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En-12004 Impac On Adhesive Formulations

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The introduction of the EN 12004 standard for cement-based tile adhesives will standardize quality requirements across Europe and replace conflicting national standards. It introduces more stringent testing and specific classifications that present challenges for producers to meet the standards.

The EN 12004 standard outlines two cement-based tile adhesive classifications - C1 for general requirements and C2 for improved or additional characteristics related to adhesion, open/setting times, and freeze/thaw resistance.

Sand and cement are the main constituents of cement-bonded thin-bed adhesives. They determine properties to a large extent, but numerous additives enable variations to satisfy end users' needs.


The impact of the new EN 12004 standard on formulation
technology and raw materials for cement-based tile adhesives

D. Zweifel, R. Baumann, U.Tribelhorn

New Standards Make Greater Demands

The impact of the new EN 12004 standard on formulation technology

and raw materials for cement-based tile adhesives

D. Zweifel, R. Baumann, U.Tribelhorn



Euronorm 12004 – A Synopsis

Summarised results

Proceeding Step by Step



Cellulose ethers

Alternative thickener systems

Redispersible polymer powders

Concrete slabs and tiles

Formulations for EN 12004


Test methods
New Standards Make Greater Demands

The impact of the new EN 12004 standard on formulation technology

and raw materials for cement-based tile adhesives

D. Zweifel, R. Baumann, U.Tribelhorn

The introduction of the new EN mortar» are all examples of

standards for cement-based tile attempts to categorise these
adhesives, a product for which Dow products. However, it has often
supplies METHOCEL* cellulose been the case that each region,
ethers and DOW Latex Powders, each country or even each
is making new demands on tile manufacturer, used different
adhesive producers. Standardisation terminology. After much
1 of the norms involves more strin- debate, the initiative for the
gent testing, as well as specific regulation of adhesive mortars
classifications for different tile was finally agreed earlier this
adhesive qualities, which results in year, and with EN 12004
a real challenge in meeting the coming into effect, the quality
standards. requirements for cement-based
tile adhesives will now be
Included in the EN 12004 standard standardised Europe-wide,
are two cement-based tile adhesive replacing conflicting national
classifications: C1 which outlines standards.
general requirements, and C2 which
describes improved or additional The tile adhesive formulator is
characteristics.These set out the therefore faced with a stiff challenge
minimum requirements for impro- – that of demonstrating that his
ved adhesion after 28 days at room products match the new standards
temperature and under heat, water in test conditions. In order to
and freeze/thaw storage conditions. support their customers, the Dow
They also stipulate optional require- METHOCEL and DLP technical
ments for fast setting, reduced slip experts have carried out a study to
and extended open time. quantify the influence of the nume-
rous variables of tile adhesives.This
Sand and cement are the main knowledge should aid the formula-
constituents of cement-bonded, tor to develop tile adhesives that
thin-bed adhesives and determine satisfy the requirements according
the properties to a large extent. to EN 12004 (C1 and C2).
However, no tile adhesive which
can be applied by the thin-bed pro-
cedure is formulated with sand and
cement alone. Numerous additives
enable an endless range of variations
in processing and end properties to
satisfy the wishes of the end user.

The need to be able to com-

pare and to classify this enor-
mous variety of products has
existed for a long time.
«Flexible adhesive», «standard
adhesive» and «fluidized bed

*Trademark of the Dow Chemical Company

Making Sense of Euronorm
EN 12004 – A Synopsis

The aim of the study is to provide The results of studies relating to experience, because of insufficient
you with data and guidelines to EN 12004 depend not only on the adhesion after heat aging.The
assist you when carrying out tests adhesive being tested, but also quantity of polymer powder can
on cement-based tile adhesives in strongly on the type of tiles and be reduced when cement of higher
relation to compliance with EN concrete slabs used.This fact must quality is used (Table 1).
12004. be taken into consideration with
regard to the «absoluteness» of the It is far more difficult to formulate
The following table (Page 2) provi- test results. Obviously the materials tile adhesives meeting the C2
des an overview of the require- used for the tests should meet classification. Tensile adhesion requi-
ments per classification of cement- the specifications required by the rements of >1.0 N/mm2 represent
based tile adhesives. norms. quite a challenge. The results of our
The general classifications C1 and studies allow the following conclu-
C2 can be combined with additional It is relatively simple to formulate an sions to be drawn:
requirements (F,T, E). adhesive which meets the C1 requi-
2 Designations like C1T or C2TE rement. It is not a great obstacle to • The tensile adhesion strength can
clearly describe the properties of reach the required 0.5 N/mm2, but be improved by the use of higher
cement-based tile adhesives. Rapid the challenge is rather that of kee- quality cements. An important fact
hardening adhesives (F) were not a ping the cost as low as possible. to be taken into consideration is
subject of this study.The freeze-thaw Aiming to omit the polymer powder that the increase in tensile adhe-
cycle was also omitted, as manually from the formulation would be sion, after water immersion or
executed freeze–thaw yields results attractive from an economical point after heat aging, increases dispro-
with limited reproducibility. of view but would fail, in our portionately.

Test method Test class C1 Test class C2

Normal setting adhesives
Open time EN 1346 ≥ 0.5 N/mm2 after 20 min ≥ 0.5 N/mm2 after 20 min
Tensile adhesion strength EN 1348 ≥ 0.5 N/mm2 ≥ 1.0 N/mm2
Water immersion EN 1348 ≥ 0.5 N/mm2 ≥ 1.0 N/mm2
Heat aging EN 1348 ≥ 0.5 N/mm2 ≥ 1.0 N/mm2
Freeze-thaw cycle EN 1348 ≥ 0.5 N/mm 2
≥ 1.0 N/mm2
Fast setting adhesives
F: Rapid hardening and ≥ 0.5 N/mm2 after 24 hours ≥ 0.5 N/mm2 after 24 hours
Open time (EN 1346) ≥ 0.5 N/mm2 after 10 min ≥ 0.5 N/mm2 after 10 min
Additional requirements
T: Slip ≤ 0.5 mm ≤ 0.5 mm
E: Extended open time ≥ 0.5 N/mm2 after 30 min

Note: Please refer to the original Std. EN 12004 as reference.This is just an interpretation by Dow.
Making Sense of Euronorm
EN 12004 – A Synopsis

• Lightly modified cellulose ethers

have limited slip resistance and a
reduced water demand but show
their advantage in the tensile
adhesion after water immersion
and heat aging.

• The loss in slip resistance can be

compensated by means of sheet
silicates and/or cellulose fibres.
The improvement in slip resistance
is often reached without a
compromise in tensile adhesion
• By optimising the cellulose ether it
is possible to develop slip resistant
adhesives (slip <0.5 mm) which
yield remarkable tensile adhesion
strength with a DLP 2000 addition
level of only 1% and 3% (see
Formulations 40 and 41).

• By selectively adjusting the poly-

mer powder addition level it is
possible to develop tile adhesives
meeting either C1 or C2 classifi-
cation.The newly developed
polymer powder DLP 2000 will
yield extremely high tensile
adhesion strength. If the formula-
tion is optimised just to meet
minimum requirements, then these
properties can be met with a
relatively low addition level of DLP
2000. This clearly has a positive
effect on the costs. A reduction in
the addition level from 4 to 3% or
2 to 1% respectively would result
in a reduction in cost of 10% to
15% of the total formulation.
Summary of study results

The conclusions of the study are summarised in the above figure.

The effect that each of the investigation parameters has on the
final properties is shown as an arrow pointing in the influencing
Proceeding step by step

In order to quantify the effect of the individual components of tile

adhesives on its processing and end properties, it is appropriate,
given the large number of additives, to proceed step by step and
ingredient by ingredient.

Parts of the work were done utilising computer-aided statistically designed

experiment planning and evaluation.

Portland cement is available in many Portland cement quality from CEM I proven that the tensile adhesion,
quality classifications. Depending on 42.5 to CEM I 52.5, the standard after these two aging procedures,
the particle size and the chemical tensile adhesion improved only are the most critical properties
composition of the clinker, concrete slightly, by an average of 0.2 N/mm2. in order to meet EN 12004
with different compressive strength Comparing the tensile adhesion requirements. Surprisingly the
values is obtained. Fine particles results in the same set of tests, nominal improvement of the tensile
will hydrate better, thus yielding after 20 minutes and 30 minutes adhesion is independent of the
5 higher strength values.This effect open time, no difference can be redispersible polymer powder level,
can also be observed in cement- determined. which means that the increase in
based tile adhesives as the following tensile adhesion strength which is
table demonstrates: Results obtained after the water influenced by the cement quality,
immersion test (+0.3 N/mm2) and is the same for both the formu-
Results: The influence of the after heat aging (+0.5 N/mm2) lations containing 1% DLP 2000 and
Portland cement quality on the demonstrate that the use of 3% DLP 2000.
tensile adhesion results is not so better quality Portland cement
evident in all tests. Changing the can be advantageous. Practice has

Components Formulation 1 Formulation 2 Formulation 3 Formulation 4

Steidle sand Wt.-% 60 60 60 60
CEM I 42.5 Wt.-% 40 40
CEM I 52.5 Wt.-% 40 40
XCS 41120.00 Wt.-% 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
DLP 2000 Wt.-% 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0
Bentone GS 1) Wt.-% 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Arbocell BWW40 2) Wt.-% 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Water Wt.-% 32 31 31 30

Slip mm 2.0 2.0 4.0 3.0
Tensile adhesion strength
Standard N/mm2 0.88 1.05 1.39 1.56
20 min open time N/mm 2
0.86 1.02 1.39 1.34
Water immersion N/mm2 0.70 1.02 0.69 1.01
Heat aging N/mm 2
0.15 0.65 1.00 1.50

Table 1: Comparison of two different cement qualities with two different DLP 2000 levels

1) Trademark of Rheox Europe S. A. Bruxelles

2) Trademark of Rettenmaier & Söhne, Ellwangen
Proceeding step by step

Because of the relatively high mm) and a substantially higher Ground limestone (~60 µm) is often
transport costs, the choice of sand specific surface (~ 2.9 m2/g). added to the formulation as a fine
remains limited to local sand filler to improve the application
supplies. Nevertheless, it makes Results: Comparing the two properties and a better optical
sense to investigate the influence of formulations, where only the sand appearance of the liquid mortar.
the sand quality on the application quality was altered, shows that the Formulation 7 (table 2) proves that
and final properties of tile adhesives. properties obtained are almost the use of ground limestone in
In our studies we limited the identical. Sand has the function of a moderate amounts does not harm
number of sands to two very filler in a tile adhesive formulation. the end properties of a tile
different types. Zimmerli sand is a It is therefore to be expected adhesive. Excessive amounts of
highly refined quality with a rather that the influence on the tensile ground limestone, however, have a
narrow particle size distribution adhesion strength remains low. detrimental effect on open time.
(0.1 – 0.3 mm) and a very low The sand with the higher specific
specific surface (< 0.1 m2/g ). In surface required two parts more
6 contrast, Steidle sand has a broader water in order to maintain the
particle size distribution (0 – 0.45 same slip and consistency.

Components Formulation 5 Formulation 6 Formulation 7

Steidle sand Wt.-% 60 55
Zimmerli sand Wt.-% 60
Limestone 60 µm Wt.-% 5
CEM I 52.5 Wt.-% 40 40 40
METHOCEL 10-0350 Wt.-% 0.5 0.5 0.5
DLP 2000 Wt.-% 2.0 2.0 2.0
Water Wt.-% 28 26 28

BF 0.5 rpm mPa·s 3,971,000 3,793,000 4,298,000
BF 5.0 rpm mPa·s 557,000 528,000 570,000
BF 50 rpm mPa·s 91,000 84,000 94,000
Slip mm 0.5 0.5 0.5
Tensile adhesion strength
Standard N/mm2 1.16 1.19 1.08
20 min open time N/mm2 1.56 1.59 1.59
30 min open time N/mm 2
1.03 1.27 1.02
Water immersion N/mm 2
0.43 0.61 0.54
Heat aging N/mm 2
0.94 1.00 0.87

Table 2: Different sand qualities in tile adhesive formulations

Proceeding step by step
Cellulose ethers

Cellulose ethers are among the pronounced thickening effect. determined at 0.5rpm and 50rpm,
most important additives in a tile METHOCEL 10-0350 has a compa- is used.With the exception of the
adhesive formulation.These additives rable viscosity (~10 000 mPa·s) results after hot aging, the tensile
substantially affect application and mode-rately modified, and experi- adhesion results are comparable.
end properties. Cellulose ethers are mental celluose ether XCS Reducing the degree of modification
not only thickeners, controlling 41120.00 is even less modified. In appears to have a positive effect on
water demand and water retention, the test series (Table 3) the water the tensile adhesion after heat aging.
but also through the degree of level was adjusted in order to obtain The tensile adhesion after heat
modification and their rheological approx. 400 000 mPa·s (5.0 rpm). aging represents in many cases the
effect, they determine the tensile Depending on the degree of most critical obstacle to fulfilling
adhesion strength, slip resistance, modification the water demand EN 12004.The slip resistance and
open time and application proper- changed accordingly.The slip the water demand are negatively
ties. resistance decreases with water influenced by a lower degree of
demand, which can be explained by modification. One way out of this
7 The following table demonstrates the lower structural viscosity of the dilemma would be an additive that
the influence of different cellulose liquid mortar. The structural visco- increases the water demand and
ether types on the properties of sity is a measure of how much the slip resistance, without having a
a tile adhesive. viscosity decreases with increasing negative impact on tensile adhesion,
shear rate. As a measure of the especially after hot aging.
Results: METHOCEL 10-0356 is a structural viscosity, the difference of
modified cellullose ether with a the logarithm of the viscosity

Components Formulation 8 Formulation 9 Formulation 10

Zimmerli sand Wt.-% 60 60 60
CEM I 42.5 Wt.-% 40 40 40
METHOCEL 10-0356 Wt.-% 0.4
METHOCEL 10-0350 Wt.-% 0.4
XCS 41120.00 Wt.-% 0.4
DLP 210 Wt.-% 4.0 4.0 4.0
Water Wt.-% 28 26 25

BF 0.5 rpm mPa·s 3,750,000 2,780,000 2,100,000
BF 5.0 rpm mPa·s 416,000 396,000 384,000
BF 50 rpm mPa·s 55,000 76,000 76,000
log (0.5 rpm) – log (50 rpm) 1.83 1.56 1.45
Slip mm 0.5 1.5 2.0
Tensile adhesion strength
Standard N/mm2 1.25 1.32 1.45
20 min open time N/mm 2
1.19 1.35 1.25
30 min open time N/mm2 0.69 0.72 0.75
Water immersion N/mm 2
0.68 0.73 0.76
Heat aging N/mm 2
0.34 0.58 0.80

Table 3: Property profile of cellulose ethers in cement based tile adhesives

Proceeding step by step
Alternative tickener systems

It was found that other, non mulation with the aid of sheet
water-soluble thickeners increase silicates (Pangel S-9) or cellulose
the consistency of cement-based fibres (Arbocel BWW 40) without
tile adhesives, without negative reducing the slip resistance. Even
consequence on the tensile adhe- more important is the fact that the
sion. Sheet-silicates and cellulose tensile adhesion does not deterio-
fibres are such products. rate by the addition of these types
of additives.
Results: Table 4 clearly demonstra-
tes that it is possible to increase the
water demand of a tile adhesive for-

8 Components Formulation 11 Formulation 12 Formulation 13

Steidle sand Wt.-% 60 60 60
CEM I 52.5 Wt.-% 40 40 40
METHOCEL 10-0350 Wt.-% 0.5 0.5 0.5
Pangel S-9 3) Wt.-% 0.5
Arbocell BWW 40 Wt.-% 0.5
DLP 2000 Wt.-% 2.0 2.0 2.0
Water Wt.-% 28 32 32

BF 0.5 rpm mPa·s 3,790,000 3,201,000 2,960,000
BF 5.0 rpm mPa·s 594,000 464,000 436,000
BF 50 rpm mPa·s 96,000 79,000 73,000
Slip mm 1.0 0.75 1.0
Tensile adhesion strength
Standard N/mm2 1.19 1.31 1.20
20 min open time N/mm 2
1.69 1.44 1.35
30 min open time N/mm 2
1.27 1.10 1.28
Water immersion N/mm2 0.85 0.96 1.01
Heat aging N/mm 2
0.89 1.22 1.21

Table 4: Alternative thickeners for cement-based tile adhesives

3) Trademark – Grupo Tolsa, Madrid

Proceeding step by step
Alternative tickener systems

Results: Bentone GS, a hectorite the open time and the adhesion
and Optibent CP, a bentonite, have after the heat aging deteriorate.
nearly the same effect on the tensile Pangel S9, a sepiolite has proven to
adhesion properties. Optibent CP be most effective.The thickening
increases the viscosity to a lesser effect is twice as efficient as
degree than Bentone GS. hectorite or bentonite. In practice
Attapulgites, such as Minugel 200 this means that only half the dosage
increase the consistency, but they level is required to reach the same
have a negative influence on tensile viscosity.The tensile adhesion is
adhesion properties. In particular, not influenced and remains high.

Components Formulation 14 Formulation 15 Formulation 16 Formulation 17

9 Steidle sand Wt.-% 60 60 60 60
CEM I 42.5 Wt.-% 40 40 40 40
XCS 41120.00 Wt.-% 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
DLP 210 Wt.-% 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Bentone GS Wt.-% 1.0
Minugel 200 4) Wt.-% 1.0
Optibent CP 5) Wt.-% 1.0
Pangel S-9 Wt.-% 0.5
Water Wt.-% 28 28 28 28

BF 0.5 rpm mPa·s 3,600,000 3,974,000 2,690,000 3,290,000
BF 5.0 rpm mPa·s 528,000 598,000 478,000 440,000
BF 50 rpm mPa·s 93,000 100,000 85,000 77,000
Slip mm 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5
Tensile adhesion strength
20 min open time N/mm2 1.95 1.41 1.90 1.32
30 min open time N/mm 2
0.99 0.48 1.07 0.94
Water immersion N/mm2 0.84 0.74 0.85 0.81
Heat aging N/mm 2
0.90 0.64 0.94 0.79

Table 5:The effects of different sheet silicates on the properties of a tile adhesive.

4) Trademark of ITC, Inc. Maryland, USA

5) Trademark of Südchemie AG, Munich
Proceeding step by step
Redispersible polymer powder

Redispersible polymer powders are Results: A rather simple base for- 2000, which fulfill the requirements
crucial components of high quality mulation with a low water demand of EN 12004/C2.
tile adhesive formulations.These was used.This explains the relatively
additives substantially increase the low tensile adhesion values obtai- As demonstrated in the previous
tensile adhesion and improve the ned. However, the influence an simple formulation, here too in
flexibility of the adhesive link increased powder level has on the Figure 2 an increase in the polymer
between the tile and the substrate. properties in other formulations, powder addition level shows a clear
This feature is very important can be estimated accordingly. improvement in the standard tensile
especially with difficult substrates Without addition of polymer pow- adhesion, as well as in the tensile
like wood, old tiles and when floors ders the tensile adhesion after heat adhesion after heat aging.
are equipped with floor heating. aging has almost completely collap- Apparently, the addition level of
Redispersible polymer powders also sed.The standard tensile adhesion, polymer powder has no influence
play a key role in tile adhesives as well as the tensile adhesion after on the tensile adhesion after water
meeting EN 12004. heat aging, improves when the level immersion. In this formulation the
10 of polymer powder is increased.This addition of only 2% of DLP 2000
The figure below illustrates the effect is more pronounced with DLP is sufficient to achieve a tensile
effect of two different polymer 2000. adhesion of 1.0 N/mm2 after
powders on the tensile adhesion standard, wet and heat aging.
properties of a tile adhesive. Both When cement of better quality is Figure 3 shows the results of
products are vinyl acetate/ethylene used or if other rheological additives deformation measurements of cured
based. However, DLP 2000 is a (sheet silicates, cellulose fibres) are adhesive strips according to EN
harder polymer with a higher glass added to increase the water 12002. It is remarkable to see that
transition temperature than demand it is possible to achieve the maximum transversal defor-
DLP 210. tensile adhesion values with DLP mation more than doubles with the

DLP 210 DLP 2000


Tensile adhesion, N/mm2

Heat aging
Water imm.

Base formulation:

1 Zimmerli-Sand 60.00 Wt. – %

CEM I 42.5 40.00 Wt. – %
XCS 41120.00 0.45 Wt. – %
Water 25.00 Wt. – %


w/o 2% 4% 6% 2% 4% 6%

Figure 1: Comparison of two DLP products in a tile adhesive formulation at two addition levels.
Proceeding step by step
Redispersible polymer powder

Tensile adhesion strength, [N/mm2]

Base formulation 1% DLP 2000

1.6 Steidle sand 60.0 Wt. – % 2% DLP 2000
CEM I 52.5 40.0 Wt. – % 3% DLP 2000
1.4 XCS 41120.00 0.4 Wt. – %
Bentone GS 1.0 Wt. – %
Arbocell BWW40 1.5 Wt. – %





Standard Water immersion Heat aging

Figure 2: Influence of addition level on tensile adhesion

Deformation with different Polymer powders according to EN 12002

Deformation (L)
Force (F)

Base formulation
Deformation (mm)

Zimmerli sand 60 Wt. – %

Force (N)

CEM I 42.5 40 Wt. – %

10-0366 0.45 Wt. – %
5 Polymer powder 0-6 Wt. – %
Water 25 Wt. – %

0% 2% 4% 6% 2% 4% 6%
DLP 210 DLP 210 DLP 210 DLP 210 DLP 2000 DLP 2000 DLP 2000

Polymer powder type and addition level

Figure 3: Maximum transversal deformation and maximum force of a tile adhesive formulation containing two different types of polymer powders
Proceeding step by step
Redispersible polymer powder

increasing polymer powder level, The choice of the optimum polymer which also depends on the other
whereas the maximum force powder is important to the overall components of the formulation
remains at a similar level. performance of the tile adhesive (e.g. sand, cement, cellulose ether),
such as open time, standard tensile the redispersible polymer powder
The performance with regard to adhesion, tensile adhesion after must be carefully selected to fit the
maximum deformation and force of specified aging procedures, and formulation.
DLP 210 and DLP 2000 are very rheological properties. Depending
similar. on the property profile desired,

Application properties of different polymer powders

Components Formulation 26 Formulation 27 Formulation 28 Formulation 29

12 CEM 42.5 Wt.-% 40 40 40 40
Steidle sand Wt.-% 60 60 60 60
10-0350 Wt.-% 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Std.VA / E Type Wt.-% 3
DLP110 Wt.-% 3
DLP210 Wt.-% 3
DLP 2000 Wt.-% 3
Water Wt.-% 28 28 28 28

Density kg/m3 1543 1462 1500 1537
BF 0.5 rpm mPa·s 3,132,000 3,713,000 3,324,000 3,587,000
BF 5 rpm mPa·s 445,000 457,000 453,000 467,000
BF 50 rpm mPa·s 71,000 77,000 74,000 75,000
Slip mm 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.0
Tensile adhesion strength
Standard N/mm2 1.21 1.47 1.04 1.20
10 min open time N/mm 2
1.70 1.83 1.73 1.96
30 min open time N/mm2 1.54 1.18 1.38 1.92
Heat aging N/mm 2
0.57 0.39 0.38 0.74
Water immersion N/mm 2
0.18 0.79 0.67 0.69

Table 6: Comparison of different polymer powders

Proceeding step by step
Redispersible polymer powder

Identification Polymer base Flexibility Tg (C) MFT

Std.VA / E type Wt.-% VA/E Hard 17 0
DLP 110 Wt.-% VA/Veova Hard 22 4
DLP 210 Wt.-% VA/E Soft 6 0
DLP 2000 Wt.-% VA/E Medium hard 17 3

VA: Vinyl acetate E: Ethylene VeoVa: Vinyl ester of versatic acid

Table 6 shows the properties of the tensile strength after water

different redispersible polymer immersion is lower (0.18 N/mm2)
powders in a standard tile adhesive compared with all other polymers
13 formulation. DLP 110, a relatively used.The tensile strength of DLP
hard VA/VeoVa grade proves its 210 is somewhat lower after heat
advantage in the standard tensile aging compared to the Std.VA/E
adhesion and in the tensile adhesion copolymer. After the water immer-
after water immersion.The tensile sion, however, it is clearly better
adhesion after 30 min open time is (0.67 N/mm2).The medium hard
lower compared with other DLP 2000 shows a very balanced
polymers.VA/VeoVa polymers tend performance between standard
to show skin formation after tensile adhesion, open time and
a longer open time. adhesion after heat aging and water
immersion. It outperforms all other
The standard VA/E copolymer shows polymers tested in most of the
a balanced standard tensile strength properties.
and open time properties. However
Proceeding step by step
Concrete slabs and tiles

The test results obtained do not 4 hours. For practical and econo- 1323 requirement of 0.5 – 1.5 ml
only depend on the composition of mical reasons, commercially available water absorption. Slab A absorbs
the tile adhesive, but also on the concrete slabs are used for testing. substantially more water, whereas
quality of the substrate, namely the Slabs fulfilling EN 1323 requirements slab B absorbs practically no water.
concrete slabs and the tiles onto are not available at reasonable cost. This behaviour has serious conse-
which the adhesive is applied.The For the study, we had two qualities quences for the tensile adhesion
quality of the concrete slabs of concrete slab at our disposal. results obtained, as the following
depends on various parameters Neither of the slabs fulfills the EN table demonstrates.
like the nature of the surface, the
absorption behaviour and the Water absorption according
thermal expansion coefficient. to EN 1323

EN 1323 specifies water absorption Slab A 2.0 – 3.5 ml

limits of 0.5 – 1.5 ml within the first Slab B 0.05 – 0.20 ml

Components Formulation 30 Formulation 31 Formulation 32 Formulation 33

Concrete slab A B A B
CEM 42.5 Wt.-% 40 40 40 40
Zimmerli sand Wt.-% 60 60 60 60
METHOCEL 345 Wt.-% 0.5 0.5
10-0350 Wt.-% 0.5 0.5
DLP 210 Wt.-% 2 2
Water Wt.-% 28 28 28 28

BF 0.5 rpm mPa·s 2,112,000 2,112,000 3,511,000 3,511,000
BF 5 rpm mPa·s 465,000 465,000 447,000 447,000
BF 50 rpm mPa·s 101,000 101,000 71,000 71,000
Tensile adhesion strength
10 min open time N/mm2 1.08 1.56 1.06 1.49
30 min open time N/mm 2
0.10 0.36 0.92 1.45
Heat aging N/mm 2
0.10 0.80 0.43 0.94
Water immersion N/mm 2
0.86 0.90 0.82 0.94

Table 7: Tensile adhesion strength obtained with two types of concrete slabs
Proceeding step by step
Concrete slabs and tiles

Results: The tensile adhesion time can be explained by the lack of The fact, that the results with these
results obtained with the more water retention.The adhesive slabs were lower, only indicates
absorbing concrete slabs (A) are in applied onto the more absorbent tougher test conditions, which
this case lower than with the less concrete slab dries out more until should not diminish the quality of
absorbing concrete slabs (B). Only the tile is inserted.The differences the work described.
the values obtained after the water obtained after heat aging are
immersion remain independent of difficult to estimate and are there- The quality of the tiles influences
water absorption.The largest fore the subject of further investiga- the performance of a tile adhesive in
difference in the results obtained tion.The test results of formulation a similar way to that already seen
with the two different slabs was in 30/31 demonstrates that the with the concrete slabs. In the
tensile adhesion strength after heat C1 classification can also be met following table the influence of fully
aging, where values varied by a without redispersible polymer pow- vitrified tiles and porous tiles (from
factor of two to eight. Hence a der depending on the substrate two different tile producers), on the
correlation between water absorp- used (heat aging value). tensile adhesion, is demonstrated.
15 tion and tensile adhesion strength The data show the influence of
could be established. In all our studies we used concrete different tile types on the adhesion
slab type A. Even though it does not performance using two different tile
The difference in the results obtai- meet the EN 1323 requirements, adhesive formulations. A rather
ned after 10 and 30 minutes open the slab yielded reproducible results. simple tile adhesive formulation

Components Form 34 Form 35 Form 36 Form 37 Form 38 Form 39

CEM 42.5 Wt.-% 40 40 40 40 40 40
Steidle sand Wt.-% 60 60 60 60 60 60
METHOCEL 267 Wt.-% 0.5 0.5 0.5
METHOCEL 10-0350 Wt.-% 0.5 0.5 0.5
Water Wt.-% 30 30 30 30 30 30
Tile type:
Porous tile, EN 159 X X
Fully vitrified French tile, EN 176 X X
Fully vitrified German tile, EN 176 X X

Tensile adhesion strength
10 min open time N/mm2 1.32 0.91 1.16 1.34 0.93 1.09
30 min open time N/mm 2
0.54 0.39 0.62 0.70 0.52 0.67
Heat aging N/mm2 0.46 0.07 0.11 0.38 0.00 0.03
Water immersion N/mm2 1.15 0.70 1.16 1.07 0.67 1.08

Table 8: Comparison of different tiles

Proceeding step by step
Concrete slabs and tiles

based on CEM I 42.5 and two

different types of cellulose ether
were compared. None of these for-
mulations contain polymer powder.

The influence of tile quality on adhe-

sion was most pronounced after
heat aging.The tensile adhesion
obtained with the porous tile was
0.46 N/mm2 and 0.38 N/mm2, where
as a tensile adhesion of only 0.07
N/mm2 was obtained with the fully
vitrified (EN 176) tile from France.
Tensile adhesion using the second
16 formulation was totally lost.

The fully vitrified German tile (EN

176), showed only marginally better
performance after the heat aging.
However, the open time and the
tensile adhesion after water immer-
sion with this tile were similar to
the results of the porous tile and
clearly better than the results obtai-
ned with the fully vitrified French
tile.This demonstrates that different
adhesion performance results can be
obtained with different tiles, meeting
the same norm (EN 176).Why such
differences arise may depend, for
instance, on the porosity, surface
nature, or on the thermal behaviour.
In order to keep conditions con-
stant we only used the French fully
vitrified tiles for all our studies
according to EN 1348.
Development of formulations for
the EN 12004 classification

The purpose of this part of the Results:The results from this A medium to strong modification
study was to optimise tile adhesive evaluation allow the following con- of the cellulose ether improves the
formulations to meet a C1T/C2TE clusions, which could be specific to open time particularly.The latter
classification as cost effectively as the raw materials used (Steidle sand, also has a strong influence on the
possible.With the help of a com- CEM I 52.5): water demand, which can be
puter aided experimental design increased by 3% whilst maintaining
software program (JMP) the The low viscosity cellulose ether the slip resistance.The addition
influence of the following parame- (4000 mPa·s) has an advantage in level of DLP 2000 has a great
ters were investigated: nominal open time, where the tensile adhe- influence on the adhesion results
viscosity of the cellulose ether, sion was more than 40% higher. after heat aging.
degree of modification as well as A cellulose ether concentration of
addition level of cellulose ether 0.4% also yielded improved adhesion
and polymer powder. after heat aging (+15%).

Impact of formulations parameters on the properties of the tile adhesive:

Formulation CE-Viscosity CE-Dosage CE- DLP 2000

parameters Modification Dosage

Water demand


20 min open

30 min open

Heat aging


Table 9: Dependence of the variables as calculated by JMP

Development of formulations for
the EN 12004 classification

The water level can also be reduced

by 1% with every additional 1% of
DLP 2000 whilst maintaining the
same slip resistance.

As a result of the experimental

design an optimum formulation
(Table10, Formulation 40), can be
developed meeting the C1T classifi-
cation e.g. <0.5 mm slip, 0.5 N/mm2
tensile adhesion strength after all
aging procedures. Even the optional
requirement for prolonged open
time is achieved (0.5 N/mm2 after
18 30 minutes). Analogous to the
development of a C1T formulation,
a further formulation for C2TE is
shown in Table 10, Formulation 41,
where 1.0 N/mm2 tensile adhesion
strength after aging procedures as
well as 0.5 N/mm2 after 30 min.
open time have to be met.With the
exception of the tensile adhesion
after the water immersion, the
requirements can be met with the
addition of only 3% DLP 2000.
Formulation 42 meets the C2TE
classification with a higher modified
cellulose ether XCS 41405.00.This
is possible at an elevated water level
of 30% with only 2% of redispersible
polymer powder.
Cellulose ether XCS 41406.00 is
used in formulation 43 which meets
the C2TE classification at a water
level of 32%.
Development of formulations for
the EN 12004 classification

Components Formulation 40 Formulation 41 Formulation 42 Formulation 43

CEM 52.5 Wt.-% 40 40
CEM 52.5 Milke Wt.-% 40 40
Steidle sand Wt.-% 60 60 60 60
Cellulose ether XCS 41142.00 Wt.-% 0.4
Cellulose ether XCS 41403.00 Wt. -% 0.5
Cellulose ether XCS 41405.00 Wt. -% 0.5
Cellulose ether XCS 41406.00 Wt. -% 0.5
Degree of modification Medium Medium Medium-high High
DLP 2000 1 3 2 3
19 Water Wt.-% 27 27 30 32

Density kg/m3 1510 1544 1580 1650
BF 0.5 rpm mPa·s 2,905,000 4,318,000 3,206,000 2,985,000
BF 5 rpm mPa·s 445,000 875,000 544,500 352,000
BF 50 rpm mPa·s 82,000 141,000 79,000 49,000
Slip mm 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Tensile adhesion strength
Standard N/mm2 0.92 1.26 1.16 1.37
20 min open time N/mm 2
1.44 1.17 0.98 1.64
30 min open time N/mm2 0.85 0.53 0.99 1.56
Heat aging N/mm 2
0.52 1.17 1.13 1.04
Water immersion N/mm 2
1.09 0.93 1.00 1.08
meeting EN 12004 classifications C1T C1TE+ C2TE C2TE

Table 10: Formulations of three experimental designs


Raw materials


Identification Classification Manufacturer

Normo 4 CEM I 42.5 HCB Siggental, Switzerland
Normo 5 CEM I 52.5 HCB Siggental, Switzerland
Milke cement CEM I 52.5 R Milke Geske, Germany


Zimmerli Sand Steidle Sand

Specific surface: <0.1 m /g
Specific surface: 2.885 m2/g
Volume % Particle size [µm] Volume % Particle size [µm]
10 130 15 80
40 180 10 110
40 230 10 140
10 280 15 80
20 230
20 280
10 360

Cellulose ethers (typical product properties)

Identification Viscosity [Brookfield RVT, 20 rpm, 2% soln. ] Degree of modification

METHOCEL 10-0356, cellulose ether 10,000 mPa·s High
METHOCEL 10-0350, cellulose ether 10,000 mPa·s Medium-high
METHOCEL 10-0366, cellulose ether 10,000 mPa·s Low
Exp. cellulose ether XCS 41120.00 7,000 mPa·s Low
Exp. cellulose ether XCS 41142.00 4,000 mPa·s Medium
Exp. cellulose ether XCS 41403.00 4,000 mPa·s Medium
Exp. cellulose ether XCS 41405.00 4,000 mPa·s Medium-high
Exp. cellulose ether XCS 41406.00 4,000 mPa·s High

Redispersible polymer powder (typical product properties)

Identification Polymer Bulk density [g/dm3] Ash content [%] MFT [°C] Tg [°C]
DLP 210 PVAc/E 425 10 0 6
DLP 2000 PVAc/E 450 10 2 17
DLP 110 PVAc/VeoVa 450 10 4 22

Sheet silicate

Identification Mineralogical description Manufacturer

Pangel S-9 Sepiolite Grupo Tolsa, Madrid
Bentone GS Hectorite Rheox Europe S.A., Bruxelles
Optibent CP Bentonite Süd-Chemie AG, Munich
Minugel 200 Attapulgite ITC, Inc., Maryland, USA

Cellulose fibre

Identification Manufacturer Fibre length [(m] Fibre diameter [µm]

Arbocell BWW 40 J. Rettenmaier & Söhne 200 20

Concrete slabs

Identification Manufacturer/Supplier Dimensions [m] Water absorption

l x w x t EN1323
Concrete flagstones Antoniazzi, Italy 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.04 0.05 – 0.20 ml
Concrete flagstones Baubedarf, Horgen 0.5 x 0.25 x 0.04 2.00 – 3.50 ml


Identification Manufacturer/Supplier Dimensions [mm] Standard

Ostara Laufen Ostara 50 x 50 x 5 cut EN 159
Uni blanc Winckelmans 50 x 50 x 5 EN 176
Villeroy Boch 47 x 47 x 3 EN 176
Test methods

Consistency measurement

A Brookfield Viscometer equipped with a Helipath spindle was used to

determine the consistency (viscosity) of the liquid tile adhesive mortar.
The consistency was measured at three shear rates (0.5, 5.0 and 50 rpm).
In addition to rotating, the spindle oscillated up and down, to avoid shear
aging of the liquid mortar.

Testing of all adhesive formulations were carried out according to the


Slip fully vitrified tiles (EN 176) 100x100 mm; Heat aging fully vitrified tiles (EN 176) 50 x 50 mm
EN 1308 200g loaded with 50 N for 30 seconds EN 1348 loaded with 20 N for 30 seconds;
slip determined after 20 minutes insertion time within 5 minutes after
mortar application determination of the
Open time porous tiles (EN159) 50x50 mm loaded tensile adhesion strength after 14 days
EN 1346 with 20 N for 30 seconds; insertion time standard climate and 14 days at 70°C
after 10, 20, and 30 minutes tensile
22 adhesion test after 28 days; the insertion Transverse determination of the transverse defor-
time at which the tensile adhesion still deformation mation of tile adhesives and grouts:
exceeds 0.5 N/mm2 is determined EN 12002 The maximum deflection and the maxi
mum stress of a (280 x 45 x 3mm)
Tensile fully vitrified tiles (EN 176) 50x50 mm mortar strip is determined after curing
adhesion loaded with 20 N for 30 seconds; for 14 days in a polyethylene bag and
EN 1348 insertion time within 5 minutes after 14 days at standard climate conditions
mortar application determination of the
tensile adhesion strength after 28 days

Water fully vitrified tiles (EN 176) 50 x 50 mm

immersion loaded with 20 N for 30 seconds;
EN 1348 insertion time within 5 minutes after
mortar application determination of the
tensile adhesion strength after 7 days
standard climate and 20 days water
For more information about METHOCEL cellulose ethers and DLP redispersible polymer powders contact DOW at:
Telephone: international +800 3694 63 67, Fax: international +32 34 50 28 15
Website:, email:

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Form No. 177-01632-0102

Printed in Switzerland *Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company CH 151-216-E-0102

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