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Lot Based Power Efficient System Design Using Automation For Classrooms

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2015 Third International Conference on Image Information Processing

loT based Power Efficient System Design using

Automation for Classrooms

Anisha Gupta \ Punit Gupta , Jasmeet Chhabra

2 3
1, Department of Computer Science Engineering,
Jaypee University of Information Technology, Himachal Pradesh, India
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Jaypee University of Information Technology, Himachal Pradesh, India
2 3

Abstract The paper presents the design and on- minute and weather data. Our workflows will be smooth
implementation of an Ethernet-based intelligent automated and refined, tasks will be prioritized based upon what is
system for conserving electrical energy using a INTEL happening throughout our organization. It will help us maintain
GALILEO 2ND generation development board, which can be our appliances and vehicles, by notifying us about their
used in large organizations like a University or an office. The maintenance and cleaning or - in the case of our lighting
proposed system works on automation, so that the electrical controls - automatic shutdown (based upon the usage and real
devices and switches can be remotely controUed and
time presence). It will enable our vehicles to communicate with
monitored without any human intervention. It uses the
other vehicles so as to maintain proper synchronization of
available infrastructure in a classroom that includes
traffic and tracking solutions. It will regulate our heaters, AC,
surveillance camera and Ethernet connectivity so as to
and other home appliances and devices, to intelligently take
minimize the cost criteria. It is monitored and controUed
decisions as we enter and exit rooms and based upon our usage
remotely from a web server located at the control room using the
Internet or the Intranet connectivity. The proposed
outcome of the project aims as multiple benefits, saving on In short, loT has the power to meet our every need before
electricity bills of the University or any other organization it is we even need realize what we want and will need.
deployed in, eliminating human involvement and manpower
Interconnectedness and automation is the real power of lOT
which is often required to manuaUy toggle the lights and
solutions. loT has not only made our lives easier but also has
electrical device on/off, and last but most importantly,
lots of potential to drive economic value and social change. But
conserve the precious natural resources by reducing electrical
still, 85% of things still are unconnected and a security threat
energy consumption.
pervasive, for which industry has yet to conquer the real
potential of loT. Automation is defined as "the creation and
Keywords- Internet of thing (loT), Power consumption
usage of technology to inspect and control the production and
smart devices, Home automation.
distribution of products and services."

Using our definition, the automation profession includes

"everyone involved in the creation and usage of technology to
Communication of the devices connected to an internet inspect and control the production and distribution of products
enabled network constitutes what is called ' Internet of and services"; and the automation professional is "any
Things'.The activity of sensing, communicating, networking individual involved in the creation and usage of technology to
and producing new information are the basic key features of inspect and control the production and distribution of products
Internet of Things(lOT). It is the state of ever-growing network and services."
of physical objects which features internet connectivity over IP
In basic words, automation is the use of technologies to
address, and the communication that occurs between these
intelligently optimize productivity in the production of goods
objects and other network connected devices and systems.
and services. Automation is applied in order to to increase
The Internet of Things conceptually embodies intelligent quality, and/or productivity beyond the limitations of human
visions of automating the day to day activities. Ideally, loT will labor levels in order to increase economies of scale, and/or
optimize our future routines with intelligent and robust systems realize predictable quality levels. Various control systems are
that will make our life not only easily but also fast based upon involved for operating equipment such as machinery, processes
our preferences and priorities like morning alarms, coffee in factories and industries, cooling refrigerators, telephonic
timing, medicine uptake etc. Its vast applications will make our switching networks, steering and robustness of ships, aircraft
travel arrangements intelligently, by giving frequent updates and other applications with minimal or reduced human


978-1-5090-0148-4/15/$31.00© 2015 IEEE society
2015 Third International Conference on Image Information Processing

intervention. Automation provides robust and efficient solutions • Specialties - Home Automation, Lighting Controls, AV
to automate various processes. Automation, Building Management System

Automation helps us in saving human labor, as well as used • Industry - Consumer Electronics
to increase the product quality, accuracy and precision. It also
Z-Wave [2] is a wireless communication that helps you to
helps us in saving energy by using efficient and intelligent
talk to other devices wirelessly protocol.
• Long Distance control in residential and commercial
Maintaining comfortability in your office or building, while
keeping a check on your energy bills is what we would wish
for. Forgetting to turn off your classroom lights and office • Based upon low-power RF radio signals that are embedded
appliances for a period of long time can really add up on your into electronic devices and systems, such as music players,
electricity bills.
Reducing energy costs by controlling the remote controls, RF watches and various other household
lighting and temperature based upon the real time occupancy appliances.
and predicted schedule is an efficient way. A smart and
• has many applications in home automation
intelligent system to maintain your routine chores is not only
an efficient but a robust way to automate your heating and • Capabilities being demonstrated even in the roughest &
lighting systems. The system automatically set the setting as most remote environments like from top of the Himalayas
per the schedule or the real time occupancy which also allows
ZHOME allows customers to start small and expand on the
to manually controlling the main settings with easy controls -
go. They offer custom packages priced low especially for direct
customers. They provide a starter kit to start experiencing your
Intelligent building efficiency is not just limited to offices home automation today. The kits are classified based upon their
but also to homes and institutes. The efficiency of home user need as 3BHK, 4BHK and Villas. They have basic kits and
automation systems is improving and features are adding up premium kits where the latter provides more additional features
which will prove to be a smart investment and easy on the other than security and lighting solutions like curtain control,
pockets. AV integration and advanced security features with push
notifications on iOS devices.
This paper proposes an loT based autonomous power
control system is proposed to minimize the power consumption Basic Starter Kit
and maximize utilization of resource by allocation room to
• 21 Lighting Control
request by timetable autonomously. Power based scheduling
lead to efficient power computation. • 1 Home Controller

• 1 WiFi Surveillance camera

• 1 Remote Controller with Scene Capability
Cloud Computation is a new domain and need more
• 2 Motion Sensors & 1 Door Sensor
research to offer a low barrier to entry for system
administration, providing a ZHOME Plus (Premium Kit) [2]
Similarly research is going on for the advancement of iot • 39 Lighting Control
and various products and services based on them, pertaining to • 1 Home Controller
one or more domains among those of Automation, Artificial
Intelligence and Intelligent systems for energy conservation, • Premium touch screen with Aluminium flush mount

Green Technology, and the likes. • 1 Remote Controller with Scene Capability

Z-HOME • 4 Motion sensors & 2 Door Sensors

ZHOME [1] is a home automation Indian solution based on • IP Camera for Video Door Phone
Z-Wave Home Automation technology which offers the best
• 3 AC On/Off Control
wireless solutions in terms of Security and Comfortability.
• 2 Curtain Controllers
• Retrofit - Use existing switches, No Re-wiring
Villa Plus
• Cost - 113 of solutions even from far east
• 45 Lighting Control
• Complete - Integrates security, Lighting, AV Control and
• 2 Home Controllers
HVAC all in one
• Premium touch screen with Aluminum flush mount

2015 Third International Conference on Image Information Processing

• 1 Remote Controller with Scene Capability Synco Living [3] Home automation and control system
provide comfort and superior energy efficiency through
• 5 Motion sensors & 3 Door Sensors
intelligent home automation. This system provides Convenient
• IP Camera for Video Door Phone control and switching of HVAC systems, lights, blinds and
• 1 AV Automation
This system boasts of providing a comfortable home where
• 6 AC On/Off Control
you save energy costs every month, a pleasant oasis with a
• 4 Curtain Controllers perfectly coordinated room climate, and the security of knowing
that your home is always monitored even when you are not
• 1 Yale Door Lock with biometric
AV Room Automation
One system for the entire home
• 6 Lighting controls
Synco™ living, the intelligent home automation system,
• 1 Handheld Remote turns your four walls into a secure and energy-efficient home. It
• AV & AC Control (1 Room) is a reliable system that thinks along with you and controls
many things in the background, including the room temperature
Lighting controls adds intelligence and automation to your
and ventilation. Synco living controls your blinds, provides
existing switches. The opening of your doors and lights are
scene control functions, simulates your presence by turning
controlled as per setting you choose. Based upon the outside
lamps on and off, reports water damage and monitors doors and
luminance it automates your balcony lights. The automatic
windows. In addition, a smart phone allows you to access the
opening of AC based upon your presence in room and the
system at any time - from everywhere.
surrounding temperature.
Comfortable and secure
ZHOME Dimmer & Switch combo devices allow you to
convert your switches into special relay switches that provide Synco living's benefits include energy efficient automation
intelligent automation to your home appliances and lights. The that reduces your energy consumption while making your living
Z-wave technology used can be extended to more rooms at environment more comfortable. Many functions run

larger distances with the help of Mesh network. So controlling automatically so you don't have to think about them or take
of your lights and appliances not just to any one room but many action. Not only does this eliminate many daily tasks, you also
rooms with one controller. benefit from the system's reliability - extremely accurate
values, precise control and great dependability. All components
ZHOME Combo Switch 100-240VIt consists of 2 Relay
and functions are based on Siemens' many years of experience
electromagnetic based switches and 1 Dimming control in a
in building automation.
single module chip. It allows adding intelligence to your
existing lighting without and re-wiring. The intelligent system Adapting to your needs
also takes care about the load types. It is the best solution to
In addition to easy operation, a comfortable room climate,
upgrade existing lighting controls with a very low cost module.
energy efficiency and security, Synco living also offers a high
Features & Benefits: level of flexibility. For example, if you determine that other
scenes would be more suitable, you can customize Synco
• Compatibility with power consideration of switches in
Living to your new needs, either by programming new scenes
India providing a vast application design.
or by reprogramming existing ones.
• Small in size that can fit behind wall boxes.
Consistent operation
• All types of lighting loads including incandescent, halogen,
Synco Living offers operator and display units for different
electronic low voltage, fluorescent, compact fluorescent,
needs. The spectrum ranges from simplest operation from
magnetic low voltage and LEDs are sensed automatically
within the room or on the road using a smart phone, operation
• Cut-off in your electricity bills and energy by using from a central apartment unit to professional PC tools during
efficient lighting solutions. commissioning.
Salient features of Synco Living Home Automation System
• Mood lighting and event scenes are done with ease.
Less energy consumption and comfortability by providing

Remembering of last power state at the time of power cuts.

many home tasks (HVAC, lights and blinds)
• Wireless Z Wave technology provides automation to long
• reduce up to 30% energy wastage and lower C02 emissions
• adding components are flexible

2015 Third International Conference on Image Information Processing

III. 3. PROPOSED MODEL model is explained by the given below figures which includes a
server connected Intel Galileo board that automatically controls
We have proposed a power efficient Ethernet based
the lights of the class by realizing the real time occupancy of
automatic control system to monitor and control the electrical
the class using motion detecting sensor.
devices and the other appliances of the institutional building or
an office building without the human intervention. Our model is lUIT Light Control Panel
being deployed at the classrooms where the automatic
Dashboard Add Entry View Schedule View Status Control Modes Update
switching of lights and other appliances are controlled through a
server which can be a workstation server or a laptop based upon
the sensors set up in the classrooms. The server can be set into Web Portal as a part of the Electrical Energy Efficient
System using Automation for Classrooms
auto mode, which automatically senses the real time occupancy
of classrooms and take required actions, or the manual mode in
Anisha Gupta, Deparbnent of Computer 5cierlCe a
Engineering,8.Tech 20t5-
- Developed By
which the user can manually take actions in case of change in
schedule of classes, thus proving an efficient and useful power - JlIYpee University (If Informlltioo Technology, WIIKnaghllt-


Fig. 2 Sytem web portal design

A control panel page is made on the sever that has various

options of adding a new entry into the schedule, viewing the
tJ current schedule, viewing the status of the model, setting the
control modes of the system and updating the model.
Check I,cluihdi! - • rtansl�daUi bt""
.; Canlroi Rd.y &- Sl.'lUOt

lUIT Light Control Panel

J View Status Control Modes Update


Day: j'XlfifNi',
Room: jru;"".----
Course: if'lljttlUII
Start nme: -----
End Time: moo
IP address: �
LED: leEilil

Fig. 3 Sytem web portal add timetable entry

In the Add Entry tab, the user can enter the new information
for the new entry to be made in the schedule, defining the
attributes of the specific classroom.

lUIT Light Control Panel



I Enter Day: IWednesday


The proposed intelligent automated system for an efficient

power management is being deployed and tested over SLOT TIMINGS ROOM' COURSE LED#
institutional building in which the lights of the classrooms are 0900 TO 1200 LA8 ProjectLab LED6
0900 TO 1000 LTi IHRM LED!
automatically controlled by the lOT device that senses the real
1000 TO 1100 LT2 8M LED2
time occupancy of the classrooms based on the schedule 1100 TO 1200 3
LT Maths LED3
uploaded on the database server, and takes intelligent action of 1400 TO 1600 LA8 ProjectLab LED6
1600 TO 1700 LT3 lOT LED3
controlling the lights of the classroom using electromagnetic
relay switch. The lOT device used here is Intel Galileo board
and the sensor used for sensing the real time occupancy is Fig. 4 Sytem web portal timetable design
motion detector sensor. The system architecture of the proposed

2015 Third International Conference on Image Information Processing

In the View Schedule tab, user can view the predefined lights of any specific classroom m case of amendments m

schedule of each day of the weeks which includes all the schedule.
classes, timings and courses of the specified day.
The model is finally deployed over an academic institution
over 8 classrooms for the period of 7 days and power efficiency
is being recorded and analyzed with an assumption of 4 unitslhr

Curr@f1!nlTl@&.Day:0918hrsW!dn!sdey To compute the improvement in power consumption over

Coorse: ProjectLab rulW1rtg
proposed and existing system, we have compared the power
COUfW: IHRM runBlng

consumption of system over a period of 7 working days.

Mini'! i! i&Mw:ti_IiiiUli�
I 090010 noo lAB � Pro)ectLlb lE06 ON

0900 TO 1000 LT1 JHRM LED! ON Figure 9 shows effect of consumptions rate on total
1000 TO 1100 LT2 8M lfD2 OFF

1100 TO 1200 LT3 Maths LED3 consumption. If consumption rate changes due to increase in

1400-101600 LED6


1600 TO LD lOT lED] OFF number of rooms.

Fig. 5 Sytem web portal view schedule Unit Consumption vs. No. of Days
In View Status tab, the user can view the current status

panel of the system. E
a. A 500
�..:.. 400 --N orm .1 Model
8� 200
-- Prop o sed Model
� c

II ';'
l: 0
CONTROL PANEL � 14 21 28
Seleo:;t the Mode of Control <- Days->

Fig. 10 Change in power consumption over days

Fig. 6 Sytem web portal autonomous and maual sytem


From experimental result section, it is clear that proposed

MANUAL MOOE CONTROL PANEL system given have high performance as compare to previous
proposed. The main idea of this system is to minimize the
power consumtion of system by controlling the power based on
LEDl� the acadmic time table of university, proposed system
LED2� minimizes the computation power.
AU �
Fig. 7 Sytem web portal manual control for extra class
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Unit Consumption vs. Units/day
[2] ZWave : http://www.z-wave.coml

[3] SYNCO LIVING : https:/

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In Control Mode tab, the user can toggle between the auto [8] AI-Ali, A.R. ; Dept. of Comput. Eng., American Univ., United Arab
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in manual mode the user has on option to manually control the


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