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Writing Syllabus Dec 2010 Final

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G FLE Writing Secondary Intensive, Nov 15-Dec 16, 2010

Writing about why we teach.

Exploring how we can teach English writing better.
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Dear Emerging Writer,

Welcome to GIFLE Writing! The primary goal of this module is to introduce you to the four-
step writing process to improve your English academic writing skills. We recognize that,
although many of you have already been teaching high school English for a number of years,
few of you have had sufficient opportunities to develop your own writing proficiency. This
course intends to address this by having you write, write, and write!

By the end of this course you will have completed:

 1 Personal Essay (3-5 paragraphs)  3 classroom contributions
 Weekly written reflections  The Writing Teacher “Test Drive”
 In-class writing exercises you can use in  Instructor-Trainee Consultation
your own classroom (optional)
For some of you, you will be getting more writing practice in one month at GIFLE than your entire
undergraduate university career! (How’s that for practice?)

Secondly, you will be encouraged to reflect on your motivation and development as a Korean high
school English teacher. We believe that any sincere attempt to answer the all-important “Why?” and “What?”
questions are always a fruitful experience, especially when it comes to teaching. As teacher trainers, we have
observed that when a teacher can thoughtfully answer, “Why do I teach?” and “What must I do to become a
great teacher?” their perceptions of themselves and their students become more hopeful. When a teacher is
confident in their purpose in the classroom, not surprisingly, the “How can I actually achieve this?” question
also becomes a lot easier to answer. Thus in this module, we will be spending a lot of time challenging you to
think more deeply about your own teaching practice and giving you ample opportunities to write about it
through periodic written reflections.

Finally, having explored some of your motivations and philosophies behind your teaching, you will be
introduced to various practical lesson strategies that you can use in your own high school context. The main
way we’ll be doing this is through the “Writing Teacher Test Drive” , a chance for you to experiment and analyze
different writing activities before sharing them with your students. In addition, throughout the course we will
be introducing many other writing activities that you can adapt in your own English classroom.

In our brief month together, we hope you will experience the unique joy that comes from the best kind
of writing, true expressions of the mind and heart. Indeed, writing of this soulful nature is one crucial step to
becoming a better English teacher, both for your students and yourself.

All the best on your upcoming writing journey!

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G FLE Writing Secondary Intensive, Nov 15-Dec 16, 2010
Writing about why we teach.
Exploring how we can teach English writing better.
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Christian Poon Darren Ng

1. Contact Information
Your Instructors

Christian Poon
Office  031-680-3657
Email 

Darren Ng
Office  031-680-3656
Email 


…to know what’s for homework?

…samples of previous trainee’s essays?
…writing activities and resources for your class?

Got questions Talk to us!

or concerns? We want to help! Our doors are
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to you!

Quick Chat

2. Course Objectives
1. We will help you improve your writing skills.
Trainees will improve their proficiency in English essay writing through various individual and group writing
activities, and an optional consultation session with their instructor (Sessions 1-6). By the end of the course,
trainees should be able to independently produce a 3-5 paragraph essay, comparable to a paper written by a
first year native English university student.

2. We will show you how to teach writing in your English classroom.

Trainees will learn how to teach writing in their own English classrooms by being introduced to various
practical writing lesson strategies and activities. This objective will primarily be achieved through the
“Teacher Test Drive” in Sessions 7-9 and in-class writing exercises throughout the course.

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G FLE Writing Secondary Intensive, Nov 15-Dec 16, 2010
Writing about why we teach.
Exploring how we can teach English writing better.
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3. We will encourage you to reflect on your teaching through writing.
Trainees will reflect on the questions, “Why do I teach?” and “How can writing help me be a better English
teacher?” through periodic journal reflections, in-class discussions, and completing their personal essay.

3. Evaluation
Section Marks Description

Compose a 3-5 paragraph formal reflective essay

according to the guidelines we discuss in class.
(See the “Personal Essay” handout and the “Sample Essays” section
Personal Essay of our writing website for more details and examples)

Beginning with a clear objective, ‘test drive’ a writing

activity that you could use in your own large, multi-
40 leveled, English classroom.
Writing Teacher
(See “Teacher Test Drive” handout for more details)
“Test Drive”
Help create an engaging classroom environment
and inspire your peers to write better!

15 Bring in 3 of your favorite quotes, poems, lesson ideas,

articles, or snacks to encourage your fellow trainees!
Contributions 3 Contributions x 5pts each = 15 Pts
Periodically, you will be given reflection questions
to answer in written form.

These will help…

16 …you reflect on your motivations as an English teacher. to understand what you are thinking and feeling us make the course better.
Written Reflections
16 Pts = for completion and thoroughness
Come to class enthusiastic, ready to learn and share!
5 points for attendance and participation.
Total: 136 Marks
Late Assignment Policy Formatted: Font: +Headings
G FLE Writing Secondary Intensive, Nov 15-Dec 16, 2010
Writing about why we teach.
Exploring how we can teach English writing better.
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Trainees are expected to hand-in their assignments at the due dates indicated by their instructor. Failure
to do so will result in a 5% deduction per day towards their assignment. If a trainee is unable to hand-in
their assignment at the assigned due date, the trainee should request an extension from their instructor at
least 24 hours ahead of time.

4. Important Due Dates

Assignment Session Due My Due Date
Select your essay topic 2
Pre-writing 3
Introduction 4
Body 5
Conclusion 6
First Draft Consultation Date

Final Draft 7
Teacher Test Drive 8
Web Publishing 9

5. Course Schedule
Session 1: Welcome to GIFLE Writing!
• Trainees will be introduced to the course and their instructor.

• Through the Pile Game, trainees will reflect upon,“What are my motivations for being an English teacher?”,
“Why is teaching writing important?”, “What fears do I have about writing and how do I overcome them?”

• Trainees will read letters from previous trainees and think about how they can make this module a more purposeful
and practical learning experience.

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G FLE Writing Secondary Intensive, Nov 15-Dec 16, 2010
Writing about why we teach.
Exploring how we can teach English writing better.
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Class Schedule Assignments*
1. Trainee and instructor introductions 1. Choose your essay topic
2. The Pile Game 2. Review course syllabus
3. Letters from Past Trainees 3. Complete your survey/writing reflection
4. Syllabus overview and assignment overview:
Personal Essay and “Writing Teacher Test Drive”

*Assignments are always due the class after they were given, unless stated otherwise by the syllabus or your instructor.

Session 2: The 4-Step Writing Process,

Error Logs, Do’s and Don’ts in English Writing
• Trainees will be introduced to the 4-Step Writing Process (Prewriting, Writing, Editing, and Sharing) as one strategy to
improve their writing efficiency and effectiveness. Special attention in this class will be given to the first step of this
process, pre-writing.

• Trainees will learn how to identify and correct common EFL writing errors through the Do’s and Don’ts activity.

• Trainees will be introduced to error logs and how they can use them during their in-class editing and sharing time.

• Trainees will reflect on how they can adapt error logs for use in their own writing classes.

Class Schedule Assignments*

1. The 4-Steps of Writing: An Overview 1. Complete Pre-writing for your essay
2. Do’s and Don’ts in formal English writing 2. Sign-up for an instructor consultation
3. An introduction to Error Logs (optional)
4. How to properly format your essay

Session 3: Essay Structure,

Writing Introductions
• Trainees will learn how to identify the essential parts of an essay and reproduce these elements in their own writing.

 Trainees will review the components of an effective introduction and how to use these to engage their readers.

 Trainees will learn how to construct their own thesis statements using the Thesis formula to give focus to their writing.

Class Schedule Assignments*

1. Formal Essay Structure: An Overview 1. Compose your Introduction paragraph
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G FLE Writing Secondary Intensive, Nov 15-Dec 16, 2010
Writing about why we teach.
Exploring how we can teach English writing better.
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Corbel, 8 pt, Bold
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2. “Mixed Up” Essay re-ordering exercise 2. Sign-up for an instructor consultation
3. Effective Intro’s: engaging hooks and transitions (optional)

4. How to write a thesis statement

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G FLE Writing Secondary Intensive, Nov 15-Dec 16, 2010
Writing about why we teach.
Exploring how we can teach English writing better.
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Corbel, 8 pt, Bold
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Session 4: Writing Body Paragraphs,

Creating Flow Part 1, The Importance of Proper Referencing
 Trainees will learn the importance of ongoing editing through peer correcting their classmate’s introduction
 Trainees will learn the components of an effective body paragraph and how to use concrete, personal examples to
develop their ideas.
 Trainees will learn how to use linking words to improve their essay’s cohesion and coherence (flow).
 Trainees will learn how proper referencing increases the credibility of their writing and avoids plagiarism.

Class Schedule Assignments*

1. In class editing and sharing: your introduction paragraph 1. Compose your 1-3 body paragraph(s)
2. How to write effective body paragraphs 2. Sign-up for an instructor consultation (optional)
3. Creating flow (cohesion and coherence)
4. Why is proper referencing so important?

Session 5: Writing Conclusion Paragraphs,

Creating Flow Part 2
 Trainees will review the components of an effective conclusion and how to succinctly “wrap up” their main ideas.
 Trainees will learn how to use sequence words, summary words, and thematic consistency, parallel construction, and
other linking strategies to improve their essay’s cohesion and coherence (flow).

Class Schedule Assignments*

1. In-class editing and sharing: your body paragraph(s) 1. Write your conclusion paragraph
2. Effective conclusions: Reflection not repetition! 2. Have the first draft of your typed and 3.0
spaced essay ready for your consultation.

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G FLE Writing Secondary Intensive, Nov 15-Dec 16, 2010
Writing about why we teach.
Exploring how we can teach English writing better.
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Corbel, 8 pt, Bold
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Session 6: Error Correction,

Web Publishing
 Trainees will learn several ways to correct errors and give encouraging, focused feedback to their students.

 Trainees will learn how to web-publish their completed essays on the course website.

Class Schedule Assignments*

1. In-class editing and sharing: your conclusion paragraph 1. Complete your typed and formatted final
2. The best (and worse)ways to give students corrective feedback draft of your essay.

3. Introduction to PB Works 2. Web publish the final draft of your essay

4. In-class web-publishing time on the writing website for session 9

3. For session 7 bring a copy of a language

worksheet you have created and used
with your students in the past year.

Session 7: How to Teach Writing Effectively

Starting with Purpose, 3 Types of Writing Activities, Effective Worksheet Design
• Trainees will be given an overview to planning for their future writing class, emphasizing the importance of identifying
clear objectives and target language before choosing writing activities.
• Trainees will analyze and critique several controlled, guided, and free-writing activities for possible adaptation in
their own English classrooms.
• Trainees will identify what makes an easy-to-use and instructive language worksheet and apply these concepts into
their upcoming Writing Teacher “Test Drive” lessons.

Class Schedule Assignments*

1. Planning a Writing Class: Purposeful vs Busy writing activity 1. Prepare your Writing Teacher “Test Drive” for
2. Help me! The pro’s and con’s of controlled, guided, and free next class!


3. Overview of the Writing Teacher “Test Drive” assignment

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G FLE Writing Secondary Intensive, Nov 15-Dec 16, 2010
Writing about why we teach.
Exploring how we can teach English writing better.
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Session 8: Writing Teacher “Test Drive”

and Adapting Our Lessons to Different Learners
• In groups of 2 or 3, trainees will “test drive” different writing activities for use in their own class through a brief group
presentation, in-class discussion, and group analysis.

• Trainees will reflect on the importance of planning lessons that appeal to different learning styles.

• Trainees will identify their own learning preferences and learn how this can create “blind spots” in their lesson

Class Schedule Assignments*

1. Writing Teacher “Test Drive” 1. None!
2. Discussion: Lessons that Appeal to All Learners

Session 9: I Wish They Told Me That!

Letters to Future GIFLE Trainees
• Trainees will reflect on their development as a writer and a teacher by composing a letter that gives advice to future
trainees about the WB BET course.
• This activity will also review another writing genre trainees can use in their own writing classes.
• Trainees will be introduced to additional online and offline writing resources to supplement their ongoing
development as emerging writers and English educators.

Class Schedule Assignments

1. “I Wish They Told Me That!” letter writing activity 1. Return to your schools and apply everything
2. Suggested Online and Offline Resources you have learned to create engaging writing

3. End of course Reflection classes in your middle school or high school!

6. Recommended Reading
For a complete list, please go to the “Resources” section on our Writing website:

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G FLE Writing
Secondary Intensive, Nov 15-Dec 16, 2010
Writing about why we teach.
Exploring how we can teach English writing better.
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Corbel, 8 pt, Bold
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