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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Nonlinear system identification of the reduction nickel oxide smelting

process in electric arc furnace
To cite this article: V Gubin and A Firsov 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 324 012056

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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 324 (2018) 012056 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/324/1/012056

Nonlinear system identification of the reduction nickel oxide

smelting process in electric arc furnace

V Gubin1 and A Firsov2

1 Candidate of technical sciences, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Russia,
2 Candidate of technical sciences, Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Russia,

Abstract. As the title implies the article describes the nonlinear system identification of the re-
duction smelting process of nickel oxide in electric arc furnaces. It is suggested that for opera-
tional control ratio of components of the charge must be solved the problem of determining the
qualitative composition of the melt in real time. The use of 0th harmonic of phase voltage AC
furnace as an indirect measure of the melt composition is proposed. Brief description of the
mechanism of occurrence and nature of the non-zero 0th harmonic of the AC voltage of the arc
is given. It is shown that value of 0th harmonic of the arc voltage is not function of electrical
parameters but depends of the material composition of the melt. Processed industrial data are
given. Hammerstein-Wiener model is used for description of the dependence of 0th harmonic of
the furnace voltage from the technical parameters of melting furnace: the melt composition and
current. Recommendations are given about the practical use of the model.

1. Introduction
Most sulphide ores have traditionally been processed using rotary kiln electric furnace (RKEF) tech-
niques to produce a nickel matte for electrorefining. RKEF process can include the next steps: pre-
treatment, drying, calcination in a fluidized-bed roaster, prereduction in a rotary kiln, smelting in elec-
tric arc furnace and, finally, electrorefining. The non-reduced calcine and the prereduced calcine from
the RK charged into the electric arc furnace. Coke have been used as the reducing agent. [1, 2]
It is considered that optimal mass concentration of carbon in the reaction mass approximately equal
2.2%. It is minimize the consumption of energy for smelting. At the end of melting the carbon concen-
tration must be equal to 0.04-0.12%. [3]
The quality control process is greatly influenced by the accuracy of determining the composition of
the melt. Available methods of chemical analysis have a great time duration. As a rule, founder carries
out a visual analysis of the sample to fast determinate the state of the metal in the furnace.
The process of smelting of a Nickel anode in an electric arc furnace as a control object is shown in
figure 1. The model’s inputs are mass flow of the components of the charge, having a pulsed charac-
teristic. Perturbation are the change of the interelectrode distance, which depends on the position of
the electrode and the height of the melt and slag; volatility of raw materials by composition. An auto-
matic regulator of a known principle controls the position of the electrodes but, in fact, this parameter
is external to the control system of technological mode of the furnace. Concentrations of melt compo-
nents are considered as state variables. Outputs are electric characteristic – voltage and electrode’s

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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 324 (2018) 012056 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/324/1/012056

current, – and data obtained by visual analysis of the metal sample and the spectral analysis of the au-
dio signal.

u y

Figure 1 – The process of smelting of a Nickel anode in an electric arc furnace as a control object.
One of ways of the EAF process control is obtaining information about processes inside the furnace
from the changing of electrothermal conditions in furnace. In the arc voltage AC may be present non-
zero 0th harmonic (U0th), which depends on various melting conditions, such as temperature, the shape
of the arc, resistance of the reaction mass. [4]
U0th occurs due to electric arc mode, in which the density of the emission current of the first elec-
trode can be more then density of the emission current of the second electrode. RMS-value of fur-
nace’s voltage during melting changes slightly because this is provided by automatic control of the
position of the electrodes. At the same time, U0th can be used as one of the parameters of the process
for process control.

2. Experiment
Experimental (factory) research of process of reduction smelting was conducted in furnaces of the type
RKZ-10.5. The experience was carried out measurement of phase voltages of the furnace, the meas-
urement of current and voltage waveform at the output of the regulator the position of the electrodes.
In the journal of melting was recorded charging time of all components of the charge.
ADC USB-6008 was used for data collection. Sampling frequency was 1000 Hz. Spectral analysis
of a signal performed in real time in the program developed in the LabView development environ-

3. Result.

3.1. Data processing

This research shows that value of U0th equals to about 4-6 Volts in the absence of disturbances during
the period of carbonization, when the prereduced calcine and the coke was charged. The value of U0th
decreases significantly during charging. U0th increases to 7-8 Volts by the end of the period of finish-
ing, when the calcine was charged. [5, 6]
Figure 2 shows the measured value of U0th for the one melt. The total number of recorded melts is

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 324 (2018) 012056 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/324/1/012056

Figure 2 – values of U0th during the melting.

3.2. Melting process modeling

The goal of the modeling was to determine the relationship between the ratio of the components of the
charge and the value of U0th. In the present paper, a block of nonlinear model was used; its structural
diagram is shown in figure 3. The first block of the model is a dynamic model of material balance.
Output of this block is theoretical material composition of the reaction mass.


u С C* u z   Az  Bf u  y
С i  f G i , C i  *
С Ni y  g Cz   Df u 
С *NiO

Figure 3 – Structure of the evaluation model of the U0th.

The second part of the nonlinear block model is the simple cascade Hammerstein-Wiener model.
This model based on the calculated concentrations in the reaction mass and the measured values of
voltage and U0th. The model establishes a functional dependence between the value of U0th and the
composition of the reaction mass, and a current electrode. The resulting model has a high degree of
Hammerstein-Wiener Model belongs to the class of block-oriented models and describes a linear
dynamic and a nonlinear static characteristic of the object of modeling.
The model can be described by the following equations:
xt   f  , u t  (1)
 
r t   G q 1 ,   xt  (2)
y 0 t   g  , r t  (3)
 
where y0(t) – model’s prediction of the output y(t), G q 1 ,  – a linear dynamical system para-
metrized by delay operator q−1, α and γ – parameters of nonlinear functions f and g. All parameters can
be presented as the vector of parameters θ = [α, β, γ]. [7]
List of model’s inputs:
- u1 the rms-value of the phase voltage, [0; 200] V;
- u2 the concentration of solid carbon (coke), [0;10] % mass.;
- u3 the concentration of carbon [0;2,5] % mass.;
- u4 the total mass of furnace charge, [0; 28] ton;
- u5 the concentration of a nickel [0;90] % mass.;

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 324 (2018) 012056 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/324/1/012056

- u6 the concentration of a nickel monoxide, [0;10] % mass.;

Model’s output y is U0th, [0;10] V.
The calculation of the coefficients of the model was carried out by the method of least squares. The
target function was the residual sum of squares   yi  yˆ i  . As a method of optimization was chosen
i 1
as the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm.
The model was reduced after training. The final model contains 3 inputs (u1, u2, u5) and 1 output.
The model can be described by the state space equation:
z k 1t  Az kt  Bf kt u kt 
y kt  g kt Cz kt   Df kt u kt 
where f kt u kt  – vector of functions of inputs, which are as follows:
 xiL , при u i  u iL

 
xi t    K u i  u iL  x1 , при u iL  u i  u iH (5)
 x H , при u  u H
 i i i

The parameters of the function identified in the learning model are summarized in table 1.

Table 1. The parameters of the model

xiL xiH uiL uiH K

u1 - 3340 -17200 54,03 92,38 -361.41

u2 13100 34200 15500 23800 2.54

u5 8.15 3.14 0 0.05 -104.65

Vector z kt in the formula (5) is the vector of state variables, ykt – model’s output. Function g kt
has the following form:
 
g kt Cz kt   9.9319  10 -5  Cz kt   3.73 (6)
State matrix, input matrix, output matrix and feedthrough matrix equal to:
0,88 0 0  0,94 0 0 
   0  ,
A 0 0,96 0  , B 0 0,98
 0 0 0,99  0 0 0,99
C   0,32 0.05  75.99 , D  0 0 0 .
The resulting model has the following characteristics:
- mean squared error (MSE) equal to 0,54 V;
- mathematical expectation of the error equal to 0.004 V;
- the coefficient of determination equal to 0,52 V.
Figure 4 graphs the measured values of the U0th and the values obtained during the simulation.

IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 324 (2018) 012056 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/324/1/012056

Figure 4 – A graph of the measured values of the U0th during the melting (solid
line) in comparison with simulation results (dashed line).

4. Conclusions.
Zeroth harmonic of the AC voltage depends of the parameters of the arc and the properties of the melt,
because furnace circuit include the arc and the melt, considered as a homogeneous reaction mass with
variable conductivity. This statement can be used as the basis for determining the concentration of cer-
tain components of the melt on the value of the 0th harmonic.
The variability of the raw’s composition makes inefficient use of open-loop automatic control sys-
tem. Direct analysis of the composition of the melt can not be used for rapid adjustment of the charge
In this regard, an interesting possibility to estimate the concentration of Nickel oxide in the melt by
the proposed model. The feature of the model is that the input parameters are time-dependent func-
tions of the mass flows of the components of the charge.

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