Win More b2b Sales Deals PDF
Win More b2b Sales Deals PDF
Win More b2b Sales Deals PDF
B2B Sales
How sales delivers more value
to today’s buyers
Brent Adamson‚ Principal Executive Advisor
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04 09 13
The New B2B The Role of How Sales Wins
Buying Journey Information in the Through Information
Purchase Process
Remember when the hardest part of the B2B sale was To provide customers with greater value across the purchase
cold-calling? Or waiting for your contact to meet with process‚ sales leaders first need to recognize just how
procurement? Those were the days. B2B sales have rarely different buying has become. Within that new reality‚ they
been simple‚ but the demands of the modern B2B buyer must address what customers actually need to complete
have made getting access to buyers increasingly hard. a purchase to their satisfaction and‚ as a result‚ how to equip
In fact‚ it’s turned sales on its head. reps differently to succeed.
The New B2B Buying Journey
Buying today
Today’s B2B buying involves more stakeholders than ever The buying journey explained
before. The median B2B buying group involves six to 10 For the past five years‚ Gartner researchers‚ working with
decision makers‚ each armed with four or five pieces of sales leaders‚ have made significant progress in mapping
information they have gathered for themselves. The purchase their respective customer journeys through a typical
process grinds to a slow crawl as buyers struggle to wade purchase. As helpful as those buying journey maps are‚
through all of their individual research and sufficiently most still lack the requisite tactical detail to provide the
deconflict the results to reach collective agreement on kind of valuable help customers need to significantly reduce
a concrete course of action. individual points of buying difficulty. The linear representation
of buying just doesn’t cut it anymore‚ from both the seller
“The hardest part of B2B solutions isn’t selling them‚
and buyer perspective.
but buying them‚” says Brent Adamson‚ principal executive
advisor at Gartner. “Today’s buying journey has effectively In an effort to develop a more detailed picture of where
reached a tipping point where it’s become nearly unnavigable buying becomes hard‚ Gartner researchers interviewed senior
without a significant amount of help.” leaders directly involved in buying a complex B2B solution
in their own organization and applied a jobs-to-be-done
framework to understand their buying journey.
77% of buyers agree that The result: Virtually every B2B purchase spans six distinct
purchases have become “jobs” that buyers must complete to their satisfaction to
The Role of
in the Purchase
The Role of Information in the Purchase Process
Information matters
Given that customers spend roughly two-thirds of any B2B Information helps buyers complete each job because it is:
buying journey learning from whatever information they can
find‚ the type of information they encounter matters. It actually
Despite increasing numbers of stakeholders‚
matters more than a specific supplier capability or individual
information can easily be shared across time
sales conversation. Quite frankly‚ customers don’t have
and geography. Information can move between
a preference between seller and digital channels — they just
stakeholders with little difficulty‚ zero delays
want simplicity to access the right information for their job
and at almost no cost.
at hand.
In other words‚ information‚ not individuals‚ makes the Channel-agnostic
purchase process easier. Customers can access information across channels
and consume it when‚ where and how they prefer.
Information empowers customers to seek out
information without having to engage a seller.
“When we think of the unique attributes
of information relative to an individual‚
we find information can do things that
individuals cannot.”
3 Consistent
Information remains consistent across delivery
channels so it conveys the same story every
time. In this respect‚ information is scalable at
a consistently high quality.
Brent Adamson
Principal Executive Advisor‚ Gartner Targeted
Information helps customers complete their specific
critical buying jobs.
Prescriptive advice largely takes the form
of “do this” or “don’t do this” recommendations
specifically designed to ease customers’ buying
burdens across the six jobs.
When buyer enablement combines prescriptive advice Another marketing technology company provides a
and practical support at multiple points across jobs‚ it customizable calculator that enables buyers to easily quantify
becomes a powerful tool for sales to drive customers to buy their needs (addressing “problem identification”) and share
their solutions. Not only does information help customers the results with other stakeholders (“building consensus”).
perceive a job as easier‚ but information also helps customers
successfully buy a solution‚ reducing later regret. The sales organization must assess and design the collection
or ecosystem of the specific type of information‚ or buyer
One marketing technology company designed a tool to help enablement‚ it provides to customers at any time during
customers easily build and customize a compelling business the buying process. This information must be available
case for its product. The tool helps the buyer articulate consistently and across channels‚ as customers use different
and share the case for the solution with other stakeholders channels to learn. They often use both sales reps and online
in the organization — giving them a big head start on the information for each job‚ making sales and information
“consensus creation” job. critically interdependent.
How Sales
Wins Through
How Sales Wins Through Information
Talent Requirements
Sales organizations that design their buyer enablement Buyer enablement anticipates customer buying obstacles
approaches well rely less on the ability of individual reps to and forces sellers to take a customer-centric view during
provide buyers with helpful information. Targeted information conversations. This type of rich content presents the most
for individual buyers requires less in-the-moment critical important issues and ideas that may not have been surfaced
thinking‚ which lessens the burden to hire for or train specific by either the seller or customer on their own. It also helps
rep capabilities. Instead‚ high-quality purchase information to quantify the economic impact of tough decisions to
is scalable across buyers and jobs. By using the right facilitate taking action.
information at the right time to help customers complete
any of the six jobs‚ sales reps create fewer sales skills
demands and ease the complex purchase process for
their buyers.
them with the right information is the recipe for success‚”
Information authority: These reps are known as
says Adamson.
experts who provide their informed opinion based
on individual experience‚ and deliver advice from
a personal perspective to buyers. These reps likely
have risen to the top of the sales organization The “information connector”
as managers and subject matter experts because increases the likelihood of
of their in-depth knowledge.
purchase ease by 40%‚ while
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