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Table of Content
Features and Benefits 3
Standard Construction 6
Optional Construction 7
Standard & Optional Features 7
Application and Selection 8
Nomenclature 10
Layout of Multi-outlet Plenum (MOP) 11
Dimensional Data 12
Airflow Calibration 14
General Selection Data 15
Sound Power Data 16
AHRI Ratings 20
Hot Water Coil Data 21
Electric Heat 26
Johnson Controls DDC 27
Guide Specifications 34


VAV Terminals
AHRI Standard 880

Features and Benefits

Precise Zone Control the crowded space above a hall or corridor. straps. Optional hanger brackets for use with
Model TSS terminals provide variable air This will reduce lengthy and cost of all-thread support rods or wire hangers are
volume (VAV) control beyond the typical discharge duct runs. also available.
single duct box. They are specifically
designed for precise air delivery throughout The FlowStarTM sensor ensures accurate Lasting Components and Low
control, even when space constraints do not
the entire operating range, regardless of the
permit long straight inlet duct runs to the
Cost Operation
installed inlet conditions. They also offer Quality. All metal components are fabricated
improved space comfort and flexibility for a terminal. from galvanized steel.
wide variety of HVAC applications.
Sizes. Model TSS terminals are available in Energy Efficiency. In addition to quiet and
TSS terminals take advantage of typical ten unit sizes to handle airflow capacities
accurate temperature control, the building
benefits provided by single duct units, while between 45-8000 CFM [51-13600 CMH].
owner will benefit from lower operating
performing at extremely low sound levels. costs. The highly amplified velocity pressure
This is critical in today’s buildings, where Convenience Installation signal from the Flow- StarTM inlet sensor
occupants are placing more emphasis on Quality. All TSS terminals are thoroughly allows precise airflow control at low air
indoor acoustics. inspected during each step of the velocities.
manufacturing process, including a
The ability to provide comfort to the comprehensive "preship" inspection, The FlowStarTM sensor’s airfoil shape
occupant is the measurement of quality to assure the highest quality product provides minimal pressure drop across
for any VAV terminal. Comfort is achieved available. All TSS terminals are packaged to the terminal. This allows the central fan
through quiet and precise control of airflow minimize damage during shipment. to run at a lower pressure and with less
to the occupied space. brake horsepower.
Quick Installation. A standard single point
The TSS terminal provides the ultimate in electrical main power connection is provided Agency Certification. TSS terminals and
airflow control with the patented FlowStarTM with all electronic controls and electrical accessories are wired in compliance with
airflow sensor. No other sensor in the components located on the same side of all applicable requirements and tested in
industry can match the FlowStar’s ability the casing, for quick access, adjustment, accordance with AHRI Standard 880.
to quietly and precisely measure airflow. and troubleshooting. Installation time is
Accurate airflow measurement is the basis minimized with the availability of factory Maintenance and Service. TSS terminals
for airflow control. calibrated controls and a low profile compact require no periodic maintenance and provide
design. trouble-free operation. Controls are located
Design Flexibility on the outside of the unit casing for easy
Selection and Layout. The TSS provides The FlowStarTM sensor ensures accurate access by maintenance personnel.
flexibility in system design. The compact airflow measurement, regardless of the
cabinet design and quiet operation give the field installation conditions. A calibration
system designer the versatility to place units label and wiring diagram is located on the
directly above occupied spaces. terminal for quick reference during start-up.
The terminal is constructed to allow
It is not necessary to locate the unit in installation with standard metal hanging

A Variety of Controls
Model TSS terminals are available with DDC, controls Available Control Types:
specifically designed for using with TSS terminals. Johnson Controls DDC for BACnet, or N2 etc.
These controls are designed to accommodate a JFactory mounted consignment DDC
multitude of control schemes.
Standard Control Features:
From the most basic to the most sophisticated sequence of Patented FlowStarTM Airflow Sensor
operation, the controls are designed by experts Standard Electric Control Box
in VAV single duct terminal operation. 24 Volt Control Transformer

Patented FlowStarTM Sensor Control

Each pressure input

signal is routed to the
center averaging chamber

Equal concentric circular areas

Sizes 6 & 8: 3 Circles
Sizes 10 & 12: 4 Circles
Sizes 14 & 16: 5 Circles (shown)

Total pressure measured at the

center of each concentric
circle for maximum accuracy, as
outlined in ASHRAE
Fundamentals Handbook.
Sizes 6 & 8: 12 Sensing Points
Sizes 10 & 12: 16 Sensing Points
Sizes 14 & 16: 20 Sensing Points

FlowStar™ Airflow Sensor

Patent #5,481,925

Airfoil shaped averaging

chamber for low
pressure loss & noise
and amplified
Two-axis low
pressure output
profile design
to controlling
Pressure output is
routed behind probe to
minimize pressure loss
and noise

Field pressure
measuring tap

The air valve features the FlowStar™ airflow sensor which has brought new meaning to airflow control accuracy. The multi-axis design
utilizes between 12 and 20 sensing points that sample total pressure at center points within equal concentric crosssectional areas,
effectively traversing the air stream in two planes. Each distinct pressure reading is averaged within the center chamber before exiting
the sensor to the controlling device.

This sensor adds a new dimension to signal amplification. Most differential pressure sensors provide a signal equal to 1.5 times the
equivalent velocity pressure signal. The FlowStar™ provides a differential pressure signal that is 2.5 to 3 times the equivalent velocity
pressure signal. This amplified signal allows more accurate and stable airflow control at low airflow capacities. Low airflow control is
critical for indoor air quality, reheat minimization, and preventing over cooling during light loads.

Unlike other sensors which use a large probe surface area to achieve signal amplification, the Flow-Star™ utilizes an unprecedented
streamline design which generates amplified signals unrivaled in the industry. The streamlined design also generates less pressure drop
and noise. The VAV schedule should specify the minimum and maximum airflow setpoints, maximum sound power levels, and maximum
air pressure loss for each terminal. The specification for the VAV terminal must detail the required performance of the airflow sensor.
For maximum building occupant satisfaction, the VAV system designer should specify the airflow sensor as suggested in the Guide
Specifications of this catalog.

Using FlowStar™ sensing to amplify the airflow signal allows you to use lower minimum airflow setpoints
Many VAV controllers require a minimum differential pressure signal of 0.03 inch W.G. [7.5Pa]. The airflow sensor should be able to
generate this signal with only 400 to 450 FPM [2.0-2.25 m/s] air velocity through the inlet collar.

Conventional airflow sensors without amplification capabilities require approximately 700 FPM [3.5 m/s] to generate a0.03 inch W.G.
[7.5Pa] signal. If 700 FPM [3.5 m/s] represents a 20% minimum condition, the inlet velocity would be 3500 FPM [17.8 m/s] at the
maximum airflow setpoint. This results in extremely noisy conditions. In addition, the airflow sensor should generate a differential
pressure range of at least 1 inch W.G. [250Pa] over the operating range of the terminal unit.

Unique Electric Heat Design

The TSS-EH breaks new ground in single duct VAV electric

heater design.
The patented FlowStarTM sensor permits modulation to
lower airflow levels than all other sensors in the industry.
This minimizes the energy expended for heat in many

The FlowStarTM probe is visible in the inlet of the TSS-EH.

The elements, partially removed for this photo, are midway
between the inlet and the damper.

MODEL TSS-EH models are unique in that they correct common industry heating

Historically, heater elements placed downstream of a VAV damper have experienced

two major problems:

Elements fail prematurely due to hot spots resulting from an uneven air velocity
profile over the heater face.
Heaters suffer rapid nuisance cycling of the contactors and elements because the
airflow switch probe is located on the low pressure (downstream side) of the VAV

Our unique electric heat VAV terminal, the TSS-EH, solves these problems. The heater
elements are located midway between the air inlet and the damper. This design
provides uniform airflow over the face of the electric heater at all damper positions.
Element life is extended, reducing repair cost and inconvenience.

With the heater elements located on the high pressure side of the VAV damper, the
airflow pressure switch receives a reliable pressure signal even at minimum damper
positions. This arrangement provides greater safety, as well as enhanced reliability.

The TSS-EH design permits tremendous flexibility when selecting KW, voltage, phase,
balanced or unbalanced circuiting and method of control.

Standard Construction
Model TSS 1) Product label includes tagging, airflow and
The TSS terminal incorporates many standard features that are expensive electrical information
options for other manufacturers. 2) Mechanical lock construction ensures lowest
possible casing leakage
3) Roll formed inlet collar with integral stiffening
ribs adds strength and rigidity
4) Electrical devices installed within a electric
control box enclosure, with single point power
 connection
5) Patented FlowStarTM airflow sensor
 (Patent #5,481,925)

 

1) Slip and drive discharge collar for quick field
2) Insulation edge covered by metal — no raw 
edges of insulation exposed to airstream 
3) Solid composite damper shaft prevents
condensation and breakage

4) Self-lubricating bearing to reduce friction and
air leakage
5) Mechanically fastened insulation for added
6) Low leakage damper incorporates closed cell
foam gasket
7) 1/2” thick fiberglass insulation complying with

Optional Construction
Model TSS
The TSS single duct terminal is available with many optional
features to meet any project requirement.

 

1) Scrim reinforced foil faced insulation meeting ASTM C1136

for mold, mildew and humidity resistance
2) Factory control options:
- DDC Electronic
 For more information, see corresponding
Control Selection Guides
3) Double wall construction (not shown)
4) Mounting brackets (not shown) to accept all-thread hanging
rods or wire hangers

Standard & Optional Features

Standard Features Optional Features
Construction Hot Water Coil Construction
AHRI 880 certified and labeled Designed, manufactured, and tested 3/4” and 1” insulation
22 gauge galvanized steel casing and Aluminum fin construction with die- Foil faced scrim backed insulation
valve formed Double wall construction with 22 gauge
1/2” thick fiberglass insulation, spacer collars for uniform spacing liner
mechanically fastened for added security Mechanically expanded copper tubes leak
tested to 400 PSIG [2.8MPa] air pressure Hot Water Coil
Primary Air Valve and rated at 230 PSIG [1.6MPa] working Multi-circuit coils for reduced water
Embossed rigidity rings pressure. pressure drop
Low thermal conductance damper shaft Male sweat type water connections Opposite hand water connections
Position indicator on end of damper shaft 1, 2row configurations Bottom and top access plates for cleaning
Mechanical stops for open and closed
position Electrical Electrical
FlowStar™ center averaging airflow Electric control box Primary transformer fusing
Plenum-rated sensor tubing Electric Heat Electric Heat
Single point power connection 24V control transformer
Primary manual-reset high limit
Fusing Controls
Wiring diagram Factory provided controls include
Johnson controls DDC

Application and Selection
AHRI 885. A useful tool to aid in predicting
space sound pressure levels is an application
standard referred to as ARI Standard 885.
This standard provides information (tables,
formulas, etc.) required to calculate the
attenuation of the ductwork, ceiling cavity,
ceiling system, and conditioned space below
a terminal unit. These attenuation values
are referred to as the “transfer function”
since they are used to transfer from the
manufacturer’s sound power levels to the
estimated sound pressure levels resulting
in the space below, and / or served by
the terminal unit. The standard does not
provide all of the necessary information to
accommodate every conceivable design;
however, it does provide enough information
to approximate the transfer function for
most applications. Manufacturers use
different assumptions with respect to a
“typical” project design; therefore, it is
impossible to compare product performance
simply by looking at the published NC values.

General Design
Acoustical Concepts sound performance between equipment Recommendations for A Quiet
manufacturers and unit models. System
The focus on indoor air quality is also having The AHU. Sound levels in the zone are
an effect on proper selection of air terminal Noise Criteria (NC). The bottom line frequently impacted by central fan discharge
equipment with respect to acoustics. acoustical criteria for most projects is the noise that either breaks out (radiates)
NC (Noise Criteria) level. This NC level from the ductwork or travels through the
Sound. At the zone level, the terminal is derived from resulting sound pressure distribution ductwork and enters the zone
unit generates acoustical energy that can levels in the zone. These sound pressure as airborne (discharge) sound. Achieving
enter the zone along two primary paths. levels are the effect of acoustical energy acceptable sound levels in the zone begins
First, sound from the primary air valve can (sound power levels) entering the zone with a properly designed central fan system
propagate through the downstream duct and caused by the terminal unit and other sound which delivers relatively quiet air to each
diffusers before entering the zone (referred generating sources (central fan system, zone.
to as Discharge or Airborne Sound). office equipment, environment, etc.).
Acoustical energy is also radiated from the Supply Duct Pressure. The primary factor
terminal casing and travels through the The units of measurement is once again contributing to noisy systems (including
ceiling cavity and ceiling system before decibels; however, in this case decibels single duct applications) is high static
entering the zone (referred to as Radiated represent units of pressure (Pascals), since pressure in the primary air duct. This
Sound). the human ear and microphones react to condition causes higher sound levels from
pressure variations. the central fan and also higher sound levels
To properly quantify the amount of from the terminal unit, as the primary air
acoustical energy emanating from a terminal There is no direct relationship between valve closes to reduce the pressure. This
unit at a specific operating condition (i.e. sound power levels and sound pressure condition is compounded when flexible
CFM and static pressure), manufacturers levels. Therefore, we must predict the duct is utilized at the terminal inlet, which
must measure and publish sound power resulting sound pressure levels (NC levels) allows the central fan noise and air valve
levels. in the zone based in part by the published noise to break out into the ceiling cavity
sound power levels of the terminal and then enter the zone located below the
The units of measurement, decibels, equipment. The NC levels are totally terminal. Ideally, the system static pressure
actually represent units of power (watts). dependent on the project specific design, should be reduced to the point where
The terminal equipment sound power architecturally and mechanically. For a the terminal unit installed on the duct run
ratings provide a consistent measure of constant operating condition (fixed sound associated with the highest pressure drop
the generated sound independent of the power levels), the resulting NC level in the has the minimum required inlet pressure to
environment in which the unit is installed. zone will vary from one project to another. deliver the design airflow to the zone.
This allows a straight forward comparison of Many of today’s HVAC systems experience

0.5'' w.g. [125Pa] pressure drop or less in the the central fan. This device could simply be tee and a greater number of small necked
main trunk. For systems that will have a manual quadrant type damper if located diffusers should be utilized, rather than
substantially higher pressure variances well upstream of the terminal inlet. In tight fewer large necked diffusers.
from one zone to another, special attention quarters, perforated metal can be utilized as
should be paid to the proper selection of air a quiet means of reducing system pressure. The downstream ductwork should
terminal equipment. This approach allows all of the terminal units be carefully designed and installed to
to experience a similar (lower) inlet pressure. avoid noise regeneration. Bull head tee
To date, the most common approach has They can be selected in a consistent manner arrangements should be located sufficiently
been to select (size) all of the terminals at lower inlet pressure conditions that will downstream of the terminal discharge
based on the worst case (highest inlet static allow more optimally sized units. to provide an established flow pattern
pressure) condition. Typically, this results in downstream of the fan. Place diffusers
80% (or higher) of the terminal units being Inlet duct that is the same size as the inlet downstream of the terminal after the airflow
oversized for their application. This in turn collar and as straight as possible will achieve has completely developed.
results in much higher equipment costs, but the best acoustical performance. For critical
more importantly, drastically reduced applications, flexible duct should not be Downstream splitter dampers can cause
operating efficiency of each unit. This utilized at the terminal inlet. noise problems if placed too close to the
consequently decreases the ability to terminal, or when excessive air velocities
provide comfort control in the zone. In Zoning. On projects where internal lining exist. If tee arrangements are employed,
addition, the oversized terminals cannot of the downstream duct is not permitted, volume dampers should be used in each
adequately control the minimum ventilation special considerations should be made branch of the tee, and balancing dampers
capacity required in the heating mode. to assure acceptable noise levels will be should be provided at each diffuser tap. This
obtained. In these cases, a greater number arrangement provides maximum flexibility in
A more prudent approach is to utilize a of smaller zones will help in reducing sound quiet balancing of the system.
pressure reducing device upstream of the levels. Where possible, the first diffuser
terminal unit on those few zones closest to takeoff should be located after an elbow or

Ideal Duct Design

Small Necked Diffusers

High Quality
VAV Terminal
with Low
Sound Levels

Damper Located
at Take-Off

Inlet Static

Short Length of Non-Metallic Flexible Duct

TS S 8 N A1 06 E 1 08 010 R 0

Model Special Requirement

0: None
Structure D: Double Skin
S: Standard Profile L: Low Profile P: Perforated Liner
F: Discharge Flange
Controller L: Low-temperature Unit
5: None S: Other Special Requirement
6: MS-VMA1632/1620-0 Controller
7: MS-VMA1617/1610-0 Controller Installation Mode
8: AP-VMA1420-0 Controller R: Right Side
9: AP-VMA1415-0 Controller L: Left Side

Thermostat Electric Heater Capacity

0: None 000: None
A: NS-ATA7001-0 Thermostat 005: 0.5 kW/stage
B: TE67-NP-2B00 Thermostat 010: 1.0 kW/stage
C: TE700-29C-0 Thermostat 015: 1.5 kW/stage
D: NS-ATD7001-0 Thermostat 020: 2.0 kW/stage
N: TE67-NP-2N00 Thermostat 030: 3.0 kW/stage
P: NS-ATP7001-0 Thermostat 040: 4.0 kW/stage
T: TE730-29C-0 Thermostat 050: 5.0 kW/stage
Z: AP-TMZ1600-0 Thermostat 060: 6.0 kW/stage
080: 8.0 kW/stage
Round Discharge 100:10.0 kW/stage
Collar & Multi-outlet Plenum
00: None Primary Air Duct
SA: Sound Attenuator 04: Sizes 4" 05: Sizes 5"
A1~A8: Multi-outlet Plenum 06: Sizes 6" 08: Sizes 8"
10: Sizes 10" 12: Sizes 12"
Outlet Size for Multi-outlet Plenum 14: Sizes 14" 16: Sizes 16"
00: None 06: Size 6" 19: Sizes 19" 22: Sizes 22"
08: Size 8" 10: Size 10"
Stage of Heating
Heating Devices 0: None
0: None 1: One Stage or One Row Coil
E: Electric Heater 2: Two Stage or Two Rows Coil
W: Hot Water Coil 3: Three Stage

Layout of Multi-outlet Plenum (MOP)

1. All circular outlet collar with manual valve.
2. Please indicate the direction of airflow.
3. If need special request of air outlet collar dimension or pernutation, please feel free to contact Johnson Controls

Mop Selection Table

Dimension of Unit Size
No. of MOP
MOP 4,5,6 8 10 12 14 16 19 22
Face Size 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
6" Single Size 813mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Total 813mm 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8
Face Size 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
8" Single Size 813mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total 813mm 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6
Face Size 1 1 1 1 2 2
10" Single Size 813mm N/A 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total 813mm 5 5 5 5 6 6

Specification 32''
Unit Size W(mm) H(mm)
4,5,6 254 260
8 305 260
10 356 324
12 406 387
14 508 451 6 5/8''
16 610 451
19 762 451 6'',8''
Air outlet flange with or 10''
22 864 451 balancing valve


Dimensional Data
Model TSS
Unit Dimensions inches [mm]
Size W H L A I X Y
10 10 1/4 11 10 1/2 3 7/8 8 3/4
04" 9 [228]
[254] [260] [279] [267] [98] [222]

10 10 1/4 11 10 1/2 4 7/8 8 3/4

05" 9 [228]
[254] [260] [279] [267] [124] [222]

10 10 1/4 11 6 1/2 5 7/8 8 3/4

06" 9 [228]
[254] [260] [279] [165] [149] [222]

12 10 1/4 11 6 1/2 7 7/8 10 3/4

08" 9 [228]
[305] [260] [279] [165] [200] [273]

14 12 3/4 13 6 1/2 9 7/8 12 3/4 11 1/2

10" 6'' [152mm] 5/8'' [16mm]
[356] [324] [330] [165] [251] [324] [292] Typical
16 15 1/4 13 6 1/2 11 7/8 14 3/4 14
[406] [387] [330] [165] [302] [375] [355]

20 17 3/4 17 1/2 6 1/2 13 7/8 18 3/4 16 1/2

[508] [451] [445] [165] [352] [476] [419]

24 17 3/4 17 1/2 6 1/2 15 7/8 22 3/4 16 1/2

[610] [451] [445] [165] [403] [578] [419]

30 17 3/4 11 8 28 1/4 [718] 28 3/4 16 1/2

19" AIR
[762] [451] [279] [203] x13 7/8 [352] [730] [419]

34 17 3/4 11 8 32 1/4 [819] 32 3/4 16 1/2

[864] [451] [279] [203] x15 7/8 [403] [832] [419] FLOW

Notes: FlowStarTM, Multi-Axis, center averaging airflow 5/8'' [16mm]

1. All dimensions are in inches [mm] with a tolerance of Inlet collar centered sensor with external balancing taps. Typical
on casing Standard on size 06 and larger units with pressure
±1/8" [3mm]. independent controls.
Size 04 & 05 utilize single axis, multi-point sensor.
2. Sizes 19 and 22 have rectangular inlet collar.

Model TSS - WC
Unit Dimensions inches [mm]
Size W H L A I
10 10 1/4 15 1/2 10 1/2 3 7/8
[254] [260] [406] [267] [98]

10 10 1/4 15 1/2 10 1/2 4 7/8

[254] [260] [406] [267] [124]

10 10 1/4 15 1/2 6 1/2 5 7/8

[254] [260] [406] [165] [149]

12 10 1/4 15 1/2 6 1/2 7 7/8

[305] [260] [406] [165] [200]

14 12 3/4 17 1/2 6 1/2 9 7/8

[356] [324] [458] [165] [251]
6'' [152mm] 16 15 1/4 17 1/2 6 1/2 11 7/8
[406] [387] [458] [165] [302]
Supply & Return water
connection right hand
20 17 3/4 21 1/2 6 1/2 13 7/8
mout (As shown) - Standard 14"
[508] [451] [559] [165] [352]

24 17 3/4 21 1/2 6 1/2 15 7/8

[610] [451] [559] [165] [403]

30 17 3/4 15 1/2 8 28 1/4 [718]

[762] [451] [406] [203] x13 7/8 [352]

34 17 3/4 15 1/2 8 32 1/4 [819]

[864] [451] [406] [203] x15 7/8 [403]

FlowStarTM, Multi-Axis, center averaging airflow Notes:

sensor with external balancing taps. 1. All dimensions are in inches [mm] with a tolerance of
Inlet collar Standard on size 06 and larger units with pressure
centered independent controls. ±1/8" [3mm].
on casing Size 04 & 05 utilize single axis, multi-point sensor. 2. Sizes 19 and 22 have rectangular inlet collar.

Model TSS - EH

Unit Dimensions inches [mm]

Unit Downsteam static pressure must be
Size W H L A I X Y 0.07 Inches [17.5Pa]
water gauge or greater . 5/8'' [16mm ] Typical
10 10 1/4 41 1/2 10 1/2 3 7/8 8 3/4 9
[254] [260] [1056] [267] [98] [222] [228]

10 10 1/4 41 1/2 10 1/2 4 7/8 8 3/4 9

[254] [260] [1056] [267] [124] [222] [228]

10 10 1/4 41 1/2 6 1/2 5 7/8 8 3/4 9

[254] [260] [1056] [165] [149] [222] [228]

12 10 1/4 41 1/2 6 1/2 7 7/8 10 3/4 9

[305] [260] [1056] [165] [200] [273 [228]

14 12 3/4 41 1/2 6 1/2 9 7/8 12 3/4 11 1/2

TSS- [356] [324] [1056] [165] [251] [324] [292]
EH 16 15 1/4 41 1/2 6 1/2 11 7/8 14 3/4 14
12" Max 8'' [200mm]
[406] [387] [1056] [165] [302] [375] [355]

20 17 3/4 41 1/2 6 1/2 13 7/8 18 3/4 16 1/2

[508] [451] [1056] [165] [352] [476] [419]

24 17 3/4 41 1/2 6 1/2 15 7/8 22 3/4 16 1/2

[610] [451] [1056] [165] [403] [578] [419]

30 17 3/4 11 1/2 35 28 1/4 [718] x 28 3/4 16 1/2

19" 5/8'' [16mm ] Typical
[762] [451] [285 ] [889] 13 7/8 [352] [730] [419] Electric heater cabinet/
Power connection
34 17 3/4 11 1/2 35 32 1/4 [819] x 32 3/4 16 1/2 Inlet collar
22" FlowStarTM, Multi-Axis, center averaging airflow
[864] [451] [285 ] [889] 15 7/8 [403] [832] [419] centered
on casing sensor with external balancing taps.
Standard on size 06 and larger units with pressure
Notes: independent controls.
Size 04 & 05 utilize single axis, multi-point sensor.
1. All dimensions are in inches [mm] with a tolerance of
±1/8” [3mm].
2. Sizes 19 and 22 have rectangular inlet collar.

Model TSS - SA

Unit Dimensions inches [mm]

Size W H L A I X Y
10 10 1/4 50 10 1/2 3 7/8 8 3/4 9
[254] [260] [1274] [267] [98] [222] [228]

10 10 1/4 50 10 1/2 4 7/8 8 3/4 9

[254] [260] [1274] [267] [124] [222] [228]

10 10 1/4 50 6 1/2 5 7/8 8 3/4 9

[254] [260] [1274] [165] [149] [222] [228]
50/49 1/2''
[1274/1260mm] 12 10 1/4 50 6 1/2 7 7/8 10 3/4 9
[305] [260] [1274] [165] [200] [273 [228]

14 12 3/4 50 6 1/2 9 7/8 12 3/4 11 1/2

TSS- [356] [324] [1274] [165] [251] [324] [292]
SA 16 15 1/4 50 6 1/2 11 7/8 14 3/4 14
[406] [387] [1274] [165] [302] [375] [355]
6'' [152mm] 5/8'' [16mm ] Typical
20 17 3/4 50 6 1/2 13 7/8 18 3/4 16 1/2
[508] [451] [1274] [165] [352] [476] [419]

*SIZE 19 & 22 SHIPPED IN TWO PIECES 24 17 3/4 50 6 1/2 15 7/8 22 3/4 16 1/2
[610] [451] [1274] [165] [403] [578] [419]

30 17 3/4 49 1/2 8 28 1/4 [718] x 28 3/4 16 1/2

[762] [451] [1260] [203] 13 7/8 [352] [730] [419]

34 17 3/4 49 1/2 8 32 1/4 [819] x 32 3/4 16 1/2

[864] [451] [1260] [203] 15 7/8 [403] [832] [419]

FlowStarTM, Multi-Axis, center averaging airflow 5/8'' [16mm ] Typical

sensor with external balancing taps. Notes:
Inlet collar centered Standard on size 06 and larger units with pressure
on casing independent controls.
1. All dimensions are in inches [mm] with a tolerance of
Size 04 & 05 utilize single axis, multi-point sensor. ±1/8” [3mm].
2. Sizes 19 and 22 have rectangular inlet collar.

Airflow Calibration
Airflow Ranges
Airflow Ranges
Unit Size

4 51~425 30~250 15~118

5 85~600 48~350 23~165

6 100~935 53~550 25~260

8 180~1670 105~1000 50~470 1. Minimum and maximum airflow limits are dependent on
the specific DDC controller supplied. Contact the control
10 280~2720 165~1600 78~752 vendor to obtain the minimum and maximum differential
12 410~3900 240~2300 113~1081 pressure limits of the transducer utilized with the DDC
14 570~5270 335~3100 158~1457 2. Maximum airflow is limited to value shown in General
Selection Data.
16 750~6970 440~4100 207~1927

19 1435~11050 845~6500 398~3055

22 2145~13600 1260~8000 593~3760

General Selection Data
Air Inlet Static Air Inlet Static Air Inlet Static Air Inlet Static Air Inlet Static Air Inlet Static
Air Flow Model Model Model
Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure
0.5''in.w.g. 1.0''in.w.g. 3.0''in.w.g. 0.5''in.w.g. 1.0''in.w.g. 3.0''in.w.g.
SIZE TSS-SA 1 Row 2 Row
[125Pa] [250Pa] [750Pa] [125Pa] [250Pa] [750Pa]
Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Model
CFM [CMH] in.w.g. [Pa] in.w.g. [Pa] in.w.g. [Pa]
100 [170] 0.01 [2.5] 0.02 [5.0] 0.03 [7.5] -- -- -- -- 20 -- -- -- 20
150 [255] 0.01 [2.5] 0.03 [7.5] 0.04 [10.0] -- -- 24 -- 29 21 -- -- 24
200 [340] 0.01 [2.5] 0.04 [10.0] 0.07 [17.4] 23 -- 29 23 34 28 -- 22 29
250 [425] 0.01 [2.5] 0.05 [12.4] 0.09 [22.4] 26 20 31 28 38 33 23 25 33
100 [170] 0.01 [2.5] 0.02 [5.0] 0.03 [7.5] -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
200 [340] 0.01 [2.5] 0.04 [10.0] 0.07 [17.4] -- -- 24 -- 28 -- -- -- 24
300 [510] 0.01 [2.5] 0.07 [17.4] 0.13 [32.3] 23 -- 28 -- 31 21 -- 23 31
350 [600] 0.01 [2.5] 0.09 [22.4] 0.16 [39.8] 24 -- 30 21 33 24 21 25 33
200 [340] 0.02 [5.0] 0.05 [12.4] 0.08 [19.9] -- -- -- -- 25 -- -- -- 29
250 [425] 0.03 [7.5] 0.07 [17.4] 0.11 [27.4] -- -- -- -- 28 -- -- -- 31
300 [510] 0.04 [10.0] 0.1 [24.9] 0.16 [39.8] -- -- -- -- 28 20 -- 20 33
350 [595] 0.06 [14.9] 0.14 [34.8] 0.21 [52.3] -- -- 21 -- 30 23 -- 21 35
450 [765] 0.1 [24.9] 0.22 [54.7] 0.33 [82.1] -- -- 24 -- 33 25 -- 24 36
550 [935] 0.14 [34.8] 0.3 [74.7] 0.46 114.5 20 -- 28 24 35 30 23 28 37
300 [510] 0.01 [2.5] 0.05 [12.4] 0.1 [24.9] -- -- -- -- 24 -- -- -- 26
400 [680] 0.01 [2.5] 0.08 [19.9] 0.15 37.3 -- -- -- -- 26 -- -- -- 29
500 [850] 0.01 [2.5] 0.11 [27.4] 0.22 [54.7] -- -- -- -- 29 -- -- 20 30
600 [1020] 0.01 [2.5] 0.15 [37.3] 0.3 [74.7] -- -- -- -- 30 20 -- 21 32
800 [1560] 0.03 [7.5] 0.25 [62.2] 0.46 114.5 -- -- 21 -- 33 24 20 24 34
1000 [1670] 0.04 [10.0] 0.35 [87.1] 0.66 164.2 21 -- 25 21 35 28 23 26 37
600 [1020] 0.01 [2.5] 0.08 [19.9] 0.16 [39.8] -- -- -- -- 30 -- -- -- 32
800 [1360] 0.01 [2.5] 0.13 [32.3] 0.26 [64.7] -- -- -- -- 30 20 -- -- 32
1000 [1700] 0.02 [5.0] 0.2 [49.8] 0.39 [97] -- -- 20 -- 31 24 -- 21 32
1200 [2040] 0.02 [5.0] 0.25 [62.2] 0.47 [117] -- -- 23 -- 34 28 -- 23 34
1400 [2380] 0.03 [7.5] 0.32 [79.6] 0.61 [151.8] -- -- 25 20 35 29 20 24 35
1600 [2720] 0.04 [10.0] 0.4 [99.5] 0.76 [189.1] 20 -- 28 24 36 31 24 26 37
800 [1360] 0.01 [2.5] 0.08 [19.9] 0.15 [37.3] -- -- -- -- 26 -- -- 21 33
1100 [1870] 0.01 [2.5] 0.13 [32.3] 0.26 [64.7] -- -- -- -- 28 -- -- 22 34
1400 [2380] 0.02 [5.0] 0.21 [52.3] 0.4 [99.5] -- -- 20 -- 30 24 -- 24 35
1700 [2890] 0.02 [5.0] 0.26 [64.7] 0.5 [124.4] -- -- 21 -- 33 28 -- 25 36
2000 [3400] 0.03 [7.5] 0.34 [84.6] 0.65 [161.7] -- -- 23 -- 35 30 20 26 37
2300 [3900] 0.04 [10.0] 0.43 [107] 0.82 [204] 20 -- 25 20 36 31 22 28 38
1100 [1870] 0.01 [2.5] 0.07 [17.4] 0.14 [34.8] -- -- -- -- 26 -- -- -- 30
1500 [2550] 0.02 [5.0] 0.13 [32.3] 0.24 [59.7] -- -- -- -- 29 23 -- -- 31
1900 [3230] 0.03 [7.5] 0.2 [49.8] 0.36 [89.6] -- -- -- -- 30 25 -- 21 33
2300 [3910] 0.05 [12.4] 0.26 [64.7] 0.47 [117] -- -- 21 -- 33 28 -- 23 34
2700 [4590] 0.07 [17.4] 0.34 [84.6] 0.62 [154.3] -- -- 24 20 34 29 20 25 35
3100 [5270] 0.09 [22.4] 0.43 [107] 0.77 [191.6] 21 -- 26 21 35 31 22 28 37
1600 [2720] 0.01 [2.5] 0.1 [24.9] 0.19 [47.3] -- -- -- -- 24 -- -- -- 33
2100 [3570] 0.02 [5.0] 0.17 [42.3] 0.31 [77.1] -- -- -- -- 29 23 -- 20 35
2600 [4420] 0.03 [7.5] 0.24 [59.7] 0.45 [112] -- -- 20 -- 34 29 -- 21 35
3100 [5270] 0.04 [10.0] 0.29 [72.2] 0.55 [136.9] -- -- 23 20 35 30 -- 24 36
3600 [6120] 0.05 [12.4] 0.37 [92.1] 0.7 [174.2] 20 -- 25 21 37 34 21 26 37
4100 [6970] 0.06 [14.9] 0.46 [114.5] 0.86 [214] 23 -- 28 23 39 36 24 29 38
2500 [4250] 0.06 [14.9] 0.19 [47.3] 0.32 [79.6] 23 20 29 21 38 26 29 35 43
3000 [5100] 0.09 [22.4] 0.27 [67.2] 0.45 [112] 24 21 30 25 39 30 30 36 44
3500 [5950] 0.13 [32.3] 0.37 [92.1] 0.61 [151.8] 26 24 31 26 40 33 31 37 45
4500 [7650] 0.21 [52.3] 0.53 [131.9] 0.86 [214] 26 24 31 28 40 36 34 40 48
5500 [9345] 0.32 [79.6] 0.77 [191.6] 1.22 [303.6] 29 25 33 29 43 39 38 44 53
6500 [11050] 0.44 [109.5] 1.03 [256.3] 1.62 [403.1] 31 28 33 29 45 41 41 48 56
4000 [6800] 0.06 [14.9] 0.3 [74.7] 0.55 [136.9] 28 24 33 26 41 33 31 37 48
5000 [8495] 0.09 [22.4] 0.46 [114.5] 0.83 [206.5] 28 24 34 29 41 36 34 39 50
22 6000 [10195] 0.14 [34.8] 0.56 [139.4] 0.99 [246.4] 29 26 34 31 43 38 36 41 53
7000 [11895] 0.18 [44.8] 0.72 [179.2] 1.27 [316] 30 28 36 33 44 40 39 45 56
8000 [13600] 0.24 [59.7] 0.91 [226.4] 1.59 [395.7] 33 29 37 34 45 41 41 47 58

Notes: Discharge Octave Band

1. Min. ΔPs is the static pressure difference between the terminal inlet and discharge with the Attenuation Values 2 3 4 5 6 7
damper wide open. Small Box (140L/s) 24 28 39 53 59 40
2. Performance data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with AHRI Standard 880. Medium Box (140-340L/s) 27 29 40 51 53 39
3. Dash (-) indicates NC level less than 20. Large Box (340L/s) 29 30 41 51 52 39
4. NC values calculated based upon to AHRI Standard 885 Appendix E
Typical Sound Attenuation Values (shown at right) using Ceiling Type 2 for calculating Radiated NC. Radiated Octave Band
Attenuation Values 2 3 4 5 6 7
5. NC (sound pressure) levels predicted by subtracting appropriate values at right from published
Type 2 - Mineral Fiber Ceiling 17 18 21 25 29 35
sound power levels (following pages).

Sound Power Data
Radiated Sound Power Data - Model TSS
Octave Band
Unit CFM
0.5''in.w.g. [125Pa] 1.0''in.w.g. [250Pa] 1.5''in.w.g. [375Pa] 3.0''in.w.g. [750Pa]
Size [CMH]
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
100 [170] 46 43 35 29 26 27 49 44 39 32 27 24 49 46 42 34 29 26 48 50 46 38 33 31
150 [255] 49 47 40 33 29 28 52 48 44 36 31 28 53 53 46 38 33 30 53 55 50 43 37 34
200 [340] 52 51 44 37 32 29 56 52 48 40 35 31 56 54 50 42 37 33 58 59 54 47 41 38
250 [425] 54 54 47 40 36 32 58 55 51 43 38 34 59 57 53 45 40 37 61 62 58 50 45 41
100 [170] 42 36 33 27 23 20 45 40 37 29 25 22 46 42 40 32 27 24 47 47 44 36 32 30
200 [340] 46 44 40 33 28 28 49 48 44 36 31 28 50 49 46 38 33 29 52 53 50 43 37 34
5 250 [425] 49 47 43 36 31 28 51 51 47 39 33 29 53 52 49 41 35 32 54 54 53 45 40 36
300 [510] 51 49 45 38 34 30 54 53 49 41 36 32 55 55 51 43 38 34 56 57 56 48 42 39
350 [600] 54 52 47 40 36 32 57 55 51 43 38 35 57 57 54 45 40 37 58 59 58 50 45 41
200 [340] 43 38 38 37 33 23 47 44 45 44 40 29 48 46 49 47 43 32 51 52 54 51 47 37
250 [425] 46 41 39 36 32 23 48 46 45 44 41 30 49 49 51 49 46 34 53 54 56 55 51 40
300 [510] 48 43 40 36 31 24 50 48 46 44 41 30 51 51 51 49 46 35 55 56 58 57 54 42
6 350 [595] 50 46 42 37 31 26 53 50 47 43 40 30 52 52 51 49 46 36 57 58 60 58 55 43
400 [680] 52 47 43 37 32 27 55 52 48 44 40 31 56 54 52 49 46 36 58 59 61 59 56 44
450 [765] 54 48 45 38 32 28 57 53 50 45 40 32 58 55 53 49 46 36 60 60 61 59 56 45
550 [935] 60 53 49 43 36 30 64 58 53 46 41 34 58 56 56 50 46 38 63 63 62 57 55 46
300 [510] 46 37 38 33 28 24 49 46 42 38 33 29 50 48 45 41 37 30 53 53 52 47 43 35
400 [680] 49 40 40 35 30 24 52 47 44 39 35 30 54 49 47 43 38 32 58 56 54 49 44 37
500 [850] 50 42 41 36 32 25 53 48 46 41 37 31 54 50 49 44 40 33 57 57 55 51 46 40
8 600 [1020] 53 44 43 38 33 26 56 50 47 42 38 31 57 52 50 46 41 34 60 58 57 52 47 41
700 [1190] 56 45 44 39 34 27 58 52 48 44 39 32 58 56 52 47 42 35 62 60 58 53 48 42
800 [1360] 58 47 45 40 35 28 60 53 50 45 40 33 61 56 53 48 43 36 64 61 59 54 50 43
1000 [1700] 60 52 48 42 37 30 62 56 52 46 42 35 63 58 55 50 45 38 67 63 62 56 51 45
600 [1020] 49 40 38 32 27 28 53 47 43 37 31 29 54 50 46 40 34 31 58 58 57 49 42 36
800 [1360] 51 42 40 34 28 29 55 49 45 38 33 30 56 52 48 42 37 32 60 59 57 50 43 38
1000 [1700] 53 44 43 36 30 29 56 51 47 40 35 30 58 53 50 44 38 33 62 60 57 50 45 40
10 1100 [1870] 54 45 44 37 31 29 56 52 48 41 36 31 59 55 53 44 39 34 63 60 58 51 45 40
1200 [2040] 55 46 45 37 32 29 57 53 49 42 37 31 59 55 53 45 40 35 64 61 59 52 46 41
1400 [2380] 57 48 46 39 33 29 59 54 50 43 38 33 60 56 54 47 42 36 65 62 60 53 48 43
1600 [2720] 61 51 48 40 34 29 63 56 52 45 40 34 64 58 55 48 43 38 67 63 62 54 49 44
800 [1360] 47 41 39 33 30 29 51 49 47 40 37 33 52 52 50 43 40 36 54 60 58 52 47 43
1100 [1870] 49 44 41 34 31 29 54 51 48 42 38 33 55 54 51 45 40 36 58 61 59 53 48 45
1400 [2380] 51 46 42 35 32 29 56 52 50 43 39 34 57 54 52 46 42 37 60 62 60 54 49 46
12 1600 [2720] 52 47 44 37 33 29 56 53 51 44 39 34 59 56 53 44 40 35 62 63 61 55 49 46
1700 [2890] 53 48 44 37 33 29 56 53 51 44 39 34 59 56 54 47 42 37 63 63 61 55 49 46
2000 [3400] 54 49 46 39 33 29 58 54 52 45 40 34 60 56 54 48 42 37 64 64 62 56 50 46
2300 [3910] 55 50 48 40 35 30 59 55 53 46 41 35 62 58 56 49 44 39 66 65 63 57 51 47
1100 [1870] 47 42 36 34 34 30 53 49 42 39 40 36 55 52 45 42 42 38 60 60 54 50 47 45
1500 [2550] 49 44 39 36 34 30 54 51 45 40 41 36 56 54 48 43 43 39 62 61 55 52 48 47
1900 [3230] 51 46 42 37 34 30 56 53 47 43 43 37 58 55 49 46 45 40 63 62 56 53 51 48
14 2100 [3570] 52 47 43 38 34 30 56 54 48 43 43 37 60 58 51 46 46 41 64 62 57 54 52 49
2300 [3910] 53 48 44 38 34 30 57 54 48 43 43 37 60 58 52 46 46 41 65 63 58 54 53 50
2700 [4590] 55 50 46 40 35 31 59 56 50 45 43 37 61 58 54 48 46 41 66 64 60 55 54 50
3100 [5270] 56 53 48 42 37 32 61 58 52 46 43 38 63 60 55 49 46 41 67 65 62 57 55 50
1600 [2720] 48 44 37 35 30 30 53 49 43 40 36 33 55 52 46 42 38 35 60 62 56 50 46 41
2100 [3570] 50 46 40 36 33 30 55 52 46 41 39 34 57 55 48 44 41 37 61 64 56 52 47 44
2600 [4420] 53 48 43 39 35 31 57 53 47 43 40 36 59 56 50 46 43 39 63 64 58 53 49 46
16 280 [4760] 54 48 44 39 36 31 58 54 48 44 41 37 60 59 52 47 44 40 64 64 58 54 50 46
3100 [5270] 55 49 45 41 37 32 59 55 49 45 42 38 61 59 52 48 45 41 65 65 59 55 51 47
3600 [6120] 56 51 47 42 38 34 61 57 51 47 43 39 63 59 54 50 47 43 67 66 61 56 53 49
4100 [6970] 58 53 50 44 40 35 62 59 53 48 45 40 65 61 56 51 48 44 69 67 63 58 54 50
2500 [4250] 59 57 54 47 41 33 65 60 60 52 46 39 66 63 63 55 50 42 70 67 67 63 57 50
3000 [5100] 59 58 55 47 41 34 65 61 61 52 46 39 66 63 64 56 50 43 70 68 68 64 58 50
3500 [5950] 60 59 56 48 42 35 66 62 62 53 47 40 67 64 65 57 51 44 71 68 69 64 59 51
19 4500 [7650] 60 61 59 50 45 37 66 64 65 55 50 43 68 66 68 59 53 46 72 70 72 67 61 54
5400 [9180] 62 62 62 52 48 40 67 66 68 57 52 45 68 68 71 61 56 49 73 72 75 69 64 57
5500 [9350] 62 63 63 53 48 40 67 66 68 58 53 46 68 68 71 62 56 49 73 72 76 70 64 57
6500 [11050] 66 65 66 56 51 44 67 68 72 61 56 49 69 70 75 65 60 53 75 75 79 73 67 60
4000 [6800] 59 60 56 48 42 36 65 63 62 53 47 41 66 66 65 57 51 46 70 71 72 67 60 54
5000 [8500] 60 61 59 50 44 38 65 64 64 55 48 43 67 67 67 59 53 48 72 72 74 68 62 56
6000 [10200] 62 62 61 51 46 40 65 65 66 56 50 45 67 68 70 61 54 49 72 73 76 70 64 58
7000 [11900] 64 63 64 53 48 41 66 66 69 58 52 47 68 69 72 63 56 51 74 74 79 72 66 59
7100 [12070] 64 63 64 54 48 41 66 66 69 59 53 47 69 69 73 63 57 51 74 74 79 72 66 59
8000 [13600] 66 64 66 55 50 43 67 67 71 60 54 48 70 70 75 65 58 53 75 75 81 74 68 61

Performance data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with AHRI Standard 880.
Sound levels are expressed in decibels, dB re: 1 x 10-12 watts.
Certified AHRI data is highlighted blue. Application data (not highlighted blue) is outside the scope of the certification program.

Radiated Sound Power Data - Model TSS-SA
Octave Band
Unit CFM
0.5''in.w.g. [125Pa] 1.0''in.w.g. [250Pa] 3.0''in.w.g. [750Pa]
Size [CMH]
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
100 [170] 46 43 35 29 26 27 49 44 39 32 27 24 48 50 46 38 33 31
150 [255] 49 47 40 33 29 28 52 48 44 36 31 28 53 55 50 43 37 34
200 [340] 52 51 44 37 32 29 56 52 48 40 35 31 58 59 54 47 41 38
250 [425] 54 54 47 40 36 32 58 55 51 43 38 34 61 62 58 50 45 41
100 [170] 42 36 33 27 23 20 45 40 37 29 25 22 47 47 44 36 32 30
200 [340] 46 44 40 33 28 28 49 48 44 36 31 28 52 53 50 43 37 34
300 [510] 51 49 45 38 34 30 54 53 49 41 36 32 56 57 56 48 42 39
350 [600] 54 52 47 40 36 32 57 55 51 43 38 35 58 59 58 50 45 41
200 [340] 43 38 38 37 33 23 47 44 45 44 40 29 51 52 54 51 47 37
250 [425] 46 41 39 36 32 23 48 46 45 44 41 30 53 54 56 55 51 40
300 [510] 48 43 40 36 31 24 50 48 46 44 41 30 55 56 58 57 54 42
350 [595] 50 46 42 37 31 26 53 50 47 43 40 30 57 58 60 58 55 43
450 [765] 54 48 45 38 32 28 57 53 50 45 40 32 60 60 61 59 56 45
550 [935] 60 53 49 43 36 30 64 58 53 46 41 34 63 63 62 57 55 46
300 [510] 46 37 38 33 28 24 49 46 42 38 33 29 53 53 52 47 43 35
400 [680] 49 40 40 35 30 24 52 47 44 39 35 30 58 56 54 49 44 37
500 [850] 50 42 41 36 32 25 53 48 46 41 37 31 57 57 55 51 46 40
600 [1020] 53 44 43 38 33 26 56 50 47 42 38 31 60 58 57 52 47 41
800 [1360] 58 47 45 40 35 28 60 53 50 45 40 33 64 61 59 54 50 43
1000 [1700] 60 52 48 42 37 30 62 56 52 46 42 35 67 63 62 56 51 45
600 [1020] 49 40 38 32 27 28 53 47 43 37 31 29 58 58 57 49 42 36
800 [1360] 51 42 40 34 28 29 55 49 45 38 33 30 60 59 57 50 43 38
1000 [1700] 53 44 43 36 30 29 56 51 47 40 35 30 62 60 57 50 45 40
1200 [2040] 55 46 45 37 32 29 57 53 49 42 37 31 64 61 59 52 46 41
1400 [2380] 57 48 46 39 33 29 59 54 50 43 38 33 65 62 60 53 48 43
1600 [2720] 61 51 48 40 34 29 63 56 52 45 40 34 67 63 62 54 49 44
800 [1360] 47 41 39 33 30 29 51 49 47 40 37 33 54 60 58 52 47 43
1100 [1870] 49 44 41 34 31 29 54 51 48 42 38 33 58 61 59 53 48 45
1400 [2380] 51 46 42 35 32 29 56 52 50 43 39 34 60 62 60 54 49 46
1700 [2890] 53 48 44 37 33 29 56 53 51 44 39 34 63 63 61 55 49 46
2000 [3400] 54 49 46 39 33 29 58 54 52 45 40 34 64 64 62 56 50 46
2300 [3910] 55 50 48 40 35 30 59 55 53 46 41 35 66 65 63 57 51 47
1100 [1870] 47 42 36 34 34 30 53 49 42 39 40 36 60 60 54 50 47 45
1500 [2550] 49 44 39 36 34 30 54 51 45 40 41 36 62 61 55 52 48 47
1900 [3230] 51 46 42 37 34 30 56 53 47 43 43 37 63 62 56 53 51 48
2300 [3910] 53 48 44 38 34 30 57 54 48 43 43 37 65 63 58 54 53 50
2700 [4590] 55 50 46 40 35 31 59 56 50 45 43 37 66 64 60 55 54 50
3100 [5270] 56 53 48 42 37 32 61 58 52 46 43 38 67 65 62 57 55 50
1600 [2720] 48 44 37 35 30 30 53 49 43 40 36 33 60 62 56 50 46 41
2100 [3570] 50 46 40 36 33 30 55 52 46 41 39 34 61 64 56 52 47 44
2600 [4420] 53 48 43 39 35 31 57 53 47 43 40 36 63 64 58 53 49 46
3100 [5270] 55 49 45 41 37 32 59 55 49 45 42 38 65 65 59 55 51 47
3600 [6120] 56 51 47 42 38 34 61 57 51 47 43 39 67 66 61 56 53 49
4100 [6970] 58 53 50 44 40 35 62 59 53 48 45 40 69 67 63 58 54 50
2500 [4250] 59 57 54 47 41 33 65 60 60 52 46 39 70 67 67 63 57 50
3000 [5100] 59 58 55 47 41 34 65 61 61 52 46 39 70 68 68 64 58 50
3500 [5950] 60 59 56 48 42 35 66 62 62 53 47 40 71 68 69 64 59 51
4500 [7650] 60 61 59 50 45 37 66 64 65 55 50 43 72 70 72 67 61 54
5500 [9350] 62 63 63 53 48 40 67 66 68 58 53 46 73 72 76 70 64 57
6500 [11050] 66 65 66 56 51 44 67 68 72 61 56 49 75 75 79 73 67 60
4000 [6800] 59 60 56 48 42 36 65 63 62 53 47 41 70 71 72 67 60 54
5000 [8500] 60 61 59 50 44 38 65 64 64 55 48 43 72 72 74 68 62 56
22 6000 [10200] 62 62 61 51 46 40 65 65 66 56 50 45 72 73 76 70 64 58
7000 [11900] 64 63 64 53 48 41 66 66 69 58 52 47 74 74 79 72 66 59
8000 [13600] 66 64 66 55 50 43 67 67 71 60 54 48 75 75 81 74 68 61

Performance data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with AHRI Standard 880.
Sound levels are expressed in decibels, dB re: 1 x 10-12 watts.
Certified AHRI data is highlighted blue. Application data (not highlighted blue) is outside the scope of the certification program.

Sound Power Data
Discharge Sound Power Data - Model TSS
Octave Band
Unit CFM
0.5''in.w.g. [125Pa] 1.0''in.w.g. [250Pa] 1.5''in.w.g. [375Pa] 3.0''in.w.g. [750Pa]
Size [CMH]
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
100 [170] 57 55 46 42 36 35 61 59 50 46 43 43 61 61 52 48 45 45 62 61 56 53 52 52
150 [255] 62 60 50 46 41 39 66 64 54 50 46 45 68 67 58 54 49 48 68 68 60 57 56 56
200 [340] 66 63 53 49 44 42 71 67 57 53 48 48 72 69 59 55 50 50 73 72 64 60 58 58
250 [425] 69 65 55 53 46 45 73 70 59 55 51 49 74 71 61 57 53 52 77 76 67 62 60 59
100 [170] 55 53 44 40 35 33 58 57 48 43 42 43 59 58 50 46 44 45 59 59 54 50 50 51
200 [340] 63 60 51 46 41 39 66 64 54 50 45 44 67 66 57 52 47 47 66 67 61 57 55 55
5 250 [425] 65 62 53 48 43 41 69 67 56 52 47 45 70 68 59 55 51 50 69 69 63 59 56 56
300 [510] 68 64 54 50 45 43 71 68 58 54 49 47 72 70 60 56 51 50 71 71 64 60 58 56
350 [600] 69 65 55 51 47 45 73 70 59 55 50 49 74 71 62 57 53 51 73 72 66 62 60 57
200 [340] 54 51 48 44 39 36 59 56 52 48 44 42 60 59 55 51 47 45 65 65 62 57 54 53
250 [425] 59 53 49 46 40 37 63 58 53 49 45 43 64 61 56 52 48 47 66 67 63 59 56 55
300 [510] 61 55 51 47 41 39 64 60 54 51 46 44 65 63 57 54 50 48 68 68 64 60 57 55
6 350 [595] 62 57 52 48 42 40 65 63 55 52 47 46 66 64 58 55 51 50 70 70 65 62 58 57
400 [680] 63 58 53 50 43 41 66 64 57 53 48 48 69 67 60 57 52 52 71 71 66 63 59 58
450 [765] 64 59 54 51 44 42 68 65 58 54 49 48 70 68 60 57 52 52 73 72 67 64 59 60
550 [935] 67 62 55 53 46 45 70 68 61 56 50 50 72 70 63 59 54 53 76 74 69 66 61 63
300 [510] 55 50 47 44 41 37 58 55 52 47 47 45 60 58 55 50 50 48 65 65 65 60 60 59
400 [680] 58 53 49 46 43 39 61 58 53 50 48 46 63 61 56 53 51 49 67 67 66 60 60 59
500 [850] 60 55 51 48 44 41 64 60 54 52 49 47 65 63 57 55 53 50 69 69 67 61 61 60
8 600 [1020] 62 57 52 50 46 42 66 61 56 53 50 48 67 65 59 56 54 52 71 70 68 63 61 60
700 [1190] 64 58 54 51 47 43 68 63 57 55 52 49 69 67 62 60 57 55 73 72 68 64 62 60
800 [1360] 66 60 55 52 48 44 69 64 59 56 53 50 71 67 63 60 57 55 74 73 68 65 63 61
1000 [1700] 70 63 57 54 50 46 72 67 62 58 55 52 74 70 64 61 58 56 78 75 70 67 65 62
600 [1020] 57 53 49 46 44 40 63 59 56 50 49 46 64 62 59 53 51 50 69 70 68 63 59 57
800 [1360] 60 55 52 49 46 42 64 61 57 52 51 48 67 63 60 55 54 52 71 71 69 64 61 59
1000 [1700] 63 58 54 51 48 44 67 63 59 54 52 50 69 65 61 57 56 53 74 72 69 64 63 60
10 1100 [1870] 64 58 55 52 48 45 68 64 59 55 53 50 70 67 63 60 57 54 74 73 69 65 64 61
1200 [2040] 65 59 55 53 49 45 69 65 60 56 54 51 71 67 63 61 57 55 75 74 70 66 64 62
1400 [2380] 67 61 57 54 50 47 70 67 62 58 55 52 73 69 64 61 58 56 77 75 71 67 65 63
1600 [2720] 69 63 59 56 51 48 74 69 65 60 56 53 76 71 67 62 60 57 80 76 73 69 67 64
800 [1360] 57 52 49 45 43 40 61 59 58 54 52 50 63 61 61 56 54 52 68 68 68 63 60 59
1100 [1870] 61 55 52 48 46 42 65 61 60 55 53 52 67 63 62 58 56 54 71 69 68 65 63 61
1400 [2380] 63 57 54 51 48 44 67 63 61 56 54 52 70 65 63 59 56 54 74 71 71 67 64 62
12 1600 [2720] 65 58 56 52 49 45 69 64 62 57 55 52 71 67 64 61 59 57 75 72 72 68 65 63
1700 [2890] 66 59 56 53 49 46 69 64 62 58 55 52 72 67 65 61 59 57 76 73 72 69 66 64
2000 [3400] 68 61 58 54 51 47 71 65 64 60 57 53 74 68 66 62 60 57 78 75 73 70 67 66
2300 [3910] 69 63 61 56 52 49 73 67 65 61 58 55 75 70 67 63 60 58 80 76 75 70 68 67
1100 [1870] 58 51 49 46 43 40 63 58 54 53 52 52 64 61 57 56 54 54 69 68 67 64 62 62
1500 [2550] 61 54 52 48 46 42 65 59 56 54 53 52 67 62 59 57 56 55 72 70 68 65 63 63
1900 [3230] 64 57 55 51 47 44 68 62 58 55 54 53 70 64 61 58 56 56 74 71 69 66 64 63
14 2100 [3570] 65 58 56 52 48 45 69 63 59 56 54 54 71 67 64 60 58 57 76 72 69 67 65 64
2300 [3910] 66 59 57 53 49 46 70 63 60 56 55 54 73 67 65 60 58 57 77 73 70 68 66 64
2700 [4590] 68 60 59 54 50 47 72 65 62 58 56 55 74 68 65 61 59 58 79 74 72 69 67 65
3100 [5270] 70 62 61 56 52 48 74 66 64 60 57 56 76 69 67 62 60 59 80 75 74 70 68 67
1600 [2720] 60 52 51 46 43 41 63 57 54 54 52 51 66 59 57 56 54 53 70 65 64 62 62 60
2100 [3570] 63 55 54 49 46 43 67 60 57 55 54 51 69 63 60 58 56 54 73 70 67 65 64 62
2600 [4420] 65 57 56 51 47 45 69 63 59 56 54 53 71 66 62 59 57 56 76 74 69 68 67 65
16 280 [4760] 66 58 57 52 48 45 70 64 60 56 54 53 74 68 65 60 58 57 76 74 70 68 67 65
3100 [5270] 67 59 58 53 49 46 71 65 61 57 55 54 75 69 65 60 58 57 78 75 71 69 67 66
3600 [6120] 69 61 59 54 50 47 73 67 63 58 56 54 75 69 66 61 59 57 80 77 73 70 68 67
4100 [6970] 71 63 62 56 51 49 75 68 67 60 57 55 77 71 69 62 60 58 81 79 74 70 68 68
2500 [4250] 69 65 59 57 57 51 72 70 67 63 63 59 73 73 71 68 65 62 77 78 77 76 74 71
3000 [5100] 70 66 60 59 58 52 73 71 69 65 64 60 74 74 73 69 66 62 78 79 78 77 74 71
3500 [5950] 71 68 61 61 60 55 74 72 70 66 66 61 75 75 74 70 68 63 79 80 79 78 75 72
19 4500 [7650] 72 68 63 63 62 58 75 72 72 69 68 64 77 76 76 72 70 66 82 80 81 80 78 74
5400 [9180] 73 70 66 65 65 61 76 73 73 71 70 67 77 78 79 75 70 68 84 82 83 83 79 76
5500 [9350] 73 70 66 65 65 61 76 73 73 71 70 67 78 78 79 75 72 69 84 82 83 83 79 76
6500 [11050] 75 72 71 68 67 63 78 73 74 72 71 69 80 79 80 77 73 71 87 84 85 85 80 78
4000 [6800] 71 69 64 60 56 54 75 73 70 66 62 60 77 76 74 70 65 63 82 81 81 79 75 72
5000 [8500] 72 69 66 63 59 57 77 74 74 68 64 62 79 76 76 72 67 65 84 81 83 80 76 73
6000 [10200] 74 70 69 66 62 60 79 74 76 71 67 65 81 77 78 74 70 68 85 82 85 82 77 75
7000 [11900] 77 71 71 68 64 63 80 76 77 73 69 67 81 78 79 75 71 69 86 83 86 83 79 76
7100 [12070] 77 71 71 68 64 63 80 76 77 73 69 67 82 80 82 76 71 69 86 83 86 83 79 76
8000 [13600] 79 72 74 70 66 65 81 77 78 75 71 69 83 80 82 77 73 71 87 84 88 84 80 77

Performance data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with AHRI Standard 880.
Sound levels are expressed in decibels, dB re: 1 x 10-12 watts.
Certified AHRI data is highlighted blue. Application data (not highlighted blue) is outside the scope of the certification program.

Discharge Sound Power Data - Model TSS-SA
Octave Band
Unit CFM
0.5''in.w.g. [125Pa] 1.0''in.w.g. [250Pa] 3.0''in.w.g. [750Pa]
Size [CMH]
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
100 [170] 52 47 35 29 21 22 55 51 42 34 24 24 55 54 48 41 30 28
150 [255] 55 52 39 32 23 22 61 57 45 37 27 23 63 62 54 45 35 32
200 [340] 60 56 43 35 24 25 66 61 48 40 29 26 68 67 58 48 37 34
250 [425] 64 59 46 41 28 26 70 63 51 43 32 27 73 71 62 50 39 34
100 [170] 49 43 35 29 20 20 50 44 39 30 23 24 53 51 45 37 28 27
200 [340] 53 49 39 30 20 21 56 51 44 35 24 23 60 60 54 44 34 31
300 [510] 60 53 43 34 21 22 65 57 48 39 26 24 66 63 58 48 37 32
350 [600] 62 55 45 36 24 21 68 60 50 42 29 25 68 65 60 51 39 32
200 [340] 49 45 35 28 19 22 54 50 43 32 22 23 59 58 51 43 32 29
250 [425] 56 49 38 30 22 23 59 54 46 35 23 23 61 59 53 45 33 31
300 [510] 59 52 41 32 22 23 61 57 48 37 25 23 64 62 57 46 35 31
350 [595] 59 54 44 35 23 24 62 60 51 40 27 24 65 64 59 48 37 33
450 [765] 60 55 46 37 23 24 65 61 54 42 28 24 69 66 61 50 38 36
550 [935] 64 59 50 42 26 26 67 65 57 46 32 29 73 70 65 52 39 38
300 [510] 52 45 39 29 22 22 53 50 47 36 28 27 59 56 57 47 38 36
400 [680] 55 46 40 30 23 23 57 51 46 37 28 28 60 57 58 47 38 36
500 [850] 57 50 43 34 24 24 61 54 49 39 30 28 63 60 60 50 41 38
600 [1020] 58 52 45 36 26 24 63 56 49 42 30 28 65 62 62 52 41 38
800 [1360] 62 55 49 39 29 26 66 60 53 45 34 30 71 66 62 53 43 39
1000 [1700] 66 60 53 44 33 29 69 64 57 49 40 32 75 69 65 55 44 40
600 [1020] 54 49 42 34 23 23 58 54 51 40 30 29 64 59 57 49 37 37
800 [1360] 56 51 43 35 25 24 61 57 52 42 31 30 66 63 60 53 40 39
1000 [1700] 59 54 47 38 28 26 63 59 54 44 34 32 70 66 62 55 43 40
1200 [2040] 60 57 49 40 29 27 65 61 56 45 37 33 72 69 64 56 44 42
1400 [2380] 62 59 51 43 32 29 67 63 58 48 40 35 74 70 66 58 46 44
1600 [2720] 65 61 56 47 35 32 71 66 62 51 43 37 77 72 68 61 48 46
800 [1360] 52 49 44 35 28 26 55 55 54 45 36 33 61 59 58 51 42 40
1100 [1870] 54 52 47 37 29 28 59 58 56 46 38 38 65 62 61 55 47 43
1400 [2380] 56 54 50 40 32 28 62 60 57 47 40 38 66 66 66 58 49 45
1700 [2890] 58 55 52 42 34 31 64 61 58 49 42 38 70 69 67 60 52 48
2000 [3400] 61 59 54 45 37 33 66 62 60 51 45 40 74 71 69 61 53 51
2300 [3910] 65 61 57 48 40 37 69 63 61 52 47 42 76 72 70 61 55 52
1100 [1870] 53 47 42 38 32 26 60 55 50 44 39 35 65 62 59 53 48 45
1500 [2550] 57 50 45 39 34 28 62 57 52 45 41 38 67 65 62 57 51 48
1900 [3230] 57 52 48 42 35 29 65 60 54 46 43 41 70 67 65 58 53 49
2300 [3910] 60 56 51 45 38 32 66 61 56 47 45 43 72 69 65 60 56 51
2700 [4590] 62 57 54 47 40 36 68 63 58 49 47 45 75 70 67 61 57 53
3100 [5270] 64 59 56 49 42 37 67 64 60 51 48 46 77 72 68 61 58 56
1600 [2720] 54 48 43 36 32 27 58 54 50 47 39 34 64 59 53 51 48 43
2100 [3570] 58 52 47 40 34 29 63 58 52 48 42 37 66 65 59 57 52 47
2600 [4420] 59 53 50 43 36 30 66 61 54 49 43 41 70 70 63 62 56 51
3100 [5270] 61 57 52 46 39 33 67 63 57 49 45 43 74 71 66 61 57 53
3600 [6120] 62 59 56 47 41 36 68 64 60 50 47 44 77 74 68 62 58 55
4100 [6970] 64 61 59 50 42 38 68 65 63 52 49 45 79 76 70 62 59 57
2500 [4250] 66 63 54 50 47 38 70 64 60 56 50 42 72 68 65 62 58 51
3000 [5100] 67 64 56 53 49 41 71 67 63 58 52 46 74 71 68 66 61 54
3500 [5950] 68 66 57 54 50 46 72 68 65 59 55 49 75 73 70 69 63 56
4500 [7650] 69 66 59 56 52 49 73 69 68 61 58 53 79 76 75 71 68 61
5500 [9350] 70 67 62 58 56 51 74 70 69 63 61 57 82 79 78 75 69 64
6500 [11050] 72 69 67 60 58 53 75 70 69 64 63 59 85 81 80 77 71 67
4000 [6800] 68 66 60 53 46 41 73 68 66 58 50 46 78 73 74 69 63 57
5000 [8500] 68 66 62 57 49 45 75 70 70 61 53 50 80 76 77 73 65 59
22 6000 [10200] 71 68 65 60 53 49 77 72 73 63 57 54 82 78 79 73 67 62
7000 [11900] 74 69 68 62 55 53 78 73 74 65 60 57 84 80 81 74 68 63
8000 [13600] 76 70 71 64 57 55 78 74 74 67 63 59 85 81 82 75 70 65

Performance data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with AHRI Standard 880.
Sound levels are expressed in decibels, dB re: 1 x 10-12 watts.
Certified AHRI data is highlighted blue. Application data (not highlighted blue) is outside the scope of the certification program.

AHRI Ratings
AHRI Standard Ratings
Standard Ratings - Sound Power Level, dB RE: 1 x 10-12 Watts

1.5'' Water Static Pressure

Minimum Operating
Unit Rated Airflow
Pressure Radiated Discharge
Size CFM
(IN. W.G.)
Hz Octave Band Center Frequency Hz Octave Band Center Frequency

125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000

4 150 0.01 53 53 46 38 33 30 68 67 58 54 49 48

5 250 0.02 53 52 49 41 35 32 70 68 59 55 51 50

6 400 0.10 56 54 52 49 46 36 69 67 60 57 52 52

8 700 0.03 58 56 52 47 42 35 69 67 62 60 57 55

10 1100 0.03 59 55 53 44 39 34 70 67 63 60 57 54

12 1600 0.04 59 56 53 44 40 35 71 67 64 61 59 57

14 2100 0.06 60 58 51 46 46 41 71 67 64 60 58 57

16 2800 0.04 60 59 52 47 44 40 74 68 65 60 58 57

19 5400 0.38 68 68 71 61 56 49 77 78 79 75 70 68

22 7100 0.20 69 69 73 63 57 51 82 80 82 76 71 69

Rated in accordance with AHRI Standard 880.

Hot Water Coil Data
Model TSS-WC
Standard Features Optional Features
Designed, manufactured, and tested Multi-circuit coils for reduced water pressure drop
Aluminum fin construction with die-formed spacer Opposite hand water connections
collars for uniform spacing Bottom and top access plates for cleaning
Mechanically expanded copper tubes leak tested to
400 PSIG [2.8MPa] air pressure and rated at
230 PSIG [1.6MPa] working pressure
1, 2 row configurations

Selection Procedure
TSS-WC Hot Water Coil Performance Tables are based upon a temperature difference of 125°F [70℃] between the entering water and the
entering air. If this ΔT is suitable, proceed directly to the tables for selection. All pertinent performance data is tabulated. For Variable Air
Volume Applications, the static pressure drop must be based on the maximum air volume.

Entering Water - Air Temperature Different (ΔT) Correction Factors

ΔT(°F[°C]) 20 [11] 25 [14] 30 [17] 35 [19] 40 [22] 45 [25] 50 [28] 55 [31] 60 [33] 65 [36] 70[39] 75[42] 80[44] 85[47] 90[50]

Factor 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.39 0.43 0.47 0.51 0.55 0.59 0.63 0.67 0.71

ΔT(°F[°C]) 95 [53] 100 [56] 105 [58] 110 [61] 115 [64] 120 [67] 125 [69] 130 [72] 135 [75] 140 [78] 145 [81] 150 [83] 155 [86] 160 [89] 165 [92]

Factor 0.75 0.79 0.83 0.88 0.92 0.96 1 1.04 1.08 1.13 1.17 1.21 1.25 1.29 1.33

The table above gives correction factors for various entering ΔT’s (difference between EWT and EAT). Multiply MBH values obtained from
selection tables by the appropriate correction factor above to obtain the actual MBH value. Air and water pressure drop can be read directly
from the selection tables. The LAT and LWT can be calculated from the following fundamental formulas:

LAT-EAT[°F]=BTU/(1.085 × CFM) EWT-LWT[°F]=BTUH/(500 × GPM)

LAT-EAT[°C]=829×kW/L/s EWT-LWT[°C]=0.244×kW/L/s

Definition of Terms
EAT Entering Air Temperature (°F[°C]) GPM Water Capacity (Gallons per Minute)
EWT Entering Water Temperature (°F[°C]) MBH 1,000 BTUH
LWT Leaving Water Temperature (°F[°C]) BTUH Coil Heating Capacity
LAT Leaving Air Temperature (°F[°C]) (British Thermal Units per Hour)
CFM Air Volume (Cubic Feet per Minute)
L/S Air/Water Volume (Litre per Second)

Hot Water Coil Data
Model TSS-WC • Sizes 4, 5, 6
Airflow Air PD Water Flow Water PD LAT LWT Capacity
(IN.W.G.) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
[Pa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] MBH [kW] MBH [kW]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 123.7 [50.9] 149.3 [65.2] 164.7 [73.7] 159.1 [70.6] 3.7 [1.08] 5.1 [1.49]
0.01 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 128.4 [53.6] 155.8 [68.8] 171.8 [77.7] 168.8 [76] 4 [1.17] 5.5 [1.61]
50 [85]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.4 [10.13] 0.9 [2.68] 131.2 [55.1] 159.3 [70.7] 175.8 [79.9] 174.2 [79] 4.1 [1.2] 5.7 [1.67]
0.01 4 [0.25] 12.2 [36.36] 3.4 [10.13] 132.7 [55.9] 161.2 [71.8] 177.8 [81] 177 [80.6] 4.2 [1.23] 5.8 [1.7]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 105.7 [40.9] 127.4 [53] 157.5 [69.7] 147.9 [64.4] 5.5 [1.61] 7.8 [2.29]
0.01 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 111.2 [44.0] 137 [58.3] 167.5 [75.3] 161.8 [72.1] 6.1 [1.79] 8.9 [2.61]
100 [170]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.4 [10.13] 1 [2.68] 114.6 [45.9] 142.8 [61.6] 173.4 [78.6] 170.2 [76.8] 6.5 [1.9] 9.5 [2.78]
0.02 4 [0.25] 12.2 [36.36] 3.4 [10.13] 116.5 [46.9] 146.2 [63.4] 176.6 [80.3] 174.9 [79.4] 6.7 [1.96] 9.9 [2.9]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 96 [35.6] 114 [45.6] 152.7 [67.1] 140.8 [60.4] 6.7 [1.96] 9.6 [2.81]
0.02 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 101.7 [38.7] 124.7 [51.5] 164.4 [73.6] 156.8 [69.3] 7.6 [2.22] 11.3 [3.31]
150 [255]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.4 [10.13] 1 [2.68] 105.3 [40.7] 131.7 [55.4] 171.6 [77.6] 167.2 [75.1] 8.2 [2.4] 12.5 [3.66]
0.03 4 [0.25] 12.2 [36.36] 3.4 [10.13] 107.5 [41.9] 135.8 [57.7] 175.6 [79.8] 173.3 [78.5] 8.5 [2.49] 13.1 [3.84]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 89.8 [32.1] 104.9 [40.5] 149.1 [65.1] 135.8 [57.7] 7.5 [2.2] 10.8 [3.16]
0.03 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 95.4 [35.2] 115.9 [46.6] 162 [72.2] 153 [67.2] 8.8 [2.58] 13.2 [3.87]
200 [340]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.4 [10.13] 1 [2.68] 99.1 [37.3] 123.5 [50.8] 170.2 [76.8] 164.8 [73.8] 9.6 [2.81] 14.8 [4.33]
0.06 4 [0.25] 12.2 [36.36] 3.4 [10.13] 101.4 [38.6] 128.1 [53.4] 174.8 [79.3] 171.9 [77.7] 10 [2.93] 15.8 [4.63]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 85.4 [29.7] 98.4 [36.9] 146.3 [63.5] 132 [55.6] 8.2 [2.41] 11.8 [3.46]
0.04 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 90.9 [32.7] 109.3 [42.9] 160.1 [71.2] 149.9 [65.5] 9.7 [2.84] 14.7 [4.31]
250 [425]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.4 [10.13] 1 [2.68] 94.6 [34.8] 117.1 [47.3] 169 [76.1] 162.7 [72.6] 10.7 [3.14] 16.8 [4.92]
0.08 4 [0.25] 12.2 [36.36] 3.4 [10.13] 96.9 [36.1] 122.1 [50.1] 174.2 [79] 170.7 [77.1] 11.3 [3.31] 18.2 [5.33]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 82.1 [27.8] 93.4 [34.1] 144 [62.2] 129 [53.9] 8.8 [2.58] 12.5 [3.66]
0.06 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 87.4 [30.8] 104.1 [40.1] 158.4 [70.2] 147.3 [64.1] 10.5 [3.08] 16 [4.69]
300 [510]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.4 [10.13] 1 [2.68] 91.1 [32.8] 112 [44.4] 167.9 [75.5] 161 [71.7] 11.7 [3.43] 18.5 [5.42]
0.12 4 [0.25] 12.2 [36.36] 3.4 [10.13] 93.4 [34.1] 117.2 [47.3] 173.6 [78.7] 169.6 [76.4] 12.5 [3.66] 20.2 [5.92]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 79.5 [26.4] 89.5 [31.9] 142.1 [61.2] 126.6 [52.6] 9.3 [2.72] 13.1 [3.84]
0.08 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 84.6 [29.2] 99.9 [37.7] 157 [69.4] 145.2 [62.9] 11.2 [3.28] 17 [4.98]
350 [595]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.4 [10.13] 1 [2.68] 88.3 [31.3] 107.8 [42.1] 167 [75] 159.5 [70.8] 12.6 [3.69] 20 [5.86]
0.15 4 [0.25] 12.2 [36.36] 3.4 [10.13] 90.6 [32.6] 113.1 [45.1] 173.1 [78.4] 168.7 [75.9] 13.5 [3.96] 22 [6.45]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 77.4 [25.2] 86.4 [30.2] 140.4 [60.2] 124.6 [51.4] 9.7 [2.84] 13.6 [3.98]
0.10 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 82.4 [28] 96.4 [35.8] 155.7 [68.7] 143.3 [61.8] 11.9 [3.49] 17.9 [5.24]
400 [680]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.4 [10.13] 1 [2.68] 86 [30] 104.3 [40.2] 166.2 [74.6] 158.1 [70.1] 13.4 [3.93] 21.4 [6.27]
0.19 4 [0.25] 12.2 [36.36] 3.4 [10.13] 88.3 [31.3] 109.6 [43.1] 172.6 [78.1] 167.8 [75.4] 14.4 [4.22] 23.7 [6.94]

Model TSS-WC • Size 8

Airflow Air PD Water Flow Water PD LAT LWT Capacity
(IN.W.G.) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
[Pa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] MBH [kW] MBH [kW]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 95.7 [35.4] 113.1 [45.1] 148.4 [64.7] 135 [57.2] 7.7 [2.26] 11 [3.22]
0.02 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 101.7 [38.7] 124.5 [51.4] 161.8 [72.1] 153 [67.2] 8.9 [2.61] 13.2 [3.87]
175 [298]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.5 [10.43] 1 [2.98] 105.6 [40.9] 131.9 [55.5] 170.1 [76.7] 165 [73.9] 9.6 [2.81] 14.6 [4.28]
0.03 4 [0.25] 12.7 [37.85] 3.5 [10.43] 107.9 [42.2] 136.2 [57.9] 174.8 [79.3] 172.1 [77.8] 10 [2.93] 15.4 [4.51]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 88 [31.1] 101.9 [38.8] 143.4 [61.9] 128.2 [53.4] 8.9 [2.61] 12.7 [3.72]
0.03 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 94 [34.4] 113.5 [45.3] 158.4 [70.2] 147.6 [64.2] 10.6 [3.11] 15.8 [4.63]
250 [425]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.6 [10.73] 1 [2.98] 97.9 [36.6] 121.6 [49.8] 168.1 [75.6] 161.5 [71.9] 11.6 [3.4] 18 [5.27]
0.06 4 [0.25] 12.7 [37.85] 3.5 [10.43] 100.4 [38] 126.6 [52.6] 173.7 [78.7] 170 [76.7] 12.3 [3.6] 19.4 [5.68]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 83 [28.3] 94.4 [34.7] 139.7 [59.8] 123.5 [50.8] 9.9 [2.9] 13.9 [4.07]
0.05 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 88.7 [31.5] 105.7 [40.9] 155.7 [68.7] 143.5 [61.9] 11.9 [3.49] 17.9 [5.24]
325 [553]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.6 [10.73] 1 [2.98] 92.7 [33.7] 114.1 [45.6] 166.4 [74.7] 158.7 [70.4] 13.3 [3.9] 20.8 [6.09]
0.10 4 [0.25] 12.7 [37.85] 3.6 [10.73] 95.2 [35.1] 119.5 [48.6] 172.7 [78.2] 168.3 [75.7] 14.1 [4.13] 22.7 [6.65]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 79.4 [26.3] 89 [31.7] 136.8 [58.2] 119.9 [48.8] 10.6 [3.11] 14.7 [4.31]
0.07 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 84.9 [29.4] 99.9 [37.7] 153.4 [67.4] 140.2 [60.1] 13 [3.81] 19.5 [5.71]
400 [680]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.6 [10.73] 1 [2.98] 88.8 [31.6] 108.3 [42.4] 165 [73.9] 156.3 [69.1] 14.7 [4.31] 23.1 [6.77]
0.14 4 [0.25] 12.7 [37.85] 3.6 [10.73] 91.3 [32.9] 113.9 [45.5] 171.9 [77.7] 166.9 [74.9] 15.7 [4.6] 25.5 [7.47]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 76.7 [24.8] 85 [29.4] 134.4 [56.9] 117.1 [47.3] 11.2 [3.28] 15.4 [4.51]
0.09 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 82 [27.8] 95.4 [35.2] 151.6 [66.4] 137.6 [58.7] 13.9 [4.07] 20.8 [6.09]
475 [808]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.6 [10.73] 1 [2.98] 85.8 [29.9] 103.7 [39.8] 163.7 [73.2] 154.3 [67.9] 15.9 [4.66] 25.1 [7.35]
0.19 4 [0.25] 12.7 [37.85] 3.6 [10.73] 88.3 [31.3] 109.4 [43] 171.2 [77.3] 165.6 [74.2] 17.1 [5.01] 28 [8.2]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 74.6 [23.7] 81.9 [27.7] 132.4 [55.8] 114.9 [46.1] 11.7 [3.43] 16 [4.69]
0.12 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 79.6 [26.4] 91.7 [33.2] 149.9 [65.5] 135.3 [57.4] 14.7 [4.31] 21.9 [6.42]
550 [935]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.6 [10.73] 1 [2.98] 83.4 [28.6] 100 [37.8] 162.6 [72.6] 152.6 [67] 16.9 [4.95] 26.8 [7.85]
0.25 4 [0.25] 12.7 [37.85] 3.6 [10.73] 85.8 [29.9] 105.7 [40.9] 170.6 [77] 164.5 [73.6] 18.4 [5.39] 30.2 [8.85]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 72.9 [22.7] 79.3 [26.3] 130.6 [54.8] 113 [45] 12.1 [3.55] 16.5 [4.83]
0.15 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 77.7 [25.4] 88.7 [31.5] 148.5 [64.7] 133.4 [56.3] 15.4 [4.51] 22.8 [6.68]
625 [1063]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.6 [10.73] 1 [2.98] 81.4 [27.4] 96.8 [36] 161.7 [72.1] 151 [66.1] 17.9 [5.24] 28.3 [8.29]
0.31 4 [0.25] 12.7 [37.85] 3.6 [10.73] 83.8 [28.8] 102.5 [39.2] 170 [76.7] 163.5 [73.1] 19.5 [5.71] 32.2 [9.43]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 71.4 [21.9] 77.2 [25.1] 129.1 [53.9] 111.4 [44.1] 12.5 [3.66] 16.9 [4.95]
0.19 1 [0.06] 1 [2.98] 0.3 [0.89] 76.1 [24.5] 86.2 [30.1] 147.3 [64.1] 131.7 [55.4] 16 [4.69] 23.7 [6.94]
700 [1190]
2Row 2 [0.12] 3.6 [10.73] 1 [2.98] 79.7 [26.5] 94.1 [34.5] 160.8 [71.6] 149.7 [65.4] 18.7 [5.48] 29.6 [8.67]
0.38 4 [0.25] 12.7 [37.85] 3.6 [10.73] 82.1 [27.8] 99.8 [37.7] 169.5 [76.4] 162.6 [72.6] 20.5 [6.01] 34 [9.96]

Data is based on 180°F[82.2℃] entering water and 55°F[12.7℃] entering air at sea level. See selection procedure for other conditions.

Model TSS-WC • Size 10
Airflow Air PD Water Flow Water PD LAT LWT Capacity
(IN.W.G.) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
[Pa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] MBH [kW] MBH [kW]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 89.6 [32] 103 [39.4] 134.1 [56.7] 116.4 [46.9] 11.2 [3.28] 15.6 [4.57]
0.02 1 [0.06] 1.2 [3.58] 0.3 [0.89] 96.5 [35.8] 116.2 [46.8] 152.4 [66.9] 139.4 [59.7] 13.5 [3.96] 19.9 [5.83]
300 [510]
2Row 2 [0.12] 4.2 [12.52] 1.2 [3.58] 101.1 [38.4] 125.3 [51.8] 164.6 [73.7] 156.6 [69.2] 15 [4.4] 22.9 [6.71]
0.04 4 [0.25] 14.9 [44.40] 4.2 [12.52] 103.9 [39.9] 130.9 [54.9] 171.8 [77.7] 167.3 [75.2] 15.9 [4.66] 24.7 [7.24]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 83.8 [28.8] 94.5 [34.7] 129.1 [53.9] 110.4 [43.6] 12.5 [3.66] 17.1 [5.01]
0.04 1 [0.06] 1.2 [3.58] 0.3 [0.89] 90.4 [32.4] 107.3 [41.8] 148.6 [64.8] 133.7 [56.5] 15.4 [4.51] 22.7 [6.65]
400 [680]
2Row 2 [0.12] 4.2 [12.52] 1.2 [3.58] 95.1 [35.1] 116.9 [47.2] 162.2 [72.3] 152.5 [66.9] 17.4 [5.1] 26.8 [7.85]
0.07 4 [0.25] 14.9 [44.40] 4.2 [12.52] 98 [36.7] 123 [50.6] 170.4 [76.9] 164.9 [73.8] 18.6 [5.45] 29.5 [8.64]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 79.8 [26.6] 88.6 [31.4] 125.2 [51.8] 106 [41.1] 13.4 [3.93] 18.2 [5.33]
0.05 1 [0.06] 1.2 [3.58] 0.3 [0.89] 86.1 [30.1] 100.8 [38.2] 145.5 [63.1] 129.4 [54.1] 16.9 [4.95] 24.8 [7.27]
500 [850]
2Row 2 [0.12] 4.2 [12.52] 1.2 [3.58] 90.7 [32.6] 110.5 [43.6] 160.2 [71.2] 149.3 [65.2] 19.3 [5.65] 30 [8.79]
0.11 4 [0.25] 14.9 [44.40] 4.2 [12.52] 93.6 [34.2] 116.9 [47.2] 169.3 [76.3] 162.8 [72.7] 20.9 [6.12] 33.5 [9.82]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 76.8 [24.9] 84.2 [29] 122.2 [50.1] 102.8 [39.3] 14.2 [4.16] 19 [5.57]
0.07 1 [0.06] 1.2 [3.58] 0.3 [0.89] 82.9 [28.3] 95.8 [35.4] 143 [61.7] 125.9 [52.2] 18.1 [5.3] 26.5 [7.76]
600 [1020]
2Row 2 [0.12] 4.2 [12.52] 1.2 [3.58] 87.4 [30.8] 105.4 [40.8] 158.4 [70.2] 146.5 [63.6] 21 [6.15] 32.7 [9.58]
0.15 4 [0.25] 14.9 [44.40] 4.2 [12.52] 90.3 [32.4] 111.9 [44.4] 168.2 [75.7] 161 [71.7] 22.9 [6.71] 37 [10.84]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 74.5 [23.6] 80.9 [27.2] 119.7 [48.7] 100.2 [37.9] 14.8 [4.34] 19.6 [5.74]
0.10 1 [0.06] 1.2 [3.58] 0.3 [0.89] 80.3 [26.8] 91.8 [33.2] 140.8 [60.4] 123.1 [50.6] 19.2 [5.63] 27.9 [8.17]
700 [1190]
2Row 2 [0.12] 4.2 [12.52] 1.2 [3.58] 84.7 [29.3] 101.2 [38.4] 156.9 [69.4] 144.1 [62.3] 22.5 [6.59] 35.1 [10.28]
0.19 4 [0.25] 15 [44.70] 4.2 [12.52] 87.6 [30.9] 107.9 [42.2] 167.3 [75.2] 159.4 [70.8] 24.7 [7.24] 40.1 [11.75]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 72.7 [22.6] 78.3 [25.7] 117.6 [47.6] 98.1 [36.7] 15.3 [4.48] 20.2 [5.92]
0.12 1 [0.06] 1.2 [3.58] 0.3 [0.89] 78.2 [25.7] 88.6 [31.4] 138.9 [59.4] 120.7 [49.3] 20.1 [5.89] 29.1 [8.53]
800 [1360]
2Row 2 [0.12] 4.2 [12.52] 1.2 [3.58] 82.5 [28.1] 97.8 [36.6] 155.6 [68.7] 142.1 [61.2] 23.8 [6.97] 37.1 [10.87]
0.25 4 [0.25] 15 [44.70] 4.2 [12.52] 85.3 [29.6] 104.4 [40.2] 166.5 [74.7] 158 [70] 26.3 [7.71] 42.8 [12.54]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 71.2 [21.8] 76.1 [24.5] 115.7 [46.5] 96.4 [35.8] 15.8 [4.63] 20.6 [6.04]
0.15 1 [0.06] 1.2 [3.58] 0.3 [0.89] 76.5 [24.7] 85.9 [29.9] 137.3 [58.5] 118.6 [48.1] 20.9 [6.12] 30.1 [8.82]
900 [1530]
2Row 2 [0.12] 4.2 [12.52] 1.2 [3.58] 80.6 [27] 94.9 [34.9] 154.4 [68] 140.3 [60.2] 25 [7.33] 38.9 [11.4]
0.30 4 [0.25] 15 [44.70] 4.2 [12.52] 83.4 [28.6] 101.5 [38.6] 165.8 [74.3] 156.8 [69.3] 27.7 [8.12] 45.3 [13.27]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.3 [0.89] 0.1 [0.30] 69.9 [21.1] 74.4 [23.6] 114.2 [45.7] 94.9 [34.9] 16.2 [4.75] 21 [6.15]
0.18 1 [0.06] 1.2 [3.58] 0.3 [0.89] 75 [23.9] 83.6 [28.7] 135.8 [57.7] 116.8 [47.1] 21.6 [6.33] 31 [9.08]
1000 [1700]
2Row 2 [0.12] 4.2 [12.52] 1.2 [3.58] 79.1 [26.2] 92.4 [33.6] 153.3 [67.4] 138.7 [59.3] 26.1 [7.65] 40.5 [11.87]
0.37 4 [0.25] 15 [44.70] 4.2 [12.52] 81.8 [27.7] 98.9 [37.2] 165.1 [73.9] 155.6 [68.7] 29.1 [8.53] 47.6 [13.95]

Model TSS-WC • Size 12

Airflow Air PD Water Flow Water PD LAT LWT Capacity
(IN.W.G.) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
[Pa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] MBH [kW] MBH [kW]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.4 [1.19] 0.1 [0.30] 87.5 [30.8] 98.9 [37.2] 122.5 [50.3] 102.7 [39.3] 14.1 [4.13] 19 [5.57]
0.02 1 [0.06] 1.4 [4.17] 0.4 [1.19] 95.3 [35.2] 113.5 [45.3] 144.3 [62.4] 128.3 [53.5] 17.4 [5.1] 25.3 [7.41]
400 [680]
2Row 2 [0.12] 4.9 [14.60] 1.4 [4.17] 100.6 [38.1] 124 [51.1] 159.7 [70.9] 149.4 [65.2] 19.8 [5.8] 29.9 [8.76]
0.04 4 [0.25] 17.4 [51.85] 4.9 [14.60] 103.9 [39.9] 130.5 [54.7] 169.1 [76.2] 163.2 [72.9] 21.2 [6.21] 32.7 [9.58]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.4 [1.19] 0.1 [0.30] 81.3 [27.4] 89.8 [32.1] 116.2 [46.8] 95.8 [35.4] 15.7 [4.6] 20.7 [6.07]
0.04 1 [0.06] 1.4 [4.17] 0.4 [1.19] 88.6 [31.4] 103.5 [39.7] 139.1 [59.5] 121.1 [49.5] 20 [5.86] 28.9 [8.47]
550 [935]
2Row 2 [0.12] 4.9 [14.60] 1.4 [4.17] 93.9 [34.4] 114.5 [45.8] 156.2 [69] 143.8 [62.1] 23.2 [6.8] 35.4 [10.37]
0.07 4 [0.25] 17.4 [51.85] 4.9 [14.60] 97.3 [36.3] 121.6 [49.8] 167.1 [75.1] 159.7 [70.9] 25.2 [7.38] 39.7 [11.63]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.4 [1.19] 0.1 [0.30] 77.1 [25.1] 83.8 [28.8] 111.7 [44.3] 91.3 [32.9] 16.8 [4.92] 21.9 [6.42]
0.05 1 [0.06] 1.4 [4.17] 0.4 [1.19] 84 [28.9] 96.6 [35.9] 135.1 [57.3] 115.8 [46.6] 22 [6.45] 31.5 [9.23]
700 [1190]
2Row 2 [0.12] 4.9 [14.60] 1.4 [4.17] 89.2 [31.8] 107.4 [41.9] 153.4 [67.4] 139.4 [59.7] 25.9 [7.59] 39.7 [11.63]
0.11 4 [0.25] 17.4 [51.85] 4.9 [14.60] 92.6 [33.7] 114.9 [46.1] 165.4 [74.1] 156.7 [69.3] 28.5 [8.35] 45.4 [13.3]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.4 [1.19] 0.1 [0.30] 74.2 [23.4] 79.6 [26.4] 108.2 [42.3] 88.1 [31.2] 17.7 [5.19] 22.7 [6.65]
0.08 1 [0.06] 1.4 [4.17] 0.4 [1.19] 80.6 [27] 91.4 [33] 131.8 [55.4] 111.8 [44.3] 23.6 [6.91] 33.5 [9.82]
850 [1445]
2Row 2 [0.12] 5 [14.90] 1.4 [4.17] 85.7 [29.8] 102 [38.9] 151.1 [66.2] 135.8 [57.7] 28.3 [8.29] 43.3 [12.69]
0.16 4 [0.25] 17.5 [52.15] 5 [14.90] 89 [31.7] 109.6 [43.1] 163.9 [73.3] 154.3 [67.9] 31.3 [9.17] 50.3 [14.74]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.4 [1.19] 0.1 [0.30] 71.9 [22.2] 76.5 [24.7] 105.4 [40.8] 85.6 [29.8] 18.4 [5.39] 23.3 [6.83]
0.10 1 [0.06] 1.4 [4.17] 0.4 [1.19] 78 [25.6] 87.4 [30.8] 129.1 [53.9] 108.6 [42.6] 24.9 [7.3] 35.1 [10.28]
1000 [1700]
2Row 2 [0.12] 5 [14.90] 1.4 [4.17] 82.9 [28.3] 97.7 [36.5] 149 [65] 132.8 [56] 30.2 [8.85] 46.2 [13.54]
0.21 4 [0.25] 17.5 [52.15] 5 [14.90] 86.2 [30.1] 105.3 [40.7] 162.6 [72.6] 152.1 [66.7] 33.8 [9.9] 54.5 [15.97]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.4 [1.19] 0.1 [0.30] 70.2 [21.2] 74.1 [23.4] 103.1 [39.5] 83.7 [28.7] 18.9 [5.54] 23.8 [6.97]
0.10 1 [0.06] 1.4 [4.17] 0.4 [1.19] 75.9 [24.4] 84.3 [29.1] 126.8 [52.7] 105.9 [41.1] 26.1 [7.65] 36.4 [10.67]
1150 [1955]
2Row 2 [0.12] 5 [14.90] 1.4 [4.17] 80.7 [27.1] 94.2 [34.6] 147.3 [64.1] 130.2 [54.6] 32 [9.38] 48.8 [14.3]
0.27 4 [0.25] 17.5 [52.15] 5 [14.90] 83.9 [28.8] 101.7 [38.7] 161.5 [71.9] 150.2 [65.7] 36.1 [10.58] 58.2 [17.05]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.4 [1.19] 0.1 [0.30] 68.8 [20.4] 72.2 [22.3] 101.1 [38.4] 82.1 [27.8] 19.4 [5.68] 24.2 [7.09]
0.17 1 [0.06] 1.4 [4.17] 0.4 [1.19] 74.2 [23.4] 81.7 [27.6] 124.8 [51.6] 103.7 [39.8] 27.1 [7.94] 37.5 [10.99]
1300 [2210]
2Row 2 [0.12] 5 [14.90] 1.4 [4.17] 78.8 [26] 91.2 [32.9] 145.7 [63.2] 128 [53.3] 33.5 [9.82] 51 [14.94]
0.33 4 [0.25] 17.5 [52.15] 5 [14.90] 82 [27.8] 98.7 [37.1] 160.5 [71.4] 148.5 [64.7] 38.1 [11.16] 61.5 [18.02]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.4 [1.19] 0.1 [0.30] 67.6 [19.8] 70.6 [21.4] 99.5 [37.5] 80.8 [27.1] 19.8 [5.8] 24.5 [7.18]
0.20 1 [0.06] 1.4 [4.17] 0.4 [1.19] 72.8 [22.7] 79.5 [26.4] 123.1 [50.6] 101.8 [38.8] 27.9 [8.17] 38.5 [11.28]
1450 [2465]
2Row 2 [0.12] 5 [14.90] 1.4 [4.17] 77.2 [25.1] 88.7 [31.5] 144.3 [62.4] 126.1 [52.3] 34.9 [10.23] 52.9 [15.5]
0.40 4 [0.25] 17.5 [52.15] 5 [14.90] 80.4 [26.9] 96.1 [35.6] 159.6 [70.9] 147 [63.9] 39.9 [11.69] 64.5 [18.9]

Data is based on 180°F[82.2℃] entering water and 55°F[12.7℃] entering air at sea level. See selection procedure for other conditions.

Hot Water Coil Data
Model TSS-WC • Size 14
Airflow Air PD Water Flow Water PD LAT LWT Capacity
(IN.W.G.) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
[Pa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] MBH [kW] MBH [kW]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.5 [1.49] 0.1 [0.30] 80.2 [26.8] 87 [30.6] 102.4 [39.1] 81.8 [27.7] 19.1 [5.6] 24.2 [7.09]
0.03 1 [0.06] 1.7 [5.07] 0.5 [1.49] 88.6 [31.4] 102.1 [38.9] 128.1 [53.4] 107.4 [41.9] 25.5 [7.47] 35.7 [10.46]
700 [1190]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6 [17.88] 1.7 [5.07] 94.9 [34.9] 114.8 [46] 149 [65] 133.7 [56.5] 30.3 [8.88] 45.4 [13.3]
0.06 4 [0.25] 21 [62.58] 6 [17.88] 99.1 [37.3] 123.3 [50.7] 162.9 [72.7] 153.5 [67.5] 33.4 [9.79] 51.8 [15.18]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.5 [1.49] 0.1 [0.30] 75.9 [24.4] 81 [27.2] 97.3 [36.3] 77.5 [25.3] 20.4 [5.98] 25.3 [7.41]
0.04 1 [0.06] 1.7 [5.07] 0.5 [1.49] 83.7 [28.7] 94.7 [34.8] 123.1 [50.6] 101.4 [38.6] 27.9 [8.17] 38.7 [11.34]
900 [1530]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6 [17.88] 1.7 [5.07] 89.9 [32.2] 107.2 [41.8] 145.2 [62.9] 128.1 [53.4] 34 [9.96] 50.9 [14.91]
0.09 4 [0.25] 21.1 [62.88] 6 [17.88] 94 [34.4] 116.1 [46.7] 160.5 [71.4] 149.5 [65.3] 38 [11.13] 59.6 [17.46]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.5 [1.49] 0.1 [0.30] 72.9 [22.7] 76.9 [24.9] 93.5 [34.2] 74.6 [23.7] 21.3 [6.24] 26 [7.62]
0.06 1 [0.06] 1.7 [5.07] 0.5 [1.49] 80.1 [26.7] 89.3 [31.8] 119.1 [48.4] 97 [36.1] 29.9 [8.76] 40.9 [11.98]
1100 [1870
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.1 [18.18] 1.7 [5.07] 86.1 [30.1] 101.4 [38.6] 142.1 [61.2] 123.6 [50.9] 37 [10.84] 55.3 [16.2]
0.13 4 [0.25] 21.1 [62.88] 6 [17.88] 90.2 [32.3] 110.5 [43.6] 158.5 [70.3] 146.2 [63.4] 41.9 [12.28] 66.1 [19.37]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.5 [1.49] 0.1 [0.30] 70.6 [21.4] 73.9 [23.3] 90.6 [32.6] 72.5 [22.5] 22 [6.45] 26.6 [7.79]
0.08 1 [0.06] 1.7 [5.07] 0.5 [1.49] 77.4 [25.2] 85.3 [29.6] 115.8 [46.6] 93.6 [34.2] 31.5 [9.23] 42.6 [12.48]
1300 [2210]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.1 [18.18] 1.7 [5.07] 83.1 [28.4] 96.9 [36.1] 139.5 [59.7] 120 [48.9] 39.6 [11.6] 58.9 [17.26]
0.17 4 [0.25] 21.1 [62.88] 6 [17.88] 87.2 [30.7] 105.9 [41.1] 156.8 [69.3] 143.4 [61.9] 45.3 [13.27] 71.7 [21.01]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.5 [1.49] 0.1 [0.30] 68.9 [20.5] 71.6 [22] 88.3 [31.3] 70.9 [21.6] 22.6 [6.62] 27 [7.91]
0.11 1 [0.06] 1.8 [5.36] 0.5 [1.49] 75.2 [24] 82.1 [27.8] 113.1 [45.1] 90.8 [32.7] 32.9 [9.64] 44 [12.89]
1500 [2550]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.1 [18.18] 1.8 [5.36] 80.8 [27.1] 93.2 [34] 137.2 [58.4] 116.9 [47.2] 41.9 [12.28] 62 [18.17]
0.22 4 [0.25] 21.2 [63.18] 6.1 [18.18] 84.7 [29.3] 102.1 [38.9] 155.2 [68.4] 140.9 [60.5] 48.3 [14.15] 76.5 [22.41]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.5 [1.49] 0.1 [0.30] 67.5 [19.7] 69.8 [21] 86.3 [30.2] 69.6 [20.9] 23.1 [6.77] 27.3 [8]
0.14 1 [0.06] 1.8 [5.36] 0.5 [1.49] 73.5 [23.1] 79.5 [26.4] 110.8 [43.8] 88.6 [31.4] 34 [9.96] 45.1 [13.21]
1700 [2890]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.1 [18.18] 1.8 [5.36] 78.8 [26] 90.1 [32.3] 135.2 [57.3] 114.3 [45.7] 43.9 [12.86] 64.6 [18.93]
0.27 4 [0.25] 21.2 [63.18] 6.1 [18.18] 82.7 [28.2] 98.9 [37.2] 153.9 [67.7] 138.7 [59.3] 51 [14.94] 80.8 [23.67]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.5 [1.49] 0.1 [0.30] 66.4 [19.1] 68.4 [20.2] 84.7 [29.3] 68.6 [20.3] 23.5 [6.89] 27.5 [8.06]
0.17 1 [0.06] 1.8 [5.36] 0.5 [1.49] 72 [22.2] 77.4 [25.2] 108.8 [42.7] 86.7 [30.4] 35 [10.26] 46 [13.48]
1900 [3230]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.1 [18.18] 1.8 [5.36] 77.2 [25.1] 87.5 [30.8] 133.4 [56.3] 112 [44.4] 45.6 [13.36] 66.9 [19.6]
0.33 4 [0.25] 21.2 [63.18] 6.1 [18.18] 81 [27.2] 96.1 [35.6] 152.6 [67] 136.8 [58.2] 53.5 [15.68] 84.7 [24.82]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.5 [1.49] 0.1 [0.30] 65.5 [18.6] 67.2 [19.6] 83.3 [28.5] 67.8 [19.9] 23.9 [7] 27.8 [8.15]
0.20 1 [0.06] 1.8 [5.36] 0.5 [1.49] 70.8 [21.6] 75.6 [24.2] 107 [41.7] 85.1 [29.5] 35.9 [10.52] 46.8 [13.71]
2100 [3570]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.1 [18.18] 1.8 [5.36] 75.8 [24.3] 85.3 [29.6] 131.8 [55.4] 110 [43.3] 47.2 [13.83] 68.8 [20.16]
0.40 4 [0.25] 21.2 [63.18] 6.1 [18.18] 79.5 [26.4] 93.7 [34.3] 151.5 [66.4] 135 [57.2] 55.7 [16.32] 88.1 [25.81]

Model TSS-WC • Size 16

Airflow Air PD Water Flow Water PD LAT LWT Capacity
(IN.W.G.) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
[Pa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] MBH [kW] MBH [kW]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.30] 68.9 [20.5] 71.2 [21.8] 82.5 [28.1] 66.6 [19.2] 24.1 [7.06] 28.1 [8.23]
0.09 1 [0.06] 1.9 [5.66] 0.6 [1.79] 75.6 [24.2] 82.1 [27.8] 107.4 [41.9] 85 [29.4] 35.7 [10.46] 46.9 [13.74]
1600 [2720]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.6 [19.67] 1.9 [5.66] 81.7 [27.6] 94 [34.4] 132.8 [56] 111.3 [44.1] 46.3 [13.57] 67.5 [19.78]
0.18 4 [0.25] 22.9 [68.24] 6.6 [19.67] 86.1 [30.1] 103.7 [39.8] 152.4 [66.9] 136.9 [58.3] 53.9 [15.79] 84.4 [24.73]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.30] 67.6 [19.8] 69.5 [20.8] 80.7 [27.1] 65.5 [18.6] 24.5 [7.18] 28.3 [8.29]
0.11 1 [0.06] 1.9 [5.66] 0.6 [1.79] 73.9 [23.3] 79.6 [26.4] 105.1 [40.6] 82.9 [28.3] 36.9 [10.81] 47.9 [14.03]
1800 [3060]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.6 [19.67] 1.9 [5.66] 79.8 [26.6] 91 [32.8] 130.7 [54.8] 108.7 [42.6] 48.3 [14.15] 70.1 [20.54]
0.22 4 [0.25] 22.9 [68.24] 6.6 [19.67] 84.1 [28.9] 100.6 [38.1] 150.9 [66.1] 134.6 [57] 56.8 [16.64] 88.9 [26.05]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.30] 66.5 [19.2] 68.2 [20.1] 79.2 [26.2] 64.7 [18.2] 24.9 [7.3] 28.5 [8.35]
0.13 1 [0.06] 1.9 [5.66] 0.6 [1.79] 72.5 [22.5] 77.5 [25.3] 103.1 [39.5] 81.2 [27.3] 37.9 [11.1] 48.8 [14.3]
2000 [3400]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.6 [19.67] 1.9 [5.66] 78.1 [25.6] 88.4 [31.3] 128.8 [53.8] 106.4 [41.3] 50.1 [14.68] 72.4 [21.21]
0.26 4 [0.25] 23 [68.54] 6.6 [19.67] 82.4 [28] 97.9 [36.6] 149.6 [65.3] 132.6 [55.9] 59.4 [17.4] 92.9 [27.22]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.30] 65.6 [18.7] 67 [19.4] 78 [25.6] 64 [17.8] 25.2 [7.38] 28.7 [8.41]
0.16 1 [0.06] 1.9 [5.66] 0.6 [1.79] 71.3 [21.8] 75.8 [24.3] 101.3 [38.5] 79.7 [26.5] 38.7 [11.34] 49.5 [14.5]
2200 [3740]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.6 [19.67] 1.9 [5.66] 76.7 [24.8] 86.2 [30.1] 127.2 [52.9] 104.4 [40.2] 51.8 [15.18] 74.4 [21.8]
0.31 4 [0.25] 23 [68.54] 6.6 [19.67] 80.9 [27.2] 95.5 [35.3] 148.4 [64.7] 130.7 [54.8] 61.8 [18.11] 96.6 [28.3]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.30] 64.8 [18.2] 66.1 [18.9] 76.8 [24.9] 63.4 [17.4] 25.5 [7.47] 28.8 [8.44]
0.18 1 [0.06] 1.9 [5.66] 0.6 [1.79] 70.2 [21.2] 74.3 [23.5] 99.7 [37.6] 78.4 [25.8] 39.5 [11.57] 50.2 [14.71]
2400 [4080]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.6 [19.67] 1.9 [5.66] 75.5 [24.2] 84.3 [29.1] 125.6 [52] 102.6 [39.2] 53.3 [15.62] 76.2 [22.33]
0.37 4 [0.25] 23 [68.54] 6.6 [19.67] 79.6 [26.4] 93.4 [34.1] 147.3 [64.1] 129.1 [53.9] 64 [18.75] 99.9 [29.27]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.30] 64.1 [17.8] 65.3 [18.5] 75.9 [24.4] 62.9 [17.2] 25.7 [7.53] 29 [8.5]
0.21 1 [0.06] 1.9 [5.66] 0.6 [1.79] 69.3 [20.7] 73 [22.8] 98.3 [36.8] 77.3 [25.2] 40.2 [11.78] 50.7 [14.86]
2600 [4420]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.6 [19.67] 1.9 [5.66] 74.4 [23.6] 82.6 [28.1] 124.2 [51.2] 101 [38.3] 54.7 [16.03] 77.8 [22.8]
0.42 4 [0.25] 23 [68.54] 6.6 [19.67] 78.4 [25.8] 91.5 [33.1] 146.2 [63.4] 127.5 [53.1] 66 [19.34] 102.9 [30.15]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.30] 63.6 [17.6] 64.6 [18.1] 75 [23.9] 62.5 [16.9] 25.9 [7.59] 29.1 [8.53]
0.24 1 [0.06] 1.9 [5.66] 0.6 [1.79] 68.5 [20.3] 71.9 [22.2] 97 [36.1] 76.3 [24.6] 40.9 [11.98] 51.2 [15]
2800 [4760]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.7 [19.97] 1.9 [5.66] 73.5 [23.1] 81.1 [27.3] 123 [50.6] 99.6 [37.6] 56 [16.41] 79.2 [23.21]
0.48 4 [0.25] 23 [68.54] 6.6 [19.67] 77.4 [25.2] 89.9 [32.2] 145.2 [62.9] 126.1 [52.3] 67.9 [19.89] 105.7 [30.97]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.30] 63 [17.2] 64 [17.8] 74.2 [23.4] 62.1 [16.7] 26.1 [7.65] 29.2 [8.56]
0.27 1 [0.06] 1.9 [5.66] 0.6 [1.79] 67.8 [19.9] 70.9 [21.6] 95.9 [35.5] 75.4 [24.1] 41.4 [12.13] 51.7 [15.15]
3000 [5100]
2Row 2 [0.12] 6.7 [19.97] 1.9 [5.66] 72.6 [22.6] 79.8 [26.6] 121.8 [49.9] 98.3 [36.8] 57.1 [16.73] 80.5 [23.59]
0.55 4 [0.25] 23.1 [68.84] 6.6 [19.67] 76.5 [24.7] 88.3 [31.3] 144.3 [62.4] 124.8 [51.6] 69.7 [20.42] 108.3 [31.73]

Data is based on 180°F[82.2℃] entering water and 55°F[12.7℃] entering air at sea level. See selection procedure for other conditions.

Model TSS-WC • Size 19
Airflow Air PD Water Flow Water PD LAT LWT Capacity
(IN.W.G.) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
[Pa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] MBH [kW] MBH [kW]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.3] 65.7 [18.7] 66.9 [19.4] 72.3 [22.4] 60.5 [15.8] 26.6 [7.79] 29.6 [8.67]
0.11 1 [0.06] 2.2 [6.56] 0.6 [1.79] 71.9 [22.2] 76.1 [24.5] 94.6 [34.8] 73.8 [23.2] 42.1 [12.34] 52.5 [15.38]
2300 [3910]
2Row 2 [0.12] 7.4 [22.05] 2.2 [6.56] 78.1 [25.6] 87.5 [30.8] 121.5 [49.7] 97.9 [36.6] 57.4 [16.82] 80.9 [23.7]
0.23 4 [0.25] 25.6 [76.29] 7.4 [22.05] 82.8 [28.2] 97.9 [36.6] 144.5 [62.5] 125.5 [51.9] 69.4 [20.33] 106.9 [31.32]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.3] 64.6 [18.1] 65.6 [18.7] 70.8 [21.6] 59.9 [15.5] 27 [7.91] 29.7 [8.7]
0.14 1 [0.06] 2.2 [6.56] 0.6 [1.79] 70.3 [21.3] 73.9 [23.3] 92.4 [33.6] 72.2 [22.3] 43.2 [12.66] 53.3 [15.62]
2600 [4420]
2Row 2 [0.12] 7.4 [22.05] 2.2 [6.56] 76.2 [24.6] 84.6 [29.2] 119.1 [48.4] 95.3 [35.2] 59.8 [17.52] 83.5 [24.47]
0.28 4 [0.25] 25.7 [76.59] 7.4 [22.05] 80.9 [27.2] 94.8 [34.9] 142.7 [61.5] 122.9 [50.5] 72.9 [21.36] 112 [32.82]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.3] 63.7 [17.6] 64.5 [18.1] 69.7 [20.9] 59.4 [15.2] 27.3 [8] 29.8 [8.73]
0.17 1 [0.06] 2.2 [6.56] 0.6 [1.79] 69.1 [20.6] 72.2 [22.3] 90.4 [32.4] 70.8 [21.6] 44.2 [12.95] 54 [15.82]
2900 [4930]
2Row 2 [0.12] 7.5 [22.35] 2.2 [6.56] 74.7 [23.7] 82.3 [27.9] 117 [47.2] 93 [33.9] 61.8 [18.11] 85.7 [25.11]
0.34 4 [0.25] 25.7 [76.59] 7.4 [22.05] 79.2 [26.2] 92.1 [33.4] 141.1 [60.6] 120.6 [49.2] 76.1 [22.3] 116.6 [34.16]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.3] 62.9 [17.2] 63.6 [17.6] 68.7 [20.4] 59 [15] 27.5 [8.06] 29.9 [8.76]
0.21 1 [0.06] 2.2 [6.56] 0.6 [1.79] 68 [20] 70.7 [21.5] 88.7 [31.5] 69.7 [20.9] 45 [13.19] 54.6 [16]
3200 [5440]
2Row 2 [0.12] 7.5 [22.35] 2.2 [6.56] 73.4 [23] 80.3 [26.8] 115.2 [46.2] 91.1 [32.8] 63.7 [18.66] 87.6 [25.67]
0.41 4 [0.25] 25.8 [76.88] 7.4 [22.05] 77.8 [25.4] 89.8 [32.1] 139.6 [59.8] 118.5 [48.1] 79 [23.15] 120.7 [35.37]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.3] 62.3 [16.8] 62.9 [17.2] 67.8 [19.9] 58.7 [14.8] 27.7 [8.12] 30 [8.79]
0.24 1 [0.06] 2.2 [6.56] 0.6 [1.79] 67.1 [19.5] 69.5 [20.8] 87.3 [30.7] 68.7 [20.4] 45.7 [13.39] 55 [16.12]
3500 [5950]
2Row 2 [0.12] 7.5 [22.35] 2.2 [6.56] 72.2 [22.3] 78.6 [25.9] 113.5 [45.3] 89.5 [31.9] 65.3 [19.13] 89.3 [26.16]
0.48 4 [0.25] 25.8 [76.88] 7.5 [22.35] 76.6 [24.8] 87.8 [31] 138.3 [59.1] 116.7 [47.1] 81.7 [23.94] 124.4 [36.45]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.3] 61.8 [16.6] 62.3 [16.8] 67.1 [19.5] 58.4 [14.7] 27.9 [8.17] 30.1 [8.82]
0.28 1 [0.06] 2.2 [6.56] 0.6 [1.79] 66.3 [19.1] 68.5 [20.3] 86 [30] 67.9 [19.9] 46.4 [13.6] 55.4 [16.23]
3800 [6460]
2Row 2 [0.12] 7.5 [22.35] 2.2 [6.56] 71.2 [21.8] 77.1 [25.1] 112 [44.4] 88 [31.1] 66.8 [19.57] 90.8 [26.6]
0.56 4 [0.25] 25.8 [76.88] 7.5 [22.35] 75.4 [24.1] 86 [30] 137 [58.3] 115 [46.1] 84.2 [24.67] 127.7 [37.42]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.3] 61.3 [16.3] 61.8 [16.6] 66.5 [19.2] 58.2 [14.6] 28.1 [8.23] 30.2 [8.85]
0.32 1 [0.06] 2.2 [6.56] 0.6 [1.79] 65.6 [18.7] 67.6 [19.8] 84.8 [29.3] 67.2 [19.6] 47 [13.77] 55.8 [16.35]
4100 [6970]
2Row 2 [0.12] 7.5 [22.35] 2.2 [6.56] 70.4 [21.3] 75.7 [24.3] 110.6 [43.7] 86.7 [30.4] 68.2 [19.98] 92.1 [26.99]
0.64 4 [0.25] 25.8 [76.88] 7.5 [22.35] 74.5 [23.6] 84.4 [29.1] 135.8 [57.7] 113.5 [45.3] 86.5 [25.34] 130.7 [38.3]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.6 [1.79] 0.1 [0.3] 60.9 [16.1] 61.3 [16.3] 65.9 [18.8] 58 [14.4] 28.2 [8.26] 30.2 [8.85]
0.36 1 [0.06] 2.2 [6.56] 0.6 [1.79] 65 [18.3] 66.8 [19.3] 83.7 [28.7] 66.6 [19.2] 47.5 [13.92] 56.1 [16.44]
4400 [7480]
2Row 2 [0.12] 7.5 [22.35] 2.2 [6.56] 69.6 [20.9] 74.6 [23.7] 109.4 [43] 85.5 [29.7] 69.5 [20.36] 93.3 [27.34]
0.73 4 [0.25] 25.9 [77.18] 7.5 [22.35] 73.6 [23.1] 83 [28.3] 134.8 [57.1] 112.1 [44.5] 88.6 25.96 133.5 [39.12]

Model TSS-WC • Size 22

Airflow Air PD Water Flow Water PD LAT LWT Capacity
(IN.W.G.) 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row 2 Row
[Pa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] (FT.W.G.) [kPa] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] °F [℃] MBH [kW] MBH [kW]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.7 [2.09] 0.1 [0.3] 63.4 [17.4] 64 [17.8] 66.6 [19.2] 58 [14.4] 28 [8.2] 30.2 [8.85]
0.16 1 [0.06] 2.3 [6.85] 0.7 [2.09] 68.8 [20.4] 71.6 [22] 86 [30] 67.6 [19.8] 46.4 [13.6] 55.6 [16.29]
3100 [5270]
2Row 2 [0.12] 8 [23.84] 2.3 [6.85] 74.7 [23.7] 81.9 [27.7] 112.8 [44.9] 88.6 [31.4] 66.1 [19.37] 90.2 [26.43]
0.31 4 [0.25] 27.5 [81.95] 8 [23.84] 79.5 [26.4] 92.2 [33.4] 137.9 [58.8] 116.4 [46.9] 82.4 [24.14] 124.9 [36.6]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.7 [2.09] 0.1 [0.3] 62.5 [16.9] 63 [17.2] 65.5 [18.6] 57.6 [14.2] 28.3 [8.29] 30.3 [8.88]
0.19 1 [0.06] 2.3 [6.85] 0.7 [2.09] 67.5 [19.7] 69.8 [21] 84 [28.9] 66.4 [19.1] 47.4 [13.89] 56.2 [16.47]
3500 [5950]
2Row 2 [0.12] 8 [23.84] 2.3 [6.85] 73.1 [22.8] 79.4 [26.3] 110.4 [43.6] 86.3 [30.2] 68.4 [20.04] 92.5 [27.1]
0.39 4 [0.25] 27.6 [82.25] 8 [23.84] 77.8 [25.4] 89.3 [31.8] 135.9 [57.7] 113.8 [45.4] 86.3 [25.29] 130.1 [38.12]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.7 [2.09] 0.1 [0.3] 61.8 [16.6] 62.2 [16.8] 64.7 [18.2] 57.4 [14.1] 28.5 [8.35] 30.4 [8.91]
0.23 1 [0.06] 2.3 [6.85] 0.7 [2.09] 66.4 [19.1] 68.4 [20.2] 82.3 [27.9] 65.4 [18.6] 48.2 [14.12] 56.7 [16.61]
3900 [6630]
2Row 2 [0.12] 8 [23.84] 2.3 [6.85] 71.7 [22.1] 77.4 [25.2] 108.3 [42.4] 84.3 [29.1] 70.5 [20.66] 94.5 [27.69]
0.47 4 [0.25] 27.6 [82.25] 8 [23.84] 76.2 [24.6] 86.9 [30.5] 134.2 [56.8] 111.5 [44.2] 89.7 [26.28] 134.7 [39.47]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.7 [2.09] 0.1 [0.3] 61.2 [16.2] 61.5 [16.4] 63.9 [17.7] 57.1 [13.9] 28.7 [8.41] 30.4 [8.91]
0.28 1 [0.06] 2.3 [6.85] 0.7 [2.09] 65.5 [18.6] 67.3 [19.6] 80.8 [27.1] 64.5 [18.1] 49 [14.36] 57.1 [16.73]
4300 [7310]
2Row 2 [0.12] 8 [23.84] 2.3 [6.85] 70.5 [21.4] 75.6 [24.2] 106.5 [41.4] 82.6 [28.1] 72.3 [21.18] 96.1 [28.16]
0.56 4 [0.25] 27.7 [82.55] 8 [23.84] 74.9 [23.8] 84.8 [29.3] 132.6 [55.9] 109.4 [43] 92.9 [27.22] 138.8 [40.67]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.7 [2.09] 0.1 [0.3] 60.7 [15.9] 61 [16.1] 63.3 [17.4] 56.9 [13.8] 28.9 [8.47] 30.5 [8.94]
0.33 1 [0.06] 2.3 [6.85] 0.7 [2.09] 64.7 [18.2] 66.3 [19.1] 79.6 [26.4] 63.9 [17.7] 49.6 [14.53] 57.5 [16.85]
4700 [7990]
2Row 2 [0.12] 8.1 [24.14] 2.3 [6.85] 69.5 [20.8] 74.2 [23.4] 104.8 [40.4] 81.2 [27.3] 74 [21.68] 97.6 [28.6]
0.66 4 [0.25] 27.7 [82.55] 8 [23.84] 73.8 [23.2] 83 [28.3] 131.2 [55.1] 107.6 [42] 95.7 [28.04] 142.4 [41.72]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.7 [2.09] 0.1 [0.3] 60.2 [15.7] 60.5 [15.8] 62.8 [17.1] 56.8 [13.8] 29 [8.5] 30.5 [8.94]
0.38 1 [0.06] 2.3 [6.85] 0.7 [2.09] 64.1 [17.8] 65.5 [18.6] 78.4 [25.8] 63.3 [17.4] 50.2 [14.71] 57.8 [16.94]
5100 [8670]
2Row 2 [0.12] 8.1 [24.14] 2.3 [6.85] 68.7 [20.4] 72.9 [22.7] 103.4 [39.7] 79.9 [26.6] 75.4 [22.09] 98.8 [28.95]
0.76 4 [0.25] 27.7 [82.55] 8 [23.84] 72.8 [22.7] 81.4 [27.4] 129.8 [54.3] 106 [41.1] 98.4 [28.83] 145.7 [42.69]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.7 [2.09] 0.1 [0.3] 59.9 [15.5] 60.1 [15.6] 62.3 [16.8] 56.7 [13.7] 29.1 [8.53] 30.5 [8.94]
0.43 1 [0.06] 2.3 [6.85] 0.7 [2.09] 63.5 [17.5] 64.7 [18.2] 77.5 [25.3] 62.8 [17.1] 50.7 [14.86] 58 [16.99]
5500 [9350]
2Row 2 [0.12] 8.1 [24.14] 2.3 [6.85] 67.9 [19.9] 71.8 [22.1] 102 [38.9] 78.8 [26] 76.8 [22.5] 100 [29.3]
0.87 4 [0.25] 27.7 [82.55] 8.1 [24.14] 71.9 [22.2] 80 [26.7] 128.6 [53.7] 104.5 [40.3] 100.8 [29.53] 148.7 [43.57]
1Row 0.5 [0.03] 0.7 [2.09] 0.1 [0.3] 59.6 [15.3] 59.8 [15.4] 62 [16.7] 56.6 [13.7] 29.2 [8.56] 30.6 [8.97]
0.49 1 [0.06] 2.3 [6.85] 0.7 [2.09] 63 [17.2] 64.1 [17.8] 76.6 [24.8] 62.3 [16.8] 51.1 [14.97] 58.2 [17.05]
5900 [10030]
2Row 2 [0.12] 8.1 [24.14] 2.3 [6.85] 67.2 [19.6] 70.8 [21.6] 100.8 [38.2] 77.8 [25.4] 78 [22.85] 101 [29.59]
0.99 4 [0.25] 27.8 [82.84] 8.1 [24.14] 71.1 [21.7] 78.7 [25.9] 127.5 [53.1] 103.1 [39.5] 103 [30.18] 151.4 [44.36]

Data is based on 180°F[82.2℃] entering water and 55°F[12.7℃] entering air at sea level. See selection procedure for other conditions.

Electric Heat
Model TSS-EH
Standard Features
Single point power connection Available kW increments are as follows:
Primary manual-reset high limit - 0.5 to 2 kW - 0.5kW
Fusing - 2 to 6 kW - 1kW
Wiring diagram - Above 6 kW - 2kW

Selection Procedure
With standard heater elements, the maximum capacity (kW) is obtained by dividing the heating (minimum) CFM by 70[CMH by 120]. In other
words, the terminal must have at least 70 CFM[120 CMH] per kW.
In addition, each size terminal has a maximum allowable kW based upon the specific heater element configuration (i.e. voltage, phase,
number of steps, etc.). Contact your local representative or refer to the VAV computer selection program for design assistance. Heaters
require a minimum of 0.07" w.g. [17Pa]downstream static pressure to ensure proper operation.

Heating Element Electric Heating

Electric Unit Size 4~6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 19 22

Heating Total Power 0.5~5.0kW 0.5~6.0kW 0.5~8.0kW 0.5~8.0kW 0.5~10.0kW 0.5~10.0kW 0.5~10.0kW 0.5~10.0kW

Series 1 or 2 1 or 2 or 3 1 or 2 or 3 1 or 2 or 3 1 or 2 or 3 1 or 2 or 3 1 or 2 or 3 1 or 2 or 3

Selection Equations Electric Heater Pressure Drop

CFM x ΔT x 1.085* Airflow Static Pressure Drop △Ps(inches w.g.)[Pa]
kW = 3413 CFM [CMH] size4,5,6 size8 size10 size12 size14 size16 size19 size22
100 [180] 0.022 [5.6] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
kW x 3413
CFM = ΔT x 1.085* 150 [270] 0.05 [12.5] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

200 [360] 0.088 [22.1] 0.018 [4.5] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

kW x 3413 250 [450] 0.138 [34.4] 0.028 [7] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

ΔT = CFM x 1.085*
300 [540] 0.199 [49.9] 0.041 [10.2] 0.011 [2.8] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

400 [720] 0.353 [88.3] 0.072 [18.1] 0.02 [5] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

* Air density at sea level - reduce by 0.036 500 [900] 0.538 [134.7] 0.112 [28.1] 0.031 [7.8] 0.014 [3.4] \ \ \ \ \ \ \
for each 1000 feet of altitude above sea
600 [1080] \ \ 0.162 [40.5] 0.045 [11.2] 0.019 [4.9] \ \ \ \ \ \ \
700 [1260] \ \ 0.22 [55] 0.061 [15.3] 0.027 [6.7] 0.011 [2.8] \ \ \ \ \ \

800 [1440] \ \ 0.287 [71.8] 0.079 [19.9] 0.035 [8.8] 0.014 [3.6] \ \ \ \ \ \

900 [1620] \ \ 0.363 [90.8] 0.101 [25.2] 0.044 [11.1] 0.018 [4.5] \ \ \ \ \ \

1000 [1800] \ \ 0.443 [110.8] 0.127 [31.8] 0.056 [14] 0.023 [5.7] 0.013 [3.2] \ \ \ \

1500 [2520] \ \ \ \ 0.244 [61.1] 0.107 [26.7] 0.044 [10.9] 0.024 [6.1] \ \ \ \

2000 [3240] \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.179 [44.7] 0.071 [17.8] 0.039 [9.9] 0.092 [2.3] \ \

2500 [4320] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.129 [32.3] 0.072 [17.9] 0.017 [4.2] \ \

3000 [5400] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.204 [51] 0.113 [28.3] 0.026 [6.6] 0.011 [2.8]

4000 [6840] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.323 [80.8] 0.179 [44.9] 0.042 [10.5] 0.017 [4.4]

5000 [8640] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.513 [128.3] 0.287 [71.7] 0.067 [16.8] 0.028 [7.1]

6000 [10440] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.416 [104] 0.098 [24.5] 0.041 [10.3]

7000 [11880] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.126 [31.6] 0.053 [13.3]

8000 [13320] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.067 [16.8]

Johnson Controls DDC
As powerful as the VAV Controller is by itself, your facility will benefit even more when VAV Controllers are part of a larger Metasys
Network. Each VAV Controller can connect to the Metasys N2, or BACnet MS/TP network. Either a Network Control Unit or Companion
system can be programmed to provide additional energy management and supervisory control capabilities, including optimal start, demand
limiting, load rolling, runtime totalization, and more.



AHU Controller AHU Controller AHU Controller

FX Series FEC Series FEC Series

VAV Controller VAV Controller VAV Controller

VMA 1400 Series VMA 1632 Series VMA 1617 Series

Johnson Controls DDC
VMA1617/1632 Series Controllers

Description Auto Tuned Control Loops - Reduce commissioning time,

eliminate change-of-season re-commissioning, and reduce wear
VMA16s (32-bit) are programmable digital controllers tailored for
and tear on mechanical devices.
VAV applications that communicate via the BACnet Master-Slave/
Token-Passing (MS/TP) protocol. The VMA16 (32-bit) controllers Universal Inputs, Configurable Outputs, and Point Expansion
feature an integral digital pressure sensor, an integral damper Modules - Allow multiple signal options to provide input/output
actuator, and a 32-bit microprocessor. The controllers' small flexibility.
package size facilitates quick field installation and efficient use of
Optional Local User Interface Display - Allows convenient
space, while not compromising high-tech control performance. The
monitoring and adjusting capabilities at the local device.
VMA16 (32-bit) controllers connect easily to the NS Series Network
Sensors for zone and discharge air temperature sensing. BACnet Testing Laboratories™ (BTL) Listing - Ensures
interoperability with other BTL-listed devices. BTL is a third-party
These features make the VMA16 (32-bit) the product of choice
agency which validates that BAS vendor products to meet the
for VAV systems. The wide variety of network sensor models
BACnet industry-standard protocol.
provides options for measuring and displaying zone temperature,
occupancy detection, duct temperature, zone humidity and dewpoint 32-bit microprocessor ensures optimum performance and meets
determination, carbon dioxide (CO2) level, setpoint adjustments, VAV industry specifications.
box fan speed control, and discharge air temperatures.
BACnet Automatic Discovery support enables easy controller
Features integration into Metasys BAS.

Standard BACnet® Protocol - Provides interoperability with other Integral End-of-Line (EOL) switch enables field controller as a
Building Automation System (BAS) products that use the widely terminating device on the communications bus.
accepted BACnet standard.
Pluggable communications bus and supply power terminal blocks
Standard Hardware and Software Platform - Uses a common expedite installation and troubleshooting.
hardware design throughout the family line to support
Wireless capabilities via a ZFR1800 Series Wireless Field Bus
standardized wiring practices and installation workflows. Also
System enable wireless mesh connectivity between Metasys field
uses a common software design to support use of a single tool
controllers to WRZ Series Wireless Room Temperature Sensors
for control applications, commissioning, and troubleshooting to
and to supervisory controllers, facilitating easy initial location and
minimize technical training.
ZigBee™Wireless Field Controller (FC)/Sensor/Actuator (SA) Bus
Patented proportional adaptive control (P-Adaptive) and Pattern
Interface - Provides a wireless alternative to hard-wired Metasys®
Recognition Adaptive Control (PRAC) technologies provide
system counterparts, providing application flexibility and mobility
continuous loop tuning.
with minimal disruption to building occupants.
Writable flash memory allows standard or customized applications
Bluetooth® Wireless Commissioning Interface - Provides an easy-
to be downloaded from the Controller Configuration Tool (CCT)
to-use connection to the configuration and commissioning tool.
and enables persistent application data.

Large product family provides a wide range of point mix to meet application requirements and allows the addition of one or more Input/
Output Module (IOM)s and/or Network Sensors to provide even more I/O capacity.

A state-of-art digital non-flow pressure sensor to provide 14-bit resolution with bidirectional flow operation that supports automatic
correction for polarity on high- and low-pressure DP tube connections; this pressure sensor eliminates high- and low-pressure connection

Two additional Universal Inputs that provide more low-cost sensor options.

A 33 percent smaller package than the VMA16s (16-bit).

The phone jack-style connector on the FC Bus and SA Bus of the VMA1615 and VMA1630 to support quick connection to the BTCVT
Wireless Commissioning Converter, ZFR1811 wireless router, and network sensors.

A fast response actuator that drives the damper from full open to full closed (90°) in 60 seconds to reduce commissioning time.

VMA16 (32-bit) Series Point Type Counts per Model

Point Types Signals Accepted VMA1617 VMA1632
Modular Jacks 8-pin SA Bus supports analog non-communicating sensor

Analog Input, Voltage Mode, 33330–10 VDC

Analog Input, Resistive Mode, 0–2k ohm, RTD (1k NI [Johnson

Universal Input (UI) 3 3
Controls], 1k PT, A998 SI), NTC (10k Type L, 2.252k Type 2)

Binary Input, Dry Contact Maintained Mode

Binary Output (BO) 24 VAC Triac 2 3

Configurable Output Analog Output, Voltage Mode, 220–10 VDC

(CO) Binary Output Mode, 24 VAC Triac

Integrated Actuator Internal 1 1

Integrated Flow Sensor Internal 1 1

Up to 4 NS Series Network Zone Sensors

Zone Sensor Input On SA Bus1 Up to 9 WRZ sensors when using the ZFR1811 wireless
router configuration and up to 5 WRZ sensors when using
the one-to-one WRZ-78xx wireless configuration

1. A total of 10 MS/TP master addresses (IOMs), not including sensor addresses (MS/TP slaves), can be used in a single VMA controller.

VMA16 (32-bit) Series Ordering Information

Product Code Number Description

32-bit, Integrated VAV Controller/Actuator/Pressure Sensor,

3 UI and 2 BO; 24 VAC;

Field Controller (FC) Bus, and Sensor/Actuator (SA) Bus

8-pin TSTAT Port for use with TE-7xx Series Non-Communicating Sensors

32-bit, Integrated VAV Controller/Actuator/Pressure Sensor,

3 UI, 3 BO, and 2 CO; 24 VAC;

Field Controller (FC) Bus, and Sensor/Actuator (SA) Bus

8-pin TSTAT Port for use with TE-7xx Series Non-Communicating Sensors
1. This model is currently available only in Asia; contact your local Johnson Controls representative for more information.

Johnson Controls DDC
Technical Specifications

MS-VMA1617-0: 32-bit, Integrated VAV Controller/Actuator/Pressure Sensor,

3 UI and 2 BO; 24 VAC;

FC and SA Bus;

8-pin TSTAT Port for use with TE-7xx Series Non-Communicating Sensors
Product Code Numbers
MS-VMA1632-0: 32-bit, Integrated VAV Controller/Actuator/Pressure Sensor,

3UI, 3BO: 2CO; 24VAC;

FC and SA Bus;

8-pin TSTAT Port for use with TE-7xx Series Non-Communicating Sensors

24 VAC (nominal, 20 VAC minimum/30 VAC maximum), 50/60 Hz, Power Supply Class 2 (North America), Safety Extra-Low
Supply Voltage
Voltage (SELV) (Europe)

Power Consumption 10 VA typical, 14 VA maximum

Operating: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)

Ambient Conditions
Storage: -40 to 70°C (-40 to 158°F)

Inputs/Outputs, SA Bus, and Supply Power: 6.3 mm (1/4 in.) Spade Lugs

Terminations FC Bus Pluggable Screw Terminal Block

TSTAT Modular Port: RJ-45 8-Pin Modular Jack

DIP switch set; valid field controller device addresses 4–127

Controller Addressing
(Device addresses 0–3 and 128–255 are reserved and not valid field controller addresses.)

BACnet MS/TP, RS-485:

3-wire FC Bus between the supervisory controller and field controllers

Communications Bus2
4-wire SA Bus from the VMA controller, network sensors, and other sensor/actuator devices, includes a terminal to source 15
VDC supply power from VMA to SA Bus devices.

Processor RX630 32-bit Renesas® microcontroller

Memory 1 MB Flash Memory and 512 KB Random Access Memory (RAM)

Actuator Rating 4 N•m (35 lb•in.)

Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth): 165 x 125 x 73 mm (6.5 x 4.92 x 2.9 in.)

Weight 0.65kg (1.45lb)

TE730 Series Temperature Sensors
The TE730 Series Temperature Sensors provide temperature sensing in room wall-mount
applications. This arrangement allows local temperature setpoint adjustment and temporary
occupancy override.
A setpoint dial is included on all models to adjust the temperature setpoint. A manual
occupancy override push button is available on one model to allow the user to request a
time-of-day scheduling override, when the space is occupied outside the normal occupied
hours schedule.
The wires connecting the temperature sensor to the controller are terminated with a
modular jack connection. All models include a Sensor Actuator (SA) Bus access port (6-pin
modular jack) for connecting accessories. This feature allows a technician to commission or
service the controller via the temperature sensor.

Large setpoint dial — provides ease of temperature setpoint adjustment by the user
Occupancy override push button (TE730-39C-0 model) — allows the user to request a time-of-day scheduling override when the space is
occupied outside the normal occupied hours schedule
Compact and easy to install design — interfaces directly with the field controller via modular jack connections
6-pin modular jack SA Bus access port — allows a technician to commission or service the field controller via the TE730 Series
Temperature Sensor

Selection Chart

Integral Manual
Product Code Temperature Sensor Occupancy Enclosure Dimensions
Setpoint Connection
Number Type Override Push (Height x Width x Depth)
Adjustment Dial

Platinum 1k ohm Thin Film

TE730-29C-0 Yes No Modular Jack 3-1/4 x 3-1/4 x 1-7/16 in.[80*80*36mm]

Platinum 1k ohm Thin Film

TE730-39C-0 Yes Yes Modular Jack 3-1/4 x 3-1/4 x 1-7/16 in.[80*80*36mm]

Technical Specifications
Temperature Sensor Type Platinum 1k ohm Thin Film Resistive

Temperature Sensor Coefficient Approximately 3.9 ohms per C° (2 ohms per °F)

Temperature Sensor Reference Resistance 1k ohms at 0°C (32°F)

Temperature Sensor Accuracy ±0.56C°/±1.0F° at 21°C (70°F)

Temperature Setpoint Range Adjustable 15 to 29°C (59 to 84°F)

Temperature Sensor Response Time 8-Pin Modular Jack Connector

6-Pin Modular Jack Connector with Bottom Access for a Wireless Commissioning Converter or VAV
SA Bus Access
Balancing Tool

Ambient Operating Conditions 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F); 10 to 90% RH, Noncondensing; 30°C (86°F) Maximum Dew Point

Ambient Storage Conditions -40 to 60°C (-40 to 140°F); 5 to 95% RH, Noncondensing; 30°C (86°F) Maximum Dew Point

Materials White Thermoplastic Enclosure

Shipping Weight 0.1 kg (0.3 lb)

Johnson Controls DDC
NS Series Network Sensors
The NS Series Network Sensors are electronic zone sensorsdesigned to function
directly with Metasys® system BACnet® protocol Field Equipment Controllers
(FECs), Input/Output Modules (IOMs), and the Variable Air Volume (VAV) Modular
Assembly (VMA) 1600.
All models of network sensors monitor room temperature. Options are available
to also monitor zone humidity, local temperature setpoint adjustments, and other
variables identified in the following sections. This data is transmitted to a field
controller on the Sensor-Actuator (SA) Bus.
The line of network sensors includes models with a temperature setpoint dial and
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) that allows occupants to view the zone temperature,
and view and adjust the zone setpoint. A fan mode push button is included to set
the desired fan speed (Auto-Off-Low-Med-High).
An occupancy override function allows the user to signal the controller that the
zone is occupied to override the scheduled mode. For communication wiring
Backlit LCD (available on some models) provides
flexibility, the wires connecting the sensor to a controller can be terminated using
realtime status of the environment in easy-to-read,
a modular jack or screw terminals.
plain text messages with backlighting activated
Each network sensor includes an SA Bus access port to allow accessories to access during user interaction.
the SA Bus. This plug allows accessories to service or commission the connected
Simple setpoint adjustment enables user to change
controller or gain access to any other controller on the same FC Bus. Refer to the
the setpoint with the turn of a dial.
Metasys System BACnet Protocol Field Controllers, Network Sensors, and Related
Products Product Bulletin (LIT-12011042) for product application details. Temporary occupancy (available on some models)
provides a timed override command, which
Features temporarily initiates an alternate mode.
BACnet Master-Slave/Token-Passing protocol communication provides Fahrenheit/Celsius (F/C) button toggles the display
compatibility with Metasys system Field Controllers in a proven communication temperature between degrees Celsius and degrees
network. Fahrenheit.

Selection Charts
Network Sensor Ordering Information — Temperature and Humidity Models

Vertical Wallbox-
Size (mm), Temperature Adjustment: Screw Terminals
Product Mounted (WB), or LCD Occupancy F/C Scale
Height x Humidity Setpoint (Set), or Warmer/ (ST), or Modular
Code Numbe Surface-Mounted Display Override Toggle
Width Cooler Dial (W/C) Jack (MJ)

NS-APA7001-0 80 x 80 SM Yes 2% Set Yes MJ

NS-APA7002-0 80 x 80 SM Yes 2% Set Yes ST

NS-APB7001-0 80 x 80 SM Yes 2% Set Yes Yes MJ

NS-APB7002-0 80 x 80 SM Yes 2% Set Yes Yes ST

NS-BPB7001-0 120 x 80 WB, SM Yes 2% Set Yes Yes MJ

NS-BPB7002-0 120 x 80 WB, SM Yes 2% Set Yes Yes ST

NS-AHA7001-0 80 x 80 SM Yes 3% Set Yes MJ

NS-AHA7002-0 80 x 80 SM Yes 3% Set Yes ST

NS-AHB7001-0 80 x 80 SM Yes 3% Set Yes Yes MJ

NS-AHB7002-0 80 x 80 SM Yes 3% Set Yes Yes ST

NS-BHB7001-0 120 x 80 WB, SM Yes 3% Set Yes Yes MJ

NS-BHB7002-0 120 x 80 WB, SM Yes 3% Set Yes Yes ST

Network Sensor Ordering Information — Temperature and Humidity Models
Temperature Screw
Vertical Wallbox-
Size (mm), Adjustment: Terminals VAV
Product Mounted (WB), or LCD Occupancy F/C Scale Fan Address
Height x Setpoint (Set), (ST), or Balancing
Code Numbe Surface-Mounted Display Override Toggle Control Switches
Width or Warmer/ Modular Feature
Cooler Dial (W/C) Jack (MJ)
NS-ATA7001-0 80 x 80 Yes Set Yes MJ
NS-ATA7002-0 80 x 80 Yes Set Yes ST
NS-ATB7001-0 80 x 80 SM Yes Set Yes Yes MJ
NS-ATB7002-0 80 x 80 SM Yes Set Yes Yes ST
NS-ATC7001-0 80 x 80 SM Yes Set Yes Yes MJ
NS-ATC7002-0 80 x 80 SM Set Yes Yes ST
NS-ATD7001-0 80 x 80 SM Set Yes Yes Yes MJ
NS-ATD7002-0 80 x 80 SM Set Yes Yes Yes ST
NS-ATN7001-0 80 x 80 SM MJ
NS-ATN7003-0 80 x 80 SM ST Yes
NS-ATP7001-0 80 x 80 SM W/C Yes MJ
NS-ATP7002-0 80 x 80 SM W/C Yes ST
NS-ATV7001-0 80 x 80 SM Yes Set Yes Yes No1 MJ Yes
NS-ATV7002-0 80 x 80 SM Yes Set Yes Yes No1 ST Yes
NS-BTB7001-0 120 x 80 WB, SM Yes Set Yes Yes MJ
NS-BTB7002-0 120 x 80 WB, SM Yes Set Yes Yes ST
NS-BTN7001-0 120 x 80 WB, SM MJ
NS-BTN7002-0 120 x 80 WB, SM ST Yes
NS-BTP7001-0 120 x 80 WB, SM W/C Yes MJ
NS-BTP7002-0 120 x 80 WB, SM W/C Yes ST
NS-BTV7001-0 120 x 80 WB, SM Yes Set Yes Yes No1 MJ Yes
NS-BTV7002-0 120 x 80 WB, SM Yes Set Yes Yes No1 ST Yes

1. In the VAV Balancing models, the Fan Control button is replaced by a light bulb button used in the VAV Balancing Process.

Technical Specifications
NS Series Network Sensor
Sensor Type With Setpoint Adjustment Without Setpoint Adjustment
Supply Voltage 9.8 to 16.5 VDC; 15 VDC Nominal
Current Consumption 25 mA Maximum (Non-Transmitting) 13 mA Maximum (Non-Transmitting)
Terminations Modular Jack or Screw Terminal Block
Sensor Addressing NS-xTN7003-0 Model NA DIP Switch Set (200 to 203)
on the SA Bus All Other Models Fixed Address of 199 Fixed Address of 199
Modular Jack Models 26 AWG (0.4 mm Diameter) Recommended; Three Twisted Pair (6 conductors)
Wire Size
Screw Terminal Block Models 18 to 22 AWG (1.0 to 0.6 mm Diameter); 22 AWG (0.6 mm Diameter) Recommended
Communication Rate Auto-Detect: 9600, 19.2k, 38.4k, or 76.8k bps
Mounting Surface-Mounted (80 x 80) Surface-Mounted or Vertical Wallbox-Mounted (120 x 80)
Temperature Measurement Range 0.0°C/ 32.0°F to 40.0°C/104.0°F
Sensor Type Local Platinum Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
Resolution ±0.5 °C/±0.5 °F NA
Sensor Accuracy ±0.6 °C/±1.0 °F
Time Constant 10 Minutes Nominal at 10 fpm Airflow
Default Setpoint Adjustment Range 10.0°C/50.0°F to 30.0°C/86.0°F in 0.5° Increments ±3.0°C/±5.0°F
Operating 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F); 10 to 95% RH, Non-condensing; 29°C (85°F) Maximum Dew Point
Ambient Conditions
Storage -20 to 60°C (-4 to 140°F); 5 to 95% RH, Non-condensing -40 to 70°C (-40 to 158°F); 5 to 95% RH, Non-condensing
UL Listed, File E107041, CCN PAZX, Under UL 916, Energy Management Equipment
United States
FCC Compliant to CFR 47, Part 15, Subpart B, Class A
UL Listed, File E107041, CCN PAZX7, Under CSA C22.2 No. 205, Signal Equipment
Industry Canada, ICES-003
CE Mark, EMC Directive 89/336/EEC
European Union EN61000-6-3 (2001) Generic Emission Standard for Residential and Light Industry
EN61000-6-2 (2001) Generic Immunity Standard for Heavy Industrial Environment
Australia and New Zealand C-Tick Mark, Australia/NZ Emissions Compliant
Shipping Weight 0.09 kg (0.20 lb) - NS-Axx7xxx-0 0.11 kg (0.25 lb) - NS-Bxx7xxx-0

Guide Specifications
General Primary Airflow Sensor
Furnish and install TSL Single Duct Variable Air Volume Terminal Differential pressure airflow sensor shall traverse the duct along
Units of the sizes and capacities as scheduled. Terminals shall be two perpendicular diameters. Single axis sensor shall not be
certified by AHRI and bear the AHRI 880 seal. acceptable for duct diameters 6”[152mm] or larger. A minimum of
12 total pressure sensing points shall be utilized. The total pressure
Construction inputs shall be averaged using a pressure chamber located at the
Terminals shall be constructed of not less than 20''[0.8mm] gauge center of the sensor. A sensor that delivers the differential pressure
galvanized steel, able to withstand a salt spray test. The terminal signal from one end of the sensor is not acceptable. The sensor
casing shall be mechanically assembled (spot-welded casings are shall output an amplified differential pressure signal that is at least
not acceptable). 2.5 times the equivalent velocity pressure signal obtained from a
conventional pitot tube.
Casing shall be internally lined with 64kg/m3 fiberglass insulation,
rated for a maximum air velocity of 5000 f.p.m.[25m/s]. Maximum Hot Water Coil
thermal conductivity shall be 0.24 (BTU • in) / (hr• ft2 • °F) [0.031Wm.
Single duct terminal shall include an integral hot water coil where
K]. Insulation must meet all requirements of BS476 Standard. Raw
indicated on the plans. The coil shall have a galvanized sheet metal
insulation edges on the discharge of the unit must be covered
casing. Coil to be constructed of pure aluminum fins with full fin
with metalliner to eliminate flaking of insulation during field duct
collars to assure accurate fin spacing and maximum tube contact.
connections. Simple "buttering" of raw edges with an approved
Fins shall be spaced with a minimum of 10 per inch and mechanically
sealant is not acceptable.
fixed to seamless copper tubes for maximum heat transfer. Each coil
All appurtenances including control assemblies, control enclosures, shall be hydrostatically tested at a minimum of 400 PSIG [ 2.8MPa]
hot water heating coils, and electric heating coils shall not extend under water, and rated for a maximum 230 PSIG [1.6MPa] working
beyond the top and bottom of the unit casing. At an inlet velocity pressure.
of 2000 f.p.m.[10m/s], the static pressure drop across the basic
terminal or basic terminal with a sound attenuator shall not exceed
Electric Heaters
0.02" W.G. [5.0Pa] for all unit sizes. Terminal shall include an integral electric heater where indicated on
the plans. Listing for heater only is not acceptable. Terminals without
Primary Air Valve mercury contactors shall be invertible, allowing the control enclosure
Rectangular shaped primary air valves shall consist of galvanized to be on the left or right side without field modification.
steel. The damper blade shall be connected to a solid shaft by
A power disconnect shall be furnished to render the heater
means of an integral molded sleeve which does not require screw
nonoperational. Heater shall be furnished with all controls necessary
or bolt fasteners. The shaft shall be manufactured of a low thermal
for safe operation.
conducting composite material, and include a molded damper
position indicator visible from the exterior of the unit. The damper Heater shall have a single point electrical connection. It shall
shall pivot in self lubricating bearings. The damper actuator shall include a primary disc-type automatic reset high temperature limit,
be mounted on the exterior of the terminal for ease of service. The secondary high limit(s), airflow switch, Ni- Chrome elements, and
valve assembly shall include internal mechanical stops for both full fusing per UL and NEC. Heater shall have complete wiring diagram
open and closed positions. The damper blade seal shall be secured and label indicating power requirement and kW output.
without use of adhesives. The air valve leakage shall not exceed 2%
of maximum inlet rated airflow at 3" W.G. [746Pa] inlet pressure. Sound Attenuator

Sound attenuator shall be provided where scheduled to meet
acoustical performance requirements. Attenuator casing shall be
constructed as specified for the base terminal.

Johnson Controls is a global diversified technology and industrial leader serving customers in more
than 150 countries. Our 168,000 employees create quality products, services and solutions to optimize
energy and operational efficiencies of buildings; lead-acid automotive batteries and advanced batteries
for hybrid and electric vehicles; and interior systems for automobiles. Our commitment to sustainability
dates back to our roots in 1885, with the invention of the first electric room thermostat. Through our
growth strategies and by increasing market share we are committed to delivering value to shareholders
and making our customers successful. In 2013, Corporate Responsibility Magazine recognized Johnson
Controls as the #14 company in its annual “100 Best Corporate Citizens” list. For additional information,
please visit

Johnson Controls Building Efficiency delivers products, services and solutions that increase
energy efficiency and lower operating costs in buildings for more than one million customers. Operating
from 500 branch offices in more than 150 countries, we are a leading provider of equipment, controls
and services for heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, refrigeration and security systems. We have been
involved in more than 500 renewable energy projects including solar, wind and geothermal technologies.
Our solutions have reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 16 million metric tons and generated savings
of $7.5 billion since 2000. Many of the world’s largest companies rely on us to manage 1.8 billion square
feet of their commercial real estate.

Australia China (Shanghai) Hong Kong India

Tel : +61 (2) 9805 8300 Tel : +86 (21) 6276 6509 Tel : +852 2590 0012 Tel : +91 (22) 3082 2200
Fax: +61 (2) 9889 3016 Fax: +86 (21) 6277 3543 Fax: +852 2516 5648 Fax: +91 (22) 3088 1592

Indonesia Japan Korea Macau

Tel : +62 (21) 5366 8500 Tel : +81 (3) 5738 6100 Tel : +82 (2) 554 5935 Tel : +853 2875 1820
Fax: +62 (21) 5366 8300 Fax: +81 (3) 5738 6298 Fax: +82 (2) 554 5739 Fax: +853 2875 1825

Malaysia New Zealand Singapore Thailand

Tel : +60 (3) 7628 4393 Tel : +64 (9) 444 6434 Tel : +65 6748 0202 Tel : +66 (2) 717 1260-80
Fax: +60 (3) 7620 0538 Fax: +64 (9) 444 2092 Fax: +65 6284 3017 Fax: +66 (2) 717 0861

Asia Engineering Centre: Wuxi, China

Shanghai Distribution Center: Shanghai, China
Asia Centre of Excellence in Engineering (CoEE): Beijing, China · Mumbai & Pune, India
Manufacturing/Assembly: Guangzhou & Wuxi, China · Pune, India

© 2013 Johnson Controls, Inc. PUBL-5406(1013)

Information contained herein including but not limited to the product
design, specification or appearance is subject to change without notice.
This document is for reference only, please refer to the actual product Printed on recycled paper
when buying.

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