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Thermal and Tensile Properties of Polysialate Composites

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Polysialate composites have potential for high temperature structures due to their thermal resistance, low density and ease of manufacturing. However, little is known about their thermal and mechanical properties. This study aimed to determine relevant properties over a temperature range.

Traditional polymer matrix composites like carbon fibre epoxy can only withstand up to 300°C. Ceramic matrix composites can withstand over 1600°C but have high costs, long processing times and mass penalties. There is a need for materials that can operate at intermediate temperatures.

Polysialate composites are derived from inorganic polymers processed through chemical activation below 150°C, allowing conventional composite manufacturing. The matrix contains alumino-silicate binders, allowing curing at low temperatures.

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Ceramics International 39 (2013) 8917–8924

Thermal and tensile properties of polysialate composites

Joseph Mills-Browna,n, Kevin Pottera, Steve Fosterb, Tom Bathob
Advanced Composites Centre for Innovation and Science (ACCIS), University of Bristol, Queen's Building, Bristol BS8 1TR,
United Kingdom
McLaren Racing Limited, McLaren Technology Centre, Chertsey Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 4YH, United Kingdom

Received 4 March 2013; received in revised form 24 April 2013; accepted 24 April 2013
Available online 1 May 2013


Polysialate, or geopolymer, composites have gained interest due to their inherent high temperature resistance, low density and ease of
manufacturing. These characteristics also suggest that polysialate composites have significant potential as materials in high temperature
structures, although little is known about their thermal and mechanical properties. This study aimed to determine relevant thermal and mechanical
properties over a representative temperature range. The results show that polysialate composites can exhibit stable thermal properties up to
1000 1C. Tensile properties up to 760 1C highlight a significant reduction in stiffness, but a retention of strength, at these temperatures. The
thermal and mechanical results achieved provide strong evidence that polysialate composites can be suitable for use in high temperature
structures, whilst subsequently providing an understanding of their limitations. In addition to this, the values ascertained also provide the data
required for the design and modelling of next generation high temperature structures.
& 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY license.

Keywords: C. Thermal properties; C. Mechanical properties; E. Structural applications; E. Thermal applications

1. Introduction fibre epoxy, polyimide, bismaleimide or cyanate ester compo-

sites are used in these applications, however, they can only
Improvements in engine efficiencies, compaction of compo- withstand maximum operating temperatures up to 300 1C.
nents closer to heat sources to reduce mass, and performance Ceramic matrix composite (CMC) materials are often used in
gains associated with use of high temperature exhaust flows higher temperature applications, as these can withstand ele-
has produced a demand for high temperature, light weight vated temperatures in excess of 1600 1C, although concerns
structures for both aerospace and motorsport applications. The still remain regarding their structural performance. The cost,
key requirements for these applications are a demand for high and more specifically processing times, of CMC's can also be
temperature resistance up to 1000 1C, low density and good prohibitive when considering application in high temperature
mechanical properties. Secondary requirements include the structures. In addition to this, the mass penalty compared to
ability to form complex geometries at low lead times. The traditional PMC materials can be significant and as such their
demand within industry for high temperature structures is use has been limited. There is, therefore, a need for materials
significant and developments in this field have the potential for which bridge this gap to aid in the development of high
immediate implementation. temperature structures.
Polymer matrix composites (PMCs) have traditionally been One such material which meets the initial requirements for
exploited to produce light weight structures. Typically, carbon high temperature structures are polysialate composites. Poly-
sialates are ceramics derived from inorganic polymers and
processed through a polymerisation chemical activation, rather
than the extreme temperature processing synonymous with
ceramic materials. The polysialate matrix is based on poly-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 117 33 15514. mineral resins which contain alumino-silicate binders, allowing
E-mail address: (J. Mills-Brown). them to cure at temperatures below 150 1C. This allows them

0272-8842 & 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY license.
8918 J. Mills-Brown et al. / Ceramics International 39 (2013) 8917–8924

to be manufactured using conventional polymer composite lay- much more applicable than flexural properties in the design of
up and bagging techniques [1,2]. Not only does this allow structures. In addition to this, mass loss over the specified
conventional composite laminating and curing equipment to be temperature range is considered, as any changes could be
used, but it also allows for complex geometries to be significant in the performance and limitation of the material.
fabricated, offering a unique advantage over traditional cera- The construction of composite materials and reinforcement
mic composites. This includes low lead times, as parts are results in an orthotropic nature, where the material can have
fabricated using similar cycle times to traditional prepreg different properties in all three principal directions. This is
PMC's. In addition to this, they possess significant high considered where necessary in the evaluation of properties, in
temperature resistance, environmental friendliness and low order to provide the full spectrum of design data. In addition to
density, where density is typically less than other ceramic understanding the behaviour and suitability of polysialate
composite systems and comparable to PMC's at 1800 kg/m3 [3]. composites as materials for high temperature structures, the
Polysialates also retain the oxidation resistance of ceramic data is also required in the modelling of heat transfer and stress
materials, which is important as high temperature environ- response of structures constructed from polysialate composites,
ments are typically oxidising in nature. The advantage over a step which is critical in the design and development of future
polymer matrix composites is that although they have a low high temperate structures.
cure temperature they still maintain a high temperature Only commercially available polysialate composites will be
resistance, up to 1200 1C, and an incombustible nature, with considered, so as to assess the capability of present technology
no harmful smoke or fumes being released [2,4,5]. Polysialates in developing high temperature structures. This also satisfies
can be reinforced with several different reinforcements [6,7], the demand for immediate application of these concepts within
although the most common are carbon or silicon carbide (SiC) the aerospace and motorsport industries. At present polysialate
fibres, typically in a woven architecture. Some of the most composites have only been used in heat shield applications, it
comprehensive research in this field was conducted by is hoped that this study will allow exploitation of their
Davidovits [8], who first applied the term geopolymer to these properties to other, more structural, applications.
alkali activated alumino-silicates, with several terms now
being used such as inorganic polymers, or, as in this case, 2. Experimental
Very little thermal or mechanical data exists for polysialate 2.1. Materials
composites, with the majority of data available limited to
testing conducted at ambient temperatures. Mechanical data Polysialate composite materials produced by Pyromeral
gathered by Papakonstantinou et al. [1] shows that polysialate Systems were chosen as the material to investigate, as it is
composites are comparable with conventional CMC's and can one of the most developed and widely used polysialate
be stiffer, if not stronger, than conventional PMC's. These materials commercially available. Composites are available
properties make them an ideal candidate material for high with both carbon and silicon carbide reinforcement, although
temperature structures, with previous studies identifying their given the temperature range explored in this study, silicon
potential in these applications [9]. Laminates, sandwich panels carbide reinforcement was selected. This material is referred to
and beam structures have all been constructed using polysialate as PyroSics and utilises a potassium polysialate matrix,
composites [6,7,10,11], although only the compressive or reinforced with Tyranno silicon carbide fibres in a plain weave
flexural response at ambient temperatures has been documented. architecture, with an average fibre diameter of 11 μm. This
Very little is known about their high temperature thermal or produces a composite with a 30% fibre volume fraction. Due to
mechanical performance, data which is critical in evaluating quality control concerns all materials were produced in-house
their high temperature structural suitability. In terms of high by Pyromeral Systems.
temperature mechanical properties, current work has only
evaluated the flexural and shear properties of polysialates at 2.2. Sample preparation
high temperatures [2,5,12–14], data which is difficult to
implement from a design perspective. This study aims to Coupons for thermal and tensile property evaluation were
correct this absence whilst simultaneously understanding the autoclave cured in a controlled environment before post-curing
suitability of polysialate composites as materials for high at higher temperatures in order to stabilise the matrix. The
temperature, low weight structural solutions. exact cure conditions are considered confidential by the
This will include characterisation of the thermal and manufacturer, however, typical autoclave conditions use a
mechanical properties of polysialate composites up to tem- temperature of less than 150 1C and a required pressure of
peratures of 1000 1C, in order to fully evaluate their high less than 9 bar.
temperature structural potential. The thermal properties include Thermal property analysis was conducted using material
thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity and coefficient of with a plain weave 0/901 layup and 3 mm thickness, in order to
thermal expansion (CTE), all of which are necessary in the fully evaluate properties representative of the bulk composite
evaluation of heat transfer in structures under thermal loads. rather than the constituent elements, and in order to meet
Mechanical properties will be evaluated as ultimate tensile minimum thickness requirements in the thermal analysis
strength, strain and Young's modulus, as tensile properties are equipment. Coupons for thermal property analysis were
J. Mills-Brown et al. / Ceramics International 39 (2013) 8917–8924 8919

created using a wet saw, with dimensions suitable for the test followed at all times, using the coupon geometry given in
equipment used. Coupons for tensile testing made use of 1 mm Fig. 1.
thick material, constructed from 4 woven plies using a 0/901 Composite ultimate strength was calculated using Eq. (1),
layup, as this is representative of the material thickness likely where F and A are the applied force at breaking point and
to be employed in high temperature structures. The use of cross-sectional area of the coupon gauge section respectively.
thinner material will not have an influence on the results Ultimate strain was measured using a video extensometer
achieved due to the relationship between force and the cross- supplied by Imetrum Ltd and combined with the composite
sectional area that the force is applied to, which is necessary in tensile stress in Eq. (2) to yield the Young's modulus.
determining tensile properties. Coupons for tensile testing were F
cut using computer numerically controlled (CNC) equipment s¼ ð1Þ
as the test requires complex coupon geometry and tight
tolerances, due to the gripping mechanism employed. E¼ ð2Þ
2.3. Mass loss analysis

Mass loss analysis was performed using a simultaneous 3. Results and discussion
thermal analyser (Netzsch STA 449 F3 Jupiter s ). Experiments
were conducted in a dynamic argon atmosphere with a gas 3.1. Mass loss
flow rate of 70 ml/min and a heating rate of 20 1C/min.
Samples were held in graphite crucibles. Results for the mass loss of PyroSic composite over a
temperature range of 20–1000 1C are given in Fig. 2. Mass
loss was minimal and restricted to a total of 0.7%, the majority
2.4. Thermal conductivity analysis
of which takes place before 500 1C. Although the amount of
mass loss was minimal, there is a significant kink in the mass
Thermal conductivity was measured in the in-plane and
loss data. Between room temperature and 400 1C a mass loss
through thickness fibre directions using laser flash apparatus
of 0.5% occurred with a relatively shallow gradient. However,
(Netzsch LFA 457 F3 MicroFlash™). Measurements were
between approximately 400 1C and 500 1C the rate of mass
conducted in a dynamic argon atmosphere at a flow rate of
loss increased substantially, with a further 0.2% decrease in
100 ml/min.
mass over the 100 1C temperature difference. This increased
rate then stabilises, with no further mass loss up to 1000 1C.
2.5. Specific heat capacity analysis This behaviour and loss of thermal history could be due to
the release of moisture or decomposition of impurities within
Specific heat measurements were performed using differential the composite. Due to the chemical curing process of poly-
scanning calorimetry (Netzsch DSC 404 F1 Pegasuss ). Experi- sialate materials, the mass loss could also be due to the curing
ments were conducted in a dynamic argon atmosphere with a of unreacted elements, which would also suggest insufficient
gas flow rate of 70 ml/min and a heating rate of 20 1C/min. post-cure temperatures were achieved during composite man-
Samples were held in graphite crucibles. ufacture. Ultimately the mechanisms behind this phenomenon
require additional dedicated investigation to fully understand
2.6. Thermal expansion analysis the processes behind the exhibited mass loss. The same
polysialate composite sample was tested again over the same
CTE measurements were conducted in the in-plane fibre temperature range, with no further mass loss exhibited.
direction using a high temperature dilatometer (Netzsch DIL
402 C). The dilatometer uses much larger test coupons than 3.2. Thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity
other CTE measurement methods, such as thermal mechanical
analyser (TMA), which makes it more representative of the Thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of PyroSic
bulk material. Experiments were conducted with a heating rate composite is presented in Fig. 3. Data for the conductivity is
of 3 1C/min. given in-plane and through the thickness, as the woven nature
of the material dictates that these should be different enough to
2.7. Tensile testing warrant investigation. Specific heat capacity was determined
with a preheated sample to remove any discrepancies asso-
Tensile properties were evaluated using an Instron 1342 ciated with mass loss.
mechanical tester. Tests were performed over a temperature Through thickness thermal conductivity was fairly static over
range of 20–760 1C using a previously developed high the 20–600 1C range at approximately 0.7 W/mK. This gradually
temperature test setup [15], which built upon work conducted increased to 0.8 and 0.9 W/mK for 800 1C and 1000 1C
by Holmes [16]. A cross-head displacement rate of 1 mm/min respectively. A similar trend was observed in the in-plane thermal
was used, with at least 5 coupons tested per temperature point. conductivity, albeit at a higher starting value. Between 20
ASTM specifications C1366 [17] and C1359 [18] were and 600 1C temperature range the thermal conductivity is
8920 J. Mills-Brown et al. / Ceramics International 39 (2013) 8917–8924

Fig. 1. Tensile coupon geometry.

Fig. 2. Mass loss of polysialate composite over 1000 1C range.

Fig. 3. Polysialate composite thermal conductivity and heat capacity.

approximately 1.2 W/mK, which again increases to 1.3 and results are reasonable. The Tyranno fibres used in PyroSic
1.4 W/mK between 800 1C and 1000 1C. The thermal conduc- composites have a thermal conductivity of approximately
tivity of the SiC reinforcing fibres suggests that the in-plane 2.5 W/mK [19]. The thermal conductivity of the polysialate
J. Mills-Brown et al. / Ceramics International 39 (2013) 8917–8924 8921

matrix is as yet unknown, but as an engineering ceramic material exhibited in the data, especially given the dominance of the
it can be assumed to be low. In-plane the fibres have significantly reinforcing fibres in the in-plane direction.
more influence in the overall properties of the composite, both The initial variation in CTE could be due to water loss
thermal and mechanical, because they are orientated in this within the material, curing of unpolymerised components in
direction. The in-plane thermal conductivity is therefore greater the matrix, or crystallisation of the polysialate as suggested by
than the through thickness due to the higher thermal conductivity Barbosa and MacKenzie [20]. However, all of these are
of the fibres, in comparison to the polysialate matrix, and the unlikely as the material has already been exposed to 1000 1C
influence that they have in the in-plane directions. The assump- in order to remove any effects due to mass loss, and as such
tion of the polysialate matrix having a lower thermal conductivity would already experienced any of the suggested mechanisms.
than the reinforcement is given weight with the through thickness The reduction in CTE is not due to melting or creep as the data
results. The matrix properties are dominant in the through shows the material becomes dimensionally stable again after
thickness direction and a lower conductivity of approximately 800 1C. Porosity will affect the CTE of the material. As a
40% was observed. The woven nature of the composite ensures ceramic material, some porosity is likely and this could in part
that the in-plane conductivity is the same in both the 0 1 and 90 1 be responsible for the results observed.
orientations. Specific heat capacity rises almost linearly from 800 The relatively small magnitude of CTE means that an
to 1200 J/kgK over the temperature range. average value for in-plane CTE of 5  10−6/1C is an acceptable
approximation over the majority of the 1000 1C temperature
range. The likelihood of matrix cracking due to thermal shock
3.3. Thermal expansion in ceramic composites is directly linked to the CTE. Under-
standing the thermal expansion of PyroSic will help to
The in-plane thermal expansion measurements are given in determine the thermal fatigue resistance of the composite and
Fig. 4. Measurements were made on samples already exposed structures constructed from it. Given the relatively low CTE
to 1000 1C in order to remove any effects from the previously values over the temperature range, the material is likely to
documented mass loss. The results indicated an initial rapid perform well in thermal fatigue, which is another indication to
increase in CTE over the first 180 1C, from 3.0  10−6/1C to the potential of polysialate composites in high temperature
6.9  10−6/1C, after which CTE reduced steadily to structures. The data attained is especially useful in the accurate
5.2  10−6/1C until the test end. modelling of hot structures, as changes in CTE can impart
In-plane thermal expansion is dominated by the reinforcing significant stresses within materials.
fibres. The Tyranno fibres used in reinforcing this polysialate
composite have a CTE between 3  10−6/1C and 4  10−6/1C 3.4. Tensile properties
[1,19]. The CTE of the polysialate matrix used in the
composite is unknown, as they vary depending upon the Ultimate tensile strength, strain and Young's modulus were
specific composition used. However, it is generally higher recorded from room temperature to 760 1C. Higher tempera-
than the reinforcing fibres, with an average CTE of approxi- ture testing was not conducted due to limitations in the test
mately 15  10−6/1C over a similar temperature range sug- equipment, which included the available proximity of infrared
gested by He et al. [12]. The individual thermal expansion of heating emitters to the test coupon. Failure remained in the
the composite elements supports the CTE measurements gauge section of coupons and all were of a relatively linear

Fig. 4. Polysialate composite in-plane CTE.

8922 J. Mills-Brown et al. / Ceramics International 39 (2013) 8917–8924

stress strain nature, as shown in Fig. 5, with brittle failure strength continued to reduce between 500 1C and 760 1C but at
observed throughout. a much reduced gradient, concluding in a ultimate tensile
Significant changes were exhibited in the tensile properties of strength of 213 MPa at 760 1C. Ultimately these values result
the polysialate composite coupons over the test temperature in a negative effect on the Young's modulus, reducing it steadily
range. Strain increases across the temperature range, whereas a from 32.0 GPa at room temperature to just 17.3 GPa at 760 1C.
decrease in strength and Young's modulus was observed. The behaviour of the Young's modulus is illustrated in Fig. 8,
Ultimate strain increases slightly from approximately 1.0% at where stiffness reduces at a much shallower gradient from
room temperature to 1.1% at 300 1C. After this, ultimate strain 300 1C to 500 1C, owing to the trend seen in the strain results.
remained almost constant, creating a kink between 300 1C and Overall, ultimate strain increased by 30%, whereas the
500 1C, before again increasing linearly to approximately 1.3% Young's modulus reduced significantly to less than 54% of
at 760 1C, as shown in Fig. 6. A similar, albeit reversed, trend the room temperature value over the 760 1C temperature range,
was observed in the ultimate strength results shown in Fig. 7. indicating an improvement in material toughness. The reduc-
Ultimate strength decreased slightly from room temperature to tion in ultimate strength is not as severe, with a loss of only
300 1C, from 288 MPa to 281 MPa, after which the decrease 25%, representing useful strength retention at 760 1C. Soft-
was much more severe. There is a clear kink between 300 1C ening of the matrix and degradation of the fibre bond are
and 500 1C in the strength performance of the polysialate possible causes for the reduction in mechanical properties.
composite, where the largest gradient is observed. The ultimate However, an interesting observation is the kink seen in the

Fig. 5. Polysialate composite stress strain curves over the tested temperature range.

Fig. 6. Polysialate composite ultimate strain performance up to a temperature of 760 1C, error bars represent 7one standard deviation.
J. Mills-Brown et al. / Ceramics International 39 (2013) 8917–8924 8923

Fig. 7. Polysialate ultimate strength performance up to a temperature of 760 1C, error bars represent 7one standard deviation.

Fig. 8. Polysialate composite Young's modulus properties up to a temperature of 760 1C, error bars represent 7 one standard deviation.

ultimate strength results, and to a lesser extent the ultimate due to bulk material inconsistencies, such as voids and fibre
strain and Young's modulus results. Here the gradient at which irregularities, rather than the test procedure.
values change differs considerably to that at the temperatures
either side of it, a pattern which appears to mimic the mass loss 4. Conclusion
behaviour given in Fig. 2. Although the exact mechanisms are
not known, it would appear that there is a correlation between The thermal properties and tensile properties of 0/901 poly-
the increased loss of mass between 300 1C and 500 1C, and the sialate composites reinforced with silicon carbide fibres have been
increased reduction in ultimate strength over the same tem- examined up to temperatures required for practical consideration
perature range. This would imply that some thermal degrada- as materials for use in high temperature structures.
tion has occurred, which would also manifest itself at room Minimal mass loss up to 1000 1C highlighted the material's
temperature following exposure to these temperatures. high temperature resistance, with scope for future work regard-
Overall error is low, with the vast majority of results ing understanding of the mechanisms involved in this mass loss
achieving a coefficient of variation of less than 10%. The error and subsequent loss of thermal history. Thermal conductivity
experienced in the higher temperature results is comparable to and specific heat capacity values were in line with expectations
that in the room temperature tests. This gives confidence in the for ceramic materials and the constituent elements that make up
data set, and would suggest that the error present is more likely the composite. Thermal conductivity measurements in both the
8924 J. Mills-Brown et al. / Ceramics International 39 (2013) 8917–8924

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of Strathclyde for her help with CTE measurements. The reinforced ceramics, Journal of Composite Materials 26 (1992) 916–933.
author would like to thank McLaren Racing Ltd for the supply [17] C1366: Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of Monolithic
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of materials used and financial contribution throughout the
study. The financial contribution of the ESPRC in sponsoring [18] C1359: Standard Test Method for Monotonic Tensile Strength Testing of
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Centre for Innovation and Science Doctoral Training Centre) at lar Cross-Section Test Specimens at Elevated Temperatures, ASTM
the University of Bristol, Grant no. EP/G036772/1, is also International, 2011.
[19] Tyranno Fibre Datasheet, UBE Industries Ltd., 2009.
gratefully acknowledged.
[20] V.F. Barbosa, K.J. MacKenzie, Thermal behaviour of inorganic geopo-
lymers and composites derived from sodium polysialate, Materials
References Research Bulletin 38 (2) (2003) 319–331.

[1] C. Papakonstantinou, P. Balaguru, R. Lyon, Comparative study of high

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