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Guidance and Criteria For Safe Recycling

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EU-Project FAIR-CT98-4318 "Recyclability"

Project: "Programme on the Recyclability of Food Packaging Materials with

Respect to Food Safety Considerations - Polyethylene
Terephthalate (PET), Paper & Board and Plastics Covered by
Functional Barriers".
Section I: PET Recyclability

Subject: Guidance and Criteria for Safe Recycling of Post

Consumer Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) into
New Food Packaging Applications

Authors: Roland Franz1), Forrest Bayer2) and Frank Welle1)

Date: February 2003

Fraunhofer Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung (IVV), Freising, Germany
The Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, USA
Franz et al
Guide to safe PCR-PET


Between January 1999 and April 2002, a European project, FAIR-CT98-4318

"Recyclability" was carried out to investigate into an (at this time) existing
knowledge gap related to the average contamination levels of post-consumer
recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PCR PET) materials. Therefore the
objective of a very comprehensive study which was carried out within Section I of
the mentioned EU project was to establish a statistical overview over the nature
and extent of contaminants in PCR PET recovered from the European food
packaging market. A co-objective was to investigate whether there is an impact
of the recollecting system, the social situation and consumer behaviour in
different recyclate markets on the PCR PET quality.
Typical contamination patterns and the frequency of misuse of PET bottles as
well as the counteractive reduction effect due to dilution with non-contaminated
bottles during recycling are crucial issues in risk assessment of PCR PET
intended for bottle to bottle recycling for direct food contact applications. It can be
therefore expected that the misuse of PET bottles is a very rare event. Therefore
information about the average concentration of hazardous compounds in PCR
PET is accessible only by screening of large amounts of samples. Within the EU
project, 727 PCR PET flakes samples from commercial washing plants were
collected. These materials are used as a feedstock for further deep cleansing
recycling technologies, so-called super-clean processes, which produce PET
recyclates suitable for direct food contact. For comparison purposes, also 142
super-clean as well as 20 virgin samples were included.
The observed patterns of compounds occurring in PCR PET flakes can be
divided into substances which are PET related such as acetaldehyde or are
unspecific for PET and related to the medium which was in contact. The latter
group in turn can be sub-divided into food-borne substances such as flavours like
limonene absorbed by the PET bottle and into external contaminants such as
technologically needed substances or misuse chemicals. As a result, in PCR PET
flakes average concentrations for limonene and acetaldehyde samples were
found to be 2.9 ppm and 18.6 ppm, respectively, and at maximum occurring
concentrations of approximately 20 ppm for limonene and 86 ppm for
acetaldehyde. The impact of the recollecting system and the EU country, where
the post-consumer PET bottles were collected, on the nature and extent of
adventitious contaminants was not significant. In three cases samples were
found with obvious hints for chemically misused PET bottles most likely by
storage of household chemicals or other aggressive solvent cocktails. From a
statistical evaluation it appears that 0.03 to 0.04 % of recollected PET bottles
may be misused. Under consideration of the dilution of the PET flakes during
washing and grinding with non-misused PET bottles maximum total
concentrations of misuse chemical such as solvents up to the range of 1.4 to
2.7 ppm can be present in the PET recycling feedstream for super-clean
processes which reduce these levels efficiently below the analytical detection
From the study results, maximum possible migration and exposure from food
contact articles made from the PCR PET feedstream can be made. As a very
conservative result one can conclude that the consumer will be exposed to
maximum levels which are lower than 50 ng of total misuse chemicals such as

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solvents per day. As an overall conclusion from the project results and from many
other findings and considerations it can be concluded that modern super-clean
technologies can safely reprocess PCR PET into new materials and articles for
direct food applications in the same and which are indistinguishable from virgin
food grade PET.
The results from this study were the necessary and a suitable scientific basis to
allow the writing of this guidance document for the safe recycling and use of PCR
PET. It is the wish of the project coordinator that this document will lead to a
situation in Europe which allows safe PET recycling in all European member
states as well as other countries, so they wish, according to harmonised test
protocols which, however, should contain sufficient flexibility to meet further
technological and scientific progress in this field. Furthermore, the proposed test
protocols have been designed such that to the best of our knowledge and
experience also a harmonisation with US FDA requirements has been achieved.
The project coordinator, also on behalf of the co-authors, wishes to express his
thanks to all involved laboratories, industries and other stakeholders inclusively
the project officers from DG Research from the European Commission (for a
complete list see under Chapter 9).

Roland Franz,
Coordinator of EU project FAIR-CT-98-4318

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1. Introduction 1
2. Definitions 3
3. Categories of PET recycling feedstocks and process technologies 5
3.1. Conventional reprocessing or recycling 6
3.2. Super-clean recycling technologies 6
4. Historical perspectives and global status of PCR PET in food applications 7
4.1. The United States 7
4.2. Europe 7
5. Technological principles and strategies to ensure high PCR PET quality 9
5.1. Recollection systems 9
5.2. Conventional recycling processes 9
5.3. "Super-clean" processes 10
6. Cleaning efficiency testing of reprocessing technologies 11
6.1. Selection and application of surrogates for input from food packaging
applications as feedstock 12
6.2. Selection and application of surrogates for input from non-food
packaging applications as feedstock 16
6.3. Practical instructions for challenge tests 16
7. Evaluation of (potential) surrogate migration 18
7.1. Evaluation of migration by calculations 18
7.2. Manufacture of model food contact articles 19
7.3. Migration testing 19
8. Quality assurance 21
8.1. Frequency of the challenge test 21
8.2. Analytical monitoring 21
8.3. Sensory testing 22
9. Acknowledgements 23
10. References 24

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Guide to safe PCR-PET


BfR (German) Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung

(the former German BgVV)
CF consumption factor
CFR Code of Federal Regulations (of the US FDA)
EC European Commission
EEC European Economic Community
EU European Union
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
FDA (US) Food and Drug Administration
FID flame ionisation detector
GC gas chromatography
HT-HSGC high temperature headspace GC
ILSI International Life Science Institute
JECFA Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
MS mass spectrometry
MIC maximum initial concentration
MW molecular weight
PCA principal component analysis
PCR post consumer recycle
PET polyethylene terephthalate
PEN polyethylene naphthalate
ppm parts per million (mg/kg)
ppb parts per billion (µg/kg)
WHO World Health Organisation

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1. Introduction

In the past few years essential under the pressure of new ecological demands [1]
enormous technological progress has been made in the area of decontamination
of "post-consumer" plastics, in particular from the PET beverage bottle market.
The development of modern recycling processes increasingly allows cleansing
and reconditioning of "post-consumer" recycled (PCR) PET for being reused in
direct food contact applications. In parallel, research, carried out in connection
with this technological development, has provided an enormous increase in
knowledge which allows today to assess with sufficient confidence and safety the
extent of interaction processes of possible recycling specific contaminants
between PET bottles and the filled foodstuff [2 - 12 and numerous other papers
cited therein].
Current and future worldwide beverage packaging PET consumption is
characterised by annual increase rates of 9%. As a consequence, this
development is paralleled in Europe by industrial investments into new PET
recollection and recycling capacities by at least the same increase rates [13]. The
currently by far greatest application market for PCR PET which is fibres for
textiles and carpets may approach saturation in the near future with the effect
that food packaging applications will be of increasing economic and therefore
consumer safety interest.
In the manufacture of articles from primary plastics there is normally perfect
control of the starting raw materials used. For post-consumer materials complete
control of the material is not possible. Here it can be expected that substances
are introduced which are untypical for polymers, above all components from the
filled product from the first use but also from misuse by the consumer and that
corresponding contamination of the post-consumer material occurs.
As is generally known, plastics can interact with organic chemicals. The extent of
this interaction moreover depends on the diffusion behaviour specific to polymers
and the sorption properties of the plastic. These physical properties ultimately
determine the potential risk of food contamination due to recycling. In relation to
this aspect, PET possesses much more favourable material properties in
comparison to other packaging plastics, such as polyolefines or polystyrene and
is, therefore, much better suited for mechanical recycling for being reused in the
food commodity sector.
Recycling processes for the manufacture of recycled PET as a final product,
which is food legally safe, must include process steps which efficiently deep
cleanse the plastic and eliminate substances which originate from the first use or
possible misuse. It is, therefore, imperative in this highly sensitive field that the
recycler of post-consumer material demonstrates in a worst-case scenario that
even under the most unfavourable conditions conformity with the law on food and
commodities is ensured for the articles partially or completely manufactured from
recycled material.
One objective of this document is to summarise the state of the art in PCR PET
reprocessing into new packaging applications for direct food contact from a
historical/food legal point of view and with rather short notices on technology
aspects. The major intention, however, is to give practical guidance and a reliable
criteria for the safe recycling and use of PCR PET in this challenging market

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application. Here, in particular, the control methodologies of so-called challenge

tests on the deep cleansing efficiency of modern super-clean process
technologies is of highest interest to assure the required high quality standards in
PET reprocessing and finally ensure the food safety demands for consumer
health protection.
The recommendations, guidelines and criteria presented in this document can be
considered as the implementation of the results and conclusions from a large
European project, FAIR-CT-98-4318 [14], which have been published elsewhere
[12] and therefore do correspond to the scientific state of the art in this field.

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2. Definitions

Adventitious contaminants:
Any unwanted substance that deliberately or inadvertently comes into contact
with the packaging material before it is collected for recycling and that therefore
may contaminate the plastic and negatively influence the quality of the product
filled by a recycled packaging material.
Challenge test:
A test of the effectiveness of a super-clean recycling process to remove chemical
contamination from materials or articles. The test involves introduction of
exaggerated levels of surrogates and includes as an end parameter the migration
evaluation of these surrogates from a model food contact article. As a safety
criterion this migration must not exceed 10 µg kg-1 (ppb) food. This can be
considered to be a purely technical cleaning efficiency criterion which
demonstrates the powerfulness of a super-clean recycling process.
"Conventional" PET recycling:
A recycling procedure using the process steps grinding, washing and surface
drying of recollected PET containers. The output material of conventional
recycling processes are PET flakes customary used for non-food or for the core
layer of multi-layer applications. Conventional recycled PET flakes are usually
used as input material for so-called super-clean recycling processes.
Consumption factor (CF):
Generally, CFs are used to correct a migration test result (measured
concentration in food simulant) into a exposure value (average uptake by the
consumer with the diet). Specifically, the US FDA defines CF as the plastic
packaging usage factor which is CF = 0.16 for virgin PET and CF = 0.05 for any
recycled PET. In Europe, the system of packaging usage factors has not been
established yet. However, the concept of fat consumption factors has recently
been adopted with the consequence that a fat reduction factor (FRF) will be
introduced into European legislation (future amendment of Directive 85/572/EC).
Quantitative dissolution of constituents from a plastic into a solvent and based on
a strong interaction between plastic and solvent.
Post consumer PET plastics used as raw materials for recycling.
Food grade PET:
For Europe: PET plastic of a suitable standard for food applications manufactured
in compliance with EU Directive 2002/72/EEC (and future amendments). For USA:
the PET plastic must be compliant with 21 CFR 177.1630 and 21 CFR 177.1315.
It should be noted that food grade PET is also used for non-food packaging
Diffusion-controlled mass transfer from a packaging material or article to food or
simulant. Classically, migration is experimentally determined by standardised
tests using food simulants. Due to the scientific progress in this field, today
migration can also be mathematically modelled and conservatively predicted.

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Guide to safe PCR-PET

Migrations limits:
Food regulatory maximum concentrations of migrants in food simulants or
foodstuffs resulting from a migration process. With respect to the sensitive area
of recycled food packaging materials and articles, the legally prescribed overall
migration is of much lower relevance and importance than specific migration
limits as for instance defined also by a threshold of no concern.
Post consumer recycle PET (PCR PET):
PET plastic material (bottles/containers) that has been manufactured, distributed
and used by the consumer. Discarded PCR PET material becomes the feedstock
for recycling processes.
Post industrial recycle PET:
Industrial inhouse plant scrab generated during the manufacture process which
may be reused in the production of new bottles.
"Super-clean" PET recycling:
In most instances the process uses as a source the output material from
conventional recycling, for example washed and surface-dried PET flakes, and
includes one or more additional cleaning steps. The output of "super-clean"
processes may be used for packaging applications in direct contact to the
foodstuff provided they meet the appropriate regulatory guidelines or legal
Organic compounds (also known as "model contaminants") of a wide range of
chemical types and physical properties representing exaggerated contamination
to challenge the safety of recycled materials and articles. Possible application
may be as individuals or a test mixture.
Threshold of no concern:
A concentration of a migrant in a foodstuff which, from a toxicological point of
view, is considered to pose no health risk to the consumer even in case that the
chemical structure of the migrant is unknown. As an example the US FDA
threshold-of-regulation concept according to 21 CFR 170.39 may serve where
the threshold, understood as the daily dietary intake, is set at 0.5 ppb (µg kg
In Europe, this concept is under discussion but a general threshold value has not
yet been adopted. However, specifically for evaluation of the safety of super-
clean processes the purely technical cleaning efficiency criterion (see challenge
test) is applicable. A JECFA task force of FAO/WHO has adopted the utilisation
of a threshold of toxicological concern concept for the evaluation of flavouring
substances in food. The proposed no concern level was 1.5 µg per person per
day [15, 16].

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Guide to safe PCR-PET

3. Categories of PET recycling feedstocks and process technologies

In general, feedstock materials for PET recycling processes can be divided into
the four quality classes [17, 18]:
Class 1: Materials remaining from production by the manufacturing or
converting industry where their past history is known and which have
always been under the control of the processor. Provided that good
manufacturing practice is followed and contamination can be
excluded, this material is as suitable for direct contact with foodstuffs
as new material.
Class 1 material can be defined as "post industrial recycle PET" and corresponds
to US FDA's Primary Recycling (pre-consumer scrap).
Class 2: PCR PET material which had been used for food packaging for well-
known applications and recollected pure-grade by the recycler, for
instance via a deposit system or material collection. Due to its post-
consumer character, the recycler usually does not have complete
control of the plastics material over the time period from its first use
up to its return.
Class 3: Impurified PCR PET material and possibly commingled with other
plastics which had been used for certain applications also outside of
the food packaging area and enters the recycling feedstream via
mixed plastics collection, for example such ones as operated by the
"green dot" collections. The material could include also food-grade
PET from non-food packaging applications.
Both, class 2 and 3 correspond to US FDA's Category "Physical reprocessing:
Secondary Recycling".
Class 4: Any class 1 to 3 material which had been chemically reprocessed by
depolymerisation into monomers or oligomers from which after
purification a new polymer has been regenerated.
Class 4 corresponds to US FDA's Category "Chemical Reprocessing: Tertiary
From given reasons, class 1 and class 4 feedstock materials can be considered
to be safe and in compliance with the legal requirements and are not anymore
dealt with in the further discussion.
Secondary recycling of class 2 and class 3 materials is economically and from a
mass fraction standpoint of highest interest and challenge with regard to
consumer safety considerations. It must be noted that "eligible" feedstock PET
material must be of "food grade" quality. Furthermore, it should also be noted that
it has been verified by industry that PET produced for both food and non-food
(e.g. personal hygiene products and household cleansers) containers is
compliant with EU Directive 2002/72/EEC as well as 21 CFR 177.1630 and
21 CFR 177.1315 [9, 18, 19].
For further discussion an additional differentiation concerning recycling process
technologies is necessary.

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Guide to safe PCR-PET

3.1. Conventional reprocessing or recycling

Class 2 and 3 PCR PET collections are mechanically recycled by operations
which aim to reclaim the food grade PET at an appropriate purity. These
processes include technological steps like sorting, grinding, washing and surface
drying of the recollected PCR PET articles. In most cases, the output material are
PCR PET flakes. An additional extrusion step can also be included for production
of PCR PET pellets. The products from conventional recycling are predominantly
used for fibres but are of increasing relevance as a feedstream material into
super-clean technologies.

3.2. Super-clean recycling technologies

In general, super-clean processes which are feedstreamed by conventional PET
recycling products apply further deep cleansing steps based on high
temperatures and vacuum stripping. In many cases a solid state post-
condensation phase is included to repair broken polymer chains and install the
necessary intrinsic viscosity for further processability of the product which can be
used for food packaging articles with direct contact. Another option of a super-
clean mechanism involves chemical depolymerisation of the PET surface layer
followed by usual mechanical cleaning parameters and thus forms a hybrid
chemo-mechanical process.
Finally, it should be noted that also other physico-chemical principles may also be
applicable to regenerate a purified plastic. For instance, polymer separation
and purification by selective or fractionating dissolution and reprecipitation is an
option which is under development and may be suitable to produce PET for direct
food packaging [20].

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4. Historical perspectives and global status of PCR PET in food


4.1. The United States

Historically the United States industry initiated talks with the US Food and Drug
Administration (US FDA) concerning the use of post-consumer plastics in food
applications in the late 80s. These discussions were held due to the fact that no
formal regulations existed in the US Code of Federal Regulations that allowed for
the use of recycled plastics in food contact applications. However, the US FDA
had indicated that they did have concerns about such use and that resulted in a
desire to come to an agreement with industry as to how to mutually deal with this
situation. Industry and US FDA jointly came up with an approach that consisted
of challenging the PET or the plastic with a surrogate cocktail and then
processing the material to establish the capabilities of the process to remove
contaminates below a certain established threshold level. The US FDA issued
the first no objection letter to the use of a chemical PET recycling process
(methanolysis) to Hoechst Celanese for food contact applications in January of
1991. The US FDA issued their formal guidelines "Points to Consider for the use
of Recycled Plastics in Food Packaging: Chemistry Considerations" in May of
1992 [21]. Since that time, they have reviewed and issued "no objection" letters
for some 47 processes involving PET. The US FDA is currently revising their
guidelines to more accurately reflect this current state of knowledge with regards
to use of post-consumer PET in food contact applications. The major highlights in
the new proposed guidelines [18] are as follows:
• Lowering from 1 pbb to 0.5 pbb the dietary concentration that would
correspond to negligible risk for contaminant migrating from recycle plastic.
• Increasing the number of examples of surrogate contaminants that are
suitable for use in evaluating the recycling process.
• Eliminating the need to include a heavy metal contaminant in the surrogate
testing of recycling processes for PET.
• Addressing secondary recycling of plastics for cases in which containers from
non-food contact applications (those that originally contain for example house
cleaners, soaps, shampoos or motor oil) will be included in the post consumer
• Eliminating all data requirements for tertiary recycling polyethylene
terephalate (PET) and polyethylene naphthalate (PEN).
• Maintaining 0.05 as the consumption factor (CF) for recycled PET for food
contact use (in opposite to virgin PET where CF was updated to 0.16).

4.2. Europe
Industry has pressed for the issuance of an EU Directive on recycling since the
early 90s. To-date no such Directive exist. This has necessitated interested
members of industry to seek approval from the individual member states of the
European Union or European country governments. The United Kingdom was the
first country in Europe to issue a letter of no objection for the use of post-

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Guide to safe PCR-PET

consumer recycle PET for process via depolymerisation for direct food contact
use in 1992. Since that time both multilayer and monolayer (direct contact/super-
clean processes) have been given clearance via letters of no objection or
approval by a number of the European countries. Multilayer has received
clearances for use in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Norway, Sweden and the
United Kingdom. The monolayer direct contact approach has received clearance
for use in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway,
Sweden and Switzerland. The heterogeneity in Europe is most clearly indicated
by the fact that in some countries such as Italy or Spain plastics recycling into
direct food packaging application is currently still prohibited.
The continuing need for guidance in assessing the use of PET recycling
technologies in food contact applications resulted in a workshop being sponsored
under the auspices of the International Life Science Institute (ILSI) Europe
Packaging Material Task Force. The workshop participants consisted of
representatives from many of the major European Regulatory/Independent
Industrial Research Laboratories, representatives from major industry companies
and representatives from the European Commission, Directorate – General III.
Two years of diligent work resulted in the issuance of guidelines for recycling of
plastics for food contact use in May 1998 [22]. These guidelines contain eight key
recommendations. And for all practical purposes parallel the US FDA guidelines
with the exception of the bases of the end point. US FDA guidelines base their
end point on the concept of the Threshold of Regulation whereas the ILSI
guidelines focus on an end point of demonstrating no detectable migration at the
limit of detection of analytical methodology. It should be noted, however, the final
end point in both instances i.e. the Threshold of Regulation and the non-
detectable migration limit are in fact the same value for PET recycling (10 ppb or
µg kg ).
In 2000, the German BfR (the former BgVV) has issued a statement to ensure
the safe mechanical recycling of plastics made from polyethylene terephthalate
(PET) for the manufacture of articles for direct food contact. This statement which
has been adopted under BfR recommendation XVII for PET [17] introduces
additionally two interesting novelties: (i) the concept of analytical quality
assurance connected with the requirement that PCR PET products must not be
disadvantageously distinguishable from virgin material and (ii) the 10 ppb
migration limit for surrogates as a technical cleaning efficiency criterion for
evaluation of the super-clean process capability and not understood as a
toxicology based end parameter.

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5. Technological principles and strategies to ensure high PCR PET quality

5.1. Recollection systems

In the European member states different recollecting systems for post-consumer
PET bottles have been or are currently established. Each of these recollecting
systems has special properties and impacts on the quality of the recollected post-
consumer PET bottles. However, principally, there are only two major systems:
deposit systems and curbside collections. In deposit systems the customer brings
the post-consumer PET bottles back to the store in connection with redemption of
the deposit. These systems are established e.g. in Germany or Scandinavian
countries. From a contamination point of view these systems are advantageous
because the post-consumer PET is normally not cross-contaminated by other
materials or fillings during the recollection. On the other hand, recollected deposit
bottles are usually 100 % bottles from the food packaging area. The second
recollection system uses curbside collections where the post-consumer PET
bottles are collected as PET only fractions or together with other packaging
materials e.g. green dot systems. In these systems normally a separation of food
packaging materials from PET used as non-food packaging materials is hardly or
not possible. Therefore the fractions have a certain amount of post-consumer
PET bottles which originate from non-food packaging applications.
As a result of the Europe wide screening of post-consumer PET flakes from
different recollection systems the differences between the recollection systems in
view of migrateable substances are very small [12]. Therefore, in principle, all of
the above-mentioned recollecting systems are suitable for recycling. However, it
should be noted that source control is one important step in order to assure the
quality of PCR PET for direct food contact applications.

5.2. Conventional recycling processes

Conventional recycling procedures comprise as principal process steps either
grinding of post-consumer PET containers followed by flake washing or whole
bottle wash followed by grinding and subsequent flake washing. Both
technologies are followed by dewatering and surface drying of the produced PET
flakes. For further extrusion into new pellets pervasive drying of the flakes is
necessary. The PET flakes output material of conventional recycling processes
are customary used for fibres, non-food packaging or for the core layer of multi-
layer applications. Another option is to feedstream conventionally recycled PET
flakes into super-clean recycling processes as described below (Chapter 5.3).
Conventional recycling processes have important functions for the safe PET
recycling. During washing and grinding the post-consumer material is
homogenized and dirt, labels, glue, residual foodstuffs etc. as well as foreign
polymers (e.g. closures, barrier materials like polyamide) are to be eliminated.
The output material of conventional recycling processes should therefore be a
nearly 100 % PET fraction without surface contamination and a residual water
content of <0.7 %. The purification and conditioning steps like washing and
drying to achieve these parameters do have the positive side-effect that
contaminants are already very efficiently reduced under the applied conditions.

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Guide to safe PCR-PET

The particular conditions applicable and the technical minimum requirements to

fulfil these specifications depend on the input materials and will be optimised by a

5.3. "Super-clean" processes

Super-clean recycling processes normally use the output materials of
conventional recycling processes as input material and apply further deep-
cleansing steps in order to remove post-consumer substances. In most
instances, these processes uses special washing processes, high temperature,
vacuum, surface treatment, melting, melt filtration and melt degassing steps to
remove post-consumer contaminants. The product of super-clean processes may
be used for packaging applications in direct contact to the foodstuff provided they
meet the appropriate regulatory guidelines or legal requirements. If so, these
products do not contain measurable migrants other than those in virgin food
grade PET.

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6. Cleaning efficiency testing of reprocessing technologies

The use of PCR PET in food contact applications must assure for the safety of
the material. The concern is that the consumer may have used the
bottle/container for mixing or storing some adventitious substances prior to
disposal thus generating an unwanted migration potential in the PET material.
Therefore it is necessary to ensure that any recycling process has the ability to
render these materials safe for the food contact application.
The first approach to manage these potential problems was addressed by the
US FDA guidelines of 1992 [21]. At this time the relative incidence of the
contamination rate in the PCR PET feedstreams was not known and
consequently FDA took the position that one must contaminate 100 % of the
feedstock for testing. The test that was recommended is called a "challenge test"
which is used to establish the efficacy of the recycling technology and the
involved cleaning steps. In this challenge test, organic chemicals with varying
chemical and physical properties are introduced into the PET material which is
then carried through the complete washing and recycling process to be
assessed. The organic substances serve as model contaminants or so-called
surrogates. It is important that the contamination must be carried out such that
considerable amounts of chemicals can diffuse into the plastic material. The
initial concentrations of the surrogate contaminants must be sufficiently high
enough to establish a worst-case scenario for the recycling system to be
assessed or, if necessary, the modular cleaning step which is to be checked.
Concerning the question, however, what exactly must be understood by these
worst-case challenge test conditions, there was an enormous increase of
research data in the past decade and particularly in the last three years through
the FAIR-CT98-4318 project as well as other relevant studies [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
For PET, US FDA originally [21] recommended a set of five surrogate categories
where each set stands for a different chemical polarity and volatility and where
the individual surrogates should represent certain "common" materials which are
accessible to the consumer and therefore potential candidates for misuse or
abuse of plastic containers. One of the five categories should represent heavy
metals but was deleted again for PET challenge testing because, based on new
scientific data, it is not considered to constitute a regulatory issue [18]. The
applicable initial concentrations of these surrogates are defined by the test
protocol through the recommended concentrations of surrogates in the
contamination cocktails and the time and temperature conditions (14 d at 40 °C)
recommended for the soaking procedure. Undoubtedly, this approach represents
more than a worst-case scenario, since it simulates the scenario that all PET
food container material entering the recycling stream is contaminated practically
at maximum possible levels. For inclusion of non-food containers (of initially food
grade PET quality) into the feedstream, FDA has specified the minimum
concentrations of surrogates to be used on the basis of sorption equivalents
achievable after a one year storage at around room temperature. Depending on
the chemical structure of the surrogate the required initial target concentrations
range from 49 ppm (benzophenone) to 1100 ppm (trichloroanisole) with two
exceptions (chloroform and diethyl ketone) set at 4860 ppm each.

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In Europe, the experts from the above-mentioned ILSI workshop came to the
conclusion that for ensuring a sufficient safety margin a factor of 10 should be
applied to both factors influencing the level of surrogates introduced by the
challenge test. These factors are: (i) the concentration of surrogates used to
contaminate the articles and (ii) the number of articles or weight of flakes to be
contaminated (i.e. the amount of contaminated recycled material to be used in
the test). With respect to each factor, the guide sticks on the one hand to the
FDA guidelines recommending the same surrogate concentrations and 100 %
contamination but offers, on the other hand, also relaxed requirements based on
sound evidence of actual likely incidence of the contamination in practice [22]. At
this time, however, typical contamination levels were not known and
consequently the final factor which is the product from both contributions (i) and
(ii) remained undefined. This fact was indeed one of the driving forces to initiate
the EU project [14] in which exactly this open question was resolved.
The German position as laid down by BfR recommendation XVII [17]
recommends as a sufficient initial challenge test concentrations a range from
500 ppm to 1000 ppm per surrogate contaminant for checking the entire process.
This document states also that addition of too high initial concentrations can have
a negative effect on the processability of the contaminated material within the
challenge test and may lead to technical difficulties during the manufacture of the
recycled material and the surrogates containing model article. In addition it says
that the specified concentration range includes a safety factor of 100 to 1000 in
relation to the real maximum occurring initial feedstream concentrations of
foreign substances which are untypical for PET in recycled PET and which do not
come from the previously filled foodstuff.
As an assessment criterion for the sufficient cleaning efficiency of the recycling
process all of the above mentioned documents have in common that the final
measurable migration of the spiked surrogates from a model food contact article
into a food simulant must not exceed of 10 ppb (µg kg ).

6.1. Selection and application of surrogates for input from food

packaging applications as feedstock
As mentioned above, surrogates should represent commonly accessible
chemicals and include representative and relevant chemical structures. In
addition, they must be chemically stable during the challenge test steps and
should be comfortably analytically quantifiable. From these considerations, and in
accordance with FDA recommendations, a set of surrogates (Table 1) has been
selected as a result from extensive experimental and analytical experience from
the EU project FAIR-CT-98-4318 [14] and from numerous challenge tests.

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Table 1: List of chemicals to be used as surrogates in a challenge test

Surrogate Formula Functional Properties

(MW in g mol ) group
Toluene C7H8 aromatic volatile, non-
(92.1) hydrocarbon polar, liquid
Chlorobenzene C6H5Cl halogenated volatile, medium-
(112.6) aromatic polar, liquid,
hydrocarbon aggressive to
Phenyl cyclohexane C12H16 aromatic non-volatile, non-
(160.3) hydrocarbon polar, liquid
Benzophenone C13H10O aromatic non-volatile,
(182.2) ketone polar, solid
Methyl stearate C19H38O2 aliphatic ester non-volatile,
(298.5) polar, solid

The selected surrogates cover not only a wide spectrum of volatility and polarity
properties but also the full range of migration-relevant molecular weights. Due to
its inherent low diffusivity PET allows under normal food packaging filling and
storage conditions relevant migration of its constituents up to a molecular weight
of around 350 g mol-1. Substances with higher molecular weights do not play a
role anymore in migration and are nearly immobilised in the polymer matrix, if
present. This is illustrated by Figure 1 which models the migration after 10 d at
40 °C from PET in dependency of the molecular weight of a migrant and its
residual content CP,0 (migration model applied as described in [23]). According to
this figure and assuming a CP,0 = 10 ppm for any PET constituent, toluene
(MW = 92) as a surrogate would give a migration value of approx. 7 ppb whereas
methyl stearate (MW = 298) migrates at approx. 2.4 ppb only. Or when defining
the maximum initial concentration (MIC in ppm) of a surrogate in PET which
corresponds to a migration value of 0.01 ppm (10 ppb) in food simulant then the
following ratios of MIC values can be derived for contact conditions 10 d at 40 °C
(see Table 2). It should be noted that two MIC columns have been generated
each with a different AP value where the AP = 1 values are overconservative and
too exaggerating (compare discussion under 7.1).

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Table 2: Surrogate dependent MIC values (in ppm) corresponding to a migration

value of 10 ppb

Surrogate MIC for AP= -1 MIC for AP= 1

(MW) (in ppm) (in ppm)
Toluene (92) 12 4.5
Chlorobenzene (113) 14 5.3
Phenyl cyclohexane (160) 20 7.5
Benzophenone (182) 23 8.6
Methyl stearate (298) 46 16.9
fictive substance (400) 76 28.0
fictive substance (500) 119 43.6
fictive substance (750) 327 115

Figure 1: Molecular weight dependent relationship between residual content CP,0

of a substance in PET and its migration (after 10 d at 40 °C) into a food simulant
or food with high solubility for the substance (Piringer Model with AP = -1). For a
substance with MW = 200 for instance: a CP,0 of 10 ppm corresponds to a
migration of 4 ppb.
Application of the surrogates may occur by soaking PET bottles or flakes with
each individual surrogate dissolved at the specified concentration in an
appropriate solvent for 14 d at 40 °C as recommended by US FDA [18] or using
mixtures. This procedure, however, was found to be time consuming and
excessive chemical waste producing. Therefore another soaking procedure was

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developed [7, 11] working with a mixture of the surrogates at higher temperature
(50 °C) and shorter time (7 d). This procedure which is much more convenient
with respect to the handling steps was found to be equivalent to the "classical"
FDA soaking procedure. Furthermore, it avoids production of excessive chemical
waste due to quantitative absorption of the surrogates.
Following this new quantitative absorption procedure the surrogates are applied
to PET flakes such that after the absorption phase the contaminated PET flake
batch should contain approximately 500 ppm to 350 ppm of the above listed
surrogates where the more volatile surrogates such as toluene should approach
the 500 ppm level and the most non-volatile compound (methyl stearate) may be
present rather at the lower 350 ppm level. The so-contaminated PET flake batch
is introduced directly into the super-clean process which is to be assessed.
Therefore, taking cleaning efficiencies of conventional recycling technologies of
20 % to 80 % (achieved by washing and flash-drying) and finally 89 % to 99 %
(achieved by pervasive drying for extrusion) into account [24, 25], this
recommended concentration range of 500 to 350 ppm contains a large safety
margin because it translates to much higher concentrations (at 80 % wash
efficiency: 2500 ppm to 1750 ppm) in comparison to the classical FDA approach
where the soaked PET flakes undergo at first a conventional washing and drying
process before being further deep-cleansed by a super-clean process.
When comparing the above recommended surrogate concentration ranges with
the EU project findings from conventionally recycled PET flakes then the
following safety factors (washing and drying effects are already excluded) can be
discussed. It should be noted that these safety factors do not include the effect of
the super-clean process which reduces the contamination concentrations to non-
detectable levels [12].
With respect to PET unspecific compounds which, however, are food constituents
from the first use, and more specifically for limonene:
• Maximum level found : 20 ppm, i.e. safety factor range from 18 to 25.
• 98 percentile level found: 10 ppm, i.e. safety factor range from 35 to 50.
• Average concentration found: 2.9 ppm, i.e. safety factor range from 120 to
With respect to PET unspecific compounds such as phthalates, adipates,
erucamide etc. which had a technological function (for instance softener or
lubricant) as an additives in the first application and were introduced as external
contaminants from residues of other polymer types, affixed labels, closures and
others. Observed concentrations ranged around the detections limits of
approximately 0.05 to 0.2 ppm with a maximum value of 0.5 ppm found in one
case for dioctyl adipate. Taking the highest, singular observation of 0.5 ppm then
safety factors range from 700 to 1000.
With respect to misuse chemicals, the PET recycling feedstream contains 1.4 to
2.7 ppm. Using 3 ppm as an upper limit value the safety factors range from 120
to 170.
In conclusion, science and practice have demonstrated that both the US FDA
soaking procedure (14 d at 40 °C) and the above mentioned alternative elevated
temperature contact approach (7 d at 50 °C) are suitable to evaluate
decontamination technologies with respect to their potential of producing
regulatorily acceptable food grade recycled PET qualities. The preferred

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procedure may be selected case by case according to the particular

requirements of the technological process and the end user (customer).

6.2. Selection and application of surrogates for input from

non-food packaging applications as feedstock
It was the major intention of the EU project [12] to investigate into the average
contamination levels from food containers. However, due to inclusion of the
numerous samples with unknown origin and from curbside collections e.g. green
dot systems, considerable information about possible contamination levels when
including also non-food containers was collected and it was found that the
contamination patterns after the conventional recycling steps did not differ
significantly from food containers. This finding can also be rationalised by the
inherent PET properties more specifically the low diffusivity and by the above
discussed washing and drying cleaning efficiency of conventional reprocessing.
Besides the project related information, other information from published
literature [9, 10] allow the conclusion of possible inclusion of non-food containers
into the PET recycling feedstream as well as the fact that several FDA approvals
have been received for the recycling non-food containers into food contact
applications [26]. These FDA decisions were based on demonstrating that there
was no difference in the end product PCR PET when processed from 100 %
beverage bottles or 100 % non-food containers and on additional data generated
internally by FDA [10, 18]. In addition, the fact that also non-food containers are
produced from food grade PET [19], was an additional factor in the FDA's
decision. In accordance with FDA's recommendation [18] it is recommended to
include into the set of surrogates as another non-food container application
typical contaminant methyl salicylate (C8H8O3, MW = 152) such that a
contamination level of at least 200 ppm is achieved after the absorption phase in
the contaminated PET flake batch.

6.3. Practical instructions for challenge tests

Typically a super-clean recycling process consists essentially of three steps: (i)
washing of the incoming PET flakes obtained from grinding of used soft drink
bottles followed by drying, (ii) remelting of the washed and surface-dried PET
flakes for extrusion to form new PET pellets and (iii) additional deep-cleansing
steps using high temperatures as high as conditions used in solid stating and a
high vacuum e.g. solid-phase condensation.
Since challenging real manufacturing facilities can be very complicated or
impossible, down-scaling of the process to pilot plant dimensions but keeping
process parameters as close as possible to the industrial scale is possible or
even recommendable. One realistic option to challenge test on the industrial
scale is to contaminate a coloured batch of PET flakes and carry them either
through the whole process or process steps, depending on the technology
applied. The coloured material may be separated and analysed separately.
The cleansing efficiency of a washing and drying steps (i) is well known (see
discussion above) [24, 25], surrogate contaminated PET flakes can be directly
(without washing or rinsing) introduced into step (ii), the remelting/extrusion
process. Even when the flakes are not homogeneously contaminated after the

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contact with the surrogates such a procedure leads automatically to a

homogeneous distribution of the surrogates in the extruded pellets. Alternatively
to the classical soaking procedure using the single surrogates in appropriate
solutions and applying standard contact conditions according to FDA guidelines
[18], the preparation of contaminated PET flakes can be achieved much simpler
and faster by the following procedure.
For instance: The cocktail of surrogates (for instance 100 g per surrogate) are
given into and mixed with 5 kg of virgin PET flakes. This master-batch is mixed
with another portion of 50 kg of virgin PET material and then stored in a closed
steel container for 7 d at 50 °C to 60 °C. This procedure allows to achieve
sufficient sorption of the chemical compounds into the PET material due to the
relatively high temperature and because of the aggressive character of the
volatile surrogates under these conditions. The concentration levels obtained in
this way are determined analytically as described below to give the "initial
concentrations" for the challenge test.
When challenging a process for the first time it was found very useful to
contaminate at three different concentration levels of the surrogates in the PET
flakes in order to check the purification efficiency over a wider concentration
range. This allows an extrapolation of the results to higher or lower initial
concentration levels not actually measured in the challenge test and may give
additional useful information. A fully detailed technical description can be found in
the published literature [7, 11].
After introduction of the contaminated PET flakes into the process facilities the
purification progress of the technology should be monitored by taking PET
samples at any sampling possibility during the process until generation of the
final product which in most cases are pellets and depending on the technology
may also be flakes. The drawn PET samples are analysed for the surrogates by
validated methods, for example by headspace sampling or solvent extraction
procedures in combination with GC/FID or GC/MS techniques. Appropriate
analytical methods can be found in the literature [7, 11]. It must be noted that
performing laboratories should have an accreditation for these methods.

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7. Evaluation of (potential) surrogate migration

The recycling process to be assessed by the challenge test must be able to

remove the recycling-related substances so efficiently that the finished product
(recycled PET pellets) meets food legal requirements. To guarantee this, the PET
product from the challenge test or a model food contact article produced from the
challenge test product, respectively, shall be evaluated or tested with regard to its
migration potential.
Any procedure for control of migration from food packages must be linked either
directly or indirectly to the measurement or evaluation of the actual or possible
concentration of an undesired compound in food(simulants). In principle, this can
be achieved by two sequential steps [27]: (i) indirect migration assessment by
compositional analysis of the package material and either assumption of total
mass transfer or migration modelling and (ii) migration assessment by analysis of
mass transfer from the package material either by direct migration measurement
or semi-directly by alternative migration tests.
For each approach taken, a conclusion must be drawable as to whether
migration from a (hypothetical) model food contact article will exceed 10 ppb or
not. The 10 ppb level understood as migration related concentration in the
appropriate food simulant will be the assessment criterion regardless whether it is
understood as a toxicological parameter (as for instance by FDA including CF) or
as a purely technical cleaning efficiency criterion (as for instance by German
BfR). In this context, it must be noted that food contact articles made from the
same recycled PET raw material may vary in migration rates due to the final
morphology of the article. For instance, an amorphous PET sheet will have
higher diffusivity than more crystalline PET bottles.

7.1. Evaluation of migration by calculations

It is logical and consistent with FDA recommendations to first check residual
surrogate concentrations in the PET raw material from which new food contact
articles may be produced. Instead of verification of the assessment criterion by
migration testing this requirement can be checked via determination of residual
surrogate content in the recycling product (recycled PET pellets or bottles and
other articles) or in the surrogate article, in connection with a scientifically
recognised method for migration estimation.
If the concentrations of the surrogates in the output material (e.g. pellets) are
such that under the assumption of 100 % migration of the whole surrogate
amount will not lead to concentrations above 10 ppb in the foodstuff, no migration
testing is necessary. The foodstuff/PET relation and the amount of recyclates in
the bottle wall (e.g. 25 % recycled material and 75 % virgin PET or other ratios)
can and should be taken into account. This is virtual justifiable because exactly
PET food contact articles such as bottles and sheets do under no practical
circumstances completely release their migrants into food(simulants). In
opposite, due to the already mentioned low diffusivity, only a marginal fraction of
a migrant will be transferred. Table 2 and Figure 1 demonstrate impressively how
small these migrant structure dependent fractions are.

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If it is found from the 100 % mass transfer approach that potential migration
would exceed the 10 ppb criterion then mathematical models can be applied for
further evaluations. A generally recognised migration model based on diffusion
coefficient estimation or organic chemical substances in polymers [28] has been
recently finished within the European project SMT-CT98-7513 "Evaluation of
Migration Models in Support of Directive 90/128/EEC" [29]. For migration
estimation of surrogates from PET, however, this migration model turns out to be
overconservative [measured surrogate migration data from 7, 8, 11 in
comparison to calculated ones, 18]. According to [29] the efficient PET diffusivity
at 40 °C is described by a value AP = 1 whereas the more realistic diffusion
behaviour is described by AP = -1. This value is still overestimative and was
therefore used for Figure 1 and included also in Table 2. This table can serve as
an indication whether residual contents of surrogates will lead to migration
exceeding the 10 ppb criterion. It is recommended to allow for a sufficient safety
margin to ensure fulfilling the 10 ppb requirement. Therefore the values found in
the AP = 1 column can be considered as the MIC limits below which migration
tests are totally superfluous. With increasing values above the AP = 1 MIC limits
migration testing is more and more recommended and even necessary when the
AP = -1 MIC limits are approached.

7.2. Manufacture of model food contact articles

To enable migration testing as the most direct evaluation step a model food
contact article shall be manufactured from the particular challenge test product.
The model article should be manufactured as close as possible to the real
industry scale conditions. However, technical difficulties may occur due to
relatively high contamination levels and also mechanical adverse effects or
optical impairments may be observed on the final model articles from the same
reasons. Nevertheless, these articles can be used for migration testing since they
rather generate a worse case concerning the out diffusion of surrogates. Similar,
when different types and geometries of food contact articles are foreseen, it is
recommended to manufacture that type which is expected to have the highest
diffusion rate. For instance, amorphous sheets do have higher diffusion rates
compared to bottles.

7.3. Migration testing

Migration testing is generally recommended but, as discussed above (Chapter
7.1), not always necessary. In any case where the challenge test product fails the
above-mentioned criteria or in cases of doubt migration testing is obligatory and
need to be carried out according to provisions of EU Directives 97/48/EC and
85/572/EEC as well as eventual amendments. The conditions of foreseeable use
of the PCR PET containing article do influence the extent of possible migration
into food. The migration rate determining parameters are contact time and
temperature as well as the nature of the real filled product respectively the
corresponding test conditions according to EU Directive 97/48/EC and EU
Directive 85/572/EEC. With regard to the conditions of use it also has to be
considered whether the recycled PET is in direct contact to the foodstuff or
separated by a functional barrier. In case of doubt, it must be guaranteed that
migration testing is carried out under worst-case conditions.

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The assessment criterion to decide whether the challenge test has passed the
crucial requirement of efficient removal of potential contaminants is defined by a
maximum migration rate leading to a concentration of 10 ppb (µg l-1) in the food
simulant. It must be noted that initial surrogate concentrations introduced by a
challenge test into a super-clean process range several orders of magnitude
higher compared to what can be found in reality. Therefore, reduction of these
initially high concentrations to such low levels in the challenge test product or in
the model food contact article which correspond with or lead to migration values
smaller than or equal to 10 ppb demonstrates the deep-cleansing efficiency of
the technology and is not connected to any consumer exposure considerations.

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8. Quality assurance

As with any other industrial production of food packaging materials also

production of PCR PET for food contact application needs a quality assurance
system. Essentially this system needs to address the following issues:
• Frequency of carrying out the challenge test on a given technology
• Analytical monitoring of the feedstream and/or product
• Sensory testing of the product or final articles.
Besides these issues the traceability from the food contact article to its raw
material is of increasing importance. This is by its nature a more complicated
point to consider compared to virgin materials. However, when considering that
super-clean processes that are approved to fulfil the food legal requirements, do
produce a PET quality which cannot be disadvantageously distinguished from
virgin food grade PET then it is logical that the traceability chain does not need to
go further back than to the production facility of the PCR PET. In other words,
this production technology appears to be equivalent to the chemical
polymerisation of virgin PET where the traceability chain for virgin PET ends up.

8.1. Frequency of the challenge test

A given super-clean recycling technology needs at least to be systematically
checked and evaluated once by a challenge test. When the applied process
parameters are kept constant or are not disadvantageously changed, the same
cleaning efficiency can be assumed for other equipment constructed in the same
way. However, if technical changes to the recycling process are made, it has to
be proved that the cleaning efficiency of the recycling process has not been
compromised. Depending on the particular situation, this can also be achieved
via a modular test of the respective process steps and by means of a reduced-
scale test. If necessary, the test should be repeated. A process description with
the parameters installed for the challenge test should be made and accessible as
a reference for any modifications.

8.2. Analytical monitoring

Suitable analytical monitoring programmes are recommended to ensure
continued product quality as once demonstrated by the challenge test. Useful and
in practice feasible approaches have been developed and published in the
literature. Possible methods and techniques include sniffing devices for returned
used bottles as well as instrumental analysis techniques such as headspace or
thermodesorption gas chromatography coupled to FID or MS detectors [7-11, 30,
31]. Other suitable methods may also be established. These analytical methods
can be comfortably implemented into the production process for checking either
the input quality to allow early sorting out of any inconvenient post-consumer
qualities from conventional recycling as well as for super-clean product control.
With respect to necessary evaluation of large amounts of raw data, a
methodology based on principal component analysis (PCA) has turned out to be
very useful since it allows quick online and automated quality controls [12].

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8.3. Sensory testing

To comply with the general requirements of Article 2 of the Framework EU
Directive 89/109/EC sufficient sensory inertness of the PCR PET product of food
contact articles needs to be assured. Therefore appropriate sensory testing of
food contact articles made from super-clean products is recommended. As worse
case test conditions for this purpose storage of the article in direct contact with
water for 10 days at 40 °C have been generally accepted. However, depending
on the particular application modified tests may be more suitable.

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9. Acknowledgements

This work was largely funded by the European Union under contract FAIR-CT98-
4318 ("Recyclability of PET, paper&board and plastics covered by a functional
barrier for food packaging"). The findings and the conclusions in this paper are
the responsibility of the authors alone and they should not be taken to represent
the opinion of the European Commission.
The authors gratefully appreciate pleasant cooperation with all of the project
partners involved in section I (PET) of the project. These partners are:
• Dr. Laurence Castle and Mr. Mark Philo, DEFRA Central Science Laboratory,
York, United Kingdom
• Mr. Juha Lahti and Dr. Jari Vartiainen, VTT Biotechnology and Food
Research, Espoo, Finland
• Dr. Catherine Simoneau and Dr. Barbara Raffael, Joint Research Centre for
the European Commission, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection,
Ispra, Italy
• Prof. Christina Nerin, University of Zaragoza, Dept. Quimica Analitica, Centro
Politécnico Superior, Zaragoza, Spain
• Prof. Panagiotis Demertzis, University of Ioannina, Department of Chemistry,
Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Ioannina, Greece
• Mr. Rüdiger Fredl, Dr. Thomas Natter and Mr. Matthias Prebentow, OHL
Apparatebau & Verfahrenstechnik GmbH, Limburg/Lahn, Germany
• Mr. Caspar van den Dungen, ITW Poly Recycling GmbH, Weinfelden,
• Mr. Fritz Kehlert, Texplast GmbH, Wolfen, Germany
• Mr. Juan Carlos Ruiz, Envases de Plastico, Espila, Spain
• Mr. Osmo Bolander, WM Ympäristöpalvelut Oy, Jyväskyla, Finland
Moreover, the authors thank also Mr. Timothy Begley from the US FDA in
Washington for experimental contributions and helpful discussions.
Finally, fruitful cooperation with the Commission project officers from DG
Research, Dr. Alkmini Katsada and D r. Xabier Goenaga is greatly appreciated.

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10. References

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