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Physica Medica 79 (2020) 16–21

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Review paper

Radiation dose optimization in diagnostic and interventional radiology:

Current issues and future perspectives
Virginia Tsapaki *
Dosimetry and Medical Radiation Physics Section, International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria


The medical radiological imaging technological evolution and wide availability has resulted in the exponential increase in utilization. Evidence for a risk of cancer
arising from radiation doses of lower than 100 mSv is still limited. There is a need for patient dose optimization. A literature review was conducted to identify the
reasons why optimization is important and the steps to be followed for a successful optimization process in digital radiology, Computed Tomography, interventional
radiology and mammography.
Based on recent literature, 5 steps for a dose optimization process are proposed. These steps are: 1) establishment of a quality assurance programme; a mistake,
misuse or malfunction of an X-ray machine can potentially affect the health or life of thousands of people, 2) establishment of a dose optimization team consisting of a
radiologist, medical physicist and radiation technologist, 3) determination of baseline dose levels and image quality as well as comparisons with benchmarks to
decide which exam protocols should be optimized, 4) modification of protocols by the medical physicist and 5) evaluation of the optimization process and its effect on
patient dose and image quality.
The optimization process should include joint efforts focused on 1) equipment performance 2) exam protocol customization and 3) staff behaviour. Manufacturers
should provide detailed descriptions of exam protocols and training on the use of dose reduction features. The diagnostic radiology medical physicist should emerge
and take a proactive lead in the everyday clinical routine in order to promote the value of optimization process.

1. Introduction resulted in growing utilization trends. The UNSCEAR 2008 Report pre­
sents results of a 1997–2007 survey and confirms rising trends in all
Medical imaging plays a pivotal role in accurate disease diagnosis Health Care levels mainly due to increasing use of CT [3]. The recently
and improved treatment of the patient and has proven to be invaluable published National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
to the whole process. Its use is vital at all levels of health care, in pre­ (NCRP) report 184 [4] also confirmed an increase use in radiological
ventive medicine, curative and palliative care. In the last 50 years, the procedures in the United States of America (USA) to 2016, albeit less
medical community has experienced a technology evolution that has marked than the rapid and dramatic increase of the early 1980s to 2006
boosted the use of ionizing radiation from X-ray equipment shifting [5]. According to a recent study that analysed data of more than 135
steadily from analogue to digital detectors and platforms, from single million imaging exams in USA and Ontario, Canada over the period
slice to multidetector-row computed tomography (CT), from fluoros­ 2000–2016, the annual increase in CT, MRI, and ultrasound exams was
copy to complex sophisticated angiography systems and from simple highest in the earlier years (i.e. between 2000 and 2006), but continued
intraoral dental machines to panoramic and cone beam CT technologies. to rise between 2012 and 2016 by 1–5% annually for most age groups
The wide accessibility of modern X-ray medical imaging together with [6].
increased patient demand has resulted in their use outside the tradi­ The use of ionizing radiation in medical imaging is however associ­
tional radiology department by numerous other clinical specialists such ated with a risk of cancer and should therefore be subject to standards of
as interventional cardiologists, orthopaedic surgeons, gastroenterolo­ safety and for this reason, be optimized [7]. The International Atomic
gists, dentists, anaesthesiologists, urologists, etc. [1]. Energy Agency (IAEA) Radiation Protection and Safety in Medical Uses
The availability of imaging services is highly variable between of Ionizing Radiation, Safety Standards Series No. SSG-46 states that in
countries but major medical institutions in capital cities tend to offer the diagnostic and interventional medical exposure, optimization is “..
most modern imaging modalities, almost regardless of the per capita keeping the exposure of patients to the minimum necessary to achieve
gross national income [2]. The increasing use of medical imaging has the required diagnostic or interventional objective” [8].

* Address: Dosimetry and Medical Radiation Physics Section, International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagrammer Str 5, 1220 Vienna, Austria.
E-mail address: v.tsapaki@iaea.prg.
Received 27 June 2020; Received in revised form 4 September 2020; Accepted 19 September 2020
Available online 6 October 2020
1120-1797/© 2020 Associazione Italiana di Fisica Medica. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
V. Tsapaki Physica Medica 79 (2020) 16–21

The objectives of this review are therefore to discuss the issue of report of the Summit on Management of Radiation Dose in CT in 2011
radiation dose optimization in diagnostic and interventional radiology identified various steps to reduce the effective dose from a routine
taking into consideration all the above, suggest steps to follow to achieve single-phase abdomen and pelvis CT from 10 mSv to less than 1 mSv, i.e.
this goal and finally, to discuss challenges and future perspectives one-third of average annual dose from background radiation [22].
Despite the enormous benefit of optimizations tools, unfortunately there
2. Optimization: Why is it so important? is “no easy fix at a national level or a corporate vendor level for the need
to select and implement optimized protocols within the thousands of
2.1. Current evidence on low radiation dose risk hospitals and imaging centers that offer CT imaging” [10]. This is also
evident in fluoroscopy and interventional procedures where new so­
Evidence of radiation induced cancer is limited for radiation doses phisticated machines offer numerous examination protocols, that are
lower than 100 mSv. The level of cancer risk from diagnostic radiology is preset by the manufacturer for easiness of use, but proper use is not
still a subject of discussion with no firm consensus within the scientific guaranteed [23]. Even if one assumes that the protocol settings are
community even for CT, which is considered one of the high dose optimum for the clinical task, knowledge of how they work in practice is
diagnostic procedures [9–15]. The only direct epidemiological data needed for efficient use of tools offered by the manufacturer and for
come from about 30,000 A-bomb survivors who were on the peripheries successful optimization. Unfortunately, there is no universal
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and who were exposed to a similar low dose implementation.
range [11]. This low-dose subpopulation has been followed for more
than 70 years and shows a small but statistically significant increased 4. Optimization process
cancer risk. The two large historical cohort studies [12,13] that used
clinical data both for exposure and outcome seem to provide the 4.1. Step 1: Establishment of a quality assurance program
strongest data so far but are still questioned by the scientific community
[9,10]. Two European research projects are receiving substantial fund­ The causes of excessively high patient doses are usually attributed
ing from the European Commission (EC) to address the issue of low dose either to poor equipment conditions, or to poor optimization of exam
radiation risk: 1) The “Implications of Medical Low Dose Radiation protocols [24]. The first step in a successful optimization process is to
Exposure” (MEDIRAD) European Project is a 4-year project aimed at have an established quality assurance program. The World Health Or­
enhancing the scientific bases and clinical practice of radiation protec­ ganization (WHO) has defined the quality assurance program as an
tion in the medical field [16] and 2) the “Epidemiological study to organized effort that ensures that images produced during an X-ray
quantify risks for paediatric computerized tomography and to optimise imaging procedure are of a sufficiently high quality that they consis­
doses” (EPI-CT) is an ongoing European project set-up to investigate the tently provide adequate diagnostic information at the lowest possible
relationship between the exposure to ionizing radiation from CT scans in cost and with the least possible exposure of the patient to radiation [25]
childhood and adolescence, and late health effects [17]. Unfortunately, The optimization process requires a balance between patient dose and
results are not yet available. The Multidisciplinary European Low Dose image quality along with other clinical considerations, including the use
Initiative (MELODI) [18], a European Platform dedicated to low dose of a contrast agent [24].
radiation risk research and the European Alliance for Medical Radiation The IAEA and EC have published several reports on quality assurance
Protection Research (EURAMED) [19] that represents associations and dosimetry in diagnostic radiology [24,26–30]. Quality control re­
involved in the application of ionising radiation in medicine are working ports are produced by professional medical physics societies such as the
complementary within Europe in this direction. Finally, the most American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) [31–33], the
comprehensive reports that provide estimates of risk related to low ra­ Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) of United
diation dose are the BEIR VII 2006 report [20] and the UNSCEAR 2013 Kingdom (UK) [34,35] or the European Federation of Organisations for
[21] report focused on children. These reports are commonly cited and Medical Physics (EFOMP) [36]. Whatever protocol or guidance is fol­
recommend the use of the so-called “linear no-threshold model” (LNT) lowed, a quality assurance program must first be established to ensure
as the most reasonable relationship between low-dose exposure to effective patient dose optimization.
ionizing radiation and the incidence of solid cancers induced by ionizing
radiation. This implies that a single X-ray photon is capable of inducing
cancer. The implication is that the optimization process is vital for the 4.2. Step 2: Define the optimization team
protection of patients and especially for particular patient groups
(paediatric, pregnant or patients that need to have repeat exams due to An optimization team should be established consisting of radiolo­
specific clinical conditions). gists, medical physicists and radiation technologists (radiographers).
Each of these professionals has a unique role in the optimization process.
3. Patient radiation dose levels The radiologist provides feedback on whether sufficient task-specific
image quality is maintained, the medical physicist guides the optimi­
With increasing utilization, variety, and complexity of X-ray pro­ zation process by applying various methods described elsewhere
cedures the next inevitable question is the level of radiation dose asso­ [37,38] or in many institutions actually optimizes the exam protocols
ciated with them. This is important for the strategic planning of the keeping sufficient image quality at the appropriate radiation dose [39]
optimization process. Most radiological examinations are in the range of and the radiation technologist ensures that the modified (optimized)
sub mSv (chest X-ray) to approximately 10–15 mSv (CT or interven­ exam protocol is feasible in the clinical workflow and executed correctly
tional procedures) [22]. Technological improvements have offered the [39].
possibility to lower radiation dose from medical imaging. The interna­ The team will decide which are the most important clinical tasks,
tional literature has focused mostly on CT due to higher doses compared exam types and for which X-ray modalities optimization is needed from
to other X-ray techniques and to recent injuries reported [1,10–22]. the radiation exposure point to view. As the number of modalities
Patients and the media are also discussing the issue of radiation dose in (digital radiography, CT, mammography, fluoroscopy, dental, etc),
CT resulting in exaggerated articles, causing excessive stress to patients, exam types (depending usually on anatomical region and clinical task)
or even convincing patients to decline a CT scan that could have a and frequency of exams differ substantially across medical institutions,
positive health impact [9]. The scientific community and the CT in­ this should be decided at an institutional level. Once the exam types are
dustry reacted to this by expanding and concentrating research on more decided, then clinically appropriate image quality requirements must be
accurate estimation of radiation dose and optimization tools. The special established in collaboration with clinicians.

V. Tsapaki Physica Medica 79 (2020) 16–21

4.3. Step 3: Define baseline accomplished, there is potential for increasing radiation dose mainly
due to the perceived lack of visual control [2]. Currently image pro­
A baseline of patient dose levels for the exam types decided by cessing techniques and noise reduction algorithms add to the traditional
optimization team must then be established preferably performing optimization strategies for optimal radiographic imaging [46,47]. As
appropriate dose measurements. This must be done simultaneously with already mentioned earlier monitoring of patient doses (in terms of
image quality assessment based on the criteria set in Step 2. Usually the exposure indices or relevant dose quantityies such as the Kerma-Area
image quality criteria include noise/spatial resolution measurements, Product KAP) assists in optimization of all X-ray examinations and
which should be evaluated by the radiologists. Patient dose measure­ also radiographic procedures.
ments are performed by the clinically qualified medical physicist using
standard dose metrics [29] and standard procedures [40]. There is a 4.6. CT
wide variety of dose metrics depending on the X-ray modality. Once
assessed, dose values must be compared with local or national diagnostic Currently many articles in the literature suggest various strategies for
references levels (DRLs) or other relevant benchmark values taking also CT protocol optimization, e.g. tube modulation, kV modulation in
into account image quality evaluation [7,8,40]. The optimization team smaller size and younger patients, z-axis overscan, scan length limita­
will then conclude which of the examinations require optimization. tion, use of iterative reconstruction algorithms, use of dual energy
According to a recent study, reviewing all protocols at a single institu­ (particularly important for contrast enhanced exams in patients with
tion could require the full-time effort of a dedicated individual for a full renal function problems), use of machine learning and artificial intelli­
year [41]. gence algorithms [22,48–54]. Cardiac high-pitch CT angiography of
DRLs are proven to be an important tool for optimization. According neonates with congenital heart diseases can be performed safely and
to the IAEA BSS, they represent the level of dose above which it is judged with dose reduction without additional test bolus or bolus tracking scans
to be inappropriate to plan to allow exposures to occur, and below which [55]. Demb et al 2017 provided a comprehensive optimization step
the optimization of protection and safety is implemented. The DRL value approach by analyzing 158,274 diagnostic CT scans and concluding that
chosen will depend on the circumstances for the exposures under by reviewing institutional doses and sharing dose-optimization best
consideration [7,8,40]. ICRP among other organizations underlines the practices, lower radiation doses for chest and abdominal CT, and more
importance of DRLs and gives clear guidance on how to define DRLs for consistent doses for head CT were reported [56].
radiological procedures [40]. Often however, there is misinterpretation
in their use; there is an assumption that if patient doses are below DRL 4.7. Fluoroscopy
this means adequate optimization or there were even problems with DRL
implementation [42,43]. All these should be taken into consideration Many publications focus on radiation protection issues in fluoros­
when establishing DRLs. Another approach was recently introduced copy and specially in interventional procedures [1,57–66]. The common
named as the acceptable quality dose (AQD). This quantity is based on feature of all studies is that patient dose optimization in interventional
the clinically acceptable image quality as the primary goal rather than procedures occurs by a combination of equipment protocol modification
only the patient radiation dose (each facility can determine average dose and operator behaviour, and not simply by changing the protocol
values for various examinations that have images of clinically accept­ characteristics. The active use of digital processing, customization of
able quality by well-informed imaging specialists that are classified in exam protocols, removal of antiscatter grid in specific clinical cases
weight groups of 10 kg body weight) for adults [43]. (such as spinal digital subtraction angiography), reduction of pulse rate
and frame rate, default use of the fluoroscopy mode at low level, as well
4.4. Step 4: Modification of exam protocols as continuous dose monitoring and patient follow-up, are suggested. The
new technology features that currently accompany state-of-the art X-ray
The modification of exam protocols for radiation dose optimization angiography machines provide potential for dose optimization but their
purposes is a complex task that needs to be performed by the medical use and their effect on radiation dose must be clearly understood
physicist [39] in collaboration with the other members of the team once [62,63]. A recent study by Tsalafoutas et al has shown that protocol
steps 1–3 are finalized [37,38]. Medical technology today offers setting has a large impact on image characteristics and radiation expo­
numerous tools to achieve this goal but this should be attempted only if sure, and that these protocols do not always perform as expected [23].
in-depth knowledge of machine performance is acquired and how each Thorough investigation of X-ray machines during commissioning and
technical parameter, post processing algorithm or other feature can routine quality control by the medical physicist is vital.
affect image quality and radiation dose, is considered. Thus, the medical
physicist will need to study all technical documentation to understand 4.8. Mammography
each machine’s features and optimization tools [39]. The manufac­
turer’s application specialists can provide advanced knowledge, best As mammographic imaging is performed to asymptomatic women
practice, and tips and tricks for the specific modality in question [39]. for early detection of breast cancer, optimization of dose is of paramount
importance. Furthermore, the new technologies introduced the last
4.5. Digital radiography years such as breast tomosynthesis and contrast enhanced mammog­
raphy, increase the use of mammographic imaging whereas methods to
Traditional radiographic imaging dose optimization methods per accurately estimate breast dose are lacking. Ultra-low-dose craniocaudal
examination are increasing kV, decreasing mAs, reducing exposure time, images in digital mammography have potential in the screening of a
appropriate positioning and using collimation to image only the body largely young and asymptomatic population and provide a baseline for
region required for the organ in focus. With the introduction of digital further research in optimization of a low-dose approach [67].
radiology, the potential of dose reduction is enhanced by the dynamic
range of digital detectors. Digital images can be evaluated using soft­ 4.9. Step 5: Evaluation of optimization process: Effect in patient dose and
ware provided by the manufacturer, free software such as ImageJ [44]. image quality
The appearance of the image can be improved with functions such as
panning, zooming, inverting the grey scale, measuring distance and Given a period for adjustment to newly modified exam protocols,
angle, and windowing. Image processing is one of the key features of step 3 must be repeated in order to evaluate the effect of the optimiza­
digital radiography, greatly influencing the way the image appears [45]. tion process. Recent literature cites numerous publications that are
However, until adjustment to the new digital environment is related to the optimization process and patient dose reductions

V. Tsapaki Physica Medica 79 (2020) 16–21

[41,46–69]. For example, Smith-Bindman R et al applied customized to assist, they are not responsible for optimization tools applied to
optimization steps in 100 facilities for 864 080 adult patients and everyday clinical practice [23,84]. As the optimization process relies on
1,156,657 CT scans, and reported that detailed feedback on CT radiation a complex combination of equipment performance, protocol modifica­
dose combined with actionable suggestions and quality improvement tion and staff behaviour, the role as well as knowledge and skills of the
education significantly reduced doses, whereas the effects of audit clinically qualified medical physicist becomes more crucial in this pro­
feedback alone were modest [68]. The same authors in another study cess and requires active engagement in the routine daily clinical envi­
that included hospitals from around the world (over 2 million CT ex­ ronment [85–87]. As stated in the recent European Federation of
aminations of adult patients from 151 institutions in Switzerland, Organizations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) statement, the diagnostic
Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, Israel, and radiology medical physicist clinical activities should be to carry out,
Japan), concluded that the dose variation across countries was primarily participate in and supervise everyday activities related to patient safety
attributable to institutional decisions regarding the technical parame­ and quality to ensure on-going effective and optimised use of medical
ters of CT protocols rather than patient, institution or machine charac­ devices, including patient specific optimization, prevention of unin­
teristics [69]. tended or accidental exposures and patient follow-up [86].
For the future, the use of new technology tools and their role in ra­
5. Discussion diation dose optimization needs to be thoroughly investigated. Exam­
ples of recent such tools are a) the Radiation Dose Structured Report
There is consensus among international organizations around the (RDSR), b) the patient dose management software (PDMS) or c) artificial
world such as IAEA, International Commission on Radiological Protec­ intelligence (AI). As specifically mentioned in the paper of Sechopoulos
tion (ICRP), UNSCEAR, WHO, [57,70,71] or international campaigns et al. in 2015, the RDSR is a valuable tool during optimization of image
such as Arabsafe [72], Eurosafe Imaging [73], Image Gently [74], Image acquisition protocols and can be used to directly inform national dose
Wisely [75] and Latinsafe [76], that patient radiation protection is a registries without relying on the information provided in image headers
very important subject. The IAEA supports activities to educate and train [88]. The authors suggest using the RDSR to get the information
professionals on all items related to patient dosimetry and radiation necessary to perform patient and foetal dose estimates [88]. Recent
protection. Furthermore, expertise and technical support is provided literature underlines the importance of PDMS on optimization
through a specific International Action Plan for the Radiation Protection [40,84,89] and mentions that they will play a major role in ensuring best
of Patients [57]. Many organizations, professional societies, countries, practice ensuring appropriate image quality at the required radiation
and individuals have joined these efforts, leading to the creation of the dose [88]. Recently the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is also proposed
Bonn Call for Action [77]. The EC has supported efforts for research as a tool for dose optimization [90]. In 2019, ESR published a white
related to patient radiation dose optimization. EURAMED, already paper on what should the radiologist know about AI [91]. The white
mentioned, is a platform for research activities harmonise clinical paper mentions specifically that AI can be used as an optimising tool to
practice to advance the European radiation protection safety culture in assist the technologist and radiologist in choosing a personalised pa­
medicine [19]. The ICRP provides extensive and very significant guid­ tient’s protocol, tracking the patient’s dose parameters, providing an
ance on radiation protection in medical uses of ionizing radiation recent estimate of the radiation risks.
examples being, the report on Radiological protection in cardiology [78]
and on Managing Patient Dose in Multi-Detector Computed Tomography 6. Conclusion
[79]. A lot of efforts and resources (human and financial) have been
provided over the last 30 years to develop a patient safety culture and Medical imaging has clearly transformed the methods clinicians
low dose radiology apparatus though joint efforts at a global level apply to address various clinical problems, treat patients and deal with
[16,17,74,80,81]. life-threatening diseases. However, a mistake, misuse or malfunction of
Patient dose optimization is not a straightforward or simple process. an X-ray machine can affect the health or the life of thousands of people
Dose reduction cannot be achieved by following simple steps or by and not just one X-ray systems must be closely monitored using estab­
altering technical parameters to reduce radiation exposure. The lished quality assurance programs and the use of machines should be
complexity of machines, the pace of technology evolution, the post tailored to each individual patient’s needs with the appropriate quality
processing possibilities and software algorithms, together with sophis­ and dose. The optimization process should include joint efforts of key
ticated exam protocols make the process quite demanding. Manufac­ professionals and activities focused on 1) equipment performance 2)
turers have provided radiation protection tools and committed to dose exam protocol customization and 3) staff behaviour. The role of medical
reduction [22]. As an example, the association of the Heads of European industry is to offer more radiation dose optimization tools and provide
Radiological Protection Competent Authorities (HERCA) and the Euro­ training not only on basic operation of their X-ray machines, but also on
pean Association representing the medical imaging, electromedical and the application of preset exam protocols. Finally, the clinically qualified
healthcare IT industry (COCIR) are working together to reduce patient diagnostic radiology medical physicist should engage fully in the
radiation exposure in CT. They have focused on initiatives to improve everyday medical imaging activities within the hospital and take the
dose reporting, to continue reducing the number of medical exposures, lead in the optimization process.
and provide specific training curricula [82]. Despite the availability of
tools, resistance to change CT protocols, can be an important barrier to References
dose optimization [83].
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