Unit I Coa
Unit I Coa
Unit I Coa
To be a Centre of Excellence in computer science and engineering education and training to
meet the challenging needs of the industry and society.
To impart quality education through well-designed curriculum in tune with the growing
software needs of the industry.
To be a Centre of Excellence in computer science and engineering education and training to
meet the challenging needs of the industry and society.
To serve our students by inculcating in them problem solving, leadership, teamwork skills
and the value of commitment to quality, ethical behavior & respect for others.
• Manage software projects with significant technical, legal, ethical, social, environmental and
economic considerations
b. formulate and analyze a problem, and define the computing requirements appropriate to
its solution using basic principles of mathematics, science and computer engineering.
c. design, implement, and evaluate a computer based system, process, component, or
software to meet the desired needs.
d. design and conduct experiments, perform analysis and interpretation of data and provide
valid conclusions.
e. use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.
f. understand legal, health, security and social issues in Professional Engineering practice.
g. understand the impact of professional engineering solutions on environmental context and
the need for sustainable development.
h. understand the professional and ethical responsibilities of an engineer.
i. function effectively as an individual, and as a team member/ leader in accomplishing a
common goal.
j. communicate effectively, make effective presentations and write and comprehend
technical reports and publications.
k. learn and adopt new technologies, and use them effectively towards continued
professional development throughout the life.
l. understand engineering and management principles and their application to manage
projects in the software industry.
6. Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes:
a b c d e f g h i j k l
CO1 2 2
CO2 2
CO3 3
CO4 1
CO5 2 2
CO6 3
Addressing Modes 1
Total 17 3
UNIT – 2: Micro Programmed Control
Control Memory 1
Address Sequencing 1
Design of Control Unit- Hard Wired Control, Micro Programmed 1
Total 4 2
UNIT – 3: Computer Arithmetic
Data Representation, Fixed Point, Floating Point 1
Addition and Subtraction 1 1
Multiplication Algorithms 2
Division Algorithms 2
Floating – Point Arithmetic Operations 2 1
Decimal Arithmetic Operations 3
Total 11 2
UNIT – 4: Memory
Memory Hierarchy 1
Main Memory 1 1
Auxiliary Memory 1
Associative Memory 1
Cache Memory 2
Virtual Memory 1
Memory Management Hardware 1
Total 8 2
UNIT – 5: Input-Output Organization
Peripheral Devices, Input-Output Interface 1
Asynchronous data transfer 1 1
Modes of Transfer, Priority Interrupt 2
Direct memory Access 1
Input –Output Processor (IOP), Serial communication 2
Total 7 2
UNIT – 6: Parallel Processing
Parallel Processing 1
Pipelining 1
Arithmetic Pipeline, Instruction Pipeline, RISC Pipeline 3
Multi Processors: Characteristics of Multiprocessors 1
Interconnection Structures 1
Inter Processor Arbitration 1
Inter Processor Communication and Synchronization 1
Cache Coherence. 1
Total 9 2
Total No.of Periods: 56 15
8. Seminar Topics:
Booths multiplication algorithm
Inter Processor Arbitration
Computer Types, functional units, Computer Registres, Register Transfer language, Register Transfer
Bus and memory transfers, Arithmetic, logic and shift micro-operations, Arithmetic logic shift unit.
Instruction codes, Computer instructions, Instruction cycle.
Memory – Reference Instructions, Input – Output and Interrupt, STACK organization, Instruction
formats, Addressing modes, RISC
Learning Outcomes:
Learning Material
Computer Types
Computer is a fast electronic calculating machine which accepts digital input, processes it
according to the internally stored instructions (Programs) and produces the result on the
output device.
The computers can be classified into various categories as given below.
1. Micro Computer
2. Laptop Computer
3. Work Station
4. Super Computer
5. Main Frame
6. Hand Held
7. Multi core
1. Micro Computer: A personal computer is designed to meet the computer needs of an individual,
providing access to a wide variety of computing applications, such as word processing, photo editing,
2. Laptop Computer: A portable, compact computer that can run on power supply or a battery unit.
All components are integrated as one compact unit. It is generally more expensive than a comparable
3. Work Station: Powerful desktop computer designed for specialized tasks. Generally used for tasks
that requires a lot of processing speed. Can also be an ordinary personal computer attached to a LAN
4. Super Computer: A computer that is considered to be fastest in the world. It is used to execute tasks
that would take lot of time for other computers. For Eg: Modeling weather systems, genome
sequence, etc.
5. Main Frame: Large expensive computer capable of simultaneously processing data for hundreds or
thousands of users. Used to store, manage, and process large amounts of data that need to be reliable,
6. Hand Held: It is also called a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant). A computer that fits into a pocket,
runs on batteries, and is used while holding the unit in your hand. Typically used as an appointment
7. Multi Core: Have Multiple Cores – parallel computing platforms. Many Cores or computing
elements are present in a single chip. Typical Examples: Sony Play station, Core 2 Duo, i3, i7 etc.
Functional Unit
A computer in its simplest form comprises of five functional units namely input unit, output
unit, memory unit, arithmetic & logic unit and control unit. Below figure depicts the
Arithmetic &
Input Unit
Logic Unit
Memory Unit
Computer registers
Computer registers are designated by capital letters (sometimes followed by numerals) to
denote the function of the register.
For example, the register that holds an address for the memory unit is usually called a
memory address register and is designated by the name MAR.
Other designations for registers are PC (for program counter), IR (for instruction register),
and R1 (for processor register).
The individual flip-flops in an n-bit register are numbered in sequence from 0 through n - 1,
starting from 0 in the rightmost position and increasing the numbers toward the left.
The following diagram shows the representation of registers.
Memory Unit
4096 × 16
Write Read
AR 1
PC 2
DR 3
Adder and 4
IR 5
TR 6
The number along each output shows the decimal equivalent of the required binary selection.
For example, the number along the output of DR is 3.
The 16-bit outputs of DR are placed on the bus lines when S2S1 S0 = 011 since this is the
binary value of decimal 3. The lines from the common bus are connected to the inputs of each
register and the data inputs of the memory.
The particular register whose LD (load) input is enabled receives the data from the bus during
the next clock pulse. The memory receives the contents of the bus when its write pin is
The memory places its 16-bit output onto the bus when the read pin is enabled and S2S1S0=11.
Four registers, D R, AC, IR, and TR, have 16 bits each. Two registers, AR and PC, have 12
bits each since they hold a memory address.
When the contents of AR or PC are applied to the 16-bit common bus, the four most
significant bits are set to 0's. When AR or PC receives information from the bus, only the 12
least significant bits are transferred into the register.
The input register INPR and the output register OUTR have 8 bits each and communicate
with the eight least significant bits in the bus.
INPR receives a character from an input device to provide information onto the bus which
inturn is then transferred to AC.
OUTR receives a character from AC and delivers it to an output device. There is no transfer
from OUTR to any of the other registers.
Five registers have three control inputs: LD (load), INR (increment), and CLR (clear). This
type of register is equivalent to a binary counter with parallel load and synchronous clear.
p Load
Control Circuit R2 Clock
t t+1
* A comma is used to separate two or more operations that are executed at the same time.
Eg: R2 R1, R1 R2
The above statement denotes an operation that exchanges the content of two registers during
one common clock pulse.
Bus Transfer
Digital computers have many registers, and paths must be provided to transfer information
from one register to another register.
The no. of wires will be excessive if separate lines are used between each registers and all
other registers in the system.
A Bus structure consists of a set of common lines, one for each bit of a register, through
which binary information is transferred one at a time.
Control signal determines which register is selected by the bus during each particular register
The construction of a bus system for 4 registers is shown in the following figure.
The selection lines choose the four bits of one register and transfer them into the 4-line
common bus.
When S1S0 = 00, then 0 data input of all four multiplexers are selected and applied to output
that form the bus.
The following table shows the register that is selected by the bus for each of the four possible
binary values of selection lines.
S1 S2 Register Selected
0 0 A
0 1 B
1 0 C
1 1 D
The transfer of information from a bus into one of many registers can be accomplished by
connecting the bus lines to inputs of all destination registers and activating the load control of
particular destination register.
In the above statement the content of register C is placed onto BUS
Eg: R1 BUS
In the above statement the content of register C, placed onto BUS is loaded into Register
R1by activating the load pin.
1 0 0 A
1 0 1 B
1 1 0 C
1 1 1 D
Memory Transfer
The transfer of information from a memory word symbolized by M, to the outside
environment is called a read operation.
The transfer of new information to be stored into the memory is called a write operation.
The particular memory word among the many available is selected by the memory address
during the transfer.
Consider a memory unit that receives the address from a register, called the address register,
symbolized by AR.
The data is transferred to another register, called the data register, symbolized by DR.
The memory read operation can be stated as follows
Read: DR M [AR]
Here data is transferred into DR from the memory location specified by AR.
The memory write operation can be stated as follows
Write: M [AR] DR
Here write operation transfers the content of a data register to a memory word M specified by
the address in AR.
The micro operations most often encountered in digital computers are classified into four
1. Register transfer micro operations transfer binary information from one register to another.
2. Arithmetic micro operations perform arithmetic operation on numeric data stored in registers.
3. Logic micro operations perform bit manipulation operations on non-numeric data stored in
4. Shift micro operations perform shift operations on data stored in registers
The basic arithmetic microoperations are addition, subtraction, increment and decrement.
Add Microoperation:
R3 ← R1 + R2
The above statement states that the contents of register R1 are added to the contents of
register R2 and the sum transferred to register R3.
Subtract Microoperation:
R3 ← R1 + R2+ 1
In the above statement R2 is the symbol for the 1’s complement of R2. Adding 1 to the 1’s
complement produces the 2’s complement. Adding the contents of R1 to the 2’s complement
of R2 is equivalent to R1 – R2.
The increment and decrement microoperations are symbolized by plus-one and minus-one
operations, respectively.
Table 5: Arithmetic Microoperations
Binary Adder
To implement the add microoperation with hardware, we need the registers that hold
the data and the digital component that performs the arithmetic addition.
The binary adder is constructed with full-adder circuits connected in cascade, with the
output carry from one full-adder connected to the input carry of the next full-adder.
higher-order half-adder. The circuit receives the four bits from A0 through A3, adds
Arithmetic Circuit
The basic component of an arithmetic circuit is the parallel adder. By controlling the
The diagram of a 4-bit arithmetic circuit is as shown in the following figure. It has
four full-adder circuits that constitute the 4-bit adder and four multiplexers for
There are two 4-bit inputs A and B and a 4-bit output D. The four inputs from A go
directly to the X inputs of the full adder. Each of the four inputs from B are connected
The four multiplexers are controlled by two selection inputs, S1 and S0.
The other carries are connected from one stage to the next.
The output of the binary adder is calculated from the following arithmetic sum:
D =A+ Y + Cin
where A is the 4-bit binary number at the X inputs and Y is the 4-bit binary number at
the Y inputs of the binary adder. Cin is the input carry, which can be equal to 0 or 1.
By controlling the value of Y with the two selection inputs S1 and S0 and making Cin
Logic Microoperations
Logic microoperations specify binary operations for strings of bits stored in registers. These
operations consider each bit of the register separately and treat them as binary variables.
For example, the exclusive-OR microoperation on the contents of two registers R 1 and R2 is
symbolized by the statement.
P: R1 R1 R2
The above specifies a logic microoperation to be executed on the individual bits of the
registers provided that the control variable P = 1.
As a numerical example, assume that each register has four bits. Let the content of R1 be
1010 and the content of R2 be 1100. The exclusive-OR microoperation stated above
symbolizes the following logic computation:
1010 Content of R1
1100 Content of R2
0110 Content of R1 if P = 1
The symbol V will be used to denote an OR microoperation and the symbol to denote an
AND microoperation. The complement microoperation is the same as the 1's complement and
uses a bar on top of the symbol that denotes the register name.
List of Logic Microoperations
There are 16 different logic operations that can be performed with two binary variables. They
can be determined from all possible truth tables obtained with two binary variables.
In the following table, each of the 16 columns F0 through F15 represents a truth table of one
possible Boolean function for the two variables x and y. Note that the functions are
determined from the 16 binary combinations that can be assigned to F.
The following figure shows one stage of a circuit that generates the four basic logic
mnicrooperations. It consists of four gates and a multiplexer.
The outputs of the gates are applied to the data inputs of the multiplexer. The two
selection inputs S1 and S0 choose one of the data inputs of the multiplexer and direct
its value to the output.
3. Selective-clear
The selective-clear operation clears to 0 the bits in A only where there are
corresponding 1's in B.
For example:
1010 A before
1100 B (logic operand)
0010 A after
4. mask
The mask operation is similar to the selective-clear operation except that the bits of A
are cleared only where there are corresponding 0'sin B. The mask operation is an
AND micro operation as seen from the following numerical example:
1010 A before
1100 B (logic operand)
1000 A after masking
5. Insert
The insert operation inserts a new value into a group of bits.
This is done by first masking the bits and then ORing them with the required value.
For example, an A register contains eight bits, 0110 1010. To replace the four
leftmost bits by the value 1001.
First mask the four unwanted bits.
0110 1010 A before masking
0000 1111 B (mask)
0000 1010 A after masking
Now insert the new value.
0000 1010 A before insert
1001 0000 B (insert)
1001 1010 A after insertion
**The mask operation is an AND microoperation and the insert operation is an OR
6. clear
The clear operation compares the words in A and B and produces an all 0's result, if
the two numbers are equal.
Shift Microoperations
Shift rnicrooperations are used for serial transfer of data.
They are also used in conjunction with arithmetic, logic, and other data-processing operations.
The contents of a register can be shifted to the left or the right.
There are three types of shifts:
1. Logical Shift
2. Circular Shift
3. Arithmetic Shift
1. Logical Shift
A logical shift is one that transfers 0 through the serial input to fill the vacancy created by
shift operation.
The symbols shl is used for logical shift-left rnicrooperation.
Shr is used for shift-right rnicrooperation.
shl: Example: R1 shl R1
the above statement left shifts the content of register R1 by 1-bit.
Example: R1 = 0110
After performing shift left, R1 has the content 1100
shr: Example: R1 shr R1
the above statement right shifts the content of register R1 by 1-bit.
Example: R1 = 1100
After performing shift left, R1 has the content 0110
2. Circular Shift
The circular shift also known as a rotate operation.
It circulates the bits of the register around the two ends without loss of information.
The symbols cil used for logical circular shift-left rnicrooperation.
cir used for circular shift-right rnicrooperation.
cil: Example: R1 cil R1
the above statement specifies circular shift left of the content of register R1.
Here all the bits are shifted one bit position to LEFT, the Left most bit (MSB) was circulated
to Right most bit (LSB).
Example: R1 = 1011
After performing circular shift left, R1 has the content 0111
cir: Example: R1 cir R1
the above statement specifies circular shift right of the content of register R1.
Here all the bits are shifted one bit position to RIGHT, the Right most bit (LSB) was
circulated to Left most bit (MSB).
Example: R1 = 1011
After performing circular shift right, R1 has the content 1101
3. Arithmetic Shift
An arithmetic shift is a microoperation that shifts a signed binary number to the left or right.
After the shift microoperation the sign of the number is to be restored.
The symbols ashl used for logical arithmetic shift-left rnicrooperation.
ashr used forarithmetic shift-right rnicrooperation
ashl: Example: R1 ashl R1
the above statement specifies arithmetic shift left of the content of register R1
Here all the bits except the MSB, shift one bit position to LEFT.The second Left most bit was
discarded and Right most bit (LSB) was loaded by 0.
Example: R1 = 1011
After performing arithmetic shift left, R1 has the content 1110
ashr: Example: R1 ashr R1
the above statement specifies arithmetic shift right of the content of register R1
Here all the bits shifted one bit position to RIGHT. The Left most bit (MSB) remains same.
Example: R1 = 1011
After performing arithmetic shift right, R1 has the content 1101
Table 8: Shift Microoperations
The above function table shows which input goes to each output after the shift.
A shifter with n data inputs and n data outputs requires n multiplexers each of 2X1.
Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit
Instead of having individual registers performing the microoperations directly, computer
systems employ a number of storage registers connected to a common operational unit called
an arithmetic logic unit, abbreviated ALU.
To perform a microoperation, the contents of specified registers are placed in the inputs of the
ALU. The ALU performs an operation and the result of the operation is then transferred to a
destination register.
The ALU is a combinational circuit, so that the entire register transfer operation from the
source registers through the ALU and into the destination register can be performed during
one clock pulse period.
The arithmetic, logic, and shift circuits can be combined into one ALU with common
selection variables.
One stage of an arithmetic logic shift unit is shown in the following figure.
Inputs Ai and Bi are applied to both the arithmetic and logic units.
A particular microoperation is selected with inputs S1 and S0.
A 4 x 1 multiplexer at the output chooses between an arithmetic output in Di and a logic
output in Ei.
The data in the multiplexer are selected with inputs S3 and S2.The other two data inputs to the
multiplexer receive inputs Ai-1 for the shift-right operation and Ai+1 for the shift-left operation.
The circuit whose one stage is specified in the above figure provides eight arithmetic
microoperation, four logic microoperations, and two shift microoperations.
Each operation is selected with the five variables S3, S2, S1, S0 and Cin The input carry Cin is
used for arithmetic operations only.
The first eight are arithmetic microoperations, which are selected with S3S2 = 00.
The next four are logic microoperations, which are selected with S3S2 = 01.
The input carry has no effect during the logic microoperations and is marked with don't-care
The last two operations are shift microoperations and are selected with S3S2 = 10 for shift
right microoperation and S3S2=and 11 for shift left microoperation. The other three inputs
have no effect on the shift.
Table 9: Function Table for Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit
Instruction Codes
An instruction code is a group of bits which instructs the computer to perform certain
Instructions are encoded as binary instruction codes. Each instruction code contains
a operation code, or opcode, which designates the overall purpose of the instruction (e.g. add,
subtract, move, input, etc.).
The number of bits allocated for the opcode determines how many different instructions the
architecture supports.
In addition to the opcode, many instructions also contain one or more operands, which
indicate where in registers or memory the data required for the operation is located.
For example, an add instruction requires two operands, and a not instruction requires one.
15 12 11 65 0
| Opcode | Operand |Operand |
Suppose all instruction codes of a hypothetical accumulator-based CPU are exactly 16 bits. A
simple instruction code format could consist of a 4-bit operation code (opcode) and a 12-bit
memory address.
15 12 11 0
| Opcode | Address |
Stored Program Organization
The simplest way to organize a computer is to have one process register and an instruction
The first part specifies the operation to be performed and the second specifies the address.
The instructions are stored in one section of the memory and the data is stored in the another
The figure considers the memory of size 4096 x 16. The number of Address lines required to
represent the 4096 words are 12 because 4096=212 . The number of data lines required are 16.
Computer Instructions
The basic computer has three instruction code formats:
1. Memory Reference Instructions
2. Register Reference Instructions
3. Input / Output Instructions
1. Memory Reference Instructions
In Memory reference instruction:
First 12 bits(0-11) specify an address.
Next 3 bits specify operation code (opcode) and can range from 000 to 110.
Left most bit specify the addressing mode I
I = 0 for direct address
I = 1 for indirect address
The address field is denoted by three x’s (in hexadecimal notation) and is equivalent to 12-bit
When I = 0, the last four bits of an instruction have a hexadecimal digit equivalent from 0 to 6
since the last bit is zero (0).
When I = 1 the last four bits of an instruction have a hexadecimal digit equivalent from 8 to E
since the last bit is one (1).
Instruction Cycle
The program is executed in the computer by going through a cycle for each instruction. Each
instruction cycle in turn is subdivided into a sequence of sub cycles or phases.
In the basic computer each instruction cycle consists of the following phases:
1. Fetch an instruction from memory.
2. Decode the instruction.
3. Read the effective address from memory if the instruction has an indirect address.
The first two register transfer statements are implemented in the bus system. To provide the
data path for the transfer of PC to AR we must apply timing signal T0 to achieve the following
1. Place the content of PC onto the bus by making the bus selection inputs S2 S1 S0 equal to
2. Transfer the content of the bus to AR by enabling the LD input of AR. To implement this
it is necessary to use timing signal T1 to provide the following connections in the bus
T1: IR M[AR], PC PC + 1
If D7 = 0, the operation code must be one of the other seven values 000 through 110,
In order to specify the micro operations needed for the execution of each instruction, it is
necessary that the function that they are intended to perform be defined precisely.
The function of the memory-reference instructions can be defined precisely by means of
register transfer notation. Table given below lists the seven memory-reference instructions.
The decoded output Di for i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 from the operation decoder that belongs to
each instruction is included in the table.
The data must be read from memory to a register where they can be operated on. We will see
the operation of each instruction and list the control functions and micro operations needed
for their execution.
After the instruction is fetched from memory and decoded, only one output of the operation
decoder will be active, and that output determines the sequence of micro operations that the
control follows during the execution of a memory-reference instruction.
This is an instruction that performs the logic AND operation on pairs of bits in AC and the
memory word specified by the effective address. The result of the operation is transferred to
D0T4 : DR M [AR]
D0T5 : AC AC /\ DR, SC 0
This instruction adds the content of the memory word specified by the effective address to the
value of AC. The sum is transferred into AC and the output carry Cout is transferred to the E
(extended bit of accumulator). The micro operations needed to execute this instruction are
D1T4 : DR M [AR]
D1T5 : AC AC + DR, E Cout, SC 0
LDA: Load to AC
This instruction transfers the memory word specified by the effective address to AC. The
micro operations needed to execute this instruction are
D2T4 : DR M [AR]
D2T5 : AC DR, SC 0
As we know that there is no direct path from the bus into AC. The adder and logic circuit
receive information from DR which can be transferred into AC. Therefore, it is necessary to
read the memory word into DR first and then transfer the content of DR into AC.
STA: Store AC
This instruction stores the content of AC into the memory word specified by the effective
address. Since the output of AC is applied to the bus and the data input of memory is
connected to the bus, we can complete the execution of this instruction in 1 timing signal.
D3T4 : M [AR] AC, SC 0
BUN: Branch Unconditionally
It allows the programmer to specify an instruction out of sequence and we say that the
program branches (or jumps) unconditionally to the location specified by effective address.
The instruction is executed with one micro operation:
D4T4 : PC AR, SC 0
Branch and Save Return Address (BSA)
This instruction is useful for branching to a portion of the program called a subroutine or
procedure. When executed, the BSA instruction stores the address of the next instruction in
sequence (which is available in PC) into a memory location specified by the effective address.
The effective address plus one is then transferred to PC to serve as the address of the first
instruction in the subroutine.
M [AR] PC, PC AR + 1
The BSA instruction performs the following numerical operation:
M[135] 21, PC 135 + 1 = 136
The result of this operation is shown in part (b) of the figure. The return address 21 is stored
in memory location 135 and control continues with the subroutine program starting from
address 136. The return to the original program (at address 21) is accomplished by means of
an indirect BUN instruction placed at the end of the subroutine.
The BSA instruction performs the function usually referred to as a subroutine call. The
indirect BUN instruction at the end of the subroutine performs the function referred to as a
subroutine return.
It is not possible to perform the operation of the BSA instruction in one clock cycle when we
use the bus system of the basic computer.
To use the memory and the bus properly, the BSA instruction must be executed with a
sequence of two micro operations:
D5T4 : M [AR] PC, AR AR + 1
D5T5 : PC AR, SC 0
Timing signal T4 initiates a memory write operation, places the content of PC onto the bus,
and enables the INR input of AR.
The memory write operation is completed and AR is incremented by the time the next clock
transition occurs. The bus is used at T5 to transfer the content of AR to PC.
Increment and Skip if Zero (ISZ)
This instruction increment the word specified by the effective address, and if the incremented
value is equal to 0, PC is incremented by 1.
The programmer usually stores a negative number (in 2's complement) in the memory word.
As this negative number is repeatedly incremented by one, it eventually reaches the value of
zero. At that time PC is incremented by 1 in order to skip the next instruction in the program.
Since it is not possible to increment a word inside the memory, it is necessary to read the
word into DR, increment DR, and store the word back into memory. This is done with the
following sequence of micro operations:
D6T4 : DR M [AR]
D6T5 : DR DR + 1
D6T6 : M [AR] DR, if (DR = 0) then (PC PC + 1), SC 0
Control Flowchart
A flowchart showing all micro operations for the execution of the seven memory- reference
instructions is shown in Fig. given below.
The control functions are indicated on top of each box. The micro operations that are
performed during time T4, T5, or T6, depending on the opcode value. This is indicated in the
flowchart by six different paths, one of which the control takes after the instruction is
The sequence counter SC is cleared to 0 during the last timing signal in each case. This causes
a transfer of control to timing signal T0 to start the next instruction cycle.
Note that we need only seven timing signals to execute the longest instruction (ISZ) requiring
the 3-bit sequence counter.
A stack is a storage device that stores information in such a manner that the item stored last is
the first item to be retrieved.
The stack in digital computers is essentially a memory unit with an address register that can
The register that holds the address for the stack is the stack pointer (SP) that points to the top
of stack.
The operations like push and pop are performed by incrementing or decrementing the SP.
Register Stack
A stack can be placed in a portion of a large memory or it can be organized as a collection of
finite number of memory words or registers.
Consider a stack of 64 words. The SP contains a binary number whose value is equal to the
address of the word that is currently on top of the stack. Three items are placed in the stack:
A, B, C in that order. C is on top of the stack so that the content of SP is now 3.
Memory Stack
Memory stack is implemented in RAM attached to a CPU. The implementation of a stack in
the CPU is done by assigning a portion of memory for stack operations and using a processor
register as a stack pointer.
The figure given below shows a portion of computer memory partitioned into three segments:
program, data and stack.
Figure 27: Computer Memory with Program Data and Stack Segments
In the above figure, the PC points to the address of the next instruction in the program.
The AR points to an array of data.
The SP points to the top of the stack.
The three registers are connected through a common address bus, and either one can provide
an address for memory.
The format of an instruction is usually depicted in a rectangular box symbolizing the bits of
the instruction as they appear in memory words or in a control register. The bits of the
instruction are divided into 3 fields with each field consisting of a group of bits.
a. Operation code field that specifies the operation to be performed
b. Address field that designates a memory address or processor register where the
operand is present
c. Mode field that specifies the way the operand or the effective address is to be
Let us see the assembly language programs in different instruction formats that evaluates
X=(A+B)*(C+D) as follows.
To evaluate arithmetic expressions in a stack computer, it is necessary to convert the
expression into reverse polish (Postfix) notation.
In some computers the addressing mode of the instruction is specified with a distinct binary
code, just like the operation code is specified. Other computers use a single binary code that
designates both the operation and the mode of the instruction. Instructions may be defined with a
variety of addressing modes, and sometimes, two or more addressing modes are combined in one
instruction. An example of an instruction format with a distinct addressing mode field is shown in the
below figure.
The operation code specifies the operation to be performed. The mode field is used to locate
the operands needed for the operation. There may or may not be an address field in the instruction. If
there is an address field, it may designate a memory address or a processor register. Moreover, as
discussed in the preceding section, the instruction may have more than one address field, and each
address field may be associated with its own particular addressing mode. Although most addressing
modes modify the address field of the instruction, there are two modes that need no address field at
1. Implied Mode: In this mode the operands are specified implicitly in the definition of the
For example, the instruction “complement accumulator” is an implied-mode instruction because the
operand in the accumulator register is implied in the definition of the instruction. In fact, all register
2. Immediate Mode: In this mode the operand is specified in the address part of the instruction itself.
In other words, an immediate-mode instruction has an operand field rather than an address field.
Immediate-mode instructions are useful for initializing registers to a constant value.
LD #20
3. Register Mode: In this mode the operands are in registers that reside within the CPU. The
particular register is selected from a register field in the instruction. A k-bit field can specify any one
of 2 k registers.
4. Register Indirect Mode: In this mode the instruction specifies a register in the CPU whose
contents give the address of the operand in memory. In other words, the selected register contains the
address of the operand rather than the operand itself. Before using a register indirect mode instruction,
the programmer must ensure that the memory address for the operand is placed in the processor
register with a previous instruction. A reference to the register is then equivalent to specifying a
memory address. The advantage of a register indirect mode instruction is that the address field of the
instruction sues fewer bits to select a register than would have been required to specify a memory
address directly.
5. Auto increment or Auto decrement Mode: This is similar to the register indirect mode except
that the register value is incremented or decremented after (or before) its value is used to access
memory. When the address stored in the register refers to a table of data in memory, it is necessary to
6. Direct Address Mode: In this mode the effective address is equal to the address part of the
instruction. The operand resides in memory. In a branch-type instruction the address field specifies
LD 10
7. Indirect Address Mode: In this mode the address field of the instruction gives the address where
the effective address is stored in memory. Control fetches the instruction from memory and uses its
LD (10)
8. Relative Address Mode: In this mode the content of the program counter is added to the address
part of the instruction in order to obtain the effective address. The address part of the instruction is
usually a signed number (in 2’s complement representation) which can be either positive or negative.
When this number is added to the content of the program counter, the result produces an effective
address whose position in memory is relative to the address of the next instruction.
LD $5
9. Indexed Addressing Mode: In this mode the content of an index register is added to the address
part of the instruction to obtain the effective address. The index register is a special CPU register that
contains an index value. The address field of the instruction defines the beginning address of a data
array in memory.
LD 5(IR)
10. Base Register Addressing Mode: In this mode the content of a base register is added to the
address part of the instruction to obtain the effective address. This is similar to the indexed addressing
mode except that the register is now called a base register instead of an index register.
The difference between the two modes is in the way they are used rather than in the way that
they are computed. An index register is assumed to hold an index number that is relative to the
address part of the instruction. A base register is assumed to hold a base address and the address field
of the instruction gives a displacement relative to this base address. The base register addressing mode
is used in computers to facilitate the relocation of programs in memory. When programs and data are
moved from one segment of memory to another, as required in multiprogramming systems, the
address values of the base register requires updating to reflect the beginning of a new memory
LD 5(BR)
In the early 1980s, a number of computer designers recommended that computers use fewer
instructions with simple constructs so they can be executed much faster within the CPU
without having to use memory as often. This type of computer is classified as a reduced
instruction set computer or RISC.
CISC Characteristics
The instructions in a typical CISC processor provide direct manipulation of operands residing
in memory. As more instructions and addressing modes are incorporated into a computer, the
more hardware logic is needed to implement and support them, and this may cause the
computations to slow down. The major characteristics of CISC architecture are:
1. A large number of instructions-typically from 100 to 250 instructions
2. Some instructions that perform specialized tasks and are used infrequently
3. A large variety of addressing modes-typically from 5 to 20 different modes
4. Variable-length instruction formats
5. Instructions that manipulate operands in memory
RISC Characteristics
The concept of RISC architecture involves an attempt to reduce execution time by
simplifying the instruction set of the computer. The major characteristics of a RISC processor
1. Relatively few instructions
2. Relatively few addressing modes
3. Memory access limited to load and store instructions
4. All operations done within the registers of the CPU
5. Fixed-length, easily decoded instruction format
6. Single-cycle instruction execution
7. Hardwired rather than micro programmed control
The small set of instructions of a typical RISC processor consists mostly of register-
to-register operations, with only simple load and store operations for memory access. Thus
each operand is brought into a processor register with a load instruction. All computations are
done among the data stored in processor registers. Results are transferred to memory by
means of store instructions. This architectural feature simplifies the instruction set and
encourages the optimization of register manipulation. The use of only few addressing modes
results from the fact that almost all instructions have simple register addressing. Other
addressing modes may be included, such as immediate operands and relative mode.
By using a relatively simple instruction format, the instruction length can be fixed and
aligned on word boundaries. An important aspect of RISC instruction format is that it is easy
to decode. Thus the operation code and register fields of the instruction code can be accessed
simultaneously by the control. Characteristics attributed to RISC architecture are:
1. A relatively large number of registers in the processor unit
2. Use of overlapped register windows to speed-up procedure call and return
3. Efficient instruction pipeline
4. Compiler support for efficient translation of high-level language programs into
machine language programs
registers. In general, the organization of register windows will have the following
number of global registers = G
number of local registers in each window = L
number of registers common to two windows = C
number of windows = W
window size = L + 2C + G
The total number of registers needed in the processor is register file = (L + C)W + G
Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions
A. Questions testing the remembering / understanding level of students
I) Objective Questions
1. A group of bits that tell the computer to perform a specific operation is known as___ [ ]
A. Operation code B. Micro-operation
C. Accumulator D. Register
2. Which language is termed as the symbolic depiction used for indicating the Operations?[ ]
A. Random transfer language B. Register transfer language
C. Arithmetic transfer language D. All of these
3. Micro operation is shown as? [ ]
A. R1 R2 B.R1 R2 C. Both D. None of these
4. Write the RTL code for transferring the contents of register R1 into R2, when p=1.
5. The load instruction is mostly used to designate a transfer from memory to a processor register
known as____. [ ]
A. Accumulator B. Instruction Register
C. Program counter D. Memory address Register
6. In 3 state buffer, two states act as signals equal to? [ ]
A. Logic 0 B. Logic 1 C. Both a & b D. None of these
7. In 3 state buffer third position termed as high impedance state which acts as? [ ]
A. Open circuit B. Close circuit C. Both a & b D. None of these
8. Which operations are used for addition, subtraction, increment, decrement and complement
A. Bus B. Memory transfer [ ]
C. Arithmetic operation D. All of these
9. The register that includes the address of the memory unit is termed as the ____ [ ]
A. MAR B. PC C. IR D. None of these
10. Operation to transfer contents into memory is termed as _____ [ ]
A. Read B. Write C. Both a & b D. None of these
11. What are the operations that a computer performs on the data that is stored in a register? [ ]
A. Register transfer B. Arithmetic C. Logical D. All of these
II) Descriptive Questions
1. Explain various Micro operations with example.
2. Explain how various registers and memory are connected using a common bus with diagram.
3. Draw the circuit diagram of Arithmetic Unit and explain the micro operations.
4. Explain different types of interrupt and explain its life cycle.
5. Explain the working of the circuit that performs Logic operations.
6. Explain different types of instruction formats.
5. Write the code in various instruction formats for the statement a=b+c*d.
6. Calculate the effective address for indexed addressing mode instruction, MOV 5(R1)
8. Calculate effective address for the following using various addressing modes.