You may already have some of the knowledge and skills covered in this
module because you have:
been working for some time
training related to this area of qualification
Already have completed training in this area.
Remember to:
Work through all the information and complete the activities
in each section.
Read information sheets and complete the self-check. Suggested
references are included to supplement the materials provided in this module.
Most probably your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager.
He/she is there to support you and show you the correct way to do things.
You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice on
the job. Make sure you practice your new skills during regular work shift. This
way you will improve both your speed and memory and also your confidence.
Use the Self-checks, Operation Sheets or Job Sheets at the end of each
section to test your own progress.
Inside this module you will find the activities for you to complete
followed by relevant information sheets for each learning outcome. Each
learning outcome may have more than one learning activity.
List of Competencies
This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required in
welding carbon steel plates and pipes using SMAW process.
1. Perform root pass
2. Clean root pass
3. Weld subsequent/ filling passes
4. Perform capping
Root pass is performed in accordance with WPS and/or client
Task is performed in accordance with company or industry
requirement and safety procedure.
Weld is visually checked for defects and repaired, as required
Weld is visually acceptable in accordance with applicable codes
and standards.
Root pass is cleaned and free from defects and discontinuities
Task is performed in accordance with approved WPS
Subsequent/ filling passes is performed in accordance with
approved WPS
Weld is visually checked for defects and repaired, as required
Weld is visually acceptable in accordance with applicable codes and
Capping is performed in accordance with WPS and/or client
Weld is visually checked for defects and repaired, as required
Weld is visually acceptable in accordance with applicable codes
and standard
Performing root pass
Required information is gathered by listening attentively and
correctly interpreting or understanding information/instructions
Instructions/information are properly recorded
Instructions are acted upon immediately in accordance with
information received
Clarification is sought from workplace supervisor on all occasions
when any instruction/information is not clear
2. Answer self-check 1.1-1 Refer your answers to the answer key 1.1-1 for
self-check. You are required to get all answers
correct. If not, read the information sheets
again to answer all questions correctly.
3. View the video If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
presentation on presentation, you can now answer the oral
performing root pass questioning.
4. Answer the oral question See that you all got the correct answer before
you could proceed to the next activity
5. Observe the trainer n If you have some problems on the
demonstrating perform demonstration don’t hesitate to approach your
root pass. facilitator.
If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
demonstration perform task sheet 1.1-1. If you
have some questions don’t hesitate to
approach your facilitator.
6. Perform task sheet 1.1-1 Evaluate your work by referring to performance
on performing root pass using Performance Criteria Checklist 1-1-1. If not
review the task sheet and go over the task
Congratulations on a Job well done!!! You have now successfully completed
the activities in LO1 for this competency and are now ready for the LO2.
Good luck and use what you have learned here well!!!
Root pass simply refers to the 1st pass in any weld process, which
makes the two members being welded, one structure. Subsequent passes
increase the weld depth to the desired thickness, yielding the necessary
The root pass is the first pass on an open joint, usually when welding
pipe and mild steel. It is usually used as a first pass that will provide the
base for subsequent filler passes. Since it is bridging a gap it may be done
with a quick freezing rod with a cellulosic flux like 6010 or 6011. Some of
the root may be ground away to eliminate any voids and laid over with a low
hydrogen rod such as 7018 until the weld is completed.
Root Pass
1. 45 degree angle
2. Adjust height of the jig
3. Ground clamp
4. Hand tools needed
5. Materials needed
Assessment method:
Return demonstration using performance criteria checklist.
Steps/ procedure:
The trainees will work in the practical area, they will be given one and
half hour (1.5) hours to Perform root pass. The trainer will go around and
observe the trainees. At the end of the given time, trainees will present
their output.
Prepare all the tools, materials and equipment needed.
Grind the surface of the metal pipe
Bevel the edge of the metal pipe into 45 degrees
Make a root face on the edge of the metal pipe at 3.2mm.
Tacking of metal Pipe
Adjust the gap size of metal pipe into 3.2 mm
Tack the pipe into quarters (12PM, 3AM, 6AM, 9AM) using 6011
Tack the metal pipe into positioner
Weld metal pipe
Set the amperage into 90 amps
Use 6011 electrode
Weld metal pipe from bottom to top adjust positioner in necessary
Root pass is cleaned and free from discontinuities
Task is performed in accordance with approved WPS
1. 1. Read information sheet 1.2-1 Read information sheet 1.2-1 cleaning root
on Cleaning root pass pass. If you have some problem on the content
of the information sheet don’t hesitate to
approach your facilitator.
If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
content of the information sheet, you can now
answer self-check provided in the module.
2.Answer self-check 1.2-1 Refer your answers to the answer key 1.2-1 for
self-check. You are required to get all answers
correct. If not, read the information sheets
again to answer all questions correctly.
3.View the video presentation If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
on performing root pass Presentation you can now answer oral
4. Answer oral question See that you got all answer correctly before you
could proceed to the next activity.
If you have some problem on the
5. Observe the trainer in
demonstration don’t hesitate to approach
demonstrating cleaning root
your facilitator.
If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
demonstration perform Task sheet 1.2-1. If
not have some don’t hesitate to approach your
Compare your work to the Performance
6. Perform the task sheet 1-
Criteria Checklist 1.2-1. If you got 100%
correct answer in this task, you can now
Cleaning root pass move to the next activity. If not review the
task sheet and go over the task again.
Congratulations on a Job well done!!! You have now successfully completed
the activities in LO2 for this competency and are now ready for the LO3.
Good luck and use what you have learned here well!!!
Stringer bead brushes have narrower knots twisted from base to tip, making
them better suited to penetrate tighter spaces like corners, fillets, and root
pass welds during cleaning. Remember, the tips of wire brushes do the work, so
using appropriate pressure is key to performance and efficiency.
1. Using the angle grinder, clean root pass free from slag.
2. Clean all trapped slag and porosity
3. Redefine the groove face to serve as outline your filling pass
4. Repair porosity or pinholes with E6011
5. Clean root pass until shines
Assessment method:
Return demonstration using performance criteria checklist.
Steps/ procedure:
The trainees will work in the practical area, they will be given one and
half hour (1.5) hours to clean root pass. The trainer will go around and
observe the trainees. At the end of the given time, trainees will present
their output.
Cleaning the root pass in a steel pipe
Prepare all the tools, materials and equipment needed.
Tick the welding area in the pipe to get the slag
Grind the surface of the metal pipe to remove the slag and to
prepare for hot pass.
Redefine the groove face to serve as outline your filling pass
Repair porosity or pinholes with E6011
Clean root pass until shines
Subsequent filling passes is performed in accordance with
Weld is visually check for defects and repaired as required
Weld is visually acceptable in accordance with applicable
codes and standards.
2.Answer self-check 1.3-1 Refer your answers to the answer key 1.3-1 for
self-check. You are required to get all answers
correct. If not, read the information sheets
again to answer all questions correctly.
3.View the video presentation If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
on welding subsequent filling Presentation you can now answer oral
passes questioning.
4. Answer oral question See that you got all answer correctly before you
could proceed to the next activity.
If you have some problem on the
5. Observe the trainer in
demonstration don’t hesitate to approach
demonstrating welding
your facilitator.
subsequent filling pass
If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
demonstration perform Task sheet 1.3-1. If
not have some don’t hesitate to approach your
Compare your work to the Performance
6. Perform the task sheet 1-
Criteria Checklist 1.3-1. If you got 100%
correct answer in this task, you can now
Welding subsequent filling move to the next activity. If not review the
passes task sheet and go over the task again.
Congratulations on a Job well done!!! You have now successfully completed
the activities in LO3 for this competency and are now ready for the LO4.
Good luck and use what you have learned here well!!!
Also referred to as a fill Pass it is the amount of bead necessary to fill the
weld joint. This comes after the root pass and before the cap pass. In some
applications multiple passes are necessary.
Assessment method:
Return demonstration using performance criteria checklist.
Steps/ procedure:
The trainees will work in the practical area, they will be given one and
half hour (1.5) hours to Perform subsequent filling pass. The trainer will
go around and observe the trainees. At the end of the given time, trainees
will present their output.
Capping is performed in accordance with WPS and/or
client specifications
Weld is visually checked for defects and repaired, as
Weld is visually acceptable in accordance with applicable
codes and standards
2.Answer self-check 1.4-1 Refer your answers to the answer key 1.4-1 for
self-check. You are required to get all answers
correct. If not, read the information sheets
again to answer all questions correctly.
3.View the video presentation If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
on performing capping pass Presentation you can now answer oral
4. Answer oral question See that you got all answer correctly before you
could proceed to the next activity.
If you have some problem on the
5. Observe the trainer in
demonstration don’t hesitate to approach
demonstrating performing
your facilitator.
If you feel that you are knowledgeable on the
demonstration perform Task sheet 1.4-1. If
not have some don’t hesitate to approach your
Compare your work to the Performance
6. Perform the task sheet 1-
Criteria Checklist 1.4-1. If you got 100%
correct answer in this task, you can now
Performing capping move to the next activity. If not review the
task sheet and go over the task again.
Congratulations on a Job well done!!! You have now successfully completed
the activities in LO4 for this competency and are now ready for the
Institutional assessment. Good luck and use what you have learned here
Perform Capping
The final weld bead in the in a weld joint. It may be completed in the
form of a stringer bead or by waving a motion back and forth.
Keep your electrode angle pointed to the center of the groove at all times
with very few exceptions.
Keep your arc length as short as possible.
If possible, drag your electrode slightly no matter what the position is. Most
people will disagree with this but it works for me because it keeps the slag
behind the puddle. Once you build a shelf of weld then you can drag.
Only move forward and side to side with the electrode otherwise the weld
will become rough.
When the steel plates gets to hot let it cool down or put on a vice grip to lean
Make sure you fuse the bevels edge by pushing the toe of the weld into it.
Overlap stringer beads from at least 25% to a maximum of 50%. The goal is
for the weld to have a single flat profile when finished.
Assessment method:
Return demonstration using performance criteria checklist.
Steps/ procedure:
The trainees will work in the practical area, they will be given one and
half hour (1.5) hours to Perform capping. The trainer will go around and
observe the trainees. At the end of the given time, trainees will present
their output.
Weld metal pipe
Prepare the materials tools and equipment
Set the amperage into 100 amps
Use 7018 electrode
Weld metal pipe from bottom to top adjust positioner in necessary