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Southern Leyte State University College of Computer Studies and Information Technology

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College of Computer Studies and Information Technology

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology – Major in Programming

Curriculum Map

Program Outcomes
Code Knowledge Course Title Pre-requisite Units Course Outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
IT 101 Information Introduction None 3 CO1 Efficiently explain fundamental principles, I I I I I I
Technology to Computing concepts and evolution of computing
Fundamentals system as they relate to different field
C02 Present a synthesis or narrative report on I I I I I I
the developments in the various computing
knowledge areas
C03 Analyse solutions employed by I I I I I I
organizations to address different
computing issues.
CO4 Demonstrate the ability to communicate, I I I I I I
create, and collaborate effectively using
state-of-the-art information technologies in
multiple modalities.
CO5 Use different application programs like I I I I I I
word processing, spreadsheet,
presentation, and
database management systems
IT 102 Programming Computer None 3 CO1 Design, implement, test and debug a I I I
Fundamentals Programming program, that uses each of the following
1 fundamental programming components:
(1) primitive data types, (2) basic
computation, (3) simple I/O, (4) conditional
and iterative structure, (5) definition of
functions and parameter passing, and (6)
C02 Adapt an appropriate coding standard with I I I
proper documentation in orderto come up
with a readable, understandable and
maintainable program
C03 Select and apply appropriate debugging I I I
and testing techniques to ensure the
correctness of a program and compliance
to given specifications, to solve a
computing problem
IT 103 Human Human IT 101 3 CO1 Analyse various user populations with E I I E E E
Computer Computer regards to their ability and characteristic
Interactions Interaction using both software and hardware products
C02 Evaluate the design of existing user E I I E E E
interfaces based on the cognitive models of
the target user
C03 Discuss the conceptual, practical, and E I I E E E
ethical issues involved in evaluation

CO4 Describe how to perform two types of E I I E E E

predictive techniques, GOMS and Fitts Law,
and when to use them
IT 104 Programming Computer IT 101, IT 102 3 CO1 Design, implement, test and debug a E I I E E I
Fundamentals Programming program based on a given specification ,
2 that uses (1) data structures, arrays, strings,
structures, linked list, and files, (2)
conditional, iterative, and recursive
constructs, and (3) standard libraries in the
assigned programming language.
C02 Assess and recommend revision to another E I I E E I
programmer’s code (1) regarding
appropriateness of chosen data structure,
(2) regarding appropriateness of chosen
conditional and iterative constructs given a
programming task, and (3) regarding
thoroughness in applying procedural
C03 Efficiently present a solutions through E I I E E I
machine problems workshops and
simulations on identified/given areas.
IT 105 Mathematics Discrete None 3 CO1 Perform the operations associated with I I I
and Statistics Mathematics Sets, Functions and Relations, and relate
for IT these operations to computer
C02 Construct a sound argument in I I I
propositional and predicate logic by
applying appropriate rules of inference
given sample intelligent software.
C03 Construct valid mathematical proofs using I I I
mathematical induction, direct proof and
proof by contradiction to simplify programs
and prove program correctness.
IT 201 Data Data IT 104 3 CO1 Design, implement, test and debug a I I I I
Structure Structures program based on a given specification that
Fundamentals and uses and implements abstract data types
Algorithms (stacks, queues, priority queues, sets,
C02 Argue strengths and weaknesses among I I I I
multiple implementations for a problem (
i.e on the aspects of iterative versus
recursive solutions and on the aspect of
abstraction, encapsulation, and information
C03 Present synthesis on the various data I I I I
structures and different algorithms, its
IT 202 Platform Platform IT 103 3 CO1 Recommend an appropriate operating E E E E E
Technologies Technologies system based on given system
C02 Plan and write a simple assembly – E E E E E
language program
C03 Perform a cost-benefit analysis for a E E E E E
proposed server solution
CO4 Use Boolean algebra to model basic E E E E E
algorithms in hardware using logic gates
such as binary addition/multiplication,
template pattern matching, stream
encryption, data multiplexing,
IT 203 Programming Object IT 104 3 CO1 Design, implement, test and debug a E E E I E E E
Fundamentals Oriented program based on a given specification ,
Programming that uses (1) data structures, arrays, strings,
structures, linked list, and files, (2)
conditional, iterative, and recursive
constructs, and (3) standard libraries in the
assigned programming language.
C02 Compare and contrast E E E I E E E
procedural/functional approach to object-
oriented programming approach.
C03 Design , implement, test and debug E E E I E E E
programs using OOP concepts like
abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and
IT 204 Information Fundamentals IT 104 3 CO1 Differentiate and explain terms such as    
Management of Database information, data, database, database
System management system, metadata, and data
C02 Describe the mechanisms for data    
collection and their implications
(automated data collection, input, forms,
C03 Perform basic issues of data retention,    
including the need for retention, physical
storage, and security.
IT 205 Information Information IT 202 3 CO1 Analyse existing database system with       
Management Management respect to quality issues, reliability,
1 scalability, efficiency, effectiveness and
C02 Design a database based on user
requirement using a widely used modelling
notation, and be able to use declarative
query language to elicit information.
IT 206 Mathematics Quantitative IT 105 3 CO1 Use appropriate mathematical tools for       
and Statistics Methods decision making
for IT
C02 Implements mathematical methods in IT       
solutions to problem
CO3 Analyse a statistical analysis of a system’s       
performance and recommend ways to
improve performance.
CCNA 1 Networking Network Basic None 3 CO1 Describe data communications and    
(Network network models, topologies, protocols,
Management) standards and architectures
C02 Describe necessary hardware and    
components used to establish
communication between multiple networks
and analyse the effect of various
topologies, applications and devices on
network performance.
C03 Analyse routing algorithms, protocols,    
process routing, tables and configure
routers for proper orientation of an
efficient network.
IT 207 Integrative Integrative IT 203 3 CO1 Design, develop and test a program that    
Programming Programming uses a messaging service that sends
and and asynchronous message across the network
Technologies Technologies
C02 Design, develop and test a program that    
uses SAX or DOM to parse an XML
document, XSL and XSLT to transform a
data stream from one format to another.
C03 Write, debug and test a script using an    
operating scripting language to facilitate
the management of an operating system..
IT 208 Information Database IT 204 3 CO1 Analyse and model requirements and     
Management Administration constraints for the purposes of installing,
configuring, and tuning a DBMS, and
implementing security, back-up and
recovery measures.
C02 Design and implement plans for installing,     
configuring, and tuning a DBMS, and
security, back-up and recovery measures,
based on requirements analysis/ modelling
or a requirements specification.
CO3 Explain complex database administration     
concepts, relevant alternatives and decision
recommendations to IT specialists, via
technical reports of professional standard.
IT 301 Information Advanced IT 204, IT 208 3 CO1 Examine the different techniques of     
Management Database warehousing and mining data that will
System support organizational decisions
CO2 Decide on configuration issues related to     
database operation and performance.
Identify which parameters are tunable and
what are the implications
CO3 Identify limitations of the standard     
Relational databases in certain application
domains, e.g. for multidimensional data, or
unstructured data.
CO4 Analyze, compare and evaluate alternative     
database architectures and models in
different application contexts
C05 Present a proposal paper on possibilities on     
how to improve a specific algorithm as
may be applied to data warehousing and
CCNA 2 Networking Routers and CCNA 1 3 CO1 Design, configure and deploy switches    
Routing Basic utilizing VLANS, trunking and port
C02 Implements multiple networks and connect    
them together, selecting routing and
switching equipment for a given network
C03 Implement load balancing in routers and    
IT 302 System System IT 205 3 CO1 Analyse the appropriateness of a decision         
Integration Integration to in-source or out-source IT services in a
and and given situation
Architecture Architecture 1
C02 Create a testing environment and design a         
stress test using appropriate tools and
techniques that impact system
C03 Implement an enterprise integration         
middleware platform.
IT 303 Programming Event Driven IT 202, IT 203 3 CO1 Design, implement, test and debug simple      
Fundamentals Programming event driven programs that respond to user
CO2 Efficiently document the characteristic and      
functionality of the even driven programs
CO3 Design/Develop Program and interface      
specifications, appropriate data model and
design review
CO4 Implement Program by writing code,      
perform unit testing to integrate
subsystems, resolve defects and network
SP 101 Social and Social and None 3 CO1 Argue the pros and cons of the design and      
Professional Professional implementation of computing solutions in
Issues Issues: various organizations
C02 Analyse ethical and legal issues that arise in      
information technology filed to determine
how to address them technically and
CO3 Assess the global business context and how      
companies develop global strategies and
formulate strategic plans to build global
market share and defend market positions
IT 314 Integrative Systems IT 205 3 CO1 Explain the principles, methods and    
Programming Analysis and techniques of systems development
and Design
C02 Describe the differences between turn-key    
systems and systems developed by the
C03 Use a phased system development    
methodology to implement a systems
development project.
CO4 Identify and describe different types of    
objectives for businesses and organisations
CO5 Describe a complete, new system in terms    
of processes and data structures
IT 305 Information Information IT 302, 3 CO1 Examine the relationship between threats,     
Assurance Assurance CCNA1 vulnerabilities, countermeasures, attacks,
and Security 1 and Security 1 compromises and remediation throughout
the entire systems life cycle.
C02 Explain the key factors involved in     
authentication and how they are used to
verify identify and grant access to the
C03 Describe the legal and ethical     
considerations related to the handling and
management of enterprise information
IT 311 Programming Functional IT 303 3 CO1 Implement programs correctly using      
Fundamentals Programming Functional Programming techniques and
Haskell. Students should also be able to use
tools like Quickcheck to improve the
development process.

C02 Use the GHC compiler and the GHCI      

command line interpreter in machine

C03 Analyze and design solutions for problems      

using common functional programming
modeling techniques. In particular students
should be able to model data structures as
algebraic datatypes, define operations by
pattern matching and define properties
that the operations should satisfy.

CO4 Understand and explain the principles of      

advanced functional programming
techniques including recursion, datatypes,
higher-order functions, functional data
structures and algorithms.
IT 307 Web Systems Application IT 302, IT 303 3 CO1 Develop specifications for a software     
and Development development effort that precisely
Technologies and Emerging articulates the functional requirements,
Technologies expected execution paths, and the explicit
use of cutting edge or emerging
technologies which includes hardware
devices and software library in APIs.
C02 Select an use a defined coding,     
documentation writings, and licensing
standards in a sufficiently complex software
project where coding idioms and
mechanisms for implementing designs to
achieve desired properties such as
reliability, efficiency, and robustness are
practiced with respect to legal and ethical
C03 Undertake as part of a team activity , an     
inspection of the source code and unit
testing of the functional units of a
sufficiently complex software project.
IT 308 System System IT 302 3 CO1 Summarise and analyze the data from a         
Integration Integration usability test and recommend appropriate
and and actions
Architecture Architecture 2
C02 Construct an architectural model of a         
complex system using architectural
C03 Develop a component and demonstrate its         
integration into an existing environment
IT 312 Programming Embedded IT 302, IT 303 3 CO1 Implement combinatorial logic and     
Fundamentals Systems sequential systems in terms of basic digital
Programming building blocks using simulation software.
You will be able to perform some
C02 Design, test and critically evaluate     
embedded solutions to real world
situations using digital components
(sequential and combinatorial).
C03 Develop software systems for embedded     
devices using assembler code.

CO4 Design, test and critically evaluate     

embedded solutions to real world
situations using (embedded) computer
systems interfaced to digital hardware.
IT 313 Web Systems Web IT 302, IT 303 3 CO1 Develop Web applications using HTML,     
and Development XHTML, XML client-side programming and
Technologies other Web GUI technologies to create and
validate documents, generate contents via
programming and integrate digital libraries
with other media contents.
C02 Set –up web server to support server-side     
processing in a secure fashion and identify
common server-side configurations issues
that affect securing.
C03 Deploy and serve media contents within     
web applications.
CO4 Use core front-end web coding languages     
to add dynamic content, animation and
effects to websites and mobile apps.
CO5 Employ social media strategies for business     
use and build pages in a way that promote
IT 310 Information Information IT 305 3 CO1 Discuss policies and practice to systems     
Assurance Assurance integration and architecture to ensure
and Security and Security 2 secure system operation and information
C02 Perform a vulnerability analysis of a system     
and explain how design, implementation
and installation of hardware and software
contribute to vulnerabilities of the
C03 Propose strategies on how to counter     
attack threats.
Cap 101 Capstone IT 311, IT 3 CO1 Formulate the project objectives, scope and           
Project 1 312, IT 313 limitations, and evaluation
C02 Collect and compare literature related to           
the project
C03 Propose an ethical and feasible IT solution           
to the identified problems in the project

Cap 102 Capstone Research 1 3 CO1 Implement the proposed IT Solution    

Project 2
C02 Evaluate and interpret the performance    
result of the IT Solution based on identified
evaluation matrix
C03 Recommend possible improvements in the    
IT Solutions due to implementation issues

IT 401 System System IT 310 3 CO1 Justify how resources will be allocated for    
Administratio Administratio the various administrative domains
n and n and
Maintenance Maintenance
C02 Formulate policies governing the use of IT    
Systems within the organization
C03 Recommend measures on how to    
administer and maintain systems
IT 405 Programming Logic IT 311, IT 312 3 CO1 Explain the operational and declarative   
Fundamentals Programming semantics for logic programs
C02 Construct adequate representations of   
abstract data types, such as sets, sparse
matrices, hash tables in logic programs
C03 Use metaprogramming techniques in logic   
CO4 Judge suggested improvements of the   
language design including its operational
IT 406 Geographic IT 307 3 CO1 Describe the characteristics of spatial data   
Information and explain how projection, coordinate and
System datum systems impact GIS precision and
C02 Use the components of a GIS to input data,   
create topology, analyze data and produce
maps to communicate the results of the
C03 Employ critical thinking skills to evaluate   
data, analytical methods and results.
CO4 Analyze the issues associated with the   
implementation, operationalization and
management of GIS
IT 407 Practicum / Student 9 CO1 Analyze, design, implement, test, maintain,           
OJT must earned and /or document software as applied to
at least 115 real world problem as part of a team in an
units actual company environment thereby also
developing personal and interpersonal
working skills in the process.
Prepared by

Program Chair/Dept. Head/Dean

Noted by:

Campus Admin

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