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Homosexuality Revision

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Civil A legal ceremony giving homosexual couples legal rights
Partnership as a husband and wife


Many Are strongly • “No man is to have sexual relations with
evangelica opposed to another man; God hates that.” (Leviticus
l, homosexuali 18.22)
conservati ty and • God created man and women so they
ve believe can be together
Christians homosexual • Two same-sex partners can’t have child
s can be through natural ways
changed by • It is not good for society as it
prayer undermines the family
• In the New Testament, Paul writes,
“Neither the sexually immoral… nor
homosexual offenders will inherit the
kingdom of God. “ (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
The Recommend • Based on the bible homosexual is not a
Roman s that sin however homosexual sex is
Catholic homosexual • Sex should only take place in marriage.
Church s should Sex is for Procreation and homosexuals
remain cannot marry. Homosexual sex cannot
celibate produce children therefore it is a sin
• The Catechism of the Roman Catholic
Church says that homosexuals must be
accepted with respect, compassion and
sensitivity. Every sign of unjust
discrimination should be avoided
The Is more • Homosexual partnerships are judged on
Church sympathetic the strength of love and commitment of
of England although the partners rather than just rejecting
divided them. After all God created us in his
• The Church of England accepts that two
people might be homosexual to enjoy
companionship and the expression of
Other Welcome • Religion is a spiritual issue not a sexual one
Protestant homosexuals • The bible should be interpreted to modern
s into the day society and also Jesus said that is was
(Such Church most important to love.
Quakers) • Same-sex relationships in the bible were
admired in David and Jonathon, and Ruth
and, Naomi

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