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Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Home Service Providing BS (IT)

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Imran Shahzad


Nabeel Ahmad Chishti 15-Arid-4061

Shahbaz Ahmad 15-Arid-4072
Muhammad Najaf 15-Arid-4051



Dedicated to our beloved parents, our teachiss, most importantly

to our supervisor ‘Imran Shahzad’ and to all those, whose prayers
are always pave to the success for us.


It is declared that this is an original piece of my own work, except whise othiswise
acknowledged in text and references. This work has not been submitted in any form
for anothis degree or diploma at any university or othis institution for tertiary
education and shall not be submitted by me in future for obtaining any degree from
this or any othis University or Institution.

Nabeel Ahmad Chishti


Shahbaz Ahmad

Muhammad Najaf

July 2019

It is certified that the project titled “Online H.S.P System” carried out by Nabeel
Ahmad Chishti (15-Arid-4061) Shahbaz Ahmad (15-Arid-4072) & Muhammad Najaf
(15-Arid-4051) under the supervision of Imran Shahzad, Barani Institute of Sciences
Sahiwal, is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a final year project for the
degree of BS of Information Technology.

Supervisor: -------------------------
Imran Shahzad
Department of Computer Science
Barani Institute of Sciences Sahiwal

Internal Examiner 1: -------------------------

Rao Nadeem
Department of Computer Science
Barani Institute of Sciences Sahiwal

Internal Examiner 2: -------------------------

Shafiq ur Rehman
Department of Computer Science
Barani Institute of Sciences Sahiwal

Project Coordinator: -------------------------

Imran Shehzad
Department of Computer Science
Barani Institute of Sciences Sahiwal

Dean: -------------------------
Prof. Dr. Khalid Hussain Usmani
Department of Computer Science
Barani Institute of Sciences Sahiwal


Thanks to Almighty Allah for blessing us such knowledge, power and strength to
achieve this mission. We gained a lot of knowledge by performing this task and it
will surely advantage us in the future life. Our many friends assisted us throughout
the project but we appreciate the assistance and support of Imran Shahzad, PMAS
Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, who help out us in all the stages of this
project. His direction helped us a lot during difficulties. In the end we would like to
appreciate all the friends for their support and inspiration.


This project aims to develop and design an Online Home Service Providing. It
presents user-friendly features that will familiarize user on the online H.S.P system,
evaluate it and highlight the benefits. A customer can get stranded in the quest to
secure a H.S.P products to pass the night if he has not made adequate plans by the
existing system.
Through this study, it was realized that for a customer to be guaranteed a products, he
or she has to physically come to the H.S.P since the attendants paid more attention to
that. He could also send a friend or relative who lives around the near to the H.S.P to
do the booking for him. This is nothing to bond the H.S.P and the customer in person
that he has indeed booked for a products.
We have looked at creating an online system to enable customers choose the products
they wanted after a virtual tour to guarantee him a products. It also provided online
security to protect privacy and financial information of clients. Online H.S.P System
in this system developer had tried to remove all the problems that has been faced
while using manual H.S.P products booking system.
In manual system executive and customers feeling problem to find the products that
are available in the H.S.P but in current system they can easily find the details on a
single click in this system.

DEDICATION ...................................................................................... ii

DECLARATION ................................................................................. iii

CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL ....................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...................................................................... v

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................ vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................... vii

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................. xi

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................. xii

Chapter 1 ............................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1

1.1 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................... 1

1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM .............................................................. 2

1.3 PURPOSE OF PROJECT ...................................................................... 2

1.4 GOALS OF RESEARCH ...................................................................... 3

1.5 MAIN FEATURES & SCOPE OF PROJECT ...................................... 4

1.5.1 Main Features ................................................................................. 4

1.5.2 Project Scope.................................................................................. 4

1.5.3 Project Modules ............................................................................. 5

1.6 SUMMARY…………. .......................................................................... 5

Chapter 2…….…………………….………………………...……...…6

LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................ 6

2.1 RELATED TECHNOLOGIES .............................................................. 6

2.1.1 Central System………...…………………..…….......6

2.1.2 Computer Based Information System……………..………….…..7
2.2 RELATED PROJECTS………………………………………….….…7

2.2.1 System For Shangri-La H.S.P………………….……7

2.2.2 System For H.S.P Swiss-Garden……...……..……....8
2.3 RELATED STUDIES…………………..……………………….……..8


2.5 SUMMARY………………………………………………..…….…...10

Chapter 3……………………………………………………………..12

TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES ............................................................................... 12

3.1 HARDWARE USED WITH SPECIFICATIONS ............................... 12

3.2 SOFTWARE(S), SIMULATION TOOL(S) USED ............................ 12

3.2.1 Visual Studio ................................................................................ 11

3.2.2 SQL Server Management Studio ................................................. 12

3.2.3 ASP.NET MVC ........................................................................... 13

3.2.4 Waterfall Model ........................................................................... 14

3.3 SUMMARY ......................................................................................... 14

Chapter 4……………………………………….………………...…..16

METHODOLOGIES ............................................................................................. 16

4.1 DESIGN OF INVESTIGATIONS ....................................................... 16

4.1.1 Use Case Diagram ........................................................................ 16

4.1.2 Sequence Diagram ....................................................................... 17

4.1.3 Activity Diagram .......................................................................... 18

4.1.4 Class Diagram .............................................................................. 19

4.2 ANALYSIS PROCEDURES .............................................................. .20

4.2.1 Requirement Analysis .................................................................. 20

4.2.2 Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) ............................... 20

4.2.3 Purpose ......................................................................................... 20

4.2.4 Specification Requirement ........................................................... 20 Functional Requirements ................................................... 20 Non-Functional Requirments ........................................ ….21


4.3.1 Details About Hardware………. …………..……………...…….22

4.3.2 Tools…….…………..………..……..…………………………...22
4.3.3 Technologies ................................................................................ 22

4.3.4 Software Requirements ................................................................ 22

4.4 SYSTEM USE-CASES........................................................................ 23

4.5 PROJECT SCREENSHOTS ................................................................ 35

4.6 SUMMARY ......................................................................................... 41

Chapter 5……………………….………………………………….....42

SYSTEM TESTING .............................................................................................. 42

5.1 OBJECTIVE TESTING....................................................................... 42

5.2 USABILITY TESTING ....................................................................... 42

5.3 SOFTWARE PERFORMANCE TESTING ........................................ 43

5.4 COMPATIBILITY TESTING ............................................................. 43

5.5 LOAD TESTING ................................................................................. 44

5.6 SECURITY TESTING ........................................................................ 44

5.7 INTEGRATION TESTING ................................................................. 45

5.8 TEST CASES....................................................................................... 45

5.8.1 Login Module Testing .................................................................. 45

5.8.2 Registration Module Testing ........................................................ 47

5.8.3 Integration Testing For Login, Register & Products Book .......... 48

5.8.4 Complete System Testing ............................................................ 49

5.9 SUMMARY ......................................................................................... 49

Chapter 6 ............................................................................................. 49

RESULTS AND CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 49

6.1 PRESENTATION OF THE FINDINGS ............................................. 49

6.1.1 Hardware Results………………………….……………………..49

6.1.2 Software Results…………………………………...….……........49
6.2 DISCUSSION OF THE FINDINGS……………………………..…...50

6.2.1 Comparison With Initial Goal…...…………………….…….......50

6.2.2 Reasoning For Short Comings…………………….……………..50
6.3 LIMITATIONS ............................................................. …..……….…50

6.4 RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................... 50

6.5 SUMMARY ......................................................................................... 50

6.6 CONCLUSION .................................................................................... 51

Chapter 7 ............................................................................................. 52

FUTURE WORK ................................................................................................... 52

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 54

Figure 3.1: Visual Studio ....................................................................................... 12

Figure 3.2: SSMS ................................................................................................... 12

Figure 3.3: Waterfall Model................................................................................... 14

Figure 4.1: Use Case Diagram ............................................................................... 16

Figure 4.2: Sequence Diagram ............................................................................... 17

Figure 4.3: Activity Diagram ................................................................................. 18

Figure 4.4: Class Diagram ..................................................................................... 19

Figure 4.5: Sign Up ................................................................................................ 36

Figure 4.6: Log In .................................................................................................. 36

Figure 4.7: Admin Panel ........................................................................................ 37

Figure 4.8: Home Screen ....................................................................................... 37

Figure 4.9: Search Screen ...................................................................................... 38

Figure 4.10: H.S.P Details ..................................................................................... 38

Figure 4.11: Payment /Booking Screen ................................................................. 39

Figure 4.12: Contact Us ......................................................................................... 39

Figure 4.13: About Us ............................................................................................ 40

Figure 4.14: Confirmation Screen .......................................................................... 40

Figure 5.1: Usability Testing ................................................................................. 42

Figure 5.2: Software Performance Testing ............................................................ 43

Figure 5.3: Compatibility Testing .......................................................................... 43

Figure 5.4: Load Testing ........................................................................................ 44

Figure 5.5: Security Testing ................................................................................... 44

Figure 5.6: Integration Testing............................................................................... 45

Table 1.1: Proposed Solution ................................................................................... 3

Table 4.1: Sign Up ................................................................................................. 24

Table 4.2: Login ..................................................................................................... 25

Table 4.3: Search H.S.Ps ........................................................................................ 26

Table 4.4: View Availability .................................................................................. 27

Table 4.5: View Price............................................................................................. 28

Table 4.6: View Discounts ..................................................................................... 29

Table 4.7: Reserve Products................................................................................... 30

Table 4.8: Make Payment ...................................................................................... 31

Table 4.9: Update Products Dates .......................................................................... 32

Table 4.10: Update Prices ...................................................................................... 33

Table 4.11: Update Discount Details ..................................................................... 34

Table 5.1: Login Module Testing .......................................................................... 46

Table 5.2: Registration Module Testing ................................................................ 47

Table 5.3: Integration Testing ................................................................................ 48

Table 5.4: Complete System Testing ..................................................................... 49

Chapter 1


This project is a web based shopping system for an existing shop. The project
objective is to deliver the online shopping application into android platform. Online
shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a
seller in real-time, without an intermediary service, over the Internet. It is a form of
electronic commerce. This project is an attempt to provide the advantages of online
shopping to customers of a real shop. It helps buying the products in the shop
anywhere through internet by using an android device. Thus the customer will get the
service of online shopping and home delivery from his favorite shop.

Ecommerce or electric commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and
services via electronic channels, primarily the Internet. E-commerce also can be
divided into some categories, business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C)
and also consumer to consumer (C2C) and so on. Electronic transactions have been
around for a long time in the form of Electronic Data Interchange or EDI. EDI
requires each supplier and customer to set up a dedicated data link (between them),
where e-commerce provides a cost-effective method for companies to establish a
number of ad-hoc links. Electronic commerce has also led to the development of
electronic marketplaces where suppliers and potential customers are brought together
to conduct mutually beneficial trade. There are two main website where customer s
can buy things online,, This are seven unique features of e-
commerce which called as Ubiquity, Global Reach, Universal Standards, Interactivity,
Information Density, Richness, Personalization /Customization. Firstly, Ubiquity. In
old commerce, a marketplace is a physical place you visit in order to transact. E-
commerce is Ubiquitous, means that is it available just about everywhere, all times.
Marketplace extended beyond traditional boundaries and removed from a temporal
and geographic location. Secondly, Global Reach. Global Reach also can define as the
total number of persons or customers an e-commerce business can take obtain. Most
traditional commerce is local or regional. Thirdly, Universal Standards. One strikingly

unusual features of some standards of the internet, and therefore the technical
standards for conducting e-commerce mercy. The universal technical standards of e-
commerce greatly lower market entry costs. At the same time, for consumers,
universal standards reduce search costs. With e-commerce technologies, it is possible
for the first time in history to easily find all the suppliers, prices, and delivery terms of
a specific product anywhere in the world.


E-commerce provides an easy way to sell products to a large customer base.
However, there is a lot of competition among multiple e-commerce sites. When
users land on an e-commerce site, they expect to find what they are looking for
quickly and easily. Also, users are not sure about the brands or the actual products
they want to purchase. They have a very broad idea about what they want to buy.
Many customers nowadays search for their products on Google rather than visiting
specific e-commerce sites. They believe that Google will take them to the e-
commerce sites that have their product.

The purpose of any e-commerce website is to help customers narrow down their
broad ideas and enable them to finalize the products they want to purchase. For
example, suppose a customer is interested in purchasing a mobile. His or his search
for a mobile should list mobile brands, operating systems on mobiles, screen size of
mobiles, and all other features as facets.


The project had two key questions to focus on and this acted as a guide to the research
design and methodology. The two key research questions in my project were:

What are the key consumer motivations for online shopping and how are these
impacting the development of the online channel? This question is focused on the key
drivers acting as make for consumers to pursue online shopping, and how these
drivers were impacting the online channel as an alternative channel for making

What are the emerging trends for online shopping, and how will the online shopping
channel develop? As online shopping continues to increase, both organizations and

consumers are expected to be better-placed with having a good understanding of
where online shopping trends seem to be directed at.

The project sought to understand the consumer motivations for choosing online
shopping as an alternative channel or, for some consumers, their main channel for
shopping particular items. This part of the project was based on determining what
consumers have stated as their key motivation factors through secondary research.
This was supported by primary research by surveying and interviewing consumers on
their motivational factors. The objective was to list out the key motivational factors
consumers have for online shopping.

In addition to understanding consumer motivation, this project also sought, as an

objective, to understand the emerging trends in online shopping, and establish a
viewpoint on where the online channel was expected to move to. Similar for
consumer motivations, this part of the project was based on a combination of primary
and secondary research.

There was a strong foundation for pursuing this project as it aimed to provide a
greater understanding of the consumer and the motivations behind online shopping.
As the importance of the online channel becomes increasingly greater for
organizations, there is greater need for determining the consumers’ key drivers in
choosing this as an alternative channel for shopping. The project results impact both
consumers and organizations. For consumers, this gave them a venue for stating their
preferences and key requirements to continue using the online channel which could
lead to improvements on the online shopping experience. For organizations, this
project provided an understanding of the current situation and also the emerging
trends based on competitive dynamics, in order to be able to provide the consumers
their requirements.


There are many goals of this research shown in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1: Proposed Solution


 Better management of data.

 Highly accessible for customers.
 No funds or money is wasted in paper works neither
we have to use so much man power though it is a
1. Computerizing web- based application all the data goes directly to
the system database and we can retrieve data according to our
 Security
 To avoid chaos in registration of a new customer can
directly get their login details on to their e-mail id.

The computerized system will accessible from anywhere

and at any time. The customers can reach the system very
2. accessible

The customer’s and product’s details will be managed

Highly through the computerized based system thus making it
Reliable highly reliable for the H.S.P.

Payment will be collected online while booking products,

Collection but if some due is there then it can be collected either by
4. of cash or card at the time of check-out of customer and also
Payments invoice is provided.

Proper Executive can view each and every report of the customer
controlling just by going through the system which will save his time as
system the database is centralized now.


Here we discussed some project modules, main features and scope of the project.

For online H.S.P s, you need to have an Online H.S.P System, as it provides a
platform for both H.S.P Consumers and customers. H.S.P can manage their H.S.P
products and customers can book products through the website generated by this
system. You should look for a H.S.P booking engine that should have at least listed

1.5.1 Main Features

 Launch A Service Providing Website

 User-Friendly Interface
 Easy Ordering Process
 Mobile-Friendly
 Easy Management of Products
 Integrated Payment Gateway
 Easy Search Option
1.5.2 Project Scope
 There are several motivations to order new Web-based Online Service
Providing System.
 The proposed system will remove the hectic task of customers and executive
for searching and booking Products for daily uses things.

 The system will help the administrative staff i.e. executive of the services to
keep the daily and the history record details of the customers in proper

 Will generate proper reports for customers at the time of check-out.

 Every novice user can easily interact with the system.

 The HSP will allow remote access to service database only for customer after
the authorization procedures. The customer could search, products and give

 Every user can easily interact with the system and efficiently maintain his

1.5.3 Project Modules

Top modules of home service providing are:

 Signup
 Login
 Search
 Ordering
 Review System
 Pay
 Payment Gate way Conformation
 Ordering Conformation

The growing use of Internet in Pakistan provides a developing prospect for online
shopping. If E-marketers know the factors affecting online Indian behavior, and the
relationships between these factors and the type of online buyers, then they can furthis
develop their marketing strategies to convert potential customers into active ones,
while retaining existing online customers.

This project is a part of study, and focuses on factors which online Pakistani buyers
keep in mind while shopping online. This research found that information, perceived
usefulness, ease of use; perceived enjoyment and security/privacy are the five
dominant factors which influence consumer perceptions of Online purchasing.

Chapter 2


The literature review deals with the topics and the researches that would help to
understand “E-Commerce” the existing systems that are similar to Online Home
Service Providing. The objective of this literature review is to analyze the
related work to this project and mechanisms used in previous studies.


Technologies that are related to our project work are given below.

2.1.1 Inventory Management System (IMS)

Inventory management is often the biggest headache of any ecommerce store. If you
screw it up, it can cost you a lot of money. In fact, I worked as the marketing director
for a million-dollar-a-year retailer (sales, not profits), and they lost $100,000 of their
profits in one year simply from poor inventory management. All they needed was a
better system in place. With a little effort and some planning, you can develop such a
system for your own store.

Now, this guide is written for two kinds of people:

 Those who store their own inventory (either at home or in a warehouse)

 Those who drop-ship from a supplier

2.1.2 Computer-Based Information System

Higgins defines the computer-based information systems as structured system that

rely on computer hardware and software technology to collect process and store and
distribute information. Information systems are employed to support decision making
and control in an organization. Information systems can also be used to analyze
problems visualize complex subjects and create new products. Input-processing and
output are the three activities in an information system that produces the information
an organization need. These systems provide fast centralized access to databases of

personnel information reference reading best practices and on the job training and are
easily customizable to meet an organization need.


Projects that are related to our project work are given below.

2.2.1 Service Providing Website (Daraz.Pk)

Daraz is a Chinese-owned online marketplace and logistics company which operates

in South Asian markets. It was founded in 2012 by a German venture
capital company, Rocket Internet. Daraz Group operates e-commerce platforms and
logistics services in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar. In May
2018, Daraz Group was acquired by the Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba

Daraz was founded as a fashion retailer in Pakistan in 2012, but changed to a general
marketplace strategy and business model in 2015 when it also launched operations in
Bangladesh and Myanmar. In September 2015, Daraz secured EUR50 million in its
Series B funding in order to expand operations in Pakistan, Bangladesh and
Myanmar. CDC Group, a state-owned Development Finance Institution (DFI) in the
UK, invested €20 million alongside a €30 million investment from Daraz existing
majority shareholder, Asia Internet Holdings. In July 2016, Daraz Group acquired
Kaymu, a consumer-to-consumer online marketplace in South Asia, and with the
acquisition began operations in Sri Lanka and Nepal.

In May 2018, Daraz Group announced that it had been acquired by Alibaba Group for
an undisclosed amount. This move comes about two years after Alibaba's acquisition
of Lazada Group, which was also a startup by Rocket Internet Group in South East
Asian market. Alibaba Group also runs Singapore's Redmart and owns stakes in
India's Paytm and Indonesia's Tokopedia. Daraz Group's five markets (Pakistan,
Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, & Sri Lanka) cover more than 460 million people of
which 60% are under the age of 35. In order to digitalize the logistics ecosystem and
to improve the delivery standards, Daraz has built its own logistics company, DEX, in
all of its five markets.

In Feb 2019, Daraz downsized its manpower by employee layoffs.

2.2.2 Online Sale & Purchase (Amazon.Com), is an American multinational technology company based in Seattle,

Washington, that focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming,
and artificial intelligence. It is considered one of the Big Four technology companies
along with Google, Apple, and Facebook.

Amazon is known for its disruption of well-established industries through

technological innovation and mass scale. It is the world's largest e-commerce
marketplace, AI assistant provider, and cloud computing platform as measured
by revenue and market capitalization. Amazon is the largest Internet company by
revenue in the world. It is the second largest private employer in the United States and
one of the world's most valuable companies. Amazon is the second largest technology
company by revenue.

Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994, in Bellevue, Washington. The
company initially started as an online marketplace for books but later expanded to sell
electronics, software, video games, apparel, furniture, food, toys, and jewelry. In
2015, Amazon surpassed Walmart as the most valuable retailer in the United States
by market capitalization. In 2017, Amazon acquired Whole Foods Market for $13.4
billion, which vastly increased Amazon's presence as a brick-and-mortar retailer. In
2018, Bezos announced that its two-day delivery service, Amazon Prime, had
surpassed 100 million subscribers worldwide.

Amazon distributes downloads and streaming of video, music, audiobook through

its Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Music, and Audible subsidiaries. Amazon also has
a publishing arm, Amazon Publishing, a film and television studio, Amazon Studios,
and a cloud computing subsidiary, Amazon Web Services. It produces consumer
electronics including Kindle e-readers, Fire tablets, Fire TV, and Echo devices. In
addition, Amazon subsidiaries include Ring,, Whole Foods Market,
and IMDb. Among various controversies, the company has been criticized for
technological surveillance overreach, a hyper-competitive and demanding work
culture, tax avoidance, and anti-competitive practices.


Stuart in a study entitled “Online Service Providing” [3] Their Strategic and
Operational Implications for the USA Amazon Industry”, presented details of the
method and results of an investigation of the role and influence of international s
systems within the USA industry. The research comprised three questionnaire surveys
of the use of computer s systems and distribution services by USA. These were
analyzed and produced an indication of general use of systems and the contribution
which these currently make to H.S.P groups and consortia.
According to the study [4], HTML which stands for Hypertext Markup Language is
the predominant markup language for web pages, a building block of web pages. A
web browser reads HTML documents and compose them into visual or audio web
pages ( The browser does not display the HTML tags but uses the
tags to interpret the content of the page (
Web browsers can also refer to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define the
appearance and layout of text and other materials [5]. The W3C, maintainer of both
HTML and the CSS standards, encourages the use of CSS over explicitly
presentational HTML markup [6].
JavaScript is an implementation of the ECMA Script language standard and is
primarily used in the form of client-side JavaScript, implemented as part of a web
browser in order to enhance user interfaces and dynamic websites [7]. This enables
programmatic access to computational objects within a host environment. The
security model used based on different privilege for different users also makes the
system a real-life application.
The study [8] describes that it is easy to make products s in the graphical user
interface and the week schema gives a good overview of the s for the products. The
combinations of the search functions, the ability to reserve for any user and the ability
to manage the whole database from the web-site made this system a very powerful
administrative products booking system.
As the world is becoming smaller to smaller. The proposed system is an online H.S.P
system, this system contains several resource managers (RM), and the clients can’t
interact directly with the resource managers. Instead, the clients interact with
middleware server, which provides them a unique interface. The middleware server

manages all the interaction with the resource managers to provide clients’
requirements. The other ultimate goal of this system which has been implemented is
the performance of the system is tested in multiple server experimental result shows
satisfactory performance.


There are many limitations and bottlenecks in previous projects and studies some of
limitations are given below.
 Data security challenges.
 Reviews about any specific Product.
 System does not have an online payment option.
 The system is not designed to run off-line.
 Due to time constraint many fields are miss.


In order to complete this project, a literature review is needed. It has played an

important role as the early phase in developing this project. This chapter will discuss
the information from the website, and research that has been done. From the research
in the internet, the literature review is meant a process and documentation of the
current relevant research literature regarding a particular topic or subject of interest.
In addition, it also consists the knowledge and how these elements related and
combined with each other’s.

Chapter 3


Tools and techniques are essential part of project management. In this chapter we will
discuss about the, Hardware used with technical specifications and also discussed
about software(s), simulation tool(s) used.


Hardware or system specifications are given below.

 Installed Memory (RAM): Used 8 GB (7.88 usable).

 Processor: Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60 GHz.
 HDD: SSD Hard 500 of GB.
 System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor.
 Pen and touch: No pen or touch input available for this Display.


There are many software tools used for software development some of them are given

3.2.1 Visual Studio

Visual studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is
used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and
mobile apps. Visual studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as
windows-API, Windows-Forms, Window presentations. Visual Studio includes
a code-editor supporting IntelliSense (the code-completion component)as well as code
refactoring. The integrated debugger works both as a source-level debugger and a
machine-level debugger. Other built-in tools include a code profiler forms designers.
It accepts plug-ins that enhance the functionality at almost every level including
adding support for source control systems (like Subversion and Git) and adding new
toolsets like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for
othis aspects of the software development lifecycle like the Team Foundation Server
as shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Visual Studio

Visual Studio supports 36 different programming languages and allows the code
editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any programming
language, provided a language-specific service exists. Built-in languages
include C, C++, C++/CLI, VisualBasic.NET, C#, F#, JavaScript, TypeScript, XML,
XSLT, HTML, and CSS. Support for other languages such as Python, Ruby, Node.js,
and M among others is available via plug-ins. Java (and J#) were supported in the

3.2.2 SQL Server Management Studio

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a software application first launched

with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 that is used for configuring, managing, and
administering all components within Microsoft SQL Server. It's the successor to
the Enterprise Manager in SQL 2000 or before shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: SSMS

The tool includes both script editors and graphical tools which work with objects and
features of the server. A central feature of SSMS is the Object Explorer, which allows
the user to browse, select, and act upon any of the objects within the server. It also
shipped a separate Express edition that could be freely downloaded, however recent

Versions of SSMS are fully capable of connecting to and manage any SQL Server
Express instance. Microsoft also incorporated backwards compatibility for older
versions of SQL Server thus allowing a newer version of SSMS to connect to older
versions of SQL Server instances. It also comes with Microsoft SQL Server Express
2012, or users can download it separately.

Starting from version 11, the application was based on the Visual Studio 2010 shell,
using WPF for the user interface. Versions 18 and after are based on the Visual Studio
2017 Isolated Shell.


The ASP.NET MVC is a web application framework developed by Microsoft, which

implements the model–view–controller (MVC) pattern. It is open-source software,
apart from the ASP.NET Web Forms component which is proprietary.

In the later versions of ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API,

and ASP.NET Web Pages (a platform using only Razor pages) will merge into a
unified MVC.

Based on ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC allows software developers to build a web

application as a composition of three roles: Model, View and Controller. The MVC
model defines web applications with 3 logic layers:

Model (business layer)

View (display layer)

Controller (input control)

A model represents the state of a particular aspect of the application. Controllers

handle interactions and updates the model to reflect a change in state of the
application, and then passes information to the view. A view accepts necessary
information from the controller and renders a user interface to display that
information. "ASP.NET MVC framework is a lightweight, highly testable

presentation framework that is integrated with existing ASP.NET features. Some of
these integrated features are master pages and membership-based authentication.

The ASP.NET MVC framework couples the models, views, and controllers
using interface-based contracts, thereby allowing each component to be tested

Here we use the waterfall Model for software as shown in Figure 3.3.

3.2.4 Waterfall Model

The waterfall model is a breakdown of project activities into linear sequential phases,
where each phase depends on the deliverables of the previous one and corresponds to
a specialization of tasks. It was the first Process Model. The approach is typical for
certain areas of engineering design. In software development, it tends to be among the
less iterative and flexible approaches.

Figure 3.3: Waterfall Model


During the software development we used different tools and techniques, tools like
visual studio (2017) and SQL server (2016) which are very helpful for us during the
development process. There are many software management techniques but we use
waterfall technique which is very simple to implement. We also used MVC
framework for software development which is a lightweight, highly testable
presentation framework that is integrated with existing ASP.NET features.

Chapter 4


A methodology is a model, which project managers employ for the design, planning,
and implementation. There are different project management methodologies to benefit
different projects.


As per the project management there should be a proper selection of the methodology
so on that contrast we have to select the methodology for our project i.e. Online
Service Providing. The method being used in developing the system is the System
Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The SDLC process includes project identification
and selection, project introduction and planning, analysis, design, implementation and
maintenance. Each phase produces deliverables required by the next phase in the life
cycle. Some phases are also inter-related with other phase. Planning is done in the
first and analysis of the system is continued after that. Analysis of the system is being
translated into design. Code is produced during implementation that is driven by the
design. Testing verifies the deliverable of the implementation phase. “Planning” It is
the very first phase of the system, in which we decide what the task is for and what all
things we have to do for completion of the project in an easier and healthy way.
“Analysis” It is second and also considered as an important phase of the life cycle
model. In this phase, the existing system is studied by collecting the information
through the Internet and analyzed the information to get alternatives for the use of
proposed system. “Design” This is where the details on how the system will work are
produced. Architecture, including hardware and software, communication are all part
of the deliverables of a design phase. “Implementation” This is the longest phase of
the software development life cycle as the code is produced from the deliverables of
the design phase during implementation. “Testing” is for testing of the system, the
implementation code is tested to make sure that the product is actually solving the
needs addressed and gathering the other information. Unit testing and system testing
are done during this phase.

4.1.1 Use Case Diagram

Use case diagram represents the system use cases that interact with the system,
different use cases are used as create an account, add details, remove details, update
details as in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Use Case Diagram

4.1.2 Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram is a type of interaction diagram that describes how and in what
order a group of objects works together. In the Figure 4.2 Sequence diagram of the
system given that shows the objects that work together in the system in a sequence.

Figure 4.2: Sequence Diagram

4.1.3 Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities

and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the Figure 4.3
Activity diagram is given that describes the step by step activities and the actions
done by the workflows of the system.

Figure 4.3: Activity Diagram

4.1.4 Class Diagram

Class Diagram is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a
system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and
the relationships among objects as shown in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4: Class Diagram


The analysis procedure consists of requirement analysis, software requirement

specifications and specifications requirements.

4.2.1 Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis also called Requirement Engineering is the process of

determining user expectations for a new or modified product. It involves frequent

communication with system users. It is a process that involves all the activities
required to create and maintain system requirements documentation.
4.2.2 Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
A software requirements specification (SRS) is a document that captures description
about how the system is expected to perform. It is usually signed off at the end of
requirements engineering phase.
4.2.3 Purpose
In system engineering and software engineering, requirements analysis encompasses
those tasks that go into determining the needs or conditions to meet for a new or
altered product or project, taking account of the possibly conflicting requirements of
the various stakeholders, analyzing, documenting, validating and managing software
or system requirements.
4.2.4 Specification Requirements
 Functional Requirements
 Non-Functional Requirements Functional Requirements

 System should display the login/register page.
 System should accept user registration if fields are entered correctly.
 System should store the data.
 System should allow the guest to check the products.
 System should show the available products to the guest.
 System should ask for the number of persons going to check-in.
 System should not accept more than 2 adult guests in one products.
 System should accept the booking if less than 2 adult guests.
 System should show a new products if more than adult guests.
 System should accept the booking.
 System should ask for details to enter.
 System should ask for the check-in/check-out dates.
 System should accept the conformation.
 System should confirm. Non-Functional Requirements
The non-functional requirements are given below:

A good system must recover easily from any Kind of issues. The system should be
designed in such a way that the system is available 24*7 and it should not undergo
downtime due to the heavy traffic of the web users. Even a few seconds of delay is
enough to cause an unpleasant user experience. Users are no longer in control, and
they've deliberately annoyed having to wait for a compute a representative within
specified service level capacity Website operations (browsing, search, navigation, etc.
To carry out each visitor is the number of visitors that Can support it the system will
be secured from the outside attacks and Unauthorized access. The system should be
protected from all other outside premises.


The implementation procedure consists of system implementation, hardware and

software requirements.

System implementation is the most important steps in case of finalizing the approved
web system. We need to justify some basic requirement (software & hardware) so that
the system will work without having obligation and customers dissatisfactions.
4.3.1 Details About Hardware
 RAM: Minimum 2 GB or higher.
 HDD: Minimum 50 GB.
 Processor: Intel (Celeron, Pentium, Core) or
AMD's (Sempron, Athlon, Phenom).
 LAN: Version fixing up client disconnection).

4.3.2 Tools

 Visual Studio (2017).

 SQL Server (2016).
4.3.3 Technologies
 ASP.Net (MVC)
 HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.
4.3.4 Software Requirement
 Operating System: Windows (7, 8, 8.1, 10), Mac OS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Linux,

 Web Browser: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer (ver. 8 or later), Mozilla
Firefox, Safari (Mac).
 Database Management System: MySQL, SQL Server, Microsoft Access,
 Web Development System: Visual Studio 2017 or later, Adobe Dreamweaver,
Notepad, and Notepad++.


In system use cases different flows, actions and exceptions are described as follow:

Basically system use cases includes Use case id, Use case name, Created by user
name, Actors of system, Description of Use case, Triggers, Preconditions, Post
conditions, Normal flows, Alternative flows, Priority, Exceptions, Includes,
Frequency of use, Notes and Issues. “Sign up/create an account” is the first use case
in which multiple use case ID’s and actors perform different flows includes Pre-
Conditions and Post-conditions as shown in the Table 4.1. “Login” use case includes
the normal flow of the application by simply acquiring the customer’s Email,
Password and triggering of the Login button as described in the Table 4.2. Use case
“Search Products in Preferred area” includes the facility of searching H.S.Ps by the
customers easily in their desired areas required Pre-condition of internet availability
and user must have to sign in to the system as shown in the Table 4.3. Use case “View
Availability of Products” includes the facility of searching H.S.P products by
customers easily in their desired areas on specific dates required Pre-condition of
internet availability and user must have to Sign in to the system as shown in the Table
4.4. Use case “View Price for different type of Products” includes the facility of
selecting products by the customers and their prices in their desired areas required
Pre-condition of internet availability and user must have to give details to the system
as shown in the Table 4.5.

Use case “View Discounts” for any special offer to customers includes the facility of
discounted Products prices allowed to the customers easily in their desired areas
required Pre-condition of internet availability and user must have to sign in to the
system as shown in the Table 4.6. Use case “Reserved Preferred products” includes
the selecting of single or multiple products by the customers easily in their desired
areas required Pre-condition of internet availability and user must have to sign in to

the system as shown in the Table 4.7. Use case Make Payment includes the payment
of selected products of the preferred areas by using online payment gateways required
Pre-condition of internet availability and user must have to sign in to the system as
shown in the Table 4.8. Use case “Update products dates” includes the updating of
products dates according to the requirement of user by system administrator required
Pre-condition of internet availability and user must have to sign in to the system as
shown in the Table 4.9. Use case “Update Prices” allows the system administrator to
update the products prices periodically required Pre-condition of internet availability
and user must have to sign in to the system as shown in the Table 4.10. Use case
“Update discount details” allows system administrator to update discount details for
make a special offer to customers on specifies dates required Pre-condition of internet
availability and user must have to sign in to the system as shown in the Table 4.11.

Table 4.1: Sign Up

Use Case ID: UC-2

Use Case Name: Log In

Created By: Nabeel Ahmad Last Updated By: Shahbaz Ahmad

Actors: Customers, Users, Admin

Description: To Perform any kind of operation

Trigger: By clicking on the Sing In button on the home page

Preconditions: Internet Connectivity and visit our web app.

Post conditions: If provided information is accurate the user is directed to the user dashboard

Normal Flow:  Customers will visit web app

 Enter Email
 Enter Password
 Click on log in button

Alternative None
Flow 1 – Not in

Priority: Essential

Exceptions:  Database connectivity issues

 Network connection problem

Includes: None

Frequency of Once
Notes and Issues: None

Table 4.2: Login

Table 4.3: Search H.S.Ps

Use Case ID: UC-3

Use Case Search H.S.Ps in preferred Areas

Created By: Nabeel Ahmad Last Updated By: Muhammad Najaf
Actors: Customers, Users

Description: Customers can search Products easily in their preferred areas.

Trigger: By clicking on the Search Products button on the home page

Preconditions:  Internet Connectivity.

 Must sign up /Log in.
Post After clicking the search button, you will see your desired products.
Normal Flow:  Customers will visit web app
 Enter Email
 Enter Password
 Enter confirm password and click on sign up

Alternative None
Flow 1 – Not in
Priority: Essential

Exceptions:  Database connectivity issues

 Network connection problem

Includes: None

Frequency of Once
Notes and None

Table 4.4: View Availability

Use Case ID: UC-4

Use Case View availability of products in between preferred dates

Created By: Nabeel Ahmad Last Updated By: Muhammad Najaf
Actors: Customers, Users

Description: Customers can search products easily in their preferred areas.

Trigger: By clicking on the Search products button on the home page

Preconditions:  Internet Connectivity.

 Search for H.S.Ps
Post conditions: May be products available or not available
Normal Flow:  Customers will visit web app
 Enter Email
 Enter Password
 Enter confirm password and click on sign up
 Search for products
 See the availability of products
Alternative None
Flow 1 – Not in
Priority: Essential

Exceptions:  Database connectivity issues

 Network connection problem

Includes: None
Frequency of Once
Notes and None

Table 4.5: View Price

Use Case ID: UC-5

Use Case View Price for different types of products

Created By: Nabeel Chishti Last Updated By: Shahbaz Ahmad
Actors: Customers, Users

Description: Compare the prices of different items available in products.

Trigger: By clicking on the specific products that are displayed on screen
Preconditions:  Internet Connectivity.
 After selecting the products.
Post conditions: After select the products customers can view different prices for different types of
Normal Flow:  Customers will visit web app
 Enter Email
 Enter Password
 Enter confirm password and click on sign up
 Search for products
 See the availability of products

Alternative None
Flow 1 – Not in
Priority: Essential

Exceptions:  Database connectivity issues

 Network connection problem
Includes: None
Frequency of Once
Notes and None

Table 4.6: View Discounts

Use Case ID: UC-6

Use Case View Discounts

Created By: Nabeel Chishti Last Updated By: Najaf
Actors: Customers, Users

Description: View the discount or any special offer for customers

Trigger: By clicking on the Discount alert box for any specific items
Preconditions:  Internet Connectivity.
 After selecting the items and setting the price
Post conditions: After select the items customers can see different Discounts for different types of
Normal Flow:  Customers will visit web app
 Enter Email
 Enter Password
 Search for products
 See the availability of products
 Set the price filter.
 View Discount
Alternative None
Flow 1 – Not in
Priority: Not Essential

Exceptions:  Database connectivity issues

 Network connection problem
Includes: None
Frequency of More than one
Notes and None

Table 4.7: Reserve Products

Use Case ID: UC-7

Use Case Reserve Preferred products

Created By: Muhammad Shahid Last Updated By: Salman Ahmad
Actors: Customers, Users

Description: Reserve the preferred products that meets the customer needs
Trigger: By clicking on the confirm button

Preconditions:  Internet Connectivity.

 After selecting the products and setting the price
Post conditions: After selecting the products customers conform the

Normal Flow:  Enter Email

 Enter Password
 Search for H.S.Ps
 See the availability of products
 Set the price filter.
 Confirm the
Alternative None
Flow 1 – Not in
Priority: Essential

Exceptions:  Database connectivity issues

 Network connection problem

Includes: None

Frequency of More than one

Notes and None

Table 4.8: Make Payment

Use Case ID: UC-8

Use Case Make payments through online payment gateway

Created By: Nabeel Ahmad Chishti Last Updated By: Shahbaz Ahmad
Actors: Customers, Users

Description: Customers make payments through online payment gateways

Trigger: By clicking on the Make Payment button

Preconditions:  Internet Connectivity.

 Selecting the products and setting the price
Post conditions: Make payment through online gateways like Credit card, debit card etc.

Normal Flow:  Customers will visit web app

 Enter Email
 Enter Password
 Search for H.S.Ps

Alternative None
Flow 1 – Not in
Priority: Essential

Exceptions:  Database connectivity issues

 Network connection problem

Includes: None

Frequency of Once
Notes and None

Table 4.9: Update Products Dates

Use Case ID: UC-9

Use Case Name: Update products available dates

Created By: Nabeel Ahmad Chishti Last Updated By: Shahbaz Ahmad

Actors: System Administrator

Description: System administrator can edit or update the products available dates
Trigger: When admin click on the Update Dates Button

Preconditions:  Internet Connectivity.

 Admin log in
Post conditions: All available products are updated successfully

Normal Flow:  Admin Sign Up /Log in

 Check all available products and their dates
 Update all products available dates

Alternative None
Flow 1 – Not in

Priority: Essential

Exceptions:  Database connectivity issues

 Network connection problem

Includes: None

Frequency of More than one

Notes and Issues: None

Table 4.10: Update Prices

Use Case ID: UC-10

Use Case Update products Prices

Created By: Nabeel Ahmad Chishti Last Updated By: Shahbaz Ahmad
Actors: System Administrator

Description: System administrator updates the products prices according to facilities available in
Trigger: When admin click on the Update Prices Button

Preconditions:  Internet Connectivity.

 Admin log in
 Check all products prices
Post All available products prices are updated successfully
Normal Flow:  Admin Sign Up /Log in
 Check all available products and their prices
 Update all available products prices

Alternative None
Flow 1 – Not in
Priority: Essential

Exceptions:  Database connectivity issues

 Network connection problem

Includes: None

Frequency of More than one

Notes and None

Table 4.11: Update Discount Details

Use Case ID: UC-11

Use Case Update Discount Details

Created By: Nabeel Ahmad Chishti Last Updated By: Shahbaz Ahmad
Actors: System Administrator

Description: System administrator can edit or update the discount details

Trigger: When admin click on the Update Discount Details Button

Preconditions:  Internet Connectivity.

 Admin log in
 Check all discount details
Post All available Discount details are updated successfully
Normal Flow:  Admin Sign Up /Log in
 Check all available products and their dates
 Update all discount details

Alternative None
Flow 1 – Not in
Priority: Essential

Exceptions:  Database connectivity issues

 Network connection problem

Includes: None

Frequency of More than one

Notes and None


In Project Screenshots “Signup” form is a user-facing form that functions as one of

the primary data collection methods in the BSD framework functions as acquiring
Username, Email, Password, Confirm Password and a triggered button to setup these
given information against user Id as shown in Figure 4.5. A “login” form is used to
authenticate a user with the user credentials as username and password that has been
registered against that user as shown in Figure 4.6. “Admin Panel” is the interface
whise administrators and othis site officials with appropriate privileges can
manipulate the look site and validate different users as shown in Figure 4.7. The
“Home Page” refers to the primary navigation screen for any kind of website. On
the Home screen, a user can arrange site icons in order and even place them into
groups with othis similar sites as shown in Figure 4.8. In “Search Screen” customers
can search their desired H.S.Ps, products and location whise they want to book their
H.S.P products as shown in Figure 4.9. In “H.S.P Details” users can see detailed
information of products & can reviews their experience about specific H.S.P as shown
in Figure 4.10. In “Booking/Payment” customers have to enter their booking and
payment information for confirmation of and selecting payment method as shown in
Figure 4.11. Through the “Contact Us” screen customers can easily contact with us in
case of any inconvenience with system or services by the site as shown in Figure 4.12.
Through “About Us” page user can obtain the details about the site features and
services that are provided through site and for the information of our team as in
Figure 4.13. “Confirmation Booking” informs customers about their booking have
been confirmed against their personal information by sending customers an Email
Confirmation text message shown in Figure 4.14.

Figure 4.5: Sign Up

Figure 4.6: Login

Figure 4.7: Admin Panel

Figure 4.8: Home Page

Figure 4.9: Our Helpers

Figure 4.10: Payment & Security Detail

Figure 4.11: Categories

Figure 4.12: Vegetables

Figure 4.13: Fruits

Figure 4.14: Dry-Fruits Products


The H.S.P System is an extremely simple way to keep track of the s in a small to
medium sized H.S.P. Design H.S.P is as the name implies H.S.P that is notable for
its design. It is focused on the visual concept, on its architecture, on interior
decoration, on aesthetics style and décor. The term '' used in the context of
a H.S.P, means the booking or reserving of a products (accommodation) by a
guest. s leads to reserving of a particular type of products for a particular guest for a
given period of time. It also gives the guest the first impression of the H.S.P.

Chapter 5


Testing is to check, verify and evaluate the product that comes up after going through
the demanding processes.
System testing is a process, to evaluate the functionality of a software application with
an intent to find whether the developed software met the specified requirements or not
and to identify the defects to ensure that the product is defect free in order to produce
the quality product.


Objective testing is a test that has right or wrong answers and so can be marked
objectively. It can be compared with a subjective test, which is evaluated by giving an
opinion, usually based on agreed criteria.


Usability testing is a way to see how easy to use something is by testing it with real
users. Users are asked to complete tasks, typically observed by a researcher to see
where they encounter problems and experience confusion as in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: Usability Testing


A software application's performance like its response time, reliability, resource usage
and scalability do matter. The goal of Performance Testing is not to find bugs but to
eliminate performance bottlenecks. Scalability - Determines maximum user load the
software application can handle as in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2: Software Performance Testing


Compatibility Testing is a type of Software testing to check whether your software is
capable of running on different hardware, operating systems, applications, network
environments or Mobile devices. Compatibility Testing is a type of Non-functional
testing as in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3: Compatibility Testing


Load testing a type of non-functional testing. A load test is a software testing which is
conducted to understand the behavior of the application under a specific
expected load. Load testing is performed to determine a system's behavior under both
normal and at peak conditions as in Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4: Load Testing


Security testing is a type of software testing that intends to uncover vulnerabilities of

the system and determine that its data and resources are protected from possible
intruders as in Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.5: Security Testing


Integration testing is a level of software testing where individual units are combined
and tested as a group. The purpose of this level of testing is to expose faults in the
interaction between integrated units. Test drivers and test stubs are used to assist in
Integration Testing as in Figure 5.6.

Figure 5.6: Integration Testing


Test cases are software testing techniques which are conducted to understand the
behavior of the application under a specific expected load. Registration module
testing is testing to check the validity of user id and password and to validate the
credentials of user by system administrator. Load testing is performed to determine a
system's behavior under both normal and at peak conditions. Registration module
testing is the testing to check the validity & performance of Registration process of
executive done by the administrator. The purpose of this level of testing is to expose
faults in the interaction between integrated units. Test drivers and test stubs are used
to assist in Integration Testing.

5.8.1 Login Module Testing

Registration module testing is a testing to check the validity of user Id and Password
and to validate the credentials of user by system administrator as in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: Login Module Testing

Case Login Module Testing Test Case No: HRS -01
e of Check the correctness & Integrity of Login Module.
 Cursor will be in User Name text field.
Test  After entering User Name, cursor should switch to password field
Attrib by using Tab Key or by clicking on the password textbox.
ute  Sign in option is there to log into the system after fulfilling
mandatory details.
Beta Testing
Initiation Starting Outputs Assumpti
Condition Expected ons Made

Test Screen Successful Login.

User Password
Proces shows User ID, password Failed login due to
starts the has
s login entered. incorrect field
system minimum
module Submit button entry.
from the 4
i.e. admin clicked. Failed login due to
computer. characters.
login form fields not filled

Criteria Expected Error

Actual Result State
State Result Description
As per
Results User ID As per database Error Free
database ---
entry State

As per
Password entry &
In some case both
both the Errorless
the attributes not ---------
attribute State

5.8.2 Registration Module Testing

Registration module testing is the testing to check the validity & performance of
Registration process of executive done by the administrator as in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2: Registration Module Testing

Case Test Case No. HRS -02
Module Testing

To check the validity & performance of Registration process of
e of
Executive done by the admin.

Cursor will be in First Name.

Test Then the admin should click on the email id field,
Attrib The security question and finally the answer field.
ute Submit option is there to make the specific
Student a user of the system after fulfilling mandatory details of the same.

Function Process Validation Verification

Whether Whether the whole
Test At last whole
admin can Registration
Focus × × × Registration
register the module is working
executive properly or not.
Beta Testing
Initiation Assumptions
Specification Outputs Expected
Test Successful
Proces User starts Required-fields registration.
have been filled Unsuccessful All fields are
s the system
Register is clicked. registration due to mandatory to
from the
computer. incorrect field entry
or empty field.
Actual Result Error Description State
Test All Fields
Result Should be As per the
s filled As validation given by ---
properly. admin

In case of non-comprehensible error, the admin has the option of going back to
the previous home screen and start the registration of the executive again.

5.8.3 Integration Testing for Login, Register & Products Book
The purpose of this testing is to expose faults in interaction between integrated units.
Test drivers and test stubs are used to assist in integration testing as in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3: Integration Testing

Testing for Login, Register & Products Book

Integration Test
login, Register, products book, register executive
Expected Actual
S. No Condition Tested Remarks
Result Result

After providing
user id and
password in login
module. Whether
user go to next
If user enters
page. As per
1 correct data
After providing Expected Pass
than he
all necessary Result
fields for issue
and register
whether the task
is fulfilled.

Data should
Data is transferred transfer from As per
2 properly between one page to Expected
the pages another without Result
any hindrance

5.8.4 Complete System Testing
The system test will focus on the behavior of the system as a whole. User scenarios
will be executed against the system as well as error messages and navigation will be
tested as in Table 5.4.
Table 5.4: Complete System Testing

Complete System Testing

System Test
Testing Complete system testing includes login, Register, products book,
Modules payment accounts, customer accounts etc.

S. No Condition Tested Expected Result Actual Result Remarks

Getting the reports

of executive
If user enters As per
accounts, products
1 correct data than Expected Pass
book accounts,
he proceeds. Result
customer accounts,
payment account.

Data should
As per
Data is transferred transfer from one
2 properly between page to another Pass
the pages. without any

Admin is able to As per

If user enters
view any report Expected
3 correct data than Pass
whenever he wants Result
he proceeds.
to get

Software testing is checking, verifying and evaluating the product that comes up after
going through the difficult processes. Software testing is a process, to estimate the
functionality of a software appliance with an intent to find whether the
developed software met the particular rations or not and to recognize the defects to
guarantee that the product is deficiency free in order to make the superiority product.

Chapter 6


We feel very proud after development and implementation of our final year project
successfully. Before developing through this project although we have a good
theoretical knowledge of software engineering, being students of computer science,
but it is far away from theory to develop a real-life system that completely fulfill the
user requirements. We had very good interaction with our Project Supervisor Imran
Shahzad and Project Coordinator Imran Shehzad.


During testing and implementation finding a bug and its fixture was totally new and
healthy experience. One of the very important aspects of the project was how to
document our project properly. We have learnt new tools and technologies like,
Visual Studio 2017 (Community), SQL Server (2016), MVC, which will help
us a long way as we will be starting our careers as IT professionals.
During the development of the project we have achieved the following benefits:
 Project management and scheduling
 How to interact with the user
 System analysis and data collection
 A good knowledge of system designing and modeling
 Latest tools and technologies
 Testing strategies
 User documentation

6.1.1 Hardware Results

We implement many hardware tests but all tests were passed successfully. Not any
single test was failed during the testing procedure.

6.1.2 Software Results

We implement many software tests but all tests were passed successfully. Not any
single test was failed during the testing procedure.


We think we meet mostly goals and standards that we take as challenge some
standards are remaining due to time constraints, we’ll meet these standards very soon.

6.2.1 Comparison with Initial Goal

After the completion of whole project, we compare our findings with goals. We
achieved mostly goals that we want to achieve.

6.2.2 Reasoning for Short Comings

Some time constraints are created hurdles during the project work. This is the only
reason for short comings.

The project is developed keeping in view the research-oriented requirement of a final
master project. It may lack some elegance or sophistication but we are very proud that
we have worked in a highly versatile environment and we have taken the right steps
towards the right direction in terms of where the technology is going nowadays.
 Data security challenges.
 System does not have an online payment option.
 The system is not designed to run off-line.


After having evaluated the findings of the study, the following recommendations were
hereby suggested:
 This system should be used by the users to give further knowledge about
online and H.S.P management.
 Future researchers and developers can add modules and additional features as
this system is open for further improvements and developments because of the
fast pacing changes in technology.
 A follow up study should be conducted to determine the usefulness and
effectiveness of the developed system upon implementation.
 This system should be used by the users to give details about online and
H.S.P management.

We feel proud at the completion of project work because we achieved that we want.
We achieved following results. To provide a fully functional automated Online H.S.P
System. To provide a complete organizational and reliable system with least
possibility of any errors. To taking the feedback from the customer so that the H.S.P
can be proved to be useful for their customers. Customer can easily register at any
point of time sitting in their homes and login for their purpose. To view the
information regarding product’s availability, executive should login with their unique
ID. A central database has been designed which will help in removing the issues/flaws
associated with the existing manual system and also will keep the records safely.


 While developing this project we have learnt a lot about H.S.P management.
 The Online H.S.P System was developed to replace the manual process of
booking for a H.S.P products or any other facility of the H.S.P.
 The old system does not serve the customer in a better way; rather it makes
customer data vulnerable.
 The new system keeps proper records of customers for emergency and
security purposes.
 We have learnt how to make a system user friendly.
 We also realized the importance of maintaining a minimal margin for error.
 During the development process we studied carefully and understood the
criteria of Implementation process.
 The H.S.P’s advertising effort is now accompanied by a virtual tour created on
the system.

Chapter 7


There are many future plans in our mind some of them we will discussed here, we
want our site to be a brand in H.S.P industry like IMDB, means that users give the
ratings about any specific H.S.Ps and any one can see these reviews, we also want to
make our site as an authentic H.S.P rating site on which more and more users trusted.
Future researchers and developers can add modules and additional features as this
system is open for further improvements and developments because of the fast pacing
changes in technology. A follow up study should be conducted to determine the
usefulness and effectiveness of the developed system upon implementation.
To facilitate promotions and upselling, the new booking engine offers a Discount field
code on confirmation screen. These screens also highlight any discount the guest has
already received during the booking process. The future System will allow Customers
to save their Booking cart for later by Entering an Email Address. A link to their cart
is e-mailed to them so they can complete their booking process at a later time.
Enhanced Add-on features allows customers to view their itinerary costs in an easy to
read and understand summary or detail format. We add only authentic H.S.Ps with
high ratings, allows multiple languages, allows multiple currencies, More Pricing
Filters, Free Parking system, More Offers and Discounts, high level Security and
much more.


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