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Bioprocrss Trial 2

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Name: ____________________________________________

1) Two pea plants, hybrid for a single trait, produce 60 pea plants. Approximately how many of the pea plants are expected to exhibit
the recessive trait?
1) 15 2) 30 3) 60 4) 45
2) In certain rats, black fur is dominant over white fur. If two rats, both heterozygous for fur color, are mated, their offspring would
be expected to have
1) three different genotypes and three different colors 3) two different genotypes and three different colors
2) four different genotypes and two different colors 4) three different genotypes and two different colors
3) Polydactyly is a human characteristic in which a person has six fingers per hand. The trait for polydactyly is dominant over the
trait for five fingers. If a man who is heterozygous for this trait marries a woman with the normal number of fingers, what are the
chances that their child would be polydactyl?
1) 100% 2) 0% 3) 75% 4) 50%
4) When a mouse with black fur is crossed with a mouse with white fur, all F1 generation offspring have grey fur. Which
phenotypic results can be expected in the F2 generation?
1) 25% black, 50% grey, 25% white 3) 100% grey
2) 25% black, 75% white 4) 50% black, 50% white

5) The genotype for coat color of roan cattle is represented as CRCW. The offspring produced by crosses of these cattle typically
exhibit a 1:2:1 genotypic ratio. What is the phenotypic ratio of these same offspring?
1) 3:1 2) 1:2:1 3) 1:1 4) 2:1
6) In chickens, rose comb (R) is dominant over single comb (r). When a heterozygous rose-combed rooster is mated with several
single-combed hens, what is the expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring?
1) 50% rose-combed and 50% single-combed 3) 100% rose-combed
2) 100% single-combed 4) 75% rose-combed and 25% single-combed
7) The pedigree chart below represents the inheritance of sickle cell anemia through three generations.

Which symbols could be used to represent individual 9 in generation III?

1) 2) 3) 4)
8) A man of blood type AB marries a woman of blood type A. What are the possible blood types of their offspring if the woman's
mother was blood type O?
1) A and B, only 2) AB, only 3) A, B, and AB 4) A, B, and O
9) Three brothers have blood types A, B, and O. What are the chances that the parents of these three will produce a fourth child
whose blood type is AB?
1) 25% 2) 50% 3) 100% 4) 0%
10) A colorblind woman marries a man who has normal color vision. What are the chances of having a colorblind daughter?
1) 25% 2) 50% 3) 100% 4) 0%
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Questions 11 and 12 refer to the following:

The pedigree chart below represents the inheritance of color blindness through three generations.

11) Mary and Steve are expecting another child. What is the probability that the new baby will be colorblind?
1) 0% 2) 100% 3) 50% 4) 25%
12) Which is a true statement about the genotype of Alissa and Haley regarding color blindness?
1) Alissa is homozygous dominant, and Haley is a carrier.
2) Both carry one recessive allele.
3) Alissa is a carrier, and Haley is homozygous dominant.
4) Both are homozygous recessive.
13) What percentages can be expected in the offspring of a cross between a female carrier for color blindness and a male with normal
color vision?
1) 25% normal males, 25% colorblind males, 25% carrier females, 25% colorblind females
2) 50% colorblind males, 50% colorblind females
3) 25% normal males, 25% colorblind males, 25% normal females, 25% carrier females
4) 75% normal males, 25% carrier females
14) In raccoons, a dark face mask is dominant over a bleached face mask. Several crosses were made between raccoons that were
heterozygous for dark face mask and raccoons that were homozygous for bleached face mask. What percentage of the offspring
would be expected to have a dark face mask?
1) 100% 2) 50% 3) 0% 4) 75%
Questions 15 and 16 refer to the following:

The pedigree chart below shows the inheritance of handedness in humans over three generations. The gene for right-handedness (R)
is dominant over the gene for left-handedness (r).

15) For which individual is Rr the most probable genotype?

1) daughter 1 2) grandmother 3) grandfather 4) father
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16) Which two individuals have identical genotypes for handedness?
1) grandmother and grandfather 3) mother and son
2) daughter 1 and daughter 2 4) mother and father
Questions 17 through 19 refer to the following:

The chart below represents the inheritance of Tay-Sachs disease in a family.

17) What are the genotypes of individuals A and B with regard to Tay-Sachs disease?
1) Both must be heterozygous.
2) One must be homozygous dominant and the other must be homozygous recessive.
3) Both must be homozygous.
4) One must be homozygous dominant and the other must be heterozygous.
18) If individuals C and D have another child, what is the chance this child will exhibit Tay-Sachs disease?
1) 0% 2) 100% 3) 50% 4) 25%
19) Which statement is true about individuals E and F?
1) They have an accumulation of excess fatty material in their nerve tissue.
2) They are unable to metabolize phenylalanine because they lack a specific enzyme.
3) They have an abnormal chromosome number.
4) They are unable to metabolize glucose.
20) In intermediate inheritance, a cross between two heterozygotes will usually produce offspring that exhibit a phenotypic ratio of
1) 9:3:3:1 2) 3:1 3) 1:2:1 4) 1:1
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Questions 21 through 23 refer to the following:

Keys are used by biologists to accurately classify unknown organisms such as the unidentified female mosquito shown in the diagram
below. These keys are designed to categorize organisms according to structural characteristics. The key shows various characteristics
used to identify the differences between Anopheles, Deinocerites, Culex, Psorophora, and Aedes mosquitoes.

21) According to the key, which feature distinguishes male from female mosquitoes?
1) leg scales 3) palp length
2) antennae appearance 4) abdomen points
22) According to the key, which characteristics are necessary to identify a female Anopheles mosquito?
1) antennae, palps, and proboscis 3) palps, abdomen tip, and wings
2) eyes, scales on legs, and abdomen tip 4) wings, proboscis, and scales on legs
23) According to the key, the unknown female mosquito shown above belongs to the genus known as
1) Psorophora 2) Aedes 3) Culex 4) Deinocerites
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24) Which two organisms in the chart below have chromosomes that are most similar in genetic composition?

1) A and D 2) A and B 3) C and D 4) B and C

25) A partial food web is represented in the diagram shown.

Letter X most likely represents

1) decomposers 2) carnivores 3) parasites 4) autotrophs
Questions 26 through 28 refer to the following:

The Pine Bush ecosystem near Albany, New York, is one of the last known habitats of the nearly extinct Karner Blue butterfly. The
butterfly's larvae feed on the wild green plant, lupine. The larvae are in turn consumed by predatory wasps. The four groups below
represent other organisms living in this ecosystem.

26) Based on the data shown, the Karner Blue larvae belong in which group?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
27) Which food chain best represents the information in the reading passage?
1) wasps !! Karner Blue larvae !! lupine 3) lupine !! Karner Blue larvae !! wasps
2) lupine !! wasps !! Karner Blue larvae 4) Karner Blue larvae !! lupine !! wasps
28) Which group in the given table contains decomposers?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
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Questions 29 and 30 refer to the following:

Analysis of a sample taken from a pond showed variety in both number and type of organisms present. The data collected are shown in
the table below.

29) If the frogs feed on insect larvae, what is the role of the frogs in the pond ecosystem described?
1) consumer 2) parasite 3) host 4) herbivore
30) Which diagram below best represents the organisms from the table arranged as an energy pyramid?

1) 2) 3) 4)

31) Which generalization can be made from the data in the table below?

1) The height of an individual determines his or her weight.

2) As height increases, weight usually decreases.
3) No relationship exists between height and weight.
4) As height increases, weight usually increases.
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32) A field biologist was researching the possibility of interbreeding among various amphibians living in a particular habitat in New
York State. The mating timetable for these amphibians is shown below.

Which generalization could the field biologist correctly make?

1) The frogs can interbreed with any of the other frogs but not with toads.
2) The peeper frog and green frog do not interbreed.
3) The wood frog and the tree frog interbreed.
4) All of the amphibians interbreed randomly throughout the mating season.
33) Which substance should be used in an investigation designed to determine the degree of acidity at which an enzyme works best?
1) methylene blue 2) Lugol's iodine 3) glucose solution 4) pH paper
34) Which type of diagram could best be based to display data showing the numerical relationship between the components of a
substance and the entire substance?

1) 3)

2) 4)

35) A student was given a sample of food and asked to determine the types of nutrients present in the sample. The student placed
half of the sample in a test tube with Benedict's solution and heated it. The solution turned brick red. When an iodine solution
was added to the remaining half of the sample, it turned blue black.

The student can correctly conclude that the food sample contained
1) polysaccharides and lipids 3) monosaccharides and polypeptides
2) monosaccharides and polysaccharides 4) polypeptides and fats
36) A sealed dialysis membrane containing iodine solution was placed in a beaker of starch solution. After 1 hour, the color of the
starch solution would most likely be
1) blue black 2) red orange 3) white 4) pink
37) To detect the presence of glucose in a substance, a student should heat the substance after it is mixed with
1) Lugol's iodine solution 3) bromthymol blue
2) methylene blue 4) Benedict's solution
38) Which nutrient is correctly paired with the indicator used to detect its presence?
1) protein "" pH paper 3) starch "" Lugol's iodine
2) oil "" Benedict's solution 4) glucose "" bromthymol blue
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39) Which substances would most likely be used to stain wet-mount slides of plant and animal cells?
1) glucose and Lugol's iodine 3) Lugol's iodine and methylene blue
2) hemoglobin and Benedict's solution 4) amylase and bromthymol blue
40) A karyotype is shown in the diagram below.

Information in this karyotype indicates that the individual is a

1) male with phenylketonuria 3) female with sickle-cell anemia
2) female with Down syndrome 4) male with Tay-Sachs disease
Questions 41 through 43 refer to the following:

The illustrations below represent photographs of chromosomes from a human male.

41) The arrangement of chromosomes in the diagram is known as a

1) centromere 2) genotype 3) mutation rate 4) karyotype
42) The arrangement of chromosomes in the diagram is a method used in the identification of
1) phenylketonuria 2) hemophilia 3) Down syndrome 4) blood type
43) If the chromosomes of a female were arranged in chart form like the chromosomes of this male, the chart would
1) appear different in one chromosome pair 3) be identical to that of the male
2) have one-half the number of chromosomes 4) contain more chromosomes
44) Bromthymol blue turns to bromthymol yellow in the presence of carbon dioxide. When the carbon dioxide is removed, the
solution will return to a blue color. Two green water plants were placed in separate test tubes, each containing water and
bromthymol yellow. Both test tubes were corked. One tube was placed in the light, the other in the dark. After several days, the
liquid in the tube exposed to the light turned blue.

This demonstration illustrates that, during photosynthesis, green plants

1) give off oxygen gas 3) take in carbon dioxide
2) need bromthymol blue 4) form ATP molecules
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45) In an investigation of the cycling of environmental gases, a student placed water and bromthymol blue in each of four test tubes
as shown in the diagrams below. No additional items were placed in tube 1, a snail was placed in tube 2, an aquatic plant (elodea)
was placed in tube 3, and both a snail and an elodea were placed in tube 4. The tubes were then stoppered and placed in bright
light for 24 hours.

How would the solution in tube 3 change after 24 hours?

1) It would change from blue to brick red. 3) It would contain less nitrogen.
2) It would change from yellow to blue. 4) It would contain more oxygen.
46) Equal amounts of distilled water were added to graduated cylinders A and B. Two hundred mustard seeds were placed in
cylinder B and then both cylinders were covered to prevent evaporation. After 24 hours, there was very little water in cylinder B.

What was the original volume of the 200 mustard seeds?

1) 9 mL 2) 4 mL 3) 7 mL 4) 5 mL
47) The diagram below shows some cells in the meristematic region of a root tip.

Which statement about these cells is correct?

1) Most of the cells are undergoing meiosis. 3) Most of the cells will never undergo mitosis.
2) About 20 percent of the cells are dividing. 4) About 80 percent of the cells are dividing.
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48) In addition to an indicator and proper safety equipment, which pieces of equipment shown below should be used to test for the
presence of glucose in apple juice?

1) C, G, and H 2) A, D, and E 3) B, F, and I 4) A, B, and J

49) The diagram below represents an unstained bean seed.

Which instruments were most likely used to prepare the bean seed as shown?

1) A and D 2) A and B 3) B and C 4) C and D

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50) The apparatus below was designed with the understanding that animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, and that
ordinary air contains very little carbon dioxide.

The apparatus can be used to measure the

1) rate of respiration of the animal 3) amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the animal
2) effect of carbon dioxide on the animal 4) amount of heat prduced by the animal
51) Cobalt chloride paper is an indicator for moisture. It is blue when dry and turns pink when moist. In an investigation, one strip of
dry cobalt chloride paper was placed on the upper epidermis of a leaf on a geranium plant, and one strip was placed on the lower
epidermis of the same leaf. The leaf was securely wrapped in clear cellophane wrap. A piece of dry cobalt chloride paper was
attached to each side of a clean glass slide, and the slide was sealed in clear cellophane wrap. The geranium plant and the sealed
slide were placed in sunlight for 10 hours.

To determine if light affects the results of this investigation, the investigator should prepare another complete setup in the same
way but change the procedure by
1) placing the setup under artificial white light instead of sunlight
2) using a plant species with nongreen leaves
3) placing this setup in an area with no light
4) submerging this setup in water for 12 hours
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52) The dotted line in the diagram below shows the path taken by an insect larva when it is placed in a round experiment chamber
with a light in the center. Blocks of wood are placed around the light, which cause regions of light and shade within the chamber
as shown. Temperatures are given for light areas.

Which statement best describes the movement of the insect larva?

1) The larva is attracted to light and moves steadily toward the light source.
2) The larva does not move into shaded areas.
3) The larva does not move into light areas.
4) The larva is attracted to light but moves into shaded areas when it is too hot.
53) The diagram below represents a technique used in the preparation of a specimen for observation with a compound light

Which technique is illustrated in the diagram?

1) placing the specimen under the coverslip 3) sterilizing the specimen
2) staining the specimen 4) testing the specimen for starch
54) Blue indophenol becomes colorless in the presence of vitamin C. Because of this change, blue indophenol could be classified as
1) an indicator 2) a stain 3) an enzyme 4) an acid
55) Which substance reacts with the starch grains in a potato cell and makes them more distinct in appearance?
1) salt solution 2) distilled water 3) Benedict's solution 4) Lugol's iodine

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