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Civil Service Reviewer On Philippine Constitution

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The document discusses a Civil Service exam reviewer that covers topics on the Philippine Constitution, general information, and current events. It provides questions and answers to help prepare for the exam.

The 3 main branches of the Government of the Philippines are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches.

21 senators are elected to the Senate.

Civil Service Reviewer on Philippine Constitution, General Information and Current

Events This Article is about the most common questions that have appeared in
previous Civil Service examinations for the General Information, Philippine
Constitution and Current Events portions. According to authorities, CSE is among
the easiest government examinations, believe it or not. But, you would want to pass
the Civil Service exam in order for you to agree to that statement, To ensure that
you will know more about this part, you may want to read this.
1) What are the 3 main branches of the Government of the Philippines?
1. Senate, Supreme Court, Congress
2. Presidential, Unicameral Parliamentary, BicameralParliamentary
3. Legislative, Executive, Judicial
4. The Legislature, The Senate, The Supreme Court 2) The Supreme Court shall be
composed of a Chief Justice and how many Associates Justices? 1. 12 2. 13 3. 14 4.
3) The CommanderinChief of all armed forces of the Philippines this 2014 is
1. Air Force Commanding General Jeffrey Delgado
2. President Benigno Aquino III
3. Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno
4. AFP Chief Lieutenant Gen. Emmanuel Bautista
4) The executive power shall be vested in the _________.
1. President of the Philippines
2. House of Representatives
3. The Supreme Court
4. The Congress Civil Service Exam Reviewer on Philippine Constitution, General
Information and Current Events 7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer on Philippine
Constitution, General Information and Current Events | INFINITHINK.ORG 2/6 5)
The legislative power shall be vested in the _________ which shall consist of a Senate
and a House of Representatives.
1. Congress of the Philippines
2. House of Ombudsman
3. The Supreme Court
4. Bureau of Internal Revenue
6) The Senate shall be composed of how many senators elected at large by voters
of the Philippines?
1. 21 2. 22 3. 23 4. 24
7) How long shall the term of office of the senators be commenced? 1. 3 years 2. 4
years 3. 5 years 4. 6 years
8) The term of office of the President and Vicepresident of the Philippines shall be
up to how many years? 1. 3 years 2. 4 years 3. 5 years 4. 6 years
9) The members of the House of Representatives shall be elected for a term of
_______. 1. 3 years 2. 4 years 3. 5 years 4. 6 years
10) The following shall be exempted from taxation except: 1. Lands and buildings 2.
Churches and convents 3. Charitable institutions 4. Nonprofit cemeteries
11) The Congress, by a vote of ____ of both Houses in joint session assembled,
voting separately, shall have the sole power to declare a state of war. 1. Twothirds
2. Onehalf 3. Three quarters 4. Minority
12) It states that “no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without
due process of law, nor any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.” 1.
Article VI 2. Bill of Rights 3. Republic Act 4. Court Order
13) All of the following is TRUE except: 1. No person shall be compelled to be a
witness against himself 2. No person shall be imprisoned for nonpayment of debt or
poll tax. 3. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall not be enacted. 4. No
person shall be detained solely by reason of his political beliefs and aspirations.
14) The following are citizens of the Philippines except: 1. Those fathers or mothers
are citizens of the Philippines 2. Those who are born before January 17, 1973, of
Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority
3. Those who are naturalized citizens of the Philippines in accordance with law. 4. All
of the above are true.
15) It is the right and obligation by all citizens, who are at least 18 years of age, and
qualified by law, to vote in the election of national and local officials of the
government without literacy,, property, or other substantive requirement. 7/19/2015
Civil Service Reviewer on Philippine Constitution, General Information and Current
reviewerongeneral.html 3/6 1. Suffrage 2. Election 3. Voting power 4. Civil Right
16) The three inherent powers of the state are the following except one: 1. Police
Power 2. Power of Eminent Domain 3. Power of Taxation 4. Power to Impeach
17) It is the power of the State to promote public welfare by restraining the use of
both liberty and property of all people. 1. Police Power 2.Power of Eminent Domain
3. Power if Taxation 4. Power to Impeach
18) It is the power of the State to take properties for the purpose of public use upon
payment of just compensation. 1. Police Power 2. Power of Eminent Domain 3.
Power if Taxation 4. Power to Impeach 19) It is the power of the State to impose
charge or burden to persons and properties, and property rights for the purpose of
raising revenues to protect the people and extend public projects and services. 1.
Police Power 2. Power of Eminent Domain 3. Power if Taxation 4. Power to Impeach
20) The following are members of the Constitutional Commission except: 1.
Commission on Civil Rights 2. Commission on Elections 3. Civil Service Commission
4. Commission on Audit
21) It states that public office is public trust and that public officers and employees
must, at all times, be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost
responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency; act with patriotism and justice and
lead modest lives. 1. Public Trust 2. Constitutional Rights 3. Accountability 4.
22) Who shall have the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachment? 1.
House of Blue Ribbon Committee 2. House of Representatives 3. House of the
Senate 4. Speaker of the House
23) R.A. 6713 is an act to uphold the timehonored principle of public office being a
public trust, granting incentives and rewards for exemplary service, enumerating
prohibited acts and providing penalties for violations thereof and for other purposes.
1. Preamble 2. Code of Ethics 3. Code of Government Officials 4. Code of Conduct
and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees
24) The following are duties and responsibilities of Public officials and Employees
except: 1. Act promptly on letters, inquiries, calls or any other form of
communications sent by the public. 2. Submit performance reports of the agency or
office regularly 3. Accept gifts from the public upon prioritizing their queries. 4.
Process documents and papers expeditiously.
25) It is a written instrument containing the proposition and required number of
signatories and shall be in a form determined by and submitted to the Commission
on Elections. 7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer on Philippine Constitution, General
Information and Current Events | INFINITHINK.ORG 4/6 1.
Bill 2. Law 3. Proposition 4. Petition
26) It is the electoral process by which an initiative on the Constitution is either
approved or rejected by the people. 1. Referendum 2. Plebiscite 3. Petition 4.
27) It is the power of the electorate to approve or reject a legislation through an
election called for the purpose. 1. Referendum 2. Plebiscite 3. Petition 4. Initiative
28) This law promotes responsible family planning and proper use of reproductive
methods to eliminate overpopulation growth. 1. RH Bill 2. Responsible Parenthood
and Reproductive Health Law 3. Reproductive Law 4. Family Planning
29) It is a specialized agency of the United Nations that concerns international
public health. 1. Department of Health 2. World Health Organization 3. International
Health Organization 4. All of the above
30) APEC is a summit that promotes free trade and economic cooperation
throughout the AsiaPacific region countries. APEC stands for: 1. Asia Pacific
Economic Corporation 2. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 3. Asia Pacific Economic
Council 4. Asia Pacific Economic Countries
31) Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) aims to accelerate economic
growth, stability, social progress and cultural development in the spirit of equality
and partnership to strengthen prosperous and peaceful community along Southeast
Asian Nations. Which of the following countries is not a member of ASEAN? 1. Hong
Kong 2. Philippines 3. Singapore 4. Thailand 32) It is a law in the Philippines that
aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and harmful internet
behavior in the Philippines. It aims to prevent and punish cybercrime in the country.
1. Cybersquatting 2. Cybercrime Act 3. Cybercrime Prevention Act 4. Cyber Identity
Theft Act 33) It sets down in unequivocal terms that mandate all government
officials and employees, shall at all times, be answerable to misconduct to people.
1. Rights 2. Public Trust 3. Responsibility 4. Accountability 34) __________waste
breaks down into natural components and can be recycled into the life cycle
naturally. 1. Biochemical 2. Recyclable 3. Biodegradable 4. Nonbiodegradable
35) The following are examples of nonbiodegradable waste except: 7/19/2015 Civil
Service Reviewer on Philippine Constitution, General Information and Current Events
general.html 5/6 1. Plastics 2. Metals 3. Styrofoam 4. Papers 36) It is a project of
DOST for more accurate, integrated and responsive disaster prevention and
mitigation system especially in highrisk calamity areas of the Philippines. 1. PAGASA
2. I am Ready 3. DOSTAdvanced Disaster Program 4. Project NOAH 37) PAGASA is
the official government agency for weather forecasting, flood control, astronomical
observations, and time service. PAGASA stands for _______? 1. Philippine
Atmospheric Geographical and Astronomical Services Administration 2. Philippine
Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration 3. Philippine
Atmospheric Geological and Astronomical Services Association 4. Philippine
Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Association 38) PHIVOLCS is a
branch of DOST to moderate disasters that may arise from volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, tsunami and other related geotectonic phenomena in the Philippines.
What is PHIVOLCS? 1. Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology 2.
Philippine Institute of Volcanic and Seismic Services 3. Philippine Institute of
Volcanic and Seismology Services 4. Philippine Institute of Volcano and Seismic
System 39) Which of the following is a renewable source of energy? 1. Geothermal
energy 2. Solar energy 3. Wind energy 4. All of the above 40) It is a process by
which thermal radiation from the earth’s surface is absorbed by atmospheric
greenhouse gases and is reradiated in all directions. 1. Global Warming 2.
Greenhouse Effect 3. Ozone Layer 4. Solar Radiation 41) It mandates the blending of
cocodiesel or coco methyl ester (CME) to all diesel fuel and bioethanol in gasoline
sold across the country. 1. Clean Air Act of 1999 2. Solid Waste Management Act of
2000 3. Fuel Development Act 4. Biofuels Act of 2006 42) A tough but biodegradable
netting that anchors the soil on sloping land and riverbanks thus, protecting against
erosion. 1. cocowire mesh 2. fiber matt 3. coconet 4. coir sheets 43) Which of the
following is not considered a biofuel? 1. jathropa or "tubatuba" 2. liquefied natural
gas 3. ethanol 4. coco methyl ester 44) Refers to diesel equivalent, processed fuel
derived from biological sources 1. ethanol 2. vegetable oils 3. biodiesel 4. biofuel
45) Environmental law providing for an ecological waste management program
creating necessary mechanisms, incentives, prohibitions and 7/19/2015 Civil Service
Reviewer on Philippine Constitution, General Information and Current Events |
general.html 6/6 penalties. 1. R.A. #8749 or The Phil. Clean Air Act of 1999 2. R.A.
#9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 3. The Biofuels Act of
2006 4. The AntiPollution Act of 2005 46) USB is an industry standard that connects
computers and electronic devices like keyboards, digicams, portable media devices,
disk drivers, smartphones, and network adapters to any computer. USB stands for?
1. Unit Serial Box 2. Unit Serial Bolt 3. Universal Serial Bin 4. Universal Serial Bus
47) CD ROM means? 1. compact disc recording mode 2. compact disc read only
memory 3. computer directed recording modem 4. computer disc red only memory
For answers to this set, click here. Luke Miguel Cartes “Do not aim f
Effective Tips in Taking the Civil Service Exam October 2015 This is your best source
of free online Civil Service Exam Reviewers for both Professional and Sub-
professional levels. My aim in publishing these pointers and reviewers is to help you
the examinee, to pass the Civil Service exam, also known as Career Service exam,
in just one take. The CSE is not a difficult exam, however if you take it lightly and
without proper preparations, then you are lowering you probability of listing your
name in the Registry of Eligibles, in short you are deemed to fail. But, you don't
have to worry, this writing will guide you to pass the CSE. I took one myself when I
was still in college and humbly passed the same. The Passing rate is 80%. The best
time to take the examination is during College days or just after you've graduated
from College. It's when you have amassed enormous amount of knowledge. Don't
take too much break till eventually deciding to take the exam, because by the time
that you're out of the university belt, your brain is slowly forgetting most of what
you've learned since studying is no longer a habit. Taking the exam Spend good
times to review or selfreview several days or weeks before the exam so you are
wellprepared. Remember that "A soldier never goes to the battlefield without more
than enough ammunition that is suicide". A soldier with complete battle equipment
has higher chance of survival in the combat zone. So much is the same about taking
exams, an examinee with more than enough preparations has greater chances of
passing the exam. Beforehand, prepare the things that you will need during the
examination, such as pencils, ballpen, eraser, your test permit, some snacks for
your tummy, and of course, yourself. Know your Testing Center and Room
Assignment already so that you know where to go and can make it there in time.
Eat the best breakfast prior to going to the Testing Center. Your not only feeding
your stomach, you're also establishing a healthy mind. Remember that the exam
will last for half a day, it will not only cost you time but will drain your energy out.
You might also experience fatigue due to heavy brain workout. Never come late.
They say "The early bird catches the worm," and that might be true. Nonetheless,
you can have some time for relaxation if you're early. A 40 minute allowance should
be enough. Do not forget your Examination Number as much as the necessary
information about you the examinee. Surely you want to see your name in the
leading publications when the result comes out. Listen to the Test Instructors. Follow
their instructions carefully, they will tell you everything, regarding the exam, on
what you need to do before, during and after the examination. For example, Do not
open the Test Booklet unless otherwise told to do so. Exercise the proper shading
techniques. You are very much familiar with this already. Make sure you only shade
until the last number of the last question. The total number of shaded answers
should correspond to the total number of test items. You'll end up failing if you will
shade excessively. Tips to Pass (or even Top) the Civil Service Exam Here Are Some
Pointers To Consider: 7/19/2015 Effective Tips in Taking the Civil Service Exam
October 2015 | INFINITHINK.ORG
serviceexamination.html 2/2 For every given set of test items, follow the given
specific directions. Don't leave any test item unanswered unless instructed
otherwise. If you really don't know the answer then you'll have to make good guess,
but do it rarely. Avoid any erasure as much as possible to prevent any damage to
the answer sheet. If you really need to change answer, just do it gently. Don't spend
too much time on a single question. Make sure to manage your time accordingly so
that you will not end up with any unanswered item. Before the exam, make sure
that you will not need to go to the restroom. This will prevent you from consuming
time on other matters. Relax and enjoy your time taking the exam, as if it will be the
last time you're gonna take it. (You don't wanna take it again, right?) This means
that you've made the proper preparations already. Ultimately, before the exam,
kneel down, put your hands together and pray
Coverage and Passing Rate of the Civil Service Examination The Coverage and
Passing Grade in the Civil Service Examination The Civil Service Exam's
coverage/scope and "passing rate" are discussed here. If you are going to take the
Career Service Eligibility examination by this year, either on professional or sub-
professional level, whether by means of Paper and Pencil (PPT) or Computerized
Exam (COMEX), formerly known as ComputerAssisted Test (CAT), it is a must that
you know the exam's coverage and passing rate so you can have a definite goal to
set and achieve (or even exceed). Saying it in other terms, you can prepare a
massive amount of ammunition to fire during the battle for your success. Coverage
and Passing Rate of the Civil Service Examination Coverage / Scope of the Civil
Service Exam The Coverage/Scope of the Civil Service Exam The Specific
Competencies of the Civil Service Exam for Professional and Subprofessional Levels
are as follow: English and Filipino Vocabulary Grammar and Correct Usage
Paragraph Organization Reading Comprehension Analogy Logic Clerical
Operations Numerical Reasoning General Information The specific competencies
above are categorized under four major parts: Part I ► Verbal abilities in English and
Filipino Vocabulary ► Grammar and Correct Usage ► Paragraph Organization. ►
Reading Comprehension Part II ► Analogy (professional level only) ► Logic
(professional level only) ► Clerical Operations (subprofessional level only) Part III ►
Numerical Reasoning Part IV ► General Information Comprised of test questions
about: A. Philippine Constitution B. General Information, Current Events Enacted
Laws and Environment Issues. C. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees. 7/19/2015 Coverage and Passing Rate of the Civil Service
passingrateofcivilserviceexam.html 2/3 So what's the difference between the
Professional and SubProfessional Levels? Well obviously, the latter has a "sub" while
the former has none. But kidding aside, the major difference lies in their scope. For
the Professional level, all competencies above, except for the Clerical Operations,
are found in the Civil Service Exam. On the other hand, the CSE for Subprofessional
level has a similar scope, but, excludes Analogy and Logic then augments Clerical
Operation test questions. About 85% of the examination is comprised of Verbal
(Filipino is integrated in this portion), Analytical and Mathematical competencies
while the remaining 15% is a test about how knowledgeable and informed you are
when it comes to the topics mentioned under part 4 above. Moreover, the first 20
items/questions will ask about your personal information and is likely not included in
the computation of your rating. You will have to answer them accordingly and
accurately. The Passing Rate of the Civil Service Exam For both the Professional and
Subprofessional levels, whether by means of Paper and Pencil and Computerized
Exam, the least percentage that you must acquire is 80%. lower than that, you are
sure to fail, beyond that, you are sure to obtain a certificate of eligibility. This is how
it works on the surface. The civil service commission has a quota which they
follows. In other words, there is a fixed percentage or number of examinees which
will pass the exam. Only a certain number of examinees will pass, regardless
whether everybody's raw score can be mathematically translated to a "80.00
passing rate and beyond". Let's safely assume that only about 9 13% of the exam
takers, with the highest scores will pass (ranking system: for example, only 12% of
the total examinees will get 80.00% and above). Also, a rating lower than 80.00%
will be reflected in the exam results of those who were unfortunate, regardless of
their raw scores. Then why can't everybody pass? That's because there are only
limited government job slots/positions. Every year only a certain number of
applicants are hired, to fill in the vacancy left by retired government employees
and/or due to new items being created. Moreover, it is imperative to choose only
among the best performers. Here are the data of previous civil service exams:
October 2010 97,099 examinees, a total of 12,290 passers (12.66%) October 2011
94,251 examinees, a total of 10,866 passers (11.53%) October 2012 113,168
examinees, a total of 13,412 passers (11.85%) October 2013 139,174 examinees, a
total of 16,319 passers (11.80%) October 2014 163,240 examinees, a total of
19,344 passers (11.85%) More about the Civil Service Exam The exam is actually
never difficult, it is just like remembering what you have learned since your
elementary until your tertiary education, though you might actually nosebleed in
the English and Filipino vocabulary portion of the exam, so it is best to have a wide
array of vocabulary. If you are quite good in Math and Analysis, then you already
have a good chance in the exam. But still, the best equipped and skilled soldier has
the greatest chance of survival in the battle. And here's one thing you must be very
wary about...The Time. It is your most frightening enemy during the exam, do not
spend too much time on one item, but never leave any item unanswered. And for
your information, no calculator is allowed, so you have to do the computations
manually. Just focus on what you're answering and do not fret over anything. For
this matter, this website existed, to help you understand and pass the Civil Service
Examination. You can emerged as a victor or as a failure. The key is in your hands!
Take time to REVIEW. Read the next article : Effective Tips in Taking the Civil Service
Examination 2015. Luke Miguel Cartes 7/19/2015 Coverage and Passing Rate of the
Civil Service Examination | INFINITHINK.ORG
3/3 “Do not aim for pwede na. Aim for the Best. Do not expect a second chance.
Treat it as if it will happen only onc
*** TEST BEGINS HERE *** DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct answer from the choices
given. 1) Which sentence uses “famish” correctly? 1. After the straight exam, I felt
too exhausted and famished to eat my favourite foods. 2. I could eat a horse, I am
famish now. 3. I famished my stomach next time you treat me to a meal out. 4. I will
bring lots of pizza, that’s a famish. 2) Priscila _______ rather not invest her savings in
the stock market. 1. must 2. has to 3. could 4. would 3) Did you have any problem
______ our house? 1. search 2. to search 3. searching 4. for searching 4) I hope you
don’t mind _____ joining you. 1. to be 2. I had been 3. that I may 4. me 5) Most
basketball players are 6 ____ tall or more. 1. foot 7/19/2015 Grammar and Correct
Usage Test Questions | INFINITHINK.ORG 2/6 2.
feet 3. foots 4. feets 6) These children _____ how to improvise more props for the
play. 1. knew 2. knows 3. know 4. known 7) The company will upgrade ______
computer systems next week. 1. there 2. their 3. its 4. it’s 8) Clara ___________ three
thousand words for her essay. 1. have wrote 2. has wrote 3. have written 4. has
written 9) You have too many _______ but few time to prove you’re right. 1.
hypothesis 2. hypotheses 3. hyphothesises 4. hypothesess 10) Neither Sarah nor
Tina _______ the crime yesterday. 1. witness 2. witnesses 3. witnessed 4. witnessing
11) You do like going to the party alone. _____ you? 1. Does 2. Doesn’t 3. Do 4. Don’t
12) We had our house _______ in yellow. 1. painting 2. painted 3. paint 4. to paint 13)
He has been exercising but his immune system was steadily _________. 1. weak 2.
weaken 3. weakened 4. weakening 14) I was ______ that the weather would be
sunny and we would be able to enjoy our swimming. 1. hopeless 2. hopeful 3.
hopelike 4. hopely 15) I think it’s not a great idea. I totally ______. 1. misagree 2.
unagree 3. inagree 4. disagree 7/19/2015 Grammar and Correct Usage Test
correctusagetestitems.html 3/6 16) So many ___________ I found in the library, now
I’m ready to report. 1. information 2. informations 3. infoes 4. infos 17) My grandpa
always feed his flock of _______ early in the morning. 1. sheeps 2. sheep 3. ships 4.
ship 18) Happy memories are always remembered, not ________. 1. forget 2. forgets
3. forgot 4. forgotten 19) Flight Z735 ______ yesterday. 350 passengers died in that
accident. 1. crush 2. crushed 3. crash 4. crashed 20) There is a ________ message
when you look closely at her painting. 1. hid 2. hide 3. hided 4. hidden 21) During
the Independence day celebrations, the directive is __________. 1. hang your flags on
June 12 2. hanged your flags on June 12 3. hanged the flags during June 12 4. hung
your flags on June 12. 22) The measure on choosing well is whether or not man likes
what he __________. 1. chose 2. has chosen 3. choose 4. chosed 23) Please
__________ the book with the next time you come to my office. 1. bring 2. take 3.
carry along 4. bring along 24) It is essential that harmony prevail __________ the
departments. 1. between 2. with 3. among 4. with all 25) The union members
cannot __________ with the kind of compensation they want. 1. agree on 2. agree to
3. agree with 4. get agree with DIRECTIONS: Read each of the following sentences
carefully, then choose which among the several choices in each group is expressed
most satisfactorily in terms of grammar and correct usage. On your sheet, shade
completely the box that corresponds to your answer. 7/19/2015 Grammar and
Correct Usage Test Questions | INFINITHINK.ORG 4/6 26)
correct answer is [4] 1. Plumbers who work efficiently from the point of view of a
homemaker are worthy of their wages. 2. Plumbers are worthy of their wages who
work efficiently from the point of view off a homemaker. 3. Plumbers, from the point
of view of a homemaker, who work efficiently, are worthy of their wages. 4. From
the point of view of a homemaker, plumbers who work efficiently are worthy of their
wages. 5. Worthy of their wages are plumbers who work efficiently from the point of
view of a homemaker. 27) correct answer is [1] 1. The time for most people has
come to change their attitudes and lifestyles. 2. The time has come when people
must change their attitudes and lifestyles. 3. The time when the attitudes and
lifestyles of the people has come to change. 4. The people must change their
attitudes and lifestyles and the time had come to change. 5. People must change
their attitudes and lifestyles, and it is because the time has come to change. 28)
correct answer is [5] 1. Her brother, whom I met in the party, is more richer than
you think. 2. Her brother, I met him in the party, is very much richer than you think.
3. Her brother, whom I had met in the party, is richer than you think. 4. Her brother,
whom I met in the party, is much richer than you think. 5. I met her brother in the
party and he is richer than you think. 29) correct answer is [1] 1. The fisher folks
decided to go to the nearby hut finally drenched with rain. 2. The fisher folks finally
decided to go to the nearby hut drenched with rain. 3. Drenched with rain, the fisher
folks finally decided to go the nearby hut. 4. Finally drenched with rain, the fisher
folks decided to go the nearby hut. 5. Finally deciding to go to the nearby hut, the
fisher folks were drenched with rain. 30) correct answer is [1] 1. The Filipino people
have regained their respect and trust in their government. 2. The Filipino people
have regained their respect and trust for their government. 3. The Filipino people
have regained their respect for their government and even their trust in it. 4. The
Filipino people have regained their respect for and trust in their government. 5. The
Filipino people have regained, for their government their respect and trust in it. 31)
correct answer is [3] 1. The education of his children is most paramount in his plans.
2. The education of his children is more paramount in his plans. 3. The education of
his children is paramount in his plans. 4. The most paramount of all his plans is how
to educate his children. 5. Paramount in his plans more than any other things is the
education of his children. 32) correct answer is [3] 1. As soon as the tabulation of
the figures have been completed, someone should check the accuracy. 2. As soon
as tabulated, someone should check on the accuracy of those figures. 3. As soon as
the tabulation is finished, someone was to check its accuracy. 4. Once the tabulation
was completed, the accuracy of the figures should be checked. 5. Someone had
ought to check the accuracy of those figures when they have been tabulated. 33)
correct answer is [1] 1. Sa pamamagitan ng kasaysayan ay natutunghayan muli ang
makukulay na lumipas ng magigiting na tao. 2. Sa pamamagitan ng kasaysayan,
ang lumipas na makukulay ng magigiting na tao ay muling natutunghayan. 3. Ang
makukulay na lumipas ay natutunghayan muli ng magigiting na tao sa
pamamagitan ng kasaysayan. 4. Muli ang makukulay na lumipas ng mga taong
magigiting ay natutunghayan sa pamamagitan ng kasaysayan. 5. Natutunhayan
muli ang lumipas ng magigiting na tao na makukulay sa pamamagitan ng
kasaysayan. 7/19/2015 Grammar and Correct Usage Test Questions |
items.html 5/6 34) correct answer is [1] 1. One has to be either 65 or blind to claim
an extra personal exemption. 2. One has either to be 65 or blind to claim an extra
personal exemption. 3. One either has to be 65 or blind to claim an extra personal
exemption. 4. Either one has to be 65 or blind to claim an extra personal exemption.
5. To claim an extra personal exemption, one either has to be 65 or blind. 35)
correct answer is [4] 1. I will never, unless he apologizes first, work with him again.
2. I will never, unless he apologized first, work with him again. 3. I will never work
with him again, unless he asks for an apology. 4. I will never work with him again,
unless he apologizes first. 5. Unless he asks for an apology, I will never work with
him again. 36) correct answer is [1] 1. I had already formed the habits of getting up
early and arriving in the office on time. 2. Getting up early and to arrive in the office
on time are habits that I have already formed. 3. Getting up early and arriving in the
office on time are habits that I have already formed. 4. To get up early and to arrive
in the office on time are habits that I have already formed. 5. To get up early and
arriving in the office on time are habits already formed by me. 37) correct answer is
[1] 1. The trip to Tagaytay was educational and everybody enjoyed it very much. 2.
Being educational, everybody enjoyed the trip to Tagaytay very much. 3. Everybody
found the trip to Tagaytay educational and it was enjoyed very much. 4. This kind of
a trip to Tagaytay was educational and everybody enjoyed it very much. 5. A most
enjoyable time was had by everybody in their trip to Tagaytay which was
educational. 38) correct answer is [2] 1. The board has received the president’s
report, who went over the situation in great detail. 2. Having gone over the situation
in great detail, the president submitted a complete report to the board. 3. The
president had hardly completed his study of the situation than he made a full report
to the board. 4. The complete report, which the president gave it to the board, was
the result of a thorough study of the situation. 5. After the president had studied the
situation as thorough as possible, he made a complete report to the board. 39)
correct answer is [4] 1. Basing on the figures available, the committee felt that the
decision to close shop was feasible. 2. Basing on the figures available, the decision
to close shop seems feasible. 3. Based on the figures available, the committee felt
that the decision to close shop was feasible. 4. Based on the figures available, the
decision to close shop seems feasible. 5. Based on the figures available, closing the
shop was thought to be feasible. 40) correct answer is [1] 1. The ebb and flow of
organizational life is such that nothing remains static. 2. The ebb and flow of
organization of life are such that nothing remains static. 3. The ebb and low of life in
an organization are such that nothing remained static. 4. Nothing remains static in
the ebb and flow of life in an organization 5. Speaking of the ebb and flow of
organizational life, it is such that nothing remains static. 41) correct answer is [1] 1.
Magiging makahulugan sa mga bata ang mga pang arawaraw na balita kung
makikita nila ang pinangyarihan nito. 2. Ang pinangyarihan ng mga balita na pang-
arawaraw sa mga bata kung makikita nila ay magiging makahulugan. 3. Sa mga
bata ay makahulugan ang mga pangarawaraw na balita kung makikita nila ang
pinangyarihan nito. 4. Ang mga balitang pangarawaraaw sa mga bata ay magiging
makahulugan kung ang pinangyarihan nito ay makikita nila. 5. Ang mga balitang
pangarawaraw sa mga bata at ang pinangyarihan nito ay magiging makahulugan
kunga makikita nila. 7/19/2015 Grammar and Correct Usage Test Questions |
items.html 6/6 42) correct answer is [1] 1. Walang pasubali na ang isang taong may
kakayahan sa maayos na pangangatwiran ay uunlad sa kanyang propesyon. 2.
Walang pasubali ay uunlad sa kanyang propesyon na ang isang taong may
kakayahan sa maayos na pangangatwiran. 3. Ang isang taong may kakayahan sa
maayos na pangangatwiran ay uunlad sa kanyang propesyon, walang pasubali. 4.
Uunlad sa kanyang propesyon ay walang pasubali ang isang taong may kakayahan
sa maayos na pangangatwiran. 5. May kakayahan sa maayos na pangangatwiran,
walang pasubali na ang isang tao ay uunlad sa kanyang propesyon. 43) correct
answer is [2] 1. Masaya, sapagkat lahat ay payak at walang pagkukunwari ang
buhay bata. 2. Masaya ang buhay bata sapagkat lahat ay payak at walang
pagkukunwari. 3. Ang buhay bata ay masaya sapagkat payak at walang
pagkukunwari ang lahat. 4. Ang buhay bata sapagkat payak at walang
pagkukunwari lahat ay masaya. 5. Sapagkat walang pagkukunwari at payak lahat,
ang buhay bata ay masaya. 44) correct answer is [2] 1. We must learn more about
military tactics and in so doing we can cope with any situation. 2. We must learn
more about military tactics to cope with any situation. 3. So as to cope with any
situation, more about military tactics should be learned by us. 4. More about
military tactics must be learned, so as to cope with any situation. 5. To be ready to
cope with any situation, so we must learn more about military tactics. 45) correct
answer is [4] 1. I thought that she is reporting for work today. 2. I thought that she
was reporting for work today. 3. I thought that she reported for work today. 4. I
thought that she reports for work today. 5. I thought that she had reported for work
Having a wide/vast/huge/ample/broad/extensive array of vocabulary is a must. It is
most helpful in times of exams, such as the civil service exam, in order or ace or
finish as a victor. The trick to developing a huge vocabulary is through continuous
reading. Read and read, and it will eventually sink in your mind and be a part of
your system. Likewise, that's the best way if you want to be living dictionary :D
Also, the best technique in getting the right answer is through analyzing any given
sentence – the word or phrase that is consistent and parallel to the main sentence is
likely to be the correct answer, but, that is not always the case. Furthermore, You
should watch out for conjunctions, they usually give clues about the answer,
especially the following: (and) (or) (nor) (for) (but) (yet) (so) The Test Items in this
article is an example of the Actual Civil Service Examination. Note: answers are in
bold format Vocabulary *** TEST BEGINS HERE *** DIRECTIONS: Choose from among
the suggested answers the word that means most nearly the same as the word in
capital letters. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely the box that corresponds to
your answer. 1) Ang PAGAL na guro ay sandaling tumigil bago muling nagpatuloy sa
pagsasalita. 1. pagod 2. galit 3. pihikan 4. mabagal 5. mahinahon 2) A special group
in the police force is believe to be engage in FURTIVE activities. 1. illegal 2.
suspicious 3. unusual 4. worthy 5. secret 3) The Defense presented its case to the
jury in a TRENCHANT manner. 7/19/2015 Civil Service Review on English and Filipino
onenglishand.html 2/5 1. legalistic 2. dignified 3. vague 4. emphatic 5. cautious 4)
Ang mga magbubukid ay NABIHASA sa paggamit ng kalabaw bilang katulong nila sa
pagsasaka. 1. nagsawa 2. nagtiwala 3. nasanay 4. natuto 5. nahirapan 5) Pilo’s
insensitivity has created ANIMOSITY to the worker’s demands. 1. distrust 2. hostility
3. fear 4. distance 5. dependence 6) The baffled owner ACQUIESCED to the worker’s
demands. 1. opposed 2. reacted 3. agreed 4. resisted 5. listened 7) The
recommendation of the wage council is REPUGNANT to the employers. 1.
acceptable 2. objectionable 3. beneficial 4. degrading 5. embarrassing 8)
Sanctuaries for wildlife have DWINDLED alarmingly in the last decade. 1.
disappeared 2. changed 3. decreased 4. multiplied 5. deteriorated 9) Recklessness
always entails JEOPARDY. 1. danger 2. crisis 3. apprehension 4. control 5. aggression
10) Business, like life, is much too extensive and LEQUESCENT to be wholly
contained by any checklist, formula or theory. 1. structured 2. changeable 3.
complicated 4. shapeless 5. confusing 11) My mother is always ADAMANT in eating
breakfast before leaving the house. 1. resolute 2. uncertain 3. forgetful 4. clueless
12) Reading words without understanding their meaning is FUTILE. 1. helpless
7/19/2015 Civil Service Review on English and Filipino Vocabulary | INFINITHINK.ORG 3/5 2.
useless 3. unnecessary 4. avoidable 13) She wears gold but people knows how
OSTENTATIOUS she can be. 1. pretentious 2. ambitious 3. gorgeous 4. rebellious 14)
He submitted a GROTESQUE artwork that nobody in the class could relate to. 1.
different 2. weird 3. beautiful 4. colorful 15) Their CLANDESTINE affair remained
unknown for three years. 1. forbidden 2. surprise 3. secret 4. unacceptable 16)
Diskettes and CDs are going OBSOLETE. 1. recycled 2. refurbished 3. updated 4.
outdated 17) The Queen of the Night dances VIVACIOUSLY. 1. lively 2. awkward 3.
kindly 4. sweetly 18. The court released a DOGMATIC statement that made people
more hopeful. 1. naive 2. unbelievable 3. assertive 4. unclear 19 There is no
PANACEA that will solve our financial difficulty. 1. cureall 2. paradox 3. answer 4.
criteria 20. This generation is prone to PLETHORIC use of mobile gadgets. 1.
essential 2. crucial 3. important 4. excessive 21) Lorenzo Ruiz refused to RENOUNCE
his faith even though he knew he would suffer martyrdom. 1. permeate 2. abandon
3. announce 4. reconcile 22) Ermita and Malate are known for its BOHEMIAN lifestyle
and tourist attractions. 1. stylish 2. conventional 3. unconventional 4. complacent
7/19/2015 Civil Service Review on English and Filipino Vocabulary | INFINITHINK.ORG
23) The Regency club is perfect for the business traveler in search of privacy,
convenience and the EMINENT level of personalized service. 1. topmost 2. welcome
3. distinguished 4. classy 24) We must face the enemy without TREPIDATION if we
are to win the battle. 1. reservation 2. fear 3. depravity 4. logistics 25) The lawyer
was accused of trying to MULCT his client of his legacy. 1. swindle 2. avenge 3.
appease 4. suggest Directions: In each of the following sentences is a blank space
indicating that a word or group of words has been omitted. From among the
suggested answers choose the word or groups of words that best conveys the
concept or meaning of the sentence as a whole. On your Answer Sheet, shade
completely the box that corresponds to your answer. 21) Realizing that we were
determined to go, our experienced friends __________ that there might be more
difficulties along the way than we expect. 1. dismissed 2. intimated 3. insisted 4.
projected 5. concluded 22) Ang patuloy na pagangkat ng mga produktong banyaga,
na siya naming tinatangkilik ng mga mamamayan, ang dahilan ng __________ ng
mga industriyang local. 1. paghinto 2. pagbabago 3. pagtitipid 4. pagkawala 5.
pagkalugi 23) A strong government is needed to promote __________, not
dependency, and to encourage free enterprise. 1. selfalienation 2. selfevaluation 3.
self reliance 4. selfawareness 5. selfdetermination 24) Mass media develop in us
level of consciousness that keeps us __________, current events. 1. interested in 2.
adjusting to 3. excited over 4. fearful of 5. abreast of 25) Failure is the most tiring
experience a person can ever have; there is nothing more __________ than not
succeeding being blocked, not moving ahead. 1. invigorating 2. discouraging 3.
exhilarating 4. enervating 5. depressing ********************END********************
7/19/2015 Civil Service Review on English and Filipino Vocabulary | INFINITHINK.ORG 5/5 Read
also the article on Spelling
Civil Service Reviewer on Spelling and Idiomatic Expressions with Examples and
Meanings Spelling The Civil Service Exam also tests your ability to identify words
which are correctly spelled. Indeed, it is a challenging type of exam because it tests
your ability to discern whether or not a particular word correct. More often than not,
you might actually think that you really know the correct spelling of a particular
word, but be warned, it is designed to confuse you. So how can you ace in such kind
of a test? The answer is simple through constant reading, this way you are
familiarizing yourself with great amount of words, and they might actually appear
before you in the civil service exam. An idiom is a phrase, or a combination of
words, that has developed a figurative meaning through frequency of use. They can
be useful and even fun to use but can be confusing too. For example, what does it
mean to “spill the beans,” and why is everyone making such a fuss over someone
doing it? Why are they telling that person to “break a leg” on stage? As if it's just
like eating a "piece of cake.” Correct Spelling Idiomatic Expressions: Examples and
their Meanings 7/19/2015 Spelling and Idiomatic Expressions with Examples and
idiomaticexpressionswith.html 2/7 Idioms Here are some examples: At the drop of a
hat without hesitation; instantly Beat around the bush Avoiding the main topic.
Not speaking directly about the issue. Bite off more than you can chew To take on
a task that is way to big. Blessing in disguise Something good that isn't recognized
at first. Break a leg Give your best. Wishing someone luck. Burn the midnight oil
To study or work late into the night. Cry over spilt milk Complaining about a loss or
failure from the past. Every cloud has a silver lining Be optimistic, even difficult
times will lead to better days. Give the benefit of the doubt Believe someone's
statement, without proof. It takes two to tango Actions or communications need
more than one person. Spill the bean Tell a secret. Taste of your own medicine
Something that happens to you, or is done to you, which you have done to someone
else. Your guess is as good as mine To have no idea, do not know the answer to a
question * TEST BEGINS HERE * DIRECTIONS: Choose the number where the word is
misspelled. 1) 1. Acknowledgement 2. Committee 3. Illicit 4. Grizzly 5. No error 2) 1.
Strenght 2. Receipt 3. Parallel 4. Commission 5. No error 3) 1. Receive 2. Fourteen 3.
Miniature 4. Commission 5. No error 4) 1. Disintegrate 2. Immigrate 3. Supercede 4.
Illegal 5. No error 5) 1. Noticeable 7/19/2015 Spelling and Idiomatic Expressions
with Examples and Meanings | INFINITHINK.ORG 3/7 2.
Separate 3. Environment 4. Oppurtunity 5. Noe error 6) 1. Embarrass 2. Accomodate
3. Humorous 4. Rhythm 5. No error 7) 1. Judgement 2. Licence 3. Innoculate 4. All
misspelled 5. No error 8) 1. Inaugurate 2. Unpredecented 3. Indiscriminate 4.
Unwarranted 5. No error 9) 1. Indifferent 2. Homogeneous 3. Maintenance 4.
Eloquenc5. No error 10) 1. Occasionally 2. Obtrusive 3. Misscommunication 4. All
Misspelled 5. No error 11) 1. Conspicuous 2. Concupiscense 3. Dissipate 4. Dormant
5. No error 12) 1. Dessiminate 2. Document 3. Eccentric 4. Execute 5. No error 13)
1. Fascimile 2. Lackadaisical 3. Irreverence 4. Retrieve 5. No error 14) 1. Gullible 2.
Comtroller 7/19/2015 Spelling and Idiomatic Expressions with Examples and
idiomaticexpressionswith.html 4/7 3. Musketry 4. Preamble 5. No error 15) 1.
Malecious 2. Spontaneity 3. Unimpeachable 4. Commiserate 5. No error 16) 1.
Combustion 2. Infiltrate 3. Morose 4. Naivete 5. No error 17) 1. Paramore 2.
Terrestial 3. Sorrugate 4. All misspelled 5. No error 18) 1. Oppulence 2. Pessimism 3.
Solemnity 4. All misspelled 5. No error 19) 1. Transgresion 2. Transcent 3. Inpunity 4.
All misspelled 5. No error 20) 1. Plesbicite 2. Irreperable 3. Homogenous 4. All
misspelled 5. No error 21) 1. Regatta 2. Warranty 3. Rendevouz 4. Arrears 5. No
error 22) 1. Corraborate 2. Despicable 3. Ascendancy 4. Ammunition 5. No error 23)
1. Halcyon 2. Forsight 3. Fortuitous 7/19/2015 Spelling and Idiomatic Expressions
with Examples and Meanings | INFINITHINK.ORG 5/7 4.
Loquacious 5. No error 24) 1. Synoptic 2. Surreptitios 3. Loathe 4. Temperate 5. No
error 25) 1. Santimonius 2. Presumption 3. Pulchritude 4. Audacious 5. No error
Correct Answers 1. 1 Acknowledgment 2. 1 Strength 3. 5 No error 4. 3 Supersede
5. 4 Opportunity 6. 2 Accommodate 7. 4 Judgment; Inoculate; License 8. 2
Indiscriminate 9. 3 Maintenance 10. 4 Occasionally; Obtrusive; Miscommunication
11. 2 Concupiscence 12. 1 Disseminate 13. 1 Facsimile 14. 2 Comptroller 15. 1
Malicious 16. 5 No error 17. 4 Paramour; Terrestrial; Surrogate 18. 4 Opulence;
Pessimism; Solemnity 19. 4 Transgression; Transcend; Impunity 20. 4 Plebiscite;
Irreparable; Homogeneous 21. 3 Rendezvous 22. 1 Corroborate 23. 2 Foresight 24.
2 Surreptitious 25. 1 Sanctimonious DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct answer from
the choice given. Note: answers are in italics form. 1) If you don’t spill the beans
now, you might gonna regret it. 1. spread rumors 2. let out a secret 3. plant some
seeds 4. none of the above 2) One proven way to beat an enemy is find his Achilles
heel. 1. secret strategy 2. amulet 3. strong point 4. weak spot 3) His new Ferrari
costs an arm and a leg so he is now looking for another job. 1. very expensive 2. got
fired 3. met an accident 7/19/2015 Spelling and Idiomatic Expressions with
Examples and Meanings | INFINITHINK.ORG 6/7 4.
was stolen 4) He married a woman who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
1. born very beautiful 2. born very poor 3. born into a very rich family 4. born very
talkative 5) She has different investments because she doesn’t want to put all eggs
in one basket. 1. doesn’t want to put all resources in one possibility 2. doesn’t want
to cook everything at once 3. doesn’t want to go bankrupt 4. none of the above 6)
Hey, man, you are absolutely barking up the wrong tree here because I’m innocent.
1. choosing the wrong dog 2. giving up a fight 3. accusing the wrong person 4.
setting up an event in a tree 7) Whenever his crush passes by the hallway, he’s
having butterflies on his stomach. 1. he feels sick 2. he feels nervous 3. he feels like
flying 4. he feels so handsome 8) Even though they had a nasty fight, they decided
to bury the hatchet and move on. 1. kill the enemy 2. remember the past 3. bury
the dead 4. forget the past quarrel 9) My father always reminds us, “don’t count
your chickens before the eggs have hatched.” 1. Don’t eat your eggs before they
are cooked. 2. Don’t make plans for something that might not happen. 3. Don’t deal
with your problems before they are solved. 4. All of the above. 10) Iphones became
so popular not only to teens, even my grandparents jumped on the bandwagon and
bought some. 1. ride on the gadget and sell Apple 2. jump for technology and sell
iphones 3. joined the new trend and bought iphones 4. bought Android and Apple
11) "She is a vision of feminine pulchritude." stands for 1. aggressiveness 2.
homebuddy 3. simplicity 4. beauty and poise 12) "I value a man for the size of his
heart." can be interpreted as 1. size of heart determines the length of life 2. man's
kindness is most important 3. man's love is measured by the size of his heart 4.
man should use his mind over his heart 13) Veronica was excused because all she
said were white lies. 1. the lie were really harmless 2. the lies recited were
excusable 3. the lies were written to be read by all 4. telling a lie is deplorable 14)
President Quezon said "I prefer a government ran like hell by Filipinos rather than
one by foreigners," This means that 1. though difficult, Filipinos are preferred to lead
7/19/2015 Spelling and Idiomatic Expressions with Examples and Meanings |
expressionswith.html 7/7 2. foreign leaders are better in governing 3. Filipinos are
incapable of administering their own affairs 4. Filipinos can never lead their own
government 15) George Shaw said, "You see things that are and you ask why. But I
dream things that never were and ask why not." Such lines speaks of 1. clever
thinking 2. immortality 3. curiosity 4. rich imagination 16) Mrs. Gonzales is as good
as her last triumph. 1. cannot be good all throughout 2. cannot be bad 3. as nice as
ever 4. sustainably superb 17) After all has been said, the issue was a tempest in a
teapot. 1. temperature dropped 2. heated argument followed 3. simmered down 4.
boiled down to nothing 18) Fast accomplishment can lull the official to complacency.
1. remain inactively satisfied 2. sleepy 3. tired 4. bored 19) Miguel does not need a
new car, but he traded his old one to keep up with the Joneses. 1. to imitate others
in extravagance 2. to be envious 3. to be responsible 4. to please others. 20) She
wishes to meet somebody who is off the beaten track. 1. unbelievable 2. generous
3. at the lowest level 4. unconventional ********************END********************
Luke Miguel Cartes “Do not aim for pwede na. Aim for the Best. Do not expect a
second chance. Treat it as if it will happen only once.” S
The Civil Service Exam has yet another type of test the Reading Comprehension,
which I personally consider to be the one of the most challenging type of tests. For
me, this is more challenging than the mathematics word problems in the numerical
category because I'm not really fond of reading articles or passages which doesn't
interest me, but for the sake of getting yourself a certificate of eligibility, then you
must endure. Furthermore, it involves not only reading lots of paragraphs, passages
or articles but only requires comprehension and understanding, so that you will be
able to answer the questions that will follow next. However, there is a way to ease
the challenge by ensuring to follow certain tips and strategies that will let you find
the the proper answer. This is some sort of a shortcut to let you grasp
comprehension in a quicker manner. Tips to improve your score for the Reading
Comprehension Test: Keep yourself calm. You will come to open the test booklet and
you will definitely see long passages and paragraphs. But, do not stress yourself
into thinking “whoa! do I really have to read all of this?” because you really should
read it. Unless you are sure that you will not make any mistake in the other parts of
the exam. Read silently but surely. Avoid unnecessary lips movement and uttering
because it will distract not only you but everyone else. Read with your eyes and
spare your energy from excessive lips movement, it will also help you better
understand what you are reading. Read with haste. Do not read word for word,
instead, read by group of words or phrases at a time. This way, it is easier for you to
get the main topic of the paragraph. Remember, your not reading for leisure, you do
not have the luxury of time. Concentrate on the task at hand. Just focus on reading
and everything will go smoothly as if you're just watching an incredible movie. Do
not lose concentration and don't be disturbed. Because, if you lose it, you can't get
it back easily. By being disturbed you'll mess up with the test and so does your
opportunity to score better. Do not jump to the answers. By doing so, you will only
confuse yourself and you'll lose your precious time. Read with comprehension.
Understand what you’re reading to get the main idea of the whole passage.
Questions are always related about the main idea. What is the main idea? It is
simply the main topic and the center of what is being talked about in the article.
Concentrate on the parts of the paragraph where the possible answer can be found.
Crea un perfil Facebook® Conéctate con amigos, familiares y compañeros. ¡Crea un
perfil hoy! 7/19/2015 Reading Comprehension Tips and Strategies plus Practice Test
readingcomprehension.html 2/4 Take note of the following: Main idea – is simply
what the story is mainly about Climax – is the peak point or highlight of the story
Plot – is the pattern of events of the story Conflict – is the tension and struggle part
of the story Setting – is where and when the story takes place Best or alternative
title – is usually being asked too, so you must choose the best one that tells about
the main idea Reading Comprehension Sample Test Questions with Answers
DIRECTION: Read each paragraph or passage below and select the best answer for
what is being asked. 1) Boracay, the most famous beach in the Philippines, is also
known as a blessed island. I have never met anyone who has not been enthralled
and fascinated when they visited Boracay. The first time you set foot on its powder-
like sand, you’ll surely feel lucky to be in a paradise island. The moment you see its
crystal pristine water, you’ll be so thankful you’re alive. Many locals and foreigners
go there again and again not only because of the breathtaking view but also
because to celebrate life and its blessings. The best title for the above article is: 1.
Famous Beach in the Philippines 2. The Beach of Boracay 3. Boracay, a Blessed
Island 4. Why People Go to Boracay Answer: [3] Boracay, a Blessed Island 2)
Malaysia Airline Flight MH370’s disappearance is still under investigation. Many
countries joined in the search for what really happened and where the aircraft is
now. The flight lost contact with air traffic controllers about an hour after its take off.
The weather was fine when the aircraft was flying so it adds more theories about
other possible reasons of the aircraft’s fate. The oil slick spotted off Vietnam’s coast
turned out to be fuel oil used in cargo ships so it has nothing to do with the aircraft.
Interpol also says the disappearance of the jet plane has nothing to do with terrorist
attack. More questions are adding to this quest and no specific answer is given and
proven yet. The above selection supports the idea: 1. That Flight MH370 is
somewhere under the sea 2. That Flight MH370’s disappearance is still a mystery 3.
That Flight MH370 must have crashed after loss contact 4. That Flight MH370 is in
Bermuda Triangle Answer: [2] That Flight MH370’s disappearance is still a mystery
3) Flappy Bird, a mobile game created in 2013 by Dong Nguyen from Vietnam
became a hit at the start of 2014. At the end of January 2014, it was the most
downloaded game in the iOS App Store. The game is extremely addictive and
difficult so users strive harder to score higher. Due to its intense popularity, the
creator decided to remove it from the App Store. Because of its millions of
downloads, Nguyen claimed he was making $50,000 per day from it. The demand of
Flappy Bird made some gadgets owners to sell their devices with Flappy Bird
installed for twice or thrice their original price. What is the best title for the above
article? 1. Most Downloaded Game 2. The Demand of Flappy Bird Game 3. Flappy
Bird App 4. The Rise of Game Apps Answer: [2] The Demand of Flappy Bird Game 4)
According to NASA, effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result
from global climate change are now occurring like loss of sea ice, accelerated sea
level rise and longer, more intense heat waves. Even our Earth’s average
temperature has increased about 1 degree in Fahrenheit in the 20th century. Many
experts and scientists believe that global temperature will continue to rise from 2.5
to degrees Fahrenheit over the next century. Which of the following conclusions best
summarizes the selection above? 1. Climate change will continue to get worse until
humanity takes serious actions to stop it. 7/19/2015 Reading Comprehension Tips
and Strategies plus Practice Test | INFINITHINK.ORG
comprehension.html 3/4 2. Global climate change is happening on earth now. 3. The
effects of climate change are getting extremely dangerous. 4. Global climate
change and its effects are occurring and are likely to increase over time. Answer: [4]
Global Climate change and its effects are occurring and are likely to increase over
time. 5) Mark Zuckerberg, CoFounder and CEO of Facebook spoke with President
Barack Obama to discuss about internet privacy impositions by the U.S.
government. Zuckerberg said, “The Internet works because most people and
companies do the same. We work together to create this secure environment and
make our shared space even better for the world. This is why I’ve been so confused
and frustrated by the repeated reports of the behavior of the U.S. government.
When our engineers work tirelessly to improve security, we imagine we’re
protecting you against criminals, not our own government. The U.S. government
should be the champion for the Internet, not a threat. It needs to be much more
transparent about what it’s doing, or people will believe the worst. I’ve called
President Obama to express my frustration over the damage the government is
creating for all of our future. Unfortunately, it seems like it will take a very long time
for true full reform. So it’s up to us — all of us — to build the Internet we want.
Together, we can build a space that is greater and a more important part of the
world than anything we have today, but is also safe and secure. I’m committed to
seeing this happen, and you can count on Facebook to do our part.” Why is Internet
Privacy very important to all of us? 1. Because it is not safe to trust anyone with our
online accounts. 2. Because nobody really owns the internet. It is a free space. 3.
Because it protects and secures not only our online accounts but also our online
activities. 4. Because the government’s protection is not enough. Answer: [3]
Because it protects and secures not only our online accounts but also our online
activities. 6) Search Engine Optimization a.k.a. SEO is vital for a website to stay
successful for a long time. The world of internet continues to evolve so website
owners must stay in the game by making updates while practicing effective SEO.
Great content and correct SEO are the blood of a website because without them, a
site could die. The paragraph is mainly about what? 1. The importance of Search
Engine Optimization 2. The life of a successful website 3. The secrets of making a
website successful 4. How to apply Search Engine Optimization Answer: [1] The
importance of Search Engine Optimization 7) There are around 2 million Filipinos
without jobs today. That includes graduates and undergraduates. According to
survey, there will be another halfmillion to graduate this year without possible job
placements. Unemployed people complain about job shortage. Many go to the cities
to apply to some companies but end up going home with nothing. Unemployment
rate increases each year even though there are many job fairs. The paragraph
states that… 1. Unemployment in the Philippines is common 2. Unemployment rate
in the Philippines is seriously increasing 3. Unemployment in the Philippines must be
solved 4. Unemployment solutions for Filipinos Answer: [2] Unemployment rate in
the Philippines is seriously increasing 8) “In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest
Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a nearconstant cover of
clouds. It rains on this inconsequential town more than any other place in the United
States of America. It was from this town and its gloomy, omnipresent shade that my
mother escaped with me when I was only a few months old. It was in this town that
I’d been compelled to spend a month every summer until I was fourteen. That was
the year I finally put my foot down; these past three summers, my dad, Charlie,
vacationed with me in California for two weeks instead. 7/19/2015 Reading
Comprehension Tips and Strategies plus Practice Test | INFINITHINK.ORG
comprehension.html 4/4 It was to Forks that I now exiled myself – an action that I
took with great horror. I detested Forks. I loved Phoenix. I loved the sun and the
blistering heat. I loved the vigorous, sprawling city.” Stephenie Meyer, “The Twilight
Saga” Provide the specific setting of the story 1. Phoenix 2. Rainy day 3. Forks,
Washington 4. Twilight Answer: [3] Forks, Washington 9) “It’s twentyfive after six
and the sky still has some shades of purple and orange…oh well just like me, I am
standing here, in this secretive rooftop, overjoyed…yet there are still some
fragments of fear and haze… I wonder if the sky is glad and excited about the night
or if it is crying over the bright day that passed.” – Fehl Dungo – “Higher than the
Rooftop” What is the mood of the story? 1. Happiness 2. Sorrow 3. Confusion 4.
Grief Answer: [3] Confusion 10) Investing has been a hot topic for quite a while.
Many people especially employees and entrepreneurs don’t rely on time deposits
and regular savings account to save and earn interests. The most common
investments in the Philippines are through real estates, mutual funds and trust
funds. Although few people also join trading in the stock market, more and more
Filipinos are not reluctant to invest their money and diversify them to different
money making wheels. What does the article try to convey? 1. Filipinos are now
willing to open different investments. 2. Filipinos are wise in saving their money. 3.
Filipinos rely mainly on savings and deposit accounts. 4. Filipinos invest in real
estates, mutual funds and trust funds. Answer: [1] Filipinos are now willing to open
different investments
Paragraph Organization Techniques: 1. Determine the topic sentence/introduction. It
usually contains the main idea or the main topic. 2. Next find the supporting
sentences that support that topic sentence; 3. Then look for the concluding
sentence or the closing sentence. It is usually the final thought or conclusion and
marks the end of the article, paragraph or story. * TEST BEGINS HERE * DIRECTION:
Determine the best order in which to put the sentences to form a wellorganized
paragraph. 1) A. They throw their garbage on the streets. B. Worst of all, they spit
everywhere and fill the air with germs. C. Yet many people do not cooperate in
keeping our communities clean. D. They also litter in the public parks and public
buildings. E. Everyone knows that “Health is Wealth” 1. ECDBA 2. EBACD 3. ECADB
4. EDBCA 5. EDCAB Regístrate en Facebook® ¡Únete gratis a la mayor comunidad
online del mundo y disfruta! 7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer for Paragraph
Organization | INFINITHINK.ORG
reviewerforparagraphorganization.html 2/3 Answer [3] Everyone knows that “Health
is Wealth.” Yet many people do not cooperate in keeping our communities clean.
They throw their garbage on the streets. They also litter in the public parks and
public buildings. of all, they spit everywhere and fill the air with germs. 2) A. Filipino
values that are naturally good should be preserved and that which corrupt the mind
should be rejected. B. But the fact that there exists in the Philippines today a
plurality of attitudes and customs does not mean that Filipinos should accept all of
them without question. C. Our society is rigidly ruled by a body of beliefs and
traditions which largely determine our cultural pattern of behavior. D. In doing so,
they preserve and treasure the sense that makes them true Filipinosthe sense
value. E. This is widely known as Filipino custom. 1. CADEB 2. ACEBD 3. CEBAD 4.
AECBD 5. AEBDC Answer [1] Our society is rigidly ruled by a body of beliefs and
traditions which largely determine our cultural pattern of behavior. Filipino values
that are naturally good should be preserved and that which corrupt the mind should
be rejected. In doing so, they preserve and treasure the sense that makes them true
Filipinosthe sense value. This is widely known as Filipino custom. But the fact that
there exists in the Philippines today a plurality of attitudes and customs does not
mean that Filipinos should accept all of them without question. 3) A. This condition
has been brought about by many factors which include industrial plants belching
out smoke, emissions from vehicles, and improperly burned fuel in private
residences. B. And if conditions warrant, all traffic may be halted, the burning of
trash may be forbidden and in extreme cases, factories may be shut down. C. Air
pollution is becoming a serious problem throughout the world. D. Warning is also
given to the public when pollution becomes a real menace to health. E. To
counteract such factors, state health departments now measure the amount of
pollution in the air as well as the kind of pollutants. 1. CAEDB 2. CAEBD 3. CBADE 4.
CABDE 5. CEADB Answer [1] Air pollution is becoming a serious problem throughout
the world. This condition has been brought about by many factors which include
industrial plants belching out smoke, emissions from vehicles, and improperly
burned fuel in private residences. To counteract such factors, state health
departments now measure the amount of pollution in the air as well as the kind of
pollutants. Warning is also given to the public when pollution becomes a real
menace to health. And if conditions warrant, all traffic may be halted, the burning of
trash may be forbidden and in extreme cases, factories may be shut down. 4) A. The
only way to have a true friend is to be one yourself. B. Likewise, sacrifices need to
be made to maintain and strengthen friendships, but few human pursuits make
sacrifice a pleasure. C. This is not easy to do because a friend must have the
qualities of the best physician, the best nurse, and the best parent. D. However,
making sacrifices is one way by which one can reach spiritual nobility. E. As one
humanitarian said, “ An effort made for the happiness f others lifts us above
ourselves.” 1. ACBDE 2. AEDBC 3. ABDCE 4. EDCBA 5. EABCD Answer [3] The only
way to have a true friend is to be one yourself. Likewise, sacrifices need to be made
to maintain and strengthen friendships, but few human pursuits make sacrifice a
pleasure. However, making sacrifices is one way by which one can reach spiritual
nobility. This is not easy to do because a friend must have the qualities of the best
physician, the best nurse, and the best parent. As one humanitarian said, “ An effort
made for the happiness f others lifts us above ourselves.” 7/19/2015 Civil Service
Reviewer for Paragraph Organization | INFINITHINK.ORG
organization.html 3/3 5) A. Hinahasa nito ang mga bata sa pagkakaroon ng disiplina.
B. Sa paglalaro natututo ang mga bata ng pagiging maliksi at malakas. K. Mahalaga
ang paglalaro. D. Sa kabuuan, mahalaga ang paglalaro sa pagkatuto ng mga bata
sa papel na gagampanan ng kabataan. E. Bahagi ito ng buhay ng kabataan. 1.
BAKED 2. BKADE 3. BEKAD 4. KEBAD 5. KEADB Answer [4] Mahalaga ang paglalaro.
Bahagi ito ng buhay ng kabataan. Sa paglalaro natututo ang mga bata ng pagiging
maliksi at malakas. Hinahasa nito ang mga bata sa pagkakaroon ng disiplina. Sa
kabuuan, mahalaga ang paglalaro sa pagkatuto ng mga bata sa papel na
gagampanan ng kabataan. ********************END********************
Civil Service Reviewer for Analogy and Logic Part 1 The Analogy and Logic test
portion in the Civil Service Exam might be deemed as a mindtwisting type of test,
because it requires great verbal analysis and deciphering the logical meaning(s)
behind them. The best way to beat this kind of test is thru analyzing and
understanding the underlying relationship or notions between or behind words,
phrases and ideas. Once you have discerned what relation exists, then you'll feel
the sensation of just eating a piece of cake. Keys Ideas in Understanding Analogy
and Logic Test. 1. Deduce the thought and relationship between the first set of
words or phrases. 2. Employ the same thought and relationship among the choices
for the next set of words or phrases. Analogy and Logic Analogy questions may
appear in its most common forms, namely the following: Similar analogy
(Synonyms) examples: happy and blissful, funny and humorous Opposite analogy
(Antonyms) examples: fat and skinny, clever and foolish Object and Related Objects
analogy examples: cat and kitten, plant and seed Object and Classification analogy
examples: knife and kitchenware, red and color Object and Group analogy
examples: tree and forest, seagull and flock Object and Location analogy examples:
plane and hangar, dog and doghouse Object and Function analogy examples:
keyboard and to type, phone and to call Things That Go Together analogy
examples: salt and pepper, spoon and fork. Degrees of a Characteristic analogy
examples: flat and skyscraper, tired and exhausted Cause and Effect analogy
examples: spin and dizzy, fire and burn, Sequence analogy examples: study:
graduate: plant: harvest #1 Rated USMLE CS course Highest passing rates for any
USMLE CS course in America 7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer for Analogy and Logic
reviewerforanalogyandlogic1.html 2/6 Effort and Result analogy examples: paint
and painting, build and house Problem and Solution analogy examples: itch and
scratch, unemployment and job application Verb Tenses analogy examples: walk
and walked, eat and ate Performer and action Analogy examples: painter and paint,
soldier and to fight This list will help you to recognize and classify the different types
of analogies, By familiarizing yourself with these, it will help you to complete tests,
which involves analogical reasoning, faster and with less mistakes, hence, a better
score. * TEST BEGINS HERE * DIRECTION: Determine the relationship of the first
word to the second word in capital letters. From among the suggested answers,
choose the word or group of words that best expresses a similar relationship to the
third word in capital letters. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely the box that
corresponds to your answer. 1) cat: kitten: : horse: _______ 1. cab 2. puppy 3. stallion
4. pony 2) evaporate: vapor: : petrify: _______ 1. liquid 2. stone 3. magnify 4. cold 3)
canvas: painter: : marble: ________ 1. sculptor 2. rock 3. statue 4. form 4) hammer:
anvil: : pestle: _________ 1. ground 2. grinder 3. mortar 4. knife 5) librarian: books: :
curator: _______ 1. atlas 2. encyclopedia 3. room 4. paintings 6) archive: manuscript:
: arsenal: ________ 1. soldier 2. weapon 3. castle 4. king 7) bodyguard: protection: :
mentor: _______ 1. advice 2. counsel 3. teacher 4. leader 8) novelist: plot: : architect:
_______ 1. building 2. design 3. blueprint 4. house 7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer
for Analogy and Logic Part 1 | INFINITHINK.ORG
1.html 3/6 9) molecule: atoms: : tissue: _______ 1. organ 2. cells 3. body 4. neutrons
10) eavesdrop: conversation: : trespass: _________ 1. property 2. house 3. land 4.
assets 11) KAINGIN is to SOIL EROSION as CONTOUR FARMING is to __________. 1.
water distribution 2. wind erosion 3. crop growing 4. over pasturing 5. soil
preservation 12) IRREFUTABLE is to DISPROVED as IRREPARABLE is to __________. 1.
restored 2. irremediable 3. possible 4. inevitable 5. insoluble 13) FORE is to AFT as
BOW is to ____________. 1. paddle 2. deck 3. boat 4. arrow 5. stern 14)
PHOTOGRAPHER is to PICTURE as CARTOGRAPHER is to __________. 1. plan 2. design
3. graph 4. cartoon 5. map 15) TIRADE is to ABUSIVE as EULOGY is to __________. 1.
laudatory 2. flowery 3. necrology 4. belittling 5. censure 16) PERJURY is to LIE as
LARCENY is to __________. 1. conspire 2. kill 3. steal 4. injure 5. trespass 17) OPTICS
is to PHYSICS as DIALECTICS is to __________. 1. dialogue 2. mathematics 3. diction
4. grammar 5. logic 18) RUMMAGE is to DISORDER as TENDERFOOT is to __________.
1. rookie 7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer for Analogy and Logic Part 1 |
analogyandlogic1.html 4/6 2. expert 3. student 4. veteran 5. oldtimer 19) COMPASS
is to DIRECTION as CALIPER is to __________. 1. speed 2. pitch 3. diameter 4. altitude
5. volume 20) BREWING is to BEER as TANNING is to _________. 1. rubber 2. cotton 3.
tea 4. glass 5. leather DIRECTION: For each sentence, complete the analogy by
choosing a pair of words from the suggested answers. On your Answer Sheet, shade
completely the box that corresponds to your answers. 21) __________ is to
METAMORPHOSIS as CATHARSIS is to ___________. 1. conditionchapter 2.
comparisoneffect 3. statecause 4. processstage 5. changepurification 22) __________
is to SWORD as HOLSTER is to __________. 1. bladespin 2. scabbardpistol 3. duelbolo
4. sheathshot 5. hiltrifle 23) __________ is to SCHOOL as STAR is to _________. 1.
studentrock 2. principaldancer 3. fishconstellation 4. birdtree 5. thesisplayer 24)
_________ is to LATE as AUTHENTIC is to _________. 1. punctualcounterfeit 2. prompt-
genuine 3. diligentoriginal 4. absentfalse 5. earlyreal 25) __________ is to PAPER as
WORM is to __________. 1. wrapwriggle 2. treesilk 3. printbait 4. saptick 5. inksoil
DIRECTION: Analyze carefully the statements in each of the following items. Choose
the correct answer from the given choices. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely
the box that corresponds to your answer. 26) A to H are persons compared
according to their age and the speed at which they finish a certain job. A is older
than B and faster than C. D is younger than E, older than H, and slower than F. G is
older than H, younger than C, slower than H, and faster than F. H is older than A and
7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer for Analogy and Logic Part 1 | INFINITHINK.ORG
1.html 5/6 Slower than C. Based on the preceding statements, which of the
following is true? 1. A is the second oldest and the third fastest. 2. G is older than E
and Slower than A. 3. C is younger than D and fastest than H. 4. D is the eldest and
slowest 5. H is the older than B and slower than D 27) Point E, F, G, I are arranged in
a line in such a way that F is between G and I, and E is between F and I. If E
proceeds G, in what order are they arranged? 1. E F G I 2. E I G F 3. F I G E 4. I E F G
5. I G F E 28) In a certain examination, 300 competitors passed the first part and
500 passed the second part. The number of competitors who passed both parts of
the examination will most likely be __________. 1. 800 2. between 500 and 600 3.
between 400and 500 4. between 300 and 400 5. not more than 300 29) Anna,
Karen and Nina take turns in getting the midnight shift at Ward 143 such that no
one is assigned two nights in a row. Anna was assigned two nights ago and is
assigned again tomorrow evening. If Karen is assigned the night immediately
following Anna’s duty, who can take tonight’s midnight shift? 1. Only Anna 2. Only
Karen 3. Only Nina 4. Either Anna or Karen 5. Either Anna or Nina 30) Mina, Bing,
Amy, and Cel have surnames Folres, Mendez, Presez and Reyex but not respectively.
Mina is taller than Amy and Cel. Ms. Mendez is tallest of the four. Ms. Flores is taller
than Ms. Reyes but shorter than Ms. Perez. Also, Cel is taller than Amy and Bing.
What is the full name of the second tallest person? 1. Amy Mendez 2. Cel Perez 3.
Cel Flores 4. Bing Reyes 5. Mina Perez ********************END********************
Civil Service Reviewer for Analogy and Logic Part 2 Similar to analogy tests and
verbal analogy tests, logical reasoning tests are designed to measure your ability to
draw logical conclusions based on statements or arguments, and to identify the
strengths and weaknesses of those arguments. Example Question: To every
question there is an answer. From this statement, which of the following is not
possible? a) There is an answer that does not address any question. b) If there is a
question, then it has an answer. c) Miguel answered me, though I did not ask a
question. d) The lecturer discussed questions that have no answer. Answer
Explanation: Option 4 is the correct answer. If “every question has an answer”, then
the statement “the lecturer discussed questions that have no answer” cannot be
true. Therefore, answer D is not possible. * TEST BEGINS HERE * DIRECTIONS: Each
item in this section consists of a statement or a passage followed by several
assumptions. Determine the best assumption that can be logically made from the
given statement or passage. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely the box that
corresponds to your answer. 1. Gigi is probably a pianist. She can really stretch her
hands and fingers. ASSUMPTION: 1. Only people with big hands and long fingers can
be pianists. 2. Playing the piano helps Gigi stretch her hands and fingers. Monster
Create Account Rewarding Career in Top Companies. Submit CV to Apply and Find
Jobs. 7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer for Analogy and Logic Part 2 |
analogyandlogic2.html 2/6 3. Stretching helps pianist perform better 4. A long
stretch enables pianists to reach more keys on the piano 5. Pianists can really
stretch their hands and fingers 2. Arlene should not be part of the basketball team
because she does not trust her teammates. ASSUMPTION: 1. The Basketball team
needs Arlene even if she can has no faith in them 2. Team mates should have faith
in each other 3. Arlene’s team mates are not trustworthy 4. Arlene’s team mates do
not have faith in the teams 5. Arlene is better than her team mates 3. If you are so
smart, then why aren’t you rich? ASSUMPTION: 1. To become rich is difficult 2. Only
the rich are smart 3. Only the smart are rich 4. All rich people are smart 5. All smart
people are rich 4. In order to improve our admission process and get better
students, we have decided to include an interview of the applicants as a criterion.
ASSUMPTION: 1. Current admission procedures are greatly inadequate 2. current
admission criteria need to be updated 3. An interview of the applicants will help
draw better students 4. An interview of the applicants will be too time consuming 5.
An interview of the applicants will ensure the students success in school 5. The
present administration helps poor people acquire basic necessities for living that is
why it helps quarter dwellers like Aling Rosie ASSUMPTION: 1. The present
administration hates rich people 2. Aling Rosie asked the present administration to
help her 3. Squatter dwellers pretended to be poor 4. Squatter dwellers compete
with poor people for the present administration’s attention 5. Squatter dwellers are
considered poor people DIRECTION: Each item in this section consists of statements
followed by several possible conclusions. Assume that all statements are true, then
determine the best conclusion that can be logically made from the given
statements. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely the box that corresponds to
your answer. 6. Artists are never hamhanded. All artists are inquisitive. Peter is not
hamhanded. Florence is not inquisitive. CONCLUSION: 1. Peter is an artist 2. Peter is
not an artist 3. Florence is not an artists 4. Florence is not an artists 5. Inquisitive
people are not hamhanded 7. Subscribing to Cable T.V. is a luxury. All luxuries are
needles expenditures. Having a cellular phone is not a luxury. Dining in a FiveStar
hotel is a needless expenditure CONCLUSION: 1. Having a cellular phone is not a
needless expenditure 2. Subscribing to Cable TV is a needless expenditure 3.
Subscribing to cable TV is not a needless expenditure 4. Dining in a FiveStar hotel is
not a luxury 5. Dining in a FiveStar hotel is a luxury 7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer
for Analogy and Logic Part 2 | INFINITHINK.ORG
2.html 3/6 8. Some managers are not analytical. All managers are ruthless. Vicente
is Ruthless. CONCLUSION: 1. Vicente is a manager but is not analytical 2. Vicente is
analytical but is not a manager 3. Some ruthless managers are not analytical 4. Not
all analytical managers are ruthless 5. All ruthless people are analytical 9. All of my
friends believe in marriage. Geraldine is a new friend. She lives with an officemate
in an apartment downtown. CONCLUSION: 1. Her housemate is most likely a good
friend 2. She is livingin with her boyfriend 3. She needs a companion in the city 4.
Geraldine believes in marriage 5. Geraldine is not married yet 10. There are fewer
juvenile delinquents in communities where the youth participate actively in different
sociocivic and religious clubs. Barangay X has a number of youth clubs.
CONCLUSION: 1. Barangay X has fewer juvenile delinquents than other barangays 2.
Parents in Barangay X exert great efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency 3.
Municipal officials encourage the organization of youth clubs 4. Community
development workers in Baranggay X give training in organizing youth clubs 5. All
young people in Baranggay X are member of at least two youth clubs. DIRECTION:
For each item in this section, determine the relationship between the first and the
second numbers or the first and third number. From among the suggested answer,
choose the number that will complete the analogy. 11. 32 is to 9 as 92 is to
__________ 1. 18 2. 27 3. 72 4. 81 5. 90 12. 30% is to 3/5 as 60% is to __________ 1. 1
1/5 2. 1 1/4 3. 3 1/2 4. 2 1/3 5. 2 3/4 13. 0.25 is to 0.125 as 1.25 is to __________ 1.
6.250 2. 2.125 3. 1.625 4. 1.125 5. 0.625 14. 12.5 is to 1/8 as 20 is to __________ 1.
1/6 2. 1/5 3. 1/4 4. 1/3 5. 1/2 15. 6 is to 15 as 36 is to ___________ 1. 90 2. 82
7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer for Analogy and Logic Part 2 | INFINITHINK.ORG
2.html 4/6 3. 75 4. 72 5. 60 16) 0.75 is to 3/4 as 0.8 is to _______ 1. 2/3 2. 4/5 3. 5/6
4. 6/7 5. 3/5 17) 75% is to 1/2 as 45% is to _______ 1. 3/11 2. 3/10 3. 3/4 4. 2/3 5. 3/5
18) 0.25 is to 0.125 as to 1.25 is to _______ 1. 0.625 2. 1.125 3. 1.625 4. 2.125 5.
6.250 19) 2 is to 50 as 3.2 is to _______ 1. 60 2. 70 3. 80 4. 90 5. 160 20) 14 is to 28
as 5 is to _______ 1. 7 2. 8 3. 9 4. 10 5. 15 21) 1 is to 1/4 as 5/25 is to _______ 1. 1/16
2. 1/18 3. 2/6 4. 3/4 5. 1/20 22) 0.35 is to 7 as 0.45 is to _______ 1. 8 2. 9 3. 12 4. 14
5. 0.9 23) 1/3 is to 2/18 as 1/12 is to _______ 1. 2/72 2. 2/48 3. 3/36 4. 3/25 5. 1/72
24) 3/8 is to 12/32 as 2/5 is to _______ 1. 8/20 2. 10/23 3. 6/13 7/19/2015 Civil
Service Reviewer for Analogy and Logic Part 2 | INFINITHINK.ORG
2.html 5/6 4. 4/6 5. 5/6 25) 1/3 is to 3/7 as 1/6 is to _______ 1. 3/14 2. 1/5 3. 1/4 4.
1/3 5. 1/2 26) 0.4 is to 2/5 as 0.6 is to _______ 1. 20 2. 4/5 3. 3/10 4. 3/5 5. 1/5 27)
0.2 is to 0.4 as 0.3 is to _______ 1. 0.009 2. 0.0009 3. 0.09 4. 0.9 5. 9.0 28) 8 is to
2^3 as 27 is to _______ 1. 3^3 2. 5^3 3. 9^3 4. 3^9 5. 4^3 29) 0.5 is to 1/2 as 0.65
is to _______ 1. 11/20 2. 13/20 3. 15/20 4. 17/20 5. 14/20 30) 1/3 is to 3 as 2/8 is to
_______ 1. 2 2. 4 3. 6 4. 8 5. 10 31) 30% is to 3/5 as 80% is to _______ 1. 1 1/5 2. 1
2/5 3. 1 3/5 4. 1 4/5 5. 2 32) 0.30 is to 0.075 as 0.15 is to _______ 1. 0.000375 2.
0.00375 3. 0.0375 4. 0.375 5. none 33) 2/5 is to 20% as ¾ is to _______ 1. 35.5% 2.
37.0% 3. 37.5% 4. 39.0% 7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer for Analogy and Logic
reviewerforanalogyandlogic2.html 6/6 5. 36.5% 34) 625 is to 81 as 5 is to _______ 1.
3 2. 4 3. 6 4. 9 5. 0.648 35) 8 is to 11 as 36 is to _______ 1. 49.50 2. 55.00 3. 59.50
4. 65.00 5. 69.50 ********************END********************
The Civil Service exam also involves logical sequence in the Numerical category.
The key to getting good score in this type of test is to find the correct pattern and
determine the next number in the sequence. Commonly this test involves the basic
mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or
division, but not limited to those operations. DIRECTION: Each item section contains
a series of numbers arranged according to a certain rule or order. Study the series
and determine which number is next. You may use the margin of the page for your
computations. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely the box that corresponds to
your answer. 1) 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 __. 1. 32 2. 33 3. 35 4. 36 Answer: [4] : 1+2 =
3+3 = 6+4 = 10+5 = 15+6 = 21+7 = 28+8 = 36 2) 97 16 81 12 69 8 61 __. 1. 2 2.
8 3. 6 4. 4 Matrigma The International authority in personality and assessment
7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer for Numerical Reasoning | INFINITHINK.ORG
reasoning.html 2/6 Answer: [4] : 16 4 = 12 4 = 8 4 = 4 3) 200 20 220 22 242 24.2
__. 1. 248 2. 252.2 3. 256.2 4. 260 5. 266.2 Answer: [5] : 200 + 20 = 220 + 22 =
242 + 24.2 = 266.2 4) 1.21 1.44 1.69 1.96 2.25 2.56 __. 1. 2.89 2. 2.95 3. 3.12 4.
3.24 5. 4.28 Answer: [1] : (1.1)^2=1.21 , (1.2)^2=1.44 , (1.3)^2=1.69 , ... ,
(1.7)^2=2.89 Note: The caret symbol (^) denotes exponentiation. For example:
(2)^2 means 2 square or 2 to the power of 2. 5) 128 320 64 160 32 80 16 __. 1. 20
2. 30 3. 40 4. 50 5. 60 Answer: [3] : 320/2 = 160, 160/2 = 80, 80/2 = 40 6) 4/5 1 1/4
3/5 12/3 2/5 2 1/2 1/5 __. 1. 1 1/2 2. 3 3. 4 1/4 4. 5 5. 5 1/5 Answer: [1] 7) 15 51 16
61 19 91 24 42 31 __. 1. 13 2. 27 3. 32 4. 49 5. 52 Answer: [1] 8) 1 1/4 4/16 16/64
__. 1. 64/192 2. 64/256 3. 32/130 4. 64/512 5. 60/102 Answer: [2] 7/19/2015 Civil
Service Reviewer for Numerical Reasoning | INFINITHINK.ORG
reasoning.html 3/6 9) 7 14 41 82 28 56 __. 1. 59 2. 63 3. 65 4. 69 5. 75 Answer: [3]
10) 1 1 2 8 3 27 4 64 5 __. 1. 75 2. 105 3. 125 4. 235 5. 250 Answer: [3] 11) 9 6 18
15 45 42 126 __. 1. 123 2. 129 3. 375 4. 378 5. 420 Answer: [1] 12) 1/3 1/6 3/6 3/12
9/12 __. 1. 9/18 2. 12/18 3. 9/24 4. 13/24 5. 11/24 Answer: [3] 13) 0.456 0.228
0.114 0.057 __. 1. 0.0285 2. 0.0460 3. 0.0740 4. 0.0872 5. 0.0960 Answer: [1] 14) 2
3 9 4 5 25 6 7 __. 1. 9 2. 49 3. 27 4. 53 5. 43 Answer: [2] 15) 3/7 8/4 5/9 7/11 12/8
__. 1. 9/13 2. 12/8 3. 14/10 7/19/2015 Civil Service Reviewer for Numerical
reviewerfornumericalreasoning.html 4/6 4. 12/9 5. 11/15 Answer: [1] 16) 9.12 18.13
16.15 13.18 9.22 __________ 1. 3.25 2. 4.27 3. 5.23 4. 6.29 5. 5.26 Answer: [2] 17) 1
4 13 40 121 364 __________ 1. 623 2. 719 3. 865 4. 997 5. 1093 Answer: [5] 18) 5 17
19 6 14 16 7 10 12 8 _________ 1. 17 2. 15 3. 11 4. 9 5. 5 Answer: [5] 19) 795 2611
684 2722 573 2833 __________ 1. 543 2. 484 3. 462 4. 446 5. 426 Answer: [3] 20) 6
30 150 750 __________ 1. 3750 2. 2250 3. 1500 4. 2250 5. 3750 Answer: [5] 21. 1/3
3/9 5/15 7/21 9/27 __________ 1. 11/35 2. 11/33 3. 9/29 4. 8/25 5. 4/13 7/19/2015
Civil Service Reviewer for Numerical Reasoning | INFINITHINK.ORG
reasoning.html 5/6 Answer: [2] 22) 4 16 8 40 20 120 60 420 __________ 1. 480 2. 360
3. 240 4. 210 5. 140 Answer: [4] 23) 2 5 8 10 4 17 5 26 6 __________ 1. 40 2. 38 3.
37 4. 35 5. 33 Answer: [3] 24) .02 .06 .12 .20 .30 __________ 1. 0.36 2. .40 3. .42 4. .
46 5. .48 Answer: [3] 25) 2 5 12.5 31.25 __________ 1. 33.75 2. 43.25 3. 50.75 4.
78.125 5. 82.125 Answer: [4] 26) AZ CX EV GT __________ 1. IR KP 2. IR KQ 3. IP KO
4. IS KO 5. IS KP Answer: [1] 27) A5 D25 G125 J625 M3125 __________ 1. P15525 2.
P15625 3. O15525 4. O15625 5. O16525 Answer: [2] 7/19/2015 Civil Service
Reviewer for Numerical Reasoning | INFINITHINK.ORG
reasoning.html 6/6 28) 16 is multiplied by 10 to the fifth power is? 1. 1,600,000 2.
160,000 3. 16,000 4. 0.000016 5. 0.0000016 Answer: [1] 29) If x=4, find the value
of y in the equation: 4x – 2y = 28. 1. 6 2. 9 3. 4 4. 9 5. 6 Answer: [5] 30) Find the
value of x if y= 6 in the equation: 2x + 4y = 21 + y 1. 5 2. 3 3. 6 4. 5 5. 6 Answer:
[3] ********************END******************** Read also the post o

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