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A Vision for the Future of Radiotherapy

Daniel P. JENKINS 1, Andrew WOLFENDEN 2, David J. GILMORE 2, Malcolm BOYD 1

DCA Design International, Warwick, UK
Elekta, Crawley, UK

Abstract. This paper describes how a suite of research techniques were used to inform the
development of a vision for the future of radiotherapy. The aim of the vision was to
conceptualise a next-generation radiotherapy system that creates a step-change in system
performance. The impact of the vision on patient and HCP experience, safety, and efficiency
were all explicitly considered and measured. The vision was used to inform the design of
Elekta’s release of Atlantic – a high-field MRI-guided radiation therapy system.

Keywords. Medical, Healthcare, Design, Radiotherapy,

1. Introduction

Radiotherapy is a safety critical and highly demanding treatment. From a patient perspective, it
represents part of an incredibly emotional journey, as it is typically associated with life changing
conditions. Health care professionals (HCPs) working in radiotherapy have a challenging,
multifaceted role. The emotional and physical needs of patients need to be carefully balanced
alongside the requirements of efficiency placed upon them by healthcare systems which are
often under pressure.
Current radiotherapy systems have evolved and been optimised over many years. Successive
innovations have improved the accuracy of the treatment and reduced the likelihood and
severity of complications. This iterative journey of improvement has been punctuated by a series
of step-change innovations, most notably in imaging, that have impacted the type of treatments
that are possible and the way that these are delivered.
When a new product is based on a paradigm shift in technology the observation of legacy
equipment only provides a partial picture. New technologies provide new capabilities which, in
turn, permit new ways of working (see Task-Artefact Cycle; Carroll et al, 1991). The design of
the equipment, its human machine interfaces (HMIs), and its surrounding environment can each
shape these possibilities and constraints. As with almost all design projects, exploring and
understanding these relationships and constraints early in the design process allows the design to
be evaluated and optimised before the cost of change, in terms of both time and money,
escalates, potentially to prohibitive levels.
With this is mind, DCA supported Elekta in designing and developing a next generation suite of
radiotherapy equipment at an early stage of the design process. While conceptual, these ‘visions
for the future’ were grounded through collaborative technical review and based on an extensive
body of evidence collected from visits to seven treatment sites worldwide (including sites in
Belgium, Brazil, Canada, USA; see Figure 1 and Figure 2), over 90 hours of observations
(approximately 360 treatment sessions), and over 50 in-depth interviews with health care
professionals, thought-leaders and system stakeholders.

Figure 1 – Observations in control room

Figure 2 – Observing equipment setup in treatment room

The data collected was analysed using a range of human factors tools in order to identify
opportunities for improvement and, more critically, unmet needs. The hierarchy placed on these
needs by different stakeholder needs were explicitly considered. This included the needs of
patients, healthcare practitioners (HCPs) and healthcare providers (system owners).
Extensive modelling of the current system, and the measurement of its performance, was a
critical first step to form a baseline of system performance. By measuring and estimating the
performance of existing systems, in terms of efficiency, efficacy, errors, staff convenience and
patient comfort (see Figure 3), unique opportunities were identified for reshaping the system and
its environment. Furthermore, it was possible to quantify the potential impact of different
aspects of new design ideas on these metrics.

Figure 3 – Measures of performance and examples of tools used to assess them

1.1 The Atlantic system
One of the biggest challenges for providing unrivalled radiation therapy is the difficulty in
visualising the tumour and surrounding anatomy in real time during treatment. Tumours can
change shape from day to day, or move within the body up to a couple of centimetres, even
when patients are completely still. To compensate for the uncertainty of the tumour’s shape and
position, physicians need to include a safety margin, which means that they might also radiate
healthy tissue. In order to minimise healthy tissue from being damaged, the dose per session is
kept low and patients are treated over several sessions (Elekta annual report, 2015).
The Atlantic system utilises high-field Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to resolve these
difficulties and further improve radiation therapy. From a beam generation and delivery
perspective, Atlantic shares many common features with a conventional linac (such as Elekta’s
existing Versa HD product). The shape of the radiation beam is accurately adjusted by multi-
leaf collimators to conform to the shape of the treatment site.
Like a conventional linac, the Atlantic system contains a feedback loop based on real-time
imaging. However, the notable innovation of the Atlantic system lies in the way that the image
is collected. Today’s image guided radiotherapy (IGRT) is based on X-ray scans similar to CT
(computed tomography) scans. While CT scans are relatively adept at differentiating between
bone and soft tissue, MRI allows greater differentiation between soft tissues. The increased
fidelity of the images is expected to be particularly useful in treatment such as kidney, cervix,
pancreas and rectum. Also, unlike CT scans, MRIs do not expose the scanned tissue to radiation
as part of the imaging process and therefore multiple images or continual imaging can be taken
throughout the treatment process for improved monitoring and adaptive planning, potentially
leading to real time planning updates.
By using MRI as an imaging technology, Atlantic offers two core advantages. The first being
increased accuracy and precision, and the second is treatment adaptation (motion, shape and
biology). Enabling physicians to reduce the safety margin, increase the dose per session, and
eliminate the tumour with fewer visits to the hospital. This will reduce costs and be much
gentler on the patient.

2. The research process

The first stages of the design process involved working with identified stakeholders (including
key members of the Elekta Team, clinical specialists, health care providers and purchasers) to
define key measures of system performance that are bespoke to the project. These were defined
as system efficacy, efficiency, safety (staff and patient), user experience (staff and patient) and
resilience (see Figure 3). Understandably, different stakeholders placed different priorities on
each of these values; however, each was considered an important factor in decision making.
Once the values were agreed upon, a framework of tools and techniques was constructed to
allow objective measures of each of the performance values to be identified. These metrics of
system performance were considered critical in driving an evidence-based approach to design.
The overarching philosophy was to first measure the performance of existing radiography
systems. This assessment would be used in two ways. Firstly to identify opportunities for
improvement, and secondly to form a baseline to measure design concepts against.
The resultant framework of tools, used to populate these metrics, (see Figure 4) can be broadly
divided into two types of methods, descriptive and formative. Descriptive tools, such as task
analysis (Annett et al, 1971) and link analysis, were used to describe current activity within
existing radiotherapy units. These models were also used to assess the impact of evolutionary
changes (adjusting size, shape, speed and performance of existing system component types) and
estimating their impact. More formative tools, such as those from the Cognitive Work Analysis
framework (Rasmussen et al, 1994), were better placed to describe the impact of radically new
technologies and approaches.

Figure 4 – Techniques applied to inform the vision

Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA; Annett et al 1971) was central to the structure of the
descriptive approaches. HTA provided a common task description that could be used in a range
of compatible tools and techniques. These included time and motion assessments through
critical path analysis, control layout assessments using link analysis, human error identification
using the Technique for the Retrospective and predictive Analysis of Cognitive Error (TRACEr;
Shorrock & Kirwain, 1994), and manual handing assessments using Rapid Entire Body
Assessments (REBA; Hignett & McAtamney, 2000) and the manual handing assessment chart
(MAC; HSE, 2004). The outputs of the error identification exercise were then explored in
greater detail using a range of error assessments techniques. Probabilistic error assessment and
reduction was conducted using HEART (Williams, 1986) and THERP (Swain & Guttmann,
1983). To balance the known limitations of these techniques, more contemporary views on error
were also adopted, such as CREAM (Hollnagel, 1998) and FRAM (Hollnagel, 2004).
Formative methods from Cognitive Work Analysis were used to explicitly relate the
performance of physical objects to the higher-order system values (abstraction hierarchy) and to
explore decision making and information requirements (decision ladders). A description of each
o the tool used and their value to the project is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 – Human factors tools used in the project

Tool used Value to the project
Hierarchical task analysis HTA provided a common description of the treatment workflow. A generic
(HTA) model was developed and used to explore variation between sites.
Critical path analysis Activities from the HTA were plotted in PERT charts. These were used to
(CPA) determine the critical path and identify design changes that reduced the overall
treatment time.
Link analysis Link analysis was applied in two ways. In the physical space it was used to
explore how HCPs were required to move around the room during a treatment
session. The arrangement of equipment and information was reconfigured to
reduce the footfall required. Link analysis was also used to explore the way
HCPs navigated around the digital environment within the control room.
Optimal workflows were identified as well as workflows that encouraged
users to scan past CCTV footage.
Human error prediction Keywords from TRACEr (other keywords such as SHERPA would also be
(TRACEr) appropriate) were applied to each base-level task from the HTA with the aim
of identifying low frequency ‘errors’ that were unlikely to be observed.
THERP & HEART Probabilistic risk assessment tools were used to identify the hazardous events.
Error producing conditions were used as design cues to identify control
CREAM The common performance conditions within CREAM were used to explore
the differences between different sites. Notably differences were identified
between sites in the USA and those in Brazil.
FRAM FRAM was used to explore the interdependencies between tasks and
operations within the treatment workflow. FRAM was used to identify
operations with the potential to have a significant impact on system
Manual handling (REBA) Manual handling assessments were conducted based on still images from
& Manual handling video footage (using two cameras at orthogonal angles). Postures were rated
(MAC) using REBA and MAC. Manual operation were then rated as high medium or
low risk and used to prioritise design change as well as inspire design
changes. Anthropometric tables were used to set acceptable design criteria.
Abstraction hierarchy The abstraction hierarchy was used to model the higher order system values
(part of the CWA (identified though the stakeholder workshop) and explore, through a series of
framework) means-ends-link, the impact that the introduction and modification of physical
objects within the system would have on them.
Cognitive activity The contextual activity templates were used to explore the flexibility and
template (part of the resilience within the system. The table explores which functions can take
CWA framework) place in which situations and questions these constraints.
Decision ladders (part of A structured approach, based on the use of decision ladders, was used to
the CWA framework) develop a comprehensive list of information requirements. These information
elements were coded to indicate when and where information is required, who
needs access to it and in what format. This approaches lead directly to the
design of information displays throughout the control and treatment room.
This research framework was the foundation of an evidence-based approach to design that
allowed physical component performance (e.g. the height range of the couch) to be directly
related to high level measures of performance (efficacy, efficiency, safety, experience and
resilience). Robust estimates were made of the impact of different design changes and used to
systematically prioritise them. This resulted in a concise summary of the performance impact for
the resulting design concepts.

3. Result

The final vision addressed the design of equipment, accessories, digital displays and their
interaction, as well as the surrounding room, control room and overall patient experience. From
a patient perspective, the vision sought to minimise the physical discomfort and the emotional
strain of the procedure. The ambiance of the room was designed to strike a delicate balance
between a welcoming and relaxing environment and one that instils confidence by
communicating clinical excellence – offering customisation of lighting and projection and of
ambient music. The patient treatment couch was designed for comfort and support during
loading, unloading and treatment while considering technical requirements such as alignment,
accuracy and compatibility with MRI technology.
From a health care professional (HCP) perspective, detailed assessment of information
requirements resulted in a design that provides the right information, at the right time, in the
right place, to the right people, in the right format. This involved presenting information that is
relevant to the treatment based on the specific step in the treatment process. This information is
distributed so that it remains as close to the point of use as possible, whether that is in the
control room, on the equipment, on the couch or accessories or a combination of all of the
above. By allowing the system to differentiate between user types (HCPs, physicists, etc) non-
relevant information can be hidden and relevant information can be presented in meaningful
ways. The type of information and the way it is displayed is customised, providing clear
advantages for usability, efficiency and safety.
Intelligent feedback mechanisms allow the system to detect the stage in the treatment process
and can detect non-conformance to predefined setup plans. Likewise, the layout of the room and
the location of equipment have been considered based on the HCP workflow, reducing the need
for manual handling and excessive footfall. This focus also translates to the control room with
workstations designed to support a vigilant task as well as meeting the requirements of operators
moving between the control and treatment rooms.

3.1 Assessing the impact

Through detailed time and motion studies and critical path analysis it was possible to optimise
the task flow in the vision resulting in an increased throughput (c.40%) and reduced footfall
(c.50%) compared to a the current systems. The potential for error has been controlled through
the addition of engineered safe guards and recovery measures, as well as a control of
performance shaping factors. The control of information was found to be central to the
resilience of the system. A careful balance was sought that utilised selective benefits of
automation while ensuring that operators remained engaged and ultimately responsible for safe
and effective treatment delivery. The presentation of information was optimised to reduce the
need to memorise setup instructions, change location to access information sources, or search
for relevant information.
When combined with the inherent advantages of the high-field MRI-guided radiation therapy
system, the usability and industrial design optimisations create a vision of the future that offers
considerable advantages to all key system stake holders, in particular patients and HCPs.

4. From vision to reality

Human factors remained a key factor in the development of the Atlantic product. Further
ethnography activities were conducted in additional markets (including China) focusing on
exploring the workflow, time and motion studies, and stakeholder perceptions. These were used
to expand the existing evidence-base used to inform the vision.
In order to gain greater confidence in the largely desk-based anthropometric studies used to
inform the vision, physical medium-fidelity rigs (wooden spatial representations) were
developed. The rigs were used to explore patient-equipment interactions, HCP-equipment
interactions, and Patient-HCP interactions in greater detail. Initially paper-based representations
of screens and controls were used within the re-configurable rigs to optimise the location of
controls and feedback displays. Theoretical assumptions around text heights and locations were
also explored in context. As the design of the digital human machine interface (HMI) was
developed dynamic interfaced on tablets were used to enhance the fidelity of the prototype.
These full-sized physical spaces were used to role-play different treatment scenarios exploring
how the design supports different workflows.
Stakeholder workshops were also used to refine information requirements model and
differentiate between essential and non essential information and control interactions.
Gradually increasing the fidelity of the prototypes throughout the process allowed fast iteration
in the early stages of the design towards a convergence on a preferred embodiment.

5. Discussion and Conclusion

The case study discussed represents a relatively rare example of how an extensive suite of
human factors tools can be applied to a design problem at a conceptual level. Each of the
different tools brought new insights that shaped the design.
Ethnography and interviews dominated the data collection activities and formed the foundation
for the majority of the analyses, as well as being a rich source of inspiration in their own right.
The more analytical approaches also provided a critical part of the process. Despite over 90
hours of clinical observations, there remained a sizable number of predicted situations and
‘hazardous events’ that were not observed. These were validated during in depth interviews with
HCPs and the majority were rated as credible. Thus, their consideration in the design was of
paramount importance.
Quantification of performance, particularly error, remains a contentious issue within the human
factors community. However, in this case, it proved to be a rich source of valuable insights. The
value of the quantification was not the absolute probability or error per se, rather the relative
probabilities that allowed prioritisation to take place. Perhaps, most critically, from a design
perspective the explicit consideration of performance shaping factors served as an excellent cue
for design. More contemporary tools, such as CREAM and FRAM, were used to balance the
known weakness of probabilistic risk assessment. The ‘common performance conditions’ from
CREAM was particularly valuable for exploring the differences between installations in
different geographical and regulatory contexts. FRAM provided a useful description of the
interdependencies of actions, activities and interventions.


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