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Prometric 2015 DR - Kadeeb Vol1.0. Jan2015 Solved

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

 Prometric recent question as Dec 2014,Jan 2015.
 Vol1.0. has some Qs. With no answers, will answer
isa in 1.1.
 Other files included here are:-
My exam 11/1/2015
Prometric EXAM
2014/12/25‫سارة محمدين‬.‫د‬
2014/12/25‫بالل محمد‬.‫د‬
1 ‫ملف تجميع احدث االسئلة‬
 Also included the most repeated questions.
 Answers from facebook groups, or specialists
confirmed answers.
 Some answers different than the previous files,
should ours be the Correct answers.
 Will issue vol 1.1. in less than a month in shaa Allah
 Kindly, for any correction, place the answer in the
groups using
#prometric 2015 vol1.0.

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 The functions of cement bases are:

1- To act like a barrier against acids or thermal shocks.
2- The minimal thickness, which is required, is 0.5 mm of base.
a. All.
b. None of the above.
c. 1 only.
d. 2 only
Min thickness shd b 0.75 só Its c
 Vibrating line :
1- between hard & soft palate
2- between mobile and non mobile soft tissue of palate
1 posterior palatal seal
 Forceps to hold flap when suturing:
A. Adisson’s.
B.Curved hemostat .C. Allis forceps. D. Needle.
 Pt. came to u with sublingual space infection, change in color of
mucosa of floor of the mouth. The tongue is stilly elevated haw u
will do incision for drainage:???????
a. Extra orally parallel to lower border of the mandible.
b. Intraorally parallel to wharton's duct.
c. Intraorally between mylo-hyoid muscle
 Xray shows scattered radiopaque line in mandible jaw the
diagnose :-
A: pagets disease
B: garres syndrome C: fibrous dysplasia D: osteo sarcoma

 If the initial working length film shows the tip of a file to be

greater than 1 mm from the ideal location, the clinician should:
a. Correct the length and begin instrumentation.
b. Move the file to 1 mm short of the ideal length and expose a film.
c. Interpolate the variance, correct the position of the stop to this

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


distance, and expose the film.

d. Confirm the working length with an apex locator.??
e. Position the file at the root apex and expose a film

 AS the Gold content of a dental solder decreases the

A. hardness increases
B. ductility increases ??
C. corrosion resistance decreases
D. ultimate tensile strength decrease

 Hairy leukoplakia may be caused by:-

1. Broad spectrum antibiotics. 2. H2O2 mouth was
3. Heavy smoker’s 4.sytemic steroids
5.all of the above.

 Periodontitis affect
A.alveolar bone B.alveolarbone and gingiva
C.periodontal membrane
??????? A,C.

 Thickness of amalgam in complex amalgam restoration

in cusp tip area:
A- 0.5 mm. B- 1 - 1.5 mm. C- 1.5 - 2 mm. D- 2 - 3
 Following medical conditions precipitate syncope
1.hypo glycemia
2.mild hperglycemia
3.anti hypertensive drugs with ganglionic blocking agent
4.anti depressant therapy
 Following cavity bases are moisture sensitive
1 polycarbonate
2 zinc phosphate

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


4 zno eugenic
5 1+3 Zn polycarboxylate and Gic


 Pt suffering from a submandibular gland abscess, dentist made

a stab incision and fixing rubber drain to evacuate pus .. the
drain sutured to :-
A. Intraoral between myeloid muscles
B. Extraorally from most fluctuant point
C. Extraorally under the chin ----I.Ksm.
D. From angle of mandible???

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 Anesthetic test (intraligamentary) used to localize the pain:

A. in specific tooth*** B. from upper and lower??????

 pins are use with amalgam for:-

1.increase retention. 2.increase resistance.
3.increase strength 4. 1+2
if question says mainly then 1

 Which part of instrument is parallel to long axis of tooth?

Shank Blade
 Blade of pdl instrument should be
A.perpendicular to long axis
B.parallel to long axis of tooth
C.perpendicular to shank
 Which of the following drug is completely effective in elimination
of angina episode
A.proponalol B.nifedipine
C.diltiazem D transdermal nitroglycerin E none of the
 12/1 dha Q
Syphilis first appearance:?????
a. Multiple vesicle. b. Erythematous reaction. c. Ulcer. d. Bullae
Its first appearance is Chancre, Then vesicle and then erythematous
 Oral and perioral cysts formed from epithelial rests of Serres
T or f

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 Patient with gold inlay started to have severe pain on biting:-

----------------)Occlusal discrepancy
High thermal conductivity of gold Galvanic current
At what age the risk of child trauma is at highest?
2-3y 5-6y ?? 7-8y
Pt. come with class IV (4) central fracture before near time, tooth with open
apex you do Ca(OH)2 pulpotomy success of treatment depend on:
a. No inflammation?? b. Asymptomatic tooth
 Knife ridge should be treated with:-
1.relining ofmaterial. 2.maximum coverage of the flange.
 Pt treatment radiotherapy from 10 months to make impression of
RPD what is type of Material
Alginate or elastomer?? mucostatic material that is Alginate

 Candida infection is a frequent cause of:

A. Burning mouth.
B. Angular chelitis.
C. Gingivitis.
 Concentrating of acid used in etching porcelain veneer:
a- 9.6 % hydrofluoric acid. ‫ ??اإلثنين يستخدموا لكن هذا األفضل‬.
b- 35 % phosphoric acid.
c- 37 % phosphoric acid.??
d- 37 % hydrflouric acid
 Enamel:
a. Repair by ameloblasts.
b. Permeability reduces with age. ‫النفاذية تقل مع العمر‬
c. Permeability increases with age. d. Permeable to some ions

 Parotid malignancy shows perineural spread ‫ انتشار ماحول العصب‬is seen


Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


a. Warthon’s path. b. Ductal papilloma. c. Polymorphic adenoma.

d. Adenoid cystic carcinoma

 In the metal-ceramic technique, the bond between porcelain and the

noble-metal alloy is dependant on the:
1- Proper matching of coefficients of thermal expansion of metal
and porcelain. ‫تقارب معامل التمدد‬
2- Formation of base-metal oxide 3- Formation of noble-
metal oxides.
4- Surface roughness of the alloy.5- Adhesion
1. 1 and 2
 Pt. have a complete denture came to the clinic, tell you no complaint
in the talking or in the chewing, but when you exam him, you see
the upper lip like too long, deficient in the margins of the lip, reason
A) Deficiency in the vertical dimension.
b) Anterior upper teeth are short. c) Deficient in vit. B
it is possible no difficulty in chewing but difficulty in swallowing bc ↓ vd
associated with difficulty in swallowing
if upper teeth short patient had complained of speech but in this case no
difficulty in talking so ↓ vd

 Relining of denture:
A- Remove all or part of fitting surface of the denture and add acrylic.
B- Add acrylic to the base of the denture to increase vertical
A is rebasing..

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 12/1 dha q
Gingival retraction is done:
a. To temporarily expose the finish margin of a preparation.
b. To accurately record the finish margin of a portion of uncut tooth
surface apical to the margin in the final impression.
c. Even in the presence of a gingival inflammation.
d. By various methods but the most common one is the use of
retraction cord.
e. a and b. f. a, b and c. g. a, b and d.

 Y we use caoh between visits in rct?
A.antibacterial B.formation of hard tissue
C.primary seal D.resorption pathology

 12/1 dha q
78. The occlusal reduction for an all metal veneer crown should:
a. Be as flat as possible to enable an easy fabrication of occlusion
b. Follow the occlusal morphology with a clearance rating from 1
to 1.5 mm. with the opposing dentition.
c. Follow the occlusal morphology with a clearance of no more than
0.5 mm with the opposing dentition.
d.Be the last step in the tooth preparation.

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 RCT abutment of FPD has higher risk for fracture.

b. Abutment which has RCT in cantilever FPD has higher
susceptibility to fracture.
a.1st is true,2nd is false
b.1st is false, 2nd is true.
c. Both are false.
d.Both are true ,FINAL ANSWER

 12/1/15 dha exam Q
A tooth very painful to percussion, doesn’t respond to heat, cold or the
electric pulp tester. The most probable diagnosis is:
a. Reversible pulpitis.
b. Irreversible pulpitis.
c.Acute apical periodontitis.
d.Pulp Necrosis.

 6=rampant caries, J.P. must be with bone loss.

 7= coronal endo followed by apical surgical ext
 Function of post dam: ( PPS )
a. Prevents tongue from palate touch to increase comfort.
b. increases retention.
c. to compensate acrylic dimension.
d all
 12/2 dha q
To provide maximum strength of amalgam restoration the cavo-
surface angles should:

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


1. Approach 75 with outer surface.

2. Approach 90 with outer surface.
3. Be supported by sound dentine.
4. Be located in area free of occlusal stress.
a) 2+3+4
 In deciduous tooth, the first radiographic changes will be
seen in:??????
1. Bifurcation area. ?? 2. Apical area.
3. External root resorption
 Use of varnish for young boy in restoration of lower permanent molar
A.Protect pulp from sensitivity B.Prevent discolouration from

 Dental plaque is formed after:

a- 6 hours. b- 12 hours.
c- 24 hours. d- 48 hours…photo from dental secrets

 A 32 year old male complains of weight loss and diarrhea. The

clinical examination shows lymphadenopathy, multiple flat
erythematous lesions on the palate and a linear gingival erythema.

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Crohn’s disease. B. Diabetes mellitus.
C. AIDS. D. Leukemia
Weight loss lymphadenopathy diarrhoea are seen in AIDS
ulcers in Crohn`s disease and it doesnt mention Linear Gingival erythema
which is a/w AIDS.
Linear gingival erythema is a key word I feel...associated with AIDS
 Which to design first in study cast with a lingual bar major connector
A the lower border of lingual bar??
B the upper border
C indirect rest and rest seat??
 Nicotina stomatitis:
a. Palate hyperplasia.
b. Prickle cell like shape prominent base
 Endodontically treated 2nd maxillary premolar with SMALL mesial
& destal caries is best restored by:
a. Amalgam.
b. 3/4 crown.
c. Full crown.
d. Onlay
 Nerve responsible for pain
A. Myelinated
Both for sharp and dull pain,A fibers are myelinated and cause sharp pain
C fibers are unmyelinated and cause dull pain.both cause pain.
 Main use of dental floss:
a. Remove calculus.
b. Remove overhang.
c. Remove bacterial plaque.
d. Remove food debris.
 For onlay preparation, reduction of functioning cusp should be:
a. 1.5 mm. b. 2 mm. c. 1 mm

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 21 yr old patient who has iron deficiency anemia, difficulty in

swallowing, with examination of barium sulphate you found
A geographic tongue B burning mouth syndrome
C Plummer Vinson syndrome D diabetic patient
 Female patient in 50's has facial swelling related to badly
carious lower molar, need RCT and has allergy to penicillin.
What to do:
a. Give erythromycin then RCT ***????
b. Start RCT then give erythromycin????

458 A.../////459.splint together 2 parts
 The functions of cement bases are:
1- To act like a barrier against acids or thermal shocks. ‫ سد‬- ‫حاجز‬
2- The minimal thickness, which is required, is 0.5 mm of base.

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


a. All. b. None of the above.

c. 1 only. d. 2 only
Cement = 15‐25 microns, Liners = 5 microns, Base = 1‐2 millimeters
Best brushing tech. is modified bass
 Contraindications of implant except: ??????
1- many dental caries. 2- malignancy. 3- radiation therapy.

 Reversal line indicate termination of ...... activity
A.osteoblastic B.osteoclastic
C.osteocyte D.fibroblast
 When injecting without vasoconstrictor, the maximum safe dose of
2% lignocaine solution for 70Kg adult is:
A. 2.2ml
B. 22ml
 COPD , for extraction of multiple teeth:- No need for oxygen.
 The most finish line used in all ceramo-metal crown:
A. shoulder*****
B. shoulder bevel
C. chamfer
 Patient 3 years old had injury ( trauma ) in the
primary teeth, the permanent teeth rarely undergo to:
A. Microabrasion in the enamel .
B. Discoloration .
C. Dilaceration.
D. Partially stoppage of the root formation.
 When u want to make immediate complete denture after extracting all
teeth ,what the type of suture u will use:
a. Horizontal mattress suture.
b. Vertical mattress suture.
c. Interrupted suture. In ASDA L series it's option C
d. Continous locked suture
 had this question for my exam but instead of continous suture option they gave 8 suture option
 Cause the master GP not reach full working length:-
1.Dental debris 2. Ledge formation. 3.both***

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 The most common benign tumor in oral cavity is

A: fibroma B: papilloma C: lipoma

 Salivary gland role in maintaining tooth and bacteria integrity on the

oral cavity is done by:
a- Bacterial clearance. b- Remineralization.
c- Buffering and direct anti-bacterial role.
d- Bacterial clearance and reminerlization
 A patient has sustained burn that is very painful with blisters. Healing
of this burn will take place from which of the following layers of the
A. Basal layer of epidermis
B. Keratinized layer
C. Layer of upper dermis
D. Lower dermis
E. Subcutaneous layer

 Decrease the polymerization shrinkage of

composite by :
a. Incremental placement with increase time of curing.
b. Incremental placement with high intensity light cure.
 Pt. with sialothiasis we want to take x-ray with
ordinary film in order to show the stone we should:
a. Take x-ray in the same way as usual.
b. Increase the intensity of x-ray

 The ideal crown to root ratio of a tooth be utilized as a

bridge abutment is:
a- 3:1
b- 2:1

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


c- 1:2
d- 1:1
Ideal 1:2..minimum 1:1..optimum 2:3
 The treatment of choice for vital, wide apex tooth which
shows pulp exposure is:
A. Pulpotomy. B. Pulpectomy. C. Apexification.
D. Apexogenesis. E. Indirect pulp capping
Non vital= apexification, vital = apexogenesis
Prometric recent questions 2015

 To prevent gingival injury place the margin of the Pontic level of gingival crest
B.above gingival crest
C.apical to gingl crest 1mm

 Patient not having secondary caries even after dislodgement of amalgam

restoration underneath which GIC was given as a base due to :
A) sudden uptake of flouride B) enamel uptake of fluoride

 ***********************Indications of charter brushing tech.:-

perio surgery, ortho, fpd, gingival recession & root exposure

 female pt. Have hard painful mass in premolar region from 9 year was painless
what is differential diagnosis:-

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 Patiant with history of sub acute bacterial endocarditis is a medical

problem in oral surgery because of possibility of :-

1 bacteraemia 2 septicaemia 3Hypertension 4 mitral stenosis 5 auricular fibrillation

A 1.2 and 3 B .2.and 4
C.1.4 and 5 D.2.3 and 5 E.3.4 and 5

 Compression relaxation cycle of external cardiac compression

A.100 times /minute B.60 times per minte
 A severly rotated tooth has been treated orthodontically to its normal
position in the arch.. which one of the following procedure should be done
to prevent relapse.
1.Gingivectomy around that tooth. 2.osteoplasty. 3. Retainer for 6 months.
4.pericision. 5.permanent retainer
 which type of root fracture has poor prognosis??
1.Coronal third. 2.Apical third. 3.Middle third. 4.Coronal and Apical both.
 During excavation by dentist of moist carious pulp is exposed the
A)pulpotomy B)pulpectomy C)dentist should prepare for RC
 Antibiotics are most used in cases of:
a- Acute localized lesion.
b- Diffuse, highly progressing lesion
 Stainless steel pin is used in amalgam for
A.increase retention B.increase resistance C.both

 Patient with pain in upper right posterior quadrant. IN absence of

radiograph what's the least reliable test:
A) electric pulp test B)hot test
C)cold test D) dentine sensitivity

 Optimal level of fluoride in drinking water :

a)0.5 mg to 0.8 mg
B) 1-5mg
C) 0.3 to 0.5mg
 Chair side disinfection of GP done by :
A)5.2% Na hypochloride
B)Chlorhexidene C)Formaldehyde
 Patient had amalgam restoration done came with pain after 10 days :
A) due to admix alloy

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


B) zinc in amalgam
C) Gamma 1 phase
D) gamma 2 phase
 Dental floss used to :
A) disrupt plaque formation
B) stimulate gingiva
 Which of the following are mechanisms of growth of the naso-maxillary
A. Sutural. B. Cartilaginous.
C. Appositional. D. All of the above.
 Which of the following clinical approaches would reduce the tendency to
the post extraction complication of dry socket?
A. Pre-extraction control of peri-coronitis.
B. Post-extraction socket dressing with topical tetracycline.
C. Use of a pre-operative mouth rinse of 0.2 percent chlorhexidine gluconate.
D. All of the above.

 The luting materials that will bond to enamel are

1. zinc phosphate. 2. polycarboxylate. 3. zinc silicophosphate.
4. glass ionomer.
A. (1) (2) (3) B. (1) and (3)
C. (2) and (4) D. (4) only
E. All of the above.
Polycarboxylate cement and GIC have chemical bonding with tooth.
 Excessively dark radiographs will result from
1. underdevelopment. 2. overexposure.
3. backward placement of the film. 4. excessive milliamperage.
A. (1) (2) (3)
B. (1) and (3)
C. (2) and (4)
D. (4) only
E. All of the above.

 In clinical dentistry, stiffness of wire is a function of

A. length of the wire segment.
B. diameter of the wire segment.
C. alloy composition.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 A very apprehensive patient experiencing pain may be prescribed a

barbiturate, chloral hydrate or an antihistamine to control the anxiety. In
which of the following would you expect an exaggerated response to the
use of these drugs?
1.Adiabetic. 2.Theelderly.
3.Arheumatic. 4.Apatientwithchronicrenaldiseas
A. (1) (2) (3) B. (1) and (3)
C. (2) and (4) D. (4) only E. All of the above.
 Flurbiprofen is an
1. Antibiotic. 2. Analgesic.
3. Anti-inflammatory. 4. Anti-depressant.
A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (2) and (3) D. (4) only

 pt with mobile upper 1&6 complain of sever bleeding in probing from all
pocket ;poor oral hygiene vertical bone lose. .what is condition..
a- early periodontitis b- ANG c- le fever d- chronic gingivitis due to poor hygiene
 28 yrs pt come with denture fracture for many time ,fracture beginning from
labial frenum to post dam passage from midline:-
A:thin denture B:ill fitting Denture with thick frenum ‫…مع صوره‬
C:improper post dam D:…….???
 parent call dentist..3month child not erupted his teeth,what should will do..
A:TAKE X-RAY B:delayed eruption
C:normal devolpment D:………….
 pt with rash in all bony with red lesion in hard palate ,no hematologic problem
except slightly decrease in platelet<25000 ..he had history of epistaxis …..
A:anemia B:leukemia C:thrompocytopinia D:mononucliosis

 GI over amalgam there is distance under it ,after lost of amalgam and there is
secondary caries…
A:ENAMAL absorbed fluorid
B:relese amalgam mercury
C: corrosion with time cause space

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 The most frequent cause of failure of a cast crown restoration is:

a. Failure to extend the crown preparation adequately into the gingival sulcus. ‫حافةاللثة‬
b. Lack of attention in carving occlusal anatomy of the tooth.
c. Lack of attention to tooth shape, position, and contacts. ***
d. Lack of prominent cusps, deep sulcus, and marginal ridges.

 blush large lesion in gingiva no symptom and abnormal thing ….

A: giant cell B:eruption hematoma C:……. D:……

 reciprocation or …arm to resist action of ….

A:retention arm B :MaJOR connector C: minor D: BACE

 WHICH epithelium is lacking in alveolar epithilum…..

A:stratum corneum b. stratum granulosum c. stratum spinosum.
b. stratum basale C:inflammatory cell

 Mentally ill child,the best way to apply fluoride:

a. Acidulated phosphate fluoride.
b. Natural sodium fluoride.
c. Fluoride varnish. ***

 pt after I.N.B. feeling pain in lingual side of tooth cause is….

A:lingual nerve B: maylohyoid nerve C:buccal nerve D:…..

 early space loss mainly affect ….

A: esthetic B: speech D:esthetic &speech D:esthetic &space loss

 When root perforation we close it by:-

A:MateriaL TOXE B: material trioxide C: mineral trioxide D:mineral triox

 After fracture, 48hrs ,pulp exposure what we should do….

A: pulpoctomy +MTA B: DPC
C: partial pulpotomy +MTA D: full polpotomy+mta

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 Question About you making studying of specific group this study mean
A. Cohort B. Convenience C. Longitudinal

About cholera disease
: ‫طبعا الخيارات الي جاتي‬
A:cross-sectional group B:……..
C: Longitudinal …… D:convenience cohort E:non convenience cohort


1-1.5 mm
 ASPRIN STOPED: ….3DAY…..there is no(7day) option
 bacteria affect epithelium:……gingivalis
 bacteria not in precronitis: …….hemophilia
2014\12\ 25–
1---Mentally challenge child come to out clinic with orofacial
trauma and anxiety and fearfull what kind of anesthesia or
1-general anesthesia 2-intervenous sedation
3-local anesthesia 4-n2o oxide sedation
2---ortho age screening
1-6 2-7 3-9 4-10??
3---hand instrument used in preparing class 2 what is
1-pin grasp 2-inverted pin grasp
3-modified pin grasp 4-palm and thump grasp

4---adult patient have severe carious lesion at 26 and he take

aspirin several doses a day several days to relief pain (one weak)
What the test suitable:-

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


1-bleeding time 2-ptt

3-clotting time 4—cant remember sorry????
5---aim of serial extraction is to extract:-
1-first lower premolar 2-second lower premolar
3-first upper premolar 4-second upper premolar
6---ideal taper for prepared tooth for walls is:-
1-3 2-6 3-15 4-20
7---ideal tapered to increase retention is:-
1-3 2-6 3-12 4-20-not sure from this
8---maccspaden:- this is easy question, but cant recall it.
9---continuous condensation what type of treatment
I forget the choses but its easy also
10---patient have endo ttt for tooth what the true
1-do ortho with short –term prognosis
2-do ortho with long-term prognosis
3- can’t do ortho because external resorption
4-don’t do---?????
11---patient smoking 15 -20 cigarettes a day for 8 years he come
with complain of pain in gingival, Diagnosed as chronic gingivitis
1—gum shows inflammation as former smoker
2—less intensity than non-smoker
3—more intensity than non- smoker
4—same as non-smoker

12---primary second lower molar,(xray with furcation


Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


While removal of caries the pulp exposed, permenant tooth still

deep in bone,
1—direct pulp capping 2—pulpotomy
3—pulpectomy 4 ---treating by medicine
13---for crown lengthening of teeth after the complete
epithelization what we well wait 5 to 6 months for
1--regeneration pdl 2—maturation 3—new attachment 4--
14---original complete denture orientation, how to reserve?
1—grinding occlusal plane
2—((hindel articular not sure from the nam but its articular))
3—indices occlusal marke
15---material used for flasking c.d.
2—die stone
3—investment material 4--?????
16---maf master apical file
1—file bid in the apical third canal
2---for measure the length of the canal
3---file used in capitulation while preparation of the canal
17---critical width for scaling
1—1.9 2—2.9 3—3.9 4—4.9
18---disadvantage of full perio steal flap????
1—inter papillary integrity

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


19---36 no caries, only cracked mesial surface, and severe pain in

cold—disappear after remove the reason
1—crown 2—amalgam MOD
3—amalgam bonded MOD 4—RCT and crown
20---proxy brush is used with
1—clas 1 2—clas 2 3—clas 3 4—clas 4

21---patient, u decide to remove all his remaining teeth, for CD,

after u do extraction what u must do:-
1—extensive alveoplasty
2---primmary closure if there is no dependant tissue
3---if there is granual tissue leave it well heal alone
4---????? Forget
22---to detect osteoid defect----------------Answer --xray
23---preventive program due to
1---good flossing 2---preventive treatment
3---stratiges program and purpose 4---changing behavioral
24---electric cautery patient have 46 lost and he want F.P.D.,
Teeth are healthy no caries, but u find in the pontic region cuff,
u decide to use cautery:-
1---connect chair of patient in ground for safety
2---keep gum dry for more effective
3---keep a small distance between cautery and gum and move slow 5 mm
per second
4---not to press more in the electricity

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 Papilon le fever
A. hand and foot keratosis ,
B. Periodontitis affecting both dentitions ,
C. early teeth loss ,
D. generalized bone destruction
 perforation of the disk of the condyl---------------Arhtrography
 What found in horner syndrome -------------Disruption of
ophthalmic nerve
 Case about patient osteomyelitis, pain and parastesia ,mouth
eaten appearance on radiograph
 ‫اللي فهمته من السؤال انه كان‬chronic ‫و بعدها صار‬acute ‫أو هيك شي‬

 Pt with Renal transplantation with white lesion on the tongue,

which can’t elevated ,no history of smoking or tobacco diagnosis is
*Uremic stomatitis * Hyperplastic candida

 Pain in the upper premolar reason while pressure in premolar-----


 A photo showing instrument-------------Wrench of implant

 Child 6 year and have two bitewing radiograph from 6 month com to
rotten examination:-
-Don’t need radiograph -Do 2 bitwing radiograph -Do
 X ray examination of the child
A- 2 bitwing and 1 occlosal and 4 periapical
B- 12 periapical
C- 4 bitwing and 2 periapical

 Amount of cupper to eliminate gamma 2----------------13%

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 Space maintainer mainly depend on --------------Age and space

 Water fluoridation mainly depends of
- Age and temperature , because hot weather make u drink
 Matrix band go above proximal ridge by
- 1-2 mm - 2-3 mm
 Most metal cause allerge ------------------Nickel
 Primary stress bearing area of mandible ---Buccal shelf of the
 Child with trauma to all anterior are what will you see ---Bone
 Child with no space between deciduous what will be in permanent
-Deep bit -Crowding*** -Open bite
 Which technique the needle touch the condyle ---Gaw gates
 Hand over mouth is ----------Shape behavior ***///Negative
 Q about the incidence or prevalence
 Apert syndrome :-
o Class 2 malocclosion -Class 3 malocclosion ***
 Last reliable for pulp vitalty------- Ept, and there were no other
choise of….
 Mesial step terminal plane will be in permanent
A-classII B - classII mod 1
 When we treat patent with chicken box----
 Q about epinephrine in anaphylactic shock------BUT no selection
 Which age we detect (classify) periodontal state
 R.c. prep used for ------------?????

1 - Leforte 1 injury
A/greater platine artery
B/infra orbital artery

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


C/maxillary artery ***

D/mandibukar vein

2 - use irrigation when cutting bone due to

A/prevent risk of infection
B/remove bad smell of bone
C/heat generation during cutting bone affect on bone vitality ***
D/‫مش فاكرها بس تقريبا عشان نشوف كةيس ونشيل الدم‬

3 - The local anesthesia depend on

A)strength bond between drug and nerve ***********
B) strength bond between drug and its intensity ***
C) bond between drug and time of removal from body

4 - Paranasal fluid occure in the fracture of the face

A. Lifort I
B. Lifort II
C. Leforte III ***
D. Zygomatic fracture
E. All above

5 - Salivary gland disease ( tumor ) with perineural invasion:

1. Pleomorphic adenoma.
2. Adenocyctic carcinoma. ***

6 - Patient will have multiple extraction what to do after

extraction for denture sake:
1- make interrupted suture cross papillae
2- leave to heal to avoid elevations from sutured papillae*****
3- make extensive bone smoothening **
4- put surgical pack only

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


7 - the origin of innervation of post third of tongue:-

a. trigeminal b. lingual c. hypoglossal d
.glossopharyngeal **

8 - Best biopsy type ?

- Incisional - Excisional ***

8 - Which artery supply floor of the mouth?

1.lingual artery *** 2.inferior alveolar artery

9 - Mandibular growth at chondyle

1 interstitial & chondro replacement **
2 appostion & chondro replacement ****
3 appostion& intra membranous

10 - Hypercementosis character
1 - difficult in extraction
2- in paget disease
3 - bulbous root
4- very successful extraction by elevator
1&2&3 ****

11 - QUESTION about Reiter syndrome.

Patient have TMG pain &go to ophthalmologist

12 - Pt. with chronic renal failure what is developed:

A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Hyperparathyroidism***

13 - Relation between growth center & growth site.

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


14 - Asking about disinfectant of dental chair after HBV.

1- iodophore &hypo clorid
2- formaldehyde
3- ethylene oxide gas
4- 100/ ethyl alcohol/detox
1&2 **

15 - Mechanism of mandible growth at condyle

Apposition and intramembranous modeling
Interstitial and endochondral
Apposition and endochondral ***
Interstitial and intra membranous

16 - Lingual nerve branch of:

a. Trigeminal N
b. Mandible N***
c. Facial N

17 - Lingual nerve:
A. part of trigeminal nerve
B. supply the submandibular gland
c. A and B ***

18 - Pt need exo, he takes Antidepressant, amount of epinephrine on

a. 0.1
b. 0.02***
c. 0.4
d. 0.8

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


19 - Child 6 year have abnormal enamel dentin and pulp in A quadrant you
diagnosis is:
a. hypoplasia
B. regional odontplasia ***
c. Detogensis imperficta
d. Amelogensis imperficta

20 - Which pathogen(s) in primary apical periodontitis?

A- pnemonas fast lies
B- many microbial spa ***
C- aerobic
21- What type of L.A have the slowest onset.
1-procaine ***
2- lidocaine
22 - What is formed from epithelial rest of serres
A. epithelial root sheeth of hertwing
B. lamina dura
C. vestibular lamina *
root formation, and once complete, it degenerates, leaving epithelial rests
of Malassez

Residual dental lamina, from bud-like invagination process of tooth

formation, is source of epithelial rests of Serres, located primarily in
gingival soft tissue

23 - Extra oral block anasthesia after needle touch pterygoid plate in which
direction should move?

1.forward and anteriorly 2.forward and

3,4. *****cant remember other options.

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


24 - Which cranial nerve when injury responsible for gag reflex.

1- V 2-7 3-9 *** glossopharyngeal 4-sinal
branch of 11

25 - Pharyngeal arch called.

A maxillary arch.***
B mand arch.
C thyroid.
D hyoid***

26 - TMG &disc direction displaced

Anterior*** Posterior Lateral

27. What different between center of the growth and site of growth?
1- independent ****
2- centered 3- the center of growth is

28 - Mandibular growth at chondyle

1 interstitial& chondro replacement
2 appostion &chondro replacement ***
3 appostion& intra membranous

29 -In order to activation of periodontal instruments the blade should

make angle with facial surface of the tooth
1- 45:90 ***
2- 90:180
3- 15:30

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


30 - Question about Horner syndrome :- ?????

31 - Bone between 2 root parallel to :

A – gingival b – pdl

‫اسم حاجة غريبة‬32 - ???? (starnge name )of the lower lip origin from :
A - Mandible branch of pharngial arch
B – lingual branch of pharngial arch

33 - Child 3 year old 15 kg maximum carpule (local anesthesia ) can you

give him:-
1 2 3 4 5

34 – to Lower the sense of painful anesthesia ,by :

Needle gage more than 25
Stretch the tissue
Use topical
All ***
35 - bacteeia which not found in peridonditis
A) streptococcus ***
B/staphylococcus C/bactericide D/famulis

36 - Bacteria in pericoronitis?

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


Staphylococcus ** bactericide**

37 - Microorganism that cause failer in endo treated tooth

Enterococcus faecalis
38 – u run handpiece at the beginning of the day,to get rid of:-
‫سؤال عن انو بنشتغل الهاند بيس اول اليوم قبل الشغل عشان أي بكتريا بس‬
strept salivarius ‫في االختيارات؟‬ pseudomonas aeruginosa***

Operative and endo

39 – amount u can swallow of mercury every day

40 - Child came to clinic with history of injury trauma from one year and
RCT, ..Then central incisor has dark color ..The cause is
A) not complete remove of pulp ***
B) bleeding from pulp
C) contamination gutta perch

41 - Calcium hydroxide provide

A) can enhance formation of hard tissue in root ***
B) seal canal

42 - AH26 is a root canal sealer:

A- contains zinc oxide.
B- contains steroids.
C- is an epoxy resin. ***
D- all of the above

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


43 - For the prevention of mercury toxicity

in the clinic put it in:
1. Water.
2. Sodium chloride.
3. The appearance of radial.
4. Fixer of radial. *** or container that well not porn

44 - The only advantage of plain (GI without additives) over (gi with
additives) is:
1- streghth
2- less contraction ***
3- shelf life
4- rapid setting

45 - The exact description of healing in endo treatment with radiolucency

related to apex and fistula:
1: disappear of radiolucency
2: asymptomatic tooth
3: decrease in radiolucency
4: disappear of fistula ***

46 - Mamelon present in maxillary central incisor

1 - during amelogensis
2 – normal ***
3 - indicated sever malocclusion
3; sure; reference white cards (PEDO) of dental deck; developmental lobes
are presented at anterior teeth with mamelon and they disappear on using
incisors for cutting food shortly after eruption. If mamelon are clearly
existed, they refer to malocclusion mostly anterior open bite (Class II, D 1
According to patient age, adult indicate severe malocclusion, child
its normal.
47 - Most retentive crown is :
Full metal *** Veneer

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


48 - The root of upper lateral incisor in order to be best radiographed use

A.paralling technique***
B.bisecting technique**

49 - Simpifil type for canal enlargement by NiTi in: or best NITI rotary file
a. Universal protaper
B. Reciprocal
c. Revers S

50 – Success of rotary in endo is achieved by

1- use EDTA
2 - pre enlarged coronary
3-proper irrigation
‫ ألن االدتا بترطب جدران القناة و بتمنع انكسار الروتري‬1 ‫كلهم صحبس اعتقد االصح‬

51 - Base under composite posterior restoration

A – zinc poly carboxylate**** B – ca(oh)2

52 - After trituration of amalgam condensation must be

A.after (3_4) least in order to remove excess mercury ***
C.with little pressure

53 - In root of internal resorption the pulp is:

A.Reversible pulpitis B.Irreversible pulpitis C.necrosis

54 - In root of external resorption the pulp is:

A.Reversible pulpitis B.Irreversible pulpitis

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


55 - Which pathogen(s) in primary apical periodontitis?

A- pnemonas fast lies
B- many microbial spa ***
C- aerobic
56 - How many from 1inch the undercut of abutment of removable denture
supposed to be:-
A.080 B.089
‫مش فاكره باقي األرقام بس كانت من ألف كمان‬

Ortho and pedo

57 - teeth which responsible for crowding teeth
A/1ry lower first molar
B/1ry lower second molar ***
C/permanent first molar
D/1ry max second molar

58 - After do ortho. for rotated tooth we should do:

1- circumferential frenctomy
2- circumferential fibrotomy ****
3- ‫ حاجه‬frenectomy ‫واكيد مستبعده‬
4- ‫واجابه رابعه مش فاكرها‬

59 - 10 years child presented with space between maxillary incisors and

have problem in overjet .treatment????
1.fixed appliance
2.removable appliance
3.normal no ttt *** (ugly duckling stage )

60 - what is the case the general dentist can treat

a.exfoliation of 1ry canine ***b.functional cross bite
‫وفى كمان اختيارين مش متذكراهم‬

61 - Pathfinder survey

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


A-At 5yr in primary teeth , permanent teeth

B-5-10 in primary
C-5 yr in primary
D-5-10in primary 30,45,55,65 in permanent
5,12,15,35,44,65,14 ***

62 - What is character s of primary teeth?

‫ كانت حاجات غريبة بيتكلم عن صفات‬canals of primary teeth

63 – 8 years child had trauma in upper central incisor which reveal

pulp exposure and the pt undergone with caoh pulpotomy ,the
way to distingush sucess of ttt is
a . Asymptomatic tooth
b . Respond to electric pulp test
c . Continue dentin formation and apical closure ***

64 - Pt have cross bite when move his mandible laterally? why

1.unilateral constriction of maxillary
2.unilateral constriction of mandible
3. Asymmetrical growth of mandible
4.bilateral constriction of maxilla

65 - Hand mouth technique .use

1 – punishment
2- -ve reinforcement*** 3-*ve reinforcement

67 - What is the most important teeth to prevent the severity of crowding:

a. Upper E b. Upper D lower E *** c. Lower d

68 - age of most traumatic injury to primary teeth.

2:3 *** Less 2 5:6 7:8 ***

69 - Trauma to primary teeth mostly cause

1 – intrusion ***
2-root fracture

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


3- tooth fracture
4-bone fracture

70 - Normal range in gingival depth ( epithelial attached ) in health mouth

A 1 to 2 B 2 to 3 ‫؟؟؟‬-------//////
C 0 to 3 ***??? D 0 to 5
A healthy sulcular depth is 3 millimeters or less. However, in certain
situations, a gingivectomy is necessary to reduce the gingival pocket
depths to a healthy 1–3 mm.

71 - Epidemic disease spread in one village, there are 1900 Person the
infected person in 2007=300, in 2008=150, the growth of disease:
1. 1600\150-1900\450 ***
2. 1900\300-1600\150
3. 1600\...................
how its calculate ??????
‫على ما يبدو انك حتجيبي عدد االشخاص بالقرية وتطرحي منو عدد المصابين في‬
.‫أول سنة وتقسميه على عدد المصابين تاني سنة‬
‫بعدين حتجيبي عدد االشخصاص بالقرية زي ماهو وتقسميه على مجموع المصابين‬

72 - Early extraction affect:

A.speech and Occlusion***
D.appearance and speech

73 - Lost mandiblar 6 and the 7 is tilted best treatment

A – ortho B – proximal half crone
C – microscope crown D – non rigid connector

- 74‫مريض خجول و خائف و عنده رهاب ايش نوع هالمريض ؟؟؟‬

‫فيلسوفي و ما بعرف باقي الخيارات‬
types of patients,,,,philosophic,and what else?

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


75 - 12 year patient lost 63 and 64 what the treatment

Interim PD

76 - Posterior bite plate is used to :

Treat Crowding posteriorly
Anterior deep bite and distal movement of ant teeth ***


77 - There's pain in 44,34 which it abutments of RPD what's the reason

A. there's no stress breaker
B. Problem in major connector
C. problem in supporting structure

78 - Best material for impression of flabby tissue:

1- plaster of paris ***
2- agar agar
3- silicate
4- zinc oxide

78 - dentist at the end of the day want to pour alginate imp quickly how
can he do that
a.increase powder/water ratio water ***
c.slurry water
d.increase thickness ...............

79 – Co-cr RPD. Occlusal rest here to

1- retention
2- stability
3- reciprocation
4 - strength of design
5- support ***

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


80 - ‫حالة بس معناها‬,Impression that can pour two time is

Agar agar polyvinyl siloxane additional silicon

81 – A picture of case, Lower Class I PD with 4 anterior teeth with

recession grade, what’s the ttt:-
A. extraction of all teeth and make single denture
B. over denture after teeth preparation**
C. Gum stripper

82 - How can I make appearance of abutment smaller without change in

A.make mesial and distal line angles near each other
B.make cervical hight of contour more incisally ***
‫تقريبا دول اكتر اتنين منطقيين مش فاكره الباقي‬

83 - Child requires graft in his alveolus what is the best graft

a. Autogenous cancellous
b. Freeze dried
c. Autogenous corticocancellous

84 - After perio surgery we wait 5 :6 month in order to

1 complete re epithelial
2- complete maturation***
85 - Q about removal of ameloblastoma
‫الخيارات كلها انواع جراحة‬// ‫نشيل نص المندبل‬
‫نشيل الليجن مع العضم اللي حواليه‬

86 - How can increase flexibility of the clasp

Increase length **??
Increase diameter
Make it gingival approach

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


87 - Patent with stone in submandibular gland and have allergy to iodine

what type of scanning :-


1-Most important deciduous teeth for space loss prevention
2-types of anchorage and examples .
3-Abnormal sequence for eruption of deciduous teeth
( the question was : which one of these choices resemble abnormal
sequence of eruption for primary teeth )
4- functional ortho devices
5-Arteriol of teeth in um
6-Patient with posterior proximal discoloration and no caries ? wht to do
7-Organism which can co. in epithelial surface Porphyromonas
8-Name of bacteria which cause endocarditis Staphylococcus aureus
9-Size .1 of (G.G or file and I don’t remember) equal to which size of drills
10-Thickness of occlusal cusp of pos. which needs build up of amalgam
11-Patient with bluish discoloration of teeth and no enamel and looks small
of age with obliteration of teeth and teeth loos (there was other case but
the patient had blue sclera ) and choices for the 2 cases were the same
(Amelogenesis imperf- dentinogenesis imperf – osteogenesis imperfect)
12-Patient wears denture 63 year old has growing tissue in ridge of
mandible in which very inflamed and pain
13-Rack angle size for files (between 2 files I think h and k reamers )

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


14-Patient missing lower D and has high carries index and 1 premoler is to
erupt which type of space mentainer he is 5 year old
15-Childe with thumb sucking wht to do :
16-Main reason for porcelain fracture : low comprisve or low tensile ?
17-Large tourus palatinas how to remove :
blade 12 in poster… or large bur or ???
18-Asthmatic patient give : adrenalin dose
19-Tigrminal neuralgia :- max does or to give dose
20-Mean arterial supply for mandible
21-After injection in vein with … patient fails ,sever burning in site of
injection. why ?
22-Endodonticlly treated tooth which discolored we use,
23-Best Type of impression for movable (flabby) tissues :
ZnOEG or compound
24-Class 5 composite best finish with
25-Patient with very resorbed ridge and reaching inferior alveolar nerve ttt
Implant supported over denture or implant retained over denture or
26-Adrenaline in anesthesia is for
27-Tooth bud begin to appear intra utrine in : 4 or 5 or 6 or 8 week ?
28- 7 years old pt. has Apexogenesis how to know the successful of ttt :
complete formation of root or asytomatic ?
29-After orthognatic surgery for maxilla we put plate 2 ml,
the holes for this plate will be : 2 or 2.5 or 1 or 1.5 ml ?
30- What’s the ratio :

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


Oral cancer Control

Smoker 90 10
Non smoker 40 60

a- 6
b- 2.35*********
c- 3.43
d- 13.5

Don"t understand this question may be something wrong but

oral cancer undoubtedly has a multifaceted etiology, tobacco
use and alcohol consumption are widely considered to be its
major risk factors
Smokers are six times more likely than nonsmokers to
develop oral cancer (4, 5)
‫الؤال ده جالي بالنص و غلط فيه الني مش فاهمه اساسا فاتاكدوا من الحل‬
31-2 cases one is dentinogenises imperfeicta,
and the other in amelegenesis Imperfecta
32-Case about patches in child and found in other member of family :
fordoyce granules
time curing for dentine:
15 sec or 20 or 30 sec?
Dental plaque is formed after:
a- 6 hours.
b- 12 hours.
c- 24 hours.
d- 48 hours

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


Lichen planus:
(A)Reticular type is often painfull
(B)is a pre malignant lesion
(C)if painful treated by antibiotics
(D)does not effect skin

Y we use caoh between visits in rct?

B.formation of hard tissue
C.primary seal
D.resorption pathology

Use of varnish for young boy in restoration of lower permanent molar to

A.Protect pulp from sensitivity .
B.Prevent discolouration from filling.
as varnish doesn't act as thermal barrier, and prevents discoloration of
dentin under Amalgam

 Over extended gp should be removed

With solvent Surgically
65 years old black man wants to have very white teeth in his new
denture, what should the dentist do:
a- Put the white teeth.
b- Show the patient the suitable color first then show him the white one.
c- Convince him by showing him other patients photos.
d- Tell him firmly that his teeth color are good.
key says A
 Site most commonly affected by basal cell carcinoma is:
(A)buccal mucosa
(B)skin of palm and exposed surface of arm
(C)skin of upper back area
(D)skin of middle third of face

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 The basic difference between K files and reamers is:

a. The number of spirals or flutes per unit length.
b. The geometric cross section.
c. The depth of flutes.
d. The direction of the spirals
final ans >> a or b

 Female with swelling in left of mandible, slowly increasing,

radiopaque surrounded by radiolucent band:
a. Osteoma. b. Ossifying fibroma.
c. Cementoblastoma. d. Osteosarcoma

a. RCT abutment of FPD has higher risk for fracture.
b. Abutment which has RCT in cantilever FPD has higher
susceptibility to fracture.
a.1st is true,2nd is false
b.1st is false, 2nd is true.xxxx
c. Both are false.
d.Both are true ????

b. Proximal caries should be opened when:-

A.confined within enamel
B.pass dej

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


C.dentin laterally
D or B. I think B

 Fractured tooth to alveolar crest, what is the best way to produce

ferrule effect:
A. restore with amalgam core sub-gingival.
B. crown lengthening
C. extrusion with orthodontics

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 One plane labial reduction leads to

A.overcontoured crown
B.improved retention
C.occlusal disharmony
 Which one of the following is least
likely to contribute to bad oral
a. Periodontal disease.
b. Denture.
c. Faulty restoration.
d. Carious lesions

 Purpose of gingivectomy in patient taking phenytoin

A.elimination of infra bony pockets
Elimination of pseudo pockets
C.permit healing by primary intention

 pt come have C.D delivered from 2 month complain from TMJ pain +
some later pronouncing false ,‫تجاعيد في طرف الفم‬+ , dropping saliva
corner of mouth what the most causes of this :
a. High vertical occ
b. Low
c. Improper centric relation & centric occlusal
 patient with bilateral lower fixed bridge ..what type of occlusion he
should have :
Mutual Reverse
balanced Bilateral balanced??

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 Function of post dam: ( PPS )

a. Prevents tongue from palate touch increase comfort.
b. increases retention.
c. to compensate acrylic dimension.
d all

 The easiest case to do rettt:

1-under gp
2-over gp
3 weeping canals
4 obturated with silver cone
Weeping canal is the easiest since u only apply non setting Ca(OH)2

 To locate the canal orifice use:

a- Barite probe.
b- Endo spreader.
c- Endo file with curved tip.
d- Round bur
 Which design first in study cast with a lingual bar major connector
A the lower border of lingual bar
B the upper border
C indirect rest and rest seat ???
 Recent years there has been decline in prevalence and intensity of
caries attack in developed countries cos of use of
A.artificial water flouridation health education
c. Both

 Best stress transfer under amalgam:

a- with thin base layer.
b- with thick base layer.
c- If put on sound dentin

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 Female patient with continuous sever pain 1st max molar. Decides to
do rct. after enough time of anesthesia , pt won’t allow dentist to
touch tooth due to sever pain
A.give another appointment tp patient with description of
B.intrapulpal anesthesia
A as low ph decreases the time of action of LA and causes pain and on
repeated use of LA won't work due to tachyphylaxis. So its better to give
another appointment with bacteriostatic as even the pupal anesthesia
won't work on the same day
 time curing for dentine:
15 sec or 20 or 30 sec?
 The right corticosteroid daily dose for pemphigus vulgaris is :
a- 1 - 2 g/kg/daily.
b- 1 - 2 mg/kg/daily.
c- 10 mg/kg/daily.
d- 50 - 100 mg/kg/daily hydrocortisone
B...its either 1to 2 mg / kg body wt..or a total of 50 to 100 mg

 Patient under corticosteroid therapy, he will undergo surgical

extraction of third molar. what will you give to avoid adrenal crisis:
a- Dixamethasone ( 4 mg/I.V ).
b- Methyl prednisolone ( 40 mg / I.V ) .
c- Hydrocortisone sodium sulfide ( 40 – 50 mg )
d- Hydrocortisone sodium succinate ( 100 – 200 mg ).
its long acting... its mentioned it is more potent than cortisol
 geographic tongue seen in psoriasis is there in option it has
to be psoriasis only...
 Mix in walking non vital bleaching:
a- H2O2 with phosph.
B- Superexol with sodium. parporate.

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


c- Superexol with ca. hydroxide.

d- H2O2 with sodium perborate
superoxol is 30 % it will be a better option
 P.t have porcelain in upper tooth what you should make in the
opposite tooth:
1. Porcelain
2. Porcelain with occlusion surface of gold
3. Acrylic with gold
4. hard acrylic
?????? maybe 1 , or 2. But gold occlusally .... Would there not be a
difference in coefficient of thermal expansion leading to minor cracks in
porcelain as porcelain is brittle n chips off forming minute cracks
 For onlay preparation, reduction of functioning cusp should be:
a. 1.5 mm.
b. 2 mm.
c. 1 mm.

 Mandible is the 1st bone calcified in skull but clavicles start first but
in same embryological time: a. True. b. False
 Mandible formed before frontal bone:
a. True.
b. False.

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 What is the benefit of rinsing the mouth with water:

A) Plaque removal.
B) calculus removal.
C) Washing the food debris

 In deciduous tooth, the first radiographic changes will be

seen in:
1. Bifurcation area.
2. Apical area.
3. External root resorption
if there's no pathological cause then the first radiographic change would be
seen at external root resorption and in case of pathological cases like caries
it would be furcation area.
 Pdl involved root surface root planed to
A.remove attached plaque and calculus
B.remove necrotic cementum
C.change root surface so it become biocompatible
E.a and b only ?????

 Slowest onset of action among the following

A. lidocaine B. mepivacaine
C. bupivacaine and ropivacaine
D. chloroprocaine
pka more towards physiologic ph..means more unionised form..more rapid c has to be the answer

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 21 yr old patient who has iron deficiency anaemia,difficulty in

swallowing,with examination of barium sulphate you found
A geographic tongue
B burning mouth syndrome
C Plummer Vinson syndrome
D diabetic patient
 Female patient in 50's has facial swelling related to badly carious
lower molar, need RCT and has allergy to penicillin. What to do:
a. Give erythromycin then RCT ***
b. Start RCT then give erythromycin
c. 3 & 4 was about amoxicillin so surely wrong.
B,but why?

 12/2 dha q
85. To provide maximum strength of amalgam restoration the cavo-
surface angles should:
1. Approach 75 with outer surface.
2. Approach 90 with outer surface.
3. Be supported by sound dentine.
4. Be located in area free of occlusal stress.
a) 2+3+4.

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 12/1
Q.Caries progress in children more than adult due to:
A.difference in ph.
B. generalized dentin sclerosing by age
C. increasing in organic content of tubular dentin by age.
 12/1
Q:Most common bacteria causing caries:
a. Streptococcus mutant.????
b. Streptococcus salivarius.??????
c. Spirochaeta.
d. e-coil.

 Hoe many canals can be present in Mandibular 2nd molars

A 1 2 3 or 4
B 2 3 or 4
C 3 or 4
 12/1
Q.The ETCHANT of most dentine bonding systems applied for:
15 sec.

 Q.To check a perforation in the desk of the TMJ. we need:

submentovertex MRI CT arthrography
 Pt. have a complete denture came to the clinic, tell you no complaint
in the talking or in the chewing, but when you exam him, you see the
upper lip like too long, deficient in the margins of the lip, reason is?
A) Deficiency in the vertical dimension.
b) Anterior upper teeth are short.
c) Deficient in vit. B
 12/1/dha Calculus induces further periodontal lesion due to:
a) Directly stimulates inflammation
b) more plaque adhere to it. c) irritate the gingiva

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015



Which the following applies when selecting a shade for metal-ceramic

a- it is a better select a shade with too low a value than too high a value if
staining to be improve the match.
b- it is a better to select a shade with too high a value than too low a value
if staining is not to be used to improve match.
c- The basic shade selected should be that of the middle third of tooth to
be matched.????
d- None of the above.

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015


 To create space for cement:

a- Die space. ***
b- Roughen of metal and tooth.
c- Investment expansion

Prometric 2015 vol.1.0. DR.M.Kadeeb January 2015

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