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Administration Guide

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability

Extension 15 SP1
Administration Guide
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP1
by Tanja Roth and Thomas Schraitle

This guide is intended for administrators who need to set up, configure, and main-
tain clusters with SUSE® Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension. For quick
and efficient configuration and administration, the product includes both a graph-
ical user interface and a command line interface (CLI). For performing key tasks,
both approaches are covered in this guide. Thus, you can choose the appropriate
tool that matches your needs.

Publication Date: September 20, 2019

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Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Docu-
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For SUSE trademarks, see . All other third-party trademarks are the prop-
erty of their respective owners. Trademark symbols (®, ™ etc.) denote trademarks of SUSE and its affiliates.
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All information found in this book has been compiled with utmost attention to detail. However, this does not
guarantee complete accuracy. Neither SUSE LLC, its affiliates, the authors nor the translators shall be held liable
for possible errors or the consequences thereof.

About This Guide xiv


1 Product Overview 2
1.1 Availability as Extension 2

1.2 Key Features 3

Wide Range of Clustering Scenarios 3 • Flexibility 3 • Storage
and Data Replication 4 • Support for Virtualized
Environments 4 • Support of Local, Metro, and Geo
Clusters 4 • Resource Agents 5 • User-friendly Administration
Tools 6

1.3 Benefits 6

1.4 Cluster Configurations: Storage 10

1.5 Architecture 12
Architecture Layers 12 • Process Flow 14

2 System Requirements and Recommendations 15

2.1 Hardware Requirements 15

2.2 Software Requirements 16

2.3 Storage Requirements 17

2.4 Other Requirements and Recommendations 18

3 Installing the High Availability Extension 20

3.1 Manual Installation 20

3.2 Mass Installation and Deployment with AutoYaST 20

iii Administration Guide

4 Using the YaST Cluster Module 23
4.1 Definition of Terms 23

4.2 YaST Cluster Module 25

4.3 Defining the Communication Channels 27

4.4 Defining Authentication Settings 32

4.5 Transferring the Configuration to All Nodes 33

Configuring Csync2 with YaST 34 • Synchronizing Changes with
Csync2 35

4.6 Synchronizing Connection Status Between Cluster Nodes 37

4.7 Configuring Services 38

4.8 Bringing the Cluster Online 40

5 Upgrading Your Cluster and Updating Software

Packages 41
5.1 Terminology 41

5.2 Upgrading your Cluster to the Latest Product Version 42

Supported Upgrade Paths for SLE HA and SLE HA Geo 43 • Required
Preparations Before Upgrading 46 • Offline Migration 46 • Rolling
Upgrade 49

5.3 Updating Software Packages on Cluster Nodes 50

5.4 For More Information 51


6 Configuration and Administration Basics 53

6.1 Use Case Scenarios 53

6.2 Quorum Determination 54

Global Cluster Options 55 • Global Option no-quorum-
policy 55 • Global Option stonith-enabled 56 • Corosync

iv Administration Guide
Configuration for Two-Node Clusters 57 • Corosync Configuration for N-
Node Clusters 57

6.3 Cluster Resources 58

Resource Management 58 • Supported Resource Agent
Classes 59 • Types of Resources 61 • Resource
Templates 61 • Advanced Resource Types 62 • Resource Options
(Meta Attributes) 65 • Instance Attributes (Parameters) 68 • Resource
Operations 70 • Timeout Values 72

6.4 Resource Monitoring 73

6.5 Resource Constraints 75

Types of Constraints 75 • Scores and Infinity 78 • Resource
Templates and Constraints 79 • Failover Nodes 80 • Failback
Nodes 81 • Placing Resources Based on Their Load
Impact 82 • Grouping Resources by Using Tags 85

6.6 Managing Services on Remote Hosts 85

Monitoring Services on Remote Hosts with Monitoring Plug-
ins 86 • Managing Services on Remote Nodes with
pacemaker_remote 87

6.7 Monitoring System Health 88

6.8 For More Information 90

7 Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources with

Hawk2 91
7.1 Hawk2 Requirements 91

7.2 Logging In 92

7.3 Hawk2 Overview: Main Elements 93

Left Navigation Bar 94 • Top-Level Row 95

7.4 Configuring Global Cluster Options 95

7.5 Configuring Cluster Resources 97

Showing the Current Cluster Configuration (CIB) 98 • Adding Resources
with the Wizard 99 • Adding Simple Resources 100 • Adding

v Administration Guide
Resource Templates 102 • Modifying Resources 102 • Adding STONITH
Resources 104 • Adding Cluster Resource Groups 105 • Adding Clone
Resources 107 • Adding Multi-state Resources 108 • Grouping Resources
by Using Tags 109 • Configuring Resource Monitoring 110

7.6 Configuring Constraints 113

Adding Location Constraints 113 • Adding Colocation
Constraints 114 • Adding Order Constraints 116 • Using Resource
Sets for Constraints 118 • For More Information 119 • Specifying
Resource Failover Nodes 120 • Specifying Resource Failback Nodes (Resource
Stickiness) 121 • Configuring Placement of Resources Based on Load
Impact 122

7.7 Managing Cluster Resources 125

Editing Resources and Groups 125 • Starting Resources 126 • Cleaning
Up Resources 127 • Removing Cluster Resources 127 • Migrating Cluster
Resources 128

7.8 Monitoring Clusters 129

Monitoring a Single Cluster 129 • Monitoring Multiple Clusters 130

7.9 Using the Batch Mode 134

7.10 Viewing the Cluster History 138

Viewing Recent Events of Nodes or Resources 138 • Using the History
Explorer for Cluster Reports 139 • Viewing Transition Details in the History
Explorer 141

7.11 Verifying Cluster Health 143

8 Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources

(Command Line) 144
8.1 crmsh—Overview 144
Getting Help 145 • Executing crmsh's Subcommands 146 • Displaying
Information about OCF Resource Agents 148 • Using crmsh's Shell
Scripts 149 • Using crmsh's Cluster Scripts 150 • Using Configuration
Templates 153 • Testing with Shadow Configuration 155 • Debugging Your
Configuration Changes 156 • Cluster Diagram 156

vi Administration Guide
8.2 Managing Corosync Configuration 156

8.3 Configuring Cluster Resources 158

Loading Cluster Resources from a File 158 • Creating Cluster
Resources 158 • Creating Resource Templates 159 • Creating a STONITH
Resource 160 • Configuring Resource Constraints 162 • Specifying
Resource Failover Nodes 165 • Specifying Resource Failback Nodes (Resource
Stickiness) 165 • Configuring Placement of Resources Based on Load
Impact 165 • Configuring Resource Monitoring 168 • Configuring a
Cluster Resource Group 168 • Configuring a Clone Resource 169

8.4 Managing Cluster Resources 170

Showing Cluster Resources 170 • Starting a New Cluster
Resource 172 • Cleaning Up Resources 172 • Removing a Cluster
Resource 173 • Migrating a Cluster Resource 173 • Grouping/Tagging
Resources 174 • Getting Health Status 174

8.5 Setting Passwords Independent of cib.xml 175

8.6 Retrieving History Information 175

8.7 For More Information 177

9 Adding or Modifying Resource Agents 178

9.1 STONITH Agents 178

9.2 Writing OCF Resource Agents 178

9.3 OCF Return Codes and Failure Recovery 180

10 Fencing and STONITH 182

10.1 Classes of Fencing 182

10.2 Node Level Fencing 183

STONITH Devices 183 • STONITH Implementation 184

10.3 STONITH Resources and Configuration 185

Example STONITH Resource Configurations 185

10.4 Monitoring Fencing Devices 189

vii Administration Guide

10.5 Special Fencing Devices 189

10.6 Basic Recommendations 191

10.7 For More Information 192

11 Storage Protection and SBD 193

11.1 Conceptual Overview 193

11.2 Overview of Manually Setting Up SBD 195

11.3 Requirements 195

11.4 Number of SBD Devices 196

11.5 Calculation of Timeouts 197

11.6 Setting Up the Watchdog 198

Using a Hardware Watchdog 198 • Using the Software Watchdog
(softdog) 199

11.7 Setting Up SBD with Devices 200

11.8 Setting Up Diskless SBD 205

11.9 Testing SBD and Fencing 207

11.10 Additional Mechanisms for Storage Protection 208

Configuring an sg_persist Resource 208 • Ensuring Exclusive Storage
Activation with sfex 210

11.11 For More Information 212

12 Access Control Lists 213

12.1 Requirements and Prerequisites 213

12.2 Enabling Use of ACLs in Your Cluster 214

12.3 The Basics of ACLs 215

Setting ACL Rules via XPath Expressions 215 • Setting ACL Rules via
Abbreviations 217

12.4 Configuring ACLs with Hawk2 218

viii Administration Guide

12.5 Configuring ACLs with crmsh 220

13 Network Device Bonding 221

13.1 Configuring Bonding Devices with YaST 221

13.2 Hotplugging of Bonding Slaves 224

13.3 For More Information 225

14 Load Balancing 226

14.1 Conceptual Overview 226

14.2 Configuring Load Balancing with Linux Virtual Server 228

Director 228 • User Space Controller and Daemons 228 • Packet
Forwarding 229 • Scheduling Algorithms 229 • Setting Up IP Load
Balancing with YaST 230 • Further Setup 235

14.3 Configuring Load Balancing with HAProxy 235

14.4 For More Information 239

15 Geo Clusters (Multi-Site Clusters) 240

16 Executing Maintenance Tasks 241

16.1 Implications of Taking Down a Cluster Node 241

16.2 Different Options for Maintenance Tasks 242

16.3 Preparing and Finishing Maintenance Work 243

16.4 Putting the Cluster in Maintenance Mode 244

16.5 Putting a Node in Maintenance Mode 245

16.6 Putting a Node in Standby Mode 245

16.7 Putting a Resource into Maintenance Mode 246

16.8 Putting a Resource into Unmanaged Mode 247

16.9 Rebooting a Cluster Node While in Maintenance Mode 247

ix Administration Guide

17 Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) 250

17.1 Protocols for DLM Communication 250

17.2 Configuring DLM Cluster Resources 250

18 OCFS2 252
18.1 Features and Benefits 252

18.2 OCFS2 Packages and Management Utilities 253

18.3 Configuring OCFS2 Services and a STONITH Resource 254

18.4 Creating OCFS2 Volumes 255

18.5 Mounting OCFS2 Volumes 257

18.6 Configuring OCFS2 Resources With Hawk2 259

18.7 Using Quotas on OCFS2 File Systems 260

18.8 For More Information 261

19 GFS2 262
19.1 GFS2 Packages and Management Utilities 262

19.2 Configuring GFS2 Services and a STONITH Resource 263

19.3 Creating GFS2 Volumes 264

19.4 Mounting GFS2 Volumes 265

20 DRBD 267
20.1 Conceptual Overview 267

20.2 Installing DRBD Services 268

20.3 Setting Up DRBD Service 269

Configuring DRBD Manually 270 • Configuring DRBD with
YaST 272 • Initializing and Formatting DRBD Resource 275

20.4 Migrating from DRBD 8 to DRBD 9 276

x Administration Guide
20.5 Creating a Stacked DRBD Device 277

20.6 Using Resource-Level Fencing 278

20.7 Testing the DRBD Service 279

20.8 Monitoring DRBD Devices 281

20.9 Tuning DRBD 282

20.10 Troubleshooting DRBD 282

Configuration 282 • Host Names 283 • TCP Port 7788 283 • DRBD
Devices Broken after Reboot 283

20.11 For More Information 284

21 Cluster Logical Volume Manager (Cluster LVM) 285

21.1 Conceptual Overview 285

21.2 Configuration of Cluster LVM 286

Creating the Cluster Resources 286 • Scenario: Cluster LVM with iSCSI on
SANs 288 • Scenario: Cluster LVM with DRBD 292

21.3 Configuring Eligible LVM2 Devices Explicitly 294

21.4 Online Migration from Mirror LV to Cluster MD 294

Example Setup Before Migration 295 • Migrating a Mirror LV to Cluster
MD 296 • Example Setup After Migration 298

21.5 For More Information 298

22 Cluster Multi-device (Cluster MD) 299

22.1 Conceptual Overview 299

22.2 Creating a Clustered MD RAID Device 299

22.3 Configuring a Resource Agent 301

22.4 Adding a Device 301

22.5 Re-adding a Temporarily Failed Device 302

22.6 Removing a Device 302

xi Administration Guide
23 Samba Clustering 303
23.1 Conceptual Overview 303

23.2 Basic Configuration 304

23.3 Joining an Active Directory Domain 308

23.4 Debugging and Testing Clustered Samba 309

23.5 For More Information 311

24 Disaster Recovery with Rear (Relax-and-Recover) 312

24.1 Conceptual Overview 312
Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan 312 • What Does Disaster Recovery
Mean? 313 • How Does Disaster Recovery With Rear Work? 313 • Rear
Requirements 313 • Rear Version Updates 313 • Limitations with
Btrfs 314 • Scenarios and Backup Tools 315 • Basic Steps 316

24.2 Setting Up Rear and Your Backup Solution 316

24.3 Creating the Recovery Installation System 318

24.4 Testing the Recovery Process 318

24.5 Recovering from Disaster 319

24.6 For More Information 320


A Troubleshooting 322
A.1 Installation and First Steps 322

A.2 Logging 323

A.3 Resources 324

A.4 STONITH and Fencing 326

A.5 History 327

A.6 Hawk2 328

xii Administration Guide

A.7 Miscellaneous 328

A.8 For More Information 331

B Naming Conventions 332

C Cluster Management Tools (Command Line) 333

D Running Cluster Reports Without root Access 335

D.1 Creating a Local User Account 335

D.2 Configuring a Passwordless SSH Account 336

D.3 Configuring sudo 338

D.4 Generating a Cluster Report 340

Glossary 341

E GNU Licenses 348

E.1 GNU Free Documentation License 348

xiii Administration Guide

About This Guide

This guide is intended for administrators who need to set up, configure, and main-
tain clusters with SUSE® Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension. For quick
and efficient configuration and administration, the product includes both a graph-
ical user interface and a command line interface (CLI). For performing key tasks,
both approaches are covered in this guide. Thus, you can choose the appropriate
tool that matches your needs.
This guide is divided into the following parts:

Installation, Setup and Upgrade

Before starting to install and configure your cluster, make yourself familiar with cluster
fundamentals and architecture, get an overview of the key features and benefits. Learn
which hardware and software requirements must be met and what preparations to take
before executing the next steps. Perform the installation and basic setup of your HA cluster
using YaST. Learn how to upgrade your cluster to the most recent release version or how
to update individual packages.

Configuration and Administration

Add, configure and manage cluster resources with either the Web interface (Hawk2), or
the command line interface (crmsh). To avoid unauthorized access to the cluster configu-
ration, define roles and assign them to certain users for ne-grained control. Learn how to
use load balancing and fencing. If you consider writing your own resource agents or mod-
ifying existing ones, get some background information on how to create different types
of resource agents.

Storage and Data Replication

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension ships with the cluster-aware le systems
OCFS2 and GFS2, and the Cluster Logical Volume Manager (Cluster LVM). For replication
of your data, use DRBD*. It lets you mirror the data of a High Availability service from the
active node of a cluster to its standby node. Furthermore, a clustered Samba server also
provides a High Availability solution for heterogeneous environments.

Contains an overview of common problems and their solution. Presents the naming con-
ventions used in this documentation with regard to clusters, resources and constraints.
Contains a glossary with HA-specific terminology.

xiv SLE HA 15 SP1

1 Available Documentation

Note: Online Documentation and Latest Updates

Documentation for our products is available at ,
where you can also nd the latest updates, and browse or download the documentation
in various formats. The latest documentation updates can usually be found in the English
language version.

The following documentation is available for this product:

Installation and Setup Quick Start

This document guides you through the setup of a very basic two-node cluster, using the
bootstrap scripts provided by the ha-cluster-bootstrap package. This includes the con-
figuration of a virtual IP address as a cluster resource and the use of SBD on shared storage
as a node fencing mechanism.

Administration Guide
This guide is intended for administrators who need to set up, configure, and maintain
clusters with SUSE® Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension. For quick and efficient
configuration and administration, the product includes both a graphical user interface and
a command line interface (CLI). For performing key tasks, both approaches are covered in
this guide. Thus, you can choose the appropriate tool that matches your needs.

Highly Available NFS Storage with DRBD and Pacemaker

This document describes how to set up highly available NFS storage in a two-node clus-
ter, using the following components: DRBD* (Distributed Replicated Block Device), LVM
(Logical Volume Manager), and Pacemaker as cluster resource manager.

Pacemaker Remote Quick Start

This document guides you through the setup of a High Availability cluster with a remote
node or a guest node, managed by Pacemaker and pacemaker_remote . Remote in pace-
maker_remote does not refer to physical distance, but to the special status of nodes that
do not run the complete cluster stack and thus are not regular members of the cluster.

xv Available Documentation SLE HA 15 SP1

Geo Clustering Quick Start
Geo clustering protects workloads across globally distributed data centers. This document
guides you through the basic setup of a Geo cluster, using the Geo bootstrap scripts pro-
vided by the ha-cluster-bootstrap package.

Geo Clustering Guide

This document covers the setup options and parameters for Geo clusters and their compo-
nents, such as booth ticket manager, the specific Csync2 setup, and the configuration of
the required cluster resources (and how to transfer them to other sites in case of changes).
Learn how to monitor and manage Geo clusters from command line or with the Hawk2
Web interface.

2 Feedback
Several feedback channels are available:

Bugs and Enhancement Requests

For services and support options available for your product, refer to
support/ .
To report bugs for a product component, go to ,
log in, and click Create New.

User Comments
We want to hear your comments about and suggestions for this manual and the other
documentation included with this product. Use the User Comments feature at the bottom of
each page in the online documentation or go to
and enter your comments there.

For feedback on the documentation of this product, you can also send a mail to doc- . Make sure to include the document title, the product version and the
publication date of the documentation. To report errors or suggest enhancements, provide
a concise description of the problem and refer to the respective section number and page
(or URL).

xvi Feedback SLE HA 15 SP1

3 Documentation Conventions
The following notices and typographical conventions are used in this documentation:

tux > command

Commands that can be run by any user, including the root user.

root # command

Commands that must be run with root privileges. Often you can also prefix these com-
mands with the sudo command to run them.


Commands executed in the interactive crm shell. For details, see Chapter 8, Configuring and
Managing Cluster Resources (Command Line).

/etc/passwd : directory names and le names

PLACEHOLDER : replace PLACEHOLDER with the actual value

PATH : the environment variable PATH

ls , --help : commands, options, and parameters

user : users or groups

packagename : name of a package

Alt , Alt – F1 : a key to press or a key combination; keys are shown in uppercase as on
a keyboard

File, File Save As: menu items, buttons

amd64, em64t, ipf This paragraph is only relevant for the architectures amd64 , em64t ,
and ipf . The arrows mark the beginning and the end of the text block.

Dancing Penguins (Chapter Penguins, ↑Another Manual): This is a reference to a chapter in

another manual.


xvii Documentation Conventions SLE HA 15 SP1

Vital information you must be aware of before proceeding. Warns you about security
issues, potential loss of data, damage to hardware, or physical hazards.

Important information you should be aware of before proceeding.

Additional information, for example about differences in software versions.

Helpful information, like a guideline or a piece of practical advice.

For an overview of naming conventions with regard to cluster nodes and names, resources, and
constraints, see Appendix B, Naming Conventions.

4 About the Making of This Documentation

This documentation is written in GeekoDoc, a subset of DocBook 5 ( .
The XML source les were validated by jing (see ),
processed by xsltproc , and converted into XSL-FO using a customized version of Norman
Walsh's stylesheets. The final PDF is formatted through FOP from Apache Software Foundation
( . The open source tools and the environment used to build
this documentation are provided by the DocBook Authoring and Publishing Suite (DAPS). The
project's home page can be found at .
The XML source code of this documentation can be found at
ha .

xviii About the Making of This Documentation SLE HA 15 SP1

I Installation, Setup and Upgrade

1 Product Overview 2

2 System Requirements and Recommendations 15

3 Installing the High Availability Extension 20

4 Using the YaST Cluster Module 23

5 Upgrading Your Cluster and Updating Software Packages 41

1 Product Overview

SUSE® Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension is an integrated suite of open

source clustering technologies. It enables you to implement highly available physi-
cal and virtual Linux clusters, and to eliminate single points of failure. It ensures the
high availability and manageability of critical network resources including data, ap-
plications, and services. Thus, it helps you maintain business continuity, protect da-
ta integrity, and reduce unplanned downtime for your mission-critical Linux work-
It ships with essential monitoring, messaging, and cluster resource management
functionality (supporting failover, failback, and migration (load balancing) of indi-
vidually managed cluster resources).
This chapter introduces the main product features and benefits of the High Avail-
ability Extension. Inside you will nd several example clusters and learn about the
components making up a cluster. The last section provides an overview of the archi-
tecture, describing the individual architecture layers and processes within the clus-
For explanations of some common terms used in the context of High Availability
clusters, refer to Glossary.

1.1 Availability as Extension

The High Availability Extension is available as an extension to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
15 SP1. Support for using High Availability clusters across unlimited distances is available with
Geo Clustering for SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension.

2 Availability as Extension SLE HA 15 SP1

1.2 Key Features
SUSE® Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension helps you ensure and manage the avail-
ability of your network resources. The following sections highlight some of the key features:

1.2.1 Wide Range of Clustering Scenarios

The High Availability Extension supports the following scenarios:

Active/active configurations

Active/passive configurations: N+1, N+M, N to 1, N to M

Hybrid physical and virtual clusters, allowing virtual servers to be clustered with physical
servers. This improves service availability and resource usage.

Local clusters

Metro clusters (“stretched” local clusters)

Geo clusters (geographically dispersed clusters)

Your cluster can contain up to 32 Linux servers. Using pacemaker_remote, the cluster can be
extended to include additional Linux servers beyond this limit. Any server in the cluster can
restart resources (applications, services, IP addresses, and le systems) from a failed server in
the cluster.

1.2.2 Flexibility
The High Availability Extension ships with Corosync messaging and membership layer and Pace-
maker Cluster Resource Manager. Using Pacemaker, administrators can continually monitor the
health and status of their resources, and manage dependencies. They can automatically stop
and start services based on highly configurable rules and policies. The High Availability Exten-
sion allows you to tailor a cluster to the specific applications and hardware infrastructure that
t your organization. Time-dependent configuration enables services to automatically migrate
back to repaired nodes at specified times.

3 Key Features SLE HA 15 SP1

1.2.3 Storage and Data Replication
With the High Availability Extension you can dynamically assign and reassign server storage as
needed. It supports Fibre Channel or iSCSI storage area networks (SANs). Shared disk systems
are also supported, but they are not a requirement. SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability
Extension also comes with a cluster-aware le system (OCFS2) and the cluster Logical Volume
Manager (cluster LVM2). For replication of your data, use DRBD* to mirror the data of a High
Availability service from the active node of a cluster to its standby node. Furthermore, SUSE
Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension also supports CTDB (Cluster Trivial Database), a
technology for Samba clustering.

1.2.4 Support for Virtualized Environments

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension supports the mixed clustering of both phys-
ical and virtual Linux servers. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 ships with Xen, an open
source virtualization hypervisor, and with KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine). KVM is a vir-
tualization software for Linux which is based on hardware virtualization extensions. The clus-
ter resource manager in the High Availability Extension can recognize, monitor, and manage
services running within virtual servers and services running in physical servers. Guest systems
can be managed as services by the cluster.

1.2.5 Support of Local, Metro, and Geo Clusters

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension has been extended to support different ge-
ographical scenarios. Support for geographically dispersed clusters (Geo clusters) is available
with Geo Clustering for SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension.

Local Clusters
A single cluster in one location (for example, all nodes are located in one data center).
The cluster uses multicast or unicast for communication between the nodes and manages
failover internally. Network latency can be neglected. Storage is typically accessed syn-
chronously by all nodes.

4 Storage and Data Replication SLE HA 15 SP1

Metro Clusters
A single cluster that can stretch over multiple buildings or data centers, with all sites con-
nected by fibre channel. The cluster uses multicast or unicast for communication between
the nodes and manages failover internally. Network latency is usually low (<5 ms for
distances of approximately 20 miles). Storage is frequently replicated (mirroring or syn-
chronous replication).

Geo Clusters (Multi-Site Clusters)

Multiple, geographically dispersed sites with a local cluster each. The sites communicate
via IP. Failover across the sites is coordinated by a higher-level entity. Geo clusters need
to cope with limited network bandwidth and high latency. Storage is replicated asynchro-

The greater the geographical distance between individual cluster nodes, the more factors may
potentially disturb the high availability of services the cluster provides. Network latency, limited
bandwidth and access to storage are the main challenges for long-distance clusters.

1.2.6 Resource Agents

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension includes a huge number of resource agents
to manage resources such as Apache, IPv4, IPv6 and many more. It also ships with resource
agents for popular third party applications such as IBM WebSphere Application Server. For an
overview of Open Cluster Framework (OCF) resource agents included with your product, use the
crm ra command as described in Section 8.1.3, “Displaying Information about OCF Resource Agents”.

5 Resource Agents SLE HA 15 SP1

1.2.7 User-friendly Administration Tools
The High Availability Extension ships with a set of powerful tools. Use them for basic installation
and setup of your cluster and for effective configuration and administration:

A graphical user interface for general system installation and administration. Use it to
install the High Availability Extension on top of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server as described
in the Installation and Setup Quick Start. YaST also provides the following modules in the
High Availability category to help configure your cluster or individual components:

Cluster: Basic cluster setup. For details, refer to Chapter 4, Using the YaST Cluster Module.

DRBD: Configuration of a Distributed Replicated Block Device.

IP Load Balancing: Configuration of load balancing with Linux Virtual Server or

HAProxy. For details, refer to Chapter 14, Load Balancing.

A user-friendly Web-based interface with which you can monitor and administer your High
Availability clusters from Linux or non-Linux machines alike. Hawk2 can be accessed from
any machine inside or outside of the cluster by using a (graphical) Web browser. Therefore
it is the ideal solution even if the system on which you are working only provides a minimal
graphical user interface. For details, Chapter 7, Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources
with Hawk2.

crm Shell
A powerful unified command line interface to configure resources and execute all moni-
toring or administration tasks. For details, refer to Chapter 8, Configuring and Managing Clus-
ter Resources (Command Line).

1.3 Benefits
The High Availability Extension allows you to configure up to 32 Linux servers into a high-
availability cluster (HA cluster). Resources can be dynamically switched or moved to any node
in the cluster. Resources can be configured to automatically migrate if a node fails, or they can
be moved manually to troubleshoot hardware or balance the workload.

6 User-friendly Administration Tools SLE HA 15 SP1

The High Availability Extension provides high availability from commodity components. Lower
costs are obtained through the consolidation of applications and operations onto a cluster. The
High Availability Extension also allows you to centrally manage the complete cluster. You can
adjust resources to meet changing workload requirements (thus, manually “load balance” the
cluster). Allowing clusters of more than two nodes also provides savings by allowing several
nodes to share a “hot spare”.
An equally important benefit is the potential reduction of unplanned service outages and planned
outages for software and hardware maintenance and upgrades.
Reasons that you would want to implement a cluster include:

Increased availability

Improved performance

Low cost of operation


Disaster recovery

Data protection

Server consolidation

Storage consolidation

Shared disk fault tolerance can be obtained by implementing RAID on the shared disk subsystem.
The following scenario illustrates some benefits the High Availability Extension can provide.

Example Cluster Scenario

Suppose you have configured a three-node cluster, with a Web server installed on each of the
three nodes in the cluster. Each of the nodes in the cluster hosts two Web sites. All the data,
graphics, and Web page content for each Web site are stored on a shared disk subsystem con-
nected to each of the nodes in the cluster. The following figure depicts how this setup might look.

7 Example Cluster Scenario SLE HA 15 SP1


During normal cluster operation, each node is in constant communication with the other nodes
in the cluster and performs periodic polling of all registered resources to detect failure.
Suppose Web Server 1 experiences hardware or software problems and the users depending on
Web Server 1 for Internet access, e-mail, and information lose their connections. The following
figure shows how resources are moved when Web Server 1 fails.


Web Site A moves to Web Server 2 and Web Site B moves to Web Server 3. IP addresses and
certificates also move to Web Server 2 and Web Server 3.

8 Example Cluster Scenario SLE HA 15 SP1

When you configured the cluster, you decided where the Web sites hosted on each Web server
would go should a failure occur. In the previous example, you configured Web Site A to move to
Web Server 2 and Web Site B to move to Web Server 3. This way, the workload formerly handled
by Web Server 1 continues to be available and is evenly distributed between any surviving
cluster members.
When Web Server 1 failed, the High Availability Extension software did the following:

Detected a failure and verified with STONITH that Web Server 1 was really dead. STONITH
is an acronym for “Shoot The Other Node In The Head”. It is a means of bringing down
misbehaving nodes to prevent them from causing trouble in the cluster.

Remounted the shared data directories that were formerly mounted on Web server 1 on
Web Server 2 and Web Server 3.

Restarted applications that were running on Web Server 1 on Web Server 2 and Web Server

Transferred IP addresses to Web Server 2 and Web Server 3.

In this example, the failover process happened quickly and users regained access to Web site
information within seconds, usually without needing to log in again.
Now suppose the problems with Web Server 1 are resolved, and Web Server 1 is returned to
a normal operating state. Web Site A and Web Site B can either automatically fail back (move
back) to Web Server 1, or they can stay where they are. This depends on how you configured
the resources for them. Migrating the services back to Web Server 1 will incur some down-time.
Therefore the High Availability Extension also allows you to defer the migration until a period
when it will cause little or no service interruption. There are advantages and disadvantages to
both alternatives.
The High Availability Extension also provides resource migration capabilities. You can move
applications, Web sites, etc. to other servers in your cluster as required for system management.
For example, you could have manually moved Web Site A or Web Site B from Web Server 1 to
either of the other servers in the cluster. Use cases for this are upgrading or performing scheduled
maintenance on Web Server 1, or increasing performance or accessibility of the Web sites.

9 Example Cluster Scenario SLE HA 15 SP1

1.4 Cluster Configurations: Storage
Cluster configurations with the High Availability Extension might or might not include a shared
disk subsystem. The shared disk subsystem can be connected via high-speed Fibre Channel cards,
cables, and switches, or it can be configured to use iSCSI. If a node fails, another designated node
in the cluster automatically mounts the shared disk directories that were previously mounted
on the failed node. This gives network users continuous access to the directories on the shared
disk subsystem.

Important: Shared Disk Subsystem with LVM2

When using a shared disk subsystem with LVM2, that subsystem must be connected to
all servers in the cluster from which it needs to be accessed.

Typical resources might include data, applications, and services. The following figures show
how a typical Fibre Channel cluster configuration might look. The green lines depict connections
to an Ethernet power switch. Such a device can be controlled over a network and can reboot
a node when a ping request fails.


10 Cluster Configurations: Storage SLE HA 15 SP1

Although Fibre Channel provides the best performance, you can also configure your cluster to
use iSCSI. iSCSI is an alternative to Fibre Channel that can be used to create a low-cost Storage
Area Network (SAN). The following figure shows how a typical iSCSI cluster configuration might


Although most clusters include a shared disk subsystem, it is also possible to create a cluster
without a shared disk subsystem. The following figure shows how a cluster without a shared
disk subsystem might look.


11 Cluster Configurations: Storage SLE HA 15 SP1

1.5 Architecture
This section provides a brief overview of the High Availability Extension architecture. It iden-
tifies and provides information on the architectural components, and describes how those com-
ponents interoperate.

1.5.1 Architecture Layers

The High Availability Extension has a layered architecture. Figure 1.6, “Architecture” illustrates the
different layers and their associated components.


12 Architecture SLE HA 15 SP1 Membership and Messaging Layer (Corosync)

This component provides reliable messaging, membership, and quorum information about the
cluster. This is handled by the Corosync cluster engine, a group communication system. Cluster Resource Manager (Pacemaker)

Pacemaker as cluster resource manager is the “brain” which reacts to events occurring in the
cluster. It is implemented as pacemaker-controld , the cluster controller, which coordinates
all actions. Events can be nodes that join or leave the cluster, failure of resources, or scheduled
activities such as maintenance, for example.

Local Resource Manager

The local resource manager is located between the Pacemaker layer and the resources layer
on each node. It is implemented as pacemaker-execd daemon. Through this daemon,
Pacemaker can start, stop, and monitor resources.

Cluster Information Database (CIB)

On every node, Pacemaker maintains the cluster information database (CIB). It is an XML
representation of the cluster configuration (including cluster options, nodes, resources,
constraints and the relationship to each other). The CIB also reflects the current cluster
status. Each cluster node contains a CIB replica, which is synchronized across the whole
cluster. The pacemaker-based daemon takes care of reading and writing cluster config-
uration and status.

Designated Coordinator (DC)

The DC is elected from all nodes in the cluster. This happens if there is no DC yet or if the
current DC leaves the cluster for any reason. The DC is the only entity in the cluster that
can decide that a cluster-wide change needs to be performed, such as fencing a node or
moving resources around. All other nodes get their configuration and resource allocation
information from the current DC.

Policy Engine
The policy engine runs on every node, but the one on the DC is the active one. The engine
is implemented as pacemaker-schedulerd daemon. When a cluster transition is needed,
based on the current state and configuration, pacemaker-schedulerd calculates the ex-
pected next state of the cluster. It determines what actions need to be scheduled to achieve
the next state.

13 Architecture Layers SLE HA 15 SP1 Resources and Resource Agents
In a High Availability cluster, the services that need to be highly available are called resources.
Resource agents (RAs) are scripts that start, stop, and monitor cluster resources.

1.5.2 Process Flow

The pacemakerd daemon launches and monitors all other related daemons. The daemon that
coordinates all actions, pacemaker-controld , has an instance on each cluster node. Pacemaker
centralizes all cluster decision-making by electing one of those instances as a master. Should the
elected pacemaker-controld daemon fail, a new one is established.
Many actions performed in the cluster will cause a cluster-wide change. These actions can in-
clude things like adding or removing a cluster resource or changing resource constraints. It is
important to understand what happens in the cluster when you perform such an action.
For example, suppose you want to add a cluster IP address resource. To do this, you can use the
crm shell or the Web interface to modify the CIB. It is not required to perform the actions on
the DC. You can use either tool on any node in the cluster and they will be relayed to the DC.
The DC will then replicate the CIB change to all cluster nodes.
Based on the information in the CIB, the pacemaker-schedulerd then computes the ideal state
of the cluster and how it should be achieved. It feeds a list of instructions to the DC. The DC
sends commands via the messaging/infrastructure layer which are received by the pacemak-
er-controld peers on other nodes. Each of them uses its local resource agent executor (imple-
mented as pacemaker-execd ) to perform resource modifications. The pacemaker-execd is not
cluster-aware and interacts directly with resource agents.
All peer nodes report the results of their operations back to the DC. After the DC concludes that
all necessary operations are successfully performed in the cluster, the cluster will go back to
the idle state and wait for further events. If any operation was not carried out as planned, the
pacemaker-schedulerd is invoked again with the new information recorded in the CIB.

In some cases, it may be necessary to power o nodes to protect shared data or complete resource
recovery. In a Pacemaker cluster, the implementation of node level fencing is STONITH. For this,
Pacemaker comes with a fencing subsystem, pacemaker-fenced . STONITH devices have to be
configured as cluster resources (that use specific fencing agents), because this allows to monitor
the fencing devices. When clients detect a failure, they send a request to pacemaker-fenced ,
which then executes the fencing agent to bring down the node.

14 Process Flow SLE HA 15 SP1

2 System Requirements and Recommendations

The following section informs you about system requirements, and some prerequi-
sites for SUSE® Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension. It also includes rec-
ommendations for cluster setup.

2.1 Hardware Requirements

The following list specifies hardware requirements for a cluster based on SUSE® Linux Enter-
prise High Availability Extension. These requirements represent the minimum hardware config-
uration. Additional hardware might be necessary, depending on how you intend to use your

1 to 32 Linux servers with software as specified in Section 2.2, “Software Requirements”.
The servers can be bare metal or virtual machines. They do not require identical hardware
(memory, disk space, etc.), but they must have the same architecture. Cross-platform clus-
ters are not supported.
Using pacemaker_remote , the cluster can be extended to include additional Linux servers
beyond the 32-node limit.

Communication Channels
At least two TCP/IP communication media per cluster node. The network equipment must
support the communication means you want to use for cluster communication: multicast
or unicast. The communication media should support a data rate of 100 Mbit/s or higher.
For a supported cluster setup two or more redundant communication paths are required.
This can be done via:

Network Device Bonding (preferred).

A second communication channel in Corosync.

For details, refer to Chapter 13, Network Device Bonding and Procedure 4.3, “Defining a Redun-
dant Communication Channel”, respectively.

15 Hardware Requirements SLE HA 15 SP1

Node Fencing/STONITH
To avoid a “split brain” scenario, clusters need a node fencing mechanism. In a split brain
scenario, cluster nodes are divided into two or more groups that do not know about each
other (because of a hardware or software failure or because of a cut network connection).
A fencing mechanism isolates the node in question (usually by resetting or powering o the
node). This is also called STONITH (“Shoot the other node in the head”). A node fencing
mechanism can be either a physical device (a power switch) or a mechanism like SBD
(STONITH by disk) in combination with a watchdog. Using SBD requires shared storage.
Unless SBD is used, each node in the High Availability cluster must have at least one
STONITH device. We strongly recommend multiple STONITH devices per node.

Important: No Support Without STONITH

You must have a node fencing mechanism for your cluster.

The global cluster options stonith-enabled and startup-fencing must be

set to true . When you change them, you lose support.

2.2 Software Requirements

All nodes that will be part of the cluster need at least the following modules and extensions:

Base System Module 15 SP1

Server Applications Module 15 SP1

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP1

Depending on the system roles you select during installation, the following software patterns
are installed by default:


System Role Software Pattern (YaST/Zypper)

HA Node High Availability (sles_ha)

Enhanced Base System (enhanced_base)

16 Software Requirements SLE HA 15 SP1

System Role Software Pattern (YaST/Zypper)

HA GEO Node Geo Clustering for High Availability


Enhanced Base System (enhanced_base)

Note: Minimal Installation

An installation via those system roles results in a minimal installation only. You might
need to add more packages manually, if required.
For machines that originally had another system role assigned, you need to manually
install the sles_ha or ha_geo patterns and any further packages that you need.

2.3 Storage Requirements

Some services require shared storage. If using an external NFS share, it must be reliably acces-
sible from all cluster nodes via redundant communication paths.
To make data highly available, a shared disk system (Storage Area Network, or SAN) is recom-
mended for your cluster. If a shared disk subsystem is used, ensure the following:

The shared disk system is properly set up and functional according to the manufacturer’s

The disks contained in the shared disk system should be configured to use mirroring or
RAID to add fault tolerance to the shared disk system. Hardware-based RAID is recom-
mended. Host-based software RAID is not supported for all configurations.

If you are using iSCSI for shared disk system access, ensure that you have properly config-
ured iSCSI initiators and targets.

When using DRBD* to implement a mirroring RAID system that distributes data across
two machines, make sure to only access the device provided by DRBD—never the backing
device. To leverage the redundancy it is possible to use the same NICs as the rest of the

When using SBD as STONITH mechanism, additional requirements apply for the shared storage.
For details, see Section 11.3, “Requirements”.

17 Storage Requirements SLE HA 15 SP1

2.4 Other Requirements and Recommendations
For a supported and useful High Availability setup, consider the following recommendations:

Number of Cluster Nodes

For clusters with more than two nodes, it is strongly recommended to use an odd number
of cluster nodes to have quorum. For more information about quorum, see Section  6.2,
“Quorum Determination”.

Time Synchronization
Cluster nodes must synchronize to an NTP server outside the cluster. Since SUSE Linux
Enterprise High Availability Extension 15, chrony is the default implementation of NTP.
For more information, see the Administration Guide for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
SP1, chapter Time Synchronization with NTP. It is available from
umentation/ .
If nodes are not synchronized, the cluster may not work properly. In addition, log les and
cluster reports are very hard to analyze without synchronization. If you use the bootstrap
scripts, you will be warned if NTP is not configured yet.

Network Interface Card (NIC) Names

Must be identical on all nodes.

Host Name and IP Address

Use static IP addresses.

List all cluster nodes in the /etc/hosts le with their fully qualified host name and
short host name. It is essential that members of the cluster can nd each other by
name. If the names are not available, internal cluster communication will fail.
For details on how Pacemaker gets the node names, see also
en-US/Pacemaker/1.1/html/Pacemaker_Explained/s-node-name.html .

All cluster nodes must be able to access each other via SSH. Tools like crm report (for
troubleshooting) and Hawk2's History Explorer require passwordless SSH access between
the nodes, otherwise they can only collect data from the current node.

18 Other Requirements and Recommendations SLE HA 15 SP1

Note: Regulatory Requirements
If passwordless SSH access does not comply with regulatory requirements, you can
use the work-around described in Appendix D, Running Cluster Reports Without root
Access for running crm report .

For the History Explorer there is currently no alternative for passwordless login.

19 Other Requirements and Recommendations SLE HA 15 SP1

3 Installing the High Availability Extension

If you are setting up a High Availability cluster with SUSE® Linux Enterprise High
Availability Extension for the rst time, the easiest way is to start with a basic two-
node cluster. You can also use the two-node cluster to run some tests. Afterward,
you can add more nodes by cloning existing cluster nodes with AutoYaST. The
cloned nodes will have the same packages installed and the same system configura-
tion as the original ones.
If you want to upgrade an existing cluster that runs an older version of SUSE Linux
Enterprise High Availability Extension, refer to Chapter 5, Upgrading Your Cluster and
Updating Software Packages.

3.1 Manual Installation

For the manual installation of the packages for High Availability Extension refer to Article “In-
stallation and Setup Quick Start”. It leads you through the setup of a basic two-node cluster.

3.2 Mass Installation and Deployment with AutoYaST

After you have installed and set up a two-node cluster, you can extend the cluster by cloning
existing nodes with AutoYaST and adding the clones to the cluster.
AutoYaST uses profiles that contains installation and configuration data. A profile tells AutoYaST
what to install and how to configure the installed system to get a ready-to-use system in the
end. This profile can then be used for mass deployment in different ways (for example, to clone
existing cluster nodes).
For detailed instructions on how to use AutoYaST in various scenarios, see the SUSE Linux
Enterprise 15 SP1 AutoYaST Guide, available from .

Important: Identical Hardware

Procedure 3.1, “Cloning a Cluster Node with AutoYaST” assumes you are rolling out SUSE Linux
Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP1 to a set of machines with identical hard-
ware configurations.

20 Manual Installation SLE HA 15 SP1

If you need to deploy cluster nodes on non-identical hardware, refer to the SUSE Linux
Enterprise 15 SP1 Deployment Guide, chapter Automated Installation, section Rule-Based Au-


1. Make sure the node you want to clone is correctly installed and configured. For details, see
the Installation and Setup Quick Start for SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension
or Chapter 4, Using the YaST Cluster Module.

2. Follow the description outlined in the SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP1 Deployment Guide for
simple mass installation. This includes the following basic steps:

a. Creating an AutoYaST profile. Use the AutoYaST GUI to create and modify a profile
based on the existing system configuration. In AutoYaST, choose the High Availability
module and click the Clone button. If needed, adjust the configuration in the other
modules and save the resulting control le as XML.
If you have configured DRBD, you can select and clone this module in the AutoYaST
GUI, too.

b. Determining the source of the AutoYaST profile and the parameter to pass to the
installation routines for the other nodes.

c. Determining the source of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and SUSE Linux Enter-
prise High Availability Extension installation data.

d. Determining and setting up the boot scenario for autoinstallation.

e. Passing the command line to the installation routines, either by adding the parame-
ters manually or by creating an info le.

f. Starting and monitoring the autoinstallation process.

After the clone has been successfully installed, execute the following steps to make the cloned
node join the cluster:


1. Transfer the key configuration les from the already configured nodes to the cloned node
with Csync2 as described in Section 4.5, “Transferring the Configuration to All Nodes”.

21 Mass Installation and Deployment with AutoYaST SLE HA 15 SP1

2. To bring the node online, start the Pacemaker service on the cloned node as described in
Section 4.8, “Bringing the Cluster Online”.

The cloned node will now join the cluster because the /etc/corosync/corosync.conf le has
been applied to the cloned node via Csync2. The CIB is automatically synchronized among the
cluster nodes.

22 Mass Installation and Deployment with AutoYaST SLE HA 15 SP1

4 Using the YaST Cluster Module

The YaST cluster module allows you to set up a cluster manually (from scratch) or
to modify options for an existing cluster.
However, if you prefer an automated approach for setting up a cluster, refer to Ar-
ticle “Installation and Setup Quick Start”. It describes how to install the needed pack-
ages and leads you to a basic two-node cluster, which is set up with the ha-clus-
ter-bootstrap scripts.

You can also use a combination of both setup methods, for example: set up one
node with YaST cluster and then use one of the bootstrap scripts to integrate more
nodes (or vice versa).

4.1 Definition of Terms

Several key terms used in the YaST cluster module and in this chapter are defined below.

Bind Network Address ( bindnetaddr )

The network address the Corosync executive should bind to. To simplify sharing configu-
ration les across the cluster, Corosync uses network interface netmask to mask only the
address bits that are used for routing the network. For example, if the local interface is with netmask , set bindnetaddr to . If the
local interface is with netmask , set bindnetaddr to .

Note: Network Address for All Nodes

As the same Corosync configuration will be used on all nodes, make sure to use a
network address as bindnetaddr , not the address of a specific network interface.

conntrack Tools
Allow interaction with the in-kernel connection tracking system for enabling stateful packet
inspection for iptables. Used by the High Availability Extension to synchronize the connec-
tion status between cluster nodes. For detailed information, refer to http://conntrack-tool- .

23 Definition of Terms SLE HA 15 SP1

A synchronization tool that can be used to replicate configuration les across all nodes
in the cluster, and even across Geo clusters. Csync2 can handle any number of hosts, sort-
ed into synchronization groups. Each synchronization group has its own list of member
hosts and its include/exclude patterns that define which files should be synchronized in
the synchronization group. The groups, the host names belonging to each group, and the
include/exclude rules for each group are specified in the Csync2 configuration le, /etc/
csync2/csync2.cfg .
For authentication, Csync2 uses the IP addresses and pre-shared keys within a synchro-
nization group. You need to generate one key le for each synchronization group and copy
it to all group members.
For more information about Csync2, refer to

Existing Cluster
The term “existing cluster” is used to refer to any cluster that consists of at least one
node. Existing clusters have a basic Corosync configuration that defines the communication
channels, but they do not necessarily have resource configuration yet.

A technology used for a one-to-many communication within a network that can be used
for cluster communication. Corosync supports both multicast and unicast.

Note: Switches and Multicast

To use multicast for cluster communication, make sure your switches support mul-

Multicast Address ( mcastaddr )

IP address to be used for multicasting by the Corosync executive. The IP address can either
be IPv4 or IPv6. If IPv6 networking is used, node IDs must be specified. You can use any
multicast address in your private network.

Multicast Port ( mcastport )

The port to use for cluster communication. Corosync uses two ports: the specified mcast-
port for receiving multicast, and mcastport -1 for sending multicast.

24 Definition of Terms SLE HA 15 SP1

Redundant Ring Protocol (RRP)
Allows the use of multiple redundant local area networks for resilience against partial or
total network faults. This way, cluster communication can still be kept up as long as a single
network is operational. Corosync supports the Totem Redundant Ring Protocol. A logical
token-passing ring is imposed on all participating nodes to deliver messages in a reliable
and sorted manner. A node is allowed to broadcast a message only if it holds the token.
When having defined redundant communication channels in Corosync, use RRP to tell the
cluster how to use these interfaces. RRP can have three modes ( rrp_mode ):

If set to active , Corosync uses both interfaces actively. However, this mode is dep-

If set to passive , Corosync sends messages alternatively over the available networks.

If set to none , RRP is disabled.

A technology for sending messages to a single network destination. Corosync supports both
multicast and unicast. In Corosync, unicast is implemented as UDP-unicast (UDPU).

4.2 YaST Cluster Module

Start YaST and select High Availability Cluster. Alternatively, start the module from command

sudo yast2 cluster

The following list shows an overview of the available screens in the YaST cluster module. It also
mentions whether the screen contains parameters that are required for successful cluster setup
or whether its parameters are optional.

Communication Channels (required)

Allows you to define one or two communication channels for communication between the
cluster nodes. As transport protocol, either use multicast (UDP) or unicast (UDPU). For
details, see Section 4.3, “Defining the Communication Channels”.

25 YaST Cluster Module SLE HA 15 SP1

Important: Redundant Communication Paths
For a supported cluster setup two or more redundant communication paths are re-
quired. The preferred way is to use network device bonding as described in Chap-
ter 13, Network Device Bonding.

If this is impossible, you need to define a second communication channel in Coro-


Security (optional but recommended)

Allows you to define the authentication settings for the cluster. HMAC/SHA1 authentica-
tion requires a shared secret used to protect and authenticate messages. For details, see
Section 4.4, “Defining Authentication Settings”.

Configure Csync2 (optional but recommended)

Csync2 helps you to keep track of configuration changes and to keep les synchronized
across the cluster nodes. For details, see Section  4.5, “Transferring the Configuration to All

Configure conntrackd (optional)

Allows you to configure the user space conntrackd . Use the conntrack tools for stateful
packet inspection for iptables. For details, see Section 4.6, “Synchronizing Connection Status
Between Cluster Nodes”.

Service (required)
Allows you to configure the service for bringing the cluster node online. Define whether to
start the Pacemaker service at boot time and whether to open the ports in the firewall that
are needed for communication between the nodes. For details, see Section 4.7, “Configuring

If you start the cluster module for the rst time, it appears as a wizard, guiding you through all
the steps necessary for basic setup. Otherwise, click the categories on the left panel to access
the configuration options for each step.

Note: Settings in the YaST Cluster Module

Some settings in the YaST cluster module apply only to the current node. Other settings
may automatically be transferred to all nodes with Csync2. Find detailed information
about this in the following sections.

26 YaST Cluster Module SLE HA 15 SP1

4.3 Defining the Communication Channels
For successful communication between the cluster nodes, define at least one communication
channel. As transport protocol, either use multicast (UDP) or unicast (UDPU) as described in
Procedure 4.1 or Procedure 4.2, respectively. If you want to define a second, redundant channel
(Procedure 4.3), both communication channels must use the same protocol.

Note: Public Clouds: Use Unicast

For deploying SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension in public cloud plat-
forms, use unicast as transport protocol. Multicast is generally not supported by the cloud
platforms themselves.

All settings defined in the YaST Communication Channels screen are written to /etc/coro-
sync/corosync.conf . Find example les for a multicast and a unicast setup in /usr/share/
doc/packages/corosync/ .

If you are using IPv4 addresses, node IDs are optional. If you are using IPv6 addresses, node
IDs are required. Instead of specifying IDs manually for each node, the YaST cluster module
contains an option to automatically generate a unique ID for every cluster node.


When using multicast, the same bindnetaddr , mcastaddr , and mcastport will be used
for all cluster nodes. All nodes in the cluster will know each other by using the same
multicast address. For different clusters, use different multicast addresses.

1. Start the YaST cluster module and switch to the Communication Channels category.

2. Set the Transport protocol to Multicast .

3. Define the Bind Network Address. Set the value to the subnet you will use for cluster mul-

4. Define the Multicast Address.

5. Define the Multicast Port.

6. To automatically generate a unique ID for every cluster node keep Auto Generate Node
ID enabled.

7. Define a Cluster Name.

27 Defining the Communication Channels SLE HA 15 SP1

8. Enter the number of Expected Votes. This is important for Corosync to calculate quorum in
case of a partitioned cluster. By default, each node has 1 vote. The number of Expected
Votes must match the number of nodes in your cluster.

9. Confirm your changes.

10. If needed, define a redundant communication channel in Corosync as described in Proce-

dure 4.3, “Defining a Redundant Communication Channel”.


If you want to use unicast instead of multicast for cluster communication, proceed as follows.


1. Start the YaST cluster module and switch to the Communication Channels category.

2. Set the Transport protocol to Unicast .

3. Define the Multicast Port.

28 Defining the Communication Channels SLE HA 15 SP1

4. For unicast communication, Corosync needs to know the IP addresses of all nodes in the
cluster. For each node that will be part of the cluster, click Add and enter the following

IP Address

Redundant IP Address (only required if you use a second communication channel in


Node ID (only required if the option Auto Generate Node ID is disabled)

To modify or remove any addresses of cluster members, use the Edit or Del buttons.

5. To automatically generate a unique ID for every cluster node keep Auto Generate Node
ID enabled.

6. Define a Cluster Name.

7. Enter the number of Expected Votes. This is important for Corosync to calculate quorum in
case of a partitioned cluster. By default, each node has 1 vote. The number of Expected
Votes must match the number of nodes in your cluster.

8. Confirm your changes.

9. If needed, define a redundant communication channel in Corosync as described in Proce-

dure 4.3, “Defining a Redundant Communication Channel”.

29 Defining the Communication Channels SLE HA 15 SP1


If network device bonding cannot be used for any reason, the second best choice is to define
a redundant communication channel (a second ring) in Corosync. That way, two physically
separate networks can be used for communication. If one network fails, the cluster nodes can
still communicate via the other network.
The additional communication channel in Corosync will form a second token-passing ring. In /
etc/corosync/corosync.conf , the rst channel you configured is the primary ring and gets
the ring number 0 . The second ring (redundant channel) gets the ring number 1 .
When having defined redundant communication channels in Corosync, use RRP to tell the clus-
ter how to use these interfaces. With RRP, two physically separate networks are used for com-
munication. If one network fails, the cluster nodes can still communicate via the other network.

30 Defining the Communication Channels SLE HA 15 SP1

RRP can have three modes:

If set to active , Corosync uses both interfaces actively. However, this mode is deprecated.

If set to passive , Corosync sends messages alternatively over the available networks.

If set to none , RRP is disabled.


Important: Redundant Rings and /etc/hosts

If multiple rings are configured in Corosync, each node can have multiple IP ad-
dresses. This needs to be reflected in the /etc/hosts le of all nodes.

1. Start the YaST cluster module and switch to the Communication Channels category.

2. Activate Redundant Channel. The redundant channel must use the same protocol as the
rst communication channel you defined.

3. If you use multicast, enter the following parameters: the Bind Network Address to use, the
Multicast Address and the Multicast Port for the redundant channel.
If you use unicast, define the following parameters: the Bind Network Address to use, and
the Multicast Port. Enter the IP addresses of all nodes that will be part of the cluster.

4. To tell Corosync how and when to use the different channels, select the rrp_mode to use:

If only one communication channel is defined, rrp_mode is automatically disabled

(value none ).

If set to active , Corosync uses both interfaces actively. However, this mode is dep-

If set to passive , Corosync sends messages alternatively over the available net-

When RRP is used, the High Availability Extension monitors the status of the current rings
and automatically re-enables redundant rings after faults.
Alternatively, check the ring status manually with corosync-cfgtool . View the available
options with -h .

5. Confirm your changes.

31 Defining the Communication Channels SLE HA 15 SP1

4.4 Defining Authentication Settings
To define the authentication settings for the cluster, you can use HMAC/SHA1 authentication.
This requires a shared secret used to protect and authenticate messages. The authentication key
(password) you specify will be used on all nodes in the cluster.


1. Start the YaST cluster module and switch to the Security category.

2. Activate Enable Security Auth.

3. For a newly created cluster, click Generate Auth Key File. An authentication key is created
and written to /etc/corosync/authkey .
If you want the current machine to join an existing cluster, do not generate a new key le.
Instead, copy the /etc/corosync/authkey from one of the nodes to the current machine
(either manually or with Csync2).

4. Confirm your changes. YaST writes the configuration to /etc/corosync/coro-

sync.conf .

32 Defining Authentication Settings SLE HA 15 SP1


4.5 Transferring the Configuration to All Nodes

Instead of copying the resulting configuration les to all nodes manually, use the csync2 tool
for replication across all nodes in the cluster.
This requires the following basic steps:

1. Configuring Csync2 with YaST.

2. Synchronizing the Configuration Files with Csync2.

Csync2 helps you to keep track of configuration changes and to keep les synchronized across
the cluster nodes:

You can define a list of les that are important for operation.

You can show changes to these les (against the other cluster nodes).

33 Transferring the Configuration to All Nodes SLE HA 15 SP1

You can synchronize the configured les with a single command.

With a simple shell script in ~/.bash_logout , you can be reminded about unsynchronized
changes before logging out of the system.

Find detailed information about Csync2 at and http://oss.lin- .

4.5.1 Configuring Csync2 with YaST

1. Start the YaST cluster module and switch to the Csync2 category.

2. To specify the synchronization group, click Add in the Sync Host group and enter the local
host names of all nodes in your cluster. For each node, you must use exactly the strings
that are returned by the hostname command.

Tip: Host Name Resolution

If host name resolution does not work properly in your network, you can also specify
a combination of host name and IP address for each cluster node. To do so, use
the string HOSTNAME@IP such as alice@ , for example. Csync2 will
then use the IP addresses when connecting.

3. Click Generate Pre-Shared-Keys to create a key le for the synchronization group. The key
le is written to /etc/csync2/key_hagroup . After it has been created, it must be copied
manually to all members of the cluster.

4. To populate the Sync File list with the les that usually need to be synchronized among
all nodes, click Add Suggested Files.

5. To Edit, Add or Remove les from the list of les to be synchronized use the respective
buttons. You must enter the absolute path name for each le.

6. Activate Csync2 by clicking Turn Csync2 ON. This will execute the following command to
start Csync2 automatically at boot time:

root # systemctl enable csync2.socket

7. Confirm your changes. YaST writes the Csync2 configuration to /etc/csync2/

csync2.cfg .

34 Configuring Csync2 with YaST SLE HA 15 SP1

8. To start the synchronization process now, proceed with Section 4.5.2, “Synchronizing Changes
with Csync2”.


4.5.2 Synchronizing Changes with Csync2

To successfully synchronize the les with Csync2, the following requirements must be met:

The same Csync2 configuration is available on all cluster nodes.

The same Csync2 authentication key is available on all cluster nodes.

Csync2 must be running on all cluster nodes.

35 Synchronizing Changes with Csync2 SLE HA 15 SP1

Before the rst Csync2 run, you therefore need to make the following preparations:


1. Copy the le /etc/csync2/csync2.cfg manually to all nodes after you have configured
it as described in Section 4.5.1, “Configuring Csync2 with YaST”.

2. Copy the le /etc/csync2/key_hagroup that you have generated on one node in Step 3 of
Section 4.5.1 to all nodes in the cluster. It is needed for authentication by Csync2. However,
do not regenerate the le on the other nodes—it needs to be the same le on all nodes.

3. Execute the following command on all nodes to start the service now:

root # systemctl start csync2.socket


1. To initially synchronize all les once, execute the following command on the machine
that you want to copy the configuration from:

root # csync2 -xv

This will synchronize all the les once by pushing them to the other nodes. If all les are
synchronized successfully, Csync2 will finish with no errors.
If one or several les that are to be synchronized have been modified on other nodes (not
only on the current one), Csync2 reports a conflict. You will get an output similar to the
one below:

While syncing file /etc/corosync/corosync.conf:

ERROR from peer hex-14: File is also marked dirty here!
Finished with 1 errors.

2. If you are sure that the le version on the current node is the “best” one, you can resolve
the conflict by forcing this le and resynchronizing:

root # csync2 -f /etc/corosync/corosync.conf

root # csync2 -x

For more information on the Csync2 options, run

csync2 -help

36 Synchronizing Changes with Csync2 SLE HA 15 SP1

Note: Pushing Synchronization After Any Changes
Csync2 only pushes changes. It does not continuously synchronize les between the ma-
Each time you update les that need to be synchronized, you need to push the changes
to the other machines: Run csync2  -xv on the machine where you did the changes. If
you run the command on any of the other machines with unchanged les, nothing will

4.6 Synchronizing Connection Status Between Cluster

To enable stateful packet inspection for iptables, configure and use the conntrack tools. This
requires the following basic steps:

1. Configuring the conntrackd with YaST.

2. Configuring a resource for conntrackd (class: ocf , provider: heartbeat ). If you use
Hawk2 to add the resource, use the default values proposed by Hawk2.

After having configured the conntrack tools, you can use them for Linux Virtual Server, see Load


Use the YaST cluster module to configure the user space conntrackd . It needs a dedicated
network interface that is not used for other communication channels. The daemon can be
started via a resource agent afterward.

1. Start the YaST cluster module and switch to the Configure conntrackd category.

2. Select a Dedicated Interface for synchronizing the connection status. The IPv4 address of
the selected interface is automatically detected and shown in YaST. It must already be
configured and it must support multicast.

3. Define the Multicast Address to be used for synchronizing the connection status.

4. In Group Number, define a numeric ID for the group to synchronize the connection status to.

5. Click Generate /etc/conntrackd/conntrackd.conf to create the configuration le for con-

ntrackd .

37 Synchronizing Connection Status Between Cluster Nodes SLE HA 15 SP1

6. If you modified any options for an existing cluster, confirm your changes and close the
cluster module.

7. For further cluster configuration, click Next and proceed with Section 4.7, “Configuring Ser-

FIGURE 4.5: YAST CLUSTER—conntrackd

4.7 Configuring Services

In the YaST cluster module define whether to start certain services on a node at boot time. You
can also use the module to start and stop the services manually. To bring the cluster nodes online
and start the cluster resource manager, Pacemaker must be running as a service.


1. In the YaST cluster module, switch to the Service category.

38 Configuring Services SLE HA 15 SP1

2. To start Pacemaker each time this cluster node is booted, select the respective option in the
Booting group. If you select O in the Booting group, you must start Pacemaker manually
each time this node is booted. To start Pacemaker manually, use the command:

root # crm cluster start

3. To start or stop Pacemaker immediately, click the respective button.

4. To open the ports in the firewall that are needed for cluster communication on the current
machine, activate Open Port in Firewall.

5. Confirm your changes. Note that the configuration only applies to the current machine,
not to all cluster nodes.


39 Configuring Services SLE HA 15 SP1

4.8 Bringing the Cluster Online
After the initial cluster configuration is done, start the Pacemaker service on each cluster node
to bring the stack online:


1. Log in to an existing node.

2. Check if the service is already running:

root # crm cluster status

If not, start Pacemaker now:

root # crm cluster start

3. Repeat the steps above for each of the cluster nodes.

4. On one of the nodes, check the cluster status with the crm status command. If all nodes
are online, the output should be similar to the following:

root # crm status

Last updated: Thu Jul 3 11:07:10 2014
Last change: Thu Jul 3 10:58:43 2014
Current DC: alice (175704363) - partition with quorum
2 Nodes configured
0 Resources configured

Online: [ alice bob ]

This output indicates that the cluster resource manager is started and is ready to manage

After the basic configuration is done and the nodes are online, you can start to configure cluster
resources. Use one of the cluster management tools like the crm shell (crmsh) or Hawk2. For
more information, see Chapter  8, Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources (Command Line) or
Chapter 7, Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources with Hawk2.

40 Bringing the Cluster Online SLE HA 15 SP1

5 Upgrading Your Cluster and Updating Software

This chapter covers two different scenarios: upgrading a cluster to another version
of SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension (either a major release or a
service pack) as opposed to updating individual packages on cluster nodes. See Sec-
tion 5.2, “Upgrading your Cluster to the Latest Product Version” versus Section 5.3, “Updat-
ing Software Packages on Cluster Nodes”.

If you want to upgrade your cluster, check Section 5.2.1, “Supported Upgrade Paths for
SLE HA and SLE HA Geo” and Section 5.2.2, “Required Preparations Before Upgrading” be-
fore starting to upgrade.

5.1 Terminology
In the following, nd definitions of the most important terms used in this chapter:

Major Release,
General Availability (GA) Version
A major release is a new product version that brings new features and tools, and decommis-
sions previously deprecated components. It comes with backward incompatible changes.

Offline Migration
If a new product version includes major changes that are backward incompatible, the
cluster needs to be upgraded by an offline migration. You need to take all nodes offline
and upgrade the cluster as a whole, before you can bring all nodes back online.

Rolling Upgrade
In a rolling upgrade one cluster node at a time is upgraded while the rest of the cluster
is still running. You take the rst node offline, upgrade it and bring it back online to join
the cluster. Then you continue one by one until all cluster nodes are upgraded to a major

Service Pack (SP)

Combines several patches into a form that is easy to install or deploy. Service packs are
numbered and usually contain security fixes, updates, upgrades, or enhancements of pro-

41 Terminology SLE HA 15 SP1

Installation of a newer minor version of a package, which usually contains security fixes
and other important fixes.

Installation of a newer major version of a package or distribution, which brings new features.
See also Offline Migration versus Rolling Upgrade.

5.2 Upgrading your Cluster to the Latest Product

Which upgrade path is supported, and how to perform the upgrade depends on the current
product version and on the target version you want to migrate to.

Rolling upgrades are only supported within the same major release (from the GA of a
product version to the next service pack, and from one service pack to the next).

Offline migrations are required to upgrade from one major release to the next (for example,
from SLE HA 12 to SLE HA 15) or from a service pack within one major release to the next
major release (for example, from SLE HA 12 SP3 to SLE HA 15).

Section 5.2.1 gives an overview of the supported upgrade paths for SLE HA (Geo). The column For
Details lists the specific upgrade documentation you should refer (including also the base system
and Geo Clustering for SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension). This documentation
is available from:

42 Upgrading your Cluster to the Latest Product Version SLE HA 15 SP1

Important: No Support for Mixed Clusters and Reversion After

Mixed clusters running on SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 12/
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 are not supported.

After the upgrade process to product version 15, reverting back to product version
12 is not supported.

5.2.1 Supported Upgrade Paths for SLE HA and SLE HA Geo

Upgrade From ... To Upgrade Path For Details

SLE HA 11 SP3 to Offline Migration Base System: Deployment Guide for

SLES 12, part Updating and Upgrading
SLE HA (Geo) 12
SUSE Linux Enterprise

SLE HA: Upgrading from Product Version

11 to 12: Cluster-Wide Offline Migration

SLE HA Geo: Geo Clustering Quick Start

for SLE HA 12, section Upgrading from
SLE HA (Geo) 11 SP3 to SLE HA Geo 12

SLE HA (Geo) 11 SP4 to Offline Migration Base System: Deployment Guide for

SLE HA (Geo) 12 SP1 SLES 12 SP1, part Updating and Upgrad-
ing SUSE Linux Enterprise

SLE HA: Upgrading from Product Version

11 to 12: Cluster-Wide Offline Migration

SLE HA Geo: Geo Clustering Quick Start

for SLE HA 12 SP1, section Upgrading to
the Latest Product Version

43 Supported Upgrade Paths for SLE HA and SLE HA Geo SLE HA 15 SP1

Upgrade From ... To Upgrade Path For Details

SLE HA (Geo) 12 to Rolling Upgrade Base System: Deployment Guide for

SLE HA (Geo) 12 SP1 SLES 12 SP1, part Updating and Upgrad-
ing SUSE Linux Enterprise

SLE HA: Performing a Cluster-wide Rolling


SLE HA Geo: Geo Clustering Quick Start

for SLE HA 12 SP1, section Upgrading to
the Latest Product Version

SLE HA (Geo) 12 SP1 to Rolling Upgrade Base System: Deployment Guide for

SLE HA (Geo) 12 SP2 SLES 12 SP2, part Updating and Upgrad-
ing SUSE Linux Enterprise

SLE HA: Performing a Cluster-wide Rolling


SLE HA Geo: Geo Clustering Quick Start

for SLE HA 12 SP2, section Upgrading to
the Latest Product Version

DRBD 8 to DRBD 9: Migrating from

DRBD 8 to DRBD 9

SLE HA (Geo) 12 SP2 to Rolling Upgrade Base System: Deployment Guide for

SLE HA (Geo) 12 SP3 SLES 12 SP3, part Updating and Upgrad-
ing SUSE Linux Enterprise

SLE HA: Performing a Cluster-wide Rolling


SLE HA Geo: Geo Clustering Guide for

SLE HA 12 SP3, section Upgrading to the
Latest Product Version

44 Supported Upgrade Paths for SLE HA and SLE HA Geo SLE HA 15 SP1

Upgrade From ... To Upgrade Path For Details

SLE HA (Geo) 12 SP3 to Rolling Upgrade Base System: SUSE Linux Enterprise

SLE HA (Geo) 12 SP4 Server 12 SP4 Deployment Guide, part
Updating and Upgrading SUSE Linux En-

SLE HA: Performing a Cluster-wide Rolling


SLE HA Geo: Geo Clustering for SUSE

Linux Enterprise High Availability Exten-
sion 12 SP4 Geo Clustering Quick Start,
section Upgrading to the Latest Product

SLE HA (Geo) 12 SP3 to Offline Migration Base System: Upgrade Guide for SLES 15

SLE HA (Geo) 15
SLE HA: Upgrading from Product Version
12 to 15: Cluster-Wide Offline Migration

SLE HA Geo: Book “Geo Clustering Guide”,

Chapter 10 “Upgrading to the Latest Prod-
uct Version”

Clustered LVM: Online Migration from

Mirror LV to Cluster MD

SLE HA (Geo) 15 to Rolling Upgrade Base System: Upgrade Guide for

SLE HA (Geo) 15 SP1 SLES 15 SP1

SLE HA: Performing a Cluster-wide Rolling


SLE HA Geo: Book “Geo Clustering Guide”,

Chapter 10 “Upgrading to the Latest Prod-
uct Version”

45 Supported Upgrade Paths for SLE HA and SLE HA Geo SLE HA 15 SP1

5.2.2 Required Preparations Before Upgrading

Ensure that your system backup is up to date and restorable.

Test the upgrade procedure on a staging instance of your cluster setup rst, before per-
forming it in a production environment. This gives you an estimation of the time frame
required for the maintenance window. It also helps to detect and solve any unexpected
problems that might arise.

5.2.3 Offline Migration

This section applies to the following scenarios:

Upgrading from SLE HA 11 SP3 to SLE HA 12—for details see Procedure 5.1, “Upgrading

from Product Version 11 to 12: Cluster-Wide Offline Migration”.

Upgrading from SLE HA 11 SP4 to SLE HA 12 SP1—for details see Procedure 5.1, “Upgrading

from Product Version 11 to 12: Cluster-Wide Offline Migration”.

Upgrading from SLE HA 12 SP3 to SLE HA 15—for details see Procedure 5.2, “Upgrading

from Product Version 12 to 15: Cluster-Wide Offline Migration”.

If your cluster is still based on an older product version than the ones listed above, rst upgrade
it to a version of SLES and SLE HA that can be used as a source for upgrading to the desired
target version.
The High Availability Extension 12 cluster stack comes with major changes in various com-
ponents (for example, /etc/corosync/corosync.conf , disk formats of OCFS2). Therefore, a
rolling upgrade from any SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11 version is
not supported. Instead, all cluster nodes must be offline and the cluster needs to be migrated as
a whole as described in Procedure 5.1, “Upgrading from Product Version 11 to 12: Cluster-Wide Offline


1. Log in to each cluster node and stop the cluster stack with:

root # rcopenais stop

46 Required Preparations Before Upgrading SLE HA 15 SP1

2. For each cluster node, perform an upgrade to the desired target version of SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server and SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension—see Section 5.2.1,
“Supported Upgrade Paths for SLE HA and SLE HA Geo”.

3. After the upgrade process has finished, reboot each node with the upgraded version of
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension.

4. If you use OCFS2 in your cluster setup, update the on-device structure by executing the
following command:

root # o2cluster --update PATH_TO_DEVICE

It adds additional parameters to the disk. They are needed for the updated OCFS2 version
that is shipped with SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 12 and 12 SPx.

5. To update /etc/corosync/corosync.conf for Corosync version 2:

a. Log in to one node and start the YaST cluster module.

b. Switch to the Communication Channels category and enter values for the following
new parameters: Cluster Name and Expected Votes. For details, see Procedure 4.1, “Defin-
ing the First Communication Channel (Multicast)” or Procedure 4.2, “Defining the First Com-
munication Channel (Unicast)”, respectively.
If YaST should detect any other options that are invalid or missing according to
Corosync version 2, it will prompt you to change them.

c. Confirm your changes in YaST. YaST will write them to /etc/corosync/coro-

sync.conf .

d. If Csync2 is configured for your cluster, use the following command to push the
updated Corosync configuration to the other cluster nodes:

root # csync2 -xv

For details on Csync2, see Section 4.5, “Transferring the Configuration to All Nodes”.
Alternatively, synchronize the updated Corosync configuration by manually copying
/etc/corosync/corosync.conf to all cluster nodes.

6. Log in to each node and start the cluster stack with:

root # crm cluster start

47 Offline Migration SLE HA 15 SP1

7. Check the cluster status with crm status or with Hawk2.

8. Configure the following services to start at boot time:

root # systemctl enable pacemaker

root # systemctl enable hawk
root # systemctl enable sbd

Note: Upgrading the CIB Syntax Version

Sometimes new features are only available with the latest CIB syntax version. When you
upgrade to a new product version, your CIB syntax version will not be upgraded by default.

1. Check your version with:

cibadmin -Q | grep validate-with

2. Upgrade to the latest CIB syntax version with:

root # cibadmin --upgrade --force


Important: Installation from Scratch

If you decide to install the cluster nodes from scratch (instead of upgrading them),
see Section 2.2, “Software Requirements” for the list of modules required for SUSE Linux
Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP1. Find more information about mod-
ules, extensions and related products in the release notes for SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server 15. They are available at .

1. Before starting the offline migration to SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension
15, manually upgrade the CIB syntax in your current cluster as described in Note: Upgrading
the CIB Syntax Version.

2. Log in to each cluster node and stop the cluster stack with:

root # crm cluster stop

48 Offline Migration SLE HA 15 SP1

3. For each cluster node, perform an upgrade to the desired target version of SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server and SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension—see Section 5.2.1,
“Supported Upgrade Paths for SLE HA and SLE HA Geo”.

4. After the upgrade process has finished, log in to each node and boot it with the upgrad-
ed version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability

5. If you use Cluster LVM, you need to migrate from clvmd to lvmlockd. See the man page
of lvmlockd , section changing a clvm VG to a lockd VG and Section 21.4, “Online Migration
from Mirror LV to Cluster MD”.

6. Start the cluster stack with:

root # crm cluster start

7. Check the cluster status with crm status or with Hawk2.

5.2.4 Rolling Upgrade

This section applies to the following scenarios:

Upgrading from SLE HA 12 to SLE HA 12 SP1

Upgrading from SLE HA 12 SP1 to SLE HA 12 SP2

Upgrading from SLE HA 12 SP2 to SLE HA 12 SP3

Upgrading from SLE HA 15 to SLE HA 15 SP1

Warning: Active Cluster Stack

Before starting an upgrade for a node, stop the cluster stack on that node.
If the cluster resource manager on a node is active during the software update, this can
lead to unpredictable results like fencing of active nodes.


1. Log in as root on the node that you want to upgrade and stop the cluster stack:

root # crm cluster stop

49 Rolling Upgrade SLE HA 15 SP1

2. Perform an upgrade to the desired target version of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension. To nd the details for the individual
upgrade processes, see Section 5.2.1, “Supported Upgrade Paths for SLE HA and SLE HA Geo”.

3. Start the cluster stack on the upgraded node to make the node rejoin the cluster:

root # crm cluster start

4. Take the next node offline and repeat the procedure for that node.

5. Check the cluster status with crm status or with Hawk2.

Important: Time Limit for Rolling Upgrade

The new features shipped with the latest product version will only be available after all
cluster nodes have been upgraded to the latest product version. Mixed version clusters are
only supported for a short time frame during the rolling upgrade. Complete the rolling
upgrade within one week.

The Hawk2 Status screen also shows a warning if different CRM versions are detected for your
cluster nodes.

5.3 Updating Software Packages on Cluster Nodes

Warning: Active Cluster Stack

Before starting an update for a node, either stop the cluster stack on that node or put the
node into maintenance mode, depending on whether the cluster stack is affected or not.
See Step 1 for details.
If the cluster resource manager on a node is active during the software update, this can
lead to unpredictable results like fencing of active nodes.

50 Updating Software Packages on Cluster Nodes SLE HA 15 SP1

1. Before installing any package updates on a node, check the following:

Does the update affect any packages belonging to SUSE Linux Enterprise High Avail-
ability Extension or Geo Clustering for SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Ex-
tension? If yes : Stop the cluster stack on the node before starting the software up-

root # crm cluster stop

Does the package update require a reboot? If yes : Stop the cluster stack on the node
before starting the software update:

root # crm cluster stop

If none of the situations above apply, you do not need to stop the cluster stack. In
that case, put the node into maintenance mode before starting the software update:

root # crm node maintenance NODE_NAME

For more details on maintenance mode, see Section 16.2, “Different Options for Mainte-
nance Tasks”.

2. Install the package update using either YaST or Zypper.

3. After the update has been successfully installed:

Either start the cluster stack on the respective node (if you stopped it in Step 1):

root # crm cluster start

or remove the maintenance ag to bring the node back to normal mode:

root # crm node ready NODE_NAME

4. Check the cluster status with crm status or with Hawk2.

5.4 For More Information

For detailed information about any changes and new features of the product you are upgrading
to, refer to its release notes. They are available from .

51 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

II Configuration and Administration

6 Configuration and Administration Basics 53

7 Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources with Hawk2 91

8 Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources (Command Line) 144

9 Adding or Modifying Resource Agents 178

10 Fencing and STONITH 182

11 Storage Protection and SBD 193

12 Access Control Lists 213

13 Network Device Bonding 221

14 Load Balancing 226

15 Geo Clusters (Multi-Site Clusters) 240

16 Executing Maintenance Tasks 241

6 Configuration and Administration Basics

The main purpose of an HA cluster is to manage user services. Typical examples of

user services are an Apache Web server or a database. From the user's point of view,
the services do something specific when ordered to do so. To the cluster, however,
they are only resources which may be started or stopped—the nature of the service
is irrelevant to the cluster.
In this chapter, we will introduce some basic concepts you need to know when con-
figuring resources and administering your cluster. The following chapters show you
how to execute the main configuration and administration tasks with each of the
management tools the High Availability Extension provides.

6.1 Use Case Scenarios

In general, clusters fall into one of two categories:

Two-node clusters

Clusters with more than two nodes. This usually means an odd number of nodes.

Adding also different topologies, different use cases can be derived. The following use cases are
the most common:

Two-node cluster in one location

Configuration: FC SAN or similar shared storage, layer 2 network.

Usage scenario: Embedded clusters that focus on service high availability and not data
redundancy for data replication. Such a setup is used for radio stations or assembly line
controllers, for example.

Two-node clusters in two locations (most widely used)

Configuration: Symmetrical stretched cluster, FC SAN, and layer 2 network all across two

Usage scenario: Classic stretched clusters, focus on high availability of services and local
data redundancy. For databases and enterprise resource planning. One of the most popular
setups during the last few years.

53 Use Case Scenarios SLE HA 15 SP1

Odd number of nodes in three locations
Configuration: 2×N+1 nodes, FC SAN across two main locations. Auxiliary third site with
no FC SAN, but acts as a majority maker. Layer 2 network at least across two main locations.

Usage scenario: Classic stretched cluster, focus on high availability of services and data
redundancy. For example, databases, enterprise resource planning.

6.2 Quorum Determination

Whenever communication fails between one or more nodes and the rest of the cluster, a cluster
partition occurs. The nodes can only communicate with other nodes in the same partition and
are unaware of the separated nodes. A cluster partition is defined as having quorum (being
“quorate”) if it has the majority of nodes (or votes). How this is achieved is done by quorum
calculation. Quorum is a requirement for fencing.
Quorum calculation has changed between SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11
and SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension  15. For SUSE Linux Enterprise High
Availability Extension 11, quorum was calculated by Pacemaker. Starting with SUSE Linux En-
terprise High Availability Extension 12, Corosync can handle quorum for two-node clusters di-
rectly without changing the Pacemaker configuration.
How quorum is calculated is influenced by the following factors:

Number of Cluster Nodes

To keep services running, a cluster with more than two nodes relies on quorum (majority
vote) to resolve cluster partitions. Based on the following formula, you can calculate the
minimum number of operational nodes required for the cluster to function:

N ≥ C/2 + 1

N = minimum number of operational nodes

C = number of cluster nodes

For example, a ve-node cluster needs a minimum of three operational nodes (or two
nodes which can fail).
We strongly recommend to use either a two-node cluster or an odd number of cluster nodes.
Two-node clusters make sense for stretched setups across two sites. Clusters with an odd
number of nodes can either be built on one single site or might be spread across three sites.

54 Quorum Determination SLE HA 15 SP1

Corosync Configuration
Corosync is a messaging and membership layer, see Section 6.2.4, “Corosync Configuration for
Two-Node Clusters” and Section 6.2.5, “Corosync Configuration for N-Node Clusters”.

6.2.1 Global Cluster Options

Global cluster options control how the cluster behaves when confronted with certain situations.
They are grouped into sets and can be viewed and modified with the cluster management tools
like Hawk2 and the crm shell.
The predefined values can usually be kept. However, to make key functions of your cluster work
correctly, you need to adjust the following parameters after basic cluster setup:

Global Option no-quorum-policy

Global Option stonith-enabled

6.2.2 Global Option no-quorum-policy

This global option defines what to do when a cluster partition does not have quorum (no majority
of nodes is part of the partition).
Allowed values are:

Setting no-quorum-policy to ignore makes the cluster behave like it has quorum. Re-
source management is continued.
On SLES  11 this was the recommended setting for a two-node cluster. Starting with
SLES 12, this option is obsolete. Based on configuration and conditions, Corosync gives
cluster nodes or a single node “quorum”—or not.
For two-node clusters the only meaningful behavior is to always react in case of quorum
loss. The rst step should always be to try to fence the lost node.

If quorum is lost, the cluster partition freezes. Resource management is continued: running
resources are not stopped (but possibly restarted in response to monitor events), but no
further resources are started within the affected partition.

55 Global Cluster Options SLE HA 15 SP1

This setting is recommended for clusters where certain resources depend on communica-
tion with other nodes (for example, OCFS2 mounts). In this case, the default setting no-
quorum-policy=stop is not useful, as it would lead to the following scenario: Stopping
those resources would not be possible while the peer nodes are unreachable. Instead, an
attempt to stop them would eventually time out and cause a stop failure , triggering
escalated recovery and fencing.

stop (default value)

If quorum is lost, all resources in the affected cluster partition are stopped in an orderly

If quorum is lost, all nodes in the affected cluster partition are fenced. This option works
only in combination with SBD, see Chapter 11, Storage Protection and SBD.

6.2.3 Global Option stonith-enabled

This global option defines whether to apply fencing, allowing STONITH devices to shoot failed
nodes and nodes with resources that cannot be stopped. By default, this global option is set to
true , because for normal cluster operation it is necessary to use STONITH devices. According
to the default value, the cluster will refuse to start any resources if no STONITH resources have
been defined.
If you need to disable fencing for any reasons, set stonith-enabled to false , but be aware
that this has impact on the support status for your product. Furthermore, with stonith-en-
abled="false" , resources like the Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) and all services depending
on DLM (such as cLVM, GFS2, and OCFS2) will fail to start.

Important: No Support Without STONITH

A cluster without STONITH is not supported.

56 Global Option stonith-enabled SLE HA 15 SP1

6.2.4 Corosync Configuration for Two-Node Clusters
When using the bootstrap scripts, the Corosync configuration contains a quorum section with
the following options:


quorum {
# Enable and configure quorum subsystem (default: off)
# see also corosync.conf.5 and votequorum.5
provider: corosync_votequorum
expected_votes: 2
two_node: 1

As opposed to SUSE Linux Enterprise 11, the votequorum subsystem in SUSE Linux Enterprise 12
is powered by Corosync version 2.x. This means that the no-quorum-policy=ignore option
must not be used.
By default, when two_node: 1 is set, the wait_for_all option is automatically enabled. If
wait_for_all is not enbaled, the cluster should be started on both nodes in parallel. Otherwise
the rst node will perform a startup-fencing on the missing second node.

6.2.5 Corosync Configuration for N-Node Clusters

When not using a two-node cluster, we strongly recommend an odd number of nodes for your
N-node cluster. With regards to quorum configuration, you have the following options:

Adding additional nodes with the ha-cluster-join command, or

Adapting the Corosync configuration manually.

If you adjust /etc/corosync/corosync.conf manually, use the following settings:


quorum {
provider: corosync_votequorum 1

expected_votes: N 2

wait_for_all: 1 3

1 Use the quorum service from Corosync

57 Corosync Configuration for Two-Node Clusters SLE HA 15 SP1

2 The number of votes to expect. This parameter can either be provided inside the quorum
section, or is automatically calculated when the nodelist section is available.
3 Enables the wait for all (WFA) feature. When WFA is enabled, the cluster will be quorate
for the rst time only after all nodes have become visible. To avoid some startup race
conditions, setting wait_for_all to 1 may help. For example, in a ve-node cluster every
node has one vote and thus, expected_votes is set to 5 . As soon as three or more nodes
are visible to each other, the cluster partition becomes quorate and can start operating.

6.3 Cluster Resources

As a cluster administrator, you need to create cluster resources for every resource or application
you run on servers in your cluster. Cluster resources can include Web sites, e-mail servers,
databases, le systems, virtual machines, and any other server-based applications or services
you want to make available to users at all times.

6.3.1 Resource Management

Before you can use a resource in the cluster, it must be set up. For example, to use an Apache
server as a cluster resource, set up the Apache server rst and complete the Apache configuration
before starting the respective resource in your cluster.
If a resource has specific environment requirements, make sure they are present and identical on
all cluster nodes. This kind of configuration is not managed by the High Availability Extension.
You must do this yourself.

Note: Do Not Touch Services Managed by the Cluster

When managing a resource with the High Availability Extension, the same resource must
not be started or stopped otherwise (outside of the cluster, for example manually or on
boot or reboot). The High Availability Extension software is responsible for all service
start or stop actions.
If you need to execute testing or maintenance tasks after the services are already running
under cluster control, make sure to put the resources, nodes, or the whole cluster into
maintenance mode before you touch any of them manually. For details, see Section 16.2,
“Different Options for Maintenance Tasks”.

58 Cluster Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

After having configured the resources in the cluster, use the cluster management tools to start,
stop, clean up, remove or migrate any resources manually. For details how to do so with your
preferred cluster management tool:

Hawk2: Chapter 7, Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources with Hawk2

crmsh: Chapter 8, Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources (Command Line)

6.3.2 Supported Resource Agent Classes

For each cluster resource you add, you need to define the standard that the resource agent
conforms to. Resource agents abstract the services they provide and present an accurate status
to the cluster, which allows the cluster to be non-committal about the resources it manages. The
cluster relies on the resource agent to react appropriately when given a start, stop or monitor
Typically, resource agents come in the form of shell scripts. The High Availability Extension
supports the following classes of resource agents:

Open Cluster Framework (OCF) Resource Agents

OCF RA agents are best suited for use with High Availability, especially when you need
promotable clone resources or special monitoring abilities. The agents are generally locat-
ed in /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/provider/ . Their functionality is similar to that of LSB
scripts. However, the configuration is always done with environmental variables which
allow them to accept and process parameters easily. OCF specifications have strict defini-
tions of which exit codes must be returned by actions, see Section 9.3, “OCF Return Codes and
Failure Recovery”. The cluster follows these specifications exactly.
All OCF Resource Agents are required to have at least the actions start , stop , status ,
monitor , and meta-data . The meta-data action retrieves information about how to
configure the agent. For example, to know more about the IPaddr agent by the provider
heartbeat , use the following command:

OCF_ROOT=/usr/lib/ocf /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/IPaddr meta-data

The output is information in XML format, including several sections (general description,
available parameters, available actions for the agent).
Alternatively, use the crmsh to view information on OCF resource agents. For details, see
Section 8.1.3, “Displaying Information about OCF Resource Agents”.

59 Supported Resource Agent Classes SLE HA 15 SP1

Linux Standards Base (LSB) Scripts
LSB resource agents are generally provided by the operating system/distribution and are
found in /etc/init.d . To be used with the cluster, they must conform to the LSB init
script specification. For example, they must have several actions implemented, which
are, at minimum, start , stop , restart , reload , force-reload , and status . For
more information, see
generic/iniscrptact.html .
The configuration of those services is not standardized. If you intend to use an LSB script
with High Availability, make sure that you understand how the relevant script is config-
ured. Often you can nd information about this in the documentation of the relevant pack-
age in /usr/share/doc/packages/PACKAGENAME .

Starting with SUSE Linux Enterprise 12, systemd is a replacement for the popular System
V init daemon. Pacemaker can manage systemd services if they are present. Instead of init
scripts, systemd has unit les. Generally the services (or unit les) are provided by the
operating system. In case you want to convert existing init scripts, nd more information
at .

There are currently many “common” types of system services that exist in parallel: LSB
(belonging to System V init), systemd , and (in some distributions) upstart . Therefore,
Pacemaker supports a special alias which intelligently figures out which one applies to a
given cluster node. This is particularly useful when the cluster contains a mix of systemd,
upstart, and LSB services. Pacemaker will try to nd the named service in the following
order: as an LSB (SYS-V) init script, a systemd unit le, or an Upstart job.

Monitoring plug-ins (formerly called Nagios plug-ins) allow to monitor services on re-
mote hosts. Pacemaker can do remote monitoring with the monitoring plug-ins if they are
present. For detailed information, see Section 6.6.1, “Monitoring Services on Remote Hosts with
Monitoring Plug-ins”.

STONITH (Fencing) Resource Agents

This class is used exclusively for fencing related resources. For more information, see Chap-
ter 10, Fencing and STONITH.

The agents supplied with the High Availability Extension are written to OCF specifications.

60 Supported Resource Agent Classes SLE HA 15 SP1

6.3.3 Types of Resources
The following types of resources can be created:

A primitive resource, the most basic type of resource.
Learn how to create primitive resources with your preferred cluster management tool:

Hawk2: Procedure 7.5, “Adding a Primitive Resource”

crmsh: Section 8.3.2, “Creating Cluster Resources”

Groups contain a set of resources that need to be located together, started sequentially and
stopped in the reverse order. For more information, refer to Section, “Groups”.

Clones are resources that can be active on multiple hosts. Any resource can be cloned,
provided the respective resource agent supports it. For more information, refer to Sec-
tion, “Clones”.
Promotable clones (formerly known master/slave or multi-state resources) are a special
type of clone resources that can be promoted.

6.3.4 Resource Templates

If you want to create lots of resources with similar configurations, defining a resource template
is the easiest way. After having been defined, it can be referenced in primitives—or in certain
types of constraints, as described in Section 6.5.3, “Resource Templates and Constraints”.
If a template is referenced in a primitive, the primitive will inherit all operations, instance at-
tributes (parameters), meta attributes, and utilization attributes defined in the template. Addi-
tionally, you can define specific operations or attributes for your primitive. If any of these are
defined in both the template and the primitive, the values defined in the primitive will take
precedence over the ones defined in the template.
Learn how to define resource templates with your preferred cluster configuration tool:

Hawk2: Procedure 7.6, “Adding a Resource Template”

crmsh: Section 8.3.3, “Creating Resource Templates”

61 Types of Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

6.3.5 Advanced Resource Types
Whereas primitives are the simplest kind of resources and therefore easy to configure, you will
probably also need more advanced resource types for cluster configuration, such as groups,
clones or promotable clone resources. Groups

Some cluster resources depend on other components or resources. They require that each com-
ponent or resource starts in a specific order and runs together on the same server with resources
it depends on. To simplify this configuration, you can use cluster resource groups.


An example of a resource group would be a Web server that requires an IP address and
a le system. In this case, each component is a separate resource that is combined into a
cluster resource group. The resource group would run on one or more servers. In case of
a software or hardware malfunction, the group would fail over to another server in the
cluster, similar to an individual cluster resource.

62 Advanced Resource Types SLE HA 15 SP1

Web Server
Group Resource

IP Address

Individual Resource
Load Order

File System

Web Server Software



Groups have the following properties:

Starting and Stopping

Resources are started in the order they appear in and stopped in the reverse order.

If a resource in the group cannot run anywhere, then none of the resources located after
that resource in the group is allowed to run.

Groups may only contain a collection of primitive cluster resources. Groups must contain
at least one resource, otherwise the configuration is not valid. To refer to the child of a
group resource, use the child’s ID instead of the group’s ID.

Although it is possible to reference the group’s children in constraints, it is usually prefer-
able to use the group’s name instead.

63 Advanced Resource Types SLE HA 15 SP1

Stickiness is additive in groups. Every active member of the group will contribute its stick-
iness value to the group’s total. So if the default resource-stickiness is 100 and a
group has seven members (five of which are active), the group as a whole will prefer its
current location with a score of 500 .

Resource Monitoring
To enable resource monitoring for a group, you must configure monitoring separately for
each resource in the group that you want monitored.

Learn how to create groups with your preferred cluster management tool:

Hawk2: Procedure 7.9, “Adding a Resource Group”

crmsh: Section 8.3.10, “Configuring a Cluster Resource Group” Clones
You may want certain resources to run simultaneously on multiple nodes in your cluster. To do
this you must configure a resource as a clone. Examples of resources that might be configured
as clones include cluster le systems like OCFS2. You can clone any resource provided. This is
supported by the resource’s Resource Agent. Clone resources may even be configured differently
depending on which nodes they are hosted.
There are three types of resource clones:

Anonymous Clones
These are the simplest type of clones. They behave identically anywhere they are running.
Because of this, there can only be one instance of an anonymous clone active per machine.

Globally Unique Clones

These resources are distinct entities. An instance of the clone running on one node is not
equivalent to another instance on another node; nor would any two instances on the same
node be equivalent.

Promotable Clones (Multi-state Resources)

Active instances of these resources are divided into two states, active and passive. These
are also sometimes called primary and secondary, or master and slave. Promotable clones
can be either anonymous or globally unique. See also Section, “Promotable Clones
(Multi-state Resources)”.

64 Advanced Resource Types SLE HA 15 SP1

Clones must contain exactly one group or one regular resource.
When configuring resource monitoring or constraints, clones have different requirements than
simple resources. For details, see Pacemaker Explained, available from http://www.clusterlab- . Refer to section Clones - Resources That Get Active on Multiple Hosts.
Learn how to create clones with your preferred cluster management tool:

Hawk2: Procedure 7.10, “Adding a Clone Resource”

crmsh: Section 8.3.11, “Configuring a Clone Resource”. Promotable Clones (Multi-state Resources)

Promotable clones (formerly known as multi-state resources) are a specialization of clones. They
allow the instances to be in one of two operating modes (called master or slave , but can
mean whatever you want them to mean). Promotable clones must contain exactly one group
or one regular resource.
When configuring resource monitoring or constraints, promotable clones have different require-
ments than simple resources. For details, see Pacemaker Explained. The version for Pacemaker
1.1 is available from . Refer to section Multi-state -
Resources That Have Multiple Modes.

6.3.6 Resource Options (Meta Attributes)

For each resource you add, you can define options. Options are used by the cluster to decide
how your resource should behave—they tell the CRM how to treat a specific resource. Resource
options can be set with the crm_resource --meta command or with Hawk2 as described in
Procedure 7.5, “Adding a Primitive Resource”.


Option Description Default

priority If not all resources can be 0

active, the cluster will stop
lower priority resources to
keep higher priority ones ac-

65 Resource Options (Meta Attributes) SLE HA 15 SP1

Option Description Default

target-role In what state should the started

cluster attempt to keep this
resource? Allowed values:
stopped , started , mas-
ter .

is-managed Is the cluster allowed to start true

and stop the resource? Al-
lowed values: true , false .
If the value is set to false ,
the status of the resource is
still monitored and any fail-
ures are reported. This is dif-
ferent from setting a resource
to maintenance="true" .

maintenance Can the resources be touched false

manually? Allowed values:
true , false . If set to true ,
all resources become unman-
aged: the cluster will stop
monitoring them and thus be
oblivious about their status.
You can stop or restart clus-
ter resources at will, with-
out the cluster attempting to
restart them.

resource-stickiness How much does the resource calculated

prefer to stay where it is?

66 Resource Options (Meta Attributes) SLE HA 15 SP1

Option Description Default

migration-threshold How many failures should INFINITY (disabled)

occur for this resource on
a node before making the
node ineligible to host this

multiple-active What should the cluster stop_start

do if it ever nds the re-
source active on more than
one node? Allowed values:
block (mark the resource
as unmanaged), stop_only ,
stop_start .

failure-timeout How many seconds to wait 0 (disabled)

before acting as if the failure
had not occurred (and poten-
tially allowing the resource
back to the node on which it

allow-migrate Allow resource migration for false

resources which support mi-
grate_to / migrate_from

remote-node The name of the remote none (disabled)

node this resource defines.
This both enables the re-
source as a remote node and
defines the unique name
used to identify the remote
node. If no other parame-
ters are set, this value will

67 Resource Options (Meta Attributes) SLE HA 15 SP1

Option Description Default
also be assumed as the host
name to connect to at re-
mote-port port.

Warning: Use
Unique IDs
This value must not
overlap with any exist-
ing resource or node

remote-port Custom port for the guest 3121

connection to pacemaker_re-

remote-addr The IP address or host name remote-node (value used as

to connect to if the remote host name)
node’s name is not the host
name of the guest.

remote-connect-timeout How long before a pending 60s

guest connection will time

6.3.7 Instance Attributes (Parameters)

The scripts of all resource classes can be given parameters which determine how they behave
and which instance of a service they control. If your resource agent supports parameters, you
can add them with the crm_resource command or with Hawk2 as described in Procedure 7.5,
“Adding a Primitive Resource”. In the crm command line utility and in Hawk2, instance attributes
are called params or Parameter , respectively. The list of instance attributes supported by an
OCF script can be found by executing the following command as root :

root # crm ra info [class:[provider:]]resource_agent

68 Instance Attributes (Parameters) SLE HA 15 SP1

or (without the optional parts):

root # crm ra info resource_agent

The output lists all the supported attributes, their purpose and default values.
For example, the command

root # crm ra info IPaddr

returns the following output:

Manages virtual IPv4 addresses (portable version) (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr)

This script manages IP alias IP addresses

It can add an IP alias, or remove one.

Parameters (* denotes required, [] the default):

ip* (string): IPv4 address

The IPv4 address to be configured in dotted quad notation, for example

nic (string, [eth0]): Network interface

The base network interface on which the IP address will be brought

If left empty, the script will try and determine this from the
routing table.

Do NOT specify an alias interface in the form eth0:1 or anything here;

rather, specify the base interface only.

cidr_netmask (string): Netmask

The netmask for the interface in CIDR format. (ie, 24), or in
dotted quad notation

If unspecified, the script will also try to determine this from the
routing table.

broadcast (string): Broadcast address

Broadcast address associated with the IP. If left empty, the script will
determine this from the netmask.

iflabel (string): Interface label

You can specify an additional label for your IP address here.

69 Instance Attributes (Parameters) SLE HA 15 SP1

lvs_support (boolean, [false]): Enable support for LVS DR
Enable support for LVS Direct Routing configurations. In case a IP
address is stopped, only move it to the loopback device to allow the
local node to continue to service requests, but no longer advertise it
on the network.

local_stop_script (string):
Script called when the IP is released

local_start_script (string):
Script called when the IP is added

ARP_INTERVAL_MS (integer, [500]): milliseconds between gratuitous ARPs

milliseconds between ARPs

ARP_REPEAT (integer, [10]): repeat count

How many gratuitous ARPs to send out when bringing up a new address

ARP_BACKGROUND (boolean, [yes]): run in background

run in background (no longer any reason to do this)

ARP_NETMASK (string, [ffffffffffff]): netmask for ARP

netmask for ARP - in nonstandard hexadecimal format.

Operations' defaults (advisory minimum):

start timeout=90
stop timeout=100
monitor_0 interval=5s timeout=20s

Note: Instance Attributes for Groups, Clones or Promotable Clones

Note that groups, clones and promotable clone resources do not have instance attribut-
es. However, any instance attributes set will be inherited by the group's, clone's or pro-
motable clone's children.

6.3.8 Resource Operations

By default, the cluster will not ensure that your resources are still healthy. To instruct the cluster
to do this, you need to add a monitor operation to the resource’s definition. Monitor operations
can be added for all classes or resource agents. For more information, refer to Section 6.4, “Resource

70 Resource Operations SLE HA 15 SP1


Operation Description

id Your name for the action. Must be unique.

(The ID is not shown).

name The action to perform. Common values:

monitor , start , stop .

interval How frequently to perform the operation.

Unit: seconds

timeout How long to wait before declaring the action

has failed.

requires What conditions need to be satisfied before

this action occurs. Allowed values: nothing ,
quorum , fencing . The default depends on
whether fencing is enabled and if the re-
source’s class is stonith . For STONITH re-
sources, the default is nothing .

on-fail The action to take if this action ever fails. Al-

lowed values:

ignore : Pretend the resource did not


block : Do not perform any further op-

erations on the resource.

stop : Stop the resource and do not

start it elsewhere.

restart : Stop the resource and start it

again (possibly on a different node).

71 Resource Operations SLE HA 15 SP1

Operation Description
fence : Bring down the node on which
the resource failed (STONITH).

standby : Move all resources away

from the node on which the resource

enabled If false , the operation is treated as if

it does not exist. Allowed values: true ,
false .

role Run the operation only if the resource has

this role.

record-pending Can be set either globally or for individual

resources. Makes the CIB reflect the state of
“in-ight” operations on resources.

description Description of the operation.

6.3.9 Timeout Values

Timeouts values for resources can be influenced by the following parameters:

op_defaults (global timeout for operations),

a specific timeout value defined in a resource template,

a specific timeout value defined for a resource.

Note: Priority of Values

If a specific value is defined for a resource, it takes precedence over the global default.
A specific value for a resource also takes precedence over a value that is defined in a
resource template.

72 Timeout Values SLE HA 15 SP1

Getting timeout values right is very important. Setting them too low will result in a lot of (un-
necessary) fencing operations for the following reasons:

1. If a resource runs into a timeout, it fails and the cluster will try to stop it.

2. If stopping the resource also fails (for example, because the timeout for stopping is set
too low), the cluster will fence the node. It considers the node where this happens to be
out of control.

You can adjust the global default for operations and set any specific timeout values with both
crmsh and Hawk2. The best practice for determining and setting timeout values is as follows:


1. Check how long it takes your resources to start and stop (under load).

2. If needed, add the op_defaults parameter and set the (default) timeout value accord-

a. For example, set op_defaults to 60 seconds:

crm(live)configure# op_defaults timeout=60

b. For resources that need longer periods of time, define individual timeout values.

3. When configuring operations for a resource, add separate start and stop operations.
When configuring operations with Hawk2, it will provide useful timeout proposals for
those operations.

6.4 Resource Monitoring

If you want to ensure that a resource is running, you must configure resource monitoring for it.

73 Resource Monitoring SLE HA 15 SP1

If the resource monitor detects a failure, the following takes place:

Log le messages are generated, according to the configuration specified in the logging
section of /etc/corosync/corosync.conf .

The failure is reflected in the cluster management tools (Hawk2, crm status ), and in
the CIB status section.

The cluster initiates noticeable recovery actions which may include stopping the resource
to repair the failed state and restarting the resource locally or on another node. The re-
source also may not be restarted, depending on the configuration and state of the cluster.

If you do not configure resource monitoring, resource failures after a successful start will not be
communicated, and the cluster will always show the resource as healthy.

Monitoring Stopped Resources

Usually, resources are only monitored by the cluster as long as they are running. Howev-
er, to detect concurrency violations, also configure monitoring for resources which are
stopped. For example:

primitive dummy1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy \

op monitor interval="300s" role="Stopped" timeout="10s" \
op monitor interval="30s" timeout="10s"

This configuration triggers a monitoring operation every 300 seconds for the resource
dummy1 when it is in role="Stopped" . When running, it will be monitored every 30

The CRM executes an initial monitoring for each resource on every node, the so-called
probe . A probe is also executed after the cleanup of a resource. If multiple monitoring
operations are defined for a resource, the CRM will select the one with the smallest interval
and will use its timeout value as default timeout for probing. If no monitor operation is
configured, the cluster-wide default applies. The default is 20 seconds (if not specified
otherwise by configuring the op_defaults parameter). If you do not want to rely on the
automatic calculation or the op_defaults value, define a specific monitoring operation
for the probing of this resource. Do so by adding a monitoring operation with the interval
set to 0 , for example:

crm(live)configure# primitive rsc1 ocf:pacemaker:Dummy \

74 Resource Monitoring SLE HA 15 SP1

op monitor interval="0" timeout="60"

The probe of rsc1 will time out in 60s , independent of the global timeout defined in
op_defaults , or any other operation timeouts configured. If you did not set inter-
val="0" for specifying the probing of the respective resource, the CRM will automatically
check for any other monitoring operations defined for that resource and will calculate the
timeout value for probing as described above.

Learn how to add monitor operations to resources with your preferred cluster management tool:

Hawk2: Procedure 7.13, “Adding and Modifying an Operation”

crmsh: Section 8.3.9, “Configuring Resource Monitoring”

6.5 Resource Constraints

Having all the resources configured is only part of the job. Even if the cluster knows all needed
resources, it might still not be able to handle them correctly. Resource constraints let you spec-
ify which cluster nodes resources can run on, what order resources will load, and what other
resources a specific resource is dependent on.

6.5.1 Types of Constraints

There are three different kinds of constraints available:

Resource Location
Locational constraints that define on which nodes a resource may be run, may not be run
or is preferred to be run.

Resource Colocation
Colocational constraints that tell the cluster which resources may or may not run together
on a node.

Resource Order
Ordering constraints to define the sequence of actions.

75 Resource Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1

Important: Restrictions for Constraints and Certain Types of

Do not create colocation constraints for members of a resource group. Create a colo-
cation constraint pointing to the resource group as a whole instead. All other types
of constraints are safe to use for members of a resource group.

Do not use any constraints on a resource that has a clone resource or a promotable
clone resource applied to it. The constraints must apply to the clone or promotable
clone resource, not to the child resource. Resource Sets Using Resource Sets for Defining Constraints

As an alternative format for defining location, colocation or ordering constraints, you can use
resource sets , where primitives are grouped together in one set. Previously this was possible
either by defining a resource group (which could not always accurately express the design), or by
defining each relationship as an individual constraint. The latter caused a constraint explosion
as the number of resources and combinations grew. The configuration via resource sets is not
necessarily less verbose, but is easier to understand and maintain, as the following examples


For example, you can use the following configuration of a resource set ( loc-alice ) in
the crmsh to place two virtual IPs ( vip1 and vip2 ) on the same node, alice :

crm(live)configure# primitive vip1 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip=

crm(live)configure# primitive vip1 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip=
crm(live)configure# location loc-alice { vip1 vip2 } inf: alice

If you want to use resource sets to replace a configuration of colocation constraints, consider
the following two examples:



76 Types of Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1

<rsc_colocation id="coloc-1" rsc="B" with-rsc="A" score="INFINITY"/>
<rsc_colocation id="coloc-2" rsc="C" with-rsc="B" score="INFINITY"/>
<rsc_colocation id="coloc-3" rsc="D" with-rsc="C" score="INFINITY"/>

The same configuration expressed by a resource set:

<rsc_colocation id="coloc-1" score="INFINITY" >
<resource_set id="colocated-set-example" sequential="true">
<resource_ref id="A"/>
<resource_ref id="B"/>
<resource_ref id="C"/>
<resource_ref id="D"/>

If you want to use resource sets to replace a configuration of ordering constraints, consider the
following two examples:


<rsc_order id="order-1" first="A" then="B" />
<rsc_order id="order-2" first="B" then="C" />
<rsc_order id="order-3" first="C" then="D" />

The same purpose can be achieved by using a resource set with ordered resources:


<rsc_order id="order-1">
<resource_set id="ordered-set-example" sequential="true">
<resource_ref id="A"/>
<resource_ref id="B"/>
<resource_ref id="C"/>
<resource_ref id="D"/>

77 Types of Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1

Sets can be either ordered ( sequential=true ) or unordered ( sequential=false ). Further-
more, the require-all attribute can be used to switch between AND and OR logic. Resource Sets for Colocation Constraints Without Dependencies

Sometimes it is useful to place a group of resources on the same node (defining a colocation
constraint), but without having hard dependencies between the resources. For example, you
want two resources to be placed on the same node, but you do not want the cluster to restart
the other one if one of them fails. This can be achieved on the crm shell by using the weak
bond command.

Learn how to set these “weak bonds” with your preferred cluster management tool:

crmsh: Section, “Collocating Sets for Resources Without Dependency” For More Information

Learn how to add the various kinds of constraints with your preferred cluster management tool:

Hawk2: Section 7.6, “Configuring Constraints”

crmsh: Section 8.3.5, “Configuring Resource Constraints”

For more information on configuring constraints and detailed background information about the
basic concepts of ordering and colocation, refer to the following documents. They are available
at :

Pacemaker Explained, chapter Resource Constraints

Colocation Explained

Ordering Explained

6.5.2 Scores and Infinity

When defining constraints, you also need to deal with scores. Scores of all kinds are integral
to how the cluster works. Practically everything from migrating a resource to deciding which
resource to stop in a degraded cluster is achieved by manipulating scores in some way. Scores

78 Scores and Infinity SLE HA 15 SP1

are calculated on a per-resource basis and any node with a negative score for a resource cannot
run that resource. After calculating the scores for a resource, the cluster then chooses the node
with the highest score.
INFINITY is currently defined as 1,000,000 . Additions or subtractions with it stick to the
following three basic rules:




When defining resource constraints, you specify a score for each constraint. The score indicates
the value you are assigning to this resource constraint. Constraints with higher scores are applied
before those with lower scores. By creating additional location constraints with different scores
for a given resource, you can specify an order for the nodes that a resource will fail over to.

6.5.3 Resource Templates and Constraints

If you have defined a resource template (see Section 6.3.4, “Resource Templates”), it can be refer-
enced in the following types of constraints:

order constraints,

colocation constraints,

rsc_ticket constraints (for Geo clusters).

However, colocation constraints must not contain more than one reference to a template. Re-
source sets must not contain a reference to a template.
Resource templates referenced in constraints stand for all primitives which are derived from that
template. This means, the constraint applies to all primitive resources referencing the resource
template. Referencing resource templates in constraints is an alternative to resource sets and
can simplify the cluster configuration considerably. For details about resource sets, refer to
Procedure 7.17, “Using a Resource Set for Constraints”.

79 Resource Templates and Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1

6.5.4 Failover Nodes
A resource will be automatically restarted if it fails. If that cannot be achieved on the current
node, or it fails N times on the current node, it will try to fail over to another node. Each
time the resource fails, its failcount is raised. You can define several failures for resources (a
migration-threshold ), after which they will migrate to a new node. If you have more than
two nodes in your cluster, the node a particular resource fails over to is chosen by the High
Availability software.
However, you can specify the node a resource will fail over to by configuring one or several
location constraints and a migration-threshold for that resource.
Learn how to specify failover nodes with your preferred cluster management tool:

Hawk2: Section 7.6.6, “Specifying Resource Failover Nodes”

crmsh: Section 8.3.6, “Specifying Resource Failover Nodes”


For example, let us assume you have configured a location constraint for resource rsc1
to preferably run on alice . If it fails there, migration-threshold is checked and com-
pared to the failcount. If failcount >= migration-threshold then the resource is migrated
to the node with the next best preference.
After the threshold has been reached, the node will no longer be allowed to run the failed
resource until the resource's failcount is reset. This can be done manually by the cluster
administrator or by setting a failure-timeout option for the resource.
For example, a setting of migration-threshold=2 and failure-timeout=60s would
cause the resource to migrate to a new node after two failures. It would be allowed to
move back (depending on the stickiness and constraint scores) after one minute.

There are two exceptions to the migration threshold concept, occurring when a resource either
fails to start or fails to stop:

Start failures set the failcount to INFINITY and thus always cause an immediate migration.

Stop failures cause fencing (when stonith-enabled is set to true which is the default).
In case there is no STONITH resource defined (or stonith-enabled is set to false ), the
resource will not migrate.

80 Failover Nodes SLE HA 15 SP1

For details on using migration thresholds and resetting failcounts with your preferred cluster
management tool:

Hawk2: Section 7.6.6, “Specifying Resource Failover Nodes”

crmsh: Section 8.3.6, “Specifying Resource Failover Nodes”

6.5.5 Failback Nodes

A resource might fail back to its original node when that node is back online and in the cluster.
To prevent a resource from failing back to the node that it was running on, or to specify a
different node for the resource to fail back to, change its resource stickiness value. You can
either specify resource stickiness when you are creating a resource or afterward.
Consider the following implications when specifying resource stickiness values:

Value is 0 :
This is the default. The resource will be placed optimally in the system. This may mean
that it is moved when a “better” or less loaded node becomes available. This option is
almost equivalent to automatic failback, except that the resource may be moved to a node
that is not the one it was previously active on.

Value is greater than 0 :

The resource will prefer to remain in its current location, but may be moved if a more
suitable node is available. Higher values indicate a stronger preference for a resource to
stay where it is.

Value is less than 0 :

The resource prefers to move away from its current location. Higher absolute values indi-
cate a stronger preference for a resource to be moved.

Value is INFINITY :
The resource will always remain in its current location unless forced o because the node
is no longer eligible to run the resource (node shutdown, node standby, reaching the mi-
gration-threshold , or configuration change). This option is almost equivalent to com-
pletely disabling automatic failback.

Value is -INFINITY :
The resource will always move away from its current location.

81 Failback Nodes SLE HA 15 SP1

6.5.6 Placing Resources Based on Their Load Impact
Not all resources are equal. Some, such as Xen guests, require that the node hosting them meets
their capacity requirements. If resources are placed such that their combined need exceed the
provided capacity, the resources diminish in performance (or even fail).
To take this into account, the High Availability Extension allows you to specify the following

1. The capacity a certain node provides.

2. The capacity a certain resource requires.

3. An overall strategy for placement of resources.

Learn how to configure these settings with your preferred cluster management tool:

Hawk2: Section 7.6.8, “Configuring Placement of Resources Based on Load Impact”

crmsh: Section 8.3.8, “Configuring Placement of Resources Based on Load Impact”

A node is considered eligible for a resource if it has sufficient free capacity to satisfy the re-
source's requirements. The nature of the capacities is completely irrelevant for the High Avail-
ability Extension; it only makes sure that all capacity requirements of a resource are satisfied
before moving a resource to a node.
To manually configure the resource's requirements and the capacity a node provides, use uti-
lization attributes. You can name the utilization attributes according to your preferences and
define as many name/value pairs as your configuration needs. However, the attribute's values
must be integers.
If multiple resources with utilization attributes are grouped or have colocation constraints, the
High Availability Extension takes that into account. If possible, the resources will be placed on
a node that can fulfill all capacity requirements.

Note: Utilization Attributes for Groups

It is impossible to set utilization attributes directly for a resource group. However, to
simplify the configuration for a group, you can add a utilization attribute with the total
capacity needed to any of the resources in the group.

82 Placing Resources Based on Their Load Impact SLE HA 15 SP1

The High Availability Extension also provides means to detect and configure both node capacity
and resource requirements automatically:
The NodeUtilization resource agent checks the capacity of a node (regarding CPU and RAM).
To configure automatic detection, create a clone resource of the following class, provider, and
type: ocf:pacemaker:NodeUtilization . One instance of the clone should be running on each
node. After the instance has started, a utilization section will be added to the node's configuration
in CIB.
For automatic detection of a resource's minimal requirements (regarding RAM and CPU) the
Xen resource agent has been improved. Upon start of a Xen resource, it will reflect the con-
sumption of RAM and CPU. Utilization attributes will automatically be added to the resource

Note: Different Resource Agents for Xen and libvirt

The ocf:heartbeat:Xen resource agent should not be used with libvirt , as libvirt
expects to be able to modify the machine description le.
For libvirt , use the ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain resource agent.

Apart from detecting the minimal requirements, the High Availability Extension also allows
to monitor the current utilization via the VirtualDomain resource agent. It detects CPU and
RAM use of the virtual machine. To use this feature, configure a resource of the following
class, provider and type: ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain . The following instance attributes
are available: autoset_utilization_cpu and autoset_utilization_hv_memory . Both de-
fault to true . This updates the utilization values in the CIB during each monitoring cycle.
Independent of manually or automatically configuring capacity and requirements, the place-
ment strategy must be specified with the placement-strategy property (in the global cluster
options). The following values are available:

default (default value)

Utilization values are not considered. Resources are allocated according to location scoring.
If scores are equal, resources are evenly distributed across nodes.

Utilization values are considered when deciding if a node has enough free capacity to sat-
isfy a resource's requirements. However, load-balancing is still done based on the number
of resources allocated to a node.

83 Placing Resources Based on Their Load Impact SLE HA 15 SP1

Utilization values are considered when deciding if a node has enough free capacity to
satisfy a resource's requirements. An attempt is made to concentrate the resources on as
few nodes as possible (to achieve power savings on the remaining nodes).

Utilization values are considered when deciding if a node has enough free capacity to
satisfy a resource's requirements. An attempt is made to distribute the resources evenly,
thus optimizing resource performance.

Note: Configuring Resource Priorities

The available placement strategies are best-effort—they do not yet use complex heuristic
solvers to always reach optimum allocation results. Ensure that resource priorities are
properly set so that your most important resources are scheduled rst.


The following example demonstrates a three-node cluster of equal nodes, with four virtual

node alice utilization memory="4000"

node bob utilization memory="4000"
node charlie utilization memory="4000"
primitive xenA ocf:heartbeat:Xen utilization hv_memory="3500" \
params xmfile="/etc/xen/shared-vm/vm1"
meta priority="10"
primitive xenB ocf:heartbeat:Xen utilization hv_memory="2000" \
params xmfile="/etc/xen/shared-vm/vm2"
meta priority="1"
primitive xenC ocf:heartbeat:Xen utilization hv_memory="2000" \
params xmfile="/etc/xen/shared-vm/vm3"
meta priority="1"
primitive xenD ocf:heartbeat:Xen utilization hv_memory="1000" \
params xmfile="/etc/xen/shared-vm/vm4"
meta priority="5"
property placement-strategy="minimal"

With all three nodes up, resource xenA will be placed onto a node rst, followed by xenD .
xenB and xenC would either be allocated together or one of them with xenD .

84 Placing Resources Based on Their Load Impact SLE HA 15 SP1

If one node failed, too little total memory would be available to host them all. xenA would
be ensured to be allocated, as would xenD . However, only one of the remaining resources
xenB or xenC could still be placed. Since their priority is equal, the result would still
be open. To resolve this ambiguity as well, you would need to set a higher priority for
either one.

6.5.7 Grouping Resources by Using Tags

Tags are a new feature that has been added to Pacemaker recently. Tags are a way to refer to
multiple resources at once, without creating any colocation or ordering relationship between
them. This can be useful for grouping conceptually related resources. For example, if you have
several resources related to a database, create a tag called databases and add all resources re-
lated to the database to this tag. This allows you to stop or start them all with a single command.
Tags can also be used in constraints. For example, the following location constraint loc-db-
prefer applies to the set of resources tagged with databases :

location loc-db-prefer databases 100: alice

Learn how to create tags with your preferred cluster management tool:

Hawk2: Procedure 7.12, “Adding a Tag”

crmsh: Section 8.4.6, “Grouping/Tagging Resources”

6.6 Managing Services on Remote Hosts

The possibilities for monitoring and managing services on remote hosts has become increasingly
important during the last few years. SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11 SP3
offered ne-grained monitoring of services on remote hosts via monitoring plug-ins. The recent
addition of the pacemaker_remote service now allows SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability
Extension 15 SP1 to fully manage and monitor resources on remote hosts just as if they were a
real cluster node—without the need to install the cluster stack on the remote machines.

85 Grouping Resources by Using Tags SLE HA 15 SP1

6.6.1 Monitoring Services on Remote Hosts with Monitoring Plug-
Monitoring of virtual machines can be done with the VM agent (which only checks if the guest
shows up in the hypervisor), or by external scripts called from the VirtualDomain or Xen agent.
Up to now, more ne-grained monitoring was only possible with a full setup of the High Avail-
ability stack within the virtual machines.
By providing support for monitoring plug-ins (formerly named Nagios plug-ins), the High Avail-
ability Extension now also allows you to monitor services on remote hosts. You can collect ex-
ternal statuses on the guests without modifying the guest image. For example, VM guests might
run Web services or simple network resources that need to be accessible. With the Nagios re-
source agents, you can now monitor the Web service or the network resource on the guest. In
case these services are not reachable anymore, the High Availability Extension will trigger a
restart or migration of the respective guest.
If your guests depend on a service (for example, an NFS server to be used by the guest), the
service can either be an ordinary resource, managed by the cluster, or an external service that
is monitored with Nagios resources instead.
To configure the Nagios resources, the following packages must be installed on the host:



YaST or Zypper will resolve any dependencies on further packages, if required.

A typical use case is to configure the monitoring plug-ins as resources belonging to a resource
container, which usually is a VM. The container will be restarted if any of its resources has failed.
Refer to Example 6.10, “Configuring Resources for Monitoring Plug-ins” for a configuration example.
Alternatively, Nagios resource agents can also be configured as ordinary resources to use them
for monitoring hosts or services via the network.


primitive vm1 ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain \

params hypervisor="qemu:///system" config="/etc/libvirt/qemu/vm1.xml" \
op start interval="0" timeout="90" \
op stop interval="0" timeout="90" \
op monitor interval="10" timeout="30"
primitive vm1-sshd nagios:check_tcp \
params hostname="vm1" port="22" \ 1

op start interval="0" timeout="120" \ 2

86 Monitoring Services on Remote Hosts with Monitoring Plug-ins SLE HA 15 SP1

op monitor interval="10"
group g-vm1-and-services vm1 vm1-sshd \
meta container="vm1" 3

1 The supported parameters are the same as the long options of a monitoring plug-in.
Monitoring plug-ins connect to services with the parameter hostname . Therefore the
attribute's value must be a resolvable host name or an IP address.
2 As it takes some time to get the guest operating system up and its services running,
the start timeout of the monitoring resource must be long enough.
3 A cluster resource container of type ocf:heartbeat:Xen , ocf:heartbeat:Virtu-
alDomain or ocf:heartbeat:lxc . It can either be a VM or a Linux Container.

The example above contains only one resource for the check_tcp plug-in, but multiple
resources for different plug-in types can be configured (for example, check_http or
check_udp ).

If the host names of the services are the same, the hostname parameter can also be spec-
ified for the group, instead of adding it to the individual primitives. For example:

group g-vm1-and-services vm1 vm1-sshd vm1-httpd \

meta container="vm1" \
params hostname="vm1"

If any of the services monitored by the monitoring plug-ins fail within the VM, the cluster
will detect that and restart the container resource (the VM). Which action to take in this
case can be configured by specifying the on-fail attribute for the service's monitoring
operation. It defaults to restart-container .
Failure counts of services will be taken into account when considering the VM's migra-

6.6.2 Managing Services on Remote Nodes with

With the pacemaker_remote service, High Availability clusters can be extended to virtual nodes
or remote bare-metal machines. They do not need to run the cluster stack to become members
of the cluster.
The High Availability Extension can now launch virtual environments (KVM and LXC), plus the
resources that live within those virtual environments without requiring the virtual environments
to run Pacemaker or Corosync.

87 Managing Services on Remote Nodes with pacemaker_remote SLE HA 15 SP1

For the use case of managing both virtual machines as cluster resources plus the resources that
live within the VMs, you can now use the following setup:

The “normal” (bare-metal) cluster nodes run the High Availability Extension.

The virtual machines run the pacemaker_remote service (almost no configuration re-
quired on the VM's side).

The cluster stack on the “normal” cluster nodes launches the VMs and connects to the
pacemaker_remote service running on the VMs to integrate them as remote nodes into
the cluster.

As the remote nodes do not have the cluster stack installed, this has the following implications:

Remote nodes do not take part in quorum.

Remote nodes cannot become the DC.

Remote nodes are not bound by the scalability limits (Corosync has a member limit of
32 nodes).

Find more information about the remote_pacemaker service, including multiple use cases with
detailed setup instructions in Article “Pacemaker Remote Quick Start”.

6.7 Monitoring System Health

To prevent a node from running out of disk space and thus being unable to manage any re-
sources that have been assigned to it, the High Availability Extension provides a resource agent,
ocf:pacemaker:SysInfo . Use it to monitor a node's health with regard to disk partitions. The
SysInfo RA creates a node attribute named #health_disk which will be set to red if any of
the monitored disks' free space is below a specified limit.
To define how the CRM should react in case a node's health reaches a critical state, use the
global cluster option node-health-strategy .


To automatically move resources away from a node in case the node runs out of disk
space, proceed as follows:

1. Configure an ocf:pacemaker:SysInfo resource:

primitive sysinfo ocf:pacemaker:SysInfo \

88 Monitoring System Health SLE HA 15 SP1

params disks="/tmp /var" 1 min_disk_free="100M" 2 disk_unit="M" 3 \
op monitor interval="15s"

1 Which disk partitions to monitor. For example, /tmp , /usr , /var , and /dev . To
specify multiple partitions as attribute values, separate them with a blank.

Note: / File System Always Monitored

You do not need to specify the root partition ( / ) in disks . It is always mon-
itored by default.

2 The minimum free disk space required for those partitions. Optionally, you can spec-
ify the unit to use for measurement (in the example above, M for megabytes is used).
If not specified, min_disk_free defaults to the unit defined in the disk_unit pa-
3 The unit in which to report the disk space.

2. To complete the resource configuration, create a clone of ocf:pacemaker:SysInfo and

start it on each cluster node.

3. Set the node-health-strategy to migrate-on-red :

property node-health-strategy="migrate-on-red"

In case of a #health_disk attribute set to red , the pacemaker-schedulerd adds -INF

to the resources' score for that node. This will cause any resources to move away from this
node. The STONITH resource will be the last one to be stopped but even if the STONITH
resource is not running anymore, the node can still be fenced. Fencing has direct access
to the CIB and will continue to work.

After a node's health status has turned to red , solve the issue that led to the problem. Then
clear the red status to make the node eligible again for running resources. Log in to the cluster
node and use one of the following methods:

Execute the following command:

root # crm node status-attr NODE delete #health_disk

Restart Pacemaker on that node.

Reboot the node.

89 Monitoring System Health SLE HA 15 SP1

The node will be returned to service and can run resources again.

6.8 For More Information
Home page of the crm shell (crmsh), the advanced command line interface for High Avail-
ability cluster management.
Holds several documents about the crm shell, including a Getting Started tutorial for basic
cluster setup with crmsh and the comprehensive Manual for the crm shell. The latter is
available at . Find the tutorial at
start-guide/ .
Home page of Pacemaker, the cluster resource manager shipped with the High Availability
Holds several comprehensive manuals and some shorter documents explaining general
concepts. For example:

Pacemaker Explained: Contains comprehensive and very detailed information for ref-

Colocation Explained

Ordering Explained

90 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

7 Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources with

To configure and manage cluster resources, either use Hawk2, or the crm shell
(crmsh) command line utility. If you upgrade from an earlier version of SUSE® Lin-
ux Enterprise High Availability Extension where Hawk was installed, the package
will be replaced with the current version, Hawk2.
Hawk2's user-friendly Web interface allows you to monitor and administer your
High Availability clusters from Linux or non-Linux machines alike. Hawk2 can be
accessed from any machine inside or outside of the cluster by using a (graphical)
Web browser.

7.1 Hawk2 Requirements

Before users can log in to Hawk2, the following requirements need to be fulfilled:

hawk2 Package
The hawk2 package must be installed on all cluster nodes you want to connect to with

Web Browser
On the machine from which to access a cluster node using Hawk2, you need a (graphical)
Web browser (with JavaScript and cookies enabled) to establish the connection.

Hawk2 Service
To use Hawk2, the respective Web service must be started on the node that you want to
connect to via the Web interface. See Procedure 7.1, “Starting Hawk2 Services”.
If you have set up your cluster with the scripts from the ha-cluster-bootstrap package,
the Hawk2 service is already enabled.

Username, Group and Password on Each Cluster Node

Hawk2 users must be members of the haclient group. The installation creates a Linux
user named hacluster , who is added to the haclient group.

91 Hawk2 Requirements SLE HA 15 SP1

When using the ha-cluster-init script for setup, a default password is set for the ha-
cluster user. Before starting Hawk2, change it to a secure password. If you did not use
the ha-cluster-init script, either set a password for the hacluster rst or create a
new user which is a member of the haclient group. Do this on every node you will con-
nect to with Hawk2.


1. On the node you want to connect to, open a shell and log in as root .

2. Check the status of the service by entering

root # systemctl status hawk

3. If the service is not running, start it with

root # systemctl start hawk

If you want Hawk2 to start automatically at boot time, execute the following command:

root # systemctl enable hawk

7.2 Logging In
The Hawk2 Web interface uses the HTTPS protocol and port 7630 .
Instead of logging in to an individual cluster node with Hawk2, you can configure a floating,
virtual IP address ( IPaddr or IPaddr2 ) as a cluster resource. It does not need any special
configuration. It allows clients to connect to the Hawk service no matter which physical node
the service is running on.
When setting up the cluster with the ha-cluster-bootstrap scripts, you will be asked whether
to configure a virtual IP for cluster administration.


1. On any machine, start a Web browser and enter the following URL:


Replace HAWKSERVER with the IP address or host name of any cluster node running the
Hawk Web service. If a virtual IP address has been configured for cluster administration
with Hawk2, replace HAWKSERVER with the virtual IP address.

92 Logging In SLE HA 15 SP1

Note: Certificate Warning
If a certificate warning appears when you try to access the URL for the rst time, a
self-signed certificate is in use. Self-signed certificates are not considered trustwor-
thy by default.
To verify the certificate, ask your cluster operator for the certificate details.
To proceed anyway, you can add an exception in the browser to bypass the warning.
For information on how to replace the self-signed certificate with a certificate signed
by an official Certificate Authority, refer to Replacing the Self-Signed Certificate.

2. On the Hawk2 login screen, enter the Username and Password of the hacluster user (or
of any other user that is a member of the haclient group).

3. Click Log In.

7.3 Hawk2 Overview: Main Elements

After logging in to Hawk2, you will see a navigation bar on the left-hand side and a top-level
row with several links on the right-hand side.

Note: Available Functions in Hawk2

By default, users logged in as root or hacluster have full read-write access to all cluster
configuration tasks. However, Access Control Lists (ACLs) can be used to define ne-grained
access permissions.
If ACLs are enabled in the CRM, the available functions in Hawk2 depend on the user
role and their assigned access permissions. The History Explorer in Hawk2 can only be
executed by the user hacluster .

93 Hawk2 Overview: Main Elements SLE HA 15 SP1

7.3.1 Left Navigation Bar


Status: Displays the current cluster status at a glance (similar to crm status on
the crmsh). For details, see Section 7.8.1, “Monitoring a Single Cluster”. If your cluster
includes guest nodes (nodes that run the pacemaker_remote daemon), they are
displayed, too. The screen refreshes in near real-time: any status changes for nodes
or resources are visible almost immediately.

Dashboard: Allows you to monitor multiple clusters (also located on different sites, in
case you have a Geo cluster setup). For details, see Section 7.8.2, “Monitoring Multiple
Clusters”. If your cluster includes guest nodes (nodes that run the pacemaker_re-
mote daemon), they are displayed, too. The screen refreshes in near real-time: any
status changes for nodes or resources are visible almost immediately.


History: Opens the History Explorer from which you can generate cluster reports. For
details, see Section 7.10, “Viewing the Cluster History”.

Command Log: Lists the crmsh commands recently executed by Hawk2.


Add Resource: Opens the resource configuration screen. For details, see Section 7.5,
“Configuring Cluster Resources”.

Add Constraint: Opens the constraint configuration screen. For details, see Section 7.6,
“Configuring Constraints”.

Wizards: Allows you to select from several wizards that guide you through the cre-
ation of resources for a certain workload, for example, a DRBD block device. For
details, see Section 7.5.2, “Adding Resources with the Wizard”.

Edit Configuration: Allows you to edit resources, constraints, node names and attrib-
utes, tags, alerts ( , and fencing
topologies ( .

Cluster Configuration: Allows you to modify global cluster options and resource and
operation defaults. For details, see Section 7.4, “Configuring Global Cluster Options”.

94 Left Navigation Bar SLE HA 15 SP1

Access Control Roles: Opens a screen where you can create roles for access control
lists (sets of rules describing access rights to the CIB). For details, see Procedure 12.2,
“Adding a Monitor Role with Hawk2”.

Access Control Targets: Opens a screen where you can create targets (system users)
for access control lists and assign roles to them. For details, see Procedure 12.3, “As-
signing a Role to a Target with Hawk2”.

7.3.2 Top-Level Row

Hawk2's top-level row shows the following entries:

Batch: Click to switch to batch mode. This allows you to simulate and stage changes and
to apply them as a single transaction. For details, see Section 7.9, “Using the Batch Mode”.

USERNAME : Allows you to set preferences for Hawk2 (for example, the language for the
Web interface, or whether to display a warning if STONITH is disabled).

Help: Access the SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension documentation, read
the release notes or report a bug.

Logout: Click to log out.

7.4 Configuring Global Cluster Options

Global cluster options control how the cluster behaves when confronted with certain situations.
They are grouped into sets and can be viewed and modified with cluster management tools
like Hawk2 and crmsh. The predefined values can usually be kept. However, to ensure the key
functions of your cluster work correctly, you need to adjust the following parameters after basic
cluster setup:

Global Option no-quorum-policy

Global Option stonith-enabled


1. Log in to Hawk2:


95 Top-Level Row SLE HA 15 SP1

2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Cluster Configuration.
The Cluster Configuration screen opens. It displays the global cluster options and their
current values.
To display a short description of the parameter on the right-hand side of the screen, hover
your mouse over a parameter.


3. Check the values for no-quorum-policy and stonith-enabled and adjust them, if necessary:

a. Set no-quorum-policy to the appropriate value. See Section  6.2.2, “Global Option no-
quorum-policy” for more details.

b. If you need to disable fencing for any reason, set stonith-enabled to no . By default,
it is set to true , because using STONITH devices is necessary for normal cluster
operation. According to the default value, the cluster will refuse to start any resources
if no STONITH resources have been configured.

96 Configuring Global Cluster Options SLE HA 15 SP1

Important: No Support Without STONITH

You must have a node fencing mechanism for your cluster.

The global cluster options stonith-enabled and startup-fencing

must be set to true . When you change them, you lose support.

c. To remove a parameter from the cluster configuration, click the Minus icon next to
the parameter. If a parameter is deleted, the cluster will behave as if that parameter
had the default value.

d. To add a new parameter to the cluster configuration, choose one from the drop-
down box.

4. If you need to change Resource Defaults or Operation Defaults, proceed as follows:

a. To adjust a value, either select a different value from the drop-down box or edit the
value directly.

b. To add a new resource default or operation default, choose one from the empty
drop-down box and enter a value. If there are default values, Hawk2 proposes them

c. To remove a parameter, click the Minus icon next to it. If no values are specified
for Resource Defaults and Operation Defaults, the cluster uses the default values that
are documented in Section 6.3.6, “Resource Options (Meta Attributes)” and Section 6.3.8,
“Resource Operations”.

5. Confirm your changes.

7.5 Configuring Cluster Resources

A cluster administrator needs to create cluster resources for every resource or application that
runs on the servers in your cluster. Cluster resources can include Web sites, mail servers, data-
bases, le systems, virtual machines, and any other server-based applications or services you
want to make available to users at all times.

97 Configuring Cluster Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

For an overview of the resource types you can create, refer to Section 6.3.3, “Types of Resources”.
After you have specified the resource basics (ID, class, provider, and type), Hawk2 shows the
following categories:

Parameters (Instance Attributes)

Determines which instance of a service the resource controls. For more information, refer
to Section 6.3.7, “Instance Attributes (Parameters)”.
When creating a resource, Hawk2 automatically shows any required parameters. Edit them
to get a valid resource configuration.

Needed for resource monitoring. For more information, refer to Section 6.3.8, “Resource Op-
When creating a resource, Hawk2 displays the most important resource operations ( mon-
itor , start , and stop ).

Meta Attributes
Tells the CRM how to treat a specific resource. For more information, refer to Section 6.3.6,
“Resource Options (Meta Attributes)”.
When creating a resource, Hawk2 automatically lists the important meta attributes for
that resource (for example, the target-role attribute that defines the initial state of a
resource. By default, it is set to Stopped , so the resource will not start immediately).

Tells the CRM what capacity a certain resource requires from a node. For more information,
refer to Section 7.6.8, “Configuring Placement of Resources Based on Load Impact”.

You can adjust the entries and values in those categories either during resource creation or later.

7.5.1 Showing the Current Cluster Configuration (CIB)

Sometimes a cluster administrator needs to know the cluster configuration. Hawk2 can show the
current configuration in crm shell syntax, as XML and as a graph. To view the cluster configu-
ration in crm shell syntax, from the left navigation bar select Configuration Edit Configuration
and click Show. To show the configuration in raw XML instead, click XML. Click Graph for a
graphical representation of the nodes and resources configured in the CIB. It also shows the
relationships between resources.

98 Showing the Current Cluster Configuration (CIB) SLE HA 15 SP1

7.5.2 Adding Resources with the Wizard
The Hawk2 wizard is a convenient way of setting up simple resources like a virtual IP address or
an SBD STONITH resource, for example. It is also useful for complex configurations that include
multiple resources, like the resource configuration for a DRBD block device or an Apache Web
server. The wizard guides you through the configuration steps and provides information about
the parameters you need to enter.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Wizards.

3. Expand the individual categories by clicking the arrow down icon next to them and select
the desired wizard.

4. Follow the instructions on the screen. After the last configuration step, Verify the values
you have entered.
Hawk2 shows which actions it is going to perform and what the configuration looks like.
Depending on the configuration, you might be prompted for the root password before
you can Apply the configuration.

99 Adding Resources with the Wizard SLE HA 15 SP1


7.5.3 Adding Simple Resources

To create the most basic type of resource, proceed as follows:


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Add Resource Primitive.

3. Enter a unique Resource ID.

4. In case a resource template exists on which you want to base the resource configuration,
select the respective Template. For details about configuring templates, see Procedure 7.6,
“Adding a Resource Template”.

5. Select the resource agent Class you want to use: lsb , ocf , service , stonith , or sys-
temd . For more information, see Section 6.3.2, “Supported Resource Agent Classes”.

6. If you selected ocf as class, specify the Provider of your OCF resource agent. The OCF
specification allows multiple vendors to supply the same resource agent.

100 Adding Simple Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

7. From the Type list, select the resource agent you want to use (for example, IPaddr or
Filesystem). A short description for this resource agent is displayed.
With that, you have specified the resource basics.

The selection you get in the Type list depends on the Class (and for OCF resources
also on the Provider) you have chosen.


8. To keep the Parameters, Operations, and Meta Attributes as suggested by Hawk2, click Create
to finish the configuration. A message at the top of the screen shows if the action has
been successful.
To adjust the parameters, operations, or meta attributes, refer to Section 7.5.5, “Modifying
Resources”. To configure Utilization attributes for the resource, see Procedure 7.21, “Config-
uring the Capacity a Resource Requires”.

101 Adding Simple Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

7.5.4 Adding Resource Templates
To create lots of resources with similar configurations, defining a resource template is the easiest
way. After being defined, it can be referenced in primitives or in certain types of constraints.
For detailed information about function and use of resource templates, refer to Section  6.5.3,
“Resource Templates and Constraints”.


Resource templates are configured like primitive resources.

1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Add Resource Template.

3. Enter a unique Resource ID.

4. Follow the instructions in Procedure 7.5, “Adding a Primitive Resource”, starting from Step 5.

7.5.5 Modifying Resources

If you have created a resource, you can edit its configuration at any time by adjusting parameters,
operations, or meta attributes as needed.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. On the Hawk2 Status screen, go to the Resources list.

3. In the Operations column, click the arrow down icon next to the resource or group you
want to modify and select Edit.
The resource configuration screen opens.

102 Adding Resource Templates SLE HA 15 SP1


4. To add a new parameter, operation, or meta attribute, select an entry from the empty
drop-down box.

5. To edit any values in the Operations category, click the Edit icon of the respective entry,
enter a different value for the operation, and click Apply.

6. When you are finished, click the Apply button in the resource configuration screen to
confirm your changes to the parameters, operations, or meta attributes.
A message at the top of the screen shows if the action has been successful.

103 Modifying Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

7.5.6 Adding STONITH Resources

Important: No Support Without STONITH

You must have a node fencing mechanism for your cluster.

The global cluster options stonith-enabled and startup-fencing must be set

to true . When you change them, you lose support.

By default, the global cluster option stonith-enabled is set to true . If no STONITH resources
have been defined, the cluster will refuse to start any resources. Configure one or more STONITH
resources to complete the STONITH setup. To add a STONITH resource for SBD, for libvirt (KVM/
Xen) or for vCenter/ESX Server, the easiest way is to use the Hawk2 wizard (see Section 7.5.2,
“Adding Resources with the Wizard”). While STONITH resources are configured similarly to other
resources, their behavior is different in some respects. For details refer to Section 10.3, “STONITH
Resources and Configuration”.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Add Resource Primitive.

3. Enter a unique Resource ID.

4. From the Class list, select the resource agent class stonith.

5. From the Type list, select the STONITH plug-in to control your STONITH device. A short
description for this plug-in is displayed.

6. Hawk2 automatically shows the required Parameters for the resource. Enter values for
each parameter.

7. Hawk2 displays the most important resource Operations and proposes default values. If you
do not modify any settings here, Hawk2 adds the proposed operations and their default
values when you confirm.

8. If there is no reason to change them, keep the default Meta Attributes settings.

104 Adding STONITH Resources SLE HA 15 SP1


9. Confirm your changes to create the STONITH resource.

A message at the top of the screen shows if the action has been successful.

To complete your fencing configuration, add constraints. For more details, refer to Chapter 10,
Fencing and STONITH.

7.5.7 Adding Cluster Resource Groups

Some cluster resources depend on other components or resources. They require that each com-
ponent or resource starts in a specific order and runs on the same server. To simplify this con-
figuration SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension supports the concept of groups.
Resource groups contain a set of resources that need to be located together, be started sequen-
tially and stopped in the reverse order. For an example of a resource group and more informa-
tion about groups and their properties, refer to Section, “Groups”.

105 Adding Cluster Resource Groups SLE HA 15 SP1

Note: Empty Groups
Groups must contain at least one resource, otherwise the configuration is not valid. While
creating a group, Hawk2 allows you to create more primitives and add them to the group.
For details, see Section 7.7.1, “Editing Resources and Groups”.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Add Resource Group.

3. Enter a unique Group ID.

4. To define the group members, select one or multiple entries in the list of Children. Re-
sort group members by dragging and dropping them into the order you want by using the
“handle” icon on the right.

5. If needed, modify or add Meta Attributes.

6. Click Create to finish the configuration. A message at the top of the screen shows if the
action has been successful.


106 Adding Cluster Resource Groups SLE HA 15 SP1

7.5.8 Adding Clone Resources
If you want certain resources to run simultaneously on multiple nodes in your cluster, con-
figure these resources as clones. An example of a resource that can be configured as a clone
is ocf:pacemaker:controld for cluster le systems like OCFS2. Any regular resources or re-
source groups can be cloned. Instances of cloned resources may behave identically. However,
they may also be configured differently, depending on which node they are hosted on.
For an overview of the available types of resource clones, refer to Section, “Clones”.

Note: Child Resources for Clones

Clones can either contain a primitive or a group as child resources. In Hawk2, child
resources cannot be created or modified while creating a clone. Before adding a clone,
create child resources and configure them as desired. For details, refer to Section 7.5.3,
“Adding Simple Resources” or Section 7.5.7, “Adding Cluster Resource Groups”.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Add Resource Clone.

3. Enter a unique Clone ID.

4. From the Child Resource list, select the primitive or group to use as a sub-resource for the

5. If needed, modify or add Meta Attributes.

6. Click Create to finish the configuration. A message at the top of the screen shows if the
action has been successful.

107 Adding Clone Resources SLE HA 15 SP1


7.5.9 Adding Multi-state Resources

Multi-state resources are a specialization of clones. They allow the instances to be in one of
two operating modes (called active/passive , primary/secondary , or master/slave ). Mul-
ti-state resources must contain exactly one group or one regular resource.
When configuring resource monitoring or constraints, multi-state resources have different re-
quirements than simple resources. For details, see Pacemaker Explained, available from http:// . Refer to section Multi-state - Resources That Have Multiple

Note: Child Resources for Multi-state Resources

Multi-state resources can either contain a primitive or a group as child resources. In
Hawk2, child resources cannot be created or modified while creating a multi-state re-
source. Before adding a multi-state resource, create child resources and configure them as
desired. For details, refer to Section 7.5.3, “Adding Simple Resources” or Section 7.5.7, “Adding
Cluster Resource Groups”.

108 Adding Multi-state Resources SLE HA 15 SP1


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Add Resource Multi-state.

3. Enter a unique Multi-state ID.

4. From the Child Resource list, select the primitive or group to use as a sub-resource for the
multi-state resource.

5. If needed, modify or add Meta Attributes.

6. Click Create to finish the configuration. A message at the top of the screen shows if the
action has been successful.


7.5.10 Grouping Resources by Using Tags

Tags are a way to refer to multiple resources at once, without creating any colocation or ordering
relationship between them. You can use tags for grouping conceptually related resources. For
example, if you have several resources related to a database, you can add all related resources
to a tag named database .

109 Grouping Resources by Using Tags SLE HA 15 SP1

All resources belonging to a tag can be started or stopped with a single command.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Add Resource Tag.

3. Enter a unique Tag ID.

4. From the Objects list, select the resources you want to refer to with the tag.

5. Click Create to finish the configuration. A message at the top of the screen shows if the
action has been successful.


7.5.11 Configuring Resource Monitoring

The High Availability Extension does not only detect node failures, but also when an individ-
ual resource on a node has failed. If you want to ensure that a resource is running, configure
resource monitoring for it. Usually, resources are only monitored by the cluster while they are
running. However, to detect concurrency violations, also configure monitoring for resources

110 Configuring Resource Monitoring SLE HA 15 SP1

which are stopped. For resource monitoring, specify a timeout and/or start delay value, and an
interval. The interval tells the CRM how often it should check the resource status. You can also
set particular parameters such as timeout for start or stop operations.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. Add a resource as described in Procedure 7.5, “Adding a Primitive Resource” or select an existing

primitive to edit.
Hawk2 automatically shows the most important Operations ( start , stop , monitor ) and
proposes default values.
To see the attributes belonging to each proposed value, hover the mouse pointer over the
respective value.

3. To change the suggested timeout values for the start or stop operation:

a. Click the pen icon next to the operation.

b. In the dialog that opens, enter a different value for the timeout parameter, for
example 10 , and confirm your change.

4. To change the suggested interval value for the monitor operation:

a. Click the pen icon next to the operation.

b. In the dialog that opens, enter a different value for the monitoring interval .

c. To configure resource monitoring in the case that the resource is stopped:

i. Select the role entry from the empty drop-down box below.

111 Configuring Resource Monitoring SLE HA 15 SP1

ii. From the role drop-down box, select Stopped .

iii. Click Apply to confirm your changes and to close the dialog for the operation.

5. Confirm your changes in the resource configuration screen. A message at the top of the
screen shows if the action has been successful.

For the processes that take place if the resource monitor detects a failure, refer to Section 6.4,
“Resource Monitoring”.

To view resource failures, switch to the Status screen in Hawk2 and select the resource you are
interested in. In the Operations column click the arrow down icon and select Recent Events. The
dialog that opens lists recent actions performed for the resource. Failures are displayed in red.
To view the resource details, click the magnifier icon in the Operations column.


112 Configuring Resource Monitoring SLE HA 15 SP1

7.6 Configuring Constraints
After you have configured all resources, specify how the cluster should handle them correctly.
Resource constraints let you specify on which cluster nodes resources can run, in which order
to load resources, and what other resources a specific resource depends on.
For an overview of available types of constraints, refer to Section 6.5.1, “Types of Constraints”. When
defining constraints, you also need to specify scores. For more information on scores and their
implications in the cluster, see Section 6.5.2, “Scores and Infinity”.

7.6.1 Adding Location Constraints

A location constraint determines on which node a resource may be run, is preferably run, or
may not be run. An example of a location constraint is to place all resources related to a certain
database on the same node.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Add Constraint Location.

3. Enter a unique Constraint ID.

4. From the list of Resources select the resource or resources for which to define the constraint.

5. Enter a Score. The score indicates the value you are assigning to this resource constraint.
Positive values indicate the resource can run on the Node you specify in the next step.
Negative values mean it should not run on that node. Constraints with higher scores are
applied before those with lower scores.

113 Configuring Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1

Some often-used values can also be set via the drop-down box:

To force the resources to run on the node, click the arrow icon and select Always .
This sets the score to INFINITY .

If you never want the resources to run on the node, click the arrow icon and select
Never . This sets the score to -INFINITY , meaning that the resources must not run
on the node.

To set the score to 0 , click the arrow icon and select Advisory . This disables the
constraint. This is useful when you want to set resource discovery but do not want
to constrain the resources.

6. Select a Node.

7. Click Create to finish the configuration. A message at the top of the screen shows if the
action has been successful.


7.6.2 Adding Colocation Constraints

A colocational constraint tells the cluster which resources may or may not run together on a
node. As a colocation constraint defines a dependency between resources, you need at least two
resources to create a colocation constraint.

114 Adding Colocation Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Add Constraint Colocation.

3. Enter a unique Constraint ID.

4. Enter a Score. The score determines the location relationship between the resources. Pos-
itive values indicate that the resources should run on the same node. Negative values in-
dicate that the resources should not run on the same node. The score will be combined
with other factors to decide where to put the resource.
Some often-used values can also be set via the drop-down box:

To force the resources to run on the same node, click the arrow icon and select
Always . This sets the score to INFINITY .

If you never want the resources to run on the same node, click the arrow icon and
select Never . This sets the score to -INFINITY , meaning that the resources must
not run on the same node.

5. To define the resources for the constraint:

a. From the drop-down box in the Resources category, select a resource (or a template).
The resource is added and a new empty drop-down box appears beneath.

b. Repeat this step to add more resources.

As the topmost resource depends on the next resource and so on, the cluster will
rst decide where to put the last resource, then place the depending ones based on
that decision. If the constraint cannot be satisfied, the cluster may not allow the
dependent resource to run.

c. To swap the order of resources within the colocation constraint, click the arrow up
icon next to a resource to swap it with the entry above.

6. If needed, specify further parameters for each resource (such as Started , Stopped , Mas-
ter , Slave , Promote , Demote ): Click the empty drop-down box next to the resource
and select the desired entry.

7. Click Create to finish the configuration. A message at the top of the screen shows if the
action has been successful.

115 Adding Colocation Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1


7.6.3 Adding Order Constraints

Order constraints define the order in which resources are started and stopped. As an order
constraint defines a dependency between resources, you need at least two resources to create
an order constraint.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Add Constraint Order.

3. Enter a unique Constraint ID.

4. Enter a Score. If the score is greater than zero, the order constraint is mandatory, otherwise
it is optional.

116 Adding Order Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1

Some often-used values can also be set via the drop-down box:

If you want to make the order constraint mandatory, click the arrow icon and select
Mandatory .

If you want the order constraint to be a suggestion only, click the arrow icon and
select Optional .

Serialize : To ensure that no two stop/start actions occur concurrently for the
resources, click the arrow icon and select Serialize . This makes sure that one
resource must complete starting before the other can be started. A typical use case
are resources that put a high load on the host during start-up.

5. For order constraints, you can usually keep the option Symmetrical enabled. This specifies
that resources are stopped in reverse order.

6. To define the resources for the constraint:

a. From the drop-down box in the Resources category, select a resource (or a template).
The resource is added and a new empty drop-down box appears beneath.

b. Repeat this step to add more resources.

The topmost resource will start rst, then the second, etc. Usually the resources will
be stopped in reverse order.

c. To swap the order of resources within the order constraint, click the arrow up icon
next to a resource to swap it with the entry above.

7. If needed, specify further parameters for each resource (like Started , Stopped , Master ,
Slave , Promote , Demote ): Click the empty drop-down box next to the resource and
select the desired entry.

8. Confirm your changes to finish the configuration. A message at the top of the screen shows
if the action has been successful.

117 Adding Order Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1


7.6.4 Using Resource Sets for Constraints

As an alternative format for defining constraints, you can use Resource Sets. They have the same
ordering semantics as Groups.


1. To use a resource set within a location constraint:

a. Proceed as outlined in Procedure 7.14, “Adding a Location Constraint”, apart from Step 4:

Instead of selecting a single resource, select multiple resources by pressing Ctrl or
Shift and mouse click. This creates a resource set within the location constraint.

b. To remove a resource from the location constraint, press Ctrl and click the resource
again to deselect it.

2. To use a resource set within a colocation or order constraint:

a. Proceed as described in Procedure  7.15, “Adding a Colocation Constraint” or Proce-

dure 7.16, “Adding an Order Constraint”, apart from the step where you define the re-
sources for the constraint (Step 5.a or Step 6.a):

b. Add multiple resources.

118 Using Resource Sets for Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1

c. To create a resource set, click the chain icon next to a resource to link it to the re-
source above. A resource set is visualized by a frame around the resources belonging
to a set.

d. You can combine multiple resources in a resource set or create multiple resource sets.


e. To unlink a resource from the resource above, click the scissors icon next to the

3. Confirm your changes to finish the constraint configuration.

7.6.5 For More Information

For more information on configuring constraints and detailed background information about
the basic concepts of ordering and colocation, refer to the documentation available at http:// :

Pacemaker Explained, chapter Resource Constraints

Colocation Explained

Ordering Explained

119 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

7.6.6 Specifying Resource Failover Nodes
A resource will be automatically restarted if it fails. If that cannot be achieved on the current
node, or it fails N times on the current node, it will try to fail over to another node. You can
define several failures for resources (a migration-threshold ), after which they will migrate
to a new node. If you have more than two nodes in your cluster, the node to which a particular
resource fails over is chosen by the High Availability software.
You can specify a specific node to which a resource will fail over by proceeding as follows:


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. Configure a location constraint for the resource as described in Procedure 7.14, “Adding a

Location Constraint”.

3. Add the migration-threshold meta attribute to the resource as described in Proce-

dure 7.7: Modifying Parameters, Operations, or Meta Attributes for a Resource, Step 4 and enter
a value for the migration-threshold. The value should be positive and less than INFINITY.

4. If you want to automatically expire the failcount for a resource, add the failure-timeout
meta attribute to the resource as described in Procedure 7.5: Adding a Primitive Resource, Step
4 and enter a Value for the failure-timeout .

120 Specifying Resource Failover Nodes SLE HA 15 SP1

5. If you want to specify additional failover nodes with preferences for a resource, create
additional location constraints.

The process ow regarding migration thresholds and failcounts is demonstrated in Example 6.8,
“Migration Threshold—Process Flow”.

Instead of letting the failcount for a resource expire automatically, you can also clean up fail-
counts for a resource manually at any time. Refer to Section  7.7.3, “Cleaning Up Resources” for

7.6.7 Specifying Resource Failback Nodes (Resource Stickiness)

A resource may fail back to its original node when that node is back online and in the cluster.
To prevent this or to specify a different node for the resource to fail back to, change the stick-
iness value of the resource. You can either specify the resource stickiness when creating it or
For the implications of different resource stickiness values, refer to Section 6.5.5, “Failback Nodes”.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. Add the resource-stickiness meta attribute to the resource as described in Proce-

dure 7.7: Modifying Parameters, Operations, or Meta Attributes for a Resource, Step 4.

3. Specify a value between -INFINITY and INFINITY for resource-stickiness .

121 Specifying Resource Failback Nodes (Resource Stickiness) SLE HA 15 SP1

7.6.8 Configuring Placement of Resources Based on Load Impact
Not all resources are equal. Some, such as Xen guests, require that the node hosting them meets
their capacity requirements. If resources are placed so that their combined needs exceed the
provided capacity, the performance of the resources diminishes or they fail.
To take this into account, the High Availability Extension allows you to specify the following

1. The capacity a certain node provides.

2. The capacity a certain resource requires.

3. An overall strategy for placement of resources.

For more details and a configuration example, refer to Section 6.5.6, “Placing Resources Based on
Their Load Impact”.

Utilization attributes are used to configure both the resource's requirements and the capacity
a node provides. You rst need to configure a node's capacity before you can configure the
capacity a resource requires.

122 Configuring Placement of Resources Based on Load Impact SLE HA 15 SP1


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Monitoring Status.

3. On the Nodes tab, select the node whose capacity you want to configure.

4. In the Operations column, click the arrow down icon and select Edit.
The Edit Node screen opens.

5. Below Utilization, enter a name for a utilization attribute into the empty drop-down box.
The name can be arbitrary (for example, RAM_in_GB ).

6. Click the Add icon to add the attribute.

7. In the empty text box next to the attribute, enter an attribute value. The value must be
an integer.

8. Add as many utilization attributes as you need and add values for all of them.

9. Confirm your changes. A message at the top of the screen shows if the action has been

123 Configuring Placement of Resources Based on Load Impact SLE HA 15 SP1


Configure the capacity a certain resource requires from a node either when creating a
primitive resource or when editing an existing primitive resource.
Before you can add utilization attributes to a resource, you need to have set utilization
attributes for your cluster nodes as described in Procedure 7.20.

1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. To add a utilization attribute to an existing resource: Go to Manage Status and open the
resource configuration dialog as described in Section 7.7.1, “Editing Resources and Groups”.
If you create a new resource: Go to Configuration Add Resource and proceed as described
in Section 7.5.3, “Adding Simple Resources”.

3. In the resource configuration dialog, go to the Utilization category.

4. From the empty drop-down box, select one of the utilization attributes that you have
configured for the nodes in Procedure 7.20.

5. In the empty text box next to the attribute, enter an attribute value. The value must be
an integer.

6. Add as many utilization attributes as you need and add values for all of them.

7. Confirm your changes. A message at the top of the screen shows if the action has been

After you have configured the capacities your nodes provide and the capacities your resources
require, set the placement strategy in the global cluster options. Otherwise the capacity config-
urations have no effect. Several strategies are available to schedule the load: for example, you
can concentrate it on as few nodes as possible, or balance it evenly over all available nodes. For
more information, refer to Section 6.5.6, “Placing Resources Based on Their Load Impact”.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Cluster Configuration to open the respec-
tive screen. It shows global cluster options and resource and operation defaults.

124 Configuring Placement of Resources Based on Load Impact SLE HA 15 SP1

3. From the empty drop-down box in the upper part of the screen, select placement-strat-
egy .
By default, its value is set to Default, which means that utilization attributes and values
are not considered.

4. Depending on your requirements, set Placement Strategy to the appropriate value.

5. Confirm your changes.

7.7 Managing Cluster Resources

In addition to configuring your cluster resources, Hawk2 allows you to manage existing resources
from the Status screen. For a general overview of the screen refer to Section 7.8.1, “Monitoring a
Single Cluster”.

7.7.1 Editing Resources and Groups

In case you need to edit existing resources, go to the Status screen. In the Operations column,
click the arrow down icon next to the resource or group you want to modify and select Edit.
The editing screen appears. If you edit a primitive resource, the following operations are avail-


Copying the resource.

Renaming the resource (changing its ID).

Deleting the resource.

If you edit a group, the following operations are available:


Creating a new primitive which will be added to this group.

Renaming the group (changing its ID).

Re-sort group members by dragging and dropping them into the order you want using the
“handle” icon on the right.

125 Managing Cluster Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

7.7.2 Starting Resources
Before you start a cluster resource, make sure it is set up correctly. For example, if you use
an Apache server as a cluster resource, set up the Apache server rst. Complete the Apache
configuration before starting the respective resource in your cluster.

Note: Do Not Touch Services Managed by the Cluster

When managing a resource via the High Availability Extension, the resource must not
be started or stopped otherwise (outside of the cluster, for example manually or on boot
or reboot). The High Availability Extension software is responsible for all service start
or stop actions.
However, if you want to check if the service is configured properly, start it manually, but
make sure that it is stopped again before the High Availability Extension takes over.
For interventions in resources that are currently managed by the cluster, set the resource
to maintenance mode rst. For details, see Procedure 16.5, “Putting a Resource into Mainte-
nance Mode with Hawk2”.

When creating a resource with Hawk2, you can set its initial state with the target-role meta
attribute. If you set its value to stopped , the resource does not start automatically after being


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Monitoring Status. The list of Resources also shows
the Status.

3. Select the resource to start. In its Operations column click the Start icon. To continue,
confirm the message that appears.
When the resource has started, Hawk2 changes the resource's Status to green and shows
on which node it is running.

126 Starting Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

7.7.3 Cleaning Up Resources
A resource will be automatically restarted if it fails, but each failure increases the resource's
If a migration-threshold has been set for the resource, the node will no longer run the re-
source when the number of failures reaches the migration threshold.
A resource's failcount can either be reset automatically (by setting a failure-timeout option
for the resource) or it can be reset manually as described below.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Status. The list of Resources also shows the Status.

3. Go to the resource to clean up. In the Operations column click the arrow down button and
select Cleanup. To continue, confirm the message that appears.
This executes the command crm resource cleanup and cleans up the resource on all

7.7.4 Removing Cluster Resources

If you need to remove a resource from the cluster, follow the procedure below to avoid config-
uration errors:


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. Clean up the resource on all nodes as described in Procedure 7.24, “Cleaning Up A Resource”.

3. Stop the resource:

a. From the left navigation bar, select Monitoring Status. The list of Resources also
shows the Status.

b. In the Operations column click the Stop button next to the resource.

127 Cleaning Up Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

c. To continue, confirm the message that appears.
The Status column will reflect the change when the resource is stopped.

4. Delete the resource:

a. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Edit Configuration.

b. In the list of Resources, go to the respective resource. From the Operations column
click the Delete icon next to the resource.

c. To continue, confirm the message that appears.

7.7.5 Migrating Cluster Resources

As mentioned in Section 7.6.6, “Specifying Resource Failover Nodes”, the cluster will fail over (mi-
grate) resources automatically in case of software or hardware failures—according to certain
parameters you can define (for example, migration threshold or resource stickiness). You can
also manually migrate a resource to another node in the cluster. Or you decide to move the
resource away from the current node and let the cluster decide where to put it.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Monitoring Status. The list of Resources also shows
the Status.

3. In the list of Resources, select the respective resource.

4. In the Operations column click the arrow down button and select Migrate.

5. In the window that opens you have the following choices:

Away from current node: This creates a location constraint with a -INFINITY score
for the current node.

Alternatively, you can move the resource to another node. This creates a location
constraint with an INFINITY score for the destination node.

6. Confirm your choice.

128 Migrating Cluster Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

To allow a resource to move back again, proceed as follows:


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Monitoring Status. The list of Resources also shows
the Status.

3. In the list of Resources, go to the respective resource.

4. In the Operations column click the arrow down button and select Clear. To continue, con-
firm the message that appears.
Hawk2 uses the crm_resource  --clear command. The resource can move back to its
original location or it may stay where it is (depending on resource stickiness).

For more information, see Pacemaker Explained, available from

maker/doc/ . Refer to section Resource Migration.

7.8 Monitoring Clusters

Hawk2 has different screens for monitoring single clusters and multiple clusters: the Status and
the Dashboard screen.

7.8.1 Monitoring a Single Cluster

To monitor a single cluster, use the Status screen. After you have logged in to Hawk2, the Status
screen is displayed by default. An icon in the upper right corner shows the cluster status at a
glance. For further details, have a look at the following categories:

If errors have occurred, they are shown at the top of the page.

Shows the configured resources including their Status, Name (ID), Location (node on which
they are running), and resource agent Type. From the Operations column, you can start
or stop a resource, trigger several actions, or view details. Actions that can be triggered

129 Monitoring Clusters SLE HA 15 SP1

include setting the resource to maintenance mode (or removing maintenance mode), mi-
grating it to a different node, cleaning up the resource, showing any recent events, or
editing the resource.

Shows the nodes belonging to the cluster site you are logged in to, including the nodes'
Status and Name. In the Maintenance and Standby columns, you can set or remove the
maintenance or standby ag for a node. The Operations column allows you to view
recent events for the node or further details: for example, if a utilization , standby or
maintenance attribute is set for the respective node.

Only shown if tickets have been configured (for use with Geo clustering).


7.8.2 Monitoring Multiple Clusters

To monitor multiple clusters, use the Hawk2 Dashboard. The cluster information displayed in
the Dashboard screen is stored on the server side. It is synchronized between the cluster nodes
(if passwordless SSH access between the cluster nodes has been configured). For details, see
Section D.2, “Configuring a Passwordless SSH Account”. However, the machine running Hawk2 does
not even need to be part of any cluster for that purpose—it can be a separate, unrelated system.

130 Monitoring Multiple Clusters SLE HA 15 SP1

In addition to the general Hawk2 Requirements, the following prerequisites need to be fulfilled
to monitor multiple clusters with Hawk2:


All clusters to be monitored from Hawk2's Dashboard must be running SUSE Linux Enter-
prise High Availability Extension 15 SP1.

If you did not replace the self-signed certificate for Hawk2 on every cluster node with
your own certificate (or a certificate signed by an official Certificate Authority) yet, do
the following: Log in to Hawk2 on every node in every cluster at least once. Verify the
certificate (or add an exception in the browser to bypass the warning). Otherwise Hawk2
cannot connect to the cluster.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Monitoring Dashboard.

Hawk2 shows an overview of the resources and nodes on the current cluster site. In ad-
dition, it shows any Tickets that have been configured for use with a Geo cluster. If you
need information about the icons used in this view, click Legend. To search for a resource
ID, enter the name (ID) into the Search text box. To only show specific nodes, click the
filter icon and select a filtering option.

131 Monitoring Multiple Clusters SLE HA 15 SP1


3. To add dashboards for multiple clusters:

a. Click Add Cluster.

b. Enter the Cluster name with which to identify the cluster in the Dashboard. For ex-
ample, berlin .

c. Enter the fully qualified host name of one of the nodes in the second cluster. For
example, charlie .

132 Monitoring Multiple Clusters SLE HA 15 SP1

d. Click Add. Hawk2 will display a second tab for the newly added cluster site with an
overview of its nodes and resources.

Note: Connection Error

If instead you are prompted to log in to this node by entering a password, you
probably did not connect to this node yet and have not replaced the self-signed
certificate. In that case, even after entering the password, the connection will
fail with the following message: Error connecting to server. Retrying
every 5 seconds... ' .

To proceed, see Replacing the Self-Signed Certificate.

4. To view more details for a cluster site or to manage it, switch to the site's tab and click
the chain icon.
Hawk2 opens the Status view for this site in a new browser window or tab. From there,
you can administer this part of the Geo cluster.

5. To remove a cluster from the dashboard, click the x icon on the right-hand side of the
cluster's details.

133 Monitoring Multiple Clusters SLE HA 15 SP1

7.9 Using the Batch Mode
Hawk2 provides a Batch Mode, including a cluster simulator. It can be used for the following:

Staging changes to the cluster and applying them as a single transaction, instead of having
each change take effect immediately.

Simulating changes and cluster events, for example, to explore potential failure scenarios.

For example, batch mode can be used when creating groups of resources that depend on each
other. Using batch mode, you can avoid applying intermediate or incomplete configurations to
the cluster.
While batch mode is enabled, you can add or edit resources and constraints or change the cluster
configuration. It is also possible to simulate events in the cluster, including nodes going online
or offline, resource operations and tickets being granted or revoked. See Procedure 7.30, “Injecting
Node, Resource or Ticket Events” for details.

The cluster simulator runs automatically after every change and shows the expected outcome in
the user interface. For example, this also means: If you stop a resource while in batch mode, the
user interface shows the resource as stopped—while actually, the resource is still running.

Important: Wizards and Changes to the Live System

Some wizards include actions beyond mere cluster configuration. When using those wiz-
ards in batch mode, any changes that go beyond cluster configuration would be applied
to the live system immediately.
Therefore wizards that require root permission cannot be executed in batch mode.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. To activate the batch mode, select Batch from the top-level row.
An additional bar appears below the top-level row. It indicates that batch mode is active
and contains links to actions that you can execute in batch mode.

134 Using the Batch Mode SLE HA 15 SP1


3. While batch mode is active, perform any changes to your cluster, like adding or editing
resources and constraints or editing the cluster configuration.
The changes will be simulated and shown in all screens.

4. To view details of the changes you have made, select Show from the batch mode bar. The
Batch Mode window opens.
For any configuration changes it shows the difference between the live state and the sim-
ulated changes in crmsh syntax: Lines starting with a - character represent the current
state whereas lines starting with + show the proposed state.

5. To inject events or view even more details, see Procedure 7.30. Otherwise Close the window.

6. Choose to either Discard or Apply the simulated changes and confirm your choice. This
also deactivates batch mode and takes you back to normal mode.

When running in batch mode, Hawk2 also allows you to inject Node Events and Resource Events.

Node Events
Let you change the state of a node. Available states are online, offline, and unclean.

Resource Events
Let you change some properties of a resource. For example, you can set an operation (like
start , stop , monitor ), the node it applies to, and the expected result to be simulated.

135 Using the Batch Mode SLE HA 15 SP1

Ticket Events
Let you test the impact of granting and revoking tickets (used for Geo clusters).


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. If batch mode is not active yet, click Batch at the top-level row to switch to batch mode.

3. In the batch mode bar, click Show to open the Batch Mode window.

4. To simulate a status change of a node:

a. Click Inject Node Event.

b. Select the Node you want to manipulate and select its target State.

c. Confirm your changes. Your event is added to the queue of events listed in the Batch
Mode dialog.

5. To simulate a resource operation:

a. Click Inject Resource Event.

b. Select the Resource you want to manipulate and select the Operation to simulate.

c. If necessary, define an Interval.

d. Select the Node on which to run the operation and the targeted Result. Your event is
added to the queue of events listed in the Batch Mode dialog.

e. Confirm your changes.

6. To simulate a ticket action:

a. Click Inject Ticket Event.

b. Select the Ticket you want to manipulate and select the Action to simulate.

c. Confirm your changes. Your event is added to the queue of events listed in the Batch
Mode dialog.

7. The Batch Mode dialog (Figure 7.18) shows a new line per injected event. Any event listed
here is simulated immediately and is reflected on the Status screen.

136 Using the Batch Mode SLE HA 15 SP1

If you have made any configuration changes, too, the difference between the live state
and the simulated changes is shown below the injected events.


8. To remove an injected event, click the Remove icon next to it. Hawk2 updates the Status
screen accordingly.

9. To view more details about the simulation run, click Simulator and choose one of the

Shows a detailed summary.

CIB (in)/CIB (out)

CIB (in) shows the initial CIB state. CIB (out) shows what the CIB would look like
after the transition.

Transition Graph
Shows a graphical representation of the transition.

Shows an XML representation of the transition.

10. If you have reviewed the simulated changes, close the Batch Mode window.

11. To leave the batch mode, either Apply or Discard the simulated changes.

137 Using the Batch Mode SLE HA 15 SP1

7.10 Viewing the Cluster History
Hawk2 provides the following possibilities to view past events on the cluster (on different levels
and in varying detail):

Section 7.10.1, “Viewing Recent Events of Nodes or Resources”

Section 7.10.2, “Using the History Explorer for Cluster Reports”

Section 7.10.3, “Viewing Transition Details in the History Explorer”

7.10.1 Viewing Recent Events of Nodes or Resources

1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Monitoring Status. It lists Resources and Nodes.

3. To view recent events of a resource:

a. Click Resources and select the respective resource.

b. In the Operations column for the resource, click the arrow down button and select
Recent events.
Hawk2 opens a new window and displays a table view of the latest events.

4. To view recent events of a node:

a. Click Nodes and select the respective node.

b. In the Operations column for the node, select Recent events.

Hawk2 opens a new window and displays a table view of the latest events.

138 Viewing the Cluster History SLE HA 15 SP1

7.10.2 Using the History Explorer for Cluster Reports
From the left navigation bar, select Troubleshooting History to access the History Explorer. The
History Explorer allows you to create detailed cluster reports and view transition information.
It provides the following options:

Create a cluster report for a certain time. Hawk2 calls the crm report command to gen-
erate the report.

Allows you to upload crm report archives that have either been created with the crm
shell directly or even on a different cluster.

After reports have been generated or uploaded, they are shown below Reports. From the list of
reports, you can show a report's details, download or delete the report.



1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Troubleshooting History.

The History Explorer screen opens in the Generate view. By default, the suggested time
frame for a report is the last hour.

139 Using the History Explorer for Cluster Reports SLE HA 15 SP1
3. To create a cluster report:

a. To immediately start a report, click Generate.

b. To modify the time frame for the report, click anywhere on the suggested time frame
and select another option from the drop-down box. You can also enter a Custom start
date, end date and hour, respectively. To start the report, click Generate.
After the report has finished, it is shown below Reports.

4. To upload a cluster report, the crm report archive must be located on a le system that
you can access with Hawk2. Proceed as follows:

a. Switch to the Upload tab.

b. Browse for the cluster report archive and click Upload.

After the report is uploaded, it is shown below Reports.

5. To download or delete a report, click the respective icon next to the report in the Operations

6. To view Report Details in History Explorer, click the report's name or select Show from the
Operations column.

7. Return to the list of reports by clicking the Reports button.

140 Using the History Explorer for Cluster Reports SLE HA 15 SP1

Name of the report.

Start time of the report.

End time of the report.

Number of transitions plus time line of all transitions in the cluster that are covered by the
report. To learn how to view more details for a transition, see Section 7.10.3.

Node events.

Resource events.

7.10.3 Viewing Transition Details in the History Explorer

For each transition, the cluster saves a copy of the state which it provides as input to pace-
maker-schedulerd . The path to this archive is logged. All pe-* les are generated on the
Designated Coordinator (DC). As the DC can change in a cluster, there may be pe-* les from
several nodes. Any pe-* les are saved snapshots of the CIB, used as input of calculations by
pacemaker-schedulerd .

In Hawk2, you can display the name of each pe-* le plus the time and node on which it
was created. In addition, the History Explorer can visualize the following details, based on the
respective pe-* le:


Shows snippets of logging data that belongs to the transition. Displays the output of the
following command (including the resource agents' log messages):

crm history transition peinput

Shows the cluster configuration at the time that the pe-* le was created.

Shows the differences of configuration and status between the selected pe-* le and the
following one.

141 Viewing Transition Details in the History Explorer SLE HA 15 SP1

Shows snippets of logging data that belongs to the transition. Displays the output of the
following command:

crm history transition log peinput

This includes details from the following daemons: pacemaker-schedulerd , pacemak-

er-controld , and pacemaker-execd .

Shows a graphical representation of the transition. If you click Graph, the calculation is
simulated (exactly as done by pacemaker-schedulerd ) and a graphical visualization is


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Troubleshooting History.

If reports have already been generated or uploaded, they are shown in the list of Reports.
Otherwise generate or upload a report as described in Procedure 7.31.

3. Click the report's name or select Show from the Operations column to open the Report Details
in History Explorer.

4. To access the transition details, you need to select a transition point in the transition time
line that is shown below. Use the Previous and Next icons and the Zoom In and Zoom Out
icons to nd the transition that you are interested in.

5. To display the name of a pe-input* le plus the time and node on which it was created,
hover the mouse pointer over a transition point in the time line.

6. To view the Transition Details in the History Explorer, click the transition point for which you
want to know more.

7. To show Details, Configuration, Di, Logs or Graph, click the respective buttons to show the
content described in Transition Details in the History Explorer.

8. To return to the list of reports, click the Reports button.

142 Viewing Transition Details in the History Explorer SLE HA 15 SP1

7.11 Verifying Cluster Health
Hawk2 provides a wizard which checks and detects issues with your cluster. After the analysis
is complete, Hawk2 creates a cluster report with further details. To verify cluster health and
generate the report, Hawk2 requires passwordless SSH access between the nodes. Otherwise it
can only collect data from the current node. If you have set up your cluster with the bootstrap
scripts, provided by the ha-cluster-bootstrap package, passwordless SSH access is already
configured. In case you need to configure it manually, see Section D.2, “Configuring a Passwordless
SSH Account”.

1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. From the left navigation bar, select Configuration Wizards.

3. Expand the Basic category.

4. Select the Verify health and configuration wizard.

5. Confirm with Verify.

6. Enter the root password for your cluster and click Apply. Hawk2 will generate the report.

143 Verifying Cluster Health SLE HA 15 SP1

8 Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources (Com-
mand Line)

To configure and manage cluster resources, either use the crm shell (crmsh) com-
mand line utility or Hawk2, a Web-based user interface.
This chapter introduces crm , the command line tool and covers an overview of this
tool, how to use templates, and mainly configuring and managing cluster resources:
creating basic and advanced types of resources (groups and clones), configuring
constraints, specifying failover nodes and failback nodes, configuring resource mon-
itoring, starting, cleaning up or removing resources, and migrating resources manu-

Note: User Privileges

Sufficient privileges are necessary to manage a cluster. The crm command and its sub-
commands need to be run either as root user or as the CRM owner user (typically the
user hacluster ).
However, the user option allows you to run crm and its subcommands as a regular
(unprivileged) user and to change its ID using sudo whenever necessary. For example,
with the following command crm will use hacluster as the privileged user ID:

root # crm options user hacluster

Note that you need to set up /etc/sudoers so that sudo does not ask for a password.

8.1 crmsh—Overview
The crm command has several subcommands which manage resources, CIBs, nodes, resource
agents, and others. It offers a thorough help system with embedded examples. All examples
follow a naming convention described in Appendix B.

144 crmsh—Overview SLE HA 15 SP1

Tip: Interactive crm Prompt
By using crm without arguments (or with only one sublevel as argument), the crm shell
enters the interactive mode. This mode is indicated by the following prompt:


For readability reasons, we omit the host name in the interactive crm prompts in our
documentation. We only include the host name if you need to run the interactive shell
on a specific node, like alice for example:


8.1.1 Getting Help

Help can be accessed in several ways:

To output the usage of crm and its command line options:

root # crm --help

To give a list of all available commands:

root # crm help

To access other help sections, not just the command reference:

root # crm help topics

To view the extensive help text of the configure subcommand:

root # crm configure help

To print the syntax, its usage, and examples of the group subcommand of configure :

root # crm configure help group

This is the same:

root # crm help configure group

145 Getting Help SLE HA 15 SP1

Almost all output of the help subcommand (do not mix it up with the --help option) opens
a text viewer. This text viewer allows you to scroll up or down and read the help text more
comfortably. To leave the text viewer, press the Q key.

Tip: Use Tab Completion in Bash and Interactive Shell

The crmsh supports full tab completion in Bash directly, not only for the interactive shell.
For example, typing crm help config →| will complete the word like in the interactive

8.1.2 Executing crmsh's Subcommands

The crm command itself can be used in the following ways:

Directly: Concatenate all subcommands to crm , press Enter and you see the output im-
mediately. For example, enter crm help ra to get information about the ra subcom-
mand (resource agents).
It is possible to abbreviate subcommands as long as they are unique. For example, you can
shorten status as st and crmsh will know what you have meant.
Another feature is to shorten parameters. Usually, you add parameters through the params
keyword. You can leave out the params section if it is the rst and only section. For ex-
ample, this line:

root # crm primitive ipaddr ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip=

is equivalent to this line:

root # crm primitive ipaddr ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip=

As crm Shell Script: Crm shell scripts contain subcommands of crm . For more information,
see Section 8.1.4, “Using crmsh's Shell Scripts”.

As crmsh Cluster Scripts: These are a collection of metadata, references to RPM packages,
configuration les, and crmsh subcommands bundled under a single, yet descriptive name.
They are managed through the crm script command.

146 Executing crmsh's Subcommands SLE HA 15 SP1

Do not confuse them with crmsh shell scripts: although both share some common objec-
tives, the crm shell scripts only contain subcommands whereas cluster scripts incorpo-
rate much more than a simple enumeration of commands. For more information, see Sec-
tion 8.1.5, “Using crmsh's Cluster Scripts”.

Interactive as Internal Shell: Type crm to enter the internal shell. The prompt changes
to crm(live) . With help you can get an overview of the available subcommands. As
the internal shell has different levels of subcommands, you can “enter” one by typing this
subcommand and press Enter .
For example, if you type resource you enter the resource management level. Your prompt
changes to crm(live)resource# . To leave the internal shell, use the commands quit ,
bye , or exit . If you need to go one level back, use back , up , end , or cd .
You can enter the level directly by typing crm and the respective subcommand(s) without
any options and press Enter .
The internal shell supports also tab completion for subcommands and resources. Type the
beginning of a command, press →| and crm completes the respective object.

In addition to previously explained methods, crmsh also supports synchronous command exe-
cution. Use the -w option to activate it. If you have started crm without -w , you can enable it
later with the user preference's wait set to yes ( options wait yes ). If this option is enabled,
crm waits until the transition is finished. Whenever a transaction is started, dots are printed
to indicate progress. Synchronous command execution is only applicable for commands like
resource start .

Note: Differentiate Between Management and Configuration

The crm tool has management capability (the subcommands resource and node ) and
can be used for configuration ( cib , configure ).

The following subsections give you an overview of some important aspects of the crm tool.

147 Executing crmsh's Subcommands SLE HA 15 SP1

8.1.3 Displaying Information about OCF Resource Agents
As you need to deal with resource agents in your cluster configuration all the time, the crm tool
contains the ra command. Use it to show information about resource agents and to manage
them (for additional information, see also Section 6.3.2, “Supported Resource Agent Classes”):

root # crm ra

The command classes lists all classes and providers:

crm(live)ra# classes
ocf / heartbeat linbit lvm2 ocfs2 pacemaker

To get an overview of all available resource agents for a class (and provider) use the list

crm(live)ra# list ocf

AoEtarget AudibleAlarm CTDB ClusterMon
Delay Dummy EvmsSCC Evmsd
Filesystem HealthCPU HealthSMART ICP
IPaddr IPaddr2 IPsrcaddr IPv6addr
LVM LinuxSCSI MailTo ManageRAID
ManageVE Pure-FTPd Raid1 Route
SAPDatabase SAPInstance SendArp ServeRAID

An overview of a resource agent can be viewed with info :

crm(live)ra# info ocf:linbit:drbd

This resource agent manages a DRBD* resource
as a master/slave resource. DRBD is a shared-nothing replicated storage
device. (ocf:linbit:drbd)

Master/Slave OCF Resource Agent for DRBD

Parameters (* denotes required, [] the default):

drbd_resource* (string): drbd resource name

The name of the drbd resource from the drbd.conf file.

148 Displaying Information about OCF Resource Agents SLE HA 15 SP1

drbdconf (string, [/etc/drbd.conf]): Path to drbd.conf
Full path to the drbd.conf file.

Operations' defaults (advisory minimum):

start timeout=240
promote timeout=90
demote timeout=90
notify timeout=90
stop timeout=100
monitor_Slave_0 interval=20 timeout=20 start-delay=1m
monitor_Master_0 interval=10 timeout=20 start-delay=1m

Leave the viewer by pressing Q .

Tip: Use crm Directly

In the former example we used the internal shell of the crm command. However, you
do not necessarily need to use it. You get the same results if you add the respective
subcommands to crm . For example, you can list all the OCF resource agents by entering
crm ra list ocf in your shell.

8.1.4 Using crmsh's Shell Scripts

The crmsh shell scripts provide a convenient way to enumerate crmsh subcommands into a le.
This makes it easy to comment specific lines or to replay them later. Keep in mind that a crmsh
shell script can contain only crmsh subcommands. Any other commands are not allowed.
Before you can use a crmsh shell script, create a le with specific commands. For example, the
following le prints the status of the cluster and gives a list of all nodes:


# A small example file with some crm subcommands

node list

Any line starting with the hash symbol ( # ) is a comment and is ignored. If a line is too long,
insert a backslash ( \ ) at the end and continue in the next line. It is recommended to indent
lines that belong to a certain subcommand to improve readability.

149 Using crmsh's Shell Scripts SLE HA 15 SP1

To use this script, use one of the following methods:

root # crm -f example.cli

root # crm < example.cli

8.1.5 Using crmsh's Cluster Scripts

Collecting information from all cluster nodes and deploying any changes is a key cluster admin-
istration task. Instead of performing the same procedures manually on different nodes (which
is error-prone), you can use the crmsh cluster scripts.
Do not confuse them with the crmsh shell scripts, which are explained in Section  8.1.4, “Using
crmsh's Shell Scripts”.

In contrast to crmsh shell scripts, cluster scripts performs additional tasks like:

Installing software that is required for a specific task.

Creating or modifying any configuration les.

Collecting information and reporting potential problems with the cluster.

Deploying the changes to all nodes.

crmsh cluster scripts do not replace other tools for managing clusters—they provide an inte-
grated way to perform the above tasks across the cluster. Find detailed information at http:// . Usage

To get a list of all available cluster scripts, run:

root # crm script list

To view the components of a script, use the show command and the name of the cluster script,
for example:

root # crm script show mailto

mailto (Basic)

150 Using crmsh's Cluster Scripts SLE HA 15 SP1

This is a resource agent for MailTo. It sends email to a sysadmin
whenever a takeover occurs.

1. Notifies recipients by email in the event of resource takeover

id (required) (unique)
Identifier for the cluster resource
email (required)
Email address

The output of show contains a title, a short description, and a procedure. Each procedure is
divided into a series of steps, performed in the given order.
Each step contains a list of required and optional parameters, along with a short description
and its default value.
Each cluster script understands a set of common parameters. These parameters can be passed
to any script:


Parameter Argument Description

action INDEX If set, only execute a single

action (index, as returned by

dry_run BOOL If set, simulate execution on-

ly (default: no)

nodes LIST List of nodes to execute the

script for

port NUMBER Port to connect to

statefile FILE When single-stepping, the

state is saved in the given le

sudo BOOL If set, crm will prompt for a

sudo password and use sudo
where appropriate (default:

151 Using crmsh's Cluster Scripts SLE HA 15 SP1

Parameter Argument Description

timeout NUMBER Execution timeout in seconds

(default: 600)

user USER Run script as the given user Verifying and Running a Cluster Script

Before running a cluster script, review the actions that it will perform and verify its parameters
to avoid problems. A cluster script can potentially perform a series of actions and may fail for
various reasons. Thus, verifying your parameters before running it helps to avoid problems.
For example, the mailto resource agent requires a unique identifier and an e-mail address. To
verify these parameters, run:

root # crm script verify mailto id=sysadmin

1. Ensure mail package is installed


2. Configure cluster resources

primitive sysadmin ocf:heartbeat:MailTo

op start timeout="10"
op stop timeout="10"
op monitor interval="10" timeout="10"

clone c-sysadmin sysadmin

The verify prints the steps and replaces any placeholders with your given parameters. If ver-
ify nds any problems, it will report it. If everything is ok, replace the verify command with
run :

root # crm script run mailto id=sysadmin

INFO: MailTo
INFO: Nodes: alice, bob
OK: Ensure mail package is installed
OK: Configure cluster resources

Check whether your resource is integrated into your cluster with crm status :

root # crm status

152 Using crmsh's Cluster Scripts SLE HA 15 SP1

Clone Set: c-sysadmin [sysadmin]
Started: [ alice bob ]

8.1.6 Using Configuration Templates

Note: Deprecation Notice

The use of configuration templates is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Con-
figuration templates will be replaced by cluster scripts, see Section  8.1.5, “Using crmsh's
Cluster Scripts”.

Configuration templates are ready-made cluster configurations for crmsh. Do not confuse them
with the resource templates (as described in Section 8.3.3, “Creating Resource Templates”). Those are
templates for the cluster and not for the crm shell.
Configuration templates require minimum effort to be tailored to the particular user's needs.
Whenever a template creates a configuration, warning messages give hints which can be edited
later for further customization.
The following procedure shows how to create a simple yet functional Apache configuration:

1. Log in as root and start the crm interactive shell:

root # crm configure

2. Create a new configuration from a configuration template:

a. Switch to the template subcommand:

crm(live)configure# template

b. List the available configuration templates:

crm(live)configure template# list templates

gfs2-base filesystem virtual-ip apache clvm ocfs2 gfs2

c. Decide which configuration template you need. As we need an Apache configuration,

we select the apache template and name it g-intranet :

crm(live)configure template# new g-intranet apache

153 Using Configuration Templates SLE HA 15 SP1

INFO: pulling in template apache
INFO: pulling in template virtual-ip

3. Define your parameters:

a. List the configuration you have created:

crm(live)configure template# list

b. Display the minimum required changes that need to be lled out by you:

crm(live)configure template# show
ERROR: 23: required parameter ip not set
ERROR: 61: required parameter id not set
ERROR: 65: required parameter configfile not set

c. Invoke your preferred text editor and ll out all lines that have been displayed as
errors in Step 3.b:

crm(live)configure template# edit

4. Show the configuration and check whether it is valid (bold text depends on the configu-
ration you have entered in Step 3.c):

crm(live)configure template# show
primitive virtual-ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr \
params ip=""
primitive apache ocf:heartbeat:apache \
params configfile="/etc/apache2/httpd.conf"
monitor apache 120s:60s
group g-intranet \
apache virtual-ip

5. Apply the configuration:

crm(live)configure template# apply
crm(live)configure# cd ..
crm(live)configure# show

6. Submit your changes to the CIB:

crm(live)configure# commit

154 Using Configuration Templates SLE HA 15 SP1

It is possible to simplify the commands even more, if you know the details. The above procedure
can be summarized with the following command on the shell:

root # crm configure template \

new g-intranet apache params \
configfile="/etc/apache2/httpd.conf" ip=""

If you are inside your internal crm shell, use the following command:

crm(live)configure template# new intranet apache params \

configfile="/etc/apache2/httpd.conf" ip=""

However, the previous command only creates its configuration from the configuration template.
It does not apply nor commit it to the CIB.

8.1.7 Testing with Shadow Configuration

A shadow configuration is used to test different configuration scenarios. If you have created
several shadow configurations, you can test them one by one to see the effects of your changes.
The usual process looks like this:

1. Log in as root and start the crm interactive shell:

root # crm configure

2. Create a new shadow configuration:

crm(live)configure# cib new myNewConfig

INFO: myNewConfig shadow CIB created

If you omit the name of the shadow CIB, a temporary name @tmp@ is created.

3. To copy the current live configuration into your shadow configuration, use the following
command, otherwise skip this step:

crm(myNewConfig)# cib reset myNewConfig

The previous command makes it easier to modify any existing resources later.

4. Make your changes as usual. After you have created the shadow configuration, all changes
go there. To save all your changes, use the following command:

crm(myNewConfig)# commit

155 Testing with Shadow Configuration SLE HA 15 SP1

5. If you need the live cluster configuration again, switch back with the following command:

crm(myNewConfig)configure# cib use live


8.1.8 Debugging Your Configuration Changes

Before loading your configuration changes back into the cluster, it is recommended to review
your changes with ptest . The ptest command can show a diagram of actions that will be
induced by committing the changes. You need the graphviz package to display the diagrams.
The following example is a transcript, adding a monitor operation:

root # crm configure

crm(live)configure# show fence-bob
primitive fence-bob stonith:apcsmart \
params hostlist="bob"
crm(live)configure# monitor fence-bob 120m:60s
crm(live)configure# show changed
primitive fence-bob stonith:apcsmart \
params hostlist="bob" \
op monitor interval="120m" timeout="60s"
crm(live)configure# ptest
crm(live)configure# commit

8.1.9 Cluster Diagram

To output a cluster diagram, use the command crm configure graph . It displays the current
configuration on its current window, therefore requiring X11.
If you prefer Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), use the following command:

root # crm configure graph dot config.svg svg

8.2 Managing Corosync Configuration

Corosync is the underlying messaging layer for most HA clusters. The corosync subcommand
provides commands for editing and managing the Corosync configuration.

156 Debugging Your Configuration Changes SLE HA 15 SP1

For example, to list the status of the cluster, use status :

root # crm corosync status

Printing ring status.
Local node ID 175704363
id =
status = ring 0 active with no faults
Quorum information
Date: Thu May 8 16:41:56 2014
Quorum provider: corosync_votequorum
Nodes: 2
Node ID: 175704363
Ring ID: 4032
Quorate: Yes

Votequorum information
Expected votes: 2
Highest expected: 2
Total votes: 2
Quorum: 2
Flags: Quorate

Membership information
Nodeid Votes Name
175704363 1 (local)
175704619 1

The diff command is very helpful: It compares the Corosync configuration on all nodes (if not
stated otherwise) and prints the difference between:

root # crm corosync diff

--- bob
+++ alice
@@ -46,2 +46,2 @@
- expected_votes: 2
- two_node: 1
+ expected_votes: 1
+ two_node: 0

For more details, see .

157 Managing Corosync Configuration SLE HA 15 SP1

8.3 Configuring Cluster Resources
As a cluster administrator, you need to create cluster resources for every resource or application
you run on servers in your cluster. Cluster resources can include Web sites, e-mail servers,
databases, le systems, virtual machines, and any other server-based applications or services
you want to make available to users at all times.
For an overview of resource types you can create, refer to Section 6.3.3, “Types of Resources”.

8.3.1 Loading Cluster Resources from a File

Parts or all of the configuration can be loaded from a local le or a network URL. Three different
methods can be defined:

This option replaces the current configuration with the new source configuration.

This option tries to import the source configuration. It adds new items or updates existing
items to the current configuration.

This option imports the content from the source into the current configuration (same as
update ). However, it removes objects that are not available in the new configuration.

To load the new configuration from the le mycluster-config.txt use the following syntax:

root # crm configure load push mycluster-config.txt

8.3.2 Creating Cluster Resources

There are three types of RAs (Resource Agents) available with the cluster (for background infor-
mation, see Section 6.3.2, “Supported Resource Agent Classes”). To add a new resource to the cluster,
proceed as follows:

1. Log in as root and start the crm tool:

root # crm configure

158 Configuring Cluster Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

2. Configure a primitive IP address:

crm(live)configure# primitive myIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr \

params ip= op monitor interval=60s

The previous command configures a “primitive” with the name myIP . You need to choose
a class (here ocf ), provider ( heartbeat ), and type ( IPaddr ). Furthermore, this primi-
tive expects other parameters like the IP address. Change the address to your setup.

3. Display and review the changes you have made:

crm(live)configure# show

4. Commit your changes to take effect:

crm(live)configure# commit

8.3.3 Creating Resource Templates

If you want to create several resources with similar configurations, a resource template simpli-
fies the task. See also Section 6.5.3, “Resource Templates and Constraints” for some basic background
information. Do not confuse them with the “normal” templates from Section 8.1.6, “Using Config-
uration Templates”. Use the rsc_template command to get familiar with the syntax:

root # crm configure rsc_template

usage: rsc_template <name> [<class>:[<provider>:]]<type>
[params <param>=<value> [<param>=<value>...]]
[meta <attribute>=<value> [<attribute>=<value>...]]
[utilization <attribute>=<value> [<attribute>=<value>...]]
[operations id_spec
[op op_type [<attribute>=<value>...] ...]]

For example, the following command creates a new resource template with the name BigVM
derived from the ocf:heartbeat:Xen resource and some default values and operations:

crm(live)configure# rsc_template BigVM ocf:heartbeat:Xen \

params allow_mem_management="true" \
op monitor timeout=60s interval=15s \
op stop timeout=10m \
op start timeout=10m

159 Creating Resource Templates SLE HA 15 SP1

Once you defined the new resource template, you can use it in primitives or reference it in order,
colocation, or rsc_ticket constraints. To reference the resource template, use the @ sign:

crm(live)configure# primitive MyVM1 @BigVM \

params xmfile="/etc/xen/shared-vm/MyVM1" name="MyVM1"

The new primitive MyVM1 is going to inherit everything from the BigVM resource templates.
For example, the equivalent of the above two would be:

crm(live)configure# primitive MyVM1 ocf:heartbeat:Xen \

params xmfile="/etc/xen/shared-vm/MyVM1" name="MyVM1" \
params allow_mem_management="true" \
op monitor timeout=60s interval=15s \
op stop timeout=10m \
op start timeout=10m

If you want to overwrite some options or operations, add them to your (primitive) definition.
For example, the following new primitive MyVM2 doubles the timeout for monitor operations
but leaves others untouched:

crm(live)configure# primitive MyVM2 @BigVM \

params xmfile="/etc/xen/shared-vm/MyVM2" name="MyVM2" \
op monitor timeout=120s interval=30s

A resource template may be referenced in constraints to stand for all primitives which are de-
rived from that template. This helps to produce a more concise and clear cluster configuration.
Resource template references are allowed in all constraints except location constraints. Coloca-
tion constraints may not contain more than one template reference.

8.3.4 Creating a STONITH Resource

From the crm perspective, a STONITH device is just another resource. To create a STONITH
resource, proceed as follows:

1. Log in as root and start the crm interactive shell:

root # crm configure

2. Get a list of all STONITH types with the following command:

crm(live)# ra list stonith

160 Creating a STONITH Resource SLE HA 15 SP1

apcmaster apcmastersnmp apcsmart
baytech bladehpi cyclades
drac3 external/drac5 external/dracmc-telnet
external/hetzner external/hmchttp external/ibmrsa
external/ibmrsa-telnet external/ipmi external/ippower9258
external/kdumpcheck external/libvirt external/nut
external/rackpdu external/riloe external/sbd
external/vcenter external/vmware external/xen0
external/xen0-ha fence_legacy ibmhmc
ipmilan meatware nw_rpc100s
rcd_serial rps10 suicide
wti_mpc wti_nps

3. Choose a STONITH type from the above list and view the list of possible options. Use the
following command:

crm(live)# ra info stonith:external/ipmi

IPMI STONITH external device (stonith:external/ipmi)

ipmitool based power management. Apparently, the power off

method of ipmitool is intercepted by ACPI which then makes
a regular shutdown. If case of a split brain on a two-node
it may happen that no node survives. For two-node clusters
use only the reset method.

Parameters (* denotes required, [] the default):

hostname (string): Hostname

The name of the host to be managed by this STONITH device.

4. Create the STONITH resource with the stonith class, the type you have chosen in Step
3, and the respective parameters if needed, for example:

crm(live)# configure
crm(live)configure# primitive my-stonith stonith:external/ipmi \
params hostname="alice" \
ipaddr="" \
userid="admin" passwd="secret" \
op monitor interval=60m timeout=120s

161 Creating a STONITH Resource SLE HA 15 SP1

8.3.5 Configuring Resource Constraints
Having all the resources configured is only one part of the job. Even if the cluster knows all
needed resources, it might still not be able to handle them correctly. For example, try not to
mount the le system on the slave node of DRBD (in fact, this would fail with DRBD). Define
constraints to make these kind of information available to the cluster.
For more information about constraints, see Section 6.5, “Resource Constraints”. Locational Constraints

The location command defines on which nodes a resource may be run, may not be run or
is preferred to be run.
This type of constraint may be added multiple times for each resource. All location constraints
are evaluated for a given resource. A simple example that expresses a preference to run the
resource fs1 on the node with the name alice to 100 would be the following:

crm(live)configure# location loc-fs1 fs1 100: alice

Another example is a location with pingd:

crm(live)configure# primitive pingd pingd \

params name=pingd dampen=5s multiplier=100 host_list="r1 r2"
crm(live)configure# location loc-node_pref internal_www \
rule 50: #uname eq alice \
rule pingd: defined pingd

Another use case for location constraints are grouping primitives as a resource set. This can be
useful if several resources depend on, for example, a ping attribute for network connectivity. In
former times, the -inf/ping rules needed to be duplicated several times in the configuration,
making it unnecessarily complex.
The following example creates a resource set loc-alice , referencing the virtual IP addresses
vip1 and vip2 :

crm(live)configure# primitive vip1 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip=

crm(live)configure# primitive vip2 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip=
crm(live)configure# location loc-alice { vip1 vip2 } inf: alice

162 Configuring Resource Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1

In some cases it is much more efficient and convenient to use resource patterns for your loca-
tion command. A resource pattern is a regular expression between two slashes. For example,
the above virtual IP addresses can be all matched with the following:

crm(live)configure# location loc-alice /vip.*/ inf: alice Colocational Constraints

The colocation command is used to define what resources should run on the same or on
different hosts.
It is only possible to set a score of either +inf or -inf, defining resources that must always or
must never run on the same node. It is also possible to use non-infinite scores. In that case
the colocation is called advisory and the cluster may decide not to follow them in favor of not
stopping other resources if there is a conflict.
For example, to run the resources with the IDs filesystem_resource and nfs_group always
on the same host, use the following constraint:

crm(live)configure# colocation nfs_on_filesystem inf: nfs_group filesystem_resource

For a master slave configuration, it is necessary to know if the current node is a master in
addition to running the resource locally. Collocating Sets for Resources Without Dependency

Sometimes it is useful to be able to place a group of resources on the same node (defining a
colocation constraint), but without having hard dependencies between the resources.
Use the command weak-bond if you want to place resources on the same node, but without
any action if one of them fails.

root # crm configure assist weak-bond RES1 RES2

The implementation of weak-bond creates a dummy resource and a colocation constraint with
the given resources automatically. Ordering Constraints

The order command defines a sequence of action.

163 Configuring Resource Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1

Sometimes it is necessary to provide an order of resource actions or operations. For example,
you cannot mount a le system before the device is available to a system. Ordering constraints
can be used to start or stop a service right before or after a different resource meets a special
condition, such as being started, stopped, or promoted to master.
Use the following command in the crm shell to configure an ordering constraint:

crm(live)configure# order nfs_after_filesystem mandatory: filesystem_resource nfs_group Constraints for the Example Configuration

The example used for this section would not work without additional constraints. It is essential
that all resources run on the same machine as the master of the DRBD resource. The DRBD
resource must be master before any other resource starts. Trying to mount the DRBD device
when it is not the master simply fails. The following constraints must be fulfilled:

The le system must always be on the same node as the master of the DRBD resource.

crm(live)configure# colocation filesystem_on_master inf: \

filesystem_resource drbd_resource:Master

The NFS server and the IP address must be on the same node as the le system.

crm(live)configure# colocation nfs_with_fs inf: \

nfs_group filesystem_resource

The NFS server and the IP address start after the le system is mounted:

crm(live)configure# order nfs_second mandatory: \

filesystem_resource:start nfs_group

The le system must be mounted on a node after the DRBD resource is promoted to master
on this node.

crm(live)configure# order drbd_first inf: \

drbd_resource:promote filesystem_resource:start

164 Configuring Resource Constraints SLE HA 15 SP1

8.3.6 Specifying Resource Failover Nodes
To determine a resource failover, use the meta attribute migration-threshold. In case failcount
exceeds migration-threshold on all nodes, the resource will remain stopped. For example:

crm(live)configure# location rsc1-alice rsc1 100: alice

Normally, rsc1 prefers to run on alice. If it fails there, migration-threshold is checked and com-
pared to the failcount. If failcount >= migration-threshold then it is migrated to the node with
the next best preference.
Start failures set the failcount to inf depend on the start-failure-is-fatal option. Stop
failures cause fencing. If there is no STONITH defined, the resource will not migrate.
For an overview, refer to Section 6.5.4, “Failover Nodes”.

8.3.7 Specifying Resource Failback Nodes (Resource Stickiness)

A resource might fail back to its original node when that node is back online and in the cluster.
To prevent a resource from failing back to the node that it was running on, or to specify a
different node for the resource to fail back to, change its resource stickiness value. You can
either specify resource stickiness when you are creating a resource or afterward.
For an overview, refer to Section 6.5.5, “Failback Nodes”.

8.3.8 Configuring Placement of Resources Based on Load Impact

Some resources may have specific capacity requirements such as minimum amount of memory.
Otherwise, they may fail to start completely or run with degraded performance.
To take this into account, the High Availability Extension allows you to specify the following

1. The capacity a certain node provides.

2. The capacity a certain resource requires.

3. An overall strategy for placement of resources.

For detailed background information about the parameters and a configuration example, refer
to Section 6.5.6, “Placing Resources Based on Their Load Impact”.

165 Specifying Resource Failover Nodes SLE HA 15 SP1

To configure the resource's requirements and the capacity a node provides, use utilization at-
tributes. You can name the utilization attributes according to your preferences and define as
many name/value pairs as your configuration needs. In certain cases, some agents update the
utilization themselves, for example the VirtualDomain .
In the following example, we assume that you already have a basic configuration of cluster nodes
and resources. You now additionally want to configure the capacities a certain node provides
and the capacity a certain resource requires.


1. Log in as root and start the crm interactive shell:

root # crm configure

2. To specify the capacity a node provides, use the following command and replace the place-
holder NODE_1 with the name of your node:

crm(live)configure# node NODE_1 utilization memory=16384 cpu=8

With these values, NODE_1 would be assumed to provide 16GB of memory and 8 CPU
cores to resources.

3. To specify the capacity a resource requires, use:

crm(live)configure# primitive xen1 ocf:heartbeat:Xen ... \

utilization memory=4096 cpu=4

This would make the resource consume 4096 of those memory units from NODE_1 , and
4 of the CPU units.

4. Configure the placement strategy with the property command:

crm(live)configure# property ...

The following values are available:

default (default value)

Utilization values are not considered. Resources are allocated according to location
scoring. If scores are equal, resources are evenly distributed across nodes.

166 Configuring Placement of Resources Based on Load Impact SLE HA 15 SP1

Utilization values are considered when deciding if a node has enough free capacity
to satisfy a resource's requirements. However, load-balancing is still done based on
the number of resources allocated to a node.

Utilization values are considered when deciding if a node has enough free capacity
to satisfy a resource's requirements. An attempt is made to concentrate the resources
on as few nodes as possible (to achieve power savings on the remaining nodes).

Utilization values are considered when deciding if a node has enough free capacity
to satisfy a resource's requirements. An attempt is made to distribute the resources
evenly, thus optimizing resource performance.

Note: Configuring Resource Priorities

The available placement strategies are best-effort—they do not yet use complex
heuristic solvers to always reach optimum allocation results. Ensure that resource
priorities are properly set so that your most important resources are scheduled rst.

5. Commit your changes before leaving crmsh:

crm(live)configure# commit

The following example demonstrates a three node cluster of equal nodes, with 4 virtual ma-

crm(live)configure# node alice utilization memory="4000"

crm(live)configure# node bob utilization memory="4000"
crm(live)configure# node charlie utilization memory="4000"
crm(live)configure# primitive xenA ocf:heartbeat:Xen \
utilization hv_memory="3500" meta priority="10" \
params xmfile="/etc/xen/shared-vm/vm1"
crm(live)configure# primitive xenB ocf:heartbeat:Xen \
utilization hv_memory="2000" meta priority="1" \
params xmfile="/etc/xen/shared-vm/vm2"
crm(live)configure# primitive xenC ocf:heartbeat:Xen \
utilization hv_memory="2000" meta priority="1" \
params xmfile="/etc/xen/shared-vm/vm3"
crm(live)configure# primitive xenD ocf:heartbeat:Xen \

167 Configuring Placement of Resources Based on Load Impact SLE HA 15 SP1

utilization hv_memory="1000" meta priority="5" \
params xmfile="/etc/xen/shared-vm/vm4"
crm(live)configure# property placement-strategy="minimal"

With all three nodes up, xenA will be placed onto a node rst, followed by xenD. xenB and xenC
would either be allocated together or one of them with xenD.
If one node failed, too little total memory would be available to host them all. xenA would be
ensured to be allocated, as would xenD. However, only one of xenB or xenC could still be placed,
and since their priority is equal, the result is not defined yet. To resolve this ambiguity as well,
you would need to set a higher priority for either one.

8.3.9 Configuring Resource Monitoring

To monitor a resource, there are two possibilities: either define a monitor operation with the op
keyword or use the monitor command. The following example configures an Apache resource
and monitors it every 60 seconds with the op keyword:

crm(live)configure# primitive apache apache \

params ... \
op monitor interval=60s timeout=30s

The same can be done with:

crm(live)configure# primitive apache apache \

params ...
crm(live)configure# monitor apache 60s:30s

For an overview, refer to Section 6.4, “Resource Monitoring”.

8.3.10 Configuring a Cluster Resource Group

One of the most common elements of a cluster is a set of resources that needs to be located
together. Start sequentially and stop in the reverse order. To simplify this configuration we
support the concept of groups. The following example creates two primitives (an IP address and
an e-mail resource):

1. Run the crm command as system administrator. The prompt changes to crm(live) .

2. Configure the primitives:

crm(live)# configure

168 Configuring Resource Monitoring SLE HA 15 SP1

crm(live)configure# primitive Public-IP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr \
params ip= id= Public-IP
crm(live)configure# primitive Email systemd:postfix \
params id=Email

3. Group the primitives with their relevant identifiers in the correct order:

crm(live)configure# group g-mailsvc Public-IP Email

To change the order of a group member, use the modgroup command from the configure
subcommand. Use the following commands to move the primitive Email before Public-IP .
(This is just to demonstrate the feature):

crm(live)configure# modgroup g-mailsvc add Email before Public-IP

In case you want to remove a resource from a group (for example, Email ), use this command:

crm(live)configure# modgroup g-mailsvc remove Email

For an overview, refer to Section, “Groups”.

8.3.11 Configuring a Clone Resource

Clones were initially conceived as a convenient way to start N instances of an IP resource and
have them distributed throughout the cluster for load balancing. They have turned out to be
useful for several purposes, including integrating with DLM, the fencing subsystem and OCFS2.
You can clone any resource, provided the resource agent supports it.
Learn more about cloned resources in Section, “Clones”. Creating Anonymous Clone Resources

To create an anonymous clone resource, rst create a primitive resource and then refer to it
with the clone command. Do the following:

1. Log in as root and start the crm interactive shell:

root # crm configure

2. Configure the primitive, for example:

crm(live)configure# primitive Apache ocf:heartbeat:apache

169 Configuring a Clone Resource SLE HA 15 SP1

3. Clone the primitive:

crm(live)configure# clone cl-apache Apache Creating Promotable Clone Resources

Promotable clone resources (formerly known as multi-state resources) are a specialization of
clones. This type allows the instances to be in one of two operating modes, be it active/passive,
primary/secondary, or master/slave.
To create a promotable clone resource, rst create a primitive resource and then the promotable
clone resource. The promotable clone resource must support at least promote and demote op-

1. Log in as root and start the crm interactive shell:

root # crm configure

2. Configure the primitive. Change the intervals if needed:

crm(live)configure# primitive my-rsc ocf:myCorp:myAppl \

op monitor interval=60 \
op monitor interval=61 role=Master

3. Create the promotable clone resource:

crm(live)configure# ms ms-rsc my-rsc

8.4 Managing Cluster Resources

Apart from the possibility to configure your cluster resources, the crm tool also allows you to
manage existing resources. The following subsections gives you an overview.

8.4.1 Showing Cluster Resources

When administering a cluster the command crm configure show lists the current CIB objects
like cluster configuration, global options, primitives, and others:

root # crm configure show

170 Managing Cluster Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

node 178326192: alice
node 178326448: bob
primitive admin_addr IPaddr2 \
params ip= \
op monitor interval=10 timeout=20
primitive stonith-sbd stonith:external/sbd \
params pcmk_delay_max=30
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
have-watchdog=true \
dc-version=1.1.15-17.1-e174ec8 \
cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
cluster-name=hacluster \
stonith-enabled=true \
placement-strategy=balanced \
rsc_defaults rsc-options: \
resource-stickiness=1 \
op_defaults op-options: \
timeout=600 \

In case you have lots of resources, the output of show is too verbose. To restrict the output,
use the name of the resource. For example, to list the properties of the primitive admin_addr
only, append the resource name to show :

root # crm configure show admin_addr

primitive admin_addr IPaddr2 \
params ip= \
op monitor interval=10 timeout=20

However, in some cases, you want to limit the output of specific resources even more. This can
be achieved with filters. Filters limit the output to specific components. For example, to list the
nodes only, use type:node :

root # crm configure show type:node

node 178326192: alice
node 178326448: bob

In case you are also interested in primitives, use the or operator:

root # crm configure show type:node or type:primitive

node 178326192: alice
node 178326448: bob
primitive admin_addr IPaddr2 \
params ip= \
op monitor interval=10 timeout=20

171 Showing Cluster Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

primitive stonith-sbd stonith:external/sbd \
params pcmk_delay_max=30

Furthermore, to search for an object that starts with a certain string, use this notation:

root # crm configure show type:primitive and and 'admin*'

primitive admin_addr IPaddr2 \
params ip= \
op monitor interval=10 timeout=20

To list all available types, enter crm configure show type: and press the →| key. The Bash
completion will give you a list of all types.

8.4.2 Starting a New Cluster Resource

To start a new cluster resource you need the respective identifier. Proceed as follows:

1. Log in as root and start the crm interactive shell:

root # crm

2. Switch to the resource level:

crm(live)# resource

3. Start the resource with start and press the →| key to show all known resources:

crm(live)resource# start ID

8.4.3 Cleaning Up Resources

A resource will be automatically restarted if it fails, but each failure raises the resource's fail-
count. If a migration-threshold has been set for that resource, the node will no longer be
allowed to run the resource when the number of failures has reached the migration threshold.

1. Open a shell and log in as user root .

2. Get a list of all your resources:

root # crm resource list

Resource Group: dlm-clvm:1
dlm:1 (ocf:pacemaker:controld) Started

172 Starting a New Cluster Resource SLE HA 15 SP1

clvm:1 (ocf:heartbeat:clvm) Started

3. To clean up the resource dlm , for example:

root # crm resource cleanup dlm

8.4.4 Removing a Cluster Resource

Proceed as follows to remove a cluster resource:

1. Log in as root and start the crm interactive shell:

root # crm configure

2. Run the following command to get a list of your resources:

crm(live)# resource status

For example, the output can look like this (whereas myIP is the relevant identifier of your

myIP (ocf:IPaddr:heartbeat) ...

3. Delete the resource with the relevant identifier (which implies a commit too):

crm(live)# configure delete YOUR_ID

4. Commit the changes:

crm(live)# configure commit

8.4.5 Migrating a Cluster Resource

Although resources are configured to automatically fail over (or migrate) to other nodes of the
cluster if a hardware or software failure occurs, you can also manually move a resource to
another node using either Hawk2 or the command line.
Use the migrate command for this task. For example, to migrate the resource ipaddress1 to
a cluster node named bob , use these commands:

root # crm resource

173 Removing a Cluster Resource SLE HA 15 SP1

crm(live)resource# migrate ipaddress1 bob

8.4.6 Grouping/Tagging Resources

Tags are a way to refer to multiple resources at once, without creating any colocation or ordering
relationship between them. This can be useful for grouping conceptually related resources. For
example, if you have several resources related to a database, create a tag called databases and
add all resources related to the database to this tag:

root # crm configure tag databases: db1 db2 db3

This allows you to start them all with a single command:

root # crm resource start databases

Similarly, you can stop them all too:

root # crm resource stop databases

8.4.7 Getting Health Status

The “health” status of a cluster or node can be displayed with so called scripts. A script can
perform different tasks—they are not targeted to health. However, for this subsection, we focus
on how to get the health status.
To get all the details about the health command, use describe :

root # crm script describe health

It shows a description and a list of all parameters and their default values. To execute a script,
use run :

root # crm script run health

If you prefer to run only one step from the suite, the describe command lists all available
steps in the Steps category.
For example, the following command executes the rst step of the health command. The output
is stored in the health.json le for further investigation:

root # crm script run health


174 Grouping/Tagging Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

It is also possible to run the above commands with crm cluster health .
For additional information regarding scripts, see .

8.5 Setting Passwords Independent of cib.xml

In case your cluster configuration contains sensitive information, such as passwords, it should
be stored in local les. That way, these parameters will never be logged or leaked in support
Before using secret , better run the show command rst to get an overview of all your re-

root # crm configure show

primitive mydb ocf:heartbeat:mysql \
params replication_user=admin ...

To set a password for the above mydb resource, use the following commands:

root # crm resource secret mydb set passwd linux

INFO: syncing /var/lib/heartbeat/lrm/secrets/mydb/passwd to [your node list]

You can get the saved password back with:

root # crm resource secret mydb show passwd


Note that the parameters need to be synchronized between nodes; the crm resource secret
command will take care of that. We highly recommend to only use this command to manage
secret parameters.

8.6 Retrieving History Information

Investigating the cluster history is a complex task. To simplify this task, crmsh contains the
history command with its subcommands. It is assumed SSH is configured correctly.

Each cluster moves states, migrates resources, or starts important processes. All these actions
can be retrieved by subcommands of history .
By default, all history commands look at the events of the last hour. To change this time
frame, use the limit subcommand. The syntax is:

root # crm history

175 Setting Passwords Independent of cib.xml SLE HA 15 SP1

crm(live)history# limit FROM_TIME [TO_TIME]

Some valid examples include:

limit 4:00pm ,
limit 16:00
Both commands mean the same, today at 4pm.

limit 2012/01/12 6pm

January 12th 2012 at 6pm

limit "Sun 5 20:46"

In the current year of the current month at Sunday the 5th at 8:46pm

Find more examples and how to create time frames at .

The info subcommand shows all the parameters which are covered by the crm report :

crm(live)history# info
Source: live
Period: 2012-01-12 14:10:56 - end
Nodes: alice

To limit crm report to certain parameters view the available options with the subcommand
help .

To narrow down the level of detail, use the subcommand detail with a level:

crm(live)history# detail 1

The higher the number, the more detailed your report will be. Default is 0 (zero).
After you have set above parameters, use log to show the log messages.
To display the last transition, use the following command:

crm(live)history# transition -1
INFO: fetching new logs, please wait ...

This command fetches the logs and runs dotty (from the graphviz package) to show the
transition graph. The shell opens the log le which you can browse with the ↓ and ↑ cursor
If you do not want to open the transition graph, use the nograph option:

crm(live)history# transition -1 nograph

176 Retrieving History Information SLE HA 15 SP1

8.7 For More Information
The crm man page.

Visit the upstream project documentation at .

See Article “Highly Available NFS Storage with DRBD and Pacemaker” for an exhaustive example.

177 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

9 Adding or Modifying Resource Agents

All tasks that need to be managed by a cluster must be available as a resource.

There are two major groups here to consider: resource agents and STONITH agents.
For both categories, you can add your own agents, extending the abilities of the
cluster to your own needs.

9.1 STONITH Agents

A cluster sometimes detects that one of the nodes is behaving strangely and needs to remove it.
This is called fencing and is commonly done with a STONITH resource.

Warning: External SSH/STONITH Are Not Supported

It is impossible to know how SSH might react to other system problems. For this reason,
external SSH/STONITH agents (like stonith:external/ssh ) are not supported for pro-
duction environments. If you still want to use such agents for testing, install the libglue-
devel package.

To get a list of all currently available STONITH devices (from the software side), use the com-
mand crm ra list stonith . If you do not nd your favorite agent, install the -devel pack-
age. For more information on STONITH devices and resource agents, see Chapter 10, Fencing and

As of yet there is no documentation about writing STONITH agents. If you want to write new
STONITH agents, consult the examples available in the source of the cluster-glue package.

9.2 Writing OCF Resource Agents

All OCF resource agents (RAs) are available in /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/ , see Section 6.3.2,
“Supported Resource Agent Classes” for more information. Each resource agent must supported the
following operations to control it:

start or enable the resource

178 STONITH Agents SLE HA 15 SP1

stop or disable the resource

returns the status of the resource

similar to status , but checks also for unexpected states

validate the resource's configuration

returns information about the resource agent in XML

The general procedure of how to create an OCF RA is like the following:

1. Load the le /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/pacemaker/Dummy as a template.

2. Create a new subdirectory for each new resource agents to avoid naming contradictions.
For example, if you have a resource group kitchen with the resource coffee_machine ,
add this resource to the directory /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/kitchen/ . To access this
RA, execute the command crm :

root # crm configure primitive coffee_1 ocf:coffee_machine:kitchen ...

3. Implement the different shell functions and save your le under a different name.

More details about writing OCF resource agents can be found at
source_Agents . Find special information about several concepts at Chapter 1, Product Overview.

179 Writing OCF Resource Agents SLE HA 15 SP1

9.3 OCF Return Codes and Failure Recovery
According to the OCF specification, there are strict definitions of the exit codes an action must
return. The cluster always checks the return code against the expected result. If the result does
not match the expected value, then the operation is considered to have failed and a recovery
action is initiated. There are three types of failure recovery:


Recovery Type Description Action Taken by the Clus-


soft A transient error occurred. Restart the resource or move

it to a new location.

hard A non-transient error oc- Move the resource elsewhere

curred. The error may be and prevent it from being re-
specific to the current node. tried on the current node.

fatal A non-transient error oc- Stop the resource and pre-

curred that will be common vent it from being started on
to all cluster nodes. This any cluster node.
means a bad configuration
was specified.

Assuming an action is considered to have failed, the following table outlines the different OCF
return codes. It also shows the type of recovery the cluster will initiate when the respective
error code is received.


OCF Re- OCF Alias Description Recovery

turn Type

0 OCF_SUCCESS Success. The command completed success- soft

fully. This is the expected result for all start,
stop, promote and demote commands.

1 OCF_ERR_GENERIC Generic “there was a problem” error code. soft

180 OCF Return Codes and Failure Recovery SLE HA 15 SP1

OCF Re- OCF Alias Description Recovery
turn Type

2 OCF_ERR_ARGS The resource’s configuration is not valid on hard

this machine (for example, it refers to a loca-
tion/tool not found on the node).

3 OCF_ERR_UNIM- The requested action is not implemented. hard


4 OCF_ERR_PERM The resource agent does not have sufficient hard

privileges to complete the task.

5 OCF_ERR_INS- The tools required by the resource are not in- hard
TALLED stalled on this machine.

6 OCF_ERR_CON- The resource’s configuration is invalid (for fatal

FIGURED example, required parameters are missing).

7 OCF_NOT_RUN- The resource is not running. The cluster will N/A

NING not attempt to stop a resource that returns
this for any action.
This OCF return code may or may not re-
quire resource recovery—it depends on what
is the expected resource status. If unexpect-
ed, then soft recovery.

8 OCF_RUN- The resource is running in Master mode. soft


9 OCF_FAILED_- The resource is in Master mode but has soft

MASTER failed. The resource will be demoted,
stopped and then started (and possibly pro-
moted) again.

other N/A Custom error code. soft

181 OCF Return Codes and Failure Recovery SLE HA 15 SP1

10 Fencing and STONITH

Fencing is a very important concept in computer clusters for HA (High Availability).

A cluster sometimes detects that one of the nodes is behaving strangely and needs
to remove it. This is called fencing and is commonly done with a STONITH resource.
Fencing may be defined as a method to bring an HA cluster to a known state.
Every resource in a cluster has a state attached. For example: “resource r1 is start-
ed on alice”. In an HA cluster, such a state implies that “resource r1 is stopped on
all nodes except alice”, because the cluster must make sure that every resource may
be started on only one node. Every node must report every change that happens to
a resource. The cluster state is thus a collection of resource states and node states.
When the state of a node or resource cannot be established with certainty, fencing
comes in. Even when the cluster is not aware of what is happening on a given node,
fencing can ensure that the node does not run any important resources.

10.1 Classes of Fencing

There are two classes of fencing: resource level and node level fencing. The latter is the primary
subject of this chapter.

Resource Level Fencing

Resource level fencing ensures exclusive access to a given resource. Common examples of
this are changing the zoning of the node from a SAN ber channel switch (thus locking
the node out of access to its disks) or methods like SCSI reserve. For examples, refer to
Section 11.10, “Additional Mechanisms for Storage Protection”.

Node Level Fencing

Node level fencing prevents a failed node from accessing shared resources entirely. This is
usually done in a simple and abrupt way: reset or power o the node.

182 Classes of Fencing SLE HA 15 SP1

10.2 Node Level Fencing
In a Pacemaker cluster, the implementation of node level fencing is STONITH (Shoot The Other
Node in the Head). The High Availability Extension includes the stonith command line tool,
an extensible interface for remotely powering down a node in the cluster. For an overview of
the available options, run stonith --help or refer to the man page of stonith for more

10.2.1 STONITH Devices

To use node level fencing, you rst need to have a fencing device. To get a list of STONITH
devices which are supported by the High Availability Extension, run one of the following com-
mands on any of the nodes:

root # stonith -L


root # crm ra list stonith

STONITH devices may be classified into the following categories:

Power Distribution Units (PDU)

Power Distribution Units are an essential element in managing power capacity and func-
tionality for critical network, server and data center equipment. They can provide remote
load monitoring of connected equipment and individual outlet power control for remote
power recycling.

Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)

A stable power supply provides emergency power to connected equipment by supplying
power from a separate source if a utility power failure occurs.

Blade Power Control Devices

If you are running a cluster on a set of blades, then the power control device in the blade
enclosure is the only candidate for fencing. Of course, this device must be capable of
managing single blade computers.

Lights-out Devices
Lights-out devices (IBM RSA, HP iLO, Dell DRAC) are becoming increasingly popular and
may even become standard in o-the-shelf computers. However, they are inferior to UPS
devices, because they share a power supply with their host (a cluster node). If a node

183 Node Level Fencing SLE HA 15 SP1

stays without power, the device supposed to control it would be useless. In that case, the
CRM would continue its attempts to fence the node indefinitely while all other resource
operations would wait for the fencing/STONITH operation to complete.

Testing Devices
Testing devices are used exclusively for testing purposes. They are usually more gentle on
the hardware. Before the cluster goes into production, they must be replaced with real
fencing devices.

The choice of the STONITH device depends mainly on your budget and the kind of hardware
you use.

10.2.2 STONITH Implementation

The STONITH implementation of SUSE® Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension consists
of two components:

pacemaker-fenced is a daemon which can be accessed by local processes or over the net-
work. It accepts the commands which correspond to fencing operations: reset, power-o,
and power-on. It can also check the status of the fencing device.
The pacemaker-fenced daemon runs on every node in the High Availability cluster. The
pacemaker-fenced instance running on the DC node receives a fencing request from the
pacemaker-controld . It is up to this and other pacemaker-fenced programs to carry
out the desired fencing operation.

STONITH Plug-ins
For every supported fencing device there is a STONITH plug-in which is capable of control-
ling said device. A STONITH plug-in is the interface to the fencing device. The STONITH
plug-ins contained in the cluster-glue package reside in /usr/lib64/stonith/plu-
gins on each node. (If you installed the fence-agents package, too, the plug-ins con-
tained there are installed in /usr/sbin/fence_* .) All STONITH plug-ins look the same
to pacemaker-fenced , but are quite different on the other side, reflecting the nature of
the fencing device.
Some plug-ins support more than one device. A typical example is ipmilan (or exter-
nal/ipmi ) which implements the IPMI protocol and can control any device which sup-
ports this protocol.

184 STONITH Implementation SLE HA 15 SP1

10.3 STONITH Resources and Configuration
To set up fencing, you need to configure one or more STONITH resources—the pacemak-
er-fenced daemon requires no configuration. All configuration is stored in the CIB. A STONITH
resource is a resource of class stonith (see Section  6.3.2, “Supported Resource Agent Classes”).
STONITH resources are a representation of STONITH plug-ins in the CIB. Apart from the fenc-
ing operations, the STONITH resources can be started, stopped and monitored, like any other
resource. Starting or stopping STONITH resources means loading and unloading the STONITH
device driver on a node. Starting and stopping are thus only administrative operations and do
not translate to any operation on the fencing device itself. However, monitoring does translate
to logging it to the device (to verify that the device will work in case it is needed). When a
STONITH resource fails over to another node it enables the current node to talk to the STONITH
device by loading the respective driver.
STONITH resources can be configured like any other resource. For details how to do so with
your preferred cluster management tool:

Hawk2: Section 7.5.6, “Adding STONITH Resources”

crmsh: Section 8.3.4, “Creating a STONITH Resource”

The list of parameters (attributes) depends on the respective STONITH type. To view a list of
parameters for a specific device, use the stonith command:

stonith -t stonith-device-type -n

For example, to view the parameters for the ibmhmc device type, enter the following:

stonith -t ibmhmc -n

To get a short help text for the device, use the -h option:

stonith -t stonith-device-type -h

10.3.1 Example STONITH Resource Configurations

In the following, nd some example configurations written in the syntax of the crm command
line tool. To apply them, put the sample in a text le (for example, sample.txt ) and run:

root # crm < sample.txt

185 STONITH Resources and Configuration SLE HA 15 SP1

For more information about configuring resources with the crm command line tool, refer to
Chapter 8, Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources (Command Line).


An IBM RSA lights-out device might be configured like this:

primitive st-ibmrsa-1 stonith:external/ibmrsa-telnet \
params nodename=alice ip_address= \
username=USERNAME password=PASSW0RD
primitive st-ibmrsa-2 stonith:external/ibmrsa-telnet \
params nodename=bob ip_address= \
username=USERNAME password=PASSW0RD
location l-st-alice st-ibmrsa-1 -inf: alice
location l-st-bob st-ibmrsa-2 -inf: bob

In this example, location constraints are used for the following reason: There is always
a certain probability that the STONITH operation is going to fail. Therefore, a STONITH
operation on the node which is the executioner as well is not reliable. If the node is re-
set, it cannot send the notification about the fencing operation outcome. The only way
to do that is to assume that the operation is going to succeed and send the notification
beforehand. But if the operation fails, problems could arise. Therefore, by convention,
pacemaker-fenced refuses to terminate its host.


The configuration of a UPS type fencing device is similar to the examples above. The
details are not covered here. All UPS devices employ the same mechanics for fencing. How
the device is accessed varies. Old UPS devices only had a serial port, usually connected
at 1200baud using a special serial cable. Many new ones still have a serial port, but often
they also use a USB or Ethernet interface. The kind of connection you can use depends
on what the plug-in supports.
For example, compare the apcmaster with the apcsmart device by using the stonith
-t stonith-device-type -n command:

stonith -t apcmaster -h

returns the following information:

STONITH Device: apcmaster - APC MasterSwitch (via telnet)

NOTE: The APC MasterSwitch accepts only one (telnet)

186 Example STONITH Resource Configurations SLE HA 15 SP1

connection/session a time. When one session is active,
subsequent attempts to connect to the MasterSwitch will fail.
For more information see
List of valid parameter names for apcmaster STONITH device:
For Config info [-p] syntax, give each of the above parameters in order as
the -p value.
Arguments are separated by white space.
Config file [-F] syntax is the same as -p, except # at the start of a line
denotes a comment


stonith -t apcsmart -h

you get the following output:

STONITH Device: apcsmart - APC Smart UPS

(via serial port - NOT USB!).
Works with higher-end APC UPSes, like
Back-UPS Pro, Smart-UPS, Matrix-UPS, etc.
(Smart-UPS may have to be >= Smart-UPS 700?).
for protocol compatibility details.
For more information see
List of valid parameter names for apcsmart STONITH device:

The rst plug-in supports APC UPS with a network port and telnet protocol. The second
plug-in uses the APC SMART protocol over the serial line, which is supported by many
APC UPS product lines.


Kdump belongs to the Special Fencing Devices and is in fact the opposite of a fencing device.
The plug-in checks if a Kernel dump is in progress on a node. If so, it returns true, and
acts as if the node has been fenced.
The Kdump plug-in must be used in concert with another, real STONITH device, for ex-
ample, external/ipmi . For the fencing mechanism to work properly, you must specify
that Kdump is checked before a real STONITH device is triggered. Use crm configure
fencing_topology to specify the order of the fencing devices as shown in the following

187 Example STONITH Resource Configurations SLE HA 15 SP1

1. Use the stonith:fence_kdump resource agent (provided by the package fence-
agents ) to monitor all nodes with the Kdump function enabled. Find a configuration
example for the resource below:

primitive st-kdump stonith:fence_kdump \
params nodename="alice "\ 1

pcmk_host_check="static-list" \
pcmk_reboot_action="off" \
pcmk_monitor_action="metadata" \
pcmk_reboot_retries="1" \

1 Name of the node to be monitored. If you need to monitor more than one node,
configure more STONITH resources. To prevent a specific node from using a
fencing device, add location constraints.
The fencing action will be started after the timeout of the resource.

2. In /etc/sysconfig/kdump on each node, configure KDUMP_POSTSCRIPT to send a

notification to all nodes when the Kdump process is finished. For example:

/usr/lib/fence_kdump_send -i INTERVAL -p PORT -c 1 alice bob charlie [...]

The node that does a Kdump will restart automatically after Kdump has finished.

3. Write a new initrd to include the library fence_kdump_send with network en-
abled. Use the -f option to overwrite the existing le, so the new le will be used
for the next boot process:

root # dracut -f -a kdump

4. Open a port in the firewall for the fence_kdump resource. The default port is 7410 .

5. To achieve that Kdump is checked before triggering a real fencing mechanism (like
external/ipmi ), use a configuration similar to the following:

fencing_topology \
alice: kdump-node1 ipmi-node1 \
bob: kdump-node2 ipmi-node2

188 Example STONITH Resource Configurations SLE HA 15 SP1

For more details on fencing_topology :

crm configure help fencing_topology

10.4 Monitoring Fencing Devices

Like any other resource, the STONITH class agents also support the monitoring operation for
checking status.

Note: Monitoring STONITH Resources

Monitor STONITH resources regularly, yet sparingly. For most devices a monitoring in-
terval of at least 1800 seconds (30 minutes) should suffice.

Fencing devices are an indispensable part of an HA cluster, but the less you need to use them,
the better. Power management equipment is often affected by too much broadcast traffic. Some
devices cannot handle more than ten or so connections per minute. Some get confused if two
clients try to connect at the same time. Most cannot handle more than one session at a time.
Checking the status of fencing devices once every few hours should usually be enough. The
probability that a fencing operation needs to be performed and the power switch fails is low.
For detailed information on how to configure monitor operations, refer to Section 8.3.9, “Config-
uring Resource Monitoring” for the command line approach.

10.5 Special Fencing Devices

In addition to plug-ins which handle real STONITH devices, there are special purpose STONITH

189 Monitoring Fencing Devices SLE HA 15 SP1

Warning: For Testing Only
Some STONITH plug-ins mentioned below are for demonstration and testing purposes
only. Do not use any of the following devices in real-life scenarios because this may lead
to data corruption and unpredictable results:



This plug-in checks if a Kernel dump is in progress on a node. If so, it returns true , and
acts as if the node has been fenced. The node cannot run any resources during the dump
anyway. This avoids fencing a node that is already down but doing a dump, which takes
some time. The plug-in must be used in concert with another, real STONITH device.
For configuration details, see Example 10.3, “Configuration of a Kdump Device”.

This is a self-fencing device. It reacts to a so-called “poison pill” which can be inserted into a
shared disk. On shared-storage connection loss, it stops the node from operating. Learn how
to use this STONITH agent to implement storage-based fencing in Chapter 11, Procedure 11.7,
“Configuring the Cluster to Use SBD”. See also for
more details.

Important: external/sbd and DRBD

The external/sbd fencing mechanism requires that the SBD partition is readable
directly from each node. Thus, a DRBD* device must not be used for an SBD par-
However, you can use the fencing mechanism for a DRBD cluster, provided the SBD
partition is located on a shared disk that is not mirrored or replicated.

190 Special Fencing Devices SLE HA 15 SP1

Another software-based “fencing” mechanism. The nodes must be able to log in to each
other as root without passwords. It takes a single parameter, hostlist , specifying the
nodes that it will target. As it is not able to reset a truly failed node, it must not be used for
real-life clusters—for testing and demonstration purposes only. Using it for shared storage
would result in data corruption.

meatware requires help from the user to operate. Whenever invoked, meatware logs a
CRIT severity message which shows up on the node's console. The operator then confirms
that the node is down and issues a meatclient(8) command. This tells meatware to
inform the cluster that the node should be considered dead. See /usr/share/doc/pack-
ages/cluster-glue/README.meatware for more information.

This is a software-only device, which can reboot a node it is running on, using the reboot
command. This requires action by the node's operating system and can fail under certain
circumstances. Therefore avoid using this device whenever possible. However, it is safe
to use on one-node clusters.

Diskless SBD
This configuration is useful if you want a fencing mechanism without shared storage. In
this diskless mode, SBD fences nodes by using the hardware watchdog without relying on
any shared device. However, diskless SBD cannot handle a split brain scenario for a two-
node cluster. Use this option only for clusters with more than two nodes.

suicide is the only exception to the “I do not shoot my host” rule.

10.6 Basic Recommendations

Check the following list of recommendations to avoid common mistakes:

Do not configure several power switches in parallel.

To test your STONITH devices and their configuration, pull the plug once from each node
and verify that fencing the node does takes place.

191 Basic Recommendations SLE HA 15 SP1

Test your resources under load and verify the timeout values are appropriate. Setting time-
out values too low can trigger (unnecessary) fencing operations. For details, refer to Sec-
tion 6.3.9, “Timeout Values”.

Use appropriate fencing devices for your setup. For details, also refer to Section 10.5, “Special
Fencing Devices”.

Configure one or more STONITH resources. By default, the global cluster option stonith-
enabled is set to true . If no STONITH resources have been defined, the cluster will refuse
to start any resources.

Do not set the global cluster option stonith-enabled to false for the following reasons:

Clusters without STONITH enabled are not supported.

DLM/OCFS2 will block forever waiting for a fencing operation that will never hap-

Do not set the global cluster option startup-fencing to false . By default, it is set to
true for the following reason: If a node is in an unknown state during cluster start-up,
the node will be fenced once to clarify its status.

10.7 For More Information

In your installed system, this directory contains README les for many STONITH plug-
ins and devices.
Information about STONITH on the home page of The High Availability Linux Project.

Pacemaker Explained: Explains the concepts used to configure Pacemaker. Contains

comprehensive and very detailed information for reference.
Article explaining the concepts of split brain, quorum and fencing in HA clusters.

192 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

11 Storage Protection and SBD

SBD (STONITH Block Device) provides a node fencing mechanism for Pacemak-
er-based clusters through the exchange of messages via shared block storage (SAN,
iSCSI, FCoE, etc.). This isolates the fencing mechanism from changes in rmware
version or dependencies on specific rmware controllers. SBD needs a watchdog on
each node to ensure that misbehaving nodes are really stopped. Under certain con-
ditions, it is also possible to use SBD without shared storage, by running it in disk-
less mode.
The ha-cluster-bootstrap scripts provide an automated way to set up a cluster
with the option of using SBD as fencing mechanism. For details, see the Article “In-
stallation and Setup Quick Start”. However, manually setting up SBD provides you with
more options regarding the individual settings.
This chapter explains the concepts behind SBD. It guides you through configuring
the components needed by SBD to protect your cluster from potential data corrup-
tion in case of a split brain scenario.
In addition to node level fencing, you can use additional mechanisms for storage
protection, such as LVM2 exclusive activation or OCFS2 le locking support (re-
source level fencing). They protect your system against administrative or applica-
tion faults.

11.1 Conceptual Overview

SBD expands to Storage-Based Death or STONITH Block Device.
The highest priority of the High Availability cluster stack is to protect the integrity of data. This
is achieved by preventing uncoordinated concurrent access to data storage. The cluster stack
takes care of this using several control mechanisms.
However, network partitioning or software malfunction could potentially cause scenarios where
several DCs are elected in a cluster. If this so-called split brain scenario were allowed to unfold,
data corruption might occur.

193 Conceptual Overview SLE HA 15 SP1

Node fencing via STONITH is the primary mechanism to prevent this. Using SBD as a node
fencing mechanism is one way of shutting down nodes without using an external power o
device in case of a split brain scenario.


SBD Partition
In an environment where all nodes have access to shared storage, a small partition of the
device is formatted for use with SBD. The size of the partition depends on the block size
of the used disk (for example, 1 MB for standard SCSI disks with 512 byte block size or
4 MB for DASD disks with 4 kB block size). The initialization process creates a message
layout on the device with slots for up to 255 nodes.

SBD Daemon
After the respective SBD daemon is configured, it is brought online on each node before
the rest of the cluster stack is started. It is terminated after all other cluster components
have been shut down, thus ensuring that cluster resources are never activated without SBD

The daemon automatically allocates one of the message slots on the partition to itself,
and constantly monitors it for messages addressed to itself. Upon receipt of a message, the
daemon immediately complies with the request, such as initiating a power-o or reboot
cycle for fencing.
Also, the daemon constantly monitors connectivity to the storage device, and terminates
itself in case the partition becomes unreachable. This guarantees that it is not disconnected
from fencing messages. If the cluster data resides on the same logical unit in a different
partition, this is not an additional point of failure: The workload will terminate anyway
if the storage connectivity has been lost.

Whenever SBD is used, a correctly working watchdog is crucial. Modern systems support
a hardware watchdog that needs to be “tickled” or “fed” by a software component. The
software component (in this case, the SBD daemon) “feeds” the watchdog by regularly
writing a service pulse to the watchdog. If the daemon stops feeding the watchdog, the
hardware will enforce a system restart. This protects against failures of the SBD process
itself, such as dying, or becoming stuck on an I/O error.

194 Conceptual Overview SLE HA 15 SP1

If Pacemaker integration is activated, SBD will not self-fence if device majority is lost. For ex-
ample, your cluster contains three nodes: A, B, and C. Because of a network split, A can only
see itself while B and C can still communicate. In this case, there are two cluster partitions: one
with quorum because of being the majority (B, C), and one without (A). If this happens while
the majority of fencing devices are unreachable, node A would immediately commit suicide,
but nodes B and C would continue to run.

11.2 Overview of Manually Setting Up SBD

The following steps are necessary to manually set up storage-based protection. They must be
executed as root . Before you start, check Section 11.3, “Requirements”.

1. Setting Up the Watchdog

2. Depending on your scenario, either use SBD with one to three devices or in diskless mode.
For an outline, see Section 11.4, “Number of SBD Devices”. The detailed setup is described in:

Setting Up SBD with Devices

Setting Up Diskless SBD

3. Testing SBD and Fencing

11.3 Requirements
You can use up to three SBD devices for storage-based fencing. When using one to three
devices, the shared storage must be accessible from all nodes.

The path to the shared storage device must be persistent and consistent across all nodes in
the cluster. Use stable device names such as /dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-part1-mpath-
abcedf12345 .

The shared storage can be connected via Fibre Channel (FC), Fibre Channel over Ethernet
(FCoE), or even iSCSI.

The shared storage segment must not use host-based RAID, LVM2, or DRBD*. DRBD can
be split, which is problematic for SBD, as there cannot be two states in SBD. Cluster mul-
ti-device (Cluster MD) cannot be used for SBD.

195 Overview of Manually Setting Up SBD SLE HA 15 SP1

However, using storage-based RAID and multipathing is recommended for increased reli-

An SBD device can be shared between different clusters, as long as no more than 255 nodes
share the device.

For clusters with more than two nodes, you can also use SBD in diskless mode.

11.4 Number of SBD Devices

SBD supports the use of up to three devices:

One Device
The most simple implementation. It is appropriate for clusters where all of your data is
on the same shared storage.

Two Devices
This configuration is primarily useful for environments that use host-based mirroring but
where no third storage device is available. SBD will not terminate itself if it loses access
to one mirror leg, allowing the cluster to continue. However, since SBD does not have
enough knowledge to detect an asymmetric split of the storage, it will not fence the other
side while only one mirror leg is available. Thus, it cannot automatically tolerate a second
failure while one of the storage arrays is down.

Three Devices
The most reliable configuration. It is resilient against outages of one device—be it because
of failures or maintenance. SBD will terminate itself only if more than one device is lost
and if required, depending on the status of the cluster partition or node. If at least two
devices are still accessible, fencing messages can be successfully transmitted.
This configuration is suitable for more complex scenarios where storage is not restricted
to a single array. Host-based mirroring solutions can have one SBD per mirror leg (not
mirrored itself), and an additional tie-breaker on iSCSI.

This configuration is useful if you want a fencing mechanism without shared storage. In
this diskless mode, SBD fences nodes by using the hardware watchdog without relying on
any shared device. However, diskless SBD cannot handle a split brain scenario for a two-
node cluster. Use this option only for clusters with more than two nodes.

196 Number of SBD Devices SLE HA 15 SP1

11.5 Calculation of Timeouts
When using SBD as a fencing mechanism, it is vital to consider the timeouts of all components,
because they depend on each other.

Watchdog Timeout
This timeout is set during initialization of the SBD device. It depends mostly on your storage
latency. The majority of devices must be successfully read within this time. Otherwise, the
node might self-fence.

Note: Multipath or iSCSI Setup

If your SBD device(s) reside on a multipath setup or iSCSI, the timeout should be
set to the time required to detect a path failure and switch to the next path.
This also means that in /etc/multipath.conf the value of max_polling_inter-
val must be less than watchdog timeout.

msgwait Timeout
This timeout is set during initialization of the SBD device. It defines the time after which
a message written to a node's slot on the SBD device is considered delivered. The timeout
should be long enough for the node to detect that it needs to self-fence.
However, if the msgwait timeout is relatively long, a fenced cluster node might rejoin
before the fencing action returns. This can be mitigated by setting the SBD_DELAY_START
parameter in the SBD configuration, as described in Procedure 11.4 in Step 4.

stonith-timeout in the CIB

This timeout is set in the CIB as a global cluster property. It defines how long to wait for
the STONITH action (reboot, on, o) to complete.

stonith-watchdog-timeout in the CIB

This timeout is set in the CIB as a global cluster property. If not set explicitly, it defaults to
0 , which is appropriate for using SBD with one to three devices. For use of SBD in diskless
mode, see Procedure 11.8, “Configuring Diskless SBD” for more details.

If you change the watchdog timeout, you need to adjust the other two timeouts as well. The
following “formula” expresses the relationship between these three values:

Timeout (msgwait) >= (Timeout (watchdog) * 2)

197 Calculation of Timeouts SLE HA 15 SP1

stonith-timeout = Timeout (msgwait) + 20%

For example, if you set the watchdog timeout to 120 , set the msgwait timeout to 240 and the
stonith-timeout to 288 .

If you use the ha-cluster-bootstrap scripts to set up a cluster and to initialize the SBD device,
the relationship between these timeouts is automatically considered.

11.6 Setting Up the Watchdog

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension ships with several kernel modules that pro-
vide hardware-specific watchdog drivers. For a list of the most commonly used ones, see Com-
monly Used Watchdog Drivers.

For clusters in production environments we recommend to use a hardware-specific watchdog

driver. However, if no watchdog matches your hardware, softdog can be used as kernel watch-
dog module.
The High Availability Extension uses the SBD daemon as the software component that “feeds”
the watchdog.

11.6.1 Using a Hardware Watchdog

Finding the right watchdog kernel module for a given system is not trivial. Automatic probing
fails very often. As a result, lots of modules are already loaded before the right one gets a chance.
Table 11.1 lists the most commonly used watchdog drivers. If your hardware is not listed there,
the directory /lib/modules/KERNEL_VERSION/kernel/drivers/watchdog gives you a list of
choices, too. Alternatively, ask your hardware vendor for the name.


Hardware Driver

HP hpwdt

Dell, Fujitsu, Lenovo (Intel TCO) iTCO_wdt

VM on z/VM on IBM mainframe vmwatchdog

Xen VM (DomU) xen_xdt

198 Setting Up the Watchdog SLE HA 15 SP1

Hardware Driver

Generic softdog

Important: Accessing the Watchdog Timer

Some hardware vendors ship systems management software that uses the watchdog for
system resets (for example, HP ASR daemon). If the watchdog is used by SBD, disable
such software. No other software must access the watchdog timer.


To make sure the correct watchdog module is loaded, proceed as follows:

1. List the drivers that have been installed with your kernel version:

root # rpm -ql kernel-VERSION | grep watchdog

2. List any watchdog modules that are currently loaded in the kernel:

root # lsmod | egrep "(wd|dog)"

3. If you get a result, unload the wrong module:

root # rmmod WRONG_MODULE

4. Enable the watchdog module that matches your hardware:

root # echo WATCHDOG_MODULE > /etc/modules-load.d/watchdog.conf

root # systemctl restart systemd-modules-load

5. Test whether the watchdog module is loaded correctly:

root # lsmod | grep dog

11.6.2 Using the Software Watchdog (softdog)

For clusters in production environments we recommend to use a hardware-specific watchdog
driver. However, if no watchdog matches your hardware, softdog can be used as kernel watch-
dog module.

199 Using the Software Watchdog (softdog) SLE HA 15 SP1

Important: Softdog Limitations
The softdog driver assumes that at least one CPU is still running. If all CPUs are stuck,
the code in the softdog driver that should reboot the system will never be executed. In
contrast, hardware watchdogs keep working even if all CPUs are stuck.


1. Enable the softdog driver:

root # echo softdog > /etc/modules-load.d/watchdog.conf

2. Add the softdog module in /etc/modules-load.d/watchdog.conf and restart a ser-


root # echo softdog > /etc/modules-load.d/watchdog.conf

root # systemctl restart systemd-modules-load

3. Test whether the softdog watchdog module is loaded correctly:

root # lsmod | grep softdog

11.7 Setting Up SBD with Devices

The following steps are necessary for setup:

1. Initializing the SBD Devices

2. Editing the SBD Configuration File

3. Enabling and Starting the SBD Service

4. Testing the SBD Devices

5. Configuring the Cluster to Use SBD

Before you start, make sure the block device or devices you want to use for SBD meet the
requirements specified in Section 11.3.
When setting up the SBD devices, you need to take several timeout values into account. For
details, see Section 11.5, “Calculation of Timeouts”.

200 Setting Up SBD with Devices SLE HA 15 SP1

The node will terminate itself if the SBD daemon running on it has not updated the watchdog
timer fast enough. After having set the timeouts, test them in your specific environment.


To use SBD with shared storage, you must rst create the messaging layout on one to three
block devices. The sbd create command will write a metadata header to the specified
device or devices. It will also initialize the messaging slots for up to 255 nodes. If executed
without any further options, the command will use the default timeout settings.

Warning: Overwriting Existing Data

Make sure the device or devices you want to use for SBD do not hold any important
data. When you execute the sbd create command, roughly the rst megabyte of
the specified block devices will be overwritten without further requests or backup.

1. Decide which block device or block devices to use for SBD.

2. Initialize the SBD device with the following command:

root # sbd -d /dev/SBD create

(Replace /dev/SBD with your actual path name, for example: /dev/disk/by-id/sc-
si-ST2000DM001-0123456_Wabcdefg .)
To use more than one device for SBD, specify the -d option multiple times, for example:

root # sbd -d /dev/SBD1 -d /dev/SBD2 -d /dev/SBD3 create

3. If your SBD device resides on a multipath group, use the -1 and -4 options to adjust the
timeouts to use for SBD. For details, see Section 11.5, “Calculation of Timeouts”. All timeouts
are given in seconds:

root # sbd -d /dev/SBD -4 180 1 -1 90 2 create

1 The -4 option is used to specify the msgwait timeout. In the example above, it is
set to 180 seconds.
2 The -1 option is used to specify the watchdog timeout. In the example above, it
is set to 90 seconds. The minimum allowed value for the emulated watchdog is 15

201 Setting Up SBD with Devices SLE HA 15 SP1

4. Check what has been written to the device:

root # sbd -d /dev/SBD dump

Header version : 2.1
UUID : 619127f4-0e06-434c-84a0-ea82036e144c
Number of slots : 255
Sector size : 512
Timeout (watchdog) : 5
Timeout (allocate) : 2
Timeout (loop) : 1
Timeout (msgwait) : 10
==Header on disk /dev/SBD is dumped

As you can see, the timeouts are also stored in the header, to ensure that all participating
nodes agree on them.

After you have initialized the SBD devices, edit the SBD configuration le, then enable and start
the respective services for the changes to take effect.


1. Open the le /etc/sysconfig/sbd .

2. Search for the following parameter: SBD_DEVICE .

It specifies the devices to monitor and to use for exchanging SBD messages.

3. Edit this line by replacing SBD with your SBD device:


If you need to specify multiple devices in the rst line, separate them with semicolons
(the order of the devices does not matter):

SBD_DEVICE="/dev/SBD1; /dev/SBD2; /dev/SBD3"

If the SBD device is not accessible, the daemon will fail to start and inhibit cluster start-up.

4. Search for the following parameter: SBD_DELAY_START .

Enables or disables a delay. Set SBD_DELAY_START to yes if msgwait is relatively long,
but your cluster nodes boot very fast. Setting this parameter to yes delays the start of
SBD on boot. This is sometimes necessary with virtual machines.

202 Setting Up SBD with Devices SLE HA 15 SP1

After you have added your SBD devices to the SBD configuration le, enable the SBD daemon.
The SBD daemon is a critical piece of the cluster stack. It needs to be running when the cluster
stack is running. Thus, the sbd service is started as a dependency whenever the pacemaker
service is started.


1. On each node, enable the SBD service:

root # systemctl enable sbd

It will be started together with the Corosync service whenever the Pacemaker service is

2. Restart the cluster stack on each node:

root # crm cluster restart

This automatically triggers the start of the SBD daemon.

As a next step, test the SBD devices as described in Procedure 11.6.


1. The following command will dump the node slots and their current messages from the
SBD device:

root # sbd -d /dev/SBD list

Now you should see all cluster nodes that have ever been started with SBD listed here.
For example, if you have a two-node cluster, the message slot should show clear for
both nodes:

0 alice clear
1 bob clear

2. Try sending a test message to one of the nodes:

root # sbd -d /dev/SBD message alice test

3. The node will acknowledge the receipt of the message in the system log les:

May 03 16:08:31 alice sbd[66139]: /dev/SBD: notice: servant: Received command test
from bob on disk /dev/SBD

203 Setting Up SBD with Devices SLE HA 15 SP1

This confirms that SBD is indeed up and running on the node and that it is ready to receive

As a final step, you need to adjust the cluster configuration as described in Procedure 11.7.


To configure the use of SBD in the cluster, you need to do the following in the cluster

Set the stonith-timeout parameter to a value that matches your setting.

Configure the SBD STONITH resource.

For the calculation of the stonith-timeout refer to Section 11.5, “Calculation of Timeouts”.

1. Start a shell and log in as root or equivalent.

2. Run crm configure .

3. Enter the following:

crm(live)configure# property stonith-enabled="true" 1

crm(live)configure# property stonith-watchdog-timeout=0 2

crm(live)configure# property stonith-timeout="40s" 3

1 This is the default configuration, because clusters without STONITH are not support-
ed. But in case STONITH has been deactivated for testing purposes, make sure this
parameter is set to true again.
2 If not explicitly set, this value defaults to 0 , which is appropriate for use of SBD with
one to three devices.
3 A stonith-timeout value of 40 would be appropriate if the msgwait timeout value
for SBD was set to 30 seconds.

4. For a two-node cluster, decide if you want predictable or random delays. For other cluster
setups you do not need to set this parameter.

Predictable Static Delays

This parameter enables a static delay before executing STONITH actions. It ensures
that the nodes do not fence each other if separate fencing resources and different
delay values are being used. The targeted node will loose in a “fencing race”. The

204 Setting Up SBD with Devices SLE HA 15 SP1

parameter can be used to “mark” a specific node to survive in case of a split brain
scenario in a two-node cluster. To make this succeed, it is essential to create two
primitive STONITH devices for each node. In the following configuration, alice will
win and survive in case of a split brain scenario:

crm(live)configure# primitive st-sbd-alice stonith:external/sbd params \

pcmk_host_list=alice pcmk_delay_base=20
crm(live)configure# primitive st-sbd-bob stonith:external/sbd params \
pcmk_host_list=bob pcmk_delay_base=0

Dynamic Random Delays

This parameter prevents double fencing when using slow devices such as SBD. It adds
a random delay for STONITH actions on the fencing device. It is especially important
for two-node clusters where otherwise both nodes might try to fence each other in
case of a split brain scenario.

crm(live)configure# primitive stonith_sbd stonith:external/sbd

params pcmk_delay_max=30

5. Review your changes with show .

6. Submit your changes with commit and leave the crm live configuration with exit .

After the resource has started, your cluster is successfully configured for use of SBD. It will use
this method in case a node needs to be fenced.

11.8 Setting Up Diskless SBD

SBD can be operated in a diskless mode. In this mode, a watchdog device will be used to reset
the node in the following cases: if it loses quorum, if any monitored daemon is lost and not
recovered, or if Pacemaker decides that the node requires fencing. Diskless SBD is based on “self-
fencing” of a node, depending on the status of the cluster, the quorum and some reasonable
assumptions. No STONITH SBD resource primitive is needed in the CIB.

Important: Number of Cluster Nodes

Do not use diskless SBD as a fencing mechanism for two-node clusters. Use it only in clus-
ters with three or more nodes. SBD in diskless mode cannot handle split brain scenarios
for two-node clusters.

205 Setting Up Diskless SBD SLE HA 15 SP1


1. Open the le /etc/sysconfig/sbd and use the following entries:


The SBD_DEVICE entry is not needed as no shared disk is used. When this parameter is
missing, the sbd service does not start any watcher process for SBD devices.

2. On each node, enable the SBD service:

root # systemctl enable sbd

It will be started together with the Corosync service whenever the Pacemaker service is

3. Restart the cluster stack on each node:

root # crm cluster restart

This automatically triggers the start of the SBD daemon.

4. Check if the parameter have-watchdog=true has been automatically set:

root # crm configure show | grep have-watchdog


5. Run crm configure and set the following cluster properties on the crm shell:

crm(live)configure# property stonith-enabled="true" 1

crm(live)configure# property stonith-watchdog-timeout=10 2

1 This is the default configuration, because clusters without STONITH are not support-
ed. But in case STONITH has been deactivated for testing purposes, make sure this
parameter is set to true again.
2 For diskless SBD, this parameter must not equal zero. It defines after how long it is as-
sumed that the fencing target has already self-fenced. Therefore its value needs to be
>= the value of SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT in /etc/sysconfig/sbd . Starting with

206 Setting Up Diskless SBD SLE HA 15 SP1

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15, if you set stonith-watch-
dog-timeout to a negative value, Pacemaker will automatically calculate this time-
out and set it to twice the value of SBD_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT .

6. Review your changes with show .

7. Submit your changes with commit and leave the crm live configuration with exit .

11.9 Testing SBD and Fencing

To test whether SBD works as expected for node fencing purposes, use one or all of the following

Manually Triggering Fencing of a Node

To trigger a fencing action for node NODENAME :

root # crm node fence NODENAME

Check if the node is fenced and if the other nodes consider the node as fenced after the
stonith-watchdog-timeout .

Simulating an SBD Failure

1. Identify the process ID of the SBD inquisitor:

root # systemctl status sbd

● sbd.service - Shared-storage based fencing daemon

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sbd.service; enabled; vendor

preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2018-04-17 15:24:51 CEST; 6 days ago
Docs: man:sbd(8)
Process: 1844 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sbd $SBD_OPTS -p /var/run/ watch
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1859 (sbd)
Tasks: 4 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/sbd.service
├─1859 sbd: inquisitor

207 Testing SBD and Fencing SLE HA 15 SP1

2. Simulate an SBD failure by terminating the SBD inquisitor process. In our example,
the process ID of the SBD inquisitor is 1859 ):

root # kill -9 1859

The node proactively self-fences. The other nodes notice the loss of the node and
consider it has self-fenced after the stonith-watchdog-timeout .

Triggering Fencing through a Monitor Operation Failure

With a normal configuration, a failure of a resource stop operation will trigger fencing. To
trigger fencing manually, you can produce a failure of a resource stop operation. Alterna-
tively, you can temporarily change the configuration of a resource monitor operation and
produce a monitor failure as described below:

1. Configure an on-fail=fence property for a resource monitor operation:

op monitor interval=10 on-fail=fence

2. Let the monitoring operation fail (for example, by terminating the respective dae-
mon, if the resource relates to a service).
This failure triggers a fencing action.

11.10 Additional Mechanisms for Storage Protection

Apart from node fencing via STONITH there are other methods to achieve storage protection
at a resource level. For example, SCSI-3 and SCSI-4 use persistent reservations whereas sfex
provides a locking mechanism. Both methods are explained in the following subsections.

11.10.1 Configuring an sg_persist Resource

The SCSI specifications 3 and 4 define persistent reservations. These are SCSI protocol features
and can be used for I/O fencing and failover. This feature is implemented in the sg_persist
Linux command.

208 Additional Mechanisms for Storage Protection SLE HA 15 SP1

Note: SCSI Disk Compatibility
Any backing disks for sg_persist must be SCSI disk compatible. sg_persist only
works for devices like SCSI disks or iSCSI LUNs. Do not use it for IDE, SATA, or any block
devices which do not support the SCSI protocol.

Before you proceed, check if your disk supports persistent reservations. Use the following com-
mand (replace DISK with your device name):

root # sg_persist -n --in --read-reservation -d /dev/DISK

The result shows whether your disk supports persistent reservations:

Supported disk:

PR generation=0x0, there is NO reservation held

Unsupported disk:

PR in (Read reservation): command not supported

Illegal request, Invalid opcode

If you get an error message (like the one above), replace the old disk with an SCSI compatible
disk. Otherwise proceed as follows:

1. To create the primitive resource sg_persist , run the following commands as root :

root # crm configure

crm(live)configure# primitive sg sg_persist \
params devs="/dev/sdc" reservation_type=3 \
op monitor interval=60 timeout=60

2. Add the sg_persist primitive to a master-slave group:

crm(live)configure# ms ms-sg sg \
meta master-max=1 notify=true

3. Do some tests. When the resource is in master/slave status, you can mount and write on
/dev/sdc1 on the cluster node where the master instance is running, while you cannot
write on the cluster node where the slave instance is running.

209 Configuring an sg_persist Resource SLE HA 15 SP1

4. Add a le system primitive for Ext4:

crm(live)configure# primitive ext4 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \

params device="/dev/sdc1" directory="/mnt/ext4" fstype=ext4

5. Add the following order relationship plus a collocation between the sg_persist master
and the le system resource:

crm(live)configure# order o-ms-sg-before-ext4 inf: ms-sg:promote ext4:start

crm(live)configure# colocation col-ext4-with-sg-persist inf: ext4 ms-sg:Master

6. Check all your changes with the show command.

7. Commit your changes.

For more information, refer to the sg_persist man page.

11.10.2 Ensuring Exclusive Storage Activation with sfex

This section introduces sfex , an additional low-level mechanism to lock access to shared stor-
age exclusively to one node. Note that sfex does not replace STONITH. As sfex requires shared
storage, it is recommended that the SBD node fencing mechanism described above is used on
another partition of the storage.
By design, sfex cannot be used with workloads that require concurrency (such as OCFS2). It
serves as a layer of protection for classic failover style workloads. This is similar to an SCSI-2
reservation in effect, but more general. Overview

In a shared storage environment, a small partition of the storage is set aside for storing one or
more locks.
Before acquiring protected resources, the node must rst acquire the protecting lock. The order-
ing is enforced by Pacemaker. The sfex component ensures that even if Pacemaker were subject
to a split brain situation, the lock will never be granted more than once.
These locks must also be refreshed periodically, so that a node's death does not permanently
block the lock and other nodes can proceed.

210 Ensuring Exclusive Storage Activation with sfex SLE HA 15 SP1 Setup

In the following, learn how to create a shared partition for use with sfex and how to configure
a resource for the sfex lock in the CIB. A single sfex partition can hold any number of locks,
and needs 1 KB of storage space allocated per lock. By default, sfex_init creates one lock
on the partition.

Important: Requirements

The shared partition for sfex should be on the same logical unit as the data you
want to protect.

The shared sfex partition must not use host-based RAID, nor DRBD.

Using an LVM2 logical volume is possible.


1. Create a shared partition for use with sfex. Note the name of this partition and use it as
a substitute for /dev/sfex below.

2. Create the sfex metadata with the following command:

root # sfex_init -n 1 /dev/sfex

3. Verify that the metadata has been created correctly:

root # sfex_stat -i 1 /dev/sfex ; echo $?

This should return 2 , since the lock is not currently held.


1. The sfex lock is represented via a resource in the CIB, configured as follows:

crm(live)configure# primitive sfex_1 ocf:heartbeat:sfex \

# params device="/dev/sfex" index="1" collision_timeout="1" \
lock_timeout="70" monitor_interval="10" \
# op monitor interval="10s" timeout="30s" on-fail="fence"

211 Ensuring Exclusive Storage Activation with sfex SLE HA 15 SP1

2. To protect resources via an sfex lock, create mandatory ordering and placement constraints
between the resources to protect the sfex resource. If the resource to be protected has the
ID filesystem1 :

crm(live)configure# order order-sfex-1 inf: sfex_1 filesystem1

crm(live)configure# colocation col-sfex-1 inf: filesystem1 sfex_1

3. If using group syntax, add the sfex resource as the rst resource to the group:

crm(live)configure# group LAMP sfex_1 filesystem1 apache ipaddr

11.11 For More Information

man sbd

212 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

12 Access Control Lists

The cluster administration tools like crm shell (crmsh) or Hawk2 can be used by
root or any user in the group haclient . By default, these users have full read/
write access. To limit access or assign more ne-grained access rights, you can use
Access control lists (ACLs).
Access control lists consist of an ordered set of access rules. Each rule allows read
or write access or denies access to a part of the cluster configuration. Rules are typi-
cally combined to produce a specific role, then users may be assigned to a role that
matches their tasks.

Note: CIB Syntax Validation Version and ACL Differences

This ACL documentation only applies if your CIB is validated with the CIB syntax version
pacemaker-2.0 or higher. For details on how to check this and upgrade the CIB version,
see Note: Upgrading the CIB Syntax Version.
If you have upgraded from SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11 SPx and
kept your former CIB version, refer to the Access Control List chapter in the Administration
Guide for SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 11 SP3 or earlier. It is avail-
able from .

12.1 Requirements and Prerequisites

Before you start using ACLs on your cluster, make sure the following conditions are fulfilled:

Ensure you have the same users on all nodes in your cluster, either by using NIS, Active
Directory, or by manually adding the same users to all nodes.

All users for whom you want to modify access rights with ACLs must belong to the ha-
client group.

All users need to run crmsh by its absolute path /usr/sbin/crm .

If non-privileged users want to run crmsh, their PATH variable needs to be extended with
/usr/sbin .

213 Requirements and Prerequisites SLE HA 15 SP1

Important: Default Access Rights

ACLs are an optional feature. By default, use of ACLs is disabled.

If ACLs are not enabled, root and all users belonging to the haclient group have
full read/write access to the cluster configuration.

Even if ACLs are enabled and configured, both root and the default CRM owner
hacluster always have full access to the cluster configuration.

To use ACLs you need some knowledge about XPath. XPath is a language for selecting nodes
in an XML document. Refer to or look into the specification
at .

12.2 Enabling Use of ACLs in Your Cluster

Before you can start configuring ACLs, you need to enable use of ACLs. To do so, use the following
command in the crmsh:

root # crm configure property enable-acl=true

Alternatively, use Hawk2 as described in Procedure 12.1, “Enabling Use of ACLs with Hawk2”.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. In the left navigation bar, select Cluster Configuration to display the global cluster options
and their current values.

3. Below Cluster Configuration click the empty drop-down box and select enable-acl to add the
parameter. It is added with its default value No .

4. Set its value to Yes and apply your changes.

214 Enabling Use of ACLs in Your Cluster SLE HA 15 SP1

12.3 The Basics of ACLs
Access control lists consist of an ordered set of access rules. Each rule allows read or write access
or denies access to a part of the cluster configuration. Rules are typically combined to produce
a specific role, then users may be assigned to a role that matches their tasks. An ACL role is a
set of rules which describe access rights to CIB. A rule consists of the following:

an access right like read , write , or deny

a specification where to apply the rule. This specification can be a type, an ID reference,
or an XPath expression.

Usually, it is convenient to bundle ACLs into roles and assign a specific role to system users (ACL
targets). There are two methods to create ACL rules:

Section 12.3.1, “Setting ACL Rules via XPath Expressions”. You need to know the structure of the
underlying XML to create ACL rules.

Section 12.3.2, “Setting ACL Rules via Abbreviations”. Create a shorthand syntax and ACL rules
to apply to the matched objects.

12.3.1 Setting ACL Rules via XPath Expressions

To manage ACL rules via XPath, you need to know the structure of the underlying XML. Retrieve
the structure with the following command that shows your cluster configuration in XML (see
Example 12.1):

root # crm configure show xml


cib-last-written="Fri Aug 8 13:47:28 2014"

215 The Basics of ACLs SLE HA 15 SP1

<cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options">
<nvpair name="stonith-enabled" value="true" id="cib-bootstrap-options-stonith-
<node id="175704363" uname="alice"/>
<node id="175704619" uname="bob"/>
<resources> [...] </resources>
<rsc_defaults> [...] </rsc_defaults>
<op_defaults> [...] </op_defaults>

With the XPath language you can locate nodes in this XML document. For example, to select
the root node ( cib ) use the XPath expression /cib . To locate the global cluster configurations,
use the XPath expression /cib/configuration/crm_config .
As an example, Table 12.1, “Operator Role—Access Types and XPath Expressions” shows the parame-
ters (access type and XPath expression) to create an “operator” role. Users with this role can
only execute the tasks mentioned in the second column—they cannot reconfigure any resources
(for example, change parameters or operations), nor change the configuration of colocation or
ordering constraints.


Type XPath/Explanation

Write //crm_config//nvpair[@name='maintenance-

Turn cluster maintenance mode on or o.

Write //op_defaults//nvpair[@name='record-

Choose whether pending operations are


Write //nodes/node//nvpair[@name='standby']

216 Setting ACL Rules via XPath Expressions SLE HA 15 SP1

Type XPath/Explanation

Set node in online or standby mode.

Write //resources//nvpair[@name='target-role']

Start, stop, promote or demote any resource.

Write //resources//nvpair[@name='maintenance']

Select if a resource should be put to mainte-

nance mode or not.

Write //constraints/rsc_location

Migrate/move resources from one node to


Read /cib

View the status of the cluster.

12.3.2 Setting ACL Rules via Abbreviations

For users who do not want to deal with the XML structure there is an easier method.
For example, consider the following XPath:


which locates all the XML nodes with the ID rsc1 .

The abbreviated syntax is written like this:


This also works for constraints. Here is the verbose XPath:


The abbreviated syntax is written like this:


217 Setting ACL Rules via Abbreviations SLE HA 15 SP1

The abbreviated syntax can be used in crmsh and Hawk2. The CIB daemon knows how to apply
the ACL rules to the matching objects.

12.4 Configuring ACLs with Hawk2

The following procedures show how to configure read-only access to the cluster configuration
by defining a monitor role and assigning it to a user. Alternatively, you can use crmsh to do
so, as described in Procedure 12.4, “Adding a Monitor Role and Assigning a User with crmsh”.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. In the left navigation bar, select Roles.

3. Click Create.

4. Enter a unique Role ID, for example, monitor .

5. As access Right, select Read .

6. As Xpath, enter the XPath expression /cib .

7. Click Create.

218 Configuring ACLs with Hawk2 SLE HA 15 SP1

This creates a new role with the name monitor , sets the read rights and applies this to
all elements in the CIB by using the XPath expression /cib .

8. If necessary, add more rules by clicking the plus icon and specifying the respective para-

9. Sort the individual rules by using the arrow up or down buttons.


To assign the role we created in Procedure 12.2 to a system user (target), proceed as follows:

1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. In the left navigation bar, select Targets.

3. To create a system user (ACL Target), click Create and enter a unique Target ID, for exam-
ple, tux . Make sure this user belongs to the haclient group.

4. To assign a role to the target, select one or multiple Roles.

In our example, select the monitor role you created in Procedure 12.2.

5. Confirm your choice.

To configure access rights for resources or constraints, you can also use the abbreviated syntax
as explained in Section 12.3.2, “Setting ACL Rules via Abbreviations”.

219 Configuring ACLs with Hawk2 SLE HA 15 SP1

12.5 Configuring ACLs with crmsh
The following procedure shows how to configure a read-only access to the cluster configuration
by defining a monitor role and assigning it to a user.


1. Log in as root .

2. Start the interactive mode of crmsh:

root # crm configure


3. Define your ACL role(s):

a. Use the role command to define a new role:

crm(live)configure# role monitor read xpath:"/cib"

The previous command creates a new role with the name monitor , sets the read
rights and applies it to all elements in the CIB by using the XPath expression /cib .
If necessary, you can add more access rights and XPath arguments.

b. Add additional roles as needed.

4. Assign your roles to one or multiple ACL targets, which are the corresponding system
users. Make sure they belong to the haclient group.

crm(live)configure# acl_target tux monitor

5. Check your changes:

crm(live)configure# show

6. Commit your changes:

crm(live)configure# commit

To configure access rights for resources or constraints, you can also use the abbreviated syntax
as explained in Section 12.3.2, “Setting ACL Rules via Abbreviations”.

220 Configuring ACLs with crmsh SLE HA 15 SP1

13 Network Device Bonding

For many systems, it is desirable to implement network connections that comply to

more than the standard data security or availability requirements of a typical Eth-
ernet device. In these cases, several Ethernet devices can be aggregated to a single
bonding device.
The configuration of the bonding device is done by means of bonding module options. The
behavior is determined through the mode of the bonding device. By default, this is mode=ac-
tive-backup , which means that a different slave device will become active if the active slave
When using Corosync, the bonding device is not managed by the cluster software. Therefore,
the bonding device must be configured on each cluster node that might possibly need to access
the bonding device.

13.1 Configuring Bonding Devices with YaST

To configure a bonding device, you need to have multiple Ethernet devices that can be aggre-
gated to a single bonding device. Proceed as follows:

1. Start YaST as root and select System Network Settings.

2. In the Network Settings, switch to the Overview tab, which shows the available devices.

3. Check if the Ethernet devices to be aggregate to a bonding device have an IP address

assigned. If yes, change it:

a. Select the device to change and click Edit.

b. In the Address tab of the Network Card Setup dialog that opens, select the option No
Link and IP Setup (Bonding Slaves).

221 Configuring Bonding Devices with YaST SLE HA 15 SP1

c. Click Next to return to the Overview tab in the Network Settings dialog.

4. To add a new bonding device:

a. Click Add and set the Device Type to Bond. Proceed with Next.

b. Select how to assign the IP address to the bonding device. Three methods are at your

No Link and IP Setup (Bonding Slaves)

Dynamic Address (with DHCP or Zeroconf)

Statically assigned IP Address

Use the method that is appropriate for your environment. If Corosync manages vir-
tual IP addresses, select Statically assigned IP Address and assign an IP address to the

c. Switch to the Bond Slaves tab.

d. It shows any Ethernet devices that have been configured as bonding slaves in Step
3.b. To select the Ethernet devices that you want to include into the bond, below
Bond Slaves and Order activate the check box in front of the respective devices.

222 Configuring Bonding Devices with YaST SLE HA 15 SP1

e. Edit the Bond Driver Options. The following modes are available:

Provides load balancing and fault tolerance, at the cost of out-of-order packet
transmission. This may cause delays, for example, for TCP reassembly.

Provides fault tolerance.

Provides load balancing and fault tolerance.

Provides fault tolerance.

Provides dynamic link aggregation if supported by the connected switch.

Provides load balancing for outgoing traffic.

Provides load balancing for incoming and outgoing traffic, if the network de-
vices used allow the modifying of the network device's hardware address while
in use.

223 Configuring Bonding Devices with YaST SLE HA 15 SP1

f. Make sure to add the parameter miimon=100 to Bond Driver Options. Without this
parameter, the link is not checked regularly, so the bonding driver might continue
to lose packets on a faulty link.

5. Click Next and leave YaST with OK to finish the configuration of the bonding device. YaST
writes the configuration to /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-bondDEVICENUMBER .

13.2 Hotplugging of Bonding Slaves

Sometimes it is necessary to replace a bonding slave interface with another one, for example,
if the respective network device constantly fails. The solution is to set up hotplugging bonding
slaves. It is also necessary to change the udev rules to match the device by bus ID instead of by
MAC address. This enables you to replace defective hardware (a network card in the same slot
but with a different MAC address), if the hardware allows for that.


If you prefer manual configuration instead, refer to the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension Administration Guide, chapter Basic
Networking, section Hotplugging of Bonding Slaves.

1. Start YaST as root and select System Network Settings.

2. In the Network Settings, switch to the Overview tab, which shows the already configured
devices. If bonding slaves are already configured, the Note column shows it.

224 Hotplugging of Bonding Slaves SLE HA 15 SP1

3. For each of the Ethernet devices that have been aggregated to a bonding device, execute
the following steps:

a. Select the device to change and click Edit. The Network Card Setup dialog opens.

b. Switch to the General tab and make sure that Activate device is set to On Hotplug .

c. Switch to the Hardware tab.

d. For the Udev rules, click Change and select the BusID option.

e. Click OK and Next to return to the Overview tab in the Network Settings dialog. If
you click the Ethernet device entry now, the bottom pane shows the device's details,
including the bus ID.

4. Click OK to confirm your changes and leave the network settings.

At boot time, the network setup does not wait for the hotplug slaves, but for the bond to become
ready, which needs at least one available slave. When one of the slave interfaces is removed
from the system (unbind from NIC driver, rmmod of the NIC driver or true PCI hotplug removal),
the Kernel removes it from the bond automatically. When a new card is added to the system
(replacement of the hardware in the slot), udev renames it by applying the bus-based persistent
name rule and calls ifup for it. The ifup call automatically joins it into the bond.

13.3 For More Information

All modes and many options are explained in detail in the Linux Ethernet Bonding Driver HOWTO.
The le can be found at /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt after
you have installed the package kernel-source .
For High Availability setups, the following options described therein are especially important:
miimon and use_carrier .

225 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

14 Load Balancing

Load Balancing makes a cluster of servers appear as one large, fast server to out-
side clients. This apparent single server is called a virtual server. It consists of one or
more load balancers dispatching incoming requests and several real servers running
the actual services. With a load balancing setup of High Availability Extension, you
can build highly scalable and highly available network services, such as Web, cache,
mail, FTP, media and VoIP services.

14.1 Conceptual Overview

High Availability Extension supports two technologies for load balancing: Linux Virtual Server
(LVS) and HAProxy. The key difference is Linux Virtual Server operates at OSI layer 4 (Trans-
port), configuring the network layer of kernel, while HAProxy operates at layer 7 (Application),
running in user space. Thus Linux Virtual Server needs fewer resources and can handle higher
loads, while HAProxy can inspect the traffic, do SSL termination and make dispatching decisions
based on the content of the traffic.
On the other hand, Linux Virtual Server includes two different software: IPVS (IP Virtual Server)
and KTCPVS (Kernel TCP Virtual Server). IPVS provides layer 4 load balancing whereas KTCPVS
provides layer 7 load balancing.
This section gives you a conceptual overview of load balancing in combination with high avail-
ability, then briey introduces you to Linux Virtual Server and HAProxy. Finally, it points you
to further reading.
The real servers and the load balancers may be interconnected by either high-speed LAN or by
geographically dispersed WAN. The load balancers dispatch requests to the different servers.
They make parallel services of the cluster appear as one virtual service on a single IP address
(the virtual IP address or VIP). Request dispatching can use IP load balancing technologies or
application-level load balancing technologies. Scalability of the system is achieved by transpar-
ently adding or removing nodes in the cluster.
High availability is provided by detecting node or service failures and reconfiguring the whole
virtual server system appropriately, as usual.

226 Conceptual Overview SLE HA 15 SP1

There are several load balancing strategies. Here are some Layer 4 strategies, suitable for Linux
Virtual Server:

Round Robin. The simplest strategy is to direct each connection to a different address,
taking turns. For example, a DNS server can have several entries for a given host name.
With DNS round robin, the DNS server will return all of them in a rotating order. Thus
different clients will see different addresses.

Selecting the “best” server. Although this has several drawbacks, balancing could be im-
plemented with an “the rst server who responds” or “the least loaded server” approach.

Balance number of connections per server. A load balancer between users and servers
can divide the number of users across multiple servers.

Geo Location. It is possible to direct clients to a server nearby.

Here are some Layer 7 strategies, suitable for HAProxy:

URI. Inspect the HTTP content and dispatch to a server most suitable for this specific URI.

URL parameter, RDP cookie. Inspect the HTTP content for a session parameter, possibly
in post parameters, or the RDP (remote desktop protocol) session cookie, and dispatch to
the server serving this session.

Although there is some overlap, HAProxy can be used in scenarios where LVS/ ipvsadm is not
adequate and vice versa:

SSL termination. The front-end load balancers can handle the SSL layer. Thus the cloud
nodes do not need to have access to the SSL keys, or could take advantage of SSL acceler-
ators in the load balancers.

Application level. HAProxy operates at the application level, allowing the load balancing
decisions to be influenced by the content stream. This allows for persistence based on
cookies and other such filters.

On the other hand, LVS/ ipvsadm cannot be fully replaced by HAProxy:

LVS supports “direct routing”, where the load balancer is only in the inbound stream,
whereas the outbound traffic is routed to the clients directly. This allows for potentially
much higher throughput in asymmetric environments.

LVS supports stateful connection table replication (via conntrackd ). This allows for load
balancer failover that is transparent to the client and server.

227 Conceptual Overview SLE HA 15 SP1

14.2 Configuring Load Balancing with Linux Virtual
The following sections give an overview of the main LVS components and concepts. Then we
explain how to set up Linux Virtual Server on High Availability Extension.

14.2.1 Director
The main component of LVS is the ip_vs (or IPVS) Kernel code. It is part of the default Kernel
and implements transport-layer load balancing inside the Linux Kernel (layer-4 switching). The
node that runs a Linux Kernel including the IPVS code is called director. The IPVS code running
on the director is the essential feature of LVS.
When clients connect to the director, the incoming requests are load-balanced across all cluster
nodes: The director forwards packets to the real servers, using a modified set of routing rules that
make the LVS work. For example, connections do not originate or terminate on the director, it
does not send acknowledgments. The director acts as a specialized router that forwards packets
from end users to real servers (the hosts that run the applications that process the requests).

14.2.2 User Space Controller and Daemons

The ldirectord daemon is a user space daemon for managing Linux Virtual Server and mon-
itoring the real servers in an LVS cluster of load balanced virtual servers. A configuration le
(see below) specifies the virtual services and their associated real servers and tells ldirectord
how to configure the server as an LVS redirector. When the daemon is initialized, it creates the
virtual services for the cluster.
By periodically requesting a known URL and checking the responses, the ldirectord daemon
monitors the health of the real servers. If a real server fails, it will be removed from the list of
available servers at the load balancer. When the service monitor detects that the dead server
has recovered and is working again, it will add the server back to the list of available servers. In
case that all real servers should be down, a fall-back server can be specified to which to redirect
a Web service. Typically the fall-back server is localhost, presenting an emergency page about
the Web service being temporarily unavailable.
The ldirectord uses the ipvsadm tool (package ipvsadm ) to manipulate the virtual server
table in the Linux Kernel.

228 Configuring Load Balancing with Linux Virtual Server SLE HA 15 SP1
14.2.3 Packet Forwarding
There are three different methods of how the director can send packets from the client to the
real servers:

Network Address Translation (NAT)

Incoming requests arrive at the virtual IP. They are forwarded to the real servers by chang-
ing the destination IP address and port to that of the chosen real server. The real server
sends the response to the load balancer which in turn changes the destination IP address
and forwards the response back to the client. Thus, the end user receives the replies from
the expected source. As all traffic goes through the load balancer, it usually becomes a
bottleneck for the cluster.

IP Tunneling (IP-IP Encapsulation)

IP tunneling enables packets addressed to an IP address to be redirected to another address,
possibly on a different network. The LVS sends requests to real servers through an IP tunnel
(redirecting to a different IP address) and the real servers reply directly to the client using
their own routing tables. Cluster members can be in different subnets.

Direct Routing
Packets from end users are forwarded directly to the real server. The IP packet is not
modified, so the real servers must be configured to accept traffic for the virtual server's IP
address. The response from the real server is sent directly to the client. The real servers
and load balancers need to be in the same physical network segment.

14.2.4 Scheduling Algorithms

Deciding which real server to use for a new connection requested by a client is implemented
using different algorithms. They are available as modules and can be adapted to specific needs.
For an overview of available modules, refer to the ipvsadm(8) man page. Upon receiving a
connect request from a client, the director assigns a real server to the client based on a schedule.
The scheduler is the part of the IPVS Kernel code which decides which real server will get the
next new connection.
More detailed description about Linux Virtual Server scheduling algorithms can be found
at . Furthermore, search for --scheduler in the
ipvsadm man page.

229 Packet Forwarding SLE HA 15 SP1

Related load balancing strategies for HAProxy can be found at
load/1.6/doc/configuration.txt .

14.2.5 Setting Up IP Load Balancing with YaST

You can configure Kernel-based IP load balancing with the YaST IP Load Balancing module. It
is a front-end for ldirectord .
To access the IP Load Balancing dialog, start YaST as root and select High Availability IP
Load Balancing. Alternatively, start the YaST cluster module as root on a command line with
yast2 iplb .

The default installation does not include the configuration le /etc/ha.d/ .
This le is created by the YaST module. The tabs available in the YaST module correspond to
the structure of the /etc/ha.d/ configuration le, defining global options and
defining the options for the virtual services.
For an example configuration and the resulting processes between load balancers and real
servers, refer to Example 14.1, “Simple ldirectord Configuration”.

Note: Global Parameters and Virtual Server Parameters

If a certain parameter is specified in both the virtual server section and in the global
section, the value defined in the virtual server section overrides the value defined in the
global section.


The following procedure describes how to configure the most important global parameters.
For more details about the individual parameters (and the parameters not covered here),
click Help or refer to the ldirectord man page.

1. With Check Interval, define the interval in which ldirectord will connect to each of the
real servers to check if they are still online.

2. With Check Timeout, set the time in which the real server should have responded after
the last check.

3. With Failure Count you can define how many times ldirectord will attempt to request
the real servers until the check is considered failed.

230 Setting Up IP Load Balancing with YaST SLE HA 15 SP1

4. With Negotiate Timeout define a timeout in seconds for negotiate checks.

5. In Fallback, enter the host name or IP address of the Web server onto which to redirect a
Web service in case all real servers are down.

6. If you want the system to send alerts in case the connection status to any real server
changes, enter a valid e-mail address in Email Alert.

7. With Email Alert Frequency, define after how many seconds the e-mail alert should be
repeated if any of the real servers remains inaccessible.

8. In Email Alert Status specify the server states for which e-mail alerts should be sent. If you
want to define more than one state, use a comma-separated list.

9. With Auto Reload define, if ldirectord should continuously monitor the configuration
le for modification. If set to yes , the configuration is automatically reloaded upon

10. With the Quiescent switch, define whether to remove failed real servers from the Kernel's
LVS table or not. If set to Yes, failed servers are not removed. Instead their weight is set to
0 which means that no new connections will be accepted. Already established connections
will persist until they time out.

11. If you want to use an alternative path for logging, specify a path for the log les in Log
File. By default, ldirectord writes its log les to /var/log/ldirectord.log .


231 Setting Up IP Load Balancing with YaST SLE HA 15 SP1


You can configure one or more virtual services by defining a couple of parameters for
each. The following procedure describes how to configure the most important parameters
for a virtual service. For more details about the individual parameters (and the parameters
not covered here), click Help or refer to the ldirectord man page.

1. In the YaST IP Load Balancing module, switch to the Virtual Server Configuration tab.

2. Add a new virtual server or Edit an existing virtual server. A new dialog shows the available

3. In Virtual Server enter the shared virtual IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) and port under which
the load balancers and the real servers are accessible as LVS. Instead of IP address and
port number you can also specify a host name and a service. Alternatively, you can also
use a firewall mark. A firewall mark is a way of aggregating an arbitrary collection of
VIP:port services into one virtual service.

4. To specify the Real Servers, you need to enter the IP addresses (IPv4, IPv6, or host names)
of the servers, the ports (or service names) and the forwarding method. The forwarding
method must either be gate , ipip or masq , see Section 14.2.3, “Packet Forwarding”.
Click the Add button and enter the required arguments for each real server.

5. As Check Type, select the type of check that should be performed to test if the real servers
are still alive. For example, to send a request and check if the response contains an expected
string, select Negotiate .

6. If you have set the Check Type to Negotiate , you also need to define the type of service
to monitor. Select it from the Service drop-down box.

7. In Request, enter the URI to the object that is requested on each real server during the
check intervals.

8. If you want to check if the response from the real servers contains a certain string (“I'm
alive” message), define a regular expression that needs to be matched. Enter the regular
expression into Receive. If the response from a real server contains this expression, the real
server is considered to be alive.

9. Depending on the type of Service you have selected in Step 6, you also need to specify
further parameters for authentication. Switch to the Auth type tab and enter the details
like Login, Password, Database, or Secret. For more information, refer to the YaST help text
or to the ldirectord man page.

232 Setting Up IP Load Balancing with YaST SLE HA 15 SP1

10. Switch to the Others tab.

11. Select the Scheduler to be used for load balancing. For information on the available sched-
ulers, refer to the ipvsadm(8) man page.

12. Select the Protocol to be used. If the virtual service is specified as an IP address and port,
it must be either tcp or udp . If the virtual service is specified as a firewall mark, the
protocol must be fwm .

13. Define further parameters, if needed. Confirm your configuration with OK. YaST writes
the configuration to /etc/ha.d/ .



The values shown in Figure 14.1, “YaST IP Load Balancing—Global Parameters” and Figure 14.2,
“YaST IP Load Balancing—Virtual Services”, would lead to the following configuration, defined
in /etc/ha.d/ :

autoreload = yes 1

checkinterval = 5 2

checktimeout = 3 3

quiescent = yes 4

virtual = 5

checktype = negotiate 6

fallback = 7

protocol = tcp 8

real = gate 9

real = gate 9

receive = "still alive" 10

233 Setting Up IP Load Balancing with YaST SLE HA 15 SP1

request = "test.html" 11

scheduler = wlc 12

service = http 13

1 Defines that ldirectord should continuously check the configuration le for mod-
2 Interval in which ldirectord will connect to each of the real servers to check if
they are still online.
3 Time in which the real server should have responded after the last check.
4 Defines not to remove failed real servers from the Kernel's LVS table, but to set their
weight to 0 instead.
5 Virtual IP address (VIP) of the LVS. The LVS is available at port 80 .
6 Type of check that should be performed to test if the real servers are still alive.
7 Server onto which to redirect a Web service all real servers for this service are down.
8 Protocol to be used.
9 Two real servers defined, both available at port 80 . The packet forwarding method
is gate , meaning that direct routing is used.
10 Regular expression that needs to be matched in the response string from the real
11 URI to the object that is requested on each real server during the check intervals.
12 Selected scheduler to be used for load balancing.
13 Type of service to monitor.
This configuration would lead to the following process ow: The ldirectord will connect
to each real server once every 5 seconds ( 2 ) and request
or as specified in 9 and 11 . If it does not receive the
expected still alive string ( 10 ) from a real server within 3 seconds ( 3 ) of the last
check, it will remove the real server from the available pool. However, because of the
quiescent=yes setting ( 4 ), the real server will not be removed from the LVS table.
Instead its weight will be set to 0 so that no new connections to this real server will be
accepted. Already established connections will be persistent until they time out.

234 Setting Up IP Load Balancing with YaST SLE HA 15 SP1

14.2.6 Further Setup
Apart from the configuration of ldirectord with YaST, you need to make sure the following
conditions are fulfilled to complete the LVS setup:

The real servers are set up correctly to provide the needed services.

The load balancing server (or servers) must be able to route traffic to the real servers using
IP forwarding. The network configuration of the real servers depends on which packet
forwarding method you have chosen.

To prevent the load balancing server (or servers) from becoming a single point of failure
for the whole system, you need to set up one or several backups of the load balancer. In the
cluster configuration, configure a primitive resource for ldirectord , so that ldirectord
can fail over to other servers in case of hardware failure.

As the backup of the load balancer also needs the ldirectord configuration le to fulfill
its task, make sure the /etc/ha.d/ is available on all servers that you
want to use as backup for the load balancer. You can synchronize the configuration le
with Csync2 as described in Section 4.5, “Transferring the Configuration to All Nodes”.

14.3 Configuring Load Balancing with HAProxy

The following section gives an overview of the HAProxy and how to set up on High Availability.
The load balancer distributes all requests to its back-end servers. It is configured as active/pas-
sive, meaning if one master fails, the slave becomes the master. In such a scenario, the user will
not notice any interruption.
In this section, we will use the following setup:

A load balancer, with the IP address .

A virtual, floating IP address .

Our servers (usually for Web content) (IP: ) and (IP: )

To configure HAProxy, use the following procedure:

1. Install the haproxy package.

235 Further Setup SLE HA 15 SP1

2. Create the le /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg with the following contents:

global 1

maxconn 256

defaults 2

log global
mode http
option httplog
option dontlognull
retries 3
option redispatch
maxconn 2000
timeout connect 5000 3

timeout client 50s 4

timeout server 50000 5

frontend LB
bind 6

reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http

default_backend LB

backend LB
mode http
stats enable
stats hide-version
stats uri /stats
stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
stats auth haproxy:password 7

balance roundrobin 8

option httpclose
option forwardfor
cookie LB insert
option httpchk GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.0
server web1-srv cookie web1-srv check
server web2-srv cookie web2-srv check

1 Section which contains process-wide and OS-specific options.

Maximum per-process number of concurrent connections.

Recommended mode, HAProxy runs in the background.

236 Configuring Load Balancing with HAProxy SLE HA 15 SP1

2 Section which sets default parameters for all other sections following its declaration.
Some important lines:

Enables or disables session redistribution in case of connection failure.

Enables logging of events and traffic.

mode http
Operates in HTTP mode (recommended mode for HAProxy). In this mode, a
request will be analyzed before a connection to any server is performed. Request
that are not RFC-compliant will be rejected.

option forwardfor
Adds the HTTP X-Forwarded-For header into the request. You need this option
if you want to preserve the client's IP address.
3 The maximum time to wait for a connection attempt to a server to succeed.
4 The maximum time of inactivity on the client side.
5 The maximum time of inactivity on the server side.
6 Section which combines front-end and back-end sections in one.

balance leastconn
Defines the load balancing algorithm, see
configuration-1.5.html#4-balance .

stats enable ,
stats auth
Enables statistics reporting (by stats enable ). The auth option logs statistics
with authentication to a specific account.
7 Credentials for HAProxy Statistic report page.
8 Load balancing will work in a round-robin process.

3. Test your configuration le:

root # haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg -c

237 Configuring Load Balancing with HAProxy SLE HA 15 SP1

4. Add the following line to Csync2's configuration le /etc/csync2/csync2.cfg to make
sure the HAProxy configuration le is included:

include /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

5. Synchronize it:

root # csync2 -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

root # csync2 -xv

The Csync2 configuration part assumes that the HA nodes were configured using
ha-cluster-bootstrap . For details, see the Installation and Setup Quick Start.

6. Make sure HAProxy is disabled on both load balancers ( alice and bob ) as it is started
by Pacemaker:

root # systemctl disable haproxy

7. Configure a new CIB:

root # crm configure

crm(live)# cib new haproxy-config
crm(haproxy-config)# primitive haproxy systemd:haproxy \
op start timeout=120 interval=0 \
op stop timeout=120 interval=0 \
op monitor timeout=100 interval=5s \
meta target-role=Started
crm(haproxy-config)# primitive vip IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=eth0 cidr_netmask=23 broadcast= \
op monitor interval=5s timeout=120 on-fail=restart
crm(haproxy-config)# group g-haproxy vip haproxy

8. Verify the new CIB and correct any errors:

crm(haproxy-config)# verify

9. Commit the new CIB:

crm(haproxy-config)# cib use live

crm(live)# cib commit haproxy-config

238 Configuring Load Balancing with HAProxy SLE HA 15 SP1

14.4 For More Information

Project home page at .

For more information about ldirectord , refer to its comprehensive man page.

LVS Knowledge Base:

239 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

15 Geo Clusters (Multi-Site Clusters)

Apart from local clusters and metro area clusters, SUSE® Linux Enterprise High
Availability Extension 15 SP1 also supports geographically dispersed clusters (Geo
clusters, sometimes also called multi-site clusters). That means you can have multi-
ple, geographically dispersed sites with a local cluster each. Failover between these
clusters is coordinated by a higher level entity, the so-called booth . For details on
how to use and set up Geo clusters, refer to Article “Geo Clustering Quick Start” and
Book “Geo Clustering Guide”.

240 SLE HA 15 SP1

16 Executing Maintenance Tasks

To perform maintenance tasks on the cluster nodes, you might need to stop the re-
sources running on that node, to move them, or to shut down or reboot the node. It
might also be necessary to temporarily take over the control of resources from the
cluster, or even to stop the cluster service while resources remain running.
This chapter explains how to manually take down a cluster node without negative
side-effects. It also gives an overview of different options the cluster stack provides
for executing maintenance tasks.

16.1 Implications of Taking Down a Cluster Node

When you shut down or reboot a cluster node (or stop the Pacemaker service on a node), the
following processes will be triggered:

The resources that are running on the node will be stopped or moved o the node.

If stopping the resources should fail or time out, the STONITH mechanism will fence the
node and shut it down.


If your aim is to move the services o the node in an orderly fashion before shutting down
or rebooting the node, proceed as follows:

1. On the node you want to reboot or shut down, log in as root or equivalent.

2. Put the node into standby mode:

root # crm -w node standby

That way, services can migrate o the node without being limited by the shutdown timeout
of Pacemaker.

3. Check the cluster status with:

root # crm status

241 Implications of Taking Down a Cluster Node SLE HA 15 SP1

It shows the respective node in standby mode:

Node bob: standby

4. Stop the Pacemaker service on that node:

root # crm cluster stop

5. Reboot the node.

To check if the node joins the cluster again:

1. Log in to the node as root or equivalent.

2. Check if the Pacemaker service has started:

root # crm cluster status

3. If not, start it:

root # crm cluster start

4. Check the cluster status with:

root # crm status

It should show the node coming online again.

16.2 Different Options for Maintenance Tasks

Pacemaker offers a variety of options for performing system maintenance:

Putting the Cluster in Maintenance Mode

The global cluster property maintenance-mode allows you to put all resources into main-
tenance state at once. The cluster will cease monitoring them and thus become oblivious
to their status.

242 Different Options for Maintenance Tasks SLE HA 15 SP1

Putting a Node in Maintenance Mode
This option allows you to put all resources running on a specific node into maintenance
state at once. The cluster will cease monitoring them and thus become oblivious to their

Putting a Node in Standby Mode

A node that is in standby mode can no longer run resources. Any resources running on
the node will be moved away or stopped (in case no other node is eligible to run the
resource). Also, all monitoring operations will be stopped on the node (except for those
with role="Stopped" ).
You can use this option if you need to stop a node in a cluster while continuing to provide
the services running on another node.

Putting a Resource into Maintenance Mode

When this mode is enabled for a resource, no monitoring operations will be triggered for
the resource.
Use this option if you need to manually touch the service that is managed by this resource
and do not want the cluster to run any monitoring operations for the resource during that

Putting a Resource into Unmanaged Mode

The is-managed meta attribute allows you to temporarily “release” a resource from be-
ing managed by the cluster stack. This means you can manually touch the service that is
managed by this resource (for example, to adjust any components). However, the cluster
will continue to monitor the resource and to report any failures.
If you want the cluster to also cease monitoring the resource, use the per-resource mainte-
nance mode instead (see Putting a Resource into Maintenance Mode).

16.3 Preparing and Finishing Maintenance Work

Warning: Risk of Data Loss

If you need to do testing or maintenance work, follow the general steps below.
Otherwise you risk unwanted side effects, like resources not starting in an orderly fashion,
unsynchronized CIBs across the cluster nodes, or even data loss.

243 Preparing and Finishing Maintenance Work SLE HA 15 SP1

1. Before you start, choose which of the options outlined in Section 16.2 is appropriate
for your situation.

2. Apply this option with Hawk2 or crmsh.

3. Execute your maintenance task or tests.

4. After you have finished, put the resource, node or cluster back to “normal” oper-

16.4 Putting the Cluster in Maintenance Mode

To put the cluster in maintenance mode on the crm shell, use the following command:

root # crm configure property maintenance-mode=true

To put the cluster back to normal mode after your maintenance work is done, use the following

root # crm configure property maintenance-mode=false


1. Start a Web browser and log in to the cluster as described in Section 7.2, “Logging In”.

2. In the left navigation bar, select Cluster Configuration.

3. In the CRM Configuration group, select the maintenance-mode attribute from the empty
drop-down box and click the plus icon to add it.

4. To set maintenance-mode=true , activate the check box next to maintenance-mode and

confirm your changes.

5. After you have finished the maintenance task for the whole cluster, deactivate the check
box next to the maintenance-mode attribute.
From this point on, High Availability Extension will take over cluster management again.

244 Putting the Cluster in Maintenance Mode SLE HA 15 SP1

16.5 Putting a Node in Maintenance Mode
To put a node in maintenance mode on the crm shell, use the following command:

root # crm node maintenance NODENAME

To put the node back to normal mode after your maintenance work is done, use the following

root # crm node ready NODENAME


1. Start a Web browser and log in to the cluster as described in Section 7.2, “Logging In”.

2. In the left navigation bar, select Cluster Status.

3. In one of the individual nodes' views, click the wrench icon next to the node and select

4. After you have finished your maintenance task, click the wrench icon next to the node
and select Ready.

16.6 Putting a Node in Standby Mode

To put a node in standby mode on the crm shell, use the following command:

root # crm node standby NODENAME

To bring the node back online after your maintenance work is done, use the following command:

root # crm node online NODENAME


1. Start a Web browser and log in to the cluster as described in Section 7.2, “Logging In”.

2. In the left navigation bar, select Cluster Status.

3. In one of the individual nodes' views, click the wrench icon next to the node and select

245 Putting a Node in Maintenance Mode SLE HA 15 SP1

4. Finish the maintenance task for the node.

5. To deactivate the standby mode, click the wrench icon next to the node and select Ready.

16.7 Putting a Resource into Maintenance Mode

To put a resource into maintenance mode on the crm shell, use the following command:

root # crm resource maintenance RESOURCE_ID true

To put the resource back into normal mode after your maintenance work is done, use the fol-
lowing command:

root # crm resource maintenance RESOURCE_ID false


1. Start a Web browser and log in to the cluster as described in Section 7.2, “Logging In”.

2. In the left navigation bar, select Resources.

3. Select the resource you want to put in maintenance mode or unmanaged mode, click the
wrench icon next to the resource and select Edit Resource.

4. Open the Meta Attributes category.

5. From the empty drop-down list, select the maintenance attribute and click the plus icon
to add it.

6. Activate the check box next to maintenance to set the maintenance attribute to yes .

7. Confirm your changes.

8. After you have finished the maintenance task for that resource, deactivate the check box
next to the maintenance attribute for that resource.
From this point on, the resource will be managed by the High Availability Extension soft-
ware again.

246 Putting a Resource into Maintenance Mode SLE HA 15 SP1

16.8 Putting a Resource into Unmanaged Mode
To put a resource into unmanaged mode on the crm shell, use the following command:

root # crm resource unmanage RESOURCE_ID

To put it into managed mode again after your maintenance work is done, use the following

root # crm resource manage RESOURCE_ID


1. Start a Web browser and log in to the cluster as described in Section 7.2, “Logging In”.

2. From the left navigation bar, select Status and go to the Resources list.

3. In the Operations column, click the arrow down icon next to the resource you want to
modify and select Edit.
The resource configuration screen opens.

4. Below Meta Attributes, select the is-managed entry from the empty drop-down box.

5. Set its value to No and click Apply.

6. After you have finished your maintenance task, set is-managed to Yes (which is the default
value) and apply your changes.
From this point on, the resource will be managed by the High Availability Extension soft-
ware again.

16.9 Rebooting a Cluster Node While in Maintenance


Note: Implications
If the cluster or a node is in maintenance mode, you can stop or restart cluster resources
at will—the High Availability Extension will not attempt to restart them. If you stop the
Pacemaker service on a node, all daemons and processes (originally started as Pacemak-
er-managed cluster resources) will continue to run.

247 Putting a Resource into Unmanaged Mode SLE HA 15 SP1

If you attempt to start Pacemaker services on a node while the cluster or node is in main-
tenance mode, Pacemaker will initiate a single one-shot monitor operation (a “probe”) for
every resource to evaluate which resources are currently running on that node. However,
it will take no further action other than determining the resources' status.

If you want to take down a node while either the cluster or the node is in maintenance
mode , proceed as follows:

1. On the node you want to reboot or shut down, log in as root or equivalent.

2. If you have a DLM resource (or other resources depending on DLM), make sure to explicitly
stop those resources before stopping the Pacemaker service:

crm(live)resource# stop RESOURCE_ID

The reason is that stopping Pacemaker also stops the Corosync service, on whose mem-
bership and messaging services DLM depends. If Corosync stops, the DLM resource will
assume a split brain scenario and trigger a fencing operation.

3. Stop the Pacemaker service on that node:

root # crm cluster stop

4. Shut down or reboot the node.

248 Rebooting a Cluster Node While in Maintenance Mode SLE HA 15 SP1

III Storage and Data Replication

17 Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) 250

18 OCFS2 252

19 GFS2 262

20 DRBD 267

21 Cluster Logical Volume Manager (Cluster LVM) 285

22 Cluster Multi-device (Cluster MD) 299

23 Samba Clustering 303

24 Disaster Recovery with Rear (Relax-and-Recover) 312

17 Distributed Lock Manager (DLM)

The Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) in the kernel is the base component used by
OCFS2, GFS2, Cluster MD, and Cluster LVM (lvmlockd) to provide active-active
storage at each respective layer.

17.1 Protocols for DLM Communication

To avoid single points of failure, redundant communication paths are important for High Avail-
ability clusters. This is also true for DLM communication. If network bonding (Link Aggrega-
tion Control Protocol, LACP) cannot be used for any reason, we highly recommend to define a
redundant communication channel (a second ring) in Corosync. For details, see Procedure 4.3,
“Defining a Redundant Communication Channel”.

Depending on the configuration in /etc/corosync/corosync.conf , DLM then decides

whether to use the TCP or SCTP protocol for its communication:

If rrp_mode is set to none (which means redundant ring configuration is disabled), DLM au-
tomatically uses TCP. However, without a redundant communication channel, DLM com-
munication will fail if the TCP link is down.

If rrp_mode is set to passive (which is the typical setting), and a second communication
ring in /etc/corosync/corosync.conf is configured correctly, DLM automatically uses
SCTP. In this case, DLM messaging has the redundancy capability provided by SCTP.

17.2 Configuring DLM Cluster Resources

DLM uses the cluster membership services from Pacemaker which run in user space. Therefore,
DLM needs to be configured as a clone resource that is present on each node in the cluster.

Note: DLM Resource for Several Solutions

As OCFS2, GFS2, Cluster MD, and Cluster LVM (lvmlockd) all use DLM, it is enough to
configure one resource for DLM. As the DLM resource runs on all nodes in the cluster it
is configured as a clone resource.

250 Protocols for DLM Communication SLE HA 15 SP1

If you have a setup that includes both OCFS2 and Cluster LVM, configuring one DLM
resource for both OCFS2 and Cluster LVM is enough.


The configuration consists of a base group that includes several primitives and a base
clone. Both base group and base clone can be used in various scenarios afterward (for both
OCFS2 and Cluster LVM, for example). You only need to extend the base group with the
respective primitives as needed. As the base group has internal colocation and ordering,
this simplifies the overall setup as you do not need to specify several individual groups,
clones and their dependencies.
Follow the steps below on one node in the cluster:

1. Start a shell and log in as root or equivalent.

2. Run crm configure .

3. Enter the following to create the primitive resource for DLM:

crm(live)configure# primitive dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld \

op monitor interval="60" timeout="60"

4. Create a base group for the DLM resource and further storage-related resources:

crm(live)configure# group g-storage dlm

5. Clone the g-storage group so that it runs on all nodes:

crm(live)configure# clone cl-storage g-storage \

meta interleave=true target-role=Started

6. Review your changes with show .

7. If everything is correct, submit your changes with commit and leave the crm live config-
uration with exit .

Note: Failure When Disabling STONITH

Clusters without STONITH are not supported. If you set the global cluster option
stonith-enabled to false for testing or troubleshooting purposes, the DLM resource
and all services depending on it (such as Cluster LVM, GFS2, and OCFS2) will fail to start.

251 Configuring DLM Cluster Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

18 OCFS2
Oracle Cluster File System 2 (OCFS2) is a general-purpose journaling le system
that has been fully integrated since the Linux 2.6 Kernel. OCFS2 allows you to store
application binary les, data les, and databases on devices on shared storage. All
nodes in a cluster have concurrent read and write access to the le system. A user
space control daemon, managed via a clone resource, provides the integration with
the HA stack, in particular with Corosync and the Distributed Lock Manager (DLM).

18.1 Features and Benefits

OCFS2 can be used for the following storage solutions for example:

General applications and workloads.

Xen image store in a cluster. Xen virtual machines and virtual servers can be stored on
OCFS2 volumes that are mounted by cluster servers. This provides quick and easy porta-
bility of Xen virtual machines between servers.

LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP | Perl | Python) stacks.

As a high-performance, symmetric and parallel cluster le system, OCFS2 supports the following

An application's les are available to all nodes in the cluster. Users simply install it once
on an OCFS2 volume in the cluster.

All nodes can concurrently read and write directly to storage via the standard le system
interface, enabling easy management of applications that run across the cluster.

File access is coordinated through DLM. DLM control is good for most cases, but an appli-
cation's design might limit scalability if it contends with the DLM to coordinate le access.

Storage backup functionality is available on all back-end storage. An image of the shared
application les can be easily created, which can help provide effective disaster recovery.

OCFS2 also provides the following capabilities:

Metadata caching.

Metadata journaling.

252 Features and Benefits SLE HA 15 SP1

Cross-node le data consistency.

Support for multiple-block sizes up to 4 KB, cluster sizes up to 1 MB, for a maximum
volume size of 4 PB (Petabyte).

Support for up to 32 cluster nodes.

Asynchronous and direct I/O support for database les for improved database perfor-

Note: Support for OCFS2

OCFS2 is only supported by SUSE when used with the pcmk (Pacemaker) stack, as pro-
vided by SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension. SUSE does not provide sup-
port for OCFS2 in combination with the o2cb stack.

18.2 OCFS2 Packages and Management Utilities

The OCFS2 Kernel module ( ocfs2 ) is installed automatically in the High Availability Extension
on SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1. To use OCFS2, make sure the following packages are
installed on each node in the cluster: ocfs2-tools and the matching ocfs2-kmp-* packages
for your Kernel.
The ocfs2-tools package provides the following utilities for management of OFS2 volumes.
For syntax information, see their man pages.


OCFS2 Utility Description

debugfs.ocfs2 Examines the state of the OCFS le system

for debugging.

fsck.ocfs2 Checks the le system for errors and option-

ally repairs errors.

mkfs.ocfs2 Creates an OCFS2 le system on a device,

usually a partition on a shared physical or
logical disk.

253 OCFS2 Packages and Management Utilities SLE HA 15 SP1

OCFS2 Utility Description

mounted.ocfs2 Detects and lists all OCFS2 volumes on a

clustered system. Detects and lists all nodes
on the system that have mounted an OCFS2
device or lists all OCFS2 devices.

tunefs.ocfs2 Changes OCFS2 le system parameters, in-

cluding the volume label, number of node
slots, journal size for all node slots, and vol-
ume size.

18.3 Configuring OCFS2 Services and a STONITH

Before you can create OCFS2 volumes, you must configure the following resources as services
in the cluster: DLM and a STONITH resource.
The following procedure uses the crm shell to configure the cluster resources. Alternatively,
you can also use Hawk2 to configure the resources as described in Section 18.6, “Configuring OCFS2
Resources With Hawk2”.


Note: STONITH Device Needed

You need to configure a fencing device. Without a STONITH mechanism (like ex-
ternal/sbd ) in place the configuration will fail.

1. Start a shell and log in as root or equivalent.

2. Create an SBD partition as described in Procedure 11.3, “Initializing the SBD Devices”.

3. Run crm configure .

4. Configure external/sbd as fencing device with /dev/sdb2 being a dedicated partition

on the shared storage for heartbeating and fencing:

crm(live)configure# primitive sbd_stonith stonith:external/sbd \

254 Configuring OCFS2 Services and a STONITH Resource SLE HA 15 SP1

params pcmk_delay_max=30 meta target-role="Started"

5. Review your changes with show .

6. If everything is correct, submit your changes with commit and leave the crm live config-
uration with exit .

For details on configuring the resource group for DLM, see Procedure 17.1, “Configuring a Base
Group for DLM”.

18.4 Creating OCFS2 Volumes

After you have configured a DLM cluster resource as described in Section 18.3, “Configuring OCFS2
Services and a STONITH Resource”, configure your system to use OCFS2 and create OCFs2 volumes.

Note: OCFS2 Volumes for Application and Data Files

We recommend that you generally store application les and data les on different OCFS2
volumes. If your application volumes and data volumes have different requirements for
mounting, it is mandatory to store them on different volumes.

Before you begin, prepare the block devices you plan to use for your OCFS2 volumes. Leave
the devices as free space.
Then create and format the OCFS2 volume with the mkfs.ocfs2 as described in Procedure 18.2,
“Creating and Formatting an OCFS2 Volume”. The most important parameters for the command are
listed in Table 18.2, “Important OCFS2 Parameters”. For more information and the command syntax,
refer to the mkfs.ocfs2 man page.


OCFS2 Parameter Description and Recommendation

Volume Label ( -L ) A descriptive name for the volume to make it

uniquely identifiable when it is mounted on
different nodes. Use the tunefs.ocfs2 utili-
ty to modify the label as needed.

255 Creating OCFS2 Volumes SLE HA 15 SP1

OCFS2 Parameter Description and Recommendation

Cluster Size ( -C ) Cluster size is the smallest unit of space allo-

cated to a le to hold the data. For the avail-
able options and recommendations, refer to
the mkfs.ocfs2 man page.

Number of Node Slots ( -N ) The maximum number of nodes that can

concurrently mount a volume. For each of
the nodes, OCFS2 creates separate system
les, such as the journals. Nodes that ac-
cess the volume can be a combination of lit-
tle-endian architectures (such as AMD64/In-
tel 64) and big-endian architectures (such as
Node-specific les are called local les. A
node slot number is appended to the local
le. For example: journal:0000 belongs to
whatever node is assigned to slot number 0 .
Set each volume's maximum number of node
slots when you create it, according to how
many nodes that you expect to concurrently
mount the volume. Use the tunefs.ocfs2
utility to increase the number of node slots
as needed. Note that the value cannot be de-
In case the -N parameter is not specified,
the number of slots is decided based on the
size of the le system.

Block Size ( -b ) The smallest unit of space addressable by

the le system. Specify the block size when
you create the volume. For the available op-
tions and recommendations, refer to the mk-
fs.ocfs2 man page.

256 Creating OCFS2 Volumes SLE HA 15 SP1

OCFS2 Parameter Description and Recommendation

Specific Features On/O ( --fs-features ) A comma separated list of feature ags can
be provided, and mkfs.ocfs2 will try to
create the le system with those features set
according to the list. To turn a feature on,
include it in the list. To turn a feature o,
prepend no to the name.
For an overview of all available ags, refer
to the mkfs.ocfs2 man page.

Pre-Defined Features ( --fs-feature-lev- Allows you to choose from a set of pre-deter-

el ) mined le system features. For the available
options, refer to the mkfs.ocfs2 man page.

If you do not specify any features when creating and formatting the volume with mkfs.ocfs2 ,
the following features are enabled by default: backup-super , sparse , inline-data , unwrit-
ten , metaecc , indexed-dirs , and xattr .


Execute the following steps only on one of the cluster nodes.

1. Open a terminal window and log in as root .

2. Check if the cluster is online with the command crm status .

3. Create and format the volume using the mkfs.ocfs2 utility. For information about the
syntax for this command, refer to the mkfs.ocfs2 man page.
For example, to create a new OCFS2 le system on /dev/sdb1 that supports up to 32
cluster nodes, enter the following commands:

root # mkfs.ocfs2 -N 32 /dev/sdb1

18.5 Mounting OCFS2 Volumes

You can either mount an OCFS2 volume manually or with the cluster manager, as described in
Procedure 18.4, “Mounting an OCFS2 Volume with the Cluster Resource Manager”.

257 Mounting OCFS2 Volumes SLE HA 15 SP1


1. Open a terminal window and log in as root .

2. Check if the cluster is online with the command crm status .

3. Mount the volume from the command line, using the mount command.

Warning: Manually Mounted OCFS2 Devices

If you mount the OCFS2 le system manually for testing purposes, make sure to unmount
it again before starting to use it by means of cluster resources.


To mount an OCFS2 volume with the High Availability software, configure an ocfs2 le
system resource in the cluster. The following procedure uses the crm shell to configure
the cluster resources. Alternatively, you can also use Hawk2 to configure the resources as
described in Section 18.6, “Configuring OCFS2 Resources With Hawk2”.

1. Start a shell and log in as root or equivalent.

2. Run crm configure .

3. Configure Pacemaker to mount the OCFS2 le system on every node in the cluster:

crm(live)configure# primitive ocfs2-1 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \

params device="/dev/sdb1" directory="/mnt/shared" \
fstype="ocfs2" options="acl" \
op monitor interval="20" timeout="40" \
op start timeout="60" op stop timeout="60" \
meta target-role="Started"

4. Add the ocfs2-1 primitive to the g-storage group you created in Procedure 17.1, “Con-
figuring a Base Group for DLM”.

crm(live)configure# modgroup g-storage add ocfs2-1

The add subcommand appends the new group member by default. Because of the base
group's internal colocation and ordering, Pacemaker will only start the ocfs2-1 resource
on nodes that also have a dlm resource already running.

5. Review your changes with show .

258 Mounting OCFS2 Volumes SLE HA 15 SP1

6. If everything is correct, submit your changes with commit and leave the crm live config-
uration with exit .

18.6 Configuring OCFS2 Resources With Hawk2

Instead of configuring the DLM and the le system resource for OCFS2 manually with the crm
shell, you can also use the OCFS2 template in Hawk2's Setup Wizard.

Important: Differences Between Manual Configuration and Hawk2

The OCFS2 template in the Setup Wizard does not include the configuration of a STONITH
resource. If you use the wizard, you still need to create an SBD partition on the shared
storage and configure a STONITH resource as described in Procedure 18.1, “Configuring a
STONITH Resource”.

Using the OCFS2 template in the Hawk2 Setup Wizard also leads to a slightly different
resource configuration than the manual configuration described in Procedure 17.1, “Con-
figuring a Base Group for DLM” and Procedure 18.4, “Mounting an OCFS2 Volume with the Cluster
Resource Manager”.


1. Log in to Hawk2:


2. In the left navigation bar, select Wizard.

3. Expand the File System category and select OCFS2 File System .

4. Follow the instructions on the screen. If you need information about an option, click it
to display a short help text in Hawk2. After the last configuration step, Verify the values
you have entered.
The wizard displays the configuration snippet that will be applied to the CIB and any
additional changes, if required.

259 Configuring OCFS2 Resources With Hawk2 SLE HA 15 SP1

5. Check the proposed changes. If everything is according to your wishes, apply the changes.
A message on the screen shows if the action has been successful.

18.7 Using Quotas on OCFS2 File Systems

To use quotas on an OCFS2 le system, create and mount the les system with the appropri-
ate quota features or mount options, respectively: ursquota (quota for individual users) or
grpquota (quota for groups). These features can also be enabled later on an unmounted le
system using tunefs.ocfs2 .
When a le system has the appropriate quota feature enabled, it tracks in its metadata how
much space and les each user (or group) uses. Since OCFS2 treats quota information as le
system-internal metadata, you do not need to run the quotacheck (8) program. All functionality
is built into fsck.ocfs2 and the le system driver itself.
To enable enforcement of limits imposed on each user or group, run quotaon (8) like you would
do for any other le system.
For performance reasons each cluster node performs quota accounting locally and synchronizes
this information with a common central storage once per 10 seconds. This interval is tune-
able with tunefs.ocfs2 , options usrquota-sync-interval and grpquota-sync-interval .
Therefore quota information may not be exact at all times and as a consequence users or groups
can slightly exceed their quota limit when operating on several cluster nodes in parallel.

260 Using Quotas on OCFS2 File Systems SLE HA 15 SP1

18.8 For More Information
For more information about OCFS2, see the following links:
The OCFS2 project home page.
The former OCFS2 project home page at Oracle.
The project's former documentation home page.

261 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

19 GFS2

Global File System 2 or GFS2 is a shared disk le system for Linux computer clus-
ters. GFS2 allows all nodes to have direct concurrent access to the same shared
block storage. GFS2 has no disconnected operating-mode, and no client or server
roles. All nodes in a GFS2 cluster function as peers. GFS2 supports up to 32 cluster
nodes. Using GFS2 in a cluster requires hardware to allow access to the shared stor-
age, and a lock manager to control access to the storage.
SUSE recommends OCFS2 over GFS2 for your cluster environments if performance
is one of your major requirements. Our tests have revealed that OCFS2 performs
better as compared to GFS2 in such settings.

19.1 GFS2 Packages and Management Utilities

To use GFS2, make sure gfs2-utils and a matching gfs2-kmp-* package for your Kernel is
installed on each node of the cluster.
The gfs2-utils package provides the following utilities for management of GFS2 volumes.
For syntax information, see their man pages.


GFS2 Utility Description

fsck.gfs2 Checks the le system for errors and option-

ally repairs errors.

gfs2_jadd Adds additional journals to a GFS2 le sys-


gfs2_grow Grow a GFS2 le system.

mkfs.gfs2 Create a GFS2 le system on a device, usual-

ly a shared device or partition.

262 GFS2 Packages and Management Utilities SLE HA 15 SP1

GFS2 Utility Description

tunegfs2 Allows viewing and manipulating the GFS2

le system parameters such as UUID , label ,
lockproto and locktable .

19.2 Configuring GFS2 Services and a STONITH

Before you can create GFS2 volumes, you must configure DLM and a STONITH resource.


Note: STONITH Device Needed

You need to configure a fencing device. Without a STONITH mechanism (like ex-
ternal/sbd ) in place the configuration will fail.

1. Start a shell and log in as root or equivalent.

2. Create an SBD partition as described in Procedure 11.3, “Initializing the SBD Devices”.

3. Run crm configure .

4. Configure external/sbd as fencing device with /dev/sdb2 being a dedicated partition

on the shared storage for heartbeating and fencing:

crm(live)configure# primitive sbd_stonith stonith:external/sbd \

params pcmk_delay_max=30 meta target-role="Started"

5. Review your changes with show .

6. If everything is correct, submit your changes with commit and leave the crm live config-
uration with exit .

For details on configuring the resource group for DLM, see Procedure 17.1, “Configuring a Base
Group for DLM”.

263 Configuring GFS2 Services and a STONITH Resource SLE HA 15 SP1

19.3 Creating GFS2 Volumes
After you have configured DLM as cluster resources as described in Section 19.2, “Configuring GFS2
Services and a STONITH Resource”, configure your system to use GFS2 and create GFS2 volumes.

Note: GFS2 Volumes for Application and Data Files

We recommend that you generally store application les and data les on different GFS2
volumes. If your application volumes and data volumes have different requirements for
mounting, it is mandatory to store them on different volumes.

Before you begin, prepare the block devices you plan to use for your GFS2 volumes. Leave the
devices as free space.
Then create and format the GFS2 volume with the mkfs.gfs2 as described in Procedure 19.2,
“Creating and Formatting a GFS2 Volume”. The most important parameters for the command are
listed in Table 19.2, “Important GFS2 Parameters”. For more information and the command syntax,
refer to the mkfs.gfs2 man page.


GFS2 Parameter Description and Recommendation

Lock Protocol Name The name of the locking protocol to use. Acceptable locking proto-
( -p ) cols are lock_dlm (for shared storage) or if you are using GFS2 as a
local le system (1 node only), you can specify the lock_nolock pro-
tocol. If this option is not specified, lock_dlm protocol will be as-

Lock Table Name ( - The lock table eld appropriate to the lock module you are using.
t) It is clustername : fsname . clustername must match that in the
cluster configuration le, /etc/corosync/corosync.conf . Only
members of this cluster are permitted to use this le system. fsname
is a unique le system name used to distinguish this GFS2 le sys-
tem from others created (1 to 16 characters).

Number of Journals The number of journals for gfs2_mkfs to create. You need at least
( -j ) one journal per machine that will mount the le system. If this op-
tion is not specified, one journal will be created.

264 Creating GFS2 Volumes SLE HA 15 SP1


Execute the following steps only on one of the cluster nodes.

1. Open a terminal window and log in as root .

2. Check if the cluster is online with the command crm status .

3. Create and format the volume using the mkfs.gfs2 utility. For information about the
syntax for this command, refer to the mkfs.gfs2 man page.
For example, to create a new GFS2 le system on /dev/sdb1 that supports up to 32 cluster
nodes, use the following command:

root # mkfs.gfs2 -t hacluster:mygfs2 -p lock_dlm -j 32 /dev/sdb1

The hacluster name relates to the entry cluster_name in the le /etc/coro-
sync/corosync.conf (this is the default).

19.4 Mounting GFS2 Volumes

You can either mount a GFS2 volume manually or with the cluster manager, as described in
Procedure 19.4, “Mounting a GFS2 Volume with the Cluster Manager”.


1. Open a terminal window and log in as root .

2. Check if the cluster is online with the command crm status .

3. Mount the volume from the command line, using the mount command.

Warning: Manually Mounted GFS2 Devices

If you mount the GFS2 le system manually for testing purposes, make sure to unmount
it again before starting to use it by means of cluster resources.


To mount a GFS2 volume with the High Availability software, configure an OCF le system
resource in the cluster. The following procedure uses the crm shell to configure the cluster
resources. Alternatively, you can also use Hawk2 to configure the resources.

265 Mounting GFS2 Volumes SLE HA 15 SP1

1. Start a shell and log in as root or equivalent.

2. Run crm configure .

3. Configure Pacemaker to mount the GFS2 le system on every node in the cluster:

crm(live)configure# primitive gfs2-1 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \

params device="/dev/sdb1" directory="/mnt/shared" fstype="gfs2" \
op monitor interval="20" timeout="40" \
op start timeout="60" op stop timeout="60" \
meta target-role="Stopped"

4. Create a base group that consists of the dlm primitive you created in Procedure 17.1, “Con-
figuring a Base Group for DLM” and the gfs2-1 primitive. Clone the group:

crm(live)configure# group g-storage dlm gfs2-1

clone cl-storage g-storage \
meta interleave="true"

Because of the base group's internal colocation and ordering, Pacemaker will only start
the gfs2-1 resource on nodes that also have a dlm resource already running.

5. Review your changes with show .

6. If everything is correct, submit your changes with commit and leave the crm live config-
uration with exit .

266 Mounting GFS2 Volumes SLE HA 15 SP1


The distributed replicated block device (DRBD*) allows you to create a mirror of two
block devices that are located at two different sites across an IP network. When
used with Corosync, DRBD supports distributed high-availability Linux clusters.
This chapter shows you how to install and set up DRBD.

20.1 Conceptual Overview

DRBD replicates data on the primary device to the secondary device in a way that ensures that
both copies of the data remain identical. Think of it as a networked RAID 1. It mirrors data in
real-time, so its replication occurs continuously. Applications do not need to know that in fact
their data is stored on different disks.
DRBD is a Linux Kernel module and sits between the I/O scheduler at the lower end and the
le system at the upper end, see Figure 20.1, “Position of DRBD within Linux”. To communicate with
DRBD, users use the high-level command drbdadm . For maximum flexibility DRBD comes with
the low-level tool drbdsetup .

Service Service

Page Cache Page Cache

Filesystem Filesystem

DRBD Raw Device Raw Device DRBD

Network Stack Network Stack

I/O Scheduler I/O Scheduler

Disk Driver NIC Driver NIC Driver Disk Driver


267 Conceptual Overview SLE HA 15 SP1

Important: Unencrypted Data
The data traffic between mirrors is not encrypted. For secure data exchange, you should
deploy a Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution for the connection.

DRBD allows you to use any block device supported by Linux, usually:

partition or complete hard disk

software RAID

Logical Volume Manager (LVM)

Enterprise Volume Management System (EVMS)

By default, DRBD uses the TCP ports 7788 and higher for communication between DRBD nodes.
Make sure that your firewall does not prevent communication on the used ports.
You must set up the DRBD devices before creating le systems on them. Everything pertaining to
user data should be done solely via the /dev/drbdN device and not on the raw device, as DRBD
uses the last part of the raw device for metadata. Using the raw device will cause inconsistent
With udev integration, you will also get symbolic links in the form /dev/drbd/by-res/
RESOURCES which are easier to use and provide safety against misremembering the devices'
minor number.
For example, if the raw device is 1024 MB in size, the DRBD device has only 1023 MB available
for data, with about 70 KB hidden and reserved for the metadata. Any attempt to access the
remaining kilobytes via raw disks fails because it is not available for user data.

20.2 Installing DRBD Services

Install the High Availability Extension on both SUSE Linux Enterprise Server machines in your
networked cluster as described in Part I, “Installation, Setup and Upgrade”. Installing High Avail-
ability Extension also installs the DRBD program les.
If you do not need the complete cluster stack but only want to use DRBD, install the packages
drbd , drbd-kmp-FLAVOR , drbd-utils , and yast2-drbd .

268 Installing DRBD Services SLE HA 15 SP1

To simplify the work with drbdadm , use the Bash completion support. If you want to enable it
in your current shell session, insert the following command:

root # source /etc/bash_completion.d/

To use it permanently for root , create, or extend a le /root/.bashrc and insert the previous

20.3 Setting Up DRBD Service

Note: Adjustments Needed

The following procedure uses the server names alice and bob, and the cluster resource
name r0 . It sets up alice as the primary node and /dev/sda1 for storage. Make sure to
modify the instructions to use your own nodes and le names.

The following sections assumes you have two nodes, alice and bob, and that they should use the
TCP port 7788 . Make sure this port is open in your firewall.

1. Prepare your system:

a. Make sure the block devices in your Linux nodes are ready and partitioned (if need-

b. If your disk already contains a le system that you do not need anymore, destroy
the le system structure with the following command:

root # dd if=/dev/zero of=YOUR_DEVICE count=16 bs=1M

If you have more le systems to destroy, repeat this step on all devices you want to
include into your DRBD setup.

c. If the cluster is already using DRBD, put your cluster in maintenance mode:

root # crm configure property maintenance-mode=true

If you skip this step when your cluster uses already DRBD, a syntax error in the live
configuration will lead to a service shutdown.
As an alternative, you can also use drbdadm -c FILE to test a configuration le.

269 Setting Up DRBD Service SLE HA 15 SP1

2. Configure DRBD by choosing your method:

Section 20.3.1, “Configuring DRBD Manually”

Section 20.3.2, “Configuring DRBD with YaST”

3. If you have configured Csync2 (which should be the default), the DRBD configuration les
are already included in the list of les need to be synchronized. To synchronize them, use:

root # csync2 -xv /etc/drbd.d/

If you do not have Csync2 (or do not want to use it), copy the DRBD configuration les
manually to the other node:

root # scp /etc/drbd.conf bob:/etc/

root # scp /etc/drbd.d/* bob:/etc/drbd.d/

4. Perform the initial synchronization (see Section 20.3.3, “Initializing and Formatting DRBD Re-

5. Reset the cluster's maintenance mode ag:

root # crm configure property maintenance-mode=false

20.3.1 Configuring DRBD Manually

Note: Restricted Support of “Auto Promote” Feature

The DRBD9 feature “auto promote” can use a clone and le system resource instead of a
master/slave connection. When using this feature while a le system is being mounted,
DRBD will change to primary mode automatically.
The auto promote feature has currently restricted support. With DRBD 9, SUSE supports
the same use cases that were also supported with DRBD 8. Use cases beyond that, such
as setups with more than two nodes, are not supported.

To set up DRBD manually, proceed as follows:


Beginning with DRBD version 8.3, the former configuration le is split into separate les,
located under the directory /etc/drbd.d/ .

270 Configuring DRBD Manually SLE HA 15 SP1

1. Open the le /etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf . It contains already some global, pre-
defined values. Go to the startup section and insert these lines:

startup {
# wfc-timeout degr-wfc-timeout outdated-wfc-timeout
# wait-after-sb;
wfc-timeout 100;
degr-wfc-timeout 120;

These options are used to reduce the timeouts when booting, see https://docs.lin- for more details.

2. Create the le /etc/drbd.d/r0.res . Change the lines according to your situation and
save it:

resource r0 { 1

device /dev/drbd0; 2

disk /dev/sda1; 3

meta-disk internal; 4

on alice { 5

address; 6

node-id 0; 7

on bob { 5

address; 6

node-id 1; 7

disk {
resync-rate 10M; 8

connection-mesh { 9

hosts alice bob;


1 DRBD resource name that allows some association to the service that needs them.
For example, nfs , http , mysql_0 , postgres_wal , etc. Here a more general name
r0 is used.

2 The device name for DRBD and its minor number.

271 Configuring DRBD Manually SLE HA 15 SP1

In the example above, the minor number 0 is used for DRBD. The udev integration
scripts will give you a symbolic link /dev/drbd/by-res/nfs/0 . Alternatively, omit
the device node name in the configuration and use the following line instead:
drbd0 minor 0 ( /dev/ is optional) or /dev/drbd0

3 The raw device that is replicated between nodes. Note, in this example the devices
are the same on both nodes. If you need different devices, move the disk parameter
into the on host.
4 The meta-disk parameter usually contains the value internal , but it is possible
to specify an explicit device to hold the meta data. See
users-guide-9.0/#s-metadata for more information.
5 The on section states which host this configuration statement applies to.
6 The IP address and port number of the respective node. Each resource needs an in-
dividual port, usually starting with 7788 . Both ports must be the same for a DRBD
7 The node ID is required when configuring more than two nodes. It is a unique, non-
negative integer to distinguish the different nodes.
8 The synchronization rate. Set it to one third of the lower of the disk- and network
bandwidth. It only limits the resynchronization, not the replication.
9 Defines all nodes of a mesh. The hosts parameter contains all host names that share
the same DRBD setup.

3. Check the syntax of your configuration le(s). If the following command returns an error,
verify your les:

root # drbdadm dump all

4. Continue with Section 20.3.3, “Initializing and Formatting DRBD Resource”.

20.3.2 Configuring DRBD with YaST

YaST can be used to start with an initial setup of DRBD. After you have created your DRBD
setup, you can ne-tune the generated les manually.
However, when you have changed the configuration les, do not use the YaST DRBD module
anymore. The DRBD module supports only a limited set of basic configuration. If you use it
again, it is very likely that the module will not show your changes.

272 Configuring DRBD with YaST SLE HA 15 SP1

To set up DRBD with YaST, proceed as follows:


1. Start YaST and select the configuration module High Availability DRBD. If you already
have a DRBD configuration, YaST warns you. YaST will change your configuration and
will save your old DRBD configuration les as *.YaSTsave .

2. Leave the booting ag in Start-up Configuration Booting as it is (by default it is off ); do
not change that as Pacemaker manages this service.

3. If you have a firewall running, enable Open Port in Firewall.

4. Go to the Resource Configuration entry. Press Add to create a new resource (see Figure 20.2,
“Resource Configuration”).


The following parameters need to be set:

Resource Name
The name of the DRBD resource (mandatory)

The host name of the relevant node

The IP address and port number (default 7788 ) for the respective node

273 Configuring DRBD with YaST SLE HA 15 SP1

The block device path that is used to access the replicated data. If the device contains
a minor number, the associated block device is usually named /dev/drbdX , where
X is the device minor number. If the device does not contain a minor number, make
sure to add minor 0 after the device name.

The raw device that is replicated between both nodes. If you use LVM, insert your
LVM device name.

The Meta-disk is either set to the value internal or specifies an explicit device
extended by an index to hold the meta data needed by DRBD.
A real device may also be used for multiple drbd resources. For example, if your
Meta-Disk is /dev/sda6[0] for the rst resource, you may use /dev/sda6[1] for
the second resource. However, there must be at least 128 MB space for each resource
available on this disk. The xed metadata size limits the maximum data size that
you can replicate.

All of these options are explained in the examples in the /usr/share/doc/pack-

ages/drbd/drbd.conf le and in the man page of drbd.conf(5) .

5. Click Save.

6. Click Add to enter the second DRBD resource and finish with Save.

7. Close the resource configuration with Ok and Finish.

8. If you use LVM with DRBD, it is necessary to change some options in the LVM configuration
le (see the LVM Configuration entry). This change can be done by the YaST DRBD module
The disk name of localhost for the DRBD resource and the default filter will be rejected in
the LVM filter. Only /dev/drbd can be scanned for an LVM device.
For example, if /dev/sda1 is used as a DRBD disk, the device name will be inserted as the
rst entry in the LVM filter. To change the filter manually, click the Modify LVM Device
Filter Automatically check box.

9. Save your changes with Finish.

10. Continue with Section 20.3.3, “Initializing and Formatting DRBD Resource”.

274 Configuring DRBD with YaST SLE HA 15 SP1

20.3.3 Initializing and Formatting DRBD Resource
After you have prepared your system and configured DRBD, initialize your disk for the rst time:

1. On both nodes (alice and bob), initialize the meta data storage:

root # drbdadm create-md r0

root # drbdadm up r0

2. To shorten the initial resynchronization of your DRBD resource check the following:

If the DRBD devices on all nodes have the same data (for example, by destroying
the le system structure with the dd command as shown in Section 20.3, “Setting Up
DRBD Service”), then skip the initial resynchronization with the following command
(on both nodes):

root # drbdadm new-current-uuid --clear-bitmap r0/0

The state will be Secondary/Secondary UpToDate/UpToDate

Otherwise, proceed with the next step.

3. On the primary node alice, start the resynchronization process:

root # drbdadm primary --force r0

4. Check the status with:

root # drbdadm status r0

r0 role:Primary
bob role:Secondary

5. Create your le system on top of your DRBD device, for example:

root # mkfs.ext3 /dev/drbd0

6. Mount the le system and use it:

root # mount /dev/drbd0 /mnt/

275 Initializing and Formatting DRBD Resource SLE HA 15 SP1

20.4 Migrating from DRBD 8 to DRBD 9
Between DRBD 8 (shipped with SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 12 SP1) and
DRBD 9 (shipped with SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 12 SP2), the metadata
format has changed. DRBD 9 does not automatically convert previous metadata les to the new
After migrating to 12 SP2 and before starting DRBD, convert the DRBD metadata to the version
9 format manually. To do so, use drbdadm create-md . No configuration needs to be changed.

Note: Restricted Support

With DRBD 9, SUSE supports the same use cases that were also supported with DRBD 8.
Use cases beyond that, such as setups with more than two nodes, are not supported.

DRBD 9 will fall back to be compatible with version 8. For three nodes and more, you need to
re-create the metadata to use DRBD version 9 specific options.
If you have a stacked DRBD resource, refer also to Section 20.5, “Creating a Stacked DRBD Device”
for more information.
To keep your data and allow to add new nodes without re-creating new resources, do the fol-

1. Set one node in standby mode.

2. Update all the DRBD packages on all of your nodes, see Section 20.2, “Installing DRBD Services”.

3. Add the new node information to your resource configuration:

node-id on every on section.

connection-mesh section contains all host names in the hosts parameter.

See the example configuration in Procedure 20.1, “Manually Configuring DRBD”.

4. Enlarge the space of your DRBD disks when using internal as meta-disk key. Use a
device that supports enlarging the space like LVM. As an alternative, change to an external
disk for metadata and use meta-disk DEVICE; .

5. Re-create the metadata based on the new configuration:

root # drbdadm create-md RESOURCE

276 Migrating from DRBD 8 to DRBD 9 SLE HA 15 SP1

6. Cancel the standby mode.

20.5 Creating a Stacked DRBD Device

A stacked DRBD device contains two other devices of which at least one device is also a DRBD
resource. In other words, DRBD adds an additional node on top of an already existing DRBD
resource (see Figure 20.3, “Resource Stacking”). Such a replication setup can be used for backup
and disaster recovery purposes.


Three-way replication uses asynchronous (DRBD protocol A) and synchronous replication

(DRBD protocol C). The asynchronous part is used for the stacked resource whereas the syn-
chronous part is used for the backup.
Your production environment uses the stacked device. For example, if you have a DRBD device /
dev/drbd0 and a stacked device /dev/drbd10 on top, the le system will be created on /dev/
drbd10 , see Example 20.1, “Configuration of a Three-Node Stacked DRBD Resource” for more details.


# /etc/drbd.d/r0.res
resource r0 {
protocol C;
device /dev/drbd0;
disk /dev/sda1;
meta-disk internal;

277 Creating a Stacked DRBD Device SLE HA 15 SP1

on amsterdam-alice {

on amsterdam-bob {

resource r0-U {
protocol A;
device /dev/drbd10;

stacked-on-top-of r0 {

on berlin-charlie {
disk /dev/sda10;
address; # Public IP of the backup node
meta-disk internal;

20.6 Using Resource-Level Fencing

When a DRBD replication link becomes interrupted, Pacemaker tries to promote the DRBD re-
source to another node. To prevent Pacemaker from starting a service with outdated data, enable
resource-level fencing in the DRBD configuration le as shown in Example 20.2, “Configuration of
DRBD with Resource-Level Fencing Using the Cluster Information Base (CIB)”.



resource RESOURCE {
net {
fencing resource-only;
# ...
handlers {
fence-peer "/usr/lib/drbd/";
after-resync-target "/usr/lib/drbd/";
# ...

278 Using Resource-Level Fencing SLE HA 15 SP1


If the DRBD replication link becomes disconnected, DRBD does the following:

1. DRBD calls the script.

2. The script contacts the cluster manager.

3. The script determines the Pacemaker resource associated with this DRBD resource.

4. The script ensures that the DRBD resource no longer gets promoted to any other node. It
stays on the currently active one.

5. If the replication link becomes connected again and DRBD completes its synchronization
process, then the constraint is removed. The cluster manager is now free to promote the

20.7 Testing the DRBD Service

If the install and configuration procedures worked as expected, you are ready to run a basic test
of the DRBD functionality. This test also helps with understanding how the software works.

1. Test the DRBD service on alice.

a. Open a terminal console, then log in as root .

b. Create a mount point on alice, such as /srv/r0 :

root # mkdir -p /srv/r0

c. Mount the drbd device:

root # mount -o rw /dev/drbd0 /srv/r0

d. Create a le from the primary node:

root # touch /srv/r0/from_alice

e. Unmount the disk on alice:

root # umount /srv/r0

279 Testing the DRBD Service SLE HA 15 SP1

f. Downgrade the DRBD service on alice by typing the following command on alice:

root # drbdadm secondary r0

2. Test the DRBD service on bob.

a. Open a terminal console, then log in as root on bob.

b. On bob, promote the DRBD service to primary:

root # drbdadm primary r0

c. On bob, check to see if bob is primary:

root # drbdadm status r0

d. On bob, create a mount point such as /srv/r0 :

root # mkdir /srv/r0

e. On bob, mount the DRBD device:

root # mount -o rw /dev/drbd0 /srv/r0

f. Verify that the le you created on alice exists:

root # ls /srv/r0/from_alice

The /srv/r0/from_alice le should be listed.

3. If the service is working on both nodes, the DRBD setup is complete.

4. Set up alice as the primary again.

a. Dismount the disk on bob by typing the following command on bob:

root # umount /srv/r0

b. Downgrade the DRBD service on bob by typing the following command on bob:

root # drbdadm secondary r0

280 Testing the DRBD Service SLE HA 15 SP1

c. On alice, promote the DRBD service to primary:

root # drbdadm primary r0

d. On alice, check to see if alice is primary:

root # drbdadm status r0

5. To get the service to automatically start and fail over if the server has a problem, you
can set up DRBD as a high availability service with Pacemaker/Corosync. For information
about installing and configuring for SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP1 see Part II, “Configuration
and Administration”.

20.8 Monitoring DRBD Devices

DRBD comes with the utility drbdmon which offers realtime monitoring. It shows all the con-
figured resources and their problems.


In case of problems, drbdadm shows an error message:


281 Monitoring DRBD Devices SLE HA 15 SP1

20.9 Tuning DRBD
There are several ways to tune DRBD:

1. Use an external disk for your metadata. This might help, at the cost of maintenance ease.

2. Tune your network connection, by changing the receive and send buer settings via
sysctl .

3. Change the max-buffers , max-epoch-size or both in the DRBD configuration.

4. Increase the al-extents value, depending on your IO patterns.

5. If you have a hardware RAID controller with a BBU (Battery Backup Unit), you might benefit
from setting no-disk-flushes , no-disk-barrier and/or no-md-flushes .

6. Enable read-balancing depending on your workload. See

balancing/ for more details.

20.10 Troubleshooting DRBD

The DRBD setup involves many components and problems may arise from different sources. The
following sections cover several common scenarios and recommend various solutions.

20.10.1 Configuration
If the initial DRBD setup does not work as expected, there is probably something wrong with
your configuration.
To get information about the configuration:

1. Open a terminal console, then log in as root .

2. Test the configuration le by running drbdadm with the -d option. Enter the following

root # drbdadm -d adjust r0

In a dry run of the adjust option, drbdadm compares the actual configuration of the
DRBD resource with your DRBD configuration le, but it does not execute the calls. Review
the output to make sure you know the source and cause of any errors.

282 Tuning DRBD SLE HA 15 SP1

3. If there are errors in the /etc/drbd.d/* and drbd.conf les, correct them before con-

4. If the partitions and settings are correct, run drbdadm again without the -d option.

root # drbdadm adjust r0

This applies the configuration le to the DRBD resource.

20.10.2 Host Names

For DRBD, host names are case-sensitive ( Node0 would be a different host than node0 ), and
compared to the host name as stored in the Kernel (see the uname -n output).
If you have several network devices and want to use a dedicated network device, the host name
will likely not resolve to the used IP address. In this case, use the parameter disable-ip-
verification .

20.10.3 TCP Port 7788

If your system cannot connect to the peer, this might be a problem with your local firewall.
By default, DRBD uses the TCP port 7788 to access the other node. Make sure that this port
is accessible on both nodes.

20.10.4 DRBD Devices Broken after Reboot

In cases when DRBD does not know which of the real devices holds the latest data, it changes to a
split brain condition. In this case, the respective DRBD subsystems come up as secondary and do
not connect to each other. In this case, the following message can be found in the logging data:

Split-Brain detected, dropping connection!

To resolve this situation, enter the following commands on the node which has data to be dis-

root # drbdadm secondary r0

If the state is in WFconnection , disconnect rst:

root # drbdadm disconnect r0

283 Host Names SLE HA 15 SP1

On the node which has the latest data enter the following:

root # drbdadm connect --discard-my-data r0

That resolves the issue by overwriting one node's data with the peer's data, therefore getting a
consistent view on both nodes.

20.11 For More Information

The following open source resources are available for DRBD:

The project home page .

See Article “Highly Available NFS Storage with DRBD and Pacemaker”. by the Linux Pacemaker Cluster Stack


The following man pages for DRBD are available in the distribution: drbd(8) , drbd-
meta(8) , drbdsetup(8) , drbdadm(8) , drbd.conf(5) .

Find a commented example configuration for DRBD at /usr/share/doc/packages/drbd-

utils/drbd.conf.example .

Furthermore, for easier storage administration across your cluster, see the recent an-
nouncement about the DRBD-Manager at .

284 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

21 Cluster Logical Volume Manager (Cluster LVM)

When managing shared storage on a cluster, every node must be informed about
changes that are done to the storage subsystem. The Logical Volume Manager 2
(LVM2), which is widely used to manage local storage, has been extended to sup-
port transparent management of volume groups across the whole cluster. Volume
groups shared among multiple hosts can be managed using the same commands as
local storage.

21.1 Conceptual Overview

Cluster LVM is coordinated with different tools:

Distributed Lock Manager (DLM)

Coordinates access to shared resources among multiple hosts through cluster-wide locking.

Logical Volume Manager (LVM2)

LVM2 provides a virtual pool of disk space and enables flexible distribution of one logical
volume over several disks.

Cluster Logical Volume Manager (Cluster LVM)

The term Cluster LVM indicates that LVM2 is being used in a cluster environment. This
needs some configuration adjustments to protect the LVM2 metadata on shared storage.
From SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 onward, the cluster extension uses lvmlockd, which re-
places the well-known clvmd. For more information about lvmlockd, see the man page of
the lvmlockd command ( man 8 lvmlockd ).

Volume Group and Logical Volume

Volume groups (VGs) and logical volumes (LVs) are basic concepts of LVM2. A volume
group is a storage pool of multiple physical disks. A logical volume belongs to a volume
group, and can be seen as an elastic volume on which you can create a le system. In a
cluster environment, there is a concept of shared VGs, which consist of shared storage and
can be used concurrently by multiple hosts.

285 Conceptual Overview SLE HA 15 SP1

21.2 Configuration of Cluster LVM
Make sure the following requirements are fulfilled:

A shared storage device is available, provided by a Fibre Channel, FCoE, SCSI, iSCSI SAN,
or DRBD*, for example.

Make sure the following packages have been installed: lvm2 and lvm2-lockd .

From SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 onward, we use lvmlockd as the LVM2 cluster extension,
rather than clvmd. Make sure the clvmd daemon is not running, otherwise lvmlockd will
fail to start.

21.2.1 Creating the Cluster Resources

Perform the following basic steps on one node to configure a shared VG in the cluster:

Creating a DLM Resource

Creating an lvmlockd Resource

Creating a Shared VG and LV

Creating an LVM-activate Resource


1. Start a shell and log in as root .

2. Check the current configuration of the cluster resources:

root # crm configure show

3. If you have already configured a DLM resource (and a corresponding base group and base
clone), continue with Procedure 21.2, “Creating an lvmlockd Resource”.
Otherwise, configure a DLM resource and a corresponding base group and base clone as
described in Procedure 17.1, “Configuring a Base Group for DLM”.


1. Start a shell and log in as root .

2. Run the following command to see the usage of this resource:

root # crm configure ra info lvmlockd

286 Configuration of Cluster LVM SLE HA 15 SP1

3. Configure a lvmlockd resource as follows:

root # crm configure primitive lvmlockd ocf:heartbeat:lvmlockd \

op start timeout="90" \
op stop timeout="100" \
op monitor interval="30" timeout="90"

4. To ensure the lvmlockd resource is started on every node, add the primitive resource to
the base group for storage you have created in Procedure 21.1, “Creating a DLM Resource”:

root # crm configure modgroup g-storage add lvmlockd

5. Review your changes:

root # crm configure show

6. Check if the resources are running well:

root # crm status full


1. Start a shell and log in as root .

2. Assuming you already have two shared disks, create a shared VG with them:

root # vgcreate --shared vg1 /dev/sda /dev/sdb

3. Create an LV and do not activate it initially:

root # lvcreate -an -L10G -n lv1 vg1


1. Start a shell and log in as root .

2. Run the following command to see the usage of this resource:

root # crm configure ra info LVM-activate

This resource manages the activation of a VG. In a shared VG, LV activation has two
different modes: exclusive and shared mode. The exclusive mode is the default and should
be used normally, when a local le system like ext4 uses the LV. The shared mode should
only be used for cluster le systems like OCFS2.

287 Creating the Cluster Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

3. Configure a resource to manage the activation of your VG. Choose one of the following
options according to your scenario:

Use exclusive activation mode for local le system usage:

root # crm configure primitive vg1 ocf:heartbeat:LVM-activate \

params vgname=vg1 vg_access_mode=lvmlockd \
op start timeout=90s interval=0 \
op stop timeout=90s interval=0 \
op monitor interval=30s timeout=90s

Use shared activation mode for OCFS2 and add it to the cloned g-storage group:

root # crm configure primitive vg1 ocf:heartbeat:LVM-activate \

params vgname=vg1 vg_access_mode=lvmlockd activation_mode=shared \
op start timeout=90s interval=0 \
op stop timeout=90s interval=0 \
op monitor interval=30s timeout=90s
root # crm configure modgroup g-storage add vg1

4. Check if the resources are running well:

root # crm status full

21.2.2 Scenario: Cluster LVM with iSCSI on SANs

The following scenario uses two SAN boxes which export their iSCSI targets to several clients.
The general idea is displayed in Figure 21.1, “Setup of a Shared Disk with Cluster LVM”.

288 Scenario: Cluster LVM with iSCSI on SANs SLE HA 15 SP1






Warning: Data Loss

The following procedures will destroy any data on your disks!

Configure only one SAN box rst. Each SAN box needs to export its own iSCSI target. Proceed
as follows:


1. Run YaST and click Network Services iSCSI LIO Target to start the iSCSI Server module.

2. If you want to start the iSCSI target whenever your computer is booted, choose When
Booting, otherwise choose Manually.

3. If you have a firewall running, enable Open Port in Firewall.

4. Switch to the Global tab. If you need authentication, enable incoming or outgoing authen-
tication or both. In this example, we select No Authentication.

289 Scenario: Cluster LVM with iSCSI on SANs SLE HA 15 SP1

5. Add a new iSCSI target:

a. Switch to the Targets tab.

b. Click Add.

c. Enter a target name. The name needs to be formatted like this:


For more information about the format, refer to Section Type "iqn." (iSCSI
Qualified Name) at .

d. If you want a more descriptive name, you can change it as long as your identifier
is unique for your different targets.

e. Click Add.

f. Enter the device name in Path and use a Scsiid.

g. Click Next twice.

6. Confirm the warning box with Yes.

7. Open the configuration le /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf and change the parameter

node.startup to automatic .

Now set up your iSCSI initiators as follows:


1. Run YaST and click Network Services iSCSI Initiator.

2. If you want to start the iSCSI initiator whenever your computer is booted, choose When
Booting, otherwise set Manually.

3. Change to the Discovery tab and click the Discovery button.

4. Add the IP address and the port of your iSCSI target (see Procedure 21.5, “Configuring iSCSI
Targets (SAN)”). Normally, you can leave the port as it is and use the default value.

5. If you use authentication, insert the incoming and outgoing user name and password,
otherwise activate No Authentication.

6. Select Next. The found connections are displayed in the list.

290 Scenario: Cluster LVM with iSCSI on SANs SLE HA 15 SP1

7. Proceed with Finish.

8. Open a shell, log in as root .

9. Test if the iSCSI initiator has been started successfully:

root # iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p,1

10. Establish a session:

root # iscsiadm -m node -l -p -T

Logging in to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]
Login to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260]: successful

See the device names with lsscsi :

[4:0:0:2] disk IET ... 0 /dev/sdd
[5:0:0:1] disk IET ... 0 /dev/sde

Look for entries with IET in their third column. In this case, the devices are /dev/sdd
and /dev/sde .


1. Open a root shell on one of the nodes you have run the iSCSI initiator from Procedure 21.6,
“Configuring iSCSI Initiators”.

2. Create the shared volume group on disks /dev/sdd and /dev/sde :

root # vgcreate --shared testvg /dev/sdd /dev/sde

3. Create logical volumes as needed:

root # lvcreate --name lv1 --size 500M testvg

4. Check the volume group with vgdisplay :

--- Volume group ---

VG Name testvg
System ID
Format lvm2

291 Scenario: Cluster LVM with iSCSI on SANs SLE HA 15 SP1

Metadata Areas 2
Metadata Sequence No 1
VG Access read/write
VG Status resizable
Clustered yes
Shared no
Cur LV 0
Open LV 0
Max PV 0
Cur PV 2
Act PV 2
VG Size 1016,00 MB
PE Size 4,00 MB
Total PE 254
Alloc PE / Size 0 / 0
Free PE / Size 254 / 1016,00 MB
VG UUID UCyWw8-2jqV-enuT-KH4d-NXQI-JhH3-J24anD

After you have created the volumes and started your resources you should have new device
names under /dev/testvg , for example /dev/testvg/lv1 . This indicates the LV has been
activated for use.

21.2.3 Scenario: Cluster LVM with DRBD

The following scenarios can be used if you have data centers located in different parts of your
city, country, or continent.


1. Create a primary/primary DRBD resource:

a. First, set up a DRBD device as primary/secondary as described in Procedure  20.1,

“Manually Configuring DRBD”. Make sure the disk state is up-to-date on both nodes.
Check this with drbdadm status .

b. Add the following options to your configuration le (usually something like /etc/
drbd.d/r0.res ):

resource r0 {
net {

292 Scenario: Cluster LVM with DRBD SLE HA 15 SP1


c. Copy the changed configuration le to the other node, for example:

root # scp /etc/drbd.d/r0.res venus:/etc/drbd.d/

d. Run the following commands on both nodes:

root # drbdadm disconnect r0

root # drbdadm connect r0
root # drbdadm primary r0

e. Check the status of your nodes:

root # drbdadm status r0

2. Include the lvmlockd resource as a clone in the pacemaker configuration, and make it
depend on the DLM clone resource. See Procedure 21.1, “Creating a DLM Resource” for detailed
instructions. Before proceeding, confirm that these resources have started successfully on
your cluster. Use crm status or the Web interface to check the running services.

3. Prepare the physical volume for LVM with the command pvcreate . For example, on the
device /dev/drbd_r0 the command would look like this:

root # pvcreate /dev/drbd_r0

4. Create a shared volume group:

root # vgcreate --shared testvg /dev/drbd_r0

5. Create logical volumes as needed. You probably want to change the size of the logical
volume. For example, create a 4 GB logical volume with the following command:

root # lvcreate --name lv1 -L 4G testvg

6. The logical volumes within the VG are now available as le system mounts or raw usage.
Ensure that services using them have proper dependencies to collocate them with and
order them after the VG has been activated.

After finishing these configuration steps, the LVM2 configuration can be done like on any stand-
alone workstation.

293 Scenario: Cluster LVM with DRBD SLE HA 15 SP1

21.3 Configuring Eligible LVM2 Devices Explicitly
When several devices seemingly share the same physical volume signature (as can be the case
for multipath devices or DRBD), we recommend to explicitly configure the devices which LVM2
scans for PVs.
For example, if the command vgcreate uses the physical device instead of using the mirrored
block device, DRBD will be confused. This may result in a split brain condition for DRBD.
To deactivate a single device for LVM2, do the following:

1. Edit the le /etc/lvm/lvm.conf and search for the line starting with filter .

2. The patterns there are handled as regular expressions. A leading “a” means to accept a
device pattern to the scan, a leading “r” rejects the devices that follow the device pattern.

3. To remove a device named /dev/sdb1 , add the following expression to the filter rule:


The complete filter line will look like the following:

filter = [ "r|^/dev/sdb1$|", "r|/dev/.*/by-path/.*|", "r|/dev/.*/by-id/.*|",

"a/.*/" ]

A filter line that accepts DRBD and MPIO devices but rejects all other devices would look
like this:

filter = [ "a|/dev/drbd.*|", "a|/dev/.*/by-id/dm-uuid-mpath-.*|", "r/.*/" ]

4. Write the configuration le and copy it to all cluster nodes.

21.4 Online Migration from Mirror LV to Cluster MD

With SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15, cmirrord in cluster LVM is depre-
cated. We highly recommend to migrate the mirror logical volumes in your cluster to cluster
MD. Cluster MD stands for cluster multi-device and is a software-based RAID storage solution
for a cluster.

294 Configuring Eligible LVM2 Devices Explicitly SLE HA 15 SP1

21.4.1 Example Setup Before Migration
Let us assume you have the following example setup:

You have a two-node cluster consisting of the nodes alice and bob .

A mirror logical volume named test-lv was created from a volume group named clus-
ter-vg2 .

The volume group cluster-vg2 is composed of the disks /dev/vdb and /dev/vdc .

root # lsblk
vda 253:0 0 40G 0 disk
├─vda1 253:1 0 4G 0 part [SWAP]
└─vda2 253:2 0 36G 0 part /
vdb 253:16 0 20G 0 disk
├─cluster--vg2-test--lv_mlog_mimage_0 254:0 0 4M 0 lvm
│ └─cluster--vg2-test--lv_mlog 254:2 0 4M 0 lvm
│ └─cluster--vg2-test--lv 254:5 0 12G 0 lvm
└─cluster--vg2-test--lv_mimage_0 254:3 0 12G 0 lvm
└─cluster--vg2-test--lv 254:5 0 12G 0 lvm
vdc 253:32 0 20G 0 disk
├─cluster--vg2-test--lv_mlog_mimage_1 254:1 0 4M 0 lvm
│ └─cluster--vg2-test--lv_mlog 254:2 0 4M 0 lvm
│ └─cluster--vg2-test--lv 254:5 0 12G 0 lvm
└─cluster--vg2-test--lv_mimage_1 254:4 0 12G 0 lvm
└─cluster--vg2-test--lv 254:5 0 12G 0 lvm

Important: Avoiding Migration Failures

Before you start the migration procedure, check the capacity and degree of utilization
of your logical and physical volumes. If the logical volume uses 100% of the physical
volume capacity, the migration might fail with an insufficient free space error on
the target volume. How to prevent this migration failure depends on the options used
for mirror log:

Is the mirror log itself mirrored ( mirrored option) and allocated on the same device
as the mirror leg? (For example, this might be the case if you have created the
logical volume for a cmirrord setup on SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability
Extension 11 or 12 as described in
singlehtml/book_sleha/book_sleha.html#sec.ha.clvm.config.cmirrord .)

295 Example Setup Before Migration SLE HA 15 SP1

By default, mdadm reserves a certain amount of space between the start of a device
and the start of array data. During migration, you can check for the unused padding
space and reduce it with the data-offset option as shown in Step 1.d and follow-
The data-offset must leave enough space on the device for cluster MD to write its
metadata to it. On the other hand, the offset must be small enough for the remaining
capacity of the device to accommodate all physical volume extents of the migrat-
ed volume. Because the volume may have spanned the complete device minus the
mirror log, the offset must be smaller than the size of the mirror log.
We recommend to set the data-offset to 128 kB. If no value is specified for the
offset, its default value is 1 kB (1024 bytes).

Is the mirror log written to a different device ( disk option) or kept in memory ( core
option)? Before starting the migration, either enlarge the size of the physical vol-
ume or reduce the size of the logical volume (to free more space for the physical

21.4.2 Migrating a Mirror LV to Cluster MD

The following procedure is based on Section 21.4.1, “Example Setup Before Migration”. Adjust the
instructions to match your setup and replace the names for the LVs, VGs, disks and the cluster
MD device accordingly.
The migration does not involve any downtime. The le system can still be mounted during the
migration procedure.

1. On node alice , execute the following steps:

a. Convert the mirror logical volume test-lv to a linear logical volume:

root # lvconvert -m0 cluster-vg2/test-lv /dev/vdc

b. Remove the physical volume /dev/vdc from the volume group cluster-vg2 :

root # vgreduce cluster-vg2 /dev/vdc

296 Migrating a Mirror LV to Cluster MD SLE HA 15 SP1

c. Remove this physical volume from LVM:

root # pvremove /dev/vdc

When you run lsblk now, you get:


vda 253:0 0 40G 0 disk
├─vda1 253:1 0 4G 0 part [SWAP]
└─vda2 253:2 0 36G 0 part /
vdb 253:16 0 20G 0 disk
└─cluster--vg2-test--lv 254:5 0 12G 0 lvm
vdc 253:32 0 20G 0 disk

d. Create a cluster MD device /dev/md0 with the disk /dev/vdc :

root # mdadm --create /dev/md0 --bitmap=clustered \

--metadata=1.2 --raid-devices=1 --force --level=mirror \
/dev/vdc --data-offset=128

For details on why to use the data-offset option, see Important: Avoiding Migration

2. On node bob , assemble this MD device:

root # mdadm --assemble md0 /dev/vdc

If your cluster consists of more than two nodes, execute this step on all remaining nodes
in your cluster.

3. Back on node alice :

a. Initialize the MD device /dev/md0 as physical volume for use with LVM:

root # pvcreate /dev/md0

b. Add the MD device /dev/md0 to the volume group cluster-vg2 :

root # vgextend cluster-vg2 /dev/md0

c. Move the data from the disk /dev/vdb to the /dev/md0 device:

root # pvmove /dev/vdb /dev/md0

297 Migrating a Mirror LV to Cluster MD SLE HA 15 SP1

d. Remove the physical volume /dev/vdb from the volume group cluster-vg2 :

root # vgreduce cluster-vg2 /dev/vdb

e. Remove the label from the device so that LVM no longer recognizes it as physical

root # pvremove /dev/vdb

f. Add /dev/vdb to the MD device /dev/md0 :

root # mdadm --grow /dev/md0 --raid-devices=2 --add /dev/vdb

21.4.3 Example Setup After Migration

When you run lsblk now, you get:


vda 253:0 0 40G 0 disk
├─vda1 253:1 0 4G 0 part [SWAP]
└─vda2 253:2 0 36G 0 part /
vdb 253:16 0 20G 0 disk
└─md0 9:0 0 20G 0 raid1
└─cluster--vg2-test--lv 254:5 0 12G 0 lvm
vdc 253:32 0 20G 0 disk
└─md0 9:0 0 20G 0 raid1
└─cluster--vg2-test--lv 254:5 0 12G 0 lvm

21.5 For More Information

For more information about lvmlockd, see the man page of the lvmlockd command ( man 8
lvmlockd ).

Thorough information is available from the pacemaker mailing list, available at http://www.clus- .

298 Example Setup After Migration SLE HA 15 SP1

22 Cluster Multi-device (Cluster MD)

The cluster multi-device (Cluster MD) is a software based RAID storage solution for
a cluster. Currently, Cluster MD provides the redundancy of RAID1 mirroring to the
cluster. With SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP1, RAID10 is
included as a technology preview. If you want to try RAID10, replace mirror with
10 in the related mdadm command. This chapter shows you how to create and use
Cluster MD.

22.1 Conceptual Overview

The Cluster MD provides support for use of RAID1 across a cluster environment. The disks or
devices used by Cluster MD are accessed by each node. If one device of the Cluster MD fails, it
can be replaced at runtime by another device and it is re-synced to provide the same amount
of redundancy. The Cluster MD requires Corosync and Distributed Lock Manager (DLM) for co-
ordination and messaging.
A Cluster MD device is not automatically started on boot like the rest of the regular MD devices.
A clustered device needs to be started using resource agents to ensure the DLM resource has
been started.

22.2 Creating a Clustered MD RAID Device


A running cluster with pacemaker.

A resource agent for DLM (see Procedure 17.1, “Configuring a Base Group for DLM” on how to
configure DLM).

At least two shared disk devices. You can use an additional device as a spare which will
fail over automatically in case of device failure.

An installed package cluster-md-kmp-default .

299 Conceptual Overview SLE HA 15 SP1

1. Make sure the DLM resource is up and running on every node of the cluster and check
the resource status with the command:

root # crm_resource -r dlm -W

2. Create the Cluster MD device:

If you do not have an existing normal RAID device, create the Cluster MD device on
the node running the DLM resource with the following command:

root # mdadm --create /dev/md0 --bitmap=clustered \

--metadata=1.2 --raid-devices=2 --level=mirror /dev/sda /dev/sdb

As Cluster MD only works with version 1.2 of the metadata, it is recommended to

specify the version using the --metadata option. For other useful options, refer to
the man page of mdadm . Monitor the progress of the re-sync in /proc/mdstat .

If you already have an existing normal RAID, rst clear the existing bitmap and then
create the clustered bitmap:

root # mdadm --grow /dev/mdX --bitmap=none

root # mdadm --grow /dev/mdX --bitmap=clustered

Optionally, to create a Cluster MD device with a spare device for automatic failover,
run the following command on one cluster node:

root # mdadm --create /dev/md0 --bitmap=clustered --raid-devices=2 \

--level=mirror --spare-devices=1 /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc --

3. Get the UUID and the related md path:

root # mdadm --detail --scan

The UUID must match the UUID stored in the superblock. For details on the UUID, refer
to the mdadm.conf man page.

4. Open /etc/mdadm.conf and add the md device name and the devices associated with it.
Use the UUID from the previous step:

DEVICE /dev/sda /dev/sdb

ARRAY /dev/md0 UUID=1d70f103:49740ef1:af2afce5:fcf6a489

300 Creating a Clustered MD RAID Device SLE HA 15 SP1

5. Open Csync2's configuration le /etc/csync2/csync2.cfg and add /etc/mdadm.conf :

group ha_group
# ... list of files pruned ...
include /etc/mdadm.conf

22.3 Configuring a Resource Agent

Configure a CRM resource as follows:

1. Create a Raid1 primitive:

crm(live)configure# primitive raider Raid1 \

params raidconf="/etc/mdadm.conf" raiddev=/dev/md0 \
force_clones=true \
op monitor timeout=20s interval=10 \
op start timeout=20s interval=0 \
op stop timeout=20s interval=0

2. Add the raider resource to the base group for storage that you have created for DLM:

crm(live)configure# modgroup g-storage add raider

The add sub-command appends the new group member by default.

If not already done, clone the g-storage group so that it runs on all nodes:

crm(live)configure# clone cl-storage g-storage \

meta interleave=true target-role=Started

3. Review your changes with show .

4. If everything seems correct, submit your changes with commit .

22.4 Adding a Device

To add a device to an existing, active Cluster MD device, rst ensure that the device is “visible”
on each node with the command cat /proc/mdstat . If the device is not visible, the command
will fail.

301 Configuring a Resource Agent SLE HA 15 SP1

Use the following command on one cluster node:

root # mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdc

The behavior of the new device added depends on the state of the Cluster MD device:

If only one of the mirrored devices is active, the new device becomes the second device
of the mirrored devices and a recovery is initiated.

If both devices of the Cluster MD device are active, the new added device becomes a spare

22.5 Re-adding a Temporarily Failed Device

Quite often the failures are transient and limited to a single node. If any of the nodes encounters
a failure during an I/O operation, the device will be marked as failed for the entire cluster.
This could happen, for example, because of a cable failure on one of the nodes. After correcting
the problem, you can re-add the device. Only the outdated parts will be synchronized as opposed
to synchronizing the entire device by adding a new one.
To re-add the device, run the following command on one cluster node:

root # mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --re-add /dev/sdb

22.6 Removing a Device

Before removing a device at runtime for replacement, do the following:

1. Make sure the device is failed by introspecting /proc/mdstat . Look for an (F) before
the device.

2. Run the following command on one cluster node to make a device fail:

root # mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --fail /dev/sda

3. Remove the failed device using the command on one cluster node:

root # mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --remove /dev/sda

302 Re-adding a Temporarily Failed Device SLE HA 15 SP1

23 Samba Clustering

A clustered Samba server provides a High Availability solution in your heteroge-

neous networks. This chapter explains some background information and how to set
up a clustered Samba server.

23.1 Conceptual Overview

Trivial Database (TDB) has been used by Samba for many years. It allows multiple applications
to write simultaneously. To make sure all write operations are successfully performed and do
not collide with each other, TDB uses an internal locking mechanism.
Cluster Trivial Database (CTDB) is a small extension of the existing TDB. CTDB is described by
the project as a “cluster implementation of the TDB database used by Samba and other projects
to store temporary data”.
Each cluster node runs a local CTDB daemon. Samba communicates with its local CTDB daemon
instead of writing directly to its TDB. The daemons exchange metadata over the network, but
actual write and read operations are done on a local copy with fast storage. The concept of CTDB
is displayed in Figure 23.1, “Structure of a CTDB Cluster”.

Note: CTDB For Samba Only

The current implementation of the CTDB Resource Agent configures CTDB to only manage
Samba. Everything else, including IP failover, should be configured with Pacemaker.
CTDB is only supported for completely homogeneous clusters. For example, all nodes in
the cluster need to have the same architecture. You cannot mix x86 with AMD64.

303 Conceptual Overview SLE HA 15 SP1

(Public Network)


Private Private
CTDB Network CTDB Network CTDB

Cluster Filesystem


A clustered Samba server must share certain data:

Mapping table that associates Unix user and group IDs to Windows users and groups.

The user database must be synchronized between all nodes.

Join information for a member server in a Windows domain must be available on all nodes.

Metadata needs to be available on all nodes, like active SMB sessions, share connections,
and various locks.

The goal is that a clustered Samba server with N+1 nodes is faster than with only N nodes. One
node is not slower than an unclustered Samba server.

23.2 Basic Configuration

Note: Changed Configuration Files

The CTDB Resource Agent automatically changes /etc/sysconfig/ctdb . Use crm
ra   info CTDB to list all parameters that can be specified for the CTDB resource.

304 Basic Configuration SLE HA 15 SP1

To set up a clustered Samba server, proceed as follows:


1. Prepare your cluster:

a. Make sure the following packages are installed before you proceed: ctdb , tdb-
tools , and samba (needed for smb and nmb resources).

b. Configure your cluster (Pacemaker, OCFS2) as described in this guide in Part II, “Con-
figuration and Administration”.

c. Configure a shared le system, like OCFS2, and mount it, for example, on /srv/
clusterfs . See Chapter 18, OCFS2 for more information.

d. If you want to turn on POSIX ACLs, enable it:

For a new OCFS2 le system use:

root # mkfs.ocfs2 --fs-features=xattr ...

For an existing OCFS2 le system use:

root # tunefs.ocfs2 --fs-feature=xattr DEVICE

Make sure the acl option is specified in the le system resource. Use the crm
shell as follows:

crm(live)configure# primitive ocfs2-3 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem params

options="acl" ...

e. Make sure the services ctdb , smb , and nmb are disabled:

root # systemctl disable ctdb

root # systemctl disable smb
root # systemctl disable nmb

f. Open port 4379 of your firewall on all nodes. This is needed for CTDB to commu-
nicate with other cluster nodes.

2. Create a directory for the CTDB lock on the shared le system:

root # mkdir -p /srv/clusterfs/samba/

305 Basic Configuration SLE HA 15 SP1

3. In /etc/ctdb/nodes insert all nodes which contain all private IP addresses of each node
in the cluster:

4. Configure Samba. Add the following lines in the [global] section of /etc/samba/sm-
b.conf . Use the host name of your choice in place of "CTDB-SERVER" (all nodes in the
cluster will appear as one big node with this name, effectively):

# ...
# settings applicable for all CTDB deployments
netbios name = CTDB-SERVER
clustering = yes
idmap config * : backend = tdb2
passdb backend = tdbsam
ctdbd socket = /var/lib/ctdb/ctdb.socket
# settings necessary for CTDB on OCFS2
fileid:algorithm = fsid
vfs objects = fileid
# ...

5. Copy the configuration le to all of your nodes by using csync2 :

root # csync2 -xv

For more information, see Procedure 4.6, “Synchronizing the Configuration Files with Csync2”.

6. Add a CTDB resource to the cluster:

root # crm configure

crm(live)configure# primitive ctdb ocf:heartbeat:CTDB params \
ctdb_manages_winbind="false" \
ctdb_manages_samba="false" \
ctdb_recovery_lock="/srv/clusterfs/samba/ctdb.lock" \
ctdb_socket="/var/lib/ctdb/ctdb.socket" \
op monitor interval="10" timeout="20" \
op start interval="0" timeout="90" \
op stop interval="0" timeout="100"
crm(live)configure# primitive nmb systemd:nmb \
op start timeout="60" interval="0" \
op stop timeout="60" interval="0" \
op monitor interval="60" timeout="60"
crm(live)configure# primitive smb systemd:smb \

306 Basic Configuration SLE HA 15 SP1

op start timeout="60" interval="0" \
op stop timeout="60" interval="0" \
op monitor interval="60" timeout="60"
crm(live)configure# group g-ctdb ctdb nmb smb
crm(live)configure# clone cl-ctdb g-ctdb meta interleave="true"
crm(live)configure# colocation col-ctdb-with-clusterfs inf: cl-ctdb cl-clusterfs
crm(live)configure# order o-clusterfs-then-ctdb inf: cl-clusterfs cl-ctdb
crm(live)configure# commit

7. Add a clustered IP address:

crm(live)configure# primitive ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip= \

unique_clone_address="true" \
op monitor interval="60" \
meta resource-stickiness="0"
crm(live)configure# clone cl-ip ip \
meta interleave="true" clone-node-max="2" globally-unique="true"
crm(live)configure# colocation col-ip-with-ctdb 0: cl-ip cl-ctdb
crm(live)configure# order o-ip-then-ctdb 0: cl-ip cl-ctdb
crm(live)configure# commit

If unique_clone_address is set to true , the IPaddr2 resource agent adds a clone ID to

the specified address, leading to three different IP addresses. These are usually not needed,
but help with load balancing. For further information about this topic, see Section 14.2,
“Configuring Load Balancing with Linux Virtual Server”.

8. Commit your change:

crm(live)configure# commit

9. Check the result:

root # crm status

Clone Set: cl-storage [dlm]
Started: [ factory-1 ]
Stopped: [ factory-0 ]
Clone Set: cl-clusterfs [clusterfs]
Started: [ factory-1 ]
Stopped: [ factory-0 ]
Clone Set: cl-ctdb [g-ctdb]
Started: [ factory-1 ]
Started: [ factory-0 ]
Clone Set: cl-ip [ip] (unique)
ip:0 (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started factory-0
ip:1 (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started factory-1

307 Basic Configuration SLE HA 15 SP1

10. Test from a client machine. On a Linux client, run the following command to see if you
can copy les from and to the system:

root # smbclient //

23.3 Joining an Active Directory Domain

Active Directory (AD) is a directory service for Windows server systems.
The following instructions outline how to join a CTDB cluster to an Active Directory domain:

1. Create a CTDB resource as described in Procedure 23.1, “Setting Up a Basic Clustered Samba


2. Install the samba-winbind package.

3. Disable the winbind service:

root # systemctl disable winbind

4. Define a winbind cluster resource:

root # crm configure

crm(live)configure# primitive winbind systemd:winbind \
op start timeout="60" interval="0" \
op stop timeout="60" interval="0" \
op monitor interval="60" timeout="60"
crm(live)configure# commit

5. Edit the g-ctdb group and insert winbind between the nmb and smb resources:

crm(live)configure# edit g-ctdb

Save and close the editor with : – w ( vim ).

6. Consult your Windows Server documentation for instructions on how to set up an Active
Directory domain. In this example, we use the following parameters:

AD and DNS server

AD domain

308 Joining an Active Directory Domain SLE HA 15 SP1

Cluster AD member NetBIOS name CTDB-SERVER

7. Procedure 23.2, “Joining Active Directory”

Finally, join your cluster to the Active Directory server:


1. Make sure the following les are included in Csync2's configuration to become installed
on all cluster hosts:


You can also use YaST's Configure Csync2 module for this task, see Section 4.5, “Transferring
the Configuration to All Nodes”.

2. Run YaST and open the Windows Domain Membership module from the Network Services

3. Enter your domain or workgroup settings and finish with Ok.

23.4 Debugging and Testing Clustered Samba

To debug your clustered Samba server, the following tools which operate on different levels
are available:

Run this tool to diagnose your clustered Samba server. Detailed debug messages should
help you track down any problems you might have.
The ctdb_diagnostics command searches for the following les which must be available
on all nodes:


309 Debugging and Testing Clustered Samba SLE HA 15 SP1


If the les /etc/ctdb/public_addresses and /etc/ctdb/static-routes exist, they

will be checked as well.

Check whether your le system is suitable for CTDB with ping_pong . It performs cer-
tain tests of your cluster le system like coherence and performance (see http://wiki.sam- ) and gives some indication how your cluster may behave
under high load.

send_arp Tool and SendArp Resource Agent

The SendArp resource agent is located in /usr/lib/heartbeat/send_arp (or /usr/
lib64/heartbeat/send_arp ). The send_arp tool sends out a gratuitous ARP (Address
Resolution Protocol) packet and can be used for updating other machines' ARP tables. It can
help to identify communication problems after a failover process. If you cannot connect to
a node or ping it although it shows the clustered IP address for Samba, use the send_arp
command to test if the nodes only need an ARP table update.
For more information, refer to .

To test certain aspects of your cluster le system proceed as follows:


1. Start the command ping_pong on one node and replace the placeholder N with the
amount of nodes plus one. The le ABSPATH/data.txt is available in your shared storage
and is therefore accessible on all nodes ( ABSPATH indicates an absolute path):

ping_pong ABSPATH/data.txt N

Expect a very high locking rate as you are running only one node. If the program does not
print a locking rate, replace your cluster le system.

2. Start a second copy of ping_pong on another node with the same parameters.

310 Debugging and Testing Clustered Samba SLE HA 15 SP1

Expect to see a dramatic drop in the locking rate. If any of the following applies to your
cluster le system, replace it:

ping_pong does not print a locking rate per second,

the locking rates in the two instances are not almost equal,

the locking rate did not drop after you started the second instance.

3. Start a third copy of ping_pong . Add another node and note how the locking rates change.

4. Kill the ping_pong commands one after the other. You should observe an increase of the
locking rate until you get back to the single node case. If you did not get the expected
behavior, nd more information in Chapter 18, OCFS2.

23.5 For More Information

311 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

24 Disaster Recovery with Rear (Relax-and-Recover)

Relax-and-Recover (“Rear”, in this chapter abbreviated as Rear) is a disaster recov-

ery framework for use by system administrators. It is a collection of Bash scripts
that need to be adjusted to the specific production environment that is to be pro-
tected in case of disaster.
No disaster recovery solution will work out-of-the-box. Therefore it is essential to
take preparations before any disaster happens.

24.1 Conceptual Overview

The following sections describe the general disaster recovery concept and the basic steps you
need to execute for successful recovery with Rear. They also provide some guidance on Rear
requirements, some limitations to be aware of, and scenarios and backup tools.

24.1.1 Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan

Before the worst scenario happens, take action: analyze your IT infrastructure for any substantial
risks, evaluate your budget, and create a disaster recovery plan. If you do not already have a
disaster recovery plan at hand, nd some information on each step below:

Risk Analysis. Conduct a solid risk analysis of your infrastructure. List all the possible
threats and evaluate how serious they are. Determine how likely these threats are and
prioritize them. It is recommended to use a simple categorization: probability and impact.

Budget Planning. The outcome of the analysis is an overview, which risks can be tolerated
and which are critical for your business. Ask yourself how you can minimize risks and how
much will it cost. Depending on how big your company is, spend two to fifteen percent of
the overall IT budget on disaster recovery.

Disaster Recovery Plan Development. Make checklists, test procedures, establish and as-
sign priorities, and inventory your IT infrastructure. Define how to deal with a problem
when some services in your infrastructure fail.

Test. After defining an elaborate plan, test it. Test it at least once a year. Use the same
testing hardware as your main IT infrastructure.

312 Conceptual Overview SLE HA 15 SP1

24.1.2 What Does Disaster Recovery Mean?
If a system in a production environment has been destroyed (for whatever reasons—be it broken
hardware, a misconfiguration or software problems), you need to re-create the system. The
recreation can be done either on the same hardware or on compatible replacement hardware. Re-
creating a system means more than restoring les from a backup. It also includes preparing the
system's storage (with regard to partitioning, le systems, and mount points), and reinstalling
the boot loader.

24.1.3 How Does Disaster Recovery With Rear Work?

While the system is up and running, create a backup of the les and create a recovery system
on a recovery medium. The recovery system contains a recovery installer.
In case the system has been destroyed, replace broken hardware (if needed), boot the recovery
system from the recovery medium and launch the recovery installer. The recovery installer re-
creates the system: First, it prepares the storage (partitioning, le systems, mount points), then
it restores the les from the backup. Finally, it reinstalls the boot loader.

24.1.4 Rear Requirements

To use Rear you need at least two identical systems: the machine that runs your production
environment and an identical test machine. “Identical” in this context means that you can, for
example, replace a network card with another one using the same Kernel driver.

Warning: Identical Drivers Required

If a hardware component does not use the same driver as the one in your production
environment, it is not considered identical by Rear.

24.1.5 Rear Version Updates

SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension 15 SP1 ships with Rear version 2.3, provided
by the package rear23a .

313 What Does Disaster Recovery Mean? SLE HA 15 SP1

Note: Find Important Information in Changelogs
Any information about bugfixes, incompatibilities, and other issues can be found in the
changelogs of the packages. It is recommended to review also later package versions of
Rear in case you need to re-validate your disaster recovery procedure.

Be aware of the following issues with Rear:

To allow disaster recovery on UEFI systems, you need at least Rear version 1.18.a and the
package ebiso . Only this version supports the new helper tool /usr/bin/ebiso . This
helper tool is used to create a UEFI-bootable Rear system ISO image.

If you have a tested and fully functional disaster recovery procedure with one Rear version,
do not update Rear. Keep the Rear package and do not change your disaster recovery

Version updates for Rear are provided as separate packages that intentionally conflict with
each other to prevent your installed version getting accidentally replaced with another

In the following cases you need to completely re-validate your existing disaster recovery pro-

For each Rear version update.

When you update Rear manually.

For each software that is used by Rear.

If you update low-level system components such as parted , btrfs and similar.

24.1.6 Limitations with Btrfs

The following limitations apply if you use Btrfs.

Your System Includes Subvolumes, but No Snapshots Subvolumes

At least Rear version 1.17.2.a is required. This version supports re-creating “normal” Btrfs
subvolume structure (no snapshot subvolumes).

314 Limitations with Btrfs SLE HA 15 SP1

Your System Includes Snapshot Subvolumes

Btrfs snapshot subvolumes cannot be backed up and restored as usual with le-based
backup software.

While recent snapshot subvolumes on Btrfs le systems need almost no disk space (because
of Btrfs's copy-on-write functionality), those les would be backed up as complete les
when using le-based backup software. They would end up twice in the backup with their
original le size. Therefore, it is impossible to restore the snapshots as they have been
before on the original system.

Your SLE System Needs Matching Rear Configuration

For example, the setup in SLE12 GA, SLE12 SP1, and SLE12 SP2 have several different
incompatible Btrfs default structures. As such, it is crucial to use a matching Rear con-
figuration le. See the example les /usr/share/rear/conf/examples/SLE12*-btrfs-
example.conf .

24.1.7 Scenarios and Backup Tools

Rear can create a disaster recovery system (including a system-specific recovery installer) that
can be booted from a local medium (like a hard disk, a ash disk, a DVD/CD-R) or via PXE.
The backup data can be stored on a network le system, for example NFS, as described in
Example 24.1.

Rear does not replace a le backup, but complements it. By default, Rear supports the generic
tar command, and several third-party backup tools (such as Tivoli Storage Manager, QNetix
Galaxy, Symantec NetBackup, EMC NetWorker, or HP DataProtector). Refer to Example 24.2 for
an example configuration of using Rear with EMC NetWorker as backup tool.

315 Scenarios and Backup Tools SLE HA 15 SP1

24.1.8 Basic Steps
For a successful recovery with Rear in case of disaster, you need to execute the following basic

Setting Up Rear and Your Backup Solution

This includes tasks like editing the Rear configuration le, adjusting the Bash scripts, and
configuring the backup solution that you want to use.

Creating the Recovery Installation System

While the system to be protected is up and running use the rear mkbackup command
to create a le backup and to generate a recovery system that contains a system-specific
Rear recovery installer.

Testing the Recovery Process

Whenever you have created a disaster recovery medium with Rear, test the disaster recov-
ery process thoroughly. It is essential to use a test machine that has identical hardware
like the one that is part of your production environment. For details, refer to Section 24.1.4,
“Rear Requirements”.

Recovering from Disaster

After a disaster has occurred, replace any broken hardware (if necessary). Then boot the
Rear recovery system and start the recovery installer with the rear recover command.

24.2 Setting Up Rear and Your Backup Solution

To set up Rear, you need to edit at least the Rear configuration le /etc/rear/local.conf
and, if needed, the Bash scripts that are part of the Rear framework.
In particular, you need to define the following tasks that Rear should do:

When your system is booted with UEFI. If your system boots with a UEFI boot loader,
install the package ebiso and add the following line into /etc/rear/local.conf :


How to back up files and how to create and store the disaster recovery system. This needs
to be configured in /etc/rear/local.conf .

316 Basic Steps SLE HA 15 SP1

What to re-create exactly (partitioning, file systems, mount points, etc.). This can be de-
fined in /etc/rear/local.conf (for example, what to exclude). To re-create non-stan-
dard systems, you may need to enhance the Bash scripts.

How the recovery process works. To change how Rear generates the recovery installer, or
to adapt what the Rear recovery installer does, you need to edit the Bash scripts.

To configure Rear, add your options to the /etc/rear/local.conf configuration le. (The
former configuration le /etc/rear/sites.conf has been removed from the package. How-
ever, if you have such a le from your last setup, Rear will still use it.)
All Rear configuration variables and their default values are set in /usr/share/rear/conf/
default.conf . Some example les ( *example.conf ) for user configurations (for example,
what is set in /etc/rear/local.conf ) are available in the examples subdirectory. Find more
information in the Rear man page.
You should start with a matching example configuration le as template and adapt it as need-
ed to create your particular configuration le. Copy various options from several example con-
figuration les and paste them into your specific /etc/rear/local.conf le that matches
your particular system. Do not use original example configuration les, because they provide
an overview of variables that can be used for specific setups.


Rear can be used in different scenarios. The following example uses an NFS server as
storage for the le backup.

1. Set up an NFS server with YaST as described in the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
SP1 Administration Guide, chapter Sharing File Systems with NFS. It is available from http:// .

2. Define the configuration for your NFS server in the /etc/exports le. Make sure the
directory on the NFS server (where you want the backup data to be available), has the
right mount options. For example:

/srv/nfs *([...],rw,no_root_squash,[...])

Replace /srv/nfs with the path to your backup data on the NFS server and adjust the
mount options. You might need no_root_squash as the rear mkbackup command runs
as root .

317 Setting Up Rear and Your Backup Solution SLE HA 15 SP1

3. Adjust the various BACKUP parameters in the configuration le /etc/rear/local.conf
to make Rear store the le backup on the respective NFS server. Find examples in your
installed system under /usr/share/rear/conf/examples/SLE*-example.conf .


Using third-party backup tools instead of tar requires appropriate settings in the Rear
configuration le.
The following is an example configuration for EMC NetWorker. Add this configuration
snippet to /etc/rear/local.conf and adjust it according to your setup:


24.3 Creating the Recovery Installation System

After you have configured Rear as described in Section  24.2, create the recovery installation
system (including the Rear recovery installer) plus the le backup with the following command:

rear -d -D mkbackup

It executes the following steps:

1. Analyzing the target system and gathering information, in particular about the disk layout
(partitioning, le systems, mount points) and about the boot loader.

2. Creating a bootable recovery system with the information gathered in the rst step. The
resulting Rear recovery installer is specific to the system that you want to protect from
disaster. It can only be used to re-create this specific system.

3. Calling the configured backup tool to back up system and user les.

24.4 Testing the Recovery Process

After having created the recovery system, test the recovery process on a test machine with
identical hardware. See also Section 24.1.4, “Rear Requirements”. Make sure the test machine is
correctly set up and can serve as a replacement for your main machine.

318 Creating the Recovery Installation System SLE HA 15 SP1

Warning: Extensive Testing on Identical Hardware
Thorough testing of the disaster recovery process on machines is required. Test the re-
covery procedure on a regular basis to ensure everything works as expected.


1. Create a recovery medium by burning the recovery system that you have created in Sec-
tion 24.3 to a DVD or CD. Alternatively, you can use a network boot via PXE.

2. Boot the test machine from the recovery medium.

3. From the menu, select Recover.

4. Log in as root (no password needed).

5. Enter the following command to start the recovery installer:

rear -d -D recover

For details about the steps that Rear takes during the process, see Recovery Process.

6. After the recovery process has finished, check whether the system has been successfully
re-created and can serve as a replacement for your original system in the production en-

24.5 Recovering from Disaster

In case a disaster has occurred, replace any broken hardware if necessary. Then proceed as
described in Procedure 24.1, using either the repaired machine (or a tested, identical machine
that can serve as a replacement for your original system).
The rear recover command will execute the following steps:


1. Restoring the disk layout (partitions, le systems, and mount points).

2. Restoring the system and user les from the backup.

3. Restoring the boot loader.

319 Recovering from Disaster SLE HA 15 SP1

24.6 For More Information

rear man page


320 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

IV Appendix

A Troubleshooting 322

B Naming Conventions 332

C Cluster Management Tools (Command Line) 333

D Running Cluster Reports Without root Access 335

A Troubleshooting

Strange problems may occur that are not easy to understand, especially when start-
ing to experiment with High Availability. However, there are several utilities that
allow you to take a closer look at the High Availability internal processes. This
chapter recommends various solutions.

A.1 Installation and First Steps

Troubleshooting difficulties when installing the packages or bringing the cluster online.

Are the HA packages installed?

The packages needed for configuring and managing a cluster are included in the High
Availability installation pattern, available with the High Availability Extension.
Check if High Availability Extension is installed as an extension to SUSE Linux Enterprise
Server 15 SP1 on each of the cluster nodes and if the High Availability pattern is installed
on each of the machines as described in the Installation and Setup Quick Start.

Is the initial configuration the same for all cluster nodes?

To communicate with each other, all nodes belonging to the same cluster need to use the
same bindnetaddr , mcastaddr and mcastport as described in Chapter 4, Using the YaST
Cluster Module.
Check if the communication channels and options configured in /etc/corosync/coro-
sync.conf are the same for all cluster nodes.
In case you use encrypted communication, check if the /etc/corosync/authkey le is
available on all cluster nodes.
All corosync.conf settings except for nodeid must be the same; authkey les on all
nodes must be identical.

Does the firewall allow communication via the mcastport ?

If the mcastport used for communication between the cluster nodes is blocked by the fire-
wall, the nodes cannot see each other. When doing the initial setup with YaST or the boot-
strap scripts (as described in Chapter 4, Using the YaST Cluster Module or the Article “Installation
and Setup Quick Start”, respectively), the firewall settings are usually automatically adjusted.
To make sure the mcastport is not blocked by the firewall, check the firewall settings on
each node.

322 Installation and First Steps SLE HA 15 SP1

Are Pacemaker and Corosync started on each cluster node?
Usually, starting Pacemaker also starts the Corosync service. To check if both services are

root # crm cluster status

In case they are not running, start them by executing the following command:

root # crm cluster start

A.2 Logging
Where to find the log files?
Pacemaker writes its log les into the /var/log/pacemaker directory. The main Pace-
maker log le is /var/log/pacemaker/pacemaker.log . In case you cannot nd the log
les, check the logging settings in /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker , Pacemaker's own con-
figuration le. If PCMK_logfile is configured there, Pacemaker will use the path that is
defined by this parameter.
If you need a cluster-wide report showing all relevant log les, see How can I create a report
with an analysis of all my cluster nodes? for more information.

I enabled monitoring but there is no trace of monitoring operations in the log files?
The pacemaker-execd daemon does not log recurring monitor operations unless an error
occurred. Logging all recurring operations would produce too much noise. Therefore re-
curring monitor operations are logged only once an hour.

I only get a failed message. Is it possible to get more information?

Add the --verbose parameter to your commands. If you do that multiple times, the debug
output becomes quite verbose. See the logging data ( sudo journalctl -n ) for useful

How can I get an overview of all my nodes and resources?

Use the crm_mon command. The following displays the resource operation history (option
-o ) and inactive resources ( -r ):

root # crm_mon -o -r

323 Logging SLE HA 15 SP1

The display is refreshed when the status changes (to cancel this press Ctrl – C ). An ex-
ample may look like:

Last updated: Fri Aug 15 10:42:08 2014

Last change: Fri Aug 15 10:32:19 2014
Stack: corosync
Current DC: bob (175704619) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.12-ad083a8
2 Nodes configured
3 Resources configured

Online: [ alice bob ]

Full list of resources:

my_ipaddress (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Started bob

my_filesystem (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Stopped
my_webserver (ocf:heartbeat:Dummy): Stopped

* Node bob:
my_ipaddress: migration-threshold=3
+ (14) start: rc=0 (ok)
+ (15) monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok)
* Node alice:

The Pacemaker Explained PDF, available at ,

covers three different recovery types in the How are OCF Return Codes Interpreted? section.

How to view logs?

For a more detailed view of what is happening in your cluster, use the following command:

root # crm history log [NODE]

Replace NODE with the node you want to examine, or leave it empty. See Section A.5, “His-
tory” for further information.

A.3 Resources
How can I clean up my resources?
Use the following commands:

root # crm resource list

324 Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

crm resource cleanup rscid [node]

If you leave out the node, the resource is cleaned on all nodes. More information can be
found in Section 8.4.3, “Cleaning Up Resources”.

How can I list my currently known resources?

Use the command crm resource list to display your current resources.

I configured a resource, but it always fails. Why?

To check an OCF script use ocf-tester , for instance:

ocf-tester -n ip1 -o ip=YOUR_IP_ADDRESS \


Use -o multiple times for more parameters. The list of required and optional parameters
can be obtained by running crm ra info AGENT , for example:

root # crm ra info ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr

Before running ocf-tester, make sure the resource is not managed by the cluster.

Why do resources not fail over and why are there no errors?
The terminated node might be considered unclean. Then it is necessary to fence it. If the
STONITH resource is not operational or does not exist, the remaining node will waiting
for the fencing to happen. The fencing timeouts are typically high, so it may take quite a
while to see any obvious sign of problems (if ever).
Yet another possible explanation is that a resource is simply not allowed to run on this
node. That may be because of a failure which happened in the past and which was not
“cleaned”. Or it may be because of an earlier administrative action, that is a location con-
straint with a negative score. Such a location constraint is inserted by the crm resource
migrate command, for example.

Why can I never tell where my resource will run?

If there are no location constraints for a resource, its placement is subject to an (almost)
random node choice. You are well advised to always express a preferred node for resources.
That does not mean that you need to specify location preferences for all resources. One
preference suffices for a set of related (colocated) resources. A node preference looks like

location rsc-prefers-alice rsc 100: alice

325 Resources SLE HA 15 SP1

A.4 STONITH and Fencing
Why does my STONITH resource not start?
Start (or enable) operation includes checking the status of the device. If the device is not
ready, the STONITH resource will fail to start.
At the same time the STONITH plugin will be asked to produce a host list. If this list is
empty, there is no point in running a STONITH resource which cannot shoot anything.
The name of the host on which STONITH is running is filtered from the list, since the node
cannot shoot itself.
If you want to use single-host management devices such as lights-out devices, make sure
that the STONITH resource is not allowed to run on the node which it is supposed to fence.
Use an infinitely negative location node preference (constraint). The cluster will move the
STONITH resource to another place where it can start, but not before informing you.

Why does fencing not happen, although I have the STONITH resource?
Each STONITH resource must provide a host list. This list may be inserted by hand in the
STONITH resource configuration or retrieved from the device itself from outlet names, for
example. That depends on the nature of the STONITH plugin. pacemaker-fenced uses
the list to nd out which STONITH resource can fence the target node. Only if the node
appears in the list can the STONITH resource shoot (fence) the node.
If pacemaker-fenced does not nd the node in any of the host lists provided by running
STONITH resources, it will ask pacemaker-fenced instances on other nodes. If the target
node does not show up in the host lists of other pacemaker-fenced instances, the fencing
request ends in a timeout at the originating node.

Why does my STONITH resource fail occasionally?

Power management devices may give up if there is too much broadcast traffic. Space out
the monitor operations. Given that fencing is necessary only once in a while (and hopefully
never), checking the device status once a few hours is more than enough.
Also, some of these devices may refuse to talk to more than one party at the same time.
This may be a problem if you keep a terminal or browser session open while the cluster
tries to test the status.

326 STONITH and Fencing SLE HA 15 SP1

A.5 History
How to retrieve status information or a log from a failed resource?
Use the history command and its subcommand resource :

root # crm history resource NAME1

This gives you a full transition log for the given resource only. However, it is possible to
investigate more than one resource. Append the resource names after the rst.
If you followed some naming conventions (see section ), the resource command makes
it easier to investigate a group of resources. For example, this command investigates all
primitives starting with db :

root # crm history resource db*

View the log le in /var/cache/crm/history/live/alice/ha-log.txt .

How can I reduce the history output?

There are two options for the history command:

Use exclude

Use timeframe

The exclude command let you set an additive regular expression that excludes certain
patterns from the log. For example, the following command excludes all SSH, systemd,
and kernel messages:

root # crm history exclude ssh|systemd|kernel.

With the timeframe command you limit the output to a certain range. For example, the
following command shows all the events on August 23rd from 12:00 to 12:30:

root # crm history timeframe "Aug 23 12:00" "Aug 23 12:30"

How can I store a “session” for later inspection?

When you encounter a bug or an event that needs further examination, it is useful to
store all the current settings. This le can be sent to support or viewed with bzless . For

crm(live)history# timeframe "Oct 13 15:00" "Oct 13 16:00"

crm(live)history# session save tux-test
crm(live)history# session pack

327 History SLE HA 15 SP1

Report saved in '/root/tux-test.tar.bz2'

A.6 Hawk2
Replacing the Self-Signed Certificate
To avoid the warning about the self-signed certificate on rst Hawk2 start-up, replace the
automatically created certificate with your own certificate (or a certificate that was signed
by an official Certificate Authority, CA):

1. Replace /etc/hawk/hawk.key with the private key.

2. Replace /etc/hawk/hawk.pem with the certificate that Hawk2 should present.

Change ownership of the les to root:haclient and make the les accessible to the

chown root:haclient /etc/hawk/hawk.key /etc/hawk/hawk.pem

chmod 640 /etc/hawk/hawk.key /etc/hawk/hawk.pem

A.7 Miscellaneous
How can I run commands on all cluster nodes?
Use the command pssh for this task. If necessary, install pssh . Create a le (for example
hosts.txt ) where you collect all your IP addresses or host names you want to visit. Make
sure you can log in with ssh to each host listed in your hosts.txt le. If everything
is correctly prepared, execute pssh and use the hosts.txt le (option -h ) and the
interactive mode (option -i ) as shown in this example:

pssh -i -h hosts.txt "ls -l /corosync/*.conf"

[1] 08:28:32 [SUCCESS]
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1480 Nov 14 13:37 /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
[2] 08:28:32 [SUCCESS] root@
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1480 Nov 14 13:37 /etc/corosync/corosync.conf

What is the state of my cluster?

To check the current state of your cluster, use one of the programs crm_mon or crm
status . This displays the current DC and all the nodes and resources known by the current

328 Hawk2 SLE HA 15 SP1

Why can several nodes of my cluster not see each other?
There could be several reasons:

Look rst in the configuration le /etc/corosync/corosync.conf . Check if the

multicast or unicast address is the same for every node in the cluster (look in the
interface section with the key mcastaddr ).

Check your firewall settings.

Check if your switch supports multicast or unicast addresses.

Check if the connection between your nodes is broken. Most often, this is the result
of a badly configured firewall. This also may be the reason for a split brain condition,
where the cluster is partitioned.

Why can an OCFS2 device not be mounted?

Check the log messages ( sudo journalctl -n ) for the following line:

Jan 12 09:58:55 alice pacemaker-execd: [3487]: info: RA output: [...]

ERROR: Could not load ocfs2_stackglue
Jan 12 16:04:22 alice modprobe: FATAL: Module ocfs2_stackglue not found.

In this case the Kernel module ocfs2_stackglue.ko is missing. Install the package
ocfs2-kmp-default , ocfs2-kmp-pae or ocfs2-kmp-xen , depending on the installed

How can I create a report with an analysis of all my cluster nodes?

On the crm shell, use crm report to create a report. This tool compiles:

Cluster-wide log les,

Package states,

DLM/OCFS2 states,

System information,

CIB history,

Parsing of core dump reports, if a debuginfo package is installed.

Usually run crm report with the following command:

root # crm report -f 0:00 -n alice -n bob

329 Miscellaneous SLE HA 15 SP1

The command extracts all information since 0am on the hosts alice and bob and creates
a *.tar.bz2 archive named crm_report-DATE.tar.bz2 in the current directory, for
example, crm_report-Wed-03-Mar-2012 . If you are only interested in a specific time
frame, add the end time with the -t option.

Warning: Remove Sensitive Information

The crm report tool tries to remove any sensitive information from the CIB and
the PE input les, however, it cannot know everything. If you have more sensitive
information, supply additional patterns with the -p option (see man page). The log
les and the crm_mon , ccm_tool , and crm_verify output are not sanitized.
Before sharing your data in any way, check the archive and remove all information
you do not want to expose.

Customize the command execution with further options. For example, if you have a Pace-
maker cluster, you certainly want to add the option -A . In case you have another user
who has permissions to the cluster, use the -u option and specify this user (in addition to
root and hacluster ). In case you have a non-standard SSH port, use the -X option to
add the port (for example, with the port 3479, use -X "-p 3479" ). Further options can
be found in the man page of crm report .
After crm report has analyzed all the relevant log les and created the directory (or
archive), check the log les for an uppercase ERROR string. The most important les in
the top level directory of the report are:

Compares les that should be identical on all nodes.

Contains a copy of the Corosync configuration le.

Contains the output of the crm_mon command.

Contains all cluster package versions on your nodes. There is also the sysinfo.txt
le which is node specific. It is linked to the top directory.
This le can be used as a template to describe the issue you encountered and post it
to .

330 Miscellaneous SLE HA 15 SP1

A list of all nodes

Contains a list of all relevant package names and their versions. Additionally, there
is also a list of configuration les which are different from the original RPM package.
Node-specific les are stored in a subdirectory named by the node's name. It contains a
copy of the directory /etc of the respective node.
In case you need to simplify the arguments, set your default values in the configuration
le /etc/crm/crm.conf , section report . Further information is written in the man page
man 8 crmsh_hb_report .

A.8 For More Information

For additional information about high availability on Linux, including configuring cluster re-
sources and managing and customizing a High Availability cluster, see
ki/Documentation .

331 For More Information SLE HA 15 SP1

B Naming Conventions
This guide uses the following naming conventions for cluster nodes and names, cluster resources,
and constraints.

Cluster Nodes
Cluster nodes use rst names:
alice, bob, charlie, doro, and eris

Cluster Site Names

Cluster sites are named after cities:
amsterdam, berlin, canberra, dublin, fukuoka, gizeh, hanoi, and istanbul

Cluster Resources

Primitives No prefix

Groups Prefix g-

Clones Prefix cl-

Promotable Clones (formerly known as multi-state resources)

Prefix ms-


Ordering constraints Prefix o-

Location constraints Prefix loc-

Colocation constraints Prefix col-

332 SLE HA 15 SP1

C Cluster Management Tools (Command Line)

High Availability Extension ships with a comprehensive set of tools to assists you in managing
your cluster from the command line. This chapter introduces the tools needed for managing
the cluster configuration in the CIB and the cluster resources. Other command line tools for
managing resource agents or tools used for debugging (and troubleshooting) your setup are
covered in Appendix A, Troubleshooting.

Note: Use crmsh

This tool is for experts only. Usually the crm shell (crmsh) is the recommended way of
managing your cluster.

The following list presents several tasks related to cluster management and briey introduces
the tools to use to accomplish these tasks:

Monitoring the Cluster's Status

The crm_mon command allows you to monitor your cluster's status and configuration.
Its output includes the number of nodes, uname, UUID, status, the resources configured
in your cluster, and the current status of each. The output of crm_mon can be displayed
at the console or printed into an HTML le. When provided with a cluster configuration
le without the status section, crm_mon creates an overview of nodes and resources as
specified in the le. See the crm_mon man page for a detailed introduction to this tool's
usage and command syntax.

Managing the CIB

The cibadmin command is the low-level administrative command for manipulating the
CIB. It can be used to dump all or part of the CIB, update all or part of it, modify all or part
of it, delete the entire CIB, or perform miscellaneous CIB administrative operations. See the
cibadmin man page for a detailed introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.

Managing Configuration Changes

The crm_diff command assists you in creating and applying XML patches. This can be
useful for visualizing the changes between two versions of the cluster configuration or
saving changes so they can be applied at a later time using cibadmin . See the crm_diff
man page for a detailed introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.

333 SLE HA 15 SP1

Manipulating CIB Attributes
The crm_attribute command lets you query and manipulate node attributes and cluster
configuration options that are used in the CIB. See the crm_attribute man page for a
detailed introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.

Validating the Cluster Configuration

The crm_verify command checks the configuration database (CIB) for consistency and
other problems. It can check a le containing the configuration or connect to a running
cluster. It reports two classes of problems. Errors must be xed before the High Availabil-
ity Extension can work properly while warning resolution is up to the administrator. cr-
m_verify assists in creating new or modified configurations. You can take a local copy
of a CIB in the running cluster, edit it, validate it using crm_verify , then put the new
configuration into effect using cibadmin . See the crm_verify man page for a detailed
introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.

Managing Resource Configurations

The crm_resource command performs various resource-related actions on the cluster. It
lets you modify the definition of configured resources, start and stop resources, or delete
and migrate resources between nodes. See the crm_resource man page for a detailed
introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.

Managing Resource Fail Counts

The crm_failcount command queries the number of failures per resource on a given
node. This tool can also be used to reset the failcount, allowing the resource to again run
on nodes where it had failed too often. See the crm_failcount man page for a detailed
introduction to this tool's usage and command syntax.

Managing a Node's Standby Status

The crm_standby command can manipulate a node's standby attribute. Any node in stand-
by mode is no longer eligible to host resources and any resources that are there must be
moved. Standby mode can be useful for performing maintenance tasks, such as Kernel up-
dates. Remove the standby attribute from the node for it to become a fully active member
of the cluster again. See the crm_standby man page for a detailed introduction to this
tool's usage and command syntax.

334 SLE HA 15 SP1

D Running Cluster Reports Without root Access
All cluster nodes must be able to access each other via SSH. Tools like crm report (for trou-
bleshooting) and Hawk2's History Explorer require passwordless SSH access between the nodes,
otherwise they can only collect data from the current node.
If passwordless SSH root access does not comply with regulatory requirements, you can use a
work-around for running cluster reports. It consists of the following basic steps:

1. Creating a dedicated local user account (for running crm report ).

2. Configuring passwordless SSH access for that user account, ideally by using a non-standard
SSH port.

3. Configuring sudo for that user.

4. Running crm report as that user.

By default when crm report is run, it attempts to log in to remote nodes rst as root , then
as user hacluster . However, if your local security policy prevents root login using SSH,
the script execution will fail on all remote nodes. Even attempting to run the script as user
hacluster will fail because this is a service account, and its shell is set to /bin/false , which
prevents login. Creating a dedicated local user is the only option to successfully run the crm
report script on all nodes in the High Availability cluster.

D.1 Creating a Local User Account

In the following example, we will create a local user named hareport from command line. The
password can be anything that meets your security requirements. Alternatively, you can create
the user account and set the password with YaST.


1. Start a shell and create a user hareport with a home directory /home/hareport :

root # useradd -m -d /home/hareport -c "HA Report" hareport

2. Set a password for the user:

root # passwd hareport

3. When prompted, enter and re-enter a password for the user.

335 Creating a Local User Account SLE HA 15 SP1

Important: Same User Is Required On Each Cluster Node
To create the same user account on all nodes, repeat the steps above on each cluster node.

D.2 Configuring a Passwordless SSH Account


By default, the SSH daemon and the SSH client talk and listen on port 22 . If your network
security guidelines require the default SSH port to be changed to an alternate high num-
bered port, you need to modify the daemon's configuration le /etc/ssh/sshd_config .

1. To modify the default port, search the le for the Port line, uncomment it and edit it
according to your wishes. For example, set it to:

Port 5022

2. If your organization does not permit the root user to access other servers, search the le
for the PermitRootLogin entry, uncomment it and set it to no :

PermitRootLogin no

3. Alternatively, add the respective lines to the end of the le by executing the following

root # echo “PermitRootLogin no” >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config

root # echo “Port 5022” >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config

4. After modifying /etc/ssh/sshd_config , restart the SSH daemon to make the new set-
tings take effect:

root # systemctl restart sshd

Important: Same Settings Are Required On Each Cluster Node

Repeat the SSH daemon configuration above on each cluster node.


If the SSH port change is going to be made on all nodes in the cluster, it is useful to modify
the SSH configuration le, /etc/ssh/sshd_config .

336 Configuring a Passwordless SSH Account SLE HA 15 SP1

1. To modify the default port, search the le for the Port line, uncomment it and edit it
according to your wishes. For example, set it to:

Port 5022

2. Alternatively, add the respective line to the end of the le by executing the following

root # echo “Port 5022” >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Note: Settings Only Required on One Node

The SSH client configuration above is only needed on the node on which you want to
run the cluster report.
Alternatively, you can use the -X option to run the crm report with a custom SSH
port or even make crm report use your custom SSH port by default. For details, see
Procedure D.5, “Generating a Cluster Report Using a Custom SSH Port”.


You can access other servers using SSH and not be asked for a password. While this may
appear insecure at rst sight, it is actually a very secure access method since the users can
only access servers that their public key has been shared with. The shared key must be
created as the user that will use the key.

1. Log in to one of the nodes with the user account that you have created for running cluster
reports (in our example above, the user account was hareport ).

2. Generate a new key:

hareport > ssh-keygen –t rsa

This command will generate a 2048 bit key by default. The default location for the key is
~/.ssh/ . You are asked to set a passphrase on the key. However, do not enter a passphrase
because for passwordless login there must not be a passphrase on the key.

3. After the keys have been generated, copy the public key to each of the other nodes (in-
cluding the node where you created the key):

hareport > ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ HOSTNAME_OR_IP

337 Configuring a Passwordless SSH Account SLE HA 15 SP1

In the command, you can either use the DNS name for each server, an alias, or the IP
address. During the copy process you will be asked to accept the host key for each node,
and you will need to provide the password for the hareport user account (this will be
the only time you need to enter it).

4. After the key is shared to all cluster nodes, test if you can log in as user hareport to the
other nodes by using passwordless SSH:

hareport > ssh HOSTNAME_OR_IP

You should be automatically connected to the remote server without being asked to accept
a certificate or enter a password.

Note: Settings Only Required on One Node

If you intend to run the cluster report from the same node each time, it is sufficient to
execute the procedure above on this node only. Otherwise repeat the procedure on each

D.3 Configuring sudo

The sudo command allows a regular user to quickly become root and issue a command, with
or without providing a password. Sudo access can be given to all root-level commands or to
specific commands only. Sudo typically uses aliases to define the entire command string.
To configure sudo either use visudo (not vi) or YaST.

Warning: Do Not Use vi

For sudo configuration from command line, you must edit the sudoers le as root with
visudo . Using any other editor may result in syntax or le permission errors that prevent
sudo from running.

1. Log in as root .

2. To open the /etc/sudoers le, enter visudo .

3. Look for the following categories: Host alias specification , User alias specifi-
cation , Cmnd alias specification , and Runas alias specification .

338 Configuring sudo SLE HA 15 SP1

4. Add the following entries to the respective categories in /etc/sudoers :

Host_Alias CLUSTER = alice,bob,charlie 1

User_Alias HA = hareport 2

Cmnd_Alias HA_ALLOWED = /bin/su, /usr/sbin/crm report * 3

Runas_Alias R = root 4

1 The host alias defines on which server (or range of servers) the sudo user has rights
to issue commands. In the host alias you can use DNS names, or IP addresses, or
specify an entire network range (for example, ). To limit the scope
of access you should specify the host names for the cluster nodes only.
2 The user alias allows you to add multiple local user accounts to a single alias. How-
ever, in this case you could avoid creating an alias since only one account is being
used. In the example above, we added the hareport user which we have created
for running cluster reports.
3 The command alias defines which commands can be executed by the user. This is
useful if you want to limit what the non-root user can access when using sudo . In
this case the hareport user account will need access to the commands crm report
and su .
4 The runas alias specifies the account that the command will be run as. In this case
root .

5. Search for the following two lines:

Defaults targetpw

As they would conflict with the setup we want to create, disable them:

#Defaults targetpw

6. Look for the User privilege specification .

7. After having defined the aliases above, you can now add the following rule there:


The NOPASSWORD option ensures that the user hareport can execute the cluster report
without providing a password.

339 Configuring sudo SLE HA 15 SP1

Important: Same sudo Configuration Is Required on Each Cluster
This sudo configuration must be made on all nodes in the cluster. No other changes are
needed for sudo and no services need to be restarted.

D.4 Generating a Cluster Report

To run cluster reports with the settings you have configured above, you need to be logged in to
one of the nodes as user hareport . To start a cluster report, use the crm report command.
For example:

root # crm report -f 0:00 -n "alice bob charlie"

This command will extract all information since 0 am on the named nodes and create a
*.tar.bz2 archive named pcmk-DATE.tar.bz2 in the current directory.


1. When using a custom SSH port, use the -X with crm report to modify the client's SSH
port. For example, if your custom SSH port is 5022 , use the following command:

root # crm report -X "-p 5022" [...]

2. To set your custom SSH port permanently for crm report , start the interactive crm shell:

crm options

3. Enter the following:

crm(live)options# set core.report_tool_options "-X -oPort=5022"

340 Generating a Cluster Report SLE HA 15 SP1


active/active, active/passive
A concept of how services are running on nodes. An active-passive scenario means that one
or more services are running on the active node and the passive node waits for the active
node to fail. Active-active means that each node is active and passive at the same time. For
example, it has some services running, but can take over other services from the other node.
Compare with primary/secondary and dual-primary in DRBD speak.

Additional instance in a Geo cluster that helps to reach consensus about decisions such as
failover of resources across sites. Arbitrators are single machines that run one or more booth
instances in a special mode.

AutoYaST is a system for installing one or more SUSE Linux Enterprise systems automatically
and without user intervention.

bindnetaddr (bind network address)

The network address the Corosync executive should bind to.

The instance that manages the failover process between the sites of a Geo cluster. It aims
to get multi-site resources active on one and only one site. This is achieved by using so-
called tickets that are treated as failover domain between cluster sites, in case a site should
be down.

boothd (booth daemon)

Each of the participating clusters and arbitrators in a Geo cluster runs a service, the boothd .
It connects to the booth daemons running at the other sites and exchanges connectivity

CCM (consensus cluster membership)

The CCM determines which nodes make up the cluster and shares this information across
the cluster. Any new addition and any loss of nodes or quorum is delivered by the CCM. A
CCM module runs on each node of the cluster.

341 SLE HA 15 SP1

CIB (cluster information base)
A representation of the whole cluster configuration and status (cluster options, nodes, re-
sources, constraints and the relationship to each other). It is written in XML and resides in
memory. A master CIB is kept and maintained on the DC (designated coordinator) and repli-
cated to the other nodes. Normal read and write operations on the CIB are serialized through
the master CIB.

A high-performance cluster is a group of computers (real or virtual) sharing the application
load to achieve faster results. A high-availability cluster is designed primarily to secure the
highest possible availability of services.

cluster partition
Whenever communication fails between one or more nodes and the rest of the cluster, a
cluster partition occurs. The nodes of a cluster are split into partitions but still active. They
can only communicate with nodes in the same partition and are unaware of the separated
nodes. As the loss of the nodes on the other partition cannot be confirmed, a split brain
scenario develops (see also split brain).

concurrency violation
A resource that should be running on only one node in the cluster is running on several nodes.

conntrack tools
Allow interaction with the in-kernel connection tracking system for enabling stateful packet
inspection for iptables. Used by the High Availability Extension to synchronize the connec-
tion status between cluster nodes.

CRM (cluster resource manager)

The management entity responsible for coordinating all non-local interactions in a High
Availability cluster. The High Availability Extension uses Pacemaker as CRM. The CRM is
implemented as pacemaker-controld . It interacts with several components: local resource
managers, both on its own node and on the other nodes, non-local CRMs, administrative
commands, the fencing functionality, and the membership layer.

The command line utility crmsh manages your cluster, nodes, and resources.
See Chapter 8, Configuring and Managing Cluster Resources (Command Line) for more information.

342 SLE HA 15 SP1

A synchronization tool that can be used to replicate configuration les across all nodes in
the cluster, and even across Geo clusters.

DC (designated coordinator)
The DC is elected from all nodes in the cluster. This happens if there is no DC yet or if the
current DC leaves the cluster for any reason. The DC is the only entity in the cluster that
can decide that a cluster-wide change needs to be performed, such as fencing a node or
moving resources around. All other nodes get their configuration and resource allocation
information from the current DC.

Unexpected interruption of critical infrastructure induced by nature, humans, hardware fail-
ure, or software bugs.

Disaster Recover Plan

A strategy to recover from a disaster with minimum impact on IT infrastructure.

Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery is the process by which a business function is restored to the normal, steady
state after a disaster.

DLM (distributed lock manager)

DLM coordinates disk access for clustered le systems and administers le locking to increase
performance and availability.

DRBD® is a block device designed for building high availability clusters. The whole block
device is mirrored via a dedicated network and is seen as a network RAID-1.

existing cluster
The term “existing cluster” is used to refer to any cluster that consists of at least one node.
Existing clusters have a basic Corosync configuration that defines the communication chan-
nels, but they do not necessarily have resource configuration yet.

Occurs when a resource or node fails on one machine and the affected resources are started
on another node.

343 SLE HA 15 SP1

failover domain
A named subset of cluster nodes that are eligible to run a cluster service if a node fails.

Describes the concept of preventing access to a shared resource by isolated or failing cluster
members. There are two classes of fencing: resource level fencing and node level fencing.
Resource level fencing ensures exclusive access to a given resource. Node level fencing pre-
vents a failed node from accessing shared resources entirely and prevents resources from
running on a node whose status is uncertain. This is usually done in a simple and abrupt
way: reset or power o the node.

Geo cluster
Consists of multiple, geographically dispersed sites with a local cluster each. The sites com-
municate via IP. Failover across the sites is coordinated by a higher-level entity, the booth.
Geo clusters need to cope with limited network bandwidth and high latency. Storage is repli-
cated asynchronously.

Geo cluster (geographically dispersed cluster)

See Geo cluster.

load balancing
The ability to make several servers participate in the same service and do the same work.

local cluster
A single cluster in one location (for example, all nodes are located in one data center).
Network latency can be neglected. Storage is typically accessed synchronously by all nodes.

LRM (local resource manager)

The local resource manager is located between the Pacemaker layer and the resources lay-
er on each node. It is implemented as pacemaker-execd daemon. Through this daemon,
Pacemaker can start, stop, and monitor resources.

mcastaddr (multicast address)

IP address to be used for multicasting by the Corosync executive. The IP address can either
be IPv4 or IPv6.

mcastport (multicast port)

The port to use for cluster communication.

344 SLE HA 15 SP1

metro cluster
A single cluster that can stretch over multiple buildings or data centers, with all sites con-
nected by fibre channel. Network latency is usually low (<5 ms for distances of approxi-
mately 20 miles). Storage is frequently replicated (mirroring or synchronous replication).

A technology used for a one-to-many communication within a network that can be used for
cluster communication. Corosync supports both multicast and unicast.

Any computer (real or virtual) that is a member of a cluster and invisible to the user.

pacemaker-controld (cluster controller daemon)

The CRM is implemented as daemon, pacemaker-controld. It has an instance on each cluster
node. All cluster decision-making is centralized by electing one of the pacemaker-controld
instances to act as a master. If the elected pacemaker-controld process fails (or the node it
ran on), a new one is established.

PE (policy engine)
The policy engine is implemented as pacemaker-schedulerd daemon. When a cluster tran-
sition is needed, based on the current state and configuration, pacemaker-schedulerd cal-
culates the expected next state of the cluster. It determines what actions need to be sched-
uled to achieve the next state.

In a cluster, a cluster partition is defined to have quorum (be “quorate”) if it has the majority
of nodes (or votes). Quorum distinguishes exactly one partition. It is part of the algorithm
to prevent several disconnected partitions or nodes from proceeding and causing data and
service corruption (split brain). Quorum is a prerequisite for fencing, which then ensures
that quorum is indeed unique.

RA (resource agent)
A script acting as a proxy to manage a resource (for example, to start, stop or monitor a
resource). The High Availability Extension supports different kinds of resource agents: For
details, see Section 6.3.2, “Supported Resource Agent Classes”.

Rear (Relax and Recover)

An administrator tool set for creating disaster recovery images.

345 SLE HA 15 SP1

Any type of service or application that is known to Pacemaker. Examples include an IP
address, a le system, or a database.
The term “resource” is also used for DRBD, where it names a set of block devices that are
using a common connection for replication.

RRP (redundant ring protocol)

Allows the use of multiple redundant local area networks for resilience against partial or
total network faults. This way, cluster communication can still be kept up as long as a single
network is operational. Corosync supports the Totem Redundant Ring Protocol.

SBD (STONITH Block Device)

Provides a node fencing mechanism through the exchange of messages via shared block
storage (SAN, iSCSI, FCoE, etc.). Can also be used in diskless mode. Needs a hardware or
software watchdog on each node to ensure that misbehaving nodes are really stopped.

SFEX (shared disk file exclusiveness)

SFEX provides storage protection over SAN.

split brain
A scenario in which the cluster nodes are divided into two or more groups that do not know
of each other (either through a software or hardware failure). STONITH prevents a split
brain situation from badly affecting the entire cluster. Also known as a “partitioned cluster”
The term split brain is also used in DRBD but means that the two nodes contain different data.

SPOF (single point of failure)

Any component of a cluster that, should it fail, triggers the failure of the entire cluster.

The acronym for “Shoot the other node in the head”. It refers to the fencing mechanism that
shuts down a misbehaving node to prevent it from causing trouble in a cluster. In a Pace-
maker cluster, the implementation of node level fencing is STONITH. For this, Pacemaker
comes with a fencing subsystem, pacemaker-fenced .

Planned, on-demand moving of services to other nodes in a cluster. See failover.

346 SLE HA 15 SP1

A component used in Geo clusters. A ticket grants the right to run certain resources on a
specific cluster site. A ticket can only be owned by one site at a time. Resources can be
bound to a certain ticket by dependencies. Only if the defined ticket is available at a site, the
respective resources are started. Vice versa, if the ticket is removed, the resources depending
on that ticket are automatically stopped.

A technology for sending messages to a single network destination. Corosync supports both
multicast and unicast. In Corosync, unicast is implemented as UDP-unicast (UDPU).

347 SLE HA 15 SP1

E GNU Licenses
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same cover, previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are
acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit
permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.

349 SLE HA 15 SP1


The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free Documen-
tation License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present
version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See
copyleft/ .
Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document specifies
that a particular numbered version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you have
the option of following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or of any
later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the
Document does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever
published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.

ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

Copyright (c) YEAR YOUR NAME.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU
Free Documentation License”.

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts, replace the
“with...Texts.” line with this:

with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the
Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other combination of the three,
merge those two alternatives to suit the situation.
If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we recommend releasing
these examples in parallel under your choice of free software license, such as the GNU General
Public License, to permit their use in free software.

350 SLE HA 15 SP1

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