 1 2 3 2 1 9
2. Ajeng Aulia 2 3 3 2 3 13
3. Alecia Eka S 2 2 2 2 1 9
4. Atik Nur Hayati 1 2 3 2 1 9
5. Daniya Salma A 3 2 2 1 2 10
6. Etik Wulandari 2 2 2 2 2 10
7. Ika Wahyu S 2 2 3 2 3 12
Inayah Riva’i Nur
8. 3 2 2 2 3 12
Ikh Sani
9. Indah Dyah A 3 3 3 2 3 14
10. Inge Marngatu M 2 2 2 3 3 12
11. Kus Nurjannah 1 2 2 1 1 7
Lambang Wahyu
12. 2 2 2 1 2 9
13. Lastri 2 2 2 2 3 11
14. Nia Purwaningsih 2 3 3 2 2 12
15. Noviana Eka Sani 2 2 2 2 1 9
16. Pungky Ayu D 2 2 2 2 2 10
17. Rahmawati 2 2 2 2 1 9
18. 2 3 2 2 3 12
19. Rury Widyastuti 1 2 2 2 1 8
Shinta Devy
20. 1 2 2 2 2 9
21. Vanila Nur s 2 2 2 2 2 10
22. Wahyuni 1 2 2 1 2 8
Sum 41 48 50 41 44 224

Table of Students' Post-test Scores (Cycle I)

(The ones who scored the students’ performances were both of
the researcher and the English teacher)

No. Name Sum
Ahyu Restu
1. 3 4 4 3 3 17
2. Ajeng Aulia 4 2 4 2 2 14
3. Alecia Eka S 3 3 3 2 2 13
4. Atik Nur Hayati 3 3 4 2 2 14
5. Daniya Salma A 4 3 4 3 3 17
6. Etik Wulandari 4 4 4 4 4 20
7. Ika Wahyu S 3 3 4 2 2 14
Inayah Riva’i
8. 3 3 4 2 2 14
Nur Ikh Sani
9. Indah Dyah A 4 3 4 4 4 19
10. Inge Marngatu M 3 3 3 4 4 17
11. Kus Nurjannah 2 3 3 2 2 12
Lambang Wahyu
12. 4 3 4 3 3 17
13. Lastri 3 2 4 3 3 15
14. 3 2 4 2 2 13
Noviana Eka
15. 3 3 4 2 4 16
16. Pungky Ayu D 4 3 4 2 2 15
17. Rahmawati 4 3 4 2 3 16
18. 4 3 4 3 4 18
19. Rury Widyastuti 3 3 4 2 4 16
Shinta Devy
20 4 3 4 3 3 17
21. Vanila Nur s 3 3 4 2 3 15
22. Wahyuni 4 2 4 2 2 14
Sum 75 64 85 56 63 343

Table of Students' Post-test Scores (Cycle II)

(The ones who scored the students’ performances were both of the
researcher and the English teacher)

No. Name Sum
Ahyu Restu
1. 4 4 4 4 3 19
2. Ajeng Aulia 4 2 4 2 3 15
3. Alecia Eka S 4 4 5 3 4 20
4. Atik Nur Hayati 3 3 4 2 2 14
5. Daniya Salma A 4 4 4 3 4 19
6. Etik Wulandari 4 4 4 4 4 20
7. Ika Wahyu S 3 3 3 3 3 15
Inayah Riva’i
8. 4 3 4 3 3 17
Nur Ikh Sani
9. Indah Dyah A 4 4 4 4 4 20
Inge Marngatu
10. 4 3 3 4 4 18
11. Kus Nurjannah 4 4 4 2 2 16
Lambang Wahyu
12. 4 3 4 3 3 17
13. Lastri 4 3 4 3 3 17
14. 3 3 4 2 2 14
Noviana Eka
15. 4 4 4 3 4 19
16. Pungky Ayu D 4 4 4 3 2 17
17. Rahmawati 4 4 4 2 3 17
18. 4 4 4 3 4 19
19. Rury Widyastuti 3 3 4 3 4 17
Shinta Devy
20. 4 3 4 4 4 19
21. Vanila Nur s 4 4 4 3 3 18
22. Wahyuni 4 3 4 2 2 15
Sum 84 76 87 65 70 382


Teaching and Learning Process at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah

(Cycle 1, October 30th, 2015)

Teaching and Learning Yes/No

Time Reason
Activities Yes No
1. Opening activities
a. Teacher greets the 3
students and they respond minutes
to it.
b. The teacher leads a prayer.
c. The teacher gives some
information and simple
examples related to the
expressions used to ask
and answer people’s
country, profession, and
physical appearance.
(When you go to the
hospital and you see a
person wearing white
uniform with stethoscope
in his neck, do you know
what his profession is?)

2. Main Activities
a. Presentation
1) Teacher shows the 6
video about nationality, minutes
profession, and
physical appearance. 3
2) Students analyze the minutes
video. (Students
observe the expressions
used in the video)
b. Practice minutes
1) Students respond to the
teacher’s question by
describing people about 10
their profession, minutes
nationality and physical
appearance orally.
2) Students listen to the
teacher’s explanation 5

about the expressions minutes

used to ask and answer
people’s nationality, 3
job, and physical minutes
appearance through
slides power point.
3) Students try to arrange 5
a conversation using minutes
the given expressions.
4) Students are showed
with the example of 5
adjective phrases minutes
related to the topics
being discussed.
5) After that, students read 20
and try to answer the minutes
questions based on the
dialogue given by the 12
teacher. minutes
6) Students discussed their
answers with their
friends and get
feedback from the
teacher in order to 35
check their minutes
7) Students are asked to
create their own
dialogues guided by the 40
teacher. minutes
8) After that, students
practice the dialogues
in pairs.

c. Production
1) In pair, students create
their own dialogues
consisting of some
expressions used to ask
people’s nationality,
job, and physical
appearance based on
the role play cards.
2) Students do the role
play with their partner

in front of the class.

(max. 3 minutes for
each group)
Closing activities
a. Teacher summarizes the 3
material being taught and minutes
gives feedbacks to the
b. Teacher gives some praises
to the active students.
c. Teacher gives homework
to the students.
d. Teacher tells the students
about the next topic.
e. Teacher closes the class by
saying a prayer.

Teaching and Learning Process at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Klaten Tengah

(Cycle 2, November 6th, 2015)

Teaching and Learning Yes/No

Time Reason
Activities Yes No
1. Opening activities:
a. Teacher greets the 3
students and they minutes
respond to it.
b. The teacher leads a
c. The teacher gives
some information and
simple examples
related to the
materials that will be
taught to the students.
(When you want to
ask something to
others, what should
you say?)
2. Main Activities:
a. Presentation
1) Students are showed 6
with a video related to minutes
Command and Request.
2) Students analyze the 3
expression used in the minutes

b. Practice
1) Students listen and 5
repeat some expressions minutes
of Command and
Request pronounced by
the teacher. 10
2) Students listen to the minutes
teacher’s explanation
about expressions of 5
command and request minutes

through slides power

point. 5
3) Students try to make minutes
some command and
request statements. 5
4) Students read and minutes
answer some questions
based on the dialogue
provided by the teacher. 20
5) Students discuss their minutes
answer with their friends
and get feedback from 15
the teacher in order to minutes
check their
6) Students are asked to
create their own
dialogues guided by the 45
teacher. minutes
7) After that, students
practice their dialogues
in pairs.
c. Production minutes
1) In pair, students create
their own dialogues
consisting of Command
and Request based on the
role play cards.
2) Students do the role play
with their partner in front
of the class. (max. 3
minutes for each group)

3. Closing Activities:
a. Teacher summarizes the 3
material being taught and minutes
gives feedbacks to the
b. Teacher gives some

praises to the active

c. Teacher gives homework
to the students.
d. Teacher informs the
students about the next
e. Teacher closes the class
by saying a prayer..


A. For students
1. Do you have any difficulties in speaking English?
2. When there is someone who speaks in English, can you understand him/her?
3. How about your English? Can you speak in English fluently?
4. Do you have lots of vocabulary in English?
5. Have you ever confuse about how to pronounce English words?
6. Tell me about the speaking activity you like best.
7. Why did you like the activity?
8. When did you usually practice your English?
9. In what place did you usually feel cozy in practicing your English?
 Classroom
 Home
 Others
10. Do you know what role play is?
11. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
12. So what you are saying is...?

B. For teacher
1. Could you please tell me about the speaking activity that you like best in
teaching the students?
2. Why did you choose the activity?
3. Did you face any difficulties in applying the activity to the students?
4. What kinds of solutions that you used to overcome the problems?
5. Have you ever tried to use the other speaking activities?
6. Have you ever used role play?
7. What do you think of role play?
8. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
9. So what you are saying is...?


The researcher does the classroom observation.

The students perform their dialogue on the pre-test.

The researcher deliveres the materials to the students.


The students work together in completing the worksheet.

The researcher assists the students in creating their dialogues.

The students perform their role play on post-test.



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