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1. Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC)

There are two main type of polymers which are thermosets and thermoplastics.

Thermosets have qualities such as a well-bonded three-dimensional

molecular structure after curing. They decompose instead of melting on hardening.
Merely changing the basic composition of the resin is enough to alter the conditions
suitably for curing and determine its other characteristics. They can be retained in a
partially cured condition too over prolonged periods of time, rendering Thermosets
very flexible. Thus, they are most suited as matrix bases for advanced conditions
fiber reinforced composites. Thermosets find wide ranging applications in the
chopped fiber composites form particularly when a premixed or moulding compound
with fibers of specific quality and aspect ratio happens to be starting material as in
epoxy, polymer and phenolic polyamide resins.

Furthermore, thermosets are the most popular of the fiber composite matrices
without which, research and development in structural engineering field could get
truncated. Aerospace components, automobile parts, defense systems etc., use a
great deal of this type of fiber composites. Epoxy matrix materials are used in printed
circuit boards and similar areas.

Figure 2: Material of thermoset

Epoxy resins are widely used in filament-wound composites and are suitable
for moulding prepress. They are reasonably stable to chemical attacks and are
excellent adherents having slow shrinkage during curing and no emission of volatile
gases. These advantages, however, make the use of epoxies rather expensive.

Polyester resins on the other hand are quite easily accessible, cheap and find
use in a wide range of fields. Liquid polyesters are stored at room temperature for
months, sometimes for years and the mere addition of a catalyst can cure the matrix
material within a short time. They are used in automobile and structural applications.

The cured polyester is usually rigid or flexible as the case may be and
transparent. Polyesters withstand the variations of environment and stable against
chemicals. Other advantages of polyesters include easy compatibility with few glass
fibers and can be used with verify of reinforced plastic accoutrey.
Thermoplastics have one- or two-dimensional molecular structure and they
tend to at an elevated temperature and show exaggerated melting point. Another
advantage is that the process of softening at elevated temperatures can reversed to
regain its properties during cooling, facilitating applications of conventional compress
techniques to mould the compounds.

Resins reinforced with thermoplastics now comprised an emerging group of

composites. The theme of most experiments in this area to improve the base
properties of the resins and extract the greatest functional advantages from them in
new avenues, including attempts to replace metals in die-casting processes. In
crystalline thermoplastics, the reinforcement affects the morphology to a
considerable extent, prompting the reinforcement to empower nucleation. Whenever
crystalline or amorphous, these resins possess the facility to alter their creep over an
extensive range of temperature. But this range includes the point at which the usage
of resins is constrained, and the reinforcement in such systems can increase the
failure load as well as creep resistance.

Figure 1: Type of thermoplastics.

The advantage of thermoplastics systems over thermosets are that there are
no chemical reactions involved, which often result in the release of gases or heat.
Manufacturing is limited by the time required for heating, shaping and cooling the

There are a few options to increase heat resistance in thermoplastics. Addition

of fillers raises the heat resistance. But all thermoplastic composites tend to loose
their strength at elevated temperatures. However, their redeeming qualities like
rigidity, toughness and ability to repudiate creep, place thermoplastics in the
important composite materials bracket. They are used in automotive control panels,
electronic products encasement etc.

The suitable application of Polymer matrix composites mostly are used in

aerospace. Some of them are used in making transport, where you can see them in
the form of dashboards, car covers, engine covers, car floors, and seats.
Construction also use this material such as to build yacht, lifeboat, cruise ship, fishing
boat, and others, you can find polymer matrix composites.
2. Metal Matrix Composites (MMC)

The characteristics of Metal matrix composites is high strength, fracture

toughness and stiffness are offered by metal matrices than those offered by their
polymer counterparts. Fact said that hey can withstand elevated temperature in
corrosive environment than polymer composites. Most metals and alloys could be
used as matrices and they require reinforcement materials which need to be stable
over a range of temperature and non-reactive too. However the guiding aspect for
the choice depends essentially on the matrix material. Light metals form the matrix
for temperature application and the reinforcements in addition to the aforementioned
reasons are characterized by high moduli.

Most metals and alloys make good matrices. However, practically, the
choices for low temperature applications are not many. Only light metals are
responsive, with their low density proving an advantage. Titanium, Aluminium and
magnesium are the popular matrix metals currently in vogue, which are particularly
useful for aircraft applications. If metallic matrix materials have to offer high strength,
they require high modulus reinforcements. The strength-to-weight ratios of resulting
composites can be higher than most alloys.

The melting point, physical and mechanical properties of the composite at

various temperatures determine the service temperature of composites. Most metals,
ceramics and compounds can be used with matrices of low melting point alloys. The
choice of reinforcements becomes more stunted with increase in the melting
temperature of matrix materials.

Apparently, there are several application of Metal matrix composites in our

daily life. They are used for prototyping the Space Shuttle, commercial airliners,
electronic substrates, bicycles, automobiles, golf clubs and others. Some of the
material used are superalloys, titanium, copper, magnesium, or iron. They are fire
resistance, high electrical and thermal conductor, better radiation resistance and high
stiffness and strength.

3. Ceramic Matrix Materials (CMM)

Ceramics can be described as solid materials which exhibit very strong ionic
bonding in general and in few cases covalent bonding. High melting points, good
corrosion resistance, stability at elevated temperatures and high compressive
strength, render ceramic-based matrix materials a favourite for applications requiring
a structural material that doesn’t give way at temperatures above 1500ºC. Naturally,
ceramic matrices are the obvious choice for high temperature applications.

High modulus of elasticity and low tensile strain, which most ceramics
posses, have combined to cause the failure of attempts to add reinforcements to
obtain strength improvement. This is because at the stress levels at which ceramics
rupture, there is insufficient elongation of the matrix which keeps composite from
transferring an effective quantum of load to the reinforcement and the composite may
fail unless the percentage of fiber volume is high enough. A material is reinforcement
to utilize the higher tensile strength of the fiber, to produce an increase in load
bearing capacity of the matrix. Addition of high-strength fiber to a weaker ceramic
has not always been successful and often the resultant composite has proved to be

When ceramics have a higher thermal expansion coefficient than

reinforcement materials, the resultant composite is unlikely to have a superior level of
strength. In that case, the composite will develop strength within ceramic at the time
of cooling resulting in microcracks extending from fiber to fiber within the matrix.
Microcracking can result in a composite with tensile strength lower than that of the

The application of Ceramic matrix composites mostly are used in

aerospace parts such as jet engine and turbine blade. They are also used to make
cutting tool as their characteristic deal with high strength. They are high temperature
strength retention, stress rupture and good corrosion resistance.


3MB Co., Ltd. 2017. Polymer Matrix Composites and their applications. Retrieved May 16

2019 from

Composites – Introduction of Composites (N.D) IISc-BANG. Retrieved May 16 2019 from

MachineDesign. 2002. Metal-Matrix Composites. Retrieved May 16 2019 from

Slideshare. 2016. Ceramics Matrix Composites. Retrieved May 16 2019 from

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