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Bits, Bytes, and Nibbles

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Bits, Bytes, and Nibbles

I get confused when my computer tells me that this application will take up 1,080 Megabytes (MB) or this
movie will use 600 Kilobytes (Kb) per second. What does that mean? Should I worry that my computer
will max out or that my streaming account limit will cut off the movie at an exciting part?

Lets figure this out.

Maybe youve heard of machine language or maybe youve heard of base two. Either way heres the low
down. Computers are composed of electrical circuits. Each branching of a circuit can either be left or
right, on or off. We notate those on or off decisions with binary representations ... either 0 or 1.

A bit of information is either a yes or a no ... on or off ... 0 or 1. You really cant compute or demonstrate
much with just one bit of information. So lets look at the next biggest grouping of information.

A Nibble is made of 4 bits. Lets figure out how many pieces of information you could show with a
Nibble. I arranged the digits 0 and 1 in all of the possible ways that I could order them and got 16

0000 0100 1000 1100
0001 0101 1001 1101
0010 0110 1010 1110
0011 0111 1011 1111

So, I guess we could represent 16 different pieces of information with a Nibble.

Each digit in the above demonstration of combinations of 4 bits can be only a 1 or a 0. So, there are only
2 possible ways to write each bit of information.

1. Why do you suppose 2 choices for the first digit, 2 choices for the second digit, 2 choices for the
third digit, and 2 choices for the 4
digit turned out to be 16 possible ways of writing the 4 digits?
Please explain.

2. Just to check your methods, see if you can list all of the ways that 5 bits could be arranged. Does
your short-cut method work for 5 digits? Be careful, I may not have include enough cells ... or I
may have used too many cells.

00000 01000
00001 01001
00010 01010
00011 01011
00100 01100
00101 01101
00110 01110
00111 01111

3. Describe an easier way to have figured this out?

4. Without counting any list of numbers, figure out how many different ways you could write a byte of

So when someone wants to send a page of print electronically, they have to use a series of 0s and 1s
that represent each of the letters or symbols that they are trying to convey. Each of those letters or
symbols probably contains a byte of information. This could get huge.

ASCII text (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is binary machine language. The
letters, digits, common symbols, and some keystrokes all have binary symbols that are used to print,
calculate, or render text. For instance, a capital A in ASCII is 100 0001. So it takes 7 bits to store a
capital A in binary. 7 bits is pretty close to a byte. So, it is convenient to think that each character in
English requires a byte for storage.

5. Make a guess about how many bits of memory just one average-length word might require.

Maybe we had better consider a larger grouping of information clusters than just a bit or byte. The next
biggest capacity is a kilobyte (KB). A kilobyte of information contains 1,024 (2
bytes of information).
One long paragraph of a typewritten page might contain 1 KB of binary (base 2) information.

6. Take a guess at how large a grouping a digital book might require.

I found that the Complete Works of Shakespeare would require 10MB of storage. That
tomb has about 1,300 pages of print.

7. Choose an average-sized book that you might read, calculate what fraction of
the Complete Works of Shakespeare your book size is, and check your guessed
answer to question 6.

Photographs are even denser in file-storage-needs than printed information and require much more
memory use. Its interesting that printed text requires so much less memory than images. One page of
print in an average paperback book might require 2 KB of storage. A low-resolution photograph might
require 100 KB of storage and a high-resolution photograph 2 megabytes (MB = (2
) of storage.

Uh oh ... a megabyte (MB).
8. Using your calculator, find and rewrite (2
in standard notation.

9. What power of 10 is the number that you just wrote for problem #7 close to?

Many people use those powers of 10 numbers to approximate how many bytes of information are
contained in a quantity of bytes ... like a gigabyte or terabyte.

My website will only allow me to upload 24 MB of data when I upload instructions for a webpage.
10. What sort of contents and how many images might I be able to upload to my site ... printed words,
high-resolution pictures?

Movies and music are an entirely different animal. One minute of high-fidelity sound might use 10 MB of
space. So, one minute of sound might require the space of two sets of the Complete Works of
Shakespeare. Doesnt seem fair.

11. About how long are the songs that you listen to on the radio? How many MB of memory might
one of those songs require? Show your work.

If I filled a pick up truck with books and digitized them, they might require 1 gigabyte of memory (GB). A
gigabyte is (2
bytes of memory.

12. Rewrite (2
in standard form.

13. My cameras memory card holds 1 GB of information and photos are denser than printed
information. If one high-resolution picture uses 2 MB, how many high-resolution photographs can
I expect to store on my cameras memory card?

I have a 6-year old computer with only 2 GB of memory. More up-to-date computers have 4 to 16 GB of
memory. My memory capacity hasnt yet been a problem for me and I program and constantly upload for
the Yummymath website. Probably my image and photo work are the most memory-consuming part of
my work.

But wait, it gets worse ... movies. When you play a DVD on your computer, you might be playing 17 GB
of information. But, luckily that information is stored on the DVD and not in your computer. Id guess a
filmmaker would need an awful lot of memory storage space.

Which makes me wonder about Youtube. I watch quite a few clips on Youtube and sometimes include a
clip on our website.

14. Am I quickly using up my computers memory? Take a guess and explain your reasoning.

Actually, when we posted the movie called the Three Ships to Locate about the ingots of silver that
were brought up from the ocean floor, we didnt upload that much information on our computer, our web
server, or send it to your computer. That movie is housed at Youtube and we all just go there to watch it.

But how big would a Youtube video be to download to my computer? Youtube movies are usually
recorded at 300 Kb/second. (Notice that the b is not capitalized in Kb/second. This is kilobits per
second.) So you might figure out how many seconds the movie that you want on your computer requires
and just multiply that number times 300 Kb/second. Then if you divide by 8 (cause there are 8 bits in a
byte) you should get the number of KB of memory that are required for your download. Lets try that.

15. The Three Ships to Locate video was 2 minutes and 51 seconds long. About how much
memory does Youtube have to use to store that movie for us to see? Show your work and try to
use the most concise units to express your answer ... KB, MB, GB, or TB.

Just so you appreciate what you are using, high-definition video is recorded at about 2,000

16. Calculate how much memory is required for a 10 minute, high-definition movie.

17. Try to find out how much storage is available on a DVD.

18. I have an iPhone with 6.3 GB of memory. My MacBook has only 2 GB of memory. Should I get a
new computer?

Sources: htp://

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