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Owner’s Manual
USING THE UNIT SAFELY ...................................................................... 2
IMPORTANT NOTES ............................................................................. 4

Main Features of the ep-90/70 ................................................. 5

Button Descriptions................................................................... 6
Getting Ready .......................................................................... 8
1. Connecting the Power Cord ................................................................................. 8
2. Securing the Cord ................................................................................................... 8
3. Connecting the Pedal ............................................................................................. 9
4. Turning the Power On and Off ............................................................................ 9
5. Adjusting the Volume ......................................................................................... 10
6. Setting the Music Stand ....................................................................................... 10
7. Connecting Headphones (Sold Separately) ...................................................... 10
Listening to the Demo Songs ................................................... 11
Playing/Stopping the Demo Songs........................................................................ 11
Selecting a Song for Playback.................................................................................. 12
About the Demo Songs............................................................................................. 13
Playing the Keyboard............................................................. 14
Selecting the Instrumental Sound You Wish to Play ........................................... 14
Layering Two Instrument Sounds—Dual Play .................................................... 14
Adding Reverberation to the Sound—Reverb Effect........................................... 15
Adding Breadth to the Sound—Chorus Effect ..................................................... 16
Sounding the Metronome ........................................................................................ 17
Try Recording Your Performance ............................................ 19
Recording ................................................................................................................... 19
Listening to the Recorded Performance................................................................. 21
Deleting Recorded Songs ......................................................................................... 21
Convenient Functions......................................................................... 22
Disabling Buttons—Panel Lock ............................................................................. 22
Transposing without Changing Your Fingering—Key Transpose ................... 22
Adjusting the Pitch of the Sound—Master Tuning ............................................. 23
Connecting to Audio Equipment ......................................................... 24
About the Jacks ......................................................................................................... 24
Making the Connections ......................................................................................... 24
Connecting to MIDI Devices ................................................................ 25
About the MIDI Connectors ................................................................................... 25
Making the Connections ......................................................................................... 25
Cautions when Connecting an External MIDI Device
(Local On/Off and Omni On/Off) ........................................................................ 26
Set the MIDI Channel .............................................................................................. 27
Transmitting/Receiving Sound Selection Data—Program Change ................. 28
Turning Transmission and Reception of Control Changes On/Off ................. 29
Transmitting Performance Data from MIDI Out ................................................. 29

Troubleshooting ................................................................................ 30
Functions Assigned to the Keyboard .................................................. 31
MIDI Implementation Chart................................................................ 32
Specifications .................................................................................... 33
Index ............................................................................................... 34

Before using this unit, carefully read the sections entitled: “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” (p. 2)
and “IMPORTANT NOTES” (p. 4). These sections provide important information concerning
the proper operation of the unit. Additionally, in order to feel assured that you have gained a
good grasp of every feature provided by your new unit, Owner’s manual should be read in its
entirety. The manual should be saved and kept on hand as a convenient reference.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION.

Used for instructions intended to alert The symbol alerts the user to important instructions
the user to the risk of death or severe or warnings.The specific meaning of the symbol is
injury should the unit be used determined by the design contained within the
improperly. triangle. In the case of the symbol at left, it is used for
general cautions, warnings, or alerts to danger.
Used for instructions intended to alert
the user to the risk of injury or material The symbol alerts the user to items that must never
be carried out (are forbidden). The specific thing that
damage should the unit be used
must not be done is indicated by the design contained
improperly. within the circle. In the case of the symbol at left, it
* Material damage refers to damage or means that the unit must never be disassembled.
other adverse effects caused with The ● symbol alerts the user to things that must be
respect to the home and all its carried out. The specific thing that must be done is
furnishings, as well to domestic indicated by the design contained within the circle. In
animals or pets. the case of the symbol at left, it means that the power-
cord plug must be unplugged from the outlet.

001 008e
• Before using this unit, make sure to read the • Use only the attached power-supply cord.
instructions below, and the Owner’s Manual.
.......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................
• Do not open (or modify in any way) the unit or its • Do not excessively twist or bend the power cord,
AC adaptor. nor place heavy objects on it. Doing so can
damage the cord, producing severed elements and
.......................................................................................................... short circuits. Damaged cords are fire and shock
003 hazards!
• Do not attempt to repair the unit, or replace parts
within it (except when this manual provides 010
specific instructions directing you to do so). Refer • This unit, either alone or in combination with an
all servicing to your retailer, the nearest Roland amplifier and headphones or speakers, may be
Service Center, or an authorized Roland capable of producing sound levels that could
distributor, as listed on the “Information” page. cause permanent hearing loss. Do not operate for
.......................................................................................................... a long period of time at a high volume level, or at
004 a level that is uncomfortable. If you experience
• Never use or store the unit in places that are:
any hearing loss or ringing in the ears, you should
• Subject to temperature extremes (e.g., direct immediately stop using the unit, and consult an
sunlight in an enclosed vehicle, near a heating audiologist.
duct, on top of heat-generating equipment); or ..........................................................................................................
are 011
• Do not allow any objects (e.g., flammable material,
• Damp (e.g., baths, washrooms, on wet floors);
coins, pins); or liquids of any kind (water, soft
or are
drinks, etc.) to penetrate the unit.
• Humid; or are
• Exposed to rain; or are
• Dusty; or are 012b
• Subject to high levels of vibration. • Immediately turn the power off, remove the AC
.......................................................................................................... adaptor from the outlet, and request servicing by
007 your retailer, the nearest Roland Service Center, or
• Make sure you always have the unit placed so it is an authorized Roland distributor, as listed on the
level and sure to remain stable. Never place it on “Information” page when:
stands that could wobble, or on inclined surfaces.
• The AC adaptor, the power-supply cord, or the
008c plug has been damaged; or
• Be sure to use only the AC adaptor supplied with • If smoke or unusual odor occurs
the unit. Also, make sure the line voltage at the
• Objects have fallen into, or liquid has been
installation matches the input voltage specified on
spilled onto the unit; or
the AC adaptor’s body. Other AC adaptors may
use a different polarity, or be designed for a • The unit has been exposed to rain (or otherwise
different voltage, so their use could result in has become wet); or
damage, malfunction, or electric shock. • The unit does not appear to operate normally or
.......................................................................................................... exhibits a marked change in performance.

013 108d: Selection
• In households with small children, an adult • If you need to move the instrument, take note of
should provide supervision until the child is the precautions listed below. At least two persons
capable of following all the rules essential for the are required to safely lift and move the unit. It
safe operation of the unit. should be handled carefully, all the while keeping
.......................................................................................................... it level. Make sure to have a firm grip, to protect
014 yourself from injury and the instrument from
• Protect the unit from strong impact.
(Do not drop it!) 1

.......................................................................................................... • Check to make sure the knob bolt securing the

015 unit to the stand have not become loose. Fasten
• Do not force the unit’s power-supply cord to share them again securely whenever you notice any
an outlet with an unreasonable number of other loosening.
devices. Be especially careful when using
• Disconnect the power cord.
extension cords—the total power used by all
devices you have connected to the extension • Disconnect all cords coming from external
cord’s outlet must never exceed the power rating devices.
(watts/amperes) for the extension cord. Excessive • Remove the music stand.
loads can cause the insulation on the cord to heat ..........................................................................................................
up and eventually melt through. 109b
• Before cleaning the unit, turn off the power and
016 unplug the AC adaptor from the outlet (p. 8).
• Before using the unit in a foreign country, consult
with your retailer, the nearest Roland Service ..........................................................................................................
Center, or an authorized Roland distributor, as • Whenever you suspect the possibility of lightning
listed on the “Information” page. in your area, disconnect the AC adaptor from the
• The unit and the AC adaptor should be located so
their location or position does not interfere with
their proper ventilation.
• Always grasp only the plug on the AC adaptor
cord when plugging into, or unplugging from, an
outlet or this unit.
• At regular intervals, you should unplug the AC
adaptor and clean it by using a dry cloth to wipe
all dust and other accumulations away from its
prongs. Also, disconnect the power plug from the
power outlet whenever the unit is to remain
unused for an extended period of time. Any
accumulation of dust between the power plug and
the power outlet can result in poor insulation and
lead to fire.
• Try to prevent cords and cables from becoming
entangled. Also, all cords and cables should be
placed so they are out of the reach of children.
• Never climb on top of, nor place heavy objects on
the unit.

• Never handle the AC adaptor or its plugs with
wet hands when plugging into, or unplugging
from, an outlet or this unit.

In addition to the items listed under “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” on page 2 and 3, please read and observe the following:

Power Supply Maintenance

301 401a
• Do not use this unit on the same power circuit with any • For everyday cleaning wipe the unit with a soft, dry cloth
device that will generate line noise (such as an electric or one that has been slightly dampened with water. To
motor or variable lighting system). remove stubborn dirt, use a cloth impregnated with a
mild, non-abrasive detergent. Afterwards, be sure to wipe
• The AC adaptor will begin to generate heat after long the unit thoroughly with a soft, dry cloth.
hours of consecutive use. This is normal, and is not a 402
cause for concern. • Never use benzine, thinners, alcohol or solvents of any
kind, to avoid the possibility of discoloration and/or
• Before connecting this unit to other devices, turn off the deformation.
power to all units. This will help prevent malfunctions
and/or damage to speakers or other devices.
Additional Precautions
Placement • Use a reasonable amount of care when using the unit’s
buttons, sliders, or other controls; and when using its jacks
• Using the unit near power amplifiers (or other equipment and connectors. Rough handling can lead to malfunctions.
containing large power transformers) may induce hum. 556
To alleviate the problem, change the orientation of this • When connecting / disconnecting all cables, grasp the
unit; or move it farther away from the source of inter- connector itself—never pull on the cable. This way you
ference. will avoid causing shorts, or damage to the cable’s
internal elements.
• This device may interfere with radio and television 558a
reception. Do not use this device in the vicinity of such • To avoid disturbing your neighbors, try to keep the unit’s
receivers. volume at reasonable levels. You may prefer to use
headphones, so you do not need to be concerned about
• Noise may be produced if wireless communications those around you (especially when it is late at night).
devices, such as cell phones, are operated in the vicinity of 559a
this unit. Such noise could occur when receiving or initi- • When you need to transport the unit, package it in the box
ating a call, or while conversing. Should you experience (including padding) that it came in, if possible. Otherwise,
such problems, you should relocate such wireless devices you will need to use equivalent packaging materials.
so they are at a greater distance from this unit, or switch
them off. • Do not apply undue force to the music stand while it is in
354a use.
• Do not expose the unit to direct sunlight, place it near
devices that radiate heat, leave it inside an enclosed • Use a cable from Roland to make the connection. If using
vehicle, or otherwise subject it to temperature extremes. some other make of connection cable, please note the
Excessive heat can deform or discolor the unit. following precautions.
355b • Some connection cables contain resistors. Do not use
• When moved from one location to another where the cables that incorporate resistors for connecting to this
temperature and/or humidity is very different, water unit. The use of such cables can cause the sound level
droplets (condensation) may form inside the unit. Damage to be extremely low, or impossible to hear. For infor-
or malfunction may result if you attempt to use the unit in mation on cable specifications, contact the manufac-
this condition. Therefore, before using the unit, you must turer of the cable.
allow it to stand for several hours, until the condensation
has completely evaporated.
• Do not allow objects to remain on top of the keyboard.
This can be the cause of malfunction, such as keys ceasing
to produce sound.

* All product names mentioned in this document are trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Main Features of the ep-90/70
Authentic piano performances
High-quality concert grand piano sounds, and a keyboard that’s a true pleasure to play
assure an even more realistic piano-playing experience.

• Captures the brilliant resonance

The sound of a grand piano has a more brilliant timbre than that of an upright piano.
This is because the sound of a grand piano contains a greater amount of high-frequency
components. The piano sounds of the ep-90/70 reproduce this characteristic of the grand

• Reproduces the extended high-frequency response

One of the features of the acoustic piano is that for the approximately one and a half
octaves at the top of the range, there is no damper to restrict the vibration of the strings.
This allows the vibration of the string to continue whether or not the damper pedal is
pressed. Since this also allows these strings to vibrate sympathetically with other strings,
they can sometimes be heard sounding independently from the low and middle-register
The ep-90/70 faithfully simulates these characteristics of the acoustic piano.

Eight Tones for use in a wide variety of musical genres

The ep-90/70 features not only piano tones, but eight different internal tones that you
can use in a variety of musical genres.

Three Metronome sounds

The ep-90/70 provides a metronome that lets you use three different sounds. You can
easily adjust the tempo and time.

Record your own performances

The ep-90/70 makes it easy to record your own performances.

Button Descriptions

NOTE Button, switch and knob names are enclosed in square brackets ( [ ] ).


Power Volume Vibra- Harpsi-

Reverb Chorus Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord Organ

Min Max

1 2 3 4 5

1 Power Indicator
When the power is turned on, this will light in red (p. 9).

2 [Volume] Knob
This knob controls the master volume level (p. 10).

3 [Reverb] Button
Press this button to add reverberation to the sound (p. 15).

4 [Chorus] Button
Press this button to add the Chorus Effect to the sound (p. 16).

5 Tone Buttons
The following eight buttons are collectively referred to as the Tone buttons.
Use these buttons to select the tone to be played on the keyboard (p. 14).

[Piano 1] Button
[Piano 2] Button
[E. Piano] Button
[Vibraphone] Button
[Harpsichord] Button
[Organ] Button
[Strings] Button
[Choir] Button

By holding down three of these buttons while you then press a specific key, you can
make various settings on the ep-90/70 (p. 26–p. 29).
→ “Functions Assigned to the Keyboard” (p. 31)

Button Descriptions


Tempo Beat
Strings Choir 96 108 120 2 3 4 Sound On/Off Play Rec Demo
80 144 0 6
60 192
40 208

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

6 [Tempo] Knob
Use this knob to adjust the tempo of the metronome (p. 18).

7 [Beat] Knob
Use this knob to select the time of the metronome (p. 18).

8 [Sound] Button
Press this button to change the metronome sound (p. 18).

9 [On/Off] Button
Press this button to switch on or off the metronome (p. 17).

10 [Play] Button
Press this button to play or stop the demo songs, or a recorded performance (p. 11, p. 21).
It also is used to start/stop recording (p. 19).

11 [Rec] Button
Press this button to put the instrument in recording standby (p. 19).

12 [Demo] Button
Press this button to access the demo songs (p. 11).
By holding down this button while you then press a specific key, you can make various
settings on the ep-90/70 (p. 22, p. 23).
→ “Functions Assigned to the Keyboard” (p. 31)

Getting Ready
NOTE 2. Securing the Cord
To prevent malfunction and/or damage to speakers or other devices, 1. As shown in the diagram, loop the AC cord
always turn down the volume, and turn off the power on all devices
around the cord stay to fasten it in place.
before making any connections.
2. Connect the AC cord to an AC outlet.
1. Connecting the Power Cord fig.3-02

DC In 9V
Power 1200 mA
If the supplied AC adaptor is the ACB or ACK type, step 1 of the
procedure is not necessary. On Off

1. Connect the supplied AC adaptor and AC


2. Connect the AC adaptor to the DC In jack

on the rear panel of the ep-90/70.

DC In 9V
Power 1200 mA

On Off

To prevent the inadvertent disruption of power to your unit

2 (should the plug be pulled out accidentally), and to avoid applying

1 undue stress to the DC In jack, anchor the power cord using the
cord hook, as shown in the illustration.


Even if the cord is fastened, strong tension applied to the cord may
cause it to be damaged or broken. Be careful not to pull the cord
accidentally, or to apply strong pressure to it.

Getting Ready

3. Connecting the Pedal 4. Turning the Power On and

Connect the supplied pedal to one of the
pedal jacks.
Once the connections have been completed, turn on power to your
MIDI Pedal Input Output
various devices in the order specified. By turning on devices in the
Out In Damper Soft R L (Mono) R L (Mono)

wrong order, you risk causing malfunction and/or damage to

speakers and other devices.

1. Turn the volume all the way down.



Min Max

If the pedal is connected to the Damper

2. Press the [Power] switch, to turn on the
pedal jack, it can be used as a damper
The power switch is located at the right side of the back
If the pedal is connected to the Soft pedal panel.
jack, it can be used as a soft pedal.

Damper Pedal Power

DC In 9V
1200 mA

Use this pedal when you want the sound to linger on.
On Off

While the damper pedal is depressed, the sound from

the keyboard continues to linger for an extended period,
even when you remove your fingers from the keys.
This is the same function as the right-most pedal on an fig.3-06.e

acoustic piano. Lower position

Soft Pedal
This pedal softens the sound.
Playing with the soft pedal depressed produces a sound
The power indicator lights in red.
that is not as strong as when otherwise played with the
After a few seconds, the keyboard will produce sound
equivalent strength.
when played.
This is the same function as the left-most pedal on an
acoustic piano. Power Volume
Reverb Chorus Piano 1

Min Max

By connecting an additional pedal, you can use both a damper Lit

pedal and a soft pedal simultaneously.
To purchase an additional pedal (DP-2/DP-6), please contact the NOTE
dealer where you purchased the ep-90/70. This unit is equipped with a protection circuit. A brief interval (a
few seconds) after power up is required before the unit will operate

Getting Ready

■ Turning Off the Power 7. Connecting Headphones

1. Turn the volume all the way down. (Sold Separately)

Volume The ep-90/70 features two headphone jacks. This allows two
people to listen through headphones simultaneously, making
it very useful for lessons and when performing piano pieces
for four hands. Additionally, this allows you to play without
Min Max having to worry about bothering others around you, even at
2. Press the [Power] switch to turn off the fig.2-03
The power switch is located at the right side of the back
panel. PHONES

The Power indicator goes out.


Upper position


5. Adjusting the Volume

1. Turn the volume all the way down.
Use the [Volume] knob to adjust the
2. Connect the headphones to either of the
headphone jacks.
Volume 3. Adjust the volume.
Sound will no longer be heard from the ep-90/70’s
speakers. Sound will be heard only through the
Min Max

6. Setting the Music Stand Please use stereo headphones.

Assemble the music stand as shown in the



Before moving the ep-90/70, be sure to remove the music stand as a

safety precaution.

Listening to the Demo Songs
The ep-90/70 features eight internal piano songs.

Playing/Stopping the Demo Songs


Tempo Beat
Power Volume Vibra- Harpsi-
Reverb Chorus Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord Organ Strings Choir 96 108 120 2 3 4 Sound On/Off Play Rec Demo
80 144 0 6
60 192
Min Max 40 208

2 1, 3
1. Press the [Demo] button, and confirm that the indicator has lit.
The [Play] button’s indicator starts blinking.
Demo Demo

Press Lit

2. Press the [Play] button, and the indicator will change from blinking
to lit.

Play Play

Press Lit

The demo songs will play back in succession, starting with the first song. When the last
song has been played, playback will return to the first song and begin again.

3. To stop the demo song playback, press the [Demo] button to make
the indicator go out.
The demo song playback will stop.

Demo Demo

Press Dark

You can also stop demo song playback by pressing the [Play] button or [Rec] button. In this
case, the [Demo] button indicator will not be extinguished. When you press the [Play] button
next the demo song will resume playing from the beginning of the song where playback was

Listening to the Demo Songs

It is not possible to change the tempo of a demo song.


If you press the [Demo] button while the metronome is sounding (p. 17), the metronome will
NOTE stop sounding. It is not possible to sound the metronome while a demo song is playing.

Selecting a Song for Playback

Here’s how you can select and play a desired demo song.

While holding down the [Demo] button, and press the Tone button
that corresponds to the demo song you wish to hear.
The indicators of the [Demo] button and the [Play] button will light.

fig.4-05.e(Press the button corresponding to the song number)

Vibra- Harpsi-
Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord Organ Strings Choir Demo

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
While holding down...

Press the button corresponding to the song number

The demo songs will play back consecutively, starting with the song you selected. When
the last song has been played, playback will return to the first song and resume.

Subsequent demo songs are automatically played one after another until you stop them

Listening to the Demo Songs

About the Demo Songs

No. Title Composer Copyright
1 Little White Room Scott Wilkie ©1998 Scott Wilkie Media
2 Valse No. 1 in E-flat Major, Op. 18 “Grand Valse Brillante”
Frederic Chopin ©1998 Roland Corporation
3 “From Foreign Lands And People” from “Scenes From Childhood” Op. 15
Robert Schumann ©1998 Roland Corporation
4 Nocturne No. 2 in E-flat Major, Op. 9-2 Frederic Chopin ©1998 Roland Corporation
5 Rhapsody No. 2, Op. 79 J. Brahms ©1998 Roland Corporation
6 Slavonic Dance No. 10, Op. 72-2 A. Dvoˇrák ©1998 Roland Corporation
7 Etude Op. 25-1 in A-flat Major “The Shepherd Boy”
Frederic Chopin ©1998 Roland Corporation
8 Fly Free John Maul ©1998 Roland Corporation

All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this material for purposes other than private, personal
NOTE enjoyment is a violation of applicable laws.

NOTE No data for the music that is played will be output from MIDI Out.

■ Profiles of Composers
Scott Wilkie
Scott Wilkie is a contemporary jazz recording artist, based in southern California. He
tours frequently with his own band, and also appears as an artist for Roland in the U.S.,
Japan, Europe and South America. His debut solo album, Boundless, was released
worldwide in 1999 on Narada/Virgin Records. You can find him on-line at

John Maul
John Maul is a musician, composer and arranger having graduated from the Royal
Academy of Music in London. John’s work encompasses studio recordings and live
performances, including work with top UK Jazz artists.
His writing credits include commercial music for BBC radio and television, as well as
scoring jazz and classical works. Having been a product specialist for Roland U.K., John
is now actively involved in music software composing/programming for both Roland
Japan and various music publishers. Quite recently his “Musical Picture Book,” a
volume of original piano music encompassing all standards of musical ability, which
included the piano and orchestral accompaniment data in SMF format, was published
and printed.

Playing the Keyboard

Selecting the Instrumental Sound You Wish to

The ep-90/70 allows you to play using eight different sounds including piano.
The ep-90/70’s sounds are called “Tones.”
Use the eight Tone buttons to select tones.
When the ep-90/70 is turned on, the tone is reset to “Piano 1”.

Tempo Beat
Power Volume Vibra- Harpsi-
Reverb Chorus Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord Organ Strings Choir 96 108 120 2 3 4 Sound On/Off Play Rec Demo
80 144 0 6
60 192
Min Max 40 208

Tone Buttons

Press any Tone button.

When you play the keyboard, the selected tone is played.

Tone Name Description

Piano 1 bright piano sound
Piano 2 mellow piano sound
E. (Electric) Piano electric piano sound
Vibraphone vibraphone sound
Harpsichord harpsichord sound
Organ pipe organ sound
Strings the sound of a string instrument ensemble
Choir the sound of a vocal ensemble

Layering Two Instrument Sounds—Dual Play

Playing with two different tones on the keyboard simultaneously is called “Dual Play.”
Vibra- Harpsi-
Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord Organ Strings Choir

While holding down Press

1. While holding down the [Piano 1] button, press the [Strings] button.
When you play the keyboard, both the Piano 1 and Strings tones are layered.
In this way, you can hold down one Tone button and press another Tone button to layer
two sounds for playing together.

2. To cancel the Dual Play, press any Tone button.

When you play the keyboard, only the sound of the button you pressed will be heard.

Playing the Keyboard

Adding Reverberation to the Sound—Reverb

The ep-90/70 allows you to add reverberation to what you play on the keyboard.
With the Reverb Effect, you can get a pleasant reverberation, making it sound as if you
were performing in a concert hall or similar space.

The settings of the Reverb Effect cannot be memorized independently for each sound.
When the power is turned on, the Reverb Effect will be cancelled.

Tempo Beat
Power Volume Vibra- Harpsi-
Reverb Chorus Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord Organ Strings Choir 96 108 120 2 3 4 Sound On/Off Play Rec Demo
80 144 0 6
60 192
Min Max 40 208

1. Press the [Reverb] button to turn on the indicator.

The Reverb Effect will be applied to the entire sound.

Reverb Reverb

Press Lit

2. To cancel the Reverb Effect, press the [Reverb] button once again
to make the indicator go dark.

Reverb Reverb

Press Dark

Playing the Keyboard

Adding Breadth to the Sound—Chorus Effect

The ep-90/70 allows you to add chorus to what you play on the keyboard.
By adding the Chorus Effect, you can give the sound greater dimension, with more
fatness and breadth. The settings of the Chorus Effect are memorized independently for
each sound.
When the power is turned on, the Chorus Effect will be applied to the “E.Piano” and
“Vibraphone” sounds. The Chorus Effect will be turned off for the other sounds.

Tempo Beat
Power Volume Vibra- Harpsi-
Reverb Chorus Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord Organ Strings Choir 96 108 120 2 3 4 Sound On/Off Play Rec Demo
80 144 0 6
60 192
Min Max 40 208

1. Press the [Chorus] button to turn on the indicator.

The Chorus Effect will be applied to the currently selected sound.

Chorus Chorus

Press Lit

When you select a sound for which the Chorus Effect has not been turned on, the
[Chorus] button indicator will go dark.

2. To cancel the Chorus Effect, press the [Chorus] button once again
to make the indicator go dark.

Chorus Chorus

Press Dark

When playing in Dual Play mode (p. 14), turning the [Chorus] button indicator on/off will
switch the Chorus Effect on/off for both sounds. When you cancel Dual Play mode, you will
return to the Chorus Effect setting that was stored for each sound.
When playing in Dual Play mode, the on/off status of the [Chorus] button is not stored in

Switching [Chorus] on/off will affect only the music you play on the ep-90/70’s keyboard. If you
press the [Chorus] button during playback of a demo song or a recorded performance, it has no

Playing the Keyboard

Sounding the Metronome

You can start or stop the metronome with a single button.
In addition to adjusting the tempo and time, you can also change the sound and volume
of the metronome.

Tempo Beat
Power Volume Vibra- Harpsi-
Reverb Chorus Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord Organ Strings Choir 96 108 120 2 3 4 Sound On/Off Play Rec Demo
80 144 0 6
60 192
Min Max 40 208

1. Press the [On/Off] button, and the metronome will begin sounding.

On/Off On/Off

Press Blinks alternately

in red and green

The [On/Off] button indicator will blink in red and green in time with the currently
selected time. It will blink in red on the downbeats, and in green on the upbeats. If the
[Beat] knob is in the “0” position, the indicator will blink in green.

2. When you press the [On/Off] button once again to make the
indicator go dark, the metronome will stop sounding.

On/Off On/Off

Press Dark

■ Adjusting the Metronome Volume

The metronome volume can be adjusted in 8 levels.
The metronome volume is set to “4” when the keyboard is turned on.

While holding down the [On/Off] button, also press any Tone
Decrease the volume Increase the volume
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Vibra- Harpsi-
Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord Organ Strings Choir On/Off

While holding down...


Playing the Keyboard

■ Changing the Metronome Tempo

The metronome tempo is adjusted by the [Tempo] knob.
You can select a tempo in the range of 40–208.
fig.5-13.e (Tempo becomes slower/Tempo becomes faster)

Tempo Beat
96 108 120 2 3 4 Sound On/Off
80 144 0 6
60 192
40 208

■ Changing the Time of the Metronome

Use the [Beat] knob to select the time of the metronome.
You can select from the following five types: 0 (only upbeat sounds), 2 (2-beat), 3 (3-
beat), 4 (4-beat), 6 (6-beat).

Tempo Beat
96 108 120 2 3 4 Sound On/Off
80 144 0 6
60 192
40 208

■ Changing the Metronome Sound

You can select from three types of metronome sound: “conventional metronome sound,”
“electronic metronome sound,” and “dog and cat sounds.”
“Conventional metronome sound” is the power-on default for the metronome sound.

1. Press the [On/Off] button to sound the Metronome.

2. Press the [Sound] button.

Each time you press the button, the metronome sound will change to the next choice
available, either “conventional metronome sound,” “electronic metronome sound,” or
“dog and cat sounds.”

Tempo Beat
96 108 120 2 3 4 Sound On/Off
80 144 0 6
60 192
40 208

Try Recording Your Performance
You can record what you play on your piano.
When you record, pay attention to the setting of the [Tempo] knob. Be sure to set it to the tempo
at which you wish to record.

Only one song can be recorded on the ep-90/70. If a previously recorded performance exists, it
NOTE will be erased the moment you begin recording another performance.

The performance data that you recorded will disappear when the power of the ep-90/70 is turned

After approximately 5,000 notes have been recorded, the [Play] button’s and [Rec] button’s
indicators will go out, and recording will end automatically.


Tempo Beat
Power Volume Vibra- Harpsi-
Reverb Chorus Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord Organ Strings Choir 96 108 120 2 3 4 Sound On/Off Play Rec Demo
80 144 0 6
60 192
Min Max 40 208

1 3 4 2 7 5
1. Use the Tone buttons to select the sound with which you wish to
perform (p. 14).
You can changes the tones during the recording of the song.

2. Press the [On/Off] button to turn on the indicator.

The metronome will sound.

On/Off On/Off

Press Blinks alternately

in red and green

While listening to the metronome, select the tempo and time of the song that you wish
to record.

3. Use the [Tempo] knob to select the basic tempo for the song.
Moving the [Tempo] knob after recording has begun will not change the tempo.
96 108 120
80 144
60 192
40 208

Try Recording Your Performance

4. Use the [Beat] knob to select the time for the song.
The time of the song cannot be changed during or after recording.
2 3 4
0 6

5. Press the [Rec] button to turn on the indicator.

The keyboard is put in record standby mode.
The [Play] button’s indicator flashes.

Rec Rec

Press Lit

If you want to cancel the recording, then press the [Rec] button once more to make the
indicator dark.

If you wish to stop the metronome, press the [On/Off] button to make the indicator go

In the beginning it is probably a good idea to listen to the metronome as you record.
The sound of the metronome is not recorded.

6. Recording will begin when you play a note on the keyboard.

The [Play] button indicator will change from blinking to lit.
Listen to the metronome, and play along with the tempo.

Instead of playing the keyboard, you can also begin recording by pressing the [Play]
button to make the indicator light. In this case, you will hear a two-measure count before
recording begins.

7. When you are finished recording, press the [Play] button to make
the indicator go dark.

Play Play

Press Dark

Try Recording Your Performance

You can use the following methods to save the recorded performance on the external devices.
- Connect an audio device to the ep-90/70, and record your performance on a cassette tape or
other media (p. 24).
- Connect a MIDI sequencer, and record the performance on the sequencer (p. 25).

Listening to the Recorded Performance

Listen to the performance you recorded.

1. Press the [Play] button to make the indicator light.

The performance you recorded will play back. When the recorded performance ends, the
[Play] button indicator will go dark, and playback will stop.

Play Play

Press Lit

2. If you wish to stop playback during the performance, press the

[Play] button to make the indicator go dark.

Play Play

Press Dark

If the metronome is sounding while the performance plays back, the playback will begin after a
two-measure count.

Deleting Recorded Songs

You can delete recorded songs in their entirety.

1. While pressing the [Play] button, also press the [Rec] button.
This deletes the recorded song.
Play Rec

While holding down... Press

Convenient Functions
Disabling Buttons—Panel Transposing without
Lock Changing Your Fingering
—Key Transpose
By using the Panel Lock function, you can disable the buttons
with the exception of certain operations. This is a convenient You can play in a different key—without changing the keys
way to prevent buttons from being pressed inadvertently, you are playing.
changing the settings. When playing in a difficult key with many (sharps) or

When the panel is locked, the following operations can be (flats), you can transpose the keyboard to play in an easier

performed. key.
- Play using the piano sound Key transpositions remain in effect until the keyboard’s
power is turned off.
- Key Transpose
- Master Tuning (p. 23) ■ <Ex.>Using the C Major Keys to
1. Before switching the power on, turn the Play a Song in E Major
volume all the way down. 1. While holding down the [Demo] button,
fig.7-01 press the tonic (root) of the key to which
you want to transpose.
Use the C2–B2 notes to select the key.
Min Max → For the notes that correspond to each setting, refer to
“Functions Assigned to the Keyboard” (p. 31).

2. While holding down the [Piano 1] button, Here, press the E2 key.
press the [Power] switch. fig.7-03.e
fig.7-02.e C2 B2
Piano 1 Power

While holding down ON
While holding down
3. Adjust the volume. Press

Playing the keyboard now produces a Piano 1 sound.

It will not be possible to switch to another sound. 2. To return to the previous condition, while
holding down the [Demo] button, press the
4. Switching the power off and back on again
C2 key.
releases the panel lock and returns the ep-
90/70 to its usual state.


If you turn on the power while holding down the Metronome [On/
Off] button, it will also be possible to sound the metronome. You C2

will also be able to adjust the metronome tempo, time, volume, and
While holding down
sound. Press


The transposition setting is effective only on sounds performed on

the ep-90/70’s keyboard. This setting is not effective on tones from
external MIDI messages played on the ep-90/70.

Convenient Functions

Adjusting the Pitch of the ■ Setting the Reference Pitch to

440.0 Hz
Sound—Master Tuning
While holding down the [Demo] button,
In situations such as when playing in ensemble with other press the “C#4” key on the keyboard.
instruments, you can adjust the ep-90/70’s reference pitch to
→ For the notes that correspond to each setting, refer to
that of another instrument.
“Functions Assigned to the Keyboard” (p. 31).
Middle A is generally used as the standard reference pitch fig.7-05.e
for tuning instruments. C#4
When playing in ensemble with other instruments, set each
instrument to the same reference pitch to ensure that you Demo
will be in tune with each other. This tuning of all the
instruments to a reference pitch is called “Master Tuning.”
“440.0 Hz” is the power-on default for the reference pitch.

While holding down Press


By holding down the [Demo] and [Sound] buttons, and pressing The reference pitch will be set to 440.0 Hz. This is the
the corresponding note, you can hear a reference tone (Middle A) as most commonly used setting. The A4 (Middle A) key
you adjust the pitch. will sound at 440.0 Hz.

■ Lowering/ raising the Reference

■ Setting the Reference Pitch to
442.0 Hz
While holding down the [Demo] button,
While holding down the [Demo] button,
press the “C4” note to lower the reference
press the “D#4” key on the keyboard.
pitch, or the “D4” note to raise it.
→ For the notes that correspond to each setting, refer to
→ For the notes that correspond to each setting, refer to
“Functions Assigned to the Keyboard” (p. 31).
“Functions Assigned to the Keyboard” (p. 31). fig.7-05.e
fig.7-05.e D#4
Lower Raise
the pitch the pitch


While holding down Press

C4 D4

While holding down The standard pitch will be set to 442.0 Hz. This setting is
often used for concert pianos. The A4 (Middle A) key
will sound at 442.0 Hz.

Each time you press the “C4” key, the pitch will fall by
0.1 Hz. If you continue holding the key, the pitch will
continue falling.

Each time you press the “D4” key, the pitch will rise by
0.1 Hz. If you continue holding the key, the pitch will
continue rising.

Connecting to Audio Equipment
Read this chapter if you wish to connect the ep-90/70 to an to hear. For information on cable specifications, contact the
audio device. manufacturer of the cable.
By connecting the ep-90/70 with an audio device, you can
listen to the sound of the ep-90/70 through the speakers of NOTE
the audio device, or record your performance onto a cassette Once the connections have been completed, turn on power to your
tape or other recording media. various devices in the order specified. By turning on devices in the
wrong order, you risk causing malfunction and/or damage to

About the Jacks speakers and other devices.

■ Listening to the ep-90/70 through the

fig.8-01 speakers of an audio device, or
MIDI Pedal Input
recording a performance onto a
Out In Damper Soft R L (Mono) R L (Mono)
cassette tape or other media
Input R/L
(Line In, Aux In)

Output Jacks
Use audio cables (sold separately) to connect the ep-90/70 to
an audio device so that the sound of the ep-90/70 can be hear ep-90/70
from the speakers of the audio device, or so that your MIDI Pedal Input Output
Out In Damper Soft R L (Mono) R L (Mono)

performance can be recorded on a cassette tape or other

recording media.
1. Turn on the power to the ep-90/70.
Input Jacks
You can use audio cables (sold separately) to connect another 2. Turn on the power to the connected
audio producing device to the ep-90/70, and hear its sound equipment.
through the speakers of the ep-90/70. 3. Adjust the volume.

Making the Connections Recording procedure

1. Connect the ep-90/70 and the audio device.
NOTE 2. Start recording on the connected audio
To prevent malfunction and/or damage to speakers or other devices, device.
always turn down the volume, and turn off the power on all devices
3. Begin playing on the ep-90/70.
before making any connections.
4. When you finish playing, stop recording.
1. Turn the volume down completely on all
equipment. ■ Listening to the sound of an audio
device through the speakers of the ep-
2. Turn off the ep-90/70 and any other devices 90/70
to be connected. fig.8-03
Output R/L
3. Use audio cables (sold separately) to (Line Out)
connect the other device to the ep-90/70.

If the device you are connecting is monaural, connect it to the L
(Mono) jack. In this case, do not connect the R jack of the ep-90/70. Out
In Damper
Soft R
L (Mono) R
L (Mono)

Use a cable from Roland to make the connection. If using some 1. Turn on the power to the connected
other make of connection cable, please note the following equipment.
2. Turn on the power to the ep-90/70.
Some connection cables contain resistors. Do not use cables that
incorporate resistors for connecting to this unit. The use of such 3. Adjust the volume.
cables can cause the sound level to be extremely low, or impossible

Connecting to MIDI Devices
Read this chapter if you wish to connect the ep-90/70 to an
Making the Connections
external MIDI devices.

If the ep-90/70 is connected to a MIDI sequencer, such as one NOTE

from the MT series, a performance recorded on the ep-90/70
can be transmitted to the MIDI sequencer. It is also possible To prevent malfunction and/or damage to speakers or other devices,
always turn down the volume, and turn off the power on all devices
to record the performance directly on the MIDI sequencer.
before making any connections.
The recorded performance can be saved on the MIDI
sequencer. 1. Turn the volume down completely on all
When the ep-90/70 is connected to an MT series sequencer, equipment.
the rich variety of sounds built into the MT series sequencer 2. Turn off the ep-90/70 and any other devices
can be played from the keyboard of the ep-90/70. to be connected.

About MIDI 3. Use MIDI cable (sold separately) to connect

MIDI, short for “Musical Instrument Digital Interface,” was the MIDI connector on the external MIDI
developed as a standard for the exchange of performance device to the MIDI connector on the ep-90/
data between electronic instruments and computers. 70.
The ep-90/70 is equipped with MIDI connectors to allow Take a look at the connection examples.
such exchange of performance data with external equipment 4. As necessary, use audio cables to connect
and devices. Connecting the keyboard to other devices with the other devices to the ep-90/70 (p. 24).
these jacks provides you with an even greater variety of
5. Turn on the power to all equipment.
ways to use your keyboard.
6. Adjust the volume.
7. You should also make the following
About the MIDI Connectors settings as needed.
For details on making MIDI-related settings for the ep-
90/70, refer to p. 26 through p. 29.
MIDI Pedal Input Output
Out In Damper Soft R L (Mono) R L (Mono)

Connection Examples: Connecting to a

sequencer (The Roland MT Series)

MT Series

MIDI In Connector
Use a MIDI cable (sold separately) to connect from here MIDI In

to the MIDI Out connector on the external MIDI device. ep-90/70

MIDI messages sent from connected external equipment
MIDI Pedal Input Output
Out In Damper Soft R L (Mono) R L (Mono)
will be received here. As a result, the ep-90/70 will
produce sound, change tones, or perform other
operations. * The MT-80s has no MIDI Out connector.
MIDI Out Connector Connection Examples: Connecting to a
Use a MIDI cable (sold separately) to connect from here
MIDI sound module
to the MIDI In connector on the external MIDI device. fig.9-03.e
Performance data detailing what has been played on the Sound Module
keyboard, and other data, such as that generated when a THRU

pedal is depressed, is sent out from here to external

MIDI devices.

MIDI Pedal Input Output

Out In Damper Soft R L (Mono) R L (Mono)

Connecting to MIDI Devices

Cautions when Connecting ■ Switching Local On/Off

an External MIDI Device Local On is set when the power is switched on.

While holding down the [Piano 1] button,

Here we will explain the “Local On/Off” and “Omni On/
[Piano 2] button, and [Harpsichord] button,
Off” settings that you need to be aware of when connecting
the “B4” note to turn the setting On, or
the ep-90/70 to an external MIDI device.
press the “C5” note to turn the setting Off.
■ Disconnecting the ep-90/70’s → For the notes that correspond to each setting, refer to
keyboard and internal sound
“Functions Assigned to the Keyboard” (p. 31).
generator—Local On/Off
fig.9-07.e (While holding down three buttons)
When the ep-90/70 is connected to a MIDI sequencer or the Vibra- Harpsi-
Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord
like, set it to Local Off.
As shown in the diagram, the data that is produced when
you play the keyboard will reach the sound generator by two
routes, (1) and (2), causing each note to be played in While holding down three buttons
duplicate. To prevent this, select the Local Off setting to cut
route (1).
Local Off
fig.9-04.e Local On
(1) Local On
Sound IN OUT


(2) Thru function On

Each note played
is sounded twice Press

This sets it to Local On:

fig.9-05.e MEMO
Sound is emitted
If the ep-90/70 is connected to a Roland MT series (except
MT-80s), it is not necessary to make the Local Off setting.
Sound Source When the power is turned on, the MT series will transmit a
Local On Local Off message. If you turn the power on in the order of
first the ep-90/70 and then the MT series, the ep-90/70 will
automatically be set to Local Off.

This sets it to Local Off: ■ Receiving on all MIDI channels—Omni

fig.9-06.e On/Off
No sound produced
MIDI features sixteen MIDI channels, numbered 1–16.
The connected devices must be set to use the same MIDI
Sound Source channels, otherwise no sound will be produced.
Local Off When set to Omni On, the ep-90/70 plays regardless of the
MIDI channel on which the MIDI messages are received.
It is useful to turn Omni On when, for example, the MIDI In
connector of the ep-90/70 is receiving music data in which
the right-hand and left-hand parts are recorded on different
MIDI channels.
Be aware that if you set your instrument to Local Off when no
external MIDI device is connected, there will be no sound.

Connecting to MIDI Devices

■ Switching Omni On/Off Set the MIDI Channel

Omni Off is automatically set when the power is switched
on. MIDI features sixteen MIDI channels, numbered 1–16.
The connected devices must be set to use the same MIDI
Hold down the [Piano 1] button, the [Piano
channels, otherwise no sound will be produced.
2] button, and the [Harpsichord] button,
and press the “F4” note to turn the setting - In a setup where you wish to play the ep-90/70 and also
have another MIDI-equipped instrument or sound
On, or the “G4” note to turn the setting Off.
module play the same notes, you should first set the
→ For the notes that correspond to each setting, refer to
channel used for reception on your external device to the
“Functions Assigned to the Keyboard” (p. 31).
same channel that you have the ep-90/70 set to use for
Vibra- Harpsi- transmission.
Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord
- If using another MIDI keyboard as a master instrument,
and you wish to have the ep-90/70 played by it, you
While holding down three buttons would need to set the channel used for reception on the
ep-90/70 to the same channel that the master keyboard
will be transmitting on.
Omni Off
Omni On - When wishing to have a sequencer play the ep-90/70, you
need to set the channel used or reception on the ep-90/70
to the same channel that the recorded MIDI data is set to

F4 G4 When the ep-90/70 is turned on, Channel “1” is selected.

While holding down the [Piano 1], [Piano 2],

Press and [Harpsichord] buttons, press the
appropriate key on the keyboard.
The MIDI transmit channel and receive channel will
switch to the number that corresponds to the note you
→ For the notes that correspond to each setting, refer to
“Functions Assigned to the Keyboard” (p. 31).
Vibra- Harpsi-
Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord

While holding down three buttons

C2 C3 C4 D4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Connecting to MIDI Devices

Transmitting/Receiving The tones and their corresponding Program Number appear

Sound Selection Data—
Program Change Program Number Tone

01 Piano 1
Program Changes are messages that tell an instrument to
02 Piano 2
“switch to sound number x.”
03 E.Piano
When the other device receives this message, it will switch to
whichever of its sounds corresponds to the number 04 Vibraphone
contained in the message. 05 Harpsichord
06 Organ
When you press the ep-90/70’s Tone button to change tones,
a Program Change message with the corresponding Program 07 Strings
Number is sent via the MIDI Out connector. Furthermore, a 08 Choir
Program Change message received via the MIDI In connector 09 Piano 1 + Piano 2
changes the tone to the one with the corresponding Program
10 Piano 1 + E.Piano
11 Piano 1 + Vibraphone
Each time the power is turned on, the instrument will always 12 Piano 1 + Harpsichord
be set to “On” (it will transmit/receive Program Change
13 Piano 1 + Organ
14 Piano 1 + Strings
If you set it to “Off,” the ep-90/70 will no longer send out
Program Change message when you change the tone being 15 Piano 1 + Choir
used. Also, the ep-90/70 will then ignore any Program 16 Piano 2 + E.Piano
Change messages when that are sent to it by an external unit, 17 Piano 2 + Vibraphone
and will not change the tone it is playing.
18 Piano 2 + Harpsichord
While holding down the [Piano 1] button, 19 Piano 2 + Organ
[Piano 2] button, and [Harpsichord] button, 20 Piano 2 + Strings
press the “E5” note to turn the setting On, 21 Piano 2 + Choir
or the “F5” note to turn the setting Off. 22 E.Piano + Vibraphone
→ For the notes that correspond to each setting, refer to 23 E.Piano + Harpsichord
“Functions Assigned to the Keyboard” (p. 31).
24 E.Piano + Organ
Vibra- Harpsi- 25 E.Piano + Strings
Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord
26 E.Piano + Choir
27 Vibraphone + Harpsichord

While holding down three buttons 28 Vibraphone + Organ

29 Vibraphone + Strings
30 Vibraphone + Choir

On Off 31 Harpsichord + Organ

32 Harpsichord + Strings
33 Harpsichord + Choir
34 Organ + Strings
35 Organ + Choir
E5 F5
36 Strings + Choir


Connecting to MIDI Devices

Turning Transmission and Transmitting Performance

Reception of Control Data from MIDI Out
Changes On/Off
If this setting is left “On,” performance data recorded on the

Messages known as “Control Changes” are used to convey to ep-90/70 can be transmitted from the MIDI Out connector.

another device information about the instances where you Each time the power is turned on, this setting will always be

have pressed a pedal, or have turned On/Off the Chorus or at “Off.”

Reverb effects. Hold down the [Piano 1] button, the [Piano

Each time the power is turned on, the instrument will always
2] button, and the [Harpsichord] button,
be set to “On” (it will transmit/receive all Control Change
and press the “D6” note to turn the setting
If you set it to “Off” the ep-90/70 will no longer send or
On, or the “E6” note to turn the setting Off.
receive any Control Change messages. → For the notes that correspond to each setting, refer to
“Functions Assigned to the Keyboard” (p. 31).
While holding down the [Piano 1] button, fig.9-13.e
[Piano 2] button, and [Harpsichord] button, Vibra- Harpsi-
Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord
press the “A5” note to turn the setting On,
or the “B5” note to turn the setting Off.
→ For the notes that correspond to each setting, refer to
While holding down three buttons
“Functions Assigned to the Keyboard” (p. 31).
Vibra- Harpsi-
Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord On Off

While holding down three buttons

D6 E6

On Off


The performance data that you recorded will disappear

when the power of the ep-90/70 is turned off.
A5 B5
If you wish to save the performance, use the following

Press 1. Connect a MIDI sequencer such as the MT

series (p. 25).

2. Record the performance on the ep-90/70.
3. Set this setting to “On.”
If you want to know more about Control Change Number,
please refer to “MIDI Implementation Chart” (p. 32).
4. Start recording with the connected MIDI
5. Start playback of the recorded song on the
6. When playback ends, stop recording.
7. Use a connected MIDI sequencer to save
the data on a floppy disk or other media.

If you are encountering problems with the unit, please read Bass notes sound wrong/buzzing or vibration
the section below before assuming that there is a occurs
malfunction. ❍ If you can’t hear the problem in the headphones:
When playing at high volumes, resonance may occur in
The piano cannot be switched on the piano itself or in objects near the piano. At times,
other objects in the room, such as fluorescent lights or
❍ Is the power cord properly connected? (p. 8)
glass doors, could start vibrating. Such phenomenon
becomes more prevalent when sounding the lower
No sound is produced
frequencies at high volume. To minimize such unwanted
❍ Is the [Volume] knob set to the minimum position?
resonance, please observe the following:
(p. 10)
- Locate the instrument so it is 10–15 cm away from
❍ Are headphones connected? (p. 10)
❍ Is Local On/Off set to “Off”? (p. 26) - Reduce the volume.
- Increase the distance from the object that is
Demo songs do not play resonating.
❍ Is Panel Lock on? (p. 22) ❍ If you can hear the problem in the headphones:
The problem may be for a different reason. Please
Metronome does not sound contact your dealer.
❍ Is Panel Lock on? (p. 22)
In the upper range, the sound changes
Buttons do not function abruptly beyond a certain key
❍ Is Panel Lock on? (p. 22) ❍ On an acoustic piano, notes in the upper one and a half
octaves of the keyboard continue to sound until they
Keyboard sound does not change decay naturally, regardless of the damper pedal. There is
a difference in the timbre as well. Roland pianos
❍ Is Panel Lock on? (p. 22)
faithfully simulate such characteristics of the acoustic
piano. On the ep-70/90, the range that is unaffected by
Two sounds are produced when the keyboard
the damper pedal will change depending on the Key
is played
Transpose setting.
❍ Is the keyboard in Dual Play mode? (p. 14)
<When the ep-90/70 is connected to
The pitch of the keyboard sounds incorrect an external device>
❍ Is the Master Tuning setting correct? (p. 23)
No sound is produced
❍ Is the Transpose setting correct? (p. 22)
❍ Is the power to all equipment turned on?
The pedals are not functioning, or function ❍ Are the connections between ep-90/70 and the MIDI
intermittently sequencer or the other external devices correct?
(p. 24, p. 25)
❍ Are the pedals connected properly? (p. 9)
❍ Is the MIDI channel setting correct? (p. 27)
Can’t Record ❍ Is the Omni On/Off setting correct? (p. 27)
❍ Is Panel Lock on? (p. 22)
Strange sounds (or two sounds) are produced
❍ Is the [Demo] button’s indicator lit?
when the ep-90/70 is played
Press the [Demo] button; the button’s indicator goes out
(p. 11). ❍ With the sequencer’s “Thru” function on, the same notes
may be sounded twice. Set the ep-90/70 to Local off
❍ The metronome sound or count sound is not recorded.
(p. 26).

The recorded performance has been deleted

The volume level of the instrument connected
❍ The performance data that you recorded will disappear
to Input jacks is too low
when the power of the ep-90/70 is turned off (p. 19).
❍ Could you be using a connection cable that contains a
❍ If you record again after recording, the first-recorded
performance will be erased (p. 19).
Use a connection cable that does not contain a resistor.

Functions Assigned to the Keyboard
■ Function assignments to the keyboard

Transmission of playback data Off (p.29)

Transmission of playback data On (p.29)
Program Changes Off (p.28)
Program Changes On (p.28)
Setting the MIDI Channel (p.27)

Control Changes Off (p.29)

Control Changes On (p.29)
Key Transpose (p. 22)

Master Tuning (p.23)

Local Off (p.26)

Local On (p.26)
Omni Off (p.27)
Omni On (p.27)

C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7


C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

1 2 4 5 6 7 8

1, 2: While holding down the [Demo] button, press the appropriate

key on the keyboard.

3–8: While holding down the [Piano 1], [Piano 2], and [Harpsichord]
buttons, press the appropriate key on the keyboard.
Vibra- Harpsi-
Piano 1 Piano 2 E.Piano phone chord Organ Strings Choir

DIGITAL PIANO Date : May. 1, 1999
Model ep-70/90 MIDI Implementation Chart Version : 1.00

Transmitted Recognized Remarks


Basic Default 1 1
Channel Changed 1–16 1–16

Default Mode 3 Mode 3

Mode Messages x OMNI ON/OFF
Altered **************

Note 15–113 *1 0–127 *1 ep-90

22–108 *2 *2 ep-70
Number : True Voice ************** 15–113

Note ON O O
Velocity Note OFF x 8n v=64 x

After Key's x x
Touch Ch's x x

Pitch Bend x x
6, 38 O *3 O *3 Data entry
7 x O *3 *4 Volume
11 x O *3 *4 Expression
64 O *3 O *3 *4 Hold 1
Control 66 O *3 *4 Sostenuto
Change 67 O *3 O *3 *4 Soft
91 O *3 O *3 Effect1 depth (Reverb)
93 O *3 O *3 Effect3 depth (Chorus)
100, 101 O *3 O *3 RPN LSB, MSB

Prog O (0–35) *3 O (0–127) *3

Change : True # ************** 0–35

System Exclusive O O

: Song Pos x x
: Song Sel x x
: Tune x x

System : Clock x x
Real Time : Commands x x
: All sound off x x
: Reset all controllers x O
Aux : Local Control x O
Message : All Notes OFF x O (123–127)
: Active Sense O O
: Reset x x

Notes *3 O x is selectable.
*4 These message can affect only MIDI notes.

Mode 1 : OMNI ON, POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON, MONO O : Yes

Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 4 : OMNI OFF, MONO X : No

* A separate publication titled “MIDI Implementation” is also available. It provides complete details concerning the way
MIDI has been implemented on this unit. If you should require this publication (such as when you intend to carry out
byte-level programming), please contact the nearest Roland Service Center or authorized Roland distributor.

ep-90/70 : Roland Digital Piano
<Keyboard> ● Connectors
● Keyboard Output Jacks (L/Mono, R)
ep-70: 76 weighted keys with touch-sensitivity Input Jacks (L/Mono, R)
ep-90: 88 weighted keys with touch-sensitivity Headphones Jack (stereo) x 2
● Keyboard Mode Pedal Connectors (Damper, Soft)
Whole MIDI Connectors (In, Out)
Dual ● Power Supply
DC 9 V (AC Adaptor)
< Sound Generator> ● Power Consumption
● Maximum Polyphony 1,200 mA
64 voices ● Dimensions (without music stand)
● Tones ep-90: 1302 (W) x 339 (D) x 108 (H) mm
8 (Piano 1, Piano 2, Electric Piano, Vibraphone, 51-5/16 (W) x 13-3/8 (D) x 4-1/4 (H) inches
Harpsichord, Organ, Strings, Choir) When the stand (KS-90*) is used:
● Master Tuning 1308 (W) x370 (D) x 767 (H) mm
415.3 Hz to 466.2 Hz (0.1 Hz Steps) 51-1/2 (W) x 14-5/8 (D) x 30-1/4 (H) inches
● Effects * KS-90: stand for ep-90
Chorus (On/Off), Reverb (On/Off)
● Key Transposition ep-70: 1138 (W) x 339 (D) x 108 (H) mm
-6 to +5 (Semitone steps) 44-13/16 (W) x 13-3/8 (D) x 4-1/4 (H) inches
When the stand (KS-70*) is used:
<Composer> 1144 (W) x370(D) x 767(H) mm
● Metronome 45-1/16 (W) x 14-5/8 (D) x 30-1/4 (H) inches
Beat: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6 * KS-70: stand for ep-70
Volume: 8 levels ● Weight (without music stand)
Sounds: 3 types ep-90: 12.5 kg / 27 lbs 9 oz
● Track Including Stand (KS-90*): 21.2 kg / 46 lbs 12 oz
1 track * KS-90: stand for ep-90
● Songs
1 song ep-70: 11 kg / 24 lbs 5 oz
● Note Storage Including Stand (KS-70*): 19.4 kg / 42 lbs 13 oz
Approx. 5,000 notes * KS-70: stand for ep-70
● Tempo ● Accessories
Quarter note = 40 to 208 AC Adaptor (PSB, ACK, or ACB type)
● Resolution AC Cord (Not supplied with ACK or ACB type
96 ticks per quarter note adaptors.)
● Control Music Stand
Play/Stop, Rec, Tempo Owner’s Manual
Pedal Switch
● Rated Power Output
5Wx2 * In the interest of product improvement, the specifications and/or
● Speakers appearance of this unit are subject to change without prior
12 cm x 2 notice.

Beat ....................................................................................18 Omni On/Off ...................................................................26
Output R/L Connector...................................................24
Chorus...............................................................................16 P
Control Change ...............................................................29 Panel Lock ........................................................................22
D Playing
Delete ................................................................................21 Demo Song..................................................................11
Damper Pedal ....................................................................9 Performance Song......................................................21
Demo Song .................................................................11–13 Program Change..............................................................28
Dual Play ..........................................................................14
H Recording .........................................................................19
Headphones .....................................................................10 Reference Pitch ................................................................23
Reverb ...............................................................................15
Input R/L Connector......................................................24 S
Soft Pedal ............................................................................9
K Song Delete.......................................................................21
Key Transpose .................................................................22
L Tempo ...............................................................................18
Local On/Off ...................................................................26 Time...................................................................................18
Master Tuning .................................................................23
Metronome .................................................................18
Metronome .......................................................................17
Sound ..........................................................................18 V
Tempo .........................................................................18 Volume
Time.............................................................................18 Keyboard.....................................................................10
Volume........................................................................17 Metronome .................................................................17
MIDI Channel ..................................................................27
MIDI Connector...............................................................25
Music Stand......................................................................10

When you need repair service, call your nearest Roland Service Center or authorized Roland distributor in your country as
shown below.
AFRICA Swee Lee Company SUPRO MUNDIAL, S.A. Roland Italy S. p. A. Halilit P. Greenspoon &
150 Sims Drive, Boulevard Andrews, Albrook, Viale delle Industrie 8, Sons Ltd.
EGYPT SINGAPORE 387381 Panama City, REP. DE PANAMA 20020 Arese, Milano, ITALY 8 Retzif Ha'aliya Hashnya St.
Al Fanny Trading Office TEL: 6846-3676 TEL: 315-0101 TEL: (02) 937-78300 Tel-Aviv-Yafo ISRAEL
9, EBN Hagar A1 Askalany Street, TEL: (03) 6823666
Cairo 11341, EGYPT LTD Distribuidora De Roland Scandinavia Avd. JORDAN
TEL: 20-2-417-1828 Blk 3014, Bedok Industrial Park E, Instrumentos Musicales Kontor Norge AMMAN Trading Agency
#02-2148, SINGAPORE 489980 J.E. Olear y ESQ. Manduvira Lilleakerveien 2 Postboks 95 245 Prince Mohammad St.,
REUNION TEL: 6243-9555 Asuncion PARAGUAY Lilleaker N-0216 Oslo Amman 1118, JORDAN
Maison FO - YAM Marcel TEL: (021) 492-124 NORWAY TEL: (06) 464-1200
25 Rue Jules Hermann, TAIWAN TEL: 2273 0074
Chaudron - BP79 97 491 ROLAND TAIWAN KUWAIT
Ste Clotilde Cedex, ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. URUGUAY POLAND Easa Husain Al Yousifi Est.
REUNION ISLAND Room 5, 9fl. No. 112 Chung Shan Todo Musica S.A. P. P. H. Brzostowicz Abdullah Salem Street,
TEL: (0262) 218-429 N.Road Sec.2, Taipei, TAIWAN, Francisco Acuna de Figueroa 1771 UL. Gibraltarska 4. Safat, KUWAIT
R.O.C. C.P.: 11.800 PL-03664 Warszawa POLAND TEL: 243-6399
SOUTH AFRICA TEL: (02) 2561 3339 Montevideo, URUGUAY TEL: (022) 679 44 19
That Other Music Shop TEL: (02) 924-2335 LEBANON
11 Melle St., Braamfontein, Theera Music Co. , Ltd. VENEZUELA Tecnologias Musica e Audio, Gerge Zeidan St., Chahine Bldg.,
Johannesbourg, SOUTH AFRICA 330 Verng NakornKasem, Soi 2, Musicland Digital C.A. Roland Portugal, S.A. Achrafieh, P.O.Box: 16-5857
Bangkok 10100, THAILAND Av. Francisco de Miranda, Cais Das Pedras, 8/9-1 Dto Beirut, LEBANON
P.O.Box 32918, Braamfontein 2017 TEL: (02) 2248821 Centro Parque de Cristal, Nivel 4050-465 PORTO TEL: (01) 20-1441
Johannesbourg, SOUTH AFRICA C2 Local 20 Caracas PORTUGAL
TEL: (011) 403 4105 VIETNAM VENEZUELA TEL: (022) 608 00 60 QATAR
Saigon Music TEL: (212) 285-8586 Al Emadi Co. (Badie Studio
Paul Bothner (PTY) Ltd. 138 Tran Quang Khai St., ROMANIA & Stores)
17 Werdmuller Centre, District 1 FBS LINES P.O. Box 62,
Main Road, Claremont 7708
Ho Chi Minh City EUROPE Piata Libertatii 1, Doha, QATAR
VIETNAM RO-4200 Gheorghehi TEL: 4423-554
TEL: (08) 844-4068 TEL: (095) 169-5043
P.O.BOX 23032, Claremont 7735, AUSTRIA SAUDI ARABIA
SOUTH AFRICA Roland Austria GES.M.B.H. RUSSIA aDawliah Universal
TEL: (021) 674 4030 AUSTRALIA/ Siemensstrasse 4, P.O. Box 74, MuTek Electronics APL
NEW ZEALAND A-6063 RUM, AUSTRIA 3-Bogatyrskaya Str. 1.k.l Corniche Road, Aldossary Bldg.,
ASIA TEL: (0512) 26 44 260 107 564 Moscow, RUSSIA
TEL: (095) 169 5043
1st Floor, Alkhobar,
CHINA Roland Corporation LUXEMBOURG SPAIN P.O.Box 2154, Alkhobar 31952
Roland Shanghai Electronics Australia Pty., Ltd. Roland Electronics SAUDI ARABIA
Co.,Ltd. Roland Benelux N. V. TEL: (03) 898 2081
38 Campbell Avenue Houtstraat 3, B-2260, Oevel de España, S. A.
5F. No.1500 Pingliang Road Dee Why West. NSW 2099 Calle Bolivia 239, 08020
(Westerlo) BELGIUM
Shanghai, CHINA AUSTRALIA TEL: (014) 575811 Barcelona, SPAIN SYRIA
TEL: (021) 5580-0800 TEL: (93) 308 1000 Technical Light & Sound
TEL: (02) 9982 8266
Roland Shanghai Electronics NEW ZEALAND SWEDEN Khaled Ebn Al Walid St.
Roland Scandinavia A/S
Co.,Ltd. Roland Corporation Ltd. Nordhavnsvej 7, Postbox 880,
Roland Scandinavia A/S Bldg. No. 47, P.O.BOX 13520,
(BEIJING OFFICE) 32 Shaddock Street, Mount Eden, DK-2100 Copenhagen SWEDISH SALES OFFICE Damascus, SYRIA
10F. No.18 Anhuaxili Auckland, NEW ZEALAND Danvik Center 28, 2 tr. TEL: (011) 223-5384
Chaoyang District, Beijing, TEL: (09) 3098 715 TEL: 3916 6200 S-131 30 Nacka SWEDEN
CHINA TEL: (0)8 702 00 20 TURKEY
TEL: (010) 6426-5050 FRANCE Barkat muzik aletleri ithalat
CENTRAL/LATIN Roland France SA SWITZERLAND ve ihracat Ltd Sti
HONG KONG AMERICA 4, Rue Paul Henri SPAAK, Roland (Switzerland) AG Siraselviler Caddesi Siraselviler
Tom Lee Music Co., Ltd. Parc de l'Esplanade, F 77 462 St. Landstrasse 5, Postfach, Pasaji No:74/20
Service Division Thibault, Lagny Cedex FRANCE CH-4452 Itingen, Taksim - Istanbul, TURKEY
22-32 Pun Shan Street, Tsuen ARGENTINA TEL: 01 600 73 500 SWITZERLAND TEL: (0212) 2499324
Wan, New Territories, Instrumentos Musicales S.A. TEL: (061) 927-8383
TEL: 2415 0911 (1123) Buenos Aires Roland Scandinavia As, UKRAINE Zak Electronics & Musical
ARGENTINA Filial Finland TIC-TAC Instruments Co. L.L.C.
INDIA TEL: (011) 4508-2700 Elannontie 5 Mira Str. 19/108 Zabeel Road, Al Sherooq Bldg.,
Rivera Digitec (India) Pvt. Ltd. FIN-01510 Vantaa, FINLAND P.O. Box 180 No. 14, Grand Floor, Dubai, U.A.E.
409, Nirman Kendra Mahalaxmi BRAZIL TEL: (0)9 68 24 020 295400 Munkachevo, UKRAINE TEL: (04) 3360715
Flats Compound Off. Dr. Edwin Roland Brasil Ltda TEL: (03131) 414-40
Moses Road, Mumbai-400011, Rua San Jose, 780 Sala B GERMANY UNITED KINGDOM
INDIA Parque Industrial San Jose
TEL: (022) 2493 9051 Cotia - Sao Paulo - SP, BRAZIL
Roland Elektronische
Roland (U.K.) Ltd. NORTH AMERICA
Musikinstrumente HmbH. Atlantic Close, Swansea
TEL: (011) 4615 5666
Oststrasse 96, 22844 Norderstedt,
Enterprise Park, SWANSEA
PT Citra IntiRama COSTA RICA TEL: (040) 52 60090
SA7 9FJ,
Roland Canada Music Ltd.
J1. Cideng Timur No. 15J-150 JUAN Bansbach UNITED KINGDOM
Jakarta Pusat TEL: (01792) 702701 (Head Office)
Instrumentos Musicales GREECE 5480 Parkwood Way Richmond
INDONESIA Ave.1. Calle 11, Apartado 10237, STOLLAS S.A. B. C., V6V 2M4 CANADA
TEL: (021) 6324170 San Jose, COSTA RICA Music Sound Light TEL: (604) 270 6626
TEL: 258-0211 155, New National Road MIDDLE EAST Roland Canada Music Ltd.
Patras 26442, GREECE
Cosmos Corporation CHILE TEL: 2610 435400 (Toronto Office)
1461-9, Seocho-Dong, Comercial Fancy S.A. BAHRAIN 170 Admiral Boulevard
Seocho Ku, Seoul, KOREA
TEL: (02) 3486-8855
Rut.: 96.919.420-1 HUNGARY Moon Stores Mississauga On L5T 2N6
Nataniel Cox #739, 4th Floor Roland East Europe Ltd. No.16, Bab Al Bahrain Avenue, CANADA
Santiago - Centro, CHILE Warehouse Area ‘DEPO’ Pf.83 P.O.Box 247, Manama 304, TEL: (905) 362 9707
MALAYSIA TEL: (02) 688-9540 H-2046 Torokbalint, HUNGARY State of BAHRAIN
BENTLEY MUSIC SDN BHD TEL: (23) 511011 TEL: 211 005 U. S. A.
140 & 142, Jalan Bukit Bintang EL SALVADOR Roland Corporation U.S.
55100 Kuala Lumpur,MALAYSIA OMNI MUSIC IRELAND CYPRUS 5100 S. Eastern Avenue
TEL: (03) 2144-3333 75 Avenida Norte y Final Radex Sound Equipment Ltd. Los Angeles, CA 90040-2938,
Roland Ireland
Alameda Juan Pablo , Audio House, Belmont Court, 17, Diagorou Street, Nicosia, U. S. A.
PHILIPPINES Edificio No.4010 San Salvador, CYPRUS TEL: (323) 890 3700
Donnybrook, Dublin 4.
G.A. Yupangco & Co. Inc. EL SALVADOR Republic of IRELAND TEL: (022) 66-9426
339 Gil J. Puyat Avenue TEL: 262-0788 TEL: (01) 2603501
Makati, Metro Manila 1200, IRAN
TEL: (02) 899 9801 Casa Veerkamp, s.a. de c.v. No.41 Nike St., Dr.Shariyati Ave.,
Av. Toluca No. 323, Col. Olivar Roberoye Cerahe Mirdamad
de los Padres 01780 Mexico D.F. Tehran, IRAN
MEXICO TEL: (021) 285-4169 As of April 1, 2003 (Roland)
TEL: (55) 5668-6699
For the U.K.


As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying
the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows:
The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK.
The wire which is coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured RED.
Under no circumstances must either of the above wires be connected to the earth terminal of a three pin plug.

For EU Countries

This product complies with the requirements of European Directive 89/336/EEC.

For the USA


This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
– Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Unauthorized changes or modification to this system can void the users authority to operate this equipment.
This equipment requires shielded interface cables in order to meet FCC class B Limit.

For Canada

This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.

Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.

01898523 ’03-4-5TP

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