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ITM Administrator's Guide v6.3 Fix Pack 4 PDF

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IBM Tivoli Monitoring

Version 6.3 Fix Pack 4

Administrator's Guide

IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Version 6.3 Fix Pack 4

Administrator's Guide

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 613.

This edition applies to version 6, release 3, fix pack 2 of IBM Tivoli Monitoring (product number 5724-C04) and to
all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2005, 2014.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Setting up load balancing for a high availability
dashboard environment . . . . . . . . . 53
Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Creating a connection to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
dashboard data provider . . . . . . . . . . 58
Creating custom dashboard pages that display
About this information. . . . . . . . xiii monitoring data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Configuring an HTTP Server to load balance
Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . 1 multiple Tivoli Enterprise Portal Servers . . . . . 63
New in this release . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Setting Clone IDs on each Tivoli Enterprise Portal
New in Version 6.3 Fix Pack 4 . . . . . . . 1 Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
New in Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 . . . . . . . 2 Generating the plugin-cfg.xml file . . . . . 64
New in Version 6.3 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Controlling UISolutions imports . . . . . . . 67
IBM Tivoli Monitoring family of products . . . . 7
Tivoli Management Services components . . . . . 7 Chapter 4. Editing your environment
Tivoli Enterprise Portal client . . . . . . . . . 9 configuration settings . . . . . . . . 69
Desktop, Browser, and Java Web Start clients . . 10
Tivoli Enterprise Portal client configuration settings 69
Historical data collection . . . . . . . . . 11
Editing the client parameters . . . . . . . 69
System administrator tasks . . . . . . . . 11
Portal client parameter list . . . . . . . . 70
Performance Monitoring service provider . . . . 12
Enabling the HTTP proxy server . . . . . . 76
Setting application properties for Linux and
Chapter 2. Preparing your Tivoli UNIX systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Enterprise Portal environment . . . . 15 Setting the environment variable when the hub is
Browser client . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 on a z/OS system . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Java runtime environment (JRE) versions . . . 15 Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server configuration settings 79
First time logon . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Editing the portal server environment file . . . 79
Internet Explorer security settings . . . . . . 16 Portal server environment variables . . . . . 80
Windows write and delete privileges . . . . . 16 Pruning events on the portal server database . . 81
Adding your company logo and URL . . . . 17 Controlling the size of event attachments . . . 82
Starting the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client . . . . 17 Controlling the number of logon attempts . . . 83
Using Web Start to download and run the desktop Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server configuration
client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Installing the IBM JRE . . . . . . . . . . 19 Editing the monitoring server environment file 84
Enabling tracing for the JRE . . . . . . . . 20 Duper process for optimizing situations . . . . 85
Downloading and running the desktop client . . 21 Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server
Manually creating a shortcut for the Web Start configuration settings . . . . . . . . . . . 86
client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Editing the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Starting the desktop client on another portal server 23 Automation Server . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Starting the browser client on another portal server 24
Specifying the browser used for Launch Application Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 89
and for online help . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 User authentication through the hub monitoring
Add operating platforms to the Navigator view . . 27 server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Prerequisites for configuring authentication on
Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard the hub monitoring server . . . . . . . . 92
environment . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Configuration procedure . . . . . . . . . 94
Roadmaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Ldapsearch for LDAP information . . . . . . 96
Setting up a basic monitoring environment LDAP user authentication through the portal server 99
without single sign-on and without per user Prerequisites for configuring LDAP
authorization controls . . . . . . . . . . 29 authentication on the portal server . . . . . 99
Setting up a monitoring dashboard environment About single sign-on . . . . . . . . . . 102
with single sign-on and with per user Roadmap for setting up the portal server to use
authorization controls . . . . . . . . . . 34 an LDAP user registry and single sign-on . . . 104
Migrating a basic monitoring dashboard Using Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
environment to a dashboard environment with Services to configure the portal server for LDAP
single sign-on and per user authorization authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 iii

Using the Linux or UNIX command line to Creating and assigning policy distributor roles 188
configure the portal server for LDAP Policy management examples . . . . . . . 189
authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Enabling authorization policies in the portal server 192
Using the TEPS/e administration console . . . 113 Authorization policy auditing . . . . . . . . 196
Mapping Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to Changing the Authorization Policy Server
LDAP distinguished names. . . . . . . . 120 configuration properties after installation and
Reconfiguring the browser client for SSO . . . 122 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Importing and exporting LTPA keys . . . . . 123 Managing the authorization policy store . . . . 199
Managing new LDAP users . . . . . . . 125 Working with multiple domains . . . . . . . 200
Disabling LDAP authentication on the portal Deployment scenarios . . . . . . . . . 201
server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Creating policies for specific IBM Tivoli
Migrating LDAP authentication from the Monitoring domains . . . . . . . . . . 202
monitoring server to the portal server . . . . . 126
Authentication through the Tivoli Enterprise Chapter 8. Securing communications 207
Monitoring Automation Server . . . . . . . 128 Configuring TLS/SSL communication between the
LDAP user authentication using Microsoft Active hub monitoring server and the LDAP server . . . 210
Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Configuring TLS/SSL communication between
Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Dashboard Application Services Hub and the
Roadmap overview . . . . . . . . . . 133 dashboard data provider . . . . . . . . . 211
Plan and create monitoring server and portal Using third party certificate authority signed
server users within Active Directory. . . . . 134 certificates for the portal server . . . . . . 211
Create and configure the portal server user Configuring TLS/SSL communication for the
accounts and permissions, if desired. . . . . 134 Dashboard Application Services Hub server . . 213
Enable and configure LDAP user authentication Configuring TLS/SSL communication with the
for the portal server, if desired . . . . . . 135 Authorization Policy Server . . . . . . . . 214
Configure TEPS/e for TLS/SSL, if necessary 142 Using the WebSphere generated certificates to
Enable and configure LDAP user authentication configure TLS/SSL for the Authorization Policy
for the monitoring server, if desired . . . . . 142 Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Active Directory LDAP verification tools . . . 144 Using third party certificates to configure
User scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 TLS/SSL for the Authorization Policy Server . . 216
Configuring the tivcmd CLI for TLS/SSL . . . 218
Chapter 6. Using Tivoli Enterprise Configuring TLS/SSL communication between
Portal user authorization . . . . . . 161 the portal server and the Authorization Policy
Administer Users . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Users and User Groups . . . . . . . . . 163 Configuring TLS/SSL communication between the
Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 load balancing HTTP Server and each portal
Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 server's local HTTP server . . . . . . . . . 221
Navigator views . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Extracting the portal server's local HTTP server
Member Of and Members . . . . . . . . 167 public signer certificate . . . . . . . . . 221
Managing user IDs . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Configuring TLS/SSL communication for the
Adding a user ID . . . . . . . . . . . 168 IBM HTTP Server used for load balancing
Viewing and editing a user ID. . . . . . . 169 multiple portal servers . . . . . . . . . 222
Removing a user ID . . . . . . . . . . 170 Configuring TLS/SSL communication between
Default user . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Dashboard Application Services Hub and an HTTP
Managing user groups . . . . . . . . . . 171 server used for load balancing multiple portal
Viewing user group memberships . . . . . 171 servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Adding a user group . . . . . . . . . . 172 Exporting the IBM HTTP Server signer
Reviewing and editing a user group . . . . . 173 certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Removing a user group . . . . . . . . . 173 Adding the HTTP Server certificate to the
Notes on user administration . . . . . . . . 174 Dashboard Application Services Hub trust store . 226
Troubleshooting logon error messages . . . . . 177 Enabling FIPS for IBM Tivoli Monitoring . . . . 226
Enabling SP800-131a for IBM Tivoli Monitoring 230
Chapter 7. Using role-based Importing the TEPS/e certificates into the portal
server keyfile database . . . . . . . . . . 238
authorization policies . . . . . . . . 179 Using the GSKit command-line interface to work
Authorization policy concepts . . . . . . . . 180 with key databases and certificates . . . . . . 239
Predefined roles and permissions. . . . . . . 182 Using the GSKit iKeyman utility to work with key
Preparing to enable authorization policies . . . . 184 databases and certificates . . . . . . . . . 240
Policy management scenarios . . . . . . . . 185 Setting the JRE for GSKit and starting Key
Best practices for creating authorization policies 185 Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Creating and assigning administrator roles . . 187 Creating a new key database . . . . . . . 241

iv IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Creating a new public-private key pair and Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring
certificate request . . . . . . . . . . . 241 agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Using a temporary self-signed certificate . . . 242 Agent tasks in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. . . . 287
Receiving the CA-signed certificate . . . . . 242 Adding an agent through the Tivoli Enterprise
Saving the password to a stash file . . . . . 243 Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Configuring an agent through the Tivoli
Chapter 9. Audit logging . . . . . . 245 Enterprise Portal . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Audit log XML elements mapped to the ITM Audit Starting, stopping, and recycling an agent
attribute group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal . . . . . 289
Audit log XML example . . . . . . . . . . 249 Updating an agent through the Tivoli Enterprise
Audit environment variables . . . . . . . . 251 Portal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Take Action and command execution audit logging 253 Removing an agent through the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Chapter 10. Situation event integration Updating an agent through the command-line
with Tivoli Enterprise Console . . . . 255 interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Default mapping of situation events to IBM Tivoli Clearing the Deployment Status table . . . . . 292
Enterprise Console events . . . . . . . . . 255 Changing the monitoring server an agent connects
Expanding a generic event message situation to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
description . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Self-describing monitoring agents . . . . . . 295
Generic mapping for agent specific slots . . . 257 Self-describing event flow at the monitoring
Assigning severity for Tivoli Enterprise Console server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 Self-describing agent installation . . . . . . 300
Localizing message slots. . . . . . . . . 259 Suspending the self-describing capability . . . 305
Situation event statuses and IBM Tivoli Self-describing auto refresh and seeding . . . 306
Enterprise Console event generation. . . . . 260 Enabling or disabling the self-describing
Synchronizing situation events . . . . . . . 262 capability at the monitoring server . . . . . 308
Checking the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Enabling or disabling the self-describing
event cache . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 capability at the agent . . . . . . . . . 309
Changing the configuration of the event Determining if agents are enabled for
synchronization on the event server . . . . . 263 self-description . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Defining additional monitoring servers for the Environment variables that control the
event synchronization on the event server . . . 263 self-describing capability . . . . . . . . 312
Closing sampled events . . . . . . . . . 264
Changing rule set parameters for the omegamon.rls Chapter 14. Agent Management
rule set file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Tuning considerations . . . . . . . . . 266 Features of the Tivoli Agent Management Services 315
Using the Rules Check utility . . . . . . . . 266 Tivoli Agent Management Services installation and
Editing the Event Integration Facility configuration 267 configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Specifying EIF forwarding for a situation event . . 270 Monitoring the availability of agents . . . . . 321
Customizing the event message . . . . . . . 272 Managing the agent manually . . . . . . . . 321
Updating the XML used by the MCS Attribute
Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 Chapter 15. Agent-based services . . 323
Using the NetView console through the IBM Tivoli Autonomous capabilities . . . . . . . . . 323
Enterprise Console event viewer . . . . . . . 275 Environment variables for autonomous behavior 327
Situation limitations . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Chapter 11. Situation event integration UTF-8 encoded XML files . . . . . . . . . 330
with Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus . . . . . 277 Configuring Agent Management Services on Tivoli
System Monitor Agent . . . . . . . . . . 331
Chapter 12. Configuring connectors Private situations . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Private situation operation . . . . . . . . 332
for the common event console . . . . 279
Private situation XML specification . . . . . 335
Common Event Console Configuration window 279
Exported enterprise situation XML specification 347
ITM Connector tab . . . . . . . . . . 280
Private situation examples . . . . . . . . 353
TEC Connector tab . . . . . . . . . . 280
Private history . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
OMNIbus Connector tab . . . . . . . . 282
Enterprise situation override XML specification . . 360
Names of Extra Columns tab . . . . . . . 283
SNMP alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Best practices for using event synchronization . . 285
SNMP alert configuration . . . . . . . . 365
Troubleshooting problems with connection to Tivoli
Trap configuration XML specification . . . . 367
Enterprise Console server on Linux systems . . . 285
MIB for SNMP alerts and agent emits . . . . 377
OMNIbus configuration for SNMP . . . . . 377

Contents v
EIF events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 How to disable the Summarization and Pruning
EIF event configuration . . . . . . . . . 383 agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
EIF event mapping XML specification . . . . 385 Error logging for stored data . . . . . . . . 497
EIF event destination configuration XML Collecting Agent Operations Log history . . . . 498
specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 Conversion process for using delimited flat files 499
Common slots for EIF emitted events . . . . 394 Estimating space required to hold historical data
EIF life cycle event . . . . . . . . . . 395 tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
EIF heartbeat event . . . . . . . . . . 396 Limiting the growth of short-term history files 500
Master reset event . . . . . . . . . . . 397 What to do when the short-term history file
Sending private situation events by using directory size reaches its limit . . . . . . . 502
TLS/SSL communication . . . . . . . . 397 Converting short-term history files to delimited flat
Agent Service Interface . . . . . . . . . . 402 files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
Starting the Agent Service Interface . . . . . 402 Converting files using the krarloff program . . 502
Access Authorization Group Profile . . . . . 403 Converting history files to delimited flat files on
Agent Service Interface - Agent Information . . 408 Windows systems . . . . . . . . . . . 504
Agent Service Interface - Situations . . . . . 409 Converting history files to delimited flat files on
Agent Service Interface - History . . . . . . 411 an IBM i system . . . . . . . . . . . 506
Agent Service Interface - Queries . . . . . . 411 Converting history files to delimited flat files on
Agent Service Interface - Service Interface UNIX Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Converting history files to delimited flat files on
Centralized Configuration . . . . . . . . . 429 HP NonStop Kernel Systems . . . . . . . 508
Centralized Configuration overview . . . . . 429 Converting history files to delimited flat files on
Centralized Configuration design. . . . . . 430 z/OS systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Configuration load list XML specification . . . 434 Using your historical data for analytic usage . . . 514
Environment variables for Centralized Warehouse Proxy agent for analytics . . . . 514
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 443 Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent for analytics 518
Enable password encryption in configuration Examples of historical data collection for
files on z/OS . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
Centralized Configuration sample setup . . . 447
Centralized Configuration startup . . . . . 451 Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 523
Agent autonomy on z/OS . . . . . . . . 458 Tivoli Common Reporting overview . . . . . . 523
Prerequisites for Tivoli Common Reporting . . . 524
Chapter 16. Managing historical data 461 Upgrading from a previous version of monitoring
About historical data collection . . . . . . . 461 agent reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Historical data collection configuration . . . . . 463 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
Changing the directory for short-term history files 467 Ensure that historical reporting is enabled . . . . 527
Performance impact of historical data requests . . 467 Creating and maintaining the dimension tables . . 527
Impact of large amounts of historical data on Configuring the Summarization and Pruning
the monitoring server or agent . . . . . . 468 agent to create and maintain the dimension
Requests for historical data from large tables 469 tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
Scheduling the warehousing of historical data 469 Creating the dimension tables using the Schema
Using a data mart to improve long or complex Publication Tool . . . . . . . . . . . 532
queries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 Manually creating and maintaining the
Tivoli Data Warehouse and short-term history dimension tables . . . . . . . . . . . 535
configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 Importing reports by using the report installer . . 541
Tivoli Data Warehouse range partition migrations 474 Importing and running IBM Cognos reports . . . 543
Migrating non-partitioned tables to partitioned Running a prerequisites scan . . . . . . . 543
tables for DB2 on Linux, UNIX, and Windows . 475 Connecting to the Tivoli Data Warehouse using
Migrating non-partitioned tables to partitioned the database client over ODBC . . . . . . 544
tables for DB2 on z/OS . . . . . . . . . 478 Importing reports through the Dashboard
Migrating non-partitioned tables to partitioned Application Services Hub . . . . . . . . 545
tables for Oracle . . . . . . . . . . . 482 Importing and running BIRT reports . . . . . 546
Summarization and pruning configuration . . . 485 Import a BIRT report package . . . . . . . 546
About the Summarization and Pruning agent 485 Configure the data source . . . . . . . . 547
Best practices for summarization and pruning 488 Generate a sample BIRT report . . . . . . 548
Summarized and pruned data availability . . . 490
Configuring summarization and pruning for Chapter 18. Replicating the Tivoli
attribute groups . . . . . . . . . . . 490 Enterprise Portal Server database . . 551
Configuring summarization and pruning for
Understanding the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
managed system groups . . . . . . . . . 492
database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
Changing global configuration settings . . . . 494

vi IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Running the migrate-export script . . . . . . 552 Creating collaborative automation using SA IO 582
Running the migrate-import script . . . . . . 553 Acknowledging an event within an IBM Tivoli
Running migrate-import from source Windows Monitoring platform . . . . . . . . . . 583
to target Windows. . . . . . . . . . . 553 Report contents. . . . . . . . . . . . 583
Running migrate-import from source Windows
to target Linux or UNIX . . . . . . . . . 554 Appendix B. Enabling the IBM Tivoli
Running migrate-import from source Linux or Monitoring Charting Web Service . . . 585
UNIX to target Windows . . . . . . . . 555
Running migrate-import from source Linux or
UNIX to target Linux or UNIX . . . . . . 556 Appendix C. Using the Tivoli
Management Services Discovery
Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Library Adapter . . . . . . . . . . 587
Web Services for the SOAP server . . 559 OS agent dependency . . . . . . . . . . 589
About the SOAP client . . . . . . . . . . 559 Private network address filtering . . . . . . . 590
Configuring Tivoli Monitoring Web Services (SOAP
Server) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559 Appendix D. Using the z/OS Tivoli
Defining hubs . . . . . . . . . . . . 560 Management Services Discovery
Adding users . . . . . . . . . . . . 562 Library Adapter . . . . . . . . . . 593
Configuring IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web
Services (SOAP Server) on UNIX and Linux
Appendix E. MIB SNMP agent event
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
Tuning SOAP transaction performance on AIX descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
Enabling SOAP security . . . . . . . . . 564 Appendix F. Agent operation log . . . 603
Verifying the configuration . . . . . . . . 565
Using IBM Tivoli Monitoring web services . . . 566 Documentation library . . . . . . . 605
User IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566 IBM Tivoli Monitoring library . . . . . . . . 605
Starting the SOAP client and making a request . . 566 Documentation for the base agents . . . . . 606
Using your browser . . . . . . . . . . 567 Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . 607
Using the SOAP client command-line utility Tivoli Monitoring community on Service
(kshsoap) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567 Management Connect . . . . . . . . . . 607
Issuing SOAP requests as system commands 568 Other sources of documentation . . . . . . . 608
SOAP methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
Issuing second-level SOAP requests . . . . . 578
Support information . . . . . . . . 609
Sample CT_Get SOAP request . . . . . . . 579
IBM Tivoli Monitoring web services scenarios . . 580
Generating daily logical operation summaries Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613
and charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
Obtaining data snapshots and offline table and Privacy policy considerations . . . . . . . . 615
charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
Sending alerts into an IBM Tivoli Monitoring Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582

Contents vii
viii IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
1. An environment that includes a single 22. The Integrated Solutions Console General
Dashboard Application Services Hub node and Properties screen . . . . . . . . . . 155
multiple portal servers . . . . . . . . . 54 23. The Integrated Solutions Console verification
2. An environment with load balancing for both screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Dashboard Application Services Hub and 24. The Integrated Solutions Console
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server . . . . . . 55 Configuration notebook tab . . . . . . . 156
3. Suggest LDAP user hierarchy for Tivoli 25. The Integrated Solutions Console's
Monitoring servers. . . . . . . . . . 130 Configuration tab . . . . . . . . . . 157
4. Portal server user properties . . . . . . 131 26. The Integrated Solutions Console's Repository
5. LDAP user properties . . . . . . . . . 132 reference screen . . . . . . . . . . . 157
6. Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server user 27. The Integrated Solutions Console verification
permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
7. Accept these default values . . . . . . . 136 28. The Integrated Solutions Console's
8. Configure the repository . . . . . . . . 137 Repositories in the realm screen . . . . . 158
9. Adding the Base entry to your realm 139 29. The Integrated Solutions Console verification
10. Save your TEPS/e configuration updates 140 screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
11. TEPS/e configuration error message . . . . 140 30. The Integrated Solutions Console's sign-in
12. Tivoli Enterprise Portal Administer Users screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 31. The Integrated Solutions Console initial
13. LDAP configuration panel for monitoring screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
server users . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 32. Interactions of Agent Management Services
14. LDP query results . . . . . . . . . . 145 components with IBM Tivoli Monitoring
15. Active Directory users listing . . . . . . 147 components . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
16. Properties of an individual Tivoli Monitoring 33. Data snapshot chart and table . . . . . . 581
user. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 34. Data snapshot table . . . . . . . . . 582
17. ldapbrowser window . . . . . . . . . 149 35. Universal Message Console Showing
18. Monitoring server's LDAP parameters 150 Messages Received. . . . . . . . . . 583
19. ldapsearch results for monitoring server 36. Message Log Details . . . . . . . . . 583
userids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 37. Cross-product connections for the charting
20. The Integrated Solutions Console web service . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
Configuration notebook tab . . . . . . . 154
21. The Integrated Solutions Console Manage
repositories screen . . . . . . . . . . 154

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 ix

x IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
1. Roadmap for setting up a basic monitoring 28. Roadmap to configure TLS/SSL
environment without single sign-on and communication between Dashboard
without per user authorization controls . . . 30 Application Services Hub and a HTTP server
2. Additional tasks required to setup your basic used for load balancing multiple Tivoli
monitoring environment without single Enterprise Portal Server . . . . . . . . 224
sign-on and without per user authorization 29. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class
controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
3. Roadmap for setting up a monitoring 30. Special characters for attribute groups and
dashboard environment with single sign-on names in IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
and with per user authorization controls . . . 36 events generated from forwarded situation
4. Additional tasks required to setup your events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
advanced monitoring environment with single 31. Situation name suffix mapping to Tivoli
sign-on and with per user authorization Enterprise Console event severity . . . . . 259
controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 32. Availability of situation formula functions for
5. Roadmap for migrating to an advanced enterprise situations whose events are
dashboard environment . . . . . . . . 46 emitted from the hub monitoring server and
6. Roadmap for setting up load balancing for private situations whose events are emitted
your dashboard environment . . . . . . 55 from the monitoring agent . . . . . . . 327
7. Language and locale codes . . . . . . . 75 33. TrapDest element XML specification . . . . 367
8. File locations for changing application 34. TrapAttrGroup element XML specification 370
properties for UNIX and Linux systems . . . 77 35. Situation element XML specification . . . . 372
9. Roadmap for user authentication . . . . . 91 36. Agent life cycle status traps . . . . . . . 374
10. Tasks to complete before configuring 37. StatTrap element XML specification . . . . 375
authentication. . . . . . . . . . . . 92 38. Set of common slots for emitted EIF events. 394
11. LDAP configuration parameters. . . . . . 93 39. EIF life cycle events. . . . . . . . . . 395
12. TLS/SSL parameters for communication 40. EIF life cycle event ITM_StatEvent class slot
between hub and LDAP server . . . . . . 94 values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
13. ldapsearch command line options and 41. Master reset event content . . . . . . . 397
corresponding monitoring server configuration 42. Access Authorization Group permissions for
parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Service Interface commands. . . . . . . 404
14. LDAP configuration parameters . . . . . 100 43. Agent Service Interface - Queries sample
15. SSO parameters . . . . . . . . . . . 101 attribute listing . . . . . . . . . . . 412
16. Roadmap for setting up the portal server to 44. Agent Service Interface - Queries sample
use an LDAP user registry and single sign-on. 105 report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
17. Authorization policy resource types and their 45. Agent Service Interface <AGENTINFO>
supported permissions and elements. . . . 181 request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
18. RoleAdministrator permissions . . . . . 183 46. Agent Service Interface <AGENTINFO>
19. PolicyDistributor permissions . . . . . . 183 request output. . . . . . . . . . . . 413
20. LinuxOperator, UNIXOperator, and 47. Agent Service Interface <LISTSUBNODE>
WindowsOperator permissions. . . . . . 183 request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
21. VCenterOperator permissions . . . . . . 184 48. Agent Service Interface <LISTSUBNODE>
22. Configuration information for the request output. . . . . . . . . . . . 414
Authorization Policy Server . . . . . . . 194 49. Agent Service Interface <ATTRLIST> request. 415
23. Multiple domains with shared roles and 50. Agent Service Interface <ATTRLIST> request
policies deployment requirements. . . . . 201 output.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
24. Tasks to secure communication . . . . . 209 51. Agent Service Interface <READATTR>
25. Roadmap for setting up TLS/SSL for the request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
dashboard data provider . . . . . . . . 211 52. Agent Service Interface <READATTR>
26. Roadmap for setting up TLS/SSL for the request output. . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Authorization Policy Server . . . . . . . 215 53. Agent Service Interface <REPORT> request 417
27. Roadmap for configuring TLS/SSL 54. Agent Service Interface <REPORT> request
communication between the load balancing output.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
HTTP Server and each portal server's local 55. Agent Service Interface <TABLESIT> request 421
HTTP server . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 56. Agent Service Interface <TABLESIT> request
output.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 xi

57. Agent Service Interface <PVTCONTROL> 65. Configuration load list <ConfigFile> element
request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422 and the Activate options available for the
58. Agent Service Interface <PVTCONTROL> Disp type.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
request output. . . . . . . . . . . . 422 66. Summarization functions. . . . . . . . 487
59. Agent Service Interface <SITSUMMARY> 67. Parameters for the krarloff rolloff program 504
request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 68. DD names required . . . . . . . . . 511
60. Agent Service Interface <SITSUMMARY> 69. KPDXTRA parameters . . . . . . . . 511
request output. . . . . . . . . . . . 423 70. TCP/IP Fields in Hub Specification Dialog 560
61. Agent Service Interface <AGENTSTAT> 71. SNA Fields in Hub Specification Dialog 560
request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 72. SOAP hub configuration values . . . . . 561
62. Agent Service Interface <AGENTSTAT> 73. SNMP trap variables for agentStatusEvent 597
request output. . . . . . . . . . . . 425 74. SNMP trap variables for
63. Agent Service Interface <HISTREAD> agentSitSampledEvent . . . . . . . . 598
request. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 75. SNMP trap variables for agentSitPureEvent 600
64. Agent Service Interface <HISTREAD> request
output.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427

xii IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

About this information
The IBM®Tivoli® Monitoring Administrator's Guide describes the administration of
your IBM Tivoli Monitoring infrastructure, Tivoli Management Services.

The chapter topics cover the following tasks:

v Configuring, customizing, and maintaining the Tivoli Enterprise Portal clients
and server
v Setting up asymmetric encryption using public-private key files
v Enabling user authentication on the hub monitoring server system registry or an
external LDAP registry
v Maintaining user IDs and user groups on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
v Integrating the situation event activities between the IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console® event server or the Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Tivoli EIF and the
hub monitoring server
v Configuring connectors for the event systems that send event information to the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal
v Using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal to maintain agents that support the remote
agent deployment feature
v Configuring Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents for autonomous operation
v Setting up and enabling Centralized Configuration
v Managing historical data collection and the Tivoli Data Warehouse
v Importing reports for Tivoli Common Reporting that are unique to products that
run on theTivoli Enterprise Portal and use the Tivoli Data Warehouse as the
source of historical data for generating reports. This information is intended for
the administrator who sets up Tivoli Common Reporting and installs report
v Replicating the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server database to another computer or
to keep as a backup
v Using IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services SOAP methods to query and control
your monitored environment

Users of this book should be familiar with performance monitoring concepts and
administration. If you use the Tivoli Data Warehouse, you must be familiar with
the operating system that hosts the warehouse. To learn more about this family of
products, see Tivoli solutions for Service Availability and Performance

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 xiii

xiv IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 1. Introduction
This chapter reviews the new features and enhancements to the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal interface and Tivoli Management Services administrative features, followed
by a list of the administrative tasks you can expect to perform.

For information on how to use the Version 6.3 Tivoli Enterprise Portal features,
please consult the integrated help (Help → Contents and Index) or the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal User's Guide.

New in this release

Review the latest enhancements to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal and to the Tivoli
Management Services components that are relevant to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Administrator's Guide.

New in Version 6.3 Fix Pack 4

The following enhancements to the Tivoli Management Services components affect
the system administrator for Version 6.3 Fix Pack 4.
Support for the MKTIME predicate function for private situations
For more information, see “Private situation XML specification” on page
Support for the COUNT column function for private situations
The *COUNT column function groups and counts the total number of rows
of data collected by the monitoring agents that have exceeded a defined
monitoring threshold. The calculated total *COUNT value can then be
included in alerts or events from the agent. For more information, see
“Private situation XML specification” on page 335.
Support for local configuration directory monitoring
Autonomous agents monitor the $ITMHOME/localconfig directory for local
configuration file updates, dynamically load these xml configuration files,
and refresh the private situation or EIF configurations in the agent. For
more information, see “Autonomous capabilities” on page 323.
Support using the situation threshold $formula$ paramater in the custom msg
slot of EIF event data
EIF msg slot customization provides the situation formula from the private
situation that caused this situation to raise. For more information, see “EIF
event mapping XML specification” on page 385.
Provides a default subnode distribution list for subnode managed system name
(MSN) based private situations and Agent Service Interface requests
For more information, see “Private situation XML specification” on page
335, “Exported enterprise situation XML specification” on page 347,
“Private history” on page 358, and “Agent Service Interface request -
Attribute group report” on page 417.
Support the *COUNT column function in SNMP Traps from an autonomous
agent For more information, see “SNMP alerts” on page 365.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 1

New in Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
The following enhancements to the Tivoli Management Services components affect
the system administrator for Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2.
Using analytics on your historical data
You can now run external applications against your historical data, such as
an analytic engine, to be alerted and help predict potential problems
quickly. You must configure your Warehouse Proxy agent and Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Agent to store historical data in comma-separated
(CSV) files that can be processed by an analytic engine. For more
information, see “Using your historical data for analytic usage” on page
Update the EIF configuration file and EIF event mapping file in the
configuration load list
You can now use the Activate="YES" variable to replace the existing
configuration file with a new configuration file that is downloaded from a
central configuration server. You can use this variable to replace the EIF
configuration file (EIFCNFG) and EIF event mapping file (EIFMAP) in the
configuration load list. For more information, see “Configuration load list
XML specification” on page 434.
Delete all existing private situations and add new private situations
In the <PRIVATECONFIGURATION> element, you can use the REFRESH=
variable to stop and delete all existing private situations and then add only
the newly inputted private situations. For more information, see “Private
situation XML specification” on page 335.
Configure summarization and pruning for managed system groups
You can now configure summarization and pruning differently for
managed system groups. Previously, it was only possible to configure
summarization and pruning for a given attribute group, so summarization
and pruning had to be global. This new feature allows you to have
configurations that address specific business requirements, such as
development and test machines that might need to be monitored with
smaller retention settings than production systems. For more information,
see “Configuring summarization and pruning for managed system groups”
on page 492.
Creating and maintaining the dimension tables required for Tivoli Common
Reporting and IBM Tivoli Monitoring reports
v Using the Summarization and Pruning agent
In IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3, you had to use the Schema Publication
Tool to create the dimension tables in the Tivoli Data Warehouse. Now
you can configure the Summarization and Pruning agent to create and
maintain the dimension tables. For more information, see “Configuring
the Summarization and Pruning agent to create and maintain the
dimension tables” on page 529.
v Using the Schema Publication Tool
You can use the SQL scripts created by the Schema Publication Tool to
create both the time dimension tables and the resource dimension tables,
or you can create just the time dimension tables, or just the resource
dimension tables. Each set of tables can be created using a different
connection to the Tivoli Data Warehouse. For more information, see the
“Creating the dimension tables using the Schema Publication Tool” on
page 532.

2 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Enabling NIST SP800-131a encryption
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special
Publications (SP) 800-131a standard strengthens algorithms and increases
the key lengths to improve security. To enable SP800-131a encryption, see
“Enabling SP800-131a for IBM Tivoli Monitoring” on page 230.
Setting up load balancing for a high availability dashboard environment
If you want to create a high availability dashboard environment, you can
use an HTTP server configured for load balancing between your dashboard
users and a cluster of Dashboard Application Services Hub nodes, and also
between Dashboard Application Services Hub nodes and multiple Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Servers. For more information, see “Setting up load
balancing for a high availability dashboard environment” on page 53.
Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers new tabs and historical
To broaden the Server Dashboards reporting features, several tabs have
been added to the managed system dashboard: Properties, CPU, Memory,
Disk, and Network. The CPU, Memory, Disk, and Network tabs have a
new time selector bar for changing from real time to showing historical
data; the situation event results dashboard Details tab has a time selector
bar for setting a time range of data samples before or after the event time.
For more information, click the “Learn more” link from the Server
Dashboards or see the Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers
Reference on IBM Service Management Connect > Application Performance
Management (
Agent autonomy and centralized configuration information reorganization
The agent autonomy and centralized configuration information previously
appeared in separate chapters. This information is now consolidated into
the Chapter 15, “Agent-based services,” on page 323 chapter.

New in Version 6.3

The following enhancements to the Tivoli Management Services components affect
the system administrator for Version 6.3.
Jazz™ for Service Management
Jazz for Service Management brings together the Open Services for
Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) community's open specifications for linking
data, shared administrative services, dashboard and reporting services.
Through these facets, Jazz for Service Management accelerates deployment,
integration, and workflow automation across IBM, partner, and third party
tools. Jazz for Service Management is included with IBM Tivoli
Jazz for Service Management has a number of integration services:
Administration, Registry, IBM Tivoli Common Reporting, Security, and IBM
Dashboard Application Services Hub. These integration services provide
key features including:
v Shared data repository for products integrating through Jazz for Service
v Consistent UI experience through Dashboard Application Services Hub
in Jazz for Service Management.
v Simplified administration of products and solutions integrating through
Jazz for Service Management.

Chapter 1. Introduction 3
v Ad hoc, self-service reporting through Tivoli Common Reporting in Jazz
for Service Management.
For more information about Jazz for Service Management, go to the Jazz
for Service Management Information Center (
IBM Tivoli Monitoring dashboard data provider for retrieving monitoring data
for display in IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub dashboards
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring dashboard data provider retrieves monitoring
agent data for display in the IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub
component of Jazz for Service Management. The dashboard data provider
is optionally installed during the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
configuration. With the dashboard data provider enabled, Dashboard
Application Services Hub users can retrieve read-only data from the hub
monitoring server and monitoring agent for display in dashboards
provided by the agents or in custom dashboards. IBM Tivoli Monitoring
V6.3 includes the Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers that
displays data for the OS agents. These server dashboards use the
dashboard data provider to retrieve data. A connection to the dashboard
data provider must be configured in Dashboard Application Services Hub.
See Chapter 3, “Preparing your dashboard environment,” on page 29 and
“Creating a connection to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring dashboard data
provider” on page 58.
IBM Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers running on the
Dashboard Application Services Hub V3.1 or later
With the IBM Tivoli Monitoring dashboard data provider enabled,
Dashboard Application Services Hub users can retrieve managed system
groups and events for all monitoring agents and Linux OS agent, UNIX OS
agent, and Windows OS agent health metrics using the Infrastructure
Management Dashboards for Servers application. This application is
installed and configured into Dashboard Application Services Hub V3.1 or
later using IBM Installation Manager. For more information, see “Installing
and configuring the IBM Infrastructure Management Dashboards for
Servers” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
Open Services Lifecycle Collaboration Performance Monitoring service provider
The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server component contains
the Open Services Lifecycle Collaboration Performance Monitoring
(OSLC-PM) service provider and is installed on the same systems as your
hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. The service provider registers
monitoring resources with the Jazz for Service Management Registry
Services component and supports integration with other products using
OSLC linked data interfaces. For more information, see “Performance
Monitoring service provider” on page 12.
Role-based authorization policies
The Tivoli Authorization Policy Server feature provides you with greater
access control capabilities than possible with the existing Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server authorization model. You can protect your resources from
unauthorized access by users of monitoring dashboards in the IBM
Dashboard Application Services Hub. IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 with the
Authorization Policy Server feature enabled provides the following
v The ability to restrict access for dashboard users to specific managed
system groups and to individual managed systems.

4 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v The ability to assign role-based policies to users and user groups in a
federated LDAP user registry to simplify policy management.
v A new command-line interface that is highly automatable.
v Central management of authorization policies for multiple IBM Tivoli
Monitoring environments, also called domains.
To implement the feature you must install IBM Installation Manager
packages for the Tivoli Authorization Policy Server and the tivcmd
Command-Line Interface for Authorization Policy. The Authorization
Policy Server is installed with your Dashboard Application Services Hub
and the tivcmd CLI is installed on the computers used by the
administrators who will be creating authorization policies. After successful
installation of these two packages, you can execute various CLI commands
as required to create roles, grant permissions, exclude permissions, and so
on. For information on working with policies, see Chapter 7, “Using
role-based authorization policies,” on page 179.
OS Agents Report Prerequisites Scanner report
The OS Agents Report Prerequisites Scanner report delivered and installed
through the OS agent report package, can be leveraged to check that your
system’s IBM Tivoli Monitoring prerequisites are configured correctly to
use Tivoli Common Reporting without errors. See “Running a prerequisites
scan” on page 543.
Creating and maintaining the dimension tables required for Tivoli Common
Reporting using the Summarization and Pruning agent
You no longer have to periodically run the Tivoli Common Reporting and
OS agent scripts to maintain the IBM_TRAM schema and populate the
MANAGEDSYSTEM table. You can configure the Summarization and
Pruning agent to create, populate, and maintain the dimension tables. See
“Creating and maintaining the dimension tables” on page 527.
Tivoli Data Warehouse range partitioning
Range partitioning is a database data organization feature that can
significantly improve pruning and query performance in large Tivoli Data
Warehouse databases. You can migrate your existing tables to a partitioned
table to take advantage of the performance improvements provided with
partitioned tables. Range partitioning allows the database to limit the scope
of queries when the column that is part of the partitioning key is used in
the WHERE clause. See “Tivoli Data Warehouse range partition
migrations” on page 474.
Take Action identity auditing
You can now audit any commands that are executed on a system at the
agent level. The originator's user ID and network information are securely
transferred to the agent and then recorded in the agent's audit log. The
audit log can be historically collected. You can create situations and
monitor centrally from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. See “Take Action and
command execution audit logging” on page 253.
AAGP authorization controls
The Access Authorization Group Profile (AAGP) authorization framework
is now integrated with the Take Action identity auditing. The AAGP
policies now selectively allow specific users to execute take actions from
Tivoli Enterprise Portal or using tacmd executeaction, to execute
commands using tacmd executecommand, or to create and modify situations
and workflow policies that specify a take action command. The AAGP
policy no longer requires the Central Configuration server to deliver the

Chapter 1. Introduction 5
AAGP policy. The policy can be configured from the Agent Service
Interface and stored locally on the agent itself. See “Access Authorization
Group Profile” on page 403 and “Centralized Configuration” on page 429.
SOAP security enhancements
You can now enable security for CT_EMail and CT_Export requests using
the SOAP_IS_SECURE environment variable on the monitoring server. See
“Enabling SOAP security” on page 564.
Duper process optimization
The duper process now supports situations that contain reflex actions or
display items. See “Duper process for optimizing situations” on page 85.
Changes to default self-describing agent behavior and new tacmd commands
You can now specify what products and versions are installed on your
monitoring server and portal server by the automatic self-describing agent
process. See “Self-describing monitoring agents” on page 295 and
“Dynamically updating the self-describing installation options” on page
Updates for private situations
v *REGEX predicate function
IBM Tivoli Monitoring frequently requires text scan and pattern
matching upon event and sample data, such as name, address, message,
and log record. You can add the Regular Expression predicate filter to
private situations to enhance agent monitoring event detection.
v Dynamically delete a private situation
You can now use the DELETE= attribute in a private situation to
dynamically remove a private situation without recycling the agent or
deleting the local private situation XML file.
For more information, see “Private situation XML specification” on page
Ability to clear the Deployment Status table transactions
Each time you issue an IBM Tivoli Monitoring tacmd command or use the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal navigator to remotely manage a Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Agent, information about the transaction is preserved in the
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server Deployment Status table. To make it
easier to manage the contents of this table, especially in large
environments, you can schedule the periodic removal of completed
transactions from the table. See “Clearing the Deployment Status table” on
page 292.
Use of login daemon scripts available on IBM Service Management Connect
In IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 or later, monitoring servers can now use the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring login daemon solution that is available on IBM
Service Management Connect to change the monitoring server an agent
connects to. See “Changing the monitoring server an agent connects to” on
page 294.
Setting the locale for the browser client
Administrators can no longer set the locale for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
browser client Enterprise-wide. The language can be changed through the
Java™ control panel at the client computer if the underlying OS platform
has been installed using a different locale than the one you want to use
with the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. See the user.language and user.region
parameters in “Portal client parameter list” on page 70.

6 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Tivoli Integrated Portal name change
The V3.1 release of Tivoli Integrated Portal is now referred to as the
Dashboard Application Services Hub.
i5/OS™ agent name change
The i5/OS monitoring agent is now referred to as the IBM i monitoring

IBM Tivoli Monitoring family of products

The following information provides a brief overview of the applications of the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring family of products.

IBM Tivoli Monitoring products help you manage the performance and availability
of distributed operating systems and applications. These products are based on a
set of common service components, referred to collectively as Tivoli Management
Services. Tivoli Management Services provides security, data transfer and storage,
notification mechanisms, user interface presentation, and communication services
in an agent-server-client architecture. These services are common to many product
suites such as IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON® XE mainframe monitoring and IBM Tivoli
Composite Application Manager.

After you have installed and initially configured Tivoli Management Services and
the products that rely on them, consult this guide to apply further customization in
a distributed environment. (Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on
z/OS is provided in the guide of the same name.) It also has general administrative
information for the managed systems that share these common services.
Product-specific administrative information is given in the guides for the
individual products.

Tivoli Management Services components

The following Tivoli Management Services components provide the infrastructure
for yourTivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents.

For a complete list of components, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and
Setup Guide (
Client The IBM Tivoli Monitoring client, Tivoli Enterprise Portal is a Java-based
user interface for viewing and monitoring your enterprise network.
Depending on how it was installed, you can start Tivoli Enterprise Portal
as a desktop application or through your browser as a web application.
Presentation server
The Tivoli Enterprise Portal client connects to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is a collection of software
services for the client that enables retrieval, manipulation and analysis of
data from the monitoring agents on your enterprise.
The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server also includes the optional dashboard
data provider which is used to retrieve read-only monitoring data for
display in monitoring dashboards.
Management server
The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server connects to the main, or hub, Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server. The monitoring server acts as a collection
and control point for alerts received from the enterprise monitoring agents,

Chapter 1. Introduction 7
and collects performance and availability data from them. The hub
monitoring server correlates the monitoring data collected by monitoring
agents and any remote monitoring servers and passes it to the portal
server for presentation in the portal console.
The automation server, Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server, is
an optional component that can be installed on the same system as the hub
monitoring server. It extends the functionality of the hub monitoring
server. The automation server includes the Open Services Lifecycle
Collaboration Performance Monitoring (OSLC-PM) service provider. For
more information, see “Performance Monitoring service provider” on page
Dashboard server
IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub is a Jazz for Service
Management component that provides dashboard visualization and
reporting services. Operators of the dashboard access it through a web
browser interface. IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub uses the
dashboard data provider component of the portal server to retrieve
monitoring data.
You can install the IBM Infrastructure Management Dashboards for
Servers application into Dashboard Application Services Hub to display
situation event information, managed system groups and key health
metrics for Windows OS agents, Linux OS agents, and UNIX OS agents.
You can also create custom dashboard pages that display monitoring data.
You can also install the Authorization Policy Server and tivcmd
Command-Line Interface for Authorization Policy (tivcmd CLI) to use
role-based authorization policies to control what monitored resources are
displayed in dashboards. For more information, see Chapter 7, “Using
role-based authorization policies,” on page 179.
Help server
The IBM User Interface Help System built on Eclipse is installed with the
portal server and provides presentation and search features for the
integrated help system.
tacmd Command-Line Interface (tacmd CLI)
The tacmd CLI is used to manage your monitoring environment and can
also be used to automate many of the administrative functions performed
using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. The CLI commands either send requests
to the hub monitoring server or to the portal server.
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents are installed on the systems or
subsystems whose applications and resources you want to monitor. An
agent collects monitoring data from the managed system and passes it to the
monitoring server to which it is connected. The portal client and
dashboard server gathers the current values of the attributes and produces
reports formatted into tables, charts, and relational table-based topology
views. The agents and monitoring servers can also test the values of the
current attributes against a threshold. When a threshold is exceeded or a
value is matched, an alert icon can be displayed in the portal client or
monitoring dashboard and the hub monitoring server can forward an
event to an event server such as IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus. The
attribute value conditions to test are called situations.
OS agents can be installed outside the enterprise as Tivoli System Monitor
Agents. They do not connect to nor have any reliance on the Tivoli

8 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Enterprise Monitoring Server. They can run private situations, which are
independent of the monitoring server, save data samples for attribute
groups as private history, and can send SNMP alerts or EIF events to IBM
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.
Data warehouse
The Tivoli Data Warehouse is an optional component for storing historical
data collected from agents in your environment. The data warehouse is
located on a supported database (such as DB2®, Oracle, or Microsoft®
Shared user registry
A shared user registry is an LDAP server such as Tivoli Directory Server or
Microsoft Active Directory that can be used to authenticate portal server
users, IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub users, and other
application users such as Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI users. When a
shared user registry is used, users are authenticated by the first server that
they access and authentication tokens are passed to the other servers so
that the user is not required to re-enter their credentials.
Event synchronization
The event synchronization component is optional. It is configured to send
situation event updates that were forwarded to a IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console Event Server or a Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer back to the
monitoring server.

Tivoli Enterprise Portal client

Tivoli Enterprise Portal is one of the user interfaces for your IBM Tivoli
Monitoring-based products. In the same way you use your browser's home page as
a starting point for navigating the Internet, you use Tivoli Enterprise Portal to get a
high level overview of your network environment.

One section of the window displays the Navigator, a tree-like view of your
monitored network, from the top level down to individual groupings of
information collected by monitoring agents. The rest of the window is filled with
views pertinent to the chosen item in the Navigator tree. From the top level or
from your home workspace, you can navigate to specific locations to check activity
and investigate problems.

This workspace was customized for the select item in the tree. This workspace was
designed with a bar chart, two plot charts, and a table that displays a background
color for cell values that exceed a certain threshold. You can create and customize
additional workspaces for every item in the tree.

The event indicators that display in the tree, or Navigator, are the results of tests,
called situations, that run on your monitored systems. When the condition
described in the situation is true, a colored icon overlays the affected items in the
tree. Use the Situation editor to set up conditional alerts that monitor your
environment automatically. Use the Workflow editor to set up policies to automate
your environment.

Chapter 1. Introduction 9
Desktop, Browser, and Java Web Start clients
The Tivoli Enterprise Portal client can be deployed in three ways, as described
briefly here and in more detail in the Installation and Setup Guide.
The desktop client requires that you load and run the installation software
on each computer where the desktop client will be run. Users start Tivoli
Enterprise Portal the same way they do their other locally installed
applications. With the desktop client, you can also create multiple instances
for connecting to different portal servers.
The browser client installation software resides on the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server. The client software is downloaded from there to your
computer the first time you log on to the portal server from your browser,
and thereafter only when there are software updates.
You can start the browser client from any browser-enabled computer by
entering the URL for the portal server. In this mode of operation, each
portal workspace has a URL, so you can save a workspace to your
Favorites list.
With the browser client you can launch from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal to
other Tivoli web-based and web-enabled applications, and from those
applications into the portal without re-entering your log-on credentials.
This single sign-on solution uses a central LDAP-based user registry to
authenticate sign-on credentials.
Java Web Start
With Java Web Start, like the browser client, the client software is accessed
through a URL and downloaded from the portal server. Unlike the browser
client, which is always run inside the browser, the Web Start client is run
as a desktop application. Whenever updates to the client software are
available, they are downloaded from the portal server automatically.
References to desktop client behavior in this guide also assumes the Java
Web Start client unless otherwise stated. Single sign-on is an example: As
well as the browser client, you can use single sign-on with the Web Start

10 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Historical data collection
In addition to the real-time reports offered by Tivoli Enterprise Portal workspaces,
you can configure historical data collection to store the data being collected by
your monitoring agents for historical reports and situations. You can specify the
v Attribute groups for historical data collection
v Data collection interval.
v Data warehousing intervals if you choose to write data to the Tivoli Data
v How data samples are grouped for pruning from the Tivoli Data Warehouse
v Pruning schedule of warehoused data.
v Storage location for the short-term history files before they are sent to the data
warehouse. Data samples can be stored at the monitoring agent or on the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server.

To ensure that data samplings are saved to populate your predefined historical
workspaces, you must first configure and start historical data collection. Real-time
workspaces are available whether you start historical collection or not.

System administrator tasks

A system administrator has the highest level of authority and can access all IBM
Tivoli Monitoring features in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

This list represents the types of tasks a system administrator might perform:
v Establishes Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs and user groups with the
appropriate permissions for their jobs.
v Designs workspaces for Navigator items and makes these workspaces available
to users based on their established permissions.
v Defines queries that can be applied to table and chart views to specify the
attributes and attribute value ranges to retrieve from the monitoring server.
v Writes definitions for launching applications and makes them available to users
based on their established permissions.
v Creates command line actions that can run at the specified managed system
from the portal client, and makes them available to users who have been
granted authority.
v Creates situations using the visual programming facilities
v Sets the severity of a situation for a particular Navigator item and what, if any,
sound plays when the situation is true and an event opens
v Decides which situations apply to which managed systems, a process called
v Provides expert advice to display when certain situations evaluate true
v Creates policy workflows, which are actions to take when situations evaluate
v Creates, installs, upgrades, distributes and configures agents on remote hosts
from a central location
v Starts, stops, and recycles agent processes

Chapter 1. Introduction 11
Performance Monitoring service provider
The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server component contains the Open
Services Lifecycle Collaboration Performance Monitoring (OSLC-PM) service
provider and is installed on the same systems as your hub Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server.

The Performance Monitoring service provider registers monitoring resources with

the Registry Services. Registry Services is a Jazz for Service Management
integration service that provides a shared data repository for products in an
integrated service management environment. Products that discover and manage
shared IT resources can register these IT resources and the services they offer with
Registry Services. Other products can consume data by querying Registry Services
for the managed resources or the associated service providers of interest.

The Performance Monitoring service provider registers resources types such as

Computer System, Software Server, Software Module, Database, IPAddress, and
ServerAccessPoint on behalf of monitoring agents. These resources types are
defined using the OSLC Common Resource Type Vocabulary (CRTV). Agents
provide a template that maps their monitoring data to CRTV resources. The
template is installed with the agent's monitoring server application support.

The Performance Monitoring service provider also supports the OSLC-PM RESTful
API for retrieving linked data about monitored resources. It accommodates the
RDF/XML, compact XML and HTML content types in HTTP GET requests. When
RDF/XML and HTML content is requested, the API returns resource health metrics
defined by the OSLC-PM domain and by the IBM Tivoli Monitoring private

To discover the resources that have health metrics available from the Performance
Monitoring service provider, you must query Registry Services since the
Performance Monitoring service provider does not provide OSLC query capability.
Registry Services provides a query interface for retrieving service providers
records, resource registration records, and reconciled resource records. The
reconciled resource records and registration records contain HTTP URLs that can
be used to retrieve information about the resource from the service provider that
registered the resource. The Jazz for Service Management Integration Guide in the Jazz
for Service Management Information Center (
tivihelp/v3r1/topic/ contains
information on querying Registry Services to learn about service providers and

Security Services is an optional Jazz for Service Management component that

enables non-WebSphere based applications such as the Performance Monitoring
service provider to participate in LTPA based single sign-on. It should be installed
and configured if you want the Performance Monitoring service provider to
authenticate requests it receives from OSLC clients. This is the only authentication
method supported by the service provider. See “Authentication through the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server” on page 128 for more details.

You can use the Performance Monitoring service provider with the Tivoli Business
Service Manager V6.1.1 dashboard server to display key health metrics from
monitoring agents in the service tree without launching in context to the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal. The health metrics are available if a resource such as a
ComputerSystem or SoftwareServer has been registered with Registry Services by
the Performance Monitoring service provider and the resource has also been

12 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

discovered by the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Discovery Library Adapter or by a Tivoli
Application Dependency Discovery Manager sensor when the TADDM OSLC
service provider is also being used. The metrics are displayed in a hover preview
dialog that also displays information from other service providers that have
registered the same resource. For example, the OSLC service provider for Tivoli
Application Dependency Discovery Manager provides configuration and change
history information for registered resources in the hover preview dialog. For more
information on how to setup the integration between the Performance Monitoring
service provider, Tivoli Business Service Manager, Registry Services, and other
supported service providers, see the Cross Product Integration Scenarios wiki.

You can also create your own OSLC client applications that retrieve resource
information from Registry Services and health metrics for those resources from the
Performance Monitoring service provider. Alternatively you can create your own
OSLC service provider implementation to augment the information available for
registered resources. For more information on creating these types of applications,
see Getting started with Registry Services on the Jazz for Service Management

Note: If you create your own OSLC client application, take note that the
rr:sourceRecord properties that are retrieved from Registry Services for
registration or reconciliation records can change if you have a Hot Standby
monitoring environment. The rr:sourceRecord property contains the URL that is
used to query an OSLC service provider for more details about a resource. When
Hot Standby is used, the rr:sourceRecord URL for a resource points to the
Performance Monitoring service provider for the acting hub monitoring server.
When the standby hub monitoring server becomes the acting hub, the URLs are
updated to specify the host name and port number of the Performance Monitoring
service provider for the new acting hub. Therefore, one of the following scenarios
must take place:
v If your OSLC client application caches the rr:sourceRecord property values, it
must periodically query Registry Services to determine whether the cached
URLs must be updated.
v If your OSLC client application tries to use a cached rr:sourceRecord URL for a
resource and a response is not received from the Performance Monitoring service
provider, then it can query Registry Services to determine whether the
rr:sourceRecord value changed.
If the Performance Monitoring service provider for the acting and standby
monitoring servers are both up and an OSLC client sends a request to the
Performance Monitoring service provider for the standby hub monitoring server,
the service provider returns an HTTP 301 redirect response if it can determine the
host name of the acting hub and Performance Monitoring service provider;
otherwise, it returns an HTTP 404 response.

For more information about OSLC and Loosely Coupled Integration, see the
following links:
v OSLC community
v Performance Monitoring working group
v Reconciliation working group and Common Resource Type Vocabulary
v Loosely coupled integration at ISM Connect
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring OSLC private namespace schema

Chapter 1. Introduction 13
For information on installing and configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Automation Server and Performance Monitoring service provider, see the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide (

14 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Chapter 2. Preparing your Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Review these topics for additional configuration of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
client environment.

Browser client
Users start the browser client by entering the URL for the integral HTTP server on
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

The advantages of the browser client are:

v Easy deployment. The browser client is installed the first time users log on to
the URL for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal integral HTTP server.
v Software upgrades are automatic. When users log on, their browser client is
checked against the one at the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server; if a newer version
is detected, it is downloaded from the server.
v Global parameter settings are set for all users connected to the same Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server.
v Workspaces have identifying URLs that can be referenced in Web pages and
when launching from another Web-enabled application.
v Includes a banner that can be customized with your company logo and URL.

Java runtime environment (JRE) versions

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and client run Java-based software. When you
install the portal server or the desktop client, IBM Java 7 is installed automatically.

Before you use IBM Web Start for Java to download the desktop client from the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server:
v The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server must be installed. (See the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide (
v IBM 32-bit or 64-bit Java Runtime Environment for Windows, version 7.0 must
be installed on the computer to which you want to download the desktop client.
You can download the IBM JRE installer from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
The IBM JRE must be installed as the system JVM.
If you want to run the desktop client on a system that already has a Tivoli
Management Services base component installed (such as a monitoring server or
the portal server), there is no need to install the IBM JRE. The correct version of
the IBM JRE is installed with the Tivoli Management Services component.

When you log on from a browser, a check is done for the level of Java associated
with the browser. The required version of Java is controlled at the portal server
and you might be prompted to upgrade to IBM Java 7 when you connect.

First time logon

The first time the URL for Tivoli Enterprise Portal is entered from a system, the
Java Plug-in transfers the required files from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (on

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 15

Windows, the files reside in the <install_dir>\cnb branch; on operating systems
such as UNIX, they are in the <install_dir>/cw branch).

From then on the browser client software does not need to be downloaded again
until a new version has been installed. The Java plug-in maintains the version
levels of the files on users' computers and compares them with the version levels
on the integral HTTP server. If it detects files that are older than the ones on the
HTTP server, it downloads the latest files.

Be sure you have sufficient free space for the downloaded files. If the disk runs out
of space during the download, you are not warned.

Internet Explorer security settings

About this task

If you have the Internet Explorer security level set to high, you must adjust the
settings to run the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Otherwise, the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
browser client cannot run.

Check the security settings

The following procedure should be used to check your current security settings.

1. In Internet Explorer, select Tools → Internet Options
2. Select the Security tab.
3. Click Internet if you are running Tivoli Enterprise Portal through the Internet;
or Intranet if you are running Tivoli Enterprise Portal through your intranet.
4. Change your security settings to Default Level
5. Click OK to save.

Keep current security settings

You can integrate the Tivoli Enterprise Portal website with Internet Explorer
without changing your security settings. If you wish to keep your current security
settings, you can add the Tivoli Enterprise Portal website to your Trusted Sites

1. In Internet Explorer, select Tools → Internet Options
2. Select the Security tab.
3. Click Trusted Sites → Sites, and enter the URL for Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
4. Clear the check box that checks for (https:) for all sites at this zone, click Add .
Choose the medium security level or lower for all sites in the Trusted Sites
5. Click OK to save your changes.

Windows write and delete privileges

Starting with Windows 2000, write and delete privileges for certain folders and
registry keys were removed from the Users group. These privileges are required
for anyone intending to use the Java WebStart client or the browser client.
Otherwise, Java exception errors are encountered during attempts to start the

16 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Before users can download the Java WebStart client or start the browser client, the
Windows administrator must assign the required permissions to individual user
IDs or the Users group, or create a new group with the required permissions and
assign users to this group in addition to the Users group. The required permissions
v Write and Delete permissions on the directory where Windows is installed, such
v Set Value, Create Subkey, and Delete permissions on registry key

Note: The Windows permissions scheme affects the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
browser mode and other third-party software installed through Internet Explorer.

Adding your company logo and URL

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser application looks much as it does in desktop
mode, except that it also has a banner with a link to®. You can customize
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client by replacing the logo and URL with
your organization's.

About this task

Take these steps to customize the portal client banner:

1. On the computer where you installed the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, open
the following file in an HTML editor or text editor:
2. Edit the HREF and IMG SRC tags for your organization's URL and logo
graphic file:
a. Replace the href ’ + URL + ’ placeholder with your organization's URL.
b. Replace the img src ’ + URL + ’ placeholder with the name of your
organization's logo GIF or JPG file.
c. Replace the alt ’ + URL + ’ placeholder with the text that should display
when the mouse pointer is over the image, such as the URL.
3. Save the file and exit the editor.
4. Copy the logo graphic to the install_dir\cnb\ directory.


Users now see your logo on the right-hand side of the banner the next time they
start browser mode.

Starting the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client

Log on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to start a Tivoli Enterprise Portal
work session.

Before you begin

The hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and the portal server must be running
for the portal client to start successfully. You also must have a valid user ID.

Chapter 2. Preparing your Tivoli Enterprise Portal environment 17

About this task

After you have successfully installed and configured all the components of your
IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment, you can verify the installation and
configuration by launching the Tivoli Enterprise Portal to view monitoring data.
You can access the portal using either the desktop client or the browser client. The
default user ID is sysadmin.

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal client supports multiple monitor configurations. For
example, if you have two display monitors, you can launch the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal client in the secondary monitor and the dialogs, message pop-ups, and
context menus are displayed in the same secondary monitor.

v Start the desktop client:
– Click Start → Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Tivoli
Enterprise Portal. When the logon window is displayed, enter your user ID
and password and click OK.
– Enter ./itmcmd agent start cj at the command line.
v Start the browser client:
1. Start the browser.
2. Type the URL for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server into the Address field of
the browser, where the systemname is the host name of the computer where
the portal server is installed and 15200 is the port number for the browser
client: http://systemname:15200
3. Click Yes on the Warning - Security window.
4. When the logon window is displayed, enter your user ID and password and
click OK.

Using Web Start to download and run the desktop client

A desktop client obtained from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server through IBM
Web Start for Java benefits from centralized administration from the server. Like
the browser client, it is automatically configured with the latest updates each time
you start the client, and there is no need to configure application support.

This section is reproduced from the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup
Guide for your convenience.

Before you use IBM Web Start for Java to download the desktop client from the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server:
v The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server must be installed. (See the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide (
v IBM 32-bit or 64-bit Java Runtime Environment for Windows, version 7.0 must
be installed on the computer to which you want to download the desktop client.
You can download the IBM JRE installer from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
The IBM JRE must be installed as the system JVM.
If you want to run the desktop client on a system that already has a Tivoli
Management Services base component installed (such as a monitoring server or
the portal server), there is no need to install the IBM JRE. The correct version of
the IBM JRE is installed with the Tivoli Management Services component.

18 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Installing the IBM JRE
About this task

If you intend to download and run the desktop client using Web Start on a
computer where no IBM Tivoli Monitoring base component is installed, you must
first install IBM Java. You download an installer from the computer where the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed.

Windows: Installing the IBM JRE

Install the IBM Java Runtime Environment on the computer where you plan to
start the desktop client using Java Web Start.

About this task

Take these steps to download the IBM JRE installer from the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server and install the JRE on a Windows computer.

Note: The following procedure assumes you are installing the IBM JRE on a 32-bit
Windows platform. If you are using a 64-bit Windows platform, the name for the
IBM JRE installer executable is ibm-java7_64.exe.

1. Start the browser on the computer to which you want to download the
2. Enter the following URL in the Address field of the browser, where
<portal_server_host_name> is the fully qualified host name of the computer
where the portal server is installed (for example,
3. When prompted, save the ibm-java7.exe file to a directory on your hard drive.
4. Change to the directory where you saved the ibm-java7.exe file and
double-click the file to launch the JRE installer to start the installation
5. On the pop-up window, select the language from the drop-down list and click
6. Click Next on the Welcome page.
7. Click Yes to accept the license agreement.
8. Accept the default location for installing the JRE or browse to a different
directory. Click Next.
9. If you have no other system JVM's installed, click YES on the message that
asks if you want to install this JRE as the system JVM. Otherwise, click NO.
10. If another JRE is currently installed as the system JVM and you are prompted
to overwrite the current system JVM, click NO. Overwriting the current
system JVM might cause applications depending on the current JVM to fail.
11. Click Next on the Start Copying Files window to start installing the JRE.
12. On the Browser Registration window, select the browsers that you want the
IBM JRE to be associated with. These would normally be the browsers that
you want to use with the browser client.
13. Click Next.
14. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Chapter 2. Preparing your Tivoli Enterprise Portal environment 19

Linux: Installing the IBM JRE
Install the IBM Java Runtime Environment on the computer where you plan to
start the desktop client using Java Web Start.

About this task

Complete the following steps to download the IBM JRE installer from the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server and install the JRE on a Linux computer, or install the JRE
without downloading the installer by supplying the URL to the rpm in the
rpm -ivh http://portal_server_host_name:15200/java/ibm-java7.rpm

Note: The following procedure assumes you are installing the IBM JRE on a 32-bit
Linux platform. If you are using a 64-bit Linux platform, the name for the IBM JRE
.rpm file is ibm-java7_64.rpm.

1. Start the browser on the computer to which you want to download the
2. Enter the following URL in the Address field of the browser:
where portal_server_host_name is the fully qualified host name of the computer
where the portal server is installed (for example,
3. When prompted, save the installer to disk.
4. Change to the directory where you saved the ibm-java7.rpm file and launch the
installer to start the installation program using the following command:
rpm -ivh ibm-java7.rpm

Enabling tracing for the JRE

Log files are not created for the desktop client launched through Web Start unless
you enable tracing for the JRE.

Before you begin

The logs for the Web Start client are located in a different place than logs for the
browser client and for the desktop client installed from the media. On Windows
computers, the logs for the Web Start client are located in the C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\Application Data\IBM\Java\Deployment\log or
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\IBM\Java\Deployment\log directory. On Linux
and UNIX computers, the logs are located in the .java/deployment/log directory
of the home directory of the user ID under which the Java JRE was installed. Java
Web Start will create a uniquely named trace file for every independent launch of
the application. The files are named javaws.nnnnn.trace, where nnnnn is an
arbitrary five-digit identifier.

About this task

Complete the following steps to enable tracing:

1. Launch the IBM Control Panel for Java.
v On Windows, select Start > Control Panel, then double-click IBM Control
Panel for Java. You must switch to the Classic view to see and select the

20 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Control Panel. Alternatively, you can launch the Control Panel by selecting
Start > Run > "C:\Program Files\IBM\Java70\jre\bin\javacpl.exe".
v On Linux, change to <install_dir>/jre/<platform>/bin and run Control
Panel: ./ControlPanel
2. Select the Advanced tab.
3. Expand the Debugging node in the Settings tree and check Enable Tracing.
4. Click OK to save the setting and close the Java Control Panel.

Downloading and running the desktop client

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal can be launched as a desktop application or as a web
application. You have three ways to install the desktop application: from a browser
by entering the URL of the Java Web Start client on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server, launching the desktop client from the IBM Java Control Panel, or launching
the desktop client using Java Web Start from the command line.

Before you begin

These are the basic instructions for downloading and running the desktop client
using Java Web Start. The complete instructions, with configuration notes are given
in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

About this task

Complete one of these steps to install and launch the desktop client using Java
Web Start:

v Enter the URL of the portal server in a browser:
1. Start the browser on the computer where you want to use the desktop client.
2. Enter the following URL in the Address field of the browser, where
<portal_server_host_name> is the fully qualified host name of the computer
where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed.
3. Click Run on the security message.
4. If you want to create a shortcut on your desktop for the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal, click Yes when prompted. The desktop client starts and displays the
logon window. If IBM Java 1.7 is not the system JVM, you cannot use this
shortcut. You must create your own, as described in the topic on “Manually
creating a shortcut for the Web Start client” in IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Installation and Setup Guide.
5. Enter the user ID and password to log on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal or
click Cancel if you do not want to log on at this time. The default user ID is
If you set the RAS trace option for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client as
documented in IBM Tivoli Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide, when you recycle the
client the kcjras1.log should be created in the location where the client was
launched. On Windows this defaults to \Documents and Settings\<userid>\
v Launch the desktop client from IBM Java Control Panel:
1. Launch the IBM Java Control Panel:
In the Windows control panel, double-click IBM Java Control

Chapter 2. Preparing your Tivoli Enterprise Portal environment 21

Panel. You must be in the Classic view to see IBM Java Control Panel.
Change to <install_dir>/jre/<platform>/bin directory and enter
2. On the General tab, in the Temporary Internet Files section, click Settings.
The Temporary Files Settings window is displayed.
3. Click View Applications.
4. On the User tab, select Tivoli Enterprise Portal, then click Launch Online.
Java Web Start downloads and starts the desktop client. When the application is
launched, you can close the Control Panel windows.
v Launch the desktop client using Java Web Start from the command line:
1. Open a command line window and change to the directory where Java Web
Start is installed.

C:\Program Files\IBM\Java70\jre\bin

2. Enter the following command, where <portal_server_host_name> is the fully
qualified host name of the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server is installed.

javaws http://<portal_server_host_name>:15200/tep.jnlp

./javaws http://<portal_server_host_name>:15200/tep.jnlp
Java Web Start downloads and launches the desktop client.

Manually creating a shortcut for the Web Start client

On Windows, the Web Start executable file for the default Java JVM is copied to
the Windows\System32 directory. When you let Web Start create a short cut for
launching the desktop client, it uses the file in the System32 directory as the target.
If the default JVM is not IBM Java 1.7, the shortcut will not launch the desktop
client. You must create a shortcut manually.

About this task

To create a shortcut to use to launch the desktop client using Web Start, complete
the following procedure:

1. Right-click on the Windows desktop and select New > Shortcut from the
popup menu.
2. In the Create Shortcut window, type the following path or click Browse and
navigate to the executable as shown:
C:\Program Files\IBM\Java70\jre\bin\javaws.exe
3. Click Next and type a name for the shortcut in the Select a Title for the
Program window. For example:
ITM Web Start client
4. Click Finish. The shortcut appears on your desktop.

22 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Starting the desktop client on another portal server
When installing the desktop client, you designate a home Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server. If your monitoring environment has a multiple portal servers, you can
define a separate desktop instance to point to another portal server.

Before you begin

The typical scenario for having multiple portal servers is where there is a test and
production portal server, or where there are multiple managed networks with a
portal server connected to each hub monitoring server.

About this task

Take these steps to create another portal client instance that connects to a different
portal server.

1. On the computer where the desktop client is installed, select Start →
Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
2. Right-click Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop Client and click Create
Instance. If other instances of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal have been created,
you see more than one in the list. Create Instance is disabled for all but the
original Tivoli Enterprise Portal instance.
3. In the Tivoli Enterprise Portal window, enter a name to identify the instance
and click OK.
4. In the Configure Application Instance window, enter the host name of the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server that you want to connect to.
5. Click OK.
v Using the command line:
1. Change directory (cd) to install_dir/bin.
2. Create a new instance using the following command:
./itmcmd config -A cj
3. Launch the new instance using the following command:
./itmcmd agent -o <instance_name> start cj

For full syntax information see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference.
Using the GUI:
1. Change directory (cd) to install_dir/bin.
2. To start the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services, use the following
./itmcmd manage
3. Right-click Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop Client and click Configure.
4. Enter the instance name and portal server hostname, then click Save.
5. To start the instance, right-click Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop Client and
click Start Service and enter the instance name.

Chapter 2. Preparing your Tivoli Enterprise Portal environment 23


The new Tivoli Enterprise Portal instance is added to the list.

What to do next

You can now start the instance at any time by double-clicking its entry.

If you no longer need a Tivoli Enterprise Portal instance, you can delete it:
right-clicking the entry and click Remove Instance.

Starting the browser client on another portal server

Start a separate instance of your browser and log on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server of a different managed network to see two managed networks from the
same computer.

Before you begin

Your managed network can have one portal server and one hub Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server. You can log on to the portal server through the Windows
Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.

About this task

Before starting the browser client instances, take these steps on each computer
where a portal server that you want to connect to is installed.

1. In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services, right-click the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server entry and select Reconfigure.
2. In the Configure Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser window that opens,
double-click the cnp.browser.installdir parameter.
3. In the Edit Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Parm window that opens, enter
the path to the directory where the browser files should be installed, for
example, C:\\temp\\cnpBrowserFiles.
4. Select the In Use check box and click OK.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
1. Change to the directory where applet.html is located: install_dir/
platform/cw, where platform is the current type of operating system.
2. Open applet.html in a text editor.
3. Find the line, <!--END OF PARAMS--> and add a new line above it.
4. On the new line, add this parameter where browser_install_dir is the path to
the directory where the browser files are installed.
document.writeln( ’<PARAM NAME= "cnp.browser.installdir"
VALUE="browser_install_dir">’ )
5. Save and close applet.html.

24 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

What to do next

If you are using Internet Explorer, launch each instance of the portal client that you

If you are using the Firefox browser, you must create a separate profile for each
instance that you intend to start. The Mozilla support site has a topic on Managing
Profiles ( that you can
refer to for help with setting up profiles. After creating the profiles, launch each
instance with this command <full_path_to_firefox> -p <profile_name> -no-remote
Related reference:
“Portal client parameter list” on page 70
Most of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client parameters are left unchanged from their
default values. Edit the client parameters to effect a specific behavior.

Specifying the browser used for Launch Application and for online
If you are running the desktop client on Linux, or you want to view the online
help with some browser other than the default, specify to the portal server the
location of the browser you want to use.

About this task

Complete these steps to specify a different browser to use for the online help and
launch application:

1. Launch Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services (Start > (All)
Programs > IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
2. In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window, right-click the
browser or desktop client and select Reconfigure. The Configure the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Browser window is displayed. (If you are configuring the
desktop client, the Configure Application Instance window is displayed.)
3. Scroll down in the list of variables until you see the kjr.browser.default
4. Double-click kjr.browser.default. The Edit Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser
Parm window is displayed.
5. In the Value field, type the path and the application name of the alternative
browser application. For example, C:\Program Files\Mozilla
6. Click OK to close the editing window and save the change.
7. Click OK to close the reconfiguration window.
1. Go to the install_dir/bin/ and edit the shell script.
2. Add your web browser location to the last line of the file. In the example
below, the web browser location is /opt/foo/bin/launcher.
-Dkjr.browser.default=/opt/foo/bin/launcher The line is very long and has
various options on it, including several other –D options to define other
properties. It is very important to add the option in the correct place.

Chapter 2. Preparing your Tivoli Enterprise Portal environment 25

If the last line of your bin/ originally looked like the following:
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -showversion -noverify -classpath ${CLASSPATH}
-Dkjr.trace.mode=LOCAL -Dkjr.trace.file=/opt/IBM/ITM/logs/kcjras1.log
-Dkjr.trace.params=ERROR -DORBtcpNoDelay=true
-Dhttp.proxyPort=candle.fw.pres.CMWApplet 2>& 1 >> ${LOGFILENAME}.log

To set the browser location to /opt/foo/bin/launcher, change the line to look like the
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -showversion -noverify -classpath ${CLASSPATH}
-Dkjr.trace.mode=LOCAL -Dkjr.trace.file=/opt/IBM/ITM/logs/kcjras1.log
-Dkjr.trace.params=ERROR -DORBtcpNoDelay=true
-Dhttp.proxyPort=candle.fw.pres.CMWApplet 2>& 1 >> ${LOGFILENAME}.log
v Java Web Start:
Java Web Start deployed applications are described in jnlp deployment files. For
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, there is one deployment file that describes the core Tivoli
Enterprise Portal framework component and associated jar files, and one
deployment file for each and every Tivoli Enterprise Portal-based monitoring
solution that is installed. The core Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server deployment file
is named tep.jnlp. The application deployment file is typically called
kxx_resources.jnlp or kxx.jnlp, where xx is the application identifier (a product
code, such as nt, ux, or lz). On a Windows computer where the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server is installed, the file is located in <itminstall_dir>\CNB (for
example, c:\IBM\ITM\CNB). On a Linux computer where the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server is installed, the file is located in <itminstall_dir>/<arch>/cw (for
example, /opt/IBM/ITM/li6263/cw).
The deployment file instances are generated whenever the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server is installed or reconfigured (for example, when adding a new
monitoring solution to the environment). The contents of these files are based
upon two template deployment files (.jnlpt). The core Tivoli Enterprise Portal
template deployment file is called tep.jnlpt. The application template
deployment file is named component.jnlpt. On a Windows computer where the
Tivoli Enterprise PortalTivoli Enterprise Portal is installed, the file is located in
<itminstall_dir>\Config (for example: c:\IBM\ITM\Config). On UNIX
computers, the file is located in <itminstall_dir>/config (for example,
In order to add or modify JVM arguments (such as maximum heap size) or
other Tivoli Enterprise Portal-based properties (such as RAS1 trace options), it is
necessary to edit either the tep.jnlp deployment file or the tep.jnlpt
deployment template file. The deployment file is nothing more than XML syntax
that describes the Web Start application being deployed. The <resources>
element is used to define the JVM arguments, the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
properties, jar files, and references to component deployment files.
– Modify the tep.jnlp file if the change will be temporary (for example, setting
a trace option for gathering further diagnostics).
– Modify the tep.jnlpt file if the change will be permanent (for example,
increasing the maximum heap size to accommodate a larger monitored
environment or increased event load).
If you modify the deployment template file, make sure you then reconfigure
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server in order to regenerate the instance-level
.jnlp deployment files with your changes.

26 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

To specify the location of the browser to use to display the online help, add the
following property to the <resources> section of the appropriate file:
<property name="kjr.browser.default" value="<path where browser is located>" >

Add operating platforms to the Navigator view

Edit the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server osnames file to create additional branches in
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Navigator view for other operating system names.

The Navigator Physical view in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal shows the operating
platform below the enterprise level. The operating platform name is followed by
the word Systems as in Linux Systems or z/OS® Systems. Some operating
platforms can be aggregated further. If your environment has such platforms and
you want each to have its own Navigator item, with all systems of that type
contained there, you can add them to the osnames file in the portal server directory
(for example, C:\IBM\ITM\CNPS and /opt/IBM/ITM/config).

Chapter 2. Preparing your Tivoli Enterprise Portal environment 27

28 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment
Review these topics for additional configuration of your dashboard environment.

Tasks for setting up your environment depend on many factors. There are two
main types of dashboard environments you might have: a basic environment
without single sign-on or authorization controls per user, or an advanced
environment with single sign-on and authorization controls per user.

If you originally created an environment without single sign-on or authorization

controls per user, you can later change your settings to use single sign-on and
authorization controls per user. Additionally, if you want to create a high
availability dashboard environment, you can use an HTTP server configured for
load balancing between your dashboard users and a cluster of Dashboard
Application Services Hub nodes, and also between Dashboard Application Services
Hub nodes and multiple Tivoli Enterprise Portal Servers.

Setting up a basic monitoring environment without single

sign-on and without per user authorization controls
Setup a basic dashboard environment if you want to use IBM Dashboard
Application Services Hub with monitoring dashboard applications such as IBM
Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers and IBM Infrastructure
Management Dashboards for VMware or with custom dashboards, without using
single sign-on or authorization controls per user.

Your environment must meet the following requirements:

v Your Dashboard Application Services Hub and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
are not configured to use a federated LDAP user registry for user authentication.
v Your dashboard users will not launch the Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client
from IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub pages, or if they do, they must
provide their credentials when the browser client is started.
v All of your dashboard users can be authorized to see the same managed systems
and managed system groups in the monitoring dashboard pages.
If these requirements are not met in your environment, follow the steps for
“Setting up a monitoring dashboard environment with single sign-on and with per
user authorization controls” on page 34.

Note: You can also start with a basic dashboard environment to become familiar
with IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub with monitoring dashboards and
later add single sign-on and per user authorization by following the steps in
“Migrating a basic monitoring dashboard environment to a dashboard
environment with single sign-on and per user authorization controls” on page 45.

The Dashboard Application Services Hub uses a HTTP or HTTPS connection to the
dashboard data provider component of the portal server to retrieve monitoring
data. Real-time monitoring data is retrieved from the hub monitoring server and
monitoring agents and historical monitoring data is retrieved from the Tivoli Data
Warehouse. Not all monitoring dashboard applications support retrieving historical
data from the Tivoli Data Warehouse.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 29

You configure a dashboard data provider connection in the Dashboard Application
Services Hub that specifies the hostname, protocol, port, username, and password
of the portal server. The user ID configured for the data provider connection is
included in all HTTP requests to the dashboard data provider instead of the user
who is logged into Dashboard Application Services Hub and using a dashboard
application. The connection user must be defined as a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user
ID and be assigned the monitoring applications whose data will be displayed in
monitoring dashboards. Dashboard Application Services Hub uses roles, for users
or user groups, to control what pages a user can access. However, the dashboard
data provider performs the authorization of the monitoring resources that are
displayed in those pages. Because the dashboard data provider is only sent the
credentials of the user configured for the data provider connection, it enforces the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions and monitoring application assignments of the
connection user and not the dashboard users. For this reason, all monitoring
dashboard users will see monitoring data from the same set of managed systems
and managed system groups.

v Install and configure the base IBM Tivoli Monitoring monitoring server, portal
server, and portal client components using the instructions in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. When configuring the portal server,
enable the dashboard data provider.
v Install and configure the monitoring agents whose data will be displayed in the
monitoring dashboards. Install their application support in the monitoring
servers, portal server, and desktop portal client if it is being used, using the
instructions in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
v Install and configure Dashboard Application Services Hub and your dashboard
monitoring applications, see “Required software and memory requirements for a
dashboard environment” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
Also see “Installing and configuring the IBM Infrastructure Management
Dashboards for Servers” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide,
if you will be installing that dashboard application.


Use the following roadmap to help you get started:

Table 1. Roadmap for setting up a basic monitoring environment without single sign-on and without per user
authorization controls
Step Description Where to find information
1 (required) Verify the dashboard data provider is enabled in For detailed steps, see “Verifying the dashboard
your portal server configuration. data provider is enabled” in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
2 (required) Determine which Tivoli Enterprise Portal user “Administer Users” on page 162 and “Managing
should be configured for the dashboard data user IDs” on page 167
provider connection and ensure the user has this
v The user must be assigned the monitoring
applications whose data will be displayed in
monitoring dashboards.
v If your dashboard applications display
situation events, the user must have permission
to view situation events.

30 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 1. Roadmap for setting up a basic monitoring environment without single sign-on and without per user
authorization controls (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
3 (required) Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services “Creating a connection to the IBM Tivoli
Hub as an administrative user and create a Monitoring dashboard data provider” on page 58
dashboard data provider connection that uses the
HTTP protocol and does not require single When creating your connection, do not select the
sign-on configuration. box Use the credentials of the user (requires
SSO Configuration).
By default, the URL is http://
hostname:port_number/ibm/console/. The default
port number for HTTP is 16310 and for HTTPS is
16311. The default path to the server is
/ibm/console. However, this path is configurable,
and might differ from the default in your
4 (optional Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services Refer to the Jazz for Service Management
best practice) Hub as an administrative user and create a role Administrator's Guide in the Jazz for Service
that controls access to your dashboard application Management Information Center
pages and assign dashboard users or user groups (
to the role. v3r1/topic/
Note: Some dashboard applications such as IBM homepage.html) for details on how to work with
Infrastructure Management for VMware roles that control access to dashboard pages.
automatically create a role for its pages when the
dashboard application is installed. However,
other dashboard applications such as IBM
Infrastructure Management Dashboards for
Servers do not create a role during installation so
you must create one or assign the dashboard
pages to an existing role.
5 (required) Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services See your dashboard application's user guide for
Hub as a user who has permission to view your details on how to launch and use the dashboard.
dashboard pages, launch the dashboard
Tip: First select System Status and Health >
applications, and verify data is displayed.
Dashboard Health Checks to verify your
environment is working correctly. Then if you are
using Infrastructure Management Dashboards for
Servers, select System Status and Health >
Server Dashboards.

For more information on using Infrastructure

Management Dashboards for Servers, see the OS
agent user's guides.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 31

Table 1. Roadmap for setting up a basic monitoring environment without single sign-on and without per user
authorization controls (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
6 (optional) If you want to use HTTPS between Dashboard Application Services Hub and the dashboard data
provider, perform these tasks:
1. Configure TLS/SSL between the dashboard “Configuring TLS/SSL communication between
hub and data provider. Dashboard Application Services Hub and the
dashboard data provider” on page 211
2. Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services Refer to the IBM Dashboard Application Services
Hub as an administrative user who has been Hub online help and the Jazz for Service
assigned the administrator and iscadmins roles Management Integration Guide in the Jazz for
and delete the dashboard data provider Service Management Information Center
connection that you previously created. (
homepage.html) for details on how to work with
data provider connections.
3. While still logged into IBM Dashboard “Creating a connection to the IBM Tivoli
Application Services Hub as an administrative Monitoring dashboard data provider” on page 58
user, create the connection again and this time
specify HTTPS as the protocol. When creating your connection, do not select the
box Use the credentials of the user (requires
SSO Configuration).
4. Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services See your dashboard application's user guide for
Hub as a user who has permission to view your details on how to launch and use the dashboard.
dashboard pages, then launch the dashboard
Tip: First select System Status and Health >
application again and verify data is displayed.
Dashboard Health Checks to verify your
environment is working correctly. Then if you are
using Infrastructure Management Dashboards for
Servers, select System Status and Health >
Server Dashboards.

For more information on using Infrastructure

Management Dashboards for Servers, see the OS
agent user's guides.

After you have the basic dashboard monitoring environment setup, you might also
need to perform the following tasks:
Table 2. Additional tasks required to setup your basic monitoring environment without single sign-on and without per
user authorization controls
Task Where to find information
Create situation definitions for events that your See “Situations for event monitoring” in the Tivoli Enterprise
dashboard users will monitor. Portal User's Guide and also see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Command Reference for information on the tacmd commands
used to work with situations.
Create managed system groups that can be used to See “Managing the environment” in the Tivoli Enterprise
group managed systems for display in dashboard Portal User's Guide and also see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
pages. Command Reference for information on the tacmd commands
used to work with system lists.
Configure historical data collection if you want to Chapter 16, “Managing historical data,” on page 461
display historical data in your dashboard pages.
Note: Not all monitoring dashboard applications
support retrieving historical data from the Tivoli
Data Warehouse.

32 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 2. Additional tasks required to setup your basic monitoring environment without single sign-on and without per
user authorization controls (continued)
Task Where to find information
Authorize a new user or user group access to Refer to the Jazz for Service Management Administrator's Guide
dashboard pages in Dashboard Application Services in the Jazz for Service Management Information Center
Hub. ( for details on
how to work with roles that control access to dashboard
Tip: Best practice is to create a user group, add the users to
the group, and then assign the group a Dashboard
Application Services Hub role that has permission to view
the appropriate dashboard pages.
For each dashboard user who will also use the Tivoli “Administer Users” on page 162 and “Managing user IDs”
Enterprise Portal client, create a Tivoli Enterprise on page 167
Portal user ID and assign it monitoring applications
and any other permissions that they might require
when using the portal client.

To launch the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client from

Dashboard Application Services Hub, the user must
be assigned either the Tivoli Enterprise Portal <All
Application> or Tivoli Monitoring Server application.
Otherwise, they might see the KFWITM388E
message after performing the launch.
Create custom dashboard pages and ensure the “Creating custom dashboard pages that display monitoring
dashboard users are assigned a Dashboard data” on page 61
Application Services Hub role with permission to
view the custom pages.
Install a new monitoring dashboard application in Follow the dashboard application installation documentation.
Dashboard Application Services Hub, assign the
dashboard's pages to a new or existing role, and Then, refer to the Jazz for Service Management Administrator's
assign users or user groups to the role that controls Guide in the Jazz for Service Management Information Center
access to the pages. ( for details on
If an HTTP server is being used with Dashboard how to work with roles that control access to dashboard
Application Services Hub for load balancing, pages.
regenerate the web server plugin.
If required, regenerate the web server plugin by following
Verify the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user configured for the steps in the "Generating the plugin-cfg.xml file" topic in
the dashboard data provider connection is assigned the Jazz for Service Management Configuration Guide on the
the monitoring applications whose data will be Jazz for Service Management Information Center
displayed in the new dashboard application and is (
assigned view permission for events if the dashboard
application displays situation event data.
Note: The application support for the agent must be Also see “Administer Users” on page 162 for details on how
installed in the portal server and monitoring server to assign monitoring applications to a Tivoli Enterprise Portal
before you can see the agent's data in the new user.
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide
includes information on how to install application support.
Migrate from a basic dashboard environment to a “Migrating a basic monitoring dashboard environment to a
dashboard environment with single sign-on and per dashboard environment with single sign-on and per user
user authorization. authorization controls” on page 45
Determine if you want to control UISolutions “Controlling UISolutions imports” on page 67
imports. (New and updated dashboard applications
automatically import their UISolutions definitions
into the dashboard data provider.)

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 33

Setting up a monitoring dashboard environment with single
sign-on and with per user authorization controls
Setup an advanced dashboard environment if you want to use IBM Dashboard
Application Services Hub with monitoring dashboard applications such as IBM
Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers and IBM Infrastructure
Management Dashboards for VMware or with custom dashboards, using single
sign-on and permissions that control what monitoring resources a user can access
in the dashboards.

By using single sign-on, your IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub users can
launch the Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client without entering credentials
when the portal browser client is started. You can use either authorization policies
or Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions to control what managed systems and
managed system groups individual users or members of user groups can access in
the dashboards and whether they can display situation events.

To use single sign-on, you must install and configure an LDAP user registry that
will contain the credentials of users who will login to IBM Dashboard Application
Services Hub and the portal server. Then you configure IBM Dashboard
Application Services Hub and the portal server to use the same LDAP user registry
to authenticate users and to perform single sign-on using Lightweight Third Party
Authentication (LTPA) tokens. You can also use the same LDAP user registry to
authenticate users of other applications such as Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI or
Tivoli Business Service Manager if those users will launch the portal client browser
or Dashboard Application Services Hub.

Next you configure a dashboard data provider connection from the Dashboard
Application Services Hub to the portal server and indicate that single sign-on
should be used. The Dashboard Application Services Hub uses a HTTP or HTTPS
connection to the dashboard data provider component of the portal server to
retrieve monitoring data. Real-time monitoring data is retrieved from the hub
monitoring server and monitoring agents and historical monitoring data is
retrieved from the Tivoli Data Warehouse. Not all monitoring dashboard
applications support retrieving historical data from the Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Dashboard Application Services Hub uses roles, for users or user groups, to control
what pages a user can access. However, the dashboard data provider performs the
authorization of the monitoring resources that are displayed in those pages. You
have two options for authorizing the monitoring resources that can be accessed by
dashboard users:
v Use the Tivoli Authorization Policy Server and tivcmd Command-Line Interface
for Authorization Policy to create roles and permissions, which are collectively
called authorization policies.
These authorization policies control which managed systems and managed
system groups a dashboard user can access. Roles are created for job functions
with permissions to view specific managed systems or managed system groups.
Users acquire permissions based on the role (or roles) that user belongs to. Users
can be assigned to roles directly or the user groups that they are members of can
be assigned to roles. The permissions also specify the type of object that can be
accessed for a managed system or managed system group. The supported object
types are event (for situation events) and attribute group (for monitoring data
retrieved from an agent).

34 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v Use Tivoli Enterprise Portal authorization permissions and monitored
application assignments for your dashboard users. This is the default
authorization method if authorization policies are not enabled in the portal
server configuration.
With this option, you create Tivoli Enterprise Portal users for each of your
dashboard users using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal User Administration dialog.
Using the same dialog, you can grant a user permission to view events and
assign the user one or more monitored applications that they can view. These
steps can also be performed using the tacmd CLI.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal authorization is less granular than authorization policies.
While authorization policies allow you to grant a dashboard user permission to
view only specific managed systems or members of specific managed system
groups, Tivoli Enterprise Portal authorization is at the monitored application
level. In other words, a user is assigned permission to view all managed systems
of a particular agent application type, for example all Windows OS agents.

Authorization polices only control which monitored resources can be accessed in

monitoring dashboards. If your dashboard users will also use the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal client then Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions and agent application
assignments will control what monitored resources can be accessed in the portal
client. The set of monitored resources that users can view in dashboards might be
different than the monitored resources they can view in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
client. This can occur if the permissions are inconsistent or if the authorization
policies are more restrictive.
Example of more restrictive authorization policies
Assume the user is granted permission to view a subset of Windows OS
agents in Dashboard Application Services Hub using authorization policies
and the user is assigned the Windows OS application type in their Tivoli
Enterprise Portal permissions. In this scenario, the user will only see the
authorized Windows OS agents in the dashboards but they will see all
Windows OS agents when they access the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client.
Example of inconsistent permissions
Assume the user is granted permission to view a subset of Windows OS
agents in Dashboard Application Services Hub using authorization policies
but the user is not assigned the Windows OS application type in their
Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions. In this scenario, the user will see their
authorized Windows OS agents in the dashboards but they will not see
any Windows OS agents when they access the Tivoli Enterprise Portal

When you are initially setting up your monitoring and dashboard environment,
best practice is that you start with Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions and
monitored application assignments. After you are able to see monitoring data in
Dashboard Application Services Hub and your administrators have created
authorization policies, then reconfigure the portal server if you want to start using
authorization policies.

Note: Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions and authorization policies only control
access to monitored resources in the dashboards. They do not control access to
monitored resources displayed in reports using Tivoli Common Reporting.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 35

v Install and configure the base IBM Tivoli Monitoring monitoring server, portal
server, and portal client components using the instructions in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. When configuring the portal server,
enable the dashboard data provider.
v Install and configure the monitoring agents whose data will be displayed in the
monitoring dashboards. Install their application support in the monitoring
servers, portal server, and desktop portal client if it is being used, using the
instructions in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
v Install and configure Dashboard Application Services Hub and your dashboard
monitoring applications, see “Required software and memory requirements for a
dashboard environment” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
Also see “Installing and configuring the IBM Infrastructure Management
Dashboards for Servers” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide,
if you will be installing that dashboard application.
v Determine if you will use authorization policies or Tivoli Enterprise Portal
authorization for your dashboard users. If you plan to use authorization policies,
install and configure the Tivoli Authorization Policy Server and tivcmd
Command-Line Interface for Authorization Policy components using the
instructions in the “Installing and configuring the Tivoli Authorization Policy
Server and tivcmd Command-Line Interface for Authorization Policy” topic in
the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.


Use the following roadmap to help you get started:

Table 3. Roadmap for setting up a monitoring dashboard environment with single sign-on and with per user
authorization controls
Step Description Where to find information
1 (required) Setup an LDAP server such as Tivoli Directory See “Prerequisites for configuring LDAP
Server or Microsoft Active Directory to authentication on the portal server” on page 99,
authenticate Dashboard Application Services Hub then refer to the documentation for your LDAP
and portal server users and add your users to server.
this registry.
2 (required) Ensure the time is synchronized to UTC on your For more information and for planning
portal server and Dashboard Application Services considerations for using single sign-on, see
Hub. “About single sign-on” on page 102.

36 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 3. Roadmap for setting up a monitoring dashboard environment with single sign-on and with per user
authorization controls (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
3 (required) Use the WebSphere Administrator Console of Refer to the Jazz for Service Management
IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub to Configuration Guide in the Jazz for Service
configure the Dashboard Application Services Management Information Center
Hub application server to use the LDAP user (
registry to authenticate users and to enable single v3r1/topic/
sign-on. homepage.html) for details on configuring Jazz
Note: During the configuration, specify a realm for Service Management to use a central user
name and a domain name. These same values registry, configuring SSO, configuring the LTPA
must be specified when configuring the portal token timeout values, and configuring a
server and any other applications that perform TLS/SSL connection to the LDAP server.
single sign-on with the portal server or the
dashboard server.
v The domain name is the Internet or Intranet
domain for which SSO is configured, for
example Only applications
available in this domain or its sub-domains are
enabled for SSO.
v A realm identifies a set of federated
repositories used by the portal server and other
application servers. You can choose your own
realm name, but this value must be the same
across all applications that are configured for
SSO within the specified domain.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 37

Table 3. Roadmap for setting up a monitoring dashboard environment with single sign-on and with per user
authorization controls (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
4 (required) Configure the portal server to use an LDAP user Use the instructions in one of the following
registry and specify the realm name and domain topics to enable LDAP user validation on the
used for single sign-on. portal server:
v “Using Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
To configure the portal server to use LDAP, you
Services to configure the portal server for
can use the following options:
LDAP authentication” on page 107
v IBM Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
v “Using the Linux or UNIX command line to
Services utility
configure the portal server for LDAP
v itmcmd command line interface on Linux and authentication” on page 111
v TEPS/e administration console Then, follow the instructions in “Using the
TEPS/e administration console” on page 113 if
You use either IBM Manage Tivoli Enterprise you specified an LDAP server type of Other
Monitoring Services or the itmcmd command to when enabling LDAP user validation for the
enable LDAP user validation for the portal server. portal server.
You can also use these utilities to configure the Usage notes:
LDAP connection parameters unless:
v You want to use a server besides Microsoft If you are using Microsoft Active Directory, see
Active Directory or Tivoli Directory Server “LDAP user authentication using Microsoft
Active Directory” on page 129 for planning and
v You want to configure TLS/SSL between the
configuration information specific to this type of
portal server and the LDAP server
LDAP server.
v You need to specify advanced LDAP
configuration parameters If you are using Tivoli Directory Server, see
For these scenarios, you specify the type of Other Understanding single sign-on between IBM
when configuring the portal server and then use Tivoli Monitoring and Tivoli Integrated Portal
the TEPS/e administration console to complete using Tivoli Directory Server in the IBM Tivoli
the LDAP connection configuration. Monitoring Wiki (
Note: You can also export the portal server's developerworks/community/wikis/
LTPA key or import the LTPA key from another home?lang=en#!/wiki/Tivoli%20Monitoring).
application at the same time as configuring These instructions explain how to map entries
LDAP user authentication or you can perform configured in Tivoli Directory Server to the
these steps after you have verified the portal information configured using the TEPS/e
server's LDAP authentication is working. administration console. Ignore the steps
provided for Tivoli Integrated Portal.
5 (required) Login to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client as If you have existing Tivoli Enterprise Portal
sysadmin, then map your existing Tivoli users, see “Mapping Tivoli Enterprise Portal user
Enterprise Portal user IDs to LDAP distinguished IDs to LDAP distinguished names” on page 120.
names except for sysadmin.
If you need to create a new Tivoli Enterprise
If you do not have any Tivoli Enterprise Portal Portal user ID, see “Adding a user ID” on page
user IDs besides sysadmin, create a Tivoli 168.
Enterprise Portal user ID for at least one of your
LDAP users and, when creating the user ID, See “Administer Users” on page 162 for details
enter the user's LDAP distinguished name. on assigning monitoring applications and
permissions to Tivoli Enterprise Portal users.
You will login as one of your LDAP users in a
later task to verify that data can be displayed in See “Reconfiguring the browser client for SSO”
your monitoring dashboards. Use the Tivoli on page 122 if Dashboard Application Services
Enterprise Portal client to assign this user the Hub and the portal server are on the same
monitoring applications that will be displayed in computer.
the dashboards and permission to view events if
situation event data is displayed in the

38 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 3. Roadmap for setting up a monitoring dashboard environment with single sign-on and with per user
authorization controls (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
6 (optional Verify that you can login to the Tivoli Enterprise N/A
best practice) Portal client as an LDAP user who has been
mapped to a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID.
7 (optional Configure a TLS/SSL connection between the “Configuring TLS/SSL communication between
best practice) portal server and LDAP server if you want to the portal server and the LDAP server” on page
secure this communication. 119
8 (optional Verify that you can login to the Tivoli Enterprise N/A
best practice) Portal client as an LDAP user who has been
mapped to a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID.
9 (required) You must ensure the following applications are If you decide that the portal server will be the
using the same LTPA key as the portal server: source of the LTPA key, export its LTPA key
v A web-based or web-enabled application that using the export instructions in “Importing and
launches the Tivoli Enterprise Portal exporting LTPA keys” on page 123.
v A web-based or web-enabled application that If IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub will
can be launched from the Tivoli Enterprise be the source of the LTPA key, see “Exporting
Portal client LTPA keys” in the Jazz for Service Management
v IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub Configuration Guide on the Jazz for Service
v Another application such as Tivoli Integrated Management Information Center
Portal that uses the IBM Tivoli Monitoring (
charting web service v3r1/topic/
Determine which application will be the source of
the LTPA key for all of the other participating Otherwise, refer to the documentation of the
SSO applications and export its LTPA key. The application whose LTPA key will be exported to
key file and the password used to encrypt the determine how to perform the export operation.
key must be provided to the administrators of
the other participating applications.
10 (required) The administrators of the other participating SSO To import an LTPA key into the portal server, see
applications must import the LTPA key that was the import instructions in “Importing and
exported in the previous step. They need the key exporting LTPA keys” on page 123.
file and the password that was used to encrypt
the key. To import an LTPA key into IBM Dashboard
Application Services Hub see “Importing LTPA
keys” in the Jazz for Service Management
Configuration Guide on the Jazz for Service
Management Information Center

See the documentation for the other participating

SSO applications for instructions on importing
the LTPA key.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 39

Table 3. Roadmap for setting up a monitoring dashboard environment with single sign-on and with per user
authorization controls (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
11 (required) Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services “Creating a connection to the IBM Tivoli
Hub as an LDAP user who is also a dashboard Monitoring dashboard data provider” on page 58
hub administrative user and create a dashboard
data provider connection using the URL When creating your connection, select the box
http://hostname:port_number/ibm/console/. Use the credentials of the user (requires SSO
Because single sign-on has been enabled, you Configuration).
must specify the fully qualified hostname in this
URL. The default port number for HTTP is 16310
and for HTTPS is 16311. The default path to the
server is /ibm/console. However, this path is
configurable, and might differ from the default in
your environment.
12 (required) While logged into IBM Dashboard Application Refer to the Jazz for Service Management
Services Hub as an administrative user, create a Administrator's Guide in the Jazz for Service
role that controls access to your dashboard Management Information Center
application pages and assign dashboard users or (
user groups to the role. v3r1/topic/
Note: Some dashboard applications such as IBM homepage.html) for details on how to work with
Infrastructure Management for VMware roles that control access to dashboard pages.
automatically create a role for its pages when the
dashboard application is installed. However,
other dashboard applications such as IBM
Infrastructure Management Dashboards for
Servers do not create a role during installation so
you must create one or assign the dashboard
pages to an existing role.
13 (optional Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services See your dashboard application's user guide for
best practice) Hub as an LDAP user who has permission to details on how to launch and use the dashboard.
view your dashboard pages and who has a Tivoli
Tip: First select System Status and Health >
Enterprise Portal user ID that is assigned
Dashboard Health Checks to verify your
monitoring applications and permissions to view
environment is working correctly. Then if you
events. Then launch the dashboard applications,
are using Infrastructure Management
and verify data is displayed.
Dashboards for Servers, select System Status
By default, the URL is http:// and Health > Server Dashboards.
hostname:port_number/ibm/console/. Because
single sign-on has been enabled, you must For more information on using Infrastructure
specify the fully qualified hostname in this URL. Management Dashboards for Servers, see the OS
The default port number for HTTP is 16310 and agent user's guides.
for HTTPS is 16311. The default path to the
server is /ibm/console. However, this path is
configurable, and might differ from the default in
your environment.

40 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 3. Roadmap for setting up a monitoring dashboard environment with single sign-on and with per user
authorization controls (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
14 (optional If you want to use HTTPS between Dashboard Application Services Hub and the dashboard data
best practice) provider, perform these tasks:
1. Configure TLS/SSL between the dashboard “Configuring TLS/SSL communication between
hub and data provider. Dashboard Application Services Hub and the
dashboard data provider” on page 211
2. Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services Refer to the IBM Dashboard Application Services
Hub as an administrative user who has been Hub online help and the Jazz for Service
assigned the administrator and iscadmins roles Management Integration Guide in the Jazz for
and delete the dashboard data provider Service Management Information Center
connection that you previously created. (
homepage.html) for details on how to work with
data provider connections.
3. While still logged into IBM Dashboard “Creating a connection to the IBM Tivoli
Application Services Hub as an administrative Monitoring dashboard data provider” on page 58
user, create the connection again and this time
specify HTTPS as the protocol. When creating your connection, select the box
Use the credentials of the user (requires SSO
4. Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services See your dashboard application's user guide for
Hub as a user who has permission to view your details on how to launch and use the dashboard.
dashboard pages, then launch the dashboard
Tip: First select System Status and Health >
application again and verify data is displayed.
Dashboard Health Checks to verify your
environment is working correctly. Then if you
are using Infrastructure Management
Dashboards for Servers, select System Status
and Health > Server Dashboards.

For more information on using Infrastructure

Management Dashboards for Servers, see the OS
agent user's guides.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 41

Table 3. Roadmap for setting up a monitoring dashboard environment with single sign-on and with per user
authorization controls (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
15 (optional) If you want to use authorization policies, perform these tasks:
1. Use the tivcmd CLI to assign authorization “Preparing to enable authorization policies” on
policy administrators, assign a user permission to page 184
distribute authorization policies, and create
authorization policies to control which monitored and“Configuring TLS/SSL communication with
resources your dashboard users can access. the Authorization Policy Server” on page 214
Note: After you have verified that you can use
the tivcmd CLI to login to the Authorization
Policy Server, configure TLS/SSL between the
tivcmd CLI and the Authorization Policy Server
so that subsequent commands are secured.
2. Enable authorization policy checking in the “Enabling authorization policies in the portal
portal server. server” on page 192
Note: Once this task is performed, only
dashboard users who are assigned an
authorization policy role will be able to view
monitored resources in your dashboards.
3. Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services See your dashboard application's user guide for
Hub as an LDAP user who has permission to details on how to launch and use the dashboard.
view your dashboard pages and who has been
Tip: First select System Status and Health >
assigned one or more authorization policy roles
Dashboard Health Checks to verify your
that give the user permission to view attribute
environment is working correctly. Then if you
group data, situation event data, or both for the
are using Infrastructure Management
managed systems or managed system groups that
they can be displayed in your dashboard pages. Dashboards for Servers, select System Status
and Health > Server Dashboards.
Launch the dashboard pages and verify that the
user can only see the monitored resources that For more information on using Infrastructure
they have been authorized for. Management Dashboards for Servers, see the OS
agent user's guides.
4. Configure the portal server to use TLS/SSL “Configuring TLS/SSL communication with the
when retrieving authorization policies from the Authorization Policy Server” on page 214
Dashboard Application Services Hub where the
Authorization Policy Server is installed.

After you have the advanced dashboard monitoring environment setup, you might
also need to perform the following tasks:
Table 4. Additional tasks required to setup your advanced monitoring environment with single sign-on and with per
user authorization controls
Task Where to find information
Review the roadmap if you plan to set up load “Setting up load balancing for a high availability dashboard
balancing for a high availability dashboard environment” on page 53
Create situation definitions for events that your See “Situations for event monitoring” in the Tivoli Enterprise
dashboard users will monitor. Portal User's Guide and also see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Command Reference for information on the tacmd commands
used to work with situations.
Create managed system groups that can be used to See “Managing the environment” in the Tivoli Enterprise
group managed systems for display in dashboard Portal User's Guide and also see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
pages. Command Reference for information on the tacmd commands
used to work with system lists.

42 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 4. Additional tasks required to setup your advanced monitoring environment with single sign-on and with per
user authorization controls (continued)
Task Where to find information
Configure historical data collection if you want to Chapter 16, “Managing historical data,” on page 461
display historical data in your dashboard pages.
Note: Not all monitoring dashboard applications
support retrieving historical data from the Tivoli
Data Warehouse.
For each new dashboard user: Refer to the Jazz for Service Management Administrator's Guide
Ensure the dashboard user has permission to access in the Jazz for Service Management Information Center
the dashboard pages that they will work with. ( for details on
Determine if the user can be added to an existing how to work with roles that control access to dashboard
LDAP group that is assigned to a Dashboard pages.
Application Services Hub role. If there is not an
existing LDAP group that the user can be assigned See your LDAP server documentation for details on adding
to, complete one of the following tasks: users to LDAP groups.
v Best practice is to create a new LDAP group,
add the user to the group, and then assign the
group to a Dashboard Application Services Hub
role that has permission to view the appropriate
dashboard pages.
v Assign the dashboard user directly to a Dashboard
Application Services Hub role that has permission
to view the appropriate dashboard pages.
For each new dashboard user: See your LDAP server documentation for details on adding
If authorization polices are being used, ensure the users to LDAP groups.
dashboard user is assigned to one or more
authorization policy roles that give the user See “Policy management scenarios” on page 185 and the IBM
permission to view attribute group data, situation Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference chapter on the tivcmd
event data, or both for the managed systems or CLI for details on creating and working with authorization
managed system groups that they will be policies.
monitoring. Determine if the user can be added to an
existing LDAP group that is already assigned
authorization policy roles with the required
permissions. If the user cannot be added to an
existing LDAP group, complete one of the following
v Best practice is to create a new LDAP group, add
the user to the group, and then assign the group
to the authorization policy roles.
v Assign the dashboard user directly to the
authorization policy roles.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 43

Table 4. Additional tasks required to setup your advanced monitoring environment with single sign-on and with per
user authorization controls (continued)
Task Where to find information
For each new dashboard user: See “Managing user IDs” on page 167 for details on creating
If Tivoli Enterprise Portal authorization is being used new Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs.
to control what monitored resources can be accessed
in your dashboards, or if the new dashboards user See “Managing user groups” on page 171 for details on
will use the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client, then adding Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to groups.
ensure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user has the
correct permission. See “Administer Users” on page 162 for details on assigning
monitoring applications and permissions to Tivoli Enterprise
First ensure there is a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID Portal users and groups.
mapped to the dashboard user's LDAP distinguished

Then determine if the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user

should be assigned to an existing Tivoli Enterprise
Portal group that is assigned the permissions and
monitoring applications required by the new
dashboard user. If there is not an existing group that
can be used, complete one of the following tasks:
v Best practice is to create a new Tivoli
Enterprise Portal group, add the user to the group,
and assign the group the appropriate permissions
and application types.
v Assign the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user the
appropriate permissions and monitoring
applications directly.

If a dashboard user will not use the Tivoli Enterprise

Portal client, they only need permission to view
events and should be assigned the monitoring
applications that they will be monitoring in the
dashboard pages. For example, if the dashboard user
will be using the Infrastructure Management
Dashboards for Servers then they need to be
assigned one or more of these application types:
Linux OS, UNIX OS, or Windows OS.

If the dashboard user will also use the Tivoli

Enterprise Portal client, they might need additional

To launch the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client from

Dashboard Application Services Hub, the user must
be assigned either the Tivoli Enterprise Portal <All
Application> or Tivoli Monitoring Server application.
Otherwise, they might see the KFWITM388E
message after performing the launch.
Create custom dashboard pages and ensure the “Creating custom dashboard pages that display monitoring
dashboard users are assigned a Dashboard data” on page 61
Application Services Hub role with permission to
view the custom pages.

44 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 4. Additional tasks required to setup your advanced monitoring environment with single sign-on and with per
user authorization controls (continued)
Task Where to find information
Install a new monitoring dashboard application in Follow the dashboard application's installation
Dashboard Application Services Hub, assign the documentation.
dashboard's pages to a new or existing role, and
assign LDAP users or user groups to the role that Then, refer to the Jazz for Service Management Administrator's
controls access to the pages. Guide in the Jazz for Service Management Information Center
Note: Some dashboard applications automatically (
create a role for its pages when the dashboard for details on
application is installed. how to work with roles that control access to dashboard
If an HTTP server is being used with Dashboard
Application Services Hub for load balancing, If required, regenerate the web server plugin by following
regenerate the web server plugin. the steps in the "Generating the plugin-cfg.xml file" topic in
the Jazz for Service Management Configuration Guide on the
If authorization policies are being used, ensure the Jazz for Service Management Information Center
dashboard users that have access to the new pages (
are assigned to one or more authorization policy
roles that give the users permission to view attribute
group data, situation event data, or both for the See Chapter 7, “Using role-based authorization policies,” on
managed systems or managed system groups that page 179 and the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference
they will be monitoring using the new dashboard chapter on the tivcmd CLI for details on creating and
application. working with authorization policies.

Assign the dashboard user's Tivoli Enterprise Portal Also see “Administer Users” on page 162 for details on how
user ID or group the monitoring applications that to assign agent applications to a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user.
will be displayed in the new dashboard application,
if the dashboard user will also use the Tivoli The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide
Enterprise Portal client, or if Tivoli Enterprise Portal includes information on how to install application support.
authorization are being used instead of authorization
Note: The application support for the agent must be
installed in the portal server and monitoring server
before you can see the agent's data in the new
Determine if you want to control UISolutions “Controlling UISolutions imports” on page 67
imports. (New and updated dashboard applications
automatically import their UISolutions definitions
into the dashboard data provider.)

Migrating a basic monitoring dashboard environment to a

dashboard environment with single sign-on and per user
authorization controls
Migrate your basic dashboard environment to an advanced dashboard

After you have setup a basic monitoring environment as described in “Setting up a

basic monitoring environment without single sign-on and without per user
authorization controls” on page 29, you can migrate to an advanced dashboard
environment with single sign-on.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 45


Use the following roadmap to help you get started:

Table 5. Roadmap for migrating to an advanced dashboard environment
Step Description Where to find information
1 (required) Setup an LDAP server such as Tivoli Directory See “Prerequisites for configuring LDAP
Server or Microsoft Active Directory to authentication on the portal server” on page 99,
authenticate Dashboard Application Services Hub then refer to the documentation for your LDAP
and portal server users and add your users to server.
this registry.
2 (required) Ensure the time is synchronized to UTC on your For more information and for planning
portal server and Dashboard Application Services considerations for using single sign-on, see
Hub. “About single sign-on” on page 102.
3 (required) Use the WebSphere Administrator Console of Refer to the Jazz for Service Management
IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub to Configuration Guide in the Jazz for Service
configure the Dashboard Application Services Management Information Center
Hub application server to use the LDAP user (
registry to authenticate users and to enable single v3r1/topic/
sign-on. homepage.html) for details on configuring Jazz
Note: During the configuration, specify a realm for Service Management to use a central user
name and a domain name. These same values registry, configuring SSO, configuring the LTPA
must be specified when configuring the portal token timeout values, and configuring a
server and any other applications that perform TLS/SSL connection to the LDAP server.
single sign-on with the portal server or the
dashboard server.
v The domain name is the Internet or Intranet
domain for which SSO is configured, for
example Only applications
available in this domain or its sub-domains are
enabled for SSO.
v A realm identifies a set of federated
repositories used by the portal server and other
application servers. You can choose your own
realm name, but this value must be the same
across all applications that are configured for
SSO within the specified domain.

46 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 5. Roadmap for migrating to an advanced dashboard environment (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
4 (required) Configure the portal server to use an LDAP user Use the instructions in one of the following
registry and specify the realm name and domain topics to enable LDAP user validation on the
used for single sign-on. portal server:
v “Using Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
To configure the portal server to use LDAP, you
Services to configure the portal server for
can use the following options:
LDAP authentication” on page 107
v IBM Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
v “Using the Linux or UNIX command line to
Services utility
configure the portal server for LDAP
v itmcmd command line interface on Linux and authentication” on page 111
v TEPS/e administration console Then, follow the instructions in “Using the
TEPS/e administration console” on page 113 if
You use either IBM Manage Tivoli Enterprise you specified an LDAP server type of Other
Monitoring Services or the itmcmd command to when enabling LDAP user validation for the
enable LDAP user validation for the portal server. portal server.
You can also use these utilities to configure the Usage notes:
LDAP connection parameters unless:
v You want to use a server besides Microsoft If you are using Microsoft Active Directory, see
Active Directory or Tivoli Directory Server “LDAP user authentication using Microsoft
Active Directory” on page 129 for planning and
v You want to configure TLS/SSL between the
configuration information specific to this type of
portal server and the LDAP server
LDAP server.
v You need to specify advanced LDAP
configuration parameters If you are using Tivoli Directory Server, see
For these scenarios, you specify the type of Other Understanding single sign-on between IBM
when configuring the portal server and then use Tivoli Monitoring and Tivoli Integrated Portal
the TEPS/e administration console to complete using Tivoli Directory Server in the IBM Tivoli
the LDAP connection configuration. Monitoring Wiki (
Note: You can also export the portal server's developerworks/community/wikis/
LTPA key or import the LTPA key from another home?lang=en#!/wiki/Tivoli%20Monitoring).
application at the same time as configuring These instructions explain how to map entries
LDAP user authentication or you can perform configured in Tivoli Directory Server to the
these steps after you have verified the portal information configured using the TEPS/e
server's LDAP authentication is working. administration console. Ignore the steps
provided for Tivoli Integrated Portal.
5 (required) Login to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client as If you have existing Tivoli Enterprise Portal
sysadmin, then map your existing Tivoli users, see “Mapping Tivoli Enterprise Portal user
Enterprise Portal user IDs to LDAP distinguished IDs to LDAP distinguished names” on page 120.
names except for sysadmin.
If you need to create a new Tivoli Enterprise
If you do not have any Tivoli Enterprise Portal Portal user ID, see “Adding a user ID” on page
user IDs besides sysadmin, create a Tivoli 168.
Enterprise Portal user ID for at least one of your
LDAP users and, when creating the user ID, See “Administer Users” on page 162 for details
enter the user's LDAP distinguished name. on assigning monitoring applications and
permissions to Tivoli Enterprise Portal users.
You will login as one of your LDAP users in a
later task to verify that data can be displayed in See “Reconfiguring the browser client for SSO”
your monitoring dashboards. Use the Tivoli on page 122 if Dashboard Application Services
Enterprise Portal client to assign this user the Hub and the portal server are on the same
monitoring applications that will be displayed in computer.
the dashboards and permission to view events if
situation event data is displayed in the

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 47

Table 5. Roadmap for migrating to an advanced dashboard environment (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
6 (optional Verify that you can login to the Tivoli Enterprise N/A
best practice) Portal client as an LDAP user who has been
mapped to a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID.
7 (optional Configure a TLS/SSL connection between the “Configuring TLS/SSL communication between
best practice) portal server and LDAP server if you want to the portal server and the LDAP server” on page
secure this communication. 119
8 (optional Verify that you can login to the Tivoli Enterprise N/A
best practice) Portal client as an LDAP user who has been
mapped to a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID.
9 (required) You must ensure the following applications are If you decide that the portal server will be the
using the same LTPA key as the portal server: source of the LTPA key, export its LTPA key
v A web-based or web-enabled application that using the export instructions in “Importing and
launches the Tivoli Enterprise Portal exporting LTPA keys” on page 123.
v A web-based or web-enabled application that If IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub will
can be launched from the Tivoli Enterprise be the source of the LTPA key, see “Exporting
Portal client LTPA keys” in the Jazz for Service Management
v IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub Configuration Guide on the Jazz for Service
v Another application such as Tivoli Integrated Management Information Center
Portal that uses the IBM Tivoli Monitoring (
charting web service v3r1/topic/
Determine which application will be the source of
the LTPA key for all of the other participating Otherwise, refer to the documentation of the
SSO applications and export its LTPA key. The application whose LTPA key will be exported to
key file and the password used to encrypt the determine how to perform the export operation.
key must be provided to the administrators of
the other participating applications.
10 (required) The administrators of the other participating SSO To import an LTPA key into the portal server, see
applications must import the LTPA key that was the import instructions in “Importing and
exported in the previous step. They need the key exporting LTPA keys” on page 123.
file and the password that was used to encrypt
the key. To import an LTPA key into IBM Dashboard
Application Services Hub see “Importing LTPA
keys” in the Jazz for Service Management
Configuration Guide on the Jazz for Service
Management Information Center

See the documentation for the other participating

SSO applications for instructions on importing
the LTPA key.

48 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 5. Roadmap for migrating to an advanced dashboard environment (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
11 (required) Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services “Creating a connection to the IBM Tivoli
Hub as an LDAP user who is also a dashboard Monitoring dashboard data provider” on page 58
hub administrative user using the URL
http://hostname:port_number/ibm/console/. When creating your connection, select the box
Because single sign-on has been enabled, you Use the credentials of the user (requires SSO
must specify the fully qualified hostname in this Configuration).
URL. The default port number for HTTP is 16310
and for HTTPS is 16311. The default path to the
server is /ibm/console. However, this path is
configurable, and might differ from the default in
your environment.

Then delete the existing dashboard data provider

connection and create a new dashboard data
provider connection that supports single sign-on.
12 (optional Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services See your dashboard application's user guide for
best practice) Hub as an LDAP user who has permission to details on how to launch and use the dashboard.
view your dashboard pages and who has a Tivoli
Tip: First select System Status and Health >
Enterprise Portal user ID that is assigned
Dashboard Health Checks to verify your
monitoring applications and permissions to view
environment is working correctly. Then if you
events. Then launch the dashboard applications,
are using Infrastructure Management
and verify data is displayed.
Dashboards for Servers, select System Status
By default, the URL is http:// and Health > Server Dashboards.
hostname:port_number/ibm/console/. Because
single sign-on has been enabled, you must For more information on using Infrastructure
specify the fully qualified hostname in this URL. Management Dashboards for Servers, see the OS
The default port number for HTTP is 16310 and agent user's guides.
for HTTPS is 16311. The default path to the
server is /ibm/console. However, this path is
configurable, and might differ from the default in
your environment.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 49

Table 5. Roadmap for migrating to an advanced dashboard environment (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
13 (optional If you have not already configured HTTPS between Dashboard Application Services Hub and the
best practice) dashboard data provider, perform these tasks.
1. Configure TLS/SSL between the dashboard “Configuring TLS/SSL communication between
hub and data provider. Dashboard Application Services Hub and the
dashboard data provider” on page 211
2. Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services Refer to the IBM Dashboard Application Services
Hub as an administrative user who has been Hub online help and the Jazz for Service
assigned the administrator and iscadmins roles Management Integration Guide in the Jazz for
and delete the dashboard data provider Service Management Information Center
connection that you previously created. (
homepage.html) for details on how to work with
data provider connections.
3. While still logged into IBM Dashboard “Creating a connection to the IBM Tivoli
Application Services Hub as an administrative Monitoring dashboard data provider” on page 58
user, create the connection again and this time
specify HTTPS as the protocol. When creating your connection, select the box
Use the credentials of the user (requires SSO
4. Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services See your dashboard application's user guide for
Hub as a user who has permission to view your details on how to launch and use the dashboard.
dashboard pages, then launch the dashboard
Tip: First select System Status and Health >
application again and verify data is displayed.
Dashboard Health Checks to verify your
environment is working correctly. Then if you
are using Infrastructure Management
Dashboards for Servers, select System Status
and Health > Server Dashboards.

For more information on using Infrastructure

Management Dashboards for Servers, see the OS
agent user's guides.

50 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 5. Roadmap for migrating to an advanced dashboard environment (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
14 (optional) Create authorization policies and enable authorization policy checking if you want role-based
control rather than Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions and monitoring application assignment.
1. Use the tivcmd CLI to assign authorization “Preparing to enable authorization policies” on
policy administrators, assign a user permission to page 184
distribute authorization policies, and create
authorization policies to control which monitored and“Configuring TLS/SSL communication with
resources your dashboard users can access. the Authorization Policy Server” on page 214
Note: After you have verified that you can use
the tivcmd CLI to login to the Authorization
Policy Server, configure TLS/SSL between the
tivcmd CLI and the Authorization Policy Server
so that subsequent commands are secured.
2. Enable authorization policy checking in the “Enabling authorization policies in the portal
portal server. server” on page 192
Note: Once this task is performed, only
dashboard users who are assigned an
authorization policy role will be able to view
monitored resources in your dashboards.
3. Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services See your dashboard application's user guide for
Hub as an LDAP user who has permission to details on how to launch and use the dashboard.
view your dashboard pages and who has been
Tip: First select System Status and Health >
assigned one or more authorization policy roles
Dashboard Health Checks to verify your
that give the user permission to view attribute
environment is working correctly. Then if you
group data, situation event data, or both for the
are using Infrastructure Management
managed systems or managed system groups that
they can be displayed in your dashboard pages. Dashboards for Servers, select System Status
and Health > Server Dashboards.
Launch the dashboard pages and verify that the
user can only see the monitored resources that For more information on using Infrastructure
they have been authorized for. Management Dashboards for Servers, see the OS
agent user's guides.
4. Configure the portal server to use TLS/SSL “Configuring TLS/SSL communication with the
when retrieving authorization policies from the Authorization Policy Server” on page 214
Dashboard Application Services Hub where the
Authorization Policy Server is installed.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 51

Table 5. Roadmap for migrating to an advanced dashboard environment (continued)
Step Description Where to find information
15 (optional) For each new dashboard user: See “Managing user IDs” on page 167 for details
If Tivoli Enterprise Portal authorization is being on creating new Tivoli Enterprise Portal user
used to control what monitored resources can be IDs.
accessed in your dashboards, or if the new
dashboards user will use the Tivoli Enterprise See “Managing user groups” on page 171 for
Portal client, then ensure the Tivoli Enterprise details on adding Tivoli Enterprise Portal user
Portal user has the correct permission. IDs to groups.

First ensure there is a Tivoli Enterprise Portal See “Administer Users” on page 162 for details
user ID mapped to the dashboard user's LDAP on assigning monitoring applications and
distinguished name. permissions to Tivoli Enterprise Portal users and
Then determine if the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
user should be assigned to an existing Tivoli
Enterprise Portal group that is assigned the
permissions and monitoring applications required
by the new dashboard user. If there is not an
existing group that can be used, complete one of
the following tasks:
v Best practice is to create a new Tivoli
Enterprise Portal group, add the user to the
group, and assign the group the appropriate
permissions and application types.
v Assign the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user the
appropriate permissions and monitoring
applications directly.

If a dashboard user will not use the Tivoli

Enterprise Portal client, they only need
permission to view events and should be
assigned the monitoring applications that they
will be monitoring in the dashboard pages. For
example, if the dashboard user will be using the
Infrastructure Management Dashboards for
Servers then they need to be assigned one or
more of these application types: Linux OS, UNIX
OS, or Windows OS.

If the dashboard user will also use the Tivoli

Enterprise Portal client, they might need
additional permissions.

To launch the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client from

Dashboard Application Services Hub, the user
must be assigned either the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal <All Application> or Tivoli Monitoring
Server application. Otherwise, they might see the
KFWITM388E message after performing the
16 (optional) Review the roadmap if you plan to set up load “Setting up load balancing for a high availability
balancing for a high availability dashboard dashboard environment” on page 53

52 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Setting up load balancing for a high availability dashboard
If you want to create a high availability dashboard environment, you can use an
HTTP server configured for load balancing between your dashboard users and a
cluster of Dashboard Application Services Hub nodes, and also between Dashboard
Application Services Hub nodes and multiple Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

Work load is distributed by session, not by request. When one of the servers fails,
new and existing user sessions are directed to an operational server.

When you have multiple portal servers in a monitoring environment, you must
designate one of the portal servers as the read-write portal server and the others
must be read-only portal servers. Tivoli Enterprise Portal client users and tacmd CLI
users who make customization changes must connect to the read-write portal
server to make their updates. The content from the database for the read-write
portal server must be periodically exported and then imported into the database
for each read-only portal server. Because the dashboards in Dashboard Application
Services Hub do not make customization changes, the HTTP server can redirect
dashboard requests to any of the portal servers for the monitoring environment. In
a load balancing environment, you might not know which portal server (the
read-write portal server or a read-only portal server) is serving your requests when
you launch the portal browser client from Dashboard Application Services Hub.
Because of this limitation, best practice is to not use the portal browser client to
make configuration changes when the portal client is launched from the dashboard
server. If you need to make configuration changes, configure the portal client to
connect to the read-write portal server directly and then start the client.

Tip: When using launch in context in a load balancing environment you might
receive a message if, you have already launched into the portal client and the
portal server that was serving its requests goes down and a secondary portal
server begins servicing requests. The portal client cannot register this switch and
you might receive the message KFWITM094W: The Tivoli Enterprise Client has
lost contact with the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. You must close the
browser window and log in again to clear this message.

Important: If you have multiple Dashboard Application Services Hub nodes and
use the Authorization Policy Server, the policy server can only be installed on one
of the dashboard nodes because it does not support load balancing. When you
enable authorization policy checking for each portal server, you specify the
hostname and port for the Dashboard Application Services Hub where the policy
server is installed. For information on what happens if the Dashboard Application
Services Hub where the policy server is installed is not available, see “Managing
the authorization policy store” on page 199.

The following figures show two types of load balancing environments with default
port numbers:
1. An environment that includes a single Dashboard Application Services Hub
node and multiple portal servers.
2. An environment with load balancing for both Dashboard Application Services
Hub and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

Note: The portal server also has a local IBM HTTP server. When the load
balancing HTTP server sends requests to the portal server, it is sending those
requests to the portal server's local HTTP server on port 15200 (for HTTP) or 15201
(for HTTPS). Then the local HTTP server is responsible for forwarding the requests

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 53

to the other portal server components (such as the dashboard data provider or the
components that handle portal client requests).

Figure 1. An environment that includes a single Dashboard Application Services Hub node and multiple portal servers

54 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Figure 2. An environment with load balancing for both Dashboard Application Services Hub and Tivoli Enterprise Portal

The following roadmap describes the steps for configuring load balancing for your
dashboard environment. It assumes that you have an existing dashboard
environment with single sign-on support and now you are adding load balancing
to the environment. The roadmap takes you through the steps to add multiple
portal servers to your environment and then it optionally adds additional
Dashboard Application Services Hub nodes.
Table 6. Roadmap for setting up load balancing for your dashboard environment
Step Task Where to find information
1 Install and configure the additional portal servers. Also install “Installing IBM Tivoli
application support on each portal server. Monitoring” in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup
When you configure each portal server, enable the dashboard data Guide.
provider. If you already have authorization policies enabled in the
dashboard environment, enable authorization policy checking in each “Configuring TLS/SSL
portal server specifying the hostname and port number of the communication between the
Dashboard Application Services Hub node where the Authorization portal server and the
Policy Server is installed. Authorization Policy Server” on
Note: When you enable authorization policies and specify HTTPS for page 220
the protocol used to retrieve policies from the Authorization Policy
Server, you must also configure TLS/SSL communication between the
portal server and the Authorization Policy Server.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 55

Table 6. Roadmap for setting up load balancing for your dashboard environment (continued)
Step Task Where to find information
2 Determine which portal server you want to use for read-write See your database server
operations and the approach you want to use to periodically export documentation if you decide to
data from the database for the read-write portal server into the database use RDBMS backup utilities.
for each read-only portal server.
If you choose to use the portal
The export and import of the portal server database can be done in two server migrate-export and
ways: migrate-import commands, see
v Using RDBMS backup utilities such as DB2’s db2 backup and db2 Chapter 18, “Replicating the
restore commands. Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
database,” on page 551.
v Using the migrate-export and migrate-import command provided
by the Tivoli Monitoring product.
Note: If the various portal server databases are not running on the
same OS version, then the RDBMS backup and restore utilities might
not work.
3 Ensure the time is synchronized to UTC on the new portal servers and For each new portal server,
configure single sign-on on each new portal server. perform steps 4-10 in “Setting up
Note: Ensure that all of the portal servers and Dashboard Application a monitoring dashboard
Services Hub nodes are using the same LTPA key. environment with single sign-on
and with per user authorization
controls” on page 34.
Note: Perform step 5 only on
the read-write portal server.
Before performing steps 6-10 on
a read-only portal server, ensure
that the customization updates
for step 5 are exported from the
database for the read-write
portal server and then imported
into the database of each
read-only portal server.
4 Install and configure an HTTP server to load balance across the “Configuring an HTTP Server to
multiple portal servers. load balance multiple Tivoli
Note: Best practice is to install an HTTP server that is dedicated to Enterprise Portal Servers” on
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server load balancing. page 63
5 If dashboard users will launch the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client, you See “Configuring HTTP
must configure the browser client to only use HTTP requests and communication between the
instruct existing portal client browser users to clear their browser's portal client and server” in the
application and jar file cache so that they can pick up the configuration IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation
change. and Setup Guide and “Clearing
the JAR cache” in the IBM Tivoli
In addition, the portal client user IDs must be assigned either the Tivoli Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide.
Enterprise Portal <All Application> or Tivoli Monitoring Server

56 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 6. Roadmap for setting up load balancing for your dashboard environment (continued)
Step Task Where to find information
6 If you are using HTTPS in your dashboard environment, perform these steps:
1. Configure TLS/SSL communication between the load balancing “Configuring TLS/SSL
HTTP server and each portal server's HTTP server. communication between the load
balancing HTTP Server and each
portal server's local HTTP
server” on page 221
2. Configure TLS/SSL communication between the Dashboard “Configuring TLS/SSL
Application Services Hub and the HTTP server used for load balancing communication between
multiple portal servers. Dashboard Application Services
Hub and an HTTP server used
for load balancing multiple
portal servers” on page 224
7 Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub as an LDAP user “Creating a connection to the
who is also a dashboard hub administrative user. Delete the dashboard IBM Tivoli Monitoring
data provider connection in Dashboard Application Services Hub and dashboard data provider” on
add a new connection that specifies the fully qualified hostname and page 58
port number of the load balancing HTTP server in place of the fully
qualified hostname and port number of a portal server.
Note: Typically, the HTTP port number is 80 and the HTTPS port
number is 443. Ensure the box Use the credentials of the user (requires
SSO configuration) is selected.
8 Login to IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub as an LDAP user See your dashboard application's
who has permission to view your dashboard pages and their content. user guide for details on how to
Then launch the dashboard applications, and verify data is displayed. launch and use the dashboard.
Tip: First select System
Status and Health > Dashboard
Health Checks to verify your
environment is working
correctly. Then if you are using
Infrastructure Management
Dashboards for Servers, select
System Status and Health >
Server Dashboards.

For more information on using

Infrastructure Management
Dashboards for Servers, see the
OS agent user's guides.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 57

Table 6. Roadmap for setting up load balancing for your dashboard environment (continued)
Step Task Where to find information
9 If you want to use multiple Dashboard Application Services Hub nodes in your dashboard environment,
perform these steps:
1. Configure load balancing for Dashboard Application Services Hub See the Jazz for Service
and ensure that your monitoring dashboard applications such as Management Configuration Guide
Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers are installed on each for details on configuring load
dashboard node. balancing across multiple
Note: Install the Authorization Policy Server only on a single node in Dashboard Application Services
the Dashboard Application Services Hub cluster. Hub nodes.
2. If you are using HTTPS in the dashboard environment, configure “Configuring TLS/SSL
TLS/SSL communication between each new Dashboard Application communication between
Services Hub node and the HTTP server used for load balancing Dashboard Application Services
multiple portal servers. Hub and an HTTP server used
for load balancing multiple
portal servers” on page 224
3. On each new Dashboard Application Services Hub node, login to the “Creating a connection to the
IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub node as an LDAP user who IBM Tivoli Monitoring
is also a dashboard hub administrative user. Add a new connection that dashboard data provider”
specifies the fully qualified hostname and port number of the load
balancing HTTP server in place of the fully qualified hostname and port
number of a portal server.
Note: Typically, the HTTP port number is 80 and the HTTPS port
number is 443. Ensure the box Use the credentials of the user (requires
SSO configuration) is selected.

Creating a connection to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring dashboard data

To retrieve metrics about your managed systems and situation events from the
monitoring dashboard application in IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub,
such as IBM Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers, or IBM
Infrastructure Management Dashboards for VMware, or in custom dashboards, you
must first have a connection that is established to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
dashboard data provider that is on your Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

This connection procedure is one that you do not need to repeat unless the
configuration of the portal server changes.

Before you begin

Connections are defined in the Dashboard Application Services Hub console.

Before you create the connection, you must ensure the following steps have
already been performed:
v Ensure that the dashboard data provider is enabled in the portal server
configuration. See “Verifying the dashboard data provider is enabled” in the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
If your IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment is configured for hot standby, you
should configure a domain override value for the dashboard data provider in
the portal server configuration before creating a connection to the dashboard
data provider. The domain override value ensures the data provider's connection
ID value does not change when the portal server is reconfigured to connect to
the standby hub monitoring server.

58 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v You must log into the Dashboard Application Services Hub as a user who has
been assigned the administrator and iscadmins Dashboard Application Services
Hub roles. These roles are required in order to create and manage connections.
For information on assigning these roles to users, see the Jazz for Service
Management Administrator's Guide in the Jazz for Service Management
Information Center (
If you plan to use single sign-on, you must also be logged into the Dashboard
Application Services Hub as a user who is a member of the federated LDAP
user registry shared by the dashboard hub server and by the portal server when
you create the connection. For additional steps that must be preformed before
creating a data provider connection that uses single sign-on, see “Setting up a
monitoring dashboard environment with single sign-on and with per user
authorization controls” on page 34.
v If you plan to use HTTPS as the protocol connection, you must configure
TLS/SSL between Dashboard Application Services Hub and the portal server
before creating the data provider connection. For more information, see
“Configuring TLS/SSL communication between Dashboard Application Services
Hub and the dashboard data provider” on page 211.

Tip: You can create the connection with HTTP protocol for your initial testing.
Once your environment is working, then you can configure TLS/SSL between
the servers, delete the connection, and re-add it with the HTTPS protocol.
v To define a connection to the dashboard data provider, you must know which
network protocol is required, the host name and port number for the portal
server, credentials to authenticate with the portal server, and whether single
sign-on should be used.

1. In the Dashboard Application Services Hub console, click Console
Settings and select Connections (under General).
2. Click Create new remote provider. Fields are displayed for specifying the
connection to the dashboard data provider.
3. In the Protocol field, select the application protocol for connecting to the
portal server computer: HTTP, HTTPS-SSL (Secure Socket Layer), or HTTPS-TLS
(Transport Layer Security).
4. Click inside the Host name field and enter the IP address or the fully
qualified hostname of the portal server computer.

Note: If you plan to enable single sign-on for your dashboard environment,
you must enter the fully qualified hostname of the portal server. The
hostname is included in the LTPA token that is sent from Dashboard
Application Services Hub to the portal server so that it can verify that the
request came from a server in the same Internet or Intranet domain.
5. Click inside the Port field and enter the port number for the portal server:
15200 for HTTP or 15201 for HTTPS. If using an HTTP server for load
balancing between Dashboard Application Services Hub and multiple portal
servers, enter your HTTP server port number, 80 for HTTP and 443 for
6. If your configuration has a firewall between the Dashboard Application
Services Hub Server and the portal server, select the Connection goes through

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 59

a firewall check box and enter the fully qualified host name and port number
(the default port is 16324) of the computer where Dashboard Application
Services Hub is installed.
7. In the Name and Password fields, enter a user name and password that can
authenticate with the portal server.
If you are setting up a basic dashboard environment without single sign-on
and per user authorization, enter a user who has been granted the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal authorization described in the first table in “Setting up a
basic monitoring environment without single sign-on and without per user
authorization controls” on page 29. This user will be used to create the
connection and to send all subsequent requests to the dashboard data
provider on behalf of your dashboard users.
If you are setting up a dashboard environment with single sign-on and per
user authorization, enter your username and password. Your username and
password will be used to send the request to the portal server to get the list of
available data providers on the portal server. After that point, all subsequent
requests to the data provider will include the name of the user who is logged
into Dashboard Application Services Hub.
8. Click Search to populate the table with the data providers that are on the
portal server computer.
9. Click the radio button for the dashboard data provider to select it and
complete the remaining fields.
10. Edit the entries in the following fields:
v Name is the same as the original data provider name. You can leave this as
v Description is the same as the original data provider description. You can
leave this as is.
v Provider ID is, by default, initially
itm.hub_monitoring_server_name.portal_server_host_name for dashboard
data provider connections. If a domain override value was configured
during portal server configuration, the override value replaces the
hub_monitoring_server_name portion of the original ID string.
You must change the Provider ID to ITMSD if you are using one of the
following applications:
– IBM Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers provided with
IBM Tivoli Monitoring
– IBM Infrastructure Management Dashboards for VMware
– IBM Infrastructure Management Capacity Planner for VMware
– IBM Infrastructure Management Capacity Planner for PowerVM®
If you are not using any of the dashboard applications listed above, but
have installed dashboard applications for other monitoring agents, check
the documentation for those agents to determine if their dashboards require
you to use ITMSD. If you are not using one of the dashboard applications
mentioned above, but might in the future, or if you are not sure what
Provider ID to use, best practice is to use ITMSD.
11. Select the Use the credentials of the user (requires SSO Configuration) check
box if you are setting up a dashboard environment that uses single sign-on
and per user authorization. When this option is checked, the LTPA token of
the user who is logged into the Dashboard Application Services Hub is
included in requests to the dashboard data provider when retrieving
monitoring data.

60 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

12. After you are finished defining the connection, click OK to save it and connect
to the dashboard data provider.


The connection is made to the data provider and the connections table Status
column shows the progress: Pending, Working, Failed, No data sources, or Not

If an error occurs when creating the data provider connection, see the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide.

See “Setting up a basic monitoring environment without single sign-on and

without per user authorization controls” on page 29 or “Setting up a monitoring
dashboard environment with single sign-on and with per user authorization
controls” on page 34 for additional steps to perform.

Creating custom dashboard pages that display monitoring data

IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub allows you to create custom dashboard

A page is an arrangement of one or more widgets in the work area of the console.
A widget is a user interface component that displays information in a console
dashboard. Dashboard Application Services Hub provides a set of predefined
widgets. Each widget is configured to retrieve information from a data provider
that has a connection defined in Dashboard Application Services Hub. Each data
provider divides its information into data sets.

Before you begin

For detailed information on predefined widgets, how to edit and customize each
widget type, and how to create catalogs and pages with widgets, see the
Dashboard Application Services Hub online help or the Jazz for Service Management
Integration Guide in the Jazz for Service Management Information Center

About this task

You can add the predefined widgets to dashboard pages or you can customize the
predefined widgets to change their appearance. There are widgets for tables, lists,
gauges, bar charts, pie charts, topology, and more. Widgets can also be logically
organized by placing them in catalogs.

The IBM Tivoli Monitoring dashboard data provider's data sets correspond to
agent attribute groups. These are the same attribute groups that you create queries
for when customizing Tivoli Enterprise Portal workspace views. The dashboard
data provider also has topology data sets if they are provided by a monitoring
agent such as the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for VMware monitoring agent. Refer to
the agent user guides to see a description of the agent's attribute groups and to
determine if the agent provides a topology data set.

When you create or edit a page, you choose the widgets and their placement on
the page. You edit each widget to choose a data set and select what information

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 61

from the data set should be displayed in the widget. When editing a widget,
provide the following information:

1. Choose a data set.
When you edit a widget, you choose a data set from the list of data providers
configured in Dashboard Application Services Hub. You can either elect to see
all data set names or enter search criteria for the data set name. If you list all of
the data set names, you see the data sets for all agents whose application
support is installed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server as well as data sets
available from other data providers. Since this can be a large list of data sets,
you can filter the data sets by searching on a portion of the data set name. For
example, to see all of the data sets (attribute groups) for the Linux OS agent,
enter “Linux” in the search field.
2. Map the data set columns to the widget visualization attributes.
Depending on the widget type, you might be asked to specify which column(s)
from the data set you want displayed in the widget. For example, if you are
editing an analog gauge widget to show disk utilization from a Linux OS
agent, select the Disk Used Percent column for the gauge value.
3. Configure the widget visualization options.
You can also configure the visualization options of the widget such as, labels,
units of measure, and so forth.
4. Specify the data set configuration parameters.
If you selected a data set that maps to an agent's attribute group, you must
enter the name of the managed system or managed system group from which
the data is retrieved. You can also specify a time filter value to retrieve
historical data if the widget supports showing data over a time frame and you
have configured historical data collection.
The data set may have other configuration parameters to further filter what
information is displayed in the widget. For example, if you are editing a widget
such as a gauge that displays values from a single row in an agent attribute
group, the data set configuration parameters allow you to specify other data set
columns (attributes) that uniquely identify which row of data is displayed in
the widget. For example, if you are displaying disk utilization for a Linux OS
agent, in a gauge widget the Linux Disk data set configuration parameters
allow you to specify which disk and mount point to show the utilization of.
You can also specify how often the dashboard data provider provides refreshes
of the data if the widget supports auto-refresh and you have not selected the
events data set.
Many of the Dashboard Application Services Hub widgets can support
connections, or wires, between widgets so that they can exchange messages
with each other. When an action occurs in a source widget, it creates an event,
which contains information that can be sent to other widgets. The dashboard
data provider only supports incoming connections when the source widget has
the managed system name in either an ORGINNODE or NODE property. Note
that the ORGINNODE or NODE property is case sensitive.
Dashboard Application Services Hub uses roles, for users or user groups, to
control which users can create pages and work with widgets and which pages
a user can display. However, the dashboard data provider performs the
authorization of the monitoring resources that are displayed in a widget that
uses one of the data provider's data sets. Custom dashboard pages use the
authorization type that is configured for your monitoring dashboard

62 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

environment, either authorization policies or Tivoli Enterprise Portal event
permission and monitoring application assignments.

What to do next

For examples of how to create custom dashboard pages with monitoring data, see
Creating custom monitoring dashboard pages in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Wiki

Configuring an HTTP Server to load balance multiple Tivoli Enterprise

Portal Servers
You can install and configure an HTTP Server to load balance multiple Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Servers.

Before you begin

Use an IBM HTTP Server Version 8.5 or later.

1. Complete the steps described in the “Setting up load balancing for a high
availability dashboard environment” on page 53 roadmap that occur before the
step for configuring the load balancing HTTP server.
2. Install and configure an HTTP server.
The IBM HTTP Server can be installed using a Jazz for Service Management
image that is provided with IBM Tivoli Monitoring. See the "Download
instructions" in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Information Center
( for information on the WebSphere
Application Server Supplement images that contain the IBM HTTP Server. For
instructions on installing the IBM HTTP Server Version 8.5, see IBM HTTP
Server Version 8.5 Information Center (
wasinfo/v8r5/topic/ The
IBM HTTP Server Information Center also provides information on how to
download and install the IBM HTTP Server from an external IBM Installation
Manager repository.
Note: The HTTP Server Plug-in for IBM WebSphere Application Server must be
installed into the HTTP server. The plug-in is provided with the IBM HTTP
Server. However, if you are using a different HTTP Server, the plug-in is
included on a Jazz for Service Management image that is provided with IBM
Tivoli Monitoring. See the "Download instructions" in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Information Center (
v61r1/topic/ for information on the
WebSphere Application Server Supplement images that contain the HTTP
Server Plug-in for IBM WebSphere Application Server.
3. Assign a unique clone ID to each Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. For more
information, see “Setting Clone IDs on each Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server” on
page 64.
4. Generate the plugin-cfg.xml file for each Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and
configure the HTTP server to use the plugin details. For more information, see
“Generating the plugin-cfg.xml file” on page 64.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 63

Setting Clone IDs on each Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
Assign a unique clone ID to each Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. The load
balancing HTTP server uses the clone ID to ensure that requests for a session are
always sent to the same portal server.

Assign the clone ID by following these steps for each portal server:

1. Edit the server.xml file in the following location:
2. In the server.xml file, locate the entry <components
Within the components element, add the following entry:
<properties xmi:id="WebContainer_1183077764084"
name="HttpSessionCloneId" value="12345" required="false"/>
Where value is set to the clone ID you want to assign for this portal server.
This clone ID must be unique for each portal server.
3. Save and close the file.
4. Restart the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

Generating the plugin-cfg.xml file

Generate the plugin-cfg.xml file for each Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and then
configure the load balancing HTTP server to use the plugin information. The
plugin-cfg.xml file specifies the URIs that must be redirected and which servers to
redirect requests to.

1. On each Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, run the following command:
This command generated a file called plugin-cfg.xml and saves it to the
install_dir\CNPSJ\profiles\ITMProfile\config\cells directory on Windows
and the install_dir/interp/iw/profiles/ITMProfile/config/cells directory
on Linux and UNIX.
2. On the computer where the load balancing HTTP Server is installed, replace the
existing plugin-cfg.xml with the plugin-cfg.xml file generated for one of the
portal servers. You will copy a subset of the information from the
plugin-cfg.xml files for the other portal servers into the plugin-cfg.xml file
that is used by the HTTP server.
3. Customize the plugin-cfg.xml file for your load balancing HTTP Server
environment and each of your Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server instances:
a. On the computer where the IBM HTTP Server is installed, change to the
directory where the plugin-cfg.xml is located (such as cd c:\Program
Files(x86)\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins_1\config\webserver1 on Windows or
/opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins/config/webserver1 on Linux and UNIX).
b. Open the plugin-cfg.xml file in a text editor and edit the file to provide
details for your IBM HTTP Server and all portal server instances. Use the

64 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

example provided at the end of this topic for reference. The example file
includes the following variables which must be replaced with values
specific to your environment:
v PLUGIN_PATH is the directory path where the WebSphere plugin is
On Linux and UNIX the default is /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins
On Windows the default is C:\Program Files(x86)\IBM\WebSphere\
If your portal servers are installed on different operating system types
than the HTTP server, you might need to change the directory path and
also make sure you use the correct directory separator character for the
system where the HTTP server is installed (for example, on Windows use
\ and on Linux or UNIX use /).
v HTTP_SERVER_PORT is the port number for the HTTP server.
v SERVER1_NAME is a name that identifies the server definition for the
first portal server. For example, ITMNODE_ITMSERVER1.
v SERVER1 is the fully qualified hostname of the computer where the first
portal server is installed and started.
v SERVER2_NAME is a name that identifies the server definition for the
second portal server. For example, ITMNODE_ITMSERVER2.
v SERVER2 is the fully qualified hostname of the computer where the
second portal server is installed and started.
v CLONE_ID is the unique clone ID assigned to a particular portal server.

Note: The HTTP and HTTPS port values for all portal servers must be the
same so check the plugin-cfg.xml file for each portal server to ensure they
are using the same port numbers.
c. Add the following line to the end of the UriGroup section to handle
requests for launching the Tivoli Enterprise Portal from Dashboard
Application Services Hub:
<Uri Name="/*"/>
d. In the Log section, ensure the path for the Name attribute and
PluginInstallRoot property match your load balancing HTTP server
environment. The following values are typical:
The typical value for Name attribute is PLUGIN_PATH/logs/webserver1/
The typical value for the PluginInstallRoot property is PLUGIN_PATH/.
e. In the ServerCluster section, ensure the paths for the keyring and stashfile
properties match your load balancing HTTP server environment. The
following values are typical:
The typical keyring property value is PLUGIN_PATH/config/webserver1/
The stashfile properties is PLUGIN_PATH/config/webserver1/plugin-
f. For each additional portal server:
v Add a Server entry which specifies its clone ID, name, and fully qualified
hostname. You can obtain the clone ID from the portal server's
plugin-cfg.xml file. Assign each portal server a unique server name.
Ensure you specify ports 15200 (for HTTP) and 15201 (for HTTPS) instead
of ports 15210 and 15211. Ports 15200 and 15201 are the ports for the local

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 65

HTTP server for each portal server, and these ports must be used to
support launching the portal client from Dashboard Application Services
Follow the same pattern shown in the example at the end of this topic.
v Specify the server name in the PrimaryServers section.
g. Add the CloneID and LoadBalanceWeight attributes for every Server entry.

Important: For more information on web server plug-in workload

management policies and to help you determine the appropriate values for
the elements LoadBalance and LoadBalanceWeight, refer to the following


The following plugin-cfg.xml example for Windows includes values in bold that
must be customized for your load balancing HTTP server environment.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><!--HTTP server plugin config file for
the cell ITMCell generated on 2013.07.10 at 06:59:43 AM CDT-->
<Config ASDisableNagle="false" IISDisableNagle="false"
IgnoreDNSFailures="false" RefreshInterval="60"
ResponseChunkSize="64" AcceptAllContent="false"
IISPluginPriority="High" FIPSEnable="false"
AppServerPortPreference="HostHeader" VHostMatchingCompat="false"
<Log LogLevel="Trace" Name="PLUGIN_PATH\logs\webserver1\
<Property Name="ESIEnable" Value="true"/>
<Property Name="ESIMaxCacheSize" Value="1024"/>
<Property Name="ESIInvalidationMonitor" Value="false"/>
<Property Name="PluginInstallRoot" Value="PLUGIN_PATH\"/>
<VirtualHostGroup Name="default_host">
<VirtualHost Name="*:9080"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:80"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:9443"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:5060"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:5061"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:443"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:15200"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:15201"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:HTTP_SERVER_PORT"/>
<ServerCluster Name="ITMServer_ITMNode_Cluster" CloneSeparatorChange="false"
LoadBalance="Round Robin" PostBufferSize="64" IgnoreAffinityRequests="true"
PostSizeLimit="-1" RemoveSpecialHeaders="true" RetryInterval="60">
<Server CloneID="CLONE_ID" ConnectTimeout="0" ExtendedHandshake="false"
MaxConnections="-1" Name="SERVER1_NAME" ServerIOTimeout="0"
<Transport Hostname="SERVER1" Port="15200" Protocol="http"/>
<Transport Hostname="SERVER1" Port="15201" Protocol="https">
<Property Name="keyring" Value="PLUGIN_PATH\config\
<Property Name="stashfile" Value="PLUGIN_PATH\config\
<Server CloneID="CLONE_ID" ConnectTimeout="0" ExtendedHandshake="false"
MaxConnections="-1" Name="SERVER2_NAME" ServerIOTimeout="0"
<Transport Hostname="SERVER2" Port="15200" Protocol="http"/>

66 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

<Transport Hostname="SERVER2" Port="15201" Protocol="https">
<Property Name="keyring" Value="PLUGIN_PATH\config\
<Property Name="stashfile" Value="PLUGIN_PATH\config\
<Server Name="SERVER1_NAME/>
<Server Name="SERVER2_NAME"/>
<UriGroup Name="default_host_ITMServer_ITMNode_Cluster_URIs">
<Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid"
<Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid"
<Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid"
<Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid"
<Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid"
<Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid"
<Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid"
<Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid"
<Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid"
<Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid"
<Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid"
<Uri AffinityCookie="JSESSIONID" AffinityURLIdentifier="jsessionid"
<Uri Name="/*"/>
<Route ServerCluster="ITMServer_ITMNode_Cluster"
<RequestMetrics armEnabled="false" newBehavior="false"
rmEnabled="false" traceLevel="HOPS">
<filters enable="false" type="URI">
<filterValues enable="false" value="/servlet/snoop"/>
<filterValues enable="false" value="/webapp/examples/HitCount"/>
<filters enable="false" type="SOURCE_IP">
<filterValues enable="false" value=""/>
<filterValues enable="false" value=""/>

Controlling UISolutions imports

When a dashboard application such as IBM Infrastructure Management
Dashboards for Servers is launched, the dashboard application sends a request to
the dashboard data provider to import the application's UISolutions. UISolutions in
the dashboard data provider define the characteristics of what data the dashboards
can display. The import occurs once per dashboard application and it happens
automatically. When a dashboard application is updated and contains updated
UISolutions, the import also happens automatically.

Chapter 3. Preparing your dashboard environment 67

You can disable the importing of UISolutions all together after you have installed
and launched all of your dashboard applications, or you can control which users
can import UISolutions by configuring the portal server.

About this task

If you disable UISolutions altogether, you must re-enable UISolutions importing

when you either install a new dashboard application or update an existing
dashboard applications in IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub. After the
dashboard application install or update is complete, the dashboard application has
been launched, and you have verified that data can be displayed, then you can
disable importing of the UISolutions again.

If you want to control which user can import UISolutions then be aware that new
or updated dashboard applications with UISolutions will not be usable until the
user specified in the portal server's environment file launches the dashboard

The KD8_VM_IMPORT_ID variable is optional and not set by default, which means any
dashboard user that has been authenticated can trigger the request to import
UISolutions when they launch the dashboard application.

1. Open the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server environment variable file.
2. Set the KD8_VM_IMPORT_ID environment variable.
To control which user is allowed to do the import, set this variable to a
particular ID such as KD8_VM_IMPORT_ID=user1.
To disable all users from doing an import of UISolutions, set
KD8_VM_IMPORT_ID=$nouser@ or any name that you know does not match a
Dashboard user ID.
3. Restart the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to implement the changes.

68 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Chapter 4. Editing your environment configuration settings
The Tivoli Enterprise Portal client has several dozen parameters that you can set to
affect behavior and performance at user computers. As well, the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server has an environment file that you can edit to adjust or add variables
to affect all portal clients connected to it and its interaction with the hub
monitoring server. You can also control environment variables at the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server and the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation

The following topics include information that pertains to the environment variables
referenced within the Administrator's Guide. For a complete list of environment
variables, see “Environment variables” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and
Setup Guide.

Tivoli Enterprise Portal client configuration settings

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal client has parameters that affect its performance, such
as the maximum size of files attached to event acknowledgements and for how
long to keep the common event list in the cache.

Editing the client parameters

Changes you make to the browser client are applied globally because they are
downloaded automatically through the HTTP server that is installed with the
portal server. If users are deploying the desktop client themselves through Java
WebStart, the changes will also be applied globally. Otherwise, desktop client
changes must be made on each computer where it is installed if you want the
change to affect all users.

About this task

Complete these steps to adjust the client parameters:

1. Start Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services. For the browser client and
Java WebStart, this is the computer where the portal server is installed;
otherwise, it is where the desktop client is installed.
v Click Start → Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services.
v Change to the install_dir/bin directory and enter: ./itmcmd
2. Right-click Tivoli Enterprise Portal – Desktop or Tivoli Enterprise Portal –
Browser, and click Reconfigure. The Configure Application Instance window is
displayed for the desktop client (also used for Java WebStart); the Configure
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser window is displayed for the browser client.
3. Double-click the parameter value you want to change.
4. To activate the parameter, type a value and select In Use in the Edit Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Parm window.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 69

5. After you are finished editing the parameters, click OK to save your changes.
Your changes will take effect the next time users log on to the portal server.
Users already logged on will see no change until they exit, and log on again.
Related reference:
“Portal client parameter list”
Most of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client parameters are left unchanged from their
default values. Edit the client parameters to effect a specific behavior.

Portal client parameter list

Most of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client parameters are left unchanged from their
default values. Edit the client parameters to effect a specific behavior.

Some parameters pertain to the desktop client only, to the desktop client and Java
WebStart client only, or to the browser client only and are noted as such.
Indicates the maximum amount of memory in KB to be used to cache
decoded images and other features by Browser views (a positive non-zero
integer). Specify a value of 0 to disable memory caching. Default: -1,
whereby the capacity value is automatically decided based on the total
amount of memory.

Physical memory Memory cache in KB

32 MB 2048
64 MB 4096
128 MB 6144
256 MB 10240
512 MB 14336
1 GB 18432
2 GB 24576
4 GB 30720
8 GB and beyond 32768

This is the time that should pass before the agent deploy request times out.
Default: 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
For transmission across the network, file attachments are broken into
segments then reassembled at the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. For
example, an 8 MB file is transmitted in eight segments of 1 MB. Adjust this
parameter for the segment size that best suits your environment. Enter the
maximum size in bytes, such as 250000 for 250 KB. Default: 1000000 (1
This parameter is also available as a portal server environment variable.
See “Controlling the size of event attachments” on page 82.
Use this parameter to set the maximum size of each file attached to an
acknowledgement. Enter the maximum size in bytes, such as 2500000 for
2.5 MB. Default: 10000000 (10 MB).

70 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

This parameter is also available as a portal server environment variable.
See “Controlling the size of event attachments” on page 82.
Value: “N”. This determines whether the server certificate validation tries
to resolve and match the host DNS name.
The WebRenderer Java browser component is used for browser view
functionality in the portal client. The first time a user creates a browser
view, a subdirectory is created automatically on the user's computer.
Example: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\wr4.2.14\
This subdirectory is where the browser jar files are extracted to and where
certificates and other WebRenderer artifacts are created for browser views.
Use this parameter to specify a different path for the browser view files to
be saved on user computers. A different path is required if users will be
running multiple instances of the portal client and possibly logging on to
different versions of the portal server.
Number of minutes to retain the cache for the common event console
when the user has switched to a workspace that does not contain the
common event console view (which means the cache is not being used). If
this time period ends before the cache is used again, the cache is cleared.
The cache is then rebuilt when it is needed by a common event console
A value of -1 means always retain the cache, even when it is not being
used. A value of 0 means immediately clear the cache when the user has
switched to a workspace that does not contain the common event console
view. Default: 30.
In the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user interface, the Properties editor has a
field for adjusting the page size for individual query-based views. This
parameter sets the number of rows to fetch in single logical page for all
query-based views. Default: 100 rows. Although there is no limit to what
you can set here, the larger the page size, the more memory required at the
portal client and server.
You might, for example, want to set a larger page size for the searching in
the table view over a larger number of rows. Or you might want fewer
pages to scroll through when interacting with views that retrieve a large
number of rows (or instances). You must make sure, however, that you
have sufficient resources on the portal client and server to handle the
additional data being packaged, transported, and ultimately rendered as a
result of increasing the page size value. Probably the best way to find the
right number here is to increase it gradually (such as increments of 100)
until response time across a good sampling of workspaces begins to suffer.
At that point, you might want to reduce the number by the last increment
(such as 100 rows fewer) as that will be close to the optimal value for the

Chapter 4. Editing your environment configuration settings 71

Another setting that affects query-based view response time is
KFW_REPORT_NODE_LIMIT, which is a portal server environment
Number of pixels the mouse must move before drag operation begins.
Default: 7.
String encoding code set identifier.
The number of seconds to wait before automatically resuming updates to
the Situation Event Console and the Common Event Console after they
have been paused due to scrolling. Default: 60 seconds.
Heartbeat ping interval between the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client and
server. An increase in the interval means that the client will take longer to
detect when the portal server is offline. A shorter interval means the client
will be notified sooner but it also increases the traffic between client and
server. Default: 30 seconds.
Number of workspaces to maintain in the back / forward history
navigation stack. Default: 20.
Password used for proxy authentication using Browser view.
Userid used for proxy authentication using Browser view.
Desktop client and Java WebStart client only: URL host for IOR fetch.
Desktop client and Java WebStart client only: URL path for IOR fetch.
Desktop client and Java WebStart client only: URL port for IOR fetch.
Desktop client and Java WebStart client only: URL protocol for IOR fetch.
Desktop client and Java WebStart client only: The URL for the cnps.ior
file, which is required for the portal server to locate the graphic view
images and style sheets. The default setting, which does not show, assumes
the integral HTTP server. If it has been disabled for some reason, you must
enter the URL for the integral HTTP server. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Troubleshooting Guide for details. When this parameter is set, it overrides the
settings of the other cnp.http.url parameters for protocol, port, and path.
Databus to Server Pipeline monitoring factor (in Heartbeat cycles). Default:
Number of seconds before the same sound file can be played again. If
events open frequently, this setting provides sound pause. Default: 10

72 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Browser client only: When you make a workspace switch, allows the user
interface rendering to complete before the browser initializes the new
applet and destroys the old applet. Default: 1 second.

Important: Modify this parameter only after consulting IBM Software

Tivoli Enterprise Portal factors in the Windows task bar at the bottom of
the screen when sizing menus and windows for display. Default: true.
Maximum number of active terminal emulator sessions. Default: 50.
Default terminal emulator host name.
Default terminal emulator port number. Default: 23.
Maximum number of user terminal emulator scripts that can be saved.
Default: 256.
Default terminal emulator type. When specifying a terminal type, enclose
the terminal type within double quotes and enter one of these supported
IBM 3270 (24x80)
IBM 3270 (32x80)
IBM 3270 (43x80)
IBM 3270 (27x132)
IBM 5250 (24x80)
VT100 (24x80)
Warning message when the user is about to change or remove a view.
Default: True. The message is displayed. Change the setting to False to
stop the message from being displayed.
The minimum amount of time that must pass before the workspace can be
replaced by the next one selected. Default: 1000 (1 second).
Browser mode only: Workspace post render delay in milliseconds.
Defines the name of the integral HTTP server. If it or its proxy requires a
different browser identity before it enables the browser view to access the
Internet, you can enter a one-word name for the browser. It can be any
name so long as it is not rejected by the proxy server. You normally do not
need to add an http name definition unless users get an error when they
attempt to access the Internet through a workspace browser view.
When Enable HTTP Proxy Server Requests is selected, the servers in

Chapter 4. Editing your environment configuration settings 73

this list bypass the proxy. Separate each server name with a vertical line
(|). See “Enabling the HTTP proxy server” on page 76.
Browser client: Used to specify the host name or IP address of the http
proxy server if one is used.
Browser client: Used with the http.proxyHost parameter to specify the
listening port number for the HTTP proxy server. Port 80 is the default for
third-party HTTP servers.
This is the path and name of the browser application to use when
launching contextual help. To open the help with a specific browser or one
other than the default, enter the path and the application name, such as
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe.
File name of RAS1 trace log if trace mode is LOCAL.
The RAS1 tracing option. Default: LOCAL.
RAS1 trace options. Default: ERROR.
Sets the tracing thread queue depth to 15000 by default.
Determines whether trace calls are threaded. Default: true.
When the Tivoli Enterprise Portal is run as a client image in an emulation
environment that does not support the DirectDraw screen-writing function,
turn off the function by setting this variable to true in both the browser
and desktop clients. Otherwise, users encounter conditions of high CPU
usage because the Java process attempts to write to the screen. Default:
Desktop client and Java Web Start client only: Specifies the language code
of the user's locale preference (such as cs, de, en, es, fr, hu, it, ja, ko, pl, pt,
ru, th, and zh). You can create another instance of the desktop client and
change this variable (and user.region) to another locale. In this way, you
can have two or more instances of the desktop client running on the same
computer, each in a different language. If you specify an unsupported
locale, the failover is to en_US.
Browser client only: On the client computer, enter the text below directly
into the Java plug-in runtime parameters used by the browser, where xx is
the language and XX is the locale.
-Duser.language=xx -Duser.region=XX

Note: The portal client uses cascading style sheets to render the
application text. If no localized version of a style sheet, such as
ws_press.css, is available, the English version will be used.
To edit the runtime parameters complete the following tasks:
1. Open the Java control panel:

74 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Launch the IBM Control Panel for Java or the Java Control
Find the Java ControlPanel executable under your
jre_install_dir and launch it. For example: /opt/IBM/ibm-java2-i386-70/
2. Click the Java tab.
3. In the Java Applet Run time Settings area, click View.
4. If you have multiple Java versions, verify that you have the correct
control panel open by reading the Location column to confirm the Java
Run time and that the JRE is in the correct path. For example:
C:\Program Files\IBM\Java70\jre\bin for IBM Java on Windows.
5. Edit the parameter you want to change.
6. Save your changes.
Specifies country code of user's locale preference (such as BR, CN, CZ, DE,
ES, FR, HU, IT, JP, KR, PL, RU, TH, TW, and US). See also the description
for user.language.

Use the following table to find language codes and locale codes:
Table 7. Language and locale codes
Language Language code (xx) Locale code (XX)
Chinese, Simplified zh CN
Chinese, Traditional zh TW
Czech cs CZ
English en US
French fr FR
German de DE
Hungarian hu HU
Italian it IT
Japanese ja JP
Korean ko KR
Polish pl PL
Portuguese, Brazilian pt BR
Russian ru RU
Spanish es ES
Thai th TH

Related tasks:
“Editing the client parameters” on page 69
Changes you make to the browser client are applied globally because they are
downloaded automatically through the HTTP server that is installed with the
portal server. If users are deploying the desktop client themselves through Java
WebStart, the changes will also be applied globally. Otherwise, desktop client
changes must be made on each computer where it is installed if you want the
change to affect all users.

Chapter 4. Editing your environment configuration settings 75

“Controlling the size of event attachments” on page 82
By default, the maximum size of each file attached to an event acknowledgement
is 10 MB, and 1 MB for the size of information segments sent across the network.
Environment variables are provided that enable you to change the maximum at the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal or at the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. The event
attachment settings that are changed at the desktop client override those for the
portal server.
“Starting the browser client on another portal server” on page 24
Start a separate instance of your browser and log on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server of a different managed network to see two managed networks from the
same computer.
Related reference:
“Portal server environment variables” on page 80
The environment configuration file for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server can be
edited to add certain environment settings and to change the values of others.

Enabling the HTTP proxy server

Environments that use an HTTP proxy server require additional client
configuration to enable URL access from the browser view in a Tivoli Enterprise
Portal workspace.

About this task

To enable the HTTP proxy server, complete these steps on every computer where
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client is used that also uses an HTTP proxy for the
browser view:

1. Open a workspace that contains a browser view or add a browser view to the
current workspace.
2. In the browser view's address box, type: about:config
3. In the filter field that appears at the top of the page, enter the following to see
the network proxy fields: network.proxy
4. Out of the reduced set shown, the following three entries are of interest.
Double-click an entry or select it and press Enter to modify its values:
Enter the DNS identifier or the IP address of the proxy host to use for
the HTTP protocol.
Enter 80, the default port number, or a different number used by the
proxy host.
Append any fully qualified host names or IP addresses that should be
accessed without the proxy. For example, this setting bypasses the
proxy server for any files on your local system and on the portal server
( that are accessed from the browser view:


After you click OK on the property edit panel, the change is saved on the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal client.

76 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Setting application properties for Linux and UNIX systems
To change a property such as the location of the web browser that the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal browser client launches in UNIX, update the shell script file or
files that are run and the template that is used when the browser client is
configured to create the script file or files that are run.

About this task

You might have to update one or more of the following files:

Note: All file paths are relative to your install_dir directory where you installed
IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
Table 8. File locations for changing application properties for UNIX and Linux systems
File location Purpose of file
bin/ The default shell script that launches the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client.
bin/ The shell script for a specific instance you
have created, where instance is the name of
the instance that launches the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal browser client.
platform/cj/original/cnp.sh_template The template from which the bin/
and bin/ shell scripts are
generated during configuration, where
platform is the code for the operating system
platform on which IBM Tivoli Monitoring is
installed. For example: li6243 for Linux 2.4
on a 32-bit Intel CPU).

If you only change bin/ or

bin/ and do not change this
template, the next time you configure the
client, a new version of the script is created
without the changes you made to
bin/ or bin/

You can also set instance name, browser, and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
properties on Linux. Refer to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference for

To change the location of the web browser you must change the above file or files
to include a new property by completing the following procedure:

1. Go to the install_dir/bin/ and edit the shell script.
2. Add your web browser location to the last line of the file. In the example
below, the web browser location is /opt/foo/bin/launcher.

Important: The line is very long and has various options on it, including
several other –D options to define other properties. It is very important to add
the option in the correct place.
If the last line of your bin/ originally looked like the following:

Chapter 4. Editing your environment configuration settings 77

${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -showversion -noverify -classpath ${CLASSPATH}
-Dkjr.trace.mode=LOCAL -Dkjr.trace.file=/opt/IBM/ITM/logs/kcjras1.log
-Dkjr.trace.params=ERROR -DORBtcpNoDelay=true
-Dhttp.proxyPort=candle.fw.pres.CMWApplet 2>& 1 >> ${LOGFILENAME}.log

To set the browser location to /opt/foo/bin/launcher, change the line to look like
the following:
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -showversion -noverify -classpath ${CLASSPATH}
-Dkjr.trace.mode=LOCAL -Dkjr.trace.file=/opt/IBM/ITM/logs/kcjras1.log
-Dkjr.trace.params=ERROR -DORBtcpNoDelay=true
-Dhttp.proxyPort=candle.fw.pres.CMWApplet 2>& 1 >> ${LOGFILENAME}.log

Setting the environment variable when the hub is on a z/OS

On z/OS, GSKit is known as the Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility, or ICSF.
The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server supports secure password encryption
through ICSF, which provides a robust encryption and decryption scheme for
stored passwords and is the preferred method of password encryption.

About this task

If the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is on a z/OS system that does not
have ICSF installed, an alternative, less secure encryption scheme is used. The hub
monitoring server and the portal server both must be using the same scheme.
Therefore, if the hub system does not use ICSF, you must configure the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal to use the less secure scheme (EGG1) as well. This involves
editing the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server environment file to add a new line.

To add the new line to the environment file, complete the following steps:

1. On the system where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed, select
Start → Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services.
2. Right-click Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, point to Advanced and select Edit
ENV File from the list.
3. If the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server message displays, click OK to close it.
4. Add a new line: USE_EGG1_FLAG=1.
5. Click Save.
6. Click Yes to implement your changes and recycle the service.
1. Change directory (cd) to install_dir/config
2. Add the following line to the cq.ini file: USE_EGG1_FLAG=1
3. Save the file.
4. Recycle the portal server.

78 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

What to do next

See Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS (http://

Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server configuration settings

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server runs a process called KfwServices, which has a
set of environment variables that can be edited and enabled for certain
configuration requirements. This can be done through the Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services application or at the command line using itmcmd manage.

For example, when you have security enabled, you can control the number of log
in attempts before a user is locked out of the portal.

If you want to set the application properties for advanced configuration functions
on UNIX or Linux, such as the location of the web browser that the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal browser client launches, this has to be done manually.

If the portal server connects to a hub monitoring server that is on a z/OS system
that does not have the Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) installed,
you must edit the environment file to add a new line.

Note: Any customizations made within the TEPS/e administration console, such
as to configure TLS/SSL communications to the LDAP server, are overwritten and
cleared any time the portal server is reconfigured unless you chose the LDAP type
of Other during portal server configuration through Manage Tivoli Monitoring
Services. To prevent this from occurring, choose the LDAP type of Other during
portal server configuration. When Other is chosen, the LDAP user registry
information is handled by TEPS/e and is not affected by Tivoli Management
Services directly. See step 5 on page 109.

Editing the portal server environment file

Edit the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server environment file, KFWENV, to reconfigure
the portal server parameters.

About this task

Take these steps to edit the portal server environment file:

1. Open the environment file on the computer where the portal server is installed:
v From Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services (Start → Programs→ IBM
Tivoli Monitoring→ Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services), right-click Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server and click Advanced → Edit ENV File to open the
kfwenv file.
v Change to the install_dir/config directory and open
the cq.ini file in a text editor.
2. Edit the file to enable (delete # at the beginning of the line), disable (type # at
the beginning of the line) or modify any of the environment variables.
3. Save kfwenv (Windows) or cq.ini (Linux and operating systems such as UNIX)
and exit the text editor.

Chapter 4. Editing your environment configuration settings 79

4. Click Yes when a message asks if you want to recycle the service. Click No if
you prefer to have the changes you made take effect later by manually
recycling the portal server.
Related reference:
“Portal server environment variables”
The environment configuration file for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server can be
edited to add certain environment settings and to change the values of others.

Portal server environment variables

The environment configuration file for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server can be
edited to add certain environment settings and to change the values of others.

The file shows a number of environment variables that have been enabled and
others that are disabled by default or as a result of the way you configured the
portal server. Other variables in this list must be added manually to enable them.
You can control the number of attempts a user can make to log on to the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server by setting this environment variable to a
value from 0 to 15. The default value, 0, indicates that there is no limit to
the number of failed attempts a user can make before being locked out.
This configuration setting is effective only when you have enabled security
through the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server as described in the
topic, “Controlling the number of logon attempts” on page 83.
The Navigator function detects when the IP address for an agent is
discovered. If the agent environment is constantly changing or has
improper configurations that generate excessive Navigator tree rebuilding,
consider adding this environment variable to have any discovery of
changes or additions of IP address ignored.
This variable is like the one for detect agent address change except that it
prevents the Navigator rebuilding if an agent hostname is changed.
This is like the detect agent address change except that it prevents the
Navigator rebuilding if an agent affinity or affinity version changes.
When a situation is stopped, no message is sent to the situation event
console. If you prefer to have the message written to the situation event
console for each system the situation was distributed to, enable (remove
the # at the beginning of the line) this environment variable. The Stopped
message alerts the user that the situation has been stopped, thus, its state
is unknown.
Associates situations to the Navigator Physical view root item,
Enterprise. The default value is Y to allow association of Managed
System Online and Offline situations to the Enterprise Navigator item. A
setting of N disables the automatic assignment of the *HUB managed
system group to the Enterprise Navigator item.
The default port number for the Eclipse help server is 9999. If 9999 is
already used by another device, add this variable and specify a port

80 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

number from 1 to 65535. This value will be passed as a property from the
portal server to the client at logon time.
The monitoring server and agent components of the Tivoli Management
Services are already FIPS compliant. This variable specifies whether the
encryption methods used by the portal server should comply with the
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140–2 specification. If your
environment must conform to the FIPS 140–2 standard, specify Y.
When a workspace that contains a query-based view is opened or
refreshed, the view's query requests data from the managed systems that
are assigned to that Navigator item (unless you have edited the view's
query definition to assign specific managed systems or managed system
groups). The number of managed systems from which a query can retrieve
data can be up to 200. This limitation is provided to keep traffic and
resource usage of your managed environment at an acceptable level. You
can adjust the maximum number with this variable but keep in mind that
if you increase the maximum number of managed systems being queried,
the longer it can take to render the view.
Consider creating filtered queries, managed system groups, or custom
Navigator views with managed systems assignments on Navigator items
that limit the number of managed systems to retrieve data from. These
features are described in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal online help and user's
Another setting that affects query-based view response time is the
cnp.databus.pageSize client parameter.
Adjust this setting to change the point, in seconds, where a historical
request selects from short-term or long-term history data. The default is for
short-term history data to be collected from now to 24 hours ago, and
long-term from 24 hours onward. Set to 0 to select only from long-term
history data.
Related tasks:
“Editing the portal server environment file” on page 79
Edit the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server environment file, KFWENV, to reconfigure
the portal server parameters.
Related reference:
“Portal client parameter list” on page 70
Most of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client parameters are left unchanged from their
default values. Edit the client parameters to effect a specific behavior.

Pruning events on the portal server database

Event information is stored in the KFW tables in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
(TEPS) database. Because this information can grow in the amount of space it
consumes, it is automatically pruned.

About this task

By default, closed events are removed from the TEPS database one day after they
are closed, within the hours of 12:00 AM and 4:00 AM on the local portal server.
You can control the pruning of this data by changing the following environment
variables in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server configuration file.

Chapter 4. Editing your environment configuration settings 81

1. Open the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server environment file for editing:
v In Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services, right-click Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server and click Advanced → Edit ENV File.
v Change to the install_dir/config directory and open
cq.ini in a text editor.
2. Locate and edit the TEPS database event pruning parameters as needed:
v KFW_EVENT_RETENTION=0 is the number of days to keep a closed event. For
example, to prune an event 2 days after it is closed, specify 2.
v KFW_PRUNE_START=00:00 is the time of day to start pruning data, in 24-hour
notation. For example, to begin pruning data at 11:00 PM, specify 23:00.
v KFW_PRUNE_END=04:00 is the time of day to stop pruning data, specified in
24-hour notation. For example, to end pruning data at 1:00 AM, specify
3. Save and close the environment file.
4. Click Yes when a message asks if you want to recycle the service; or click No if
you prefer to have your changes take effect later by recycling the portal server.

Controlling the size of event attachments

By default, the maximum size of each file attached to an event acknowledgement
is 10 MB, and 1 MB for the size of information segments sent across the network.
Environment variables are provided that enable you to change the maximum at the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal or at the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. The event
attachment settings that are changed at the desktop client override those for the
portal server.

About this task

Complete the steps for editing the environment settings of the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal or of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

v Edit the Tivoli Enterprise Portal environment file:
1. Start Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services:
Click Start → Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services.
Change to the install_dir/bin directory and enter: ./itmcmd
2. Right-click Tivoli Enterprise Portal – Desktop or Tivoli Enterprise Portal –
Browser, and click Reconfigure. The Configure Application Instance window
is displayed for the desktop client (also used for Java WebStart); the
Configure Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser window is displayed for the
browser client.
3. Double-click and enter the maximum size in
bytes for individual files that get attached to an event acknowledgemen
(such as 2500000 for 2.5 MB), and select In Use.
4. If you want to change the segment size (the default 1000000 is 1 MB, thus a 5
MB attachment would be transmitted in 5 x 1 MB segments), double-click
cnp.attachment.segment.maxsize and enter a new segment size in bytes, and
select In Use.

82 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

5. Click OK to save your changes. Your changes will take effect the next time a
user logs on to the portal server. Users already logged on will see no change
until they exit, then log on again.
v Edit the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server environment file:
1. Open the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server environment file for editing:
In Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services, right-click
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and click Advanced → Edit ENV File .
Change to the install_dir/config directory and open
cq.ini in a text editor.
2. Delete the # pound symbol at the beginning of the two
KFW_ATTACHMENT lines and edit the settings as needed.
KFW_ATTACHMENT_MAX=10000000 is 10 MB. Specify the new maximum
file attachment size.
KFW_ATTACHMENT_SEGMENT_MAX=1000000 is 1 MB. Specify the new
maximum size for file segments that the attachment file is broken into for
3. Save and close the environment file.
4. Click Yes when a message asks if you want to recycle the service; or click No
if you prefer to have your changes take effect later by recycling the portal
Related reference:
“Portal client parameter list” on page 70
Most of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client parameters are left unchanged from their
default values. Edit the client parameters to effect a specific behavior.

Controlling the number of logon attempts

You can specify the number of attempts a user can make to log into the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal by setting the KFW_AUTHORIZATION_MAX_INVALID_LOGIN
environment variable.

About this task

See the procedures in What to next at the end of this topic to disable a user from
accessing the portal, regardless of the
KFW_AUTHORIZATION_MAX_INVALID_LOGIN setting. Complete these steps to
control the number of logon attempts to the portal server:

1. Open the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server environment file for editing:
v In Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services, right-click Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server and click Advanced → Edit ENV File .
v Change to the install_dir/config directory and open
cq.ini in a text editor.
2. Locate KFW_AUTHORIZATION_MAX_INVALID_LOGIN=0 and specify a value between 0
and 15. The default value of 0 indicates that there is no limit to the number of
failed attempts a user can make before they are locked out.
3. Save and close the environment file.
4. Click Yes when a message asks if you want to recycle the service; or click No if
you prefer to have your changes take effect later by recycling the portal server.

Chapter 4. Editing your environment configuration settings 83


The next time a user attempts to log on to the portal server, the number of logon
attempts will be restricted by the value you set
KFW_AUTHORIZATION_MAX_INVALID_LOGIN to in the environment file.

What to do next
Security: Validate User
The invalid login setting is effective only when you have enabled security
through the hub monitoring server.
You must also enable the Login Lockout feature by
turning on the validation setting in the monitoring server configuration
The monitoring server configuration files are named
hostname_ms_address.config and ms.ini, and are located in the
install_dir/config/ directory.
Restoring user access
If a user is locked out, you have two options to restore their access to the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal:
v In the Tivoli Enterprise Portal , click Administer Users and select the
user ID. In the Permissions tab, click User Administration and enable
Logon Permitted.
v On the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed,
run this command line utility to enable or disable access:
Change directory to install_dir\cnps\ and enter
KfwAuthorizationAccountClient.exe ENABLE|DISABLE

For example, KfwAuthorizationAccountClient.exe disable guest01

locks out the guest01 user until you re-enable the user ID.
Change directory to install_dir/bin and enter
./itmcmd execute cq "KfwAuthorizationAccountClient
enable|disable user_name"

Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server configuration settings

The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is the collection and control point for
performance and availability data and alerts received from monitoring agents. It is
also responsible for tracking the online or offline status of monitoring agents.
Environment variables control the monitoring server’s behavior.

Editing the monitoring server environment file

Edit the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server environment file, KBBENV, to
reconfigure the monitoring server parameters.

About this task

Take these steps to edit the monitoring server environment file:

1. Open the environment file on the computer where the monitoring server is

84 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v From Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services (Start →
Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services), right-click Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and click Advanced
→ Edit ENV File to open the KBBENV file.
v Change to the install_dir/config directory and open
the ms.ini file in a text editor.
2. Edit the file to enable (delete # at the beginning of the line), disable (type # at
the beginning of the line), or modify any of the environment variables.
3. Save the file and exit the text editor.
4. Click Yes when a message asks if you want to recycle the service. You must
recycle the monitoring server to implement the changes.

Duper process for optimizing situations

The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server has a mechanism called duper that
optimizes the activation of multiple situations when they are evaluating the same
data at the same sampling interval. This topic describes how the duper process
works, how to identify situations that use it, why you might want to disable it,
and how to configure the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server environment file to
disable it.
Duper process
A duper situation is created and runs on the agent to collect data from the
attribute group once and upload it to the monitoring server. The
monitoring server evaluates the multiple situations using the data collected
by the duper situation. Because the situation evaluation is taking place at
the monitoring server, when the agent is disconnected, these situations are
no longer evaluated.
If agents are routinely offline or disconnected from the monitoring server
and running autonomously, they are probably sending events directly from
the agent to an event receiver other than the monitoring server. It might be
preferable to define private situations at the agent rather than using
enterprise situations that are defined at the monitoring server.
Duper eligibility
For a situation to qualify for the duper process, it must have these
v Monitors the same attribute group on the same managed system and
with the same monitoring interval as at least one other situation
v Uses only the VALUE formula function
v Does not specify persistence, an Until clause, or dynamic thresholding
with expression override
v Defined to AutoStart
v Does not embed another situation
v Match another situation’s display item (applies only if display item is
Reflex automation consideration
In IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3, duper is automatically applied to situations
with reflex actions. No additional configuration is required.
If you have a large number of situations with reflex actions set in the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal to Execute the Action at the Managed System (Agent),

Chapter 4. Editing your environment configuration settings 85

then you can set the monitoring server environment variable
KMS_EVAL_REFLEX_AT_TEMS=Y in the KBBENV file to increase your
level of duper optimization.
Set the KMS_EVAL_REFLEX_AT_TEMS environment variable at each
monitoring server in your environment to cause the evaluations of the
actions to be handled by duper on the monitoring server, while the actions
are still directed to the managed systems. If you want to implement this
variable, your managed systems must be connected to a monitoring server
in order for the actions to execute.
Attention: Use the KMS_EVAL_REFLEX_AT_TEMS environment variable
with caution.
Note: The KMS_EVAL_REFLEX_AT_TEMS variable has no affect on your
situation if you have set Execute the Action at the Managing System
Duper situation _Z_ identifier
You can verify that a duper situation is collecting data from the agent by
examining the LG0 log on the agent, such as C:\ibm\ITM\TMAITM6\logs\
Primary_IBM_MyComputer_NT.LG0. There will be an entry starting with _Z_
that shows the agent is starting a situation on the attribute group that the
multiple situations monitor. Example: Starting _Z_WTSYSTEM0
<3207594896,3996125040> for KNT.WTSYSTEM.
Disable duper
By adding a parameter to the monitoring server, you can disable the duper
process. This is done by adding this line to the KBBENV file: CMS_DUPER=NO
When the monitoring server is recycled, the duper is skipped.

To edit the monitoring server environment variable file, KBBENV on Windows and
KDSENV on z/OS, follow these steps:

Use Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services (Start → Programs → IBM

Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services) to edit
environment files. Right-click the component you want to modify and click
Advanced → Edit ENV File. You must recycle the component to implement
the changes.

Edit the environment file directly. Edit environment variables in the

<install_dir>/config/ms.ini file and then reconfigure and recycle the
monitoring server to implement the changes.

See Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS for more

Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server configuration settings

The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server extends the functionality of
the hub Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and includes the Open Services Lifecycle
Collaboration Performance Monitoring (OSLC) service provider.

Editing the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server

Edit the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server environment file,
KASENV, to reconfigure the automation server parameters.

86 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

About this task

Take these steps to edit the automation server environment file:

1. Open the environment file on the computer where the hub monitoring server is
v From Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services (Start →
Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services), right-click Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server and
click Advanced → Edit ENV File to open the KASENV file.
v Change to the install_dir/config directory and open
the as.ini file in a text editor.
2. Edit the file to enable (delete # at the beginning of the line), disable (type # at
the beginning of the line), or modify any of the environment variables.
3. Save the file and exit the text editor.
4. Click Yes when a message asks if you want to recycle the service. You must
recycle the automation server to implement the changes.

Chapter 4. Editing your environment configuration settings 87

88 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication
Login access to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client is controlled by user accounts
that are defined to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. Password authentication is
controlled by a registry, either the operating system user registry of the hub
monitoring server or an external LDAP user registry that is configured at the hub
monitoring server or at the portal server.

tacmd CLI login access and SOAP client requests to the hub Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server are controlled by user accounts that are defined to the hub
monitoring server using either the operating system registry of the monitoring
server or an external LDAP server that is configured at the hub monitoring server.

Login access to the IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub is controlled by the
operating system user registry, an LDAP user registry, or a custom standalone user
registry. If you plan to use monitoring dashboard applications or custom
monitoring dashboards in IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub then you must
configure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Dashboard Application Services
Hub to use a federated LDAP user registry and single sign-on, if you want your
dashboard users to launch the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client without being
prompted for their credentials and if you want to control authorization to
monitored resources on a per user basis. See the roadmaps in Chapter 3,
“Preparing your dashboard environment,” on page 29 to determine if you want to
use a federated LDAP user registry and single sign-on.

Login access to the Open Services Lifecycle Collaboration Performance Monitoring

service provider component of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server
is controlled by an LDAP user registry and using the Security Services component
of Jazz for Service Management.
The sysadmin user ID
An initial sysadmin user ID with full administrator authority is provided
at installation so that you can log on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client
and add more user accounts. No password is required to log on to the
portal client unless the hub monitoring server was configured to enable
Security: Validate User.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal user profile
To login using a Tivoli Enterprise Portal client, a user must be
authenticated by the portal server and have a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user
ID. Each user ID that is defined in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal is assigned a
set of permissions that determine the portal client features the user is
authorized to see and use, the monitored applications the user is
authorized to see, and the Navigator views (and the highest level within a
view) the user can access.
User IDs that will have the same permissions can be organized into user
groups so that changes to the permissions are applied to all member user
When the Dashboard Application Services Hub and portal server are
configured for single sign-on, a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID must exist
for each monitoring dashboard user. The first time a dashboard user
accesses monitoring data, a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID is automatically
created for the user if there is not already a user ID mapped to the user's

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 89

LDAP distinguished name. In this case, the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID
is a randomly generated ID and the user is not assigned any permissions.
If Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions are being used to control access to
monitored resources in the dashboards instead of authorization policies, or
if the dashboard user can launch the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, assign the
user ID permissions and the monitored applications that can be accessed.
For more information on assigning Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions and
monitoring applications, see Chapter 6, “Using Tivoli Enterprise Portal user
authorization,” on page 161.
Authentication through the hub monitoring server
User IDs authenticated through the hub monitoring server can be
authenticated by either the local operating system registry or an external
LDAP-enabled central user registry.
User IDs that use the tacmd commands which send requests to the hub
monitoring server or that make SOAP Server requests, must be
authenticated through the hub monitoring server.
1. LDAP authentication is not supported for hub monitoring servers on
2. The Tivoli Directory Server LDAP client used by the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server does not support LDAP referrals, such as those
supported by Microsoft Active Directory.
3. When the hub monitoring server is installed on a distributed operating
system and is used to authenticate Tivoli Enterprise Portal users, the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs must be 10 characters or less.
However, for SOAP client users and tacmd CLI users that are
authenticated by the hub monitoring server, the user IDs can be up to
15 characters.
4. When the hub monitoring server is installed on z/OS, the user ID
length is limited to 8 characters if authentication uses the RACF®
(Resource Access Control Facility) security for z/OS.
LDAP authentication through the portal server
The portal server authenticates Tivoli Enterprise Portal users, Dashboard
Application Services Hub users who access monitoring data, IBM Tivoli
Monitoring charting web service users, and tacmd CLI users who use
commands that send requests to the portal server.
By default, the portal server contacts the hub monitoring server to perform
the authentication. However, it is best practice to configure the portal
server to perform its own authentication through a federated LDAP user
registry for these scenarios:
v The Tivoli Enterprise Portal is launched from other web-based
applications and you don't want users to re-enter their credentials.
v The Tivoli Enterprise Portal is used to launch other web-based or
web-enabled applications and you don't want users to re-enter their
v IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub is used to display monitoring
data retrieved using the dashboard data provider component of the
portal server. Best practice is to use single sign-on in this case, so that
dashboard users can launch the Tivoli Enterprise Portal and user don't

90 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

have to re-enter their credentials. Additionally, single sign-on must be
used if you want to control authorization to monitored resources on a
per user basis.
v The IBM Tivoli Monitoring charting web service is being used by
another application such as Tivoli Integrated Portal.
When the portal server is configured to authenticate with an LDAP server,
users login to Tivoli Enterprise Portal using their LDAP relative
distinguished name (which normally maps to the cn= or uid= value) and
not their Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID. Because the portal server uses
Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to control permissions, you must map
LDAP distinguished names to Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs. Although
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs are limited to 10 characters, the LDAP
distinguished names can be much longer.
You can configure the portal server to use an LDAP user registry by using
the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services utility, the itmcmd
command line interface on Linux and UNIX, or the TEPS/e administration
console (ISCLite). If you configure LDAP using the TEPS/e administration
console, you must manually restart ISCLite through the Manage Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Services after each portal server restart.
Authentication through the hub monitoring server and the portal server
The hub monitoring server and portal server can connect to the same
LDAP server if you have users who need login access to both servers. You
can use the same user ID to log on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client
that you use for the tacmd login command. To do this, you must go to
Administer Users in the portal client to map the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
user ID to the distinguished name used by the portal server's LDAP user
registry which, by default, uses o=ITMSSOEntry and not the distinguished
Migrating LDAP authentication from the hub to the portal server
If your hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server has already been
configured to authenticate users to an LDAP user registry, and you now
want to configure the portal server to use an LDAP user registry, you must
change the Distinguished Name that is set for the user IDs in the
Administer Users window of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

Roadmap for user authentication

Use the following roadmap to get you started with user authentication.
Table 9. Roadmap for user authentication
Task Where to find information
Setup user authentication through the hub “User authentication through the hub
monitoring server using either the local monitoring server” on page 92
operating system user registry or an LDAP
user registry.
Setup the portal server to use an LDAP user If the hub monitoring server is not using an
registry to authenticate users when single LDAP user registry, see “LDAP user
sign-on is used with IBM Dashboard authentication through the portal server” on
Application Services Hub or other page 99.
If the hub monitoring server is using an
LDAP user registry, see “Migrating LDAP
authentication from the monitoring server to
the portal server” on page 126.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 91

Table 9. Roadmap for user authentication (continued)
Task Where to find information
Setup the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring “Authentication through the Tivoli
Automation Server and its Performance Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server”
Monitoring service provider to authenticate on page 128
HTTP GET requests from OSLC clients.

User authentication through the hub monitoring server

User authentication through the hub monitoring server uses either the local
operating system user registry or an external LDAP-enabled central registry.

Prerequisites for configuring authentication on the hub

monitoring server
Complete the following tasks before enabling user authentication on the hub
monitoring server.

About this task

Table 10. Tasks to complete before configuring authentication
Task Where to find information
Set up Tivoli Enterprise Portal user accounts. “Adding a user ID” on page 168
Set up user accounts in the authenticating See the documentation for setting up user
registry. accounts on the local operating system or
LDAP directory server. For information on
setting up users on z/OS, see Configuring the
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS.
v When the hub monitoring server is
installed on a distributed operating
system and is used to authenticate Tivoli
Enterprise Portal users, the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal user IDs must be 10
characters or less. However, hub
monitoring users who only use the tacmd
CLI commands that send requests to the
hub or who send SOAP requests, can
have user IDs up to 15 characters. The
passwords of SOAP and tacmd command
users are also limited to 15 characters or
v When the hub monitoring server is
installed on z/OS, the user ID length is
limited to 8 characters if authentication
uses the RACF (Resource Access Control
Facility) security for z/OS.
Setup TLS/SSL communication between the “Configuring TLS/SSL communication
hub and an LDAP server. between the hub monitoring server and the
LDAP server” on page 210

If you intend to authenticate using the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server,
make sure that user accounts for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server log-in IDs are
set up in the authenticating registry before authentication is enabled. At a

92 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

minimum, add the sysadmin user ID to the local operating system user registry on
the hub computer, so that sysadmin can log in after authentication has been

Note: On Windows, the installer creates a sysadmin user account in the Windows
user registry and asks you to specify a password for that ID. The password is not
required unless password authentication is enabled.

Tip: The Windows installer does not set the "Password never expires" option when
it creates the sysadmin account. If you do not set this option, the password will
expire according to the security policy on the hub computer, and you will not be
able to log in to the portal server. Use the Windows Administrative Tools to ensure
that the "Password never expires" option is selected for the sysadmin user account.

Before you enable authentication, obtain the following information:

v If you are using an external LDAP server for authentication, obtain the
information shown in the following table from the LDAP administrator before
configuring user authentication.
Table 11. LDAP configuration parameters
Parameter Description
LDAP User The attributes used to map Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to LDAP
Filter log-in IDs. The attribute must contain the same name as the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal log-in ID. The portal user ID will usually become the
“%v” in the LDAP user filter. For example:
IBM Tivoli Directory Server: (&(
Microsoft Windows Active Directory: (&(
Sun Java System Directory Server: (&(

Not all LDAPs have the mail attribute for the person. For example, the
LDAP administrator might only set the common name, in which case the
filter would look like the following:
(&(cn=%v) (objectclass=inetOrgPerson))

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal administrator should verify exactly which

LDAP attribute must be used to search for the user. With Active Directory,
for example, the cn equals the Full Name of the Active Directory user,
and this must be exactly the same as the Tivoli Monitoring user, and
cannot have spaces (for example, "S Smith" must be "SSmith").
LDAP base The LDAP base node in the LDAP user registry that is used in searches
for users. For example:
IBM Tivoli Directory Server: dc=yourdomain,dc=yourco,dc=com
Microsoft Windows Active Directory: dc=yourdomain,dc=yourco,dc=com
Sun Java System Directory Server: dc=yourdomain,dc=yourco,dc=com
LDAP bind ID The LDAP user ID for bind authentication, in LDAP notation. This LDAP
user ID must be authorized to search for LDAP users. This value can be
omitted if an anonymous user can search for LDAP users.
LDAP bind The password for LDAP bind authentication. This value can be omitted if
password an anonymous user can bind to your LDAP server. This value is
encrypted by the installer.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 93

Table 11. LDAP configuration parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
LDAP host The LDAP server host name. This value can be omitted if your LDAP
name server is on the same host as the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. (The
default is localhost.)
LDAP port The LDAP server port number. This value can be omitted if your LDAP
number server is listening on port 389.

v If you are using Microsoft Active Directory, see “LDAP user authentication using
Microsoft Active Directory” on page 129 for planning and configuration
information specific to this type of LDAP server.
v If you intend to use TLS/SSL communication between the hub Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server and the LDAP server, obtain the information described in the
following table.
Table 12. TLS/SSL parameters for communication between hub and LDAP server
Parameter Description
LDAP key The location of GSKit key store data base file. You can specify any
store file location. For example:
LDAP key The location of the GSKit database password file. For example:
store stash C:\IBM\ITM\keyfiles\keyfile.sth
LDAP key The key store label. For example:
store label IBM_Tivoli_Monitoring_Certificate
LDAP key The password required to access the key store.
store password

Configuration procedure
Configure user authentication on the Windows-, Linux-, or UNIX-based hub
monitoring server.

For instructions to configure authentication on a hub monitoring server installed

on z/OS, seeIBM Tivoli Management Services on z/OS: Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server on z/OS. Authentication by an external LDAP registry is not
supported on a z/OS hub.

Windows: Configuring user authentication through the hub

Configure a hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on Windows to authenticate

About this task

To configure user authentication through the hub on a Windows computer,

complete the following procedure:

1. Select Start → Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services
2. Right-click the hub monitoring server and select Reconfigure.
3. In the configuration window that displays, select Security: Validate User. The
option LDAP Security: Validate User with LDAP becomes available.

94 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

4. If you want to use LDAP for user authentication, check the Validate User with
LDAP option, then click OK to open the LDAP window. If you want to use the
local registry, skip to step 7.
5. Specify the required LDAP values as appropriate for your site.
6. If you want to use TLS/SSL to secure communications between the hub and
the LDAP server, check LDAP SSL Communications: Use SSL? and provide
the appropriate values. If required, provide a password for the keystore.
7. Click OK The Hub TEMS Configuration window is displayed.
8. Click OK to accept the current settings.
9. In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window, restart the hub
monitoring server by right-clicking its name and selecting Start.

Linux or UNIX: Configuring user authentication through the hub

Configure user authentication for an environment in which the hub is installed on
Linux or UNIX.

Configuring user authentication from the command line:

Using the following procedure, you can configure user authentication from the
command line.

About this task

To configure the hub from the command line, perform the following procedure:

1. Change to the install_dir/bin directory and run the following command:
./itmcmd config -S -t tems_name

where install_dir is the installation directory for IBM Tivoli Monitoring, and
tems_name is the name of the hub monitoring server. The default installation
directory on Linux or UNIX is /opt/IBM/ITM. You will see the following
Configuring TEMS...
2. Accept the defaults for the following prompts. The defaults should reflect the
selections made during installation.
3. When you see the prompt:
Security: Validate User?

type 1 and press Enter.

4. If you do not want to use LDAP for authentication, press Enter to select the
default (NO). If you want to use LDAP for authentication, type 1 and press
Enter. Respond to following prompts by entering the values. To enable
TLS/SSL communications between the hub and the LDAP server, provide the
appropriate values.
5. Accept the defaults for the Tivoli Event Integration Facility and the Workflow
Policy/Tivoli Emitter Agent Forwarding.
6. At the following prompt, type 6 (Save/exit) and press Enter:
## CMS_Name
1 ip.pipe:elsrmt1[4441]
7. Restart the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server:

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 95

./itmcmd server stop tems_name
./itmcmd server start tems_name

Configuring authentication by using Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring


Configure authentication by using Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services.

About this task

To configure authentication by using Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring

Services, complete the following steps:

1. Change to the install_dir/bin directory and run the following command:
./itmcmd manage [-h install_dir]

where install_dir is the installation directory for IBM Tivoli Monitoring. The
default installation directory on Linux or UNIX is /opt/IBM/ITM. The Manage
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window is displayed.
2. Right-click the hub monitoring server and click Configure.
3. Click the Advanced Setting tab. Select Security: Validate User.
4. If you want to use LDAP to authenticate users instead of the system registry,
select LDAP user authentication.
5. Click OK. If you selected the LDAP option, the LDAP configuration panel is
6. Specify the values, then click OK.
7. Click OK.
8. Restart the hub monitoring server, using one of the following methods:
v In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window, right-click the
hub monitoring server and select Recycle.
v From the command line, enter:
./itmcmd server stop tems_name
./itmcmd server start tems_name

Ldapsearch for LDAP information

Ldapsearch is a command-line tool available from LDAP server vendors that you
can use to verify LDAP information before configuration and to troubleshoot
problems encountered during configuration. You can save a lot of time by running
ldapsearch to verify the LDAP information before configuring a hub monitoring
server for LDAP authentication.

Note: Use this tool only if you are configuring LDAP authentication through the
hub monitoring server. If you are configuring LDAP authentication through the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, use the TEPS/e (Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
extension server) administration console to verify configuration parameters.

Ideally, ldapsearch is run by the LDAP administrator. The ldapsearch command

operates similarly to the ping command. If the values used as input to the
command are correct, the command returns a version of the values you use in the
search. If the values are not correct, the command returns nothing or returns an
error message that can help you determine which value is involved, such as an
incorrect password or a bad host name.

96 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

IBM Tivoli Directory Server ldapsearch is best suited for IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
The Tivoli Directory Server ldapsearch supports GSKit TLS/SSL operations that
are used in Tivoli Monitoring and has additional command-line options to support
LDAP TLS/SSL searches. Tivoli Monitoring does not include ldapsearch with
production installations. For information on Tivoli Directory Server ldapsearch, see
“Client utilities” in the Tivoli Directory Server Command Reference on the IBM
Security Systems Information Center.

The ldp.exe is a Microsoft Windows LDAP search tool that has the same basic
features as the ldapsearch tool. You can download this tool from the Microsoft
website for your version of Windows. The ldp.exe tool is included in the Windows
Server 2003 CD support tools. For information on using the Microsoft Windows
ldp command, see

Another tool that can assist in LDAP configuration is the LDAP Browser tool from

ldapsearch command-line options

The following table lists the ldapsearch options in the command-line and their
corresponding parameters located in the monitoring server configuration file.
Table 13. ldapsearch command line options and corresponding monitoring server
configuration parameters
Corresponding parameter in
monitoring server configuration
Option Description file
-h host The host name of LDAP server. KGL_LDAP_HOST_NAME
-p port The LDAP port number. KGL_LDAP_PORT

Do not use this command-line option if

an LDAP bind ID is not required.
-w password The LDAP bind password KGL_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD

Use the unecrypted value for the

ldapsearch command-line option. Do
not use this command-line option if an
LDAP bind ID is not required.
-b base_dn The LDAP base. KGL_LDAP_BASE
-K keyfile The LDAP key store file (used only with KGL_KEYRING_FILE
-P key_pw The LDAP key store password (used KGL_KEYRING_PASSWORD
only with LDAP TLS/SSL). decrypted value

Use the unecrypted value for the

ldapsearch command-line option.
-N key_name The LDAP key store label (used only KGL_KEYRING_LABEL
with LDAP SSL).
Filter LDAP user filter. Replace %v with Tivoli KGL_LDAP_USER_FILTER
Enterprise Portal, SOAP, or tacmd user

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 97

Sample ldapsearch command (no TLS/SSL)
Here is a sample ldapsearch command and its corresponding output data for a
configuration with TLS/SSL disabled.

Use the following values to configure the ldapsearch command in an environment

where TLS/SSL is not enabled, and no user ID or password are required:

LDAP host name

LDAP port name 389
LDAP base ou=itm62users,
LDAP user filter "("

Use the following command syntax for this sample configuration:

ldapsearch -h -p 389 -b "ou=itm62users,"
-s sub "("

The following output is produced:


Sample ldapsearch command (with TLS/SSL)

Here is a sample ldapsearch command and its corresponding output data for a
configuration with TLS/SSL enabled.

Use the following values to configure the ldapsearch command in an environment

where TLS/SSL is enabled, and a bind ID and password are required:

LDAP host name

LDAP port name 636
LDAP bind ID uid=1,ou=itm62users,
LDAP bind password itm62
LDAP base ou=itm62users,
LDAP key store C:\IBM\ITM\itm62keyfiles\keyfile.kdb
LDAP key stash C:\IBM\ITM\itm62keyfiles\keyfile.sth
LDAP keystore label BM_Tivoli_Monitoring_Certificate
LDAP keystore password itm62
LDAP user filter "("

Use the following command syntax for this sample configuration:

ldapsearch -h -p 636 -D uid=1,ou=itm62users,
-w itm62 -b "ou=itm62users," -s sub
-K C:\IBM\ITM\itm62keyfiles\keyfile.kdb -P itm62
-N "IBM_Tivoli_Monitoring_Certificate" "("

The following output is produced:


98 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

LDAP user authentication through the portal server
You can configure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to use an LDAP user registry
to authenticate users.

This is required if you intend to provide single sign-on (SSO) capability for these
v The Tivoli Enterprise Portal is launched from other web-based applications and
you don't want users to re-enter their credentials.
v The Tivoli Enterprise Portal is used to launch other web-based or web-enabled
applications and you don't want users to re-enter their credentials.
v IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub is used to display monitoring data
retrieved using the dashboard data provider component of the portal server. Best
practice is to use single sign-on in this case, so that dashboard users can launch
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal and user don't have to re-enter their credentials.
Additionally, single sign-on must be used if you want to control authorization to
monitored resources on a per user basis.
v The IBM Tivoli Monitoring charting web service is being used by another
application such as Tivoli Integrated Portal.

Prerequisites for configuring LDAP authentication on the

portal server
Before configuring LDAP authentication on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, you
must create the user accounts in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal and in the
authenticating LDAP registry, and have the LDAP registry configuration
parameters at hand.
Verify user IDs in the LDAP registry
Add or verify user IDs in the registry, but do not create an account for
sysadmin until after you have enabled authentication and are already
logged on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
The default user name for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server extended
services (TEPS/e) administrator is wasadmin. If this UID was added to the
registry, have the user registry administrator either change the name or
remove the entry. In a federated LDAP user registry, two entries with the
same name cause a conflict.
A best practice is to not add sysadmin to the LDAP user registry. If the
LDAP server is unavailable you cannot log onto the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal using LDAP user accounts, but you can still log onto the portal
using sysadmin because it is mapped to the default Tivoli Monitoring
realm that is authenticated by the hub monitoring server.
Set up Tivoli Enterprise Portal user accounts.
Add the user IDs that you intend to authenticate with an LDAP registry.
This can be done before or after the portal server has been configured for
LDAP authentication. After LDAP configuration, you must return to the
Administer Users window in the portal client to associate the user ID with
its distinguished name from the LDAP user registry.
The sysadmin password
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Windows installer creates a sysadmin user
account in the Windows user registry on the hub monitoring server
computer and prompts you to specify a password for that ID. The
password is not required unless password authentication is enabled.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 99

The installer does not set the “Password never expires” option when it
creates the sysadmin account. If you do not set this option, the password
will expire according to the security policy on the hub Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server and you will not be able to log in to the portal server.
Use the Windows Administrative Tools to ensure that the “Password never
expires” option is selected for the sysadmin user account.
LDAP configuration information
Obtain the information shown in the following table from the LDAP
administrator before configuring the portal server for LDAP user
authentication. The portal server and participating SSO applications must
be configured to use the same LDAP user registry.
Table 14. LDAP configuration parameters
Parameter Description
LDAP type One of the following types of LDAP servers can be defined to the portal
server using the Tivoli Management Services installation and
configuration utilities:
v Active Directory Server 2000
v Active Directory Server 2003
v Active Directory Server 2008
v Active Directory Server 2008 R2
v Tivoli Directory Server 6.x
v Other
Other is specified if you are configuring a different type of LDAP server,
you are planning to enable TLS/SSL between the portal server and LDAP
server, or you need to specify advanced LDAP configuration parameters
besides those listed in this table. When you select Other, you must use
the TEPS/e administration console to configure and modify the LDAP
user registry details.

See “Using the TEPS/e administration console” on page 113.

LDAP base This parameter specifies distinguished name (DN) for the base entry in
the LDAP registry.

It is the starting point for user searches in the LDAP server. For example,
for a user with a distinguished name of cn=John
Doe,ou=Rochester,o=IBM,c=US, specify ou=Rochester,o=IBM,c=US for this
Note: If you use the TEPS/e administration console to configure LDAP,
this parameter is called Distinguished name of the base entry in the
repository in the TEPS/e administration console.

100 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 14. LDAP configuration parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
LDAP DN base The default value is o=ITMSSOEntry. However, best practice is to choose a
entry value that is more meaningful for your organization.

Typically, you set this parameter to the distinguished name of the base
entry in the LDAP registry for the portal server users. For example, for a
user with a distinguished name of cn=John Doe,ou=Rochester,o=IBM,c=US,
specify ou=Rochester,o=IBM,c=US for this parameter.

However, when multiple LDAP repositories are being configured for the
portal server, use this field to define an additional distinguished name
(DN) that uniquely identifies the set of LDAP users from this LDAP
server. For example, the LDAP1 registry and the LDAP2 registry might both
use o=ibm,c=us as their base entry. In this case, use this parameter to
uniquely specify a different base entry for each LDAP server within the
realm. For example, specify o=ibm1,c=us when configuring the LDAP1
registry and o=ibm2,c=us when configuring the LDAP2 registry.
Note: If you have multiple LDAP registries, they cannot contain any
overlapping user names.

The value of this parameter is displayed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal

Administer Users dialog when you list the distinguished names that can
be mapped to Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs.
Note: If you use the TEPS/e administration console to configure LDAP,
this parameter is called Distinguished name of the base entrythat
uniquely identifies this set of entries in the realm in the TEPS/e
administration console.
LDAP bind ID This is the LDAP user ID for bind authentication, in LDAP notation, and
must be authorized to search for LDAP users. The bind ID can be omitted
if an anonymous user can search for LDAP users.
LDAP bind This is the LDAP user password for LDAP bind authentication. This value
password can be omitted if an anonymous user can bind to your LDAP server. This
value is encrypted by the installer.
LDAP port This is the port number that the LDAP server is listening on. This value
number can be omitted if the port is 389.
LDAP host This is the hostname or IP address of the LDAP server. It can be omitted
name if the LDAP server is on the same computer as the portal server. If you
are using Microsoft Active Directory, use the hostname of a domain
controller within the Active Directory Forest that is hosting the user
accounts for the portal server.

Information for SSO configuration

If you intend to configure SSO, work with the administrators for the other
applications that plan to use single sign-on with the portal server, to
determine the values for the parameters listed in the following table. Each
participating SSO application must have the same value for these
Table 15. SSO parameters
Parameter Description
Domain name This is the Internet or Intranet domain for which SSO is configured, for
example Only applications available in this domain or
its sub-domains are enabled for SSO. Example:

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 101

Table 15. SSO parameters (continued)
Parameter Description
Realm name A realm identifies a set of federated repositories in TEPS/e and other
WebSphere Application Servers. You can choose your own realm name,
but this value must be the same across all applications that are configured
for SSO within the specified domain. Applications configured for the same
domain name, but for a different realm name, cannot work as a part of
the same SSO infrastructure.


About single sign-on

The single sign-on (SSO) feature provides users with the ability to start other Tivoli
web-based or web-enabled applications from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, or to start
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal from other applications, without having to re-enter
their credentials. It is also used when IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub
retrieves monitoring data from the portal server or the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
charting web service is being used by another application.

Authenticated credentials are shared among participating applications using LTPA

(Lightweight Third Party Authentication) tokens. Read this topic to understand
SSO usage and requirements.
User logon
Users log onto one of the participating applications, have their user ID and
password authenticated, and then start another application from within the
original application to view related data or perform required actions
without having to re-enter their user ID and password.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client or Java Web Start client
Using a browser client or Java Web Start client, you can start another
participating Tivoli web application from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal by
using Launch Application or by typing the URL of the application into a
browser view.
You can start the Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client from an
SSO-enabled web application. SSO is also supported when launching to the
Java Web Start client.

Note: If you are using SSO and you want to use the browser client on the
same computer as the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, you must reconfigure
the client to use the fully qualified name of the host computer.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop client
Using the desktop client, you can start another application from a
workspace by using SSO. To do this, you must enter the URL of the
application in the address field of a browser view. However, you cannot
start the Tivoli Enterprise Portal from another application to the desktop
Dashboard Application Services Hub
Dashboard users log onto IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub. When
they access a dashboard that displays monitoring data, the dashboard hub
sends a request to the dashboard data provider component of the portal
server and includes the logged in user's LTPA token. The portal server

102 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

validates the LTPA token, extracts the LDAP user ID from the LTPA token,
and determines what monitored resources the user is allowed to access.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring charting web service
When users log onto Tivoli Integrated Portal, they access a page with a
chart configured to use the IBM Tivoli Monitoring charting web service. A
request is sent to the charting web service on the portal server and
includes the logged in user's LTPA token. The portal server validates the
LTPA token, extracts the LDAP user ID from the LTPA token, and
determines what monitored resources the user is allowed to access.
SSO-enabled applications belong to the same security domain and realm
For SSO to be enabled, authentication must be configured through the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server for an external LDAP user registry that is
shared by all participating Tivoli applications. This is also called a
federated LDAP user registry. All the participating applications must be
configured for SSO and must belong to the same Internet or intranet
domain and realm.
The domain is the Internet or Intranet domain for which SSO must be
configured, for example Only applications available in
this domain or its sub-domains are enabled for the SSO. Users who access
applications that support SSO must specify the fully qualified hostname
when entering the URL of the application, for example, the URL of
Dashboard Application Services Hub. The hostname is included in the
LTPA tokens that are sent to the other application servers participating in
SSO, and those other servers need the fully qualified hostname so that they
can verify the request came from a server in the same domain.
The realm is a parameter shared across different applications that are using
the LTPA SSO implementation.
LTPA tokens
Authenticated credentials are shared among participating applications
using LTPA tokens. An LTPA token is encrypted data containing the
authentication-related data for a user who has already been authenticated
using the shared LDAP user registry. Participating SSO applications pass
the user's LTPA token using a browser cookie.
LTPA tokens are secure because they are created using secure
cryptography. The tokens are both encrypted and signed. The server
creating an LTPA token uses a set of cryptographic keys. The cryptographic
keys are used to encode the token, so that the encoded token traveling to
the user's browser cannot be decoded by someone who does not have the
cryptographic keys. The cryptographic keys also are used to validate the
token ensuring that the token integrity is verifiable and tampering can be
readily detected. When an SSO server receives an HTTP request and sees
that the LTPA token is included, the server verifies the token using its copy
of the shared cryptographic keys, and the information in the valid token
allows the server to recognize the logged-in user.
Accordingly, LTPA keys must be exchanged among participating SSO
servers so that all servers are using the same LTPA key. Choose one of the
servers to be the source of the LTPA key. Then export its LTPA key and
provide it to the administrators of the other servers so that they can import
it. When you perform the export step, you must export the key into a key
file. You must provide a name for the key file and the password to use to

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 103

encrypt the key. The key file and password must be provided to the
administrators of the other participating SSO applications so that they can
import the LTPA key.
For example, if multiple applications can launch the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal client, you can export the LTPA key from the portal server and
provide the key file and password to the administrators of the other
applications so that they can import the LTPA key.
Synchronizing the time across participating servers
LTPA tokens are time sensitive. Verify that the date, time, and time zone on
the portal server computer and the computers of the participating SSO
applications are correctly set and relative to Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC). For example, the portal server in New York is set to UTC -5:00 and
the Dashboard Application Services Hub in Paris is set to UTC+1:00.
Related tasks:
“Reconfiguring the browser client for SSO” on page 122
Reconfigure the browser client to specify the fully-qualified name of the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server if you want to have SSO capability when you log on to the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal from the same computer.

Roadmap for setting up the portal server to use an LDAP user

registry and single sign-on
After the user IDs available for single sign-on (SSO) have been established in the
LDAP user registry, enable SSO by completing the tasks in this topic.
v Verify that all prerequisites for enabling authentication and single sign-on have
been met.
v Define Tivoli Enterprise Portal user accounts. (This can also be done after LDAP
authentication and SSO have been configured.)
v Configure LDAP authentication and SSO through the portal server.
v Exchange LTPA keys with participating SSO applications.
v Map Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to LDAP distinguished names.


Use the following scenario roadmap to help you set up the portal server to use an
LDAP user registry and single sign-on.

104 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 16. Roadmap for setting up the portal server to use an LDAP user registry and single sign-on
Step Task Where to find information
1 Configure the portal server to use an LDAP user See “Prerequisites for configuring LDAP
registry and specify the realm name and domain authentication on the portal server” on page 99.
used for single sign-on.
Then, use the instructions in one of the following
To configure the portal server to use LDAP, you can topics to enable LDAP user validation on the portal
use the following options: server:
v IBM Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring v “Using Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services utility Services to configure the portal server for LDAP
v itmcmd command line interface on Linux and authentication” on page 107
UNIX v “Using the Linux or UNIX command line to
v TEPS/e administration console configure the portal server for LDAP
authentication” on page 111
You use either IBM Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services or the itmcmd command to Then, follow the instructions in “Using the TEPS/e
enable LDAP user validation for the portal server. administration console” on page 113 if you
You can also use these utilities to configure the specified an LDAP server type of Other when
LDAP connection parameters unless: enabling LDAP user validation for the portal server.
Usage notes:
v You want to use a server besides Microsoft
Active Directory or Tivoli Directory Server
If you are using Microsoft Active Directory, see
v You want to configure TLS/SSL between the “LDAP user authentication using Microsoft Active
portal server and the LDAP server Directory” on page 129 for planning and
v You need to specify advanced LDAP configuration information specific to this type of
configuration parameters LDAP server.
For these scenarios, you specify the type of Other
If you are using Tivoli Directory Server, see
when configuring the portal server and then use
Understanding single sign-on between IBM Tivoli
the TEPS/e administration console to complete the
Monitoring and Tivoli Integrated Portal using Tivoli
LDAP connection configuration.
Directory Server in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Wiki
Note: You can also export the portal server's LTPA
key or import the LTPA key from another
application at the same time as configuring LDAP
%20Monitoring). These instructions explain how to
user authentication or you can perform these steps
map entries configured in Tivoli Directory Server to
after you have verified the portal server's LDAP
the information configured using the TEPS/e
authentication is working.
administration console. Ignore the steps provided
for Tivoli Integrated Portal.
2 Configure the other participating SSO applications If you are using single sign-on with Dashboard
to use the same LDAP user registry, realm, and Application Services Hub, see the “Configuring
Internet or intranet domain name as the portal Jazz for Service Management for a central user
server and enable SSO. registry” and “Configuring SSO on the application
server” topics in the Jazz for Service Management
Also, verify that the date, time, and time zone on Configuration Guide on the Jazz for Service
the portal server computer and the computers of Management Information Center
the participating SSO applications are correctly set (
and relative to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). topic/

For other applications, refer to their product

documentation to determine how to configure them
to use the LDAP user registry, to enable SSO, and
how to specify the realm name and domain name
as the portal server.
3 Map Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to LDAP “Mapping Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to
distinguished names. LDAP distinguished names” on page 120

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 105

Table 16. Roadmap for setting up the portal server to use an LDAP user registry and single sign-on (continued)
Step Task Where to find information
4 Reconfigure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser “Reconfiguring the browser client for SSO” on page
client for SSO if it will be launched by another 122
application on the same computer as the portal
5 Verify your Tivoli Enterprise Portal users can If the Tivoli Enterprise Portal users cannot log into
launch the portal client and successfully login. the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, review the TEPS/e log
Note: The portal client users must specify the value for diagnostic information. This is the
of their relative distinguished name when they SystemOut.log located on the computer where the
login. For example, if their relative distinguished portal server is installed at install_dir\CNPSJ\
name is cn=John Doe then they must specify John profiles\ITMProfile\logs; install_dir/Platform/
Doe when prompted for their credentials. iw/profiles/ITMProfile/log.

If you encounter authentication errors and cannot

resolve them, you can disable LDAP authentication
by following the steps in “Disabling LDAP
authentication on the portal server” on page 125.
6 Configure TLS/SSL between the portal server and “Configuring TLS/SSL communication between the
LDAP server if you want to secure this portal server and the LDAP server” on page 119
7 Verify your Tivoli Enterprise Portal users can still N/A
8 You must ensure the following applications are If you decide that the portal server will be source of
using the same LTPA key as the portal server: the LTPA key, export its LTPA key using the export
v A web-based or web-enabled application that instructions in “Importing and exporting LTPA
launches the Tivoli Enterprise Portal keys” on page 123.
v A web-based or web-enabled application that can If you are using IBM Dashboard Application
be launched from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Services Hub for monitoring dashboards and it will
client be the source of the LTPA key, see “Exporting LTPA
v IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub when keys” in the Jazz for Service Management
it uses the dashboard data provider component Configuration Guide on the Jazz for Service
of the portal server to retrieve monitoring data Management Information Center
v Another application such as Tivoli Integrated (
Portal that uses the IBM Tivoli Monitoring topic/
charting web service homepage.html).

Determine which application will be the source of Otherwise, refer to the documentation of the
the LTPA key for all of the other participating SSO application whose LTPA key will be exported to
applications and export its LTPA key. The key file determine how to perform the export operation.
and the password used to encrypt the key must be
provided to the administrators of the other
participating applications.

106 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 16. Roadmap for setting up the portal server to use an LDAP user registry and single sign-on (continued)
Step Task Where to find information
9 The administrators of the other participating SSO To import an LTPA key into the portal server, see
applications must import the LTPA key that was the import instructions in “Importing and exporting
exported in the previous step. They need the key LTPA keys” on page 123.
file and the password that was used to encrypt the
key. To import an LTPA key into IBM Dashboard
Application Services Hub see “Importing LTPA
keys” in the Jazz for Service Management
Configuration Guide on the Jazz for Service
Management Information Center

See the documentation for the other participating

SSO applications for instructions on importing the
LTPA key.
10 Verify that single sign-on is working between the N/A
portal server and each participating SSO application
by performing the following tasks that apply to
your SSO environment:
1. Verify that other application can launch the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal and users are not
prompted for their credentials.
2. Verify that Tivoli Enterprise Portal can be used
to launch another application and that the user
is not prompted to re-enter their credentials.
3. Verify that monitored resources can be
displayed in monitoring dashboards of
Dashboard Application Services Hub after a
data provider connection has been created and
configured for SSO.
4. Verify that another application can use the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring charting web service to
retrieve monitoring data.
Note: When accessing the web interface of an
application that supports SSO, enter the fully
qualified hostname when specifying the URL of the
application. The application servers participating in
SSO check the LTPA tokens to verify that the
request is coming from a server in the same
Internet or Intranet domain.
11 Create Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs when new “Managing new LDAP users” on page 125
users are added in the LDAP user registry.

Using Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services to

configure the portal server for LDAP authentication
You can use Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services to enable LDAP user
authentication and single sign-on in the portal server, and optionally, to configure
the LDAP server connection details.

You can use this utility to configure the LDAP server connection information, if all
the following conditions are met:

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 107

v You are using Microsoft Active Directory Server or Tivoli Directory Server for
your LDAP server.
v You do not plan to configure TLS/SSL between the portal server and the LDAP
v You do not need to configure any LDAP configuration parameters besides those
listed in the Table 14 on page 100 table.
For all other scenarios, use Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services to enable
LDAP user validation and SSO for the portal server and specify server type of
Other. Then use the TEPS/e administration console to complete the LDAP

Configuring the portal server to use an LDAP user registry involves adding LDAP
information such as the bind ID and port number to the portal server
configuration. At the same time, best practice is to enable single sign-on by
specifying the realm name and Internet or intranet domain name used by the other
applications participating SSO. For more information about these parameters, see
“Prerequisites for configuring LDAP authentication on the portal server” on page

You can also export the portal server's LTPA key or import the LTPA key from a
participating SSO application if you have already decided which application will
be the source of the LTPA key. (All participating SSO applications must use the
same key). The export or import steps can also be performed at a later time if you
want to concentrate on getting LDAP user authentication working or you don't
have an LTPA key to import.

Before you begin

Have the configuration information for the LDAP server at hand, as well as the
realm and Internet or intranet domain name for SSO.

If you want to export or import LTPA keys, ensure that the portal server is running
before beginning configuration. You will get a message that the portal server will
be stopped during configuration, but the server is stopped only at the end of the
configuration procedure after you click OK to close the last dialog. If you are
importing an LTPA key, you need the key file and the password that was used
when the key file was generated.

About this task

Take these steps to reconfigure the portal server for user validation with an LDAP
registry, enable SSO, and optionally export or import LTPA keys.

1. Start Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services on the computer where
the portal server is installed:
v Click Start → Programs →IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services.
v Where install_dir is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
installation directory, change to the install_dir/bin directory and run
./itmcmd manage [-h install_dir].
2. Right-click Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server:
v Click Reconfigure, and click OK to accept the existing
configuration and go to the second TEP Server Configuration window.

108 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v Click Configure.
3. In the LDAP Security area, select Validate User with LDAP?. On Linux and
UNIX, the LDAP Security area is on the TEMS Connection tab.
4. Optional: If you plan to use SSO, select Enable Single Sign On?.
5. Select the LDAP type from the list:
v AD2000 for Active Directory Server 2000
v AD2003 for Active Directory Server 2003
v AD2008 for Active Directory Server 2008
v IDS6 for IBM Tivoli Directory Server Version 6.x.
v Other if your LDAP server is not one of those listed, you intend to
customize the LDAP configuration for the Active Directory Server or Tivoli
Directory Server, or you are configuring SSL communications to the LDAP
server. After completing this procedure, start the TEPS/e administration
console to complete the LDAP server configuration. See “Using the TEPS/e
administration console” on page 113.

Important: If you think you might need to edit the configuration of the
Active Directory Server or Tivoli Directory Server at a later time, such as to
configure TLS/SSL communications to the LDAP server, be sure to select
Other and use the TEPS/e administration console to configure the server
(skip step 6). Otherwise, any customization done in the TEPS/e
administration console is lost the next time you reconfigure the portal
6. If you selected AD2000, AD2003, or IDS6 as the LDAP type, complete the
other fields to specify the LDAP server:
v LDAP base is the distinguished name (DN) for the base entry in the LDAP
It is the starting point for user searches in the LDAP server. For example,
for a user with a distinguished name of cn=John
Doe,ou=Rochester,o=IBM,c=US, specify ou=Rochester,o=IBM,c=US for this
v LDAP DN base entry is typically set to the distinguished name of the base
entry in the LDAP registry for portal server users. For example, for a user
with a distinguished name of cn=John Doe,ou=Rochester,o=IBM,c=US,
specify ou=Rochester,o=IBM,c=US for this parameter.
However, when multiple LDAP repositories are being configured for the
portal server, use this field to define an additional distinguished name (DN)
that uniquely identifies the set of LDAP users from this LDAP server. For
example, the LDAP1 registry and the LDAP2 registry might both use
o=ibm,c=us as their base entry. In this case, use this parameter to uniquely
specify a different base entry for each LDAP server. For example, specify
o=ibm1,c=us when configuring the LDAP1 registry and o=ibm2,c=us when
configuring the LDAP2 registry.

Note: If you have multiple LDAP registries, they cannot contain any
overlapping user names.
The value of this parameter is displayed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Administer Users dialog when you list the distinguished names that can be
mapped to Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs.
v LDAP bind ID is the LDAP user ID for bind authentication, in LDAP
notation, and must be authorized to search for LDAP users. The bind ID
can be omitted if an anonymous user can search for LDAP users.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 109

v LDAP bind password is the LDAP user password for LDAP bind
authentication. This value can be omitted if an anonymous user can bind to
your LDAP server. This value is encrypted by the installer.
v LDAP port number that the LDAP server is listening on. This value can be
omitted if the port is 389.
v LDAP host name, which can be omitted if the LDAP server is on the same
computer as the portal server. Default: localhost.
7. Click OK.
v If you selected Enable Single Sign On?, the Single Sign On dialog is
displayed with Realm name and Domain name fields and Import Keys
and Export Keys buttons.
v If you are not enabling single sign-on at this time, click OK to close any
other portal server configuration dialogs and go to step 12 on page 111
8. For SSO, specify the realm and domain in the Single Sign On dialog:
a. Realm name is a parameter shared across applications participating in
SSO. Applications configured for the same domain name, but for a
different realm name will not work as a part of the same SSO
b. Domain name is the Internet or Intranet domain for which SSO is
configured, for example Only applications available in
this domain or its sub-domains are enabled for SSO.
9. At this time, you can export the portal server's LTPA key if you want it to be
the key used by all other participating SSO applications. Click Export Keys
and complete the following steps:
a. Navigate to the directory where you want to create the file or change the
file type, or both. The directory displayed initially, on Windows, is
ITM_dir\InstallITM; and on Linux and UNIX, it is the Root directory.
b. Type a name for the file that the LTPA key should be placed in and click
c. In the Export keys window, type a password to use to encrypt the file, and
click OK. You see a console window while the file is created and
encrypted, and then you are returned to the Single Sign On window.

Note: After the LDAP configuration is complete, provide the key file and
password to the administrators of the applications that launch Tivoli
Enterprise Portal, use the dashboard data provider in IBM Dashboard
Application Services Hub, or use the IBM Tivoli Monitoring charting web
10. If another participating SSO application is providing the LTPA key, you can
import it now if you have the key file and the password that was used to
encrypt the key. Click Import Keys and complete the following steps:
a. In the Open window that is displayed, navigate to the directory where the
key file is located. The directory displayed initially, on Windows, is
ITM_dir\InstallITM; and on Linux and UNIX, it is the Root directory.
b. Type the name of the file that you want to import, and click Open. You
see a console window while the file is created and encrypted, and then
you are returned to the Single Sign On window. Repeat the import process
to import keys from additional participating servers.
c. Type the password required to decrypt the file, and click OK. You see a
console window while the file is created and encrypted, and then you are
returned to the Single Sign On window.

110 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

d. Repeat the import process to import keys from additional participating
11. Click OK.
12. If you are prompted to reconfigure the warehouse connection
information, answer No. After some processing of the configuration settings,
the Common Event Console Configuration window is displayed. Sometimes
this window does not open in the foreground and is hidden by other
windows. If processing seems to be taking longer than expected, minimize
other windows and look for the configuration window. When the Common
Event Console Configuration window is displayed, click OK.
13. If necessary, recycle the portal server by selecting Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server and clicking Recycle or by stopping, then starting the portal server.

What to do next

If you chose Other as the LDAP type, the LDAP configuration must be completed
in the TEPS/e administration console. See “Using the TEPS/e administration
console” on page 113.

Otherwise, for all other LDAP types, follow steps 1 and 2 in the procedure above
to check if Validate User with LDAP? is still selected. If it is not selected then an
error occurred when the configuration utility attempted to connect to the LDAP
server and LDAP validation was disabled. If it is disabled, check the
install_dir/logs/ConfigureLDAPRepo.log file.

Once the LDAP registry is completely configured, you can map the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal user IDs to the LDAP distinguished names to complete the LDAP
configuration. You must log on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal with the sysadmin
user ID or a user ID that has the same administrative authority and is not an
LDAP user. See “Mapping Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to LDAP distinguished
names” on page 120.

If you enabled SSO, you will need to export or import LTPA keys. Refer back to
the “Roadmap for setting up the portal server to use an LDAP user registry and
single sign-on” on page 104 to determine when to perform these steps.

Using the Linux or UNIX command line to configure the portal

server for LDAP authentication
If the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is on Linux or UNIX, you can enable LDAP
user authentication and single sign-on in the portal server, and optionally,
configure the LDAP server connection details, by using the itmcmd command line

You can use the command line to configure the LDAP server connection
information, if all the following conditions are met:
v You are using Microsoft Active Directory Server or Tivoli Directory Server for
your LDAP server.
v You do not plan to configure TLS/SSL between the portal server and the LDAP
v You do not need to configure any LDAP configuration parameters besides those
listed in the Table 14 on page 100 table.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 111

For all other scenarios, use the itmcmd command to enable LDAP user validation
and SSO for the portal server and specify server type of Other. Then use the
TEPS/e administration console to complete the LDAP configuration.

Configuring the portal server to use an LDAP user registry involves adding LDAP
information such as the bind ID and port number to the portal server
configuration. At the same time, best practice is to enable single sign-on by
specifying the realm name and Internet or intranet domain name used by the other
applications participating SSO. For more information about these parameters, see
“Prerequisites for configuring LDAP authentication on the portal server” on page

About this task

Complete these steps to configure the portal server from the command line:

1. Log on to the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed.
2. At the command line, change to the install_dir/bin directory, where install_dir
is the directory where you installed the product.
3. Run the following command to start configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server: ./itmcmd config -A cq. The message “Agent configuration started...” is
displayed, followed by a prompt:
Edit "Common event console for IBM Tivoli Monitoring" settings?
[ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 1)
4. Enter 2. The following prompt is displayed:
Will this agent connect to a TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1):
5. Accept the default values for this prompt and the prompts that follow it until
you see the following prompt. The default values reflect the selections made
during the original configuration.
LDAP Security: Validate User with LDAP ? (1=Yes, 2=No)(Default is: 2):
6. Enter 1 to begin configuration of LDAP authentication and provide the values
for the LDAP parameters.
LDAP type: [AD2000, AD2003, AD2008, IDS6, OTHER](Default is: OTHER):

For LDAP type, choose Other if your LDAP server is not one of those listed or
you intend to customize the LDAP configuration for the Active Directory
Server or Tivoli Directory Server or you plan to configure TLS/SSL between the
portal server and the LDAP server. After completing this procedure, start the
TEPS/e administration console to complete the LDAP server configuration. See
“Using the TEPS/e administration console” on page 113.

Important: If you think you might need to edit the configuration of the Active
Directory Server or Tivoli Directory Server at a later time, for example
configuring TLS/SSL communications to the LDAP server, be sure to select
Other and use the TEPS/e administration console to configure the server.
Otherwise, any customization done in the TEPS/e administration console is lost
the next time you reconfigure the portal server.
7. If you did not specify type of Other, you are prompted to enter additional
LDAP configuration values. (see Table 14 on page 100 for more information
about those parameters):
LDAP base: o=IBM
LDAP DN Base Entry(Default is: o=ITMSSOEntry): o=IBM
LDAP bind ID: cn=root

112 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

LDAP bind password:
Re-type: LDAP bind password:
LDAP Port number(Default is: 389):
LDAP host name(Default is: localhost): itmxseries04
8. If you want to enable single sign-on as well as LDAP authentication, enter 1 at
the following prompt; then provide the Realm name and Domain name.
Enable Single Sign On ? (1=Yes, 2=No)(Default is: 2):
a. Realm name is a parameter shared across applications participating in SSO.
Applications configured for the same domain name, but for a different
realm name will not work as a part of the same SSO infrastructure.
b. Domain name is the Internet or Intranet domain for which SSO is
configured, for example Only applications available in
this domain or its sub-domains are enabled for SSO.
After the installer has completed the configuration, the following message is
displayed: Agent configuration completed...
9. Recycle the portal server.
./itmcmd agent stop cq
./itmcmd agent start cq

What to do next

If you chose Other as the LDAP type, the LDAP configuration must be completed
in the TEPS/e administration console. See “Using the TEPS/e administration

Once the LDAP registry is completely configured, you can map the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal user IDs to the LDAP distinguished names to complete the LDAP
configuration. You must log on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal with the sysadmin
user ID or a user ID that has the same administrative authority and is not an
LDAP user. See “Mapping Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to LDAP distinguished
names” on page 120.

If you enabled SSO, you will need to export or import LTPA keys. Refer back to
the “Roadmap for setting up the portal server to use an LDAP user registry and
single sign-on” on page 104 to determine when to perform these steps.

Using the TEPS/e administration console

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server extended services (TEPS/e) has an
administrative console (ISCLite) that you can access for configuring an LDAP
registry that is not supported by the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation programs:
Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services and itmcmd command line
configuration utilities.

You can also use the TEPS/e administration console to configure SSL for
communication with the LDAP server and with other applications that send
requests to either the dashboard data provider or the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
charting web service.

You must use the TEPS/e administration console to configure portal server LDAP
user authentication if you specified Other as the LDAP type when you configured
the portal server during installation, or when you used the Manage Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Services utility or itmcmd command line interface. You must
also use the TEPS/e administration console to configure LDAP connection details
if you plan to perform the following tasks:

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 113

v Use an LDAP server other than Microsoft Active Directory Server or Tivoli
Directory Server.
v Configure TLS/SSL communication between the portal server and the LDAP
v Configure advanced LDAP configuration parameters that can be specified in the
TEPS/e administration console but not in the other portal server configuration

Important: Any LDAP customization made within the TEPS/e administration

console are overwritten and cleared any time the portal server is reconfigured
unless you chose the LDAP type of Other during portal server configuration
through Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services or the itmcmd command line interface
configuration utilities. When Other is chosen, the LDAP user registry information
is handled by TEPS/e and is not affected by the other portal server configuration

Starting the TEPS/e administration console

Use the TEPS/e administration console to configure an LDAP server with a type of
Other, to configure SSL between the portal server and other applications such as
the LDAP server, and to verify your LDAP configuration.

Before you begin

The TEPS/e administration console is disabled by default for security reasons and
to save system resources. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server must be running
before you enable the console.

About this task

Take these steps to enable and then start the TEPS/e administration console:

1. Enable the TEPS/e administration console:
v In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window,
highlight Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and select Advanced → TEPS/e
Administration → Enable TEPS/e Administration.
v From the command line, change to the scripts
directory (Intel Linux: ITM_dir/li6263/iw/scripts; zLinux:ITM_dir/ls3266/
iw/scripts; AIX®:ITM_dir/aix533/iw/scripts) and enter the following
command, where true starts the console and false stops the console:
./ {true/false}
The TEPS/e administration console is now enabled for logon and will remain
enabled until the portal server is stopped.
2. If this is the first time you are enabling the console, you must set the
administration password:
v In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window,
highlight Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and select Advanced → TEPS/e
Administration → TEPS/e Administration Password.
v From the scripts directory, enter the following
command, where <username> is wasadmin, and <password> is the new
password: <username> <password>

114 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Subsequently, entering a TEPS/e administration password resets the
3. Enter the following URL in your Internet Explorer or Firefox browser:
http://localhost:15205/ibm/console or https://localhost:15206/ibm/console
4. Log on to the console using wasadmin for the user ID and the password you
entered as the TEPS/e administration password.


The Integrated Solutions Console (TEPS/e administration console) window is

opened. Even after you log out of the administration console, it remains enabled
until the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is stopped. You must manually restart the
TEPS/e administration console through the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services after each portal server restart.

What to do next

You can now configure an external LDAP server connection, SSL, or verify the

If the TEPS/e administration console is running when the portal server is recycled,
you must log out and enable the console again to resynchronize with the portal

Configuring the portal server for LDAP authentication using the

TEPS/e administration console
You must use the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server extended services (TEPS/e)
administration console to configure LDAP server connection parameters if you
specified Other as the LDAP type when you configured the portal server.

Before you begin

Start the TEPS/e administration console.

Attention: Best practice is to select the LDAP type of Other in the Manage Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Services utility of itmcmd command line interface before
using the TEPS/e administration console to change the LDAP server configuration
in order for any future changes to persist. For example, if you selected IDS6 as the
LDAP type when you configured the portal server using the itmcmd command
and you make changes to the LDAP connection parameters through the TEPS/e
administration console, your changes are lost the next time you reconfigure the
portal server.

1. In the TEPS/e administration console navigation tree, click Security → Global
2. On the page that is displayed, ensure that Federated repositories is selected
for Available realm definition, and click Configure.
3. Configure the federated repository:
a. Verify or enter the Realm Name value. A realm identifies a set of federated
repositories in TEPS/e and other WebSphere Application Servers. You can
choose your own realm name but this value must be the same across all
applications that are configured for SSO within an Internet or intranet
domain. If you enabled single sign-on when you configured the portal

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 115

server, this field displays the value your specified for the realm name. For
details on specifying the domain, see step 9 on page 117
b. On the same page, click Add Base entry to Realm.
4. On the Repository reference page, click Add repository and choose LDAP
repository from the dropdown list. The page now displays the properties that
can be configured for the portal server to LDAP connection.
5. Provide the appropriate values for the following parameters:
v For Repository identifier, enter a name for the repository that you find
meaningful to identify the type of uses in the LDAP repository. For
example, ITMtepUsers.
v For Directory type, choose the type of LDAP server being used in your
v For Primary hostname, enter the fully qualified hostname or IP address of
your LDAP server.
v For Port, enter the port number of the LDAP server. The default value is
v For Bind distinguished name, enter the distinguished name for a user that
is authorized to search for LDAP users. For example, cn=root. The bind ID
can be omitted if an anonymous user can search for LDAP users.
v For Bind password, enter the password for the user specified in the Bind
distinguished name field. This value can be omitted if an anonymous user
can bind to your LDAP server.
If necessary, you can also customize other parameters on this page to match
the capabilities of your LDAP server. For more information about the other
parameters that can be configured on this panel, see the TEPS/e
administration console online help.
6. Click OK to accept the settings.
7. On the Repository reference page, enter these values:
v For Distinguished name of the base entry that uniquely identifies this set
of entries in the realm, enter a value that uniquely identifies the set of
LDAP user entries from the LDAP server for which you are configuring a
Typically, you set this parameter to the distinguished name of the base
entry in the LDAP registry for the portal server users. For example, for a
user with a distinguished name of cn=John Doe,ou=Rochester,o=IBM,c=US,
specify ou=Rochester,o=IBM,c=US for this parameter.
However, when multiple LDAP repositories are being configured for the
portal server, use this field to define an additional distinguished name (DN)
that uniquely identifies the set of LDAP users from this LDAP server. For
example, the LDAP1 registry and the LDAP2 registry might both use
o=ibm,c=us as their base entry. In this case, use this parameter to uniquely
specify a different base entry for each LDAP server within the realm. For
example, specify o=ibm1,c=us when configuring the LDAP1 registry and
o=ibm2,c=us when configuring the LDAP2 registry.

Note: If you have multiple LDAP registries, they cannot contain any
overlapping user names.
The value of this parameter is displayed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Administer Users dialog when you list the distinguished names that can be
mapped to Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs.\

116 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v For Distinguished name of the base entry in this repository, enter the
distinguished name (DN) for the base entry in the LDAP registry.
It is the starting point for user searches in the LDAP server. For example,
for a user with a distinguished name of cn=John
Doe,ou=Rochester,o=IBM,c=US, specify ou=Rochester,o=IBM,c=US for this
parameter. Typically, this parameter is the same as the LDAP base
parameter, unless you customized the distinguished name of the base entry
in the realm so that it does not match the distinguished name in the LDAP
8. Click OK to accept the settings.
9. To enable SSO, return to the Global security page and complete the following:
a. Ensure that LTPA is selected as the authentication mechanism.
b. Expand the Web Security option.
c. Select the Single sign-on (SSO) link to complete the SSO configuration.
10. On the Single sign-on (SSO) page, complete the following:
a. Verify that SSO is enabled.
b. Verify that the Domain Name parameter is correct. Domain name is the
Internet or intranet domain for which SSO is configured, for example Only applications available in this domain or its
sub-domains are enabled for SSO. All participating SSO application must
also be configured with the same realm name. If you enabled single
sign-on when you configured the portal server, this field displays the
value that you specified for the domain name.
c. Select OK to accept the settings.
11. To save the changes, click the Save option near the top of the screen, then log
out from the administration console.
12. If you want to export or import LTPA keys at this time, see the TEPS/e
administration console steps in “Importing and exporting LTPA keys” on page

Note: If you export or import the keys now, you still need to perform the
other steps listed in “Roadmap for setting up the portal server to use an
LDAP user registry and single sign-on” on page 104 before attempting to
verify that SSO is working.
13. Restart the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

Note: When the portal server is restarted, the TEPS/e administration console
is disabled automatically. You must re-enable it before it can be used again by
following the instructions in “Starting the TEPS/e administration console” on
page 114.

What to do next

Map the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to the LDAP distinguished names. See
“Mapping Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to LDAP distinguished names” on page

You must enable the administration console after a recycle of the portal server
before you can start the console again.

Important: Any LDAP customization made within the TEPS/e administration

console are overwritten and cleared any time the portal server is reconfigured
unless you chose the LDAP type of Other during portal server installation or when

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 117

using the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services utility of itmcmd command
line interface to perform portal server configuration. When Other is chosen, the
registry information is handled by TEPS/e and is not affected by these other
configuration utilities. See step 5 on page 109 in “Using Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services to configure the portal server for LDAP authentication” on
page 107 and 6 on page 112 in “Using the Linux or UNIX command line to
configure the portal server for LDAP authentication” on page 111.

Starting and stopping TEPS/e

If you need to start or stop the application server instance of TEPS/e on which the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is running, you must do it by starting or stopping
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

You cannot use the TEPS/e start and stop commands to control TEPS/e. If you
have already used TEPS/e commands, you can recover by following the procedure

Starting and stopping the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server

v In the Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services window, highlight Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server and select Stop or Start.
v Use the itmcmd utility, located in ITM_home/bin.
– To start:
cd ITM_home/bin
./itmcmd agent start cq
– To stop:
cd ITM_home/bin
./itmcmd agent stop cq

Starting and stopping other server instances of TEPS/e

If you need to start or stop a different application server instance on TEPS/e, for
example if you have your own profile, cell, or server created on TEPS/e, you need
to use the following two scripts:

v If you are using a profile created by IBM Tivoli Monitoring, and your
own server called <YourServer>, you need to use the following command:
v If you have your own profile created called <YourProfile>, and your
own server called TEPS/e, to stop the server on the UNIX platform (for example
RHEL4), you need to use the following command:

118 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Configuring TLS/SSL communication between the portal server
and the LDAP server
Use the TEPS/e administration console to configure TLS (Transport Layer Sockets)
or SSL (Secure Socket Layers) between the portal server and the LDAP server.

Before you begin

Ensure that you already have an existing connection to an LDAP server and that
Tivoli Enterprise Portal users can login to the portal server and be authenticated by
the LDAP server. You must also ensure that the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is
configured to use an LDAP type of Other since the configuration of TLS/SSL for
LDAP server communication must be performed using the TEPS/e administration

Your LDAP server must be configured to accept TLS/SSL connections and be

running on the secured port number, typically port 636. Refer to your LDAP server
documentation if you need to create a signer certificate, which as part of this task,
must be imported from your LDAP server into the trust store of TEPS/e.

LDAP TLS/SSL requires some actions by an LDAP administrator that are not
covered by the Tivoli Monitoring documentation. The following topics in the IBM
Security Systems Information Center include information about setting up LDAP
servers for TLS/SSL:
v Configuring Microsoft Active Directory for SSL access
v Configuring the Tivoli Directory Server client for SSL access
v Configuring Oracle Java System Directory Server for SSL access

Start the TEPS/e administration console using the instructions in “Starting the
TEPS/e administration console” on page 114 before beginning the procedure.

1. Perform the following steps to import your LDAP server's signer certificate into
the TEPS/e trust store:
a. Click Security → SSL certificate and key management.
b. In the Related Items area of the page, click the Key stores and certificates
link and in the table that is displayed, click the NodeDefaultTrustStore
c. In the Additional Properties area, click the Signer certificates link and click
the Retrieve from port button.
d. In the relevant fields provide the hostname, port (typically 636 for SSL
connections), SSL configuration details, as well as the alias of the certificate
for your LDAP server. Then click the Retrieve signer information button
and then click OK.
2. Follow these steps to enable TLS/ SSL communications to your LDAP server:
a. Click Security → Global security.
b. In the Related Items area near the bottom of the page, select Manage
c. In the table of repositories, select the link for the repository identifier for
your LDAP server.
d. Select the Require SSL communications check box and select the Centrally
managed option.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 119

e. Change the port number from 389 to the port number that your LDAP
server uses for SSL connections (typically 636).
f. Click OK.
g. Save the configuration changes.
3. Restart the portal server.

Note: When the portal server is restarted, the TEPS/e administration console is
disabled automatically. You must re-enable it before it can be used again by
following the instructions in “Starting the TEPS/e administration console” on
page 114.

What to do next

Verify that your Tivoli Enterprise Portal users can log in and be authenticated by
the LDAP server.

Mapping Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to LDAP

distinguished names
When the portal server is configured to authenticate users using the LDAP user
registry, the user logs into the portal server using the unique identifier (UID) value
of the relative distinguished name. This name is not necessarily the same as the
user ID known to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. For this reason, Tivoli Enterprise
Portal user IDs must be mapped to LDAP distinguished names (which include the

Every entry in the LDAP user registry has a distinguished name (DN). The DN is
the name that uniquely identifies an entry in the directory. A DN is made up of
attribute=value pairs, separated by commas, for example:
cn=Jim Grey,ou=users,ou=SWG,o=IBM,c=US
cn=Sally White,ou=users,ou=SWG,o=IBM,c=US
The order of the attribute value pairs is important. The DN contains one
component for each level of the directory hierarchy from the root down to the level
where the entry resides. LDAP DNs begin with the most specific attribute, usually
some sort of name, and continue with progressively broader attributes, often
ending with a country attribute. The first component of the DN is referred to as
the Relative Distinguished Name (RDN). It identifies an entry distinctly from any
other entries that have the same parent. In the examples above, the RDN cn=Jim
Grey separates the first entry from the second entry, (with RDN cn=Sally White).
These two example DNs are otherwise equivalent. These two users would log into
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal as Jim Grey and Sally White.

The default distinguished name for new users you create for the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal has the following structure:

This distinguished name indicates that the user is authenticated by the hub
monitoring server. Using the procedure in this topic, update the distinguished
name for any Tivoli Enterprise Portal users that are defined in the portal server's
LDAP user registry to specify their distinguished name in the LDAP user registry

120 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

The default DN suffix for the TEPS/e user registry is o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm.
The TEPS/e user registry contains the wasadmin user ID for TEPS/e
administration console access: UID=wasadmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm.

Do not update the distinguished names for any Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs
that are using the o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm suffix.

Before you begin

User IDs are mapped to LDAP distinguished names in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Administer Users window by a user with administrator authority. The tacmd
command line interface can also be used to preform this mapping. For more
information, see the tacmd edituser command in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Command Reference.

If LDAP authentication is being configured through the Tivoli Enterprise

Monitoring Server, user IDs are mapped instead by editing the
KGL_LDAP_USER_FILTER environment variable in the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server configuration file.

About this task

Complete these steps to map Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to LDAP
distinguished names using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Administer Users dialog

1. Log on to the portal using sysadmin or another user account with full
administrative authority.
2. Click Administer Users.
3. In the Administer Users window, right-click the row of the user ID to map and
select Modify User.
4. In the Modify User dialog box, click Find to locate the LDAP distinguished
name to be associated with the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID.

v The default suffix for LDAP distinguished names that are configured through
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server configuration utilities is o=ITMSSOEntry,
however this value might have been customized when the portal server was
configured for LDAP.
v If the selected LDAP distinguished name contains non-alphanumeric
characters, those characters must be escaped with a backslash before the
mapping is saved. For example, if a user ID contains a pound sign, #, place a
backslash before the pound sign, \#.
5. Click OK to save the mapping and return to the Administer Users window.
6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 until you have mapped all the users that you want to
authenticate with the configured LDAP registry.
7. Click OK to exit the Administer Users window.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 121

What to do next

Reconfigure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client for SSO if it will be
launched by another application on the same computer as the portal server. See
“Reconfiguring the browser client for SSO.”

Verify that your Tivoli Enterprise Portal users who have IDs that are mapped to
LDAP distinguished names, can log into the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client. They
must use their LDAP relative distinguished name to login. If the users are not
successful at logging into the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, review the TEPS/e log for
diagnostic information. This is the SystemOut.log located on the computer where
the portal server is installed at install_dir\CNPSJ\profiles\
ITMProfile\logs; install_dir/Platform/iw/profiles/

Refer to the “Roadmap for setting up the portal server to use an LDAP user
registry and single sign-on” on page 104 for additional steps to perform after Tivoli
Enterprise Portal users can be successfully authenticated by the portal server's
LDAP user registry.

Reconfiguring the browser client for SSO

Reconfigure the browser client to specify the fully-qualified name of the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server if you want to have SSO capability when you log on to the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal from the same computer.

Before you begin

By default, the launch URL associated with the browser client running on the same
computer as the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is localhost. If you want to use a
browser client on the same computer as the portal server, this value must be the
fully-qualified name of the computer, such as The suffix is
the domain value you enter in the SSO configuration panel. Using the suffix
ensures that SSO tokens are visible only to the servers that are under the same
domain suffix.

About this task

Complete these steps to reconfigure the browser client:

1. Launch the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services utility.
2. Right-click the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser entry and click Reconfigure to
open the Configure Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser window.
3. In the Host field beneath portal server area, type the fully-qualified name of
the computer. Example:
Related concepts:
“About single sign-on” on page 102
The single sign-on (SSO) feature provides users with the ability to start other Tivoli
web-based or web-enabled applications from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, or to start
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal from other applications, without having to re-enter
their credentials. It is also used when IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub
retrieves monitoring data from the portal server or the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
charting web service is being used by another application.

122 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Importing and exporting LTPA keys
Authenticated credentials are shared among participating applications using LTPA

Ensure that the following applications are using the same LTPA key as the portal
v A web-based or web-enabled application that launches the Tivoli Enterprise
v A web-based or web-enabled application that can be launched from the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal client
v IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub when it uses the dashboard data
provider component of the portal server to retrieve monitoring data
v Another application such as Tivoli Integrated Portal that uses the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring charting web service
Determine which application will be the source of the LTPA key for all of the other
participating SSO applications and export its LTPA key.

If you decide to export the portal server's LTPA key, you must export the LTPA key
into a key file. When you perform the export step, you must provide a name for
the key file and the password to use to encrypt the key. The key file and password
must be provided to the administrators of the applications listed above so that they
can import the LTPA key.

If another application will not provide the LTPA key, the administrator of that
application must export the application's LTPA key into a key file and then provide
you with the key file and the password that was used to encrypt the key. You must
import the LTPA key into the portal server and enter the password.

Before you begin

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server must be running for import and export
operations to be performed.

If you are using the TEPS/e administration console to import or export keys, you
must start the console. See “Starting the TEPS/e administration console” on page

Before you can import an LTPA key, the administrator of the application that
exported the key must provide you with a key file containing the LTPA key and
the password that was used to encrypt the key.

About this task

Follow the steps for your environment to import or export LTPA keys:

v From Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window, complete the
following procedure to export keys:
1. Right-click the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and click Advanced → TEPS/e
Administration → Export keys.
2. Navigate to the directory where you want to create the file or change the file
type, or both. The directory displayed initially, on Windows, is
ITM_dir\InstallITM; and on Linux and UNIX, it is the Root directory.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 123

3. Type a name for the file that the LTPA key should be placed in and click
4. In the Export keys window, type a password to use to encrypt the file, and
click OK. You see a console window while the file is created and encrypted,
and then you are returned to the Single Sign On window.
v From Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window, complete the
following procedure to import keys:
1. Right-click the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and click Advanced → TEPS/e
Administration → Import keys.
2. In the Open window that is displayed, navigate to the directory where the
key file is located. The directory displayed initially, on Windows, is
ITM_dir\InstallITM; and on Linux and UNIX, it is the Root directory.
3. Type the name of the file that you want to import, and click Open. You see a
console window while the file is created and encrypted, and then you are
returned to the Single Sign On window. Repeat the import process to import
keys from additional participating servers.
4. Type the password required to decrypt the file, and click OK. You see a
console window while the file is created and encrypted, and then you are
returned to the Single Sign On window.
5. Repeat the import process to import keys from additional participating
v From the AIX® and Linux command line, to export a key, run ./
<filename> <password>. The script is installed to ITM_dir/platform/iw/scripts.
Examples: /opt/IBM/ITM/aix533/iw/scripts on AIX, /opt/IBM/ITM/li6263/iw/
scripts on Linux, and/opt/IBM/ITM/ls3263/iw/scripts on zLinux.
v From the AIX and Linux command line, to import a key, run ./
<filename> <password>. The script is installed to ITM_dir/platform/iw/scripts.
v From the TEPS/e administration console, complete the following procedure to
export the LTPA key:
1. Select Security→ Global Security.
2. Select LTPA.
3. In the Password and Confirm password fields, enter the password to
encrypt the key file.
4. In the Fully qualified key file name field, enter fully qualified path and file
name for the key file.
5. Click Export keys.
6. Click OK and then Save.
v From the TEPS/e administration console, complete the following procedure to
import the LTPA key:
1. Select Security→ Global Security.
2. Select LTPA.
3. In the Password and Confirm password fields, enter the password to
decrypt the key file.
4. In the Fully qualified key file name field, enter fully qualified path and file
name for the key file.
5. Click Import keys.
6. Click OK and then Save.
7. Restart the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

124 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Note: When the portal server is restarted, the TEPS/e administration console
is disabled automatically. You must re-enable it before it can be used again
by following the instructions in “Starting the TEPS/e administration console”
on page 114.

What to do next

If you exported the portal server's LTPA key, provide the key file and password
that you used to encrypt it to the administrators of the other participating SSO
applications so that they can import the key.

Managing new LDAP users

Whenever new users are added to the portal server's LDAP user registry and those
users need to have login access to Tivoli Enterprise Portal or other participating
SSO application such as, IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub, you must
create a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID for the user and map it to their LDAP
distinguished name.

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID should also be assigned Tivoli Enterprise
Portal permissions and the monitoring applications that can be accessed. See
“Managing user IDs” on page 167 and “Administer Users” on page 162. The only
Tivoli Enterprise Portal users who do not need any permissions or monitoring
application assignments, are monitoring dashboard users who do not use the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal client when authorization policies are used.

Note: The first time a dashboard user accesses monitoring data, a Tivoli Enterprise
Portal user ID is automatically created for the user if there is not already a user ID
mapped to the user's LDAP distinguished name. In this case, the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal user ID is a randomly generated ID and the user is not assigned any
permissions. If Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions are being used to control access
to monitored resources in the dashboards instead of authorization policies, or if the
dashboard user can launch the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, assign the user ID
permissions and the monitored applications that can be accessed.

Scripting can be employed to maintain automated synchronization of LDAP user

registry and Tivoli Enterprise Portal users. Scripts for managing the LDAP server's
user accounts can ensure that modifications to user accounts (for example, users
added or deleted) are also made for the corresponding Tivoli Enterprise Portal user
ID via the tacmd createuser and tacmd deleteuser commands. Run your user
synchronization script as a scheduled action as frequently as your environment
requires to ensure your Tivoli Enterprise Portal and LDAP user registry users
remain synchronized.

Disabling LDAP authentication on the portal server

You might need to disable LDAP authentication to the portal server if errors occur.

About this task

If the LDAP connection is broken and the normal procedure to switch off
LDAP-based authentication does not work, use the following procedure.


Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 125

1. Stop the portal server service by using the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services application.
2. Run the disableLDAPRepository.bat script from candle_home\CNPSJ\ scripts.
3. Reconfigure the portal server by using the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services application and disable the "Validate User with LDAP" option.
4. Start the portal server service by using the Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services application. The portal server authentication through the
monitoring server is now enabled.
5. If the monitoring server was also configured to use LDAP, and you are using
this procedure because the LDAP is out of service, you must also change the
monitoring server configuration to not use LDAP to authenticate. Complete
these configuration changes by using the monitoring server configuration help.

1. Stop the portal server by issuing the ./itmcmd agent stop cq command at a
command prompt from the installation directory.
2. Run the ./ script from candle_home/arch/iw/ scripts,
where arch is the machine architecture, for example li6263 or aix533.
3. Reconfigure the portal server and disable LDAP authentication by issuing the
./itmcmd config -A cq command at a command prompt from the installation
4. Start the portal server by issuing the ./itmcmd agent start cq command at a
command prompt from the installation directory. The portal server
authentication through the monitoring server is now enabled.
5. If the monitoring server was also configured to use LDAP, and you are using
this procedure because the LDAP is out of service, you must also change the
monitoring server configuration to not use LDAP to authenticate. Complete
these configuration changes by using the monitoring server configuration help.

Migrating LDAP authentication from the monitoring server to the portal

If your environment has already been configured for LDAP authentication using
the hub monitoring server and you now want to configure the portal server to use
an LDAP user registry for single sign-on, complete the steps in this topic.

Before you begin

Make sure that all users log off the Tivoli Enterprise Portal before you begin the
procedure and do not log on again until the procedure is completed.

About this task

Complete these steps to temporarily disable security validation on the hub

monitoring server, configure the portal server to use an LDAP user registry, map
Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to the distinguished name of the LDAP user
registry, and then re-enable security validation on the hub monitoring server.

1. Temporarily disable Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server security validation:
v Use the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Servicesutility to
reconfigure the hub monitoring server:

126 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

a. Right-click the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and click Reconfigure
b. On the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server Configuration window,
disable Security: Validate User and click OK.
c. Click OK to accept the existing settings on the next window.
d. Restart the hub monitoring server.
v From the command line:
a. Change to the /opt/IBM/ITM/bin directory (or the directory where you
installed Tivoli Management Services).
b. Run the following command, where tems_name is the name of your
monitoring server (for example, HUB_itmdev17):
./itmcmd config -S -t tems_name
c. Press Enter to accept the existing values until you see the prompt for
Security: Validate User.
d. Enter NO to disable security.
e. Continue to press Enter until the configuration is complete.
f. Restart the hub monitoring server.
2. Rename the sysadmin UID in the LDAP registry (for example, sysadmin_tems).
3. Configure LDAP authentication and single sign-on for portal server. Use the
Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services utility, the itmcmd command line
interface on Linux and UNIX, or the TEPS/e administration console to
configure the portal server. For instructions, see “LDAP user authentication
through the portal server” on page 99.
4. Start the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and log on to the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal as sysadmin.
5. Adjust all user mappings to LDAP user IDs:
a. Click Administer Users to open the Administer Users window.
b. Right-click the row of the user ID to remap and click Modify User.
c. Click Find to locate the LDAP distinguished name to be associated with the
portal server.
d. Select the distinguished name for the user. If you see multiple entries, select
the one with the correct LDAP suffix (parent entry). Examples:
UID=TIVOLIUSER,O=MYCOMPANY and uid=myname, dc=tivoli, dc=ibm, dc=us. If
you see an entry with one of these organization values, do not choose it:
O=DEFAULTWIMITMBASEDREALM is the default suffix for user IDs that
authenticate through the hub monitoring server; and
o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm is the default for the TEPS/e user registry.
e. Click OK to save the mapping and return to the Administer Users window,
then continue to modify the DN for each user ID.
6. Before logging out of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, have the LDAP administrator
rename the LDAP sysadmin account back to sysadmin, then map the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal sysadmin user account to the LDAP sysadmin DN.
7. Save your changes and log out of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
8. Re-enable Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server security validation by
performing step 1 again, but this time enable security validation.


At this point, the migration is complete.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 127

What to do next

Verify the authentication changes by performing these steps:

1. Use the tacmd login command to verify that hub monitoring server security is
enabled. Try logging in with a valid username and password and with a
username or password that is not valid.
2. Login to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal using the sysadmin user.
3. Login to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal using a user from the LDAP user registry
configured for the portal server.

Authentication through the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation

The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server extends the hub monitoring
server by providing the Open Services Lifecycle Collaboration Performance
Monitoring (OSLC-PM) service provider. The service provider registers monitoring
resources such as computer systems, software servers, and databases with the Jazz
for Service Management Registry Services component and also responds to HTTP
GET requests for resource health metrics from OSLC clients.

By default the Performance Monitoring service provider does not authenticate

HTTP GET requests from OSLC clients. If you want the Performance Monitoring
service provider to authenticate these requests, you must install and configure the
Security Services component of Jazz for Service Management. Security Services
enables non-WebSphere based applications such as the Performance Monitoring
service provider to participate in Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA)
based single sign-on. Registry Services and Security Services must be installed into
the same WebSphere Application Server. They should also be configured to use the
same LDAP user registry as the OSLC client applications and be configured for
single sign-on.

Note: Registry Services and Security Services and the OSLC client applications
must be in the same the Internet and Intranet domain, for example, or one of its sub-domains. They also must be configured to use
the same realm name which is set when configuring a WebSphere Application
Server to use a LDAP repository.

To configure Registry Services and Security Services for single sign-on, generate the
LTPA key for the application server where they are installed, export the key, and
then import the LTPA key into the OSLC client applications that will be sending
HTTP GET requests to the Performance Monitoring service provider. See
“Configuring Jazz for Service Management for a central user registry” and
“Configuring Jazz for Service Management for SSO” in the Jazz for Service
Management Information Center (
v3r1/topic/ These chapters contain
instructions for configuring Registry Services and Security Services to use an LDAP
user registry and generating and exporting their LTPA key.

The Performance Monitoring service provider must be configured to use Security

Services to authenticate OSLC client requests by setting the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Automation Server KAS_SECURITY_SERVICES_ENABLED environment
variable to YES and restarting the automation server.

When the Performance Monitoring service provider receives a HTTP GET request
from an OSLC client, it forwards the LTPA token to Security Services to

128 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

authenticate the request. If the request does not contain a LTPA token, or Security
Services indicates that the token is not valid or has expired, the Performance
Monitoring service provider returns a HTTP 401 status code to indicate that the
request could not be authenticated.

Note: The Performance Monitoring service provider uses basic authentication

when it sends requests to Registry Services so LTPA tokens are not involved in the
service provider's resource registration interactions.

LDAP user authentication using Microsoft Active Directory

Use these topics to assist you in setting up user authentication using Microsoft's
LDAP-based Active Directory product.

These topics cover the steps that you must complete to incorporate LDAP as
implemented in an Active Directory environment, while presenting the procedures
from an Active Directory perspective. Two user scenarios (one illustrating
monitoring server integration with Active Directory, the other portal server
integration with Active Directory) are provided to show you how this process can
help you implement Tivoli Monitoring security in the working environment; see
“User scenarios” on page 146.

This procedure uses the TEPS/e Web browser interface to complete the portal
server configuration; see “Using the TEPS/e administration console” on page 113.

1. Configuring the portal server to use an LDAP server to authenticate users has
the advantage, that it allows user IDs longer than 10 characters, a limit that is
imposed by monitoring server authentication. It also supports SSO (single
sign-on), which monitoring server authentication does not.
Only monitoring server-based user authentication allows user IDs to make
SOAP Server requests or to issue CLI commands that invoke SOAP Server
2. The configuration procedures and steps for enabling IBM Tivoli Monitoring
LDAP user authentication are the same for all LDAP implementations (Active
Directory, Tivoli Directory Server, and so on), but the configuration values you
specify will vary. These differences are due to the differences within the LDAP
implementations themselves. The most pronounced differences are the syntax
for Distinguished Names of objects within the directory. Additionally, the
LDAP schema differences between LDAP implementations and any LDAP
schema customizations will have a high impact on the LDAP user
authentication configuration values provided.
3. Although the scenarios in this set of topics assumes a Microsoft Active
Directory version 2003 environment, these instructions and scenarios have also
been verified using Active Directory Server 2008 and Active Directory Server
2008 R2.

The configuration uses all information that is provided to connect, bind, query, and
filter records from a specified LDAP Base to the targeted LDAP user registry for
user authentication. The configurations of the monitoring server and portal server
LDAP user authentication are separate operations; these configurations (after
completion) can be enabled and disabled independently. Do not consider that the
steps for configuring the monitoring server's LDAP user authentication translates
to the portal server's LDAP user authentication, nor vice versa.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 129

Before you begin
You must have a working Active Directory environment and be familiar with the
following Active Directory concepts:
v Organizational Units
ADSI Edit MMC snap-in
v Group Policy Management
v User Administration
Active Directory User Object Schema

You must have installed both the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server as explained in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation
and Setup Guide. Familiarize yourself with the introductory information in
Chapter 5, “Enabling user authentication,” on page 89.

You should work with your site's Active Directory administrator when deciding
which LDAP users will be authorized for monitoring server or portal server

Best practice is that you also create an OU hierarchy that will contain your users.
This will facilitate a Base name directory search and limit search time while
increasing the performance of Tivoli Monitoring-to-LDAP user authentication.
Figure 3 shows a sample configuration comprising an OU=ITMUsers hierarchy with
containers ITMtepsUsers and ITMtemsUsers. With this schema, the base for
searching for monitoring server users to authenticate will be
CN=ITMtemsUsers,OU=ITMUsers,DC=company,DC=com, and the base for portal server
users to authenticate will be CN=ITMtepsUsers,OU=ITMUsers,DC=company,DC=com.

Figure 3. Suggest LDAP user hierarchy for Tivoli Monitoring servers

You also need to be aware of your Active Directory user object/attribute schema.
This information is required when coding your monitoring server's LDAP filter
configuration and for the portal server's TEPS/e Repository Security login
property. Figure 4 on page 131 shows one user's possible account settings (this
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server user must also be authorized as a Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server user).

130 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Figure 4. Portal server user properties

The configuration for TEPS/e LDAP user authentication requires that you specify
Active Directory user object attribute Login Property, which will contain the
matching user name (in this example, llassite). Figure 5 on page 132 shows the
Active Directory user class instance for user llassite.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 131

Figure 5. LDAP user properties

You must make the TEPS/e uid LDAP user authentication property match the
portal server's user account. To do this, edit the Active Directory's user/uid
attribute for the llassite user, and set uid=llassite so the portal server's user account
llassite will match uid=llassite in the
CN=Lin Lassiter,CN=ITMtepsUsers,OU=ITMUsers,DC=company,DC=com LDAP object
(which can be found by searching the directory beginning with the
CN=ITMtepsUsers,OU=ITMUsers,DC=company,DC=com base record).

Figure 3 on page 130, Figure 4 on page 131, and Figure 5 are provided to give you
an idea of the Active Directory properties that will be used for LDAP
authentication. The knowledge of where LDAP users reside within Active
Directory (the Base to query or search for Tivoli Monitoring users in the directory)
and the User schema (the user object attribute that contains the exact user name
used for authentication) are critical to successful configuration of either Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server or Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server LDAP user

Note: The portal server's user account's permissions for such Tivoli Monitoring
features as applications, views, and groups will continue to be managed within the
portal server's User Administration tool, as shown in Figure 6 on page 133.

132 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Figure 6. Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server user permissions

LDAP user authentication is available only for individual Tivoli Monitoring users
and user groups. The enablement of LDAP authentication for individual Tivoli
Monitoring users ensures maximum flexibility on both the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
and LDAP sides. Scripting can be employed to maintain automated
synchronization of Active Directory and Tivoli Monitoring users. Data-collection
scripts for Active Directory user accounts can ensure that modifications to Active
Directory accounts (for example, users added or deleted) are reflected back into the
corresponding Tivoli Enterprise Portal users via the tacmd CLI..

Roadmap overview
To integrate your IBM Tivoli Monitoring user authentication environment with
your site's Active Directory implementation, complete the steps outlined in this
1. “Plan and create monitoring server and portal server users within Active
Directory” on page 134
Follow the steps outlined in this topic.
2. “Create and configure the portal server user accounts and permissions, if
desired” on page 134

Skip this step: If you do not want to use an LDAP server to authenticate Tivoli
Enterprise Portal users and you do not need to configure single sign-on for
integration with other products such as IBM Dashboard Application Services
Use either the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Administer Users interface or the tacmd
command-line interface, if your site requires portal server user authentication.
These user accounts will use LDAP for authentication; thus, the userids chosen
must exactly match those specified in Active Directory. For the attributes you
should choose, see Figure 5 on page 132.
3. “Enable and configure LDAP user authentication for the portal server, if
desired” on page 135

Skip this step: If you do not want to use an LDAP server to authenticate Tivoli
Enterprise Portal users and you do not need to configure single sign-on for
integration with other products such as IBM Dashboard Application Services

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 133

Complete this step if your site requires portal server authentication.
4. “Configure TEPS/e for TLS/SSL, if necessary” on page 142
Typically, TEPS/e is TLS/SSL enabled by default. If you need to configure
TLS/SSL communication between the portal server and the LDAP server use
the TEPS/e administration console.
5. “Enable and configure LDAP user authentication for the monitoring server, if
desired” on page 142

Skip this step: If you do not want to use an LDAP user to authenticate your
monitoring server users.
Complete this step if your site requires monitoring server authentication.

Plan and create monitoring server and portal server users

within Active Directory
When creating Active Directory users for either the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server or the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, do the following:
1. (Optional) Create the OU hierarchy for monitoring server and portal server
See Figure 3 on page 130. Use the Microsoft Management Console's (MMC)
snap-in ADSI Edit.
2. Create the monitoring server and portal server users (and, optionally, groups)
in Active Directory.
See Figure 4 on page 131. Use the MMC AD Users and Computers function.
3. Apply the desired User/Group Policies to the new Active Directory users and
Use the MMC snap-in for GPO.

No user synchronization currently exists between Tivoli Monitoring and LDAP.

User accounts can be synchronized with scripting. Use Active Directory scripting
for maintaining an awareness of User account modifications (limited to the OU
that applies to IBM Tivoli Monitoring). These detected modifications can then be
made to the Tivoli Monitoring users via the CLI tacmd command and to the Active
Directory users with scripting. You will need to run your user synchronization
script as a scheduled action as frequently as your environment requires to ensure
your Tivoli Monitoring and Active Directory users remain synchronized.

Create and configure the portal server user accounts and

permissions, if desired
Skip this step: If you do not want to use an LDAP server to authenticate Tivoli
Enterprise Portal users and you do not need to configure single sign-on for
integration with other products such as IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub.

Each Active Directory account previously created requires a matching Tivoli

Enterprise Portal user account. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal userid must exactly
match the Active Directory's TEPS User Object attribute field planned for use
within the TEPS/e configuration (see Figure 5 on page 132).

Configure all required permissions, applications, views, and groups for user
account operations within IBM Tivoli Monitoring, see Chapter 6, “Using Tivoli
Enterprise Portal user authorization,” on page 161 for more information. (Note that
these user accounts' permissions, applications, views, and groups will not be

134 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

available in Active Directory, nor will they translate from Tivoli Monitoring to
Active Directory; see Figure 6 on page 133.)

Note: You could update Active Directory's User Object schema to map the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring user permissions, applications, views, and groups into Active
Directory. Then you can leverage these new schema attributes to assist you both
with user synchronization between Tivoli Monitoring and Active Directory and
with Active Directory's management of portal server user properties via Active
Directory scripting and the Tivoli Monitoring CLI's tacmd command.

It is not recommended that you add the default sysadmin account to your LDAP
directory. The sysadmin account should be reserved for local monitoring server
Security: Validate User authorization, thereby retaining a non-LDAP method for
accessing the monitoring server and the portal server.

User ID and User Description are freeform, but for good form, you should
attempt to match the User Name and User Description you already created in
Active Directory.

The Distinguished Name is critical to binding the Tivoli Monitoring userid to the
LDAP User account based on the TEPS/e LDAP configuration. This point is
discussed further later; for now, select entry

Enable and configure LDAP user authentication for the portal

server, if desired
Skip this step: If you do not want to use an LDAP server to authenticate Tivoli
Enterprise Portal users and you do not need to configure single sign-on for
integration with other products such as IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub.

Now that the Tivoli Enterprise Portal userids have been created with the desired
IBM Tivoli Monitoring permissions and these same userids exist within Active
Directory, you must enable LDAP user authentication for these portal server users.
Use the TEPS/e Web browser interface to set the portal server's LDAP user registry
configuration details and the Active Directory Base name configuration. The
complete procedure for TEPS/e LDAP configuration is detailed in “Configuring
the portal server for LDAP authentication using the TEPS/e administration
console” on page 115.

Starting the TEPS/e administration console

If you are having issues accessing http://localhost:15205/ibm/console, ensure
you have completed the TEPS/e enablement and password-setting steps detailed
in “Starting the TEPS/e administration console” on page 114. Also, if you wish to
use the TEPS/e interface, you must enable it each time you restart the portal
server. (Note that enabling TEPS/e controls only the TEPS/e interface; it does not
control the portal server's LDAP enablement.) Log information for this activity can
be found here:
v %CANDLE_HOME%\CNPSJ\profiles\ITMProfile\logs\ITMServer
v $CANDLEHOME/$INTERP/iw/profiles/ITMProfile/logs/ITMServer

When performing the steps described in “Configuring the portal server for LDAP
authentication using the TEPS/e administration console” on page 115, observe the
notes below.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 135

v A realm identifies a set of federated repositories in TEPS/e and other WebSphere
Application Servers. You can choose your own realm name but this value must
be the same across all applications that are configured for SSO within an
Internet or intranet domain. If you are not configuring SSO, you should accept
the default for the Realm name, unless this name is already in use in your

Figure 7. Accept these default values

v When entering your Repository identifier choose a descriptive name.

The Repository identifier will become a reference label for a configuration
container within TEPS/e that will hold your LDAP server information, your
LDAP Bind password, and your LDAP Login properties; this is the Active
Directory User Class attribute to search for an exactly matching portal server
userid (see Figure 5 on page 132).
Additionally, this Repository will be associated with one or more LDAP Base
values (containers) that the portal server's LDAP authentication will search.
Again, as pointed out in “Before you begin” on page 130, OU planning is
recommended for this configuration step. Good OU planning restricts IBM Tivoli
Monitoring LDAP user authentication searches to the Base and below. Grouping
users within the ITMtepsUsers OU (see Figure 3 on page 130) is recommended
for efficient Base searches and LDAP user authentication performance.

136 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Figure 8. Configure the repository

General Property → Repository identifier

This is a freeform field. It is recommended that you choose a meaningful
name here that administrators can easily associate to the users defined
within your Active Directory environment. In this case ITMtepsUsers is
specified, as this will be the only Repository created for portal server
LDAP user authentication within our environment. It would also be
appropriate to name your repository using a convention that reflects the
LDAP Bind password account configured within. An example for this
case may be to use a derivative of a Forest Name or a Domain Name if
you will require different repositories to allow you to configure different
LDAP Bind passwords to meet your requirements.
LDAP Server Property → Directory type
The value provided here must match your Forest level. Our sample
Forest is running at an Active Directory 2003 level.
LDAP Server Property → Primary host name
A Domain Controller within the Active Directory Forest that is hosting
the User accounts you created earlier for portal server LDAP user
authentication. Your choice here should be driven by the hierarchy level
within your Forest that owns the IBM Tivoli Monitoring users' OU.
Consider your selection here in light of possible issues with IBM Tivoli
Monitoring LDAP authentication due to Active Directory connectivity or
replication failures of your Active Directory User objects.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 137

LDAP Server Property → Port
The Active Directory LDAP default port value is 389. Match this value to
your LDAP environment's port assignment.
LDAP Server Property → Failover server used when primary is not available
Additional Active Directory LDAP (DC) servers can be added here to
compensate for replication or connectivity issues. This value should be
completed with failover DCs (preferably with GC roles).
LDAP Server Property → Support referrals to other LDAP Servers
This is your choice. Consider whether your environment is closed or
open (that is, there are no DCs within your DMZ).
Security → Bind distinguished name
The user specified here requires sufficient authority (that is, an applied
policy) for searching the Active Directory directory Base. This user is the
account that will connect, bind, and query the specified Login
Properties. This value can be omitted if anonymous users can search the
Our example uses CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=com, but
this is not absolutely required if the user specified exists within the
CN=Users,DC=company,DC=com container for Active Directory. However,
this is not recommended, as it is better to be specific and use a complete
Distinguished Name.
Security → Bind password
The password for the Bind distinguished name account above.
Security → Login properties
This configuration property is critical for Active Directory in that this is
the name of the attribute within the Active Directory Name object that is
used to reflect exactly the portal server's user name (see Figure 5 on
page 132).
Security → Certificate
The default value EXACT_DN is set for searching Active Directory and
matching on an exact DN. It is recommended you keep this default
Security → Certificate filter
Selecting CERTIFICATE_FILTER for the Certificate field above requires
LDAP filter parameters. These parameters map attributes within the
client certificate to entries within the LDAP directory.
Security → Require SSL communications
Select this if you desire TLS/SSL LDAP communications. Click the radio
buttons for the following options that apply to your TLS/SSL
Centrally Managed
Use specific SSL alias
v When specifying a Distinguished name of the base entry that uniquely
identifies this set of entries in the realm and Distinguished name of the base
entry in this repository see Figure 9 on page 139 for reference.
Now that you have a Repository configured, you need to add the Base entry as
a starting point when searching for your Active Directory-defined portal server
users' OU. You can define multiple Base entries for your repository if you
require. Multiple Base entries should be required only if you have defined
multiple directory Base locations (multiple OU hierarchies) for your Active
Directory's portal server users.

138 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

The information provided in this panel for the property Distinguished name of
a base entry that uniquely identifies this set of entries in the realm will be
reflected back into your Tivoli Enterprise Portal User Distinguished Name
choices, as shown in Figure 12 on page 141. It is this field that is made available
from within the TEPS/e portal server configuration to associate the portal
server-defined userid to an LDAP connect, bind, query, or select (see the login
properties from Step 5 on page 116).
This property is freeform; it is the TEPS/e configuration DN. It is recommended
that you use the convention O=DNofChoice. Your choice of DN should be
meaningful for its relationship to your Active Directory-defined TEPS Users Base
container (shorter is better). The examples here have assigned O=ITMtepsUser for
clarity when viewing the Tivoli Enterprise Portal users' Distinguished Names in
the Administer Users interface (see Figure 12 on page 141). The example used
here is redundant, since the Repository Name and the Base DN are very similar,
but it is clear this Repository and Base are configured for accessing and binding
our Active Directory-defined users.
For Distinguished name of the base entry in this repository, specify the
distinguished name (DN) for the base entry in the LDAP registry. It is the
starting point for user searches in the LDAP server.

Figure 9. Adding the Base entry to your realm. Note that this entry is associated with the ITMtepsUsers section of the

v When saving your Step TEPS/e configuration work use Figure 10 on page 140 as
a reference. Click Save.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 139

Figure 10. Save your TEPS/e configuration updates

Also, while configuring your Repository and Base settings, remember to click
OK when asked to verify your configuration settings. Clicking OK or Apply
connects, binds, and queries the Active Directory LDAP database using your
updated configuration settings. If there is an issue, the configuration panel
returns a red error message like the one shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. TEPS/e configuration error message

You must correct these errors before saving your configuration.

Note: Once the TEPS/e configuration is completed and saved, you must recycle
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to see the TEPS/e-configured users listed as
Distinguished Names (see the example for llassite in Figure 12 on page 141).

140 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Figure 12. Tivoli Enterprise Portal Administer Users screen. Distinguished Names resolve to the Base names
configured within TEPS/e for the Repository; compare the values presented here with those shown in Figure 4 on
page 131.

Mapping portal client userids to LDAP Distinguished Names

“Mapping Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs to LDAP distinguished names” on page
120 provides the steps required to associate your new portal server userids to the
Distinguished Names made available by the previous TEPS/e configurations steps.
The available Distinguished Names relate directly to the TEPS/e
Repository-associated Base configuration property Distinguished name of a base
entry that uniquely identifies this set of entries in the realm.

To display all available Distinguished Names, first delete any entry in the
Distinguished Name field; then click the Find button. All configured Realm →
Repository → Base Distinguished Names that uniquely identify this set of entries in
the realm are displayed with the users that were returned by IBM Tivoli
Monitoring when performing a query against Active Directory using the Login
Properties value.

These users will be displayed using their Active Directory CN format (see
Figure 12).

Option: The Active Directory LDAP configuration steps recommend the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal userids be created prior to the configuration of TEPS/e.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 141

Optionally, the creation of portal server userids can wait until after the Active
Directory userids and TEPS/e configuration are completed. The advantage here is
that you can use the Create User function in the Administer Users interface while
having access to the Distinguished Names to ensure the userid you assign matches
the available Distinguished Name.

Enable LDAP authentication within the portal server

“Using Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services to configure the portal server
for LDAP authentication” on page 107 and “Using the Linux or UNIX command
line to configure the portal server for LDAP authentication” on page 111 provide
the steps required to enable portal server user authentication using an LDAP user

Note: When you are asked to select the LDAP type, select Other and do not
supply values for any other LDAP parameters.

After you have finished configuring the portal server to use LDAP, refer to topic
“Roadmap for setting up the portal server to use an LDAP user registry and single
sign-on” on page 104 for additional steps to complete the configuration.

Configure TEPS/e for TLS/SSL, if necessary

Typically, TEPS/e is TLS/SSL enabled by default.

SSL communication between the portal server and the LDAP server is configured
using the TEPS/e administration console. Follow the steps in “Configuring
TLS/SSL communication between the portal server and the LDAP server” on page

Enable and configure LDAP user authentication for the

monitoring server, if desired
Skip this step: If you do not want to use an LDAP user to authenticate your
monitoring server users.

User configuration for the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is completely

separate from that for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. TEPS/e is not involved.

None of the portal server's LDAP configuration or enablement affects the

monitoring server's LDAP configuration or enablement. Monitoring server users
are not required to be created nor exist within the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Administer Users list of users. Monitoring server users are required only if you
wish to create userids that can be authenticated using the Security: Validate User
option or if you wish to enable or prohibit SOAP requests to the monitoring
server's SOAP Server (see “Configuring Tivoli Monitoring Web Services (SOAP
Server)” on page 559).

“User authentication through the hub monitoring server” on page 92 provides the
steps required to enable LDAP user authentication for the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server. Additional comments are provided here for specific steps
within this process.

Note: The monitoring server's userids are limited to 10 characters, dictating that
the Active Directory user names you choose also not exceed 10 characters.

142 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

The monitoring server's LDAP configuration allows only one LDAP Base and one
LDAP User filter (to query the LDAP directory for userid attributes). OU planning
is recommended for creating the Active Directory Base and OU hierarchy that best
meets your requirements. Use a Base that limits directory subtree searches while
maximizing Active Directory's LDAP user authentication performance (see Figure 3
on page 130).
v Step 5 on page 95: see Figure 13.

Figure 13. LDAP configuration panel for monitoring server users

Enter required LDAP user filter

This defines the attribute that will be queried and collected for Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server LDAP authentication. The monitoring
server ID used for login (tacmd login –s tems_name –u username –p
password) will be checked against the matching, Active Directory-filtered
User for authentication.
LDAP user filter
Example: (&(objectCategory=user)(userPrincipalName= where %v is a variable that IBM Tivoli Monitoring
replaces with the userid entered at login.
This filter queries Active Directory, collecting all User objects from the
specified Base. The userPrincipalName attribute values returned by this
query will be parsed against the string, causing a
comparison of the monitoring server userid with only the %v substitution
portion of the userPrincipalName (in this case, | userPrincipalName= == llassite).

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 143

LDAP base
IBM recommends you enter an LDAP Base that gives you visibility to
the OU container that contains your Active Directory-defined monitoring
server users.
LDAP bind ID
IBM recommends you enter an LDAP ID that can access your Active
Directory's OU hierarchy to locate your Active Directory-defined portal
server users.
LDAP bind password
The LDAP bind ID's password.
LDAP port name
This value is set for the default Active Directory LDAP port. Enter your
LDAP-configured port number.
LDAP host name
A Domain Controller within the Active Directory Forest that is hosting
the User accounts you created earlier for monitoring server LDAP user
authentication. Your choice here should be driven by the hierarchy level
within your Forest that owns the Tivoli Monitoring users' OU. Consider
your selection here in light of possible issues with IBM Tivoli Monitoring
LDAP user authentication due to Active Directory connectivity or
replication failures of your Active Directory User objects.

Active Directory LDAP verification tools

Microsoft Active Directory provides several tools for your use in managing your
site's LDAP environment; the following two will prove particularly useful when
linking it to IBM Tivoli Monitoring:
Use this Microsoft Management Console snap-in to view your user object
attributes and to confirm that the attributes you are specifying for the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server Login properties and the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server attributename=%v substitution parameter are defined
and available.
Use this tool to validate your monitoring server and portal server LDAP
configuration's Base settings. This tool allows you to connect, bind, and
query your LDAP environment from your workstation; see Figure 14 on
page 145.
LDP.exe for Windowx XP is available from Microsoft at this URL:

144 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Figure 14. LDP query results

This sample demonstrates the verification of a configuration using:

LDAP filter object = (&(objectCategory=user)(uid=%v))
LDAP base = CN=ITMtemsUsers,OU=ITMUsers,DC=company,DC=com

Alternatively, this sample demonstrates verification of a configuration using:

LDAP base = CN=ITMtepsUsers,OU=ITMUsers,DC=company,DC=com
Login properties = uid

To successfully configure Microsoft Active Directory LDAP authentication, either

you need the Domain Administrator or you need to get hold of two very useful
tools that allow you to look at your LDAP directory from the outside. These tools
Use this tool to test your connect strings from the command line and to
verify that you are pointing at the right location inside the LDAP user
registry. Figure 19 on page 151 shows sample ldapsearch output.
“Ldapsearch for LDAP information” on page 96 contains additional
information about this command and its uses and options.
The ldapsearch options you specify (see “ldapsearch command-line
options” on page 97) are based on your site's Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server LDAP configuration:
-h is the LDAP host name.
-p is the LDAP port name.
-b is the LDAP base value.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 145

-D is the LDAP bind ID.
-w is the LDAP bind password.

Note: If you do not specify the -w option, you will be required to

enter the LDAP bind password from the keyboard.

Always specify the ldapsearch -s sub option because the monitoring

server's LDAP client uses it when authenticating Tivoli Monitoring users.
Replace %v with the Tivoli Monitoring user ID when specifying the LDAP
user filter (this string is the last part of the ldapsearch command line).
Example: To verify user sysadmin with the monitoring server LDAP
configuration shown in Figure 18 on page 150, specify the following
ldapsearch command:
ldapsearch -h -p 389 -b "DC=bjomain,CN=users,DC=bjomain,
-D "CN=Administator,CN=users,DC=bjomain,DC=com" -w admin10admin
-s sub "("
Search for ldapsearch on to download a free version.
Use this tool to graphically traverse the LDAP user registry and to spell
out the Distinguished Names and other parameters that you need to
complete the configuration. To verify that IBM Tivoli Monitoring can access
your LDAP user registry across the network, install the LDAP browser on
a Tivoli Monitoring server. Figure 17 on page 149 shows a sample
ldapbrowser display.
The LDAP browser also enables you to retrieve LDAP information from
the portal server itself.
Follow this link to download a free version of ldapbrowser:; then click the LDAP
Browser tab. ldapbrowser is also available for both UNIX/Linux and
Windows at this URL:

User scenarios
In these scenarios it is desired that all user authentication be done via the site's
Microsoft Server 2003 Active Directory LDAP user registry. There are two possible
ways to configure this authentication for IBM Tivoli Monitoring users:
Monitoring server LDAP authentication
Configure authentication at the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server using a
username filter that maps a userid entered at the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
(such as name) to The user logs in as name, which then
gets translated through the filter to match the needed LDAP lookup.
This method is described in “Authenticating monitoring server userids
with Microsoft Active Directory” on page 147.
Portal server LDAP authentication
Configure authentication at the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server so that the
userid the user supplies when logging into the Tivoli Enterprise Portal gets
looked up and authenticated against the LDAP user registry. In this
scenario, the user logs in with
This method is described in “Authenticating portal server userids with
Microsoft Active Directory” on page 151.

146 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Authenticating monitoring server userids with Microsoft Active
This scenario illustrates how you can configure the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server to use Microsoft Active Directory to authenticate monitoring server users.

This scenario does not require TEPS/e configuration in order to work. The
drawback with this solution is that SSO (single sign-on) cannot be implemented;
also, userids are restricted to 10 characters maximum. The advantage is that
monitoring server-based user authentication allows your users to make SOAP
Server requests and use tacmd command that send requests to the hub monitoring


The environment comprises two systems, one running the Tivoli Monitoring
monitoring server (IP address and one running Microsoft Windows
2003 Advanced Server configured as a Microsoft Active Directory domain
controller (IP address Note that the Tivoli Monitoring system is a
stand-alone server called itm6210 and not part of the configured domain. The
sample domain is called, and the Active Directory server is called

Microsoft Active Directory configuration:

Figure 15. Active Directory users listing

As shown in Figure 15, two users have been configured in Active Directory,
sysadmin and bjoern, both with email addresses, as shown in Figure 16 on page 148
(you will see when the LDAP filter is configured in IBM Tivoli Monitoring why the
email address is important). You can use other parameters, but this is the one the
instructions in “User authentication through the hub monitoring server” on page
Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 147
92 recommend.

Figure 16. Properties of an individual Tivoli Monitoring user

Browsing Active Directory: Browsing the Active Directory Repository with the
GUI browser, ldapbrowser, shows all the parameters you need, such as the
Distinguished Name and the email address for the sysadmin user (see Figure 17 on
page 149).

148 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Figure 17. ldapbrowser window

By right-clicking MSAD Server at the top of the tree and selecting Properties, you
can see that the Base DN (the point where Tivoli Monitoring will start searching
for users) is DC=bjomain,DC=com.

The next step is to match this information with the appropriate fields in the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server configuration dialog.

Putting the pieces together: Figure 18 on page 150 shows the monitoring server's
LDAP settings that allow you to log in as either sysadmin or bjoern (only these
users are defined to the monitoring server).

Note: If you need to activate Secure Sockets Layer, SSL, security for your Tivoli
Monitoring-to-Active Directory communications, see Chapter 8, “Securing
communications,” on page 207. Also ensure you have at hand the parameter values
listed in Table 12 on page 94.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 149

Figure 18. Monitoring server's LDAP parameters

The following are some of the more important parameters shown in Figure 18:
Enter required LDAP user filter
This parameter says to search for the mail parameter within the User object.
This is why you included the email address in the user's Active Directory
%v Is a variable that Tivoli Monitoring replaces with the userid entered on the
login screen.
LDAP base
Is the complete Base DN listed in “Browsing Active Directory” on page 148.
If IBM Tivoli Monitoring complains that the user entered the wrong password,
this is a sign that the wrong LDAP Base DN was specified here, in which case
Tivoli Monitoring starts its search at the wrong LDAP location.
LDAP bind ID
Enter the Distinguished Name for a user that has read permission to the entire
Base DN where Tivoli Monitoring will begin searching for its users.

Note: It is not enough to enter only the user name, for example, sysadmin.

Once you have gotten your parameters defined right, use the grep command to
search for the string LDAP in the monitoring server's log file to verify that there are
no error messages. Optionally, you can use the ldapsearch utility to test your
parameters without starting the monitoring server: if ldapsearch does not return
output similar to that shown in Figure 19 on page 151, your input is incorrect. You

150 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

should verify your site's LDAP parameters before restarting the monitoring server,
as an incorrect LDAP configuration will prevent users from logging in.

Figure 19. ldapsearch results for monitoring server userids

Authenticating portal server userids with Microsoft Active

In this scenario, you configure the portal server to use server to authenticate users
because you want to use single signon with other applications or you want your
Tivoli Enterprise Portal users to login with userids longer than 10 characters.

The site attempted to use the portal sever's Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services utility or itmcmd command line interface to configure the LDAP
authentication. This proved unsuccessful because the built-in authentication
mechanism expects to look up an LDAP field named uid; this customer's Active
Directory LDAP records have no uid field.

The rest of this section documents the user authentication steps you should follow
via the TEPS/e Administration Console, the portal sever's built-in eWAS server
that defines the custom LDAP user mappings for Tivoli Enterprise Portal access at
this company.

Required LDAP environment information

To authenticate users against the customer's Active Directory LDAP user registry,
several pieces of information are required:
1. The type and location of the LDAP information store.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 151

2. The retrieval method for that information—notably whether or not to use SSL.
3. A Bind ID and Password, a userid/password combination that the system will
use to log into the LDAP store and look up user accounts.
This ID must be in full LDAP Distinguished Name format.
4. The Login Properties to use—namely which LDAP field to look up. This field
needs to be something within the LDAP information store that uniquely
identifies a user in the environment.
The instructions in “LDAP user authentication through the portal server” on
page 99 assume you have the uid field available; this proved not to be the case
with this customer's LDAP directory.
5. An LDAP Base, the full LDAP Distinguished Name of a Base entry in the
LDAP user registry.

In this example, your site's Active Directory administrator provided the following
LDAP information:
1. LDAP type: Microsoft Active Directory Server version 2003; location: Hostname
2. Port to use: 636 (which indicates that SSL is required for connection)
3. Bind ID of, along with the appropriate password
4. The Login Properties field to use: the user's email address
5. The LDAP Base: DC=US,DC=GLOBAL,DC=company,DC=COM

Despite having all the necessary connection information, every attempt to connect
to the LDAP user registry fails. You can use the LDAP utilities described in “Active
Directory LDAP verification tools” on page 144 to look up and verify your
connection information and determine why every connection attempt failed.

In this example, two utilities are used: LDP.exe and ldapbrowser. These utilities
show you that SSL communication is not required in this customer's environment;
thus, connecting at the normal unencrypted LDAP port of 389 is valid. The tools
also reveal that the full LDAP Distinguished Name associated with the address is

Once all these entries have been validated, it is time to use the TEPS/e
Administration (eWAS) tools to define the LDAP lookup parameters for Tivoli
Monitoring user administration.

Enable TEPS/e administration: Enabling the TEPS/e administration (eWAS)

console, the Integrated Solutions Console, requires that you complete the following

Note: Step 1 need be done only once. The remaining steps must be done every
time you wish to use the TEPS/e administration console.

Define the wasadmin password: Before you can complete the TEPS/e administration,
you must set a password for the wasadmin account that admits you to the eWAS
server. To do this, either invoke script in the
$CANDLEHOME/iw/scripts directory or use the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services interface.

This procedure need be done only once, unless at a later time you desire to change
the wasadmin user password.

152 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Via the command line

To define the wasadmin password via the command line, invoke script in the $CANDLEHOME/$INTERP/iw/scripts directory:
# cd $CANDLEHOME/$INTERP/iw/scripts
# ./ wasadmin newpw
WASX7209I: Connected to process "ITMServer" on node ITMNode using SOAP connector;
The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are
available as arguments that are stored in the argv variable: "[wasadmin, newpw]"

Via Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services

1. Right-click the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server entry, and select menu option
TEPS/e Administration → Update TEPS Extension Password..
2. In the Enter Password window supply the new wasadmin password, and press
The effect of your attempted password change is displayed in the Manage
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services message pane. For example:
Password for user wasadmin was changed

Enable ISCLite (TEPS/e eWAS server administration): Anytime you need to manage
your site's LDAP authentication, you first need to enable TEPS/e administration
via the Integrated Solutions Console. Note that whenever you either reconfigure or
stop then restart the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, the TEPS/e console is
automatically disabled.

Via the command line

To enable the TEPS/e console via the command line, invoke the
script from the $CANDLEHOME/platformcode/iw/scripts subdirectory on the portal
server machine:
# pwd /apps/TEPS_s11154cdc/li6263/iw/scripts

# ./ true
WASX7209I: Connected to process "ITMServer" on node ITMNode using SOAP connector;
The type of process is: UnManagedProcess

WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are
available as arguments that are stored in the argv variable: "[true]"

ISCLite started

Via Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services

1. Right-click the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server entry, and select menu option
TEPS/e Administration → Enable TEPS/e Administration.
2. The effect of your enablement attempt is shown in the Manage Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Services message pane. For example:
ISCLite is enabled successfully

Log into the TEPS/e administration console: Bring up the eWAS Integrated Solutions
Console in your browser using this address:

Log in using the username wasadmin and the password you set for that user in
“Define the wasadmin password” on page 152.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 153

Define the LDAP user registry in the Integrated Solutions Console: When using
the Integrated Solutions Console to define the LDAP user registry, follow these
1. On the left side of the primary Integrated Solutions Console screen, expand the
list of Security options, and select Global security. The Global security panel
is displayed.
2. Under the User account repository section, click Configure.
3. From the Configuration tab, click Manage Repositories at the bottom under
Related Items to open the screen where you can define your LDAP user

Figure 20. The Integrated Solutions Console Configuration notebook tab

4. On the Manage repositories screen, click Add:

Figure 21. The Integrated Solutions Console Manage repositories screen

The General Properties screen, shown in Figure 22 on page 155, is displayed.

This is where you supply the information that defines the location and
configuration of your LDAP user registry.

154 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Figure 22. The Integrated Solutions Console General Properties screen

5. Complete this screen with the following information:

Repository identifier
A freeform name for the registry, in this case simply LDAP.
Primary host name
Hostname of the LDAP server, in this case
Port Port the LDAP Server is listening on. In this example, 389 is the valid
Bind distinguished name
The full LDAP Distinguished Name of the Bind ID. In this case, the full
LDAP Distinguished Name for the svc.tivolisec account that your
site's LDAP administrator supplied is
Bind password
The password for that Bind ID.
Login properties
The login properties to use for that Distinguished Name, in this case
the mail property.

When you have completed this page, click OK. The verification screen is

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 155

Figure 23. The Integrated Solutions Console verification screen

6. Click Save.

Your site's LDAP user registry is now defined.

Add your LDAP user registry to the eWAS realm: The next step is to add the
newly defined registry to the eWAS realm so your site can use LDAP to look up
1. On the left side of the primary Integrated Solutions Console screen, under
Security options select Global Security.
2. In the User account repository section, click Configure (at the bottom beside
Federated Repositories).

Figure 24. The Integrated Solutions Console Configuration notebook tab

This opens the screen that lets you add registries to the realm.

156 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Figure 25. The Integrated Solutions Console's Configuration tab

3. To add the repository defined in “Define the LDAP user registry in the
Integrated Solutions Console” on page 154, click Add Base entry to Realm.
The Repository reference screen is shown, where you can add the LDAP user
registry to your site's eWAS realm:

Figure 26. The Integrated Solutions Console's Repository reference screen

At this screen, ensure that Repository is set to LDAP (or whatever Repository
identifier you assigned in “Define the LDAP user registry in the Integrated
Solutions Console” on page 154). In the two entry fields, enter the Bind
distinguished name, which was defined in this instance to be
DC=US,DC=GLOBAL,DC=company,DC=COM. Then click OK.
4. From the Integrated Solutions Console verification screen, click Save.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 157

Figure 27. The Integrated Solutions Console verification screen

5. This returns you to the list of registries in the current realm.

Figure 28. The Integrated Solutions Console's Repositories in the realm screen

Click OK.
6. From the Integrated Solutions Console verification screen, click Save:

Figure 29. The Integrated Solutions Console verification screen

7. This returns you to the initial Integrated Solutions Console sign-in screen:

158 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Figure 30. The Integrated Solutions Console's sign-in screen

Click Logout.
8. Restart the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

(Optionally) test the LDAP lookup within TEPS/e: You can test the LDAP
lookup within the TEPS/e console itself. If the lookup works correctly here, it will
work within the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
1. Enable the TEPS/e console again (see “Enable ISCLite (TEPS/e eWAS server
administration)” on page 153), and then log back into it using your wasadmin
userid and newly assigned password (see “Log into the TEPS/e administration
console” on page 153).
The initial TEPS/e screen is displayed:

Figure 31. The Integrated Solutions Console initial screen

2. Expand the list of Users and Groups; then select Manage Users.
3. Within the Manage Users pane, set Search by to E-mail, and specify your test
userid (that is, email address) in the Search for field.
4. Click Search.
If the email address you specified is found, its characteristics are listed at the
bottom of the Manage Users pane.

Define a test userid using portal server user administration:

1. Log into a Tivoli Enterprise Portal client using userid sysadmin. Note that
sysadmin is still defined as a local portal server ID (in other words, it is not
stored within or retrieved from your LDAP user registry).
2. Using Tivoli Enterprise Portal user administration (as explained in “LDAP user
authentication through the portal server” on page 99), create a new user with
any userid you wish.
3. In the Distinguished Name field, enter enough of that person's email address to
make your specification unique; then click the Find button.
The LDAP search is performed, and the full LDAP Distinguished Name is
found for that email address.
4. Highlight that Distinguished Name, and click OK.
5. Complete that user's remaining userid fields, and then click OK to add it.

Chapter 5. Enabling user authentication 159

That person can now log into the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client using his or her
email address,, as the userid and his/her Active
Directory password for the password. The user will be logged into his/her default
primary workspace.

160 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Chapter 6. Using Tivoli Enterprise Portal user authorization
Every portal work session begins with a successful logon and connection to the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal. The logon user IDs and user groups are created and
profiled through the Administer Users window.

Administer Users is a multi-tabbed two-paned window. The top frame has two
tabs: Users and User Groups, that list the user IDs, distinguished names if
the portal server is configured for authentication to an LDAP user registry, and the
user groups that are stored on the portal server. The profile of the selected user or
user group is reflected in the bottom frame:
Permissions has a list of the portal features in the Authorities box. On the
right are the possible operations for the selected feature. A selected check box
means the selected user or user group has permission to perform that
operation; a indicator next to the check box means the permission was added
to a user group the user belongs to.
Applications shows all the applications being monitored and that are
available for assigning to the user or user group. One user or user group, for
example, can be profiled to see only the OMEGAMON applications, another to
see only Linux and Oracle, middleware, and another to see all applications.
Navigator Views shows all the Navigator views that are on the portal server
and that are available for assigning to the user or user group. The user or user
group can be restricted to seeing only a certain branch of a Navigator view
rather than the entire hierarchy.
Member of, when the Users tab is selected, or Members, when the User
Groups tab is selected, is a list of the groups the user belongs to or the user
names in the group.

The User Administration function enables you to maintain user IDs and user
groups on the portal server, and provides varying degrees of access to the features
and views of your monitored environment to accommodate any combination of job
roles, such as operators who respond to alerts and direct them to the appropriate
person for handling and administrators who plan, design, customize, and manage
the monitoring environment.

In some managed enterprises one person might assume all of these roles. In larger
enterprises, the roles are often divided. You can choose to assign roles by
individual user or by user type or both.

Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs are also required for users who access monitoring
dashboards in IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub. How you manage
dashboard users depends on the type of authorization configured in the portal
server and whether the dashboard users will also use the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
client. There are two types of authorization that can be configured for controlling
access to monitored resources in IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub:
Role-based authorization policies
These policies are created using the tivcmd Command-Line Interface for
Authorization Policy. They provide more granular authorization than Tivoli
Enterprise Portal monitoring application assignments. Using role-based
authorization policies, you can assign a user permission to view specific
managed system groups or managed systems. When role-based

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 161

authorization policies are enabled in the portal server, dashboard users
need a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID but do not require any Tivoli
Enterprise Portal permissions or monitoring application assignments unless
they are also Tivoli Enterprise Portal client users. In this case, role-based
authorization policies control what resources they can access in the
monitoring dashboards, and Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions and
monitoring application assignments control what they can access in the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal client.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal authorization
This is the default authorization mechanism for dashboard users. A
dashboard user must have a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID and be
assigned the permissions and monitoring applications to control their
access to resources in monitoring dashboards. If a dashboard user is also a
Tivoli Enterprise Portal client user then they are assigned a single set of
permissions that control what monitored resources they can access in both

Configuring the portal server and Dashboard Application Services Hub to share an
LDAP user registry is the best practice approach for having a federated set of
dashboard users and Tivoli Enterprise Portal client users. In this scenario, the
dashboard users login to the dashboard hub with their LDAP username and you
must map their LDAP distinguished name to a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID
with the required permissions.

Tivoli Enterprise Portal user IDs are automatically created with no permissions if a
dashboard user requests monitoring data and does not have a user ID mapped to
their distinguished name. See “Notes on user administration” on page 174 for
more details.

Administer Users
Your user ID and the user groups you are a member of are profiled with a set of
permissions that determines which Tivoli Enterprise Portal features you are
authorized to see and use, a list of monitored applications you are authorized to
see, and a list of Navigator views (and the highest level within a view) you can

Clicking Administer Users opens the Administer Users window. This is a

two-paned window with Users and User Groups tabs in the top frame, and several
tabs in the bottom frame. This arrangement enables the administrator to manage
user profiles by individual user, by user groups, or a combination of the two. You
might create a user profile, then copy the profile for each additional user and
change settings as needed (such as, for the Action feature, granting View
permission to one user and granting Modify permission to a different user). Or
you might create a user group with a particular profile and add users to the group.
Then you can modify the permissions once for a group and apply to all members

When you modify the permissions or the list of monitored applications for a Tivoli
Enterprise Portal user or user group, the authorization change does not take effect
until the user logs out of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client and then logs back in. If
Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions are being used to authorize monitored
resources for dashboard users, the authorization changes also do not take effect
until the user logs out of Dashboard Application Services Hub and logs back in.
Related tasks:

162 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

“Adding a user ID” on page 168
Create a user ID for all users that should be able to log onto the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server using a portal client or the tacmd tepsLogin command. A user ID is
also required for IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub users who request
monitoring data. You can use the default user profile or copy the profile of an
existing user.
“Viewing and editing a user ID” on page 169
After a user has been added to the Users list in the Administer Users window, you
can check and edit the profile settings at any time.

Users and User Groups

The Users and User Groups tabs list the user IDs and the user groups that
are stored on the portal server.

After you select a user or user group from one of the lists, you can click any of the
tabs in the lower half of the window to see the what permissions have been
granted and what has been assigned. User groups enable the administrator to
authorize the same set of functional permissions, applications, and Navigator
views to multiple users at one time. Management of user authorization can be
done by groups as well as individually. A user can be associated with one or more
user groups; authorization by group will be by inclusion and not exclusion (nested
groups are supported). Authorization will also be by global authority and by
association with managed system and managed system groups. This security is not
dependent on external authorization.

You can authorize the same set of functional permissions multiple users, user
group or each user ID at one time.

The following features are enabled or disabled individually for each user ID or
user group.
View allows the user to see and run a take action command from the
available list of commands in the Take Action view and in the pop-up
menu for the Navigator item.
Modify allows the user to create and save Take Action commands.
When enabled, Edit Action appears in the Navigator pop-up menu.
When issuing a take action command, you must be authorized on the
relevant system for the requested command. For example, to issue a TSO
command, your user ID must be both a valid TSO ID and a valid user ID
on the portal server. The user ID must be typed with the same letter casing
exactly as typed when logging on to the portal server (with the same letter
Agent Management
Manage allows the user to perform agent deployment throughout the
managed network. This includes installing a monitored product, keeping
the software revisions up-to-date, and removing an agent from the
managed network. This permission also requires Action - Modify to be
Start/Stop allows the user to start a monitoring agent or to stop it

Chapter 6. Using Tivoli Enterprise Portal user authorization 163

Custom Navigator Views
Modify allows the user to create new Navigator views, edit and delete
them. With Modify cleared, the user will not see Edit Navigator View
in the Navigator toolbar.
Event Attach allows the user to attach a file (such as detailed notes) to the
situation event. This permission requires that the user also have the
Acknowledge and View permissions.
Close lets you close a pure event or an event that was open before a
situation was stopped manually. When it is enabled, Close Situation
Event appears in the pop-up menu of the situation event flyover list, event
Navigator item, and situation event console view when the selected event
is a pure event or the situation has been stopped.
View enables you to see situation event indicators in the Navigator
when situations become true.
Acknowledge allows you to acknowledge a situation event. When this
permission is enabled, Acknowledge Event appears in the pop-up menu of
the situation event flyover list, event Navigator item, and situation event
console view.
Enable is dimmed because you cannot change it. The access to this
feature is determined by your organization's IBM Tivoli Monitoring license.
Configure allows the user to open the History Collection Configuration
window, configure history files and data rolloff, and start and stop data
collection for the different attribute groups. When this permission is
enabled, History Configuration appears in the main toolbar.
Launch Application
Launch allows the user to invoke any of the launch definitions
available for the Navigator item, table view, chart view, or situation event
console view. When this permission is enabled, History Configuration
appears in the main toolbar.
View allows the user to see the composition of the selected launch
Modify allows the user to create, edit and delete launch definitions.
Managed System Group
View allows the user to access the Object group editor for viewing
managed system groups. The user also needs Modify permission for the
Object group editor tools to be available.
Modify allows the user to open the Object group editor to create, edit,
and delete managed system groups.
Policy View allows the user to open the Workflows window to see the policies
and their definitions. With View permission, the Workflow Editor is
available in the main toolbar and Manage Policies is available in the
Navigator pop-up menu at the agent level.
Start/Stop lets you start and stop policies. With this permission
enabled, Start Policy and Stop Policy are available when you select
a policy.

164 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Modify allows the user to open the Workflow editor to create and edit
policies. With the Modify permission enabled, New Policy is available
after the user selects a policy, as are the other editing tools: Edit
Workflow, Copy Policy, and Delete Policy.
Query View allows the user to access the Query editor through the Properties
editor and select a query for the selected table or chart. With the View
permission enabled, the user can assign a query through the Query tab of
the Properties editor.
Modify allows the user to create, edit and delete queries in the Query
editor. With the Modify permission enabled, Query Editor is available
from the main toolbar, as are the query editing tools.
View allows the user to see situations in the Situation editor, including
any expression overrides, and in the Manage Situations at Managed
System window. With the View permission enabled, Situation Editor is
available in the main toolbar and in the Navigator item (except at the
platform level) pop-up menu.
Modify lets you create new situations and manage them. When the
Modify permission has been granted, the situation editing tools and
pop-up menu options are available in the Situation editor, as well as the
Override Formula button in the Distribution tab for qualifying situations.
Start/Stop lets you start or stop a situation and enable or disable a
situation override. When this permission is enabled, Start Situation and
Stop Situation are available in the situation event flyover list, situation
event console view, Situation editor pop-up menu, and the Manage
Situations at Managed System window; and Enable Situation Overrides
and Disable Situation Overrides are available in the Situation editor
pop-up menu.
Terminal Script
View allows the user to run or stop running a terminal emulator script
and to see scripts, but not to edit them. If View is disabled the user will be
able only to run or stop a script.
Modify allows the user to create or record new terminal emulator
scripts, edit, and delete them.
User Administration
If you are viewing your own user ID, you will see that View and Modify
are disabled; you cannot change your User Administration permissions.
Logon Permitted enables log on to the portal server with this user ID.
The administrator can clear the check box to deny a user access to the
portal. This option works in conjunction with the
unlimited attempts are allowed) parameter in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server Environment Configuration file, kfwenv. When the value has been
set and the invalid attempts have been exceeded, the check box is cleared
automatically and the administrator must select the check box to reset the
logon attempt count. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide for
details. Modify allows the editing of user IDs and removing them.
When this permission is enabled, Administer Users is available in the
main toolbar and the tools are available in the Administer Users window.

Chapter 6. Using Tivoli Enterprise Portal user authorization 165

Author Mode Eligible allows the user to enable or disable their Author
Mode permission under Workspace Administration (see next authority),
but not for any other user IDs.
View allows the user to open the Administer Users window and see
their user profile.
Administration Mode Eligible allows the user to enable or disable
their Administration Mode permission under Workspace Administration
(see next authority), but not for any other user IDs.
Workspace Administration
Workspace Author Mode allows the user to create and edit
workspaces, links, and terminal emulator scripts. If Workspace Author
Mode is disabled, the user cannot make any of these changes but can
continue monitoring and responding to alerts; the tools can still be seen,
but they are disabled.
Workspace Administration Mode is available only for the SYSADMIN
user ID and new IDs made from it in the Create Another User window.
When administration mode is enabled, changes you make to workspaces
affect all users who log on to the same portal server. When it is disabled,
workspace changes you make are not shared with other users. Be sure to
select Do not allow modifications in the Workspace Properties
whenever you create or edit a workspace in administration mode.
Otherwise, if a user edits that workspace, you no longer own the
workspace and cannot override their changes.
WebSphere MQ Configuration Authorities
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for Messaging: WebSphere MQ Configuration
installations will see this folder.
View allows the user to see, but not change, your organization's
WebSphere MQ configuration in the Navigator Configuration view.
Modify allows the user to change your organization's WebSphere MQ
configuration or to schedule updates in the Configuration view.
Storage Subsystem Authorities
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for Storage installations will see this folder.
Select View to allow the user to see, but not change data. Select
Modify to allow the user to change data.
Data Collection Configuration allows the user to view or modify the
collection control interval for the DFSMSrmm Status workspace and
Dataset Attributes System Summary workspace.
Dataset Groups Collection Interval allows the user to view or modify the
control interval for the Dataset Group Summary workspace.
Define/Update Dataset Groups allows the user to view or modify the
group definitions for the Dataset Group Summary workspace.

Your user ID is set so you can see some or all the application types being
monitored. For example, one user might be able to see only mainframe
applications, while another can see only middleware, and another sees all
Allowed Applications
Shows the applications that you can access from Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

166 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Available Applications
Shows the applications available for assignment to the selected user. If
<All Applications> is on the Allowed Applications list, then no other
entries can be added. You must move it back to Available Applications
before you can select a subset of applications to assign.
Select the applications you want to add, or select <All Applications>, and
move them to the Allowed Applications list. After selecting the first
application, you can use Ctrl+click to select other applications or
Shift+click to select all applications between the first selection and this one.

Navigator views
When a Navigator view is created, only the author is able to see the view, but it is
available for the administrator to assign to users. An assigned Navigator view
means the user can open it. For each assigned view, the user can be restricted to
see only a certain branch rather than the entire hierarchy.
Assigned Views
Shows the Navigator views the user is able to see and access. The first
Navigator view in this list is the default for the user; it displays
automatically whenever the user logs on. You can select any views to
which you do not want the user to have access, and click right arrow to
move them to the Available Views list. Select the appropriate entries and
click left arrow to move them to the Assigned Views. You can move a
Navigator view to the top of the list to make it the default by clicking the
up arrow.
Available Views
Shows the Navigator views not assigned to the user and available for
assignment. Select the Navigator views you want to add and move them to
the Assigned Views list by using the left arrow. After selecting the first
view, you can use Ctrl+click to select other views or Shift+click to select all
views between the first selection and this one.
Assigned Root
Shows the Navigator view chosen in Assigned Views, with the user's
assigned Navigator root highlighted. The root is the top-most level of this
Navigator view that the user can access. The user can access this item and
all items below it, but no items parallel to or above it in the Navigator.
For example, you can assign UNIX Systems as the assigned root. The user
sees the UNIX Systems workspaces and those below, but is not able to see
the Enterprise workspaces or anything under Windows Systems.

Member Of and Members

When you select a user or user group from the list, the last tab on the bottom set
of tabs reads either Member Of or Members (reflecting the selection of a User or
User Group). Assignment of users to groups can be done in either tab.

Managing user IDs

Managing user IDs begins with planning the authorities to grant to users and
whether they will belong to user groups.

Chapter 6. Using Tivoli Enterprise Portal user authorization 167

The Administer Users window provides the tools for creating and maintaining user
IDs, and adjusting permissions. This is also where user IDs are mapped to their
unique identifier in the LDAP user registry if user authentication through the
portal server has been configured.

Adding a user ID
Create a user ID for all users that should be able to log onto the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server using a portal client or the tacmd tepsLogin command. A user ID is
also required for IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub users who request
monitoring data. You can use the default user profile or copy the profile of an
existing user.

Before you begin

To use this function, your user ID must have Modify permission for User

1. Click Administer Users.
2. Create a new user ID or create one from another:
v To create a new user ID with the default user profile, click Create New
v To create a new user ID from an existing one, select the profile that you want
to use from the Users list and click Create Another User.
3. In the Create New User window, enter the user information:
v User ID: The logon name. The name must use ASCII characters, can be up to
10 characters, and can contain no spaces. The name is limited to eight
characters if user authentication is at the hub monitoring server and uses
RACF (resource access control facility) security for z/OS.
v User Name: The name of the user or job classification or both. This name can
include spaces and be up to 32 characters. The user name is displayed in
Users list.
v Distinguished Name: The unique identifier in the Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP) user registry for the name given in the User ID
field. Click Find to locate and insert the distinguished name, such as
v User Description: Optional description for the user. The text can include
spaces and punctuation.
4. Click OK to close the window and see the new user ID arranged alphabetically
in the Users list.
5. To change the Permissions, select a function from the Authorities tree and
select or clear each option as appropriate for all functions with permissions that
you want to change.
6. To assign access privileges to applications (managed system types), click the
Applications tab, then select <All Applications> or the individual applications
the user should see, and click to move them to the Allowed Applications
list. After selecting the first application, you can use Ctrl+click to select other
applications or Shift+click to select all applications between the first selection
and this one.
7. To assign Navigator views, click the Navigator Views tab:
a. Select a Navigator view (or more with Ctrl + click and Shift + click) from
the Available Views and click to move it to the Assigned Views.

168 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

b. Use to place the view that you want to be the default at the top of the
list; use and to arrange the other Navigator views in the order that
they should appear in the Navigator toolbar View list.
c. For the selected Navigator view, change the Assigned Root as needed.
8. When you are finished creating the user profile, save your changes with Apply
if you want to keep the Administer Users window open, or OK if you want to
close it.

What to do next

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal client logon window has a field for entering a user ID
and password. If you want the user ID and password to be authenticated,
configure the monitoring server or portal server to authenticate users. See
Chapter 5, “Enabling user authentication,” on page 89 for details.
Related reference:
“Administer Users” on page 162
Your user ID and the user groups you are a member of are profiled with a set of
permissions that determines which Tivoli Enterprise Portal features you are
authorized to see and use, a list of monitored applications you are authorized to
see, and a list of Navigator views (and the highest level within a view) you can

Viewing and editing a user ID

After a user has been added to the Users list in the Administer Users window, you
can check and edit the profile settings at any time.

Before you begin

To use this function, your user ID must have Modify permission for User

About this task

Use the following steps to edit a user ID:

1. Click Administer Users.
2. Do one of the following in the Users list:
v Click inside the Name or Description field to edit either of them.
v Double-click anywhere in a row to open the Modify User window for editing
any of the fields.
v Right-click the user profile you want to edit and click Modify User.
3. Edit the User Name, Distinguished Name or User Description, then click OK.
Distinguished Name is required if user authentication is through the portal
server to an LDAP user registry. You cannot change the one-word User ID
other than to change the letter casing. To edit the one-word User ID, delete the
user profile and create a new one.
v If you have not yet added the DN, click Find to locate the name that
matches the user ID.
If your monitored environment was previously configured for authentication
through the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and then reconfigured to
authenticate through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, you might see two

Chapter 6. Using Tivoli Enterprise Portal user authorization 169

entries for the name. Select the one where o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm and
4. To change the Permissions, select a function from the Authorities tree and
select or clear each option as appropriate for all functions with permissions that
you want to change. You can change your own user permissions except Create
and Modify for User Administration
5. To assign access privileges to applications (managed system types), click the
Applications tab, select any applications you want to remove from the Allowed
Applications list and move them to the Available Applications list; select
the applications you want to add from the Available Applications list (or select
<All Applications>), and move them to the Allowed Applications list.
After selecting the first application, you can use Ctrl+click to select other
applications or Shift+click to select all applications between the first selection
and this one.
6. To change any Navigator view assignments, click the Navigator Views tab,
then add or remove Navigator views from the Assigned Views list, and select
and move the one to be the default to the top of the list. For each Navigator
view, change the Assigned Root as needed.
7. When you are finished editing the user profile, save your changes with Apply
if you want to keep the Administer Users window open, or OK if you want to
close it.


The next time the user logs on, the permission changes will be in effect.
Related reference:
“Administer Users” on page 162
Your user ID and the user groups you are a member of are profiled with a set of
permissions that determines which Tivoli Enterprise Portal features you are
authorized to see and use, a list of monitored applications you are authorized to
see, and a list of Navigator views (and the highest level within a view) you can

Removing a user ID
You can remove a user ID as needed.

About this task

To use this function, your user ID must have Modify permission for User

Use the following steps to remove a user ID:

1. Click Administer Users.
2. Select the user ID that you want to delete. You can select additional user IDs
with Ctrl+click, or with Shift+click to select all user IDs between the first
selection and this one.
3. Click Remove Users to delete the selected user ID and profile from the list.
4. When a message asks you to confirm the user ID removal, click Yes. The user
is permanently removed from the user ID list. If the user is currently signed on,
this does not affect their work session, but they will not be able to log on again.

170 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Note: You cannot remove your user ID (the one you logged on with) or the
<Default User> ID.

Default user
The first user ID in the Users list is <Default User>.

To use this function, your user ID must have Modify permission for User

The Default User ID is used as the template ID for users created with Create
New User. Edit this user ID if you want to change any of the default settings. The
initial defaults enable all the functions listed under Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Authorities except User Administration Create and Modify. Any changes you make
to the <Default User> ID apply to users created from this point on; they do not
affect any existing user ID settings.

Managing user groups

User groups enable the administrator to authorize the same set of functional
permissions, applications, and Navigator views to multiple users at one time.
Management of user authorization can be done by groups as well as individually.

A user can be associated with one or more user groups. If a permission is granted
to a user directly through their user ID, they maintain that permission even if a
user group they belong to does not grant that permission. The reverse is also true,
so that if an individual user ID is not granted a permission but the group ID is, the
user will have the permission through their membership in the user group. Thus,
the user's permission set is collected from what is given to the individual user ID
and to any and all user groups that they belong to.

Authorization will also be by global authority and by association with managed

system and managed system groups. This security is not dependent on external

When the active top tab is Users, the last tab on the bottom set of tabs reads
Member Of. When the active top tab is User Groups, you will also have a
Members tab. Assignment of users to groups can be done in either of these lower

Click the group in the details view at the top, then go to the Members tab to
see the list of users that belong to this group. likewise, to see the groups a user
belongs to.

Viewing user group memberships

You can view both the groups a user ID belongs to, and the list of user IDs
belonging to a user group.

About this task

To use this function, your user ID must have Modify permission for User

Chapter 6. Using Tivoli Enterprise Portal user authorization 171

1. Click Administer Users. The Administer Users window is divided into two,
with Users and User Groups tabs at the top, and Permissions, Applications,
Navigator Views, and Member Of below.
2. To see the groups a user belongs to, select a name from the Users list, then
click the Member Of tab. The groups the user belongs to are listed in the
Assigned Members Of list.
3. To see the user IDs assigned to a group, select a name from the User
Groups list, then click the Members tab. The users belonging to the group
are in the Assigned Members list.

Adding a user group

You can create a new user group from the beginning or you can copy a group with
similar permissions and user assignments to what you want, then modify the copy.

Before you begin

To use this function, your user ID must have Modify permission for User

About this task

Complete these steps to add a user group:

1. Click Administer Users to open the Administer Users window.
2. Click the User Groups tab.
3. Do one of the following:
v To create a new user group, click Create New Group.
v To copy an existing user group, select the group name from the list and
click Create Another Group.
4. In the Create New Group or Create Another Group window, enter the
following user information:
a. Group ID: The group identifier. This name can be up to 10 characters and
can contain no spaces. The name is limited to eight characters if the hub
monitoring server uses RACF (resource access control facility) security for
b. Group Name: The name or job classification for the user group. This name
can include spaces..
c. Group Description: The text to describe the user group, such as their
responsibilities. The description can include spaces and punctuation.
5. Click OK to close the window and see the new user group arranged
alphabetically in the User Group list.
6. Add members to the group in the Members tab by selecting one or more
user IDs in the Available Members list and clicking to move to the
Assigned Members list.
7. To change the Permissions for the group, select a function from the
Authorities tree and select or clear each option check box for all functions.
8. To assign access privileges to applications (managed system types) for the
group, click the Applications tab, then select <All Applications> or the
individual applications the user should see, and click to move them to the

172 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Allowed Applications list. After selecting the first application, you can use
Ctrl+click to select other applications or Shift+click to select all applications
between the first selection and this one.
9. To assign Navigator views to the group, click the Navigator Views tab,
then add or remove Navigator views from the Assigned Views list, and use
to place the default view at the top of the list. For each Navigator view,
change the Assigned Root as needed.
10. When you are finished creating the user group, save your changes with Apply
to keep the Administer Users window open, or OK to close it.

Reviewing and editing a user group

After a user group has been added to the User Groups list in the Administer Users
window, you can check and edit the profile settings at any time.

About this task

To use this function, your user ID must have Modify permission for User

Use the following steps to edit a user ID:

1. Click Administer Users to open the Administer Users window.
2. Click the User Groups tab.
3. Right-click the user group to edit and click .
4. Edit the Group Name and Group Description, then click OK. You cannot
change the one-word group ID. You must, instead, create another user group
from this one and give it a new name, then delete this one.
5. To change the Permissions, select a function from the Authorities tree and
select or clear each option as appropriate for all functions with permissions that
should change.
6. To change the group access privileges to applications (managed system types),
click the Applications tab, select any applications you want to remove from
the Allowed Applications list and click ; select the applications you want to
add from the Available Applications list (or select <All Applications>), and
click . After selecting the first application, you can use Ctrl+click to select
other applications or Shift+click to select all applications between the first
selection and this one.
7. To change any Navigator view assignments for the group, click the
Navigator Views tab, then add or remove Navigator views from the Assigned
Views list, and use to place the one you want to be the default at the top of
the list. For each Navigator view, change the Assigned Root as needed.
8. When you are finished editing the user group, save your changes with Apply
to keep the Administer Users window open, or OK to close it. The user group
changes are effective the next time each group member logs on.

Note: You can change the permissions, except Create and Modify for User
Administration, of any groups you are a member of.

Removing a user group

You can remove a user group.

Chapter 6. Using Tivoli Enterprise Portal user authorization 173

About this task

To use this function, your user ID must have Modify permission for User

Use the following steps to remove a user ID:

1. Click Administer Users to open the Administer Users window.
2. Click the User Groups tab.
3. Select the user group to delete from the list and click Remove Selected
Group. You can select additional user IDs with Ctrl+click, or with Shift+click to
select all user groups between the first selection and this one.
4. When a message asks you to confirm the user group removal, click Yes. The
group is permanently removed from the user group list. Any members of this
user group who receive permissions from the group will not be affected until
they next log on to the portal server.

Notes on user administration

Read these notes to understand the user ID contribution to Tivoli Enterprise Portal
functions and modes.

Workspace administration mode

Any changes you make to workspaces, links, and terminal host session scripts in
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal are available only to your user ID. The exception is
while Workspace Administration Mode is enabled.

Workspace administration mode enables you to customize and add workspaces,

links, and terminal emulator scripts that are shared with all users connected to the
same Tivoli Enterprise Portal. See “Starting workspace administration mode”.


The Tivoli Enterprise Portal requires your logon ID whenever you start a work
session. Every ID must first have been registered on the portal server. You can log
onto the portal server with SYSADMIN and register other user IDs through the
Administer Users window. The initial user ID, SYSADMIN, has full access and
complete administrator authority. The system administrator registers additional
users and sets their access privileges and authority.

User ID and groups

Each user ID is stored at the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and contains:
v The user name
v Job description
v Permissions for viewing or modifying Tivoli Enterprise Portal functions
v Assigned Navigator views and which Navigator item in each view appears as
the root (default is the first item)
v Access to specific monitoring applications
v The user groups the user belongs to and indicators to signify when a permission
has been granted to the user by a user group

174 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Each user group is also stored at the portal server and has the same contents as for
individual user IDs. But, instead of a list of user groups, it has a list of the user
IDs assigned to the group.

Default user

The first user ID in the list is <Default User> and is used as the template ID for
users created with Create New User. Edit this user ID if you want to change any of
the default settings. The initial defaults enable all the functions listed under Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Authorities, except the Modify permission for User
Administration. Any changes you make to <Default User> ID apply to users
created from this point on; they will not affect any existing user ID settings.

Granting access to a user

You set the authority privileges for each user when you create their user IDs.
Giving users access to operational areas and customization options takes planning.
Consider the job responsibilities of each user and the company security
requirements when specifying authority privileges.

Important: Anyone with permission to create custom queries obtains access to all
of the ODBC data source names (DSNs) created at the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server. Add database user IDs, to be used in the DSN, to your database software,
making sure to restrict user access to only those tables, columns, and so on,
allowed by your organization's security policies.

Automatic Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID creation

The first time a new user accesses a monitoring dashboard in IBM Dashboard
Application Services Hub, a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID is automatically
created and mapped to the user's LDAP distinguished name if a Tivoli Enterprise
Portal user ID does not already exist for the user. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal user
ID is a randomly generated string. If you need to assign Tivoli Enterprise Portal
permissions and monitoring applications to a dashboard user and their Tivoli
Enterprise Portal user ID was automatically created, you can either assign the
permissions to the randomly generated user ID or perform these steps:
1. Delete the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID that was automatically created.
2. Create a new user Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID, map it to the LDAP
distinguished name for the user, and then assign it permissions and monitoring

Validating user access

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server verifies user IDs whenever users log on. If a job
description changes and the user requires different access to the portal server, you
must review and perhaps change the user's permissions.

The user ID for logging on to the portal server might include a password. You do
not establish passwords in the portal. Instead, you must define a matching user ID
with password to the network domain user accounts or to the operating system
where the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server resides:
v User Accounts on the Windows system
v Password file on the UNIX system
v RACF or ACF/2 host security system on the z/OS system

Chapter 6. Using Tivoli Enterprise Portal user authorization 175

As well, the monitoring server must be configured to Validate User. When users
log on to the portal server, the hub monitoring server makes a request to the
domain or the operating system to validate the user ID and password.

If the monitoring server has been installed on a distributed system, you can check
if it has been configured to Validate User:
1. Start the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services program:
Start → Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Services.
Change to the install_dir/bin directory and run the following
command: ./itmcmd manage [-h install_dir] where install_dir is the
installation directory (default is opt/IBM/ITM).
2. Right-click the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server row for TEMS1 (hub) and
select Reconfigure.
3. In the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server Configuration window, observe the
setting of the Security: Validate User check box.
When this option is selected, the password is required whenever a user logs on
to the portal server; when it is cleared, the user name is required to log on but
no password is required.

Note: Be aware that passwords must follow the security requirements for your
organization. If this includes periodic password changes, you might get a Logon
password has expired message while attempting to log on to the portal server.
Should this happen, you must change your system password before you can log
on. For example, on Windows this means changing the password through the
Administrative Tools User Accounts.

Launching into the portal from other applications

In addition to any security requirements for launching into the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal (such as single sign-on requirements), the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID
that receives control after a launch from an external application must be
pre-authorized to access the target managed system and workspaces. The user ID
also must be authorized to issue any required take action commands.

User ID for Take Action commands

When the Tivoli Enterprise Portal sends a Take Action command to a managed
system, the user ID might or might not be checked for authority to perform the
action. In the simplest case, the command is sent to the managed system and
executed using the user ID under which the agent is running. TheTivoli Enterprise
Portal user ID is sent along with the action command in these contexts:
v On-demand: user ID currently logged on
v Situation action: user ID of the last person to update the situation
v Workflow action: user ID of the last person to update the policy
However, the ID is ignored by the managed system unless told otherwise by a
command prefix. These are command handlers implemented in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring products to control whether the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID should
be validated before passing the command to the agent for execution.
Command prefix
When a command prefix is present in the Take Action, the agent passes the
command to the application handler rather than executing the command.
The syntax of the prefix and take action command is

176 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

productcode:CNPuserID:command and the agent routes it to the
application for execution. The application is free to execute the command
with whatever user ID is appropriate. In the case of OMEGAMON XE for
WebSphere MQ on z/OS, the Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID is used.
If the special prefix is missing, the agent executes the command with the
user ID under which the agent is running.
Most monitoring products do not employ a command prefix. IBM Tivoli
Monitoring for WebSphere MQ does and, in fact, prepends any on-demand
Take Action commands with a hidden MQ:CNPuserID: prefix, although
you cannot see it.
UNIX setuid command
In addition to the command prefix and security exit, UNIX offers another
option: a setuid command, which causes the process to dynamically
change its userid. Thus, the agent could be changed to set the ID to the
value passed as a parameter, issue the command, then change the user ID
back again after the command is issued.

Troubleshooting logon error messages

Logon prompts and progress messages are displayed in the Logon window status
bar. If a user cannot log on, a message is displayed.

If a user cannot log on, one of the following messages is displayed:

Failed connection to Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
1. On the system where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed,
click Start -> Programs -> IBM Tivoli Monitoring -> Manage Tivoli
Monitoring Services.
2. Optional: Right-click the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server entry and click
Change Startup. In the window that opens, select System Account
and Allow Service to Interact with Desktop and click OK.
This opens a command line window when the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server is started and displays the internal commands.
3. Ensure that the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is started:
If it is started, recycle it.
If it is stopped, start it.
4. If you are still unable to connect, review the following information. If it
does not apply to your situation, contact IBM Software Support.
If you are running in browser mode and going across networks to reach
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, it is possible the host name cannot be
resolved by the network system. If this is the case, doing the following
should resolve the problem:
1. On the system where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed,
click Start -> Programs -> IBM Tivoli Monitoring -> Manage Tivoli
Monitoring Services.
2. Right-click the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser service and click
3. Change the host name to the IP address in two places:
In the Launch URL field, change hostname in http://hostname:15200
to the IP address of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. For example,

Chapter 6. Using Tivoli Enterprise Portal user authorization 177

In the Host field, change the host name to the IP address of the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
4. Click OK.
5. Start Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser mode using the IP address
instead of the host name.
6. If you are still unable to connect, contact IBM Software Support.
Logon password has expired
If the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is set to Validate Users, then
passwords are required. Passwords must follow the security requirements
of your organization. If this includes periodic password changes, you
might get this message while attempting to log on to the portal server.
Should this happen, you must change your system password before you
can log on. For example, on Windows this means changing the password
through the Administrative Tools User Accounts.
User authorization has failed -OR- Unable to process logon request
Tivoli Enterprise Portal uses the TEPS database to locally validate users. If
your hub monitoring server is set for user validation (Windows default),
the user ID is also validated at the monitoring server to verify the
The portal server did not validate the user credentials as entered. For the
“Unable to process logon request” message, the portal server was able to
validate the user credentials but did not complete the logon request. In
either case, have the user try logging on again. If the message is displayed
again, do the following:
1. On the system where the monitoring server is installed, ensure that the
server is running in Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services.
2. If the monitoring server is running, ensure that the user ID has been
defined in Tivoli Enterprise Portal: Click Administer Users, then find
the ID in the Users list.
3. If the user has been defined, check if host level security was turned on
for the hub monitoring server and that the user ID has been authorized
to the host environment:
In Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services, right-click Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server, and click Reconfigure. If host level security has
been configured, the Security: Validate User box is selected.
If the monitoring server has been configured to Validate User, the user
ID for Tivoli Enterprise Portal must also be added to the network
domain user accounts or to the operating system where the monitoring
server is installed, including a password.
If non-ASCII characters were included in the user ID, they are not
saved with the user ID.
4. Try logging on to Tivoli Enterprise Portal with the user ID in question.
5. If you cannot log on to Tivoli Enterprise Portal and the monitoring
server is running properly, the problem might be with the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server. Try recycling the portal server. If the user is
still unable to log on, contact IBM Software Support.
This message is also displayed after a retry period of several minutes (the
default is 10 minutes and can be changed through Manage Tivoli
Monitoring Services) where the status bar shows Validating user
credentials continuously. This can be a symptom that the monitoring
server is stopped.

178 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies
The Tivoli Authorization Policy Server feature provides you with role-based access
control capabilities to protect your monitoring resources from unauthorized access
by dashboard users of IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub.

Using authorization policies provides the following capabilities:

v The ability to restrict access for dashboard users to specific managed system
groups and to individual managed systems.
v The ability to assign role-based policies to users and user groups in a federated
LDAP user registry to simplify policy management.
v A new command-line interface that is highly automatable.
v Central management of authorization policies for multiple IBM Tivoli
Monitoring environments, also called domains.

Tivoli Enterprise Portal permissions are the default authorization method for
controlling access to resources in monitoring dashboards. They are also the
mechanism used to authorize Tivoli Enterprise Portal client users. However,
authorization policies provide greater control over resource access. With
authorization policies, you can grant a dashboard user permission to view data
from specific managed system groups or managed systems as compared to Tivoli
Enterprise Portal authorization which assigns view permission for monitoring
applications (monitoring agents). In other words, with Tivoli Enterprise Portal
authorization, a user is assigned permission to view all managed systems of a
particular agent application type, for example all Windows OS agents.

If you want to use the role-based access control provided by authorization policies,
you must install the Tivoli Authorization Policy Server and the tivcmd
Command-Line Interface for Authorization Policy. The Authorization Policy Server
is installed with IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub along with monitoring
dashboard applications such as Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers
or custom dashboards. The tivcmd CLI is installed on computers used by
authorization policy administrators and provides the command-line interface for
creating and working with authorization policies. It sends HTTP or HTTPS
requests to the Authorization Policy Server which maintains the master policy
store. For installation information, see “Installing and configuring the Tivoli
Authorization Policy Server and tivcmd Command-Line Interface for Authorization
Policy” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

After successful installation of these two packages, you can execute tivcmd CLI
commands as required to create and work with roles, grant permissions, exclude
permissions, revoke permissions, and assign users and user groups to a role. For a
complete list of tivcmd CLI commands, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command

Once the initial set of authorization policies have been created, you enable
authorization policy checking in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. The portal
server periodically downloads the authorization policies from the Authorization
Policy Server application. When a dashboard user requests monitoring data, IBM
Dashboard Application Services Hub forwards the request to the dashboard data

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 179

provider component of the portal server. The dashboard data provider uses the
authorization policies to determine which monitored resources the user is allowed
to access.

Because both the Dashboard Application Services Hub and the portal server must
have knowledge of the dashboard user, a typical dashboard environment includes
a federated user registry provided by an LDAP server and single sign-on. For
detailed information on the set of tasks involved in setting up a dashboard
environment that uses authorization policies, see “Setting up a monitoring
dashboard environment with single sign-on and with per user authorization
controls” on page 34.

Authorization policy concepts

An authorization policy either grants or excludes permission to a user or user
group, acting in one of more roles, to perform an operation on an type of object, for a
resource which is scoped by its resource type.

The elements of an authorization policy are described below:

User Who initiates the operation.

User group A set of users who can initiate the operation.
Role A collection of permissions that can be assigned to users or user
Operation An action such as create, delete, modify, distribute, or view.
Object type A categorization of the object that the operation is performed on. For
example, monitoring data (attributegroup), event, or role.
Resource The entity that the operation is being performed against such as a
specific managed system group or managed system.
Resource type A categorization of the resource. Managed system groups
(managedsystemgroup), managed systems (managedsystem), and sets of
roles (rolegroup) are the predefined resource types.

To create an authorization policy, perform the following tasks:

1. Create managed system groups that you want to control access to. Managed
system groups are created using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client and tacmd
createsystemlist command.
These can be the same managed system groups that you also use to distribute
situations and historical collections.
2. Create user groups in LDAP that contain users that perform a similar job
3. Create a role that represents a job function within your organization.
For example, you can define a role called Eastern region Windows
administrators to control the monitored resources that can be accessed by the
Windows OS administrators at your eastern region data center.
4. Next you grant or exclude one or more permissions to the role.
v A grant permission specifies the operation that can be performed on a type of
object for one or more resources of a specified type.
For example, you can grant permission to view monitoring data for the
managed system group EasternRegionWindowsComputers where the operation

180 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

is view, the object type is attributegroup (which represents monitoring data),
the resource is EasternRegionWindowsComputers, and the resource type is
v An exclude permission allows you to restrict access to one or more members of
a managed system group. You should create an exclude permission if you do
not want a role to have access to all members of a managed system group.
For example, the EasternRegionWindowsComputers managed system group
might contain two or three computers that you do not want your eastern
region Windows administrators to have access to. In this case, you can grant
view permission for the EasternRegionWindowsComputers managed system
group and exclude permission for specific managed systems. An exclude
permission prevents any operation from being performed on objects of a
managed system.
5. The final step is to assign the role to one or more users or user groups. Only
users or user groups that have been assigned to an authorization policy role are
able to access monitored resources in a dashboard. The user names and user
group names are defined in the LDAP user registry that is shared by IBM
Dashboard Application Services Hub and the portal server.

You can also revoke permissions from a role if you later decide that you need to
remove a grant or exclude permission from a role. Authorization policies are also
used to control which users can create and work with roles.

The following table lists the supported resource types, their associated object types
and operations, and the type of permission that can be assigned for resources of
this type.
Table 17. Authorization policy resource types and their supported permissions and elements
Permission Operation Object type Resource type Description
grant view attributegroup managedsystemgroup Using this combination, you can grant
permission to view monitoring data such as
metrics or status for all managed systems in a
managed system group.
grant view event managedsystemgroup Using this combination, you can grant
permission to view situation events from all
managed systems in a managed system group.
Note: If you want to grant permission to view
the monitoring data that triggered the situation
event then you must grant permission to view
monitoring data for the managed system group.
grant view attributegroup managesystem Using this combination, you can grant
permission to view monitoring data such as
metrics or status for a specific managed system.
grant view event managedsystem Using this combination, you can grant
permission to view situation events from a
specific managed system.
Note: If you want to grant permission to view
the monitoring data that triggered the situation
event then you must grant permission to view
monitoring data for the managed system group.
exclude managedsystem Using this combination, you can exclude
permission to perform any operation for a
specific managed system.
grant create role rolegroup Using this combination, you can grant
permission to create roles or events for specific
managed systems.
grant delete role rolegroup Using this combination, you can grant
permission to delete roles.

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 181

Table 17. Authorization policy resource types and their supported permissions and elements (continued)
Permission Operation Object type Resource type Description
grant distribute role rolegroup Using this combination, you can grant
permission to distribute policies from the
Authorization Policy Server to the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server.
grant modify role rolegroup Using this combination, you can grant
permission to modify roles.
grant view role rolegroup Using this combination, you can grant
permission to view roles and permissions that
you are assigned. This permission can be used
if you have users who should be able to view
their permissions but not permissions for other
grant viewall role rolegroup Using this combination, you can grant
permission to view all roles and permissions.

When you are granted permission to view attribute groups (monitoring data) or
events for a managed system group, you are granted permission to view the group
and you are also granted permission to view all of the group members, unless
there is an exclude permission for a group member.

In a large deployment of IBM Tivoli Monitoring, you might have multiple

monitoring domains. A monitoring domain is defined as a collection of IBM Tivoli
Monitoring components such as portal servers, monitoring servers, monitoring
agents, and a Tivoli Data Warehouse that are centered around a particular hub
monitoring server. In this type of deployment, you might have some authorization
policies that are common across your monitoring domains as well as authorization
policies that are specific to a particular domain. When you create permissions, the
tivcmd CLI allows you to specify if the authorization policy applies to all domains
(the default behavior) or to specific domains.

A role group is a set of roles that are shared across all the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
domains using a single Authorization Policy Server. The Authorization Policy
Server supports only one role group named default. It is specified as the resource
name when creating permissions that perform operations on roles.

For information about working with authorization policies in a multi-domain

deployment, see “Working with multiple domains” on page 200.

Predefined roles and permissions

The Tivoli Authorization Policy Server provides predefined roles and permissions
to help you get started. The predefined roles are also called core roles. These roles
cannot be modified or deleted, but they can be copied to create new roles.

The following roles and permissions are predefined:

The main security administrator role with the authority to manage all roles
and policies.

Note: When the Authorization Policy Server is installed, the installation

program prompts for an IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub
administrative user ID and password. The installer assigns the user ID to
the RoleAdministrator role. To allow other users to create and work with

182 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

roles and assign permissions, you must install the tivcmd CLI and use it to
login to the Authorization Policy Server with the credentials that were
specified during installation. Then use the tivcmd commands to assign
other users to the RoleAdminisrator role or a custom role. For more details,
see “Creating and assigning administrator roles” on page 187.
Table 18. RoleAdministrator permissions
Operation Object type Resource type Resource
view attributegroup managedsystemgroup any
view event managedsystemgroup any
view attributegroup managedsystem any
view event managedsystem any
create, delete, modify, role rolegroup default
view, viewall

The role with permission to download authorization policies.
This role, or a custom role with the same permission, must be assigned to
the user ID that is specified when authorization policies are enabled in the
portal server. The portal server uses the specified user ID and other
connection properties to periodically connect to the Authorization Policy
Server and download the latest policies. When the Authorization Policy
Server receives a request for authorization policies, it verifies that the user
who sent the request has been granted permission to distribute policies.
Table 19. PolicyDistributor permissions
Operation Object type Resource type Resource
distribute role rolegroup default

A role that has attribute group and event viewing permissions for all Linux
A role that has attribute group and event viewing permissions for all UNIX
A role that has attribute group and event viewing permissions for all
Windows agents.
Table 20. LinuxOperator, UNIXOperator, and WindowsOperator permissions
Role Operation Object type Resource type Resource
LinuxOperator view attributegroup and managedsystemgroup *LINUX_SYSTEM
UNIXOperator view attributegroup and managedsystemgroup *ALL_UNIX
WindowsOperator view attributegroup and managedsystemgroup *NT_SYSTEM

A role that has access to all VMWARE Virtual Centers and ESX Servers.

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 183

Table 21. VCenterOperator permissions
Operation Object type Resource type Resource
view attributegroup managedsystemgroup *VMWARE_VI_AGENT
view event managedsystemgroup *VMWARE_VI_AGENT

Preparing to enable authorization policies

Before enabling authorization policies, ensure you are prepared by reading and
following the information provided in this topic.

When a Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed, the authorization policy

enforcement is disabled by default. There is an Enable authorization policies
check box in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server configuration panels that controls
this feature. If the box is unchecked, it means the dashboard data provider will not
use authorization policies to control managed system group and managed system
access. Instead it uses Tivoli Enterprise Portal authorization to control access to
monitored resources in the dashboards.

Complete the following steps before enabling authorization policy enforcement:

1. Identify which users will need to administer authorization policies.
When the Authorization Policy Server is installed, the installation program
prompts for an IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub administrative user
ID and password. The installer assigns the user ID to the predefined
RoleAdministrator role. To allow other users to create and work with roles and
assign permissions, you must install the tivcmd CLI and use it to login to the
Authorization Policy Server with the credentials that were specified during
installation. Then use the tivcmd commands to add other policy administrators
to the predefined RoleAdministrator role or create an equivalent role with
similar permissions and add them to that role. For detailed steps, see “Creating
and assigning administrator roles” on page 187.
For details on installing the tivcmd CLI, see “Installing and configuring the
Tivoli Authorization Policy Server and tivcmd Command-Line Interface for
Authorization Policy” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
2. Assign at least one user to a role, typically the predefined PolicyDistributor
role, that has the permission to distribute policies.
The same user must be specified in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
configuration panel when you are ready to reconfigure the portal server to
enable authorization policies.
You must assign a user permission to distribute policies so that the dashboard
data provider has the authority to retrieve policy updates from the
Authorization Policy Server. For detailed steps, see “Creating and assigning
policy distributor roles” on page 188.
3. Create roles and permissions, or leverage predefined roles and permissions, for
all existing managed system groups and managed systems that can be
displayed in dashboard views, then add users or user groups to these roles. For
detailed examples, see “Policy management examples” on page 189.

Note: The set of predefined roles and permissions are intended as a

convenience to cover some, and perhaps even most of your security needs.
However, you might have additional managed system groups and managed

184 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

systems in your environment that require their own policy definitions. The
information in “Policy management scenarios” is intended to help you better
understand how to utilize the tivcmd CLI to create these additional policies.
4. Determine how frequently the dashboard data provider should retrieve
authorization policies from the Authorization Policy Server.
To avoid time-consuming accesses across the network, the dashboard data
provider retrieves its own local copy of the Authorization Policy Server's
master policy store. The policy retrieval occurs once during startup of the
dashboard data provider, and is then repeated at regular intervals, which
defaults to 30 minutes. You can change the default through the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server configuration panels when you enable authorization
policies and can specify a value between 5 and 1440 minutes. Be aware that
any policy changes made using the tivcmd CLI will not take effect at the
dashboard data provider until its next successful policy store retrieval.

When you are ready to start using authorization policies, reconfigure the portal
server to enable authorization policies and to specify the connection properties for
the Authorization Policy Server. The connection properties include the user ID that
has been assigned a role with permission to distribute policies.

For a list of tasks to perform before you enable authorization policies, see “Setting
up a monitoring dashboard environment with single sign-on and with per user
authorization controls” on page 34.

Policy management scenarios

In the Tivoli Authorization Policy Server, there is no universal permission that may
be assigned to a role which gives a user access to everything. Roles must be given
explicit access to specific managed system groups or managed systems. Also a
dashboard user can only see resources in monitoring dashboards if they are
assigned to a role with access to managed system groups or managed systems.

Best practices for creating authorization policies

Review the best practices for creating authorization policies in your environment.
v Grant permissions to managed system groups rather than to individual managed
This approach has the advantage that authorization policy updates are not
required when managed systems are added to your environment. Instead you
add a new managed system to a managed system group that has already been
granted view permission, and that contains similar systems using the same set
of situation definitions or historical collection definitions. For new managed
systems, you only need to create a new authorization policy in these scenarios:
– There is not an existing managed system group that the managed system can
be added to. In this case, add a new managed system group that contains the
new managed system. Then grant view permission for the managed system
group to one or more roles.
– Create an exclude permission for the managed system because it should not
be accessed by users who have been granted view permission for managed
system groups that contain the new managed system.
v Assign user groups to roles rather than assigning individual users to roles.

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 185

When you follow this approach, authorization policy updates are not required
when there is a new dashboard user. Instead you add the new user to a user
group in LDAP that has already been assigned to an authorization policy role
matching the new user's job function.
Create a new authorization policy for a new user if there is not an existing user
group that the user can be added to. In this case, add a new user group in
LDAP, add the new user to the group, and assign the group to one or more
authorization policy roles. If necessary, create a new role that matches the new
user group's permission scope.
v Create a user group in LDAP for your authorization policy administrators and
assign the user group to a role that has been granted permission to create,
modify, delete, and view roles. The predefined RoleAdministrator role has these
permissions. Also ensure that multiple users are members of the user group so
that authorization updates can be made by more than one user.
v If you want your dashboard users to see monitoring data and situation events
for resources, then create roles that grant permission to view monitoring data
(attribute groups) and to view situation events for the resources that they can
work with.
Only grant permission to view events but not monitoring data and vice versa for
those users who need more restrictive access.
When you grant a user group (or user) permission to view attribute groups and
events, grant view permission for both object types against the same resource
type (either managed system group or managed system).
– Exemplary best practice: Grant permission to view events and attribute
groups for managed system group resources.
tivcmd grant --rolename "West Coast Administrators" --resourcetype
managedsystemgroup --resources "West_Coast_Systems" --objecttype
attributegroup --operations view

tivcmd grant --rolename "West Coast Administrators" --resourcetype

managedsystemgroup --resources "West_Coast_Systems" --objecttype event
--operations view
– Best practice variation: Grant permission to view events and attribute groups
to a managed system.
tivcmd grant --rolename "West Coast Administrators" --resourcetype
managedsystem --resources "Primary:server1:NT" --objecttype
attributegroup --operations view

tivcmd grant --rolename "West Coast Administrators" --resourcetype

managedsystem --resources "Primary:server1:NT" --objecttype event
--operations view
– Example of a policy that does not meet the best practice criteria:
tivcmd grant --rolename "West Coast Administrators" --resourcetype
managedsystemgroup --resources "West_Coast_Systems" --objecttype
attributegroup --operations view

tivcmd grant --rolename "West Coast Administrators" --resourcetype

managedsystem --resources "Primary:server1:NT" --objecttype event
--operations view

where, Primary:server1:NT is a member of the West_Coast_Systems managed

system group
– Example of a policy that does not meet the best practice criteria:
tivcmd grant --rolename "West Coast Administrators" --resourcetype
managedsystem --resources "Primary:server1:NT" --objecttype
attributegroup --operations view

186 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

tivcmd grant --rolename "West Coast Administrators" --resourcetype
managedsystemgroup --resources "West_Coast_Systems" --objecttype event
--operations view

where, Primary:server1:NT is a member of the West_Coast_Systems managed

system group
v Additional best practices and considerations specific to the Infrastructure
Management Dashboards for Servers application:
– If you want dashboard users to use the Managed System Groups page, they
must be assigned a role that grants permission to view events or attribute
groups or both for managed system groups. If a user is assigned to roles that
only have view permission for one or more managed systems, they will not
see any monitored resources on the Managed System Groups page.
– If you want dashboard users to use the Situation Events page, they must be
assigned a role that grants permission to view events for managed system
groups (best practice) or individual managed systems. If you want the user to
see the monitoring data that caused the situation event to be opened, the user
must also be assigned to a role that grants permission to view attribute
groups for managed system groups (best practice) or individual managed

Creating and assigning administrator roles

When the Authorization Policy Server is installed, a Dashboard Application
Services Hub administrative user is assigned to the predefined RoleAdministrators
role. Typically, this is smadmin. You can add your own administrative users to the
predefined RoleAdministrator role, or create your own custom roles with the same

A best practice is to create a user group in LDAP for your policy administrators
and assign the user group to the roles that have permission to create and work
with authorization policies. By taking this approach, you only update the group
membership (and not the authorization policies) when you add or remove policy

About this task

Any roles that are used for role administration must have the following

Role administration permission definition

Parameter Value
Operation 'create', 'delete', 'modify', 'view', 'viewall'
Object Type 'role'
Resource Type 'rolegroup'
Resource 'default'

v To assign a user or user group the predefine RoleAdministrator role, use the
following steps:

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 187

1. Define a user in LDAP, for example uid=JohnDoe,cn=itm,o=ibm or define a
user group, for example, cn=Administrators,cn=itm,o=ibm. Then add the
policy administrator user ID, such as uid=JohnDoe,cn=itm,o=ibm, to the
group in LDAP.
2. Add the user group to the predefined RoleAdministrator role using the
following command:
tivcmd addtorole --rolename RoleAdministrator
--groups gid=Administrators,cn=itm,o=ibm
3. Alternatively, add the user to the predefined RoleAdministrator role using
the following command:
tivcmd addtorole --rolename RoleAdministrator
--users uid=JohnDoe,cn=itm,o=ibm
v To create a new role with the same permission as the RoleAdministrator role,
use the following steps:
1. Define a user in LDAP, for example uid=JohnDoe,cn=itm,o=ibm OR define a
group in LDAP, for example cn=Administrators,cn=itm,o=ibm, and then add
the policy administrator user IDs to the group in LDAP.
2. Create a new role and add the permissions to create and work with
authorization policies to the new role. Then assign the user or user group to
the new role. The following example commands show that you can add
users and groups to the custom role for policy administration:
tivcmd createrole --rolename EastCoastAdministrators --description
"East Coast users with permission to manage roles and policies"

tivcmd grant --rolename EastCoastAdministrators --resourcetype rolegroup

--resources default --objecttype role --operations create delete modify
view viewall

tivcmd addtorole --rolename EastCoastAdministrators

--users uid=JohnDoe,cn=itm,o=ibm
--groups cn=Administrators,cn=itm,o=ibm
3. Alternatively, you can duplicate the existing RoleAdministrator role and
assign the new role to the user group using the following commands:
tivcmd copyrole --fromrolename RoleAdministrator --torolename
EastCoastAdministrators --description "East Coast users allowed to
administer roles and policies for this authorization policy server"

tivcmd addtorole --rolename EastCoastAdministrators

--groups cn=Administrators,cn=itm,o=ibm

Creating and assigning policy distributor roles

When you setup a new dashboard environment, user IDs must be created in the
LDAP user registry for each dashboard user and policy administrator. You also
need a user ID that is granted permission to distribute policies. This user ID must
be specified when enabling authorization policies in the portal server. The portal
server includes that user ID in the requests that it sends to the Authorization
Policy Server to download the latest authorization policies. The Authorization
Policy Server verifies that the user has permission to retrieve the policies. IBM
Tivoli Monitoring provides the predefined PolicyDistributor role that has this
permission already. Administrators can create new roles with this permission, or
use the predefined role.

188 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

About this task

Any roles that are used for policy distribution must have the following permission:

Policy distribution permission definition

Parameter Value
Operation 'distribute'
Object Type 'role'
Resource Type 'rolegroup'
Resource 'default'

v To assign a user the predefined PolicyDistributor role, use the following steps:
1. Define a user in LDAP, for example uid=PolicyAdmin,cn=itm,o=ibm.
2. Add the user to the predefined PolicyDistributor role using the following
tivcmd addtorole --rolename PolicyDistributor
--users uid=PolicyAdmin,cn=itm,o=ibm
v To create a new role with the same permission as the PolicyDistributor role, use
the following steps:
1. Define a user in LDAP, for example uid=PolicyAdmin,cn=itm,o=ibm
2. Create a new role with the policy distribute permission and assign it to the
user using the following commands:
tivcmd createrole --rolename EastCoastDistributor --description
"East Coast user IDs for downloading policy"

tivcmd grant --rolename EastCoastDistributor --resourcetype rolegroup

--resources default --objecttype role --operations distribute

tivcmd addtorole --rolename EastCoastDistributor

--users uid=PolicyAdmin,cn=itm,o=ibm
3. Alternatively, you can duplicate the existing PolicyDistributor role using the
following commands:
tivcmd copyrole --fromrolename PolicyDistributor --torolename
EastCoastDistributor --description "East Coast user IDs to
download policy" --permissionsonly

tivcmd addtorole --rolename EastCoastDistributor

--users uid=PolicyAdmin,cn=itm,o=ibm

Policy management examples

The objective of authorization policies is to give you granular control over your
monitored resources. When you setup a new dashboard environment, the
dashboard user IDs must be created in the LDAP user repositories. Best practice is
to also setup LDAP groups that contain the set of users that are assigned to
authorization policy roles. This makes policy management easier, rather than
assigning each individual user ID to a role. Use the examples in this topic to help
you get started with your policies.

You use the tivcmd Command-Line Interface for Authorization Policy commands
to managed your policies. For detailed information about the commands, see the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference.

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 189

This example assumes there is an existing role named West Coast Administrators,
and that you want to grant this role the ability to view all attribute group data and
events for the managed system group called West_Coast_DataCenter_Systems and
another managed system group called West_Coast_Regional_Systems and assign
this role to the user group cn=westcoastadmins,cn=itm,o=ibm.
tivcmd grant --rolename "West Coast Administrators"
--resourcetype managedsystemgroup --resources
--objecttype attributegroup --operations view

tivcmd grant --rolename "West Coast Administrators"

--resourcetype managedsystemgroup --resources
--objecttype event --operations view

tivcmd grant --rolename "West Coast Administrators"

--resourcetype managedsystemgroup --resources "West_Coast_Regional_Systems"
--objecttype attributegroup --operations view

tivcmd grant --rolename "West Coast Administrators"

--resourcetype managedsystemgroup --resources "West_Coast_Regional_Systems"
--objecttype event --operations view

tivcmd addtorole --rolename "West Coast Administrators"

--groups cn=westcoastadmins,cn=itm,o=ibm

This example assumes you want to prevent members of the user group
cn=westcoastadmins,cn=itm,o=ibm from viewing attribute group data and events
for the Primary:server1:NT managed system. In this scenario, Primary:server1:NT
is a member of the West_Coast_DataCenter_Systems managed system group that
the user group was granted permission to view in the previous example.
tivcmd exclude --rolename "West Coast Administrators" --resourcetype
managedsystem --resources Primary:server1:NT

This example assumes you want to remove the grant permissions to view attribute
group data and events for managed system group West_Coast_DataCenter_Systems
and the exclude permission for the Primary:server1:NT managed system from the
West Coast Administrators role but leave the grant permissions for the
West_Coast_Regional_Systems managed system group.
tivcmd revoke --rolename "West Coast Administrators" --resourcetype
managedsystemgroup --resources "West_Coast_DataCenter_Systems"
--objecttype attributegroup --operations view --grantcommand

tivcmd revoke --rolename "West Coast Administrators" --resourcetype

managedsystemgroup --resources "West_Coast_DataCenter_Systems"
--objecttype event --operations view --grantcommand

tivcmd revoke --rolename "West Coast Administrators" --resourcetype

managedsystem --resources Primary:server1:NT --excludecommand

In this example, you are an IBM Tivoli Monitoring administrator who wants to
control dashboard access to the managed systems belonging to three geographic
regions: Eastern, Central, and Western. The monitoring server has managed system
group definitions for EasternRegionSystems, CentralRegionSystems, and
WesternRegionSystems, which contain managed systems for the respective
geographic regions. You want access to the managed systems in all three regions,
but want the operator named Annette to only have access to Western region
systems. This example assumes the local LDAP user registry includes user groups

190 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

called EasternRegionOperators, CentralRegionOperators, and
WesternRegionOperators and that Annette is a member of the
WesternRegionOperators group.
1. Login to the Authorization Policy Server:
tivcmd login --username <user> --password <password>
2. Create three new roles, one for each geographic region:
tivcmd createrole --rolename EasternRegionOperator --description
"A role to govern access to data for Eastern Region Systems"

tivcmd createrole --rolename CentralRegionOperator --description

"A role to govern access to data for Central Region Systems"

tivcmd createrole --rolename WesternRegionOperator --description

"A role to govern access to data for Western Region Systems"
3. Confirm that the new roles were created:
tivcmd listroles --rolename EasternRegionOperator --showdescription

tivcmd listroles --rolename CentralRegionOperator --showdescription

tivcmd listroles --rolename WesternRegionOperator --showdescription

4. Display the usage rules for tivcmd grant command:
tivcmd grant -?
5. Issue grant commands allowing the EasternRegionOperator role to have view
access to attribute data and events for EasternRegionSystems:
tivcmd grant --rolename EasternRegionOperator --resourcetype managedsystemgroup
--resources EasternRegionSystems --objecttype attributegroup --operations view

tivcmd grant --rolename EasternRegionOperator --resourcetype managedsystemgroup

--resources EasternRegionSystems --objecttype event --operations view
6. Confirm that the EasternRegionOperator role has the correct permissions:
tivcmd listroles --rolename EasternRegionOperator --showpermissions
7. Repeat the commands to grant the other two roles the same permissions to
their respective geographic regions:
tivcmd grant --rolename CentralRegionOperator --resourcetype managedsystemgroup
--resources CentralRegionSystems --objecttype attributegroup --operations view

tivcmd grant --rolename CentralRegionOperator --resourcetype managedsystemgroup

--resources CentralRegionSystems --objecttype event --operations view

tivcmd grant --rolename WesternRegionOperator --resourcetype managedsystemgroup

--resources WesternRegionSystems --objecttype attributegroup --operations view

tivcmd grant --rolename WesternRegionOperator --resourcetype managedsystemgroup

--resources WesternRegionSystems --objecttype event --operations view
8. Display the usage rules for tivcmd addtorole command:
tivcmd addtorole -?
9. Associate each LDAP user group to its corresponding role:
tivcmd addtorole --rolename EasternRegionOperator --groups

tivcmd addtorole --rolename CentralRegionOperator --groups


tivcmd addtorole --rolename WesternRegionOperator --groups

10. Display the membership of each role to confirm that the user group
associations were completed properly:

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 191

tivcmd listroles --rolename EasternRegionOperator --showmembership

tivcmd listroles --rolename CentralRegionOperator --showmembership

tivcmd listroles --rolename WesternRegionOperator --showmembership

11. Ensure that you have access to systems in all three regions. This can be
accomplished by adding your user ID to each of the three new roles:
tivcmd addtorole --rolename EasternRegionOperator --users

tivcmd addtorole --rolename CentralRegionOperator --users


tivcmd addtorole --rolename WesternRegionOperator --users

12. Add your user ID to the predefined PolicyDistributor role. This command
ensures that your ID can be used by the dashboard data provider to
download policy file store updates from the Authorization Policy Server:
tivcmd addtorole --rolename PolicyDistributor
--users uid=<userid>,cn=itm,o=tivoli
13. Display all of the roles that your user ID belongs to:
tivcmd listroles --username uid=<userid>,cn=itm,o=tivoli
The security setup is now complete.
v Annette is only a member of the WesternRegionOperators user group.
v The WesternRegionOperators user group is only assigned to the
WesternRegionOperator role.
v The WesternRegionOperator role is only granted access to the
WesternRegionSystems managed system group.
v Annette can only view attribute data and events for managed systems belonging
to WesternRegionSystems.

Enabling authorization policies in the portal server

After you have created the initial set of authorization policies and assigned a user
to the role with permission to distribute policies, enable authorization policy
enforcement in the dashboard data provider by configuring the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server using Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services or the

v Using Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services
1. Start Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services on the computer where
the portal server is installed:
Click Start → Programs →IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Services.
Where install_dir is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
installation directory, change to the install_dir/bin directory and run
./itmcmd manage [-h install_dir].
2. Right-click Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server:
Click Reconfigure, and click OK to accept the existing
configuration and go to the second TEP Server Configuration window.

192 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Click Configure. The Common Event Console
Configuration window is displayed. Click OK to accept the current values.
On the Configure Tivoli Enterprise Portal window, select the Dashboard data
provider tab.
3. In the dashboard data provider area of the configuration window, verify the
Enable authorization policies check box is selected. If it is not selected, then
select it.
a. When the dashboard data provider is enabled, you can specify a domain
override value. This value is optional. It changes the default dashboard
data provider ID and domain name for authorization policies from
itm.<hub_monitoring_server_name> to itm.<domain_override_value>. The
value may not exceed 124 characters. You should configure a domain
override value for these scenarios:
– The Hot Standby high availability feature is being used for the hub
monitoring server. By configuring a domain override value, the
dashboard data provider ID and domain name will not change when
the portal server is configured to connect to the new acting hub
monitoring server. If you do not configure a domain override value in
this scenario, you must reconfigure the connection between the IBM
Dashboard Application Services Hub and the dashboard data provider
and update any domain-specific authorization policies when the portal
server is configured to connect to the new acting hub monitoring
– You have multiple hub monitoring servers that are using a common
set of authorization policies for controlling dashboard access and you
want to create some domain-specific authorization policies. You should
specify a domain override value for this scenario if you want to use a
more user-friendly domain name in your authorization policies than
the default value of itm.<hub_monitoring_server_name>.
If you modify the domain override after you have configured a
connection in your Dashboard Application Services Hub to the dashboard
data provider then you must delete the connection and re-add it. See
“Creating a connection to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring dashboard data
provider” on page 58 for details on how to configure a dashboard data
provider connection. Also, if you have created any domain-specific
authorization policies using the default domain name, then you must
delete the permissions that use the previous domain name and create
new permissions that use the new domain name when you change the
domain override value.
b. The Enable authorization policies option is selected if you want to use
authorization policies to control which managed systems and managed
system groups a user can access in monitoring dashboards. Only enable
authorization policies if you are setting up a dashboard environment with
single sign-on, you plan to use authorization policies to control access to
monitoring dashboards, and your administrators have already created the
initial set of policies for dashboard user access.
4. In the Authorization Policy Server Configuration window specify the
following information:

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 193

Table 22. Configuration information for the Authorization Policy Server
Field Description
Hostname or IP IP Address or fully qualified hostname of the IBM Dashboard
Address Application Services Hub with the Authorization Policy Server.

This parameter is required.

Note: If your environment includes an HTTP server for load balancing
across multiple Dashboard Application Services Hub servers, the
Authorization Policy Server can only be installed with one of the
dashboard servers because it does not support load balancing.
Therefore, you must determine which computer system has Dashboard
Application Services Hub and the Authorization Policy Server installed
and specify the hostname or IP address of that system.
Protocol Choose the protocol used to connect to the IBM Dashboard
Application Services Hub with the Authorization Policy Server. The
default value is HTTPS.

This parameter is not required.

Note: You should only select HTTPS if you have already configured
TLS/SSL between the portal server and the Authorization Policy
Server. See “Configuring TLS/SSL communication with the
Authorization Policy Server” on page 214..
Port Choose the port used to connect to the IBM Dashboard Application
Services Hub with the Authorization Policy Server. The default value is
16311 for the HTTPS protocol and 16310 for the HTTP protocol. The
valid port values are from 1 to 65535 inclusive.

This parameter is not required.

Polling Interval How often the local data store is updated from the Authorization
Policy Server by the policy client running on the portal server. The
default is 30 minutes. Valid values are from 5 to 1440 minutes

This parameter is not required.

Policy Store If the policy store cannot be updated from the Authorization Policy
Expiration Interval Server, this interval is the amount of time the local policy store will
continue to be utilized from the last update. If the Authorization Policy
Server cannot be accessed for the time interval specified by this
parameter, all subsequent requests for dashboard data will fail with an
authorization error until the Authorization Policy Server is available
again. The default is 7 days and 0 hours. The value specified for hours
must be in the range of 0-23 hours. If the expiration interval is set to 0
days and 0 hours, the policy store will never expire.

This parameter is not required.

User ID The name of the user that the portal server will use to access the IBM
Dashboard Application Services Hub with Authorization Policy Server.
This user must be added to the PolicyDistributor authorization policy
core role or to a custom role that has been granted permission to
perform the distribute operation for the role object type.

This parameter is required.

Password The password for the user.

This parameter is required.

Confirm Password Confirm the password by entering it again.

This parameter is required.

194 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Enter the required information for the Authorization Policy Server connection
parameters in the fields provided and click OK.
5. You are prompted to reconfigure the warehouse connection information,
answer No.
6. On Windows, after some processing of the configuration settings, the
Common Event Console Configuration window is displayed. Sometimes this
window does not open in the foreground and is hidden by other windows. If
processing seems to be taking longer than expected, minimize other windows
and look for the configuration window. When the Common Event Console
Configuration window is displayed, click OK.
7. If you made configuration changes, ensure the portal server is restarted.
v Using the command-line
If the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is on Linux or UNIX, you can modify the
portal server configuration from the command-line and enable authorization
policies if it is not already enabled.
1. Log on to the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed.
2. At the command-line, change to the install_dir/bin directory, where
install_dir is the directory where you installed the product.
3. Run the following command to configure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server:
./itmcmd config -A cq.
The message Agent configuration started is displayed, followed by a
prompt: Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server will be stopped during
configuration. Do you want to continue? [1=Yes, 2=No] (Default is: 2).
4. Enter 1. The following prompt is displayed: Edit "Common event console for
IBM Tivoli Monitoring" settings? [ 1=Yes, 2=No ] (default is: 1).
5. Enter 2. The following prompt is displayed: Will this agent connect to a
TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1).
6. Accept the default values for this prompt and the prompts that follow it
until you see the prompt about configuring the dashboard data provider. If it
is not enabled, select a value of 1 to enable it.
7. Next you are asked if you want to specify a domain override value. Enter 1
for Yes and 2 for No.
When the dashboard data provider is enabled, you can specify a domain
override value. This value is optional. It changes the default dashboard data
provider ID and domain name for authorization policies from
itm.<hub_monitoring_server_name> to itm.<domain_override_value>. The
value may not exceed 124 characters. You should configure a domain
override value for these scenarios:
– The Hot Standby high availability feature is being used for the hub
monitoring server. By configuring a domain override value, the dashboard
data provider ID and domain name will not change when the portal
server is configured to connect to the new acting hub monitoring server. If
you do not configure a domain override value in this scenario, you must
reconfigure the connection between the IBM Dashboard Application
Services Hub and the dashboard data provider and update any
domain-specific authorization policies when the portal server is configured
to connect to the new acting hub monitoring server.
– You have multiple hub monitoring servers that are using a common set of
authorization policies for controlling dashboard access and you want to
create some domain-specific authorization policies. You should specify a
domain override value for this scenario if you want to use a more

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 195

user-friendly domain name in your authorization policies than the default
value of itm.<hub_monitoring_server_name>.
If you modify the domain override after you have configured a connection in
your Dashboard Application Services Hub to the dashboard data provider
then you must delete the connection and re-add it. See “Creating a
connection to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring dashboard data provider” on page
58 for details on how to configure a dashboard data provider connection.
Also, if you have created any domain-specific authorization policies using
the default domain name, then you must delete the permissions that use the
previous domain name and create new permissions that use the new domain
name when you change the domain override value.
8. If the dashboard data provider is enabled, you are prompted whether you
want to enable authorization policies. Use the information in Table 22 on
page 194.
Only enable authorization policies if you are setting up a dashboard
environment with single sign-on, you plan to use authorization policies to
control access to monitoring dashboards, and your administrators have
already created the initial set of policies for dashboard user access.
9. After the command has completed the configuration, the following message
is displayed: Agent configuration completed and you are asked if you want
to restart the portal server. Select 1 to restart it.


You have successfully enabled authorization policies on the portal server.

After you have recycled the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server with the Enable
authorization policies box checked, the dashboard data provider will start making
authorization calls against its local policy store to allow or exclude managed
system group and managed system access for dashboard users.

If authorized dashboard users do not see any monitored resources in the

dashboards or they do not see the correct set of resources, see the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide (
v61r1/topic/ for steps to
diagnosis this issue.

Authorization policy auditing

The Authorization Policy Server generates audit messages when a user executes
one of the following tivcmd commands that modify authorization policies:
addtorole, copyrole, createrole, deleterole, exclude, grant, removefromrole, and
revoke. An audit messages is also generated if a user attempts to execute a tivcmd
command that they are not authorized to use.

For example, an audit message is generated if a user executes the tivcmd

createrole command but they are not assigned to a role with permission to create

The audit messages use the IBM Tivoli Monitoring audit record format and are
written to audit log files on the computer where the Authorization Policy Server is
installed. The default location is <JazzSM_install_dir>/AuthPolicyServer/
PolicyServer/audit. During installation of the Authorization Policy Server, you
can customize the location of the audit log file directory, the maximum size of the
audit log files, and the maximum number of audit log files to keep at one time.

196 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

After installation, you can change these parameters by following the instructions in
“Changing the Authorization Policy Server configuration properties after
installation and configuration.” Since the Authorization Policy Server is not
associated with a monitoring agent, its audit messages cannot be viewed from the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal or saved in the Tivoli Data Warehouse . Additionally, you
cannot write situations against the audit messages. Instead you must display the
audit log files if you want to view the audit messages.

Audit messages for authorization policy enforcement are generated by the

dashboard data provider component of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. The
dashboard data provider generates an audit message if a user requests attribute
group data or situation events for a managed system group or managed system
that they do not have view permission for. Audit messages are also generated
when authorization policies are downloaded from the Authorization Policy Server
and when the policies cannot be retrieved. Since the dashboard data provider is a
component of the portal server managed system, these audit messages can be
viewed from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client and saved to the Tivoli Data

For more details on auditing, including how to view audit messages for the portal
server and the audit record format, see Chapter 9, “Audit logging,” on page 245.

Changing the Authorization Policy Server configuration properties

after installation and configuration
After the Tivoli Authorization Policy Server package is installed and configured,
you can change the Authorization Policy Server configuration parameters for audit
logging and policy distribution.

Before you begin

Audit properties
You can modify the properties that specify the location of the
Authorization Policy Server audit log files, the maximum size of an audit
log file, and the maximum number of audit log files to keep at one time.
Policy distribution properties
The Authorization Policy Server periodically compresses a file of the
current set of authorization policies that is available for distribution. On a
periodic interval, the dashboard data provider component of the portal
server makes a request to the Authorization Policy Server for the latest
compressed file of policies. If there is a new file, it is obtained and
extracted and this set of policies becomes the current set of policies that are
used by the dashboard data provider. You can modify the properties that
specify the directory where the authorization policies are saved for
distribution and how often the current authorization policies are copied to
this directory.

About this task

You use the WebSphere Application Server administrator console of the Dashboard
Application Services Hub where the Authorization Policy Server is installed to
change the configuration properties of the policy server. After any change is made,
you must restart the WebSphere Application Server for Dashboard Application
Services Hub to pick up the property changes.

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 197

Perform the following steps to change the configuration properties for audit
logging and policy distribution:

1. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console of the Dashboard Application
Services Hub where the Authorization Policy Server is installed.
a. In a browser, open the Dashboard Application Services Hub console. By
default, the URL is https://hostname:16311/ibm/console.
If your environment was configured with a port number other than the
default, enter that number instead. The default path to the server is
/ibm/console. However, this path is configurable, and might differ from the
default in your environment.
b. Enter a user name and password and click Go. The user name must be
assigned to the Dashboard Application Services Hub administrator and
iscadmins roles.
c. Click the Console Settings icon and select WebSphere Administrative
d. Click Launch WebSphere administrative console.
2. Navigate to the page that contains the configuration properties for audit
logging and policy distribution.
a. Click Resources → Resource Environment → Resource Environment entries.
b. On the page that opens, click the AuthzResourceReference link.
c. On the page that opens, under Additional Properties, click Custom
d. A table is displayed with the following properties:
The maximum number of audit log files to keep at one time.
Default value is 5. Range is greater than 1 and less than 99999.
The maximum size of each log file in megabytes.
The directory into which the audit log files are stored.
Default value is <JAZZSM_INSTALL_DIR>\AuthPolicyServer\
If you modify this value to point to a different directory, you must
ensure that the directory exists and has the same permissions as the
This property specifies how often the Authorization Policy Server
updates the compressed file containing the authorization policies
that is downloaded by the dashboard data provider.
Default value is 5. Range is 1 - 1440 minutes.
The directory into which the version of the policies for distribution
is stored.
Default value is <JAZZSM_INSTALL_DIR>\AuthPolicyServer\

198 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

If you modify this value to point to a different directory, you must
ensure that the directory exists and has the same permissions as the
The policy store seed directory. You should not modify this
The policy store root directory. You should not modify this property.
3. Modify the value of a property.
a. Click a property name link in the Custom properties table, for example
b. On the page that opens, modify the Value field as required.
c. Click OK.
d. Repeat these steps for each property to be changed.
4. Save the changes.
a. On the message box that opens after the first property change, click Save.
b. Log out of the WebSphere administrative console.
c. Recycle the Dashboard Application Services Hub's WebSphere Application

Managing the authorization policy store

The Tivoli Authorization Policy Server stores the policies in multiple files on the
file system. Review the details below to understand how to manage the policy
High availability
The Authorization Policy Server does not have built-in high availability
mechanisms and does not support load balancing. Therefore, if you setup
multiple Dashboard Application Services Hub severs for load balancing,
you can only install the Authorization Policy Server with one of the
Dashboard Application Services Hub servers. Also, when enabling
authorization policies in the portal server in your IBM Tivoli Monitoring
environment, you must configure the location of the single Dashboard
Application Services Hub server where the authorization policy server
package is installed and configured. The tivcmd CLI users must also
specify the hostname and port number of the Dashboard Application
Services Hub with the Authorization Policy Server instead of the hostname
and port number of the load balancing HTTP server.
Because the portal server has its own copy of the authorization policies, it
is able to enforce the policies even if the Authorization Policy Server is not
available. You can configure the maximum amount of time the portal
server can utilize its local policy store after the last update. If the
Authorization Policy Server cannot be accessed for the time interval
specified by this parameter, all subsequent requests for dashboard data will
fail with an authorization error until the Authorization Policy Server is
available again. The default value is 7 days.
Migration and backup
The Authorization Policy Server does not offer migration, backup, or
export and import tools for the policy file store. Over time, you might

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 199

create many policy definitions. If the policy store became damaged or
inadvertently deleted, recreating your policy definitions would not be easy.
Best practice is for you to implement periodic backups, which can be done
with zip or tar utilities. The files comprising the policy store are
maintained in the /xacml subdirectory under the directory where your
Authorization Policy Server was installed. For example, assume you
installed the Authorization Policy Server into the following directory on
Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM\AuthPolicyServer. Zipping up all
files in the C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM\AuthPolicyServer\PolicyServer\
xacml directory effectively backs up the entire policy store. You can later
use this zip file to help with migration, for example, from a test to
production Authorization Policy Server. Unzipping the file on a new
production system will create and populate the /xacml subdirectory with
all of the policy roles and permissions you previously had defined on the
test system. These unzipped files can be used as-is by the production
Authorization Policy Server.

Working with multiple domains

You can use the Authorization Policy Server to manage policies for multiple hub
monitoring server environments, also called domains.

A domain is defined as a collection of IBM Tivoli Monitoring components such as

portal servers, monitoring servers, monitoring agents, and Warehouse Proxy agents
that are centered around a particular hub monitoring server. Each domain has its
own name space for situations, take actions, managed systems names, managed
system groups, queries, workflow policies, and any other IBM Tivoli Monitoring

An authorization policy that is created without specifying a domain name (or with
a domain name of 'any') is applied across all IBM Tivoli Monitoring domains that
are being managed by the Authorization Policy Server. Domain names are the
same as the dashboard data provider ID and are in the format
itm.hub_monitoring_server_name. You can create a more user-friendly string to use
in place of the hub monitoring server name when you configure the portal server
and enable the dashboard data provider.

To list your domains use the tivcmd listdomains command. For example:
tivcmd listdomains

The tivcmd listdomains command returns the list of dashboard data providers for
which a connection is defined in the Dashboard Application Services Hub that the
Authorization Policy Server is installed with. The command also returns any
domain names that were specified when creating a permission. Typically, there is a
single dashboard data provider connection defined per Dashboard Application
Services Hub.

To determine the hub names for each of your domains, use one of the following
v Run the tacmd listsystems command against each hub monitoring server to
determine the hub monitoring server's managed system name. Monitoring
servers use the EM product code.

200 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v Alternatively, you can log into the Dashboard Application Services Hub for each
domain and display the dashboard data provider connection information. In a
typical environment, you might see that the provider ID has been set to ITMSD
instead of the hub name. However, the connection name is the hub name if it
was not customized when the connection was created.

Once you know your the name of the hub monitoring server then your domain
name is itm.hub_monitoring_server_name, for example itm.HUB_server1.

Deployment scenarios
The deployment scenarios in this topic can help you make decisions in your

Multiple domains with shared roles and authorization policies

This deployment scenario uses similar strategies for user management and setup as
a single domain deployment, but with the added ability to target authorization
policies for specific IBM Tivoli Monitoring domains.

This deployment scenario is useful if you want to share the same authorization
policy administration infrastructure for a set of domains. It allows you to create a
set of common authorization policies for all domains as well as policies that are
specific to one or more domains. When you grant or exclude a permission for a
role, you specify whether the policy applies to all domains or a specific domain. If
you do not specify a domain name with the tivcmd grant, tivcmd exclude, or
tivcmd revoke commands, then the policy applies to all domains. To create a
domain specific policy use the --domain argument with these commands. For more
information about the tivcmd CLI commands, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Command Reference.
Preparation for deployment
The following table describes what you need for this deployment:
Table 23. Multiple domains with shared roles and policies deployment requirements
Quantity Component Description
1 per domain Dashboard Application Services Dashboard applications such as
Note: If load Hub Infrastructure Management
balancing is used, Dashboards for Servers are also
there can be installed with each domain's
multiple dashboard services hub.
services hubs per
1 Tivoli Authorization Policy The Authorization Policy Server can
Server either be installed with Dashboard
Application Services Hub for one of
your domains or you can install an
instance of Dashboard Application
Services Hub that is just used for
authorization policy administration
and that does not have any
dashboard applications installed.

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 201

Table 23. Multiple domains with shared roles and policies deployment
requirements (continued)
Quantity Component Description
1 per domain Hub Tivoli Enterprise If Hot Standby is being used, there
Monitoring Server can be two hub monitoring servers
per domain.

Each hub monitoring server can

have multiple remote monitoring
servers connected to it. The
monitoring agents are connected to
the monitoring servers.
1 per domain Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server Each portal server is configured to
retrieve authorization policies from
the same Authorization Policy
Server since there is one policy
server that is being shared by all
1 or more LDAP user registry Configure all of the portal servers
and each Dashboard Application
Services Hub to use the same set of
LDAP user registries in order to
share authorization policies.

Multiple domains with independent authorization policies

If you plan to not have any common authorization policies across your domains
and you also plan to have a separate set of authorization policy administrators per
domain, install an Authorization Policy Server with the Dashboard Application
Services Hub in each domain and then manage the authorization policies

In this scenario, do not use the --domain argument because each Authorization
Policy Server is only managing policies for a single domain.

Creating policies for specific IBM Tivoli Monitoring domains

In a multi-domain deployment, best practice is to create policies for users through
roles that differentiates access by the domain.

Any policies that are used for specific IBM Tivoli Monitoring domains must have
the following permission:

Managed System Group or Managed System permission definition

Parameter Value
Domain 'any' or a specific domain name
Note: Specifying a value of 'any' or omitting
the domain parameter, indicates the
permission applies to all domains.
Operation 'view'
Object Type 'attributegroup', 'event'
Resource Type 'managedsystemgroup', 'managedsystem'
Resource managed_system_name or

202 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Example: Creating common policies and domain specific

This example demonstrates how to grant a user access to all the UNIX OS agents
from one particular domain but not those of another domain. The *ALL_UNIX
managed system group is an created automatically and managed by each hub
monitoring server. In addition, an administrator is granted access to all UNIX OS
systems across all domains.

The following managed system groups are used in this example:

Managed System Groups

Type Domain Name
managedsystemgroup itm.eastcoast *ALL_UNIX
managedsystemgroup itm.westcoast *ALL_UNIX

The following roles are used in this example:

v EastCoastOperators
v WestCoastOperators
v SuperAdministrator
1. Define a user in LDAP, for example uid=John,cn=itm,o=ibm and define a group
in LDAP, for example cn=EastCoastMachineUsers,cn=itm,o=ibm, and then add
the user ID to the group in LDAP.
2. Define a user in LDAP, for example uid=Jane,cn=itm,o=ibm and define a group
in LDAP, for example cn=WestCoastMachineUsers,cn=itm,o=ibm, and then add
the user ID to the group in LDAP.
3. Define a user in LDAP, for example uid=Joe,cn=itm,o=ibm and define a group
in LDAP, for example cn=SuperAdministratorUsers,cn=itm,o=ibm, and then
add the user ID to the group in LDAP.
4. Create new roles:
tivcmd createrole --rolename EastCoastOperators --description
"East Coast users with permission to access the east coast machine
ITM Domain"

tivcmd createrole --rolename WestCoastOperators --description

"West Coast users with permission to access the west coast machines
for the itm.westcoast domain"

tivcmd createrole --rolename SuperAdministrator --description

"Users with permission to access machines from all domains"
5. Grant attribute group and event access to the *ALL_UNIX managed system
group for the itm.eastcoast domain to the EastCoastOperators role:
tivcmd grant --rolename EastCoastOperators --resourcetype
managedsystemgroup --resources "*ALL_UNIX"
--objecttype attributegroup --operations view --domain itm.eastcoast

tivcmd grant --rolename EastCoastOperators --resourcetype

managedsystemgroup --resources "*ALL_UNIX"
--objecttype event --operations view --domain itm.eastcoast
6. Grant attribute group and event access to the *ALL_UNIX managed system
group for the itm.westcoast domain to the WestCoastOperators role:
tivcmd grant --rolename WestCoastOperators --resourcetype
managedsystemgroup --resources "*ALL_UNIX" --objecttype
attributegroup --operations view --domain itm.westcoast

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 203

tivcmd grant --rolename WestCoastOperators --resourcetype
managedsystemgroup --resources "*ALL_UNIX" --objecttype event
--operations view --domain itm.westcoast
7. Grant attribute group and event access to the *ALL_UNIX managed system
group for all domains to the SuperAdministrator role:
tivcmd grant --rolename SuperAdministrator --resourcetype
managedsystemgroup --resources "*ALL_UNIX"
--objecttype attributegroup --operations view --domain any

tivcmd grant --rolename SuperAdministrator --resourcetype

managedsystemgroup --resources "*ALL_UNIX"
--objecttype event --operations view --domain any
8. Assign the user groups to the new roles:
tivcmd addtorole --rolename EastCoastOperators --groups

tivcmd addtorole --rolename WestCoastOperators --groups


tivcmd addtorole --rolename SuperAdministrator --groups


When a user in the EastCoastOperators group accesses the Server Dashboards page
in the Dashboard Application Services Hub for the itm.eastcoast domain, they see
the *ALL_UNIX managed system group and its members for this domain. If the
same user logs into the Dashboard Application Services Hub for the itm.westcoast
domain, they will not see the *ALL_UNIX managed system group.

When a user in the WestCoastOperators group accesses the Server Dashboards

page in the Dashboard Application Services Hub for the itm.westcoast domain,
they see the *ALL_UNIX managed system group and its members for this domain.
If the same user logs into the Dashboard Application Services Hub for the
itm.eastcoast domain, they will not see the *ALL_UNIX managed system group.

When a user in the SuperAdministrator group accesses the Server Dashboards

page in the Dashboard Application Services Hub for either domain, they see the
*ALL_UNIX managed system group and its members for domain connected to the
dashboard server.

Example: Creating authorization policies for common managed

system groups

If you have the same managed system group names in multiple domains and you
want dashboard users to view data from those managed system groups for all
domains, create a role and grant permissions as shown in the example commands
tivcmd createrole --rolename WindowsDataCenterOperators

tivcmd grant --rolename WindowsDataCenterOperators --operations view

--objecttype attributegroup --resources DataCenterServers
--resourcetype managedsystemgroup

tivcmd grant --rolename WindowsDataCenterOperators --operations view

--objecttype event --resources DataCenterServers
--resourcetype managedsystemgroup

Because the --domain argument is not specified on the grant command example
above, the authorization policy applies to all domains. As a result, any user or user

204 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

group assigned to the WindowsAdministrators role can view data from the
DataCenterServers managed system group in all domains.

Example: Using a common role to manage domain-specific


If you do not have the same managed system group names in multiple domains,
but you have users or user groups that perform the same role for multiple
domains, you can create a common role with domain-specific permissions as
shown in the example commands below:
tivcmd createrole --rolename LinuxRegionalOperators

tivcmd grant --rolename LinuxRegionalOperators --operations view

--objecttype attributegroup --resources SeattleServers
--resourcetype managedsystemgroup --domain itm.HUB_west

tivcmd grant --rolename LinuxRegionalOperators --operations view

--objecttype event --resources SeattleServers
--resourcetype managedsystemgroup --domain itm.HUB_west

tivcmd grant --rolename LinuxRegionalOperators --operations view

--objecttype attributegroup --resources BostonServers
--resourcetype managedsystemgroup --domain itm.HUB_east

tivcmd grant --rolename LinuxRegionalOperators --operations view

--objecttype event --resources AustinServers
--resourcetype managedsystemgroup --domain itm.HUB_east

In this case, any user or user group assigned to the LinuxRegionalOperators role
can view data from the managed system group SeattleServers when they are
logged into the Dashboard Application Services Hub for the itm.HUB_west domain
and can view the data from the managed system group BostonServers when they
are logged into the Dashboard Application Services Hub for the itm.HUB_east

Example: Creating a domain specific authorization policy

For those roles that are not common across domains, you can create a role that
only has permissions for a single domain as shown in the example commands
tivcmd createrole --rolename ChicagoDataCenterOperators

tivcmd grant --rolename ChicagoDataCenterOperators --operations view

--objecttype attributegroup --resources ChicagoServers
--resourcetype managedsystemgroup --domain itm.HUB_midwest

tivcmd grant --rolename ChicagoDataCenterOperators --operations view

--objecttype event --resources ChicagoServers
--resourcetype managedsystemgroup --domain itm.HUB_midwest

In this scenario, a user or user group assigned to the ChicagoDataCenterOperators

role can only view data from a managed system group in a single domain.

Chapter 7. Using role-based authorization policies 205

206 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 8. Securing communications
To secure communication between Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents, Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Servers, and the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, use SPIPE
as the protocol when you configure communications between the portal server and
the hub monitoring server, between hub and remote monitoring servers, and
between monitoring agents and monitoring servers.

Two additional protocols are used to secure communication between Tivoli

Enterprise Portal clients and the portal server:
v Secure Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTPS) to retrieve files and Interoperable
Object Reference (IOR)
v Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) to secure the communications between the
portal server and client

Note: By default, both protocols are used. However, you can configure a portal
client to use just HTTPS to communicate with the portal server.

HTTPS can also be used to secure communication between these components:

v Dashboard Application Services Hub and the IBM Tivoli Monitoring dashboard
data provider
v tacmd Command-Line Interface and the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
v tivcmd Command-Line Interface for Authorization Policy and the Dashboard
Application Services Hub where the Tivoli Authorization Policy Server is
v The Open Services Lifecycle Collaboration Performance Monitoring service
provider and Registry Services, Security Services, and OSLC clients
v Tivoli Integrated Portal and the portal server's IBM Tivoli Monitoring charting
web service

In addition, these types of secure communication are also supported:

v Using TLS/SSL to secure communication between the hub monitoring server
and an LDAP server
v Using TLS/SSL to secure communication between the portal server and an
LDAP server
v Using TLS/SSL to secure communication between a monitoring agent and the
IBM IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Tivoli EIF Version 12 or later

In addition to choosing a protocol such as IP.SPIPE or HTTPS that supports secure

communications, you set up TLS/SSL asymmetric encryption through the use of
public-private key files, which involves performing the following tasks:
v Working with a key database
v Requesting a new public-private key pair if you do not want to use the
self-signed certificate shipped with the product
v Adding a certificate authority signer certificate and signed digital certificate to
your key database if you do not want to use the self-signed certificates shipped
with the product
v Adding the signer certificates for the applications that IBM Tivoli Monitoring
components send requests to

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 207

v Enabling components to perform certificate authentication

Note: Requesting new certificates is best practice, but you can also use the
self-signed certificates shipped with the product in a test environment to become
familiar with the procedures for setting up secure communications.

IBM Tivoli Monitoring provides two applications that are used to work with keys
and certificate stores when setting up secure communications:
v The Global Security Toolkit (GSKit) program is installed with IBM Tivoli
Monitoring components on distributed platforms. It includes the iKeyman utility
and a command-line interface for working with certificates and keys.
v The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server extended services (TEPS/e) administration
console (also called ISCLite) is used with the portal server to secure
communications for the services running in TEPS/e.

A default self-signed certificate and key are provided when you install IBM Tivoli
Monitoring. If you prefer to use a certificate authority signed certificate, use the
GSKit utilities to create a certificate request, and then create a key database and
import the certificates. A stash file provides the key database password for
unattended operation. When GSKit is installed with an IBM Tivoli Monitoring
component, the key file names are specified using the following environment
v KDEBE_KEYRING_FILE=C:\IBM\ITM\keyfiles\keyfile.kdb
v KDEBE_KEYRING_STASH=C:\IBM\ITM\keyfiles\keyfile.sth
v KDEBE_KEY_LABEL=IBM_Tivoli_Monitoring_Certificate

If the keyring file, stash file, or label used for the new certificate in the key store is
changed, you must complete the following steps:
1. Update all configuration files with the respective environment variable. For
example, with the environment variable
KDEBE_KEY_LABEL=Custom_Certificate_Label_Name, you would update the
following files:
On Linux and UNIX, update the agent configuration files (.ini) files directly.
On Windows, update the variables using Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services or update the agent environment files (*ENV) files directly.
2. Update the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
ms_<hub_monitoring_server>.config file with the same variables but with the
values in single quotes ('). For example,
3. Restart each component.

Work with the administrators of the other products that IBM Tivoli Monitoring
communicates with to setup secure communications. If you are using any of the
Jazz for Service Management components (Dashboard Application Services Hub,
Registry Services, or Security Services) with IBM Tivoli Monitoring, use the
WebSphere Application Server administration console to work with their trust and
certificate stores.

The following table lists the communication flows that can be secured and where
to find information on how to secure the interaction.

208 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Note: Unless otherwise stated, the tasks below are used to setup TLS/SSL and
server certificate authentication. When server certificate authentication is used, the
client (the source of the request) authenticates the certificate it receives from the
server (the target of the request).
Table 24. Tasks to secure communication
Task to secure communication Where to find information
Use TLS/SSL between the Tivoli Enterprise See “Using SSL between the portal server
Portal clients and the portal server. and the client” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Installation and Setup Guide.
Use IP.SPIPE with certificate validation to See the ITM Certificate Authentication
secure communication for these interactions: Configuration Guide for ITM V6.2.2 and
v hub and remote monitoring server later in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Wiki
communication (
v hub monitoring server and portal server
v monitoring server and monitoring agent
Use HTTPS with certificate validation to
secure communications for these
v tacmd CLI or SOAP client to hub
monitoring server communication
v requests to the monitoring server, portal
server, and monitoring agent service
Use TLS/SSL between the hub monitoring “Configuring TLS/SSL communication
server and a LDAP server. between the hub monitoring server and the
LDAP server” on page 210
Use TLS/SSL between the portal server and “Configuring TLS/SSL communication
a LDAP server. between the portal server and the LDAP
server” on page 119
Use TLS/SSL when the IBM Dashboard “Configuring TLS/SSL communication
Application Services Hub sends requests to between Dashboard Application Services
the IBM Tivoli Monitoring dashboard data Hub and the dashboard data provider” on
provider. page 211
Use TLS/SSL when the dashboard data “Configuring TLS/SSL communication with
provider sends requests to retrieve the Authorization Policy Server” on page
authorization policies from the 214
Authorization Policy Server.
Use TLS/SSL when the tivcmd “Configuring TLS/SSL communication with
Command-Line Interface for Authorization the Authorization Policy Server” on page
Policy sends requests to the Authorization 214
Policy Server.
Use TLS/SSL for sending private situation “Sending private situation events by using
events from monitoring agents to the IBM TLS/SSL communication” on page 397
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Tivoli
EIF. For this interaction, client certificate
authentication is configured so that the
probe uses certificates to authenticate the
monitoring agents (the clients).

Chapter 8. Securing communications 209

Table 24. Tasks to secure communication (continued)
Task to secure communication Where to find information
Use TLS/SSL when Tivoli Business Service “Tivoli Business Service Manager and Tivoli
Manager or Tivoli Integrated Portal send Enterprise Portal Server integration over
HTTPS requests to the portal server's SSL” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation
charting web service. and Setup Guide.
Enable the Federal Information Processing “Enabling FIPS for IBM Tivoli Monitoring”
Standard (FIPS) for IBM Tivoli Monitoring on page 226
After updating the IBM Tivoli Monitoring “Importing the TEPS/e certificates into the
certificate, import the TEPS/e certificates portal server keyfile database” on page 238
into the portal server keyfile database to
ensure the portal server web server plug-in
and TEPS/e can continue to communicate
If you want to use HTTPS in a dashboard “Configuring TLS/SSL communication
environment that is using an HTTP server to between the load balancing HTTP Server
load balance multiple portal servers, you and each portal server's local HTTP server”
must configure TLS/SSL communication on page 221
from the HTTP server to the portal server.
If you want to use HTTPS in a dashboard “Configuring TLS/SSL communication
environment that is using an HTTP server to between Dashboard Application Services
load balance multiple portal servers, you Hub and an HTTP server used for load
must configure TLS/SSL communication balancing multiple portal servers” on page
from the Dashboard Application Services 224
Hub to the HTTP server.

Configuring TLS/SSL communication between the hub monitoring

server and the LDAP server
You can configure TLS/SSL communication from the hub monitoring server to an
LDAP server to secure requests to authenticate users and groups.

After setting up the LDAP server for TLS/SSL and obtaining its public signer
certificate, use the hub monitoring server's GSKit iKeyman utility or command line
interface to set up a new key database of type CMS and a stash file containing the
password for the key database. Then import the LDAP server's public signer
certificate into the new key database and specify a label name for the certificate.
See “Using the GSKit command-line interface to work with key databases and
certificates” on page 239 and “Using the GSKit iKeyman utility to work with key
databases and certificates” on page 240 for information on using GSKit.

Then reconfigure the hub monitoring server to enable LDAP TLS/SSL

communication. When reconfiguring the hub monitoring server, you must provide
the location of the key database (also called the LDAP key store file), the stash file
containing the key database (also called the LDAP key store stash), the label name
for the public signer certificate, and the password of the key database. Also check
with the LDAP server administrator to determine if you should modify the LDAP
port value since the secured port number is typically port 636.


210 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

LDAP TLS/SSL requires some actions by an LDAP administrator that are not
covered by the Tivoli Monitoring documentation. The following topics in the IBM
Security Systems Information Center include information about setting up LDAP
servers for TLS/SSL:
v Configuring Microsoft Active Directory for SSL access
v Configuring the Tivoli Directory Server client for SSL access
v Configuring Oracle Java System Directory Server for SSL access

Configuring TLS/SSL communication between Dashboard Application

Services Hub and the dashboard data provider
If you want to use HTTPS, you can configure TLS/SSL communication from
Dashboard Application Services Hub to the dashboard data provider in the portal

The Dashboard Application Services Hub communicates with the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring dashboard data provider using either Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). HTTPS is intended to run
on top of Transport Layer Security (TLS) or its predecessor Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL). These layers provide encryption using key exchanges.


In order to use HTTPS and its security encryption features, complete the following
tasks in the roadmap.
Table 25. Roadmap for setting up TLS/SSL for the dashboard data provider
Step Description and information provided
1 You have two options for obtaining the public-private key pair used by the portal
v Use the default self-signed certificates installed with IBM Tivoli Monitoring. If
you choose this option, proceed to step 2.
v Use a digital certificate that has been signed by a certificate authority. In this
case, you must create a certificate request and send it to the certificate authority
for signing. Once the digital certificate has been signed, you add the certificate
authority signer's certificate to the portal server's trust stores, and then add the
new digital signature to the portal server's key stores. For more information, see
“Using third party certificate authority signed certificates for the portal server.”
2 At each Dashboard Application Services Hub with a connection configured to the
portal server's dashboard data provider, add the public signer certificate used by
the portal server to the Dashboard Application Services Hub WebSphere trust
store. Follow the steps in “Configuring TLS/SSL communication for the
Dashboard Application Services Hub server” on page 213.

Using third party certificate authority signed certificates for

the portal server
You can use third party certificates to configure TLS/SSL for the dashboard data
provider by adding the signer certificate and private digital certificate to the key
database managed by GSKit, and to the trust and key stores used by TEPS/e.

Chapter 8. Securing communications 211

Before you begin

Obtain the certificate authority's signer certificate.

Ensure the TEPS/e administration console is enabled. For detailed steps, including
information on how to log on, see “Starting the TEPS/e administration console” on
page 114.

1. Use either the TEPS/e administration console or the GSKit command-line
interface to create a private certificate request to be signed by the certificate
authority. The following instructions explain how to perform this step using the
TEPS/e administration console.
a. Log on to the TEPS/e administration console.
b. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management.
c. In the Related Items area, click the Key stores and certificates link and in
the table click the NodeDefaultKeyStore link.
d. In the Additional Properties area, click the Personal certificate requests link
and in the page that is displayed, click New.
e. In the page that is displayed specify the following information:
v Set File name to the location to store the private certificate request. For
example, C:\dashboardcerts\TEPSCertRequest.arm.
v Set the Key label to the desired label for the certificate. For example, TEPS
v Set the Key size to 2048.
v Leave the Signature algorithm as SHA1withRSA.
v Set the Common name to a unique name for the TEPS/e computer.
Typically, this is a hostname.
v Set Organization to a meaningful value. Typically, this is a company
v Set Organization unit to a meaningful name. For example, TEPS.
v Set Country or region to desired value. For example, US.
f. Click OK, then Save.
2. Send the certificate request generated above to the certificate authority to
request a new digital certificate. The certificate authority can take two to three
weeks to generate the new digital certificate.
3. After the certificate authority returns your new digital certificate, save it to a
location on the computer where the portal server and TEPS/e are installed. For
example, C:\dashboardcerts\TEPSSignedCert.arm.
4. Use the GSKit command-line interface to create a new key database of type CMS
and save the key database's password to a stash file. Then import the certificate
authority's signer certificate and the new digital certificate into the new key
database. This key database is used by the portal server's embedded HTTP
5. You must also add the certificate authority public signer certificate into the
TEPS/e trust store using the TEPS/e administration console.
a. Log on to the TEPS/e administration console.
b. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management.
c. In the Related Items area, click the Key stores and certificates link and in
the table click the NodeDefaultTrustStore link.

212 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

d. In the Additional Properties area, click the Signer certificates link and in
the page that is displayed, click Add.
e. In the page that is displayed specify the following information:
v Set Alias to the desired label for the certificate. For example, TEPS Signer
v Set File name to the location of the extracted certificate authority signer
certificate. For example, C:\dashboardcerts\CASignerCert.arm.
v Leave the Data type as Base64-encoded ASCII data.
f. Click OK, then Save.
6. Receive the signed digital certificate into the TEPS/e key store using the
TEPS/e administration console.
a. Log on to the TEPS/e administration console.
b. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management.
c. In the Related Items area, click the Key stores and certificates link and in
the table click the NodeDefaultKeyStore link.
d. In the Additional Properties area, click the Personal certificates link and in
the page that is displayed, click Receive from a certificate authority.
e. In the page that is displayed specify the following information:
v Set File name to the location of the signed digital certificate. For example,
v Leave the Data type as Base64-encoded ASCII data.
f. Click OK, then Save.
7. Set the new private certificate as the default server certificate for TEPS/e.
a. Log on to the TEPS/e administration console.
b. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management.
c. In the Related Items area, click the SSL configurations link and in the table
click the NodeDefaultSSLSettings link.
d. In the page that is displayed, click Default server certificate alias and
choose the signed TEPS/e certificate. For example, TEPS Certificate.
e. Click OK, then Save.
f. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management again.
g. Click on the Manage endpoint security configurations link.
h. Click on the node name link under Inbound → thecellname → nodes.
i. Click Certificate alias in key store and choose the signed TEPS/e certificate.
For example, TEPS Certificate.
j. Click OK, then Save.

Configuring TLS/SSL communication for the Dashboard

Application Services Hub server
Add the public signer certificate used by the portal server to the Dashboard
Application Services Hub WebSphere trust store to configure TLS/SSL.

Note: If you requested a new digital certificate for the portal server, wait until the
certificate has been received before performing this procedure.

1. Log into the Dashboard Application Services Hub WebSphere Administrative

Chapter 8. Securing communications 213

a. Enter the following URL in your Internet Explorer or Firefox browser:
If your environment was configured with a port number other than the
default, enter that number instead. The default path to the server is
/ibm/console. However, this path is configurable, and might differ from the
default in your environment.
b. Enter the Dashboard Application Services Hub administrative user ID and
password then click Go.
The user ID must be assigned the administrator and iscadmins roles.
c. In the Console Settings area click on WebSphere Administrative Console
and then click the Launch WebSphere administrative console button.
2. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management.
3. In the Related Items area, click the Key stores and certificates link and in the
table click the NodeDefaultTrustStore link.
4. In the Additional Properties area, click the Signer certificates link and in the
page that is displayed, click Retrieve from port.
5. Enter the hostname of the portal server.
6. Enter port 15201.
7. Enter an alias name, for example ITM-TEPS.
8. Click Retrieve signer information.
9. Click OK, then Save.


The certificates are now setup for communication between the Dashboard
Application Services Hub server and to the portal server and its dashboard data

Return to the roadmap instructions in Chapter 3, “Preparing your dashboard

environment,” on page 29 for information on how to reconfigure the dashboard
data provider connection to use HTTPS instead of HTTP.

Configuring TLS/SSL communication with the Authorization Policy

If you want to use HTTPS, you can configure TLS/SSL communication with the
Tivoli Authorization Policy Server.

There are two IBM Tivoli Monitoring components which communicate with the
Authorization Policy Server using either Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS):
v The tivcmd Command-Line Interface for Authorization Policy sends
HTTP/HTTPS requests to the Authorization Policy Server to process CLI
v The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server sends HTTP/HTTPS requests to the
Authorization Policy Server to obtain the latest policy store.
HTTPS is intended to run on top of Transport Layer Security (TLS) or its
predecessor Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). These layers provide encryption using key

214 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide


In order to use HTTPS and its security encryption features, complete the following
tasks in the roadmap.

Note: The following instructions assume that the portal server and the tivcmd CLI
send requests directly to the IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub application
server, and not to a HTTP server that might be used in conjunction with the
dashboard hub. If you are using a HTTP server with IBM Dashboard Application
Services Hub, then you must also update the certificates that the HTTP server uses.
Table 26. Roadmap for setting up TLS/SSL for the Authorization Policy Server
Step Description and information provided
1 Using the WebSphere Application Server administrative console for the Dashboard
Application Services Hub where the Authorization Policy Server is installed, you
can choose one of the following options to obtain a public-private key pair:
v “Using the WebSphere generated certificates to configure TLS/SSL for the
Authorization Policy Server”
During installation, the WebSphere Application Server generates a public signer
certificate and a default private signed certificate. These certificates can be used
if desired.
v “Using third party certificates to configure TLS/SSL for the Authorization
Policy Server” on page 216
Add the third party's signer certificate to the WebSphere Application Server
trust store. A certificate request is created at the WebSphere Application Server
and forwarded to the certificate authority for signing. Once signed, it is added
to the WebSphere Application Server key store. The private signed certificate
must be set as the default certificate.
2 At each tivcmd Command-Line Interface for Authorization Policy installation:
1. Create a new clean key database.
2. Add the public signer certificate used by the Authorization Policy Server to the
new key database.
3. Set an environment variable to enable validation of the server certificate. By
default, HTTPS used between the tivcmd CLI and the Authorization Policy
Server does not exchange certificates or use security encryption. This
environment variable must be set to make this happen.
Follow the steps in “Configuring the tivcmd CLI for TLS/SSL” on page 218.
3 At each portal server configured to communicate with the Authorization Policy
Server, add the public signer certificate used by the Authorization Policy Server to
the TEPS/e trust store. Follow the steps in “Configuring TLS/SSL communication
between the portal server and the Authorization Policy Server” on page 220.
4 Use the -s argument for the tivcmd login command to indicate that the HTTPS
protocol is used when sending requests to the Authorization Policy Server.

If the tivcmd CLI environment variable ITM_AUTHENTICATE_SERVER_CERTIFICATE is

set to Y, then the tivcmd CLI will validate the certificate of the Authorization
Policy Server before accepting the connection. The public key of the Authorization
Policy Server must be imported into the client keystore.

Using the WebSphere generated certificates to configure

TLS/SSL for the Authorization Policy Server
During the installation of the WebSphere Application Server used by the
Authorization Policy Server and Dashboard Application Services Hub, a public

Chapter 8. Securing communications 215

signer certificate and a default private signed certificate are generated. You can use
these certificates for TLS/SSL communication by extracting the public signer

1. Log into the WebSphere Administrative Console for the Authorization Policy
Server and Dashboard Application Services Hub.
a. Enter the following URL in your Internet Explorer or Firefox browser:
If your environment was configured with a port number other than the
default, enter that number instead. The default path to the server is
/ibm/console. However, this path is configurable, and might differ from the
default in your environment.
b. Enter the Dashboard Application Services Hub administrative user ID and
password then click Go.
The user ID must be assigned the administrator and iscadmins roles.
c. In the Console Settings area click on WebSphere Administrative Console
and then click the Launch WebSphere administrative console button.
2. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management.
3. In the Related Items area, click the Key stores and certificates link and in the
table click the NodeDefaultTrustStore link.
4. In the Additional Properties area, click the Signer certificates link and in the
table that is displayed, select the root entry check box.
5. Click Extract and in the page that is displayed, in the File name field, enter a
certificate file name. For example, C:\policyauthcerts\
6. From the Data type list select the Base64-encoded ASCII data option and click

What to do next

The extracted public signer certificate can now be distributed to the portal server
and tivcmd Command-Line Interface for Authorization Policy computers for

Using third party certificates to configure TLS/SSL for the

Authorization Policy Server
You can use third party certificates to configure TLS/SSL for the Authorization
Policy Server.

Before you begin

Many of the steps below require you to be logged in to the WebSphere

Administrative Console for the Authorization Policy Server and Dashboard
Application Services Hub. Use the following steps to log into the console:
1. Enter the following URL in your Internet Explorer or Firefox browser:
If your environment was configured with a port number other than the default,
enter that number instead. The default path to the server is /ibm/console.
However, this path is configurable, and might differ from the default in your

216 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

2. Enter the Dashboard Application Services Hub administrative user ID and
password then click Go.
The user ID must be assigned the administrator and iscadmins roles.
3. In the Console Settings area click on WebSphere Administrative Console and
then click the Launch WebSphere administrative console button.

v Add the certificate authority public signer certificate to the WebSphere
Application Server trust store.
1. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management.
2. In the Related Items area, click the Key stores and certificates link and in the
table click the NodeDefaultTrustStore link.
3. In the Additional Properties area, click the Signer certificates link and in the
page that is displayed, click Add.
4. In the page that is displayed specify the following information:
– Set Alias to the desired label for the certificate. For example,
Authorization Policy Server Signer Certificate.
– Set File name to the location of the certificate authority signer certificate.
For example, C:\policyauthcerts\CASignerCert.arm.
– Leave the Data type as Base64-encoded ASCII data.
5. Click OK, then Save.
The certificate authority public signer certificate can now be distributed to the
portal server and tivcmd CLI computers for importing.
v Create a private certificate request to be signed by the certificate authority.
1. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management.
2. In the Related Items area, click the Key stores and certificates link and in the
table click the NodeDefaultKeyStore link.
3. In the Additional Properties area, click the Personal certificate requests link
and in the page that is displayed, click New.
4. In the page that is displayed specify the following information:
– Set File name to the location to store the private certificate request. For
example, C:\policyauthcerts\PolicyAuthServerCertRequest.arm.
– Set the Key label to the desired label for the certificate. For example,
Authorization Policy Server Certificate.
– Leave the Signature algorithm as SHA1withRSA.
– Set the Key size to 2048.
– Set the Common name to a unique name for the Authorization Policy
Server. Typically, this is a computer name.
– Set Organization to a meaningful value. Typically, this is a company
– Set Organization unit to a meaningful name. For example, PolicyAuth.
– Set Country or region to desired value. For example, US.
5. Click OK, then Save.
Send the certificate request generated above to the certificate authority to request
a new digital certificate. The certificate authority can take two to three weeks to
generate the new digital certificate.
After the certificate authority returns your new digital certificate, save it to a
location on the Authorization Policy Server computer. For example,

Chapter 8. Securing communications 217

v Receive the signed digital certificate using the WebSphere Administrative
1. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management.
2. In the Related Items area, click the Key stores and certificates link and in the
table click the NodeDefaultKeyStore link.
3. In the Additional Properties area, click the Personal certificates link and in
the page that is displayed, click Receive from a certificate authority.
4. In the page that is displayed specify the following information:
– Set File name to the location of the signed digital certificate. For example,
– Leave the Data type as Base64-encoded ASCII data.
5. Click OK, then Save.
v Set the new private certificate as the default server certificate.
1. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management.
2. In the Related Items area, click the SSL configurations link and in the table
click the NodeDefaultSSLSettings link.
3. In the page that is displayed, click Default server certificate alias and choose
the signed Authorization Policy Server certificate. For example,
Authorization Policy Server Certificate.
4. Click OK, then Save.
5. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management again.
6. Click on the Manage endpoint security configurations link.
7. Click on the node name link under Inbound → thecellname → nodes.
8. Click Certificate alias in key store and choose the signed Authorization
Policy Server certificate. For example, Authorization Policy Server
9. Click OK, then Save.

Configuring the tivcmd CLI for TLS/SSL

In order to use TLS/SSL with the Authorization Policy Server you must prepare
the tivcmd Command-Line Interface, create a new key database, add the public
signer certificate used by the Authorization Policy Server to the new key database,
and then modify the tivcmd CLI environment variable file.

Note: If you requested a digital certificate for the Authorization Policy Server, wait
until the certificate has been received before performing this procedure.

Before you begin

The following instructions for managing certificates on the tivcmd CLI computers
use the GSKit command line tool that is installed with the tivcmd CLI component.
These instructions should be followed on each computer that the tivcmd CLI is
installed on.

See “Using the GSKit command-line interface to work with key databases and
certificates” on page 239 for terms that are used in this procedure. Most terms are
based upon the directory to which the tivcmd CLI is installed.

1. Set the path to invoke the GSKit command line tool using the following

218 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v Windows 64-bit:
set PATH=<gskithome>\lib64;%PATH%
cd <gskithome>\bin
v Windows 32-bit:
set PATH=<gskithome>\lib;%PATH%
cd <gskithome>\bin
v Linux and UNIX 32-bit:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<gskithome>/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
cd <gskithome>/bin
v Linux and UNIX 64-bit:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<gskithome>/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
cd <gskithome>/bin
2. Save the existing tivcmd CLI key database.
In order to recover issues, best practice is to save the installed version of the
tivcmd CLI key database on each tivcmd CLI computer.
Copy the following files with extensions .crl, .kdb, .rdb, and .sth, to another
v Windows: <keydbdir>\<oldkeydbname>.*
v Linux and UNIX: <keydbdir>/<oldkeydbname>.*
3. Create a new tivcmd CLI key database.
a. Create a new database and remove all the extraneous public signer
certificates with the following command:
<gskittoolcmd> -keydb -create -db <newkeydb>
-pw <newkeydbpw> -expire 3650 -stash -fips
b. Verify the database is empty with the following command:
<gskittoolcmd> -cert -list -db <newkeydb>
-pw <newkeydbpw> -fips

If the database is not empty, use the delete command to remove any
remaining certificates.
4. Add the public signer certificate to the new tivcmd CLI key database.
This step assumes that the public signer certificate has been placed in a location
on the tivcmd CLI computer. For example, C:\policyauthcerts\
PolicyAuthSignerCert.arm or C:\policyauthcerts\CASignerCert.arm. This
location is referenced in this step as <policyauthsignercert>.
Add the public signer certificate to the new tivcmd CLI key database using the
following command:
<gskittoolcmd> -cert -add -db <newkeydb> -pw <newkeydbpw>
-label "Authorization Policy Signer Certificate" -trust enable
-format ascii -file <policyauthsignercert> -fips
5. Enable TLS/SSL certificate exchange at each tivcmd CLI computer.
At each tivcmd CLI computer, use the following steps to enable TLS/SSL
certificate exchange using the public signed certificate.
a. Delete the current key database. Remove the <oldkeydbname>.* files in the
<keydbdir> directory.
b. Rename all new key database files. For example, <newkeydbname>.* to
<oldkeydbname>.* in the <keydbdir> directory.
c. Set the environment variable to enable authentication of the Authorization
Policy Server certificate.

Chapter 8. Securing communications 219

v Windows: Edit the tivcmd CLI environment file <authclidir>\KDQ\bin\
after the KDEBE_KEY_LABEL variable.
v Linux and UNIX: Edit the tivcmd CLI environment file
<authclidir>/bin/tivcmd by adding the variable export

Configuring TLS/SSL communication between the portal

server and the Authorization Policy Server
Add the public signer certificate used by the Tivoli Authorization Policy Server to
the portal server's TEPS/e trust store to configure TLS/SSL.

Note: If you requested a new digital certificate for Authorization Policy Server,
wait until the certificate has been received before performing this procedure.

Before you begin

Ensure the TEPS/e administration console is enabled. For detailed steps, including
information on how to log on, see “Starting the TEPS/e administration console” on
page 114.

About this task

This step assumes that the public signer certificate is located on the portal server
computer. For example, C:\policyauthcerts\PolicyAuthSignerCert.arm or
C:\policyauthcerts\CASignerCert.arm. This location is referenced in this
procedure as <policyauthsignercert>.

1. Log on to the TEPS/e administration console.
2. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management.
3. In the Related Items area, click the Key stores and certificates link and in the
table click the NodeDefaultTrustStore link.
4. In the Additional Properties area, click the Signer certificates link and in the
page that is displayed, click Add.
5. In the page that is displayed specify the following information:
v Set Alias to the desired label for the certificate. For example, Authorization
Policy Server Signer Certificate.
v Set File name to the location of the public signer certificate. For example,
v Leave the Data type as Base64-encoded ASCII data.
6. Click OK, then Save.
7. Reconfigure the portal server to use HTTPS instead of HTTP for the
Authorization Policy Server connection. For details on reconfiguring the
Authorization Policy Server connection parameters, see “Enabling authorization
policies in the portal server” on page 192.


HTTPS is now used between the Authorization Policy Server and the portal server.

220 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Configuring TLS/SSL communication between the load balancing
HTTP Server and each portal server's local HTTP server
If you want to use HTTPS in a dashboard environment that is using a HTTP server
to load balance multiple Tivoli Enterprise Portal Servers, you must configure
TLS/SSL communication from the load balancing HTTP server to each portal
server's local HTTP server.


Use the following roadmap to help you get started:

Table 27. Roadmap for configuring TLS/SSL communication between the load balancing
HTTP Server and each portal server's local HTTP server
Step Description Where to find information
1 You have two options for obtaining the “Using third party certificate
public-private key pair used by the portal authority signed certificates for the
server's HTTP server: portal server” on page 211
v Use the default self-signed certificates
installed with IBM Tivoli Monitoring. If you
choose this option, proceed to step 2.
v Use a digital certificate that has been signed
by a certificate authority. In this case, you
must create a certificate request for each
portal server and send it to the certificate
authority for signing. Once the digital
certificate has been signed, you add the
certificate authority signer's certificate to the
portal server's trust stores, and then add the
new digital signature to the portal server's
key stores.
2 For each portal server's HTTP server, extract “Extracting the portal server's local
the public signer certificate from the trust HTTP server public signer
store. certificate”
3 Add the public signer certificate for each portal If you are using the IBM HTTP
server's HTTP server into the load balancing Server, follow the steps in
HTTP server’s trust store. “Configuring TLS/SSL
communication for the IBM HTTP
Server used for load balancing
multiple portal servers” on page

Extracting the portal server's local HTTP server public signer

Extract the portal server's local HTTP server public signer certificate from its trust
store using the iKeyman graphical interface.

About this task

On the computer system where the portal server is installed, extract the portal
server's HTTP server certificate from the keyfile.kdb file.

Chapter 8. Securing communications 221

Alternatively, you can use the gskcmd command-line interface to complete this
task. For detailed information on using the gskcmd command-line interface, see
“Using the GSKit command-line interface to work with key databases and
certificates” on page 239.

1. Start the key management utility (iKeyman) using one of these methods:
v Click Start > Programs > IBM HTTP Server V8.0 for Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server > Start Key Management Utility.
v From the command-line run <install_dir>/<interp>/
iu/ihs/HTTPServer/bin/ikeyman or change to the <install_dir>/<interp>/
iu/ihs/HTTPServer/bin directory and type ikeyman. If you start IKEYMAN to
create a new key database file, the utility stores the file in the directory
where you start IKEYMAN.
2. Navigate to the following directory and select the keyfile.kdb to open the file.
3. Enter the password to open the file. The default password is IBM61TIV.
4. From the Key database content drop down list, select Signer Certificates.
5. Select the trusted root certificate used to sign the IBM HTTP server SSL
certificate. By default it is the root certificate. If you requested a new signer
certificate from a certificate authority then it is the name that you specified
when you added the signer certificate to the key database.

Tip: If you are not sure which signer certificate is the trusted root certificate,
select a certificate and click View / Edit. In the Key information dialog
window, check if the Set the certificate as trusted root option is selected.
6. Click Extract.
7. Leave the Data Type as Base64-encoded ASCII data and then save the
certificate as hostnameITMcert.arm.
8. Click OK to export the certificate to the file name and directory specified in the
previous steps.

Configuring TLS/SSL communication for the IBM HTTP Server

used for load balancing multiple portal servers
To configure TLS/SSL communication for a load balancing environment, add the
public signer certificate for each Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server's local HTTP server
to the load balancing IBM HTTP Server trust store using the iKeyman graphical

Before you begin

Copy the public signer certificate for each portal server's local HTTP server to the
computer system where the load balancing HTTP Server is installed.

About this task

Alternatively, you can use the gskcmd command-line interface to complete this
task. For detailed information on using the gskcmd command-line interface, see
“Managing keys with the gskcmd command line interface (Distributed systems)” in
the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.

222 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

1. On the computer system where the load balancing HTTP Server is installed,
import a public signer certificate into the key database using the iKeyman
graphical interface.
Start the key management utility (iKeyman) using one of these methods:
v Click Start > Programs > IBM HTTP Server V8.5 > Start Key
Management Utility.
v From the command-line run <install_dir>/bin/
ikeyman or change to the <install_dir>/bin directory and type ikeyman,
where <install_dir> is the directory where the WebSphere Plugin is
installed (such as /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins). If you start IKEYMAN to
create a new key database file, the utility stores the file in the directory
where you start IKEYMAN.
2. Click Key Database File from the main UI, then click Open.
3. Specify the location of the CMS key database file plugin-key.kdb that is
specified in the HTTP server plugin-cfg.xml file.
By default the file is plugin-key.kdb.
When using HTTP server V8.5, the following default locations apply:
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins_1\config\webserver1
4. Provide the password for the key database and click OK. The default password
is WebAS.
5. From the Key database content drop down list, select Signer Certificates.
6. For each portal server's local HTTP server signer certificate:
a. Click Add.
b. Select the signer certificate and click OK.
c. Insert a unique label, such as hostname ITM certificate, and click OK.
7. Click Save to update the file with your changes.
If you do not have permission to overwrite the plugin-key.kdb file, you can
save it as a different name, like plugin-key2.kdb and later update your
httpd.conf and plugin-cfg.xml files accordingly.
8. Enable SSL for your HTTP server by updating the httpd.conf file. The default
location of the httpd.conf file is:
C:\Program Files\IBM\HTTPServer\conf
a. Open the httpd.conf file and search for the text string "Example SSL
configuration" to view an example configuration.
b. Add the following block to your httpd.conf file, changing the directory
paths to Windows paths if your HTTP server is on Windows:
LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/
Listen 443
<VirtualHost *:443>
SSLProtocolDisable SSLv2
ErrorLog "/opt/IBM/HTTPServer/logs/sslerror.log"
TransferLog "/opt/IBM/HTTPServer/logs/sslaccess.log"
KeyFile "/opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins/config/webserver1/plugin-key.kdb"
SSLStashfile "/opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins/config/webserver1/plugin-key.sth"

Note: The plugin-key.kdb file is the one that you saved in step 7.

Chapter 8. Securing communications 223

9. Restart the load balancing HTTP Server to implement your changes. For more
information, see “Starting and stopping IBM HTTP Server” in the WebSphere
Application Server Information Center

Configuring TLS/SSL communication between Dashboard Application

Services Hub and an HTTP server used for load balancing multiple
portal servers
If you want to use HTTPS in a dashboard environment that is using a HTTP server
to load balance multiple Tivoli Enterprise Portal Servers, you must configure
TLS/SSL communication from the Dashboard Application Services Hub to the
HTTP server.


In order to use HTTPS and its security encryption features, complete the following
tasks in the roadmap.
Table 28. Roadmap to configure TLS/SSL communication between Dashboard Application
Services Hub and a HTTP server used for load balancing multiple Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Step Description Where to find information
1 Determine if you want to use the If you do not want to use a self-signed
self-signed certificate that came with the certificate, see your HTTP server
HTTP server or request a certificate that documentation to determine how to
is signed by a certificate authority. request a certificate.

If you are using the IBM HTTP Server,

see “Securing IBM HTTP Server” in the
WebSphere Application Server
Information Center.
Note: If you create a new key database
to contain a certificate from a certificate
authority, you must add the portal server
signer certificates into the new database.
For more information, see steps 2 and 3
of the roadmap in “Configuring TLS/SSL
communication between the load
balancing HTTP Server and each portal
server's local HTTP server” on page 221.
2 Export the HTTP server’s public signer See your HTTP server documentation to
certificate. determine how to perform this step.

If you are using the IBM HTTP Server,

see “Exporting the IBM HTTP Server
signer certificate.”
3 Add the HTTP public signer certificate to “Adding the HTTP Server certificate to
Dashboard Application Services Hub. the Dashboard Application Services Hub
trust store” on page 226

Exporting the IBM HTTP Server signer certificate

On the computer system where the load balancing IBM HTTP Server is installed,
export the public signer certificate from the key database using the iKeyman
graphical interface.

224 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

About this task

Alternatively, you can use the gskcmd command-line interface to complete this
task. For detailed information on using the gskcmd command-line interface, see
“Managing keys with the gskcmd command line interface (Distributed systems)” in
the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.

1. On the computer system where the load balancing IBM HTTP Server is
installed, export the public signer certificate from the key database using the
iKeyman graphical interface.
Start the key management utility (iKeyman) using one of these methods:
v Click Start > Programs > IBM HTTP Server V8.5 > Start Key
Management Utility.
v From the command-line run <install_dir>/bin/
ikeyman or change to the <install_dir>/bin directory and type ikeyman,
where <install_dir> is the directory where the WebSphere Plugin is
installed (such as /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins). If you start IKEYMAN to
create a new key database file, the utility stores the file in the directory
where you start IKEYMAN.
2. Click Key Database File from the main UI, then click Open.
3. Specify the location of the CMS key database file plugin-key.kdb that is
specified in the HTTP server plugin-cfg.xml file.
By default the file is plugin-key.kdb.
When using HTTP server V8.5, the following default locations apply:
C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins_1\config\webserver1
4. Provide the password for the key database and click OK. The default password
is WebAS.
5. From the Key database content drop down list, select Signer Certificates.
6. Select the trusted root certificate used to sign the IBM HTTP server SSL

Tip: If you are not sure which signer certificate is the trusted root certificate,
select a certificate and click View / Edit. In the Key information dialog
window, check if the Set the certificate as trusted root option is selected.
7. Click Extract.
8. In the Extract Certificate to a File dialog box, set the following fields:
Data type: Base64-encoded ASCII data.
Certificate file name: Accept the default of cert.arm or specify a different
Location: Type the drive and directory where you want to store the file or
use Browse to select a drive and directory.
9. Click OK to export the public signer certificate to the file name and directory
specified above.

Chapter 8. Securing communications 225

Adding the HTTP Server certificate to the Dashboard
Application Services Hub trust store
Add the public signer certificate used by the HTTP Server that is load balancing
multiple portal servers to the Dashboard Application Services Hub WebSphere
trust store to configure TLS/SSL communication.

Before you begin

Copy the public signer certificate that was exported from the load balancing HTTP
server to the computer system where Dashboard Application Services Hub is

1. Log into the Dashboard Application Services Hub WebSphere Administrative
a. Enter the following URL in your Internet Explorer or Firefox browser:
If your environment was configured with a port number other than the
default, enter that number instead. The default path to the server is
/ibm/console. However, this path is configurable, and might differ from the
default in your environment.
b. Enter the Dashboard Application Services Hub administrative user ID and
password then click Go.
The user ID must be assigned the administrator and iscadmins roles.
c. In the Console Settings area click on WebSphere Administrative Console
and then click the Launch WebSphere administrative console button.
2. Select Security → SSL certificate and key management.
3. In the Related Items area, click the Key stores and certificates link and in the
table click the NodeDefaultTrustStore link.
4. In the Additional Properties area, click the Signer certificates link and in the
page that is displayed, click Add.
5. Enter a unique alias name. For example, TEPS_LOAD_BALANCE_SERVER.
6. Enter the file location of the HTTP server public signer certificate.
7. Ensure the Data type selection matches the format of the certificate that you
exported from the HTTP server.
8. Click OK, then Save.


The certificates are now setup for communication between the Dashboard
Application Services Hub server and HTTP server used to load balance multiple
portal servers.

Enabling FIPS for IBM Tivoli Monitoring

You must configure IBM Tivoli Monitoring components to enable the Federal
Information Processing Standard (FIPS).


Complete configuration on the following components:

v Monitoring automation server
226 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
v Monitoring server and monitoring agent
v Portal client
v Portal server
v tacmd command-line interface
v tivcmd command-line interface
v Warehouse database


Best Practice is to reconfigure any components after editing environment

variables to ensure any changes are implemented.

If you are using Jazz for Service Management with IBM Tivoli Monitoring, see the
Jazz for Service Management Installation Guide in the Jazz for Service Management
Information Center ( for information on how to enable
FIPS for its components.

Monitoring automation server

1. Edit the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server environment file:
Edit the KASENV file.
Edit the as.ini file on the computer where the
automation server is installed.
Change or add the following environment variable:

2. Restart the automation server to implement your changes.

Monitoring server and monitoring agent configuration:

Note: You can use the following instructions to also configure the Warehouse
Proxy Agent and the Summarization and Pruning Agent.
1. Edit the following environment files:
Edit the KBBENV file and the KXXENV file for each monitoring agent
(where XX is your 2 letter product code).
Edit the ms.ini on the monitoring server, and *.ini for
each monitoring agent.
Change or add the following environment variable:

If using autonomous agents, you must add the KDEBE_FIPS_MODE_ENABLED
variable to your custom environment file.
For the Linux and UNIX OS agents, the KDEBE_FIPS_MODE_ENABLED variable has
additional possible values. For more information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Linux OS Agent Installation and Configuration Guide and IBM Tivoli Monitoring
UNIX OS Agent Installation and Configuration Guide.
2. Restart the monitoring server and each monitoring agent you edited to
implement your changes.

Portal client configuration:

Chapter 8. Securing communications 227

1. For desktop clients, browser clients, and WebStart clients, configure the clients
to communicate using HTTPS protocol. Follow the instructions in “Configuring
HTTP communication between the portal client and server” in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
2. For desktop clients, browser clients, and WebStart clients, edit the associated
configuration file using the same method as described in “Configuring HTTP
communication between the portal client and server” in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
v For desktop clients, your edits modify the cnp.bat file.
v For browser clients, your edits modify the applet.html file.
v For WebStart clients, your edits modify the tep.jnlpt file.
Add the following variables to each of the configuration files: set to true

tep.sslcontext.protocol set to TLS
https.protocols set to TLS
3. Edit the install_dir/CNP/cnp.bat file directly or through Manage Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Services > Desktop Client > Advanced > Edit ENV.
Modify the _CMD line to include the following definition:

https.protocols set to TLS

4. Restart each portal client to implement your changes.

Portal server configuration:

1. Edit the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server environment file on the computer where
the portal server is installed.
Edit the KFWENV file.
Edit the cq.ini file.
Change or add the following environment variables:

2. Restart the portal server to implement your changes.
3. Enable the TEPS/e administration console. For more information, see “Starting
the TEPS/e administration console” on page 114.
4. Enable FIPS 140-2 mode by following the directions in the “Configuring
WebSphere Application Server for SP800-131 standard strict mode” topic in the
WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Information Center http://

tacmd command-line interface configuration:

1. Edit the <ITM_dir>\BIN\KUIENV file.

Change or add the following environment variables:


1. Edit the <ITM_dir>/bin/ tacmd shell script.

228 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Change or add the following environment variables:


tivcmd command-line interface configuration:

1. Edit the <tivcmd_install_dir>\BIN\KDQENV file.

Change or add the following environment variables:


1. Edit the <tivcmd_install_dir>/bin/tivcmd shell script.

Change or add the following environment variables:


Warehouse database configuration:

Warehouse database configuration is specific to your installation and outside the

scope of this configuration. You must configure your ODBC client to access the
database server using TLS/SSL. Configuration links for running the database in
FIPS 140-2 mode are listed below.
v MSSQL 2005
Refer to the following Microsoft knowledge base article for details on
configuring Microsoft SQL Server to run in FIPS 140-2 mode. For more
information, see
v DB2® v9.1 Fix Pack 2+
For DB2 9.1 Fix Pack 2 and higher TLS/SSL connections are always in FIPS
140-2 mode. Refer to the following IBM support document for further details on
configuring the TLS/SSL ODBC connection. For more information, see
v Oracle
Refer to the following support document for configuring Oracle 10g (9.0.4) or
later in FIPS 140-2 mode. For more information, see http://


You are now running a FIPS 140-2 Level 1 compliant configuration.

What to do next

When in FIPS 140-2 mode, Tivoli Management Services components and Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Agents use one or more of these FIPS 140-2 approved
cryptographic providers: IBMJCEFIPS (certificate 497), IBMJSSEFIPS (certificate
409), and IBM Crypto for C (ICC (certificate 775) for cryptography. The certificates
are listed on the NIST website at

Chapter 8. Securing communications 229

All IP.SPIPE connections and TLS/SSL-enabled LDAP connections utilize TLS 1.0
or higher protocol. TLS/SSL must be enabled between the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
client and the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, and is described in the “Using SSL
between the portal server and the client” topic in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Installation and Setup Guide. Failure to enable TLS/SSL might expose credentials.

Enable IP.SPIPE between all IBM Tivoli Monitoring components to preserve

integrity and confidentiality of data using FIPS 140-2 compliant cryptography.
Certificates used in IP.SPIPE communication require NIST and FIPS prescribed
cryptographic strength. For detailed information on how to replace cryptographic
certificates, see the various topics in Chapter 8, “Securing communications,” on
page 207. If your environment uses the provided GSKit utilities, the -fips flag
must be included in all operations. Refer to your local security administrator or to
the NIST website for more details on FIPS 140-2 compliance.
Related reference:
Search IBM Tivoli Monitoring Support for guidelines on configuring components
for FIPS 140-2 compliance.
The Computer Security Division of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology has publications on FIPS 140-2 compliance.

Enabling SP800-131a for IBM Tivoli Monitoring

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publications
(SP) 800-131a standard strengthens algorithms and increases the key lengths to
improve security. To enable SP800-131a you must configure IBM Tivoli Monitoring
components individually.

Before you begin

v Update your IBM Tivoli Monitoring infrastructure components to Version 6.3 Fix
Pack 2 or higher before you enable SP800-131a. Your operating system agents
and Tivoli Enterprise Management Agent framework for other agents must be at
Version 6.3 or higher. Infrastructure components that are configured to use the
SP800-131a mode can only interact with the following components:
– IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 or higher monitoring agents or
infrastructure components.
– IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.3 or higher monitoring agents or
infrastructure components that are configured for FIPS 140-2 mode.
Tivoli Monitoring agents and infrastructure components prior to Version 6.3 are
not able to communicate with Tivoli Monitoring infrastructure components
configured in SP800-131a mode.
v Ensure that you have strong certificates for each of your computers. Then
distribute the certificates to each of the agent keyfile directories, one per IBM
Tivoli Monitoring installation. Certificates used for TLS/SSL communication
must have a minimum RSA key length of 2048, or be Elliptical Curve (EC)
certificates with a minimum key length of 256 bits. For more information, see
Chapter 8, “Securing communications,” on page 207.
v Perform this task during a maintenance period.

230 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

About this task

SP800-131a mode for IBM Tivoli Monitoring has the following properties:

Note: In IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2, the generated self-signed
certificates comply to the standards mentioned in this section by default.
v All communication is over TLSv1.2 protocol.
v All certificates for communication are RSA with 2048 bit keys signed, with at
least SHA-256 bit digital signatures or Elliptic curve cryptography certificates.
Use all RSA certificates or all Elliptic curve certificates.
v Any SNMP connections must conform to either SNMP V1, V2 or V3 using
authentication with SHA-1 only.
Note: SNMP V3 data privacy is not SP800-131 compliant.
v SSH connections must use certificates that are 2048-bit in size.
v Elliptic Curve Certificates can be used by any IBM Tivoli Monitoring component,
but using an Elliptic Curve Certificate implies the exclusive acceptance of only
TLSv1.2 for communication, because TLSv1.2 is the only protocol that supports
Elliptic Curve Certificates. Using Elliptic Curve Certificates at the monitoring
server allows only monitoring agents at IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.3 Fix
Pack 2 or higher to connect.
v All services and autonomous agents that interface using HTTPS and IP.SPIPE
communication ports, must use the TLSv1.2 protocol. The Microsoft Internet
Explorer 8.0 or higher browser supports TLSv1.2.
v Many application agents are 32-bit agents installed on a 64-bit operating system.
32-bit application agents must be upgraded using the tacmd updateFramework
command to update their framework to Version 6.3 or higher. Updating the
framework allows the agent to communicate with an SP800-131a compliant
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. For more information on the tacmd
updateFramework command, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference.
v You can optionally enable TLSv1.0 in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to access
the online help. If TLSv1.0 is disabled in the IBM HTTP Server, the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal functions as normal but will not provide online help. All data
and management is performed over TLSv1.2. Online help and other text content
is transmitted over TLSv1.0. You can disable TLSv1.0 if you do not need the
online help and dialog help. If TLSv1.0 is disabled, the error Secure Connection
Failed: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap might appear in certain workspaces that
display help information. You can continue to create objects and access
workspaces over TLSv1.2.
v When the monitoring server is configured in SP800-131a mode, IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 monitoring agents, the portal server, and the
tacmd command line can still communicate with the monitoring server without
being explicitly reconfigured in SP800-131a mode.
v The tacmd tepslogin and other tacmd commands directed at the portal server
must communicate over TLSv1.0 on port 15001. Additionally, tacmd commands
directed at the monitoring server must communicate over TLSv1.2 with SP800
restrictions. Ensure that you enable TLS/SSL communication for the portal client
connections at the portal server.
v Situations that use the Linux OS agent and UNIX OS agent File Information
attribute group must ensure they are using SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, or
SHA-512 in SP800-131a mode.

Chapter 8. Securing communications 231


Complete configuration on the following components in the order listed if

v Monitoring server and monitoring agent
v Portal server
v Portal client
v tacmd command-line interface
v tivcmd command-line interface
v Authorization Policy Server


Best Practice is to reconfigure any components after editing environment

variables to ensure any changes are implemented.

Monitoring server and monitoring agent configuration:

Note: You can use the following instructions to also configure the Warehouse
Proxy Agent and the Summarization and Pruning Agent.
1. Edit the following environment files:
In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window,
right-click the component and click Advanced → Edit Variables. Alternatively,
you can edit the KBBENV file and the KXXENV file for each monitoring agent
(where XX is your 2 letter product code) directly.
Edit the ms.ini on the monitoring server, and *.ini for
each monitoring agent.
Change or add the following environment variable:

If using autonomous agents, you must add the KDEBE_FIPS_MODE_ENABLED
variable to your custom environment file.
2. Restart the monitoring server and each monitoring agent you edited to
implement your changes.

z/OS AT-TLS configuration:

In z/OS environments, configuring SP800-131a for IP.SPIPE connections requires

configuring the Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) policy.
TLSv1.2 protocol is available with z/OS 2.1. TLSv1.2 is also available with z/OS
1.13, but you must apply the following APARs to your system:
v CommServer toleration APAR PM62905
v AT-TLS toleration for System SSL APAR OA39422

If a secure protocol (SPIPE or HTTPS) is used between monitoring agents and

monitoring servers on z/OS, AT-TLS must be configured and running. To
configure AT-TLS, an authorized system programmer must create a policy for
AT-TLS. A security administrator (RACF or ACF2) must grant permission to the
policy that defines the authentication certificate that is used in the TLS protocol.

232 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

If z/OS components communicate with monitoring servers on a distributed
operating system, or a distributed component, such as the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server, communicates with a z/OS hub monitoring server, the AT-TLS policy must
match the policy that is created for the distributed component by GSKIT.

To configure SP800-131a complete the following tasks:

1. ICSF must be enabled and started on the monitoring server and agent-only
runtime environments (RTE). For more information, see Configuring the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS (
2. Configure your z/OS monitoring server and monitoring agents to use IP.SPIPE
communications. For more information, see Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server on z/OS (
3. Configure an AT-TLS policy to restrict to TLSv1.2.
See the Communications Server IP Configuration Guide in the Communication
Server Information Center for further reference.
The following is an example of an AT-TLS policy for SP800-131a:
TTLSGroupAction group_action0
TTLSEnabled ON
TTLSEnvironmentAction environment_action0
Keyring /etc/itm/at-tls/keyring.db
keyringPw itm
keyringStashFile /etc/itm/at-tls/keyring.sth
HandshakeRole Client
SSLv2 Off
SSLv3 Off
TLSv1 Off
TLSv1.1 Off
TLSv1.2 On
FIPS140 On
CertificateLabel IBM_Tivoli_Monitoring_Encryption_Key
SignaturePair 0301
SignaturePair 0303
SignaturePair 0401
SignaturePair 0403
SignaturePair 0501
SignaturePair 0503
SignaturePair 0601
SignaturePair 0603

Chapter 8. Securing communications 233

Portal server configuration:
1. Enable TLS/SSL for all Tivoli Enterprise Portal clients. For detailed steps, see
“Using SSL between the portal server and the client” in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
2. Edit the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server environment file on the computer where
the portal server is installed.
In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window,
right-click the component and click Advanced → Edit Variables. Alternatively,
you can edit the KFWENV file directly.
Edit the cq.ini file.
Change or add the following environment variables:

3. Restart the portal server to implement your changes.
4. Enable SP800-131 Transistion mode in the TEPS/e administration console.
a. Follow the instructions in “Starting the TEPS/e administration console” on
page 114.
b. Click Security → SSL certificate and key management → Manage FIPS.
c. If you have not imported compliant certificates, select Convert Certificates.
When converting the certificates, select Algorithm Strict and then select
SHA256WithRSA or another algorithm. If you select an ECDSA Certificate
algorithm, then all browsers and clients (including the Dashboard
Application Services Hub servers) connecting to the WebSphere Server must
support TLSv1.2 and Elliptic Curve Certificates.
You must accept the new certificate using the WebSphere command line
utilities. Run one of the following commands, and then when prompted,
accept the certificate:
updateTEPSEPass.bat wasadmin <password> wasadmin <password>
d. Select Enable SP800-131 , Transistion, and Update SSL configurations to
require TLSv1.2.
Note: Once you apply and then save your changes to the master file for
WebSphere, you might need to reconnect to the WebSphere console if you
are logged out, since the new certificate and algorithms take effect
e. Update the ssl.client.props file to allow administration of WebSphere.
Once the server is configured for SP800-131 transition mode, the
ssl.client.props file must be modified so that the administrative client can
communicate with the WebSphere server running in SP800-131 mode. They
are not able to make a TLSv1.2 connection to the server without the change.
Edit the ssl.client.props file by completing the following steps:
1) Modify to be set to true.
2) Add directly beneath
the useFips property.

234 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

3) Change the property to TLSv1.2. Note: The property is further down in the file than the first
two properties.
For further instruction, see “Transitioning WebSphere Application Server to the
SP800-131 security standard” in the WebSphere Application Server V8.5
Information Center
5. Synchronize certificates between the IBM HTTP Server and the portal server.
Import the new WebSphere certificates into the IBM Tivoli Monitoring key
repository. For detailed steps, see “Importing the TEPS/e certificates into the
portal server keyfile database” on page 238.
6. Update the IBM HTTP Server acceptable protocols. On the computer where the
portal server is installed edit the httpd.conf file to update the virtualhost for
port 15201 to include:

Note: In the following examples, the SSLAttributeSet information is entered

on one line.
<VirtualHost *:15201>
DocumentRoot "<ITM_HOME>/CNB"
SSLProtocolDisable SSLv2
SSLProtocolDisable SSLv3
SSLProtocolEnable TLSv10
SSLProtocolDisable TLSv11
SSLProtocolEnable TLSv12

SSLServerCert IBM_Tivoli_Monitoring_Certificate
ErrorLog "<ITH_HOME>/IHS/logs/sslerror.log"
TransferLog "<ITM_HOME>/IHS/logs/sslaccess.log"
KeyFile "<ITM_HOME>/keyfiles/keyfile.kdb"
SSLStashfile "<ITM_HOME>/keyfiles/keyfile.sth"
<VirtualHost *:15201>
DocumentRoot "<ITM_HOME>/<arch>/cw/"
SSLProtocolDisable SSLv2
SSLProtocolDisable SSLv3
SSLProtocolEnable TLSv10
SSLProtocolDisable TLSv11
SSLProtocolEnable TLSv12

SSLServerCert IBM_Tivoli_Monitoring_Certificate
ErrorLog "<ITM_HOME>/<arch>/iu/ihs/HTTPServer/logs/sslerror.log"
TransferLog "<ITM_HOME>/<arch>/iu/ihs/HTTPServer/logs/sslaccess.log"
KeyFile "<ITM_HOME>/keyfiles/keyfile.kdb"
SSLStashfile "<ITM_HOME>/keyfiles/keyfile.sth"
7. Update the HTTP plugin.

Chapter 8. Securing communications 235

ITMWebServer/plugin-cfg.xmlAdd or change the following properties as
attributes on the Config XML tag:
FIPSEnable set to "true"
StrictSecurity set to "true"
8. Restart the portal server to implement your changes.

Portal client configuration:

1. For desktop clients, browser clients, and WebStart clients, configure the clients
to communicate using HTTPS protocol. Follow the instructions in “Configuring
HTTP communication between the portal client and server” in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
2. For desktop clients, browser clients, and WebStart clients, edit the associated
configuration file using the same method as described in “Configuring HTTP
communication between the portal client and server” in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
v For desktop clients, your edits modify the cnp.bat file.
v For browser clients, your edits modify the applet.html file.
v For WebStart clients, your edits modify the tep.jnlpt file.
Add the following variables to each of the configuration files: set to true

tep.sslcontext.protocol set to TLSv1.2
https.protocols set to TLSv1.2 set to TLSv1.2
3. For browser client users, you must enable TLSv1.2 in the Java Control Panel.
Open the Java Control Panel for the Java that is being used in the browser
client using Advanced → Advanced Security Settings and set Use TLS 1.2.
4. For desktop client users, edit the install_dir/CNP/cnp.bat file directly or
through Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services > Desktop Client >
Advanced > Edit ENV.
Modify the _CMD line to include the following definition:

https.protocols set to TLSv1.2 set to TLSv1.2
5. Restart each portal client to implement your changes.

tacmd command-line interface configuration:

1. Edit the <ITM_dir>\BIN\KUIENV file.

Change or add the following environment variables:


1. Edit the <ITM_dir>/bin/ tacmd shell script.

Change or add the following environment variables:

236 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide


tivcmd command-line interface:

1. Edit the <tivcmd_install_dir>\BIN\KDQENV file.

Change or add the following environment variables:


1. Edit the <tivcmd_install_dir>/bin/tivcmd shell script.

Change or add the following environment variables:


Authorization Policy Server:

1. Ensure that your Dashboard Application Services Hub WebSphere is at version or or higher to be SP800-131a compliant.
2. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console of the Dashboard Application
Services Hub where the Authorization Policy Server is installed.
3. Configure WebSphere with SP800-131 Transitional mode by following the
instructions in the topic “Transitioning WebSphere Application Server to the
SP800-131 security standard” in the WebSphere Application Server V8.5
Information Center


You are now running an SP800-131a compliant configuration.

What to do next

Application agents might initiate their own communications for data collection.
Those remote servers must be configured to be SP800-131a compliant to ensure the
agent's communication is SP800-131a compliant.

When in SP800-131a mode, Tivoli Management Services components and Tivoli

Enterprise Monitoring Agents use one or more of these SP800-131a approved
cryptographic providers: IBMJCEFIPS (certificate 497), IBMJSSEFIPS (certificate
409), and IBM Crypto for C (ICC certificate 775) for cryptography. The certificates
are listed on the NIST website at

All IP.SPIPE connections and TLS/SSL-enabled LDAP connections utilize TLSv1.2.

TLS/SSL must be enabled between the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client and the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server, as described in the “Using SSL between the portal server
and the client” topic in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
Failure to enable TLS/SSL might expose credentials.

Enable IP.SPIPE between all IBM Tivoli Monitoring components to preserve

integrity and confidentiality of data using SP800-131a compliant cryptography.
Certificates used in IP.SPIPE communication require NIST and FIPS prescribed
cryptographic strength. For detailed information on how to replace cryptographic

Chapter 8. Securing communications 237

certificates, see the various topics in Chapter 8, “Securing communications,” on
page 207. If your environment uses the provided GSKit utilities, the -fips flag
must be included in all operations. Refer to your local security administrator or to
the NIST website for more details on SP800-131a compliance. Information on how
to generate certificates using GSKit is also provided on IBM Service Management
Connect (

Importing the TEPS/e certificates into the portal server keyfile

If you have created a custom keyfile database on the computer where the portal
server is installed and it contains a new self-signed or CA-signed IBM Tivoli
Monitoring certificate, you must also import the certificates used by TEPS/e into
the new keyfile database. This allows TEPS/e and the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server web server plug-in to communicate internally over a secure connection.

About this task

Use the following procedure to manually import the TEPS/e certificates into the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring keyfile database for the portal sever.

1. Open a command prompt (Windows) or shell (AIX or Linux).
2. Set the JAVA_HOME variable as described in “Setting the JRE for GSKit and
starting Key Manager” on page 240, but do not start the GSKit Key Manager.
3. Go to the lib (32-bit) or lib64 (64-bit) directory under the GSKit home
directory. You can use either 32-bit of 64-bit.
install_dir/GSK8 or install_dir/GSK8_x64
install_dir\arch\gs\lib or install_dir\arch\gs\lib64
The GSKit binary is called gsk8capicmd (32-bit) or gsk8capicmd_64 (64-bit).
4. Execute the following commands:
..\bin\gsk8capicmd[_64] -cert -import -db ..\..\CNPSJ\profiles\
ITMProfile\config\cells\ITMCell\nodes\ITMNode\trust.p12 -pw WebAS
-type pkcs12 -label root -target ..\..\keyfiles\keyfile.kdb -target_pw
IBM61TIV -target_type cms -new_label root.ihs
..\bin\gsk8capicmd[_64] -cert -import -db ..\..\CNPSJ\profiles\
ITMProfile\config\cells\ITMCell\nodes\ITMNode\key.p12 -pw WebAS -type
pkcs12 -label default -target ..\..\keyfiles\keyfile.kdb -target_pw
IBM61TIV -target_type cms -new_label default.ihs
../bin/gsk8capicmd[_64] -cert -import -db ../../../arch/iw/profiles/
ITMProfile/config/cells/ITMCell/nodes/ITMNode/trust.p12 -pw WebAS
-type pkcs12 -label root -target ../../../keyfiles/keyfile.kdb
-target_pw IBM61TIV -target_type cms -new_label root.ihs
../bin/gsk8capicmd[_64] -cert -import -db ../../../arch/iw/profiles/
ITMProfile/config/cells/ITMCell/nodes/ITMNode/key.p12 -pw WebAS -type
pkcs12 -label default -target ../../../keyfiles/keyfile.kdb -target_pw
IBM61TIV -target_type cms -new_label default.ihs
The password for the source or target key store might be different if you
created your own keystores.
5. Restart the portal server.

238 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Using the GSKit command-line interface to work with key databases
and certificates
The GSKit command line tool installed with each IBM Tivoli Monitoring
component on a distributed platform and is used to manage key files and

For information about the GSKit command-line interface, see the IBM Global
Security Kit GSKCapiCmd V8.0 User's Guide.

Before you begin

The following table lists the terms that are used in procedures involving the GSKit.
Most terms are based upon the directory in which the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
component and GSKit are installed:

<authclidir> The directory into which the IBM Tivoli Monitoring component is
installed. For example:
v c:\IBM\ITM or /opt/IBM/ITM for the monitoring server, automation
server, portal server, tacmd CLI, and agents
v c:\IBM\TivoliMonitoring or /opt/IBM/TivoliMonitoring for the
tivcmd CLI
<interp> The machine specific interp. For example, sol296, li6263, or aix536.
<gskithome> The directory into which the GSKit is installed.
Windows 32-bit: <itmcompdir>\GSK8.
Windows 64-bit: <itmcompdir>\GSK8_64.
Linux and UNIX 32-bit: <itmcompdir>/<interp>/gs
Linux and UNIX 64-bit: <itmcompdir>/<interp>/gs
<gskittoolcmd> The actual GSKit CLI command syntax.
Windows 32-bit: <gskithome>\bin\gsk8capicmd.exe
Windows 64-bit: <gskithome>\bin\gsk8capicmd_64.exe
Linux and UNIX 32-bit: ./<gskithome>/bin/gsk8capicmd.exe
Linux and UNIX 64-bit: ./<gskithome>/bin/gsk8capicmd_64.exe
<keydbdir> The directory into which the default key database is stored.
Windows: <itmcompdir>\keyfiles
Linux and UNIX: <itmcompdir>/keyfiles
<oldkeydbname> The base name of the key database installed with the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring component. This base key database name is keyfile. The
four files associated with this key database are: keyfile.crl,
keyfile.kdb, keyfile.rdb, and keyfile.sth.
<oldkeydb> The name of the key database installed with the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
component. This key database name is <oldkeydbname>.kdb.
<oldkeydbpw> The installed key database password. The default is IBM61TIV.
<newkeydbname> The base name of the new key database. Any name other than keyfile
can be chosen. For example, itmcompkeyfile.
<newkeydb> The name of the new key database. This key database name is
<newkeydbpw> The password associated with the new key database. Any valid
password can be chosen.

Chapter 8. Securing communications 239

Setting the path to invoke the GSKit command-line tool

In order to run the GSKit command line tool, the GSKit tool lib directory must be
included in the system path.
set PATH=<gskithome>\lib;%PATH%
cd <gskithome>\bin
set PATH=<gskithome>\lib64;%PATH%
cd <gskithome>\bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<gskithome>/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
cd <gskithome>/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<gskithome>/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
cd <gskithome>/bin

Using the GSKit iKeyman utility to work with key databases and
A default self-signed certificate and key are provided when you install IBM Tivoli
Monitoring. If you prefer to use a certificate authority signed certificate, use the
iKeyman utilities to create a certificate request and then create a key database and
import the certificates into the database.

Note: The iKeyman utility is available on the distributed computers where the
monitoring server, portal servers, portal client desktop client, and tacmd CLI are

For information about the iKeyman graphical user interface and its command-line
interface, see the IBM Developer Kit and Runtime Environment iKeyman V8.0 User's

Setting the JRE for GSKit and starting Key Manager

You must set the path to the Java Runtime Environment before starting GSKit.

Otherwise, you might get an error similar to Failed to parse JAVA_HOME setting.

1. From the command prompt, run this script to get the IBM Java location:
2. Set the JAVA_HOME variable to point to the IBM Java location.
3. Get the GSKit location by running this script:
4. Execute the following command:
$JAVA_HOME\jre\bin\ikeyman.exe [properties]

where, [properties] can be zero or more system properties.

1. From the console, run this script to get the IBM Java location:

240 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

2. Export variable JAVA_HOME to point to the IBM Java path.
3. Execute the following command:
$JAVA_HOME\jre\bin\ikeyman.exe [properties]

where [properties] can be zero or more system properties.

1. From the console, run this script to get the IBM Java location:
2. Export variable JAVA_HOME to point to the IBM Java path. For 64-bit, the
gsk7ikm has to be 64-bit Java.
3. Check the path for a local GSKit by looking in this file:
GskitInstallDir points to a 32–bit GSKit and GskitInstallDir_64 points to a
64–bit GSKit.
4. Start IBM Key Management (through the graphical utility that requires X
Windows System) by running the following command:

Creating a new key database

Create a new key database using the iKeyman utility.

About this task

Use the following steps to create a new key database:

1. If you have not already done so, start iKeyman.
2. Click Key Database File → New.
3. Select CMS in the Key database type field.
4. Type keyfile.kdb in the File Name field.
5. Type the following location in the Location field: <itm_installdir>/keyfiles.
6. Click OK. The Password Prompt window is displayed.
7. Enter a password in the Password field, and confirm it again in the Confirm
Password field. Click OK.
8. A confirmation window is displayed. Click OK.
The IBM Key Management window is displayed. This window reflects the new
CMS key database file and your signer digital certificates.

Creating a new public-private key pair and certificate request

Create a new public-private key pair and certificate request in iKeyman.

About this task

Use the following steps to create a new public-private key pair and certificate

1. If you have not already done so, start iKeyman.
2. Click Key Database File → Open.
3. Select the keyfile.kdb key database and click Open.
4. Type the password for the key database and click OK.

Chapter 8. Securing communications 241

5. Select Personal Certificate Requests from the pull-down list and click New.
6. Click New.
7. Type IBM_Tivoli_Monitoring_Certificate in the Key Label field.
8. Type a Common Name and Organization, and select a Country. For the
remaining fields, either accept the default values, or type or select new values.
9. At the bottom of the window, type a name for the file.
10. Click OK. A confirmation window is displayed, verifying that you have
created a request for a new digital certificate.
11. Click OK.


The IBM Key Management window is displayed.

What to do next
Send the file to a CA to request a new digital certificate, or cut and paste the
request into the request forms on the CA's web site.

Using a temporary self-signed certificate

It can take between two and three weeks to receive a CA-signed digital certificate.
If you want to use a digital certificate other than the one provided with IBM Tivoli
Monitoring and you have not yet received the CA-signed digital certificate, you
can create a self-signed certificate on the portal server. A self-signed digital
certificate is not as secure as a CA-signed certificate; this is strictly a temporary
measure until the CA-signed certificate arrives.

About this task

To create and use a self-signed certificate, complete the following procedure:

1. Create a CA key database.
2. Create the self-signed certificate.
3. Export the self-signed certificate.
4. Receive the self-signed certificate into the key databases on the portal server.

What to do next

When you receive the CA-signed certificate, you must delete the self-signed

Receiving the CA-signed certificate

About this task

After the CA returns your new digital certificate, save it on the computer where
the portal server is running. Repeat for the client. If the CA returns the certificate
as part of an e-mail message, copy and paste it from the e-mail into a text file.

Complete the following procedure to receive the digital certificate from the CA into
key database on each computer:

242 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

1. If you have not already done so, start iKeyman.
2. Click Key Database File → Open.
3. Select the keyfile.kdb database and click Open.
4. Type the password for the database and click OK.
5. Select Personal Certificates from the pull-down list.
6. Click Receive.
7. Click Data type and select the data type of the new digital certificate, such as
Base64-encoded ASCII data.
8. Type keyfile.sth for the Certificate file name and <itm_installdir>/
keyfiles as the Location for the new digital certificate.
9. Click OK.
10. Type IBM_Tivoli_Monitoring_Certificate for the new digital certificate and
click OK.

Saving the password to a stash file

Because many of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring components work without user
intervention, you must save the key database password to a stash file on your
computer. Save this password so that product components can use TLS/SS without
requiring any intervention from you.

About this task

Complete the following procedure to save the password to a stash file:

1. If you have not already done so, start iKeyman.
2. Select Key Database File → Stash File. An information window is displayed
telling you that the password was saved to a stash file.
3. Click OK.

Chapter 8. Securing communications 243

244 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 9. Audit logging
By using the auditing capability, you can capture significant events occurring in
your IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment. You can also record these events in
permanent storage for later retrieval and analysis. Each audit record fully describes
some event that has changed the state of your IBM Tivoli Monitoring system.

These auditing and logging records can be stored in the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
Standard reports are provided via the Tivoli Common Reporting feature.

The auditing facility covers the self-describing agents (including their auto-refresh
feature), actions of the Warehouse Proxy Agent, EIF-SSL connections, automated
Take Action commands, and the integration of IBM Tivoli Monitoring with Tivoli
Application Dependency Discovery Manager.

Supported platforms include Windows, Linux, UNIX, IBM i, and z/OS systems.

Audit records are stored in two places:

Collected ITM Audit attribute data accessible from the portal client
In the Managed System Status workspace you can right-click your
monitoring components and select Audit Log to view component-specific
collected audit log information. You can then create situations against the
ITM Audit table to monitor audited events and collect audit data
historically in the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
When examining audit information look for Results with non-zero values.
A value of 0 indicates success. Creating situations that monitor for records
that have non-zero value Results can help filter out general information
The Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide contains more information about
the ITM Audit attribute group and workspace. For information about the
Audit Log workspace and how to enable historical collection for the ITM
Audit attribute group, see “Managed System Status workspace”. For
attribute definitions, see “ITM Audit attributes”.
Locally stored XML formatted log file
The log file can be used by a third-party product to parse and evaluate the
audit information. Use the provided SAPM DTD to assist you with
third-party products. The DTD is provided on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Tools DVD in the XML directory; see the SAPMAudit.dtd file.
Log files are stored in the auditlogs directory under the <install_dir>
directory. Each agent process has its own log file and is formatted in XML.
See the following log files names:

For single-instance: <UserID>.<hostname>_<pc>_audit.log

For multi-instance:


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 245

Collect log from SMF Facility.
When enabled, ITM Audit records are stored in the Systems
Management Facility–format (SMF) type-112 records, coded in
UTF8, and are included in a common repository (SYS1.MANn
datasets) with all other z/OS event data. For more information, see
Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS

Audit trace levels

Auditing events have three different trace levels: Minimum, Basic, and Detail.
Every event is assigned a trace level. You might want to increase or decrease the
trace level to collect additional data.
Minimum: Major state changes to the product
Basic: Any actions that modify objects or cause an access failure
Detail: Any action that causes a successful or failed access control

Event record types

A record type is associated with each audit event to indicate the nature of the
audit record. The event record types are categorized in the following table:

Short name (displayed in

Full event name logs) Description
Authorization Checking CHECKING Events related to checking
whether a user has
permission to perform a
particular operation or event.
Authentication Validation VALIDATE Events related to
authenticating the identify of
the user or entity.
Contextual Event CONTEXT Any other event that might
occur contextually within an
Object Maintenance OBJMAINT Events related to changing
an object such as updating,
deleting, creating, or moving
any IBM Tivoli Monitoring
object or table.
System Administration SYSADMIN Events related to program
startup and shutdown, audit
and authorization system
changes, configuration
changes, table creation, and
data synchronization
Security Maintenance SECMAINT Events related to granting or
revoking privileges.

246 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Audit log XML elements mapped to the ITM Audit attribute group
The audit log XML contains elements that coordinate to ITM Audit attributes.

For detailed XML syntax information, see the SAPMAudit.dtd on the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Tools DVD.

For descriptions of the attributes see the ITM Audit attributes.

Use the following table for your reference:

v Some cells are intentionally blank to represent the audit log XML structure.
Empty ITM Audit attribute cells indicate that a coordinating attribute has not
been created yet for the coordinating XML element.
v XML elements and XML attributes in parenthesis ( ) indicate that the item is not
implemented by IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
v *Extra Attributes means the XML element or attribute is inserted as a
Name=Value pair in the Extra Attribute column in the Audit Log table.

ITM Audit
Logical group XML element(s) XML attribute attribute
AuditEvt AuditEvt Domain Domain
Level Trace Level
Type Event Record
Ver Audit Record
Who AuthID Authorization ID
RunAs RunAs
UserID User ID
Entity Entity
Type Entity Type
What Op (CDMID)
Name Operation Name
Type Operation Type
OpObjType Operation Object
Msg Text Message
RBKey Resource Bundle
Param Extra Attributes*
Order Extra Attributes*
Result Result

Chapter 9. Audit logging 247

ITM Audit
Logical group XML element(s) XML attribute attribute
When Corr Correlator
Seq Sequence
EvtTS MS Timestamp (MS)
ITM Timestamp
OnWhat Obj Type Object Type
(Ver) Object Version
Name Object Name
(CDMID) Extra Attributes*
Path Object Path
(SecMaint) Grantee Type
(SecPolicy) Security Policy
(Grantee) Grantee
Type Grantee Type
(PriAuthEvt) Privilege Or
Authority Event
Type Privilege Or
Authority Type
AuthID Assumable Auth
(AuthCheck) Extra Attributes*
(AuthPlugin) Type Authorization
Plugin Type
Server Extra Attributes*

248 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

ITM Audit
Logical group XML element(s) XML attribute attribute
Where Origin Node Name Origin Name
Type Origin Type
AddrType Origin Protocol
Addr Origin Address
Host Origin
Port Origin Port
SYSID Origin
App Code Application
Ver Application
Comp Application
SvcPt Service Point
WhereFrom Source Node Name Source Name
Type Source Type
AddrType Source Protocol
Addr Source Address
Host Source
Port Source Port
SYSID Source
Relay Node Name
WhereTo Target Node Name Target Name
Type Target Type
AddrType Target Protocol
Addr Target Address
Host Target Hostname
Port Target Port
SYSID Target

Audit log XML example

The following sample audit record was generated during start-up and indicates
that self-describing agent services on a particular monitoring server is disabled.

Chapter 9. Audit logging 249

<AuditEvt Domain="" Type="SYSADMIN" Level="Minumum" Ver="1">
<Op Name="Self-Describing Agent Status"
OpObjType="ibm-prod-tivoli-itm:SelfDescribingAgentInstall" Type="Disable"/>
<Msg Text="Self-Descrbing Agent Feature disabled at the local TEMS."
<EvtTS MS="1307723083106" ITM="1110610162443106"/>
<Obj Type="ibm-prod-tivoli-itm:SelfDescribingAgentInstall" Name="SDA Services"/>
<Node Name=Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server" Type="SERVER" AddrType="IPv4"
Addr="" SYSID="HUB_NC051039"/>
<App Code="KMS" Ver="06.23.00" Comp="KFA"/>
<Node Name="Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server" Type"SERVER" SYSID="HUB_NC051039"
Addr="" AddrType="IPv4"/>
<Node Name="Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server" Type="SERVER" AddrType="IPv4"
Addr="" SYSID="HUB_NC051039"/>

In this example the following questions can be answered:

Question Tag(s) Value Interpretation

Who UserID Empty The empty UserID tag indicates that this event was
generated by an unknown UserID or an autonomous
process performing an action that was not initiated directly
by a user.
AuthID SYSTEM Indicates the ID that this event was authorized under.
What Op Self-Describing Agent The “Self-Describing Agent Status” operation was
Status successfully completed (Result 0) with the explanatory
message indicating that the self-describing agent feature has
Msg Self-Describing Feature
been disabled.
disabled at the local
Result 0
Type Disable Indicates that this particular operation is of the generic
“disable” type. Operations are typically self-explanatory, but
they are all classified into a generic event model type
(GEM), as specified by the Tivoli Security and Information
Event Manager.

250 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Question Tag(s) Value Interpretation
When ITM 1110610162443106 The time that the event was generated (not logged) in
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format
(CYYMMDDhhmmssms). This date reads: June 10, 2011 at
04:24:43 106 ms.
OnWhat Name SDA Services The object name is the affected code, component, of other
contextually relevant identifier that receives the operation. In
this example, the object “SDA Services” received the
operation “Self-Describing Agent Status” which successfully
completed (with a result of 0) on the object “SDA Services”.
Where SYSID HUB_NC051039 This is where the event was logged. The application KMS on
Managed System ID HUB_NC051039 (IP logged this
event. This system identifies itself as the Tivoli Enterprise
Name Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
Monitoring Server
WhereFrom SYSID HUB_NC051039 This event was initiated on MSN HUB_NC051039 (IP This system identifies itself as the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server.
Name Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server
WhereTo SYSID HUB_NC051039 The event is targeted at MSN HUB_NC051039 (IP
This target system is identified as the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server.
Name Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server

Audit environment variables

Environment variables can be modified to control the audit capability.

Environment variables

The following environment variables are defined for configuring the Auditing

Environment Default if not

variable Description Acceptable input defined
AUDIT_FILE Used to disable the v Disabled Enabled
creation of an xml
v Enabled
audit.log. Audit
events are still Note: Not Supported
created in the ITM is a state that is not
Audit table. accepted as input but
may be returned on
platforms that do not
create audit logs, such
as z/OS systems.

Chapter 9. Audit logging 251

Environment Default if not
variable Description Acceptable input defined
AUDIT_LOG_DIR The path to the Provide an operating <install_dir>/
_PATH directory where the system specific path. auditlogs
audit log files are
kept. Not available
on z/OS systems.
Note: If you change
the output directory,
the pdcollect tool
cannot collect the
associated audit log.
AUDIT_LOG_FILE The maximum file 1 - MAXINT-1 9
_LIMIT_MB size of the log file in
megabytes (2^20
AUDIT_LOG_FILE The log file name. Provide the log file <UserID>.<hostname>
_NAME Not available on name. _<pc>_audit.log
z/OS systems.
AUDIT_LOG_MAX Maximum number of 1...MAXINT-1 (on 5
_FILES_COUNT log files for rollover. distributed)
This variable applies
only to distributed
platforms. Not
available on z/OS
AUDIT_MAX_HIST Maximum number of 1...MAXINT-1 100
records kept in
short-term memory
for direct queries.
AUDIT_TRACE The trace level to v Minimum Basic
pass messages.
v Basic
Message trace levels
(from low to high) v Detail
are Minimum, Basic, v Disabled
Detail. Higher levels
trace all lower levels.
ITM_DOMAIN An optional Provide an No domain is
128-character alphanumeric string provided.
identifier on that can contain the
distributed systems plus (+), minus (-),
and 32-character semicolon (;), and
identifier on z/OS colon (:) characters.
systems that you can
use to associate with
these records. Best
suited for commonly
identifying agents
that are associated
with each other. You
might use this
variable for sorting
records by a
particular customer.
Case is preserved.

252 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Modifying the Audit environment variables

You can configure the tracing environment variable for the Auditing Facility by
using the following procedures. You can modify any of the environment variables
previously mentioned.

Use Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services (Start → Programs → IBM

Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services) to edit
environment files. Right-click the component you want to modify and click
Advanced → Edit ENV File. You must recycle the component to implement
the changes.

1. Change to the <install_dir>/config directory and open the

coordinating file:
For the monitoring server: <hostname>_ms_<tems_name>.config
For the portal server and single-instance agents: <pc>.ini
For multi-instance agents: <pc>_<instance>.config
2. On a new line, add the environment variable followed by the value.
3. Save and close the file.
4. Recycle the component to have your changes take effect.

See Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS for more

Take Action and command execution audit logging

If you have IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 or later, audit records are generated for
Take Action and tacmd executecommand execution. Take Action execution includes
Take Actions initiated from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, running the tacmd
executeaction command, situation Take Action commands, and workflow policy
Take Action commands. The identity of the user who initiated the Take Action is
passed to the monitoring agent using a secure session token.

The session token leverages the common IBM Tivoli Monitoring encryption key
and synchronization of time between the IBM Tivoli Monitoring servers and
monitoring agents. If the encryption key is not synchronized, then any commands
are rejected as invalid due to validation errors with the identity. If system times
between the portal server (for Tivoli Enterprise Portal users) or the hub monitoring
server (for tacmd command users) is more than 25 minutes out of sync with that of
the target monitoring agent according to Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), then
the command is rejected as unauthorized due to a permission time out.

Situation Take Action execution and workflow policy Take Action execution
records the identity of the user who last modified the situation or workflow policy.

The audit messages are available in the audit log at the monitoring agent or
through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal as historical data or real-time queries of the
audit log.

The TEMS Security Compatibility Mode allows IBM Tivoli Monitoring server
components that are at a version before V6.3 to execute commands or Take Actions
for monitoring agents with Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent Framework V6.3 or

Chapter 9. Audit logging 253

later. If TEMS Security Compatibility mode is not enabled and you have a portal
server or monitoring server at version before V6.3, then Take Actions or tacmd
executecommand commands might be rejected as unauthorized and audited. When
TEMS Security Compatibility Mode is enabled, the identity of the original user
might not be available in the audit records. Best practice is to upgrade your
infrastructure to IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 or later and to disable TEMS
Compatibility mode for maximum security and assurance that the identity of the
Take Actions and tacmd executecommand executions are properly audited.

You can also use AAGP policies to control which users can execute a TakeAction or
tacmd executecommand against a managed system. For more details, see“Access
Authorization Group Profile” on page 403.

254 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Chapter 10. Situation event integration with Tivoli Enterprise
If your monitoring environment includes the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server
and situation event forwarding has been configured on the hub Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server , you can forward situation events generated by Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Agents to the event server.

The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide (

provides the instructions to enable situation event forwarding: configuring the
event server to receive the events, installing the event synchronization component
on the event server, enabling situation forwarding on the hub monitoring server,
and defining a default Event Integration Facility (EIF) destination.

Default mapping of situation events to IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console

This section provides information about attribute mapping of situation events to
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console events. You can use this mapping information when
you forward a situation event to the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console and you want
to write correlation rules in the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console.

The situation event forwarder generates a IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event
with an event class based on the attribute group associated with the situation.
When the situation event is forwarded to the event server the associated generated
event class inherits event class attribute definitions (either directly or indirectly)
from the parent: Omegamon_Base class. Because IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console uses
hierarchical event classes, use the Omegamon_Base parent class when you want to
write a rule for all situation events that you forward to the event server.

Omegamon_Base is described as follows:

Omegamon_Base ISA EVENT
cms_hostname: STRING;
cms_port: STRING;
integration_type: STRING;
master_reset_flag: STRING;
situation_name: STRING;
situation_origin: STRING;
situation_displayitem: STRING;
situation_time: STRING;
situation_status: STRING;
situation_eventdata: STRING;
situation_type: STRING;
situation_thrunode: STRING;
situation_group: STRING;
situation_fullname: STRING; }; END;

In specialized cases where a situation event is mapped into an existing IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console event class and the event hierarchy cannot be modified
(Omegamon_Base cannot be added to the hierarchy) it is important that the slots
from Omegamon_Base be included in the existing event class or in a class

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 255

somewhere in the hierarchy. This mechanism is not preferred because it does not
allow a rule to recognize the presence of Omegamon_Base in the event hierarchy.

As part of the generic mapping for these situations, the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
event forwarder assigns associated values for attributed defined in the event class
attributes when forwarding an event to the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server.
In addition to these event class attributes, values are assigned to the following
attributes inherited from the EVENT class, if available: source, hostname,
fqhostname, origin, sub_origin, adapter_host, origin, severity, and message
attributes that are inherited from the base EVENT class.
Table 29. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class attributes
Event class attributes Values and meaning
adapter_host Base EVENT class attribute. Same as hostname (see below).
This is application-specific data related to the event, if any.
appl_label Reserved for future use.
cms_hostname TCP/IP host name of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
that forwards the event.
cms_port The monitoring server port on which the web service is
fqhostname Base EVENT class attribute that contains the fully qualified
hostname, if available.
hostname Base EVENT class attribute that contains the TCP/IP
hostname of the managed system where the event originates,
if available.
integration_type Indicator to help IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console performance.
v N for a new event, the first time the event is raised
v U for update event, subsequent event status changes
master_reset_flag Master reset indicator set for master reset events. Value is
NULL for all other events:
v R for Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server recycle
v S for hotstandby master_reset
msg Base EVENT class attribute that contains the situation name
and formula.
origin Base EVENT class attribute contained in the TCP/IP address
of the managed system where the event originates, if
available. The address is in dotted-decimal format.
severity Base EVENT class attribute that contains the resolved
situation_displayitem Display item of associated situation, if available.
situation_eventdata Raw situation event data starting from the second event data
row, if any. Event data attributes are in key-value pair
format. The event data can be truncated because the Event
Integration Facility imposes a 2 KB size limit.
situation_group One or more situation group names (up to 5) that the
situation is a member of.
situation_fullname Displayed name of the associated situation.
situation_name Unique identifier given to the situation.
situation_origin Managed system name where the situation event originated.
It has the same value as sub_source.

256 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 29. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class attributes (continued)
Event class attributes Values and meaning
situation_status Current status of the situation event.
situation_time Timestamp of the situation event.
situation_type Situation event typeS for sampled event; P for pure event.
situation_thrunode Reserved for future use.
source Base EVENT class attribute that contains ITM
sub_origin Base EVENT class attribute. This is the same as the managed
system name for the associated situation_displayitem, if any.
sub_source Base EVENT class attribute that contains the origin managed
system name for the associated situation.

Expanding a generic event message situation description

The message slot gives you a descriptive way of looking at an event in the IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Console.

The situation name alone does not provide detailed event identification where
there are large numbers of like-events from various sources. Rather, the situation
name in the message slot sent from the hub monitoring server to the event server
is expanded to include the following event attributes:

Situation-Name [(formula) ON Managed-System-Name ON DISPLAY-ITEM

(threshold Name-Value pairs)]

The name of the situation.
The formula tells how the situation is evaluated.
The agent or the managed system.
The identifier that triggered the situation if there is more than one instance.
This is optional and is used only if a display item is specified in the
situation definition.
threshold Name-Value pairs
The raw data that the situation uses to evaluate whether it is triggered.
NT_Critical_Process [(Process_CPU > 4 AND Thread_Count > 50)
(Process_CPU = 8 AND Thread_Count = 56)]

NT_Disk_Full [(Free_Megabytes < 1000000)

ON D: (Free_Megabytes = 100)]

Generic mapping for agent specific slots

Generic mapping identifies the target event class based on information out of a
situation that is triggered and forwarded to the event server.

Chapter 10. Situation event integration with Tivoli Enterprise Console 257
The event class name of the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event is derived from
the attribute group associated with the situation. It is a combination of ITM_ plus
the attribute group name associated with the situation. For example, a situation
using the NT_Process attribute group will generate a IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console event with class ITM_NT_Process.

Note: Some agents have very long attribute group names, which might cause the
generated event class name to exceed the limit imposed by the event server. In
these cases, the event class name will be a combination of ITM_ plus the table
name of the attribute group.

Additional event slot values are populated with situation attribute values from the
situation event data. The slot names are the attribute names after special character

For example, a situation using the Process_CPU attribute causes generation of a

slot process_cpu in the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event. In case the attribute
name conflicts with the slot names in IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console EVENT class
or Omegamon_Base class, the applname associated with the attribute group, for
example: knt_, is pre-pended to the attribute name to form the slot name.

For complex situations, the situation definition can involve more than one attribute
group. In this case, the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class used is derived
from the first attribute group encountered in the situation event data of the
triggering situation. The exception is when the first attribute group found is
Local_Time or Universal_Time; then it is passed over and the next different
attribute group, if any, will be used.

For example, if a situation is written for the NT_Process and NT_System attribute
groups, NT_Process being the first attribute group, the IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console event class ITM_NT_Process is used. Additional event slots are generated
based on the attributes of the attribute group selected.
Table 30. Special characters for attribute groups and names in IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console events generated from forwarded situation events.
Character: Converts to:
<uppercase> (applies only to attribute name) <lowercase> (applies only to attribute name)
% percent sign pct_
I/O io
R/3 r3
/ forward slash _per_
\ backward slash _ (underscore)
<space> _ (underscore)
( open parenthesis _ (underscore)
) close parenthesis
< open pointed bracket _ (underscore)
> close pointed bracket

Note: After special character processing, the leading and trailing underscore in the
final event class or slot name, if any, will be removed.

258 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Assigning severity for Tivoli Enterprise Console events
The severity of a Tivoli Enterprise Console event associated with a situation is
assigned automatically from the situation name or you can set a severity in the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Situation editor.

The severity of a Tivoli Enterprise Console event associated with a situation can be
directly specified under the EIF tab of the Situation editor. If no Tivoli Enterprise
Console severity is specified for a situation, the event forwarder attempts to derive
a severity from the suffix of the situation name using the following rule:
Table 31. Situation name suffix mapping to Tivoli Enterprise Console event severity
Assigned IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
Situation name suffix severity
Warn or _Warning WARNING
Cri, _Crit, _Critical CRITICAL
none of the above UNKNOWN

Localizing message slots

Edit the KMS_OMTEC_GLOBALIZATION_LOC variable to enable globalization of
the EIF event message slots that get mapped to alert summaries by the Tivoli
Enterprise Console event server.

About this task

Some products ship with event mapping files and language bundles. The message
slots for these defined IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console events are globalized. The
language selection is done through a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
environment variable called KMS_OMTEC_GLOBALIZATION_LOC.

By default, this variable is set to American English and the message slots are filled
with the American English messages. Edit the variable to enable one of the
language packs that are installed in your environment.

1. On the computer where the Hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is
installed, open the KBBENV file:
v Start Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services, right-click Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server, and click Advanced → Edit ENV file.
v In a text editor, open the <install_dir>/config/
<tems_name>_ms_<address>.cfg file, where <tems_name> is the value supplied
during the monitoring server configuration, and <address> is the IP address
or fully qualified name of the computer.
2. Locate (or add) the KMS_OMTEC_GLOBALIZATION_LOC environment
variable and enter the desired language and country code, where xx is the
language and XX is the country code: de_DE, en_US, en_GB, es_ES, fr_FR,
it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, pt_BR, zh_CN, or zh_TW (such as pt_BR for Brazilian
Portuguese or zh_CN for Simplified Chinese).
3. Save and close the monitoring server environment file.

Chapter 10. Situation event integration with Tivoli Enterprise Console 259
Situation event statuses and IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
event generation
This topic describes the meaning of the situation event statuses and the setting of
the common slots in the generated IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event.
situation is true
integration_type: N, the first time the situation is true; U, all
subsequent times
situation_status: Y
situation_name: Name of the situation
situation_display_item: Value of the attribute that was selected as the
display item in the situation definition, if any.
master_reset_flag: None
situation reset (no longer true)
integration_type: U
situation_status: N
situation_name: Name of the situation
situation_display_item: Value of attribute selected as display item in
the situation definition, if any.
master_reset_flag: None
integration_type: U
situation_status: A
situation_name: Name of the situation
situation_display_item: Value of the attribute that was selected as the
display item in the situation definition, if any.
master_reset_flag: None
situation start
integration_type: None
situation_status: S
situation_name: Name of the situation
situation_display_item: None
master_reset_flag: None
No IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event is forwarded.
situation stop
integration_type: U
situation_status: P
situation_name: Name of the situation
situation_display_item: None
master_reset_flag: None
All opened situation events that originated from this Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server will be closed on the event server.
situation startup error
integration_type: None
situation_status: X
situation_name: Name of the situation

260 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

situation_display_item: None
master_reset_flag: None
No IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event is forwarded.
acknowledge expired
integration_type: U
situation_status: F
situation_name: Name of the situation
situation_display_item: Value of the attribute that was selected as the
display item in the situation definition, if any.
master_reset_flag: None
Expiration that was specified in the acknowledge has expired.
integration_type: U
situation_status: E
situation_name: Name of situation
situation_display_item: Value of the attribute that was selected as the
display item in the situation definition, if any.
master_reset_flag: None
The acknowledgement was removed before it had expired and the
situation is still true.
hub start
integration_type: None
situation_status: N
situation_name: “**'
situation_display_item: None
master_reset_flag: R
After the hub monitoring servers started, a master reset event is sent
with situation_status=N. Master reset causes the event server to close
all opened situation events from the hub monitoring server
(cms_hostname value).
hub restart
integration_type: None
situation_status: N
situation_name: “**'
situation_display_item: None
master_reset_flag: R
After the hub monitoring server is started, a master reset event is sent
with situation_status=N. Master reset causes the event server to close
all opened situation events from the hub monitoring server
(cms_hostname value).
hub Standby failover
integration_type: None
situation_status: N
situation_name: “**”
situation_display_item: None
master_reset_flag: S

Chapter 10. Situation event integration with Tivoli Enterprise Console 261
After the hub monitoring server switch takes place, a hot standby
master reset event is sent with situation_status=N. Master reset causes
the event server to close all opened situation events from the hub
monitoring server. The name of the old primary hub is in the
situation_origin slot.

Note: The integration_type value is solely used by the IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console synchronization rule to improve its performance. It has no other meaning
related with the event.

Synchronizing situation events

The event synchronization component, the Event Integration Facility or EIF, sends
updates to situation events that are forwarded to a Tivoli Enterprise Console event
server back to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. The Situation Event
Console, the Common Event Console, and the Tivoli Enterprise Console event
views are synchronized with the updated status of the events. If you are
monitoring event data from a supported event management system in the Tivoli
Enterprise Console event view or the Common Event Console view, you can filter
out forwarded events.

Checking the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event cache

The event server rules event cache must be large enough to contain the volume of
events expected at any given time.

To check the rules cache size for a running event server, run the following the IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Console command:
wlsesvrcfg -c

To set this rules cache size, run the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console command:
wsetesvrcfg -c number_of_events

Note: For more information regarding these two commands, see the “Event server
commands” in the Tivoli Enterprise Console Command and Task Reference.

If the rules event cache become full, the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console rules engine
generates a TEC_Notice event, Rule Cache full: forced cleaning, indicating that
5 percent of the events from the cache were removed. Events are removed in order
by age, with the oldest events removed first allowing newer events to be

When the hub monitoring server forwards a status update for a situation event
previously forwarded to the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server, if the original
situation event is deleted from the rules event cache, then a
TEC_ITM_OM_Situation_Sync_Error event is generated to indicate that the
monitoring server and the event server are out of synchronization.

When using any IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console viewer to acknowledge or close
any situation event, if the situation event has been deleted from the rules event
cache, the status change is not processed by the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
rules engine. Also, the situation event update is not forwarded to the originating
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. This behavior results from theIBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console rules engine not processing any event status changes for any
event not contained in the rules event cache. In this case, the event status change is
updated only in the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console database.

262 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Both situations can be remedied by performing a IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
server configuration parameters analysis and performance analysis to determine
the optimal configuration parameter settings and desired performance
requirements. Refer to “Rule engine concepts”, in the IBM IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console Rule Developer's Guide for more information.

Changing the configuration of the event synchronization on

the event server
If you want to change any of the settings for the event synchronization on the
event server, use the command.

About this task

You can run this command by using one of the following options:

v Manually modify the configuration file for event synchronization (named
situpdate.conf by default and located in the and located in the
/etc/TME/TEC/OM_TEC directory on operating systems such as UNIX, and the
%SystemDrive%\Program Files\TME\TEC\OM_TEC\etc directory on
Windows), and then run the following command: update <config_filename>
v Run the command directly, specifying only those settings that you
want to change. See IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Command Reference for the full syntax
of this command.

What to do next

After you change the configuration of the event synchronization, you must
manually stop and restart the Situation Update Forwarder process from the
$BINDIR/TME/TEC/OM_TEC/bin directory with the stopSUF and startSUF commands.

Defining additional monitoring servers for the event

synchronization on the event server
For each monitoring server that is forwarding situation events to the event server,
you must have the required server information defined so that the Situation
Update Forwarder process forwards situation event updates to the originating
monitoring server.

About this task

Run the following command to add new monitoring server information: add serverid=server userid=user password=password

The fully qualified host name of the monitoring server.
The user ID to access the computer where the monitoring server is
The password to access the computer.

Chapter 10. Situation event integration with Tivoli Enterprise Console 263
Repeat this command for each monitoring server that you want to add.

What to do next

After you change the configuration of the event synchronization, you must
manually stop and restart the Situation Update Forwarder process from the
$BINDIR/TME/TEC/OM_TEC/bin directory with the stopSUF and startSUF commands
(.cmd file extension on Windows; .sh on operating systems such as UNIX).

Closing sampled events

When a situation event from a sampled situation is forwarded to the IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console event server and that event is subsequently closed in the event
server, the behavior of event synchronization is to send a request to the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server to acknowledge the situation with a specified
timeout. The reason for this is because closing events from sampled situations
causes problems with the situation's ability to fire after the close in IBM Tivoli

About this task

If the acknowledgment of the situation expires and the situation is still true, then a
new situation event is opened in the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console. If the situation
becomes false, then it resets itself in IBM Tivoli Monitoring and the event remains
closed in the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console.

The default acknowledgment expiration time is 59 minutes. This can be changed in

the situation timeouts configuration file on the event server (sit_timeouts.conf).
Also, expiration times for individual situations can be configured in this file. After
editing this file, you can have the expire times dynamically loaded into the IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Console rule using the refresh command in

Changing rule set parameters for the omegamon.rls rule set file
The omegamon.rls rule set file has parameters that you can edit, according to your
environment, to tune performance or to set your own customized values. Using
these parameters, you can write and customize IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
rules. During installation, you can choose the location of the rule base. Otherwise,
you can use the wrb -lscurrb -path to find the current rule base.

Here are some reasons why you might want to change the behavior of the rule:
v For the omegamon.rls file, omegamon_admin is the name of the rule set but you
can name your rule set after your administrator's name or some other value.
v Similarly, the sit_ack_expired_def_action rule set name is set to REJECT by default.
This setting means that whenever a situation event acknowledgement expires in
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal and the event becomes OPEN in the portal, the IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Console event server rejects this action and re-acknowledges
the event in the portal. You have the option of accepting the change that was
initiated by the portal and changing the status in the IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console instead.

The following user-configurable parameters are available:

Use this identifier when a rule defined in this rule set closes an event. This

264 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

identifier is used to differentiate close operations that were originated
automatically rather than initiated by the console operator.
This attribute sets the period in seconds that you must wait to distinguish
between the synchronization of single or multiple events. The default
timeout is 3 seconds.
This attribute sets the maximum number of events allowed per batch.
Default batch size is 100 events.

Warning: Setting this value less than 20 events might cause contentions
within the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console task process, causing poor
performance of events that are synchronized back to the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server.
This attribute determines the default action of the rules in case a situation
update event arrives from Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server to resurface
or reopen an event that has already been acknowledged. The two possible
values are ACCEPT and REJECT. The default is ACCEPT.
This attribute determines the default action of the rules in case a situation
update event arrives from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server to
reopen an event that has already been acknowledged. This happens when
a situation's acknowledgement in the monitoring server expires and the
situation event is reopened. The two possible values are ACCEPT and
REJECT. The default is REJECT.
This attribute specifies the interval at which the state of the situation
update forwarder is checked. It reads events from the cache files and send
them to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server using Web Services. The
default is 10 minutes.

After modifying any configuration parameters and saving omegamon.rls, you must
recompile and reload the rule base and recycle the event server. To recompile the
rule base, enter the following command, where Rulebase_Name is the name of the
actively loaded rule base containing the omegamon.rls rule set:
wrb -comprules Rulebase_Name

To reload the rule base, issue the following command:

wrb -loadrb Rulebase_Name

To stop the Event server, issue the following command:


To restart the Event server issue the following command:


For more information regarding the wrb, wstopesvr, and wstartesvr commands,
see the Command and Task Reference at the Tivoli Enterprise Console Information
Center (

Chapter 10. Situation event integration with Tivoli Enterprise Console 265
Tuning considerations
Integration parameters supporting actions at the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
event console that are reflected at the Tivoli Enterprise Portal event console
provide good response times with a reasonable system resource investment.

The tuning parameters to consider include:

v omsync_timeout in the omegamon.rls with a default of 3 seconds.
v PollingInterval in event synchronization with a default of 3 seconds.
v IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event console refresh interval with a default 60
v Tivoli Enterprise Portal event console refresh interval

Note: Shorter intervals result in the consumption of more system resources.

The delivery time of situation changes from the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
event console to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal event console results from the
omsync_timeout and PollingInterval settings working in parallel. To improve the
response time, you can reduce these settings down to a minimum of 1 second. .

You can adjust the refresh interval for both consoles:

v For the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console, change the allowable range using the
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event console – Configuration. In the subsequent
Event View displays, adjust the preferences.
v For the Tivoli Enterprise Portal event console, click View > Refresh Every to
access the refresh intervals.

Using the Rules Check utility

The Rules Check utility provides you with the ability to assess the impact on an
existing set of rules whenever the designs of BAROC (Basic Recorder of Objects in
C) event classes are changed. This utility allows you to verify which rules might
have been impacted by these event class definition changes.

There are two important sets of files that are used and required by the Rules Check
utility to check the possible impacts of event classes design changes to the rules:
v BAROC Event Classes Definition files:
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console class definitions are hierarchical in nature with
inheritances. One class can inherit from another class, and all attributes from the
parent class are available in the child class. The EVENT class is the base IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Console class. The other classes usually derive from the IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Console EVENT class.
In IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console, the BAROC Event Class Definition files
(*.baroc files) are located in the actively loaded rule base's TEC_CLASSES
subdirectory. They provide the event class definitions used by the IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console Server. Although the tool is closely integrated with IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Console and uses the active rule base's TEC_CLASSES
subdirectory by default input, the tool is not dependent on this subdirectory, and
accepts as alternative input any other directory that contains the correct BAROC
files and to which the user has read privileges.
v Rules files:
The IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console product rule language also supports the
inheritance nature of the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console class definitions. When a

266 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

predicate in the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console rule is looking for a particular
class, all classes that inherit from that particular class also satisfy the rule

In IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console, the rule set files (*.rls files) are located in the
actively loaded rule base's TEC_RULES subdirectory. They provide the rule sets
and are deployed to the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Server. Although the tool is
closely integrated with IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console and uses the active rule
base's TEC_RULES subdirectory by default input, the tool is not dependent on this
subdirectory. The tool accepts as an alternative input any other directory that
contains the correct rule sets and to which the user has read privileges.

The Rules Check utility is included with IBM Tivoli Monitoring. This utility is
installed in the $BINDIR/TME/TEC/OM_TEC/bin directory as part of the IBM
Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Synchronization installation. It does not require
any specific directory configuration if the required privileges for access to the input
and output files are granted.

To run the Rules Check command you must have:

v Read access to the *.rls and *.baroc files that are used as inputs.
v Write access to the output that is used to store the results of the check.
v IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console administrator authority.
v When no –cd and –rd options are specified, the user issuing the command must
have the proper TME authorization, and verify the level of wrb subcommands
that are required.

To run the Rules Check utility and see sample output, refer to the Command

Editing the Event Integration Facility configuration

Edit the Tivoli Event Integration Facility EIF file to customize the configuration
such as to specify up to five failover EIF servers or to adjust the size of the event

Before you begin

After the Tivoli Event Integration Facility (EIF) has been enabled on the hub
monitoring server and the default EIF server (Tivoli Enterprise Console event
server or Netcool/OMNIbus EIF probe) and port number have been specified, the
EIF configuration file is updated with the information. This configuration file
specifies the default EIF receiver of forwarded situation events.

See the Tivoli Event Integration Facility Reference for more details on the parameters
and values.

If you are enabling EIF after your environment has been installed and configured,
you must enable EIF through Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services or
with the CLI itmcmd config -S and then recycle the monitoring server and portal

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide (
for instructions on configuring the monitoring server to enable the Tivoli Event
Integration Facility.

Chapter 10. Situation event integration with Tivoli Enterprise Console 267
About this task

Take these steps to edit the EIF configuration file:

1. Open the om_tec.config file:
v In the Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services window, right-click
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and click Advanced → Edit EIF
v Open install_dir/tables/host name/TECLIB/
om_tec.config in a text editor.
2. Edit any of the event server configuration parameters for the event integration

Option Description
ServerLocation= This is the host name or ip address of the
event server. To provide event failover, you
can indicate up to five default event servers,
separating each with a comma. When the
default event server is unavailable, the
situation event goes to the next server in the
Value: tec_server_addr
ServerPort= The event server listening port, which is
5529 by default. Specify 0 if the event server
uses the port mapper. If you specified
multiple server locations, add the
corresponding port numbers here, separating
each with a comma.
Value: [port:0]
EventMaxSize= Maximum number of characters allowed in
the event. This number is disabled by
default. To enable it, remove the # (pound
symbol) at the beginning of the line.
Value: 4096
RetryInterval= The number of times to retry connection
with the event server before returning an
Value: 5
getport_total_timeout_usec= The number of seconds to continue
attempting to connect to the event server
port before timing out. The default is 14
Value: 50500
NO_UTF8_CONVERSION= Events are already in UTF8 format; no
conversion is needed. This parameter must
be set to YES.
Value: YES
ConnectionMode= The connection mode.
Value: co
BufferEvents= Whether the EIF buffers the event. This must
be set to YES.
Value: YES

268 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Option Description
BufEvtMaxSize= Maximum size of the event cache. The
default is initially 4096 KB and you can
change it here.
Value: 4096
BufEvtPath= Path of the event cache file. The default is
Value: ./TECLIB/om_tec.cache
FilterMode= Enable event filtering. This is set to OUT by
Value: OUT
TcpTimeout= Use this parameter for connection-oriented
mode that allows the agent to timeout the
connect call with the primary server if it is
not available, and then failover to the
secondary server. For example, use this
parameter when a firewall blocks ICMP Ping
calls. The value is in seconds.
Value: 75
Restriction: This cannot be used with
parameters PingTimeout and
PingTimeout= The maximum timeout for the ping call to
try to access the destination server. If the
PingTimeout is not specified, a ping call is
not executed by the EIF before calling the
socket connect call. This parameter can be
used with connection-less or
connection-oriented connection types. This
parameter must be used with
NumberOfPingCalls. The value is in
Value: 75
Restriction: This cannot be used with
parameter TcpTimeout.
NumberOfPingCalls= The number of times the ping function
should be invoked before determining the
destination server is available. Due to some
TCP/IP configurations, the very first ping
call after the destination server is unplugged
can return successfully. This parameter can
be used with connection-less or
connection-oriented connection types. This
parameter must be used with PingTimeout.
Restriction: This cannot be used with
parameter TcpTimeout.
Filter: To filter out specific classes, use this
keyword. By default, situation events of the
class ITM_Generic and those that send no
master reset flag are not forwarded.
Value: Class=ITM_Generic;

3. When you are finished editing om_tec.config, save the file.

4. You must restart the monitoring server or, alternatively, you can use the
refreshTECinfo command to complete the updates without having to restart

Chapter 10. Situation event integration with Tivoli Enterprise Console 269
the monitoring server. To use this command, log into the command-line
interface with tacmd login , then run tacmd refreshTECinfo -t eif to complete
the EIF configuration.


The monitoring server uses the edited EIF configuration to forward event to the

What to do next

If this is the first time that you have configured the EIF forwarding after a Tivoli
Management Services upgrade, you also must recycle the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server and users must restart the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Otherwise, the EIF tab
will be missing from the Situation editor.

An alternative method for editing the EIF configuration is provided through the
Command Line Interface tacmd createEventDest. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Command Reference ( for a description.
Related reference:

Tivoli Event Integration Facility Reference

Tivoli Enterprise Console Information Center for more information about the
parameters and values.

Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide

Configure the monitoring server to enable the Tivoli Event Integration Facility

Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference

Complete EIF configuration updates with tacmd refreshTECinfo; make updates
with tacmd createEventDest

Specifying EIF forwarding for a situation event

When the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server has been configured for the Tivoli
Event Integration Facility, situation events can be forwarded to the event receiver.
Use the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Situation editor to set the destination event
receiver for individual situations.

Before you begin

One of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server configuration options is Tivoli

Event Integration Facility. When this option is enabled, the default EIF receiver is
specified in the event server Location and Port Number window that opens (and
described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide
( and Tivoli Event Integration Facility
Reference). Thereafter, all situation events are forwarded to the EIF receiver by
default, using the severity derived from the situation name or the Critical
severity if none can be derived.

You can override this default for individual situations through the EIF tab of the
Situation editor in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

270 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Up to eight event destinations can be specified for a forwarded situation event.
The event destination association can be done on the EIF tab of the Situation
editor. The event destinations must be predefined with the tacmd createEventDest
command. Changes to the list of event destinations do not take effect until either
the tacmd refreshTECinfo command is issued or the hub monitoring server is
recycled. Additionally, if this is the first time that you have configured the EIF
forwarding after a Tivoli Management Services upgrade, you also must recycle the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and users must restart the Tivoli Enterprise Portal to
see the EIF tab in the Situation editor.

Alternate event destinations that were specified in the tecserver.txt file from earlier
releases will be defined as valid event destinations automatically as part of the
tecserver.txt file migration.

If multiple default event destinations are specified (in other words, multiple event
destination servers have Default set to 'Y'), they all must be selected in the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal for events to be forwarded to all defined default destinations.

About this task

Complete these steps to specify the destination EIF receiver and severity for
forwarded events:

1. In the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Navigator view, either right-click the Navigator
item that the situation is associated with and click Situations or click
Situation Editor in the main toolbar.
2. Select the situation to forward.
3. Click the EIF tab.
4. Select Forward Events to an EIF Receiver to specify that an EIF event is sent
for each event that opens for this situation.
5. Select the EIF Severity to apply to forwarded events for this situation. <Default
EIF Severity> uses the same severity that is used for the situation at this
Navigator item.
6. To assign other EIF receivers instead of or in addition to the <Default EIF
Receiver>, use one of the following steps:
v To add a destination, select it from the Available EIF Receivers list and
move to the Assigned list. (After selecting the first destination, you can
use Ctrl+click to select other destinations or Shift+click to select all
destinations between the first selection and this one.)
v To remove a destination, select it from the Assigned EIF Receivers list and
move to the Available list.
The Available EIF Receivers list shows all of the defined EIF destinations that
were defined through Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services or with the tacmd
createEventDest command. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference
7. Save the situation definition with your changes by clicking Apply, to keep the
Situation editor open, or OK, to close the Situation editor.
Related reference:

Tivoli Event Integration Facility Reference

Tivoli Enterprise Console Information Center for more information about the

Chapter 10. Situation event integration with Tivoli Enterprise Console 271
parameters and values.

Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide

Configure the monitoring server to enable the Tivoli Event Integration Facility

Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference

Complete EIF configuration updates with tacmd refreshTECinfo; make updates
with tacmd createEventDest

Customizing the event message

From the Situation editor EIF tab, you can create map definitions for situation
events sent to the EIF receiver. The EIF Slot Customization window, which is
opened from the EIF tab, is used to customize how situation events are mapped to
forwarded EIF events, thus overriding the default mapping between situation
events and events forwarded to the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server.

When the Base Slot name is msg, the Literal value column is used for the message
template. The message template consists of fix message text and variable
substitution references, or symbols. The symbol can refer to common or event slot
data or a special reference to the situation formula. Common slots are those that
are included in all forwarded events, such as situation_name; event slots are those
specific to the situation. The following syntax rules apply when setting event slots:
v For an event slot, use the fully qualified attribute name
v For a common slot, use the variable name that is not fully qualified (no .
periods) unless it is the situation symbol
v For a situation formula, use $formula$
These characters are not supported: < less than, > greater than, " quotation mark, '
single quotation mark, and & ampersand. This column is available only if no value
is selected in the Mapped attribute column. See the Tivoli Enterprise Portal online
help or the Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide for more information.

For the msg slot, typical users specify a Literal value, not a Mapped attribute value.
If a value is specified in the Mapped attribute column for the msg slot, the
following occurs:
v If Map all attributes is not selected, then the Mapped attribute for the msg will
not be present in the event, and will be ignored.
v If Map all attributes is selected, then the Tivoli Enterprise Console event will
only have the default message template and not the Mapped attribute specified
in the msg slot.

Updating the XML used by the MCS Attribute Service

The default XML file used by the Multiple Console Support (MCS) Attribute
Service includes only the event classes defined in the BAROC files within the
TECLIB branch of the hub monitoring server installation. Generate a new XML file
for EIF Slot Customization whenever a new type of agent is added into the Tivoli
Management Services infrastructure or when a new event class has been added
into the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server.

272 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Before you begin

If an event class specified for a rule is not found within the current event class
definition set and you continue building the rule with the current definition set,
any unrecognized event classes will be removed from the rule.

The EIF Event Customization facility uses the MCS Attribute Service to present a
list of predefined event classes in the Event class name list of the EIF Slot
Customization window, which is available through the EIF tab of the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Situation editor. Only the event classes belonging to the OS
agents are predefined and they are in an MCS Attribute Service jar file. When a
new type of agent is added into the Tivoli Management Services infrastructure or a
new event class is added for an agent, you must generate a new MCS XML file
and point the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to the new XML file before the new
event classes will appear in the Event class name list.

To generate a new MCS XML file, install the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event
Definition Generator (TEDGEN) utility supplied on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Tools DVD. Install the TEDGEN utility on a distributed computer where the hub
monitoring server or portal server is installed, or where the Tivoli Enterprise
Console is installed. The computer on which you generate the MCS XML file must
have the necessary BAROC files.

Note: The definitions in MCS XML file supersede those defined in the shipped
MCS Attribute Services jar file (they are not merged). To obtain a MCS XML file
that contains both the event classes definitions of the OS agents as well as the new
agent, be sure all the BAROC definitions for the OS agents and new agent are
loaded at the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event server or are all in the same
directory on the hub monitoring server or portal server before running the
TEDGEN utility to generate the MCS XML file.

To install and configure the TEDGEN tool, perform these steps.

1. Install the TEDGEN utility from the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Tools DVD on
either the hub monitoring server, portal server or where the Tivoli Enterprise
Console is installed. The utility is located in the tec/tedgen directory on the
Tools DVD and the installation and configuration instructions are in the
README.txt file in the same directory.
2. If you installed the TEDGEN utility on a portal server on
Linux or UNIX system, also perform these additional configuration steps:
a. Create the install_dir/tables/cicatrsq/TECLIB directory if it does not
exist, where install_dir is the directory where IBM Tivoli Monitoring is
b. Copy the om_tec.baroc and kib.baroc files from the install_dir/arch/cq/
TECLIB directory to the install_dir/tables/cicatrsq/TECLIB directory,
where arch is the architecture directory for the portal server.

About this task

These steps assume you have installed the TEDGEN utility on the computer where
you want to run the tool: at the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server, the hub
monitoring server or portal server.

You must also install the application support for the agents whose EIF events are
customized on the hub monitoring server or portal server where you want to run

Chapter 10. Situation event integration with Tivoli Enterprise Console 273
the utility. If you want to run the TEDGEN utility on the Tivoli Enterprise Console,
you must also load the agent's BAROC files on the computer where the Tivoli
Enterprise Console is installed.

After installing the utility and application support, then run the TEDGEN
command to create a new XML file for EIF Slot Customization.

v If you have installed the TEDGEN utility on a portal server installed on Linux or
UNIX, the BAROC files will not exist unless the Install TEMS support for
remote seeding option was selected during the agent's application support
installation. See “Configuring application support for nonlocal monitoring
servers” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. This action
places the BAROC files on the portal server under the install_dir/tables/
cicatrsq/TECLIB directory where install_dir is the directory where IBM Tivoli
Monitoring is installed.
v If you installed the TEDGEN utility on a portal server on Windows, verify that
the portal server’s TECLIB directory contains the .baroc files for the agents
whose events you want to customize. Not all agents include their .baroc files in
their portal server application support. If an agent’s .baroc file is not present,
you can copy it from the hub monitoring server’s TECLIB directory.

1. Complete one of the following steps to run the TEDGEN command:
v On the computer where the hub monitoring server or portal server is located,
issue these commands:

set CANDLE_HOME=install_dir
cd TEDGEN_Install_dir\scripts
tedgen -itmDir install_dir\{CMS|CNPS}
\TECLIB -id server_id -xmlPath output_xml_file_path

where, install_dir is the directory where IBM Tivoli Monitoring is

installed, and TEDGEN_Install_dir is the directory where the
TEDGEN utility is installed.

export CANDLEHOME=install_dir
cd TEDGEN_Install_dir/scripts
tedgen -itmDir
TECLIB -id server_id -xmlPath output_xml_file_path

where, install_dir is the directory where IBM Tivoli Monitoring is

installed, and TEDGEN_Install_dir is the directory where the
TEDGEN utility is installed.
In the following example, the hub monitoring server named mytems
has the BAROC files in the TECLIB directory. The output file goes to
the same directory and is named tems.xml.
tedgen -itmDir C:\IBM\ITM\CMS\TECLIB -id mytems -xmlPath tems.xml
v On the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server is located,
install the TEDGEN utility from the Tools DVD that comes with the event
server installation media. Then create a new XML file:

274 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

a. Issue the wrb -imprbclass command to import the BAROC file that is
installed with a newly added agent, and OS agents if they are not already
wrb -imprbclass class_file [ -encoding encoding ]
[-before class_file | -after class_file] [-force] rule_base
b. Issue the wrb -loadrb command to reload the rulebase:
wrb -loadrb rule_base
c. Stop and restart the event server by running these commands:
d. Issue the TEDGEN command to generate the XML file:
tedgen [ -bcDir baroc_classes_directory | -rbName rule_base_name ]
-id server_id -xmlPath output_xml_file_path
In the following example, the XML file named tec.xml is generated
from the current rulebase on the Tivoli Enterprise Console event
server named mytec.
tedgen -id mytec -xmlPath tec.xml
2. Copy the newly generated XML file to the computer where the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server is installed.
3. Edit the portal server environment file to specify the path to the XML file:
a. In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window,
right-click Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and click Advanced → Edit ENV
File to open the kfwenv file in the text editor.
Open install_dir/config/cq.ini in a text editor.
b. Locate the KFW_MCS_XML_FILES environment variable and type = (equal
sign) followed by the path to the MCS XML file.
c. Save and close the environment file.
d. Restart the portal server.
Reconfigure the portal server and then restart it.

Using the NetView console through the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
event viewer
You can launch the IBM Tivoli NetView® Java console from the IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console views, navigating from an event row to the associated network
topology and diagnostics. The selected event must contain a valid host name or IP
address to support the topology display of the node associated with the event.
Otherwise, the standard topology view is displayed without a specific node

About this task

IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console rules automatically synchronize the events

forwarded by Tivoli NetView to the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console server. The
event status updates are reflected on the system where you launch the Netview
event console.

Ensure that you have netview.rls and netview BAROC files in the actively loaded
rule base. For details, see the Rule Set Reference at the Tivoli Enterprise Console
Information Center (

Chapter 10. Situation event integration with Tivoli Enterprise Console 275
If you want to use the NetView console through the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
view in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, you must configure the NVWC_HOME
variable in the shell script that launches the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client, to point
to the installation directory of NetView Web Console.

To set the NVWC_HOME variable, complete the following procedure:

v install_dir\cnp\cnp.bat
v or install_dir/bin/

What to do next

The NetView Web Console must be installed on the computer where the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal client is running to launch the NetView console from IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console view.

See the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console product documentation for more detailed
information about using the NetView console.

276 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Chapter 11. Situation event integration with Tivoli
Use the Tivoli Event Integration Facility (EIF) interface to forward enterprise
situation events to OMNIbus. The events are received by the Netcool/OMNIbus
Probe for Tivoli EIF, which maps them to OMNIbus events and then inserts them
into the OMNIbus server.

Updates to those events are also sent to OMNIbus. When an OMNIbus user
acknowledges, closes, or reopens a forwarded event, OMNIbus sends those
changes to back to the monitoring server that forwarded them.

Situation events from Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents that are sent as SNMP
alerts to the Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP Probe can also be used to integrate with

See “Setting up event forwarding to Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus” in the IBM Tivoli

Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for instructions to enable situation event
forwarding: configuring the OMNIbus server for program execution from scripts,
updating the OMNIbus db schema, configuring the EIF probe, enabling situation
forwarding on the hub monitoring server, and defining a default event integration
facility (EIF) destination.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 277

278 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 12. Configuring connectors for the common event
The common event console is a Tivoli Enterprise Portal view that provides a single,
integrated display of events from multiple event systems. In one table, the
common event console presents events from the event systems, and users can sort,
filter, and perform actions on these events. The following event systems are
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring
v IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
v IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus

A common event connector (frequently called a connector) is software that enables the
integrated display of events from multiple event systems in the common event
console. A connector retrieves event data from an event system and sends
user-initiated actions to be run in that event system. For example, if you perform
an action on a Tivoli Enterprise Console or Netcool/OMNIbus event in the
common event console, the associated common event console connector sends that
action to the originating event system (Tivoli Enterprise Console or
Netcool/OMNIbus) for execution. To have the events from a specific event system
displayed in the common event console, you must configure a connector for that
event system and set a variable in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server environment

Common Event Console Configuration window

Use the Common Event Console Configuration window to configure a common
event console connector for each of your event system instances. Because the
connector for the IBM Tivoli Monitoring product is pre-configured when you
install the product, the common event console includes situation events by default.
However, to have IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console or IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
events included in the common event console, you must configure a connector for
each of these event systems after you install the IBM Tivoli Monitoring product.
This configuration includes specifying which event systems are used to obtain
events for display in the common event console. You might also want to change
some of the configuration values for the IBM Tivoli Monitoring connector.

About this task

To configure connectors, open the Common Event Console Configuration window

by performing the following steps on the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server is installed and complete the following procedure:

1. Select Start → Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services.
2. In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window, right-click
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
3. In the menu, click Reconfigure.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 279

4. In the first configuration window, click OK.
5. In the second configuration window, click OK.
6. Click No in answer to the question “Do you want to reconfigure the
warehouse connection information for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server?”
v or
1. At the command line, change directory (cd) to install_dir/bin and enter
./itmcmd manage.
2. In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window, right-click
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
3. In the pop-up menu, click Configure.


The portal server stops and, after a moment, the Common Event Console
Configuration window opens with the following tabs:
v ITM Connector
v TEC Connector
v OMNIbus Connector
v Names of Extra Columns

ITM Connector tab

Click the ITM Connector tab to view or change the information for the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring connector. Because the Tivoli Monitoring event system has a single hub
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, you configure only one IBM Tivoli Monitoring

The following information defines the IBM Tivoli Monitoring connector:

Enable this connector
You can choose Yes or No. A value of Yes means that IBM Tivoli
Monitoring events are available in the common event console.
Connector name
The name that is to be displayed in the common event console for this
Maximum number of events for this connector
The maximum number of events that are to be available in the common
event console for this connector.
View closed events
You can choose Yes or No. A value of Yes means that closed events for this
connector are available in the common event console.

TEC Connector tab

Click the TEC Connector tab to view or change the information for an IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console connector. To have the events from a Tivoli Enterprise Console
server displayed in the common event console, you must configure an IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console connector.

To configure a connector, click New. The resulting TEC Connector page contains
the following information that defines an IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console connector:
Connector name
The name that is to be displayed in the common event console for this

280 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Maximum number of events for this connector
The maximum number of events that are to be available in the common
event console for this connector.
Computer name of event system
The computer name of the event system that is associated with this
Port number of event system
The object dispatcher (oserv) port number, typically 94. This is the port
that the connector uses to retrieve events from the Tivoli Enterprise
Console event system.
This is not the port used to connect to the Tivoli Enterprise Console event
server (5529 by default).
User name for accessing event system
The user name that is used when accessing the event system that is
associated with this connector.
The password that is associated with the user name.
Event group that defines events for common event console
The Tivoli Enterprise Console event group that defines which events are
available in the common event console.
If you do not specify an event group, all Tivoli Enterprise Console events
are available in the common event console.
If you want to restrict events further, you can also define a clause in the
SQL WHERE clause that restricts events for common event console field.
SQL WHERE clause that restricts events for common event console
This clause can be applied only to the part of an event that is built from
the Tivoli Enterprise Console base attribute table. For example, status <>
30 causes all events with a status that is not equal to 30 to be available in
the common event console.
If you do not define a clause, all Tivoli Enterprise Console events are
available in the common event console, unless they are excluded by an
event group that you specified in the Event group that defines events for
common event console field.
View closed events
You can choose Yes or No. A value of Yes means that closed events for this
connector are available in the common event console.
Time interval (in minutes) for polling event system
The number of minutes between each poll of the event system for new or
changed events.
Time interval (in minutes) for synchronizing events
The number of minutes between each poll of the event system to
determine which events have been deleted.
Time interval (in seconds) between reconnection attempts
The number of seconds of delay between reconnection attempts when the
connector loses its connection to the event system.
Number of reconnection attempts
The maximum number of consecutive reconnection attempts to make if the
connector loses its connection to the event system.

Chapter 12. Configuring connectors for the common event console 281
If this value is set to -1 and the connector loses its connection, the
connector attempts to reconnect indefinitely.
Information for extra table columns
The common event console includes five extra table columns that you can
customize. In the remaining fields on this TEC Connector page, you can
define the Tivoli Enterprise Console attribute type and attribute name that
identify the attribute that is to be mapped to each of these customizable
For the attribute type, you can choose one of the following values:
v Base, which means that the attribute is from the Tivoli Enterprise
Console base attribute table.
v Extended, which means that the attribute is from the Tivoli Enterprise
Console extended attribute table.

OMNIbus Connector tab

Click the OMNIbus Connector tab to view or change the information for an IBM
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus connector. To have the events from a Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer displayed in the common event console, you must
configure an IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus connector.

To configure a connector, click New. The resulting OMNIbus Connector page

contains the following information that defines an IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
Connector name
The name that is to be displayed in the common event console for this
Maximum number of events for this connector
The maximum number of events that are to be available in the common
event console for this connector.
Computer name of event system
The computer name of the event system that is associated with this
Port number of event system
The ObjectServer port number (usually 4100), which this connector uses to
retrieve events from the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus event system.
User name for accessing event system
The user name that is used when accessing the event system that is
associated with this connector.
The password that is associated with the user name.
SQL WHERE clause that restricts events for common event console
This clause can be applied only to the part of an event that is built from
the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus alerts.status table. For example, Severity
<> 0 causes all events with a severity that is not equal to 0 to be available
in the common event console.
If you do not define a clause, all Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus events are
available in the common event console.

282 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

View cleared events
You can choose Yes or No. A value of Yes means that cleared events for this
connector are available in the common event console.
Time interval (in minutes) for polling event system
The number of minutes between each poll of the event system for new or
changed events.
The Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer automatically sends new or
changed events to the common event console as they become available.
Therefore, the primary purpose of this checking is to ensure that the server
and the connection to the server are functioning properly.
Time interval (in seconds) between reconnection attempts
The number of seconds of delay between reconnection attempts when the
connector loses its connection to the event system.
Number of reconnection attempts
The maximum number of consecutive reconnection attempts to make if the
connector loses its connection to the event system.
If this value is set to 0 and the connector loses its connection, the connector
remains inoperable indefinitely.
If this value is set to -1 and the connector loses its connection, the
connector attempts to reconnect indefinitely.
Information for extra table columns
The common event console includes five extra table columns that you can
customize. In the remaining fields on this page, you can define the Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus field type and field name that identify the field that is
to be mapped to each of these customizable columns.
For the field type, you can choose one of the following values:
v alerts.status, which means that the field contains data from the
alerts.status table in the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer.
v alerts.details, which means that the field contains data from the
alerts.details table in the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer.
v Extended, which means that the field contains extended attributes from a
Tivoli Enterprise Console event that has been forwarded to the Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus event system.

Names of Extra Columns tab

The common event console includes five extra table columns that you can
customize. By default, the following names are used for these columns:
v Extra Column 1
v Extra Column 2
v Extra Column 3
v Extra Column 4
v Extra Column 5

Click the Names of Extra Columns tab to view or change the names of these

When you define a Tivoli Enterprise Console or Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus

connector, you can define the information that is to be mapped to each of these
customizable columns.

Chapter 12. Configuring connectors for the common event console 283
Purpose of extra table columns
The common event console displays only a basic set of information from the Tivoli
Enterprise Console base attribute table and the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
alerts.status and alerts.details tables.

If, for example, you want to see an additional attribute named “origin” from a
Tivoli Enterprise Console event, you can perform the following steps:
1. In the Attribute type for extra column 1 field on the TEC Connector page,
choose the attribute type, for example, base.
2. In the Attribute name for extra column 1 field on the TEC Connector page,
enter the attribute name, for example, origin.
3. In the Name of extra column 1 field on the Names of Extra Columns page,
enter the name that you want to use for the column that you have customized.
For example, you might enter Origin.
In the “Origin” column for each row that is a Tivoli Enterprise Console event, the
common event console displays the value of the origin attribute.

TEC Connector tab: defining information for extra table columns

In the following fields on the TEC Connector page, you define the information that
is to be mapped to the customizable columns:
v Attribute type for extra column 1
v Attribute name for extra column 1
v Attribute type for extra column 2
v Attribute name for extra column 2
v Attribute type for extra column 3
v Attribute name for extra column 3
v Attribute type for extra column 4
v Attribute name for extra column 4
v Attribute type for extra column 5
v Attribute name for extra column 5

OMNIbus Connector tab: defining information for extra table

In the following fields on the OMNIbus Connector page, you define the
information that is to be mapped to the customizable columns:
v Field type for extra column 1
v Field name for extra column 1
v Field type for extra column 2
v Field name for extra column 2
v Field type for extra column 3
v Field name for extra column 3
v Field type for extra column 4
v Field name for extra column 4
v Field type for extra column 5
v Field name for extra column 5

284 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Best practices for using event synchronization
In your environment, if Tivoli Monitoring events are forwarded to the Tivoli
Enterprise Console or Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus event system for the purpose of
event synchronization, configure the common event connectors to retrieve only one
copy of the same event to avoid having duplicate event information in the
common event console.

Follow these best practices to restrict the common event console to include only
the Tivoli Enterprise Console or Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus events that do not
originate as Tivoli Monitoring events:
When Tivoli Monitoring events are forwarded to Tivoli Enterprise Console event
1. On the Tivoli Enterprise Console server, create an event group that
defines only the Tivoli Enterprise Console events that do not originate
as Tivoli Monitoring events and is named, for example, All_but_ITM.
2. When you configure a TEC Connector, type All_but_ITM in the Event
group that defines events for common event console field.
3. When you configure the ITM Connector, click Yes in the Enable this
connector field.
When Tivoli Monitoring events are forwarded to Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus event
1. When you configure an OMNIbus Connector, type ITMStatus = ’’ in
the SQL WHERE clause that restricts events for common event
console field, where ’’ is two single quotation marks with no space
between them. This clause restricts the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus events
in the common event console to only those that do not originate as
Tivoli Monitoring events.
2. When you configure the ITM Connector, click Yes in the Enable this
connector field.

The resulting configuration causes the common event console to retrieve Tivoli
Monitoring events directly from the Tivoli Monitoring event system rather than the
Tivoli Enterprise Console or Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus event system, which
prevents you from having duplicate event information in the common event

Troubleshooting problems with connection to Tivoli Enterprise

Console server on Linux systems
The following information can be used to troubleshoot problems with connection
to Tivoli Enterprise Console server on a Linux system.
The Tivoli Enterprise Console connector cannot connect to the Tivoli
Enterprise Console server. Therefore, Tivoli Enterprise Console events are
not available in the common event console.
The /etc/hosts file on the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
server is installed must include the local host with the correct IP address.
The following line shows approximately what the default Linux
configuration is: my_hostname localhost

Chapter 12. Configuring connectors for the common event console 285
The default Linux configuration causes the connection request to be sent to
the Tivoli Enterprise Console server with the address, which is
not the correct IP address of the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal server is installed. For the Tivoli Enterprise Portal server to connect,
it must be able to do a reverse lookup.
Ensure that the /etc/hosts file includes the local host with the correct IP
address. The following two lines show approximately what the correct
Linux configuration is, where is the IP address of the
computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal server is installed: localhost my_hostname

286 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents
Maintenance of Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents involves such tasks as
upgrading to the latest release, editing environment variables to change their
behavior, and controlling their display in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Navigator
Physical view.

The methods available for agent maintenance depend on the size and configuration
of your managed network, the type of task, and your preferences.

Agent tasks in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal

The Navigator Physical view in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal displays the managed
systems in your monitored network. From the Navigator menu, you can remotely
deploy and manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents that run on distributed
operating systems and that connect to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server that
runs on a distributed operating system.

Before you can remotely install and configure agents, each target computer must
have an operating system (OS) agent installed. Monitoring agents that do not
support the remote agent deployment feature do not show the Add Managed
System, Configure, and Remove options in the Navigator pop-up menu. The types
of managed systems that you can add to a computer depend on what agent
bundles are in the agent depot on the monitoring server that the OS agent is
connected to.

Adding an agent through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal

Use the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client to add individual managed systems to the
monitored network.

Before you begin

The types of agents that you can remotely install on a computer depend on what
agent bundles are in the agent depot on the monitoring server to which the OS
agent is connected. The “Deploying monitoring agents across your environment”
topics in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide describe how
establish an agent depot on the monitoring server and an OS agent on each
computer where agents will be deployed.

After the OS agents have been installed, the Navigator Physical view adds an item
for each online managed system.

To use this feature, your user ID must have Manage permission for Agent

About this task

Follow these instructions to install and configure managed systems through the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 287

1. In the Navigator physical view, right-click the system-level Navigator item
for the computer where you want to install the monitoring agent. In this
example, the computers named ORANGE, PEAR, CABBAGE, and ONION are
Linux Systems
Windows Systems
2. Click Add Managed System to open the Select a Monitoring Agent window.
The agents shown in this list are those available for the operating system on
which this computer runs. The two-digit version number is followed by a
two-digit release number and a modification number of up to five digits.
3. Highlight the type of the monitoring agent to install and click OK. For some
agent types, the new managed system operation is queued and the transaction
ID is displayed. For other agent types, a wizard is provided for you to
configure the agent on this system.
4. Complete the fields to configure the agent, clicking Next and Back to move
among the pages.
5. On the Agent page, establish the operating system user ID under which the
agent will run on the managed system. Windows: Either accept the default to
start the managed system with your user ID (you can also select the check box
to Allow service to interact with desktop to enable remote control) or select
Use this account and fill in the user name and password under which the
agent will run.
Non-Windows: Enter the Username under which the agent will run and the
Group name.
6. Click Finish to complete the managed system configuration. If any of the
information provided is invalid, you will receive an error message and be
returned to the configuration window. Check your entries and edit as
appropriate to configure correctly. Installation and setup begins and might take
several minutes to complete depending on your Tivoli monitoring
configuration, the location of the managed system, and the type of monitoring
7. After the managed system has been added to the enterprise, click Apply
Pending Updates in the Navigator view toolbar. The new managed system
(such as Universal Database) is displayed below the system Navigator item.

Configuring an agent through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal client offers a convenient feature for configuring
individual managed systems. This method of configuring agents does not apply to
the OS agents because they are already configured and running.

Before you begin

To use this feature, your user ID must have Manage permission for Agent

288 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

About this task

To configure your monitoring agents, complete the following steps.

1. Right-click the Navigator item for the agent to configure or upgrade.
2. Click Configure to open the Configure Managed System window.
3. Edit the fields to configure the agent, clicking Next and Back to move among
the pages. Any pages besides Agent are specific to the agent type.
v Performance Analyzer, Summarization and Pruning Agent, and Warehouse
Proxy: See “Tivoli Data Warehouse solutions” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Installation and Setup Guide.
v Non-base agents: See your product's installation guide in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Information Center (
v61r1/topic/ or on IBM Tivoli
Documentation Central (
4. On the Agent page, establish the user ID that will be used to maintain the
Accept the default Use local system account to use your Tivoli
Enterprise Portal user ID. You can also select Allow service to
interact with desktop to enable remote control. Or select Use this
account and fill in the user name and password under which the agent
will be controlled.
Enter the Username under which the agent will run and the Group
5. Click Finish to complete the managed system configuration. If any of the
information provided is invalid, you will receive an error message and be
returned to the configuration window. Check your entries and edit as
appropriate to configure correctly.

Starting, stopping, and recycling an agent through the Tivoli

Enterprise Portal
You can start an offline managed system, or recycle or stop it through the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal.

Before you begin

To use this feature, your user ID must have Manage permission for Agent

About this task

All deployment commands are passed through the operating system agent that is
installed at the target computer. If an operating system agent is not installed, you
cannot start or stop the deployed agent.

v To start a monitoring agent from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal:

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 289

1. In the Navigator Physical view, right-click the Navigator item of the offline
2. Click Start. The request to start the monitoring agent is sent to the
monitoring server to which it is connected. Depending on your monitoring
configuration, it might take a few moments before the agent starts running
and to see the Navigator item enabled. If the monitoring agent does not start
and you get an error message, the computer might be unavailable.
v To stop a monitoring agent from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal:
1. In the Navigator physical view, right-click the agent to stop.
2. Click Stop. The agent goes offline and the Navigator item is dimmed. The
agent does not come online until you start it manually or, if it is set to start
automatically, after you restart the monitoring server to which it is
v To recycle a monitoring agent from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal:
1. In the Navigator physical view, right-click the agent to stop.
2. Click Restart to stop, then start the monitoring agent. This might take a
short time depending on the network traffic.

Updating an agent through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal

When a new version of a distributed monitoring agent is released, you can apply
the new version locally or remotely to one managed system at a time, or to many
simultaneously. Use the Configure Managed System window in the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal client to apply the update.

Before you begin

This capability does not apply to the OS monitoring agents, z/OS-based agents, or
any products that do not support the remote agent deployment feature. The agents
to be updated must also have been originally installed using remote agent
deployment. The types of managed systems that you can add to a computer
depend on what agent bundles are in the agent depot on the monitoring server to
which the OS agent is connected. See the “Deploying monitoring agents across
your environment” topics in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide
for more information.

Before starting the update, you must install application support on the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server for any agent that you are going to deploy with the
procedure that follows.

Note: Agent application support updates are automatic and this procedure is not
necessary if your monitoring agent is running on an IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version
6.2.3 or later infrastructure, unless the self-describing capability is disabled.

About this task

Complete these steps to apply a patch for a monitoring agent through the portal

1. Right-click the Navigator item for the agent that you want to upgrade.
2. Click Configure to open the Configure Managed System window.
3. Click the Agent tab.

290 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

4. Compare the installed version of the monitoring agent with any available
product updates, then highlight the row of the agent to update and click Install


Installation of the updates begins and might take several minutes to complete. The
list that displays reflects the contents of the deployment depot. If Install Updates
is disabled, one or more of the following conditions exist:
v The depot entry does not match the product type.
v The VVRR fields for the agent and the depot entry are not the same, where VV is
the version number and RR is the revision number. For example, an entry of 0610
prevents you from applying a fix pack intended for a version 6.2 agent.
v The depot entry is at an older version than the agent.
v The host version field of the depot entry does not contain the host platform for
the agent.
v The prereq field of the depot entry does not contain an agent of the same type
as the agent itself. For example, if 6.1 UD (DB2 monitoring) is the selected agent,
the prereq field in the depot entry must contain a deployment bundle notation
such as ud:061000000, which is one way to denote a patch deployment bundle.

Removing an agent through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal

You can also uninstall monitoring agents from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal by
stopping the agent and removing its configuration settings. After you have
removed the agent from the enterprise, you can completely uninstall the agent
from the managed system. When you remove an agent, it is removed from any
managed system groups to which it is assigned, any situation or policy distribution
lists it was on, and any custom Navigator view items to which it was assigned.

Before you begin

To use this feature, your user ID must have Manage permission for Agent

About this task

Complete the following steps to remove and optionally uninstall an agent:

Note: If the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services utility is running when
you uninstall the agent, it is shut down automatically by the uninstallation process.

1. Right-click the Navigator item for the agent you want to remove.
2. Click Remove.
3. Click Yes when you are asked to confirm the removal of the agent. If you are
removing an agent that has subagents, another message will ask if you want
them all removed.
4. When you are asked to confirm that you want to permanently uninstall the
agent, click Yes to uninstall or No to leave the agent installed on your system.

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 291

Updating an agent through the command-line interface
Updating agents involves stopping any that are running, applying the changes,
and restarting them. After determining the specifics about monitoring agents that
you want to update, including the type and version, run the tacmd updateAgent
command from the command-line interface. If a version is not specified, the agent
is updated to the latest version.

About this task

Complete the following steps at a command-line interface. For reference

information about this command and related commands, see the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Command Reference.

Note: Use only tacmd commands that are included with Tivoli products to process
bundles and to execute agent deployments. Manual manipulation of the depot
directory structure or the bundles and files within it is not supported and might
void your warranty.

1. Use the tacmd login command to log into a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
tacmd login {-s|-–server} {[{https|http}://]HOST[:PORT]}
[{-u|--username} USERNAME]
[{-p|--password} PASSWORD]
[{-t|--timeout} TIMEOUT] [-t TIMEOUT]
a. For example, to log in to the system with the user name
Admin and the password log1n, run the following command:
tacmd login -s -u Admin -p log1n
2. After logging in, use the tacmd updateAgent command to install an agent
update to a specified node.
tacmd updateAgent {-t|--type} TYPE {-n|--node} MANAGED-OS
[{-v|--version} VERSION] [{-f|--force}]
a. For example, the following command updates a UNIX agent (type UX) on
tacmd updateagent -t UX -n itmserver:KUX -v 6111

Clearing the Deployment Status table

Each time you issue an IBM Tivoli Monitoring tacmd command or use the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal navigator to remotely manage a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Agent, information about the transaction is preserved in the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server Deployment Status table. To make it easier to manage the
contents of this table, especially in large environments, you can schedule the
periodic removal of completed transactions from the table.

About this task

Enable this feature to review completed deployment transactions at opportune

times and reduce the amount of monitoring server overhead by maintaining a
modest table size. To schedule periodic clearing of completed transactions from the
Deployment Status table, you need to specify how often you want the clearing to

292 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

This feature is controlled by the monitoring server CLEARDEPLOYSTATUSFREQ=X
environment variable, where X is the number of hours between the automated
clearing of the table. If X is zero (0) or if the environment variable is not specified,
automatic clearing is disabled. Valid values include 0 - 720.

You can enable the feature in two ways:

v Add the environment variable to the monitoring server configuration file
directly, so that the server enables automated clearing at startup.
v Set the environment variable on an already running monitoring server by using
the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console.

When automated clearing is enabled, the monitoring server automatically finds

completed deployment transactions, removes them from the Deployment Status
table, and then records the information about the deleted transaction in a log file
for examination by the user at a later time. The automated clearing runs at the
hourly interval that you specify when setting the environment variable.

v Modify the monitoring server environment file
1. Open the environment file on the computer where the monitoring server is
– Use Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services (Start →
Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services). Right-click Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and
click Advanced → Edit ENV File.
– Change to the install_dir/config directory and
open the <hostname>_ms_<temsname>.config and ms.ini files in a text
2. Add the environment variable, specifying your hourly interval. For example:
3. Save the file.
4. Recycle the monitoring server to implement the changes.
v Modify the monitoring server environment file by using the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Service Console
See “Using the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Console” in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide for detailed information.
1. Open a web browser to http://hostname:1920, where hostname is the host
name or IP address of the system where the monitoring server is running.
The utility then displays with information about the components that are
currently running on this system.
2. Select the ms link to modify the environment variable.
3. Enter your user ID and passwords.
4. Enter the BSS1 SET CLEARDEPLOYSTATUSFREQ=1 command, where 1 is your
hourly interval.


The log file cleardeploystatus.log in the monitoring server logs subdirectory

(install_dir/logs for Linux and UNIX or install_dir\logs for Windows)
contains a text line for each Deployment Status table transaction that is cleared.
Each time the monitoring server is started, it logs ---Clear Deploy Status Log---
in the log file.

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 293

Each transaction that is cleared from the table has the following information
written to the log file:
v Transaction ID: Global transaction identifier of the transaction that completed.
v Submitted: Timestamp that the transaction was initially submitted for
v Command: The deployment command processed.
v Status: The completion status (SUCCESS or FAILURE).
v Retries: The number of times the transaction was tried before it completed.
v Monitoring server name: The name of the monitoring server responsible for
processing the transaction.
v Target host name: The managed system name or managed node identifier where
the command was completed.
v Platform: The reported platform architecture of the OS agent executing on the
v Product: The product code of the agent for which the transaction was processed.
v Version: The version of the product for which the transaction was attempted.
v Completion message: If the status returned is a failure, an explanation of the
reason for the failure.

What to do next

You can change the location of the log file where the monitoring server records the
transactions which are cleared from the Deployment Status table, by adding the
environment variable CLEARLOG to the monitoring server configuration file
specifying a fully qualified path name on the local system, or any fully qualified
path name on a mounted file system.

Using a mounted file system is useful when there is a monitoring server and a
server backup. By using a mounted file system as the destination, the logs for both
systems can be set to the same fully qualified path name to accommodate failover

Note: The acting hub monitoring server performs the automated cleansing of the
Deployment Status table for the entire enterprise. If you have a backup monitoring
server for the hub, then also set the environment variable on the backup to the
same value as specified on the hub so that the clearing process occurs at the same
time in the event of a hub failover.

Changing the monitoring server an agent connects to

A monitored environment with multiple Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Servers can
have all or some of the agents connect to remote monitoring servers. You can
change the monitoring server an agent connects to by reconfiguring it.

About this task

Use one of these options to reassign a monitoring agent to a different monitoring


v Use the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services application on the
computer system where the agent is installed. Right-click the monitoring agent,
and click Reconfigure. Click OK in the first Agent Advanced Configuration

294 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

window, then enter the Hostname or IP Address of the monitoring server you
want to connect to. If the port you are using is different from the default 1918,
enter the Port number.
If the agent is installed on Linux or UNIX you can also use the itmcmd agent -A
<product_code> command to reconfigure.
v Use the tacmd setAgentConnection command to remotely reconfigure the agent.
See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference (
landing_cmdref.htm) for detailed information on this command.
v On IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 or later monitoring servers, use the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring login daemon solution that is available on IBM Service Management
Connect. The login daemon is a tool which handles monitoring agents coming
online, then calls the following customer-provided scripts:
Select TEMS
This script returns an indication of what primary and secondary
monitoring servers an agent should be reconfigured to connect to, if the
agent connects to the wrong monitoring server.
After Login
This script can be used to perform setup or configuration of an agent
after it has connected to its designated monitoring server. For example,
this script can be used to add an agent to the managed system groups or
scan the system where the agent is installed and remotely deploy
additional agents as needed.
For more information on the login daemon solution and whether or not it can be
used in your environment, see TEMS login policies for agents or go directly to
the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Wiki (
community/wikis/home?lang=en#!/wiki/Tivoli%20Monitoring) and search for
"login policies". Note: This solution is only available through IBM Service
Management Connect.

Self-describing monitoring agents

IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.3 or later monitoring agents that are enabled for
self-description have all the required application support files to update the Tivoli
Management Services servers. You do not have to perform manual support
installation steps and recycle each individual server component that supports the

Self-describing monitoring agents apply version updates to other components

automatically as the agent connects, without the need to recycle the Tivoli
Management Services servers: hub monitoring server, remote monitoring server,
and portal server. This automatic product support installation feature helps to
eliminate errors that might occur from the inconsistent installation of application
data on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring server. To use the self-describing capability your
Tivoli Management Services must be at V6.2.3 or later.

If a monitoring agent supports the self-describing capability, application support is

installed on the agent system. If the monitoring agent includes the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring V6.2.3 or later agent framework or is installed on a system where the
V6.2.3 or later agent framework is already installed, the monitoring servers and
portal servers retrieve the application support files from the agent after agent
startup and automatically apply the support. The infrastructure servers retrieve

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 295

only the application support from a self-describing agent if they have not already
applied the application support or if they have an earlier version of the application

The self-describing update occurs only once for each specific agent version. The
update files are stored at the agent so that when the agent connects to a
monitoring server, the monitoring server is automatically informed of the available
application support update. If the self-describing function is enabled, the
application support is retrieved from the agent, and the monitoring server support
is updated.

Note: If you are using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop client, you must use the
monitoring agent's installation images to install the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
application support on each of the desktop clients.

If you installed your monitoring server on Linux or UNIX, the application support
files for all base monitoring agents and other supported agents were automatically
installed on the monitoring server. This process is different from installing the
monitoring server on Windows, in that the Linux or UNIX installation always
automatically installs the application support files for monitoring agents. Check the
monitoring server and portal server to ensure that self-describing agent products
are installed as expected.

The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server component, provided in IBM

Tivoli Monitoring V6.3, contains the Open Services Lifecycle Collaboration
Performance Monitoring (OSLC-PM) service provider. The Performance Monitoring
server provider does not support the dynamic refresh of application support files.
This means that the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server must be
recycled when new application support is added to a system, regardless of
whether the support was added through a self-describing agent, a regular
installation, or a manual copy. However, if the monitoring agent does not provide
OSLC support, then the automation server does not need to be recycled. Typically,
agents before IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 do not provide OSLC support. See the
agent documentation to determine whether an agent provides OSLC support.


Use the following roadmap to help you configure, enable, and use the
self-describing feature. Because this roadmap is meant to provide a comprehensive
overview, when applicable, links are provided to relevant sections in other Tivoli
Monitoring guides.

Step Description and information provided

1 Two types of installation scenarios are available: a pristine installation and an
upgrade installation. See “Configuring self-describing agent seeding” in the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
Additional information:
Seeding information is also provided in “Self-describing auto refresh
and seeding” on page 306.
For information about the editSdaOptions command, see the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference (

296 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Step Description and information provided
2 Configure self-describing at the hub monitoring server. See “Enabling
self-describing agent capability at the hub monitoring server” in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide, for more information about this initial
setup. This step includes setting each hub monitoring server environment
variable KMS_SDA=Y.
Additional information:
For future reference and administrator tasks after initial setup, see
“Enabling or disabling the self-describing capability at the monitoring
server” on page 308.
3 Note: If you are not running IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3, skip this step.

In IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3, by default, the hub monitoring server blocks all
self-describing agent installations (even if you turned on self-describing at the
hub monitoring server with setting KMS_SDA=Y from step 2) until you issue one
of the following commands:
v tacmd addSdaInstallOptions to specify the products and versions that the
self-describing agent facility is allowed to install.
v tacmd editSdaInstallOptions -t DEFAULT -i ON to allow installations for all
products and versions without any blocking. (This setting is essentially the
default self-describing agent behavior in V6.2.3 and V6.2.3 FP1.)

This feature provides more control over what products and versions are
installed on your monitoring server and portal server by the automatic
self-describing agent process.

After modifying your install options, you can use the tacmd
listSdaInstallOptions command to display the current installation
configurations for the hub monitoring server.

For detailed information and tacmd commands, see “Managing your

self-describing agent installations” and “Dynamically controlling the hub
monitoring server self-describing agent capability” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Installation and Setup Guide.
Additional information:
For full syntax information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command
Reference (
For future reference you can update or modify these installation
options after initial setup, see “Dynamically updating the
self-describing installation options” on page 304.
4 Use the tacmd listappinstallrecs command to monitor the application
support installation records.

Use the tacmd listSdaStatus command to monitor the self-describing

enablement and suspend status for all monitoring servers in your environment.

See “Self-describing agent installation” on page 300.

Additional information:
For information about installation records that can be tried again and
terminal installation records, see “Self-describing agent installation
errors” on page 302.
For full syntax information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command
Reference (

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 297

Step Description and information provided
5 After a self-describing application update is completed, you can see the
following new agent data in the portal client:
v Historical Configuration is updated with any new attributes
v Workspaces are updated
v New or updated situations, policies, and take actions (new situations are
distributed and auto-started by using user-configurable seeding options)
v Queries are updated
v Help server files are updated

Application support is not automatically applied to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal

clients. An indicator is displayed on these clients to tell the user that they
need to recycle their client to apply new or modified application support.
v If you are using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop client, you must use the
monitoring agent's installation images to install the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
application support on each of the desktop clients.
v If you are using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client or Java WebStart
client and you have the required user permissions to view the updated
application, after the indicator is displayed, you can choose to close and
restart these clients to see the new updates.
Additional information:
For more information about support indicators, see “Responding to an
application support event” in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide.
6 To begin preliminary diagnostics tests and troubleshoot any problems, see
“Monitoring agent troubleshooting” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Troubleshooting
Additional information:
For detailed message information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Messages (

Self-describing event flow at the monitoring server

The automated event flow for a self-describing agent differs if the agent is
connected to a hub monitoring server or a remote monitoring server.

Self-describing agent connected to the hub monitoring server

The following steps outline the event flow of a self-describing agent connecting to
the hub monitoring server:
1. The self-describing agent manager of the hub monitoring server determines
whether the version of the application support for the product is already
installed on the hub monitoring server. If the application support version for
the product is not already installed, the hub monitoring server retrieves the
support files from the agent.
2. The hub monitoring server begins the self-describing agent product installation
and dynamic refresh of the monitoring server internal product definition
structures. The completion status of the installation of this hub monitoring
server self-describing agent is recorded in the following locations:
v The local Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server application properties table.
v Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server audit log facility.
v Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server MSG2 log facility.
v Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server RAS1 log.

298 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v On distributed Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server platforms, the
self-describing agent installation program log files are
installsdsupport_*.trc and installsdsupport_*.log. On Windows
computers, the logs are in the install_dir\logs directory. On Linux and
UNIX computers, the logs are in the install_dir/logs directory.
3. After the hub monitoring server product installation completes successfully, any
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server process that is running and connected to the hub
monitoring server is notified of the new or updated product support.
In an environment enabled for Hot Standby (FTO), self-describing configuration
data is replicated to the standby hub monitoring server. The standby hub
monitoring server does not support direct connections from agents for a remote
monitoring server, which means self-describing installations cannot initiate
directly to the standby hub. Self-describing installations are initiated at the
standby hub by the acting hub, after the acting hub completes the
self-describing installation. The self-describing installation process at the
standby hub retrieves the product support files from the acting hub. For more
information about an FTO environment, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring High
Availability Guide for Distributed Systems.
4. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server performs the same basic steps as performed
by the hub monitoring server. It determines if the version of the product is
already installed on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. However, it retrieves the
product support files directly from the hub monitoring server and not from the
connected agent.
5. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server begins the self-describing agent product
installation and dynamic refresh of the portal server internal product definition
6. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server notifies any running Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Browser Client and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Desktop Client that new or updated
product support is available. The completion status of this Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server self-describing agent product installation is recorded in the
following locations:
v Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server audit log facility.
v Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server RAS1 log.
v The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server self-describing agent installation program
log files installsdsupport_*.trc and installsdsupport_*.log. On Windows
computers, the logs are in the install_dir\logs directory. On Linux/UNIX
computers, the logs are in the install_dir/logs directory.

Self-describing agent connected to the remote monitoring server

The following steps outline the event flow of a self-describing agent connecting to
the remote monitoring server:
1. The self-describing agent manager of the remote monitoring server ensures that
the product was first installed on the hub monitoring server.
2. If the product was not first installed on the hub monitoring server, the remote
monitoring server tells the hub monitoring server to install the product first.
3. After the hub monitoring server installation is complete, the remote monitoring
server determines if the product is installed locally on this monitoring server.
4. The remote monitoring server product installation occurs in the same way as
described for the hub monitoring server.
5. If the hub monitoring server product installation fails for any reason, the
remote monitoring server does not install the product.

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 299

The monitoring server does not allow all other failed self-describing agent
installation requests to be tried again until the existing monitoring server error
condition is corrected and the failed self-describing agent product installation
records are removed from the monitoring server application properties table. For
more information, see “Self-describing agent installation errors” on page 302.

The availability of the self-describing agent feature on a hub monitoring server
can influence the availability of the feature on a remote monitoring server. An
error message is displayed when a self-describing agent error on a hub
monitoring server causes the self-describing agent feature to be disabled on the
remote monitoring server connected to that hub. For more information about
the error messages, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide.
After the self-describing agent error is fixed on the hub monitoring server, the
remote monitoring server detects, at the next reconnection to the hub, that the
self-describing agent feature is available on the hub. As a result, it re-enables
the self-describing agent locally on the remote monitoring server.

Changes detected by the monitoring server at startup

The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server detects the following information during
v Products installed manually, for example applications that were not installed by
using the self-describing capability.
v Manual updates (catalog and version file changes) to installed products, for
example user-initiated product changes that happen outside of a self-describing
agent installation.
v Failed self-describing agent installations.

The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server makes adjustments and corrections based
upon the changes detected in installed products. Only products that have a valid
monitoring server version file (VER file) are detected during startup. This process
happens automatically when the self-describing agent installation manager is
enabled on the monitoring server (KMS_SDA=Y). This function helps to maintain
an accurate inventory of installed products and versions. If the self-describing
agent installation manager is not enabled, this function does not run.

Self-describing agent installation

The local monitoring server application properties table (TAPPLPROPS) stores the
results of the monitoring server self-describing agent product installations. This
table includes the current detected version of manually installed monitoring server

This table also stores self-describing information such as installation options, seed
distribution, and suspend records. For more information about the TAPPLPROPS
attributes, see the “Application Property Installation attributes” in the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal User's Guide for more information.

You can use two different tacmd commands to check the self-describing status of
your monitoring servers:
v tacmd listSdaStatus for operational status
v tacmd listappinstallrecs for product installation status

300 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Using the tacmd listSdaStatus command

In IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 or later, the tacmd listSdaStatus command

displays the self-describing enablement status for a monitoring server. You can
display the self-describing enablement status for a list of monitoring servers or for
all monitoring servers, which is the default action. The operational state of the
self-describing agent facility (suspended or active) for the hub monitoring server is
also provided if the command is issued to an IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 or later
hub monitoring server. The self-describing operational state (suspended or active)
of the hub determines the self-describing activity for all the monitoring servers that
are attached to that hub monitoring server.

The self-describing enablement status is indicated by the values of HUB/RTEMS name,


In this example, a message states that the self-describing function is currently

suspended. HUB_A and RTEMS_1 are both enabled for self-description. STATUS
code 0 indicates self-describing is enabled. RTEMS_2 is not enabled for
self-description and STATUS code 16 (SDA disabled because KMS_SDA=N) is
provided as an explanation.

tacmd listSdaStatus
KUILSS203I: SDA functions are suspended.

For more information, examples, and descriptions of the tacmd listSdaStatus

command STATUS codes, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference

Using the tacmd listappinstallrecs command

Use the tacmd listappinstallrecs command to monitor the application support

installation records.

The command returns the application support installation records and displays the
current self-describing agent product installation status for all monitoring servers
in the environment. Remember that this command is not available when the
monitoring server is not running. If the monitoring server and the portal server are
both started, you can also see self-describing agent information and settings in the
Audit Logs workspace. See Chapter 9, “Audit logging,” on page 245.

The tacmd listappinstallrecs command displays the current self-describing agent

product installation status for all monitoring servers in the environment.


HUB_LZ A4 06300000 5655 TMS 06300000 0
HUB_LZ HD 06300000 5655 TMS 06300000 Y IC 0
HUB_LZ HD 06300000 5655 TPW 06300000 IC 0

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 301

HUB_LZ LZ 06230000 5655 TPS 06230000 IC 0
HUB_LZ NT 06230000 5655 TMS 06230000 0
HUB_LZ TM 06230000 5655 TMS 06230000 0
HUB_LZ 11 06230000 5655 TMS 06230000 ME 1005
RTEMS_LZ A4 06230000 5655 TMS 06230000 0
RTEMS_LZ LZ 06230000 5655 TMS 06230000 Y IC 0
RTEMS_LZ R6 06230000 5655 TMS 06230000 0
RTEMS_LZ 11 06230000 5655 TMS 06230000 Y ME 1014

The HUB/RTEMS column lists the node name of the monitoring server where the
record was collected. Rows with IC in the STATE column stand for self-describing
agent Install Complete. You can also see in this example that the hub monitoring
server and the remote monitoring server both have an appinstallrecs entry for
monitoring server support (TMS), but the hub monitoring server has two
additional appinstallrecs entries for portal server support (TPS) and portal
browser client support (TPW) packages. These additional packages are installed
only on the hub monitoring server so they are available to the portal server.

If the STATE column is blank, application support was manually installed. A

MANUALINST column shows Y if you use the -d (detail) option. The self-describing
agent appinstallrecs states are as follows:

IR Install Request: New install request on the work queue.

IM Install Metadata: Retrieve the install request from the work queue and begin the
metadata install and auto-refresh work.
MC Metadata Complete: Metadata install and auto-refresh has completed.
IC Install Complete: SDA application support has completed successfully.
ME Metadata Error: Metadata Installation Error. STATUS code provides additional

Tip: IR, IM, and MC appinstallrecords all indicate that normal self-describing agent
installation is in progress. For information about application support installation
records with a STATE value of ME, see “Self-describing agent installation errors.”

For detailed information about the tacmd listappinstallrecs command STATUS

codes, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference (

In IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 or later, the listappinstallrecs -t TEMS option is

no longer supported. Use the listSdaStatus command instead.

Self-describing agent installation errors

A failure code is reported in the STATUS column of the listappinstallrecs output.
Some errors can be tried again, others are terminal.

Self-describing agent installation errors that can be tried again

The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents self-describing agent service decides what
types of previously failed self-describing agent registration or installation requests
are tried again. Only the following types of failures or error codes returned from

302 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, on behalf of a self-describing agent
registration request to the monitoring server, are tried again:

1006 Duplicate SDA Installation Request

1009 HUB Not There
1017 Temporary Installation Error
1021 Server Timed Out

Self-describing agent installation errors that can be tried again are registration or
installation requests that started, but have not yet modified any of the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server files or internal structures.

Terminal self-describing agent installation errors

For any error records with a STATE value of ME, the installation is not tried again.

In this example, the installation record for product code 11 displays a STATE value
of ME:


RTEMS_LZ 11 06230000 5655 TMS 06230000 Y ME 1014

The STATE value of ME indicates that a self-describing agent metadata installation

error occurred on the monitoring server. The monitoring server stops attempting
any self-describing agent installation for this product code until some action is
taken by the administrator to correct the error. This correction might involve IBM
Software Support. In this scenario, you must use the tacmd deleteappinstallrecs
command to clear the self-describing agent error record after you resolve the
problem. For more information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference

To determine whether a self-describing agent product installation failed with a

terminal error condition, run the tacmd listappinstallrecs command by using the
-e option to display error records only. For any error records with a STATE value of
ME, the installation is not tried again.

Take the following steps to try the self-describing agent installation again:
1. To avoid the same failure from occurring again, you must first correct the
condition that caused the installation to fail. In addition, the monitoring server
message facilities (Audit, MSG2, and RAS1 messages) provide more
information about the cause of the failure. Take corrective action to fix the
condition or contact IBM Software Support for assistance.
2. For each monitoring server, delete the failed installation records in the
application properties table by running the tacmd deleteappinstallrecs
command. This command removes the blocking self-describing agent product
installation record. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference for more
3. When each monitoring server failed product installation record is cleared, the
monitoring server self-describing agent facility immediately notifies any
running self-describing agent that can provide this level of product support, to
try the product installation again. For example, if the previous installation
attempt for product pc and version 06230000 failed with a STATE of ME, and you

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 303

run the deleteappinstallrecs command, any running pc agent for version
06230000 immediately tries the installation again.
4. Run the tacmd listappinstallrecs -t <pc> again for product pc to determine
the current installation state.

If the self-describing agent product installation failed at the primary hub

monitoring server, the standby hub does not attempt to install the support. Correct
the reason for the failure at the primary hub, then use the deleteappinstallrecs
command to remove the error entry from the primary hub. Clearing the error
ensures that the self-describing agent product installation is tried again.

If the self-describing agent product installation fails only at the standby hub,
correct the reason for the failure at the standby hub. While logged on the primary
hub, you can then use the deleteappinstallrecs command with the -n
<standby_TEMS_name> option to remove the error entry at the standby monitoring
server to allow the self-describing agent installation to try again. Deleting the
application installation record from the standby hub does not automatically trigger
the self-describing agent product installation to try again the way it does when the
record is deleted from the primary monitoring server or a remote monitoring
server. There is no problem if the standby hub is temporarily missing the agent
product support.
v If the standby hub is recycled, any missing product support is discovered, and
the self-describing agent product installation takes place at that time.
v If the standby hub is promoted to the acting hub, self-describing agent product
installation takes place when the first agent of that type connects to the
promoted hub.
v You can force the self-describing agent installation to try again immediately at
the standby hub, by repeating the self-describing agent installation at the
primary hub. After clearing the error application installation record at the
standby monitoring server, use the deleteappinstallrecs -a command to delete
the non-error state record from the primary monitoring server. This command
repeats the self-describing agent installation at the primary monitoring server,
triggering the standby monitoring server installation when it completes

Dynamically updating the self-describing installation options

You can specify what self-describing enabled products and versions are allowed to
be installed on your monitoring server and portal server by the automatic
self-describing agent process while your hub monitoring server is running.

About this task

The hub monitoring server must be started. The following configuration

commands can be issued regardless of whether your self-describing capability is
enabled or disabled (KMS_SDA=Y|N). The configuration settings you specify are
stored and then implemented once self-describing is turned on with variable
KMS_SDA=Y. For more information, see “Dynamically controlling the hub monitoring
server self-describing agent capability” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and
Setup Guide.

1. Suspend the self-describing capability (without recycling the hub monitoring
server) by using the tacmd suspendSda command. This command ensures that
no self-describing installations take place while you are updating the options.
2. Run one of the following commands:
304 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
tacmd addSdaInstallOptions
Specify the products and versions that can be installed by the
self-describing agent facility.
tacmd editSdaInstallOptions
Modify an existing product version configuration, or change the default
self-describing agent installation behavior.
tacmd deleteSdaInstallOptions
Remove a specific version configuration, or remove all versions for a
tacmd listSdaInstallOptions
Display the existing self-describing agent installation configurations
from the hub monitoring server.

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference (

landing_cmdref.htm) for syntax and examples.
3. Resume the self-describing capability (without recycling the hub monitoring
server) by using the tacmd resumeSda command.


Your installations take place only on the new products of versions you specified
once self-description is enabled by setting the variable KMS_SDA=Y.

Suspending the self-describing capability

You can suspend and resume the self-describing capability for your environment
by using the tacmd suspendSda and tacmd resumeSda commands without having to
recycle the monitoring server. You can suspend the self-describing capability for
various reasons such as, when modifying the self-describing installation options or
when going into maintenance mode.

Before you begin

The tacmd suspendSda and tacmd resumeSda commands dynamically change the
self-describing behavior only when the hub monitoring server is configured with
KMS_SDA=Y. Issuing the tacmd suspendSda and tacmd resumeSda commands will not
override the KMS_SDA=N setting. If the tacmd resumeSda command is issued when
KMS_SDA=N, the command is ignored until KMS_SDA=Y.

Issuing either the tacmd suspendSda or tacmd resumeSda commands updates the
TAPPLPROPS table. This setting is saved regardless of the KMS_SDA setting. Best
practice is to set the hub monitoring server environment variable to KMS_SDA=Y,
then run the tacmd suspendSda or tacmd resumeSda commands.

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference (

for complete syntax information.

v To suspend the self-describing capability, issue the tacmd suspendSda command.
v To resume the self-describing capability, issue the tacmd resumeSda command.

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 305

What to do next

You can run the tacmd listSdaStatus to view the suspend state of your
monitoring servers. See “Self-describing agent installation” on page 300.

Self-describing auto refresh and seeding

The self-describing capability enables your monitoring infrastructure to be
automatically refreshed and seeded with the most current version of application

Auto refresh is what allows continuous and uninterrupted updates to your

monitoring infrastructure. After a successful auto refresh, seeding updates your
environment with the most current product definitions.

Auto refresh

Each product provides application support. Before IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.3 or
later, the application support was installed at a monitoring server, portal server,
and portal client, and a recycle of each component was necessary for the new
application support to be activated. For IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.3, auto refresh
enables the monitoring server and portal server to provide dynamic application
refresh after a self-describing agent installation event.

The non-intrusive auto refresh operation occurs when a new self-describing agent
initiates an application installation through the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
infrastructure. The processing is triggered the first time a self-describing agent
connects to a monitoring server and the application support is not already present
at the remote monitoring server or hub monitoring server.

The application support is automatically installed first at the hub monitoring

server, followed by the remote monitoring server the agent is currently connected
to (which retrieves the support from the agent), and then at the portal server
(which retrieves the support from the hub monitoring server). If an agent switches
to a different remote monitoring server where the support is missing, the support
is dynamically updated at the new hosting remote monitoring server.

Auto-refresh occurs at a monitoring server immediately following the metadata

deployment. Metadata deployment transfers and stores attribute files, catalog files,
EIF mapping files, out-of-the-box product definition files (seeding files), and
version files at the monitoring server. After the files are successfully deployed, the
monitoring server internal caches are updated and the new metadata is
immediately available for the monitoring server components to use for monitoring.
Auto-refresh also occurs at the portal server, updating all necessary files.

If the portal server database is restarted while the portal server is still running,
then the portal server must be restarted for the support to finish updating the
portal server. In order for auto refresh on the portal server to work correctly, the
portal server database must be running.

Auto refresh guarantees that you have continuous access to the product’s metadata
to support monitoring activities during a self-describing agent refresh, by using
existing metadata and when the metadata auto-refresh completes, the new
metadata becomes available. Some internal monitoring server components provide
notification when you have new metadata, for example, to move pending wait
situations to started.

306 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide


Included with a product's application support are out-of-the-box monitoring

definitions that include where the definitions will run. The application of a
distribution or "where" is commonly termed distribution. The storing of the
products monitoring and distribution definitions in the monitoring server is
termed seeding. Seeding happens automatically as part of the self-describing agent
product installation so that default monitoring definitions are enabled. You can
alter or disable this behavior through the CLI, but you should only do so if you do
not want all of the product provided monitoring definitions. For more information,
see “Configuring self-describing agent seeding” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Installation and Setup Guide, and "tacmd editSdaOptions" in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Command Reference (

The tacmd listappinstallrecs -d command returns the application support

installation records from the monitoring server application properties table,
including the values contained in the SEEDSTATE column. See the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Command Reference for more information. The following values in the
SEEDSTATE column reflect the seed state of self-describing agent installed

<blank> The default value. This value indicates that seeding has not yet run or does not
apply to this product. The SEEDSTATE state applies only to self-describing agent
records that have an ID of TMS.
I Product seeding in progress.
Y Product seeded.
N Product not seeded (SQL file not found).
E Seeding Error.

During the monitoring server startup, messages are produced in the TEMS MSG2 log
and audit log facility when changes or self-describing agent installation errors are
detected in installed products. The monitoring server application support
installation records are updated as needed to reflect the changes indicated by the
MSG2 messages or audit log. The TEMS RAS1 log contains trace messages that show
the success or failure of application support changes. Inspect the MSG2 messages
and audit log messages in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide and
complete the following actions:
v Verify that detected changes in installed products were expected. If the changes
were unexpected or incorrect, take the required action to install the correct
product versions, through a self-describing agent installation or manual
v If any errors are noted in a self-describing agent installed product, clean up the
application support installation records, if required. You can do this by deleting
the records for the failed installations by using the tacmd deleteappinstallrecs
command, and reinitiate the self-describing agent installations, if required. See
the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference for commands that you can use to
perform these tasks.

Note: The self-describing agent feature does not automate the installation of agent
language packs. Language pack installation procedures for self-describing agents
are the same as the procedures for standard agents. For more information, see
“Installing language packs” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 307

Enabling or disabling the self-describing capability at the
monitoring server
You can enable or disable the self-described agent capability for a specific
monitoring server through an environment configuration variable at the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server.

Disable the self-describing feature any time you do not want automatic update and
propagation of self-described agent application metadata to occur for a specific
monitoring server. Then, the application support for the agent must be manually
installed and activated at each monitoring server and portal server. By default the
self-describing capability for remote monitoring servers is turned on, and for hub
monitoring servers it is turned off.

About this task

Best practice is to control the self-describing agent capability from the hub
monitoring server, since enabling or disabling at the hub monitoring server affects
all remote monitoring servers and agents that connect to it.

Enabling or disabling the self-describing capability at a specific remote monitoring

server affects all agents that connect to that server only.

Use the following steps to temporarily stop self-describing at a single monitoring

server by editing the target monitoring server environment variable.

1. On the computer where the monitoring server is installed, in the Manage
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services application, right-click Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server and select Advanced→ Edit ENV file.
2. Edit the existing environment variable: KMS_SDA=Y | N
1. On the computer where the monitoring server is installed, change to the
<install_dir>/config/ directory.
2. Open the <tems_hostname>_ms_<tems_name>.config file.
3. Edit the existing environment variable: KMS_SDA=Y | N
v See KMS_SDA in the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE and Tivoli
Management Services on z/OS: Common Planning and Configuration Guide

What to do next

Restart the monitoring server.

You can then review the agent support versions in the following ways:
v Review the agent and monitoring server operations logs to determine if the
agent is operating in the standard or the self-described agent mode. The
“Managed system groups” has a link to the operations log for each monitoring
v The tacmd listappinstallrecs command returns the application support
installation records and the tacmd listSdaStatus command displays the current
self-describing agent operational status for all monitoring servers in the

308 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

environment. Remember that these commands are not available when the
monitoring server is not running. See “Self-describing agent installation” on
page 300.

Enabling or disabling the self-describing capability at the

You can enable or disable the self-described agent capability through a monitoring
agent environment configuration variable.

Disable the self-describing feature any time you do not want automatic update and
propagation of self-described agent application metadata for one or more
individual agents. Then, the application support for the agent must be manually
installed and activated at the monitoring server and portal server. By default the
self-describing capability for agents is turned on.

Before you begin

Best practice is to control the self-describing agent capability from the hub
monitoring server. For more information, see “Enabling or disabling the
self-describing capability at the monitoring server” on page 308.

1. On the computer where the monitoring agent is installed, in the Manage
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services application, right-click the agent and
select Advanced→ Edit ENV file.
2. Edit the existing environment variable: TEMA_SDA=Y | N
1. On the computer where the monitoring agent is installed, change to the
<install_dir>/config/ directory.
2. Open the coordinating file:
For single-instance agents: <pc>.ini
For multi-instance agents: <pc>_<instance>.ini file
Where pc is the two-character product code.
3. Edit the existing environment variable: TEMA_SDA=Y | N
1. Open /qautotmp/kmsparm.kbbenv.
2. Edit the existing environment variable: TEMA_SDA=Y | N
v See TEMA_SDA in the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE and Tivoli
Management Services on z/OS: Common Planning and Configuration Guide

What to do next

Restart the monitoring server.

You can review the agent support versions in the following ways:
v Review the agent and monitoring server operations logs to determine if the
agent is operating in the standard or the self-described agent mode. The
“Managed System Status workspace” has a link to the operations log for each
monitoring agent.

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 309

v The tacmd listappinstallrecs command returns the application support
installation records and the tacmd listSdaStatus command displays the current
self-describing agent operational status for all monitoring servers in the
environment. Remember that these commands are not available when the
monitoring server is not running. See “Self-describing agent installation” on
page 300.

Determining if agents are enabled for self-description

You can tell if an agent is enabled for self-description prior to installation or after

Before you begin

The IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.3 or later base operating system agents are
enabled for self-description, however not all agents are enabled for self-description.

The Tivoli Performance Analyzer is not enabled for self-description. For a complete
list of agents enabled for self-description, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring agents
enabled for self-description (SDA) topic in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Wiki

About this task

Use the following steps to determine which agents are enabled for self-description.

v To tell prior to installation:
Look in the installation image for the K<PC>MSMAN.txt self-describing manifest
– The file is located in the WINDOWS directory. For agents that run on
Windows Itanium, the file is located in the WIA64 directory.
– The file is located in the unix directory.
– For agents created using Agent Builder, the file is located in the
K<PC>/support directory.
v To tell after installation:
– Run the kincinfo -e command. Look in the SDA STATUS column to
view if the agent is enabled for self-description.
In this example, you can see the Performance Analyzer Agent has Disabled
listed in the SDA STATUS column, meaning the agent is not enabled for

kincinfo -e
**************** Thursday, July 14, 2011 1:29:36 PM ****************
User: Administrator Group: NA
Host Name: ICVW3A03 Installer: Ver: 062300000
CandleHome : C:\IBM\d1191a\ITM
Installitm : C:\IBM\d1191a\ITM\InstallITM
...Application support propagation

310 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

NT Monitoring Agent for Windows WINNT 11871 Enabled
R2 Agentless Monitoring for Windows WINNT 201107051647 Enabled
Operating Sy
R3 Agentless Monitoring for AIX WINNT 201107051650 Enabled
Operating System
R4 Agentless Monitoring for Linux WINNT 201107051653 Enabled
Operating Syst
R5 Agentless Monitoring for HP-UX WINNT 201107051655 Enabled
Operating Syst
R6 Agentless Monitoring for Solaris WINNT 201107051658 Enabled
Operating Sy
PA Tivoli Performance Analzyer WINNT d1184a Disabled

– Run the <install_dir>/bin/cinfo -e command. Look

in the SDA STATUS column to view if the agent is enabled for self-description.
In this example, you can see the Tivoli Performance Analyzer has Disabled
listed in the SDA STATUS column, meaning the agent is not enabled for

<inst_dir>/bin/cinfo -e
*********** Thu Jul 14 13:19:41 EDT 2011 ******************
User: root Groups: root bin daemon sys adm disk wheel
Host name : icvr5d06 Installer Lvl:
CandleHome: /data/tmv623-d1191a-201107110121/ITM
Version Format: VV.RM.FF.II (V: Version; R: Release; M: Modification; F: Fix; I: Interim Fix)
...Application support propagation
80 Monitoring Agent for Self Describing lx8266 201106281135 Enabled
hd Warehouse Proxy lx8266 d1191a Enabled
lz Monitoring Agent for Linux OS lx8266 11871 Enabled

pa Tivoli Performance Analyzer lx8266 11891 Disabled

r2 Agentless Monitoring for Windows lx8266 201107051647 Enabled
Operating Systems
r3 Agentless Monitoring for AIX lx8266 201107051650 Enabled
Operating Systems
r4 Agentless Monitoring for Linux lx8266 201107051653 Enabled
Operating Systems
r5 Agentless Monitoring for HP-UX lx8266 201107051655 Enabled
Operating Systems
r6 Agentless Monitoring for Solaris lx8266 201107051658 Enabled
Operating Systems
sy Summarization and Pruning Agent lx8266 d1177a Enabled
ul Monitoring Agent for UNIX Logs lx8266 11751 Enabled
pa Tivoli Performance Analyzer lx8266 d1184a Disabled

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 311

Environment variables that control the self-describing
Environment variables turn the self-describing capability on or off at either the
monitoring server, portal server, or the agent.


The environment variables control the main functionality of the self-describing

capability, and are the only parameters typical users modify. All other
self-describing environment variables are modified only at the direction of IBM

Attention: This topic is meant only to provide reference to the main

self-describing environment variables. For a complete list of self-describing
environment variables and complete details, see “Environment variables” in the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.


Do not specify YES or NO; instead, always specify Y or N.

Monitoring server parameters

N disables the self-describing agent capability at the monitoring server,
whereas Y enables it. Disabling self-describing at the hub monitoring server
disables all self-describing capability.
The default value is N for hub monitoring servers.
The default value is Y for remote monitoring servers.
The location where you want the monitoring server to store the manifest and
JAR files it collects from the self-describing agents. The customer must create
and set the correct permissions for any custom or alternate directory specified.
The directory is not created by the monitoring server. This parameter must be
set for the self-describing capability to be enabled; normally it is set during
component installation.
This variable locates the Java installation path within the z/OS USS
environment. It can be dynamically superseded by a local configuration file
each time the z/OS engine generates its USS shell interface. For more
information, see Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS

Portal server parameters

N disables the self-describing agent capability at the portal server, whereas Y
enables it.
The default value is Y.

312 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Set by default to the location where the portal server writes and stores
retrieved product support JAR files. Normally this parameter is set during
component installation.

Agent parameters
N disables the self-describing agent capability at the agent, whereas Y enables
it. A value of N blocks the monitoring server from retrieving any product
support files from this agent and provides you with control on a per agent
basis without stopping the self-describing agent feature on the monitoring
server for other products.
The default value is Y.

Chapter 13. Maintaining monitoring agents 313

314 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 14. Agent Management Services
Use the Agent Management Services to monitor the availability of agents and
respond automatically (such as with a restart) if the agent becomes unhealthy or
exits unexpectedly. By using these services, you can see improved agent
availability ratings.

Features of the Tivoli Agent Management Services

The Agent Management Services relies only on attributes that are common to all
agents (such as file system installation location, file system log file location, and
executable name) and APIs that are common to operating systems (such as
enumerating the list of running processes). Using this information, the Agent
Management Services improves agent availability and provides a simple, unified
interface for the view and control of the agents' availability.

You can bring an agent under Agent Management Services management without
making any changes to the agent. As additional agents are added to a system, they
can easily be brought under Agent Management Services management.

Agent Management Services is a strategic approach to Tivoli Monitoring agent

management that provides these features:
v Ability to monitor the availability of other agents and respond automatically to
abnormalities according to user policy.
v An automated method through policy settings and a manual method through
Tivoli Enterprise Portal take action commands to start, stop, manage, and
unmanage an agent manually.
v Agent management workspaces with views of the information being collected by
the Agent Management Services. The agent management workspaces are
provided for the base and most distributed Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents.

Component relationships

The Agent Management Services uses three interfaces to communicate with other
components in the OS agent process.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 315

Figure 32. Interactions of Agent Management Services components with IBM Tivoli Monitoring components

Component descriptions

Agent Management Services includes two components: Agent watchdog and Agent
Management Services watchdog:
Agent watchdog
The agent watchdog performs specific availability monitoring actions
against an agent based on the policy in the agent's common agent package
(CAP) file. This component runs inside the OS agent process as a logical
component. Other than the OS agent itself, the agent watchdog watches
any monitoring agent that has an XML file in the CAP directory of the OS
agent installation.
Agent Management Services watchdog
Who watches the watchdog? That is the job of the Agent Management
Services watchdog, also known as the Proxy Agent Services Watchdog. You can
check the status of this watchdog in the Agents’ Runtime Status view in
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. It provides similar monitoring as the agent
watchdog within the OS agent, but it is used only to watch the OS agent.
The agent watchdog within the OS agent provides additional capability
including the monitoring of other agents, responding to Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Desktop queries and handling the Take Actions using the

316 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

communication facility of the OS Agent. The Agent Management Services
watchdog is included as a stand-alone executable file with the OS agents
and runs as process kcawd on Linux and operating systems such as UNIX,
and as process kcawd.exe on Windows.

Tivoli Enterprise Portal user interface

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal is the user interface for the Agent Management
Services services, with predefined take action commands for manually starting or
stopping management of an agent by the Agent Management Services, and for
starting or stopping an agent when it is being managed by the Agent Management
Services. These take action commands are available from the Agent Management
Services workspace pop-up menus and can be referenced in situations for reflex

Note: You can also continue use the familiar methods for starting and stopping an
agent, such as through Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services and through
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal navigator pop-up menu.

Tivoli Agent Management Services installation and configuration

The Agent Management Services is installed automatically with the Linux OS
agent, UNIX OS agent, or Windows OS agent, depending on the host platform.
Application support files for these agents are also installed on the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

With IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.3 Fix Pack 1 or later OS agents are now
monitored through sockets in addition to the process status and cinfo check. The
socket monitored is a PIPE internally used by the Proxy Agent Services for external
requests. You can choose to restart the OS agent if it does not respond to the socket
in the consecutive number of tries specified by KCA_MAX_RETRIES_ON_PIPE
environment variable. Once the variable has been changed in the agent ENV file,
you must restart the agent for the changes to be implemented. By default the
variable is not defined, meaning that the OS agent is never restarted. You must use
a value for this variable that is greater than 5.

Common agent package file

The monitoring behavior of the Agent Management Services towards a particular

agent is governed by settings in an XML-based policy file, referred to as a common
agent package (CAP) file. Every agent that can be managed by the Agent
Management Services installs a CAP file named, where pc is the product code,
kpc_default.xml into a directory defined by the KCA_CAP_DIR environment variable
in the OS monitoring agent configuration file for the relevant platform. Agents that
run natively on 64-bit Windows put their CAP files in the 64-bit Tivoli Monitoring
Agent directory; all others go in the 32-bit directory:

On the zLinux platform, Agent Management Services has the following behaviors:
v V6.2.3 Fix Pack 1 (with a clean installation): Enabled by default
v V6.2.3 Fix Pack 1 (for upgrades): Enabled or disabled, depending on the state
found before the upgrade
v V6.2.2 Fix Pack 2 or later: Disabled at installation or upon upgrade, regardless of
whether it was active or inactive prior to the upgrade

Chapter 14. Agent Management Services 317

To enable the Agent Management Services after an upgrade, set the KCA_CAP_DIR
environment variable to an existing directory containing the CAP files.

On Intel Linux and other supported platforms, the Agent Management Services is
enabled by default.

CAP file customizable elements

The CAP file installed by the agent is configured to be read-only and should not
be directly modified. If you want to customize the policy settings of this file, create
a copy of the file and name it with the convention kpc.xml. Watchdog
automatically detects when a new CAP file is added or a CAP file is removed from
the directory. Changes to an existing CAP file require the OS agent to be restarted
in order to pick up the changes. An update to a non-OS agent CAP file can be
done without needing to restart the OS agent. To complete this action remove the
CAP file from the directory and then after Watchdog has discovered the file has
been removed, copy the updated file back into the directory. An update to the OS
agent CAP file requires the OS Agent to be restarted.

You can have one CAP file govern multi-instance monitoring agents or create a
separate CAP file for each instance.

The elements defined in the CAP file can be viewed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
“Agent's Management definitions” view of the Agent Management Services
workspace. Note: Attributes not defined in the CAP file are not displayed in
“Agent's Management definitions” view.

The order of the elements is important. Review kwgcap.xsd for a formal definition
of the CAP file schema.
The length of time between availability checks by Agent Management
Services of the managed agent. If system load is heavy, consider increasing
the checkFrequency interval along with the KCA_CMD_TIMEOUT agent
environment variable setting.
Enter the frequency value in multiples of 5 seconds, up to a maximum of
3600 seconds (1 hour). Default: 120.
The maximum average percent of CPU time that the agent process can
consume over a time interval equal to “checkFrequency” seconds before
being deemed unhealthy and then restarted by Agent Management
Enter the threshold percentage as a positive integer from 1 to 100.
Maximum average amount of working set memory that the agent process
can consume over a time interval equal to “checkFrequency” seconds
before being deemed unhealthy and then restarted by Agent Management
Enter the threshold value followed by the unit of measurement: KB, MB, or
GB. Example: 50 MB.
The entity that performs availability monitoring of the agent.

318 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Enter an enumerated value: NotManaged or ProxyAgentServices. Default:
The number of times per day an abnormally stopped or unhealthy agent
should be restarted. Agents that do not need to be kept running can have a
value of 0.
Enter a positive integer. Default: 4.
<subagent id>
Edit this value only if you are creating an instance-specific CAP file for a
particular agent. For example, if you want to create a CAP file specifically
for a set of DB2 agent instances where the kud_default.xml file has a
subagent id="kudagent", set it to something like <subagent
id="kud_instance">. The <agentName> value for both the agent's original
CAP file and its instance-specific CAP files should match.
Enter a string value for the ID.
Use this element to provide specific instance names that the target CAP file
policies apply to. It must follow the <agentName> element in the CAP file.
For example, to specify that an instance of a CAP file should apply to two
specific instances of the Tivoli Monitoring DB2 agent, named test1 and
test2, enter this information:
<subagent id="kud_instance">
<agentName>ITCAM Agent for DB2</agentName>

Enter a string value for the instance name within a <name> </name>
tagging pair.

Database and messaging monitoring agents on Linux and UNIX

The database and messaging agents are typically started as non-root users. For the
Agent Management Services to support this behavior, you can specify that an
agent start as a particular user in the start script of the CAP file.

The Agent Management Services rely on the same file that the autoscript files rely
on, kcirunas.cfg, to get configuration information about which user an agent
should RunAs. This information is used when the Agent Management Services
starts the agent to ensure that it runs as the correct user. In an environment where
agents are remotely deployed, use the hostname_kdyrunas.cfg file. The file is also
checked for RunAs information.

If you want to enable this support in an older CAP file, update the CAP file as
illustrated in the following example of the Tivoli Log File Agent (lo) on Linux (lz):
lo START ##INSTANCE##</command>
<returnCode type="OK">0</returnCode>


Chapter 14. Agent Management Services 319

lo START ##INSTANCE## ##USER##</command>
<returnCode type="OK">0</returnCode>

To enable this support in an older CAP file, update the stop script:
lo STOP ##INSTANCE## ##USER##</command>
<returnCode type="OK">0</returnCode>

For single instance agents, such as the Linux OS Agent on Linux, use the following
<command>su -c "$CANDLEHOME/bin/itmcmd agent start lz" -
<returnCode type="OK">0</returnCode>

<command>su -c "$CANDLEHOME/bin/itmcmd agent stop lz" -
<returnCode type="OK">0</returnCode>

For single instance agents such as the UNIX Agent, use this syntax. It is identical
to the syntax on Linux except that - ##USER## is placed after su rather than at the
<command>su - ##USER## -c "$CANDLEHOME/bin/itmcmd agent start ux"
<returnCode type="OK">0</returnCode>

<command>su - ##USER## -c "$CANDLEHOME/bin/itmcmd agent stop ux"
<returnCode type="OK">0</returnCode>
Related reference:

Linux or UNIX installation considerations: Autostart scripts

Agent RunAs configuration is in kcirunas.cfg.

320 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Monitoring the availability of agents
Agent Management Services responds to a stopped or reconfigured agent by
restarting it. The Agent Management Services determines that the agent is stopped
based on its type, the command specified in the <availabilityStatusScript> element
of the CAP file, or both.

For agents of type Console, the Agent Management Services determines if the agent
is stopped by querying the operating system for the running application using the
value from the <agentPath> element of the CAP file.

For agents of type WinService, the determination is done by querying the Windows
service control manager for the status of the service defined in the <serviceName>
element of the CAP file.

For agents and instances of type ITM_Windows and ITM_UNIX, the Agent
Management Services determines if the agent is stopped by using the command
specified in the <availabilityStatusScript> element of the CAP file, which is
either kinconfg, or a script that calls cinfo.

If the operating system does not show the process in its list of running processes,
Agent Management Services knows the process is down and will attempt to restart
it using the command or script defined in the <startScript> element of the
common agent package file. If there is no CAP file, the operating system is

Managed agents that are configured but not started will be automatically started
by the watchdog within 30 minutes of being configured. Managed agents whose
configured instances are started by the user will be discovered immediately and
appear in the Agents' Availability Status view.

If the number of connection attempts to the monitoring server exceeds

CTIRA_MAX_RECONNECT_TRIES (default setting is 0), the agent attempts to
shut down. If the Agent Management Services Watchdog is running, it
immediately restarts the agent. If you want the agent to shut down when
CTIRA_MAX_RECONNECT_TRIES is exceeded, this Watchdog process must be
disabled. Use the AMS Stop Management action to disable this watchdog process.

Managing the agent manually

From the Agent Management Services workspace for the agent, you can run these
Take Action commands to start, stop, manage, and unmanage agents.

The action taken will persist until you use the opposing action or start or stop an
agent with another method (Tivoli Enterprise Portal, Manage Tivoli Monitoring
Services, or at the command line). In the Agents Management Status table view,
right-click the row of the agent whose status you want to change, then select the
AMS Recycle Agent Instance
Use this action to stop and and restart a particular instance of the
monitoring agent.
AMS Reset Agent Restart Count
Use this agent to return to 0 the count of agent attempts to restart.

Chapter 14. Agent Management Services 321

AMS Start Agent
Use this action to start an agent that is under the management of the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Agent Management Services. For a multi-instance agent,
use AMS Start Agent Instance.
AMS Stop Agent
Use this action to stop an agent that is under the management of the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Agent Management Services.
AMS Start Agent Instance
Use this action to start a particular instance of the monitoring agent.
AMS Start Management
Use this action to put an agent under the management of the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Agent Management Services. This is useful when the agent was
taken offline intentionally and you are ready to resume running the agent
and having it managed.
AMS Stop Management
Use this action to remove an agent from management by the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Agent Management Services. This is useful when you want to
take an agent offline and not have it restarted automatically.

For example, to start managing the Windows OS Agent (displayed in the Agent
Management Services workspace, Agent Management Status view as Unmanaged),
right-click the row and click Take Action > Select. Select the AMS Start
Management action from the list of possible actions. The command reads,
NT:AMS_Start_Manage "Windows OS Agent". Click OK to start managing the agent.
After you click Refresh, the Universal Agent status changes to Managed.

For further information on each command and Take Action commands in general,
see the Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide and the user's guide for the specific
Related reference:

Take action commands

How to use and define take action commands in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal

322 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Chapter 15. Agent-based services
A Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent can run independently of the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server. You can configure different levels of autonomy based
on the functionality that the monitoring agent should have, resource constraints,
and how much dependency the agent should have on the monitoring server. Any
monitoring agent with an infrastructure of IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.2 FP2 or
later can be configured to run autonomously.

Monitoring agents start independently of their monitoring server and they collect
data, run situations, and register events when they are disconnected from the
monitoring server. This is the default behavior, which can be adjusted for greater
or less autonomy.

If you configure an Agent Builder or OS agent to be autonomous it becomes a

Tivoli System Monitor Agent. System monitor agents are installed and configured
to have no dependency on nor any connection to a monitoring server. System
monitor agents are like any other monitoring agent except that any processing that
can be done only through the monitoring server is not available. As well, a system
monitor agent must not be installed on the same system as a Tivoli Management
Services component or an enterprise monitoring agent.

You can configure specialized XML files to define and run situations locally, to
collect and save historical data locally, and to emit Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) alerts or Event Integration Facility (EIF) events or both to a
corresponding receiver without connection to a monitoring server. These
specialized XML files are available for both enterprise monitoring agents and
system monitor agents.

Autonomous capabilities
In addition to the built-in autonomous capability of Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Agents and Tivoli System Monitor Agents, you can configure special XML files that
require no connection to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. With these XML
files you can define and run situations locally, emit situation events as SNMP alerts
or EIF events to a receiver, collect and save historical data locally, and use
Centralized Configuration to distribute XML file updates to selected monitoring
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents are configured for autonomous
operation by default: The agent starts and continues to run with or without
connection to its monitoring server. With no connection to the monitoring
server, the agent can continue running situations autonomously; when the
agent connects to the monitoring server, it uploads situation events that
took place while it was disconnected. This incurs use of additional disk
space at the agent.
Some situations might not be able to be evaluated completely on the agent
alone and are unable to run when there is no connection to the monitoring
server. For example, situations using a group function such as COUNT or
AVG in the formula must be evaluated at the monitoring server. Even if
the agent or the host system is restarted, the events are persistently
preserved and uploaded on reconnect. This happens automatically on all

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 323

agents that use the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent V6.2.2 or later
framework. No configuration changes are required.
Autonomous mode was introduced in V6.2.1 as a configurable agent
parameter: IRA_AUTONOMOUS_MODE. Starting with V6.2.2, this
parameter is enabled (set to Y) by default. If you do not want autonomous
behavior enabled for an agent, you can disable it by setting the parameter
to N. Regardless of the setting for this parameter, historical data collection
always runs autonomously and reflex automation for a situation is carried
out when the situation becomes true. See “Environment variables for
autonomous behavior” on page 327.
OMEGAMON XE for z/OS and OMEGAMON XE for Storage
agents must run connected because they are configured in the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server in the local RTE: If the monitoring server
becomes unavailable, so too do these agents. Running connected to the
monitoring server does not prevent them from supporting autonomous
capabilities such as emitting SNMP traps and private situations. (The
OMEGAMON XE on z/OS agent can be configured to run standalone, and
therefore without a monitoring server connection, but that means that no
plex data is available for alerts and situations.) OMEGAMON XE for IMS™
currently does not support any of the autonomous capabilities.
Tivoli System Monitor Agent
The Tivoli System Monitor Agent is installed on a computer that has no
Tivoli Management Services components or Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Agents installed other than agents built with Tivoli Monitoring Agent
Builder V6.2.2 or later.
The Tivoli System Monitor Agent agent is an OS agent that never connects
to a monitoring server. The autonomous version of the agent uses the same
agent code that is installed for a full OS agent, but Java is not used for the
installation process and the configuration user interface is not provided.
The resulting installation is faster and has a small installed footprint. Local
XML configuration files for defining such functions as private situations
and SNMP alerts are processed during agent startup.
Private situations
Enterprise monitoring agents and system monitor agents can use locally
defined situations to operate fully autonomously. These locally defined
private situations are created in a private situation definition XML file.
Private situations events come directly from the monitoring agent. You
must place a private situation configuration file in the agent installation
and restart the agent to enable this function. If you want to send an SNMP
alert or EIF event when a private situation event is opened, then the SNMP
trap configuration file or EIF event configuration file must also be in the
agent installation.
Private situations on an enterprise monitoring agent have no interaction
with or reporting of any kind to the monitoring server. Private situations
and enterprise situations can run concurrently.
Important: Be aware that all situations, whether private or enterprise, must
have unique names. Otherwise, actions invoked upon one situation are
applied to the other situation with the same name. You can use the CLI
tacmd listSit command to get a list of the enterprise situations on the hub
monitoring server.
See “Private situations” on page 332.

324 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

SNMP alerts and EIF events
Prior to IBM Tivoli Monitoring V.6.2.2, situation events for an enterprise
monitoring agent could be forwarded by the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server to an EIF (Event Integration Facility) receiver. IBM Tivoli
Monitoring V.6.2.2 or later enables you to configure SNMP alerts to be sent
for situation events to an SNMP receiver directly from the agent without
first passing the event through the monitoring server. Likewise, with IBM
Tivoli Monitoring V.6.2.2 Fix Pack 1 or later, you can create an EIF event
configuration file for emitting private situation events to an EIF receiver.
These methods of sending events to OMNIbus can coexist and your
monitored environment can be configured for any combination thereof:
v Forward enterprise situation events through the monitoring server to
receivers such as the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event server and
Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Tivoli EIF. (See Situation event integration
with Tivoli Enterprise Console and Situation event integration with
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.)
v Send SNMP alerts for enterprise situation events, private situation
events, or both to receivers such as the Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP Probe.
v Emit private situation events directly to an EIF receiver as defined in an
EIF event configuration file.
Enterprise situations: You can create a trap configuration XML file that
enables an agent to emit SNMP alerts directly to the event receiver with no
routing through the monitoring server. The agent must connect to the
monitoring server at least once to receive enterprise situation definitions.
The user needs to place an SNMP trap configuration file in the agent
installation and restart the agent to enable this function.
Private situations: Enterprise monitoring agents and system monitor
agents can also send SNMP alerts for private situations directly to a
receiver such as the Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP Probe or emit EIF events for
private situations to an EIF receiver such as the IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console event server or the Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Tivoli EIF.
Important: If you are forwarding enterprise situation events to the
Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Tivoli EIF and emitting SNMP alerts for
enterprise situation events to the Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP Probe, there is
a difference in the EIF forwarded situation event and the SNMP alert
formats and the data contained by each. Be aware that an event for a
situation that is sent to both probes connected to the same
Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer will not be detected as the same event by
OMNIbus deduplication. This results in duplicate entries for the same
event within the ObjectServer that will be treated individually. Normally
this is not desirable and might be difficult to manage.
See “SNMP alerts” on page 365 and “EIF events” on page 382.
Private history
Just as you can create private situations for the agents installed locally, you
can configure private history for collecting short-term historical data in the
same private situation configuration file using the HISTORY element. The
resulting private history binary files can be viewed through the Agent
Service Interface. If you have the Tivoli Data Warehouse configured, you
can have the short-term data rolled off to a historical database at intervals.
The HISTORY element includes an attribute for setting the number of
hours to keep historical data on the computer before it is trimmed or rolled
off to the data warehouse. Although the default value is to retain historical

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 325

data for 24 hours, there is no limit to the number of hours you can keep
locally other than the practical limitations of the computer's storage. If you
do not have the EXPORT parameter configured, you can use the provided
file conversion programs, such as krarloff, to move data out of the
historical files to text files.
The WAREHOUSE element specifies the location of the Warehouse Proxy
agent to which historical data is exported.
See “Private history” on page 358.
Enterprise situation overrides
You can configure situation overrides for the locally installed enterprise
monitoring agent by using a pc_thresholds.xml (where pc is the
two-character product code) configuration file. And you can manage the
overrides at the agent manually or with Centralized Configuration.
Updated situation thresholds take effect after you restart the monitoring
agent. The agent sends threshold overrides to a local file and maintains
active situation thresholds over agent restarts.
You can apply a schedule by weekdays, days of the month, and start and
stop time of a day. The enterprise monitoring agent maintains dynamic
situation threshold overrides audit trails by writing active situation
threshold records to the agent operation log, which you can add to a
workspace in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal to review situation thresholds in
See “Enterprise situation override XML specification” on page 360.
Agent Service Interface
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Index utility provides links to the Agent
Service Interface for each monitoring agent installed locally. After logging
into the operating system, you can select one of these reports: agent
information, situation, history, or queries.
Additionally, you can make a service interface request directly such as to
initiate an immediate configuration download or to recycle a situation.
See “Agent Service Interface” on page 402.
Centralized Configuration
Use Centralized Configuration to maintain monitoring agent configuration
XML files at a central location that are pulled from the central configuration
server at intervals (default is every 60 minutes) or on demand. Agents
participating in Centralized Configuration each have their own
configuration load list XML file that tells where to connect to get the latest
updates in the specified configuration files.
A computer that one or more monitoring agents connect to for
configuration updates is called a central configuration server. A computer
with one or more monitoring agents that download configuration updates
is called a central configuration client.
See Centralized Configuration.
Local configuration directory monitoring
Autonomous agents monitor the $ITMHOME/localconfig directory for local
configuration file updates, dynamically load these xml configuration files,
and refresh the TEMA private situation or EIF configurations in the agent.
Custom files are not supported because the agent cannot activate them.

326 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

The following ITM agent configuration files are supported, where pc is the
two-character product code:
v Private situation XML file - pc_situations.xml
v EIF event destination XML file - pc_eventdest.xml
v EIF mapping file -
This feature is mutually exclusive from the agent's Centralized
Configuration Facility. If the Centralized Configuration Facility is in effect,
that is, the Centralized Configuration Facility's configuration load list
exists, pc_cnfglist.xml file (where pc is the two-character product code) or
it is defined using configuration parameters IRA_CONFIG_SERVER_URL,
then this localconfig file monitoring and activation feature is
automatically disabled. If the pc_cnfglist.xml file is deleted after agent
started, then the localconfig file monitoring and activation feature
automatically re-enables itself.
By default, the agent monitors the localconfig directory in five minute
intervals. To customize this default interval, set the agent configuration
parameter IRA_CONFIG_FILE_ACTIVATE_INTERVAL=minutes (where
minutes indicates the number of minutes).

Environment variables for autonomous behavior

Use the environment file that is provided with the agent framework services to
control the autonomous behavior of the Tivoli System Monitor Agent or of the
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent when it is disconnected from the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server.

The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide (

provides instructions for installing and configuring the Tivoli System Monitor
Agent. Additionally, the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide includes
detailed information on environment variables that control autonomous behavior
in the “Environment variables” section.

Situation limitations
The types of formula functions that can be used in situations are limited. Private
situations can be defined for Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents and Tivoli
System Monitor Agents.

To use private situations effectively, you need to understand how they are different
from enterprise situations.
Table 32. Availability of situation formula functions for enterprise situations whose events are
emitted from the hub monitoring server and private situations whose events are emitted
from the monitoring agent
Situation functions
that can be
evaluated at the Situation functions that can be evaluated at
monitoring server the monitoring agent
Supported in Supported in Supported in private
Formula function enterprise situations enterprise situations situations
Cell functions
CHANGE available available not available

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 327

Table 32. Availability of situation formula functions for enterprise situations whose events are
emitted from the hub monitoring server and private situations whose events are emitted
from the monitoring agent (continued)
Situation functions
that can be
evaluated at the Situation functions that can be evaluated at
monitoring server the monitoring agent
Supported in Supported in Supported in private
Formula function enterprise situations enterprise situations situations
DATE available available not available
MISSING available available available
PCTCHANGE available available not available
SCAN available available not available1
STR available available not available1
TIME available not available not available
VALUE available available available
IN available available not available
REGEX not available not available available
Group functions can be applied to multiple row attribute groups and to those configured
for historical data collection. Table and chart views require that a time range be set to show
a span of data samplings.
AVG available not available not available
COUNT available not available not available
MAX available not available not available
MIN available not available not available
SUM available not available not available
Situation characteristics
Embedded, including available not available not available
correlated situations
Multiple attribute available not available not available
Persistence enabled available available available2
Display item selected available not available available3
Uses duper process available not available not available
Distribution to available available not available
managed system
Combination AND available available not available4
and OR logical

328 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 32. Availability of situation formula functions for enterprise situations whose events are
emitted from the hub monitoring server and private situations whose events are emitted
from the monitoring agent (continued)
Situation functions
that can be
evaluated at the Situation functions that can be evaluated at
monitoring server the monitoring agent
Supported in Supported in Supported in private
Formula function enterprise situations enterprise situations situations
Use the REGEX function instead.
Situation persistence is not evaluated at the agent when the situation is configured to
emit a SNMP trap. It is supported when the situation is configured to emit an EIF event.
SNMP traps can be emitted in two modes: RC (Rising Continuous) whereby a trap is
emitted every time the situation is true; HY (Hysteresis) whereby a trap is emitted the first
time the situation is true and a clearing trap is emitted when the situation is no longer
true. As well, persistence can be enabled at the trap destination by implementing a
persistence rule.
If the situation is configured to emit an EIF event, a separate EIF event is sent for each
row with a unique display item value. However, when situations are configured to emit
SNMP events situations that include a display item (available for multiple row attribute
groups) they are limited to sending one SNMP alert for the first row that evaluates to true;
no alerts can be sent for any subsequent rows that evaluate to true.
Private situations are limited to all AND or all OR connectors.

Restriction: Private situations with the MISSING function distributed to subnodes

must have a list of subnodes in the DISTRIBUTION tag. Private situations with the
MISSING function distributed to agents do not require this.

SNMP alerts from enterprise monitoring agents with subnodes

Monitoring agents that use subnodes, such as subnode agents created with Agent
Builder, Monitoring for Energy Management, and Agentless Monitors, can emit an
SNMP alert for only one subnode per agent instance where the situation evaluates
to true; and for no other subnodes where the same situation evaluates to true.

For each agent instance, data samples are collected in one attribute group table.
These metrics are filtered by subnode when displayed in the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal, but situations running on multiple subnodes for an agent instance are
actually evaluating on a single table. If a situation becomes true on one subnode,
an SNMP alert defined for that situation is emitted, but no SNMP alerts are
emitted for that situation on any other subnodes because no further rows are
processed in the table.

Here are some alternatives to emitting SNMP alerts for agents with subnodes:
v Forward events from the monitoring server to an EIF receiver.
v When you configure the agent, define only one subnode for an agent instance.
v Define a separate situation for each subnode and distribute that situation to only
a single subnode. In the following example,
situation KAB_Log_Message is distributed to ALL LOG subnodes in the AB
situation KAB_Log1only_Message is distributed to only the AB:uxlog1:LOG

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 329

situation KAB_Log2only_Message is distributed to only the AB:uxlog2:LOG
Instance 1 of the AB log monitoring agent is monitoring three logs (there is a
subnode for each log file): uxlog1, uxlog2, and uxlog3:
If a message appears in the file monitored by subnode uxlog1, these
situations become true: KAB_Log_Message and KAB_Log1only_Message.
If a message appears in the file monitored by subnode uxlog3, this situation
becomes true: KAB_Log_Message
The private situation configuration file for the agent:

UTF-8 encoded XML files

Unicode Transformation Format, 8-bit encoding form is designed for ease of use
with existing ASCII-based systems and enables use of all the characters in the
Unicode standard. When composing a local configuration XML file in a language
that goes beyond the ASCII character set, such as letters with diacritics and
double-byte character sets, use an editor that supports saving the file in UTF-8

ASCII characters use one byte and comprise the first 128 characters. You
can write the XML file in any text editor. For non-ASCII characters, such as
characters with diacritics and Kanji characters, an editor that can save the
file as UTF-8 is required.

Because UTF-8 is not easily displayed or edited on z/OS, the XML can be
encoded in UTF-8 or using the agent's code page. The code page is set in
the agent environment file with the environment variable LANG, such as
LANG=en_US.IBM-1047. The environment file can be found in
&hilev.&rte.RKANPARU, with member name KPCENV (where PC is the
two-character product code). The LANG variable should match your
terminal emulator if you are using the emulator to edit the file. The default
code page for FTP is IBM-1047 if you are editing the file on Windows,
Linux, or UNIX and then uploading the file as ASCII text to the host.

330 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

See “Configuring hub and remote monitoring servers on z/OS” in
Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS.

(EIF event destination configuration is not supported, nor are SNMPv3

informs.) Because UTF-8 is not easily displayed or edited on IBM i, the
XML can be encoded in UTF-8 or the agent's code page. The code page is
set in the agent environment file with the environment variable LANG,
such as LANG=/QSYS.LIB/EN_US.LOCALE. It is best to set the LANG
environment variable before starting qsh, the Qshell interpreter. Some
utilities do not work correctly if the locale is not valid for the Coded
Character Set ID and language ID of the job.

Configuring Agent Management Services on Tivoli System Monitor

Configure the Agent Management Services for Tivoli System Monitor Agents if you
want to use the services to monitor and control agent availability.

Before you begin

Agent Management Services is configured differently in a system monitor agent

v System monitor agents are managed by Agent Management Services by default.
You suspend management by using the disarmWatchdog command, which
disables the Agent Management Services watchdog for the system monitor agent
and any agents created with Tivoli Monitoring Agent Builder on the same
system. You resume management by the Agent Management Services by using
the rearmWatchdog command, which enables the watchdog for the autonomous
agents that are managed by the Agent Management Services. These commands
are described in the agent user's guide.
v Agent Builder agents that are installed in a system monitor agent environment
are not managed by the Agent Management Services watchdog by default. You
can change whether the agent is managed by the watchdog.

About this task

After installing an Agent Builder agent in a system monitor agent environment,

take these steps to start or stop Agent Management Services management.

1. While the watchdog process is running, move the common agent package
(CAP) file named kpc_default.xml (where pc is the two-character product code)
out of the CAP directory to a temporary location. The file is located in the
KCA_CAP_DIR directory.
Removing the file from the CAP directory renders the agent invisible to the
Agent Management Services.
2. Modify all instances of <managerType> in the CAP file to enable or disable
v <managerType>ProxyAgentServices</managerType> to enable management.
v <managerType>NotManaged</managerType> to disable management.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 331

A best practice is to rename the modified file to kpc.xml (where pc is the
two-character product code). All CAP files located in the KCA_CAP_DIR are
processed by Agent Management Services. If two or more CAP files share the
same “subagent ID” value, they are processed in sorted order. For example,
kca.xml is used before kca_default.xml. Also, renaming the CAP file to kpc.xml
ensures that your changes do not get overwritten during a future upgrade.
3. Save the updated file.
4. While the watchdog process (kcawd) is running, move or copy the updated
CAP file back to KCA_CAP_DIR.


The updated Agent Management Services settings are processed after the CAP file
is placed in KCA_CAP_DIR.

Private situations
Define private situations for monitoring criteria and the resulting events that are
pertinent to your local agent environment or to an event receiver and not relevant
to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring environment. Private situations can be defined
for Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents and Tivoli System Monitor Agents.

Private situation operation

Private situations are created in an XML formatted file that does not interact with
the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. To use private situations effectively, you
need to understand how they are different from enterprise situations.

Tivoli Management Services agent framework

Built into the agent framework of the Tivoli Management Services infrastructure is
the ability to create situations that run locally and trigger events on the computer
where you have either a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent or Tivoli System
Monitor Agent installed.

Enterprise situations and private situations

Enterprise situations are created with the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Situation editor or
with the CLI tacmd createSit command. Enterprise situations send events to the
monitoring server and can forward events to an Event Integration Facility receiver
such as a IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event server or Netcool/OMNIbus Probe
for Tivoli EIF when the hub monitoring server has been configured to forward
events. Enterprise situation events can also be sent as SNMP alerts to a receiver
such as the Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP Probe

Private situations are created in a local private situation configuration XML file for
the agent. Eligible situation definitions that were exported from the monitored
enterprise can also be added to the file to create situations. The events generated
by private situations can remain local to your workstation or be sent as SNMP
alerts to a receiver such as the Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP Probe. The private
situation configuration file resides in the agent localconfig/pc directory, one file
per agent, and it contains all the private situation definitions for the agent.

332 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Creating private situations

This example of a private situation configuration XML file for the Windows OS
agent has two situations defined. You can create situations in the file by entering
them manually.

You can also create situations in this file by exporting existing enterprise situations
from the monitoring server, using the CLI tacmd bulkExportSit and then copying
the exported situations that are eligible for use as private situations from their
XML file to the agent Private Situation configuration file. The last situation (named
Disk_Queue) in the example came from an exported situation XML file.
<![CDATA[ *MISSING NT_Process.Process_Name *EQ ("schedule")]]>
<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_Paging_File.%_Usage *GE 80 ]]>
<PDT><![CDATA[ *IF *VALUE NT_Physical_Disk.Avg_Disk_Queue_Length
*GE 0.004 ]]></PDT>

The CRITERIA element contains the formula:

v *VALUE or *MISSING function name. Value of expression and Check for
Missing Items are the only formula functions available for use in private
v attribute_group.attribute_name as they are written in these places:
– name element of the agent .atr file, located in the <install_dir>/TMAITM6/
ATTRLIB/pc directory
– <PDT> element of the <situation_name>.xml file output generated by the
tacmd bulkExportSit CLI command
– <PREDICATE> element of the Situation Summary report that is generated
through the Agent Service Interface
– Display column in the attribute definitions portion of the Queries report that
is generated through the Agent Service Interface
v *EQ, *LT, *GT, *NE, *LE, or *GE Boolean operator.
v Threshold for the *VALUE function or comma-separated list for the *MISSING
v Multiple expressions can be connected by Boolean AND or OR logic, but not
both, and only one attribute group can be used in the formula. Up to nine
expressions connected by AND are supported; and up to ten expressions
connected by OR are supported.
v The XML coding is case-insensitive with this exception: text attribute values
must match the data sample. For example, missing process notepad is invalid if
it is spelled NOTEPAD.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 333


When the agent is initialized, an XML parser examines and validates the private
situation definitions. All XML parsing error messages are recorded in the agent
operations log. (See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide

Private situations continue to run until the agent is shut down.

The events that are opened when a situation becomes true can be sent as
SNMPv1/v2 traps or SNMPv3 informs when an SNMP trap configuration file is
created and a receiver such as the Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP Probe has been
configured to receive them; or as EIF events when an EIF event configuration file
is created and a receiver such as the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event server or
Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Tivoli EIF is configured to receive them. As well, the
Agent Service Interface provides a summary report of situation activity.

You create a private situation file named pc_situations.xml and save it to the
install_dir/localconfig/pc (where pc is the product code). If you prefer to name
the file differently or use a different path, the IRA_PRIVATE_SITUATION_CONFIG
and IRA_LOCALCONFIG_DIR agent environment variables are provided for you
to change the file name and path.

Distribute private situations locally or remotely

To edit or delete a private situation, make the changes in the private configuration
XML file where it was defined, then redistribute the situation locally or remotely.
Local distribution
After editing the private configuration file and saving it, you can restart
the agent to reload the private situation definitions.
Alternatively, you can log on to the Agent Service Interface and enter
private situation requests to start, stop or recycle individual private
situations. See “Starting the Agent Service Interface” on page 402 and
“Agent Service Interface request - Private situation control” on page 422.
Remote distribution
Use a configuration load list to specify the private configuration file for the
monitoring agent to pull from the central configuration repository and
activate. See “Centralized Configuration” on page 429.


Private situations are agent monitoring requests defined by a local administrator

with criteria that is pertinent to the local agent environment. This is a summary of
private situation characteristics:
v Created at the agent locally through a simple editor.
v Emit results and events with agent SNMP traps.
v Run from the time the agent starts until it stops regardless of monitoring server
v Multiple expressions in a formula must have logic connectors that are uniformly
conjunctive AND or disjunctive OR; a mix of the two connectors in a formula is
not supported.

334 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v Support up to nine expressions in the situation formula when connected by
Boolean AND logic and up to ten expressions when connected by Boolean OR
v All enterprise situation threshold operators are supported: equal (EQ), not equal
(NE), greater than (GT), less than (LT), greater than or equal (GE), and less than
or equal (LE).
v Include support for the reflex automation action command.
v Include support for the VALUE and MISSING formula functions only; include
no support for group functions or other cell functions.
v Wild card characters are not supported in private situations or situation
v One attribute group in a situation. The use of two different attribute groups is
not supported.
v Run concurrently with enterprise situations when the agent is connected to the
monitoring server.
v Can run on a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent, whether connected or
autonomous, or a Tivoli System Monitor Agent.
v Remain unknown to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring centrally managed
infrastructure. Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and other IBM Tivoli
Monitoring component are unaware of their existence, including their
monitoring data and events. Therefore, private situations do not participate in
event caching or persistence across agent restarts while the agent is disconnected
from its monitoring server.
v As a best practice, enterprise and private situations must have unique situation

Private situation XML specification

Use the elements from the private situation XML specification to create private
situations for an agent on your computer.

Default private situation path and file name

PCSICNFG in the RKANDATV data set

If you prefer to name the file differently or use a different path, use the
environment variables to change the file name and path. For detailed information
about the environment variables, see the “Environment variables” topic in the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.


XML tags are case-insensitive. All other parameters are case-sensitive. For example,
you can enter <PRIVATESIT>, <PrivateSit>, or <privatesit>.

Note: You can use the SITS.xsd schema file, located in the samples/
PrivateConfigSamples directory on the Agent DVD image, to validate private
situation XML files. However, the schema file requires the XML tag names to be in

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 335

PRIVATECONFIGURATION is the root element identifying this XML as an
agent private situation configuration document.
<SITUATION NAME="Check_Process_CPU_Usage" INTERVAL="000500" />
<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_Process.%_Processor_Time *GE 65 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process.Priority_Base *NE 0 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process.Process_Name *NE _Total]]>
<CMD><![CDATA[netstat >.\logs\netstat.dat]]></CMD>
<AUTOSOPT When="N" Frequency="N" />
This parameter is typically ignored. This parameter is only
applicable when updating private situation configuration through
the Agent Service Interface or when downloading from the
Centralized Configuration server. This parameter is ignored when
the agent processes the private situation configuration file directly
from the localconfig directory at agent start up.
Specify "Y" or "Yes" to run only the newly inputted private
situations. When specifying Y, all of the existing private situations
are stopped and deleted, then only the newly inputted private
situations are processed and started. The monitoring agent's
operation log provides a list of the old private situations that were
stopped and also lists the processed private situations that were
Specify "N" or "No" to run all existing private situations.
Only Y, Yes, N, or No values are valid. If you use other values, the
entire current private situation configuration XML specifications
are rejected.
For more information see the Activate= parameter in
“Configuration load list XML specification” on page 434.
Enclose each situation definition in PRIVATESIT begin and end tags.
Within each set of PRIVATESIT begin and end tags, add a set of
SITUATION begin and end tags. Within each set of SITUATION begin and
end tags, is the complete situation definition. Define the situation with
these attributes:
The situation name, which must begin with a letter and can be up
to 31 letters, numbers and _ underscores, such as
"Missing_Process_Helper_Harmless". Be aware that all situations,
whether private or enterprise, must have unique names. Otherwise,
actions invoked upon one situation are applied to the other
situation with the same name.
Unless this is a pure-event situation, specify the sampling interval
in HHMMSS format. Default: 001500 (15 minutes). Alternatively,
use the <INTERVAL> element.

336 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

The situation formula. Alternatively, use the <CRITERIA> element.
CRITERIA="*VALUE NT_Process.%_Processor_Time *GE 65
*AND *VALUE NT_Process.Priority_Base *NE 0
*AND *VALUE NT_Process.Process_Name *NE _Total" />
Optional. Specify Y to delete the situation specified in the NAME=
attribute. Use this attribute to dynamically remove a private
situation without recycling the agent or deleting the local private
situation XML file. If you specify a private situation name that is
not defined or has already been deleted, no action is taken. You
can specify multiple delete statements.
To dynamically refresh a private situation, include a delete
statement before the new add statement. The order of specifications
within a private situation XML file affect the final operational
private situation definitions and configuration. The order in which
the XML files are read is defined by the Centralized Configuration
load list and does not follow alphabetical order.
This example deletes a single private situation:
<situation name="Check_Process_Name" delete="Y" />
This example deletes multiple private situations:
<situation name="Check_Process_Name" delete="Y" />
<situation name="Check_DiskSpace_Low" delete="Y" />
This example refreshes a private situation by first deleting the
situation and then adding the situation:
<situation name="Check_Process_CPU_Usage" delete="y" >
<situation name="Check_Process_CPU_Usage" interval="000500" >
<![CDATA[*VALUE NT_Process_64.%_Processor_Time *GE 10 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process_64.Priority_Base *NE 1 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process_64.Process_Name *NE _Total]]>
Specifies the situation sample interval in HHMMSS format. A value of
000000 (six zeroes) indicates a pure-event situation. For sampled-event
situations, the minimum interval is 000030 (30 seconds) and the maximum

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 337

is 235959 (23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds). Default: 001500 (15
minutes). This element is required if the INTERVAL attribute is not
specified in the SITUATION element.
The situation criteria is specified within this element and the <![CDATA[
]]> element. Each expression, starting with *VALUE, *MKTIME,
*COUNT,*REGEX, or *MISSING, concludes with the following parts:
v for the VALUE function, the attribute-table-name.attribute-name, the
logical operator (such as *EQ), and the attribute threshold value.
v for the MKTIME function, the attribute-table-name.attribute-name,
arithmetic plus (+) or minus (-) for delta value calculation, the logical
operator (such as *EQ), and the compare value, as depicted in this
syntax example.
*MKTIME(attribute-name, + or -, delta-value) logic-operator compare-value
v for the COUNT function, the attribute-table-name.attribute-name, the
logical operator (such as *EQ), and the attribute threshold value.
v for the REGEX function, the attribute-table-name.attribute-name, the
logical operator (such as *EQ), and the regular expression.
v for the MISSING function, the attribute-table-name.attribute-name, the
logical operator (such as *EQ), and a comma-separated list of names.
It is acceptable, but not required to begin the formula with *IF, as is done
in enterprise situation formula syntax. There is no positional requirement
for the *MKTIME predicate in situation filter construction. However, the
*MISSING predicate must always be final predicate.
For the attribute, use the detailed attribute name in the format of
attribute-table- name dot attribute-name. The product attribute file defines
the agent product attribute tables and associated attributes, for example,
knt.atr or kux.atr files residing in the ATTRLIB directory for a distributed
agent installation.
Another way to find attribute names is by querying the table through the
Agent Service Interface. Open ASI > Queries and select a table name. ASI
returns a complete table schema including the table display name and
display names for all table columns.
The Operator defines logical operation of filter value and data. The
supported operators are: *EQ for equal, *NE for not equal, *GE for greater
than or equal to, *LE for less than or equal to, *LT for less than, and *GT
for greater than. Within the <CRITERIA> element, the command is
enclosed in Character Data tags to exclude it from XML parsing. This
example shows a formula that triggers an alert when the available disk
space is 35% or below:
<CRITERIA> <![CDATA[*VALUE NT_Logical_Disk.%_Free *LE 35]]> </CRITERIA>
For multiple expressions, use the *AND or *OR connector. All connectors
in the formula must be the same, either all *AND or all *OR. Mixing
logical *AND and *OR connectors is not supported. You can have up to
nine *AND connectors or up to 10 *OR connectors in a formula, .
In a formula with multiple expressions, there can be no more than one
*MISSING expression, it must be the last expression in the formula, and
only *AND connectors can be used. (See the Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's
Guide for a description of Check for Missing Items.)
Wildcards are not supported. For example, *VALUE
NT_Process.Process_Name *EQ S* to find all processes that start with "S" is

338 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

invalid in a private situation. Likewise, wildcards in a *MISSING list are
invalid, such as NT_Process.Process_Name *EQ ('DB2*') to find all
processes beginning with DB2.
<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_Process.%_Processor_Time *GE 65 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process.Priority_Base *NE 0 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process.Process_Name *NE _Total]]>
<![CDATA[ *MISSING NT_Process.Process_Name *EQ (’schedule’,’notepad’)]]>
<![CDATA[ *VALUE Linux_Process.State *NE Running *AND
*MISSING Linux_Process.Process_Command_Name *EQ (’MyHelp’,’myhelpw’)]]>
Enumerated attributes have a predefined set of values. You can specify
either the enumeration symbol or the name. For example, both of these
expressions with a process execution state of Stopped (T) are valid. If an
SNMP alert is sent or an action taken, the symbol is used rather than the
<CRITERIA><![CDATA[ *VALUE Process.Execution_State *EQ Stopped]]></CRITERIA>
<CRITERIA><![CDATA[ *VALUE Process.Execution_State *EQ T]]></CRITERIA>
If the private situation uses any scaled attributes, their values must be
normalized for proper evaluation. A scaled attribute value is used to
specify how many positions to shift the decimal point to the left. For
example, 55.255 is a valid value for an attribute that displays with a scale
of 3. To normalize it, you would shift the decimal point right by three
places to be 55255.

SCAL (Scale) Integer comparison value (example used is 5000)

Not defined (0) 5000
1 Seen as 500 or 500.0 but represents 5000
2 Seen as 50 or 50.00 but represents 5000
3 Seen as 5 or 5.000 but represents 5000

The attribute description topics for your product should specify whether
the value is scaled. For distributed agents, you can also review the
attribute file for scal in the attribute definition. For example, khd.atr for
the Warehouse Proxy agent has a work queue insertion rate attribute with
scal 2. Location of kpc.atr files: <install_dir>\TMAITM6\
ATTRLIB; <install_dir>/platform/<pc>/tables/
ATTRLIB, where platform is the operating system and pc is the product
This example shows a hexadecimal integer as the comparison value:
<CRITERIA><![CDATA[ *VALUE Disk.Mount_Point_U *EQ ’/opt’ *AND
*VALUE Disk.Space_Used_64 *GT 0x80000000 ]]></CRITERIA>

The <CRITERIA> element is required if CRITERIA is not specified in the

<SITUATION> element.
Use the *MKTIME predicate function to calculate time delta
intervals in private situations. The formula must be enclosed

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 339

within parentheses. The attribute must be a time stamp attribute or
character attribute with 16 numeric characters. Use a comma (,) as
a delimiter. The delta-value must be numeric digits followed by
time unit, S (seconds), M (minutes), H (hours), or D (days). Zero is
invalid and rejected. The compare-value must be numeric, but not
necessarily in 16-character time stamp format. For example, specify
1200 or special predicate keyword _TIME for the monitoring agent
to automatically generate the current time when the situation is
The *COUNT column function groups and counts the total number
of rows of data collected by the monitoring agents that have
exceeded a defined monitoring threshold. You can include the
calculated total *COUNT value in alerts or events from the
monitoring agent.
The *COUNT column function processing includes these private
situation monitoring features:
v grouping by unique Display Item attribute values
v monitoring subnode Agent data sources with multiple Managed
System Names
v sending Omnibus EIF events directly from agents
v issuing private situation Take Action commands that reference
the COUNT column result value
v combining additional situation filters *VALUE, *REGEX (regular
expression) with *COUNT filter
When defining *COUNT thresholds, select any attribute as the
*COUNT attribute, given these restrictions:
v the *OR logical operator is not supported (only the *AND logical
v the ATOM option (Display Item) attribute can not also be
defined for *COUNT in the same situation
v the ORIGINNODE column is excluded from *COUNT
v the *COUNT predicate can not be combined with the *MISSING
The calculated *COUNT result is stored in a generated 64-bit
integer “virtual” attribute named COUNT_[attrname], (for
example, COUNT_Process_ID). The attribute defined in the
*COUNT predicate serves as a place holder. The
COUNT_[attrname] virtual attribute can included in EIF events or
referenced by the Take Action command.
In this example, the Process_ID attribute is named in the *COUNT
predicate, but the resulting total row count of 54 is stored in a
"virtual" attribute named COUNT_Process_ID.
<![CDATA[ *COUNT KLZ_Process.Process_ID *GT 10 ]]>

COUNT_Process_ID='54' when 54 rows are counted. The other

attributes in the result are set to 0 or blank, except for the
ORIGINNODE column and any attribute defined as the Display
Item (ATOM option) attribute.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring frequently requires text scan and pattern

340 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

matching upon event and sample data, such as name, address,
message, and log record. You can add the Regular Expression
predicate filter function to enhance agent monitoring capability and
applicability. The *REGEX predicate function specification syntax is
defined as:
*REGEX attribute_name operator "Regular Expression"
attribute_name is the select filter fully-qualified attribute name.
operator is the logical operation of the filter value and data.
The supported operators are: *EQ (meaning value equal) and
*NE (meaning value not equal).
" " are regular expression delimiters. You can also use other
characters for delimiters such as @ @ if the " character is needed
in the expression. For example: *REGEX attribute_name
operator @Regular Expression@
Regular Expression specifies the desired regular expression
The following example shows *REGEX predicate function usage. In
this example, the company ABC wants to inspect user input for
P.O. Box information, in order to raise an event because ABC
cannot ship to post boxes.
<SITUATION NAME="Check_Valid_Address" INTERVAL="000030" >
*EQ "(?:Post (?:Office )?|P[. ]?O\.? )?[Bb]ox\b"]]>
The *REGEX predicate function can be used in combination with
additional predicate functions as show in the following example.
<Situation Name="Check_Valid_Address" Interval="000030" />
*EQ $(?:Post (?:Office )?|P[. ]?O\.? )?Box\b$ ]]>
As a general rule, *REGEX filters on application column data in
data row storage buffer. Therefore, the begin input (^ or \A) or
end of line ($ or \Z) anchor do not apply and are unnecessary
when matching at the beginning or end of column data.

Usage notes:
v Integer attributes are not supported in the regular expression
v Enumerated attributes are supported in the regular expression
predicate, however, the actual column attribute value must be
used in constructing the regular expression itself. The enumerate

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 341

value substitution in regular expressions that requires automated
modification of the expression itself, is unsupported.
For example, the attribute Day_Of_Week in the table Local_Time
have the enumerated character string values of Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, but have the
actual column value of 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06. The actual
column values must be used in the regular expression
v A regular expression containing attributes of unsupported data
types such as, integer, integer-64, integer enumeration, and
hexadecimal string, are flagged as an error and the private
situation definition is rejected.
Regular expression implementation varies slightly according to the
supporting engine. The private situation *REGEX predicate filter
function leverages the ICU Regular Expression engine and its
specifications. See the ICU User Guide for more information.
Optional. Defines the action command or script to invoke when the
situation criteria are true. Within the <CMD> element, the command is
enclosed in Character Data tags to exclude it from parsing. This example
shows a system command that displays the timestamp in a message box at
the agent when the situation becomes true. Without the CDATA tagging,
the & ampersand and {} brackets would be considered an error by the
XML parser.
<![CDATA[ net send &{Local_Time.Timestamp} ]]>

This is required if an action <CMD> is specified. It defines the action
command execution options, WHEN (X), FREQUENCY (Y), WHERE (Z).
The default is NNN:
WHEN= Optional. "Y" to run the command for each item; or "N" to run
the command on only the first row of data returned that meets the
situation criteria. If the attribute group returns multiple rows of data
and more than one row satisfies the condition, you can choose to issue
the command on only the first row that meets the criteria or once for
each row that meets the criteria. Default: "N".
FREQUENCY= Optional. "Y" to issue the command every time the
situation evaluates to true; or "N" to issue the command when the
situation is true, but not again until the situation evaluates to false,
followed by another true evaluation. Default: "N".
WHERE= "N" to run the command at the agent. Default: "N" Because
there is only one possible setting for “where”, you do not need to
include it in the AUTOSOPT element.
<AUTOSOPT When="Y" Frequency="Y" />
Optional. Used for subnode-based products that register and manage
subnodes. This element specifies a list of managed system names that must
be separated by only a comma (,). Each subnode managed system name
must not be longer than 32 characters. The specified MSN cannot be the
MSN of the managing agent. Managed System List (MSL) names, such as

342 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

the product-provided MSL, which is prefixed by an asterisk (*) (for
example, *NT_SYSTEM), cannot be used in this option. You can specify
only one distribution tag within a single PRIVATESIT definition.
History situations that are specified by the <HISTORY> element that are
directed to subnode attribute groups also support the <DISTRIBUTION>
element and its default value.
If the <DISTRIBUTION> element is not specified to target a subnode
application, the default collects data for all subnodes that are currently
registered or online for this agent. Online subnode MSNs are only added
to an active situation if the subnode MSN supports the table or attribute
group that was specified in the CRITERIA tag of this private situation. If
an online subnode does not support this table or attribute group (for
example, the subnode provides data for a different attribute group that this
subnode agent supports), then this subnode is excluded from the internal
default list of subnodes that are built to collect data for this private
Many subnode agents dynamically register new subnode MSNs as online,
or unregister subnode MSNs (change to offline status) at any time. While
private situations are running, the dynamic changes to a subnode MSN
online or offline status are detected. All situations that are supported by
the subnode MSN whose status changed are stopped. The subnode MSN is
added to (for new online status) or removed from (for new offline status)
the stopped situations. The situations are then restarted so that data is
collected for only the current subnode MSNs that are online.
For example, specifying the default distribution list for subnodes:
Specifying a subnode distribution list:

The following examples generate errors.

The element requires commas, not semi-colons.
Managed system lists or * are not supported.
If you define a history situation for subnodes with the <HISTORY>
element, nest the <DISTRIBUTION> subelement within the <HISTORY>
element. If <DISTRIBUTION> is not specified, the new default distribution
list also applies to history situations and the <HISTORY> element.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 343

<HISTORY Table="Subnode_Group1" INTERVAL="1" RETAIN="24">
Optional. Situation last updated timestamp. If it is unspecified then the
current data time is automatically generated. The format is
CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm (as in 1100715074501000 for July 15, 2010 at
07:45:01) where:
C = Century (1 for 21st)
Y = Year
M = Month
D = Day
H = Hour
M = Minute
S = Second
m = millisecond
Optional. This is the ID of the user who last updated this situation
definition. If it is unspecified then the current logon user ID is used.
Optional. Specifies the situation version. Example:
Optional. Defines the situation qualifiers for EIF events. Enclose in the
<![CDATA[ ]]> element. Alternatively, it defines qualifiers for EIF events
using parameters. Multiple qualifiers are delimited by a semicolon (;).
ATOM= Optional. For multiple-row attribute groups. This is the catalog
COLUMN name to use as the display item, which causes an event to be
generated for each subset of rows with the same display item value.
COUNT= Optional. This is called “situation persistence” in the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal. Specify the number of intervals that the situation
must remain true before an event is opened. Valid values are positive
numbers greater than 0.
SEV= Optional. The severity to assign to the EIF event: Fatal, Critical,
Warning, Minor, Harmless, Informational, or Unknown.
TFWD=[Y|N] Optional. Y is the default. If you want to send only
SNMP alerts and no EIF events, set this attribute to N.
TDST= Optional. Specify one or more EIF receiver destinations to send
the event to. You can enter up to five valid destination server IDs, each
separated by a comma (,). Valid destinations are defined in the
pc_eventdest.xml file. If no TDST parameter is specified, the EIF event
is sent to all default event destinations defined (destination entries with
a default="Y" setting) in the event destination configuration file.

344 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Optional. Use the history element to specify each attribute group that you
want to collect historical data for. The agent does not support multiple
<HISTORY> specifications for the same TABLE.
TABLE= Required. This parameter specifies the application attribute
group name.
EXPORT= Optional. This parameter specifies the interval in minutes for
exporting historical data to the Tivoli Data Warehouse. The minimum
export interval is 1 minute and the maximum is 1440 (24 hours). Valid
export intervals are 1, 5, 15, 30, and values divisible by 60; an interval
greater than 60 could be 120, 180, 240, and so on, up to 1440. The
export interval must also be divisible by the INTERVAL parameter
value. If you enter an invalid value, no historical data is collected nor
exported for the specified attribute group. Default: none.
Note: If used in conjunction with the USE=A parameter, the following
export integers are valid: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, and 15.
INTERVAL= Optional. This parameter specifies the historical data
collection interval in minutes. The minimum collection interval is 1
minute and the maximum is 1440 (24 hours). Valid intervals are values
that divide evenly into 60 or are divisible by 60: an interval below 60
could be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30; an interval greater than 60
could be 120, 180, 240, and so on, up to 1440. If you enter an invalid
value, no history is collected for the specified attribute group.
INTERVALUNIT= Optional. This parameter specifies the INTERVAL
parameter time unit. The valid definitions are M (minutes) or S
(seconds). When S is specified, the INTERVAL parameter value is
interpreted as seconds and the valid value range is between 1 and 60.
This parameter must be divisible by 60. In addition, S is only allowed
in conjunction with parameter USE=A, otherwise, the history
specification is rejected. Default: "M".
RETAIN= Optional. Retain defines the short-term history data retention
period in hours. The default is 24 hours and the minimum retention
period is one hour. There is no limit other than that imposed by storage
space on the computer. After the retention limit has been reached, the
oldest data samples are deleted as new samples arrive. Default: "24".
Specify "0" to delete the short-term history file after the data has been
exported to a comma-separated (CSV) file that is used for analytic
USE= Optional. The parameter defines special history data disposition.
It is only valid when defined in conjunction with the EXPORT
parameter, otherwise it is ignored. Currently, the only valid definition is
A (analytic). Default: none.

Attention: In private situations use only external names (same as display

names). Private situations using internal names fail.

The Windows OS agent collects NT_System table data every 15 minutes

and maintains 96 data rows (four times per hour for 24 hours) in the
history file.
The UNIX OS agent collects System table data every 5 minutes and
maintains 3 days of short-term history.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 345

<HISTORY TABLE="System" Interval="5" RETAIN="72" />
The Windows OS agent collects NT_Logical_Disk table data every minute.
<HISTORY TABLE="NT_Logical_Disk" INTERVAL="1" />
The <DISTRIBUTION> element is required for subnode environments. For
example, the Universal agent collects TS2TCPIOQ00 table data every 10
minutes and maintains 1 day of short-term history on the subnode named
The Linux OS agent collects KLZ_Disk table data every 5 minutes with the
data exported every 15 minutes.
The Windows OS agent collects NT_Logical_Disk table data every thirty
seconds and exports to the Warehouse Proxy agent every minute. The
agent maintains one hour of short term history data in the local binary file.
This history collection is designated for a stream analytic application.
<HISTORY Table="NT_Logical_Disk" Interval="30" IntervalUnit="S"
Retain="1" Export="1" Use="A" />
Optional. Use the warehouse element to specify the location of the
Warehouse Proxy agent to which historical data is exported. The agent
does not support multiple <WAREHOUSE> specifications.
This parameter specifies the location of each Warehouse Proxy
agent to which historical data is exported. A primary location and
multiple secondary locations can be specified with each separated
by a semicolon (;). This location is only used by the agent when it
has full autonomy and the KHD_WAREHOUSE_LOCATION
parameter is not specified.
Specify a registered listening address of the Warehouse Proxy agent
that will transfer historical data from the agent to the Tivoli Data
Warehouse. The syntax is family protocol:network address[port
number]. Review the warehouse proxy agent’s RAS1 trace log to
determine the registered addresses.
The following RAS1 log excerpt shows the warehouse proxy agent
registering a listening address:
khdxrpcr.cpp,621,"register_interface") Registering
"Candle_Warehouse_Proxy": ip.pipe:# [63358]

Note: In order for historical data to be successfully exported, the

monitoring agent must have the same communications protocol enabled
that was specified for the warehouse proxy location. See “Monitoring your
operating system via a System Monitor Agent” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Installation and Setup Guide for more information on the
<WAREHOUSE LOCATION="ip.pipe:DEPT-XP[63358]" />
<WAREHOUSE LOCATION="ip.pipe:#[63358]" />

346 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Exported enterprise situation XML specification
Use the situation definitions from the situation_name.xml files that result from the
CLI tacmd bulkExportSit and tacmd viewSit commands to populate the agent's
private situation configuration file.

See IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference (

tivihelp/v61r1/topic/ for the
tacmd syntax and examples.

If you already have enterprise situations for a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent,
you can run the bulk export situation command or the view situation command to
get situation definitions for the specified agent in the XML format that is
acceptable to the private situation configuration file. Not all exported situations are
valid; only those that use the *VALUE or *MISSING formula functions. See
“Situation limitations” on page 327 for other restrictions.


XML tags are case-insensitive. All other parameters are case-sensitive. For example,
you can enter <SITNAME>, <SitName>, or <sitname>.
This is the root element of the exported situation XML file. In the private
situation configuration file, the TABLE tagging (and everything between)
from the exported situation is processed as a private situation definition.
This is the child element to follow TABLE.
Monitoring situation name. The situation name must begin with a letter
and can be up to 31 letters and numbers and _ underscores. Within each
set of SITNAME begin and end tags is the complete situation definition.

Be aware that all situations, whether private or enterprise, must have

unique names. Otherwise, actions invoked upon one situation are applied
to the other situation with the same name.
The situation criteria is specified within the <PDT> predicate element and
the <![CDATA[ ]]> element. Each expression has three parts, starting
with *IF *VALUE or *IF *MISSING, followed by attribute-table-
name.attribute-name, the logical operator (such as *NE), and the attribute
threshold value or, for the MISSING function, a comma-separated list.
Exported enterprise situations always begin with *IF and it is acceptable,
but not required to include *IF in the formula.
For the attribute, the detailed attribute name is used in the format of
attribute-table- name dot attribute-name. The product attribute file defines
the agent product attribute tables and associated attributes, for example,
knt.atr or kux.atr files residing in the ATTRIB directory for a distributed
agent installation.
The operator defines the logical operation of filter value and data. The
supported operators are: *EQ for equal, *NE for not equal, *GE for greater
than or equal to, *LE for less than or equal to, *LT for less than, and *GT

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 347

for greater than. Within the <PDT> element, the command is enclosed in
Character Data tags to exclude it from XML parsing. This example shows a
formula that triggers an alert when the available disk space is 35% or
<PDT> <![CDATA[*IF *VALUE NT_Logical_Disk.%_Free *LE 35]]> </PDT>
For multiple expressions, use the *AND and *OR connectors. All
connectors in the formula must be the same, either all *AND or all *OR. A
mix of logical *AND and *OR connectors is not supported. Example:
<PDT> <![CDATA[*IF *VALUE NT_Process.%_Processor_Time *GE 65 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process.Priority_Base *NE 0 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process.Process_Name *NE _Total]]> </PDT>

Wildcards are not supported in private situations. For example, *VALUE

NT_Process.Process_Name *EQ DB2* to find all processes that start with
“DB2” is invalid.Exported enterprise situations with scaled attributes are
not normalized when running as private situations. You must normalize
the values manually. For example, this enterprise situation expression Avg
Disk Queue Length >= 0.004 is for a floating point attribute with a scale of
3. When the situation is exported with the tacmd viewSit command, the
export monitoring criteria is shown as:
<PDT> <![CDATA[*IF *VALUE NT_Physical_Disk.Avg_Disk_Queue_Length
*GE 0.004]]> < PDT>

When this same definition is specified in a private situation, the value

comparison value is interpreted as a zero value.
<CRITERIA><![CDATA[ *IF *VALUE NT_Physical_Disk.Avg_Disk_Queue_Length
*GE 0.004 ]]></CRITERIA>

Normalize the value by shifting the decimal point to the right by three
places: 0.004 is 4 or a value such as the one shown here.
<CRITERIA><![CDATA[ *IF *VALUE NT_Physical_Disk.Avg_Disk_Queue_Length
*GE 4.123 ]]></CRITERIA>
Optional. Defines the action command or script to invoke when the
situation is true. Enclose the command in the <![CDATA[ ]]> section.
<CMD><![CDATA[netstat >.\logs\netstat.dat]]></CMD>
This is required if an action command <CMD> is specified. It defines reflex
automation action command execution options, in order XYZ, between
begin and end tags. The default is NNN:
Only take action on first item
Don't take action twice in a row (wait until situation goes false
then true again)
Execute the Action at the Managed System (Agent)

X=Y Run command for each item.

X=N Run command on first item only.

348 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Y=Y Run command for each sample interval.
Y=N Do not run command twice in a row.
Z=N This is always set to N for private situations, and means to run
the command at the agent. If the exported option is set to Y, the setting
will be ignored and be treated as N.
Optional. Used for subnode-based products that register and manage
subnodes. This element specifies a list of managed system names that must
be separated by only a comma (,). Each subnode managed system name
must not be longer than 32 characters. The specified MSN cannot be the
MSN of the managing agent. Managed System List (MSL) names, such as
the product-provided MSL, which is prefixed by an asterisk (*) (for
example, *NT_SYSTEM), cannot be used in this option. You can specify
only one distribution tag within a single PRIVATESIT definition.
History situations that are specified by the <HISTORY> element that are
directed to subnode attribute groups also support the <DISTRIBUTION>
element and its default value.
If the <DISTRIBUTION> element is not specified to target a subnode
application, the default collects data for all subnodes that are currently
registered or online for this agent. Online subnode MSNs are only added
to an active situation if the subnode MSN supports the table or attribute
group that was specified in the CRITERIA tag of this private situation. If
an online subnode does not support this table or attribute group (for
example, the subnode provides data for a different attribute group that this
subnode agent supports), then this subnode is excluded from the internal
default list of subnodes that are built to collect data for this private
Many subnode agents dynamically register new subnode MSNs as online,
or unregister subnode MSNs (change to offline status) at any time. While
private situations are running, the dynamic changes to a subnode MSN
online or offline status are detected. All situations that are supported by
the subnode MSN whose status changed are stopped. The subnode MSN is
added to (for new online status) or removed from (for new offline status)
the stopped situations. The situations are then restarted so that data is
collected for only the current subnode MSNs that are online.
For example, specifying the default distribution list for subnodes:
Specifying a subnode distribution list:

The following examples generate errors.

The element requires commas, not semi-colons.
Managed system lists or * are not supported.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 349

If you define a history situation for subnodes with the <HISTORY>
element, nest the <DISTRIBUTION> subelement within the <HISTORY>
element. If <DISTRIBUTION> is not specified, the new default distribution
list also applies to history situations and the <HISTORY> element.
<HISTORY Table="Subnode_Group1" INTERVAL="1" RETAIN="24">
Optional. Specifies the IBM Code Character Set ID. en_US is the only value
Optional. Situation last updated timestamp. If it is unspecified then the
current data time is automatically generated. The format is
CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm (as in 1090715074501000 for July 15, 2009 at
07:45:01) where:
C = Century (1 for 21st)
Y = Year
M = Month
D = Day
H = Hour
M = Minute
S = Second
m = millisecond
Optional. Specifies the situation version.
Optional. This is the ID of the user who last updated this situation
definition. If it is unspecified then the current logon user ID is used.
Optional. Defines the situation qualifiers for EIF events. Within the
<SITINFO> element, enclose the situation formula in <![CDATA[ ]]>
tagging, such as <![CDATA[ SEV=Critical ]]>. Alternatively, this defines
qualifiers using parameters. Multiple qualifiers are delimited by a
semicolon (;).
ATOM= Optional. For multiple-row attribute groups. This is the catalog
COLUMN name to use as the display item, which causes an event to be
generated for each subset of rows with the same display item value.
COUNT= Optional. This is called “situation persistence” in the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal. Specify the number of intervals that the situation
must remain true before an event is opened. Valid values are positive
numbers greater than 0.
SEV= Optional. The severity to assign to the EIF event: Fatal, Critical,
Warning, Minor, Harmless, Informational, or Unknown.

350 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

TFWD=[Y|N] Optional. Y is the default. If you want to send only
SNMP alerts and no EIF events, set this attribute to N.
TDST= Optional. Specify one or more EIF receiver destinations to send
the event to. You can enter up to five valid destination server IDs, each
separated by a comma (,). Valid destinations are defined in the
pc_eventdest.xml file. If no TDST parameter is specified, the EIF event
is sent to all default event destinations defined (destination entries with
a default="Y" setting) in the event destination configuration file.
Situation description. Within the <TEXT> element, enclose the situation
formula in <![CDATA[ ]]> tagging.
Specifies the situation sample interval in HHMMSS format. A value of 0
zero indicates a pure-event situation. The default interval is 15 minutes,
001500; the minimum is 30 seconds, 000030; and the maximum is 23 hours,
59 minutes, and 59 seconds, 235959. Example:
Ignored elements
The following elements in the exported XML specification are not used
except where noted:
<FULLNAME> (processed for EIF)
<HUB />
<REEV_DAYS> (over 1 day unsupported)
<SITINFO> (processed for EIF)

Exported enterprise situation example

The NT_System_File_Critical situation exported with tacmd bulkExportSit or

tacmd viewSit is saved in the file, NT_System_File_Critical.xml:
<![CDATA[ ]]>

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 351

<![CDATA[ *NONE ]]>
<HUB />
<![CDATA[ *IF *VALUE NT_System.File_Data_Operations/Sec *GE 100000 ]]>
<![CDATA[ SEV=Critical ]]>
<![CDATA[ Knt:KNT1359 ]]>

In the private situation configuration file, a set of <PRIVATESIT> and

</PRIVATESIT> tags are created, then the contents of NT_System_File_Critical.xml
pasted inside the tags. This is an nt_situations.xml private situation configuration
file after the exported NT_System_File_Critical situation definition was added
above another private situation definition, Check_Process_CPU_Usage. The
redundant elements (see “Ignored elements” earlier) and unused elements
exported situation were removed, although leaving them in the file does no harm
because the XML parser ignores them:
<![CDATA[ *IF *VALUE NT_System.File_Data_Operations/Sec *GE 100000 ]]>
<![CDATA[ SEV=Critical ]]>
<![CDATA[ Knt:KNT1359 ]]>

352 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

<![CDATA[ *IF *VALUE NT_Process.%_Processor_Time *GE 65 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process.Priority_Base *NE 0 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process.Process_Name *NE _Total]]>

Tip: Each exported situation is given its own XML file. If your private situations
will initially result from an export of your enterprise situations, create an XML
with PRIVATECONFIGURATION begin and end tags, then paste the TABLE begin
and end tags and everything contained in them into the file for each situation that
you want to include. For exported situations, the TABLE tags are equivalent to the

Private situation examples

Define private situations for monitoring criteria that is pertinent to your local agent
environment and not dependent on or relevant to the enterprise environment.
These examples can be used as a template for your private situations.

Tip: Sample private situation configuration files are provided on the Tivoli
Monitoring Agent installation media in the PrivateConfigSamples directory.

Linux OS lz_situations.xml
<!-- Situation Description: Percentage of time the processor is busy
is extremely high -->
*EQ Aggregate ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Percentage of packet collisions during data
transmission is high -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE Linux_Network.Collision_Percent *GT 10 ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Percentage of available i-nodes is low -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE Linux_Disk.Inodes_Used_Percent *GT 80 ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Percentage of space available on a filesystem
is low -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE Linux_Disk.Space_Available_Percent *LT 15 ]]>

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 353

<!-- Situation Description: Tests if the SSH Daemon, sshd, is up running -->
<![CDATA[ *IF *MISSING Linux_Process.Process_Command_Name
*EQ ("/usr/sbin/sshd") ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Percentage of Processor time used by
a process high -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE Linux_Process.Busy_CPU_Pct *GT 60 ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: High number of stopped processes on this system -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE Linux_Process.State *NE Running *AND
*VALUE Linux_Process.State *NE Sleeping *AND
*VALUE Linux_Process.State *NE Disk *AND
*VALUE Linux_Process.State *NE Trace ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Percentage of rejected RPC server or
client calls is high -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE Linux_RPC_Statistics.RPC_Client_Calls_Retransmitted *GT 30
*OR *VALUE Linux_RPC_Statistics.RPC_Server_Calls_Rejected *GT 30 ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: The swap space paging activity on this system
is extremely high -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE Linux_System_Statistics.Pages_paged_out_per_sec *GT 400
*OR *VALUE Linux_System_Statistics.Pages_paged_in_per_sec *GT 400 ]]>

UNIX OS ux_situations.xml
<!-- Situation Description: Reports High CPU processes -->
<![CDATA[ *IF *VALUE Process.CPU_Utilization *GT 95 ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Process CPU utilization is greater than
or equal to 85% -->

354 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

<![CDATA[ *IF *VALUE Process.CPU_Utilization *GE 85 *AND *VALUE
Process.Command *NE kproc *AND *VALUE Process.Command *NE swapper ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Notes typical I/O bound processor (NFS) -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE System.Wait_I/O *GT 20 ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Tests if the Internet Services Daemon, inetd,
is up running -->
<![CDATA[ *MISSING Process.Command *EQ ("/usr/sbin/inetd") ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Checks the System CPU, Idle, I/O Wait,
and Load Averages for the Busy state -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE System.System_CPU *GT 50 *AND
*VALUE System.Idle_CPU *GT 0 *AND *VALUE System.Wait_I/O *GT 0 *AND
*VALUE System.Load_Average_5_Min *GT 1 ]]>

Windows OS nt_situations.xml
<!-- Situation Description: One of the NT Logs is close to capacity -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_Monitored_Logs_Report.%_Usage *GE 95 ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Test if the NT Scheduler process is running -->
<![CDATA[ *MISSING NT_Process.Process_Name *EQ ("schedule") ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Percent of the Page File in use is too high -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_Paging_File.%_Usage *GE 80 ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Percent of the Page File in use is rising -->

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 355

<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_Paging_File.%_Usage *GE 75 *AND
*VALUE NT_Paging_File.%_Usage *LT 80 ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Percent of the time the disk drive is busy
is too high -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_Physical_Disk.%_Disk_Time *GT 90 *AND
*VALUE NT_Physical_Disk.Disk_Name *NE _Total ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Percent of the time the disk drive is busy
is rising -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_Physical_Disk.%_Disk_Time *GT 80 *AND
*VALUE NT_Physical_Disk.%_Disk_Time *LE 90 *AND
*VALUE NT_Physical_Disk.Disk_Name *NE _Total ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Percentage of processor time used is too high -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_Process.%_Processor_Time *GE 65 *AND *VALUE
NT_Process.Priority_Base *NE 0 *AND *VALUE NT_Process.Process_Name
*NE _Total ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Percentage of processor time used is high -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_Process.%_Processor_Time *GE 50 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process.%_Processor_Time *LT 65 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process.Priority_Base *NE 0 *AND
*VALUE NT_Process.Process_Name *NE _Total ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: A Service Error was reported -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_Event_Log.Source *EQ "Service Control Manager"
*AND *VALUE NT_Event_Log.Type *EQ Error ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Rate of operations to file system devices
per second is too high -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_System.File_Data_Operations/Sec *GE 100000 ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Rate of operations to file system devices per second
is rising -->

356 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

<![CDATA[ *VALUE NT_System.File_Data_Operations/Sec *GE 10000 *AND
*VALUE NT_System.File_Data_Operations/Sec *LT 100000 ]]>

Tivoli Data Warehouse Summarization and Pruning

<!-- Situation Description: No connectivity to Warehouse database -->
<!-- Situation Description: Failures occurred in pruning -->
<!-- Situation Description: Failures occurred in summarization -->
*GT 0 ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: No connectivity to the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server -->

Tivoli Data Warehouse warehouse_situations.xml

<!-- Situation Description: No connectivity to warehouse database -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE KHD_DB_INFO.DB_Connectivity *EQ No ]]>
<!-- Situation Description: Critical errors during the execution
of the Warehouse Proxy -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE KHD_LAST_ERROR_DETAILS.Error_Severity *EQ Critical ]]>

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 357

<!-- Situation Description: Fatal errors during the execution
of the Warehouse Proxy -->
<![CDATA[ *VALUE KHD_LAST_ERROR_DETAILS.Error_Severity *EQ Fatal ]]>

Private history
Private history is the collection and short-term storage of data from a local
monitoring agent. Define historical collection in a private situation configuration
file for an agent, then use the Agent Service Interface to view the short-term
Private history is configured in the private situation configuration file
Local historical data collection is defined in the local private situation
configuration file for each attribute group that you want to save historical
data for. You can define private history with or without private monitoring
situations. There can be only one active history data collection per
application table (attribute group).
Use the <HISTORY> tag to specify each attribute group that you want to
collect historical data for. Optionally, you can use the EXPORT parameter
to specify an interval in minutes for exporting data to the Tivoli Data
Warehouse. You can also export data for analytical consumption by using
the USE parameter.
Use the <WAREHOUSE> tag to specify a Warehouse Proxy agent to which
historical data is exported.
See “Private situation XML specification” on page 335.
Agent Operation Log
All XML validation error messages are saved to the Agent Operation Log.
The private history is completely separate and independent of historical
data collection and the Tivoli Data Warehouse configuration within IBM
Tivoli Management Services. Each private short-term history table data
resides in its own history binary file.
Short-term history file names
The table name for an attribute group is also the history binary file name
prefixed with PVTHIST_; one unique history binary file per table. As part
of the private history configuration, you can set the RETAIN attribute to
manage the history file size. You can configure an alternative private
history file location with the CTIRA_HIST_DIR agent configuration
Short-term history file directory
The agent outputs all private history files to this subdirectory:
<install_dir> \TMAITM6\logs
You can configure an alternative private history file location with the
CTIRA_HIST_DIR agent configuration parameter.

358 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Short-term history file maintenance
The short-term history file conversion utilities, such as krarloff (KPDXTRA
on z/OS), are provided to move data out of the historical files to delimited
text files.
z/OS considerations
The Persistent Data Store (PDS) facility of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server on z/OS provides a mechanism for Tivoli Monitoring applications
to access historical data in the same manner as SQL table data.
OMEGAMON XE products leverage the PDS to store and retrieve
historical data through the PDS component without use of Tivoli
Management Services.
The PDS dictionary contains application table definitions.
v Each table is identified by an application name, usually the application
product code, table name, and assigned file group.
v Table column definitions follow the table definition and include column
name, data type, and data length. Table columns are related to the table
using the same identifier.
The following sample PDS dictionary table definition is from the Tivoli
OMEGAMON XE for Mainframe Network product KN3 table KN3BPG:

A table belongs to a PDS group and a number of VSAM files are allocated
for a PDS file group for storing table data. The PDS OVERRIDE statement
can be used to modify the table or group assignment (or both) and
properties. The KN3 group specification is illustrated here:

The PDS stores table data using the application name, table name,
WRITETIME, and any indexed columns as the VSAM file key. For Private
History, using KN3BPG table – VTAM_Buffer_Usage_By_Category as an
example, the following two configuration steps are required:
1. Add application tables that require history data collection as new tables
to PDS dictionary, in data set RKANPARU member KN3PDICT:
a. Make a copy of the KN3BPG table definition.
c. Change ID=N303 to a unique ID (for example, N399).
2. Add application tables OVERRIDE statement in data set RKANPARU
member KN3PG.
a. Copy the table KN3BPG OVERRIDE statement, if any.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 359

Retrieving Private History data
After completion of the two configuration steps, Private History can be
configured and retrieved by adding the following information to
<pc>_situations.xml as shown in this example:
<HISTORY TABLE="VTAM_Buffer_Usage_By_Category" Interval="15" Retain="24" />
Agent Service Interface Request example:
<FILTER><![CDATA[ *VALUE WRITETIME *GE 1090728020000000 *AND
*VALUE WRITETIME *LE 1090728080000000]]</FILTER>

Both enterprise- and private history table data are stored and read by the
PDS from the same VSAM datasets using the unique key. Alternatively,
you can assigned private history to its own PDS file group and allocate
separate VSAM dataset for the private history group.

Enterprise situation override XML specification

You can temporarily override the thresholds set for an enterprise situation
on-demand or with a schedule. If you define situation overrides in the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Agent's thresholds XML specification, you can manage them

Attention: This information does not apply to private situations. For information
about private situations see “Private situation XML specification” on page 335.

Any updates made to the local XML thresholds file take effect after the agent is
restarted. Situation overrides that go through the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server (they were defined in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal or with the CLI tacmd
setOverride) or applied through the Agent Service Interface take effect

After reading the XML document, the agent synchronizes the defined threshold
override specifications against all data collection requests of all defined table
definitions. All threshold parameters, calendar, and situation updates and deletion
take effect immediately. The agent outputs the complete threshold override
specification XML document to the named local threshold file.

Default situation override path and file name

PCTHRESH in the RKANDATV dataset

See the “Environment variables” topic in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and
Setup Guide for the agent environment variables that enable local situation override

360 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

You must create and manually write override definitions in the same file that is
created in CENTRAL mode. The names of the columns to be used when specifying
overrides is taken from the attributes file (such as C:\ibm\ITM\TMAITM6\
ATTRLIB\knt.atr for the Windows OS agent).

Another way to look up the names of the columns to be used when specifying
overrides is through ASI. Open ASI > Queries and select the table name. ASI
returns complete a table schema including the table display name and display
names for all table columns.


Enclose all values in double quotation marks, for example,

Begin <override> and end </override> tags define this as a dynamic threshold
configuration document.
Specify the situation override document name.
Optional. Specify the named calendar definition. Alternatively, you can specify
a scheduled override in the <threshold> element.
Specify the symbolic calendar name.
Optional. Specify the calendar definition disposition. Value Update
creates or replaces named calendar. Value Delete removes existing
named calendar.
Start= Stop=
Optional. Use these attributes to apply the override starting at the
same time and for the same duration. For example, start=“08:15”
stop=“17:30” causes the override to take effect during the hours of 8:15
AM to 5:30 PM; start=“21:45”" stop=“05:15” causes the override to take
effect from 9:45 PM to 5:15 AM on the next day. If calendar= is not
defined, the start=, stop=, and cron= values are used.
Cron= Optional. Specify a time definition in minute hour day month
day-of-week format, where minute is from 0 to 59, hour is 0 to 23, day
is 1 to 31, month is 1 to 12, and day-of-week is 0 to 6 (Sunday can be
either 0 or 7). Separate each field with a space and use any
combination of these symbols:
v Use an asterisk (*) to mean all legal values for the field. For
example, * in the month field means every month.
v Enter multiple field values separated by a comma (,).
v Use a hyphen (-) to denote a value range.
v Names can also be used for the month and day-of-week fields. Use
the first three letters of the particular day or month.
v Step value, preceded with a slash (/), is the number to skip. For
example, */3 in the hour field means every three hours or
(0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21). Step value is not valid for the minute field.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 361

The CRON definition must specify a time range (begin time to end
time). If calendar= is not defined, the start=, stop=, and cron= values
are used.
Optional. Last update 16 digits timestamp. The timestamp is ignored if
it is earlier than the existing set timestamp. Default: 0 0 0 0 0.
Optional. Specify the override document name.
Define the situation threshold configuration.
Specify the situation name.
Optional. Specify the attribute table name if you prefer to use the
attribute name for the key or threshold definition instead of table
column name. Use either SQL table name or attribute table name.
Optional. Specify the situation definition disposition. If the
specification does not exist, value Update creates situation
specification; otherwise, matching overrides modified. Value Delete
removes entire situation override specification.
Optional. Last update 16 digits timestamp. Ignored if earlier than
existing set timestamp.
Optional. Specify a named calendar definition. The calendar applies to
all thresholds in this situation.
Situation override priority. A lower numerical value denotes a higher
priority. Agent replaces lower priority override with higher priority
update and rejects update of equal priority. Default: 2147483647
Optional. Specify override document name.
Optional. Define a table column containing a data value to uniquely
distinguish a data row in a multiple-row sample. Nested <key> definitions
imply AND condition; <key> definitions of the same level imply OR condition.
Column name. For example, column=USAGE. If you have subagents
that you want to apply the override on, you can specify column
ORIGINNODE as the key and the subnode Managed System name as
the key value.
Attr= Attribute name. As an alternative to specifying a column name, you
can specify the attribute name. If you use attribute name, then you
must specify the table name in the <situation> element or specify the
attribute name in table-name.attribute-name format, such as
Column or attribute filter data value. The attribute value can also

362 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

specified between begin and end tags without using the Value
parameter. However, the parameter style is preferred.
Define the threshold specification.
Column name. For example, column=CONATTMP.
Attr= Attribute name. As an alternative to specifying a column name, you
can specify the attribute name. If you use attribute name, then you
must specify the table name in the <situation> element or specify the
attribute name in table-name.attribute-name format, such as
Optional. Attribute sequence position in the situation logic construct.
Starting with value of 1. Value zero (0) implies all attribute occurrence
in conjunctive and/or disjunctive situation logic. This parameter is
useful in specifying a particular override attribute in logic containing
several occurrences of the same attribute. For example A1 > 80% AND
A2 < 95%. Default: 0
Optional. Logic operation uniquely qualify defining attribute in
situation construct containing multiple occurrences of the same
attribute. Operators values are: EQ, NE, GE, LE, GT, LT. In the above
example, A1 can also be qualified using Operator=GT.
Column or attribute threshold value. Attribute value can also specified
in between begin and end tags without using Value parameter.
However, parameter style is preferred.
Optional. Specify a named calendar definition. The calendar overrides
any calendar specified in the <situation> element and any start=,
stop=, and cron= attributes.
Start= Stop=
Optional. Use these attributes to apply the override starting at the
same time and for the same duration. For example, start=“08:15”
stop=“17:30” causes the override to take effect during the hours of 8:15
AM to 5:30 PM; start=“21:45”" stop=“05:15” causes the override to take
effect from 9:45 PM to 5:15 AM on the next day. If calendar= is not
defined, the start=, stop=, and cron= values are used.
Cron= Optional. Specify a time definition in minute hour day month
day-of-week format, where minute is from 0 to 59, hour is 0 to 23, day
is 1 to 31, month is 1 to 12, and day-of-week is 0 to 6 (Sunday can be
either 0 or 7). Separate each field with a space and use any
combination of these symbols:
v Use an asterisk (*) to mean all legal values for the field. For
example, * in the month field means every month.
v Enter multiple field values separated by a comma (,).
v Use a hyphen (-) to denote a value range.
v Names can also be used for the month and day-of-week fields. Use
the first three letters of the particular day or month.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 363

v Step value, preceded with a slash (/), is the number to skip. For
example, */3 in the hour field means every three hours or
(0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21). Step value is not valid for the minute field.
The CRON definition must specify a time range (begin time to end
time). If calendar= is not defined, the start=, stop=, and cron= values
are used.
Optional. Define one or more default filter thresholds apply to multiple row
samples. This is desirable if <key> tags are defined.

<situation name="Check_Event" table="NT_Event_Log">
<threshold attr="Source"
value="Symantec Antivirus"
start="08:00" stop="17:00" />
<situation name="NT_Available_Bytes_Critical" table="NT_Memory">
<threshold attr="Available_Bytes"
start="08:00" stop="17:30"
cron=" * * * * 1-5" />
<situation name="NT_Disk_Space_Low">
<threshold name="FREEMGBTES"
cron="31-59 8-20 */2 * *"
<situation name="NT_Log_Space_Low">
<threshold name="USAGE"
start="08:00" stop="18:00"
cron="* * * * MON,WED,FRI"
<situation name="Message_Queue_Warning" table="Queue_Statistics">
<KEY column="ORIGINNODE" value="SYSG:NETQ3">
<threshold attr="Queue_Depth"
cron="0-30 8-17 * 3,6,9,12 *"
<situation name="NT_Process_CPU_Critical" table="NT_Process">
<KEY attr="Process_Name" value="_Total">
<threshold attr="%_Processor_Time"
start="06:00" stop="21:30"
cron="* * * * 1-5" />
<situation name="NT_System_File_Critical" table="NT_System">
<threshold attr="File_Data_Operations/Sec"
cron="* 6-22 * * SAT,SUN"
<situation name="DISKFULL">
<key column="INSTCNAME" value="C:">
<threshold column="PCFREE">5</threshold>
<key column="INSTCNAME" value="D:">

364 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

<threshold column="PCFREE">10</threshold>
<threshold column="PCFREE">0</threshold>
<situation name="Windows_Events">
<key column="SOURCE" value="MSFTPSVC">
<key column="EVENTID" value="10">
<threshold column="SOURCE">MSFTPSVC</threshold>
<key column="EVENTID" value="100">
<threshold column="SOURCE">MSFTPSVC</threshold>
<key column="SOURCE" value="EventLog">
<key column="EVENTID" value="6005">
<threshold column="SOURCE">EventLog</threshold>
<key column="EVENTID" value="6009">
<threshold column="SOURCE">EventLog</threshold>
<threshold column="SOURCE">NOPASS</threshold>

SNMP alerts
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents and Tivoli System Monitor Agents can be
configured to send alerts to an SNMP receiver like Netcool/OMNIbus, using the
Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP Probe, or Tivoli NetView. Sample OMNIbus rules files
are provided to illustrate some key integration ideas.

SNMP alert configuration

Configure a monitoring agent and an SNMP trap configuration file to emit life
cycle events or situation events to an SNMP event receiver.
Trap configuration file
A trap configuration file must be present when the agent is started to
enable the agent to emit SNMPv1/v2 traps or SNMPv3 informs for
configured situations. If a correctly named trapcnfg.xml file is present in
the agent's local configuration directory, the agent emits the traps that are
defined in the file when it is started. The file is named pc_trapcnfg.xml,
where pc is the 2-character product code of the agent and resides in the
install_dir/localconfig/pc directory. The file must be named
pc_trapcnfg.xml, where pc is the two-character product code, such as ux
for the UNIX OS agent.
The IBM i agent can send SNMPv1/v2 traps, but it cannot send
SNMPv3 informs.
On z/OS, the default name for the file is PCTRAPS in the
RKANDATV dataset.
Agent parameters
IRA_EVENT_EXPORT_SNMP_TRAP_CONFIG parameter in the agent
environment file can be set to specify a different name and path to the trap
configuration file. SNMP alerts are emitted only for situations that are

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 365

configured in the trap configuration XML file for that agent type. You can
specify the complete path or the path relative to the local configuration
To specify the complete path, the PDS should be listed at the end (or
omitted and allowed to default to RKANDATV).
IRA_EVENT_EXPORT_SNMP_TRAP=N disables agent SNMP alerts even
if the pc_trapcnfg.xml file is present.
XML specification
The trap configuration file can include these XML elements:
SNMP is the top-level XML element. TrapDest, TrapAttrGroup, and
Situation are elements within the SNMP begin and end tags.
Sample trap configuration file
Review this sample nt_trapcnfg.xml for a Windows OS agent to see how a
trap configuration file might be composed. It is located in the
install_dir\localconfig\nt directory to enable trap emission for the
Windows OS agent. The file is configured to send status traps receiver
using SNMPv1 trap on host nt2003infra and to send informs for the
individually defined situation events to a Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP probe
using SNMPv3 running on host
<!—C:\IBM\ITM\localconfig\nt\nt_trapcnfg.xml /-->
<TrapDest name="AgentStatMon" Address=" nt2003infra " Version="v1"
Community="{AES256:keyfile:a}P0hUrmUhCgfFwimS+Q6w+w==" Stat=”Y” />

<TrapDest name="Probe1" Version="v3" Address=""

SecLevel="authPriv" User="AuthPrivMD5DES" AuthType="MD5"
PrivType="DES" PrivPassKey=
"{AES256:keyfile:a}1le2SxljJR1MOIi0EDIvig==" Stat=”N” />

<TrapAttrGroup Table="NT_Paging_File" TrapAttrList="Server_Name,

%_Usage" />

<Situation name="NT_Log_Space_Low_pr" sev="2" cat="0"

target=“Probe1” />
<Situation name="NT_Missing_Scheduler_pr” sev="5" cat="0"
mode="HY" target=“Probe1” />
<Situation name="NT_Paging_File_Critical_pr” sev="5" cat="0"
mode="HY" target=“Probe1” />
<Situation name="NT_Paging_File_Warning_pr” sev="2" cat="0"
mode="HY" target=“Probe1” />
<Situation name="NT_Phys_Disk_Busy_Critical_pr” sev="5" cat="0"
mode="HY" target=“Probe1” />
<Situation name="NT_Phys_Disk_Busy_Warn_pr” sev="2" cat="0"
mode="HY" target=“Probe1” />
<Situation name="NT_System_File_Warn_pr” sev="2" cat="0"
mode="HY" target=“Probe1” />
<Situation name="NT_Proc_CPU_Critical_pr” sev="5" cat="0"
mode="HY" target=“Probe1” />
<Situation name="NT_Proc_CPU_Warn_pr” sev="2" cat="0"
mode="HY" target=“Probe1” />
<Situation name="NT_Service_Error_pr” sev="2" cat="0"

366 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

mode="RC" target=“Probe1” />
<Situation name="NT_System_File_Critical_pr” sev="5" cat="0"
mode="HY" target=“Probe1” />
<Situation name="NT_System_File_Warn_pr” sev="2" cat="0"
mode="HY" target=“Probe1” />

<StatTrap name="EE_HEARTBEAT" sev="1" interval="15" cat="3" />

<StatTrap name="EE_AUTO_ENTER" sev="1" cat="3" />
<StatTrap name="EE_AUTO_EXIT" sev="1" cat="3" />
<StatTrap name="EE_AUTO_USE_LIMIT" sev="5" cat="3" />
<StatTrap name="EE_TEMS_RECONNECT_LIMIT" sev="5" cat="3" />
<StatTrap name="EE_TEMS_CONNECT" sev="1" cat="4" />
<StatTrap name="EE_TEMS_DISCONNECT" sev="1" cat="4" />
<StatTrap name="EE_SIT_STOPPED" sev="1" cat="4" />

Trap configuration XML specification

Use the SNMP, TrapDest, TrapAttrGroup, Situation, and StatTrap elements in
SNMP XML files to configure traps for any agent type that you want to specify for
the event receiver.

XML tags are case-insensitive. All other parameters are case-sensitive. For example,
you can enter ADDRESS, Address, or address.

Note: You can use the SNMP.xsd schema file, located in the samples/
PrivateConfigSamples directory on the Agent DVD image, to validate SNMP trap
configuration XML files. However, the schema file requires the XML tag names to
be in uppercase.

SNMP element
The SNMP element of the trap configuration XML specification is the top-level
XML element. TrapDest, TrapAttrGroup, and Situation are elements within the
SNMP begin and end tags.
<TrapDest name="OMNIbus2" Address="nswin21a" Stat="Y" />
<situation name="*" target="OMNIbus2" />

TrapDest element
Use TrapDest elements in a trap configuration XML file to define a trap receiver.

The TrapDest element requires the name and address attributes. Default values are
used for any other attributes that are not specified.
<TrapDest name=”LABEL” Address=”HOSTNAME”/>

Table 33. TrapDest element XML specification

Attribute Description Required Default or SNMPv3
Name= Alphanumeric label Required
that is used to identify
the Trap Destination.
Address= Trap receiver's TCP/IP Required All
address or hostname.
IP= ip protocol: “4” | “6” Optional "4" All
4 is IPv4; 6 is IPv6
Port= Trap receiver TCP/IP Optional "162" All
trap listening port.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 367

Table 33. TrapDest element XML specification (continued)
Attribute Description Required Default or SNMPv3
BindAddress= Used to specify which Required if First available All
local interface to use the host has
for SNMP traffic.The multiple
interface specified must network
match the IP setting. interfaces
Otherwise the
trap send
might fail
with error
number 22.
Version= Specify SNMP trap Optional v1 All
version. Valid string
values are (case
insensitive) : v1, v2, v3
Type= Trap | Inform Type Optional Matches All
must match the version
Version. Version= “v1”
| “v2” Type Must be
Version= “3” Type
Must be “Inform”
Stat= Stat is used on a Optional “Y” All
destination to send all
status traps to that
receiver when
Stat=“Y”. Set Stat to
“N” to disable all
status alerts for the
TrapDest. Also, set it to
“N” if you want only a
subset of Status alerts
to be sent to the
TrapDest. Individual
Status Alerts can be
sent to specific
TrapDest using the
StatTrap element.
Community= Specify trap Optional public v1 and v2
community name
string. Should be
encrypted using
itmpwdsnmp, but
clear-text is also
allowed. (1-63
SecModel= Specify the security Optional USM v3
model. Only USM

368 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 33. TrapDest element XML specification (continued)
Attribute Description Required Default or SNMPv3
SecLevel= Specify the Required for v3
Authentication and v3.
Privacy levels. The
levels supported are:
noAuthNoPriv – no
authentication and no
authNoPriv –
authentication no
authPriv –
authentication and
privacy (not supported
on z/OS monitoring
User= Specify the account Required for v3
name v3
AuthType= Specify the Required for v3
authentication protocol. v3 SecLevel=
The protocols authNoPriv
supported are: MD5 or authPriv
and SHA
AuthPassKey= Specify the Required for v3
authentication v3 SecLevel=
password Should be authNoPriv
encrypted using or authPriv
itmpwdsnmp, but
clear-text is also
allowed. (1-63
PrivType= Specify the privacy Required for v3
protocol. The protocol v3
supported are: DES SecLevel=
PrivPassKey= Specify the privacy Required for v3
password. Should be v3
encrypted using SecLevel=
itmpwdsnmp, but authPriv
clear-text is also
allowed. (1-63
Timeout= Specify the timeout (in Optional 2 v3
seconds, integer) for
the acknowledgement
of SNMPv3 message
(minimum 1)
Retries= Specify the number of Optional 3 v3
retransmissions when a
timeout occurs (min 0,
max 5)

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 369

TrapAttrGroup element
Use the TrapAttrGroup element in a trapcnfg.xml file to specify which attributes
from an attribute group to include in situation event traps.

In this syntax example, situations written for the Windows OS Paging File attribute
group will send an SNMP trap with the server name, usage percentage and the
usage peak values to the event receiver.
<TrapAttrGroup Table="NT_Paging_File" TrapAttrList="Server_Name,
%_Usage,%_Usage_Peak" />

This element can be used to decrease the amount of attribute data sent in each trap
request, reduce the possibility of trap fragmentation, and reduce the received data
to include only what is relevant.

The TrapAttrGroup element sets the default attributes that will be sent for all
situations that run against the Table. Individual situations can override the
TrapAttrGroup settings by specifying a TrapAttrList attribute in the situation

Use the TrapAttrList option to include the *COUNT virtual data attribute in the list
of normal product attributes that get added to the SNMP trap. Example of the
TrapAttrList option for specific product attribute groups:
<situation name="*" target=*"/><TrapAttrGroup Table="KLZ_Process"

If a TrapAttrGroup element is not defined for an attribute table, all attributes in the
situation's data row are added to the sitAttributeList varbind of the traps sent for
situations based on this attribute table. Attributes used in the situation predicate
are added first and remaining attributes are added until the PDU maximum length
of 1500 bytes is reached.

The product attribute names specified in the SNMP Trap configuration file are case
insensitive. During the input validation process, the input attribute names are
normalized back to their original product definitions so that the SNMP Trap
process can match the specified input attribute name with the correct trap data.

The TrapAttrGroup element requires that you incorporate at least one <situation>
element. Any configuration without at least one <situation> element will be
Table 34. TrapAttrGroup element XML specification
Attribute Description
Table= The name of the attribute table. For manually creating this
file, you can look in the agent's attribute file, kpc.atr to
identify the table names, where pc is the two-character
product code.
TrapAttrList= A comma delimited list of attributes to be included in the
sitAttributeList varbind of the traps sent for situations
based on this attribute table.

Note: When you use the .COUNT extension in the trap configuration file with
TrapAttrList specification, consider these restrictions:

370 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v The .COUNT extension is case insensitive. COUNT, count, or Count is
v An error occurs when the attribute using the .COUNT extension in the
TrapAttrList is not the same attribute defined in the situation *COUNT
predicate. The *COUNT calculated virtual data attribute COUNT_attribute_name
is not included in the trap.
v Any situation that a <situation> element configuration applies to and that
contains a reference to the .COUNT extension must have *COUNT defined in its
predicate. Otherwise, an error message is generated.
v The mismatch between any TrapAttrList input attributes and the situation
definition is not detected until the SNMP event is processed. As this condition is
too late to reject the situation, an error message is generated and the virtual
COUNT_attribute_name is not included in the trap.
v Any value provided for the extension other than .COUNT is rejected with an
error message. For example, defining TrapAttrList="Process.MAX” generates an
v Defining more than one .COUNT extension within a <situation> or
<TrapAttrGroup> element generates an error and the configuration is rejected.
v When using the situation wildcard (*), specify .COUNT. All situations must
contain the *COUNT predicate or they are flagged with an error.

Situation element
Use situation elements in a trap configuration XML file to define the trap sent for
the situation.
<situation name=”Situation_ID” target=”TrapDest_Name” />

The Situation element requires the name and target attributes. Default values are
used for any other attributes that are not specified. The * asterisk wildcard can be
specified for the situation name or target or both:
v Specifying the wildcard for situation name represents all situations. For example
the following line sends traps for all defined true situations to the defined
TrapDest named trapProbe1:
<situation name=”*” target=”trapProbe1” />

Hysteresis mode behavior cannot be specified if a * wildcard is used for

situation name.
v Specifying the wildcard for the target parameter enables sending the situation
specified in the situation name field to all defined targets:
<situation name=”NT_Disk_Low” target=”*” />
v Specifying the wildcard for both situation name and target enables the sending
of all traps to all defined trap receivers.
v Named situations have precedence over wildcard definitions. If a situation
definition includes a wildcard and another situation definition names a situation
or the target, the first occurrence of the named situation definition is honored.
<TrapDest name="MyReceiver" Address="UAHOST1" Version="v1" />
<TrapDest name="OMNIbus1" Address="OMNIbus1" Version="v2"
Community="{AES256:keyfile:a}P0hUrmUhCgfFwimS+Q6w+w==" />
<TrapDest name="OMNIbus2" Version="v3" Address=""
SecLevel="authPriv" User="SnmpUser" AuthType="SHA"
AuthPassKey="{AES256:keyfile:a}vgpNvf5Vx3XbPj1sKRRvYg==" PrivType="DES"
PrivPassKey="{AES256:keyfile:a}OK5YOWvRIkPOw9k4JRy9ag==" />
<situation name="*" target="OMNIbus2" />
<situation name="My_Missing_Process" target="MyReceiver" />

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 371

<situation name="NT_AA_Missing_Test" target="OMNIbus1" />
<situation name="NT_AA_Missing_Test" target="OMNIbus2" />
<situation name="NT_ABC_Missing_Test" target="*" />

The My_Missing_Process situation sends a trap to MyReceiver instead of

OMNIbus2. And NT_ABC_Missing_Test is sent to MyReceiver, OMNIbus1,
and OMNIbus2 instead of solely to OMNIbus2 because the situation is defined
explicitly rather than using the wildcard.
If a situation is defined more than once, the first occurrence of a situation
definition has precedence. Looking again at the example, NT_AA_Missing_Test
is sent to OMNIbus1 and not OMNIbus2 because the first occurrence of the
definition for the same situation specifies OMNIbus1.
v Use the TrapAttrList option to include the *COUNT virtual data attribute in the
list of normal product attributes that get added to the SNMP trap. Example of
the TrapAttrList option for situations:
<situation name="KLZ_Process_Count_System" target="MyServer" Table="KLZ_Process"
<situation name="*" target=*"/>

Example of the TrapAttrList option for situations:

<situation name="*" target=*" Table="KLZ_Process" TrapAttrList=
v If the situation formula is specified for inclusion in the SNMP Trap body, the
formula reflects the type of predicate defined in the situation, assuming that the
predicate is not a simple *VALUE type.
– COUNT for *COUNT predicates
– MKTIME for *MKTIME predicates
– MISSING for *MISSING predicates
– REGEX for *REGEX predicates
v The product attribute names specified in the SNMP Trap configuration file are
case insensitive. During the input validation process, the input attribute names
are normalized back to their original product definitions so that the SNMP Trap
process can match the specified input attribute name with the correct trap data.
Table 35. Situation element XML specification
Attribute Description Required Default
Name= This is the ID or short name of the Required
Target= Specify a previously defined Required
TrapDest. “*” implies send trap to
all defined destinations.
Sev= Specify trap severity. The standard Optional 2
trap severities are:
0 – Cleared
1 – Indeterminate
2 – Warning
3 – Minor
4 – Major
5 – Critical

372 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 35. Situation element XML specification (continued)
Attribute Description Required Default
Cat= Specify trap category. The Optional 0
standard trap categories are:
0 - Threshold
1 – Network Topology
2 – Error
3 – Status
4 – Node Configuration
5 – Application Alert
6 – All Category
7 – Log Only
8 – Map
9 – Ignore
Mode= Used to specify behavior for Optional RC
SNMP trap emission on sampled
situations. The standard modes
RC – Rising Continuous, whereby
traps are sent on each true
evaluation of a situation. (Pure
events are always RC.) No specific
clearing trap will be sent.
HY – Hysteresis, whereby a trap is
sent the first time the sampled
situation evaluates as true. A
clearing trap will be sent once the
sampled value no longer meets
the criteria of the situation.
Hysteresis mode requires the
situation be named; not specified
with a * wildcard.
Pred= The situation predicate (formula) Optional Y
is sent in the trap's
autoSit-Predicates varbind. The
Pred attribute allows you to omit
the situation predicate by setting
Pred=”N”. This can be useful if
you do not care to receive the
predicate or if a complex predicate
is taking up too much of the trap
PDU, and you want more room to
send situation attributes in the
sitAttributeList varbind.
Table= Table name of the attribute group. Required only if
Used with the TrapAttrlist to a TrapAttrList is
identify a subset of attributes used used.
to construct the sitAttributeList
TrapAttrList= A comma delimited list of Optional
attributes to be included in the
sitAttributeList varbind of the
traps sent for situation.
Values specified here will override
any TrapAttrList values specified
in a TrapAttrGroup element for
the table that the situation is
running against.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 373

Note: Situations for multiple-row attribute groups that include a display item are
limited to sending one trap for the first row that evaluates to true, but not for any
subsequent rows.

Note: When you use the .COUNT extension in the trap configuration file with
TrapAttrList specification, consider these restrictions:
v The .COUNT extension is case insensitive. COUNT, count, or Count is
v An error occurs when the attribute using the .COUNT extension in the
TrapAttrList is not the same attribute defined in the situation *COUNT
predicate. The *COUNT calculated virtual data attribute COUNT_attribute_name
is not included in the trap.
v Any situation that a <situation> element configuration applies to and that
contains a reference to the .COUNT extension must have *COUNT defined in its
predicate. Otherwise, an error message is generated.
v The mismatch between any TrapAttrList input attributes and the situation
definition is not detected until the SNMP event is processed. As this condition is
too late to reject the situation, an error message is generated and the virtual
COUNT_attribute_name is not included in the trap.
v Any value provided for the extension other than .COUNT is rejected with an
error message. For example, defining TrapAttrList="Process.MAX” generates an
v Defining more than one .COUNT extension within a <situation> or
<TrapAttrGroup> element generates an error and the configuration is rejected.
v When using the situation wildcard (*), specify .COUNT. All situations must
contain the *COUNT predicate or they are flagged with an error.

Use the StatTrap element in an SNMP trap configuration file to modify the default
configuration of the predefined agent life cycle status traps.

In this syntax example, the predefined trap for EE_HEARTBEAT was modified to
specify severity 1 (Indeterminate) for the event, a 30-minute sampling interval, and
trap category 3 (Status).
<StatTrap name="EE_HEARTBEAT" sev="1" interval="30" cat="3" />

There are eight predefined agent life cycle traps and their default values are given
in this table. By default, these traps are sent to all TrapDest trap destinations where
the Stat attribute is “Y”. If the Stat attribute is omitted from a TrapDest element the
default value is “Y”.
Table 36. Agent life cycle status traps
Attribute Description Severity Category
EE_HEARTBEAT A heartbeat indicates that the agent is 1 – Indeterminate 3 – Status
running and events emitted can reach the
trap destination. This is the only status
trap with a set interval: 15 minutes.
EE_AUTO_ENTER The agent has entered autonomous mode. 1 – Indeterminate 3 – Status
EE_AUTO_EXIT The agent has exited autonomous mode. 1 – Indeterminate 3 – Status

374 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 36. Agent life cycle status traps (continued)
Attribute Description Severity Category
EE_AUTO_USE_LIMIT The agent has reached the storage limit 1 – Indeterminate 3 – Status
specified by the
variable. Additional events generated while
the agent is disconnected from the
monitoring server may not be uploaded on
EE_TEMS_RECONNECT Agent has reached the retry limit specified 1 – Indeterminate 3 – Status
environment variable. The agent will no
longer attempt to connect to a monitoring
server and will shutdown. In IBM Tivoli
Monitoring 6.2.2 or later, the default value
been changed to 0, so the agent will never
EE_TEMS_CONNECT The agent has successfully connected to the 1 – Indeterminate 4 - Node
monitoring server. Configuration
EE_TEMS_DISCONNECT The agent has lost connection with the 1 – Indeterminate 4 - Node
monitoring server. Configuration
EE_SIT_STOPPED The situation has stopped 1 – Indeterminate 4 - Node

Use the StatTrap element to configure agent life cycle traps.

Table 37. StatTrap element XML specification
Status trap Description Required Default
Name= This trap name must be the name of a Optional
predefined Life-Cycle status trap.
Target= Specify a previously defined TrapDest. An Required
asterisk (*) implies send trap to all defined
destinations. If no Target is defined, all
TrapDest with Stat=”Y” will receive the
status trap.
Sev= Specify trap severity. The standard trap Optional Varies
severities are:
0 – Cleared
1 – Indeterminate
2 – Warning
3 – Minor
4 – Major
5 – Critical

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 375

Table 37. StatTrap element XML specification (continued)
Status trap Description Required Default
Cat= Specify trap category. The standard trap Optional Varies
categories are:
0 - Threshold
1 - Network Topology
2 – Error
3 – Status
4 - Node Configuration
5 - Application Alert
6 - All Category
7 - Log Only
8 – Map
9 - Ignore
Interval= Interval specifies in minutes how often the Optional 15 for
EE_HEARTBEAT status trap is emitted. EE_HEARTBEAT
Interval is ignored for the other status traps 0 for all others
because they are pure events.

SNMP PassKey encryption: itmpwdsnmp

Use the itmpwdsnmp CLI command to interactively encrypt a password or add it to
the SNMP trap configuration XML file to encrypt all SNMP passwords.

The itmpwdsnmp uses GSKIT to either interactively encrypt a string or to encrypt all
SNMP password strings in a trap configuration xml file.
itmpwdsnmp [[-b |-n ]your_agent_trapcnfg.xml][-?]
no arguments specifies interactive mode
-b specifies to create a backup file. There is no prompting to delete the
backup file.
-n specifies that no backup file is to be created.
your_agent_trapcnfg.xml is a trap configuration xml file that contains
plaintext SNMP password strings.
-? displays usage
If a -b or -n backup option is not specified when encrypting a Trap
Configuration xml file, you are prompted to delete the backup. The backup
of the original input Trap Configuration xml file is created in the same
directory as the original with a date and timestamp appended to the
original file name.
CLI examples
This command will interactively encrypt a string:

Enter string to be encrypted:

Confirm string:

Then copy the encrypted string into the trap configuration file.

376 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

This command encrypts all SNMP password strings in the trap
configuration file and then removes the backup of the original file:
itmpwdsnmp -n nt_trapcnfg.xml

Program Summary
Community strings encrypted 1
AuthPassKey strings encrypted 2
EncryptPassKey strings encrypted 1

MIB for SNMP alerts and agent emits

Tivoli monitoring agents emit three types of SNMP messages: agentStatusEvent to
convey agent operational status, agentSitSampledEvent for situations that sample
at intervals and become true, and agentSitPureEvent for situations that receive
unsolicited notifications.

They are defined in the canbase.mib and cansyssg.mib files that are available on
the IBM Tivoli Monitoring IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agents installation media.
The agentStatusEvent is a monitoring agent operational status information
trap generated by the Tivoli Autonomous Agent SNMP Event Exporter to
inform and notify about a specific agent operational event.
A sampled situation event was detected. This trap was generated by the
Tivoli Autonomous Agent SNMP Event Exporter in response to a situation
threshold being exceeded at the time of the data sampling.
A pure situation event was detected. This trap was generated by the Tivoli
Autonomous Agent SNMP Event Exporter in response to a situation
threshold being exceeded. The variables in a pure event trap are identical
to those for a sampled event trap except there is no agentSit-
SampleInterval because pure events are not sampled; rather the arrival of
unsolicited data from the monitored attribute group causes the situation to
become true. A situation created with an attribute group for a system log,
for example, opens a pure event when a log entry arrives.

OMNIbus configuration for SNMP

You must configure your IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus environment for it to
receive the SNMP alerts of situation events from Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Agents and Tivoli System Monitor Agents. The Tivoli Monitoring Agent DVD
installation media has the Management Information Base (mib) and sample rules
files that you add to the probe configuration.

Configuring OMNIbus to receive SNMP alerts

Configure the SNMP Probe to accept the SNMP traps and informs of situation
events from Tivoli monitoring agents.

Before you begin

Have the IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.2 or later Agents DVD available. Verify that
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus V7.x is installed and that the SNMP Probe is installed.

Do not configure an enterprise situation for emitting SNMP alerts to the SNMP
Probe if the hub monitoring server is also configured to forward events for the

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 377

same situation to the Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Tivoli EIF because OMNIbus
deduplication will not detect that they are the same event.

About this task

Complete these steps to prepare your OMNIbus environment to receive SNMP

alerts for situation events from Tivoli monitoring agents.

1. Copy the Tivoli Monitoring rules file and lookup file.
a. Locate the mibs/sample_rules/omnibus directory on the Tivoli Monitoring
V6.2.2 or later Agents installation media.
b. Copy these management information base files to $OMNIHOME/probes/arch/
on the computer where the SNMP Probe is installed:
2. Reference the files in the rules that the SNMP Probe is using.
a. Open the default rules file in a text editor. The default rules file is
$OMNIHOME/probes/arch/mttrapd.rules unless specified otherwise in the
mttrapd properties file (Step 3).
b. Add the lookup table reference as the first definition:
include "<path_to_lookup_file>/

Table definitions must appear at the start of a rules file, before any
processing statements. If you are adding this statement to mttrapd.rules,
position it after the comments at the head of the file and before the first
processing statement. The fully qualified filename must be enclosed in
double quotes. Environment variables like %OMNIHOME% or
$OMNIHOME can be used. The Linux and UNIX filename convention, with
the / forward slash to delimit the path, is also used by Windows.
c. Add the rules reference in the order in which it should be processed.
include "<path_to_rules_file>/

This statement should be added in the rules file in the location where it
should be processed. For example, if adding the include to the default
mttrapd.rules file, you would want the default rules to first "Check if an
SNMPv2 trap and convert to SNMPv1 style tokens". The next block of code
in the default mttrapd.rules handles Generic traps. The include statement
for the ibm-TIVOLI-CANSYSSG-MIB.include.snmptrap.rules should go after
this, possibly as the last line of mttrap.rules. You will best know where to
include the rules if you are familiar with the SNMP Probe and your event
3. Review and edit the SNMP Probe properties file:
a. Open $OMNIHOME/probes/arch/mttrapd.props in a text editor.
b. Set the Protocol property to “UDP” or “ALL”. Tivoli Monitoring SNMP alerts
are sent using UDP.
c. Set the RulesFile property if the default rules file for the probe is not
d. Set the MIBDirs property to the path where the mib files will reside.
4. Make the Tivoli Monitoring mib files available to the SNMP Probe:

378 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

a. Locate the mibs directory on the Tivoli Monitoring installation media.
b. Copy canbase.mib and cansyssg.mib, to the mib location specified in
mttrapd.props by the MIBDirs property.
c. The canbase.mib and cansyssg.mib include some common SNMP mibs.
These mibs must also be available to the SNMP probe:
If these mibs are not already present in the location specified in
mttrapd.props by the MIBDirs property, they are publicly available and can
be downloaded from the Internet.
5. If you are integrating Tivoli Monitoring, Tivoli Business Service Manager, and
Netcool/OMNIbus, the Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP Probe rules should also
include an additional rules file, tbsm_snmp_event.rules, that sets the OMNIbus
BSM_Identity attribute. The mibs/sample_rules/omnibus/tbsm directory on the
Tivoli Monitoring Agent installation media (V6.2.2 and higher) contains the
tbsm_snmp_event.rules file and the readme file that describes how to use it
with the SNMP Probe and how to use the itm_tbsm_update.sql file to add the
BSM_Identity attribute to the Netcool/OMNIbus database schema.


You should now have these files installed on the probe system:
can*.mib files that are provided on the Tivoli Monitoring installation media

What to do next

To activate the new rules and begin receiving alerts from Tivoli Monitoring agents,
recycle the SNMP Probe.

Sample OMNIbus rules for SNMP alerts

The IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.2 or later Agents installation media has a sample
rules files that you add to the Netcool/OMNIbus SNMP Probe configuration.

Tivoli Monitoring SNMP trap mib

The ibm-TIVOLI-CANSYSSG-MIB.include.snmptrap.rules file contains a sample

mapping of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring SNMP trap variables to the Default
alerts.status fields in OMNIbus.

The ibm-TIVOLI-CANSYSSG-MIB.include.snmptrap.lookup file contains these tables:

SituationCategory maps the Tivoli Monitoring $autoSit-Category to OMNIbus
SituationSeverity maps the Tivoli Monitoring $autoSit-Severity to OMNIbus
@Type: 1 - Problem; 2 - Resolution; and 13 - Information. It also changes the
severity of an autoSit-Severity=0 clearing trap to 1 so that the OMNIbus
generic_clear automation will correlate events.
SituationSource enumerates the $agentSit-Source that identifies whether the
situation was an enterprise situation defined at the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server or a private situation defined in the Private Situation Configuration file

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 379

located in the agent installation directory, <tema_install_dir>/localconfig/kpc.
This table is also use to determine event Class.

Notes on creating the @Identifier & @AlertKey

The ibm-TIVOLI-CANSYSSG-MIB.include.snmptrap.rules use the Tivoli

Netcool/OMNIbus Deduplication Automation and Generic Clear Automation.
These automations rely on several alert fields, including the Identifier and the
AlertKey fields, each of which can be up to 255 characters. The Netcool/OMNIbus
rules file standard for setting the Identifier alert field for an SNMP alert is:
@Identifier = @Node + “ “ + @AlertKey + “ “ + @AlertGroup + “ “ + @Type + “ “
+ @Agent + “ “ + @Manager + “ “ + $specific-trap

Because the AlertKey is included in the information that is used to construct the
Identifier, you might encounter truncation problems with 255-character AlertKeys
used to create your Identifier.

As implemented in the ibm-TIVOLI-CANSYSSG-MIB.include.snmptrap.rules:

@Identifier = @Node + " " + @AlertKey + " " + $autoSit-Category + " " + @Type +
" " + @Agent + " " + @Manager + " " + $specific-trap

$autoSit-Category is an enumeration of the @AlertGroup (24 bytes) and is

substituted for @AlertGroup to save 23 bytes in the final Identifier. These are the
maximum field lengths of the components used to construct the Identifier:

Field Size
@Node Max length 32
$autoSit-Category fixed length 1
@Type Max length 2
@Agent Max length 31
@Manager fixed length 13
$specific-trap fixed length 2
6 space delimiters 6
Total 87

This leaves 168 characters for the @AlertKey (255-87=168). If @AlertKey is defined
as $agentSit-Name + " (" + $sitDisplayItem + ")", then $sitDisplayItem must be
less than 133 characters (168-35=133).

Field Size
agentSit-Name 32
space delimiter 1
parentheses 2
Total 35

A best practice is to limit $sitDisplayItem to 128 characters to maintain

consistency with the IBM Tivoli Monitoring EIF probe rules. The sample rules
enforce this limit using
$sitDisplayItem=substr($sitDisplayItem, 1, 128)

Situations written for attribute groups (such as Event Log) that generate pure
events can be deduplicated by using the $agentSit-Name, but many might require

380 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

additional information to uniquely identify the event. Use the $sitDisplayItem
attribute to construct this additional data. The AlertKey will then be
$agentSit-Name + " (" + $sitDisplayItem + ")"

Use case statements based on the $agentSit-Table field to identify all events based
on a specific table.

Use case statements based on the $agentSit-Name if individual situations need

unique $sitDisplayItems.

The extract command can be used to extract the value of any of the name value
pairs from the $sitAttributeList using regex pattern matching. An example is
provided in the Sample rules for agentSitPureEvent traps based on the
NTEVTLOG $agentSit-Table.

This command extracts the value of the Description key and removes the quotes.

Compatibility notes
OMNIbus V7.2 and greater defines the @ExtendedAttr column in the
ObjectServer. The nvp functions are provided to allow manipulation of
name-value pairs in the @ExtendedAttr alert field. The sitAttributeList
varbind is formatted to allow direct mapping into the @ExtendedAttr, but
this function is commented out to allow the rules to parse when the
MTTRAPD probe connects to an OMNIbus ObjectServer V7.0 or V7.1.
Uncomment the two lines in the ibm-TIVOLI-CANSYSSG-
MIB.include.snmptrap.rules file that set @ExtendedAttr if you are
forwarding events to OMNIbus V7.2 or greater.
# @ExtendedAttr = $sitAttributeList
The @Class alert field is used to associate Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Tools
with Events displayed in the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus EventList.
For Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus 7.2x and below, see the Netcool/OMNIbus
documentation for more information on creating and editing classes. By
default, these class values are not defined in your ObjectServer.
Setting @Class to a value that is not defined in the OMNIbus ObjectServer
causes no problems, but if you prefer to not set the @Class, uncomment
this line in the ibm-TIVOLI-CANSYSSG-MIB.include.snmptrap.rules file to
clear the @Class field before the event is forwarded to OMNIbus.#
@Class = ""

Enabling OMNIbus heartbeat automation

For Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents that send situation events as SNMP alerts
or EIF events to Netcool/OMNIbus, you can enable OMNIbus automation to have
an event sent when the EE_HEARTBEAT is overdue. EE_HEARTBEAT life cycle
status events are sent to the receiver at regular intervals to confirm that the
monitoring agent is running and alerts can reach their destination.

About this task

HEARTBEAT events from SNMP and EIF are displayed on the OMNIbus event
console as they arrive and the count is incremented as new events arrive from the
Chapter 15. Agent-based services 381
The itm_heartbeat.sql file contains sample automations for processing the
Autonomous Agent Heartbeats for both EIF and SNMP. Run the SQL file to enable
the automation.

1. Copy itm_heartbeat.sql from the Tivoli Monitoring Agent DVD
mibs/sample_rules/omnibus directory.
2. Place the copy in the Netcool/OMNIbus installation path and run the following
v Where “user” is a valid user name, “password” is the
corresponding password, and “server” is the ObjectServer name
%NCHOME%\bin\redist\isql.exe -U "user" -P "password" -S "server"
< itm_heartbeat.sql
v Where “servername” is the ObjectServer name,
“username” is a valid user name, and “psswrd01” is the corresponding
$NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_sql -server servername -user username
-password psswrd01 < itm_heartbeat.sql


After the OMNIbus automation is installed, the automation registers the heartbeats
from managed systems as they arrive. Individual heartbeats are no longer
displayed and counted in the event console but, if an expected heartbeat is
overdue, the automation raises a “Heartbeat missing” alert with:
Summary = ’Heartbeat Missed for:’ + heartbeat_missed.Node +
’ last received at ’ + to_char(heartbeat_missed.LastOccurrence)

What to do next

The default interval for sending the EE_HEARTBEAT status 15 minutes. You can
adjust the value by modifying the interval attribute for the heartbeat status event
in the trapcnfg.xml file for SNMP alerts and in the eifdest.xml file for EIF events
configuration file.

Especially with SNMP, one missed heartbeat does not necessarily indicate a
problem, thus the default is to raise an alert after the heartbeat is overdue: (2 x
heartbeat interval ) + 2 minutes. You can edit this in the itm_heartbeat.sql with the
-- 2 heartbeats plus 2 minutes grace before agent missed
set time_of_expiry = (new.ExpireTime * 2 * 60 + 120) + getdate();

For example, add two more minutes and the setting looks like this:
-- 2 heartbeats plus 4 minutes grace before agent missed
set time_of_expiry = (new.ExpireTime * 2 * 60 + 240) + getdate();

EIF events
Send private situation events directly from a Tivoli Monitoring Agent to an EIF
receiver without going through the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.

382 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

EIF event configuration
Configure a monitoring agent and a local EIF event configuration XML file to emit
life cycle events or private situation events, or both, to one or more EIF receivers
such as the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event server or Netcool/OMNIbus
Probe for Tivoli EIF.

Restriction: EIF is not supported on iSeries® to send events directly from the
iSeries agents.

Usage note: In code examples below use the following substitutions:

v <install_dir> is the directory where IBM Tivoli Monitoring is installed
v <pc> is the agent 2 letter product code in lowercase
v <PC> is the agent 2 letter product code in uppercase
EIF event configuration
The default setting of the IRA_EVENT_EXPORT_EIF environment variable
is Y, which causes the EIF emitter to start during agent startup. The
following files must be present and configured on the system where the
monitoring agent is installed before EIF event forwarding can take place:
v A private situation configuration file to define the situations that
generate events when the comparison criteria evaluate to true. The
private situations are started and stopped as part of the agent startup
and shutdown procedure.
v An event destination configuration file to define the event listeners for
receiving the EIF emitted events.
Additionally, you can have an event mapping file to control the event data
being sent to the EIF receiver.
Agent parameters
IRA_EVENT_EXPORT_EIF=Y parameter in the agent environment file is
set to enable the EIF event export facility. Change the value to N to disable
the facility.
IRA_EIF_DEST_CONFIG=<filename> parameter in the agent
environment file is set to specify the location of the EIF destination
configuration XML file. The default is <install_dir>/localconfig/<pc>/
IRA_LOCALCONFIG_DIR parameter in the agent environment file can be
set to specify a different directory path for the EIF destination or optional
event mapping file, or both. The default is <install_dir>/localconfig/
IRA_EIF_MSG_LOCALE=en_US parameter in the agent environment files
is set to American English by default. For agents that support globalized
message text for the message slot in the generated event using a
predefined mapping file and language resource bundles, the default
language locale can be specified.
Agent EIF event destination configuration XML specification
The EIF event destination XML file is used to specify the event destination
server or servers and their configurations. The root element is <EventDest>
and contains <Destination> and <Server> elements, as well as the optional
<StatEvent> element to configure the EIF heartbeat interval: how often the
agent sends a heartbeat event to the EIF receiver.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 383

The event destination configuration file resides in the following default
RKANDATV, with member name <PC>EVDST
Agent EIF event mapping configuration XML specification
The optional EIF event mapping file configuration XML file can be used to
customize the EIF events that are generated. If no event mapping file is
provided, events are formatted by generic mapping. Event mapping files
can be product provided or user defined. User defined event maps, if any,
have precedence over product provided maps. The name and location of
the predefined event mapping file, if any:
<install_dir>\TMAITM6\EIFLIB\k<pc>.map for 32-bit agents;
<install_dir>\TMAITM6_x64\EIFLIB\k<pc>.map for 64-bit agents.
RKANDATV, with member name K<PC>MAP.
If you create a user defined event mapping file, store it in the following
RKANDATV, with file name <PC>EVMAP
Sample event map configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<situation name="Flipper*" mapAllAttributes="Y">
<class name="ITM_ABC"/>
<slot slotName="msg">
<literalString value="The time now is
$Local_Time.Timestamp.TIMESTAMP$ on $hostname$"/>
Heartbeat event of agent's online status sent to the EIF event receiver
The EventDest configuration XML file has an optional element for
specifying a heartbeat interval. After each interval, the agent status is
tested and the result then sent as online-offline status to the EIF receiver
(or receivers) specified in the EventDest file.
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents installed before Version 6.2.2 Fix Pack 1
When a Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.2.2 Fix Pack 1 or later OS agent of has
been installed, any Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents installed on that
computer are eligible to use the autonomous EIF event forwarding feature,
even if they were installed prior to Version 6.2.2 Fix Pack 1. Be aware,
however, that monitoring agents that were installed before Version 6.2.2 Fix
Pack 1 need some files that were not included in the agent install bundle
but that are part of the application support provided for a Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server installation: the baroc file, optional event mapping file,

384 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

and resource bundle files. For these earlier version agents to use the EIF
facility to forward events, the following steps must be taken:
1. Install the earlier version agent in a monitoring server environment to
access the baroc and optional event mapping files. The agent
predefined baroc and optional event mapping files can be found in the
<install_dir>/CMS/TECLIB or <install_dir>/CNPS/teclib directory.
2. Copy the provided k<pc>.map event mapping file, if any, to the EIFLIB
directory of the agent installation.
3. If the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server is used as an event
receiver, copy the baroc file for each agent to the system where the
event server is installed. Compile and load the baroc on the event
Agents running within the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server Address
Space on z/OS
On z/OS systems it is possible to configure agents to run within the same
address space of the hub monitoring server. Because the EIF event
forwarder function (OTEA) can also be enabled at the hub monitoring
server, some precautions must be taken to avoid the cross interference
between the Event Forwarder at the hub monitoring server and the EIF
event export directly from the monitoring agent. One area that can have
potential overlap is a custom event mapping file. Currently on the hub
monitoring server, users can code their own event mapping (in addition to
those that can be created using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Situation editor
and stored in a monitoring server table). The name of these map files must
be in the form, Q<xx>MAP (where <xx> is any two alphanumeric
characters) and reside in the RKANDATV dataset. In order to support user
defined event mapping files for autonomous agents, which also reside in
the RKANDATV data set, a different naming convention must be adopted.
For user defined event mapping files for autonomous agents, the file
naming convention is <pc>EVMAP (where <pc> is the 2 letter agent
product code).

EIF event mapping XML specification

The EIF event map is an XML file that specifies how the events for one or more
private situations are to be translated. Create a custom event mapping file to
modify the data being sent to the EIF receiver.

Event mapping file format

: one or more slot tags



Chapter 15. Agent-based services 385

: one or more slot tags


XML tags are case-insensitive. All other parameters are case-sensitive.

Note: You can use the EIF.xsd schema file, located in the samples/
PrivateConfigSamples directory on the Agent DVD image, to validate EIF event
mapping XML files. However, the schema file requires the XML tag names to be in
itmEventMapping:agent is the root element identifying this as an event
mapping definition for the monitoring agent.
<id> Syntax:

ID is the two character product code, such as “UX” for the UNIX OS agent.
For user defined event maps, it is recommended to use “99” as the ID.

Optional. Use this element to specify the version of the event mapping file.
<valueList name="valueListName">

Optional. Use the valueList element to define a value list of one or more
value items where valueListName is the name of the list.
<valueItem name="item_value">

This element is required when a valueList is being defined. ValueItem

specifies a valid item value for the named valueList.

The event_mapping element encloses a group of mapping entries.

<situation name="situation_name" [mapAllAttributes="Y"]

386 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

The situation element specifies a DM mapping entry whose key is
situation_name. The situation_name string can contain wildcard characters
(* asterisk and ? question mark) except for in the first character position.
mapAllAttributes=“Y” instructs the EIF event forwarder to construct
the EIF event slots like the generic mapping except the slots explicitly
specified via the <slot> tag within this mapping entry. This attribute is
useful for cases where only a few of the slots in the event must be
customized (such as the msg slot). This alleviates the need to explicitly
specify every slot to be included in the EIF event.
<attributeTable name="attribute_table_name"
[truncated="Y"] [freeSpace="nnnn"]
truncated=“Y” causes “ITM_Agent: Private Situation: Truncated” to be
assigned to the “source” slot of the EIF event instead of “ITM Agent:
Private Situation”. This is an indicator that not all the attributes in the
event data can fit in the EIF event due to size limitations, as defined by
the event mapping generator.
freeSpace=“nnnn” is a value determined by the event map generator as
the maximum size available in the EIF event buffer after all the slots
defined in this event map are built. Its value is used by the EIF event
emitter to determine how much raw event data to include in the
situation_eventdata slot.
<class name="eif_class_name" [valueList="valueList_name"]
name= specifies the EIF class name to be used for the generated EIF
event. The eif_class_name string can contain a substitution variable
(attribute name) to generate EIF class names that are dynamic
depending on the value of the named attribute during run time. See
“Dynamic EIF classname” on page 390.
valueList= specifies a valueList to be searched for dynamic EIF class
name generation.
defaultClass= specifies the default EIF class name to be used for the
EIF event if the eif_class_name string contains a substitution variable
but the value of the attribute has no match in the specified valueList.
<slot> Syntax:
<slot name="slot_name">

Optional. Define a slot in the EIF event. The name of the slot is the
<mappedAttribute name="attribute_name" [multiplier=“nnn”] [virtual="COUNT"]>

Optional. Specify the value source for the slot being defined. This is the
value of the attribute with the name attribute_name in the event data, if
available. Otherwise, a null value is used. If the multiplier= attribute is
specified and the value of the attribute is numeric, the value assigned for
the slot is the attribute value multiplied by the number specified.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 387

To select the virtual or internally-generated COUNT attribute name as you
would other application defined attributes, use the virtual option.
Configure the COUNT column function attribute and its calculated
COUNT result value, for inclusion in the EIF event.
Private situation example
<![CDATA[ *COUNT KLZ_Process.Process_Command_Name *GE 40 ]]>
attribute_name indicates the source name of the real attribute to include in
the EIF event. The virtual option only accepts a value of uppercase
“COUNT”. The virtual=“COUNT” option directs the EIF event forwarder
to find the attribute specified in the COUNT predicate, instead of the real
attribute name. In this example, the generated internal COUNT attribute
for situation Linux_Process_Count is named

<situation name=“Linux_Process_Count”>
<class name=“ITM_KLZ_Process”/>
<slot slotName=“slot1_count”>
<mappedAttribute name=“KLZ_Process.Process_Command_Name” virtual=“COUNT”/>

Resulting EIF event

<mappedAttributeEnum name="attribute_name">

Optional. MappedAttributeEnum is similar to the mappedAttribute tag

except that if the attribute is defined as an enumeration in the attribute file,
the enumerated display text is used as the slot value instead of the raw
attribute value. If no enumerated display text is defined that matches the
attribute value, the raw attribute value is used.
<literalString value=“text”>

Optional. Use the text as the value for the slot being defined. When
defining a “msg” slot, you can specify variable substitution within the text
(described next).

Custom msg slot

If the value of the msg slot is defined as a literal string (<literalString> element), it
can include substitution variables. Substitution variables are designated by the
$variable$ syntax. When formatting the msg slot, the EIF event forwarder replaces
the $variable$ symbol with its replacement value.

388 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Valid variables:
Attribute substitution requires a fully qualified name (i.e. both attribute
group and attribute name separated by a period). The variable token will
be replaced by the value of the named attribute in the event data. If the
named attribute cannot be found in the event data, a null string will be
This is the same as the $AttrGroup.Attribute$ syntax but with a .COUNT
suffix qualifier. With this variable, you can configure the COUNT column
function virtual attribute and its calculated COUNT result value, for
inclusion in the EIF event custom msg slot. The resulting value calculated
by COUNT is substituted for the $attribute.COUNT$ parameter. Only an
uppercase COUNT is allowed in this parameter.
This is the same as the $AttrGroup.Attribute$ syntax but with a
.TIMESTAMP suffix qualifier. This is an indication to the EIF event
forwarder that the attribute value is a time stamp (defined as a timestamp
type in the attribute file) and should be formatted as a displayable
timestamp format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS. If the attribute value is not
a valid timestamp, the raw attribute value will be used.
Event slot substitution replaces the variable token with the value of the
named slot after event mapping has been performed.
EIF msg slot customization provides the situation formula from the private
situation that caused this situation to raise.

The following is an example taken from a predefined event mapping file where the
msg slot is customized for DM parity.
<slot slotName="msg">
<literalString value="Distributed Monitoring $sub_source$/$monitor$
on host $hostname$ $NT_LogicalDisk.Timestamp$ Formula=$formula$"/>

If the value for the sub_source and monitor slots have values “tmpdisk” and “Disk
Read Bytes/sec”, the msg slot text is similar to this example:
Distributed Monitoring tmpdisk/Disk Read Bytes/sec on host
elaix04 08/14/2009 10:23:11 Formula=Disk_Writes/Sec > 500

The following is an example taken from a predefined event mapping file where the
msg slot specifies the calculated value from the *COUNT predicate.

<situation name="Linux_Process_Count" >

<class name="ITM_KLZ_Process"/>
<slot slotName="msg">
<literalString value="$formula$ is TRUE, count is $KLZ_Process.Process_ID.COUNT$ "/>

Resulting EIF event

msg=’COUNT Test_Unique_Row_ID >= 1 is TRUE, count is 2;situation_eventdata=’~’;END

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 389

Dynamic EIF classname

The EIF event class name is defined by the name= attribute of the <class> element.
The EIF class name string can contain a substitution variable for dynamic
generation of the EIF class name. The substitution variable can appear anywhere
within the EIF class name string, except at the beginning. The substitution variable
has a syntax of $attributeGroup.attribute$. At run time, the EIF event forwarder
searches the designated valueList, if one exists, for the value of the attribute
specified in the substitution variable. If the attribute value is found in the
valueList, the variable (and delimiting $ dollar sign) is replaced by the attribute
value (after being normalized) in the EIF class name string. If no match is found in
the valueList or the designated valueList is not defined, the EIF class name
defined in the defaultClass= attribute is used as the EIF class name for the event.
If no defaultClass= is specified, the variable in the EIF class name is replaced with
a null string.

If the variable references a numeric attribute, no scaling or precision operation is

performed. The string representation for the numeric field in the situation event
record will be used without any adjustment. If the variable references an
enumerated attribute, any text representation of the enumeration, is used as the
value for the variable.

When the situation is not true (status is not “Y”), the situation status record does
not contain any event attribute data. Consequently, there is no way to determine
the value of any substitution variablea in the class name. The EIF event forwarder
uses the defaultClass= attribute if one is specified. Otherwise, it uses the EIF event
class of the EIF event last sent for the same situation name.

This is the relevant part of a sample event mapping definition uses to map a
situation event “Test_Syslog” to a set of EIF events based on the value of the
“Message_Number” attribute.
<situation name="Test_Syslog">
<class name="SAP_Syslog_$R/3_System_Log.Message_Number$"
valueList="SyslogIDList" defaultClass="SAP_Syslog_Default" />

This example has a “SyslogIDList” value list with valueItems AB0, AB1, A08, BV7,
EAS, and R45 and a “Test_Syslog” situation that monitors for message IDs AB0,
AB1, AB2, BV7, and BV8, The “Test_Syslog” situation evaluates to true for each of
these message ids. The generated EIF events are of the following classes:
1. AB0: SAP_Syslog_AB0 x
2. AB1: SAP_Syslog_AB1
3. AB2: SAP_Syslog_Default
4. BV7: SAP_Syslog_BV7
5. BV8: SAP_Syslog_Default

Normalizing the attribute value

A variable within the EIF event class name can reference any valid attribute in the
event whose value might contain characters that are not valid for use in an EIF
event class name. Before performing variable substitution in the event class name,
the EIF event forwarder replaces any UTF-8 multi-byte characters and invalid
characters with a single _ underscore. For example the white space characters, < >
( ) & /, are replaced by the _ underscore character.

390 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide


<situation name="NT_LDDBPS*">
<class name="w2k_LogDskDskBytesPerSec"/>
<slot slotName="source">
<literalString value="SENTRY"/>
<slot slotName="probe">
<literalString value="DskBytesPerSec"/>
<slot slotName="probe_arg">
<mappedAttribute name="NT_Logical_Disk.Disk_Name"/>
<slot slotName="collection">
<literalString value="w2k_LogicalDisk"/>
<slot slotName="monitor">
<literalString value="Disk Bytes/sec"/>
<slot slotName="units">
<literalString value="(per second)"/>
<slot slotName="value">
<mappedAttribute name="NT_Logical_Disk.Disk_Bytes/Sec"/>
<slot slotName="effective_value">
<mappedAttribute name="NT_Logical_Disk.Disk_Bytes/Sec"/>
<slot slotName="msg">
<literalString value="Distributed Monitoring $sub_source$/Disk
Bytes/sec on host $hostname$ $NT_Logical_Disk.Timestamp.TIMESTAMP$"/>

Sample EIF files are provided on the Tivoli Monitoring Agent installation media in
the PrivateConfigSamples/EIF directory.

EIF event destination configuration XML specification

Use the EventDest, Server, and Destination elements in the EIF destination XML
file to configure the destination servers for the EIF events sent by the monitoring


The elements and their attributes are not case-sensitive. For example, you can enter
EVENTDEST=, EventDest=, or eventdest=.
EVENTDEST is the root element identifying this as an event destinations
definition for the monitoring agent.
Start of an event destination definition. Specify the destination index.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 391

Optional attributes enable you to specify the destination type, a default
server, the maximum cache file size, and the option to clear the cache file
on restart.
id= Required. Destination index, from 0 to 999. Default: 0
type= Optional. Destination type: T=IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console;
M=Netcool/OMNIbus. The maximum event size generated will be 4K
and 32K for type=T and type=M, respectively. Default: T
default= Optional. The server entered here is designated as the default
destination. Default: N
clear_cache= Optional. Use this attribute to specify whether the existing
EIF cache file should be cleared when the destination is instantiated.
clear_cache=“Y” will cause the EIF event cache file to be cleared. On
z/OS systems, the EIF event cache is always cleared because z/OS EIF
supports only an in core event cache. Default: Y
max_cache_size= Optional. Specifies the maximum event cache physical
file size in kilobytes. Default: 4096
stat= Optional. Specify whether the destination shall receive life cycle
events. Default: N
master_reset= Optional. Specify whether a master reset event shall be
sent during agent startup. Default: N
Defines the event servers for the destination: one primary and up to seven
secondary servers. Specify each event server hostname or IP address and
the port. The first <server> definition is the primary listener. Any
additional <server> definitions are backup servers.
location= Specifies the hostname or IP address of the event listener.
port= Optional. Specifies the listening port of the IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console event server or Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Tivoli EIF. The
default port number for the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event server
is 5529. However, a setting of port=0 can be used for a IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console on Linux or operating systems such as UNIX and
indicates that the event listener is using portmapper. The default port
number for the EIF Probe is 9998. If no value is specified, the port
number is defaulted to 0 in the server location definition.
SSL= Optional. Specify whether events will be sent encrypted over a
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection or events will be sent
unencrypted over a non-SSL connection. SSL connections are only
supported for Netcool/OMNIbus event destinations (type="M"). If
enabled for a IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event destination
(type="T"), a default non-SSL connection is used. Specify Y to enable,
and N to disable. Default: N.
Optional. Use the StatEvent element to send the online or offline status of
the agent to the event server. By default, heartbeat monitoring is disabled.
name= Specifies the name of the heartbeat event.
interval= Optional. The interval, expressed in minutes, at which the
heartbeat event is sent. A zero interval means no heartbeats are to be
sent. Default: 15.
Examples: Both stanzas name the heartbeat event, EE_HEARTBEAT. The
first stanza specifies a 5-minute interval and the second stanza disables the
heartbeat event.

392 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

<StatEvent name="EE_HEARTBEAT" interval="5"/>
<StatEvent name="EE_HEARTBEAT" interval="0"/>
The destination server receives an EIF event with a class name of
"ITM_Heartbeat" containing a slot called "interval" whose value is the
heartbeat interval. SNMP events received contain an attribute "AlertGroup"
whose value is "ITM_Heartbeat" and an attribute "HeartbeatInterval"
whose value is the heartbeat interval. You can customize the provided
heartbeat rules or write your own to handle the heartbeat events.
Note: Multiple EE_HEARTBEAT events are not supported. If multiple
destinations are configured to receive EE_HEARTBEAT, the same
EE_HEARTBEAT is sent to each destination.


The following example is an event destination configuration file containing one

event destination:
<Destination id="0" type="M" master_reset="Y" stat="Y" default="Y">
<Server location="" port="9998" />
<StatEvent name="EE_HEARTBEAT" interval="5" />

The following example is an event destination configuration file containing two

event destinations:
<Destination id="0" type="M" default="Y" master_reset="Y" stat="Y">
<Server location="" port="9998" />
<Destination id="1" type="T" default="Y" master_reset="Y" stat="N">
<Server location="" port="5529" />
<StatEvent name="EE_HEARTBEAT" />

Here, the second destination will not receive life cycle events because stat
parameter is set to "N".

The following example is an event destination configuration file containing two

event destinations defined to use SSL connections:
<Destination id="0" type="M" default="Y" master_reset="Y" stat="Y" >
<Server location="" port="9998" SSL="Y" />
<Destination id="1" type="M" default="Y" master_reset="Y" stat="Y" >
<Server location="" port="9998" SSL="Y" />
<Server location="" port="9998" SSL="N" />

Here, the second destination illustrates that the same SSL value is not required
when multiple server locations are defined where a SSL connection is used for the
primary server and a non-SSL connection is used for the secondary server.

Tip: Sample EIF files are provided on the Tivoli Monitoring Agent installation
media in the PrivateConfigSamples/EIF directory.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 393

Common slots for EIF emitted events
Review the descriptions of the set of common slots to understand the private
situation event information at the EIF receiver.

All emitted EIF events will have a common set of slots in addition to the slots
from the event attribute data. All attributes, except hidden attributes, that are
defined in the attribute table used by the event are included in the emitted event
(subject to the total event and slot size limitation). The set of common slots are
explained in the following table.
Table 38. Set of common slots for emitted EIF events.
Slots Values and meaning
adapter_host Base EVENT class attribute. Same as hostname (see below).
This is application-specific data related to the event, if any.
appl_label Use to indicate the source of the event is from a private
situation or agent online status. The value has the following
source : sit_type : event_type

source is always “A” for agent
sit_type is “P” for private situation or “E” for enterprise
event_type is “S” for situation events or “L” for life cycle
status events

For example, A : P
Note: For enterprise situation events, the appl_label value is
not set. Thus, there is no appl_label=“A:E:S”.
cms_hostname Not used or null for agent emitted event.
Note: Because the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is not
used for EIF emitted events, the IBM Tivoli Enterprise
Console event server logs no error message in the event
synchronization synch_trace.log file after a private situation
event has been closed.
cms_port Not used or null for agent emitted event.
fqhostname Base EVENT class attribute that contains the fully qualified
hostname, if available.
hostname Base EVENT class attribute that contains the TCP/IP
hostname of the managed system where the event originates,
if available.
integration_type Indicator to help performance.
v N for a new event, the first time the event is raised
v U for update event, subsequent event status changes
master_reset_flag Master reset indicator set for master reset events. Value is
NULL for all other events:
v R for agent restart
v Otherwise, NULL
msg Base EVENT class attribute that contains the situation name
and formula, without the use of customization.

394 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 38. Set of common slots for emitted EIF events. (continued)
Slots Values and meaning
origin Base EVENT class attribute contained in the TCP/IP address,
if available, of the managed system where the event
originates. The address is in dotted-decimal format.
severity Base EVENT class attribute that contains the resolved
situation_displayitem Display item of associated situation, if available.
situation_eventdata Raw situation event data starting from the second event data
row, if any. Event data attributes are in key-value pair
format. The event data can be truncated because of the total
event size and slot size limit, which is 2 KB.
situation_group One or more situation group names (up to 5) that the
situation is a member of.
situation_fullname Display name of situation if one was defined for the private
situation_name Unique identifier given to the situation.
situation_origin Managed system name where the situation event originated.
It has the same value as sub_source.
situation_status Current status of the situation event:
“Y” situation is true
“N” situation is false
“P” situation stopped
situation_time Timestamp of the situation event.
situation_type Situation event type S for sampled event; P for pure event.
situation_thrunode Managed system name of the agent.
source Base EVENT class attribute that contains ITM Agent: Private
Situation or ITM Agent: Private Situation:Truncated
sub_origin Base EVENT class attribute that contains the value of display
item, if any.
sub_source Base EVENT class attribute that contains the origin managed
system name for the associated situation.

EIF life cycle event

In addition to emitting situation start or stop and status events, the Event
Integration Facility event emitter generates additional life cycle events that are not
private situation related.

Life cycle events are emitted when the agent or situation changes state, as shown
in the EIF life cycle events table. The heartbeat event is a life cycle event that needs
no state change to be emitted: it is sent at regular intervals to confirm that the
agent is running.
Table 39. EIF life cycle events.
Event Meaning
EE_AUTO_ENTER The situation has entered autonomous mode operation.
EE_AUTO_EXIT The situation has exited autonomous mode operation.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 395

Table 39. EIF life cycle events. (continued)
Event Meaning
EE_CONFIG_UPDATE Generated when the configuration file is pulled from a
EE_HEARTBEAT Agent heartbeat.
EE_TEMS_CONNECT The agent is connected to the monitoring server.
EE_TEMS_DISCONNECT The agent is disconnected from the monitoring server.
EE_TEMS_RECONNECT_LIMIT Agent reconnect to the monitoring server limit has been
EE_SIT_STOPPED The situation is stopped. This is optional.
Note: The situation_status slot for EIF events sends “P”
automatically for a stopped situation.

All life cycle EIF events are ITM_StatEvent, which is a derived class of Event, with
the following slot values:
Table 40. EIF life cycle event ITM_StatEvent class slot values.
Slot Value
source “ITM Agent: Status Event”
appl_label “A:E:L” for stopped enterprise situation; “A:P:L” for all others.
hostname Hostname or IP address of agent machine
fqhostname Fully qualified hostname if available
origin The IP address of the agent computer
situation_name Life cycle status value, such as EE_AUTO_ENTER. If the life
cycle event is a EE_SIT_STOP, the situation_displayitem slot
contains the situation name being stopped.
situation_time Datetime the life cycle event occurred
date Date of life cycle event
severity “HARMLESS”
msg Message describing the life cycle event

EIF heartbeat event

The Event Integration Facility event destination XML file can include a StatEvent
element to send the monitoring agent's online or offline status to the event server.
You can customize the provided heartbeat rules or write your own to handle the
heartbeat events.

The destination server receives an EIF event with a class name of “ITM_Heartbeat”
containing a slot called “interval” whose value is the heartbeat interval. SNMP
events received contain an attribute “AlertGroup” whose value is “ITM_Heartbeat”
and an attribute “HeartbeatInterval” whose value is the heartbeat interval. The
situation_eventdata slot is also set to the heartbeat interval.

The IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console ITM_Heartbeat class is available for

customizing the heartbeat rule. The class is in the om_tec.baroc file that gets
installed with the event synchronization on the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
event server. It is on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Tools DVD. Status events are kept
separate from situation events so that rules can be written to apply only to the
specific class or type.
396 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Example: The ITM_Heartbeat EIF event has a 1-minute interval (interval=’1’;
and situation_eventdata=’1’;) and is characterized as a Heartbeat Event:
source=’ITM Agent: Heartbeat Event’;
situation_time=’09/30/2009 09:03:24.000’;
msg=’Heartbeat Message’;END

Master reset event

A master reset event can be configured to be sent when the monitoring agent is
recycled. Upon receiving the master reset event, the included Netcool/OMNIbus or
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console rule closes all the opened events from this particular
agent and its subnodes.
Table 41. Master reset event content
Slot Value
source “ITM Agent: Private Situation”
appl_label “A:P:S”
master_reset_flag “R”
hostname Hostname or IP address of agent machine
fqhostname Fully qualified hostname if available
origin ip address of agent machine
situation_name “**”
situation_origin Manage system name of agent
situation_time Datetime the life cycle event occurred
date Date of event
situation_status “N”
severity “MINOR”
msg Message describing that agent has been restarted.

Sending private situation events by using TLS/SSL

You can now send your private situation events to a Netcool/OMNIbus EIF
receiver probe using TLS/SSL communication. The destination Netcool/OMNIbus
Probe for Tivoli EIF must be at version 12.0 or later.

Complete the following steps to send private situation events by using TLS/SSL
1. For any monitoring agent, define one or more private situations in the agent’s
situation XML file. See “Private situations” on page 332.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 397

2. Define one or more Netcool/OMNIbus event destinations (type="M") in the
monitoring agent’s event destination XML file. Specify SSL="Y" for the
associated <Server> element. See “EIF event destination configuration XML
specification” on page 391.
For more information about configuring TLS/SSL in Netcool/OMNIbus, see
"Configuring an EIF receiver application for SSL" in the IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Event Integration Facility Reference.
3. Edit the monitoring agent’s environment file, where pc is the two-character
product code:
install_dir/config/pc.ini. For system monitoring
agents, the configuration file is pc.environment.
member name KPCENV in &hilev.&rte.RKANPARU.
Set the following environment variables in the monitoring agent’s environment

Note: The indicated environment variable settings apply to every secure

connection that the agent establishes with all target destinations (such as the
monitoring server and the Warehouse Proxy agent) and not just the TLS/SSL
connection established with the destination Netcool/OMNIbus EIF probe.
Specify the comparable value as defined for
channel_nameSSLFIPSMode=ON|OFF in the EIF probe’s configuration file.
For example, if channel_nameSSLFIPSMode=ON, then set
Specify the comparable value as defined for
channel_nameSSLRequireClientAuthentication=ON|OFF in the EIF probe’s
configuration file. For example, if
channel_nameSSLRequireClientAuthentication=ON, then set
Enabling server certificate authentication ensures that the EIF probe is a
trusted entity because it is required to present a CA-signed digital certificate.

Note: Enabling server certificate authentication for the monitoring agent

means that any secure connection initiated by the agent requires that all
target destinations (such as the monitoring server and the Warehouse Proxy
agent) to present a valid CA-signed digital certificate in order for the
connection to be established.
4. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.3 and higher support TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 in
addition to SSL V3 and TLSv1.0. The default ciphers supported for each
protocol are:
TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 (in preference order):
TLSv1.2 (in preference order):

398 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

To override the TLSv1.0, 1.1, or 1.2 cipher specs, use the correlating
environment variable, GSK_TLSV10_CIPHER_SPECS,
list of comma separated ciphers. This override action is different than
overriding the SSL V3 cipher list. Refer to the relevant TLS RFCs for the cipher
spec name. In the following example the ciphers are separated by commas with
no other spaces appearing on one line:
Ensure that at least one of these ciphers has been specified in the
channel_nameSSLcipherList parameter of the EIF probe’s configuration file. If
this parameter value does not match any of the default TLS and SSL ciphers,
specify a cipher override by using the KDEBE_V3_CIPHER_SPECS
environment variable defined in the agent’s environment file.
By default, the EIF probe's configuration file specifies
SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, which matches one of the monitoring
agent ciphers and therefore you typically do not need to customize your agent's
cipher list. However, if the EIF probe's channel_nameSSLCipherList parameter
does not match any of the monitoring agent's ciphers, then you must use
KDEBE_V3_CIPHER_SPECS to specify the same cipher so that the TLS/SSL
exchange can complete. The format of the environment variable is as follows:
where nn is the cipher’s short name.
The following table lists the cipher’s short name and corresponding long name
that would be defined for the channel_nameSSLCipherList parameter.

Short name Long name


For example, if channel_nameSSLCipherList=SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA is

defined in the EIF probe's configuration file, set
Chapter 15. Agent-based services 399
KDEBE_V3_CIPHER_SPECS=09 in the agent’s environment file.

Note: The KDEBE_V3_CIPHER_SPECS variable is ignored when

KDEBE_FIPS_MODE_ENABLED=Y is defined. As a result, the default TLS and
SSL ciphers are used.
5. Recycle the monitoring agent to process the changes to the agent’s environment
file, the private situation XML file, and the event destination XML file.

Certificate management
If the Netcool/Omnibus EIF probe uses a CA-signed digital certificate and
channel_nameSSLRequireClientAuthentication=YES is specified in the probe’s
configuration file, you must ensure that the monitoring agent’s key database has
imported a corresponding CA-signed digital certificate.

Configuring a monitoring agent’s key database requires using a certificate

management tool, which can be run in either GUI or CLI mode. Both modes of
operation require a Java Runtime Environment available on the local system where
the management tool is invoked. Typical environments require a minimum of IBM
JRE V6. You also must ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points
to your IBM Java location. See “Setting the JRE for GSKit and starting Key
Manager” on page 240.

IBM Tivoli Monitoring and Netcool/OMNIbus rely on GSKit for their SSL
implementations. IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 or later installs GSKit V8, which
provides the GUI utility in the gsk8ikm binary and the CLI utility in the
<gskittoolcmd> binary. Netcool/OMNIbus is based on GSKit V8, which runs only
in CLI mode; for GUI mode, you must use the iKeyman utility, which is included
in IBM JRE V6 or later.

IBM Tivoli Monitoring requires a CMS-type key database, whereas

Netcool/OMNIbus requires a Java Key Store (JKS) database. The keyfile.kdb CMS
key database file is installed in the install_dir\keyfiles directory. However, you
cannot use this database in its current form if you require a CA-signed digital
certificate when sending events over an SSL connection to the Netcool/OMNIbus
EIF probe.

Complete agent certificate management tasks by using the iKeyman utility.

Instructions in the example show how to do the following tasks:
v Create a new CMS key database, which can be located either in
install_dir\keyfiles or in some other directory
v Import the CA-signed digital certificate
v Use the newly created database in place of the product-provided one


The example monitoring agent runs on a Windows system and includes a key
database file called omnieif.kdb with a password of ITMPWD, a previously
configured Netcool/OMNIbus keystore file called omni.jks with a password of
EIFPWD, and a certificate label named eifca. A copy of the omni.jks file is locally
available in the install_dir\keyfiles directory.

GSKit keystroke configuration (GUI mode): To invoke the GSKit GUI tool on a
Windows system, complete the following steps:

400 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

1. Run the install_dir\GSK8\bin\gsk8ikm.exe command file. The IBM Key
Management GUI is displayed. If an error occurs, verify that a JRE is installed
and that JAVA_HOME is set correctly.
2. In the menu bar, click Key Database File > New. Enter the following
information and click OK:
Key database type: CMS
File Name: omnieif.kdb
Location: install_dir\keyfiles\
3. Set the keystore password and click OK:
Password: ITMPWD
Confirm Password: ITMPWD
Expiration time: 366 Days
Stash the password to a file
4. Ensure that Personal Certificates is displayed in the Key database content
menu. Import and then click OK:
Key file type: JKS
File Name: omni.jks
Location: OMNIbus_keystroke_dir\
5. Enter the password to open the source key database: EIFPWD. Click OK.
6. Select keys from the key list of the source key database. Select the label eifca.
Click OK.
7. When prompted with, Would you like to change any of these labels
before completing the import process? click OK without changing any
8. Exit the IBM Key Management window.
9. Edit the monitoring agent’s environment file and set the following values:
10. Restart the agent and the new CMS key database is used.

GSKit keystore configuration (CLI mode): If an "IBM Key Management" GUI

utility is not available, you can use the GSKit’s CLI tool on Windows to perform
the certificate import function. By using the same values chosen in the GUI
example, the commands are as follows:
1. From the command line, cd to the install_dir\keyfiles directory and create
the database file:
install_dir\GSK8\bin\gsk8cmd.exe -keydb -create -db omnieif.kdb -pw
ITMPWD -type CMS -stash -expire 366
2. Run the following command to import the Netcool/OMNIbus certificate:
install_dir\GSK8\bin\gsk8cmd.exe -cert -import -file
OMNIbus_keystore_dir\omni.jks –pw EIFPWD -label eifca -type JKS -target
omnieif.kdb -target_pw ITMPWD
As in the GUI example, you must update these values in the agent’s
environment file.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 401

Agent Service Interface
Use the agent service interface for retrieving information from an installed agent,
whether it is a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent or Tivoli System Monitor Agent.
After logging into the local operating system, you can get reports of agent
information, private situations, private history, queries, and attributes, and such
requests as configuration load list commands.

The Agent Service Interface is accessed through the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service
Index utility. The interface operates as an Internet server, accepting and validating
requests, dispatching requests to the agent for processing, and gathering and
formatting reply data using the HTTP or HTTPS application protocol over TCP/IP.

The Agent Service Interface is not available for installation on

IBM i and z/OS operating systems. You can, however, use the ITMSUPER Tools
that are included in the IBM Support Assistant (ISA), a free local software
serviceability workbench that helps you resolve questions and problems with IBM
software products. To install the ISA software, go to IBM Support Assistant
( As part of the tool set,
itmsa.htm provides direct access to agent reports on IBM i, z/OS, Windows, Linux,
and UNIX platforms; and itmsuper.htm provides Web Services tools that are
accessible through the hub monitoring server.

Starting the Agent Service Interface

Start the Agent Service Interface from your browser to get a menu of choices for
reporting agent information, getting situation status, displaying short-term history,
and for making service requests in XML.

Before you begin

You must have an administrator user ID for the operating system where the
monitoring agent is installed to access the Agent Service Interface and its functions.

About this task

Follow these steps to start the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Index utility and then
log onto the Agent Service Interface for the agent that you want to get information

1. Start the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Service Index by entering http://<host
name>:1920 or https//<host name>:3661, where host name is the fully qualified
name or IP address of the computer where the agent is installed. A list of the
started services is displayed.
2. Click the IBM Tivoli <PC> Agent Service Interface (where pc is the
two-character component code) link for the application to work with.
3. As prompted, enter the administrator-level user name and password for the
operating system.


After you have been authenticated, the Agent Service Interface Navigator page is
displayed with links to Agent Information, Situations, History, Queries, and
Service Interface Request. The Navigator page is the navigator.htm file that is
installed at this location by default:

402 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide


Monitoring agents that use subnodes, such as Agentless Monitors, VMware VI

Agent, and subnodes created with Agent Builder, have some reporting limitations
in the Agent Service Interface:
v Queries link is unavailable
v Situations listing shows all the situations for an agent, including the subnodes;
filtering by subnode is not available
v Private history shows all the collected historical data for the selected attribute on
the agent, including any subnodes; filtering by subnode is not available.

Access Authorization Group Profile

The Access Authorization Group Profile (AAGP) contains the access authorization
group definitions and user ID assignments that are established by the security

The security administrator can define any access authorization group name with
the exception of the Restricted group, which is mandatory. Each access
authorization group has at least one agent component category, such as Service
Interface (SIAPI element) and services published by that agent component. Each
agent component calls upon the AAGP facility to get the user ID, component
category, and the requested service name for access authorization. After
authorization, the agent component executes the requested service; otherwise the
agent returns a status of unauthorized.

The AAGP is not an authentication service and it assumes that the user ID
provided has been authenticated. The same assumption is made for the Service
Interface because all users must first sign onto the system with a valid ID and
password. However, the agent can perform work on behalf of other agents or the
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, such as automation actions, and the user ID
on hand could be unknown to the local system. In such a scenario, the agent
considers that the virtual user is a trusted Tivoli Monitoring member and therefore
authentic and calls upon AAGP for authorization. Alternatively, the AAGP can be
enhanced to leverage a centralized authentication and authorization service where
such facility becomes available.

Access Authorization Group types

The following default AAGP groups are predefined and they are automatically
loaded upon agent startup.
Restricted group
The default group. The Service Interface category in this group consists of
services that provide system information, operation configuration,
workload monitoring, and historical data reporting capabilities. All users
are in this mandatory group, including those that are not specifically
Operation group
This group includes Restricted group category services and the Service
Interface services that provide operation control, configuration
management, and application customized access capabilities.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 403

Administrative group
This group has access to all Service Interface capabilities, with the addition
of File Object and dynamically updating the AAGP.
Table 42. Access Authorization Group permissions for Service Interface commands
Service Interface API Restricted Operation Administrative
AgentInfo x x x
AttrList x x x
ReadAttr x x x
ListSubnode x x x
TableSit x x x
SitStat x x x
SitSummary x x x
HistRead x x x
Report x x x
PvtControl x x
CnfgCommand x x
ConfigurationArtifact x x
PrivateConfiguration x x
Overrides x x
ListAAGP x x
FileObj x

The Restricted group definition is required. If it is not included in the AAGP, the
agent default specification shown in Table 42 is in effect.

Specifying the keyword *NONE for a component category prohibits all non-explicit
users from accessing that component service. For example, <SIAPI>*NONE</SIAPI>
specified in Restricted group disallows general access to the Agent Service

FileObj allows you to push or pull files on an agent using an HTTP request. For
Centralized Configuration, FileObj is the API that is used to allow a monitoring
agent to act as a central configuration server. The Agent Service Interface is
available in the basic services of the monitoring agent and can be used to serve
files or you can send HTTP requests to any agent to push or pull files. The AAGP
function provides additional security. By default, only root on Linux or UNIX and
Administrator on Windows are members of the AD group that has permission to
use the FileObj API. See the example in “Monitoring agent as the central
configuration server” on page 432.

If the AAGP contains no <AAGROUP> specification, the agent default specification

shown in Table 42 is in effect. Valid groups are RE, OP, and AD. There is no need
to define R (restricted) group users because all users are automatically assigned to
the Restricted group unless otherwise defined by the AAGP.

404 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Access Authorization Group Profile XML specification

The security administrator defines the agent User Group Authorization Profile in
simple XML specification format:
This element identifies the XML file as an agent Access Authorization Group
Profile document. All AAGP specifications must be enclosed by begin <AAGP>
and end </AAGP> root-level element tags. The contents of the AAGP file are
merged with the existing AAGP being used by the agent and you can add
users to the default Access Authorization Groups. If you prefer to completely
replace the existing AAGP, use the REFRESH attribute with the AAGP element.
Deletes the current active AAGP and replaces it with the AAGP definition
from this AAGP specification.
Optional, with no default value. LOCK and UNLOCK are only accepted
when an AAGP update originated from the ASI.
LOCAL="LOCK" locks the local AAGP configuration, which cannot be
updated by either the ASI or by a Centralized Configuration Facility
AAGP file download.
LOCAL="UNLOCK" unlocks the local AAGP configuration and AAGP
can now be updated by ASI or a Centralized Configuration Facility file
download. UNLOCK is valid only when LOCK is in effect, otherwise it
is ignored. In other words, <AAGP LOCAL="UNLOCK"> must be
preceded by a prior <AAGP LOCAL="LOCK"> operation.
LOCAL="UNLOCK"></AAGP> can be independent stand-alone AAGP
ASI transactions.
Defines an Access Authorization Group. Begin <AAGROUP> and end
</AAGroup> element tags enclose a set of group definitions.
Defines the Access Authorization Group name. Specify the name between
begin <GROUPNAME> and end </GROUPNAME> element tags. The group
name can be up to 32 characters and the first two characters must be unique
among all user group names.
Optional. Specifies the AAGROUP definitions to be included in this
AAGROUP. Enclose the AAGROUP name within begin <INCLUDE> and end
</INCLUDE> tags.
Specifies the agent Service Interface API name and is not case-sensitive. Only
the component category is defined at this time. Enclose the name within begin
<SIAPI> and end </SIAPI> tags.
The <other> element is not available in the current release; it is reserved for
future use. It specifies the other agent component services to be managed.
Defines an authorized user ID and its associated Access Authorization Group
by name. Enclose each user definition within begin <AAUSER> and end
</AAUSER> tags.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 405

Specifies an authorized user sign-on ID and is not case-sensitive. Enclose the
user ID within begin <ID> and end </ID> tags.
Specifies the Access Authorization Group assignment and is not case-sensitive.
Valid AAGP types are RE (Restricted), OP (Operation), and AD
(Administrative). You can enter the full group name or the first character.
Enclose the AAGP type within begin <ASSIGN> and end </ASSIGN> tags.


Access Authorization Group methodology

All valid system users are automatically authorized for Restricted group access.
Authorized, Administrative group, and other groups users are defined by the
enterprise security administrator through the AAGP. The following procedure
illustrates AAGP methodology.
1. The enterprise security administrator creates a customized AAGP and stores it
at a secure central configuration server. The predefined authorization group
content can be customized and additional custom authorization groups added.
For example, <AUTOCMD>KILL</AUTOCMD> could be included in the Operation
406 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
2. The monitoring agent starts and activates the default AAGP. An administrative
ID is defined as a member of the Administrative group by default:
Administrator on Windows; root on Linux or UNIX.
3. The monitoring agent leverages Centralized Configuration and retrieves its own
customized AAGP from a central configuration server. The agent always
chooses the HTTPS protocol for this operation. If there is no AAGP included in
agent's configuration load list or if the AAGP cannot be downloaded from the
central configuration server, the agent operates in this mode until the next
4. Agent components check the AAGP for authorization, which provides the user
ID, component category, and service name. The AAGP grants or denies access
based on the access authorization group and user ID assignment.
5. The monitoring agent checks for AAGP updates periodically as specified in the
configuration load list or when the Service Interface configuration command is
6. The monitoring agent does not save or store the User Authorization Profile

Local AAGP Persistent Configuration

An administrator might need to make AAGP customization changes to meet

ad-hoc challenges. For example, adding temporary contractor user IDs or
rearranging category services per local environment access restrictions. The steps
below describe the procedure for implementing local AAGP configuration changes
that persist across agent restarts:
1. Logon to the local system through the Agent Service Interface using an
administrator user ID.
2. Use the <ListAAGP> transaction to retrieve the agent's current AAGP
3. Edit the ListAAGP output for your new requirements. For example, adding
another authorized user ID.
4. Submit the updated AAGP definitions to the agent through the Agent Service
5. The agent processes the input AAGP definitions, which then become the
current active AAGP definition in effect. The agent also outputs a copy of the
AAGP configuration XML to a local file, either $ITM_HOME$/localconfig/pc/
pc_aagpcnfg.txt on distributed systems, or KpcAAGPX.UKANDATV in encrypted
format on z/OS systems.
6. At the next agent startup, the agent searches for the local persistent AAGP
configuration file, decrypts and reads the file, and then processes all of its
AAGP XML statements. These actions restore the previously customized AAGP
definitions. If the agent cannot find the local persistent AAGP configuration
file, the default AAGP definitions take effect.
7. While the locally customized AAGP configuration is in effect, the agent
suspends all AAGP updates from the Centralized Configuration Facility,
ensuring that the local AAGP customization values remain unchanged. The
administrator must submit an <AAGP Resume=”Y”> request through the
Agent Service Interface to unlock the local AAGP persistent configuration. This
allows the Centralized Configuration Facility to resume its support of AAGP
update operations.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 407

Local AAGP Authorization Control

If the administrator wants to enforce strict authorization controls at an agent

endpoint and not allow any automation requests from executing, unless the user
ID is defined to the local system, then you can use the following procedure to
enable local AAGP authorization control:
1. Logon to local system through the Agent Service Interface using an
administrator user ID.
2. Use the <ListAAGP> transaction to retrieve the agent's current AAGP
3. Edit the ListAAGP output and delete the default user definition.
4. The default user definition instructs AAGP to create an internal secret user ID
that is granted the authority to run automation. Without the default user ID
definition, AAGP extracts the user ID from each command request sent to the
agent. If the extracted user ID is undefined to AAGP, the command request is
rejected with an authorization error. This capability gives the local
administrator full control over which automation is allowed to run at an agent
5. Submit the updated AAGP definitions to the agent through the Agent Service

Agent Service Interface - Agent Information

Select Agent Information from the Agent Service Interface menu to retrieve a
report of pertinent data about the agent, including the environment file settings.
This is the fully qualified name of the computer, such as
This is the name of the managed system, such as Primary:MYITM:NT.
If the agent has subnodes (subagents), this is the name. Otherwise, the
subsystem ID is Primary.
This is the type of system and operating platform, such as
This is the two-character product code of the agent, such as NT.
This is the installed version of the agent, such as 06.22.00.
This is value that identifies the affinity of the agent to the Tivoli
Management Services components. For example, %IBM.STATIC021

408 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

This is the day of the week, the calendar date and time when the agent
completed startup, such as Wed Jul 29 15:15:33 2009.
This is a list of the current parameter settings in the agent environment
file. If you need to change any of the values, you can open the
environment file through Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services or in a text
editor on distributed systems.
Here is an example of the Windows OS environment file as it is displayed
in Agent Information report:
* KBB_RAS1_LOG=d:\IBM\ITM\tmaitm6\logs\$(computername)_nt_kntcma_$
(sysutcstart)-.log INVENTORY=d:\IBM\ITM\tmaitm6\logs\$(computername)
_nt_kntcma.inv COUNT=03 LIMIT=5 PRESERVE=1 MAXFILES=9
* ITMDEPLOY_AGENTDEPOT=d:\IBM\ITM\tmaitm6\agentdepot
* KEYFILE_DIR=d:\IBM\ITM\keyfiles
* KDEBE_KEYRING_FILE=d:\IBM\ITM\keyfiles\keyfile.kdb
* KDEBE_KEYRING_STASH=d:\IBM\ITM\keyfiles\keyfile.sth
* KDEBE_KEY_LABEL=IBM_Tivoli_Monitoring_Certificate
* JAVA_HOME=d:\IBM\ITM\java\java70\jre

Agent Service Interface - Situations

Select the Situations option of the Agent Service Interface to see the status and
statistics of each situation, including private situations and situations distributed to
any subnodes, for the monitoring agent.

The Situations report gives some vital statistics about each situation on the agent.
The setting of the agent environment variable IRA_EVENT_EXPORT_SIT_STATS
determines the level of detail given.
Situation name
Above each situation summary page is the name of the situation. If this is
a private situation, the name will be appended with _pr.
TYPE Sampled or Pure. A situation is sampled if it samples data at regular
intervals. Pure events are unsolicited notifications. The Windows Event Log
and Windows File Change attribute are examples of attribute groups that
report pure events.
The interval between data samples, in seconds. If situations for this
attribute group trigger pure events, there is no sampling interval and the
value shows as 0.
This is the row size.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 409

This is the day of the week, calendar day, and time when the situation is
initially started after the agent starts.
This is the day of the week, calendar day, and time when the situation was
most recently started.
This is the day of the week, calendar day, and time when the situation was
most recently stopped.
This is the day of the week, calendar day, and time of the first occurrence
that the situation became true and opened an event since the situation was
This is the day of the week, calendar day, and time when the situation
most recently became true and opened an event.
This is the day of the week, calendar day, and time when the situation
state evaluated to false after an earlier sampling evaluated to true.
This is the number of times the situation was stopped and started since the
agent has been online.
This is the number times since startup that the situation entered
autonomous state because the enterprise monitoring agent was
disconnected from its monitoring server, followed by the DAY statistics:
DATE that the most recent statistical data was collected. If this is an
enterprise situation, this is since the agent was most recently connected.
TRUESAMPLES is the number of times the situation evaluated to true
while the agent was disconnected from the monitoring server.
FALSESAMPLES is the number of times the situation evaluated to false
after a prior true while the agent was disconnected from the monitoring
TRUERATIO is the percentage of the number of times the situation
evaluates to true compared with the false state.
FALSERATIO is the percentage of the number of times the situation
evaluates to false compared with the true state.
HOURROWS is the number of rows of data that have been reported.
HOURTRUE is the number of hours that the situation remained true
while the agent was disconnected from the monitoring server.
HOURFALSE is the number of hours that the situation remained false
while the agent was disconnected from the monitoring server.

All situations are shown for an agent, including the subnodes. In this sample
TestLab agent with subnodes called ComputerA and ComputerB, ten situations
would be listed:

410 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

SubNodeA (4 unique situations, plus 2 situations that are also on
SubNodeB (4 unique situations, plus 2 situations that are also on

Agent Service Interface - History

Select History in the Agent Service Interface to display the private history data
samples that have been saved for the selected attribute group table.

You can filter the report to show only the attributes that you are interested in by
clearing the check box next to any unwanted attributes. Select a start date and time
and an end date and time, then click Report. The report is displayed in a table
below the attributes, showing historical data samples for the attribute group, one
column per attribute and one row per sampling, for the time period specified, up
to 5000 rows. If you do not see the rows you are interested in within the 5000
limit, you can generate another report after narrowing the time range.

All collected historical data is shown for the agent, including any subnodes.

Agent Service Interface - Queries

Select the Queries option of the Agent Service Interface to query the kpc.atr file
for the selected attribute group, shown by table name. One report is a list of the
attributes, their column name and display name, and characteristics. The other
report shows the current sampled values of the attributes.

Select a table name from the list to see the component attributes and a report of
the sampled data.
Table name
This is the table name for the attribute group taken from the
<install_dir>/TMAITM6/ATTRLIB/kpc.atr file (where pc is the two-character
product code).
Name This is the column name for the attribute. It is not used in private
situations or private history, but is what you would see if you were to look
up the stored data in the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
This is the detailed name of the attribute, formatted as
Attribute_Group_Name.Attribute_Name, and is what you enter in the private
situation and private history definitions. For example,
KHD_CONFIG.Connection_Pool_Size or NT_Registry.Server_Name.
Type Displayed in this column is a number that represents the type of attribute
this is, such as 4 to denote an integer-enumerated attribute. The type is not
used directly in a private situation or private history definition, but
informs you of the required format for the attribute value.
This is the number of bytes or maximum number of bytes possible for the
attribute value. For TIMESTAMP attributes, 16 indicates the following
format: CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm, such as 1090819160501000 for the 21st
century on August 19, 2009 at 4:05:01 PM
The lowest possible value for the attribute is displayed here. If the field is
empty, there is no minimum value for the attribute.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 411

The highest possible value for the attribute is shown in this column. If the
field is empty, there is no maximum value for the attribute.
This is the enumeration and what it represents for an attribute. Some
enumerated attributes have multiple enumerations. When composing a
private situation for an enumerated attribute, use the actual value in the
formula and not the display value (what you would see in the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal).

These two reports show the results of a query to the Windows IP Address attribute
group, table name NTIPADDR. The first report is a listing of the attributes in the
table as they appear in the kpc.atr file. When creating private situations or private
history definitions, you must use the name shown in the Display column.
Table 43. Agent Service Interface - Queries sample attribute listing
Name Display Type Length Minimum Maximum ENUMS
ORIGINNODE NT_IP_Address.System_Name 2 64
TIMESTAMP NT_IP_Address.Timestamp 2 16
INTFNAME NT_IP_Address.Network_ 3 Not Available for
Interface_Name Windows 2000
IPADDRESS NT_IP_Address.IP_Address 2 50
DNSNAME NT_IP_Address.DNS_Name 10 388 No DNS Entry
IPVERSION NT_IP_Address.IP_Version 4 -2147483648 2147483647 4 IPv4
6 IPv6
10 IPv4_IPv6
MACADDRESS NT_IP_Address.MAC_Address 2 28

The second report is displayed with the current sampled values of the attribute
Table 44. Agent Service Interface - Queries sample report
Primary:East:NT 1090819142128111 11a_b_g 4 00054e48f5bd
LAN Mini
PCI Adapter
Primary:East:NT 1090819142128111 MS TCP NO_DNS_ 4 000d608b2938
Loopback ENTRY

Agent Service Interface - Service Interface Request

Select Service Interface Request in the Agent Service Interface to enter commands
in XML format for information about the agent, such as attribute group definitions.

Agent Service Interface request - Agent information

This is a request of agent identification information. The data retrieved is in three
sections: agent ID, which includes computer hostname, managed system name,
subnode list, and operating system information; product ID, which includes

412 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

product name, version, maintenance and patch level data, product affinity and
features; and environment ID, which includes the current environment variable

Request input
Table 45. Agent Service Interface <AGENTINFO> request.
Tag Description
<AGENTINFO> Enter begin and end AGENTINFO tags to make an agent
property request..

Sample request:

Report output
Table 46. Agent Service Interface <AGENTINFO> request output.
Output tag Description
<HOSTNAME> Agent host name
<NODENAME> Agent Managed System name
<SUBSYSID> Agent Subsystem ID
<NODEINFO> Agent system OS information
<PRODUCT> ITM product name
<VERSION> Agent version
<LEVEL> Agent installation and maintenance level
<PATCHLEVEL> Agent maintenance patch level
<AFFINITY> Agent affinity in effect
<BOOTTIME> Agent boot time
<ENVFILE> Agent configuration file enclosed by CDATA[] control data tags

Sample output: The agent returns property data

<BOOTTIME>Mon Mar 02 22:48:27 2009</BOOTTIME>

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 413

JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\IBM\Java70\jre
C:\IBM\ITM\InstallITM ]]>

Agent Service Interface request - Agent subnode list

Use the <LISTSUBNODE> request in the Service Interface Request to get a listing
of all known subnodes on this computer.

Request input
Table 47. Agent Service Interface <LISTSUBNODE> request.
Tag Description
<LISTSUBNODE> Enter begin and end LISTSUBNODE tags to make a subnode
list request.

Sample request:

Report output
Table 48. Agent Service Interface <LISTSUBNODE> request output.
Output tag Description
<SUBNODELIST> Subnode list.
<NODECOUNT> Subnode count.
<NAME> Subnode name.

Sample output: The agent returns a listing of all known subnodes of the agent

Agent Service Interface request - Attribute files list

Use <ATTRLIST> in a Service Interface Request to get a listing of all known
attribute files (.atr) that are available on this computer.

414 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Request input
Table 49. Agent Service Interface <ATTRLIST> request.
Tag Description
<ATTRLIST> Enter begin and end ATTRLIST tags to make an attribute file
list request.

Sample request:

Report output
Table 50. Agent Service Interface <ATTRLIST> request output.
Output tag Description
<LISTATTRFILE> List of available attribute file names.
<ATTRCOUNT> The total number of attribute files in the list.
<NAME> Name fo the attribute file.

Sample output: The agent returns a listing of all known attribute files that are
available on the computer

Agent Service Interface request - Attribute file contents

Use <READATTR> in a Service Interface Request to get a listing of the contents of
the specified attribute file (.atr) on this computer.

Request input
Table 51. Agent Service Interface <READATTR> request.
Tag Description
<READATTR> Enter begin and end READATTR tags to make an attribute file
<ATTRFILE> Attribute file name.

Example of a request for the Linux OS Agent klz.atr attribute file:

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 415


Report output
Table 52. Agent Service Interface <READATTR> request output.
Output tag Description
<ATTRFILE> Attribute file name.
<ATTRDATA> Attribute file records.

This example shows an excerpt from the klz.atr attribute file contents:
<![CDATA[// 1130415173632000 KLZ/6.2.0 = KLZ/01
entr AFF
afid %IBM.STATIC134
atxt "Linux OS"
acod KLZ
entr ATTR
name KLZ_User_Login.System_Name
affi "%IBM.STATIC134 0000000008000000000"
appl KLZ
aplv 01
stmp 1130415173632000
cvrm 6.2.0
lvrm 0.0.0
mult 1
samp 3
doop Y
type 2
slng 64
msid KLZ####
opgr 2048
atid 00030001
entr ATTR
name KLZ_User_Login.Timestamp
affi "%IBM.STATIC134 0000000008000000000"
type 2
slng 16
msid KLZ####
opgr 2048
atid 00030002
entr ATTR
name KLZ_User_Login.User_Name
affi "%IBM.STATIC134 0000000008000000000"
pkey 1
atom Y
type 10
slng 96

416 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

msid KLZ####
opgr 2048
atid 00030003

Agent Service Interface request - Attribute group report

Use <REPORT> in a Service Interface Request to get a report of the attribute group
specified in the TABLENAME attribute, such as UNIXOS or NTPROCESS.

Request input
Table 53. Agent Service Interface <REPORT> request
Tag Description
<REPORT> Enter begin and end REPORT tags to retrieve application table
data for the table specified.
<SQLTABLE> The SQLTABLE begin and end tags enclose the TABLENAME
tagging pair to identify the SQL table definition set.
<TABLENAME> The TABLENAME begin and end tags enclose the table name to
report. This is the name as it appears bracketed by begin and
end tags. If you are not sure what the spelling is of the table,
you can find it in the tabl field of the agent .atr file, located in
the <install_dir>/TMAITM6/ATTRLIB directory.
<OUTPUT> Optional. Use OUTPUT begin and end tags and their
subordinate tags to filter and refine the report.
<COLUMN> Define selected column name bracketed by begin
and end tags.
<FILTER> Define output data rows filter criteria with begin
and end tags. The filter follows the same syntax as the private
situation <CRITERIA> element. See “Private situation XML
specification” on page 335.
<SUBNODES> Optional. Use SUBNODES begin and end tags to specify
subnode-based products that register and manage subnodes.
The <SUBNODES> option works the same as the
<DISTRIBUTION> option, except the former is used for Agent
Service Interface requests using the <ASISREQUEST> while the
latter is used in the context of the <PRIVATESIT> definition for
for situations. See “Private situation XML specification” on page
335 for a complete description of the <DISTRIBUTION> option.

Sample request 1: Report all attributes in the UNIX OS table

Sample request 2: Summary report of the Windows Process attribute group with
a filter and columns specified
The request is for the values in the _Total row.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 417

Sample request 3: Summary report of a subnode application attribute group with
a filter and columns specified
The request is for the values in the _Total row.

Report output
Table 54. Agent Service Interface <REPORT> request output.
Output tag Description
<REPORTDATA> Identify output report data set.
<ROWCOUNT> Output table row count.
<ROW> Identify an output row data.
<NAME> Define output column name enclosed by begin and end tags.
<DATA> Specify output column data value enclosed by begin and end

Numeric output
The report does not format numeric values; they remain unformatted.
For example, if you were to get a report containing an attribute with a
scale factor of 2, a value of 7 for that attribute would show in a table view
in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal as 0.07. You can look up the scale factor,
shown as scal in the attribute definition, in the attribute file:
kpc.atr, where platform is the operating system and pc is the product
Enumerated values are also unformatted, so values shown in the report as
1 and 2, for example, would show their text equivalent (such as Started
and Stopped) in the portal client. Enumerated attributes are defined in the
kpc.atr attribute file: vale for the display value; vali for the unformatted

418 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Sample output 1: UNIX OS output from a simple <REPORT> request
<DATA><![CDATA[1090413161248000]]> </DATA></COLUMN><COLUMN>

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 419

<DATA><![CDATA[076d18:43:39]]> </DATA></COLUMN><COLUMN>
Sample output 2: Report with a filter and columns specified
This is the output from the sample request of Windows Process attributes
in the _Total row.

420 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide


Agent Service Interface request - Agent table and situation list

Use <TABLESIT> in a Service Interface Request to get a report of the attribute
group specified in <TABLENAME> attribute and the situations that are running
for the group.

Request input
Table 55. Agent Service Interface <TABLESIT> request
Tag Description
<TABLESIT> Enter begin and end TABLESIT tags to retrieve the agent table
and situation list.
<SQLTABLE> The SQLTABLE begin and end tags enclose the TABLENAME
tagging pair to identify the SQL table definition set.
<TABLENAME> The TABLENAME begin and end tags enclose the table name to
report. This is the name as it appears bracketed by begin and
end tags. If you are not sure what the spelling is of the table,
you can see it in the Agent Service Interface Queries report or
find it in the tabl field of the agent .atr file, located in the
<install_dir>/TMAITM6/ATTRLIB directory.

A value of *ALL implies all known agent tables.

Sample request 1: Active Windows OS situations for Process and Logical Disk

Report output
Table 56. Agent Service Interface <TABLESIT> request output.
Output tag Description
<SITUATION> Defines the output situation set.
<NAME> Specifies the situation name.
<TYPE> E – Enterprise situation; P – Private situation
<STATUS> Returns the status code bracketed by begin and end tags

Sample output: The Windows OS agent returns all running Process and Logical
Disk situations

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 421


Agent Service Interface request - Private situation control

Create a service interface <PVTCONTROL> request to start, stop, or recycle a
private situation on the monitoring agent.

Private situations start running automatically when the monitoring agent they are
written for, whether a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent or a Tivoli System
Monitor Agent, is started. The PVTCONTROL command enables you to start, stop,
or recycle the specified situation without having to stop and restart the agent.

Request input
Table 57. Agent Service Interface <PVTCONTROL> request.
Tag Description
<PVTCONTROL> Specify private situation control request.
<PVTCOMMAND> Specify private situation command.
<PVTSITNAME> Specify private situation name.
<PVTACTION> START – Start a known situation request.
STOP – Stop an active situation.
RECYCLE – Stop and restart an active situation.

Sample request 1: Recycle private situation Check_DiskSpace_Low


Report output
Table 58. Agent Service Interface <PVTCONTROL> request output.
Output tag Description
<STATUS> Return status code bracketed by begin and end tag.

Sample output 1: Recycle private situation Check_DiskSpace_Low returns the

command status
<STATUS>0 Request completed successfully</STATUS>

Agent Service Interface request - Situation summary

Use the situation summary command to request a listing of the private situations
that are running on the monitoring agent.

422 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Request input
Table 59. Agent Service Interface <SITSUMMARY> request.
Tag Description
<SITSUMMARY> Situation summary report.


The output from the request looks like the private situation configuration files
shown in the “Private situation examples” on page 353.

Report output
Table 60. Agent Service Interface <SITSUMMARY> request output.
Output tag Description
<NUMBSIT> The number of private situations running on the
monitoring agent.
<SITUATION> Define situation selection properties.
<NAME> Specifies the situation name.
<SOURCE> Indicates the source of the event. The value “E” means
enterprise situation. The value “P” means private
<TYPE> Situation type – Sample or Pure-Event.
<INTERVAL> Situation sample interval; or 0 – Pure-Event.
<ROWSIZE> Sample data row size.
<FIRSTSTARTTIME> The situation's initial start time.
<LASTSTARTTIME> The situation's most recent start time.
<LAST STOPTIME> The situation's last stop time.
<FIRSTEVENTTIME> The time that the situation first opened an event.
<LASTTRUETIME> The last time the situation evaluated to True.
<LASTFALSETIME> The last time the situation evaluated to False.
<TIMESRECYCLED> Number of times the situation restarted.
<TIMESAUTONOMOUS> Number of times the situation entered autonomous mode.
<PREDICATE> The situation formula.

Sample output: The agent returns private situation data

<PREDICATE><![CDATA[Alert_Text = 5 OR Alert_Text = 8 OR
Alert_Text = 7 OR Alert_Text = 6 OR Alert_Text = 9 OR
Alert_Text = 11 ]]>

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 423

<PREDICATE><![CDATA[Event_ID = 529 OR Event_ID = 4625 ]]>
<LASTTRUETIME>Sun Aug 18 21:34:49 2013</LASTTRUETIME>
<PREDICATE><![CDATA[%_Usage >= 95 ]]>

Agent Service Interface request - Agent monitoring statistics

Use the agent monitoring statistics command to request information about the
monitoring agent activity.

Request input
Table 61. Agent Service Interface <AGENTSTAT> request.
Tag Description
<AGENTSTAT> Specify Agent statistic request.
<SITUATION> Define situation selection properties.
<NAME> Specify the situation name or *ALL for all known situations.
Default: *ALL
<DAYS> Optional. Specify the period to display, such as 1 for today's
data. Up to 7 days history data can be retrieved.
<DETAILS> Optional. Yes – output hourly detail data
No- output state information only

Default: No

Sample request 1: Retrieve today's situation state statistics

Sample request 2: Retrieve today's NT_Service_Error situation statistics

424 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide


Report output
Table 62. Agent Service Interface <AGENTSTAT> request output.
Output tag Description
<TYPE> Situation type – Sample or Pure-Event.
<INTERVAL> Situation sample interval; or 0 – Pure-Event.
<ROWSIZE> Sample data row size.
<FIRSTSTARTTIME> The situation's initial start time.
<LASTSTARTTIME> The situation's most recent start time.
<LAST STOPTIME> The situation's last stop time.
<FIRSTEVENTTIME> The time that the situation first opened an event.
<LASTTRUETIME> The last time the situation evaluated to True.
<LASTFALSETIME> The last time the situation evaluated to False.
<TIMESRECYCLED> Number of times the situation restarted.
<TIMESAUTONOMOUS> Number of times the situation entered autonomous mode.
<DAY> Begin daily metrics.
<DATE> Date description.
<TRUESAMPLES> True sample row count.
<FALSESAMPLES> False sample row count.
<TRUERATIO> Percent of true samples.
<FALSERATIO> Percent of false samples.
<HOURROWS> Hourly sample row count.
<HOURTRUE> Hourly true sample row count.
<HOURFALSE> Hourly false sample row count.
<STATUS> Return status code bracketed by begin and end tag.

Sample output from sample request 2: The agent returns today's

NT_Service_Error situation statistics
<DATE>Fri Mar 13 00:00:00 2009</DATE>

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 425

<HOURROWS>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2 2 4 6 0 4 4 6 0 2 5 4 0 15 14 0
<HOURTRUE>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
<HOURFALSE>0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2 2 4 6 0 4 4 6 0 2 5 4 0 15 14 0

Agent Service Interface request - History report

Create a service interface <HISTREAD> request to start, stop, or recycle a private
situation on the monitoring agent.

Historical data from Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents is displayed in the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal when you select a time span for a table view or other
query-based view. Outside the portal, you can see historical data from an
enterprise monitoring agent or private history data from an enterprise monitoring
agent or system monitor agent by getting a History report from the Agent Service
Interface or by creating a HISTREAD service interface request.

Request input
Table 63. Agent Service Interface <HISTREAD> request.
Tag Description
<HISTREAD> Retrieve history table data
<SQLTABLE> Identify SQL table definition set.
<TABLENAME> Defines table name bracketed by begin and end tags. Maximum
table name consists of 10 characters.
<PVTHIST> Optional. Specify reading private history. No direct agent to
read enterprise short term history
<OUTPUT> Optional. Define output table column selection.
<COLUMN> Optional. Define selected column name bracketed by begin and
end tags.
<FILTER> Optional. Define output data rows filter criteria bracketed by
begin and end tags. See Private Situation <CRITERIA>
specification for details. Use from and to WRITETIME column
to specify history data read range. Use ORIGINNODE column
to select specific MSN history data
<OUTLIMIT> Optional. Define the output record limit bracketed by begin and
end OUTLIMIT tags to safeguard against to much output

Sample request 1: Get Windows OS agent Process history data using filter and
column selections

426 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

*VALUE WRITETIME *GE 1090408224500000 *AND
*VALUE WRITETIME *LE 1090408234500000]]>

Report output
Table 64. Agent Service Interface <HISTREAD> request output.
Output tag Description
<HISTREADDATA> Identify output report data set.
<STATUS> Return status code bracketed by begin and end tag
<ROWCOUNT> Output table row count
<ROW> Identify an output row data
<NAME> Define output column name enclosed by begin and end tags.
<DATA> Specify output column data value enclosed by begin and end

Sample output 1: The Windows OS agent returns Process history data for the
seven specified attributes on April 8 from 10:45 PM to 11:45 PM
<DATA>![CDATA[Idle]]> </DATA>

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 427


Agent Service Interface request - Configuration control

The Service Interface Request can be used to process configuration load list


The Service Interface Request recognizes the complete configuration load list XML
syntax. The requests that are allowed depend on group permissions:
v If your user ID is a member of the Operation group in the Access Authorization
Group Profile (AAGP), you can use the <CNFGCOMMAND> element to refresh
files using an existing configuration load list, and can issue <CNFGACTION>
Reboot, Reload, and Download requests.
v If your user ID is a member of the Administrative group in the AAGP, you can
submit any valid configuration load list request using the syntax in the
Configuration load list XML specification.


The elements and their attributes are case-insensitive. For example, you can enter
<CNFGCOMMAND>, <CnfgCommand>, or <cnfgcommand>.
Specify configuration command request. The following example of a
configuration control request reloads the contents of the current configuration
load list:
Specify the configuration command action:
This attribute downloads the configuration load list.
Reload is used to perform an immediate resend of the current agent
load list, thereby downloading all specified agent artifacts if they have
been updated. See the example under <CnfgCommand>.
Download is used to specify the file to send. See the examples under
<CnfgFile> and <CnfgDisp>.
Optional. Specific last two segments of file name when <CNFGACTION> is
File name must exist in the load list. Download file alert.txt
Optional. Specific well-known configuration file disposition as identification of

428 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

file name when <CNFGACTION> is Download. The file definition must exist
in load list. The following example request downloads the private situation
configuration XML file:
Use this element to return the status code within the beginning <status> and
ending </status> tags. The following example causes the agent to return the
command status:
<STATUS>600 - Configuration control command completed successfully

Centralized Configuration
Use the Centralized Configuration feature to maintain monitoring agent
configuration files in a central location that agents can collect from.

Centralized Configuration overview

Centralized Configuration provides the ability to update local configuration files
on many monitoring agents without connection to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring

These are some of the benefits of Centralized Configuration:

v Ensures consistent agent installations
v Reduces installation support and configuration complexity
v Improves agent deployment efficiency
v Enhances Tivoli Monitoring scalability
v Leverages users' web management skills

Centralized Configuration is a Tivoli monitoring agent or (preferably) web server

acting as a repository of agent configuration files that are pulled by monitoring
agents on the same or different computers using their local configuration load list.
The repository can contain such files as the configuration XML for SNMP alerts
and EIF events, automation scripts, and any other pertinent agent operational files.
The configuration load list specifies the central server location and the
configuration files to get.

The central configuration server can be a Tivoli Monitoring agent at version 6.2.2 Fix
Pack 2 or later, or it can be any web server, such as WebSphere, IBM HTTP,
Microsoft IIS, or Apache. For security reasons, IBM recommends you choose a web

You can have multiple central configuration servers and logically arrange them as
a hierarchy of central configuration servers.

After Centralized Configuration has been initiated by the agent, the default
behavior is to pull any file updates from the designated central configuration
server every hour. You can also get updates on-demand by entering the load list as
an Agent Service Interface request.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 429

Agents dynamically activate newly downloaded well-known configuration files,
such as private situations and configuration load lists, without agent restart. Other
configuration changes that require the agent to restart to enable the new changes to
take effect can include an agent restart specification so that these configuration
updates take effect immediately without intervention.

The basic tasks for implementing Centralized Configuration for existing agents are:
1. Decide on a strategy to organize and distribute configuration files from a
central repository and create the configuration files.
2. Configure the central configuration server.
3. Enable the agent to collect the initial configuration load list.
4. Update configuration files as needed on the central configuration server.

Centralized Configuration design

The Centralized Configuration structure that you define depends on the size and
organization of your monitored enterprise, the types of monitoring agents you
want to maintain, what kinds of updates, and how often.

Configuration load list

Any newly installed monitoring agent or an existing agent can participate in

Centralized Configuration by using a configuration load list. The configuration
load list is an XML configuration file that is unique to the running agent. It tells
the agent how to connect to one or more central configuration servers and what
files to download from those servers.

Administrators maintain and update the configuration file in this centralized

repository. New agents collect initial configuration files from this location and
periodically or on-demand contact the server to collect any updates or changes.

Central configuration server

The configuration load list contains one or more ConfigServer elements that tell the
agent how to connect to a central configuration server. Central configuration
servers contain a repository of files that are served to the monitoring agents using

The server authenticates requests, examines the configuration article last update
time stamp (set to GMT), and, if the client copy of the requested file is older than
the server copy, the server returns the configuration article contents to the agent.
Otherwise, it returns HTTP status 304 - Object Not Modified. The server returns
other HTTP status if an error is encountered during article processing.

When deploying a central configuration server, consider these factors:

User access
Administrators require access to maintain the configuration load list that
are to be distributed. The central configuration clients need access to the
central configuration server to collect the updates. If you already have a
web server and are familiar with access and maintaining files there, you
can use any available web server to act as a central configuration server.
This includes the web server for the Agent Service Interface.
Directory structure
Identify a directory structure on the server and client that enable you

430 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

organize your files, to minimize any duplication on the server, and to
reduce the number of files that must be maintained.
Keyword substitution
Using keyword substitution in the configuration load list can simplify the
organization of configuration files.
For example, if all of the Linux OS agents run one set of private situations
with events defined and the Windows OS agents run another set, the
@PRODUCT@ keyword can be used to direct the agents to the correct
directory and file on the central configuration server. Place the files in the
install_dir/localconfig directory or as specified by the
The cnfglist.xml file can use the @PRODUCT@ keyword to direct the
agents to the correct files. Example:
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}vHBiEqmmvylNPs90Dw1AhQ==" />
Activate="YES" />
Activate="YES" />
Activate="RESTART" />

Other keywords can be used to create the granularity required for each
agent to get the correct files.

Web server as the central configuration server

Tivoli monitoring agents can use existing web servers to collect configuration files.
You can use any web server that the agents can access with HTTP or HTTPS as a
central configuration server.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 431

To use a web server, create a user ID that has permission to access the files on the
central configuration server and reference those credentials in the configuration
load list. The URL specification is slightly different than when the central
configuration server is a monitoring agent, but that is the only difference in the
configuration load list. The ConfigServer element looks like this:
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}vHBiEqmmvylNPs90Dw1AhQ==" />

Monitoring agent as the central configuration server

All monitoring agents (enterprise or system monitor) that run on Windows, Linux
and UNIX platforms contain an HTTP-based Service Interface that can be used as a
central configuration server. Monitoring agents on z/OS and i5 do not provide an
HTTP Service interface, so cannot be used as central configuration servers.

The advantage of using a monitoring agent as the central configuration server

rather than a web server, is that you do not need to maintain a web server and
you can use several agents to form a set of cascading central configuration server
to provide some workload balancing.
User access to the central configuration server
Access to an agent's Service Interface is controlled using its Access
Authorization Group Profile (AAGP). The ability to request or place files
on an agent requires more security rights than viewing metrics or historical
data. By default, any valid ID on the host computer where the agent is
running can access the Agent Service Interface. Those users can view
metrics, situations, and historical data collected by the agent. However, the
default behavior gives only the Administrative ID on the host the
permission to access central configuration files through the agent's Service
The following user IDs are default members of the Administrative group
on the platform where the agent is running:
You can create configuration load lists and use the Administrative
credentials to connect to the monitoring agent that is acting as the central
configuration server. The ID does not have to exist on the client agents for
them to connect to the central configuration server.
On Windows systems, the agent automatically discovers all user accounts
belonging to the AAGP Administrators group; the agent adds those
accounts to the AAGP Administrative group at startup. On UNIX and
Linux systems, the agent automatically discovers all user IDs having root
(superuser) authority; the agent adds them to AAGP Administrative group
at startup. (Userid QSECOFR on IBM i and ITMUSER on z/OS remain
unchanged at this time.) As results:
v Customers do not need to create special user account to use agent
v Administrator/root ID exposure is avoided.

432 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v Any authorized account on a system automatically gains access to
privileged agent services such as file access, AAGP customization, and
so on.
Although user IDs can be stored in encrypted format, in most cases you
want to define a user ID on the system that will be hosting the central
configuration server and add that user to the agent's AAGP.
The following example gives the steps for creating a user on the Linux OS
agent and granting administrative access to the central configuration server
1. Create the user on the system: The user named “itmuser” is created on
the Linux operating system and the Linux OS agent (lz) is the central
configuration server.
2. Create an AAGP.xml file in the install_dir/localconfig directory that
adds the new ID to the Administrative group:

The default local configuration directory can be changed with the


Tip: Consider having each agent collect an AAGP file so that you can
contact the agent directly through its Agent Service Interface to perform
configuration actions with a non-root ID. By connecting directly to an
agent's Service Interface with AD permission, you can provide
credentials to connect to a new central configuration server, put or get
files, or force immediate refreshes of configuration files.
3. On the monitoring agent that functions as the central configuration
server, edit the configuration load list to add a DISP="AAGP"
ConfigFile entry to load the AAGP XML file.
This load list must use credentials ( root;
Administrator) to connect to itself to add the new user ID to
the AAGP. The edited configuration load list looks like this:
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}vHBiEqmmvylNPs90Dw1AhQ==" />
Disp="AAGP" />
4. Save the load list in install_dir/localconfig/lz/lz_cnfglist.xml. This
directory is the default location on Linux systems and can be changed
environment variable.
5. Start the Linux OS agent.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 433

All of the central configuration clients that connect to this central
configuration server can now use the credentials for “itmuser” rather than
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}vHBiEqmmvylNPs90Dw1AhQ==" />
Cascading central configuration servers
Other monitoring agents can collect an Access Authorization Group Profile
(AAGP) update from a central configuration server and then be used to
distribute files to other agents.
Cascading servers must be configured so that they distribute configuration
load lists that specify their Agent Service Interface for the ConfigServer
element's URL.
Cascading servers use the DISP=CUSTOM ConfigFile elements to
download the content that they distribute to other agents.

Agent service interface

The Service Interface for an agent can be used to enter and process configuration
load list requests on demand. See “Agent Service Interface request - Configuration
control” on page 428.

Configuration load list XML specification

Use the XML syntax from the configuration load list XML specification to create a
load list for Centralized Configuration.

Default configuration load list path and file name

The following configuration load list file names are the defaults, where pc is the
two-character product code:


variable to change the default path and file name. See “Environment variables for
Centralized Configuration” on page 443.


XML element tags and their attributes are not case-sensitive, but values are
case-sensitive. For example, you can enter <CONFIGSERVER>, <ConfigServer>, or
ConfigurationArtifact is the root element that identifies this XML file as a
load list configuration document. Enter <ConfigurationArtifact> at the
beginning of the file and </ConfigurationArtifact> at the end.
Example of a load list file:

434 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

<ConfigurationArtifact >
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}hjZM0YaLzpd5JQC5DeboJg==" />
Activate="YES" />
Activate="RESTART" />
Activate="YES" />
Activate="YES" />
Define a central configuration server with the following attributes:
Defines a symbolic name of a SERVER statement. The name can be
up to 32 characters and must be unique in the load list. Duplicate
names are not permitted.
URL= Defines the URL used to connect to the central configuration
server, which can be either of the following types:
v An Agent Service Interface acting as a central configuration
server and specified as:
v A web server acting as a central configuration server and
specified as:
is http or https
is the central configuration server host name. Use the IP
address if the Hostname is not guaranteed to be resolved
by local DNS.
port is the target central configuration server listening port of
the Tivoli Monitoring Service Index (KDH component
code) or of the web server if the port is different than the

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 435

default 80. The Tivoli Monitoring Service Index default
port is 1920 for HTTP or 3661 for HTTPS, either of which
can be customized with the KDC_FAMILIES environment
variable in the target agent.
is the TMS/Engine-registered Agent Service Interface
name, such as system.myhost_nt for the Windows OS agent
and myhost_lz for the Linux OS agent. You can customize
the service name of the target agent to a more functionally
recognized name using the
variable. For example,
CSF-A/Paris -CSF-A. Omit the agent-instance-name
definition if you are using a generic web server
configuration repository.
Path is an additional target central configuration server path
definition. For example,
User= Optional. Specifies the target central configuration server server
host system account user ID.
Optional. Specify user password in plain text or use the
itmpwdsnmp utility program to encrypt user password and specify
the output AES data string here. See “SNMP PassKey encryption:
itmpwdsnmp” on page 376.
Optional. Specifies an alternate server name. The agent constructs
the file request URL using the alternate server definition when it
cannot contact or log on to this server. The alternate server
definition cannot include an additional alternate server
The following HTTP status codes cause the agent to retry the
request using the AltServer specification:
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Object not found
500 Internal server error
503 Service unavailable

If you are using the AltServer attribute to specify an alternate

central configuration server, be sure to define the alternate
<ConfigServer> before the <ConfigServer> definition that
references it. Example:
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}vHBiEqmmvylNPs90DhQ==" />

436 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide


See also the example in ““Environment variables in the

configuration load list” on page 441.”
Identifies a previously defined <ConfigServer> by name. The agent sends
the request to this Server for downloading this particular file.
You can reference environment variables when defining <ConfigFile>
element attributes. Where the variables are resolved depends the type of
central configuration server:
v When connection is to a monitoring agent acting as the central
configuration server, environment variables used to define ConfigFile,
Name, and Path attributes are resolved at the server.
v When connection is to a web server acting as the central configuration
server, all environment variables are resolved at the client.
Identifies a previously defined <ConfigServer> by name. The agent
sends the request to this Server for downloading this particular
Specifies the file name at the server location. The name can include
environment variables if they can be recognized and resolved by
the agent.
Path= Specifies the file location path on the target <ConfigServer>. The
path can include environment variables that are resolved at the
server when connecting to a central configuration server. The
variables are resolved at the central configuration client when the
connection is to a web server.
Path is relative from the HTTP root of the configuration server.
When using a monitoring agent as the configuration server, the
install_dir/localconfig directory is the HTTP root. The configuration
file anchor can be overridden by the
Disp= Optional. Specifies the local disposition of known agent
configuration files. When the DISP attribute is specified, the agent
places the downloaded ConfigFile (or ConfigFiles) in the correct
location on the central configuration client system based on the
environment settings of the client agent. The DISP attribute also
enables activation options that are appropriate for each ConfigFile.
The agent knows the local location and name of these agent
configuration files and, upon downloading them, saves them
according to the agent specification.
If the Disp attribute is omitted, CUSTOM is used by default. The
placement of a file when using Disp=CUSTOM is restricted to
locations within the Tivoli Monitoring install_dir. This restriction is
in place to enhance security. Other Disp file types are placed
wherever the monitoring agent expects the file to be, even if the
specified location is outside the install_dir directory structure. If

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 437

you specify Disp=CUSTOM, it is helpful to use the @ITMHOME@
keyword to specify the LocalPath.
The following disposition values are currently defined:
Configuration load list file.
Private Situation configuration XML file.
Agent SNMP trap configuration XML file.
EIF configuration file.
EIF event mapping file.
Universal Agent application Meta files.
Proxy Agent Service (Agent Management Services) common
agent package (CAP) file. The PASCAP Disp can be used only
on a Tivoli Monitoring OS Agent that supports Agent
Management Services. It downloads and activates the CAP file
if the product is installed. Options=NOPRODUCTCHECK can
be used to force the placement of the CAP file even if the
product that the CAP file manages is not installed. (See Tivoli
Agent Management Services installation and configuration.)
Access Authorization Group Profile, which contains access
authorization group definitions and user ID access
authorization group assignments that were defined by the
security administrator. (See “Access Authorization Group
Profile” on page 403.)
CUSTOM is the default value used if DISP is omitted. The
LocalName and LocalPath attributes should be specified for
DISP=CUSTOM. CUSTOM files can be downloaded only to a
location within the agent's installation directory structure.
Specifies the configuration file handling option:
Valid only with DISP=PASCAP. Bypass product installation
requirement before the CAP file download operation. Currently
this is the only option value defined.
Specifies the local system file name. LocalName is used only if
DISP is omitted or is set to CUSTOM. If LocalName is omitted
when Disp=CUSTOM, the NAME attribute is used. LocalName is
ignored for all other Disp values because the agent identifies the
location of the file using default values or override parameters.
Specifies the local system file path. LocalPath is used only if DISP

438 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

is omitted or is set to CUSTOM. If LocalPATH is omitted when
Disp=CUSTOM, the PATH attribute is used. LocalPath is ignored
for all other Disp values because the agent identifies the location of
the file using default values or override parameters.
NO Replace current file with downloaded copy, but do not activate.
The downloaded file must be newer than the existing
configuration file. This is the default value.
Restart the agent after a successful file download.
The Disp=TRAPCNFG type requires the agent to restart in
order to read the updated configuration files. RESTART is also
available for Disp=CUSTOM.
RESTART can be used with PVTSIT to force a replacement of
the private situation definition rather than merging the
definition with currently active situations.
RESTART is not supported on z/OS or i5. The agent process
must be restarted in another manner to activate the new
Agent Management Services
The RESTART code uses Agent Management Services to recycle
the agent:
v The agent must be under the management of the Agent
Management Services. This is accomplished by specifying
<managerType>ProxyAgentServices</managerType> in the
agent's common agent package (CAP) file or by using the
AMS Start Management take action command
v The OS agent must be running on the system so that the
agent watchdog is available to recycle the agent.
Expect the following results if the agent is not under the
management of the Agent Management Services or the OS
agent is not running when the ConfigFile is retrieved from the
central configuration server:
v The agent writes a message to the log file that the restart is
v If SNMP or EIF events at the monitoring agent are enabled,
an autonomous lifecycle status event is generated.
v The file is activated the next time the agent is restarted.
By default, Agent Management Services is enabled for all OS
agents except the zLinux OS agent, which is disabled. The
Agent Management Services watchdog for the zLinux OS agent
must be enabled manually to take advantage of RESTART
capability. Otherwise, the zLinux OS agent must be restarted in
another manner to activate the new configuration.
See Chapter 14, “Agent Management Services,” on page 315 for
details on using Agent Management Services to monitor the
availability of agents.
Specifying "YES" instructs the agent to download and replace

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 439

the existing configuration file. New changes are implemented
dynamically without agent restart. This option is valid only for
the following DISP values: CNFGLIST, PVTSIT, EIFCNFG and
Specifying YES does not automatically cause the EIF emitter to
start or recycle. The EIF configuration file must be physically
downloaded from the Centralized Configuration server to the
agent in order to trigger file activation.
If you are using private situations and use Activate="YES",
then specifying REFRESH="N" in your private situation
configuration file instructs the agent to merge the downloaded
file into the current file and then activate the file. If you specify
REFRESH="Y" in your private situation configuration file, the
agent replaces the local file with the downloaded file and then
activate the file.
Table 65. Configuration load list <ConfigFile> element and the Activate options available for
the Disp type.
Disp= Activate="Yes" Activate="Restart" Activate="NO"
PVTSIT Available Available Default
TRAPCNFG N/A Available Default
EIFCNFG Available Available Default
EIFMAP Available Available Default
PASCAP CAP files are activated on download, therefore the Activate
attribute does not apply.
AAGP Default N/A N/A
CUSTOM N/A Available Default

Optional. Specifies an agent environment variable override value that
updates the environment settings immediately and takes effect at the next
operation interval or instance.

Configuration load list keyword substitution

Use keyword substitution to create a configuration load list that can be consistently
applied to different agents and locations.

Tivoli monitoring agents recognize certain keywords in the configuration load list
attributes and substitute them using run time values from the central configuration

440 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

With the exception of @ITMHOME@, any characters that are not alphanumeric are
changed to hyphens (-) in the output. The keywords for the configuration load list

@PRODUCT@ This is the monitoring agent's lowercase, two-character product code.

Example: On a Windows OS agent, @PRODUCT@_trapcnfg.xml resolves
to nt_trapcnfg.xml
@ITMHOME@ This is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation path. Example: If this is a
Linux system and the default installation path is used, @ITMHOME@
resolves to /opt/IBM/ITM/.
@MSN@ This is the Managed System Name (not the subnode name). Examples: If
the agent's Managed System Name is primary:icvw3d62:nt, @MSN@
resolves to primary-icvw3d62-nt.
@TASKNAME@ This is the monitoring agent's process name. Examples: klzagent;
@VERSION@ This is the monitoring agent's product version. Example: If the agent's
version is 6.2.2 Fix Pack 2, @VERSION@ resolves to 06-22-02.
@HOSTNAME@ This is the computer host name. Example: myhost.
@IPADDRESS@ This is the computer network interface IP address. Example: If the
agent's IP address is, @IPADDRESS@ resolves to 9-42-38-333.
@OSTYPE@ This is the operating system type. Valid values include: z/OS, Tandem,
AS/400®, Win98, Win95, WinNT, Win2K, WinXP, Windows, Win2003,
WinVista, Windows7, and Win2008. The OSTYPE for all other platforms
is obtained using the uname command. You can also find the OSTYPE for
a given computer in the RAS1 log listed under System Type or by
bringing up the Service Console and looking in the upper right-hand
corner of the display.
@OSVERSION@ This is the operating system version. Examples: Red Hat Enterprise
Linux Version 5 (64bit) resolves to 2-6-18-128-el5; Windows 2003 (32bit)
with ServicePack 2 resolves to 5-2-sp2.
@SYSTEMID@ This is the computer system identifier. Example: System ID is output as icvr4a04-mylab-mycity-ibm-

See the keyword organization and syntax examples under “Central configuration
server” on page 430.

Environment variables in the configuration load list

You can reference an environment variable in the configuration load list instead of
entering a fixed value for an attribute. Variable substitution enables you to apply
the same load list definition in different environments.

Enclose environment variables in percent signs (%) when you reference them in a
configuration load list. You might expect this requirement is for Windows only,
because environment variables are delimited with percent signs on that operating
system, but the percent sign delimiters are used to identify environment variables
within the configuration load list on all platforms.

Environment variables in the configuration load list are resolved at the central
configuration server or at the central configuration client, depending on whether a
monitoring agent or a web server is acting as the central configuration server:
v When a monitoring agent is acting as the central configuration server,
environment variables in the configuration load list are resolved using the
environment at the central configuration server.
v When a web server is acting as the central configuration server, environment
variables in the configuration load list are resolved using the environment at the
central configuration client (the monitoring agent making the request).
Chapter 15. Agent-based services 441
To illustrate how variable substitution might be used in the configuration load list,
consider an environment with two monitoring agents acting as central
configuration servers. The environment variable SALES_CNFG_FILES is used to
identify the directory that contains configuration files for use by systems that
belong to the Sales Department of our company. The Primary central configuration
server is a windows OS agent on a server called winhost

and the configuration for the sales department are in a directory called
C:\IBM\ITM\ConfigFiles\Sales, so we set

The Development Department also has a central configuration server configured

on a Linux OS agent on their server linuxhost. They keep a current copy of the
configuration files for the sales systems too; their agent is used as an alternate
central configuration server if any new agents are deployed while winhost is
unavailable. Their Linux OS agent uses the default value for

They locate the configuration files for the sales department in /opt/IBM/ITM/
localconfig/eastcoast/sales, so they set:

This is the bootstrap configuration load list for the Sales Department:
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}8wNnAEj6uLMTTOeaC+2rfQ==" />
Activate="YES" />

When agents connect to winhost, they collect C:\ibm\ITM\ConfigFiles\Sales\

cnfglist.xml. If winhost is unavailable, agents connect to linuxhost and collect

By using the environment variable in the specification, additional customization is

possible on the individual central configuration servers.

Bootstrap configuration load list

When placing the initial configuration load list, you can place a file that
immediately identifies all the components that the monitoring agent needs to
collect from the central configuration server. However, this means that you must
place a unique configuration load list file on every agent. One of the items that a
central configuration client should always collect from the configuration server is
the load list. This allows the load list to be modified from the configuration server.

Because you will be identifying the complete configuration load list anyway, to
initialize Centralized Configuration operations, you only need to tell the agent

442 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

where to connect to get the first configuration load list. A simple configuration
load list that contains one ConfigServer element and one ConfigFile element to
define the DISP=CNFGLIST file can be used to bootstrap Centralized
Configuration operations.

In this example, the ConfigServer URL identifies the central configuration server
location and the user name and password to gain access to that server. The
ConfigFile element points to the server named in the ConfigServer element and
identifies the configuration load list file as cnfglist.xml, which is in the path for the
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}vHBiEqmmvylNPs90Dw1AhQ==" />
Activate="YES" />

After creating a bootstrap configuration load list that identifies the correct load list
for the agent, place the file and restart the agent.

Environment variables for Centralized Configuration

Environment variables can be used for customizing the agent environment for
Centralized Configuration: to bootstrap the central configuration server; to control
central configuration client operations; and, when a monitoring agent acts as a
central configuration server, to control operations.

For enterprise monitoring agents, the environment variables are set in the agent's
environment file; for system monitor agents, the environment variables are set in
the pc_silent_install.txt response file. For more information about installing the
system monitor agent, see “Monitoring your operating system via a System
Monitor Agent” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Bootstrap central configuration server

Upon startup, a monitoring agent first looks for its configuration load list XML file.
If the configuration load list does not exist, the agent reviews its environment file
for the following variables. The agent constructs the initial, or bootstrap, load list
from these environment values to connect to a central configuration server and
download a configuration load list.
Specifies the server URL. For example,
Specifies the server user ID. Default: itmuser.
Specifies the user password either in plain text or AES encrypted password
Specifies the path to the configuration load list on the central configuration

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 443

server. The default is loadlist/@PRODUCT@. See “Configuration load list
keyword substitution” on page 440 for a list of keywords.
Specifies the name of the configuration load list file on the central
configuration server. Default: cnfglist.xml.

Central configuration client operations

The following agent environment variables affect how the agent operates as a
client for Centralized Configuration. Use them to specify a different configuration
load list file from the default, how often to connect to the central configuration
server to check for updates, and whether to download only the configuration files
that have changed since the last time you downloaded or all the files.
Use this variable to override the default configuration load list. Specify the
full path and file name of the configuration load list. The following
configuration load list file names are the defaults, where pc is the
two-character product code:
Specifies how often the agent attempts to check with the central
configuration server for updates. Specify the interval in minutes. One day
is 1440 minutes; one week, which is also the maximum, is 10080 minutes.
Default: 60 minutes.
When set to N, the agent downloads and replaces only the configuration
files that have a newer UTC time stamp than that of the local version.
Default: N. Setting this parameter to Y instructs the agent to bypass the
timestamp and always download the file after every interval.
As a best practice, synchronize system times across the network to
ensure that any monitoring agents running with their time ahead of the
central configuration server do not miss an update if the file is changed
within the time difference after download.
When a new configuration file is downloaded, the agent renames the
existing local file to a backup copy by appending suffix 1 through 5 to the
file name and moving the file to a backup directory. This variable specifies
the number of backup versions to keep. The minimum is 0 for no backup;
the maximum is 5 backups. Default: 2 backups.
Use this environment variable to establish a different backup directory
from the default. These are the default backup directories:

444 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Defines the maximum wait time in seconds for downloading all
configuration files specified in the load list from the central configuration
repository. The valid time range is between 15 – 300 seconds. Default: 60
central configuration client only. The time
multiplication factor that the monitoring agent uses to calculate the Agent
Management Services common agent package (CAP) file output delay
interval. The delay interval is derived from the
KCA_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL environment variable multiplied by this
factor. The agent enforces a minimum factor value of 1. Default: 1.5.
The agent creates a task thread pool to handle multiple load list articles
concurrently. The agent puts requests on a FIFO queue served by pool
tasks. Default: 10 tasks.

Central configuration server operations

The following agent configuration parameters affect how the agent operates as a
server for Centralized Configuration:
If an agent is being used as a configuration server, this setting can be used
to override the default central configuration repository location. The
default location used to place files to be served by the central configuration
server is: install_dir/localconfig.
The web server HTTP file root is defined by the web server administrator
and cannot be altered. Relative path specifications such as ../../ to
reference artifacts outside of defined repository location cannot be used. In
addition, the new repository location cannot be the root directory.
Specify the preferred agent service interface name to define a more
functionally recognized name to replace the agent generated default name
in the format of kpcagent, where pc is the two-character product code, such
as kntagent or kmqagent; or pcagent, such as kuxagent02 to identify a
second installed UNIX OS Agent instance on a system.
Example: The default agent-ServicePoint for a Windows OS Agent is:
hostname_nt. The URL to connect to a central configuration server on a
Windows OS agent running on host system winhost1 is:
https://winhost1:3661///winhost1_nt/winhost1_nt. If
Use the KDE_TRANSPORT environment variable to specify a different port
from the default 1920 for HTTP or 3661 for HTTPS.
Do not change the default port settings, especially on multifunction UNIX
and Linux systems, because many components might be located on the

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 445

same system and some of these components might depend on the default
values being used for HTTP and HTTPS ports.
Note: The KDE_TRANSPORT variable supersedes and overrides the
KDC_FAMILIES variable. If a KDC_FAMILIES variable exists in the file,
copy the KDC_FAMILIES settings that you want to keep to the new
KDE_TRANSPORT variable. For more information, see the topic on
“Controlling port number assignments” on the portal server in the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Problem determination

These diagnostic options can be set for the agent component. The output is the
ras1 log file.
Agent component name: Service Interface
Agent component name: private situation
Agent component name: Transport Conduit
Agent component name: Tivoli Monitoring Service Index HTTP Service.

Enable password encryption in configuration files on z/OS

Agent autonomy configuration XML files include user credentials with passwords
that can be entered in plain text. Securing access to these configuration files is
usually adequate to secure the credentials. You can also add a layer of security by
storing passwords in encrypted format within the configuration file.

Before you begin

If you are enabling SNMP alerts from the agent, SNMP v1 & v2c Community
Strings and SNMP v3 Authentication and Privacy Passwords can be stored in
encrypted format in the PCTRAPS.RKANDATV trap configuration file.

If you are enabling Centralized Configuration, the ConfigServer password

attributes can be encrypted when they are stored in a PCCFGLST.RKANDATV
Configuration Load List file or using the IRA_CONFIG_SERVER_PASSWORD
parameter in the KPCENV environment file.

On Windows, Linux, and UNIX systems, password and community strings are
encrypted and decrypted using the GSKIT encryption utilities provided by the
Tivoli Management Services infrastructure. On z/OS, GSKit is known as the
Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility, or ICSF. If these strings are stored in
encrypted format on z/OS, the ICSF subsystem must be available on the z/OS
system and the ICSF modules must be added to the z/OS monitoring agent
startup PROC so that the strings can be decrypted for use by the agent.

1. Verify that you have at least one IBM cryptographic coprocessor installed and
that the ICSF is installed.
2. Create a KAES256 member in the RKANPARU data set in the z/OS agent
runtime environment. Be sure to use the same encryption key that is used

446 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

throughout your environment. If the z/OS Configuration Tool has already
created a KAES256 member with the same encryption key for a Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS and the z/OS agent is configured in the
same runtime environment as the monitoring server, you can skip this step.
v Copy the KAES256 member from the monitoring server's RKANPARU data
set to the z/OS agent's RKANPARU data set.
v Alternatively, you can copy the KAES256.ser file from the keyfiles directory
of the distributed system where you will execute the itmpwdsnmp tool to
encrypt password and community strings. Upload the KAES256.ser file to the
KAES256 member of the z/OS agent's RKANPARU data set in binary mode.
KAES256.ser is 48 bytes on distributed systems and is padded with blanks in
the KAES256 member of the RKANPARU data set.
v For instructions on using the z/OS Configuration Tool to create the KAES256
member, see the “Configuring hub and remote monitoring servers on z/OS”
topic in Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS.
3. Concatenate ICSF modules to the existing startup PROC RKANMODL
DDNAME of the z/OS agent. Edit the z/OS agent startup PROC and add ICSF
support to the RKANMODL DDNAME. The following example illustrates
RKANMODL where CSF.SCSFMOD0 is the data set that contains ICSF
decryption modules:
//RKANMODL DD DISP=SHR,DSN=my_load_modules
4. Restart the monitoring server or the z/OS monitoring agent or both.

What to do next

Use the itmpwdsnmp utility to create the encrypted password and community
strings. The utility is available only in the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent
framework on distributed platforms. The agent framework can be installed from
the Tivoli Monitoring Base DVD or Tivoli Monitoring Agent DVD. Run the
itmpwdsnmp tool in interactive mode on the distributed system to encrypt the
passwords that will be placed in the configuration files. For instructions, see
“SNMP PassKey encryption: itmpwdsnmp” on page 376.

Centralized Configuration sample setup

This sample setup illustrates planning considerations and the steps required to
prepare your Tivoli Monitoring environment and files for Centralized
Create a directory structure
Decide what kind of files you want to serve and create a directory
structure on the computer that allows the keywords that can be used in the
configuration load list to enable each client agent to collect the correct files.
The default home directory where files are served from on the agent used
as a central configuration server is install_dir/localconfig on all
platforms. You can relocate the directory using the
IRA_SERVICE_INTERFACE_CONFIG_HOME environment variable in the
agent's environment file.
For our sample setup, we relocate the central configuration server home
directory to

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 447

and create these subdirectories:
install_dir/configserver/common contains files that are the same on all
install_dir/configserver/nt contains files used by the Windows OS
agents, which are located using the @PRODUCT@ keyword
install_dir/configserver/lz contains files used by the Linux OS
agents, which are located using the @PRODUCT@ keyword
install_dir/configserver/ux contains files used by the UNIX OS
agents, which are located using the @PRODUCT@ keyword
install_dir/configserver/myfiles contains other files that you might
want to distribute
Keywords @OSTYPE@ and @OSVERSION@ are useful to serve different
files to different groups of systems. For example, on UNIX systems use
@OSTYPE@ to separate AIX situations from Solaris situations. See
“Configuration load list keyword substitution” on page 440.
Obtain the root password for the central configuration server
For our sample setup, store the password in the configuration load list that
the central configuration server uses to load its AAGP file every time the
agent starts.
Encrypt the password using the itmpwdsnmp utility that is available on any
agent at V6.2.2 or later.
Here is an example of the display at the Linux command line:

Enter the password to be encrypted:

Confirm string:
Select the ID that agents use to access the central configuration server
For our sample setup, it is itmuser. The password is stored in the
configuration load list that is used by agents to connect to the central
configuration server.
Encrypt the password for the itmuser ID using the itmpwdsnmp utility.
(Define this ID on each agent. The ID is added to the agent's AAGP.)
Create the AAGP.xml file that adds the Administrative ID to the AD group
The Administrative ID used to access the central configuration server is
added to the predefined AD authorization group.
For our sample setup, we save the AAGP.xml file saved on the central
configuration server in the install_dir/configserver/common directory.

This AAGP.xml file sets the AAGP on the central configuration server. For
our sample setup, the central configuration server will serve that same file

448 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

to agents that connect to it. This simplifies our sample setup. Nonetheless,
you can have different sets of agents collect unique AAGP files with
different sets of IDs and groups so that a different set of permissions is in
place for working with the Agent Service Interface on those agents. The
AAGP they download is used when connecting to their Agent Service
Interface. The agents use the IDs defined in the AAGP that the agent
collected to connect to the central configuration server.
Create the configuration load list for the central configuration server
For our sample setup, we use a Linux OS agent as the central
configuration server, so we create install_dir/localconfig/
lz_cnfglist.xml, which is the default location for the agent's configuration
load list. (Having the load list file in the localconfig directory is one
reasons we moved the default central configuration repository location
the same localconfig files that it serves to other agents, but it might be
more convenient to keep the files separate that the central configuration
server distributes.) The cnfglist.xml allows the central configuration
server to load the AAGP to itself:
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}qNf3u5TzYsiNXRacS4/sXQ==" />
Disp="AAGP" />
Create a generic bootstrap configuration load list
Create a generic bootstrap configuration load list that agents will use to
find the specific load list that provides the complete list of files they
should collect. This step is not required, but it lets you change how you
organize files on the central configuration server. There are many ways to
do this.
For our sample setup, we create install_dir/configserver/common/
bootstrap_cnfglist.xml with the following settings:
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}2fhfCvELPHKm94/OkbOjyw==" />
Activate="YES" />

There is no need to include the AAGP for the agent in the bootstrap
CNFGLIST. The agent uses this file to locate the unique configlist that the
agent should use. This CNFGLIST is only in effect for a few seconds. In
our sample, the agent looks in the directory identified by the
@PRODUCT@ keyword for a file called cnfglist.xml. It is best practice to
look for the bootstrap CNFGLIST in the config server to allow agents to
identify their CNFGLIST by changing this file directly on the config server
(rather than changing the mechanism on each agent for beginning central
config operations).

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 449

Create a CNFGLIST that all windows OS agents will use
For our sample, create the configuration load list in install_dir\
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}qNf3u5TzYsiNXRacS4/sXQ==" />
Disp="AAGP" />
Activate="YES" />
Activate="YES" />
Activate="RESTART" />
Create a CNFGLIST that all Linux OS agents will use
For our sample, create the configuration load list in install_dir/
configserver/lz/cnfglist.xml. These are the agents that we want to
collect all of the files in install_dir/configserver/myfiles.
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}2fhfCvELPHKm94/OkbOjyw==" />
Disp="AAGP" />
Activate="YES" />
LocalPath="@ITMHOME@/tmp" />
LocalPath="@ITMHOME@/tmp" />
Create the other files that you want to distribute
Create configuration load lists for the other agent product codes and other
files that you want to deploy and place them on the central configuration
Enable the monitoring agents to start using Centralized Configuration
“Centralized Configuration startup” on page 451 describes several ways to
start using Centralized Configuration.

450 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

For our sample setup, you can set these environment variables in the client
agent's environment file:

Or you can create this install_dir/localconfig/pc/pc_confglist.xml file:

Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}2fhfCvELPHKm94/OkbOjyw==" />
Activate="YES" />

Centralized Configuration startup

After you have designed the configuration load list for each agent and created the
central configuration server, you are ready for the agents to connect and start using
Centralized Configuration.

You can enable an agent to use Centralized Configuration by editing the agent
environment variables to specify a default central configuration server, by placing
the configuration load list file on the computer and restarting the agent, or by
submitting a service interface request.

Initiating Centralized Configuration with agent environment

You can use the agent environment variables for Centralized Configuration to
identify the location of the central configuration server and download the initial
(bootstrap) configuration load list. These environment variables are used only if no
local configuration load list exists.

After the initial configuration load list file is established, the monitoring agent uses
that file and no longer attempts to use the environment variables. Deleting the
local configuration load list (on the system monitor agent you also must run a
silent installation) causes the agent to again use the environment variables to
download the bootstrap configuration load list. (See “Bootstrap configuration load
list” on page 442.)

Initiating with enterprise monitoring agent environment variables:

Use the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent's Centralized Configuration

environment variables to point to the central configuration server and download
the initial configuration load list.

1. On the computer where the enterprise monitoring agent is installed, open the
agent environment file from Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services or
from the command line:
v Start Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services:
Click Start → Programs →IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 451

Enterprise Monitoring Services
Where ITM_dir is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
installation directory, change to the ITM_dir/bin directory and run ./itmcmd
manage [-h ITM_dir]. Right-click the monitoring agent and click Advanced →
Edit ENV File.
v At the command line, change to the agent configuration directory and open
the environment file in a text editor. Where pc is the two-character product
2. Specify how to connect to a central configuration server and download the
initial (bootstrap) configuration load list:
Specifies the server URL. For example,
Specifies the server user ID. Default: itmuser.
Specifies the user password either in plain text or AES encrypted
password string.
Specifies the path to the configuration load list on the central
configuration server. The default is loadlist/@PRODUCT@. See
“Configuration load list keyword substitution” on page 440 for a list of
Specifies the name of the configuration load list file on the central
configuration server. Default: cnfglist.xml.
3. Save the environment file and recycle the agent to apply the changes.

Setting Centralized Configuration environment variables during system monitor

agent installation:

You can use a system monitor agent's Centralized Configuration environment

variables in the silent response file to point to the central configuration server and
download the initial (bootstrap) configuration load list.

About this task

System monitor agents are started at the end of their silent installation. Without
local configuration files, the agents run but do not run private situations or send
SNMP alerts or EIF events. Using Centralized Configuration, the agent can retrieve
these files and begin using them immediately. The system monitoring agent
installation uses entries in the silent response file to create entries in the agent's
environment file.

For more information about the silent response file, how to configure it, and how
to invoke it, see “Monitoring your operating system via a System Monitor Agent”
in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

1. Locate the pc_silent_install.txt response file (such as ux_silent_install.txt) on the
Tivoli Monitoring Agent installation media and make a copy of it.

452 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

2. Open the silent response file in a text editor.
3. Specify how to connect to the central configuration server and download the
initial configuration load list.
Specifies the server URL. For example,
Specifies the server user ID. Default: itmuser.
Specifies the user password as an AES encrypted password string. If
you want to enter it in plain text, prefix the environment variable with
SETENV_ instead of SETENCR_.
Specifies the path to the configuration load list on the central
configuration server. The default is loadlist/@PRODUCT@. See
“Configuration load list keyword substitution” on page 440 for a list of
Specifies the name of the configuration load list file on the central
configuration server. Default: cnfglist.xml.

The SETENV_parameter=value statements create parameter=value statements in

the agent environment file; SETENCR_parameter=value statements create
parameter={AES256:keyfile:a}encryptedvalue statements.
4. Invoke the silent installation procedure as described in the Example of a silent
installation file named nt_silent_installcc.txt that is invoked on a Windows
silentInstall.cmd -p nt_silent_installcc.txt

Example of a silent installation file named ux_silent_installcc.txt in the

/opt/IBM/sma path on a UNIX system: -h /opt/IBM/sma/ -p ux_silent_installcc.txt


This example shows how a copy of nt_silent_install.txt from the installation media
might be edited to install a system monitor agent on the local computer and
configure it for Centralized Configuration:
;License Agreement=I agree to use the software only in accordance with
the installed license.
License Agreement=I agree to use the software only in accordance with
the installed license.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 453

Initiating Centralized Configuration with a load list file
If you have created a configuration load list file, initiate Centralized Configuration
by placing it in the proper location and starting the agent. You can do this
manually, using a non-agent deploy bundle, or through the command line interface
using the tacmd putfile.

Initiating by manually placing the load list file:

You can initiate Centralized Configuration by placing the configuration load list
file in the agent configuration directory and recycling the agent.

Before you begin

Create the configuration load list file using the XML tagging described in
“Configuration load list XML specification” on page 434.

1. Access the system locally and place the configuration load list pc_cnfglist.xml in
the agent's install_dir/localconfig/pc directory, where pc is the two-character
product code.
2. Recycle the agent.


During startup, the configuration load list file is read for the central configuration
server connection URL and the files to download from there.

Initiating with remote deployment of non-agent bundles:

If your environment contains a large number of existing agents that are connected
to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, you might prefer to use remote
deployment to distribute the configuration load list to the agents. You can use the
Agent Builderto build non-agent deployment bundles.

1. Use Agent Builder to create a non-agent deploy bundle. See the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Agent Builder User's Guide (
tivihelp/v61r1/topic/ for
a. Add the common bootstrap configuration load list confglist.xml file to the
b. Create your own copy command that copies the file to the correct location
for the agent that you plan to deploy to. Here is an example of an
installation command for the Linux OS agent:
cp |DEPLOYDIR|/cnfglist.xml |CANDLEHOME|/localconfig/lz/lz_cnfglist.xml
c. Recycle the agent to start using the new configuration load list after it is
v Optionally, create a post-installation command that uses the Agent
Management Services watchdog to recycle the agent. Create a command

454 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

for each platform that you plan to support because you must specify the
fully qualified path to the pasctrl utility that is located in the agent's
binary architecture directory.
v Here are some post-installation commands that could be used:

install_dir\TMAITM6[_x64]\kcapasctrl.exe recycle nt

install_dir/lx8266/lz/bin/ recycle lz

install_dir/aix526/ux/bin/ recycle ux
v Non-OS agents still use the watchdog from the OS agent. A
multi-instance DB2 agent on Windows, for example, that is managed by
Agent Management Services requires that you specify the instance name
in the post-installation command. Therefore, including the restart in the
deploy bundle might not be the best method but can be done if standard
instance names are used.
install_dir\tmaitm6\kcapasctrl.exe recycle –o db2inst1 ud
v You could also include a script in the deploy bundle that contains more
advanced logic to recycle agent instances and call that script in a
post-installation command.
d. Generate the remote deployment bundle.
e. If the agent was not restarted using a post-installation command in the
deploy bundle, recycle the agent to activate the configuration load list.
v See “Starting, stopping, and recycling an agent through the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal” on page 289.
v OS agents can be recycled in the portal client using the AMS Recycle
Agent Instance TakeAction
v The AMS Recycle Agent Instance Take Action command can also be run
using the CLI tacmd executeAction. Here are some examples for the OS

tacmd executeaction -n "AMS Recycle Agent Instance" -t nt –m

Primary:winhost:NT -c value="Monitoring Agent for Windows OS,

tacmd executeaction -n "AMS Recycle Agent Instance" -t lz –m

linuxhost:LZ -c value="Monitoring Agent for Linux OS,klzagent,,"

tacmd executeaction -n "AMS Recycle Agent Instance" -t ux –m

unixhost:KUX -c value="Monitoring Agent for Unix OS,kuxagent,,"
2. Add the bundle to your depot using the CLI tacmd addbundles.
3. Deploy the bundle to the agents using Add Managed System in the portal
client (see “Adding an agent through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal” on page 287)
or through the CLI using tacmd addSystem from the monitoring server (see
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference (

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 455

4. If the agent was not restarted using a post-installation command in the deploy
bundle, recycle the agent to activate the configuration load list as described in
step 1.e.

Initiating with tacmd putfile:

You can initiate Centralized Configuration using the CLI tacmd putfile to transfer
the configuration load list to the monitoring agent.

About this task

Take these steps to push the configuration load list to the monitoring agent where
you want to initiate Centralized Configuration. The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command
Reference ( describes the tacmds and their
syntax and includes examples.

1. Log onto the to the hub monitoring server:
tacmd login –s myhubserver –u myusername –p mypassword –t 1440

where myhubserver is the fully qualified host name of the hub monitoring
server, and myusername and mypassword is a valid user ID for logging onto the
monitoring server operating system.
2. Push the file: tacmd putfile –m Primary:winhost:NT -s C:\config\cnfglist.xml
-d C:\IBM\ITM\localconfig\nt\nt_cnfglist.xml -t text
3. Recycle the agent to activate the configuration load list. See Starting, stopping,
and recycling an agent through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
v OS agents can also be recycled in the portal client using the AMS Recycle
Agent Instance Take Instance: Open the Agent Management Services
workspace of the OS Agent; right-click the OS agent in the “Agent Runtime
Status” table view and click Take Action - Select; select AMS Recycle Agent
v The AMS Recycle Agent Instance Take Action command can also be run
using the CLI tacmd executeAction. Here are some samples for the OS

tacmd executeaction -n "AMS Recycle Agent Instance" -t nt -m

Primary:winhost:NT -c value="Monitoring Agent for Windows OS,

tacmd executeaction -n "AMS Recycle Agent Instance" -t lz -m

linuxhost:LZ -c value="Monitoring Agent for Linux OS,klzagent,,"

tacmd executeaction -n "AMS Recycle Agent Instance" -t ux -m

unixhost:KUX -c value="Monitoring Agent for Unix OS,kuxagent,,"

Initiating Centralized Configuration with a service interface

You can submit service interface requests interactively in a browser or use kshsoap
to submit service interface requests from a script. Use the service interface to
initiate Centralized Configuration by submitting the configuration load list as a

456 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Initiating in the Agent Service Interface:

Use the Agent Service Interface to initiate Centralized Configuration by submitting

the configuration load list as a request.

About this task

Complete these steps to enter the configuration load list as a request in the Agent
Service Interface.

1. Open a browser and access the agent's Service Index with the URL,
http://hostname:1920 or https://hostname:3661, where hostname is the
fully-qualified name or IP address of the computer where the monitoring agent
is installed.
2. Click the IBM Tivoli pc Agent Service Interface link for the agent, where pc is
the two-character product code.
3. As prompted, enter the user name and password. The ID must be a member of
the Access Authorization Group Profile's Administrative group on the central
configuration client agent.
4. Select the link to the Service Interface Request.
5. Paste the contents of the configuration load list XML file into the Agent Service
Interface Request text box, then submit the request.

What to do next

You can use the Agent Service Interface to submit the configuration load list as a
service interface request whenever you want to refresh the local configuration

Initiating using the Service Interface API (kshsoap):

The Service Interface is an API that allows the creation of a custom interface.
Sample HTML files are provided with the agents to demonstrate the function of
the Service Interface. The API can also be accessed programmatically using Java,
Visual Basic, Perl, HTML and other languages. The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server includes a command line utility called kshsoap that can be used within a
script to submit these service interface requests. You can use kshsoap to initiate
Centralized Configuration.

1. Create a file called request.xml with <UUSER> and <UPASS> elements to
specify the credentials that kshsoap requires to connect to the Agent Service
Interface. This ID must be defined on the target systems that you plan to
submit the request to. As well, the ID must be a member of the Administrative
group in the target agent's Access Authorization Group Profile. Example:
Password="{AES256:keyfile:a}vHBiEqmmvylNPs90Dw1AhQ==" />

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 457

Activate="YES" />

The <UUSER> and <UPASS> elements can be replaced by <UNAME> and

<UWORD> if you do not want your password encrypted and prefer to enter it
in plain text.
2. Create another text file named urls.txt containing the URLs of the Agent
Service Interface Request. Example:
3. Use kshsoap to send request.xml to the Service Interfaces listed in urls.txt. On
a Windows-based monitoring server, kshsoap.exe is in the install_dir\CMS
directory; on a Linux or UNIX-based monitoring server, kshsoap.exe is located
in the install_dir/interp/ms/bin directory.
install_dir\CMS\kshsoap path_to_file\request.xml path_to_file\urls.txt
path_to_file/request.xml path_to_file/urls.txt

Agent autonomy on z/OS

Throughout the agent autonomy topics are references to files and exceptions on
z/OS-based monitoring agents. This topic consolidates that information.
Central configuration server
The central configuration server must be on a distributed system; the z/OS
system is not supported.
Configuration load list
The monitoring agent downloads all items in the configuration load list at
agent startup. The agent uses the initial file download timestamp as
reference and begins keeping track of the configuration file last modified
time. A change to the server copy of the file occurring after this timestamp
is downloaded and the timestamp for when the file was last modified is
Default names for z/OS monitoring agent local configuration members in the
RKANDATV data set
Where PC is the two-character product code:
Local Configuration Load data set member name
Local threshold override file name.
Local SNMP trap configuration file name
Local agent private situation configuration file name
PCEIF Local Agent EIF eventmap configuration file name
Local Agent EIF destination configuration file name

458 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Activate="RESTART" is not supported on z/OS
The RESTART option is used to restart the agent after a successful file
download. It is not supported on the z/OS or i5 operating systems. The
agent process must be restarted in another manner to activate the new
Multiple agents running in the same address space
Any override parameters defined in the KDSENV member of the
&hilev.&rte.RKANPARU data set are used for all agents running within the
address space. This works well for IRA_EIF_DEST_CONFIG, because all agents
will likely share the same EIF event destination. The other override
parameters can also be used, but the data set members identified might
need to combine definitions for multiple agents, which is not
recommended. The best practice is to use the default naming convention
for local configuration data set members when running multiple agents in
the same address space.
Password encryption
Local configuration XML files include user credentials with passwords that
can be entered in plain text. Securing access to these configuration files is
usually adequate to secure the credentials. You can also add a layer of
security by storing passwords in encrypted format within the configuration
If you are enabling SNMP alerts from the agent, SNMP v1 & v2c
Community Strings and SNMP v3 Authentication and Privacy Passwords
can be stored in encrypted format in the PCTRAPS.RKANDATV trap
configuration file.
If you are enabling Centralized Configuration, the ConfigServer password
attributes can be encrypted when they are stored in a
xxCFGLST.RKANDATV Configuration Load List file or using the
IRA_CONFIG_SERVER_PASSWORD environment variable.
See the topic on “Password encryption in configuration files on z/OS” in
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS
Common Planning and Configuration (
zcommonconfig/zcommonconfig.htm) for instructions.

Chapter 15. Agent-based services 459

460 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 16. Managing historical data
Tivoli Management Services provides tools for collecting and saving data samples,
displaying historical reports, uploading data to a relational database for long-term
storage or converting short-term history to delimited flat files, and data
aggregation and pruning. These topics describe the components used for historical
data collection, how they store data, and best practices for configuring data
collection and maintaining the database.

The “Tivoli Data Warehouse solutions” topics in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Installation and Setup Guide describe how to install and configure a Tivoli Data
Warehouse and its requisite agents, the warehouse proxy and the summarization
and pruning agent.

The “Historical collection configuration” topics in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's
Guide describe how to configure historical data collections for attribute groups,
how to get a report of historical data for a specified time range, how to apply
historical baselines to a chart for trend analysis, and how to model situation
thresholds using historical data.

The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference (

tivihelp/v61r1/topic/ describes
the tacmd history commands that can be entered at the command line for
configuring historical data collections, viewing their definitions, and exporting and
importing the historical data collection definitions.

About historical data collection

To make historical data available for reporting and analysis, you must set up
historical data collections. One or more of these collections are configured for each
attribute group that you want to collect historical data for, then distributed to the
managed systems that you specify.
Historical data collection
Configuration programs allow you to specify the collection of historical
data. The historical data is stored in short-term history files either at the
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server or at the monitoring agent. You can
choose to specify that historical data to be sent to the Tivoli Data
Warehouse database for long-term storage. The data model is the same
across the long-term and short-term historical data.
You can create another copy of a collection definition for an attribute
group, then configure the copy for different values for any of these criteria:
collection interval, warehouse interval, managed system distribution, or
attribute filtering. What remains the same for every historical collection
that is defined for an attribute group, however, is the Collection Location
(TEMA or TEMS) and the settings for Summarization and Pruning.
Distribute to Managed System (Agent) or Managing System (TEMS)
Each historical data collection has a method of distribution:
Managed System (Agent) is the default method and requires that any
managed system in the distribution connect to a Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server Version 6.2.2 or later. The distribution goes to a subset
of managed systems: the managed systems of that agent type that are

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 461

assigned individually or as part of a managed system group. Alternatively,
you can choose to assign managed systems for distribution to a historical
configuration group that the collection belongs to.
Managing System (TEMS) is the method that was used for distribution in
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.2.1 and earlier; it is the required method
for distribution if the managed system connects to a V6.2.1 or earlier
monitoring server. The distribution is to managed systems of that agent
type that are connected to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. If the
Managing System (TEMS) method has been chosen for a collection
definition, that collection becomes ineligible for membership in a historical
configuration group.
If you have upgraded to Tivoli Management Services Version 6.2.2 or later
from a release prior to Version 6.2.2, you get a historical collection
definition for each attribute group that was configured and the distribution
method is unchanged: Managing System (TEMS). If you would like to use
the distribution techniques that are available when distribution is by
managed system, change the distribution method for each collection
definition to Managed System (Agent).
Historical configuration object groups
Part of a historical collection definition is the distribution list, where the
managed systems are specified to save historical data samples for. You can
add the distribution directly to the historical collection, indirectly through
a historical configuration object group, or a combination of the two.
v Direct distribution involves assigning individual managed systems or
managed system groups or both to the historical collection. The
advantage of this method is that the distribution applies only to this
collection and you can easily add and remove managed systems as
v Indirect distribution involves assigning managed systems or managed
system groups or both to the historical configuration group that the
historical collection is a member of. The advantage of this method is that
you can establish one distribution list and apply it to multiple historical
collections simply by adding those collections to the historical group
Use historical configuration groups as a way to assign the same
distribution list to multiple historical collection definitions. You can then
control collection for the group rather than having to select historical
collection definitions individually. This feature is available when the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server are at
Version 6.2.2 or later and the distribution method for the collection is set to
Managed System (Agent).
Warehouse schema
The data warehouse has one or more tables for each product, with column
names that relate to the data contents. This platform follows a simple data
model that is based on the concept of attributes. An attribute is a
characteristic of a managed object (node). For example, Disk Name is an
attribute for a disk, which is a managed object.
Attributes can be single-row or multiple-row. Single-row attributes gather
only one set of data, such as the local time attributes because there is only
one set of values for local time at any one time. Multiple-row attributes can
gather multiple sets of data, such as the Avg_Queue attribute that returns
one set of data for each queue that exists on the system. Each attribute

462 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

belongs to an attribute group, and each attribute item stores data for a
particular property of the attribute group.
A table is generated for each attribute group and the table names are used
for collection of historical data. The individual monitoring agent user
guides contain complete descriptions of the attribute groups specific to that
Warehouse proxy
Managed systems to which data collection configurations have been
distributed send data to the Tivoli Data Warehouse through the warehouse
proxy agent, a multi-threaded server process that can handle concurrent
requests from multiple monitoring agents. If the warehouse proxy is not
reachable, the agent tries the transmission at the next warehouse interval
(next hour or next day, depending on the setting). If, at the next interval,
the warehouse proxy does not send back its status during transmission, the
transaction is restarted. Then the data is resent to the warehouse proxy
after 15 minutes. If the warehouse proxy sends back a status indicating a
failure, the transaction will be restarted at the next warehouse interval.
You can have multiple warehouse proxy agents in a monitored
environment. Install multiple warehouse proxy agents in a large
environment to spread the work of receiving historical data from the
monitoring agents and inserting it into the warehouse database.
If you do not intend to save historical data to a data warehouse, you do
not need to install and configure the warehouse proxy and the
summarization and pruning agent. If the data warehouse is not used, then
it is necessary to use additional programs to trim short-term history files.
Warehouse summarization and pruning
The warehouse summarization and pruning agent provides the ability to
customize the length of time for which to save data (pruning) and how
often to aggregate data (summarization) in the data warehouse. With
summarized data, the performance of queries can be improved
dramatically. And with data summarization and data pruning working
together, the amount of disk space used can be better managed.
Warehouse summarization is controlled on a per-table (attribute group)
basis. How the rows in each table are summarized is determined by a set
of attributes in each table that are designated as primary keys. There is
always one primary key, the ORIGINNODE (often called Server Name or
System Name), which means that data is summarized by the managed
resource. One or more additional primary keys are provided to further
refine the level of summarization for that table. For example, in an OS
agent disk table, a primary key might be the logical disk name, which allows
historical information be reported for each logical disk in the computer.
There can be only one summarization and pruning agent in the managed
environment; it connects directly to the Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Historical data collection configuration

After your configured historical data collections begin saving data samples, make
provisions to manage it. Without additional action, the history data files can grow
unchecked, using up valuable disk space.
Defining historical data collection
The Historical Collection Configuration window is available through the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal. You can specify the collection and storage of

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 463

historical data at either the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server or at the
remote system where the monitoring agent is installed. For flexibility in
using historical data collection, you can:
v Configure multiple collections for the same attribute group. Each
collection has a different distribution, can have a different collection
interval, and can have a different warehouse interval.
v Reduce the amount of data collected to only what passes a filter that
you create. For example, collect only the data samples with processor
busy time greater than 80%.
v Configure a historical collection for all managed systems on a specific
monitoring server when distribution is set to “Managing System
(TEMS)”, and for any managed system or set of managed systems when
distribution is set to “Managed System (Agent)”.
v Set the Collection Location to save short-term history at the monitoring
server or at the monitoring agent for each historical collection.
v Set the Collection Interval, how often to send data samples to the
short-term history file, from once a minute to once a day for each
historical collection.
v Set the Warehouse Interval, how often to save data into the Tivoli Data
Warehouse, from every 15 minutes to once a day for each historical
v Determine how and when to summarize and prune the data that is
stored in the data warehouse. Summarization and pruning is configured
for each attribute group that has one or more historical collections
v Start collection on a managed system by adding it (or a managed system
group it belongs to) to the distribution list of a historical collection or to
a historical configuration group that the collection is a member of.
v Stop collection on a managed system by removing it (or a managed
system group it belongs to) from the distribution list of a historical
collection or from a historical configuration group that the collection is a
member of.
v Create historical configuration groups with a distribution list and assign
collections to the group that you want to use the distribution.
Defining historical data collections from the command line
The historical data collection can also be configured using the
command-line interface tacmd hist commands:
bulkExportSit (to export historical data collections)

464 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

bulkImportSit (to import historical data collections)
If you have a test environment, you can write scripts that use tacmds for
configuring historical data collections and run the script on other test
computers or on the production system so that you do not need to repeat
the same configuration for each system. For more information about these
commands, see IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference
Avoid redundant data collection
It is possible to collect data twice or more for the same attribute group on
a managed system. This happens if you have configured multiple historical
collections for the same attribute group and distribute them to the same
managed system. Not only does this create more data traffic and use
storage space unnecessarily, your summarization values are skewed. The
skewing happens because the additional values sent by multiple collections
for the same attribute group are factored into the summarization
For a given historical collection, you need not be concerned about
inadvertently assigning the same managed system to the historical
collection distribution multiple times. The historical function is aware of
the managed systems the collection is distributed to and collects a data
sample only once for each managed system. A managed system is included
in the distribution of a historical data collection when it is:
v directly referenced in the collection definition
v in a managed system group that is referenced in the collection definition
v in the distribution of a historical configuration group that the historical
collection is a member of
v in a managed system group that is in the distribution of a historical
configuration group that the historical collection is a member of
Create filter formulas for granular data collection
The History Collection Configuration editor has a Filter tab with a formula
editor for writing filter criteria that specifies the data to collect. Historical
collection of a data sample only occurs if the values in the data row meet
the filter criteria. For example, if the attribute value for % Disk Write Time
is greater than 50%, the data sample is saved to short-term history;
otherwise the sample is not saved.
The filter criteria is configurable for each collection definition. Applying
filters to historical data collection can help reduce network traffic and
wasted disk space and improve summarization and pruning performance.
Be aware that filtered data collection can affect the results of trending
calculations that are performed with chart baselining and situation
modeling and of query-based views that include historical data. For
example, a filter to collect only rows where the process uses 80% or more
CPU means that a calculation of average values will be only of values 80%
and higher, rather than of all values.
Trimming short-term history files
If you have chosen to upload data through the warehouse proxy to the
Tivoli Data Warehouse, then the short-term history files on the monitoring
server or monitoring agent are automatically trimmed after upload.
Managing System (TEMS) collection type
Historical data collection can be specified for individual monitoring

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 465

servers, products, and attribute groups. However, all agents of the same
type that report directly to the same monitoring server must have the same
history collection options. Also, for a given attribute group, the same
history collection options are applied to all monitoring servers for which
that collection is currently enabled.
Collection location
The Collection Location is where the short-term historical data file resides:
at the TEMA (Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent) or the TEMS (Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server). The default location is TEMA, which
minimizes the performance impact on the monitoring server from historical
data management. However, there are some product and attribute group
combinations that are only collected at a specific place, either the
monitoring server or the monitoring agent.
On OMEGAMON XE products, the persistent data store is used
to store short-term history, so it must be configured at the collection
location. For any given agent, do not vary the collection location: collect all
historical data for the product either at the monitoring agent or monitoring
server. For agents that are configured in the same address space as the
monitoring servers (required for OMEGAMON XE for z/OS and
OMEGAMON XE for Storage on z/OS), configure the persistent data store
in the same address space, and specify TEMS as the collection location.
Aggregate and prune warehouse data
The Summarization and Pruning Agent is a mechanism for managing data
in the Tivoli Data Warehouse. The data in the warehouse is a historical
record of activity and conditions in your enterprise. Summarization of the
data is the process of aggregating your historical data into time-based
categories, for example, hourly, daily, weekly, and so on. Summarizing data
allows you to perform historical analysis of the data over time. Pruning of
the data keeps the database to manageable size and thus improves
performance. Pruning of the database should be performed at regular

Important: You can run only one summarization and pruning agent even
if you have multiple monitoring servers that are sharing a single Tivoli
Data Warehouse database. Running multiple summarization and pruning
agents causes database deadlocks and conflicts because the multiple
instances might attempt to summarize or prune the data in the tables
Converting short-term history files to delimited flat files
If you choose not to use the Tivoli Data Warehouse, then you must
institute roll-off jobs to regularly convert and empty out the history data
files. Roll-off programs are provided. In addition to trimming the history
data files, these scripts produce flat files which can be used with
third-party tools to produce trend analysis reports and graphics. There is
also an environment variable for setting the maximum size of history files.
See “Limiting the growth of short-term history files” on page 500.
Some attribute groups are ineligible for historical data collection
Some agents do not enable collection of history data for all of their
attribute groups. This is because the product development team for that
agent has determined that collecting history data for certain attribute
groups is not appropriate or might have a detrimental effect on
performance. This might be because of the vast amount of data that is
generated. Therefore, for each product, only attribute groups that are

466 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

available for history collection are shown in the History Collection
Configuration window when you click a Monitored Application.

Changing the directory for short-term history files

When historical data has been configured to be collected at the agent (TEMA; not
TEMS), use the agent environment variable CTIRA_HIST_DIR to change the
directory where historical data is collected. You might, for example, want to store
the history files on a disk that provides more storage capacity than the default
history data file location provides.

Before you begin

The directory must be an existing directory, you must specify the full path, and
your operating system user ID must have write permission for this directory. If the
directory does not exist, the agent will not collect historical data.

About this task

Take these steps to edit the CTIRA_HIST_DIR agent environment variable to
establish a different directory to store the short-term history files.

1. In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window, right-click the
monitored application and click Advanced → Edit Variables.
2. In the Override Local Variable Settings window, click Add.
3. Scroll through the variable list and select CTIRA_HIST_DIR
4. In the Value field, replace @LogPath@ with the full path to the directory where
you want the short-term history to be saved.
5. Click OK to see CTIRA_HIST_DIR in the Variable column and the new path
in the Value column; and click OK again to close the window. The value is
recorded in the KpcENV file, such as KNTENV.
6. Recycle the agent to have your changes take effect.
1. Change to the <itm_install_dir>/config directory and open pc.ini in a text
editor, where pc is the two-character product code. For example,
/opt/IBM/ITM/config/ux.ini for the UNIX OS agent. For a list of product
codes, see “IBM Tivoli product, platform, and component codes” in the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
2. On a new line, add this environment variable followed by the full path to the
location where you want the short-term history to be saved:
3. Save and close the file.
4. Recycle the agent to have your changes take effect.

Performance impact of historical data requests

The impact of historical data collection and warehousing on Tivoli Management
Services components is dependent on multiple factors, including collection interval,
frequency of roll-off to the data warehouse, number and size of historical tables
collected, system size, and more.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 467

Impact of large amounts of historical data on the monitoring
server or agent
The default location for storing short-term historical data is at the monitoring
agent, although in certain configurations the monitoring server might be

This topic presents factors to consider when determining

v The attribute groups to collect historical data on
v Where to save the short-term data files
v How frequently to send historical data samples to the short-term collection
v Whether to warehouse data from the attribute group and, if so, how frequently
to send the data from short-term history files to the data warehouse
The collection location can be negatively impacted when large amounts of data are
processed. This occurs because the warehousing process on the monitoring server
or the monitoring agent must read the large row set from the short-term history
files. The data must then be transmitted by the warehouse proxy to the data
warehouse. For large datasets, this impacts memory, CPU resources, and, especially
when collection is at the monitoring server, disk space.

Because of its ability to handle numerous requests simultaneously, the impact on

the monitoring server might not be as great as the impact on the monitoring agent.
Nonetheless, when historical collection is at the monitoring server, the history data
file for one attribute group can contain data for many agents (all the agents storing
their data at the monitoring server) thus making a larger dataset. As well, requests
against a large dataset also impact memory and resources at the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server.

When historical data is stored at the agent, the history file for one attribute group
contains data only for that agent and is much smaller than the one stored at the
monitoring server. The most recent 24 hours worth of data comes from short-term
history files. Beyond 24 hours, the data is retrieved from the Tivoli Data
Warehouse. (You can change the break point with the
KFW_REPORT_TERM_BREAK_POINT portal server environment variable.) This
action is transparent to the user; however, requests returning a large a amount of
data can negatively impact the performance of monitoring servers, monitoring
agents, and your network.

If a query goes to the short-term history file and retrieves a large amount of data,
this retrieval can consume a large amount of CPU and memory and users can
experience low system performance while the data is being retrieved. When
processing a large data request, the agent might be prevented from processing
other requests until this one has completed. This is important with many
monitoring agents because the agent can typically process only one view query or
situation at a time.

A best practice that can be applied to the historical collection, to the view query,
or both is to use filters to limit the data before it gets collected or reported. For
historical collections, pre-filtering is done in the Filter tab of the Historical
Collection Configuration editor or the filter option of the CLI tacmd
histcreatecollection command, as described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command
Reference ( and “Creating a historical
collection” in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide. For workspace views,
pre-filtering is done in the Query editor by creating another query from a

468 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

predefined query and adding a filter to the specification, as described in “Creating
another query” in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide.

Requests for historical data from large tables

Requests for historical data from tables that collect a large amount of data have a
negative impact on the performance of the Tivoli Management Services
components involved. To reduce the performance impact on your system, set a
longer collection interval or create a filter (or both) for tables that collect a large
amount of data.

For optimal performance, best practice is to ensure the short term history file
does not exceed 1 GB.

You specify the collection interval and filter criteria in the History Collection
Configuration window. To find out the disk space requirements for tables in your
IBM Tivoli Monitoring product, see the specific agent's documentation.

While displaying a query-based view, you can set the Time Span interval to obtain
data from previous samplings. Selecting a long time span interval for the report
time span adds to the amount of data being processed, and might have a negative
impact on performance. The program must dedicate more memory and CPU cycles
to process a large volume of report data. In this instance, specify a shorter time
span setting, especially for tables that collect a large amount of data.

If a report rowset is too large, the report request can drop the task and return to
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal with no rows because the agent took too long to
process the request. However, the agent continues to process the report data to
completion, and remains blocked, even though the report data is not viewable.

The historical report data from the z/OS Persistent Data Store might not be
available. This situation occurs because the Persistent Data Store might be not be
available while its maintenance job is running.

Scheduling the warehousing of historical data

The same issues with requesting large rowsets for historical reports apply to
scheduling the warehousing of historical data only once a day. The more data
being collected and stored, the more resources required to read data into memory
and to transmit to the data warehouse. If possible, make the warehousing rowset
smaller by spreading the warehousing load over each hour, that is, by setting the
warehousing interval to one per hour, rather than one day.

Using a data mart to improve long or complex queries

This section describes the how a data mart can be used to increase the performance
of your primary datastore.

Within the Tivoli Management Services infrastructure, the warehouse proxy

regularly inserts new data from the short-term history files into the data
warehouse tables. This detailed data is derived by queries from historical views to
report this information and can be derived by queries from an external reporting
tool. Any active datastore needs to balance read and write activity to maximize
performance of the datastore. The data warehouse has periodic write activity
balanced with frequent read activity for formatting and creating reports. Under
some circumstances (especially formatting reports over long durations or executing
complex queries), the database read and write activity can become unbalanced and

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 469

result in abnormal wait times. Under these circumstances, you can significantly
improve performance by adding a secondary datastore, commonly called a data
mart, for reports from causing long or complex data queries.

Depending upon the reporting requirements, there are two mechanisms that can be
used, exploiting the open interfaces that are included with the warehouse:
1. If the complete database is required, use the Database Replication Facilities of
the Tivoli Data Warehouse RDBMS.
2. Write and schedule SQL extract scripts, similar to ETL Scripts in Tivoli Data
Warehouse V1.x, to extract desired data elements at a scheduled interval from
the Tivoli Data Warehouse and populate a reporting database. This reporting
database can be optimized for use by an external reporting tool, just like data
marts were used in Tivoli Data Warehouse V1.x. These scripts can be SQL
Scripts, shell scripts, or PERL scripts.

Sample data mart SQL script for IBM Tivoli Monitoring

The following SQL script is an sample script of how you can create and populate a
data mart. Your actual script needs to be revised to reflect your environment.
-- Example data mart SQL Script for TDW 2.1
-- This scripts demonstrates the creation and population
-- of a data mart (similar to the data marts in TDW 1.x)
-- starting from the "flat" tables in TDW 2.1.
-- This script can be run using the DB2 UDB CLP:
-- db2 -tvf myscript
-- 1. Create hourly "flat" table from TDW 2.1 (simulated)
-- One row per hour per Windows system
drop table itmuser."Win_System_H";
create table itmuser."Win_System_H" (
"Server_Name" CHAR( 64 ),
"Operating_System_Type" CHAR( 16 ),
"Network_Address" CHAR( 16 ),
"MIN_%_Total_Privileged_Time" INTEGER,
"MAX_%_Total_Privileged_Time" INTEGER,
"AVG_%_Total_Privileged_Time" INTEGER,
"MIN_%_Total_Processor_Time" INTEGER,
"MAX_%_Total_User_Time" INTEGER,
"AVG_%_Total_User_Time" INTEGER );

-- 2. Insert example data

insert into itmuser."Win_System_H" values (

’1050917030000000’, ’Primary:WinServ1:NT’, ’Windows_2000’, ’’,
20, 40, 30, 10, 30, 20 );

insert into itmuser."Win_System_H" values (

20, 40, 30, 10, 30, 20 );

insert into itmuser."Win_System_H" values (

20, 40, 30, 10, 30, 20 );

insert into itmuser."Win_System_H" values (

20, 40, 30, 10, 30, 20 );

-- 3. Create a dimension table for the hosts

-- primary key is Server_ID, a generated value
-- alternate key is Server_Name, Network_Address

470 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

drop table itmuser."D_Win_System";
create table itmuser."D_Win_System" (
"Server_Name" CHAR( 64 ),
"Operating_System_Type" CHAR( 16 ),
"Network_Address" CHAR( 16 ) );

-- 4. Create an hourly fact table for the System facts

-- Server_ID is a foreign key to D_Win_System

drop table itmuser."F_Win_System_H";

create table itmuser."F_Win_System_H" (
"MIN_%_Total_Privileged_Time" INTEGER,
"MAX_%_Total_Privileged_Time" INTEGER,
"AVG_%_Total_Privileged_Time" INTEGER,
"MIN_%_Total_Processor_Time" INTEGER,
"MAX_%_Total_User_Time" INTEGER,
"AVG_%_Total_User_Time" INTEGER,
constraint SERVID foreign key ("Server_ID")
references itmuser."D_Win_System" ("Server_ID")

-- 5. Insert into the dimension table

-- only insert rows that do not already exist

insert into itmuser."D_Win_System" (

"Network_Address" )
min("Operating_System_Type") as "Operating_System_Type",
itmuser."Win_System_H" h
not exists ( select 1 from
itmuser."D_Win_System" d
where d."Server_Name" = h."Server_Name"
and d."Network_Address" = h."Network_Address"
group by

-- 6. Check values in dimension table

select * from itmuser."D_Win_System"

-- 7. Insert into the fact table

-- only insert rows that do not already exist
insert into itmuser."F_Win_System_H"
d."Server_ID" ,
h."MIN_%_Total_Privileged_Time" ,
h."MAX_%_Total_Privileged_Time" ,
h."AVG_%_Total_Privileged_Time" ,
h."MIN_%_Total_Processor_Time" ,
h."MAX_%_Total_User_Time" ,

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 471

itmuser."Win_System_H" h,
itmuser."D_Win_System" d
where d."Server_Name" = h."Server_Name"
and d."Network_Address" = h."Network_Address"
and not exists ( select 1 from
itmuser."F_Win_System_H" f
and f."Server_ID" = d."Server_ID"

-- 8. Check values in fact table

select * from itmuser."F_Win_System_H"

-- 9. Repeat"5. Insert into the dimension table"

-- and "7. Insert into the fact table" on a daily basis

See the IBM Redbooks® publication, Introduction to Tivoli Enterprise Data Warehouse
at for references and additional sample SQL
extract scripts.

Tivoli Data Warehouse and short-term history configuration

This section addresses some of the short-term history configurations in relation to
the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.

Naming of the Tivoli Data Warehouse history tables and columns

The history tables in the Tivoli Data Warehouse database have the same names as
the group names of history tables and columns. For example, Windows NT history
for group name NT_System is collected in a short-term file having the name
WTSYSTEM. Historical data in this file, WTSYSTEM, is stored to the database in a
table named NT_System.

The warehouse proxy uses the complete product attribute name to create DBMS
table and column identifiers. This includes any special characters found in an
attribute name. When the length of an attribute name exceeds the maximum table
or column name length supported by a DBMS product, the warehouse proxy uses
the internal table and column names as defined in the product attribute file.

The WAREHOUSEID table is located in the Tivoli Data Warehouse database. It

contains records that describe any attribute or table names that exceed the DBMS
maximum name length and that have been converted to internal table or column
names. You can query this table to find out the correct name for a table or a
column that has been internally converted. Each attribute group name in this table
has a RECTYPE value of "TAB". Only the TABLENAME and OBJECTNAME values
are filled in. Each attribute column name has a RECTYPE value of "COL". All other
column values in WAREHOUSEID are filled in. The WAREHOUSE ID table has
these definitions:
Indicates the type of record: "TAB" for table; "COL" for column.
Indicates an internal table name.
Indicates an attribute group name.

472 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Indicates an internal column name.
Indicates an attribute name.

The warehouse proxy automatically creates an associated index for each data table
in the warehouse database. The index is based on WRITETIME and ORIGINNODE
(whose display name can be “Server_Name,” “System_Name," and so on,
depending on the table) and the TMZDIFF (time zone difference) columns. The
index name is the short name of the table, with an “_IDX” suffix.

Use of double quotes to ensure correct access to all data

All data warehouse table or column names for all major DBMS products are
created by surrounding them with the DBMS-supported quoted identifier
characters. When referencing historical data in the warehouse database, you must
use the double-quote character to ensure correct access to that data. Some database
products, such as Microsoft SQL Server, do not require the use of double quotes.

If you created SQL queries or stored procedures prior to IBM Tivoli Monitoring
V6.2.1 for use with the previous version of the historical data collection program,
these now might need to be modified. The SQL needs to take into account the fact
that some relational database products (such as Oracle) require all table and
column names to be surrounded by double quotation marks to access IBM history
data, some agents might have changed their data characterizations or added new

Warehouse proxy ATTRLIB directory

The ATTRLIB directory in the warehouse proxy is automatically created for you at
product installation time. On a Windows system, this directory is located in
ITM_dir\tmaitm6\attrlib. On an operating system such as UNIX, this directory is
located in ITM_dir/hd/tables.

During installation, if the warehouse proxy is installed on the same computer

where other agents are installed, the agent product attribute files that are accessible
to the installation program are added to the ATTRLIB directory. The warehouse
proxy uses the attribute file in only one specific condition: when the monitoring
agent version is earlier than version 6.1.0.

The attribute file allows determination of the table or column internal name when
the length of an attribute name exceeds the maximum table or column name
length that a warehouse DBMS product supports. In that condition only, the
attribute file must be in the ATTRLIB directory. If the warehouse proxy is installed
on a separate computer and you have a monitoring agent that is not at the latest
level, you must copy the attribute file of that agent to the ATTRLIB directory
where the warehouse proxy is installed.

If you see an error message stating that an export failed because a particular
product attribute file was missing from this directory, locate the missing product
attribute file and copy it into the ATTRLIB directory.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 473

Changes in the set of collected attributes

When changes are detected in the set of collected attributes, such as when a new
version of an agent with added attributes is deployed, the historical program
performs these functions:
v If warehousing is specified in the current historical data collection request, all
collected historical data for the table is exported to the data warehouse. If the
warehousing operation is successful, all short-term history data and meta files
are deleted.
If the operation fails (for example, if the warehouse proxy is not available), the
short-term historical data and meta files are renamed. On the z/OS operating
system environment, if a generic table is used to store the data, the short-term
historical data for a table are deleted regardless of whether the warehousing
operation is successful or not.
– Windows and UNIX operating system environments
On these operating system environments, the history data and meta files are
renamed with the .prv and .prvhdr suffixes respectively.
– IBM i operating system environment
On this operating system environment, the history data and meta files are
renamed with the P and Q suffixes respectively.
If the renamed files already exist, they are deleted prior to the renaming
operation (that is, only one generation of changed short-term history files is
v If warehousing is NOT specified in the current historical data collection request,
the history data and meta file are renamed as described above. On z/OS, if a
generic table is used to store the data, all short-term history data for a table
together with its meta record are deleted.

Tivoli Data Warehouse range partition migrations

Range partitioning is a database data organization feature that can significantly
improve pruning and query performance in large Tivoli Data Warehouse databases.
You can migrate your existing tables to partitioned tables to take advantage of the
performance improvements provided with partitioned tables.

To use partitioned tables, the Summarization and Pruning agent and Warehouse
Proxy agent must both be configured with partitioning enabled and the Tivoli Data
Warehouse must allow partitioning.

The migration and required cleanup is handled using scripts generated by the
schema publication tool in migrate mode. The scripts provide the following
This script creates a stored procedure to redefine the source table to a new
partitioned table and creates the control tables required for migration, such
This script invokes the stored procedure created in the setup script. The
stored procedure renames the source table to MIGRATING_<short table
name>, creates the new partitioned table, loads the data from the source
table to the new table, and then renames the source table to DONE_<short
table name>.

474 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

This script recreates the indices on the new partitioned tables, deletes the
source tables, and grants SELECT to PUBLIC on the tables.

You can also migrate tables partitioned using a partitioning scheme different than
the Tivoli Data Warehouse partitioning scheme. Only a table partitioned with the
Tivoli Data Warehouse scheme can be managed by the Summarization and Pruning
agent. If you want to continue to use your user-defined partitioning scheme, use
the KSY_TABLE_FILTER variable to list only the tables you want migrated.

A migrated table's partitions are defined based on the table's retention period and
the forward partitions parameter. The forward partitions parameter is a configuration
parameter defined in the Summarization and Pruning configuration file using the
variable KSY_PARTITIONS_UPWARD. The retention period is the pruning
parameter defined on the attribute group you select through the History
Configuration dialog in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal or through the command line.

For more information about range partitioning, see “Tivoli Data Warehouse range
partitioning” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

The status tables WAREHOUSELOG and WAREHOUSEAGGREGLOG, can also be

migrated. These tables can be filtered by specifying them in the KSY_TABLE_FILTER
variable or by product code KHD for WAREHOUSELOG and KSY for the
WAREHOUSEAGGREGLOG in the KSY_PRODUCT_FILTER variable. These tables are
treated as detailed tables if the KSY_SUMMARIZATION_FILTER is used.

Prerequisites and best practices

Before you begin, ensure the following criteria is met:

v Ensure you have sufficient disk space, since during the migration two copies of
the same data are present until the source table is deleted. You need at least
twice the disk space of the tables being migrated.
v Define pruning for all the tables being migrated before the migration, so that data
can be properly pruned after the tables are partitioned.
v Stop the Summarization and Pruning agent and Warehouse Proxy agent during
the migration period. Also stop any reports or external users of the tables being
v Ensure that your Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server application support is updated.
The portal server and agent application support must match.

Best practice is to migrate the tables in batches. This practice reduces the amount
of disk space required for migration and the amount of time the Summarization
and Pruning agent and Warehouse Proxy agent need to be offline. A batch of tables
can be migrated within a maintenance window.

Migrating non-partitioned tables to partitioned tables for DB2

on Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Use the following steps to migrate non-partitioned tables if you are using DB2 on
Linux, UNIX, or Windows.

Before you begin

Review the “Prerequisites and best practices.” You must ensure you have enough
disk space.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 475

The Tivoli Data Warehouse user must have the following privileges:
The DB2 migration uses the load utility to copy data. To grant load authority,
login to DB2 as a user with SYSADM or DBA authority and issue the db2 grant
load on database to user <Tivoli Data Warehouse user ID> SQL command.
v Execution privileges for the ADMIN_CMD procedure
To grant the authority, login to DB2 as a user with SYSADM or DBA authority
and issue the db2 grant execute on procedure sysproc.admin_cmd to user
<Tivoli Data Warehouse user ID> SQL command.
The privileges required for migration can be revoked after all the desired
migrations are complete.

About this task

The migration of non-partitioned tables to partitioned tables in a Tivoli Data

Warehouse DB2 on Linux, UNIX, and Windows database, uses a stored procedure
generated by the schema publication tool. The stored procedure itself uses the DB2
LOAD utility.

1. Configure the Summarization and Pruning agent to partition tables. For
detailed steps, see “Specifying range partitioned tables for the Summarization
and Pruning Agent” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
2. Stop all Warehouse Proxy agent and Summarization and Pruning agent
3. Backup the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.
4. Edit the schema publication tool response file.
a. Open the response file:

install_dir\TMAITM6\tdwschema.rsp for 32-bit Windows systems

install_dir\TMAITM6_x64\tdwschema.rsp for 64-bit Windows systems

b. Configure the following variables:
KSY_PRODUCT_FILTER = list of products to migrate
An optional filter to indicate that only certain specific products are
included. (If you do not specify a filter, all products in the specified
category are included by default.) Specify the three-letter product codes of
the products you want to include, separated by commas. You can find
these codes by using the tacmd histListProduct command (for more
information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference).
KSY_TABLE_FILTER = list of tables to migrate
An optional filter to indicate only specific tables. This filter can be used in
addition to the KSY_PRODUCT_FILTER variable. Use the following command
to get the list of tables that are available for a given product. Replace each
space in the attribute group name with an underscore character. For a list
of table names, use the following command:
tacmd histListAttributeGroups -t <productcode>

476 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

KSY_SUMMARIZATION_SELECTION = list of aggregation periods to migrate
An optional filter that can be used in addition to the KSY_PRODUCT_FILTER
and KSY_TABLE_FILTER variables. This variable has an additional option
when the migrate mode is used. The R option allows you to migrate the
detailed tables. Other options are as follows:
R: Migrate detailed tables only
H: Hourly
D: Daily
W: Weekly
M: Monthly
Q: Quarterly
Y: Yearly
Filters can be combined. For example, to migrate the detail, hourly, and
daily tables for the Windows OS agent:
KSY_SQL_OUTPUT_FILE_PATH = optional file path for SQL output
An optional path to the directory where the generated SQL files are to be
written. If you do not include this keyword, the current working directory
is used.
For more details and the complete syntax for each variable, refer to the
comments in the response file.
5. Ensure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is started.
6. If you have not already, export the CANDLEHOME variable. Execute the
following commands:

set CANDLE_HOME=install_dir

7. Run the schema publication tool script to generate the scripts required for

install_dir\TMAITM6\tdwschema.bat for 32-bit Windows systems

install_dir\TMAITM6_x64\tdwschema.bat for 64-bit Windows systems

The following scripts are generated for migration: tdw_migrate_setup.sql,
tdw_migrate_step1.sql, and tdw_migrate_step2.sql.
8. Execute the tdw_migrate_setup.sql script and view the results to ensure it
executed successfully.
db2 -td# -f tdw_migrate_setup.sql
Use the tdw_migrate_setup.sql script only once, even when migrating in
batches. Executing this script more than once breaks the ability of the
migration process to restart if an error occurs. This script contains drop
statements that might fail if the objects do not already exist. Do not consider
these failures as errors, they can be ignored. The expected failures might
return the following messages: DB21034E and SQL0204N.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 477

9. Execute the tdw_migrate_step1.sql script and view the results to ensure it
executed successfully.
db2 -tf tdw_migrate_step1.sql
If any errors occur after this script is executed, the errors must be resolved
before running the tdw_migrate_step2.sql script. Continue to re-execute this
script until all errors are resolved.
The following return codes apply:
v -2: Table already partitioned
v -1: Invalid parameter passed
v 0: No errors occurred
v 1: Renaming of the non partitioned table to MIGRATING_* failed
v 2: Creation of the partitioned table failed
v 3: Load data in the partitioned table failed
v 4: Renaming of the source table to DONE_* failed
10. Execute the tdw_migrate_step2.sql script and view the results to ensure it
executed successfully.
db2 -tf tdw_migrate_step2.sql
You can execute this script multiple times to resolve any errors. This script has
no effect on tables that did not migrate successfully.

Note: If you are migrating in batches, the tdw_migrate_step1.sql and

tdw_migrate_step2.sql scripts are executed for each batch.
11. Backup the database. You must complete this step since the load utility was
used in a non-recoverable mode to improve migration performance. Migrated
tables cannot be restored from a backup until a new backup is made.


The tables you specified are now partitioned, and the source tables have been

What to do next

If any errors occurred during the migration, review the

WAREHOUSE_MIGRATION_STATUS table. For detailed information, see the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide.

Migrating non-partitioned tables to partitioned tables for DB2

on z/OS
Use the following steps to migrate non-partitioned tables if you are using DB2 on

Before you begin

Review the “Prerequisites and best practices” on page 475. You must ensure you
have enough disk space.

You must have DB2 on z/OS V9 or later to use this procedure.

The schema publication tool can only be executed on a distributed platform, such
as UNIX or Windows. The scripts generated must be executed from a distributed
platform with a DB2 client connected to the remote DB2 z/OS database.

478 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

The generated migration scripts must be executed from a DB2 client.

The Tivoli Data Warehouse user must have one or more of the following privileges
in order to execute the tdw_migrate_setup.sql script:
v Ownership and EXECUTE privilege for the packages, DSNADMJS and
DSNADMJF, used in the setup script
v SYSADM authority
v PACKADM authority for the package collection
v Daemon authority
If the BPX.DAEMON is active, the stored procedures loaded into an address
space must be defined to the RACF program control. Otherwise, the following
error is returned: EDC5139I Operation not permitted. For detailed information
about this issue, search for APAR “II13698” in the IBM Support Portal.
The privileges required for migration can be revoked after all the desired
migrations are complete.

You must define the stored procedures to DB2 using the DSNTIJSG sample
installation job, then ensure that all stored procedures are defined to RACF
program control. Additionally, you must define the necessary application
environment in WLM to run these stored procedures, and also specify a WLMENV
value. For more information on defining the stored procedures to DB2, see the DB2
for z/OS Installation and Migration Guide and DB2 for z/OS Administration Guide for
DB2 9 or later, in the DB2 for z/OS Information Center.

About this task

The migration of non-partitioned tables to partitioned tables in a Tivoli Data

Warehouse DB2 on z/OS database uses a stored procedure generated by the
schema publication tool. The stored procedure itself uses a JCL job which uses the
DB2 LOAD utility. A JCL job is created and submitted for each table that is being

1. Configure the Summarization and Pruning agent to partition tables. For
detailed steps, see “Specifying range partitioned tables for the Summarization
and Pruning Agent” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
2. Stop all Warehouse Proxy agent and Summarization and Pruning agent
3. Backup the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.
4. Catalog the z/OS database using the following commands:
db2 catalog tcpip node <node_Name> remote <DB_server_hostname>
server <port_number> ostype OS390
db2 catalog dcs database <db_name> as <db_name>
db2 catalog db <database_name_on_server> as <alias_on_client_database_name>
at node <node_Name> authentication dcs
5. Edit the schema publication tool response file.
a. Open the response file:

install_dir\TMAITM6\tdwschema.rsp for 32-bit Windows systems

install_dir\TMAITM6_x64\tdwschema.rsp for 64-bit Windows systems


Chapter 16. Managing historical data 479

b. Configure the following variables:
KSY_PRODUCT_FILTER = list of products to migrate
An optional filter to indicate that only certain specific products are
included. (If you do not specify a filter, all products in the specified
category are included by default.) Specify the three-letter product codes of
the products you want to include, separated by commas. You can find
these codes by using the tacmd histListProduct command (for more
information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference).
KSY_TABLE_FILTER = list of tables to migrate
An optional filter to indicate only specific tables. This filter can be used in
addition to the KSY_PRODUCT_FILTER variable. Use the following command
to get the list of tables that are available for a given product. Replace each
space in the attribute group name with an underscore character. For a list
of table names, use the following command:
tacmd histListAttributeGroups -t <productcode>
KSY_SUMMARIZATION_SELECTION = list of aggregation periods to migrate
An optional filter that can be used in addition to the KSY_PRODUCT_FILTER
and KSY_TABLE_FILTER variables. This variable has an additional option
when the migrate mode is used. The R option allows you to migrate the
detailed tables. Other options are as follows:
R: Migrate detailed tables only
H: Hourly
D: Daily
W: Weekly
M: Monthly
Q: Quarterly
Y: Yearly
Filters can be combined. For example, to migrate the detail, hourly, and
daily tables for the Windows OS agent:
KSY_SQL_OUTPUT_FILE_PATH = optional file path for SQL output
An optional path to the directory where the generated SQL files are to be
written. If you do not include this keyword, the current working directory
is used.
For more details and the complete syntax for each variable, refer to the
comments in the response file.
6. If you have not already, export the CANDLEHOME variable. Execute the
following commands:

set CANDLE_HOME=install_dir

7. Ensure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is started.
8. Run the schema publication tool script to generate the scripts required for

install_dir\TMAITM6\tdwschema.bat for 32-bit Windows systems

480 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

install_dir\TMAITM6_x64\tdwschema.bat for 64-bit Windows systems

The following scripts are generated for migration: tdw_migrate_setup.sql,
tdw_migrate_step1.sql, and tdw_migrate_step2.sql.
9. Execute the tdw_migrate_setup.sql script and view the results to ensure it
executed successfully.
db2 -td# -f tdw_migrate_setup.sql
Use the tdw_migrate_setup.sql script only once, even when migrating in
batches. Executing this script more than once breaks the ability of the
migration process to restart if an error occurs. This script contains drop
statements that might fail if the objects do not already exist. Do not consider
these failures as errors, they can be ignored. The expected failures might
return the following messages: DB21034E and SQL0204N.
10. In the tdw_migrate_step1.sql script update the INSERT INTO
WAREHOUSE_MIGRATION_CONFIG statement with the following
v Specify the user ID and password required to execute the stored migration
procedure. You can specify NULL for the user ID and password in the
following circumstances:
– The operating system is z/OS Version 1 Release 13 or later, and the
authorization ID that is associated with the stored procedure address
space has daemon authority.
– The operating system is z/OS Version 1 Release 13 or later, and the
authorization ID that is associated with the stored procedure address
space does not have daemon authority but is authorized to the
BPX.SRV.userid SURROGAT class profile, where useridis the authorization
ID of the stored procedure. In this case, you must install APAR OA36062.
For more information see the DB2 for z/OS Administration Guide.
v Specify the JCL prefix library where the system LOAD and UNLOAD
utilities are located.
11. Execute the tdw_migrate_step1.sql script and view the results to ensure it
executed successfully.
db2 -tf tdw_migrate_step1.sql
If any errors occur after this script is executed, the errors must be resolved
before running the tdw_migrate_step2.sql script. Continue to re-execute this
script until all errors are resolved.
The following return codes apply:
v -5: Invalid system name specified
v -4: Invalid job class specified
v -3: Prefix library is null
v -2: Table already partitioned
v -1: Invalid parameter passed
v 0: No errors occurred
v 1: Rename source table failed
v 2: Create partitioned table failed
v 3: Create or submit migrate JCL job failed
v 4: Query migrate JCL job status failed
v 5: Fetch migrate JCL job output failed

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 481

v 7: Load failed
v 8: Rename source table failed
Return code 6 is intentionally left blank.
12. Execute the tdw_migrate_step2.sql script and view the results to ensure it
executed successfully.
db2 -tf tdw_migrate_step2.sql
You can execute this script multiple times to resolve any errors. This script has
no effect on tables that did not migrate successfully.

Note: If you are migrating in batches, the tdw_migrate_step1.sql and

tdw_migrate_step2.sql scripts are executed for each batch.
When the tdw_migrate_step2.sql script is executed, the rows from the
WAREHOUSE_JCLJOB_OUTPUT table are deleted.
13. Backup the database. You must complete this step since the load utility was
used in a non-recoverable mode to improve migration performance. Migrated
tables cannot be restored from a backup until a new backup is made.


The tables you specified are now partitioned, and the source tables have been

What to do next
If any errors occurred during the migration, review the
WAREHOUSE_JCLJOB_OUTPUT tables. For detailed information, see the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide.

Migrating non-partitioned tables to partitioned tables for

Use the following steps to migrate non-partitioned tables if you are using Oracle.

Before you begin

Review the “Prerequisites and best practices” on page 475. You must ensure you
have enough disk space.

The Tivoli Data Warehouse user must be directly granted the following system
privileges, the privileges cannot be granted via a role:
v Execution privileges for the DBMS_REDEFINITION package
To grant authority use the grant execute on DBMS_REDEFINITION TO <Tivoli
Data Warehouse user ID> command.

482 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

The privileges required for migration can be revoked after all the desired
migrations are complete.

About this task

The migration of non-partitioned tables to partitioned tables in a Tivoli Data

Warehouse Oracle database uses a stored procedure generated by the schema
publication tool. The stored procedure itself uses the DBMS_REDEFINITION
package to load data from the non-partitioned table to the partitioned tables.

1. Configure the Summarization and Pruning agent to partition tables. For
detailed steps, see “Specifying range partitioned tables for the Summarization
and Pruning Agent” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
2. Stop all Warehouse Proxy agent and Summarization and Pruning agent
3. Backup the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.
4. Edit the schema publication tool response file.
a. Open the response file:

install_dir\TMAITM6\tdwschema.rsp for 32-bit Windows systems

install_dir\TMAITM6_x64\tdwschema.rsp for 64-bit Windows systems

b. Configure the following variables:
KSY_PRODUCT_FILTER = list of products to migrate
An optional filter to indicate that only certain specific products are
included. (If you do not specify a filter, all products in the specified
category are included by default.) Specify the three-letter product codes of
the products you want to include, separated by commas. You can find
these codes by using the tacmd histListProduct command (for more
information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference).
KSY_TABLE_FILTER = list of tables to migrate
An optional filter to indicate only specific tables. This filter can be used in
addition to the KSY_PRODUCT_FILTER variable. Use the following command
to get the list of tables that are available for a given product. Replace each
space in the attribute group name with an underscore character. For a list
of table names, use the following command:
tacmd histListAttributeGroups -t <productcode>
KSY_SUMMARIZATION_SELECTION = list of aggregation periods to migrate
An optional filter that can be used in addition to the KSY_PRODUCT_FILTER
and KSY_TABLE_FILTER variables. This variable has an additional option
when the migrate mode is used. The R option allows you to migrate the
detailed tables. Other options are as follows:
R: Migrate detailed tables only
H: Hourly
D: Daily
W: Weekly
M: Monthly
Q: Quarterly

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 483

Y: Yearly
Filters can be combined. For example, to migrate the detail, hourly, and
daily tables for the Windows OS agent:
KSY_SQL_OUTPUT_FILE_PATH = optional file path for SQL output
An optional path to the directory where the generated SQL files are to be
written. If you do not include this keyword, the current working directory
is used.
For more details and the complete syntax for each variable, refer to the
comments in the response file.
5. Ensure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is started.
6. If you have not already, export the CANDLEHOME variable. Execute the
following commands:

set CANDLE_HOME=install_dir

7. Run the schema publication tool script to generate the scripts required for

install_dir\TMAITM6\tdwschema.bat for 32-bit Windows systems

install_dir\TMAITM6_x64\tdwschema.bat for 64-bit Windows systems

The following scripts are generated for migration: tdw_migrate_setup.sql,
tdw_migrate_step1.sql, and tdw_migrate_step2.sql.
8. Execute the tdw_migrate_setup.sql script and view the results to ensure it
executed successfully.
sqlplus <TDW userid>/<password>@<Oracle SID> @./tdw_migrate_setup.sql
Use the tdw_migrate_setup.sql script only once, even when migrating in
batches. Executing this script more than once breaks the ability of the
migration process to restart if an error occurs. This script contains drop
statements that might fail if the objects do not already exist. Do not consider
these failures as errors, they can be ignored. The expected failures might
return the following messages: DB21034E and SQL0204N.
9. Execute the tdw_migrate_step1.sql script and view the results to ensure it
executed successfully.
sqlplus <TDW userid>/<password>@<Oracle SID> @./tdw_migrate_step1.sql
If any errors occur after this script is executed, the errors must be resolved
before running the tdw_migrate_step2.sql script. Continue to re-execute this
script until all errors are resolved.
If the tdw_migrate_step1.sql script succeeds, a message is provided. For
Partitioning table "AIXTST"."KSY_TABLE_STATISTICS"

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

484 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table AIXTST.KSY_TABLE_STATISTICS successfully migrated.

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

If this script encounters an error, a message is provided on the standard
output. For example:
Code: -20002 Message: ORA-20002:
Table "ITMUSER630"."K4X_USGS_STREAM_FLOW" is already partitioned.
The following error messages apply:
v 20000: Invalid parameter passed
v 20001: Source table does not exist
v 20002: Table already partitioned
v 20003: Error when determining if source table can be partitioned
v 20004: Creation of target partitioned table failed
v 20005: Unable to drop target table when redefinition was aborted or
v 20006: Migration aborted
v 20007: Error while finishing the table redefinition
v 20008: Error during final table rename
10. Execute the tdw_migrate_step2.sql script and view the results to ensure it
executed successfully.
sqlplus <TDW userid>/<password>@<Oracle SID> @./tdw_migrate_step2.sql
You can execute this script multiple times to resolve any errors. This script has
no effect on tables that did not migrate successfully.

Note: If you are migrating in batches, the tdw_migrate_step1.sql and

tdw_migrate_step2.sql scripts are executed for each batch.
11. Optionally, you can backup the database.


The tables you specified are now partitioned, and the source tables have been

What to do next

If any errors occurred during the migration, review the error messages from the
execution of the scripts.

Summarization and pruning configuration

After installation of Tivoli Management Services is complete, one of the initial
setup tasks is to configure the summarization and pruning agent for general
behavior, such as the summarization and pruning schedule and frequency. As well,
you must specify summarization and pruning for the attribute groups that
historical data is being collected for in your monitored application.

About the Summarization and Pruning agent

This topic gives you some background information to help in planning and
configuring the Summarization and Pruning agent.

The Tivoli Enterprise Portal enables you to set up summarization and pruning for
selected attribute groups in the History Collection Configuration window or from

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 485

the command line using tacmd histconfiguregroups (see IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Command Reference). For information about setting up data connections for the
warehouse proxy and the Summarization and Pruning agent, see IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
Planning to summarize and prune your collected data
The Summarization and Pruning agent is not configured and started
during installation to give you an opportunity to configure history
collection in advance for all installed monitoring agents, a task that must
be performed prior to starting the Summarization and Pruning agent for
the first time.
History Collection Configuration window
The History Collection Configuration window in the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal has options for specifying the time period to be aggregated and the
same or different time period to be pruned: Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly,
Weekly, Daily, and Hourly.
Configure Summarization and Pruning Agent window
You configure the Summarization and Pruning agent itself through the
Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window. To see the
utilization of resources or to determine the hours of peak loads, you can
define a set of hours as shifts, for example 9 AM to 5 PM. To specify
whether a particular day is a normal work day or a vacation day, you can
classify the days that are not normal work days as vacation days. Be aware
that defined shifts and vacation days increase the amount of data in the
Tivoli Data Warehouse.
If the Tivoli Data Warehouse and all the agents that are collecting data are
not in the same time zone, the Timezone Indicator identifies the time zone to
use. If you chose to use the Tivoli Data Warehouse time zone, all data is
changed to reflect the time zone of the Tivoli Data Warehouse. If you
choose the agent's time zone, the data stays unchanged, with the original
time zone for that agent.
Summarization tables in the Tivoli Data Warehouse
The following are names of the summarization tables. The x represents the
original table name of the detailed data. The summarization interval that is
chosen for the particular attribute group is appended to the original table
name. Names can be different between the detailed data table and
summarized table name due to database name length restrictions.
Yearly x_Y
Daily x_D
The table shows the names of the summarization columns in the detailed
tables and what they mean. The x represents the original column name.
The formula values are set by the agents and can be different for different

486 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

attribute groups . Attribute names can be different between the detailed
data table and summarized table due to database name length restrictions.
Table 66. Summarization functions
Name Formula
Average AVG_x
Delta high HI_x
Delta low LOW_x
Delta total TOT_x
Latest (based on the time that the historical LAT_x
data was collected at the monitoring agent)
Maximum MAX_x
Minimum MIN_x
Sum SUM_x

Names can be different between the detailed data table and summarized
table name due to database name length restrictions.
Summarization and pruning metrics
The following example describes how the Summarization and Pruning
agent calculates metrics that accumulate over time. You can use the results
to manage your resources. In this example, the metric represents cache hits
since last restart of server.
The total number of cache hits in the last hour is given by the Total value.
The Low value represents the lowest number of cache hits in the hour
based on all the detailed data values for the hour. The High value
represents the highest number of cache hits in the hour based on all the
detailed data values for the hour.
With these detailed data values in one hour: 9, 15, 12, 20, 22, delta-based
processing has the following rules:
v If the current value is greater than or equal to the previous value, the
output equals the previous value minus the current value.
v If the current value is less than the previous value, the output equals the
current value.
v Because 15 is greater than 9, the output equals 6.
v Because 12 is less than 15, the output equals 12.
v Because 20 is greater than 12, the output equals 8.
v Because 22 is greater than 20, the output equals 2.
v The TOT_ value is 28, which is the total of outputs.
v The LOW_ value is 2, which is the lowest of outputs.
v The HI_ value is 12, which is the highest of outputs.
Null values in tables and charts of summarized and pruned data
If you see null as the value of a table cell or chart point, it means that no
value was stored in the Tivoli Data Warehouse. This happens when values
that were identified as invalid are reported from a monitoring agent for a
given summarization period. The agent support files might have been
upgraded or some data cannot be computed on the summarized tables (for
instance, counter and delta-based values cannot be calculated if only one
value is present).

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 487

For example, assume that an invalid value for a particular attribute is -1. If
the agent reports -1 for all the collection intervals (1, 5, 15, or 30 minutes; 1
hour; 1 day) up to the point when the summarization and pruning
computation is done for a given summarization period (hourly, daily,
weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly), then there is no data to perform
calculations on and a null is written for the given summarization.
Capacity planning suggestions for historical data collection on your Tivoli Data
Disk capacity planning is a prediction of the amount of disk space to be
consumed for each attribute group whose historical data is being collected.
Required disk storage is an important factor to consider when you are
defining data collection rules and your strategy for historical data
For more information about performance tuning for your DB2 database, go
to the IBM Integrated Service Management Library and search for part or
all of this phrase: Relational database design and performance tuning for
DB2 database servers. For more detailed information on capacity planning
and scaling of the Tivoli Data Warehouse, see IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Installation and Setup Guide.
Summarization after upgrading agent support
After support for an updated product has been applied to the portal sever,
it is possible to get a request error message about a missing or unknown
column name in the view's status bar after you set a time span with Use
summarized data selected.
The resolution is to wait to view the summarized data until after the next
scheduled summarization and pruning procedure has taken place. If need
be, the summarization and pruning can be rescheduled to run sooner.
More information is provided in IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup
Guide and in the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent User's Guide for your

Best practices for summarization and pruning

Use a best practices approach in determining how to summarize and prune the
data samples stored in the Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Before enabling historical collection think about your business requirement for the
data. There are four common use cases for the historical data. Your needs will vary
for each attribute group, so consider the use cases when configuring historical
collection: problem determination and debugging; reporting; capacity planning and
predictive alerting; and adaptive monitoring.

For performance tuning best practices for the Summarization and Pruning agent,
as well as the other monitoring components, see “Performance tuning” in the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Each of these use cases has different historical requirements. The following sections
describe each of these use cases and the types of historical collection that will be
Problem determination and debugging
These types of metrics are used for problem determination and debugging,
which tends to be relatively short term in nature. Occasionally there is a
need to compare performance from a long time ago, but most of the time
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) want to go back a few days and evaluate

488 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

the performance of a server or application and compare it to the current
performance. In this case, there is no need for summarization of the data.
When configuring historical collection, you need to consider the purpose of
your reports. Some reports are used for long term trend analysis, some
reports are used to show that SLAs are being met, and some reports are
relatively short term to show the health of a server. The primary driver of
the historical collection is the duration of the reports. For short term
reports, you can use Detailed data. For short to medium term reports, use
Hourly summarized data. For medium to long reports use Daily or
Weekly summarization.
Keep in mind when configuring summarization, that you do not need to
configure all intervals. For example, if you want Weekly summarization,
you do not need to also configure both Daily and Hourly. Each
summarization interval can be configured independently.
For information on using the Summarization and Pruning agent to create,
populate, and maintain the dimension tables required for Tivoli Common
Reporting, see “Creating and maintaining the dimension tables” on page
Capacity planning and predictive alerting
For capacity planning and predictive analytics, you typically perform long
term trend analysis. The Performance Analyzer, for example, uses Daily
summarization data for the predefined analytic functions. So, in most
cases, configure daily summarization. You can define your own analytic
functions and use Hourly or Weekly summarization data.
For the analytic functions to perform well, ensure that you have an
appropriate number of data points in the summarized table. If there are
too few, the statistical analysis will not be very accurate. You will probably
want at least 25 to 50 data points. To achieve 50 data points using Daily
summarization, you must keep the data for 50 days before pruning. More
data points will make the statistical predictions more accurate, but will
affect the performance of your reporting and statistical analysis. Consider
having no more than a few hundred data points per resource being
evaluated. If you use Hourly summarization, you get 336 data points every
2 weeks.
Adaptive monitoring (dynamic thresholding)
The situation override capability enables you to analyze historical data to
define a threshold that is based on the past performance characteristics.
You can define time of day and shifts to analyze the historical data and
make recommendations on thresholds.
As an example, evaluate the Prime Shift data for 2 weeks and set the
threshold at 1 standard deviation about “normal”. Adaptive monitoring
uses Detailed data to evaluate and make recommendations on thresholds.
Therefore, you need to keep a reasonable duration of Detailed data in
order to perform the evaluation. The duration depends on how the shifts
are defined. If you define shifts that include “day of week”, then you need
to keep the data longer to get an effective analysis of the data. If you are
looking only at “Prime Shift” for all weekdays, then you do not need to
keep the data as long.
Keep 7 to 30 days of detailed data when comparing all work days. If you
compare Monday to Monday, then you need to keep the Detailed data
much longer to be able to establish a trend. When comparing a specific day

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 489

of the week, you will probably need to have at least 60 days of data.
Before configuring Adaptive Monitoring, you need to consider the use of
the data. There is no value in performing Adaptive Monitoring on certain
types of data, such as disk space. You must want to set a static threshold
on either the % free space or the amount of disk space available. But CPU
monitoring is an excellent candidate for Adaptive Monitoring because it
can be very beneficial to learn whether a server is behaving abnormally.
Agent and Attribute Group Considerations
Each Agent and each Attribute Group must be considered separately when
defining Historical Collection. Many Tivoli Monitoring products have
defined a set of best practice historical collections. They do not include the
summarization and pruning intervals, but are a good place to start when
setting up historical collection.
When looking at these recommendations, consider whether you plan to use
adaptive monitoring, short term problem determination, long term
reporting, or capacity planning and predictive analysis. This must be taken
into account when configuring the summarization and pruning Intervals.

Summarized and pruned data availability

The first time the summarization and pruning tool is run, you might not get the
results you expect. Review the installation and configuration tasks that must take
place before you can expect to the data from the Tivoli Data Warehouse
summarized and pruned.

The summarization and pruning procedure is dependent on having enough data in

the data warehouse to work with, how the data collection and warehousing
intervals are set, and whether the summarization and pruning specifications were
set in the History Collection Configuration window. These installation and
configuration tasks must be completed before summarized and pruned data is
available from the warehouse:
1. Install the monitoring agent, then add application support for it on the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server and the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
2. Configure historical data collection for one or more attribute groups for the
3. Distribute the historical collection to managed systems to start collecting data.
4. For each attribute group that has historical data collection taking place,
configure the summarization and pruning intervals.
5. Wait for at least one warehouse interval. Check to make sure data is in the
warehouse in the detailed tables. It is not sufficient to query historical data
from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal because the first 24 hours comes from the
short-term history files and not the data warehouse.
6. Configure the summarization and pruning agent, making sure that the test
connection to the database works and that you schedule when the agent should
perform work. You can configure the agent earlier, but wait for the scheduled
run to complete before expecting the warehoused data to be summarized and

After the scheduled run time, you should have summary data in the warehouse.

Configuring summarization and pruning for attribute groups

Configure summarization and pruning for the Tivoli Data Warehouse to aggregate
data and keep the database size at a manageable level.

490 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Before you begin

The summarization and pruning agent must be installed, configured, and started
as described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Your user ID must have Configure History permission to open the History
Collection Configuration window. If you do not have this permission, you will not
see the menu item or tool for historical configuration.

About this task

Although summarization and pruning is not mandatory for warehoused data, it

keeps the database from growing to an unwieldy size and minimizes the amount
of data that gets retrieved to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Even if data collection for
an attribute group has not been configured, you can set up summarization and
pruning. If no collections have been created and distributed for an attribute group,
no data goes to the warehouse, and summarization and pruning does not take

1. If the History Collection Configuration window is not open, click History
2. Select a Monitored Application from the tree.
3. Review the attribute groups in the table. If summarization and pruning has
already been configured for an attribute group, the values will be shown in the
summarization and pruning cells. Collapse the tree, drag the borders, or scroll
the table right to see all the cells.
4. Select one or more attribute groups to configure. You can select multiple groups
with Ctrl+click, or Shift+click to select all groups from the first one selected to
this point. The settings of the first group selected continue to display, regardless
of the settings in any of the other selected groups. This enables you to adjust
the configuration controls once and apply the same settings to all selected
attribute groups. Use the Clear all button if you want to clear all the fields and
start over.
5. In the Summarization area, select the check box for every time period to be
aggregated: Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily, and Hourly.
6. In the Pruning area, select the check box for every time period to be pruned:
Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily, and Hourly. If you also want to keep
the original data samples, select the Detailed data check box. In the
corresponding fields, specify the number of days, months, or years to keep the
7. Click Apply to save the configuration for the attribute groups that were
selected. The summarization and pruning cells for the attribute group are
updated to reflect the new settings.

What to do next

The next time summarization and pruning takes place, the summarization and
pruning agent applies the configuration to the long-term data stored in the data
warehouse. Wait for the next scheduled time period to elapse before expecting to
see any summarized data.

To configure granular summarization and pruning for managed system groups,

you must use the tacmd Command Line Interface (CLI). For detailed instructions,

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 491

see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide.

Configuring summarization and pruning for managed system

Configuring summarization and pruning for managed system groups provides
granular control over how the Tivoli Data Warehouse aggregates and prunes data.

Granular summarization and pruning settings are configured only through the
command-line interface using the tacmd histconfiguregroups command specifying
the -g and -m parameters. Unlike granular summarization and pruning settings,
global summarization and pruning settings can be configured through the
command-line interface or in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. If your Summarization
and Pruning agent is running in autonomous mode, you cannot configure
summarization and pruning for managed system groups.

Before you begin

The summarization and pruning agent must be installed, configured, and started
as described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

The managed system groups must be defined with their correlating systems. You
can create managed system groups in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal using the Object
group editor or through the command-line interface. For detailed syntax of the
tacmd createsystemlist command, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command

About this task

You can assign different summarization and pruning policies to different managed
system groups. For example, one group might retain data for 180 days and the
other group might retain data for 30 days. Another example is, one group
summarizing hourly and the other group summarizing hourly and daily.

A managed system can be part of multiple managed system groups which might
have different summarization and pruning settings. In this case, the multiple
settings are merged, resulting in a union of all summarizations and retention using
the largest found interval. For example:
Group A has hourly and daily summarizations with 10 days and 30 days
Group B has hourly, daily, and weekly summarizations with 30 days, 60 days,
and 6 months retention.
In this example, for a system that is a member of both groups, the union of the
summarization settings is hourly, daily, and weekly. The retention settings for the
system are 30 days for hourly, 60 days for daily, and 6 months for weekly since
those are the largest setting for each summarization.

If a system does not belong to any managed system groups that have
summarization and pruning settings defined, the global summarization settings are
used. Global summarization is configured through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal or
the command-line interface using the tacmd histconfiguregroups, not specifying
the -g parameter. For more information on configuring global summarization
settings, see “Configuring summarization and pruning for attribute groups” on
page 490 or the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference.

492 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

When you use Tivoli Data Warehouse range partitioning, partitions are only
dropped or rotated based on the largest retention interval that is found for the
attribute group. After partitions are dropped or rotated, rows are removed by
using SQL DELETE statements according to the settings for each managed system
group or global summarization settings. When you use SQL DELETE statements,
performance is slower than compared to dropping or rotating a partition. This
decrease in performance is because SQL DELETE statements require transaction logs
and updates to indexes, while dropping partitions does not.

When you use Tivoli Data Warehouse range partitioning, the following scenarios
v If there are only global summarization and pruning settings for a table, the
partitions are dropped using the defined retention values.
v If there are any managed system group summarization and pruning settings for
a table, both of the following conditions must be true:
– There are global pruning settings that are defined for the attribute group's
detail or summary table.
– There are pruning settings that are defined for the attribute group's detail or
summary table for all configured managed system groups.
When both conditions are not true, the summarization and pruning agent
outputs a warning message in its log and self monitoring workspace.

When partitions cannot be dropped:

v The performance of the pruning operation is degraded since rows of data must
be deleted by using SQL DELETE statements rather than dropping partitions from
a table.
v Tables might eventually have partitions that contain no rows of data.

Best practice is to define the retention period globally and for each configured
managed system group for the detail data and for all summary tables that might
contain data.

v Use the tacmd histconfiguregroups command with the -g and -m parameters to
configure summarization and pruning for managed system groups.
For example, the command tacmd histconfiguregroups -t knt -o NT_Memory_64
-d HD -p H=30d,D=60d -m -g NT_Dev creates a configuration setting for the
agents that belong to the NT_Dev managed system group, with hourly and daily
summarization, and retention of 30 days for the hourly table and 60 days for the
daily table.
v Use the tacmd histviewattributegroup command to view the settings for a
given attribute group.
For example, the command tacmd histviewattributegroup -t knt -o
NT_Memory_64 lists the global settings in effect for that attribute group and all the
managed system groups that have granular settings on that attribute group.
To view only granular settings for a given managed system group, use the -g
For example, the command tacmd histviewattributegroup -t knt -o
NT_Memory_64 -g NT_Dev, lists the settings that are specific to the NT_Dev
managed system group.
v Use the tacmd histunconfiguregroups command with the -g and -m parameters
to remove the settings for a specific managed system group.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 493

For example, the command tacmd histunconfiguregroups -t knt -o
NT_Memory_64 -m -g NT_Dev removes the summarization and pruning settings
specified for the NT_Dev managed system group.

What to do next

The next time summarization and pruning takes place, the summarization and
pruning agent applies the configuration to the long-term data stored in the data
warehouse. Wait for the next scheduled time period to elapse before expecting to
see any summarized data.

Changing global configuration settings

Use the Configure Summarization and Pruning Agent window to change
system-wide configuration settings for data summarization, pruning, or collection.

About this task

Complete these steps to edit the summarization and pruning agent configuration:

1. In Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services, right-click Summarization
and Pruning agent.
2. Click on Reconfigure.
3. Click OK in the Warehouse Summarization and Pruning Agent: Advanced
Configuration window.
4. Click OK in the next window.
5. Click Yes in the Warehouse Summarization and Pruning Agent window to
configure the Summarization and Pruning Agent.
6. Enter the Tivoli Data Warehouse database and Tivoli Enterprise Portal server
information in the Sources tab:
a. In the JDBC drivers field, click Add to invoke the file browser window to
select your JDBC driver. Click OK to close the browser and add the JDBC
drivers to the list You can also highlight an entry in the JDBC drivers list
and click Delete to remove a driver. This gives you the ability to collect
JDBC drivers to communicate with your Tivoli Data Warehouse database.
JDBC drivers are installed separately and each database provides a set of
these JDBC drivers.

v If your Tivoli Data Warehouse database is on an operating system such
as UNIX, find the directory where DB2 is installed and, in the jdbc
drivers directory, select the db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar files. For
example, <db2_installdir>/java/db2jcc.jar and <db2_installdir>/
v If your Tivoli Data Warehouse database is on MS SQL Server 2000 or
2005, install the MS SQL Server 2005 JDBC driver from the Microsoft
SQL Server website. You will need the sqljbc.jar file; see the installation
instructions for your operating systems from Microsoft to locate the file.
v If your Tivoli Data Warehouse database uses Oracle, use the ojdbc14.jar
file. The location on Windows is %ORACLE_HOME%\jdbc\lib; the location
on operating systems such as UNIX is $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib.
b. In the drop down list, select the type of database for your Tivoli Data

494 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

c. If not correct, enter the Tivoli Data Warehouse URL, Driver, Schema, User
ID and password.

Important: During the configuration of the warehouse proxy, a database

user (called ITMUser by default) is created. The User ID that you enter
here must match that database user.
d. Click Test database connection to ensure you can communicate with your
Tivoli Data Warehouse database.
e. Enter the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server Host and Port, if you do not want
to use the defaults. The TEP Server Port field is numeric only.
7. Select the scheduling information in the Scheduling tab:
v Fixed – Schedule the agent to run every x days and at what time (at least 5
minutes from now if you want it to run right away). The default is to run
every day at 2:00 AM.
v Flexible – Schedule the agent to run every x minutes. In the text box above
the Add button, you can specify the times when the agent should not run,
using the format HH:MM-HH:MM (24-hour clock, such as 12:00-20:00 to not
run between 12:00 PM and 8:00 PM), and click Add to add the time range
to the Except box.
If you select Fixed, the Summarization and Pruning agent does not
immediately perform any summarization or pruning when it starts. It
performs summarization and pruning when it runs. It runs according to what
is set on the Scheduling tab. If you select Flexible, the Summarization and
Pruning agent runs once immediately after it is started and then at the Run
every interval except during any blackout times.
8. Specify Shift Information and Vacation Settings in the Work Days tab:
a. Select Sunday or Monday as the day the Week starts on.
b. If you want shifts, select Specify shifts. The default settings for this field
are listed in the Peak Shift Hours box on the right side of the window.
Change these settings by selecting the hours you want in the Off Peak
Shift Hours box and clicking the right arrow button to add them to the
Peak Shift Hours box.

Important: Specifying shifts is not recommended because it increases the

amount of disk space needed on the data warehouse and the amount of
processing time needed for summarization and pruning.

Restriction: Changing the shift information after data has been

summarized can create an inconsistency in the data. Previous data
collected and summarized cannot be recalculated with the new shift
c. If you want to change your vacation settings, select Specify vacation days.
Click Yes or No to specify weekends as vacation days. Select Add to open
a calendar, then select the vacation days to add. The days selected display
in the box below the Select vacation days field. If you want to delete any
days you have previously chosen, select them and click Delete.
Right-click to select the month and year.
9. Select the options you want in the Log Parameters tab. This tab defines the
parameters for pruning the log tables populated by the warehouse proxy and
the summarization and pruning agent.
a. Select Keep WAREHOUSEAGGREGLOG data for to prune the
WAREHOUSEAGGREGLOG table, which is populated by the

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 495

summarization and pruning agent. After enabling this option, specify the
number of days, months, or years to keep data in the table. Data older
than the specified time interval will be deleted by the summarization and
warehouse pruning agent.
b. Select Keep WAREHOUSELOG data for to prune the
WAREHOUSELOG table, which is populated by the warehouse proxy.
After enabling this option, specify the number of days, months, or years,
to keep the data in the table. Data older than the specified time interval
will be deleted by the summarization and pruning agent.
10. In the Additional Parameters tab select these options:
a. Specify the maximum rows that can be deleted in a single database
transaction. The values are 1 through n. The default is 1000.
b. Specify the age of the data that you want summarized in the Summarize
hourly data older than and Summarize daily data older than fields.
Values are 0 through n. The default is 1 for hourly data and 0 for daily
c. Choose the time zone you want to use from the Use timezone offset from
drop down list. If the Tivoli Data Warehouse and agents that are collecting
data are all not in the same time zone, and all the data is stored in the
same database, use this option to identify the time zone you want to use.
d. Specify the number of concurrent execution threads that will be used when
the summarization and pruning agent is processing data in the Number of
Worker Threads. The recommended value is twice the number of CPUs.
More threads might allow the summarization and pruning agent to finish
faster, but will use more resources on the machine that is running the
summarization and pruning agent and will use more database resources
such as connections and transaction log space.
e. The summarization and pruning caches the most recent errors that have
occurred in memory. This information is provided in an attribute group
and can be viewed in workspaces that are provided with the
summarization and pruning agent. The Maximum number of node errors
to display setting specifies the maximum number of errors to store in
memory. Only the most recent errors are kept. Once the limit is reached,
the oldest errors are dropped.
f. The summarization and pruning caches information about the most recent
runs that were performed. This information is provided in an attribute
group and can be viewed in workspaces that are provided with the
summarization and pruning agent. The Maximum number of
summarization and pruning runs to display setting specifies the maximum
number of runs to store in memory. Only the most recent runs are kept.
Once the limit is reached, the oldest runs are dropped.
g. The summarization and pruning agent periodically checks that it can
communicate with the data warehouse database. The database
connectivity cache time setting determines how often to perform this
h. To improve performance, the summarization and pruning agent batches
updates to the data warehouse database. The Batch mode parameter
specifies how the batching will be performed. The two options are single
managed system and multiple managed systems.
11. Click any of these buttons: Save after you have all your
settings correct; Reload to reload the original values; or Cancel, at any time, to
cancel out of the Configure Summarization and Pruning Agent window.

496 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

How to disable the Summarization and Pruning agent
You can disable the Summarization and Pruning agent for your entire enterprise or
for particular products or sets of attribute groups.

About this task

If you want to disable summarization and pruning for your entire enterprise:
1. In Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services, right-click the Summarization
and Pruning agent in the Service/Application column.
2. Select Stop.

If you want to turn off summarization and pruning for a particular product or set
of attribute groups in the Historical Collection Configuration window:

1. In the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, click the Historical Collection Configuration
button that is located on the toolbar.
2. Select the Product.
3. Select one or more Attribute Groups.
4. Click the Unconfigure Groups button.

Error logging for stored data

If the warehouse proxy agent encounters errors during the roll-off of data to the
Tivoli Data Warehouse, these errors are recorded in an event log. You can set a
trace option to capture additional error messages, and then view the log to help in
detecting problems.

v Open the event log where the warehouse proxy errors are listed:
– Start the Event Viewer by clicking Start → Programs →
Administrative Tools → Event Viewer, then select Application from the Log
menu. If an error occurs during data roll-off, entries are inserted into the
Windows Application Event Log.
– Open the ITM_dir/logs/*hd*.log file.
– On either platform, errors can also be seen in the WAREHOUSELOG table in
the warehouse database.
v Activate the trace option:
1. In Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services, right-click Warehouse Proxy and
select Advanced Edit Trace Parms.
2. Select the RAS1 filters. The default setting is ERROR.
3. Accept the defaults for the rest of the fields.
4. Click Yes to recycle the service.
v View the trace log containing the error messages:
1. In Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services, right-click Warehouse Proxy and
select Advanced → View Trace Log. The Log Viewer window displays a list
of log files for the warehouse proxy.
2. Select the appropriate log file in Select Log File. All logs are listed in this
window, ordered by most recent file.
3. Click OK.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 497

Collecting Agent Operations Log history
The Agent Operations Log collects the messages occurring on the distributed
agents in your enterprise. This log is part of the Tivoli Management Services agent
framework. On Windows, if your historical data collection configuration includes
the Agent Operations Log attribute group (OPLOG table), you must create
directories for the historical data and edit each agent configuration file.

Before you begin

You must manually create history data directories for all agents that are collecting
historical data on the same computer and then edit each agent configuration file on
the same computer to specify the new path for short-term data collection. This is
required on Windows because all agent logs by default are stored in the same
install_dir\tmaitm6\logs\ directory and each agent creates an agent operations
log file named OPLOG to store short term history data. Thus, the same OPLOG
history file is being shared by all the agents; if more than one agent process
attempts to warehouse history data from the same short term history binary file,
the same data could get transferred to the Tivoli Data Warehouse more than once.

For example, the Windows OS and Active Directory monitoring agents are
installed. Each process will create and store its operations log history data in a file
named C:\IBM\ITM\TMAITM6\logs\OPLOG Now there are at least two processes
attempting to share the same history data file. The data from multiple agents can
be written to the same file, but the warehouse upload process will encounter
problems with this setup. One agent process is not aware that, at any given time,
another agent process might be performing the same warehouse data upload from
the same short-term history file. This can lead to duplicate history data transferred
to the warehouse database.

About this task

For each agent that collects historical data on Windows, complete these steps:

1. Create a history child directory of install_dir\tmaitm6\logs\.
2. Create a k?? child directory of install_dir\tmaitm6\logs\history where ?? is
the two-character product code. For example, c:\ibm\itm\tmaitm6\logs\
history\k3z would be the path to IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent for Active
Directory short-term history files. The system user ID for this agent must have
read and write permission for this directory.
3. Open the install_dir\tmaitm6\k??cma.ini agent configuration file (where ?? is
the two-character product code) in a text editor. See your monitoring product
user's guide for the name of the file used for agent configuration.
4. Locate the CTIRA_HIST_DIR=@LogPath@ parameter and append with
\history\k?? (where ?? is the two-character product code). For example,
CTIRA_HIST_DIR=@LogPath@\history\knt specifies c:\ibm\itm\tmaitm6\logs\
history\knt for Windows OS agent historical data collection on this computer.
5. Save the k??cma.ini configuration file.
6. Copy the install_dir\tmaitm6\logs\khdexp.cfg warehouse upload status file
to the \history\k?? directory. If this file is not copied to the new agent history
directory, your existing history data might be warehoused more than once. It is
possible that this file does not exist if the history warehousing option has never
been enabled.

498 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

7. Copy any .hdr files and their base name counterparts (no file extension) for the
agent to the new location. For example, the c:\ibm\itm\tmaitm6\logs\history\
knt directory might look like this:

Please note that you might be copying history data files from the tmaitm6\logs
directory that are not managed by the target agent. For example, the directory
might contain Oracle database history data, but you are copying the files to the
new Windows OS agent history directory. The copied files that are not used by
the Windows OS agent will not be needed and can safely be deleted.
8. In Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services, right-click the monitoring
agent service and click Reconfigure, click OK twice to accept the settings in the
configuration windows, then Start the agent.

Conversion process for using delimited flat files

If you chose not to warehouse your data, you must convert your collected data to
delimited flat files. Data can be scheduled for conversion either manually or
automatically. If you choose to continue to convert data to delimited flat files,
schedule data conversion to be automatic. Perform data conversion on a regular
basis even if you are collecting historical data only to support short-term history
displayed in product reports.

If the KHD_TOTAL_HIST_MAXSIZE environment variable is used, the agent can

no longer write any historical data to the short-term history files once the limit is
reached. This variable is a limit for the agents.
Data conversion programs
The conversion of short-term history files to delimited flat files is done by
running a data rolloff program:
Columns added to history data files and to meta description files
Four columns are automatically added to the history data files and to the
meta description files:
v TMZDIFF. The time zone difference from Universal Time (GMT). This
value is shown in seconds.
v WRITETIME. The CT time stamp when the record was written. This is a
16-character value in the format, where c is the century; yymmdd is the
year, month, and day; and hhmmssttt is hours, minutes, seconds, and
milliseconds: cyymmddhhmmssttt

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 499

v SAMPLES. The SAMPLES column increments for every value collected
during the same sample and then reset to its starting value again. Rows
collected on the same sample have different SAMPLES column values.
v INTERVAL. The time between samples, shown in milliseconds.

Note: The data warehousing process adds only two columns, TMZDIFF
and WRITETIME, to the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.
Meta description files
A meta description file describes the format of the data in the source files.
Meta description files are generated at the start of the historical data
collection process.
The various operating system environments use different file naming
conventions. Here are the rules for some operating system environments:
v IBM i and HP NonStop Kernel: Description files use the name of the
data file as the base. The last character of the name is 'M'. For example,
for table QMLHB, the history data file name is QMLHB and the
description file name is QMLHBM.
v z/OS: Description records are stored in the PDS facility, along with the
v UNIX and Linux: Uses the *.hdr file naming convention.
v Windows: Uses the *.hdr file naming convention.
Sample *.hdr meta description file
TMZDIFF(int,0,4) WRITETIME(char,4,16)
QM_APAL.ORIGINNODE(char,20,128) QM_APAL.QMNAME(char,148,48)
QM_APAL.APPLID(char,196,12) QM_APAL.APPLTYPE(int,208,4)
QM_APAL.INT_TIME(int,324,4) QM_APAL.INT_TIMEC(char,328,8)
QM_APAL.CNTTASKID(int,336,4) SAMPLES(int,340,4)

For example, an entry can have the form, where int identifies the data as
an integer, 75 is the byte offset in the data file, and 20 is the length of the
field for this attribute in the file:

Estimating space required to hold historical data tables

The historical data tables for a product are defined in the product's documentation.
Refer to the appropriate agent guide for assistance in determining the names of the
tables where historical data is stored, their size, and the which are the default

Limiting the growth of short-term history files

Whether your environment includes a data warehouse or is set up for conversion
of short-term history to delimited flat files, it is a good idea to set a maximum size
for the history files.

500 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Before you begin

Your operating system user ID must have write permission for this directory.

These agent environment variables are not available on z/OS.

About this task

When your configuration includes data roll-off to the Tivoli Data Warehouse, the
size of the short-term history files is controlled by the amount of data being
collected, the frequency of collection, and the frequency of roll-off to the data
warehouse. Yet, it is possible for the warehouse proxy agent or data warehouse to
become unavailable, which means the short-term history files can grow unchecked.


environment variables at every Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent where historical
data is collected or at the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server if data collection
occurs there.

Complete these steps to specify a size limit for the directory where short-term
history files are saved and how often that this check should take place:

1. Open the environment file for the agent:
v In the Manage Tivoli Monitoring Services window, right-click the
component and click Advanced → Edit ENV File. (These are the
install_dir\TMAITM6\K<pc>ENV files where <pc> is the two-character product
code, such as C:\IBM\ITM\TMAITM6\KNTENV.)
v Change to the install_dir/config directory and open
<pc>.ini in a text editor, where <pc> is the two-character product code. For
example, /opt/IBM/ITM/config/ux.ini for the UNIX OS agent.
For a list of product codes see “IBM Tivoli product, platform, and component
codes” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
2. Add two new lines to the file, where 5 is the maximum number of megabytes
that the directory where the short-term history file is located can grow to; and
where 900 (15 minutes) is the number of seconds between evaluation of the
directory size:
3. Save and close the file.
4. Recycle the component.


After you set a maximum and the directory limit is reached, no new records are
written to the short-term history files, which causes gaps to occur in the data
collected. However, if the data is warehoused, the warehouse proxy will trim the
short term history files to contain only the last 24 hours of data. This can allow the
agent to write historical data again; thus, the limit can be reached again and the
process repeats. This process can also cause gaps to appear in the data.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 501

What to do when the short-term history file directory size
reaches its limit
environment variables have been set for the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent (or
at the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server if data collection occurs there), no more
historical data samples are added to the short-term history files if that maximum
directory size has been reached.

You must resolve the cause of the unchecked short-term history file growth before
the saving of data samples to the history files can resume. When data is collected
at the agent you can create a custom SQL query or a situation or both that reports
when this condition occurs.

Here is an example of a custom SQL query that you can run:


Converting short-term history files to delimited flat files

If you selected the option to store data to a data base, that option is mutually
exclusive with running the file conversion programs described in this section. To
use these conversion procedures, you must have specified Off for the Warehouse
option in the History Collection Configuration window of the Tivoli Enterprise

The conversion procedure empties the history accumulation files and must be
performed periodically so that the history files do not take up needless amounts of
disk space.

Note: For every ATTRIBUTEGROUPNAME that you plan to use with the krarloff
program or itmcmd history, you must first stop historical collection for that
attribute by either using the tacmd histstopcollection or the History Collection
Configuration window in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

Corruption of the data can occur if both programs, the historical collection and the
krarloff program, try to access the data at the same time. Stopping the historical
collection ensures that the saving and roll off of the data cannot be done

Converting files using the krarloff program

The krarloff rolloff program can be run either at the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server or in the directory where the monitoring agent is running, from the
directory in which the history files are stored.

Attributes formatting

Some attributes need to be formatted for display purposes. For example, floating
point numbers that specify a certain number of precision digits to be printed to the
left of a decimal point. These display formatting considerations are specified in
product attribute files.

When you use the krarloff rolloff program to roll off historical data into a text file,
any attributes that require format specifiers as indicated in the attribute file are
ignored. Only the raw number is seen in the rolled off history text file. Thus,
instead of displaying 45.99% or 45.99, the number 4599 displays.
502 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
The warehouse proxy inserts data according to the type, length, and data precision
specified in the attribute files. However, the Tivoli Data Warehouse database
displays the correct attribute formatting only for those attributes that use integers
with floating point number formats.

You can use the krarloff rolloff program to covert the history file of the Tivoli
System Monitor Agent into a text file on Linux and UNIX. The krarloff rolloff
program is used because the Tivoli System Monitor Agent does not provide the
command itmcmd history on UNIX and Linux.


Run the krarloff rolloff program from the directory in which the
monitoring server or the monitoring agent is run by entering the following
at the command prompt:
krarloff [-h] [-g] [-x] [-d delimiter] [-m metafile] [-r rename-to-file]
[-o output-file] {-s source | source-file name}

Where the [ ] square brackets denote the optional parameters and the { }
curly braces denote a required parameter listed below.

1. Set the environment variables:

export PATH=$PATH: $CANDLEHOME/tmaitm6/<interp>/bin/
export ATTRLIB=$CANDLEHOME/<interp>/lz/tables/ATTRLIB
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$CANDLEHOME/<interp>/gs/lib
2. Copy the header and data file to another directory:
mkdir $CANDLEHOME/<interp>/lz/hist/tmp
cp PVTHIST_LNXCPU* $CANDLEHOME/<interp>/lz/hist/tmp
cd tmp
3. Execute the krarloff program to convert the history file into a text file.
For example:
krarloff -h -d ";" -m PVTHIST_LNXCPU.hdr -o PVTHIST_LNXCPU.out

1. Set the environment variables:

export PATH=$PATH: $CANDLEHOME/tmaitm6/<interp>/bin/
export ATTRLIB=$CANDLEHOME/<interp>/ux/tables/ATTRLIB
2. Copy the header and data file to another directory:
mkdir $CANDLEHOME/<interp>/ux/hist/tmp
cp PVTHIST_UNIXDISK* $CANDLEHOME/<interp>/ux/hist/tmp
cd tmp
3. Execute the krarloff program to convert the history file into a text file.
For example:
krarloff -h -d ";" -m PVTHIST_UNIXDISK.hdr -o PVTHIST_UNIXDISK.out

After the conversion is finished, the history file is renamed to *.old. For example;

The agent outputs all private history files to this subdirectory:


Chapter 16. Managing historical data 503

Restriction: The krarloff rolloff program is not supported for the IBM i agent on
AS400 systems.

Krarloff rolloff program parameters

The following table lists the krarloff rolloff program parameters, their purpose, and
default values.
Table 67. Parameters for the krarloff rolloff program
Parameter Default Value Description
-h off Controls the presence or absence of the header in the
output file. If present, the header is printed as the first
line. The header identifies the attribute column name.
-g off Controls the presence or absence of the product
group_name in the header of the output file. Add the
-g to the invocation line for the krarloff rolloff program
to include a group_name.attribute_name in the header.
-x off Excludes the SAMPLES and INTERVAL attributes in
the output file.
-d tab Delimiter used to separate fields in the output text file.
Valid values are any single character (for example, a
-m source-file.hdr metafile that describes the format of the data in the
source file. If no metafile is specified on the
command-line, the default file name is used.
-r source-file.old Rename-to-filename parameter used to rename the
source file. If the renaming operation fails, the script
waits two seconds and retries the operation.
-o source-file.nnn Output file name. The name of the file containing the
where nnn is output text file.
Julian day
-s none Required parameter. Source short-term history file that
contains the data that needs to be read. Within the
curly brace, the vertical bar (|) denotes that you can
either use an -s source option, or if a name with no
option is specified, it is considered a source file name.
No defaults are assumed for the source file.

Converting history files to delimited flat files on Windows

The history files collected using the rules established in the historical data
collection configuration program can be converted to delimited flat files for use in
a variety of popular applications to easily manipulate the data and create reports
and graphs. Use the Windows AT command to schedule file conversion
automatically. Use the krarloff rolloff program to manually invoke file conversion.
For best results, schedule conversion to run every day.

Conversion process using the AT command

When setting up the process that converts the history files you have collected to
delimited flat files, schedule the process automatically the Windows AT command,
or manually by running the krarloff rolloff program. History file conversion can
occur whether or not the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server or the agent is

504 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Note: Run history file conversion every 24 hours.

Archiving procedure using the Windows AT command:

To archive historical data files on Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Servers and on

remote managed systems using the AT command, use the procedure that follows.
To find out the format of the command, enter AT /? at the MS/DOS command
1. For the AT command to function, you must start the Task Scheduler service. To
start the Task Scheduler service, select Settings >Control Panel >
Administrative Tools > Services.
Result: The Services window displays.
2. At the Services window, select Task Scheduler. Change the service Start Type
to Automatic. Click Start.
Result: The Task Scheduler service is started.
An example of using the AT command to archive the history files is as follows:
AT 23:30 /every:M,T,W,Th,F,S,Su c:\sentinel\cms\archive.bat
In this example, Windows runs the archive.bat file located in c:\sentinel\cms
everyday at 11:30 pm. An example of the contents of archive.bat is:
krarloff -o memory.txt wtmemory
krarloff -o physdsk.txt wtphysdsk
krarloff -o process.txt wtprocess
krarloff -o system.txt wtsystem

Location of the Windows executable files and historical data collection table

This section discusses the location of Windows programs needed for converting
historical data.

The programs are in these locations:

v install_dir\cms directory on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
v install_dir\tmaitm6 directory on the remote managed systems where the agents
were installed.

If your agent history data has been configured to be stored at the agent computer
and you want to store your history files on a disk that provides more storage
capacity than the default history data file location provides, this location can be
overridden using the existing environment variable CTIRA_HIST_DIR for your
agent. This can not be done when history data is stored at the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server.

If you have multiple instances of the same agent running on the same Windows
system, the installer creates a separate directory for the process history files stored
at the agent. The default location for agents running on the Windows operating
system is C:\IBM\ITM\TMAITM6\LOGS. New directories are created under the
TMAITM6\LOGS directory: History\<3 character component code>(KUM, KUD, and
so on)\<specified multi-process instance name>.

For example, if you configure a second instance of the DB2 Monitoring agent
called UDBINST1 on the same Windows system, a directory called
C:\IBM\ITM\TMAITM6\LOGS\History\KUD\UDBINST1 is created to store the
history data. This instance of the DB2 agent environment variable
CTIRA_HIST_DIR is set to this value.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 505

Location of Windows historical data table files:

The following section describes the location of Windows historical data table files.

The krarloff rolloff program needs to know the location of these files.

If you run the monitoring server and agents as processes or as services, the
historical data table files are located in the:
v install_dir\cms directory on the monitoring server
v install_dir\tmaitm6\logs directory on the managed systems

Converting history files to delimited flat files on an IBM i

The history files collected using the rules established in the historical data
collection configuration program can be converted to delimited flat files for use in
a variety of popular applications to easily manipulate the data and create reports
and graphs. Use the krarloff rolloff program to manually invoke file conversion.

Note: Run history file conversion every 24 hours.

Storing the historical data stored on an IBM i system

User data is stored in the IFS directory set for the configuration variable
CTIRA_HIST_DIR. The default value for this variable is/qibm/userdata/ibm/itm/hist.
For each table, there are two files stored on the IBM i system that are associated
with historical data collection.

For example, if you are collecting data for the system status attributes, these two
files are:
v KA4SYSTS: This is the short-term data that is displayed as output by the IBM i
v KA4SYSTS.hdr: This is the metafile. The metafile contains a single row of
column names.
The contents of both files can be displayed using WRKLNK /qibm/userdata/ibm/
itm.hist command.

Conversion process on an IBM i system

The krarloff rolloff program can be run either at the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server or in the directory in which the monitoring agent is running from the
directory in which the history files are stored.

Run the krarloff rolloff program by entering the following at the command
call qautomon/krarloff parm (['-h’] ['-g’] ['-x’] ['-d’ 'delimiter’]
['-m’ metafile] ['-r’ rename-source-file-to] ['-o’ output-file]
{'-s’ source-file | source-file )}

Where the [ ] square brackets denote the optional parameters and the { } curly
braces denote a required parameter.

If you run the krarloff rolloff program from an IBM i system in the directory in
which the agent is running, replace qautomonwith the name of the executable for
your agent. For example, the MQ agent uses kmqlib in the command string.

Note: Enter the command on a single line.

506 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

After running the krarloff rolloff program
In using the system status example above, after running the krarloff rolloff
program, file KA4SYSTS becomes KA4SYSTSO. A new KA4SYSTS file is generated
when another row of data is available.

KA4SYSTSM remains untouched.

KA4SYSTSH is the file that is displayed as output by the krarloff rolloff program
and that contains the data in delimited flat file format. This file can be transferred
from the IBM i to the workstation by means of a file transfer program (FTP).

Converting history files to delimited flat files on UNIX Systems

This topic explains how the UNIX itmcmd history script is used to convert the
saved historical data contained in the history data files to delimited flat files. You
can use the delimited flat files in a variety of popular applications to easily
manipulate the data to create reports and graphs.

History data conversion overview

The following section describes the procedure of converting historical data tables
to other file types for the purpose of being used by other software products.

In the UNIX environment, you use the itmcmd history script to activate and
customize the conversion procedure used to turn selected Tivoli Monitoring
short-term historical data tables into a form usable by other software products. The
historical data that is collected is in a binary format and must be converted to
ASCII to be used by third party products. Each short-term file is converted
independently. The historical data collected by the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server can be at the host location of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server or at
the location of the reporting agent. Conversion can be run at any time, whether or
not the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server or agents are active.

Conversion applies to all history data collected under the current install_dir
associated with a single Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, whether the data was
written by the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server or by a monitoring agent.

When you enter:

itmcmd history -h

at the command-line, this output displays:

itmcmd history [ -h install_dir ] -C [ -L nnn[Kb|Mb] ] [ -t masks*,etc ]
[ -D delim ] [ -H|+H ] [ -N n ] [ -p cms_name ]
prod_code itmcmd history -A?itmcmd history [ -h install_dir ]
-A perday|0 [ -W days ] [ -L nnn[Kb|Mb] ] [ -t masks*,etc ]
[ -D delim ] [ -H|+H ] [ -N n ]
[ -i instance|-p cms_name ] [ -x ] prod_code

Note: Certain parameters are required. Items separated with a | vertical bar
denotes mutual exclusivity (for example, Kb|Mb means enter either Kb or Mb, not
both.) Typically, parameters are entered on a single line at the UNIX command

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference for all of the parameters used
with this command.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 507

Performing the history data conversion
The itmcmd history script schedules the conversion of historical data to delimited
flat files. Both the manual process to perform a one-time conversion and the
conversion script that permits you to schedule automatic conversions are described

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Command Reference for a complete description of the
syntax and options.

After the conversion has taken place, the resulting delimited flat file has the same
name as the input history file with an extension that is a single numerical digit.
For example, if the input history file table name is KOSTABLE, the converted file is
named KOSTABLE.0. The next conversion is named KOSTABLE.1, and so on.

Performing a one-time conversion:

To perform a one-time conversion process, change to the install_dir/bin and enter

the following at the command line:
./itmcmd history -C prod_code

Scheduling basic automatic history conversions:

Use itmcmd history to schedule automatic conversions by the UNIX cron facility.
To schedule a basic automatic conversion, enter the following at the command line:
./itmcmd history -A n prod_code

where n is a number from 1-24. This number specifies the number of times per day
the data conversion program runs, rounded up to the nearest divisor of 24. The
product code is also required.

For example, the following command means to run history conversion every three
itmcmd history -A 7 ux

Customizing your history conversion:

You can use the itmcmd history script to further customize your history collection
by specifying additional options. For example, you can choose to convert files that
are above a particular size limit that you have set. You can also choose to perform
the history conversion on particular days of the week.

See the Command Reference for a description of all of the history conversion

Converting history files to delimited flat files on HP NonStop

Kernel Systems
If you selected the option to collect and store data to a data warehouse, that option
is mutually exclusive with running the file conversion programs described in this
chapter. To use these conversion procedures, you must have specified Off for the
Warehouse option on the History Collection Configuration window of the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal.

The history files collected using the rules established in the History Configuration
program can be converted to delimited flat files for use in a variety of popular

508 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

applications to easily manipulate the data and create reports and graphs. Use the
krarloff rolloff program to manually invoke file conversion. For best results,
schedule conversion to run every day.

Support is provided for IBM Tivoli Monitoring for WebSphere MQ Configuration

and for IBM Tivoli Monitoring for WebSphere MQ Monitoring running on the HP
NonStop Kernel operating system (formerly Tandem). For information specific to
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for WebSphere MQ Monitoring relating to historical data
collection, see the Customizing Monitoring Options topic found in your version of
the product documentation.

Conversion process on HP NonStop Kernel Systems

When setting up the process that converts the history files you have collected to
delimited flat files, schedule the process manually by running the krarloff rolloff
program. Run history file conversion every 24 hours.

Using the krarloff rolloff program on HP NonStop Kernel:

The history files are kept on the DATA subvolume, under the default
<$VOL>.CCMQDAT. However, the location of the history files is dependent on
where you start the monitoring agent. If you started the monitoring agent using
STRMQA from the CCMQDAT subvolume, the files are stored on CCMQDAT.

You can run the krarloff rolloff program from the DATA subvolume by entering
the following:


Note that CCMQDAT and CCMQEXE are defaults. During the installation process,
you can assign your own names for these files.

Attribute formatting:

Some attributes must be formatted for display purposes. For example, floating
point numbers that specify a certain number of precision digits to be printed to the
left of a decimal point. These display formatting considerations are specified in
product attribute files.

When you use the krarloff rolloff program to roll off historical data into a text file,
any attributes that require format specifiers as indicated in the attribute file are
ignored. Only the raw number is seen in the rolled off history text file. Thus,
instead of displaying 45.99% or 45.99, the number 4599 displays.

Converting history files to delimited flat files on z/OS systems

You can convert the short-term history files to delimited flat files on z/OS systems
with a manual archiving procedure or as part of your persistent data store
maintenance procedures.

The short-term history files can be converted to delimited flat files automatically as
part of your persistent data store maintenance procedures, or they can be
converted manually with the MODIFY command. The delimited flat file serves as
input to applications for data manipulation and report creation. For more
information, see the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE and Tivoli Management Services on
z/OS Common Planning and Configuration (

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 509

Data that has been collected and stored cannot be extracted because this data is
deleted from the persistent data store. To use these conversion procedures, you
must have set the Warehouse Interval to Off in the History Collection
Configuration window. For more details on the History Collection Configuration
window, see the Tivoli Enterprise Portal online help or “Creating a historical
collection” in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide.
Related reference:
“Manual archiving procedure” on page 513
To manually convert historical data files on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
and on the remote managed systems, issue the following MODIFY command:

Automatic conversion and archiving process on z/OS systems

This section contains information on the automatic conversion and archiving
process that takes place on z/OS systems.

When you customized your IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment, you were given
the opportunity to specify the EXTRACT option for maintenance. Specification of
the EXTRACT option ensures that scheduling of the process to convert and archive
information stored in your history data tables is automatic. No further action on
your part is required. As applications write historical data to the history data
tables, the persistent data store detects when a given data set is full, launches the
KPDXTRA process to copy the data set, and notifies the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server that the data set can be used again to receive historical
information. Additional information about the persistent data store can be found in
IBM Tivoli Management Services on z/OS: Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server on z/OS.

An alternative to the automatic scheduling of conversion is manually issuing the

command to convert the historical data files.

Note: The KPDXTRA process currently does not support UTF8 columns.

Converting files using the KPDXTRA program:

The conversion program, KPDXTRA, is called by the persistent data store

maintenance procedures when the EXTRACT option is specified for maintenance.
This program reads a data set containing the collected historical data and writes
out two files for every table that has data collected for it. The processing of this
data does not interfere with the continuous collection being performed.

Because the process is automatic, a brief overview of the use of the KPDXTRA
program is provided here. For full information about the KPDXTRA program,
review the sample JCL distributed with your Tivoli Monitoring product. The
sample JCL is found as part of the sample job the KPDXTRA program contained in
the sample libraries RKANSAM and TKANSAM.

Attribute formatting:

Some attributes must be formatted for display purposes. For example, floating
point numbers that specify a certain number of precision digits to be printed to the
left of a decimal point. These display formatting considerations are specified in
product attribute files.

When you use KPDXTRA to roll off historical data into a text file, any attributes
that require format specifiers as indicated in the attribute file are ignored. Only the

510 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

raw number is seen in the rolled off history text file. Thus, instead of displaying
45.99% or 45.99, the number 4599 displays.


KPDXTRA program runs in the batch environment as part of the maintenance

procedures. It is capable of taking a parameter that allows the default column
separator to be changed. The z/OS JCL syntax for executing this command is:

Several files must be allocated for this job to run.

All data sets are kept in read/write state even if they are not active. This makes
the data sets unavailable if the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is running.
Thus, jobs cannot be run against the active data sets and the inactive data sets
must be taken offline.

You can remove a data set from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server by issuing
the following command:
F stcname,KPDCMD DELFILE FILE=DSN:datastorefile

Note that DELFILE drops the file only from the PDS; it does not not delete the file.
The file can be added back into the PDS GROUP by issuing a RESUME command:
F stcname,KPDCMD RESUME FILE=DSN:datastorefile

If you must run a utility program against an active data store, issue a SWITCH
command prior to issuing this command.

DD names required to be allocated for KPDXTRA:

The following is a summary of the DD names that must be allocated for the
KPDXTRA program. Refer to the sample JCL in the Sample Libraries distributed
with the product for additional information.
Table 68. DD names required
DD name Description
RKPDOUT KPDXTRA log messages
RKPDLOG PDS messages
RKPDIN Table definition commands file (input to PDS subtask) as set
up by the configuration tool
RKPDIN1 PDS file from which data is to be extracted
RKPDIN2 Optional control file defined as a DUMMY DD statement

KPDXTRA parameters:

The following table specifies the parameters of KPDXTRA, along with their default
values and descriptions.
Table 69. KPDXTRA parameters
Parameter Default Value Description
PREF= none Required parameter. Identifies the high level qualifier
where the output files are written.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 511

Table 69. KPDXTRA parameters (continued)
Parameter Default Value Description
DELIM= tab Specifies the separator character to use between
columns in the output file. The default is a tab
character X'05'. To specify some other character, specify
the 2-byte hexadecimal representative for that character.
For example, to use a comma, specify DELIM=6B.
QUOTE NQUOTE Optional parameter that puts double quotes around all
character type fields. Trailing blanks are removed from
the output. Makes the output format of the KPDXTRA
program identical in format to the output generated by
the distributed krarloff rolloff program.
NOFF off Causes the creation (if set to ON) or omission (if set to
OFF) of a separate file (header file) that contains the
format of the tables. Also controls the presence or
absence of the header in the output data file that is
created as a result of the extract operation. If OFF is
specified, the header file is not created but the header
information is included as the first line of the data file.
The header information shows the format of the
extracted data.

KPDXTRA program messages:

These messages can be found in the RKPDOUT sysout logs created by the
execution of the maintenance procedures:
Persistent datastore Extract program KPDXTRA - Version V130.00
Using output file name prefix: CCCHIST.PDSGROUP
The following characters are used to delimit output file tokens:
Column values in data file.............: 0x05
Parenthesized list items in format file: 0x6b
Note: Input control file not found; all persistent data is extracted.

Table(s) defined in persistent datastore file CCCHIST.PDSGROUP.PDS#1:

Application Name Table Name Extract Status


Checking availability of data in data store file:

No data found for Appl: PDSSTATS Table: PDSDEMO . Table excluded.
No data found for Appl: PDSSTATS Table: TABSTATS . Table excluded.
The following 1 table(s) are extracted:

Name Table Name No. of Rows Oldest Row Newest Row
PDSSTATS PDSLOG 431 1997/01/10 1997/02/04
05:51:20 02:17:54

Starting extract operation.

Starting extract of PDSSTATS.PDSLOG.
The output data file, CCCHIST.PDSGROUP.D70204.PDSLOG, does not exist; it is created.

512 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

The output format file, CCCHIST.PDSGROUP.F70204.PDSLOG, does not exist;
it is created.
Extract completed for PDSSTATS.PDSLOG. 431 data rows retrieved, 431 written.
Extract operation completed.

Location of the z/OS executable files and historical data table

The following section identifies the location of z/OS executable files and historical
data table files.

The z/OS executable files are located in the &rhilev.&rte.RKANMOD or

&thilev.TKANMOD library, where:
v &rhilev is the is the high-level qualifier for the runtime environment.
v &rte is the is the name of the runtime environment.
v &thilev is the high-level qualifier of the target libraries that were installed by

The z/OS historical data files created by the extraction program are located in the
following library structure:
v &hilev.&midlev.&dsnlolev.tablename.D
v &hilev.&midlev.&dsnlolev.tablename.H

Manual archiving procedure

To manually convert historical data files on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
and on the remote managed systems, issue the following MODIFY command:

v stcname identifies the name of the started task that is running either the Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server or agents.
v cccccccc identifies the group name associated with the persistent data store
allocations. The values for cccccccc can vary based on which products are
installed. The standard group name is GENHIST.

When this command is run, only the tables associated with the group identifier are
extracted. If multiple products are installed, each can be controlled by separate
SWITCH commands.

This switching can be automated by using either an installation scheduling facility

or an automation product.

You can also use the Tivoli Enterprise Portal's advanced automation features to run
the SWITCH command. To do so, define a situation that, when it becomes true,
runs the SWITCH command as the action.

Maintaining the Persistent Data Store

You have the option to run the PDS on the z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server or the agent. It provides the ability to record and retrieve tabular relational
data 24 hours a day while maintaining indexes on the recorded data.

See “Configure the persistent data store” in Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server on z/OS for instructions on configuring the persistent datastore.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 513

Using your historical data for analytic usage
You can use external applications, such as an analytic engine, to be alerted about
and help predict potential problems quickly.

Analytic engines need data to be available with low latency and high frequency.
You must configure your Warehouse Proxy agent and Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Agent to emit comma-separated (CSV) files that can be processed by an analytic

Warehouse Proxy agent for analytics

You can enable the Warehouse Proxy agent to write incoming historical data to the
Tivoli Data Warehouse and to a comma-separated (CSV) file. Best practice is to
only write data to a CSV file if the data will be consumed by an external
application, such as an analytic engine.

You must have a connection to the Tivoli Data Warehouse to create CSV files.

The Warehouse Proxy agent receives export requests from agents that are stored in
a memory queue where they can sit for a long time depending on how busy the
Warehouse Proxy agent is. This wait can affect analytics that rely on the data from
the Tivoli Data Warehouse because of a latency between the data collection at the
agent, the data being exported to the Warehouse Proxy agent, and the actual write
to the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.

For quicker access to data, you can now configure the Warehouse Proxy agent to
write to a local CSV file as the data from the agent is received, allowing faster
processing and results in a reduction of the load on the Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Before creating CSV files, ensure the following conditions are met:
v You have sufficient disk space on the file system where the files will be written.
v An external application is set up to consume and delete the files. When the
maximum size threshold is reached, no more CSV files are created. To reduce the
load on storage resources, delete the CSV files when the files are processed by
your analytic engine.
v Monitor the file system to ensure data is being consumed correctly with no time
gap in the data.

Automatic maintenance is not available for the CSV files created. However, the
total size of the written files is monitored, and file creation stops if the total size
exceeds a configured threshold. The evaluation period and maximum size value
are configurable environment variables.

Attention: No provision exists for avoiding duplication of data. The data sent
might fail to be inserted into the Tivoli Data Warehouse due to any number of
reasons. Events such as a timeout or database failure can cause the data to be
resent. The Warehouse Proxy agent has no internal state or knowledge that the
data is a resend, because the new data might have more rows or data added to it
since data collection has occurred on the agent.

File format

The CSV file is created as soon as the data is completely exported by the agent.
Initially, the file is created with a temporary name, and when all the data has been

514 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

written the file is named as follows: <TABLENAME>_<MIN TIMESTAMP>_<MAX
TIMESTAMP>_<SEQUENCE NUMBER>.csv. Data is written to the CSV files in UTF8

Note: You can use the KHD_CSV_ISO_DATE_FORMAT variable to change the

default proprietary timestamp in the filename to ISO format. For more information
see the "Parameters for configuration" section in this topic.

The data is written in the export order as it is sent by the agent. The data includes
a header line containing the column names for readability purposes, and to
provide descriptive information to the data.

For example, a file named

WTLOGCLDSK_110314090000000_1110314090000001_00001.csv might contain the
following information:

Note: The columns in the CSV file might be a subset of the columns in the Tivoli
Data Warehouse, depending on the level of the agent sending the data.

Parameters for configuration

Warehouse Proxy agent environment variables
Use the following environment variables to configure your Warehouse
Proxy agent:
Optional. The interval in seconds between evaluation of the total size
of the CSV files in the output directory. The time is specified in
seconds, with a minimum of 60 seconds (1 minute). The default is 900
seconds (15 minutes).
Optional. Use Y to enable the conversion of proprietary format
timestamps to ISO timestamps.
A proprietary format timestamp is defined as a fixed string of 16
characters in the format CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm, where
C = Century (0 for 20th, 1 for 21st)
Y = Year
M = Month
D = Day
H = Hour
M = Minute
S = Second
m = Millisecond
For example:
Proprietary timestamp: 1130513094020000
ISO timestamp: 2013-05-13T09:40:20.000
If the column is declared as a timestamp of 16 characters but does not
meet the requirements as described, then the column is not converted.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 515

The converted timestamps do not include time zone information. The
meaning of the timestamp is based on the agent producing the data.
Some agents output timestamps in local time and others in Greenwich
mean time (GMT).
The CSV file name is also modified to use ISO timestamps. For
example, the file name for table NTMEMORY with data from
2008/09/27 12:00 to 2008/09/27 19:00 would change from:
File name with proprietary timestamp:
File name with ISO timestamp: NTMEMORY_2008-09-27T12-00-00-
The log file with error tracing indicates which columns containing
proprietary timestamps were not converted due to invalid values. The
log file with state tracing indicates which columns containing
proprietary timestamps were converted to ISO timestamps.
Optional. Specify a list of column names, separated by a comma or
space, to be excluded from the timestamp conversion to ISO format.
The short table name must prefix the short column name, with a
period separating the two names.
Required. The directory where the CSV files are written. If the
directory is not specified or does not exist, a message is logged to the
trace file, an audit message is generated, and the CSV output is
Required. Use Y to enable CSV output and N to disable CSV output.
The default is N.
Optional. The comma or space-separated list of table names (either the
short name or the object name found in the ODI or "Disk capacity
planning for historical data" table in the agent user’s guide) that is
written to the CSV files, for example,
If not supplied, all tables are written to CSV files. This setting is
ignored for data tagged for analytical usage. The default is empty and
has no maximum length.
This variable is ignored when the KHD_CSV_OUTPUT_TAGGED_ONLY
variable is enabled.
Optional. If specified, only data that has been tagged for analytic use is
written to the CSV files. The KHD_CSV_OUTPUT_LIST variable is ignored if
this variable is enabled. The default is Y.
Use this variable in conjunction with the private situation USE=
parameter in the <HISTORY> element . For more information, see
“Private situation XML specification” on page 335.
Note: The data tagged for analytical use is not inserted into the Tivoli
Data Warehouse.

516 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

If set to N, then enterprise data and private history (tagged and
non-tagged) data are written to the CSV files.
Optional. The maximum total size in MB of the CSV files.
When this threshold is exceeded, the Warehouse Proxy agent stops
writing data to the CSV files at the next evaluation interval. In IBM
Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 and later, a warning message is logged in the
Warehouse Proxy agent logs and an audit message is displayed. Files
must be deleted to resume writing.
This checking cannot be disabled. The default is 10 MB.

Note: The Warehouse Proxy agent workspaces are not updated to reflect
these variables.
Monitoring agent and monitoring server environment variables
Use the following environment variables to configure monitoring agents
and monitoring servers that you want to export historical data to the
Warehouse Proxy agent:
Optional. The interval in minutes to wait before historical data from
pure events is uploaded to the Warehouse Proxy agent. This interval
overrides the default setting of 30 minutes. The minimum value is 1
minute. There is no maximum value. If the historical data is stored at
the monitoring agent, you must specify this environment variable in
the monitoring agent's environment file. If the historical data is stored
at the monitoring server, you must specify this environment variable in
the monitoring servers's environment file. Default: "30".
If you specify a low interval, such as 1 minute, best practice is set
KHD_HISTRETENTION=0 to minimize CPU and disk usage.
The Managed System Status > History Exports workspace is updated
to reflect the Export Interval Time.
Optional. Specifies the default retention period in hours for the
short-term history files. This value can be used to reduce the amount
of data that is kept on disk after a successful upload to the warehouse
is performed. Default: "24".
If you configured private history, the value specified for the RETAIN=
parameter in the <HISTORY> element overrides the KHD_HISTRETENTION
value. If you do not specify a value for the RETAIN= parameter, then the
KHD_HISTRETENTION value is used.
Specify KHD_HISTRETENTION=0 to delete the short term binary file after
the export is complete. Deleting the short term binary file prevents
space concerns and also speeds up the process of reading the files.
After the short term binary file is deleted, you will not see short-term
data in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. If you set KHD_HISTRETENTION=0,
then you must also change the variable KFW_REPORT_TERM_BREAK_POINT
in the portal server environment file to ensure that historical queries in
the portal server work correctly.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 517

Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent for analytics
You can flag your monitoring agent historical data so that is can be consumed by
an external application, such as an analytic engine.

To use your monitoring agent historical data for analytics complete the following:
v Ensure the Warehouse Proxy agent environment variables required for analytics
are set.
If you want to include only specific attribute data, see “Warehouse Proxy agent
for analytics” on page 514.
v Optionally, you can enable enterprise historical data collection and private
historical data collection to be flagged for analytics.
For full descriptions of the elements and parameters, see “Private situation XML
specification” on page 335.

Examples of historical data collection for analytics

Examples of historical data collection to CSV files and to the Tivoli Data
Warehouse are provided for your reference.

In the examples included in this topic, the Warehouse Proxy agent is installed on a
UNIX computer. If your Warehouse Proxy agent is installed on a Windows
computer, edit the KHDENV file.

Private history data is collected every 10 minutes and sent to a

CSV file every 60 minutes
Warehouse Proxy agent configuration
In the file hd.ini set:
Private situation configuration
In the file <ITMHOME>/localconfig/lz/lz_situations.xml set:
<HISTORY Table="Linux_Disk" Interval="10" Export="60" USE="A">
Result LNXDSK* files are written to the /wpatest2 folder every 60 minutes.

Private history data is collected and sent to the CSV file every 1
Warehouse Proxy agent configuration
In the file hd.ini set:
Private situation configuration
In the file <ITMHOME>/localconfig/lz/lz_situations.xml set:
<HISTORY Table="Linux_Disk" Interval="1" Export="1" USE="A">
<HISTORY Table="Linux_CPU" Interval="1" Export="1" USE="A">

518 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

<HISTORY Table="KLZ_CPU" Interval="1" Export="1" USE="A">
<HISTORY Table="Linux_Process" Interval="1" Export="1" USE="A">
Result LNXDSK* , LNXPROC*, LNXCPU*, and KLZCPU* are written to the
/wpatest2 folder every 1 minute.

Private history data is sent to the Tivoli Data Warehouse and

some data is sent to the CSV file
Warehouse Proxy agent configuration
In the file hd.ini set:
Private situation configuration
In the file <ITMHOME>/localconfig/lz/lz_situations.xml set:
<HISTORY Table="Linux_Disk" Interval="1" Export="15">
<HISTORY Table="Linux_CPU" Interval="1" Export="15" >
<HISTORY Table="KLZ_CPU" Interval="1" Export="15">
<HISTORY Table="Linux_Process" Interval="1" Export="15">
<HISTORY Table="KLZ_Disk" Interval="1" Export="15" >
Result LNXPROC* files are written to the /wpatest2 folder. (If you are using
private history collection with the USE="A" parameter, more data is
ls -latr /wpatest2
total 2148
drwxr-xr-x 52 root root 2048 Nov 14 08:40 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 379967 Nov 15 11:41
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 381393 Nov 15 11:41
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 123331 Nov 15 11:42
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 160256 Nov 15 11:42 .

All historical collections data is inserted into the Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Private history data is sent to only the Tivoli Data Warehouse

Warehouse Proxy agent configuration
In the file hd.ini set:
Private situation configuration
In the file <ITMHOME>/localconfig/lz/lz_situations.xml set:
<HISTORY Table="Linux_Disk" Interval="1" Export="15">

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 519

<HISTORY Table="Linux_CPU" Interval="1" Export="15" >
<HISTORY Table="KLZ_CPU" Interval="1" Export="15">
<HISTORY Table="Linux_Process" Interval="1" Export="15">
<HISTORY Table="KLZ_Disk" Interval="1" Export="15" >
Result Data is sent only to the Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Private history data is sent only to the Tivoli Data Warehouse for
one agent, and sent only to the CSV file for another agent
Warehouse Proxy agent configuration
In the file hd.ini set:
Private situation configuration on an agent running on HOST1
In the file <ITMHOME>/localconfig/lz/lz_situations.xml set:
<HISTORY Table="Linux_Disk" Interval="1" Export="15">
<HISTORY Table="Linux_CPU" Interval="1" Export="15" >
<HISTORY Table="KLZ_CPU" Interval="1" Export="15">
<HISTORY Table="Linux_Process" Interval="1" Export="15">
<HISTORY Table="KLZ_Disk" Interval="1" Export="15" >
Private situation configuration on an agent running on HOST2
In the file <ITMHOME>/localconfig/lz/lz_situations.xml set:
<HISTORY Table="Linux_Disk" Interval="1" Export="1" USE="A">
Result Data of agent on HOST1 is sent to the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
Data of agent on HOST2 is sent to the CSV file.
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1570 Nov 16 08:48
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1570 Nov 16 08:49
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1570 Nov 16 08:50

Enterprise history data is sent to the CSV file and the Tivoli Data
Warehouse Proxy agent configuration
In the file hd.ini set:

520 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Note: The default value for the KHD_CSV_OUTPUT_TAGGED_ONLY
variable is Y. If this variable is set to Y, data is written to the CSV files only
when data is tagged in private history.
Enterprise historical collection configuration
Create the Historical Enterprise Collection in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Note: You do not need to edit the lz_situations.xml file.
Result The CSV files related to the enterprise collection set on the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal GUI are created in the /wpatest2 folder. Data is also sent
to the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
Note: If the user also has private history by USE="A", these files are also
sent to the CSV file and the Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Enterprise history data is sent only to the Tivoli Data Warehouse

Warehouse Proxy agent configuration
Complete one of the following options:
Do not set any KHD_CSV_* variables in the hd.ini file.
In the hd.ini file, ensure the KHD_CSV_OUTPUT_TAGGED_ONLY variable is
set to the default value of Y.
Enterprise historical collection configuration
Create the Historical Enterprise Collection in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Note: You do not need to edit the lz_situations.xml file.
Result Collection data is sent only to the Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Chapter 16. Managing historical data 521

522 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting
The Tivoli Common Reporting topics have information that is unique to products
that run on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal and use the Tivoli Data Warehouse as the
source of historical data for generating reports. This information is intended for the
administrator who sets up Tivoli Common Reporting and installs report packages
for users.

To get up and running with reporting, complete the following task in the order
1. “Ensure that historical reporting is enabled” on page 527.
2. Create and maintain the dimension tables.
3. Connect to the Tivoli Data Warehouse using the database client over ODBC.
You only need to setup this connection once.
4. Import reports by using the report installer.
5. If you installed the OS agent reports, then you can run a prerequisite scan.

Tivoli Common Reporting overview

The Tivoli Common Reporting tool is a reporting feature available to users of
Tivoli products. Use Tivoli Common Reporting to gather, analyze, and report
important trends in your managed environment in a consistent and integrated

A set of predefined reports is provided for the Tivoli Monitoring OS Agents and
other products for monitoring individual, multiple, and enterprise resources.
Tivoli Common Reporting consumers
v The network systems programmer who troubleshoots TCP/IP issues
v The application analyst or documentation manager
v The IT manager or service level advisor who validates service level
v The capacity planner
v The service manager
v The system administrator
v The storage administrator
Tivoli Common Reporting components
Tivoli Common Reporting consists of several components:
v A data store for storing and organizing report designs, reports, and
supporting resources. The data store is a location within the Tivoli
Common Reporting infrastructure where all report-related files and
reports are managed and maintained.
v A web-based user interface for specifying report parameters and other
report properties, generating formatted reports, and viewing reports.
v A command-line interface for working with objects in the data store and
performing additional administrative functions.
v Report packages, archive files containing reports, documentation, graphics,
and dynamic link libraries.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 523

– A sample set of reports is provided with the Tivoli Common
Reporting product. Other sets can be downloaded and installed using
the Import facility.
– A CD is available for the Cognos® version of the Tivoli Monitoring
agent reports.
– BIRT report packages for some monitoring agents are included as .zip
files on the Tivoli Monitoring Agent installation media in the
REPORTS/kpc directory, where pc is the two-character product code.
Report packages are available on the IBM Integrated Service
Management Library (
ismlibrary) for a number of Tivoli Monitoring products. You can
search “Tivoli Common Reporting” to find report packages in the
IBM Integrated Service Management Library (
You can find additional report packages generated by other non-IBM
users, business report templates, and the Tivoli Common Reporting:
Development and Style Guide at the IBM developerWorks® Tivoli Common
Reporting community.
v The open-source Eclipse BIRT Report Designer that you can use to
modify reports or create your own. This tool can be downloaded from
the IBM developerWorks Tivoli Common Reporting community.

Note: Tivoli Common Reporting provides enhanced security that enables you to
assign a security string to hypertext links in a report. The Tivoli Common Reporting
User's Guide provides instructions for entering a security set.

For more information about Tivoli Common Reporting, including information

about installing and administering Tivoli Common Reporting and creating reports,
refer to the following information centers:
"Installing Tivoli Common Reporting" topic in the Tivoli Common Reporting
Information Center for Tivoli Common Reporting Version 2.1.1
“Installing Tivoli Common Reporting” topic in the Jazz for Service Management
Information Center ( for Tivoli Common Reporting
Version 3.1 or higher

Prerequisites for Tivoli Common Reporting

These are the prerequisite components for installing and running Tivoli Common
Reporting packages in Tivoli Monitoring products.

To use the reports, you need the following components:

v IBM Tivoli Monitoring
v Tivoli Common Reporting
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 includes Tivoli Common Reporting
Version, which is a component of Jazz for Service Management.
The reports for the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.3 operating system agents,
can be installed with Tivoli Common Reporting Version 3.1 or 2.1.1. (Tivoli
Common Reporting Version 2.1.1 is provided with IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Version 6.2.3.) For other monitoring agents, see the agent's user guide to
determine the supported versions of Tivoli Common Reporting.
If you want to upgrade an existing version of Tivoli Common Reporting Version
2.x to Version 3.1 or higher, the upgrade is a side-by-side process that results in

524 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

two instances of Tivoli Common Reporting in your environment. You can
remove the earlier version after you finish setting up Tivoli Common Reporting
Version 3.1 or higher. If you want to migrate reports, including any custom
reports or report scheduling, from the earlier version of Tivoli Common
Reporting into the latest version, you must migrate the reporting data before
installing the latest monitoring agent reports into Tivoli Common Reporting
Version 3.1 or higher.
If you have not done so already, install and configure Tivoli Common Reporting,
using the information found in one of the following information centers:
"Installing Tivoli Common Reporting" topic in the Tivoli Common Reporting
Information Center for Tivoli Common Reporting Version 2.1.1
“Installing Tivoli Common Reporting” topic in the Jazz for Service
Management Information Center (
tivihelp/v3r1/topic/ for
Tivoli Common Reporting Version 3.1 or higher
To ensure that Tivoli Common Reporting is running, go to http://
computer_name:port_number/ibm/console/. The default port number for http is
16310 and for https is 16311. The default path to the server is /ibm/console.
However, this path is configurable, and might differ from the default in your
If you already have an earlier version of Tivoli Common Reporting and you
install a newer version in a different directory on the same computer system, the
port assignment is different to avoid a conflict.
v Report packages
Your product might have a separate reports package that must be extracted. See
your product user's guide for instructions. This does not apply to the OS Agent
reports, which are extracted as part of their installation.

Note: If you upgraded Tivoli Common Reporting to Version 3.1 or higher and
you want to migrate reports, including any custom reports or report scheduling,
from the earlier version of Tivoli Common Reporting into the latest version, you
must migrate the reporting data before installing the latest monitoring agent
reports into Tivoli Common Reporting Version 3.1 or higher. For instructions on
how to export report packages from the earlier version of Tivoli Common
Reporting and import the packages into the latest version of Tivoli Common
Reporting, see the “Installing Jazz for Service Management” topic in the Jazz for
Service Management Information Center (
v Historical data stored in a database manager product supported by IBM Tivoli
Monitoring. For more information about supported databases, refer to
“Supported databases for the Tivoli Data Warehouse” in the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
v For the IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent reports Cognos package, refer your
monitoring agent user's guide for report details. For more information on the
operating system agent reports, see Operating System Agent Documentation The documentation contains
the required views for each report. If these views are not present, the report
might not work. In order to ensure that the required views are present, run the
following query against the Tivoli Data Warehouse:
– DB2
select distinct "VIEWNAME" from SYSCAT.VIEWS where "VIEWNAME" like ’%V’
– Oracle

Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 525

select distinct "VIEW_NAME" from USER_VIEWS where "VIEW_NAME" like ’%V’
– MS SQL Server
select distinct "NAME" from SYS.VIEWS where "NAME" like ’%V’

Note: In Tivoli Common Reporting, both BIRT and Cognos report engines can

Upgrading from a previous version of monitoring agent reports

You can upgrade your monitoring agent reports from a previous version of a
COGNOS report package.

The report packages for the operating system agents that are provided in IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Version 6.3, can be installed with Tivoli Common Reporting 3.1
or 2.1.1. Each time an OS agent report package is installed it replaces the previous
package if applicable. Best practice is to backup any report data before
upgrading. For more information, see “Working with reports”

Upgrading monitoring agent reports and upgrading the monitoring infrastructure

are independent tasks. To use some new features and capabilities, your
infrastructure might need to be upgraded. An example of this upgrade difference is
the ability to use the Managed System Lists for reporting with the OS monitoring
agents. To use this feature, you must upgrade your Tivoli Data Warehouse in
addition to your monitoring agent reports.

The limitations of the reports produced by Tivoli Common Reporting are described
in this section.
v The Tivoli Monitoring agent Cognos reports are coded to connect to a data
connection in Tivoli Common Reporting with the name TDW.
v Tivoli Monitoring agent reports run against the Tivoli Data Warehouse. DB2
limits the length of columns to 30 characters. Because the Tivoli Data Warehouse
uses attribute group names as the column headers, attribute names longer than
30 characters in a DB2 Tivoli Data Warehouse are replaced with the internal
column name, abbreviated database name for the attribute (for example,
CPU_UTIL or DISK_UTIL rather than CPU Utilization or Disk Utilization).
v Reports that cover a long time period or a processing-intensive attribute might
cause SQL arithmetic overflow.
v Some of the reports do not support the Tivoli Data Warehouse Summarization
and Pruning agent optional definition of shift hours. Customers can use shift
hour support to flag collected data as being either Peak or Off-Peak periods.
However, some reports include all data collected between the customer-selected
report start and end times, whether that data was collected during Peak or
Off-Peak periods. See “About the Summarization and Pruning agent” on page
485 and “Changing global configuration settings” on page 494.
v If the Summarization and Pruning agent shift hours configuration is changed,
the most recent configuration is used for reporting. If you specify a date range
for an availability report that crosses multiple configurations, the availability
metrics might be incorrect. For example, if you edited the peak hours to add one
hour, the summarization for peak hours and off-peak hours are different before

526 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

and after the time when the agent was reconfigured. Only time ranges before or
after the reconfiguration are valid and you should avoid specifying a time range
that crosses two configurations.

Ensure that historical reporting is enabled

The first step in preparing to run reports is to ensure that historical reporting is

About this task

Reports run against long-term historical data that is stored in the Tivoli Data
Warehouse. Before you can run reports, ensure that you have installed the required
components and configured historical data collection:

1. Install and configure the Tivoli Data Warehouse and warehouse agents:
Warehouse Proxy agent and Summarization and Pruning agent, see the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide (
2. Set up historical collection using the Historical Collection Configuration feature
in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, see “Historical collection configuration”.
For z/OS-based monitoring agents, configure the persistent data store using the
Configuration Tool, see “Configure the persistent data store” in the Configuring
the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS and also refer to the IBM Tivoli
OMEGAMON XE and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS Common Planning and
Configuration (
3. Optionally, enable access to summarized data in the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
The use of summarized data in reports can simplify analysis of displayed
reports and improve the performance of generating the reports.

What to do next

After starting the Tivoli Data Warehouse, the warehouse agents, and data
collection, allow enough time for the Tivoli Data Warehouse to save historical data
for your requested report time period or the appropriate amount of data for a
summarized report. For example, if you want a monthly report, you need at least a
month's worth of stored data.

Creating and maintaining the dimension tables

Preparing the Tivoli Data Warehouse for Tivoli Common Reporting includes
creating the dimension tables, which are required for running the Cognos reports
and using the data models.

There are two groups of dimension tables:

Time dimension tables
The time dimension tables, TIME_DIMENSION, MONTH_LOOKUP, and
WEEKDAY_LOOKUP, are required by Tivoli Common Reporting. The time
dimension tables belong to the IBM_TRAM schema. TRAM stands for
Tivoli Reporting and Analytics Model, and is the common data model used
by Tivoli products.

Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 527

The OS Agents Report Prerequisites Scanner report refers to these tables as
the Tivoli Common Reporting Shared Dimensions.
The following descriptions apply:
TRAM stands for Tivoli Reporting and Analytics Model, is the
common data model used by Tivoli products.

Warning: When your site changes either the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
data model or the operating system agent reports, your updated
data model and reports are no longer supported. In addition, these
updates can be lost when you apply maintenance to Tivoli
Monitoring or move to a subsequent release.
Includes years of time dimensional data and granularity to a
specified number of minutes. Each row of this table is a unique
minute key with various dimensions related to it, such as hour,
weekday, day of month, and quarter.
Globalizes the month names for Time Dimension.
Globalizes the weekday names for Time Dimension.
Resource dimension tables
The resource dimension tables are MANAGEDSYSTEM,
The OS Agents Report Prerequisites Scanner report refers to these tables as
the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Dimensions.
The following descriptions apply:
Contains the name, product, and description (which is blank by
default and can be customized) for the managed system group on
the monitoring server.
Contains the managed systems that are a member of a given
managed system group as defined in the MANAGEDSYSTEMLIST

Attention: If you are running your Summarization and Pruning agent in

MANAGEDSYSTEMLISTMEMBERS tables cannot be maintained or created by the
Summarization and Pruning agent.

There are three ways to create the dimension tables:

v “Configuring the Summarization and Pruning agent to create and maintain the
dimension tables” on page 529
In IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 or later, you can create your tables by using the
Summarization and Pruning agent. Following the steps in this topic also
configures the Summarization and Pruning agent to automatically maintain the
dimension tables.
v “Creating the dimension tables using the Schema Publication Tool” on page 532

528 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

You can execute the SQL scripts created by the Schema Publication Tool to create
your dimension tables. If you want your dimension tables to be maintained
automatically, you must configure the Summarization and Pruning agent to do
so after you have used the SQL scripts to create the dimension tables.
v “Manually creating and maintaining the dimension tables” on page 535
Prior to IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3, you had to manually create and maintain
the dimension tables. If you want to continue to manually update the dimension
tables, this option is still available.

Configuring historical data collection before you begin

You must first configure historical data collection.

In order to build the resource dimension table, configure historical data collection
for one or more of the following attribute groups, depending on the operating
system you are getting reports for:

Type Attribute group Table Summarize

Linux Linux IP Address Linux_IP_Address Daily
UNIX UNIX IP Address UNIX_IP_Address Daily
Windows Computer Information NT_Computer_Information Daily
Warehouse KSY Summarization Config KSY_Summarization_Config_DV Daily
Summarization and
Pruning Agent
IBM i Miscellaneous i5OS_Miscellaneous Daily

You can configure historical data collection in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal or in the
Command Line Interface. The following example shows how a local historical
collection for NT Computer Information was created and distributed from the CLI:
tacmd login -s MyComputer -u MyUser -p MyPassword
tacmd tepslogin -s localhost -u sysadmin
tacmd histconfiguregroups -t knt -o "NT Computer Information" -m -d YQMWDH
-p Y=2y,Q=2y,M=1y,W=1y,D=6m,H=14d,R=7d
tacmd histcreatecollection -t knt -o "NT Computer Information"
-a "ComputerInformation" -c 15m -i 15m -l TEMA -e
"Needed for resource dimension table for TCR."
tacmd histstartcollection -n TEMS_NAME -t "knt" -o "NT Computer Information"

Warning: When your site changes either the IBM Tivoli Monitoring data model or
the operating system agent reports, your updated data model and reports are no
longer supported. In addition, these updates might be lost when you apply
maintenance to Tivoli Monitoring or move to a subsequent release.

Configuring the Summarization and Pruning agent to create

and maintain the dimension tables
Configure the Summarization and Pruning agent to create and maintain the
dimension tables required by Tivoli Common Reporting and IBM Tivoli
Monitoring. The time dimension tables, TIME_DIMENSION, MONTH_LOOKUP,
and WEEKDAY_LOOKUP, and the resource dimension tables,
MANAGEDSYSTEMLISTMEMBERS, are all created and maintained using this

Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 529

Before you begin
v You must have IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Fix Pack 2 or later.
v Ensure that any historical collections and summarization needed for the
MANAGEDSYSTEM table are enabled for each agent. For more information, see
“Configuring historical data collection before you begin” on page 529 and your
agent documentation.
v During this procedure the MANAGEDSYSTEM table is populated using
information from the WAREHOUSETCRCONTROL table. The
WAREHOUSETCRCONTROL table is created at the first successful start of the
Summarization and Pruning agent or by running the scripts created when using
the schema publication tool to generate the DDL.
It is the responsibility of each monitoring agent to put entries into the
WAREHOUSETCRCONTROL table. Your monitoring agent might use scripts or
manual steps to add their entries. For detailed information see your agent's
user's guide.
For example, the OS agents reports package populates the
WAREHOUSETCRCONTROL table during an installation step. This means if
you want to use Tivoli Common Reporting with your OS agent reports, you
must install the OS agents reports package before completing this task to ensure
the required WAREHOUSETCRCONTROL entries are picked up. Note: You do
not need to install the OS agent report package to enable historical collections.
v For DB2 LUW and DB2 z/OS, you must create a user in the Tivoli Data
Warehouse database that has privileges to create tables and execute the stored
procedure with the IBM_TRAM schema. The user must have SYSADM or
DBADM authority to create an IBM_TRAM schema.
v For Oracle, you must create the IBM_TRAM user by using the IBM_TRAM
schema in the Tivoli Data Warehouse database, or you can create a user that has
privileges to create tables and execute the stored procedure with the IBM_TRAM
v For Microsoft SQL Server, you must create a user in the Tivoli Data Warehouse
database that has privileges to create tables and execute the stored procedure
with the IBM_TRAM schema.

About this task

This task configures the Summarization and Pruning agent to create and maintain
the dimension tables. If the tables already exist, the Summarization and Pruning
agent ensures the tables contain all the needed columns and then adds any missing
columns. If a table already exists, but the index does not exist, the Summarization
and Pruning agent will not create the missing index. If you have already
customized your table data, your customized data is preserved.

1. Edit the Summarization and Pruning agent environment variable file.

On the computer where the Summarization and Pruning agent is

installed, in the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services
application, right-click the agent and select Advanced → Edit ENV file.

On the computer where the Summarization and Pruning agent is

installed, change to the install_dir/config directory.
Open the sy.ini file in a text editor.

530 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Configure the following environment variables, then save the file:
Indicates whether reporting integration is enabled. If enabled, the time
dimension tables are created if they do not already exist. The default value is
If this variable is set to Y, and the time dimension tables do not exist, but the
KSY_TRAM_USER and KSY_TRAM_PASSWORD are not set, then a warning
message in the trace file and in the Summarization and Pruning agent
Configuration workspace is returned indicating that the time dimension
tables were not created.
v KSY_TRAM_USER=username
The reporting user that creates the time dimension tables. For all databases
except DB2 LUW and DB2 z/OS the reporting user is set by default to
For DB2 LUW and DB2 z/OS, because IBM_TRAM does not follow the user
naming conventions for these databases, a different user name must be used.
(In DB2 LUW a user name cannot start with IBM and in DB2 z/OS a user
name cannot contain an underscore.) The user you create must have the
necessary privileges to create an IBM_TRAM schema.
This variable is required only if the time dimension objects need to be
created in the database.
The password for the reporting user.
This variable is required only if the time dimension objects need to be
created in the database.
The number of minutes that the data is inserted into the TIME_DIMENSION
table. The minimum value is 1. The default value is 5.
If the value specified is below the minimum value, the value is reset by the
Summarization and Pruning agent at start up to the minimum value.
The amount of data in months to be loaded into the TIME_DIMENSION
table when it is empty or first created. The minimum value is 1. The default
value is 24 months.
If the value specified is below the minimum value, the value is reset by the
Summarization and Pruning agent at start up to the minimum value.
2. Reconfigure the Summarization and Pruning agent to enable reporting
integration. You can use one of the following options:
v Reconfigure the Summarization and Pruning agent through Manage Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Services enabling reporting integration.
For detailed steps, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
v Reconfigure the Summarization and Pruning agent using the command-line
interface enabling reporting integration.
For detailed steps, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
v Reconfigure the Summarization and Pruning agent using remote deploy
enabling reporting integration.
For detailed steps, see the IBM Tivoli Warehouse Summarization and Pruning
Agent Reference.
3. Restart the Summarization and Pruning agent. After completing this task, note
that when the Summarization and Pruning agent starts, it configures a 24-hour

Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 531

timer for the maintenance of the ITM_TRAM tables for TCR reports. This
24-hour maintenance is not configurable and occurs every 24 hours after the
start of the Summarization and Pruning agent.


The dimension tables have been created and are now maintained by the
Summarization and Pruning agent.

The Summarization and Pruning agent only adds new systems to the
MANAGEDSYSTEM table. This means if you have customized data, it is

What to do next

Verify the contents of the tables and ensure they have data for the upcoming
month. The Summarization and Pruning agent maintains data one month ahead of
the current month.

You can view the Summarization and Pruning agent Configuration workspace for
an overview of your configurations. Any errors encountered are also reported in
this workspace. For detailed information about this workspace, see the IBM Tivoli
Warehouse Summarization and Pruning Agent Reference.

You can create reports and queries based on your managed system groups.

Creating the dimension tables using the Schema Publication

Use the schema publication tool to create the dimension tables required by Tivoli
Common Reporting and IBM Tivoli Monitoring.

The following time dimension tables are created by this task: TIME_DIMENSION,
MONTH_LOOKUP, and WEEKDAY_LOOKUP. The following resource dimension
tables are also created by this task: MANAGEDSYSTEM, MANAGEDSYSTEMLIST,

Before you begin

v You must have IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Fix Pack 2 or later.
v Ensure that any historical collections and summarization needed for the
MANAGEDSYSTEM table are enabled for each agent. For more information, see
“Configuring historical data collection before you begin” on page 529 and your
agent documentation.
v Complete this task before any reports are executed.
v For DB2 LUW and DB2 z/OS, you must create a user in the Tivoli Data
Warehouse database that has privileges to create tables and execute the stored
procedure with the IBM_TRAM schema. The user must have SYSADM or
DBADM authority to create an IBM_TRAM schema.
v For Oracle, you must create the IBM_TRAM user by using the IBM_TRAM
schema in the Tivoli Data Warehouse database, or you can create a user that has
privileges to create tables and execute the stored procedure with the IBM_TRAM
v For Microsoft SQL Server, you must create a user in the Tivoli Data Warehouse
database that has privileges to create tables and execute the stored procedure
with the IBM_TRAM schema.

532 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

About this task

You can use this task to create both the time dimension tables and the resource
dimension tables, or you can create just the time dimension tables, or just the
resource dimension tables. Each set of tables can be created using a different
connection to the Tivoli Data Warehouse.

The following schema publication tool modes are supported:

v Installed: Generates the DDL for all the monitoring agents installed in your
environment. This mode also generates the DDL for the resource dimension
tables and the DDL for the time dimension tables if KSY_TRAM_ENABLE is set
to Y. This mode also provides the insert statement into the WAREHOUSEID
table and the create statements for the TDW functions.
v Configured: Generates the DDL only for the attribute groups that have historical
collections configured. The DDL for the summarized tables only exists if the
summarization for those attribute groups is configured. This mode also
generates the DDL for the resource dimension tables and the DDL for the time
dimension tables if KSY_TRAM_ENABLE is set to Y. This mode also provides
the insert statement into the WAREHOUSEID table and the create statements for
the TDW functions.
v Updated: This mode is the best practice. Generates the DDL only for the
attribute groups that have historical collections configured, but that do not exists
in the Tivoli Data Warehouse database. If the DDLs do not already exist, this
mode also generates the DDL for the resource dimension tables and the DDL for
the time dimension tables if KSY_TRAM_ENABLE is set to Y. This mode also
provides the insert statement into the WAREHOUSEID table and the create
statements for the TDW functions.

For additional information on running the schema publication tool see “Generating
SQL for data warehouse tables” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup

Attention: The procedure below uses the updated mode.

1. If you want to create the resource dimension tables used by the warehouse, you
must edit the response file.

install_dir\TMAITM6\tdwschema.rsp for 32-bit Windows systems

install_dir\TMAITM6_x64\tdwschema.rsp for 64-bit Windows systems

Configure the following environment variables:
KSY_SQL_OUTPUT_FILE_PATH = optional file path for SQL output
Save and close the file.
2. If you want to create the time dimension tables used for reporting, you must
edit the Summarization and Pruning agent environment variable file and set

On the computer where the Summarization and Pruning agent is

Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 533

installed, in the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services
application, right-click the agent and select Advanced → Edit ENV file.

On the computer where the Summarization and Pruning agent is

installed, change to the install_dir/config directory.
Open the sy.ini file in a text editor.

Save and close the file.

Note: Scripts to create the time dimension tables will not be generated if
KSY_TRAM_ENABLE=Y and you also use the KSY_TABLE_FILTER variable in
the tdwschema.rsp file but do not include the time dimension tables and
resource dimension tables in the list of tables to filter by.
3. Ensure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is started.
4. Run the schema publication tool script:

install_dir\TMAITM6\tdwschema.bat for 32-bit Windows systems

install_dir\TMAITM6_x64\tdwschema.bat for 64-bit Windows systems

The SQL files for the products specified in the response file are generated and
written to the directory indicated by the KSY_SQL_OUTPUT_FILE_PATH
keyword, or to the current working directory, if no output directory is
5. Connect to the Tivoli Data Warehouse with the authorized user ID and execute
the following scripts in the order listed.
To create the resource dimension tables and any other attribute group tables,
execute the following SQL scripts in the order listed with the Tivoli Data
Warehouse user ID:

To create the time dimension tables execute the following SQL scripts in the
order that is listed while connected to the Tivoli Data Warehouse database with
the user ID authorized to create tables with the IBM_TRAM schema:


If using Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server, run the scripts as the TRAM user

If using DB2, run the scripts as a user that has privileges to create tables with
the IBM_TRAM schema.


534 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Attention: You must run the scripts in the order that is listed or they will fail.
The tdw_tram_insert.sql calls the stored procedure in the tdw_tram_function.sql
script to populate the IBM_TRAM.TIME_DIMENSION table after the
tdw_tram_table.sql script is executed.
Example on DB2:
db2 connect to <TDW_database> user <TDW_user> using <password>
db2 -tvf tdw_schema_table.sql
db2 -tvf tdw_schema_index.sql
db2 -tvf tdw_schema_view.sql
db2 -td# -f tdw_schema_function.sql
db2 -tvf tdw_schema_insert.sql

db2 connect to <TDW_database> user <TRAM_user> using <TRAM_password>

db2 -tvf tdw_tram_table.sql
db2 -tvf tdw_tram_index.sql
db2 -td# -f tdw_tram_function.sql
db2 -tvf tdw_tram_insert.sql
Example on MSSQL:
osql -S <SQL server> -U <user ID> -P <password> -d <database name>
-I -i tdw_schema_table.sql
osql -S <SQL server> -U <user ID> -P <password> -d <database name>
-I -i tdw_schema_index.sql
osql -S <SQL server> -U <user ID> -P <password> -d <database name>
-I -i tdw_schema_view.sql
osql -S <SQL server> -U <user ID> -P <password> -d <database name>
-I -i tdw_schema_function.sql
osql -S <SQL server> -U <user ID> -P <password> -d <database name>
-I -i tdw_schema_insert.sql

osql -S <SQL server> -U <IBM_TRAM> -P <IBM_TRAM_password> -d <database name>

-I -i tdw_tram_table.sql
osql -S <SQL server> -U <IBM_TRAM> -P <IBM_TRAM_password> -d <database name>
-I -i tdw_tram_index.sql
osql -S <SQL server> -U <IBM_TRAM> -P <IBM_TRAM_password> -d <database name>
-I -i tdw_tram_function.sql
osql -S <SQL server> -U <IBM_TRAM> -P <IBM_TRAM_password> -d <database name>
-I -i tdw_tram_insert.sql
Example on Oracle:
sqlplus <user ID>/<password>@<TDW Database SID> @tdw_schema_table.sql
sqlplus <user ID>/<password>@<TDW Database SID> @tdw_schema_index.sql
sqlplus <user ID>/<password>@<TDW Database SID> @tdw_schema_function.sql
sqlplus <user ID>/<password>@<TDW Database SID> @tdw_schema_insert.sql

sqlplus <IBM_TRAM>/<IBM_TRAM_password>@<TDW Database SID> @tdw_tram_table.sql

sqlplus <IBM_TRAM>/<IBM_TRAM_password>@<TDW Database SID> @tdw_tram_index.sql
sqlplus <IBM_TRAM>/<IBM_TRAM_password>@<TDW Database SID> @tdw_tram_function.sql
sqlplus <IBM_TRAM>/<IBM_TRAM_password>@<TDW Database SID> @tdw_tram_insert.sql


The dimension tables are now created.

What to do next

If you received errors while executing the tdw_schema_insert.sql script, see the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide.

Manually creating and maintaining the dimension tables

You can create the dimension tables by creating and maintaining them manually
using database scripts.

Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 535

Creating and populating the time dimensions tables
Preparing the Tivoli Data Warehouse for Tivoli Common Reporting includes
creating the IBM_TRAM dimensions, which are required for running the Cognos
reports and using the data models.

About this task

The following dimensions tables are created by this procedure:

v IBM_TRAM Schema
v Other dimensions
Other dimensions conforming to the Tivoli Common Data Model, such as
ComputerSystem, BusinessService, and SiteInfo.

You will need the database scripts included in the extracted reports package under
the db_scripts directory.

If reports are distributed with an installer, the following manual procedures can be
handled automatically by the report installer. See your agent-specific user's guide
for information on automated TRAM creation.

When installing multiple report packages, the following steps need only be
completed once. When installing multiple report packages the same
TIME_DIMENSION tables are used. If you want to reset granularity or begin and
end times, you can repeat the procedure.

1. Copy the database scripts (.db2 files) from the reports package to a location
where they can be run against the Tivoli Data Warehouse. The scripts are in
the db_scripts branch of the directory where the reports package was
extracted to.
2. Log in as db2admin. Your user ID must have administrator access to create
the IBM_TRAM schema.
3. Connect to the database that you want to create the dimension tables for.
This is your Tivoli Data Warehouse.
db2 connect to WAREHOUS
4. If you have an older version of the database scripts already installed clean
up the database:
db2 -tf clean.db2
5. Create the schema and tables:
db2 -tf create_schema_IBM_TRAM.db2

After the command completes successfully, several tables are shown under
ComputerSystem, BusinessService, SiteInfo, and so on.
6. Create the stored procedure for generating the time dimension:
db2 -td@ -vf gen_time_dim_granularity_min.db2

536 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

7. To populate TIME_DIMENSION table, call the time dimension stored
procedure with dates and granularity to generate the timestamps. You can
generate up to five years at a time or have the data regenerated every day.
db2 "call IBM_TRAM.CREATE_TIME_DIMENSION(’start_date’,
’end_date’, granularity_of_data)"

where start_date and end_date are in this format YYYY-MM-DD-

HH.MM.SS.MILSEC and granularity_of_data is the frequency in minutes.
For example, the following command extracts data from 1/1/2010 to
1/1/2015 with 60-minute granularity.
db2 "call IBM_TRAM.CREATE_TIME_DIMENSION(’2010-01-01-’,
’2015-01-01-’, 60)"

Tip: When populating the time dimension use the following guidelines:
– To view yearly data, you must provide the first day of the year, as seen in
the preceding example.
– Specify the end date far enough into the future so that new incoming data
can map to and be displayed correctly in the reports.
– Best practice is to use a value of 60-minute granularity.
v Microsoft SQL Server
1. Copy the database scripts (.sql files) from the reports package to a location
where they can be run against the Tivoli Data Warehouse. The scripts are in
the db_scripts branch of the directory where the reports package was
2. Customize the provided scripts by changing the default database name in the
use statement (replace USE IBM_TRAM) if it is different from the default. If
the name of your Tivoli Data Warehouse is "warehouse," the statement is USE
a. If you have an older version of the database scripts already installed,
clean up the database using the clean.sql command..
b. Run the createSchema.sql command.
c. Run the createProcedure.sql command.
d. Run the populateTimeDimension.sql command. Also, modify the
boundary parameters for the time dimension and granularity, for
@startDate = ’2010-01-01 00:00:00’,
@endDate = ’2012-12-31 00:00:00’,
@granularity = 60,

If Monday must be the first day of the week, add the fourth parameter
equal to 1; otherwise, release three parameters.
@weekday = 7
3. If you have an older version of the database scripts already installed, clean
up the database.
sqlcmd -i clean.sql [-U username -P password] [-S hostname]
4. Run the scripts at the MS SQL command line in this order:
sqlcmd -i createSchema.sql [-U username -P password] [-S host]
sqlcmd -i createProcedure.sql [-U username -P password] [-S host]
sqlcmd -i populateTimeDimension.sql [-U username -P password] [-S host]
v Oracle manual installation

Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 537

1. Copy the database scripts (.sql files) from the reports package to a location
where they can be run against the Tivoli Data Warehouse. The scripts are in
the db_scripts branch of the directory where the reports package was
extracted to.
2. Start an SQL *Plus session if it is not already running.
3. Check that you can access remotely as sys user.
4. If you have an older version of the database scripts already installed clean
up the database (the procedure must be called by the sys user):
5. Take one of the following steps:
– If you can access remotely as sys user, run this command and provide all
the information that the script requires:
– If you cannot access remotely as sys user, run this command locally at the
Oracle server and provide all the information that the script requires:
v Oracle batch installation
1. Copy the database scripts (.sql files) from the reports package to a location
where they can be run against the Tivoli Data Warehouse. The scripts are in
the db_scripts branch of the directory where the reports package was
extracted to.
2. Start an SQL *Plus session if it is not already running.
3. If you have an older version of the database scripts already installed clean
up the database (the procedure must be called by the sys user):
4. Create user IBM_TRAM (the script must be called by a user with system
rights, such as SYS/SYSTEM):

where TCR_PASS is the password for the new user, USER_TBSPC is the default
user tablespaces name (must exist), and TEMPORARY_TBSPC is the default
temporary tablespaces name (must exist)
5. Create the IBM_TRAM tables (the script must be called by the IBM_TRAM
user created in the previous step):
@MY_PATH\create_schema.sql USER_TBSPC

where USER_TBSPC is the default user tablespaces name (must exist)

6. Grant privileges to the user, such as ITMUSER (the script must be called by
the IBM_TRAM user):

where USER is the name of the user to grant privileges to.

7. Create the procedure (the script must be called by the IBM_TRAM user):
8. Load the lookup data (the script must be called by the IBM_TRAM user):
9. Generate the time dimension (the procedure must be called by the
IBM_TRAM user):
@MY_PATH\populateTimeDimension.sql StartDate EndDate Granularity

538 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

where StartDate is the start date in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM',
EndDate is the end date in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM', and
Granularity is the number of minutes. Example:
@MY_PATH\populateTimeDimension.sql ’2010-01-01 00:00’ ’2012-
12-31 00:00’ ’60’


The time dimension tables are complete.


If the DB2 commands are failing with the following error:

UDA-SQL-0107 A general exception has occurred during the operation
"prepare".[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT64] SQL0551N "ITMUSER" does not have
the required authorization or privilege to perform operation "SELECT" on
object "IBM_TRAM......

Execute the following commands to resolve the issue:

1. Connect to the Tivoli Data Warehouse as a user with DB2 privileges.
2. Issue the following grants:
Grant select on IBM_TRAM."ComputerSystem" to ITMUSER
Grant execute on procedure IBM_TRAM.CREATE_TIME_DIMENSION to ITMUSER

What to do next

Create and populate the resource dimension table.

Creating and populating the resource dimension table

Preparing the Tivoli Data Warehouse for Tivoli Common Reporting includes
creating and populating the resource dimension table “ManagedSystem”, which is
required for running the Cognos reports and using the data models.

Before you begin

You must first configure historical data collection. For more information, see
“Configuring historical data collection before you begin” on page 529.

About this task

If your site runs the Tivoli Data Warehouse, each time you install one or more
monitoring agents, you must update the warehouse's ManagedSystem table.

Important: The following scripts use hardcoded user schemas. If you use a
different schema, you must replace every instance of the hardcoded schema with
the user you specified.


Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 539

1. Log in as db2admin. Your user ID must have administrator access to create
the resource dimension.
2. Connect to the database that you want to create the resource dimension table
for. This is your Tivoli Data Warehouse.
db2 connect to WAREHOUS
3. If you specified a different user from the default of ITMUSER for connecting
to your warehouse, customize the provided scripts gen_resources.db2,
populate_resources.db2, populate_resources_zos.db2, replacing every
instance of the hardcoded schema "ITMUSER" with the user you specified.
4. Create the tables:
db2 -tf gen_resources.db2

After the command completes successfully, a new table is shown under the
ITMUSER schema: ManagedSystem.
Note: If the table "ITMUSER.ManagedSystem" has already been created the
following message is displayed when executing the gen_resources.db2 script
and can be ignored: DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL
statement because it was not a valid Command Line Processor command.
During SQL processing it returned: SQL0601N The name of the object to
be created is identical to the existing name "ITMUSER.MANAGEDSYSTEM"
of type "TABLE". SQLSTATE=42710"
5. Create the stored procedure to populate the ManagedSystem table:
db2 -td@ -vf populate_resources.db2
6. To populate ManagedSystem table, call the stored procedure:

Note: If you specified a different user from the default, replace ITMUSER with
the user specified during your warehouse configuration.
v Microsoft SQL Server
1. Customize the provided scripts:
a. In create_table.sql, change the default database name in the use
statement (replace USE WAREHOUS) if it is different from the default.
b. In create_procedure.sql, change the default database name in the use
statement (replace USE WAREHOUS) if it is different from the default.
c. In populate_agents.sql, change the default database name in the use
statement (replace USE WAREHOUS) if it is different from the default.
2. Run the scripts at the MS SQL command line in this order:
sqlcmd -i create_table.sql [-U myusername -P mypassword] [-H myhost])
sqlcmd -i create_procedure.sql [-U myusername -P mypassword] [-H myhost])
sqlcmd -i populate_agents.sql [-U myusername -P mypassword] [-H my_host])
v Oracle manual installation
1. Start a SQL *Plus session if it is not already running.
2. Run this command (path with no spaces) and provide all the information
that the script requires:
v Oracle batch installation
1. Start a SQL *Plus session if it is not already running.
2. Create the ITMUSER.ManagedSystem table. The script must be called by the
Tivoli Data Warehouse user, which is ITMUSER by default. If you used a
different user name, modify the script for the correct name.

540 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

@MY_PATH\create_table.sql USER_TBSPC
3. Create the procedure to populate the table:
4. Start the procedure to populate the ManagedSystem table:


The resource dimension table is complete.

What to do next

Install and run IBM Cognos reports.

Importing reports by using the report installer

The report installer is available only for specific agents that include reports that are
bundled with the installer. This method of installation can only be used when

The report installer supports Tivoli Common Reporting versions 2.1 and later.

Before you begin

Set the PATH environment variable to include the bin directory of Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) 1.5 or later before using the report installer.

See your agent-specific user's guide for additional installation steps and possible
troubleshooting items for your agent.

About this task

Use the following procedure to import reports that are bundled by using the report
installer. This procedure can be used on the 6.2.3 or later versions of the OS agents
and the TivoliPerformance Analyzer reports.

For additional Tivoli Common Reporting information, see the “Installing Tivoli
Common Reporting” topic in the Jazz for Service Management Information Center

v Using the GUI:
1. From the \osreports directory on the product CD, run the command
appropriate for your operating system:
The installer window opens.
2. Choose your language and click OK.
3. On the Welcome page click Next.

Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 541

4. Specify the Tivoli Common Reporting installation directory, such as
<JazzSM_Home>/reporting if you are using Tivoli Common Reporting 3.1 or
later with Jazz for Service Management and <TIP_Home>/TCRComponents if
you are using Tivoli Common Reporting 2.1.1 with Tivoli Integrated Portal.
You can use the default folder or use the Choose button to provide the
path. Click Next.
5. Choose the reports you want to install. Click Next.
6. Enter the Tivoli Common Reporting user name and password. Click Next.
7. For each data source and data script, enter the data source configuration
– If applicable, on the Cognos Data Sources configuration window, enter
the Tivoli Data Warehouse database user name, password, database type,
and database name. For DB2 or Oracle, enter the database name. For
SQL, enter the ODBC Data Source Name.
– If applicable, on the BIRT Data Source window and the Configure Data
Script window enter the configuration information:
In the JDBC User Credentials tab, enter the Tivoli Data Warehouse
database user name and password to be used during the installation.
Check the box to skip defining the data source now.
In the JDBC Database Credentials tab, choose the database type from
the list; then, enter the database JDBC URL and specify the JDBC
driver files. Use the Browse button to search for the JAR files, or type
in the file names separated by a semicolon (;). Enter the driver JDBC
class. Check the box to skip defining the data source now.
Note: More than one JAR file might be required for a data source. For
JDBC, given driver files are automatically copied into a Tivoli
Common Reporting directory from which they are leveraged in
creating database connections to collect data for reports.
Click Next.
8. The pre-installation summary is displayed. Read it carefully to check if the
information is correct. If it is, click Install or use the Previous button to
change any of the previously specified parameters.
9. A window is displayed that shows the progress of your installation.
10. The post-installation report is displayed. Check if the installation was
successfully finished and click Finish.
v Using the command line:
1. Run the setup_<platform>.exe/.bin -i console command.
2. Choose your installation language.
3. Enter the location of the Tivoli Common Reporting directory such as
<JazzSM_Home>/reporting if you are using Tivoli Common Reporting 3.1 or
later with Jazz for Service Management and <TIP_Home>/TCRComponents if
you are using Tivoli Common Reporting 2.1.1 with Tivoli Integrated Portal.
4. Choose the type of reports to be installed.
5. Enter your Tivoli Common Reporting user name and password.
6. Configure your Tivoli Data Warehouse and data scripts. Some report
packages might not have data scripts.
7. An installation summary is provided, then press Enter to being installation.
v Using silent mode:
1. Create the silent installer response file and name it

542 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

2. Run the setup_<platform>.exe/.bin -i silent -f <path_to_response_file>


Agent reports are now installed on your Tivoli Common Reporting server.

What to do next

You can now use the reports to display monitoring data gathered by the
monitoring agents. To learn more on how to run, administer, and edit reports in
Tivoli Common Reporting, see the “Working with reports” (http://
tcr_original/ttcr_working.html) topics.

See the agent-specific user's guide for additional reporting information.

Importing and running IBM Cognos reports

You must create and populate the Cognos dimensions tables and then import the
report package to enable Tivoli Common Reporting for the monitoring agents.

About this task

If your reports are included with the report installer, see “Importing reports by
using the report installer” on page 541.

If your reports are not included with the report installer, see “Importing reports
through the Dashboard Application Services Hub” on page 545.

For detailed report installation information, see the “Installing Tivoli Common
Reporting” topic in the Jazz for Service Management Information Center

Running a prerequisites scan

The OS Agents Report Prerequisites Scanner report provided by the OS agents
report package, allows you to check your system’s prerequisites for using the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring OS Agent reporting solution and Tivoli Common Reporting. Run
this health check report for an overview of your prerequisites and to verify that
your dimensions tables are available.

Before you begin

A DataSource connection must be defined in Tivoli Common Reporting to connect

to the Tivoli Data Warehouse for this report to work.

For DB2 on z/OS, you must establish a connection and grant the required
privileges. Run the following commands from the DB2_install_dir/version/bnd
db2 grant select on SYSIBM.SYSVIEWS to USER1

Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 543

About this task

The OS Agents Report Prerequisites Scanner report returns data on the following
v Prerequisites for Tivoli Common Reporting Shared Dimensions
v Prerequisites for IBM Tivoli Monitoring Shared Dimensions
v Prerequisites by report

If your system is configured correctly, the time dimensions will report as satisfied.
If a report set returns as unsatisfied, you can dismiss this if it pertains to a report
set you do not wish to collect.

Limitation: When using reporting in your national language, some text strings
display in only English.

1. From the Tivoli Common Reporting Navigator tree, select Public Folders → IBM
Tivoli Monitoring OS Agents Reports → Prerequisites Validation → OS Agents
Report Prerequisites Scanner report.
2. Select between the two available report types:
v Show all sections: This option shows all sections, including failing
(unsatisfied prerequisites) and success (satisfied prerequisites).
v Show failing sections only: This option shows only sections with failing
(unsatisfied prerequisites).
3. Review the returned report information. Take any actions needed to resolve any
unsatisfied prerequisites. Read the returned information in the Legend tables
and look in the Status and Details columns for summary information.

What to do next

When viewing your report, in the Details column, you can click on to view the
Table Details report for additional information.

Note: The Table Details report can only be accessed from clicking the icon in the
Details column. If you try to run the report directly from Public Folders → IBM
Tivoli Monitoring OS Agents Reports → Prerequisites Validation → Table Details,
you will receive an error.

Connecting to the Tivoli Data Warehouse using the database

client over ODBC
Cognos uses ODBC to connect to the database. It is important to first install a
database client on the Tivoli Common Reporting server and have it connect to the
Tivoli Data Warehouse. If your database and the Tivoli Common Reporting server
are on the same computer, no database client is needed.

1. Make sure you have deployed a DB2 database client on the computer where
the Cognos-based Tivoli Common Reporting engine is installed. The client
should be of the same version as the database that the Tivoli Data Warehouse
is using.
If a DB2 server is installed where the Cognos-based
Tivoli Common Reporting engine is installed, the DB2 client files are already

544 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

available. However, you will need to copy the DB2 library file (libdb2.a) to
the Cognos_8_Install_dir/bin directory to allow Cognos to successfully
connect to the database server where the Tivoli Data Warehouse resides.
2. Connect the DB2 database client to the database server by running the DB2
Configuration Assistant, configuring the local net service name configuration,
and restarting your system.
3. Note the name of the connection you have created because it is used in
Tivoli Common Reporting by the report installer.
v Microsoft SQL Server
1. Make sure you have deployed the MS SQL database client on the computer
where the Cognos-based Tivoli Common Reporting engine is installed.
2. Connect the MS SQL client to the database server by running the MS SQL
Management Studio Express, configuring the local net service name
configuration, and restarting your system.
3. Note the name of the connection you have created because it is used in
Tivoli Common Reporting by the report installer.
v Oracle
1. Make sure you have deployed the Oracle database client on the computer
where the Cognos-based Tivoli Common Reporting engine is installed.
2. Connect the Oracle database client to the database server by running the
Oracle Net Configuration Assistant, configuring the local net service name
configuration, and restarting your system.
3. Note the name of the connection you have created because it is used in
Tivoli Common Reporting by the report installer.


You can now import and run reports.

Importing reports through the Dashboard Application Services

Use the Dashboard Application Services Hub user interface to import reports for
the Tivoli Monitoring OS agents.

Before you begin

The monitoring agent report models are based on IBM Cognos. You must have
Tivoli Common Reporting V3.1 (with Cognos engine) installed and running on the
computer on which you install the reports. You must also have created and
populated the dimensions tables as instructed in “Creating and populating the
time dimensions tables” on page 536 and “Creating and populating the resource
dimension table” on page 539, and connected to the data warehouse as described
in “Connecting to the Tivoli Data Warehouse using the database client over ODBC”
on page 544.

Restriction: This import method can be used for Cognos reports only.

About this task

You must obtain a report package you want to work with. You can download
packages from the IBM Integrated Service Management Library
(, or you can create one
by using the Content Administrator interface. All the packages you want to import

Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 545

must be stored in the TCR_component_dir\cognos\deployment directory.

1. Launch the Dashboard Application Services Hub administrative console and
log in.
2. Go to Common Reporting.
3. In the Work with reports window on the right, click Administration from the
Launch drop-down list.
4. Go to Configuration tab, and open the Content Administration section.
5. Create a new package import by clicking Import, which opens a New
Import wizard.
6. Follow the wizard to import a new package.


OS Agent Reports are now installed on your Tivoli Common Reporting server.

What to do next

You can now use the reports to display monitoring data gathered by the OS
Monitoring Agents. To learn more on how to run, administer, and edit Cognos
reports in Tivoli Common Reporting, see the “Working with reports”
tcr_original/ttcr_working.html) topics.

For additional reporting information, see the operating system agent user's
reference at Operating System Agent Documentation

If you encounter any problems installing the report package, see the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide.

Importing and running BIRT reports

Use the Eclipse BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools) Report Designer
to develop your own reports or edit exisitng reports. The Eclipse BIRT Report
Designer is not required to download or install reports.

Import a BIRT report package

Import the report package for a monitored application to get the required files for
defining BIRT reports.

Before you begin

A report package is a .zip file containing all of the data required for defining one or
more reports, including the required designs and resources and the hierarchy of
report sets to contain the reports. The monitoring agent reports are included as .zip
files on the agent image in the REPORTS directory. For example, on a Windows
computer, if the image drive is labelled D:, reports are in directories such as:
D:\REPORTS\kqb. See the agent reporting chapter or Product reporting guide for
the location of the reports.

546 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

About this task

The -import command flag for the trcmd command imports BIRT and Cognos
report packages and report designs. The type of a package is recognized
automatically. This command can be used for single-box installation and on the
reporting engine. It is not supported for other scenarios.

For more information, see trcmd -import in the Tivoli Common Reporting
Information Center.

For Tivoli Common Reporting V2.1 use the following procedures:

1. Use this syntax to import a report package:
trcmd -import -bulk pkgFile [-reportSetBase rsBase] [-resourceBase resourceBase]
[-designBase designBase] [-help]
This example imports a BIRT package named with its resource
directory imported from C:\download:trcmd -import -bulk
C:\download\sth\report\ -reportSetBase myReportSetBase
-resourceBase myResourceBase -designBase myDesignBase -user tipadmin
-password admin
2. Use this syntax to import a report design and also create a new report
associated with the design:
trcmd -import -design designPath [-resourceDir resourcePath] -reportSetBase
Usage notes:
v During Cognos reports import, the -resourceBase, -designBase, and
-resourceDir parameters are ignored.
v You can import a single Cognos report from an .xml file using the -design

The Navigation tree shows an item for the reports and items for subsets of the

What to do next

Changing the data source in a report will change the data sources for all reports.
You do not need to repeat the change for all reports.

For more information, see the “Working with reports” (


Configure the data source

All reports in a BIRT report package must point to the same data source. The data
source pointer needs to be modified to point to your Tivoli Data Warehouse.

About this task

After you have installed Tivoli Common Reporting and imported your first set of
reports, you or a user with Administrator authority must copy JDBC drivers from
the local or remote database manager that you are using to run the Tivoli Data

Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 547

Warehouse into the Tivoli Common Reporting server directory. You specify these
files in the Edit Data Source window. Perform the following steps to install these

1. Locate the JDBC driver files:
IBM DB2 db2jcc.jar and db2jcc.license_cu.jar
C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\java
For example, the default DB2 on the workstation Version 9 installation
directory is /usr/opt/db2_09_01 on AIX and /opt/IBM/db2/V9.1 on
Linux and Solaris.
The JDBC drivers are typically found in this default DB2 installation
path or in the java directory of whatever alternate path you specified
for DB2 installation.
You can also download the IBM DB2 Driver for JDBC and SQLJ from
the IBM website.
Microsoft SQL Server sqljdbc.jar
Download the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver from the Microsoft
website. The SQL Server 2005 JAR file name and location after
installation is mssql2005installdir/sqljdbc_1.1/enu/sqljdbc.jar.
Oracle oraclethin.jar
Obtain the JDBC Type 4 driver from the Oracle website. The Oracle
JDBC driver JAR file name and location after installation is
2. Copy the JDBC driver to your Tivoli Common Reporting installation directory:
v tcr_install_dirTCR_component_dir\lib\birt-runtime-2_2_2\ReportEngine\
v For a DB2 data source, copy the DB2 JDBC drivers and the license JAR file to
the same location. You can copy db2jcc.jar and th db2jcc_licence_cu.jar
file on the DB2 server system from the db2_installdir/java location (for
example, C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB\java).
3. Run the trcmd -modify command to configure the data source. See the
trcmd-modify command topic in the Tivoli Common Reporting Information
Center for complete instructions.

What to do next

For additional information, refer to the JDBC driver section of the IBM Tivoli
Common Reporting: Development and Style Guide on IBM developerWorks Tivoli
Common Reporting community.

For more information about Tivoli Data Warehouse connectivity issues, refer to
“Part 5. Setting up data warehousing” in IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and
Setup Guide (

Generate a sample BIRT report

Tivoli Common Reporting BIRT report packages are organized by product. Select a
report set to generate a report.

548 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

1. Launch a browser that is compatible with Tivoli Common Reporting, and enter
this address: https://<address>:16311/ibm/console/logon.jsp, where
<address> is the IP address or host name of the system where Tivoli Common
Reporting is installed. If your environment was configured with a port number
other than the default, enter that number instead. The default path to the server
is /ibm/console. However, this path is configurable, and might differ from the
default in your environment.
2. In the navigation tree on the left, expand the Reporting item.
3. Click Common Reporting. All the reports available (all the report packages that
you have imported) are displayed in the text area of the screen.
4. On the Navigation tab, expand the Tivoli Products item.
5. Select the Tivoli product whose reports you want to use from the list of
available products.
6. If this is the first time you have run reports based on data from the Tivoli Data
Warehouse, perform the following steps:
a. Define the Tivoli Data Warehouse as the data source for your reports; for
more information, see “Configure the data source” on page 547. For
information about data sources, see the IBM Tivoli Common Reporting User's
Guide or the online help for Tivoli Common Reporting.
b. Copy the required JDBC drivers from the local or remote database manager
that you are using to run the Tivoli Data Warehouse into the Tivoli
Common Reporting server directory.
You might need to increase the default heap size for the Java Virtual Machine
(JVM) on the Java command to start the Tivoli Common Reporting server. If
you see these messages displayed when you create a report, you might have to
increase the default heap size:
Processing has ended because of an unexpected error.
See the Tivoli Common Reporting log files for more information.

See OMEGAMON XE and Tivoli Management Services on z/OS: Reports for Tivoli
Common Reporting for information about how to increase the default heap size.
7. In the Actions column, click the run icon for the report you want to launch,
and then select the type of report format: HTML (the default), PDF, Microsoft
Word, Microsoft Excel, or Adobe Postscript.
When you select a report from Tivoli Common Reporting, you are presented
with a Report Parameters window that prompts you for information that will
be used to generate the report. The title of the parameters window indicates the
type of report that will be generated. For a description of the types of reports,
see the agent user's guide or product reporting guide for the agent or product
with which you are working.
A Report Parameters window contains some fields common to all reports (for
example, timeframe). Other fields are specific to the agent running the reports.
For most reports, you select a timeframe, resources, the summarization level of
the data, and the attributes to graph, or click to accept all displayed
8. Click Run to generate a report matching your parameter definitions.

Chapter 17. Tivoli Common Reporting 549


An hourglass is displayed while Tivoli Common Reporting gathers report data and
creates formatted output. After processing finishes, the report is displayed in the
Dashboard Application Services Hub.

What to do next

If no report is generated or you see a message indicating that the requested data is
unavailable, see the IBM Tivoli Common Reporting User's Guide for information
about defining a data source.

If you are viewing an HTML or PDF report, you can also click any embedded links
to open drill-through reports. Clicking a drill-through embedded link causes the
report to link back to itself with the newly passed parameters or to a secondary
(drill-down or summarized) report. Examples of drill-through links include clicking
on a bar or line chart or on a table heading.

550 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Chapter 18. Replicating the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
Use the utilities provided with the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to migrate the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal customizations that are stored in the TEPS database. This
includes user IDs, Navigator views, custom queries, custom workspaces, and local
terminal scripts.

You can also use the migrate-import and migrate-export scripts to switch from a
32-bit Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to a 64-bit Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server on
the same operating system.

Understanding the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server database

Before replicating the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server database, be aware of what
the database contains and what is required before you begin.

Tivoli Enterprise Portal customizations

Tivoli Enterprise Portal customizations are stored at the portal server in the TEPS
database. This includes user IDs, Navigator views, custom queries, custom
workspaces, and local terminal scripts. It does not store situations, policies, and
managed system groups.

During an installation upgrade to a new version of the portal server, the TEPS
database is updated with any new or changed predefined Navigator views, queries
and workspaces. Custom Navigator views, queries, and workspaces that you
created are not affected.

The TEPS database replication is required for moving from a test environment to a
production environment. You can also use the procedure for backing up the
database as a precautionary measure before applying a fix pack or upgrading to a
new version.

All workspaces previously created in the destination environment are replaced

with those that were created in the source environment. Any existing user changes
in the destination environment are also replaced.

Requirements for replication

Before migrating the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, make sure your environment
fulfills these requirements:
v The portal servers on the source and target computers must be configured to
connect to the same hub monitoring server.
v The portal servers on the source and target computers must be at Version 6.2.1
or later and, ideally, both have been installed from the same Tivoli Monitoring
Base DVD.
v The portal servers on the source and target computers must have been installed
the same way:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 551

– The selected applications are the same. For example, if the source portal
server has support for the UNIX, Windows Servers, and MQ Series
applications installed, then the target portal server must have the same
application support.
– The same database program is used for the portal server database. For
example, IBM DB2 UDB.

CLI tacmds for selective replication

The command line interface has tacmds for exporting and importing specific IBM
Tivoli Monitoring objects. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference for a
description of each of these commands and their syntax.
tacmd exportworkspaces
tacmd importworkspaces
Selectively copy workspaces from one portal server to another.
tacmd exportQueries
tacmd importQueries
Export custom queries to an XML file; then import them into a portal
tacmd bulkExportSit
tacmd bulkImportSit
Export all Tivoli Monitoring enterprise situations from one hub monitoring
server and importing into another.
tacmd bulkExportPcy
tacmd bulkImportPcy
Export all Tivoli Monitoring policies from one hub monitoring server and
importing into another.
tacmd exportNavigator
tacmd importNavigator
Export custom Navigator views and their assigned workspaces, queries,
and situation associations to an XML file; then import them into a portal
tacmd exportSitAssociations
tacmd importSitAssociations
Export all the situation associations for a Navigator view or a particular
Navigator item to an XML file; then import them into a portal server.
tacmd exportSysAssignments
tacmd importSysAssignments
Export all managed system assignments for a Navigator view or a
particular Navigator item to an XML file; then import them into a portal

Running the migrate-export script

Export the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to create a copy of the TEPS data base
for applying to another computer or to keep as a backup.

Before you begin

The portal server can be running or stopped when you initiate the migrate-export
script. If the server is stopped, the script starts it temporarily in a limited mode to

552 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

accomplish the export. Do not start the portal server manually until the
migrate-export has completed.

About this task

On the computer where the source Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed, take
these steps to create a copy of the TEPS database

1. Open a command prompt window: Start→ Run, enter CMD.
2. Change to the install_dir\CNPS directory.
3. Enter: migrate-export
The migrate-export script generates a file named saveexport.sql in the
install_dir\CNPS\sqllib subdirectory. It contains all the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server data.
1. On the source system, open a terminal window.
2. Change to the bin subdirectory of your IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation,
such as: cd /opt/IBM/ITM/bin
3. Enter: ./itmcmd execute cq "" Be sure to
use the " double-quote symbol and not ' single-quote.
The migrate-export script generates a file named saveexport.sql in the
install_dir/$platform/cq/sqllib subdirectory. It contains all the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal Server data.

Running the migrate-import script

When you have a copy of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server database, named
saveexport.sql, import it to a any portal server installation of the same version
where you want duplicate settings.

Depending on the contents of the saveexport.sql, this process can completely

replace the existing TEPS database.

Some of the tables included in the import script are applicable only to the
CandleNet Portal Server, the predecessor to Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. Unless
you are not importing a Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server database, the
migrate-import log file will contain SQL errors about an undefined name, such as
SQLExecDirect rc=-1: SQL_ERROR SQLSTATE: 42S02, ERR: -204, MSG: [IBM][CLI
Driver][DB2/LINUX] SQL0204N "ITMUSER.TAGGROBJ" is an undefined name.

Running migrate-import from source Windows to target

Run the migrate-import script to import a copy of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server database from a Windows computer to another Windows computer.

Before you begin

This procedure overwrites the TEPS database on the target computer.

Chapter 18. Replicating the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server database 553
About this task

On the Windows computer where the target portal server is installed, take these
steps to import the TEPS database that was copied from another Window
computer using migrate-export.

1. Stop the portal server on the target system.
2. On the source system, open a command prompt: Click Start → Run, and enter
3. Copy file saveexport.sql that was generated by the migrate-export.bat script
from the source system to install_dir\CNPS\sqllib on the destination system,
where <mapped drive on destination system> is the disk drive on the source
system where this file resides. Example:
copy <mapped drive on destination system>:\IBM\ITM\CNPS\sqllib
\saveexport.sql c:\ibm\itm\cnps\sqllib

If a drive is not already defined, you must map a drive to the source system
from the destination system with the net use command.
4. On the target system, change to the install_dir\CNPS directory and enter:
migrate-import. Running the migrate-import process stops the portal server if
it is currently running.
5. If you are using the migrate-import function to move the TEPS database from
one release to another, perform this task after migrating the database to add
application support:
a. Open <install_dir>\CNPS\kfwalone in a text editor.
b. Set KFW_MIGRATE_FORCE=Y, then save and close the file.
c. Invoke this script to apply the current portal server application support to
the newly migrated TEPS database: <install_dir>\CNPS\
6. Restart the portal server.

Running migrate-import from source Windows to target Linux

Run the migrate-import script to import a copy of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server database from a Windows computer to a Linux or UNIX computer.

Before you begin

This procedure overwrites the TEPS database on the target computer.

About this task

On the Linux or UNIX computer where the target portal server is installed, take
these steps to import the TEPS database that was copied from a Window computer
using migrate-export.

1. Stop the portal server on the target system.
2. On the source system, open a command prompt: Click Start → Run, and enter

554 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

3. Copy saveexport.sql that was generated by the migrate-export.bat script from
the source Windows system to the target system's install_dir/$platform/cq/
sqllib directory, where $platform is li6243 for Intel Linux or ls3263 for zSeries
Linux on the destination system.
4. Open a terminal window on the target system.
5. Change to the bin subdirectory of the Tivoli Monitoring installation:
Install_dir/bin. For example,
cd /opt/IBM/ITM/bin
6. In the terminal window, enter ./itmcmd execute cq "". Be sure to use the " double-quote symbol and not '
single-quote. The script processes a file named saveexport.sql in the
install_dir/$platform/cq/sqllib directory. Depending on the contents of the
saveexport.sql file, this process can completely replace the existing portal server
7. If you are using the migrate-import function to move the TEPS database from
one release to another, perform this task after migrating the database to add
application support:
a. Open Install_dir/cq/bin/lnxnocmsenv in a text editor.
b. Set KFW_MIGRATE_FORCE=Y, then save and close the file.
c. Invoke the following script to apply the current portal server application
support to the newly migrated TEPS database: Install_dir/bin/itmcmd
execute cq For example,
/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd execute cq
8. Restart the portal server from the Install_dir/bin directory with the following
./itmcmd agent start cq

Running migrate-import from source Linux or UNIX to target

Run the migrate-import script to import a copy of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server database from a Linux or UNIX computer to a Windows computer.

Before you begin

This procedure overwrites the TEPS database on the target computer.

About this task

On the Windows computer where the target portal server is installed, take these
steps to import the TEPS database that was copied from a Linux or UNIX
computer using migrate-export.

1. Stop the portal server on the target system.
2. Copy file saveexport.sql that was generated by the migrate-export script from
the source Linux or UNIX system ( /opt/IBM/ITM/$platform/cq/sqllib) to
install_dir\CNPS\sqllib on the target system.
3. On the target system, change to the install_dir\CNPS directory and enter:
migrate-import. Running the migrate-import process stops the portal server if
it is currently running.

Chapter 18. Replicating the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server database 555
4. If you are using the migrate-import function to move the TEPS database from
one release to another, perform this task after migrating the database to add
application support:
a. Open <install_dir>\CNPS\kfwalone in a text editor.
b. Set KFW_MIGRATE_FORCE=Y, then save and close the file.
c. Invoke this script to apply the current portal server application support to
the newly migrated TEPS database: <install_dir>\CNPS\
5. Restart the portal server.
6. Restart the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

Running migrate-import from source Linux or UNIX to target

Linux or UNIX
Run the migrate-import script to import a copy of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server database from a Linux or UNIX computer to another Linux or UNIX

Before you begin

This procedure overwrites the TEPS database on the target computer.

About this task

On the Linux or UNIX computer where the target portal server is installed, take
these steps to import the TEPS database that was copied from another Linux or
UNIX computer using migrate-export.

1. Stop the portal server on the target system.
2. Copy file saveexport.sql that was generated by the migrate-export script from
the source Linux or UNIX system install_dir/$platform/cq/sqllib directory
to the same directory on the target system, where install_dir is the installation
directory on the destination system, such as /opt/IBM/ITM/, and $platform is
the operating system, such as li6243 for Intel Linux or ls3263 for zSeries Linux.
3. Open a terminal window on the target system.
4. Change to the bin subdirectory of the Tivoli Monitoring installation:
Install_dir/bin. For example,
cd /opt/IBM/ITM/bin
5. In the terminal window, enter the following command.
./itmcmd execute cq ""

Be sure to use the " double-quote symbol and not ' single-quote. The script
processes a file named saveexport.sql in the IBM/ITM/$platform/cq/sqllib
subdirectory. Depending on the contents of the saveexport.sql file, this process
can completely replace the existing portal server data.
6. If you are using the migrate-import function to move the TEPS database from
one release to another, perform this task after migrating the database to add
application support:
a. Open Install_dir/cq/bin/lnxnocmsenv in a text editor.
b. Set KFW_MIGRATE_FORCE=Y, then save and close the file.

556 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

c. Invoke the following script to apply the current portal server application
support to the newly migrated TEPS database: Install_dir/bin/itmcmd
execute cq For example,
/opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd execute cq
7. Restart the portal server from the Install_dir/bin directory with the following
./itmcmd agent start cq

Chapter 18. Replicating the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server database 557
558 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP
This appendix describes the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services feature of the
SOAP server. The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services solution provides you with
an industry-standard open interface into IBM Tivoli Monitoring solutions. This
open interface provides easy access to Tivoli performance and availability data,
allowing you to use this information for advanced automation and integration

IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services implements a client/server architecture. The

client sends Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) requests to the SOAP server
which is installed with the hub monitoring server. The server receives and
processes the SOAP requests from the client.

Predefined SOAP methods let you perform many functions within the monitored
environment. You can begin to use the SOAP methods immediately. You can also
use these SOAP methods as templates in creating your own advanced methods.

SOAP works with any programming or scripting language, any object model and
any Internet wire protocol. Tivoli SOAP methods can be invoked by PERL,
Javascript, VBSCRIPT, JSCRIPT, C++, Java, and through a browser.

Note: Web Services does not support situation creation. Use the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Situation editor or the CLI tacmd createSit function for situation creation.
The SOAP server can query only agent and managed system attributes.

About the SOAP client

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is a communications XML-based protocol
that lets applications exchange information through the Internet.

SOAP is platform independent and language independent. SOAP uses XML to

specify a request and reply structure. It uses HTTP as the transport mechanism to
drive the request and to receive a reply.

Important: Prior to using IBM's solution, you must have a basic understanding of
SOAP, of Extensible Markup Language (XML) and XML Namespaces, and of the
Web Services Description Language (WSDL).

Configuring Tivoli Monitoring Web Services (SOAP Server)

By default, the SOAP server is installed on the Hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Server. Use the configuration topics to establish SOAP server communication
between hub monitoring servers and to establish security on the SOAP server.

The instructions in this chapter assume that you have a basic understanding of
SOAP, XML and XML Namespaces, and the Web Services Description Language
(WSDL). These steps are required to configure SOAP:
v Define the hubs with which your SOAP Server communicates.
v Create users and grant them access.
v Verify that you have successfully configured SOAP.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 559
Note: You cannot make SOAP requests to earlier version SOAP servers.

Defining hubs
The procedure below describes how you can use the Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services to activate the SOAP server and define the hubs with which
the SOAP server communicates.

About this task

Use the following steps to define SOAP hubs:

1. On the computer where the hub monitoring server is installed, start Manage
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services:
a. Click Start → Programs → IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services.
b. or Change directory to install_dir/bin and enter:
./itmcmd manage
To use the command-line interface, see “Defining hubs on Linux and
UNIX using the CLI” on page 561.
2. Right-click Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and click Reconfigure.
3. Select or clear the Security: Validate User field.
4. Open Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services.
5. Right-click Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
6. Click Advanced → Configure SOAP Server Hubs.
7. Click Add Hub. The Hub Specification window is displayed.
8. Select the communications protocol to be used with the from the Protocol
9. Specify an alias name in the Alias field (for example: HUB2). Alias names can
be a minimum of 3 characters and a maximum of 8 characters.
10. Perform one of the following steps:
a. If you are using TCP/IP or TCP/IP Pipe communications, complete the
following fields:
Table 70. TCP/IP Fields in Hub Specification Dialog
Field Description
Hostname or IP Address The host name or TCP/IP address of the
host computer.
Port The TCP/IP listening port for the host

b. If you are using SNA communications, complete the following fields:

Table 71. SNA Fields in Hub Specification Dialog
Field Description
Network Name Your site SNA network identifier.
LU Name The LU name for the monitoring server. This
LU name corresponds to the Local LU Alias
in your SNA communications software.

560 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 71. SNA Fields in Hub Specification Dialog (continued)
Field Description
LU6.2 LOGMODE The name of the LU6.2 logmode. Default:
TP Name The Transaction Program name for the
monitoring server.

Note: If you are connecting to a remote monitoring server, the protocol

information must be identical to that used for the hub monitoring server.
11. Click OK. The server tree is displayed.

Defining hubs on Linux and UNIX using the CLI

Define the SOAP server hubs on a Linux/UNIX system using the CLI procedure.

About this task

Complete the following steps to configure the SOAP server:

1. On the host of the hub monitoring server on which you want to configure Web
Services, change to the install_dir/bin directory and enter the following
./itmcmd config -S -t tems_name
2. Accept the default values, which should reflect the choices made during the
last configuration, until you see the following prompt:

Editor for SOAP hubs list


## CMS_Name
1 ip.pipe:TEMS_NAME[port_#]

1)Add, 2)Remove ##, 3)Modify Hub ##, 4)UserAccess ##, 4)Cancel, 5)Save/exit:
3. To add a hub with which the local hub can communicate:
a. Type 1 and press Enter.
b. Respond to the following prompts as shown in :
Network Protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe, or ip.spipe] (Default is: ip):
CMS Name (Default is: local_host):
Port Number (Default is: 1918):
Alias (Default is: SOAP):

Table 72. SOAP hub configuration values

Configuration Value
Network Protocol The communications protocol configured for the hub monitoring
CMS Name The host name of the hub monitoring server. The host name must
be fully
Port Number The protocol port for the hub monitoring server.

Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP server 561
Table 72. SOAP hub configuration values (continued)
Configuration Value
Alias An alias for the hub. Alias names can be a minimum of 3 characters
and a maximum of 8 characters. The alias for the local hub must
always be SOAP, but you must create a new alias for additional hubs
(for example, HUB2).

After you enter the alias, the list of hubs is displayed with the new hub added.
For example,
## CMS_Name
1 ip.pipe:chihuahua[1918]
2 ip:maple[1918]

1)Add, 2)Remove ##, 3)Modify Hub ##, 4)UserAccess ##, 5)Cancel, 6)Save/exit:

You can continue to add hubs, or you can proceed to define user access for the
hubs you have already defined.

Adding users
Define users on each hub and specify access rights for each user (query or update)
by following the procedure below.

About this task

Complete the following procedure to define users and specify access rights:

1. Select the server (click anywhere within the server tree displayed), if required.
2. Under Add User Data, type the user name. User IDs must be identical to those
specified for monitoring server logon validation. Access is restricted to only
that monitoring server to which a user has access.

Note: If you do not supply a user ID, all users are given permission to update
3. Click the type of user access: Query or Update.
4. Click Add User. The server tree is updated, showing the user and type of
5. To delete a user: Select the user name from the tree and click Delete Item.
6. To delete a hub: Click anywhere within the hub's tree and click Clear Tree.

562 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Attention: When SOAP security is enabled, the user Query and Update
permissions control authorization of the tacmd commands that send requests to
the hub monitoring server and requests from other SOAP clients. The
SOAP_IS_SECURE environment variable of the hub monitoring server must also
be set to YES if you want to control which users can issue SOAP CT_EMail and
CT_Export requests.

The query permission prevents the user from performing the create, update,
and delete operations, and also the tacmd commands for remote deploy and
execution of commands, such as executeaction and executecommand.

The update permission grants permission to run all SOAP operation and
applies to all tacmd commands that send requests to the hub monitoring server,
except for the tacmd getFile and tacmd putFile commands. Permission to run
the tacmd getFile and tacmd putFile commands is controlled by the
KT1_TEMS_SECURE environment variable of the hub monitoring server. For more
details on how to enable permission to run these two commands, see the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference.

Configuring IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services (SOAP

Server) on UNIX and Linux systems
Configure the SOAP Server on UNIX and Linux computers.

About this task

Use the following steps to define SOAP hubs on UNIX or Linux using Manage
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services:

1. Change to the install_dir/bin directory and start Manage Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Services by entering the following command:
./itmcmd manage

The Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services Window is displayed.

2. Right-click Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and select Configure from the
popup menu. The Configure TEMS window is displayed.
3. Click Save. The SOAP Server Hubs Configuration window is displayed. If the
current host is not displayed in the Hubs tree, define it before defining the
hubs with which it communicates.
4. Confirm that the host name or IP address, port number, and protocol for the
hub monitoring server are correct. If not, correct them. If the name of the local
hub does not appear in the tree, define the local hub before defining the hubs
with which it communicates. The alias for the local hub must always be
5. To add another hub:
a. Type the name or IP address and port number of the host in the appropriate
b. Specify an alias name in the Alias field. Alias names can be a minimum of 3
characters and a maximum of 8 characters (for example, HUB2).
c. Select the communications protocol to be used with the hub from the
Transport menu.
6. Click Add Host. The server tree is displayed, with the newly defined hub.

Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP server 563
Tuning SOAP transaction performance on AIX systems
SOAP transaction performance can be modified on AIX by deciding whether or not
to allow delayed acknowledgments. Tune the performance by following the
procedure below.

About this task

The default behavior on AIX systems for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
connections is to allow delayed acknowledgments (Ack packets) by up to 200 ms,
and is controlled by the tcp_nodelayack network option. This delay allows the
packet to be combined with a response and it minimizes system overhead. If you
set tcp_nodelayack to 1, the acknowledgment is immediately returned to the
sender. With this setting, slightly more system overhead is generated but results in
much higher network transfer performance when the sender is waiting for
acknowledgment from the receiver. To find out more about the tcp_nodelayack
option, refer to the IBM System p® and AIX Information Center.

To set this parameter, complete the following procedure:


Access a user account that has root privileges and issue the following command:
no -p -o tcp_nodelayack=1


The following output is typical:

Setting tcp_nodelayack to 1
Setting tcp_nodelayack to 1 in nextboot file

This is a dynamic change that takes effect immediately. The -p flag makes the
change persistent, so that it is still in effect the next time you start the operating

Enabling SOAP security

When you enable the Security: Validate Users option when configuring the hub
monitoring server, all SOAP requests are authenticated except for CT_EMail and
CT_Export requests.

For information on how to configure the hub monitoring server to validate SOAP
users, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. If you also want to
authenticate SOAP users who are sending CT_EMail or CT_Export SOAP requests,
you must enable the SOAP_IS_SECURE environment variable on the hub monitoring

About this task

By default the SOAP_IS_SECURE environment variable is disabled. Enabling this

variable requires all users who submit CT_EMail or CT_Export requests to know a
hub monitoring server credential. Setting SOAP_IS_SECURE=YES only works if user
validation is turned on in the hub monitoring server.

1. On the computer where the hub monitoring server is installed, open the
KBBENV or ms.ini file:
564 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Use Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services (Start → Programs →
IBM Tivoli Monitoring → Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services)
to edit environment files. Right-click the component you want to
modify and click Advanced → Edit ENV File. You must recycle the
component to implement the changes.

Edit the environment file directly. Edit environment variables in the

<install_dir>/config/ms.ini file.
2. Locate and uncomment the line: # SOAP_IS_SECURE=YES. For example:
3. Save and close the monitoring server environment file.
4. For Windows, you must recycle the component to implement the changes. For
Linux or UNIX, you must reconfigure and recycle the monitoring server to
implement the changes.

Verifying the configuration

Verify that you have configured the SOAP server correctly.

About this task

In this step you verify that SOAP has been correctly configured by starting the
SOAP client and making a request using the command-line utility kshsoap.

1. Verify that the monitoring server that you used to enable SOAP is running. If
not, start it.
2. Open a command window.
3. Change to the install_dir\cms directory or
The install_dir/TBD.
4. In the current directory, create an ASCII text file named SOAPREQ.txt that
contains the following SOAP request:

Or if security has been enabled:

<CT_Get><userid>logonid</userid><password>password</password> \
5. Create another ASCII text file named URLS.txt that contains URLs that will
receive the SOAP request. For example: http://hostname:1920///cms/soap
6. Run the following command:
kshsoap SOAPREQ.txt URLS.txt

SOAPREQ.txt is the name of the file that contains the SOAP request and
URLS.txt is the name of the file that contains the URLs.


The kshsoap utility processes the SOAPREQ.txt file and displays the output of the
SOAP request in the command window. The SOAP request is sent to each URL
listed in URLS.txt, and the SOAP response from each URL displays in the DOS

Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP server 565
Using IBM Tivoli Monitoring web services
Numerous SOAP methods are included with IBM Tivoli Monitoring web services.
These methods allow you to dynamically query and control IBM Tivoli Monitoring

Using these SOAP methods, you can:

v Stop or start policies and situations
v Forward trapped messages from System Automation for Integrated Operations
Management and display them on a Universal Message console
v Retrieve attribute data that you can display in charts or reports
v Open and close events
v Make real-time requests for data
v Issue SOAP requests as system commands in Tivoli Enterprise Portal

You can also use this product to test a request to ensure it works correctly. You can
then create a policy that submits multiple requests for processing. In addition, you
can generate daily operation summaries.

You can store retrieved data in the Tivoli Data Warehouse, as described in the
historical data collection guide.

Note: IBM Tivoli Monitoring web Services provides XML data rows. Use IBM's
SOAP methods in combination with your own scripts to display the data in charts
and tables.

SOAP query responses might appear to be ordered alphabetically, but some

attributes do not follow alphabetical order. Automation tasks must examine content
without regard to order.

User IDs
At installation and configuration time, you are asked to supply user IDs for those
who need access to monitoring server data. If no user IDs are supplied, all users
are given permission to update data.

User IDs must be identical to those specified for monitoring server logon
validation. Access is restricted to only that monitoring server to which a user has

You can also make changes at a later time to add or to remove users' access to
monitoring server data. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Installation and Setup Guide
for details.

Starting the SOAP client and making a request

Start the SOAP client either by using Internet Explorer or using the SOAP client
command-line utility (not available on z/OS systems).

About this task

When you use the SOAP client in conjunction with Internet Explorer to issue
SOAP requests, you can modify, if needed, the tags or the text. In contrast, the
command-line utility simply displays the output of the request at the command

566 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Using your browser
Use Windows Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox to enter the URL for the SOAP
service console.

About this task

After installing the Tivoli Monitoring Web Services SOAP client, perform these

1. Start Internet Explorer version 5 or later, or Mozilla Firefox . Be sure to enable
the Access data sources across domains option in Internet Explorer's security
2. In the Address field, type the URL for the SOAP client, where localhost can be
used literally when accessing the SOAP server running on the same system or
changed to the proper host name or network address of a SOAP server running
on a different system:

The port number for the HTTP service is 1920.

Note: You can also route requests to a remote hub by replacing soap in the
Address field with the alias name of the hub you want to access
(HUB_localhost in the example below). The alias must have been previously
defined to the SOAP server (for information about defining hub aliases, see the
installation documentation). For example: http://localhost:1920///cms/
The SOAP client HTML page is displayed.
3. Select a SOAP method from the list in the first field. After you select a method,
the other fields are updated automatically.
4. Modify, if needed, the tags or the text in the “Edit Payload (XML)” area.
5. Click Make SOAP Request. The output of the request displays in the Your
SOAP Response Payload area.

What to do next

When issuing a CT_Get request against a particular agent type, the monitoring
server where the SOAP server is running must be configured and have the
application support for that agent type. For example, when issuing a CT_Get
request for a z/OS agent connected to an z/OS monitoring server, the monitoring
server running the SOAP server must be configured and have the application
support for that z/OS agent.

Using the SOAP client command-line utility (kshsoap)

The SOAP client command-line utility, kshsoap, is an http client. It issues direct
SOAP requests and displays the output at the command line.

About this task

Complete these steps to create a SOAP request file and a SOAP URL receiver file
and send the request.

Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP server 567
1. On the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server system where the SOAP server is
installed, change to the install_dir\cms directory.
2. Create a text file named SOAPREQ.txtand type the following SOAP request:

or, if security has been enabled:

3. Create another text file named URLS.txt containing the URLs to receive the
SOAP request. In this example, affiliatecompanylocalhost is the name of
the receiving system and where the hub monitoring server is installed:
4. At the command line, enter kshsoap SOAPREQ.txt URLS.txt
v Run the kshsoap script located in the
install_dir/interp/ms/bin directory. The monitoring server configuration
settings must be incorporated into your current shell before you invoke the
kshsoap client. Incorporate the settings by entering the following command: .
install_dir/config/hostname_ms_temsname.config. To verify this step, you can
use the *env* command to show your environment variables and compare the
entries to those in the .config file.
v When running the kshsoap command on systems that have APPN installed, you
might encounter an error message stating that an APPN file needs to be
configured. To resolve this situation, modify the environment variable
KDE_WAPPC32 from the command line window that you are going to run the
kshsoap command in:


The kshsoap utility processes the SOAPREQ file and displays the URL destination
and request. It sends the SOAP request to each URL listed in the URLS file, then
displays the URL and the response message received.

Issuing SOAP requests as system commands

You can use the Take Action feature in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal to issue SOAP
requests as system commands in policies or in situations.

The SOAP requests are stored in a text file. For details, see the “Specifying an
action” and “Action Settings” topics in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide.

The soap command is:


CT_Execute is the name of the SOAP method that allows you to run a SOAP
request that is stored in a file.
SOAPREQ is the name of the file you created that contains the CT_EMail
SOAP request
For example, SOAPREQ might contain:

568 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

<subject>AFDATA untouched by human hands</subject>
<request id="XMLID">
<CT_Redirect endpoint="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=
xmlns:soap="" >

SOAP methods
Use the predefined SOAP methods to compose requests for invocation by PERL,
Javascript, VBSCRIPT, JSCRIPT, C++, Java, and through a browser. With each
method is a list of supported tags and usage examples. Each SOAP method
provided by IBM and its supported tags is described here.


Send an event acknowledgement into the IBM Tivoli Monitoring platform.

The name of the situation. This is required.
The source of the event (agent name or monitoring server name). The
acknowledge applies to all the active sources of the named alert if the
source is not supplied.
"No data was provided" is inserted if not provided.
Display item.
Optional. The user ID to access the hub monitoring server.
"nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" is inserted if not provided.
Optional. The password to access the hub monitoring server. Required for
monitoring server/hub logon validation.
Optional. Specifies the event type. The value can be "sampled" or "0",
"pure" or "1", and "meta" or "2". Default: “sampled”
Optional. Specifies the alias name of a remote hub that has been
configured in the hubs list. The SOAP request is routed to this hub.
Optional. Expires the acknowledgement after the number of minutes
entered here.


Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP server 569
<data>Jack is taking care of this failure</data>


Start a situation or a policy running on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring platform.

Note: Situations for agents connecting to a remote Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring

Server cannot be started using this method.
The name of the situation. This is required.
The type of object being activated. This is required.
Optional. The user ID to access the hub monitoring server.
"nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" is inserted if not provided.
The password to access the hub monitoring server. Required for
monitoring server/hub logon validation.
Optional. Specifies the alias name of a remote hub that has been
configured in the hubs list. The SOAP request is routed to this hub.

<type> situation</type>


Send an event into the IBM Tivoli Monitoring platform.

The name of the situation. This is required.
The source of the event (agent name or monitoring server name). This is
"No data was provided" is inserted if not provided or if no optional
object.attribute tag provided..
Display item.

570 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Optional. The user ID to access the hub monitoring server.
"nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" is inserted if not provided.
Optional. The password to access the hub monitoring server. Required for
monitoring server/hub logon validation.
Optional. Specifies the event type. The value can be "sampled" or "0",
"pure" or "1", and "meta" or "2". Default: “sampled”
Optional. Specifies the alias name of a remote hub that has been
configured in the hubs list. The SOAP request is routed to this hub.
Returns the value of the attribute (or attributes) specified to the Initial
Attributes view of the Event results workspace.


Note: When you specify object.attribute in the data tag, leave out any
non-alphanumber characters other than the underscore (_). For example,
NT_System.%_Total_Processor_Time is entered as


Stop a situation or policy on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring platform.

Note: Situations for agents connecting to a remote Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring

Server cannot be stopped with this method.
The name of the situation or policy. This is required.
The type of object (situation or policy). This is required.
The user ID to access the hub monitoring server. "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" is
inserted if not provided.
The password to access the hub monitoring server. Required for
monitoring server/hub logon validation.
Optional. Specifies the alias name of a remote hub that has been
configured in the hubs list. The SOAP request is routed to this hub.

Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP server 571


Send the output from another CT SOAP method, such as CT_Get, using e-mail
through an SMTP server to a defined e-mail address (not available on z/OS).
The smtp server name/network address is required.
Sender's e-mail address is required.
Receiver's e-mail address is required.
Optional. E-mail subject.
Optional. E-mail message.
Optional. Title of an attachment.
When specifying a second-level request, such as CT_Get, each sub-request
must be included within a <request> </request> tag.

Optional: An id=" " element added to the <request> tag generates a

<request id="XMLID"> element enclosing the corresponding response for
that sub-request.

If additional security is enabled (SOAP_IS_SECURE=YES in the monitoring

server environment variables) the following tags are also required:
The user ID to access the hub monitoring server.
The password to access the hub monitoring server. Required for
monitoring server logon validation.

<sender> </sender>
<receiver> </receiver>
<subject>Here’s your data.</subject>
<message>Table data supplied as attachment below. It is
presented in csv format to be used by MS/Excel.</message>
<request id="XMLID">
<object>NT_Process </object>

572 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide


Example with additional security:

<sender> </sender>
<receiver> </receiver>
<subject>Here’s your data.</subject>
<message>Table data supplied as attachment below. It is
presented in csv format to be used by MS/Excel.</message>
<request id="XMLID">
<object>NT_Process </object>

With the additional security, the user ID and password are requested by CT_EMail
in order to be authorized. If a CT_Get is specified the same credentials are used to
issue the CT_Get.


Runs the SOAP request that is stored in a file.

Specifies the file name that contains the SOAP request to be run. The file
must reside in the \html directory. On z/OS, it must reside in
RKANDATV. This is required.



Send the output from another CT SOAP method, such as CT_Get, to a defined file
(not available on z/OS).
The name of the file to contain the exported data. This is required.

Note: When inserting the file name tag into a quoted string literal of
certain programming languages, such as C++, back slashes must be
To the <filename> tag, you can add an optional date/time stamp variable.
The variable is enclosed in dollar signs ($) and can contain a combination
of yy/mm/dd/hh/mm/ss (for year/month/day/hours/minutes/seconds).

Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP server 573
The date/time stamp attributes can be specified in any order, except mm
must be preceded by yy or hh to identify it as either month (after year) or
minutes (after hours). For example:
Specifies that data is to be exported to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal data
warehouse through ODBC. <filename> and <warehouse/> are mutually
exclusive, but one must be supplied.
When specifying a second-level request, such as CT_Get, each sub-request
must be included within a <request> </request> tag.

Optional: An id=" " element added to the <request> tag generates a

<request id="XMLID"> element enclosing the corresponding response for
that sub-request.
If additional security is enabled (SOAP_IS_SECURE=YES in the monitoring
server environment variables) the following tags are also required:
The user ID to access the hub monitoring server.
The password to access the hub monitoring server. Required for
monitoring server logon validation.

<request id="XMLID">
<target>Primary:DCSQLSE RVER:NT</target>

Example with additional security:

<request id="XMLID">
<target>Primary:DCSQLSE RVER:NT</target>

574 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide


With the additional security, the user ID and password are requested by CT_Export
in order to be authorized. If a CT_Get is specified the same credentials are used to
issue the CT_Get.


Receive a group of XML objects or individual XML objects from any IBM Tivoli
Monitoring platform agent. You can use this to obtain real time data.

Important: When issuing a CT_Get request against a particular agent type, the
monitoring server where the SOAP server is running must be configured and
seeded for that agent type.
The name of the object to be retrieved. Required (by default, retrieves all
the public elements of an object).
The user ID to access the hub monitoring server. "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" is
inserted if not provided.
The password to access the hub monitoring server. Required for
monitoring server/hub logon validation.
Name of the agent.

Caution: Defaults to "*ALL". Retrieves all available targets.

Y retrieves historical data if available.
PARSE retrieves status history event attributes. Only valid for
Status_History object.Multiple: more than one can be specified.
Attribute name of object. This tag can be specified multiple times.
Specifies the alias name of a remote hub that has been configured in the
hubs list. The SOAP request is routed to this hub.
Returns rows meeting filter criteria, such as attribute; operator; value
operators: EQ, NE, GE, GT, LE, LT, LIKE. Like pattern characters: '*'
matches one or more characters. Only supported for character attributes.
Multiple afilters are only supported as conjuncts, for example, using AND to
join together.


Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP server 575

Note: When you specify an attribute in the attribute tags, leave out any
non-alphanumeric characters other than the underscore (_). For example,
%_Total_User_Time is entered as Total_User_Time.


Reroute a SOAP request to another registered SOAP method outside of the domain
of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring platform.
<request endpoint=" ">
The <request endpoint= " "> value must specify the target of the redirected
SOAP request. The entire XML supplied as the value of the request
element is sent to that endpoint. When CT_Redirect is specified within a
second- level request, such as, CT_Export, the <endpoint=" "> attribute is
specified only within the CT_Redirect method. This is required.

<request endpoint= \"\">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=\"\">
<ns1:getTemp xmlns:ns1=\"urn:xmethods-Temperature\"SOAP-ENV:


Send an event reset (close event) to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring platform.
The name of the situation. This is required.
The source of the event (agent name or monitoring server name). The reset
applies to all the active sources of the named alert if the source is not
Display item.
Optional. The user ID to access the hub monitoring server.
"nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" is inserted if not provided.
Optional. The password to access the hub monitoring server. Required for
monitoring server/hub logon validation.

576 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Optional. Specifies the alias name of a remote hub that has been
configured in the hubs list. The SOAP request is routed to this hub.
Optional. Specifies the event type. The value can be "sampled" or "0",
"pure" or "1", and "meta" or "2". Default: “sampled”


Note: Sampled events can be closed only if the situation has been stopped or
deleted. Use the <type> tag if CT_Reset will be closing a pure event.


Resurface an acknowledged event in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring platform.

The name of the situation. This is required.
The source of the event (agent name or monitoring server name). The
resurface applies to all the active sources of the named alert if the source is
not supplied.
Display item.
Optional. The user ID to access the hub monitoring server.
"nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" is inserted if not provided.
Optional. The password to access the hub monitoring server. Required for
monitoring server/hub logon validation.
Optional. Specifies the alias name of a remote hub that has been
configured in the hubs list. The SOAP request is routed to this hub.
Optional. Specifies the event type. The value can be "sampled" or "0",
"pure" or "1", and "meta" or "2". Default: “sampled”


Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP server 577

Send a Universal Message into the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Platform.

The message to be sent. This is required.
Optional. Blank is the default.
Optional. Blank is the default.
Optional. The user ID to access the hub monitoring server.
"nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" is inserted if not provided.
Optional. The password to access the hub monitoring server. Required for
monitoring server/hub logon validation.
Optional. Specifies the alias name of a remote hub that has been
configured in the hubs list. The SOAP request is routed to this hub.

<data>This is Universal Message</data>
<category>Critical Messages</category>
<severity>High Severity</severity>

Issuing second-level SOAP requests

Some second-level SOAP methods perform a particular function with the data
retrieved, using embedded lower-level methods. CT_EMail and CT_Export are
second-level methods that perform this function.

These are the lower-level methods:

v <CT_Get>
v <CT_Redirect>
v <attach>
v <insert>

The <CT_Get> and <CT_Redirect> tags are used as described in “SOAP methods”
on page 569. The <attach> tag is used to load a file. The file must be located in the
<install_dir>\cms\html directory on Windows or <install_dir>/tables/
HUB_Name/HTML on Linux and UNIX. You cannot use relative paths in the <attach>
tag. The <insert> tag allows you to load the imbedded text into the retrieved
(output) data stream at a point corresponding to its position in the XML request.

The following example shows how a second-level request might be used. This
XML creates the file tabledata.htm, which is written with the data from
prefix.xls. Next, embedded data is entered by using the <insert> tag and a
request using the <CT_Get> command is made. Note that this request has an ID
value of "NTDATA", which will result in the data tag <XML id=”NTDATA”>

578 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

being wrapped around that particular request data. The <CT_Redirect> command
is used to reroute the request to
rpcrouter, and a final request is made to insert the data from suffix.xls into
This data has been inserted compliments of CT SOAP server.
<request id="NTDATA">
<CT_Redirect endpoint="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<ns1:getTemp xmlns:ns1="urn:xmethods-Temperature" SOAP-

Sample CT_Get SOAP request

Here is a sample CT_Get SOAP request submitted and the response received.
SOAP Request sent to SOAP Endpoint,
<?xml.version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=
SOAP Response from SOAP Endpoint,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=
<SOAP-CHK:Success xmlns:SOAP-CHK = "http://soaptest1/soaptest/">

Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP server 579
<Timestamp >1011127123323391</Timestamp>
<Number_of_Processors dt:dt="number">1</Number_of_Processors>
<Processor_Type dt:dt="number">586</Processor_Type>
<Page_Size dt:dt="number">4096</Page_Size>
<_Total_Privileged_Time dt:dt="number">1</_Total_Privileged_Time>
<_Total_Processor_Time dt:dt="number">7</_Total_Processor_Time>
<_Total_User_Time dt:dt="number">6</_Total_User_Time>
<Context_Switches_Sec dt:dt="number">1745</Context_Switches_Sec>
<File_Control_Bytes_Sec dt:dt="number">4500</File_Control_Bytes_Sec>
<File_Control_Operations_Sec dt:dt="number">98
<File_Data_Operations_Sec dt:dt="number">28
<File_Read_Bytes_Sec dt:dt="number">800</File_Read_Bytes_Sec>
<File_Read_Operations_Sec dt:dt="number">27
<File_Write_Bytes_Sec dt:dt="number">9772</File_Write_Bytes_Sec>
<File_Write_Operations_Sec dt:dt="number">1
<Processor_Queue_Length dt:dt="number">0</Processor_Queue_Length>
<System_Calls_Sec dt:dt="number">2368</System_Calls_Sec>
<System_Up_Time dt:dt="number">956388</System_Up_Time>
<Total_Interrupts_Sec dt:dt="number">1076</Total_Interrupts_Sec>

IBM Tivoli Monitoring web services scenarios

Here are a few examples of how you might use IBM Tivoli Monitoring web
services. You can use these examples as suggestions for creating your own

Note: These scenarios do not describe the actual code that was used to develop
them. To produce the charts and tables shown in these examples, you must
develop your own scripts.

Generating daily logical operation summaries and charts

You can retrieve data from multiple agents, using the SOAP server against a live
hub, to generate daily logical operation summaries. You can use the CT_EMail
SOAP method to e-mail these summaries to management.

You might want to add an <insert> tag into CT_EMail. This tag contains
instructions for the preferred format for the summaries. Management can view
these summaries at their desktops using Internet Explorer. Summaries provide an
efficient and speedy look at problems that might have occurred during the night.

In addition to the general features, you might add to tables and charts:

580 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

v Transaction volumes/response times and whether they are meeting service levels
can be plotted with respect to resource trends and error conditions.
v Charts can be plotted over multiple segments, making them easier to view and
to print.
v The X-axis can use a variable scale to show the prime shift in greater detail.
v Multiple objects/attributes can be plotted from multiple sources and exceptions
can be correlated by time, providing focus on problem areas.
v A Status map can show the status of situations.

Obtaining data snapshots and offline table and charts

Using SOAP method CT_Get against a live hub, you can obtain a data snapshot
from multiple agents to produce charts and reports. You can also create an AF
REXX script that requests a snapshot of its data.

In addition to the general features you might add to tables and charts. This type of
request might contain these features:
v The chart can be plotted over multiple segments, making it easier to view and
v Clicking the attribute name in the legend box might display that attribute in the
Y-axis and show its threshold value.
v The threshold value, when changed, can be used as the new threshold value.

The graphics that follow depict sample Daily Business Operation summaries.

The graphics that follow show sample charts/reports generated for this type of

Figure 33. Data snapshot chart and table

Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP server 581
Figure 34. Data snapshot table

Sending alerts into an IBM Tivoli Monitoring platform

Using SOAP method CT_Alert, you can send a new alert into an IBM Tivoli
Monitoring platform.

For example, System Automation for Integrated Operations Management detects a

problem on a HP NonStop Kernel system and generates an alert within an IBM
Tivoli Monitoring platform. The IBM Tivoli Monitoring platform then displays alert
information from the HP NonStop Kernel platform.

Creating collaborative automation using SA IO

You can create a System Automation for Integrated Operations Management REXX
application that calls JSCRIPT SOAP functions to forward any SA IO trapped
message and display it on a Universal Message console. You can use SA IO scripts
to trap and send any log messages, console messages, and so on, to IBM Tivoli
Monitoring using SOAP methods.

You can create an application that provides these benefits:

v You can monitor devices, such as HP NonStop Kernel, by trapping VT100
messages and raising Universal Messages.
v You can send commands to SA IO monitored Telnet sessions and send replies
back to those commands.
v Source messages can be either excluded or included, based on any criteria using
powerful regular expressions.
v A local log can keep audit information about the status of messages received
and messages sent.
v A local log can keep information about the source hub connection/retry status.

The graphics that follow show a sample Telnet session, a Universal Message
console showing messages received, and a sample message log.

582 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Figure 35. Universal Message Console Showing Messages Received

Figure 36. Message Log Details

Acknowledging an event within an IBM Tivoli Monitoring

You can acknowledge an event within the IBM Tivoli Monitoring platform.

For example, in AF/Operator or System Automation for z/OS V3.2 or later:

1. A situation event is received from the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
2. A responsible party is paged who, in turn, sends back an acknowledgment
3. The alert acknowledgment is forwarded to the monitoring server

To accomplish this task, use the CT_Acknowledge SOAP method. This method
enables you to control events in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment based
upon information obtained and detected by IBM's automation solutions.

Report contents
You can design a report to contain both a table and a chart view. You might want
to add a Table/Chart button that allows you to toggle between the chart and the
table view.

Chart view features

Charts can have specific features to enable you to:

v View different types of charts, depending upon the data retrieved
v Choose the Y-axis by selecting additional attributes from the drop-down
attribute list
v Change the title and instructions for the chart
v View the flyover text containing the name and value of the attribute plotted by
placing your mouse over each plotted item

Appendix A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services for the SOAP server 583
Table view features

Tables can have specific features. For example, you can design tables that allow
you to:
v View the flyover text containing the name and value of the attribute plotted by
placing your mouse over each plotted item
v Modify the table by filtering the attributes that display
v Remove attributes from a table by clicking the X button next to the attribute

584 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Appendix B. Enabling the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Charting Web
If you have a product based on the Tivoli Integrated Portal V2.2 platform, you can
use the charting feature to display charts with values queried from your Tivoli
Monitoring environment. You must enable the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Charting
Web Service (ITMWebService) in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. The charting
web service is also used with the Tivoli Business Service Manager policy-based
data fetcher function.

Note: The IBM Tivoli Monitoring dashboard data provider is used instead of the
charting web service when you display monitoring data in IBM Dashboard
Application Services Hub.

Before you begin

Single sign-on must be enabled for users of the Tivoli Integrated Portal console and
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. The users who display charts containing data from
the charting web service must have a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user ID that is
assigned the monitoring application whose data is displayed in the chart.

About this task

Complete these steps on the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is
installed and running to enable the Tivoli Monitoring Charting Web Service.

1. Copy the file to the portal server directory:
From install_dir\CNPS\SQLLIB\ to install_dir\CNPS.
From install_dir/platform/cq/sqllib/ to
2. Reconfigure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.

What to do next

As a Tivoli Enterprise Portal user you are entitled to see certain workspaces that
belong to a particular monitored application based on your permissions. If you are
entitled to see, say, Linux workspaces, then those workspace queries are available
in the Tivoli Integrated Portal for charting.

If you want to use HTTPS to secure communication between the charting web
service, see “Tivoli Business Service Manager and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
integration over SSL” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 585

Figure 37. Cross-product connections for the charting web service

586 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Appendix C. Using the Tivoli Management Services Discovery
Library Adapter
Use the Tivoli Management Services Discovery Library Adapter (TMS DLA)
program for scanning your monitored environment to identify the managed
systems. You can then feed this information (an XML output file) into the Change
and Configuration Management Database (CCMDB), Tivoli Application
Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM), or Tivoli Business Service Manager

The TMS DLA identifies all distributed and z/OS managed systems registered to
the Tivoli Management Services.

Before you begin

When the tmsdla script is launched, the TMS DLA gathers information by
querying the hub monitoring server for all managed systems and mapping them to
Common Data Model resources based on the agent product code and managed
system name format. The queries specified in the XML input file provided by each
product are run and the results saved to a single output file.

See the agent-specific user guide’s to determine if the agent supplies an input XML
file for the TMS DLA and possible mapping information between the agent’s
monitored resources and Common Data Model resources.

The monitoring servers and the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server must be running for
these queries. Also, any managed systems that are not online will be ignored.

About this task

Run the following TMS DLA script from the command line on the computer where
the portal server is installed:

v To make a create-type IDML book, enter the following command:

Alternatively, to make a refresh-type IDML book, enter the following command.

After you import into TADDM, any systems that are offline (such as for
maintenance operations) are removed from TADDM. The same is true for Tivoli
Business Service Manager (TBSM).
install_dir\CNPS\tmsdla.bat -r
v To make a create-type IDML book, enter the following
install_dir/bin/itmcmd execute cq ""

Alternatively, to make a refresh-type IDML book, enter the following command.

After you import into TADDM, any systems that are offline (such as for
maintenance operations) are removed from TADDM. The same is true for TBSM.
install_dir/bin/itmcmd execute cq " -r"

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 587


The TMS DLA generates the XML output file to the same directory on the portal
server. The name of this file follows the standard Discovery Library file name
format. To use this information in CCMDB, TADDM, or TBSM you must transfer
the XML file to the Discovery Library File Store and then use the Discovery
Library Bulk Loader.

The TMS DLA also creates an output file with the .xml.original extension which
contains the TMS DLA output before any relationships are removed. Removed
relationships are written to tmsdla.log. See “OS agent dependency” on page 589
for examples of scenarios where relationships might be removed from the TMS
DLA XML output file.


Use the following usage notes for your reference:

tmsdla [ [-? | -h] [-d directory] [-f outputFilename] [-l] [-m listOfManagedSystems]
[-o] [-p portNumber] [-r] [-s] [-t threadCount] [-w waitTime] ]

-? | -h Displays the syntax help information.
-d Specify the template directory location.
-f Specify the resulting output file name.
-l Discovers logical views.
-m Specify the list of managed systems.
The list is double quote delimited and follows this syntax:
"os_msys1, os_apptype1, [msys1, apptype1] ~ [os_msys2, os_apptype2,
[msys2, apptype2]] ~ .. ~ [os_msysN, os_apptypeN, [msysN, apptypeN]]"
-o Force processing of offline managed systems.
-p Specify the portal server's port number if it is not the default value of 1920.
The port number is included in the output book and used by TADDM or
TBSM to generate the URL to launch to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
-r Generate a refresh-type output XML file. After you import a refresh-type
output file into TADDM, the objects for any managed systems that are
offline, such as for maintenance operations, and their monitored resources
are removed from the TADDM database. The same is true when you
import a refresh-type output file into TBSM or CCMDB. If you do not
specify this option, a create-type output XML file is generated that only
contains online managed systems and the resources that they are
monitoring. When you import a create-type output XML file into TADDM,
TBSM, or CCMDB, managed systems and monitored resources are added
or updated but no deletions occur.
-s Suppress generation of the .original file from cleanup process.
-t Specify the number of threads to use.
-w Specify the number of seconds to wait for query to be serviced by agent
before timing out. Use this option if monitoring agents might not be able
to service queries in a reasonable time due to a heavy load on the queried
system. Default value: 120 seconds.

588 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Minimum value: 50 seconds. Values lower than 50 are ignored and the
default value is used.
Maximum value: 600 seconds.
Note: No return codes are provided on the completion of the book to alert
you if there was a timeout or missing agent data. To determine if you need
to set a higher value than the default, analyze the book to ensure that all
agents have responded.
Related reference:

Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database

Search for "Discovery Library File Store" and "Discovery Library Bulk Loader" in
the CCMDB Information Center

Problems with the Tivoli Monitoring DLA

Solutions for common problems that occur with the Tivoli Monitoring DLA

Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference

The itmcmd commands, available only on Linux and UNIX Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Servers, are described here

OS agent dependency
The Tivoli Management Services Discovery Library Adapter (TMS DLA) requires
operating system (OS) agents to monitor the same systems as application agents
that provide DLA templates.

Some application agents (such as the DB2 agent) rely on the OS agents to create
the elements in the DLA book that describe the computer system and operating
systems that the agents are running on. In their DLA templates, the application
agents reference the computer system and operating system elements that will be
created by the OS agents using a relationship element. For example, a Db2System
runsOn a ComputerSystem, where runsOn is the relationship type, Db2System is
the source element, and ComputerSystem is the target element.

If an OS agent is not monitoring the same system as an application agent or the

OS agent and application agent are connected to different IBM Tivoli Monitoring
environments then the source or target of a relationship element might not exist in
a DLA book. The source and target of a relationship to a computer system or
operating system might also not exist if:
v The Windows OS agent is monitoring a Windows 2000 system. In this case, the
OS agent cannot discover the IP address of the Windows 2000 system and,
therefore, does not create computer system elements in the DLA book.
v You are using an agentless OS agent to monitor a system that an application
agent is also monitoring since agentless OS agents do not provide input to the
DLA books.

If either the source or target of a relationship do not exist in the DLA book, the
book will not load successfully into Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery
Manager (TADDM) or Tivoli Business Service Manager (TBSM). Therefore, the
DLA removes a relationship from an DLA book if the source or target of a
relationship do not exist in the book. This allows the DLA books to load
successfully. However, if a relationship is removed, the DLA book will not contain
the information to map the affected resource (such as a database system) to a
computer system or operating system in TADDM or TBSM.

Appendix C. Using the Tivoli Management Services Discovery Library Adapter 589
The DLA creates two XML files each time the tmsdla command is run:
v A book with the .xml extension
v A book with the .xml.original extension
The file with the .xml.original extension contains the contents of the DLA book
before any relationships are removed. Removed relationships are written in

If you want your resources to be mapped to computer systems and operating

systems in the DLA books that are loaded into TADDM and TBSM, install an OS
agent on the systems that are being monitored by your application agents.

Private network address filtering

In environments where private network addresses are not duplicated, you can
change this behavior so that the Tivoli Management Services Discovery Library
Adapter (TMS DLA) populates these computer systems.

Before you begin

The TMS DLA does not populate computer systems with data from private
network interfaces configured according to Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
RFC 1918 and IETF RFC 4193. For details about RFCs, see the RCF Index
( This behavior prevents the incorrect merging of
computer systems when multiple private networks use overlapping address

About this task

To enable discovery of computer systems with private network interfaces, edit the
IP address filters in the XML template files that control the TMS DLA behavior.

1. Back up the template files before editing.
v The template files are stored in $ITM_HOME/arch/cq/
tmsdla on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
v The template files are stored in %ITM_HOME%\CNPS\tmsdla on the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
2. A template for each monitoring agent provides discovery data.
a. Check each of the template files to determine whether it has one or more
<tmsdla:filter> sections. For example, the template file names for the
operating system agents are:
knt_tmsdla.xml for the Windows OS agent
kux_tmsdla.xml for the UNIX OS agent
klz_tmsdla.xml for the Linux OS agent
b. Update the multiple <tmsdla:filter> sections in each of the template files
to contain only the filters for loopback addresses ( for IPv4 and ::1
for IPv6), as shown in the following example:
<tmsdla:filter name="IF_IP_ADDR" exclude="127\.0\.0\.1"/>
<tmsdla:filter name="IF_IP_ADDR" exclude="::1"/>

590 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

What to do next

When an agent's application support is updated on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal

Server, the agent's current DLA template file with your modifications is renamed to
use the .bak extension and the latest version of the template file is installed. After
the application support installation is complete, you must update the new version
of the agent's DLA template file to contain the edits that you made to the IP
address filtering in the *.bak version of the template file.

Appendix C. Using the Tivoli Management Services Discovery Library Adapter 591
592 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Appendix D. Using the z/OS Tivoli Management Services
Discovery Library Adapter
The z/OS Tivoli Management Services Discovery Library Adapter (zTMS DLA),
available as of V6.2.2 Fix Pack 7 or later and IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.3 Fix Pack
1 or later, scans the IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment and discovers resources
monitored by the OMEGAMON agents.

The zTMS DLA identifies resources only on z/OS operating systems. To discover
resources on distributed systems, you must also run the Tivoli Monitoring Services
Discovery Library Adapter.

Before you begin

The data in the IDML book generated by the zTMS DLA can be used to
supplement data gathered by the z/OS DLA, enabling context sensitive launching
into the Tivoli Enterprise Portal from z/OS objects or events in Tivoli Business
Service Manager (TBSM) or Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager

The zTMS DLA creates the following Common Data Model (CDM) objects:
v sys.zOS.Sysplex
v sys.zOS.SysplexGroup
v sys.zOS.ZSeriesComputerSystem
v sys.zOS.ZOS
v sys.zOS.CICSRegion
v sys.zOS.DB2Subsystem
v sys.zOS.IMSSubsystem
v sys.zOS.MQSubsystem
v sys.zOS.AddressSpace

Important: To reconcile with the zTMS DLA book, the version of the z/OS DLA
required is V3.1, with PTF UA61720. The IDML book generated by the zTMS DLA
does not contain all required attributes for the various z/OS CDM objects. Before
importing the zTMS DLA book into a consuming application, you must first run
the z/OS DLA on all the systems monitored by the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
OMEGAMON agents and import the resulting z/OS DLA books into the
consuming application. Then you can import the zTMS DLA book, and all objects
will be reconciled with existing objects found in the z/OS DLA books. If the zTMS
DLA book is imported without having imported the z/OS DLA books first, objects
might be displayed in the TBSM UI as NO_LABEL_SUPPLIED.

User scenarios
1. On z/OS LPARS, execute the z/OS DLA on all z/OS LPARs of interest.
2. On the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, execute the zTMS DLA on portal servers
with z/OS agents.
3. If you are using TBSM, complete the following steps:
a. On the TBSM data server, import z/OS DLA books into TBSM by using the
TBSM discovery library toolkit.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 593

b. On the TBSM data server, import the zTMS DLA book into TBSM by using
the TBSM discovery library toolkit.
c. On the TBSM server graphical user interface, right-click on the TBSM object
to display the IBM Tivoli Monitoring launch-in-context menu items.
4. If you are using TADDM, complete the following steps:
a. On the TADDM server, import the z/OS DLA books into TADDM using the
bulk load utility.
b. On the TADDM server, import the zTMS DLA books into TADDM using the
bulk load utility.

About this task

Run the following DLA script from the command line on the computer where the
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed:

v To make an IDML book, enter the following command:

The output file is written to the install_dir\CNPS\tmsdla directory.

v To make an IDML book, enter the following command:
install_dir/bin/itmcmd execute cq "ztmsdla"

The output file is written to the install_dir/arch/cq/bin/tmsdla directory.


The DLA generates the XML output file in the directory identified above. The
name of this file begins with the string ZTMSDISC100-B and follows the standard
Discovery Library file name format, for example: ZTMSDISC100-

To import this book into TADDM or TBSM, you must transfer the XML file to the
Discovery Library File Store and then use the Discovery Library Bulk Loader.


Use the following usage notes for your reference:

ztmsdla [/?] [/b] [/d] [/o orgname] [/s] [/p port] [/x outputfile]

/? Displays the syntax help information.
/b Opens a browser to view the output file of the Discovery Library Adapter
(on Windows only).
/d Creates a diagnostic file during the discovery process. You can use this file
for debugging. The file is located in the same directory as the DLA IDML
book. The file name is the same as the DLA IDML book, with an extension
of .log at the end of the file name, for example: ZTMSDISC100-
/o orgname
Sets the Organization GlobalName value. If this argument is not specified,
the GlobalName defaults to <defaultOrg>.

594 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

/s When specified, the URL created for the sourceContactInfo attribute of the
ManagementSoftwareSystem class is created by using the HTTPS protocol.
This URL is used by TBSM and TADDM when performing a launch
in-context to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
/p port
Set the port used for the URL created for the sourceContactInfo attribute.
The default port is 1920 for HTTP. If the /s option is specified, the default
port is 3661 for HTTPS. Use this option if the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Administrator has changed the default ports of the web server used to
contact the portal server.
/x outputfile
Indicates the name of the XML output file.

Known limitations

Limitations exist when using SNA instead of IP.PIPE communication between a

z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and OMEGAMON agents. Two CICS®
objects representing the same CICS Region are displayed in TBSM, but only one
can be right-clicked to launch one of the TBSM CICS objects to the OMEGAMON
CICS Tivoli Enterprise Portal workspace.

Appendix D. Using the z/OS Tivoli Management Services Discovery Library Adapter 595
596 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
Appendix E. MIB SNMP agent event descriptions
Tivoli monitoring agents emit three types of SNMP alerts to convey agent
operational status, sampled situation events, and pure situation events. The alert
types are defined in the canbase.mib and cansyssg.mib files, which are available on
the IBM Tivoli Monitoring- and IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agents installation media.

Agent situation state SNMP traps are sent using enterprise


The agentStatusEvent is a monitoring agent operational status information trap

generated by the Tivoli Autonomous Agent SNMP Event Exporter to inform and
notify about a specific agent operational event.
Specific trap: 20
Access: read-only
Status: mandatory
Table 73. SNMP trap variables for agentStatusEvent
Variable Description OID
agentSit-Name The situation name, up to 32 bytes,
identifies the name and nature of the
status event.
agentSit- The name of the managed system where
OriginNode the situation was evaluated, up to 32
agentSit- The timestamp when the situation state
LocalTimeStamp changed. The format is
1090415094501000 for April 15, 2009 at
09:45:01) where:
C = Century (1 for 21st)
Y = Year
M = Month
D = Day
H = Hour
M = Minute
S = Second
m = millisecond
autoSit-Category Assigned situation category. Valid values
0 - Threshold
1 - Network Topology
2 - Error
3 - Status
4 - Node Configuration
5 - Application Alert
6 - All Category
7 - Log Only
8 - Map
9 - Ignore

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 597

Table 73. SNMP trap variables for agentStatusEvent (continued)
Variable Description OID
autoSit-Severity Assigned situation severity. Valid values
0 - Cleared
1 - Indeterminate
2 - Warning
3 - Minor
4 - Major
5 - Critical
autoSit-StatusText The agent status trap description
message text, from 0 to 256 bytes.
autoSit-Interval The agent status trap interval; typically
used for the heartbeat interval. See the
“Sample trap configuration file” in
“SNMP alert configuration” on page 365
for an example of setting the heartbeat
interval: <StatTrap name="EE_HEARTBEAT"
sev="1" interval="15" cat="3" />


A sampled situation event was detected. This trap was generated by the Tivoli
Autonomous Agent SNMP Event Exporter in response to a situation threshold
being exceeded at the time of the data sampling.
Specific trap: 21
Access: read-only
Status: mandatory
Table 74. SNMP trap variables for agentSitSampledEvent
Attribute Description OID
agentSit- This is the product application name,
Application from 1 to 8 bytes.
agentSit-Table This is the name of the product
application table (attribute group), from
1 to 12 bytes.
agentSit-Name The situation name, up to 32 bytes,
identifies the name and nature of the
status event.
agentSit- The name of the managed system where
OriginNode the situation was evaluated, up to 32

598 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 74. SNMP trap variables for agentSitSampledEvent (continued)
Attribute Description OID
agentSit- The timestamp when the situation state
LocalTimeStamp changed. The format is
1091031183005000 for October 31, 2009 at
18:30:05) where:
C = Century (1 for 21st)
Y = Year
M = Month
D = Day
H = Hour
M = Minute
S = Second
m = millisecond
agentSit-Context Unique situation context identifier,
expressed as an integer (-2147483647 to
2147483647). This is the handle number
identifying an agent running request. In
an SNMP environment, trap-direct
polling is typically used whereby a trap
is received and the network manager
polls the originating agent for additional
detailed information. This identifier is
used to supply context for the targeted
agent to correlate the request to the
problem source. Although
agentSit-Context is sent, it is not used in
this release.
agentSit- Sampled situation interval in seconds,
SampleInterval from 0 to 86400.
agentSit-Source Situation current status. The valid values
0 - Undefined
1 - Enterprise, meaning the situation
was defined on the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server
2 - Private, meaning the situation was
defined by the local private situation
configuration file.
autoSit-Category Assigned situation category. Valid values
0 - Threshold
1 - Network Topology
2 - Error
3 - Status
4 - Node Configuration
5 - Application Alert
6 - All Category
7 - Log Only
8 - Map
9 - Ignore

Appendix E. MIB SNMP agent event descriptions 599

Table 74. SNMP trap variables for agentSitSampledEvent (continued)
Attribute Description OID
autoSit-Severity Assigned situation severity. Valid values
0 - Cleared
1 - Indeterminate
2 - Warning
3 - Minor
4 - Major
5 - Critical
autoSit-Predicates This is the situation formula, up to 3210
bytes, in the form attributeName
Operator CompareValue. When the
formula has multiple expressions, their
Boolean AND or OR connectors are
sitAttributeList The attribute values for the situation
that is assigned to the monitoring agent,
from 0 to 3200 bytes.


A pure situation event was detected. This trap was generated by the Tivoli
Autonomous Agent SNMP Event Exporter in response to a situation threshold
being exceeded. The variables in a pure event trap are identical to those for a
sampled event trap except there is no agentSit-SampleInterval because pure events
are not sampled; rather the arrival of unsolicited data from the monitored attribute
group causes the situation to become true. A situation created with an attribute
group for a system log, for example, opens a pure event when a log entry arrives.
Specific trap: 22
Access: read-only
Status: mandatory
Table 75. SNMP trap variables for agentSitPureEvent
Attribute Description OID
agentSit- This is the product application name,
Application from 1 to 8 bytes.
agentSit-Table This is the name of the product
application table (attribute group), from
1 to 12 bytes.
agentSit-Name The situation name, up to 32 bytes,
identifies the name and nature of the
status event.
agentSit- The name of the managed system where
OriginNode the situation was evaluated, up to 32

600 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Table 75. SNMP trap variables for agentSitPureEvent (continued)
Attribute Description OID
agentSit- The timestamp when the situation state
LocalTimeStamp changed. The format is
1091031183005000 for October 31, 2009 at
18:30:05) where:
C = Century (1 for 21st)
Y = Year
M = Month
D = Day
H = Hour
M = Minute
S = Second
m = millisecond
agentSit-Context Unique situation context identifier,
expressed as an integer (-2147483647 to
2147483647). This is the handle number
identifying an agent running request. In
an SNMP environment, trap-direct
polling is typically used whereby a trap
is received and the network manager
polls the originating agent for additional
detailed information. This identifier is
used to supply context for the targeted
agent to correlate the request to the
problem source. Although
agentSit-Context is sent, it is not used in
this release.
agentSit-Source Situation current status. The valid values
0 - Undefined
1 - Enterprise, meaning the situation
was defined on the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server
2 - Private, meaning the situation was
defined by the local private situation
configuration file.
autoSit-Category Assigned situation category. Valid values
0 - Threshold
1 - Network Topology
2 - Error
3 - Status
4 - Node Configuration
5 - Application Alert
6 - All Category
7 - Log Only
8 - Map
9 - Ignore
autoSit-Severity Assigned situation severity. Valid values
0 - Cleared
1 - Indeterminate
2 - Warning
3 - Minor
4 - Major
5 - Critical

Appendix E. MIB SNMP agent event descriptions 601

Table 75. SNMP trap variables for agentSitPureEvent (continued)
Attribute Description OID
autoSit-Predicates This is the situation formula, up to 3210
bytes, in the form attributeName
Operator CompareValue. When the
formula has multiple expressions, their
Boolean AND or OR connectors are
sitAttributeList The attribute values for the situation
that is assigned to the monitoring agent,
from 0 to 3200 bytes.

602 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Appendix F. Agent operation log
A Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent can run autonomously for an undetermined
period of time, taking data samples and saving events. Review the audit trail log
to examine and review the agent activities, including while it was running

When an agent runs autonomously, audit trail records for all events and true
sampled application data rows are written to the operations log. The agent
leverages the existing Agent Operation Log facility and outputs audit trail records
to it. The Agent Operation Log can be viewed on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal while
the agent is online.
v On distributed systems, the agent creates the Operation Log file automatically in
the agent installation directory, names it ComputerName_product.LG0 for the
current running log file, and renames the previous log file
ComputerName_product.LG1 (the backup file).
v On z/OS systems, the agent writes the Agent Operation log records to a SYSOUT
class, saving portions of records in memory cache.
The agent operations log also shows the activity of private situations.

The autonomous activity log record contains these fields:

v Agent system name
v Message ID: KRAIRA005
v Global timestamps, showing the actual local time of the event activity
v The message, which shows the situation name, application table name, system
name, filter column name, filter value, and actual sampled value or event value.
If the situation filter criteria specify several threshold name and value pairs and
thus the output exceeds the operation log's record size, then the agent outputs
multiple log records.

To obtain an agent autonomous operation activity report, create an Agent

Operation Log custom query in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal that filters on message
KRAIRA005, and then assign the query to a table view in a workspace at the agent
level of the Navigator Physical view. Alternatively, you can assign the predefined
query named Agent Operations Log to a table view and apply a post-filter through
the Properties editor Filters tab filters out all rows except those with message
KRAIRA005. shows a possible autonomous activity log that might result from such
a query.

This is the result of a table view of the Agent Operations Log filtered to include
only the agent autonomy messages: == KRAIRA005

Message Global
Server Name Number Timestamp Managed System Type
Primary:East:NT KRAIRA005 02/16/2009 Situation NT_Process_CPU_Critical for KNT.WTPROCESS
12:35:42 reset
Primary:East:NT KRAIRA005 02/16/2009 Situation NT_Process_CPU_Critical for KNT.WTPROCESS
12:34:43 triggered (03) Process_Name [_Total] value <kdsmain>
Primary:East:NT KRAIRA005 02/16/2009 Situation NT_Process_CPU_Critical for KNT.WTPROCESS
12:34:42 triggered (02) Priority_Base [0] value <8>

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 603

Message Global
Server Name Number Timestamp Managed System Type
Primary:East:NT KRAIRA005 02/16/2009 Situation NT_Process_CPU_Critical for KNT.WTPROCESS
12:34:42 triggered (01) %_Processor_Time [65] value <66>
Primary:East:NT KRAIRA005 02/16/2009 Situation NT_Log_Space_Low for KNT.WTPROCESS triggered
12:34:21 %_Usage [95] value <100>
Primary:East:NT KRAIRA005 02/16/2009 Situation NT_Process_Memory_Critical for KNT>WTPROCESS
12:32:42 triggered (02) Working_Set [40000000] value <48832512>
Primary:East:NT KRAIRA005 02/16/2009 Situation NT_Process_Memory_Critical for KNT>WTPROCESS
12:32:41 triggered (01) Process_Name [_Total] value <Rtvscan>
Primary:East:NT KRAIRA005 02/16/2009 Situation NT_System_CPU_Critical for KNT.WTSYSTEM
12:31:21 triggered Operating_System_Version [5.0] value <5.1>
Primary:East:NT KRAIRA005 02/16/2009 Situation CHECK_NETWORK_STAT for KNT.IPSTATS
12:29:41 triggered (06) Datagrams_Received_Header_Errors [0] value
Primary:East:NT KRAIRA005 02/16/2009 Situation CHECK_NETWORK_STAT for KNT.IPSTATS
12:29:41 triggered (05) Datagrams_Outbound_Header_Errors [0] value

Note: CTIRA_LOG_PATH agent environment variable for distributed enterprise

monitoring agents specifies the directory where the agent's Operations Log file is
stored (Windows <install_dir>\TMAITM6\logs; Linux and UNIX
<install_dir>/config/logs.) The file names use the suffixes .LG0and .LG1.

604 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Documentation library
Various publications are relevant to the use of IBM Tivoli Monitoring and to the
commonly shared components of Tivoli Management Services.

These publications are listed in the following categories:

v IBM Tivoli Monitoring library
v Related publications

Documentation is delivered in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring and OMEGAMON XE

Information Center at
and also in the Files section of the Application Performance Management

For information about accessing and using the publications, select IBM Tivoli
Monitoring → Using the publications in the Contents pane of the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring and OMEGAMON XE Information Center at

To find a list of new and changed publications, click the New in this release topic
on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring welcome page. To find publications from the
previous version of a product, click Previous versions under the name of the
product in the Contents pane.

IBM Tivoli Monitoring library

The IBM Tivoli Monitoring library provides information about the commonly
shared components of Tivoli Management Services.
v Quick Start Guide
Introduces the components of IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
v Installation and Setup Guide, SC22-5445
Provides instructions for installing and configuring IBM Tivoli Monitoring
components on Windows, Linux, and UNIX systems.
v Installation Roadmap available on Service Management Connect
Provides a roadmap that covers the installation of IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
v High Availability Guide for Distributed Systems, SC22-5455
Gives instructions for several methods of ensuring the availability of the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring components.
v Program Directory for IBM Tivoli Management Services on z/OS, GI11-4105
Gives instructions for the SMP/E installation of the Tivoli Management Services
components on z/OS.
v Administrator's Guide, SC22-5446
Describes the support tasks and functions required for the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server and clients, including Tivoli Enterprise Portal user administration.
v Command Reference available on Service Management Connect
Provides detailed syntax and parameter information, as well as examples, for the
commands you can use in IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
v Messages available on Service Management Connect

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 605

Lists and explains messages generated by all IBM Tivoli Monitoring components
and by z/OS-based Tivoli Management Services components (such as Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server on z/OS and TMS:Engine).
v Troubleshooting Guide available on Service Management Connect
Provides information to help you troubleshoot problems with the software.
v Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide available on Service Management Connect
Complements the Tivoli Enterprise Portal online help. The guide provides
hands-on lessons and detailed instructions for all Tivoli Enterprise Portal
v Tivoli Enterprise Portal online help
Provides context-sensitive reference information about all features and
customization options of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Also gives instructions for
using and administering the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

Documentation for the base agents

If you purchased IBM Tivoli Monitoring as a product, you received a set of base
monitoring agents as part of the product. If you purchased a monitoring agent
product (for example, an OMEGAMON XE product) that includes the commonly
shared components of Tivoli Management Services, you did not receive the base

The following publications provide information about using the base agents.
v Agentless operating system monitors
– Agentless Monitoring for Windows Operating Systems User's Guide, SC23-9765
– Agentless Monitoring for AIX Operating Systems User's Guide, SC23-9761
– Agentless Monitoring for HP-UX Operating Systems User's Guide, SC23-9763
– Agentless Monitoring for Solaris Operating Systems User's Guide, SC23-9764
– Agentless Monitoring for Linux Operating Systems User's Guide, SC23-9762
v OS agent documentation is delivered in the following locations:
Agent Installation and Configuration Guide
Available in the Information Center:
– IBM i OS Agent Installation and Configuration Guide, SC27-5653
– Linux OS Agent Installation and Configuration Guide, SC27-5652
– UNIX OS Agent Installation and Configuration Guide, SC27-5651
– Windows OS Agent Installation and Configuration Guide, SC27-5650
Agent Reference
Available on Service Management Connect
Agent Troubleshooting Guide
Available on Service Management Connect
Infrastructure Management Dashboards for Servers Reference
Available on Service Management Connect
v Warehouse agent documentation is delivered in the following locations:
Agent Installation and Configuration Guide
Available in the Information Center:
– Warehouse Proxy Agent Installation and Configuration Guide, SC27-5655
– Warehouse Summarization and Pruning Agent Installation and
Configuration Guide, SC27-5654

606 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Agent Reference
Available on Service Management Connect
Agent Troubleshooting Guide
Available on Service Management Connect
v System P agents
– AIX Premium Agent User's Guide, SA23-2237
– CEC Base Agent User's Guide, SC23-5239
– HMC Base Agent User's Guide, SA23-2239
– VIOS Premium Agent User's Guide, SA23-2238
v Other base agents
– Agent Builder User's Guide, SC32-1921
– Performance Analyzer User’s Guide, SC27-4004
– Systems Director base Agent User’s Guide, SC27-2872
– Tivoli Log File Agent User’s Guide, SC14-7484
– Tivoli zEnterprise Monitoring Agent User’s Guide, SC14-7359 and the Tivoli
zEnterprise Monitoring Agent Installation and Configuration Guide, SC14-7358

Related publications
For information about related products and publications select OMEGAMON XE
shared publications or other entries in the Contents pane of the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring and OMEGAMON XE Information Center.

You can access the IBM Tivoli Monitoring and OMEGAMON XE Information
Center at .

You can also access other information centers at IBM Tivoli Documentation Central

Tivoli Monitoring community on Service Management Connect

Connect, learn, and share with Service Management professionals: product support
technical experts who provide their perspectives and expertise.

For information about Tivoli products, see the Application Performance

Management community on SMC at IBM Service Management Connect >
Application Performance Management (

For introductory information, see IBM Service Management Connect


Use Service Management Connect in the following ways:

v Become involved with transparent development, an ongoing, open engagement
between other users and IBM developers of Tivoli products. You can access early
designs, sprint demonstrations, product roadmaps, and prerelease code.
v Connect one-on-one with the experts to collaborate and network about Tivoli
and the (enter your community name here) community.
v Read blogs to benefit from the expertise and experience of others.
v Use wikis and forums to collaborate with the broader user community.

Documentation library 607

Other sources of documentation
You can obtain additional technical documentation about monitoring products
from other sources.
v Tivoli wikis
IBM Service Management Connect > Application Performance Management
( includes a
list of relevant Tivoli wikis that offer best practices and scenarios for using Tivoli
products, white papers contributed by IBM employees, and content created by
customers and business partners.
Two of these wikis are of particular relevance to IBM Tivoli Monitoring:
– The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Wiki (
community/wikis/home?lang=en#!/wiki/Tivoli%20Monitoring) provides
information about IBM Tivoli Monitoring and related distributed products,
including IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management products.
– The Tivoli System z® Monitoring and Application Management Wiki provides
information about the OMEGAMON XE products, NetView for z/OS, Tivoli
Monitoring Agent for z/TPF, and other System z monitoring and application
management products.
v IBM Integrated Service Management Library
IBM Integrated Service Management Library is an online catalog that contains
integration documentation and other downloadable product extensions.
v Redbooks®
IBM Redbooks and Redpapers include information about products from
platform and solution perspectives.
v Technotes
Technotes provide the latest information about known product limitations and
workarounds. You can find Technotes through the IBM Software Support Web
site at

608 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Support information
If you have a problem with your IBM software, you want to resolve it quickly. IBM
provides ways for you to obtain the support you need.
The following sites contain troubleshooting information:
v Go to the IBM Support Portal (
portal/software) and follow the instructions.
v Go to IBM Service Management Connect > Application Performance
Management (
servicemanagement/apm) and select the appropriate wiki.
IBM Support Assistant
The IBM Support Assistant (ISA) is a free local software serviceability
workbench that helps you resolve questions and problems with IBM
software products. The ISA provides quick access to support-related
information and serviceability tools for problem determination. To install
the ISA software, go to IBM Support Assistant (
Troubleshooting Guide
For more information about resolving problems, see the product's
Troubleshooting Guide.

Using IBM Support Assistant

The IBM Support Assistant is a free, stand-alone application that you can install on
any workstation. You can then enhance the application by installing
product-specific plug-in modules for the IBM products you use.

The IBM Support Assistant saves you the time it takes to search the product,
support, and educational resources. The IBM Support Assistant helps you gather
support information when you need to open a problem management record
(PMR), which you can then use to track the problem.

The product-specific plug-in modules provide you with the following resources:
v Support links
v Education links
v Ability to submit problem management reports
For more information, and to download the IBM Support Assistant, see After you download and install the
IBM Support Assistant, follow these steps to install the plug-in for your Tivoli
1. Start the IBM Support Assistant application.
2. Select Updater on the Welcome page.
3. Select New Properties and Tools or select the New Plug-ins tab (depending on
the version of IBM Support Assistant installed).
4. Under Tivoli, select your product, and then click Install. Be sure to read the
license and description.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 609

If your product is not included on the list under Tivoli, no plug-in is available
yet for the product.
5. Read the license and description, and click I agree.
6. Restart the IBM Support Assistant.

Obtaining fixes
A product fix might be available to resolve your problem. To determine which
fixes are available for your Tivoli software product, follow these steps:
1. Go to the IBM Software Support website at
2. Under Select a brand and/or product, select Tivoli.
If you click Go, the Search within all of Tivoli support section is displayed. If
you don't click Go, you see the Select a product section.
3. Select your product and click Go.
4. Under Download, click the name of a fix to read its description and, optionally,
to download it.
If there is no Download heading for your product, supply a search term, error
code, or APAR number in the field provided under Search Support (this
product), and click Search.

For more information about the types of fixes that are available, see the IBM
Software Support Handbook at

Receiving weekly support updates

To receive weekly e-mail notifications about fixes and other software support news,
follow these steps:
1. Go to the IBM Software Support website at
2. Click My support in the far upper-right corner of the page under
Personalized support.
3. If you have already registered for My support, sign in and skip to the next
step. If you have not registered, click register now. Complete the registration
form using your e-mail address as your IBM ID and click Submit.
4. The Edit profile tab is displayed.
5. In the first list under Products, select Software. In the second list, select a
product category (for example, Systems and Asset Management). In the third
list, select a product sub-category (for example, Application Performance &
Availability or Systems Performance). A list of applicable products is
6. Select the products for which you want to receive updates.
7. Click Add products.
8. After selecting all products that are of interest to you, click Subscribe to email
on the Edit profile tab.
9. In the Documents list, select Software.
10. Select Please send these documents by weekly email.
11. Update your e-mail address as needed.
12. Select the types of documents you want to receive.
13. Click Update.
610 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
If you experience problems with the My support feature, you can obtain help in
one of the following ways:
Send an e-mail message to, describing your problem.
By phone
Call 1-800-IBM-4You (1-800-426-4968).

Contacting IBM Software Support

IBM Software Support provides assistance with product defects. The easiest way to
obtain that assistance is to open a PMR or ETR directly from the IBM Support

Before contacting IBM Software Support, your company must have an active IBM
software maintenance contract, and you must be authorized to submit problems to
IBM. The type of software maintenance contract that you need depends on the
type of product you have:
v For IBM distributed software products (including, but not limited to, Tivoli,
Lotus®, and Rational® products, as well as DB2 and WebSphere products that
run on Windows or UNIX operating systems), enroll in Passport Advantage® in
one of the following ways:
Go to the Passport Advantage website at
software/howtobuy/passportadvantage/pao_customers.htm .
By telephone
For the telephone number to call in your country, go to the IBM
Software Support website at
guides/contacts.html and click the name of your geographic region.
v For customers with Subscription and Support (S & S) contracts, go to the
Software Service Request website at
v For customers with Linux, iSeries, pSeries, zSeries, and other support
agreements, go to the IBM Support Line website at
v For IBM eServer™ software products (including, but not limited to, DB2 and
WebSphere products that run in zSeries, pSeries, and iSeries environments), you
can purchase a software maintenance agreement by working directly with an
IBM sales representative or an IBM Business Partner. For more information
about support for eServer software products, go to the IBM Technical Support
Advantage website at

If you are not sure what type of software maintenance contract you need, call
1-800-IBMSERV (1-800-426-7378) in the United States. From other countries, go to
the contacts page of the IBM Software Support Handbook on the web at and
click the name of your geographic region for telephone numbers of people who
provide support for your location.

Support information 611

612 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A.
IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in
other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the
products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM
product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM
product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product,
program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may
be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the
operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter
described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you
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IBM Director of Licensing

IBM Corporation
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Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A.

For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM
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Intellectual Property Licensing

Legal and Intellectual Property Law
IBM Japan, Ltd.
19-21, Nihonbashi-Hakozakicho, Chuo-ku
Tokyo 103-8510, Japan

The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other
country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law :



Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain

transactions, therefore, this statement might not apply to you.

This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be
incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements
and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this
publication at any time without notice.

Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for
convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web
sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM
product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 613

IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it
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Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose
of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created
programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the
information which has been exchanged, should contact:

IBM Corporation
11400 Burnet Road
Austin, TX 78758 U.S.A.

Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions,

including in some cases payment of a fee.

The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material
available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement,
IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement
between us.

Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled

environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may
vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level
systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on
generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurement may have been
estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document
should verify the applicable data for their specific environment.

Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of

those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources.
IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of
performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products.
Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the
suppliers of those products.

All statements regarding IBM's future direction or intent are subject to change or
withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.

All IBM prices shown are IBM's suggested retail prices, are current and are subject
to change without notice. Dealer prices may vary.

This information is for planning purposes only. The information herein is subject to
change before the products described become available.

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616 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Special characters agent autonomy (continued)
z/OS 458
asymmetric encryption (continued)
setting up 207
*COUNT 340 Agent Management Services 315 stash file 243
*MKTIME 339 features 315 AT command, on a Windows
*REGEX 340 installation and configuration 317 system 505
managing the agent manually 321 atr file 411
monitoring the availability of attribute formatting 509, 510
A agents 321 ATTRLIB directory 473
AAGP on system monitor agents 331 audit
See Access Authorization Group take action commands 321 Authorization policy 196
Profile Agent Management Services auditing
about this guide xiii watchdog 316 environment variables 251
Access Authorization Group Profile 403, agent operations log event record types 245
434 collect history 498 log file 245
Access Control Lists agent service interface tacmd executecommand 253
security 179 starting 402 Take Action 253
Active Directory, Microsoft 129 Agent Service Interface 402 trace levels 245
IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent information 408 XML example 249
OU hierarchy created for 130 initiating Centralized XML mapped to attributes 247
synchronization of 133 Configuration 457 auditlogs 245
LDAP Repository private history report 411 authentication
configuring for SSL queries 411 enablement 89
communications 149 request AGENTINFO 413 migrate 126
configuring for TLS/SSL request AGENTSTAT 424 using Active Directory 129
communications 142 request ATTRLIST 415 using external LDAP registry 129
defining 135 request CNFGCONTROL 428 Authorization Policy Server 179
mapping Distinguished Names request HISTREAD 426 auditing 196
for 141 request LISTSUBNODE 414 best practices 185
LDAP schema request PVTCONTROL 422 Command Line Interface (CLI) 189
customizations 129 request READATTR 415 concepts 180
user object/attribute schema 130 request REPORT 417 configure
LDAP tools 144 request SITSUMMARY 423 SSL 214
ldapbrowser 146, 148, 152 request TABLESIT 421 SSL, prepare the portal server 220
ldapsearch 145, 150 service interface requests 412 SSL, prepare the Tivoli
LDP.ex 144 situations 409 Authorization Policy CLI 218
LDP.exe 152 agent subnodes SSL, using third party
LDAP user authentication 129 private history distribution 335 certificates 216
monitoring server authentication situation limitations 329 SSL, using WebSphere
userid limits 142 Agent watchdog 316 certificates 216
user accounts 147 agents creating policies, best practices 185
data-collection scripts 133 self-describing domains, multiple 200
add managed system 287 See self-describing agents preparing to enable 184
administer users 162 AIX 564 prerequisites 199
administration analytics 514 role groups 200
What does a system administrator CSV files 514 roles, managing 189
do? 7 examples 518 roles, predefined 182
administration console 113 monitoring agent 518 scenarios
configure external LDAP server 115 Warehouse Proxy agent 514 deployment 201
AF REXX 581 APPN error 567 deployment , multiple domains
agent archiving procedures with shared roles and
installation 300 using Windows AT command 505 policies 201
slot 258 as.ini environment file 87 deployment, multiple domains
agent autonomy ASCII and non-ASCII with independent policies 202
activity log 603 user ID 168 policy management 185
agent asymmetric encryption policy management, based on
operation log 603 CA certificate request, creating 241 domains 202
capabilities 323 CA certificate, receiving 242 policy management,
environment variables 327 key database, creating 241 PolicyDistributor 189
introduction 323 password, saving to stash file 243 policy management,
OMNIbus SNMP probe 377 public-private key pair, creating 241 RoleAdministrator 187
service interface 402 self-signed certificate, using 242

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2014 617

autonomous agent behavior
situation limitations 327
certificate (continued)
receiving a CA certificate 242
autonomous agents requesting a CA certificate 241 dashboard 29
duper process for situations 85 self-signed certificate, using 242 configure
autonomy chart 580 SSL, for the Dashboard Application
See agent autonomy chart view page size 71 Services Hub server 213
cleardeploystatus.log 292 SSL, using third party
CLEARDEPLOYSTATUSFREQ 292 certificates 212
creating custom dashboards 61
B CLI 95, 292
client KD8_VM_IMPORT_ID 68
backing up load balancing environment
browser 10
queries 551 See HTTP server for load balancing
desktop 10
banner in browser mode 17 roadmap
global parameters 69
BAROC event class 266 load balancing for high
in an emulation environment 74
BIRT reports 546 availability 53
Java Web Start 10
configure data source 547 migrating to SSO and policies 45
using SOAP 566
generate report 549 SSO and policies 34
clone ID for the portal server 64
importing a report 546 without SSO and policies 29
installing a report 546 SSL 211
event 264
bootstrap 442 UISolutions 68
browser client 10 Dashboard Application Services Hub
command line 95
customize the banner 17 custom dashboards 61
enable multiple instances 24 importing IBM Cognos reports 545 263
file packages and cookies 16 user IDs 175
common agent package 317
IE security settings 16 dashboard data provider
common event console 279
Linux or UNIX creating a connection 58
extra column 283
setting browser client data conversion
properties 77 automatic for z/OS systems 510
heartbeat interval 72
setting properties for Linux or on a UNIX system 507
HTTP proxy server 73
UNIX 77 using KPDXTRA on the PDS 510
pipeline factor 72
starting 17 data mart 469
components 7
Windows permissions 17 data snapshot 581
configuration load list 442, 454
Browser client 15 data warehouse
environment variables 441
browser mode capacity planning 488
initiating Centralized Configuration
workspace switch delay 73 tuning 488
with tacmd putfile 456
keywords 441 DD names for KPDXTRA
kshsoap command 457 on z/OS 511
C XML specification 434 define
CA certificate configuration window 279 monitoring server
receiving 242 ConfigurationArtifact root element 434 See TEMS
requesting 241 configure delayed acknowledgment 564
capacity planning common event console 279 delimited flat file 502
Tivoli Data Warehouse 488 connector 279 Deployment Status table 292
central configuration server configure a managed system 288 desktop client 10
web server configure authentication 94, 95, 96 creating a shortcut to launch using
as central configuration Configure Summarization and Pruning Web Start 22
server 430 Agent window 494 download from portal server 21
Web server as 430 connection logs, location of 20
Centralized Configuration 429 dashboard data provider 58 multiple instances 23
AAGP security 403 conversion process starting 17
Disp=Custom security 434 on HP NonStop Kernel Systems 509 desktop mode
environment variables 443 conversion, data databus parameter 72
initiating with a load list file 454 automatic for z/OS systems 510 developerWorks 608
initiating with a service interface convert 125
request 457 short-term historical data tables 507 Discovery Library Adapter 587, 589, 590
initiating with agent environment cookie 16 z/OS 593
variables 451 cookies 615 distinguished name
initiating with remote copyright 613 mapping to TEP user ID 169
deployment 454 COUNT 340 distinguished names 121
keywords for load list 441 create a shortcut 22 TEPS/e administration console 113
overview 429 CSV file for analytics 514 DLA 587
planning 430 CT_* SOAP methods 569 duper process 85
sample setup 447 CT_Get 581 duplicate event information 285
startup 451 CTIRA_HIST_DIR 467, 506
XML specification 434 customer support 611
certificate customizing your history
creating a CA certificate request 241 conversion 508

618 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

E exporting LTPA keys 123 HP NonStop Kernel 509
EIF 272 using krarloff rolloff program on 509
event configuration XML 383
event destination XML F HTTP
enable proxy server 76
specification 391 FIPS support 226
kshsoap command 567
event mapping XML fixes, obtaining 610
proxy server enablement 76
specification 385 from Linux 555
HTTP server
EIF events from UNIX 555
databus parameter to specify
common slots 394 from Windows 553, 554
external 72
heartbeat 396 HTTP server for load balancing 53, 63
heartbeat events 396 adding the HTTP server public signer
life cycle 395 G certificate to Dashboard Application
master reset 397 generate 580 Services Hub 226
send directly from agent to generic mapping 258 configure TLS/SSL between HTTP
receiver 383 global parameters 69 server and Dashboard Application
SSL 397 graphics Services Hub 224
embedded WebSphere Application customize portal banner 17 configure TLS/SSL between HTTP
Server 238 GSKit server and portal server 221 script 153 set the JRE and start Key export the HTTP server public signer
enabling tracing for the JRE 20 Manager 240 certificate 225
Enterprise Integration Facility extract portal server public signer
Multiple Console Support (MCS 273 certificate 221
TEDGEN utility 273
enterprise monitoring agents 451 H generating the plugin-cfg.xml 64
import portal server public signer
enterprise situations and private heartbeat
certificate 222
situations 332 EIF destination XML 391
setting clone IDs 64
Environment 19 historical
hub monitoring server 92, 94
environment configuration file location on Windows 505
configuring user authentication on
portal server 79 historical data
Linux or UNIX 95
environment file analytics 514
configuring user security on
automation server 87 impact of large amounts
Windows 94
monitoring server 84 collected 468
SSL with the LDAP server 210
portal server 79 managing 461, 463
environment variables tacmd 463
agent 505 historical data collection
agent autonomy 327 configure summarization and I
central configuration server and pruning 491 IBM Cognos reports 543
client 443 configure summarization and pruning importing 545
CMS_DUPER 85 for managed system groups 492 importing using report installer 541
configuration load list 441 performance impact of large data IBM i
KCA_CAP_DIR 317 requests 468 historical data conversion 506
KCA_CMD_TIMEOUT 317 set short-term file size limit 501 IBM Java Web Start
KCA_MAX_RETRIES_ON_PIPE 317 historical data conversion 499 using to download the desktop
KMS_EVAL_REFLEX_AT_TEMS 85 on HP NSK 508 client 18
event cache 262 on Linux or UNIX 507 installing 19
event console 266 on Windows 504 IBM Redbooks 609
event integration facility on z/OS 509 IBM Runtime Environments
enable globalization 259 historical data files installing 19
Event Integration Facility default tables 500 Linux 20
override the defaults 270 on z/OS 513 Windows JRE 19
Event Integration FacilitycreateEventDest historical reporting IBM Support Assistant 609
edit the configuration 267 performance impact from large IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
tacmd 267 tables 469 event integration 255
event message 257, 272 history IBM Tivoli Monitoring
event synchronization 263, 285 about data collection 461 components 7
changing the configuration 263 agent operations log 498 Performance Monitoring service command 263 best practices 488 provider 12
events change short-term directory 467 for WebSphere MQ products 509
controlling size of attachments 82 convert short-term to flat file 502 integrating with 129
synchronizing IBM Tivoli Enterprise data collection 11 running on HP NSK systems 509
Console 262 private 358 IBM Tivoli Monitoring Charting Web
eWAS See private history Service 585
importing certificates 238 service interface request 426 IBM Tivoli Monitoring web services
export summarization and pruning 485 SOAP client 566
portal server database 552 warehouse proxy error logging 497 IBM Tivoli Monitoring web Services
exported enterprise situations 347 workspace parameter 72 scenarios 580

Index 619
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web Services 559 KD8_VM_IMPORT_ID 68 load balancing
adding users 562 keep 16 See HTTP server for load balancing
introduction 559 key database, creating 241 login daemon 294
predefined SOAP methods 569 keywords for configuration load list 441 logon
report contents 583 KFW_AUTHORIZATION_ controlling number of attempts 83
sample CT_Get SOAP request 579 MAX_INVALID_LOGIN 83 logon error messages 559
second-level requests 578 KFW_MCS_XML_FILES 273 LTPA keys 123
SOAP description and URLs 559 KFWENV file 79
SOAP requests as system KHD_HISTSIZE_EVAL_INTERVAL 501,
commands 568
starting the client 566
Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
Services 96
verifying configuration 565 KMS_OMTEC_
defining SOAP hubs 560
IFS directory 506 GLOBALIZATION_LOC 259
global parameters 69
import KPDXTRA 510
managed system
portal server database 553 DDNAMES to be allocated 511
add through the portal 287
portal server database from and to a parameters 511
apply a patch through the portal 290
Linux or UNIX system 556 KPDXTRA attribute 510
description 7
importing LTPA keys 123 KPDXTRA program
managed system groups
Infrastructure Management about 511
configure summarization and
Dashboards 29 messages 512
pruning 492
initiating Centralized Configuration 451 krarloff 502
Managed System Groups
initiating Centralized Configuration by krarloff rolloff attribute 509
security 179
placing the file 454 krarloff rolloff program
managed systems
install 19 converting files on HP NSK 509
configure through the portal 288
installing 19 HP NonStop Kernel Systems
Integrated Cryptographic Service historical data conversion 508
Facility 78, 79 IBM i 506
manual conversion 508
Integrated Service Management on HP NSK 508
Library 608 on Linux or UNIX 507
customizable column 284
Integrated Solutions Console on Windows 504
customizable columns 284
See TEPS/e administration console on z/OS 509
maximum directory size 502
integration parameter 266 Windows
MCS Attribute Service 273
Internet Explorer historical data conversion 504
meta description files 499
Options - Security 16 z/OS
MIB for SNMP alerts and agent emits
ior URL 72 historical data conversion 509
agentSitPureEvent 377, 597
ISA 609 kshsoap 567
agentSitSampledEvent 377, 597
ITM Audit log 245 KSY_Summarization_Config_DV 539
agentStatusEvent 377, 597
ITM Connector 280 KSY_TRAM_ENABLE 530
Microsoft Management Console 134 292 KSY_TRAM_PASSWORD 530
ADSI Edit snap-in for 144
itmcmd history 507, 508 KSY_TRAM_TD_GRANULARITY 530
itmcmd history, running on a UNIX KSY_TRAM_TD_INITIAL_LOAD 530
authentication 126
system 508 KSY_TRAM_USER 530
migrate-export script 552
itmpwdsnmp command 376 kwgcap.xsd 317
migrate-import 553, 554, 555
from Linux or UNIX to Linux or
UNIX 556
J L migrate-import script 553
Java 19 launch application 25 MKTIME 339
in an emulation environment 74 LDAP 121 monitoring
JRE on Windows for Java Web configure an external server 115 Agent Management Services 315
Start 19 disable portal server monitoring agent 287
Java Runtime Environment 15 authentication 125 analytics 518
for GSKit 240 new users 125 apply a patch through the portal 290
Java Web Start portal server configration 112 assign through the portal 287
download the desktop client 21 portal server configuration 108 connect to a different monitoring
using to download the desktop SSL for portal server 119 server 294
client 18 ldapsearch 96 recycling 289
Java Web Start client 10 sample command (no TLS/SSL) 98 starting 289
JRE 19 sample command with SSL 98 stopping 289
enabling tracing for 20 ldapsearch command-line options 97 monitoring agents
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol See also enterprise monitoring agents
Active Directory, Microsoft 129 Centralized Configuration to
K Linux 285, 563
Linux or UNIX
maintain 429
clearing the Deployment Status
KASENV file 87
historical data conversion 507 table 292
KBBENV file 84
Linux OS lz_situations.xml 353 configure through the portal 288
kcacap.xsd 317
Linux_IP_Addres 539 managing with the portal client 287

620 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

monitoring agents (continued) parameter (continued) portal server (continued)
monitor their availability 321 attachment size 70 log onto two from the same
monitoring server databus for desktop mode on an computer 24
See also TEMS external HTTP server 72 Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring
connect agent to a different 294 editing global 69 Services to configure LDAP 108
migrate authentication 126 encoding code set 72 migrate authentication 126
user authentication event sound pause 72 portal server 80
disadvantages versus portal server heartbeat interval 72 replicate 551
authentication 129, 147 HTTP proxy server 73, 74 replication prerequisites 551
enabling and configuring 142 mouse drag sensitivity 72 SSL for LDAP 119
user scenario 147 pipeline factor 72 user authentication 159
userid limits 142, 147 terminal emulator localhost 73 creating userids and
via Active Directory 129 terminal emulator port 73 permissions 134
ms.ini environment file 84 terminal emulator type 73 enabling and configuring for
terminal script maximum 73 Active Directory 135
trace calls threaded 74 enabling LDAP
N trace client identifier 71, 74
trace file name 74
authentication 142
mapping userids to Distinguished
Navigator Physical view 287
trace local or remote 74 Names 141
trace option 74 user authentication via Active
certificate 400
trace thread qdepth 74 Directory 129
EIF using SSL 397
user.language 74 variables 80
user.region 75 portal server environment variable
console 275
view change warning prompt 73 KFW_ATTACHMENT_
new in this release 1, 2
view page size 71 SEGMENT_MAX 82
NIST SP800-131a 230
Windows task bar 73 KFW_ATTACHMENT_MAX 82
notices 613
workspace history 72 KFW_EVENT_RETENTION 81
NT_Computer_Information 539
workspace switch delay 73 KFW_PRUNE_END 81
parameters KFW_PRUNE_START 81
See environment variables portal server environment variables
O password, saving to stash file 243 KFW_AUTHORIZATION_
OMNIbus passwords MAX_INVALID_LOGIN 83
EE_HEARTBEAT status events 381 encrypt in trap configuration file 376 portal sever
EIF events PDS 513 user authentication
OMNIbus heartbeat performance impact enabling LDAP
automation 381 requests for historical data from large authentication 151
enabling heartbeat automation 381 tables 469 user scenario 151
enterprise situation event warehousing 469 prerequisites
integration 277 Performance Monitoring service configure authentication 99
heartbeat automation 381 provider 12 privacy policy 615
sample rules for SNMP alerts 379 Persistent Data Store 513 private history 332
SNMP alerts plugin-cfg.xml 64 Agent Service Interface report 411
OMNIbus heartbeat policy private network 590
automation 381 SOAP requests 568 private situations 332
OMNIbus Connector 282, 284 PolicyDistributor 189 characteristics 332
OMNIbus setup to receive SNMP portal browser client examples 353
alerts 377 starting 17 from exported enterprise
on the event server portal client situations 347
See TEC parameters 70 limitations 327
one-time conversion 508 portal client 70 start, stop, recycle 422
online help 25 variables 70 XML specification 335
Open Services Lifecycle Collaboration portal desktop client problem resolution 609
Performance Monitoring service downloading with IBM Java Web process
provider 12 Start 18 kfwServices 79
operation starting 17 proxy
summary 580 portal server HTTP server parameter 73
operation log 603 See also TEPS Proxy Agent Services Watchdog 316
OS agent dependency 589 See also Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server public-private key pair
OS Agents Report Prerequisites backup 551 creating 241
Scanner 543 connect to a different 23 putfile 456
OSLC-PM 12 disable LDAP authentication 125
environment variables 80
export database 552 Q
P FIPS enablement 226
import database 553
qi.ini environment file 79
parameter queries
Linux or UNIX command line to
active terminal sessions 73 backing up 551
configure LDAP 112
agent deploy 70

Index 621
queries (continued) self-describing agents (continued) SOAP server (continued)
of k<pc>.atr in the Agent Service suspending 305 adding users 562
Interface 411 terminal errors 302 configuration 559
self-signed certificate 242 defining hubs 560
Service Management Connect 607, 609 security 564
R short-term history
data conversion programs 499
verifying configuration 565
limiting file size 501 Software Support 609
browser client 122
short-term history file 502 contacting 611
recycling a monitoring agent 289
shortcut for launching desktop client 22 receiving weekly updates 610
Redbooks 608, 609
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) SP800-131a 230
client requests 559 specify browser 25
Regular expression 339, 340
single sign-on 102, 122 SSL 213
release information 1
roadmap for portal server and LDAP between portal server and LDAP
remove agent 291
registry 104 server 119
replicate the portal server 551
unavailable with monitoring server between the hub monitoring server
prerequisites 551
authentication 129, 147 and the LDAP server 210
report installer 541 command 263 CA certificate request, creating 241
situation CA certificate, receiving 242
See IBM Cognos reports
SOAP requests 568 certificate management for
RoleAdministrator 187, 189
sound parameter 72 Netcool/OMNIbus 400
rule check utility tool 266
situation description 257 EIF events 397
Runtime 19
situation event 272 key database, creating 241
situation events password, saving to stash file 243
map 255 public-private key pair, creating 241
S situation overrides XML 360 self-signed certificate, using 242
SA IO REXX application 582 situations setting up asymmetric
sample autonomous agent behavior 327 encryption 207
data mart duper process 85 stash file 243
SQL script 470 event integration with OMNIbus 277 with the Authorization Policy
sampled situation 264 private Server 214
schedule See private situations with the dashboard data
history data conversion 508 status in Agent Service Interface 409 provider 211
Schema Publication Tool SMC 607, 609 SSL between the portal server and LDAP
create Tivoli Common Reporting SNMP server 113
dimension tables 532 encrypting passkeys 376 SSO 122
script MIB agent event types 377, 597 starting a monitoring agent 289
terminal maximum 73 Situation element 371 stash file 243
security TrapAttrGroup xml element 370 StatTrap element 374
See also Access Authorization Group SNMP alerts 365 stopping a monitoring agent 289
Profile configuration 365 store data to database 502
Access Control Lists 179 from agents with subnodes 329 summarization and pruning 463, 491
Authorization Policy Server 179 sample OMNIbus rules 379 configuration 485
FIPS 226 sample trap configuration file 365 data availability 490
Managed System Groups 179 trap XML specification 367 description 485
portal server for LDAP and SSO 99 SNMP element 367 disable 497
role-based 179 SNMP traps global configuration 494
SP800-131a 230 configuring the OMNIbus Summarization and Pruning agent
security settings 16 Multi-threaded Trapd probe 377 reporting table automation 530
self-describing agent SOAP 559, 564 Tivoli Common Reporting
SDA-enabled agents 310 browser startup 567 limitations 526
self-describing agents 295, 300 server 563 Summarization and Pruning
auto refresh 306 SOAP client requests 559 sy_situations.xml 357
disabling at the agent 309 SOAP method support assistant 609
disabling at the remote monitoring CT_Acknowledge 569, 583 Support Assistant 609
server 308 CT_Activate 570 synchronizing situation events
enabling at the agent 309 CT_Alert 570, 582 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console 262
enabling at the remote monitoring CT_Deactivate 571 synchronizing TEC events 255
server 308 CT_EMail 572 sysadmin 89
environment variables 312 CT_Execute 573 SYSADMIN 174
errors that can be tried again 302 CT_Export 573 system administrator 11
install errors 302 CT_Get 575, 579 system monitor agents
install options 304 CT_Redirect 576 Agent Management Services on 331
monitoring server event flow 298 CT_Reset 576 initiating Centralized
resuming 305 CT_Resurface 577 Configuration 452
seeding 306 CT_WTO 578
STATUS codes 302 SOAP server 580

622 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

T Tivoli Authorization Policy Server
See Authorization Policy Server
Tivoli Monitoring Web Services
table view page size 71 Tivoli Common Reporting 523 SOAP
tacmd 456 background information 523 command-line utility 567
bulkExportPcy 551 BIRT reports 546 TLS
bulkExportSit 332, 347, 551 connecting to the Tivoli Data See SSL
bulkImportPcy 551 Warehouse 544 TMS DLA 587
bulkImportSit 551 database client over ODBC 544 tmsdla 587
createSit 332, 559 dimension tables 527 to Linux 554
exportNavigator 551 automation 530 to UNIX 554
exportQueries 551 configure the Summarization and to Windows 553, 555
exportSitAssociations 551 Pruning agent 530 trace
exportSysAssignments 551 resource dimension table 539 parameters 74
exportworkspaces 551 time dimension table 536 trademarks 615
histconfiguregroups 327, 485 using the schema publication trap XML specification 367
importNavigator 551 tool 532 Situation 371
importQueries 551 Health check for reporting 543 SNMP 367
importSitAssociations 551 IBM Cognos reports 543 StatTrap 374
importSysAssignments 551 limitations 526 TrapAttrGroup 370
importworkspaces 551 OS Agents Report Prerequisites TrapDest 367
setOverride 327, 360 Scanner 543 TrapDest element 367
updateAgent 292 prerequisites 524 troubleshoot
viewSit 347 report installer 541 connection 285
z/OS upgrading from a previous troubleshooting
agent environment variables 327 release 526 client in an emulation
tacmd addSdaInstallOptions 304 Tivoli data warehouse environment 74
tacmd deleteSdaInstallOptions 304 capacity planning 488 Java applets 15
tacmd editSdaInstallOptions 304 tuning 488 Java exception 17
tacmd histconfiguregroups -g 530 Tivoli Data Warehouse trace parameters 74
tacmd histunconfiguregroups 530 configure for Tivoli Common troubleshooting logon error
tacmd histviewattributegroup 530 Reporting 527 messages 177
tacmd listappinstallrecs 300 history tuning
tacmd listSdaInstallOptions 304 short-term file configuration 472 Tivoli data warehouse 488
tacmd listSdaStatus 300 range partition migrations 474 tuning parameter 266
tacmd refreshTECinfo for DB2 on Linux, UNIX, and
createEventDest 270 Windows 475
tacmd resumeSda 304, 305
tacmd setAgentConnection 294
for DB2 on z/OS 478
for Oracle 482
tacmd suspendSda 304, 305 UISolutions
short-term history configuration 472
take action import 68
Tivoli Data Warehouse
for SOAP requests 568 UNIX 563
warehouse_situations.xml 357
take action commands UNIX conversion 508
Tivoli Enterprise Console
user ID for 176 UNIX or Linux
event severity 259
TCP 564 historical data conversion 507
situation event status 260
TEC Connector 280, 284 UNIX OS ux_situations.xml 354
view 275
Technotes 608 UNIX_IP_Address 539
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agents
TEDGEN utility 273 update agent 292
See enterprise monitoring agents
TEP script 153
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation
See Tivoli Enterprise Portal URL 16
TEPS database USE_EGG1_FLAG 78
environment variables 86
event pruning 81 user administration 161
edit 87
TEPS/e applications 166
Tivoli Enterprise Portal 291
start 118 default user 175
client 7
stop 118 granting access to a user 175
client types 10
TEPS/e administration console major controls 174
description 7, 9
enable 114 managing user groups 171
new in this release 1
SSL between the portal server and managing user IDs 168
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
LDAP server 113 members 167
See also portal server
start 114, 118 Navigator views 167
clone ID 64
stop 118 permissions 163
load balancing 53
TEPS/e 118 SYSADMIN logon ID 174
Tivoli Management Services
to change base DN 113 troubleshooting logon error
components 7
terminal view messages 177
Tivoli Monitoring Service Index
parameters 73 user ID and groups 174
Agent Service Interface 402
threshold overrides XML 360 user ID for Take Action
Tivoli Monitoring Web Services
tivcmd CLI 179 commands 176
browser startup 567
Tivoli Authorization Policy CLI 189 user IDs for Dashboard Application
command-line utility 567
Services Hub 175

Index 623
user administration (continued)
Users and User Groups window 163
validating user access 175 XML
workspace administration mode 174 See also local configuration files
user authentication 92, 94, 95, 96 AGENTINFO 413
automation server 128 AGENTSTAT 424
new LDAP users 125 ATTRLIST 415
portal server 99 CNFGLIST 434
road map for single sign-on using EVENTDEST 383
single sign-on 102 HISTREAD 426
via Active Directory 129 LISTSUBNODE 414
user groups 171 private history 335
adding 172 private situations 335
removing 174 PVTCONTROL 422
reviewing and editing 173 READATTR 415
viewing memberships 171 REPORT 412, 417
user ID 121 SITSUMMARY 412, 423
enable authentication 89 situation_name (exported) 347
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Web TABLESIT 421
Services 566 THRESHOLDS 360
Windows Users Group 17 TRAPCNFG 365, 367
user IDs 168 UTF-8 encoding 330
adding a user ID 168 z/OS
default user 171 UTF-8 encoded XML 330
removing a user ID 170
viewing and editing a user ID 169
user security Z
configuring for a hub monitoring z/OS
server on Linux or UNIX 95 agent autonomy 323, 458
configuring for a hub monitoring data conversion using
server on Windows 94 KPDXTRA 510
user validation 92 Integrated Cryptographic Service
See user authentication Facility 78, 79
user.language 74 LDAP not supported on hub 89
user.region 75 location of historical data files 513
Users Group privileges 17 manual archiving procedure 513
UTF-8 encoded XML 330 private history and PDS 358
RACF or ACF/2 for user
validation 175
W SNMP alerts in PCTRAPS 365
warehouse proxy
ATTRLIB directory 473
warehouse proxy agent
error logging 497
Warehouse Proxy agent
analytics 514
parameters 514
Web services
configure 563
Web Services 559
defining hubs 560
Web Start 22
what is new 1, 2
Edit Tivoli Enterprise Portal Parm 69
location of executable files 505
location of historical data table
files 506
Users group 17
Windows OS nt_situations.xml 355
Windows systems AT command 505
history parameter 72

624 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator's Guide

Printed in USA


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