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Paper- I (1st Semester) Electronic Measuring Instruments and Circuit Analysis (70 marks) Code: EL 101 Minimum 35 Contact hours Unit 1: (10 Lectures) Electronic Components: Resistor - Classification as carbon, wire wound & metal film resistors, their method of preparation, properties, uses, power rating, value of tolerance, variable resistors, varactors, thermistor, colour codes, Capacitors - Paper Capacitors, Electrolytic Capacitors, Tantalum & Ceramic Capacitors, Air Capacitors (Ganged or filled type), their method of preparation, properties and uses, voltage rating of capacitors in CR circuit, Inductors - Self & Mutual inductance, single layer air core (solenoid), Iron core & Ferrite core inductor (qualitative treatment only), Inductance of an inductor, coefficient of coupling of an inductor (derivation not necessary), K= M/(L1L2)1/2, quality factor, sharpness of resonance circuits, coupled circuits, variable inductors, inductors in series or parallel. Unit-2: (10 Lectures) Transformers: Equivalent circuit of a transformer, selection of core, types of transformers, Step down; step up, Audio transformer, Auto voltage transformer, Impedance matching, coil winding of ordinary transformer (idea of wiring & insulation use). Measuring Instruments: Multimeter construction, principle of working, Sensitivity, input impedance, Input Impedance of instruments, their loading effect, Transducers: Thermocouple, Thermistors, and Strain Gauge, Cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO), Construction, principle of working and applications of CRO. Unit 3: (10 Lectures) Admittance, impedance, Susceptance, J operators, phase diagrams, definition of complex numbers applied to AC circuit, impedance in complex forms, magnitude and angle of complex number in AC, Series and parallel circuit, simple problem on RL, LC, RC and LCR circuit. Filter- low pass, high pass, band pass and band stop filters. Unit-4: (10 Lectures) Kirchoff's current and voltage laws, active and passive elements, bilateral and unilateral elements, linear and non-linear elements, lumped circuit, voltage and current Source, voltage and current division law. Definition of branch and node, nodal analysis, mesh analysis, matrices of circuit analysis-problems, ladder method.


Unit-5: (10 Lectures) Network Theorems with problems- Superposition Theorem, Thevenins Theorem, Norton Theorem, Reciprocity Theorem, Maximum power transfer Theorem, Some applications of network theorems. Recommended Books : 1. B.L. Theraja: Basic Electronics Solid State, S. Chand & Co. 2. Gupta and Kumar: Handbook of Electronics, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut. 3. M. L. Gupta: Electronics and Radio Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons 4. M.K. Badge & S.P. Singh: Elements of Electronics, S. Chand & Co. 5. Vishwanathan, Mehta and Rajaramana: Electronics for Scientists and Engineers, PHI 6. V.K.Mehta: Principles of Electronics, S.Chand & Co. 7. D.C. Tayal: Basic Electronics, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi


Paper- I (1st Semester) Practical (30 marks)

Code : EL 101(i) Minimum 15 Contact hours One (1) experiment is to be performed within 3 hours time from this paper in the End Semester examination. A minimum of 6 experiments is to be performed by the students. 1. To connect the given capacitors in series and parallel and to find out the total capacitance in each case. 2. To study flow of current/inductance in the coil by connecting them in series and parallel. 4. Experiments with Active filters: (a) High Pass (b) Low Pass (c) Band pass. 5. To study timing characteristic of an RC Circuit during charging of a Capacitor. 6. To study timing characteristic of an RC Circuit during discharge of a Capacitor 7. Experimental verification of Thevenin theorem. 8. Experimental verification of Norton theorem. 9. Verification of Maximum power theorem.

Recommended Books : 1. S.S. Srivastava and M.Gupta: Experiments in Electronics, S. Chand & Co. 2. College Laboratory Manuals and Semiconductor Manuals. 3. C.L.Arora: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand &Co. 4. H.Singh: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand &Co. (latest edition). Note: Experiments may be added or deleted subject to the availability of facilities in the College.


Paper II (2nd Semester) Semiconductor Physics (70 marks)

Code: EL 201 Minimum 35 Contact hours

Unit 1: (10 Lectures) Energy Bands, Electrons and Holes, Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors, P-N Junction diode, Potential Barrier, Depletion Layer, Forward and Reverse Biasing, V-I Characteristics, Diode equation, I=IO (exp. V/n Vt1), Reverse Breakdown voltage, Zener and Avalanche breakdown, Capacitive effect in P-N diode, Space charge capacitance, Diffusion capacitance Minority Carrier Injunction, Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Zener diode, Semiconductor Diode as a Half wave and Full wave and bridge Rectifier, Derivation of Expressions for Efficiency, Ripple and Regulation problems, Filter circuits consisting of Inductor & Capacitor. Unit 3: (10 Lectures) P-N-P and N-P-N transistors, Transistor Biasing, Transistor circuit configuration (CB, CE, CC), Relation between transistor circuits (alpha and beta), leakage current in a transistor, Thermal Runaway, Transistor Static Characteristic (CB,CE) . Unit 4: (10 Lectures) Classification of Transistor Amplifiers, Small signal amplifiers concept of amplification, current gain, voltage gain, power gain input resistance, output resistance, Q point, Load Line, Classification of Amplifier according to the mode of operation (Class A, B, C and AB), Frequency Response Curve of an Amplifier, Bandwidth. Unit 5: (10 Lectures) Hybrid equivalent circuit of a transistor and Amplifier using hybrid parameters, current gain, voltage gain, power gain, input impedance and output impedance. RC coupled Transistor Amplifier, Low frequency, mid frequency and High frequency gains, bandwidth. Merits and De-merits. Transformer coupled amplifier, frequency response. Recommended Books : 1. B.L. Theraja: Basic Electronics (Solid State), S. Chand & Co. 2. Gupta and Kumar: Handbook of Electronics, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut 3. M. L. Gupta: Electronics and Radio Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons 4. M.K. Badge & S.P. Singh: Elements of Electronics, S. Chand & Co. 5. Vishwanathan, Mehta and Rajaramana: Electronics for Scientists and Engineers, PHI. 6. V.K.Mehta: Principles of Electronics, S.Chand & Co. 490

7. 8. 9.

D.C. Tayal: Basic Electronics, Himalaya Publishing House Dennis le Croissette: Transistors, PHI(P) Ltd. John D. Ryder: Electronics Fundamentals and Applications (2nd Ed.), Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd.


Paper- II (2nd Semester) Practical (30 marks)

Code : EL 201(i) Minimum 15 Contact hours One (1) experiment is to be performed within 3 hours time from this paper in the End Semester examination. A minimum of 6 experiments is to be performed by the students. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. To study the characteristic of a Junction Diode. To study the characteristic of a Zener Diode. To study the common base characteristics of a P-N-P junction transistor To study the common emitter characteristics of P-N-P junction transistor. To study the voltage regulation and ripple factor of a half-wave rectifier with Ltype filter circuits. To study the voltage regulation and ripple factor of a Full-wave rectifier with Ltype filter circuits. Determination of energy gap (band gap) of a semiconductor using a P-N Junction Diode. Study of the Hybrid Parameters of a Transistor. Study of the frequency response curve of a R-C coupled Transistor amplifier. Study of negative feedback in a R.C. coupled amplifier.

Recommended Books : 1. S.S. Srivastava and M. Gupta: Experiments in Electronics, S. Chand & Co. 2. College Laboratory Manuals and Semiconductor Manuals. 3. C.L.Arora: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand & Co. 4. H.Singh: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand & Co. Note: Experiments may be added or deleted subject to the availability of facilities in the College.


Paper III (3rd Semester) Electronic Devices and Amplifier (70 marks)
Code: EL 301 Minimum 35 Contact hours

Unit 1: (10 Lectures) Field Effect Transistors Construction and Working Static and Transfer Characteristics Parameters of FET- FET as an amplifier Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET Enhancement MOSFET, Depletion MOSFET Construction and Working Drain Characteristics of MOSFET Comparison of JFET and MOSFET, Application FET. Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Diodes: Biasing, Energy band diagram, V-I characteristics and applications. Unijunction Transistor (UJT), Construction, Interbase resistance, Intrinsic stand off ratio, Operation and Application. Silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), construction, biasing operation, two-transistor analogy, firing, 90Phase control, V-I characteristics.

Unit 3: (10 Lectures) Special Diodes: Zener diode as voltage regulator, Zener diode as peak clipper, meter protection. Industrial Devices and Circuits (qualitative description) Light Emitting Diode (LED), Laser diode, Photodiode, PIN diode, Avalanche diode, Solar Cell, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Shunt regulated power supply, transistor series regulated power supplies, controlled transistor series regulator. Unit 4: (10 Lectures) Power Amplifier: Transformer coupled Class-A amplifier, its Power diagram and proof, Class- B push-pull amplifier, principle of operation, advantages and uses of Class B push-pull amplifier, Power efficiency of Push pull amplifiers. Tuned Amplifier: Classification of tuned amplifier, tuned coupling, neutralization (derivation not required). Unit 5: (10 Lectures) Differential amplifiers, Differential gain, common mode gain, Operational Amplifier, open loop gain, frequency response, input output impedance, temperature effect, input offset voltages, input bias current. Inverting and non-inverting configurations.


Recommended Books : 1. Dennis le Croissette: Transistors, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd. 2. Millman and Halkias: Integrated Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill 3. John D. Ryder: Electronics Fundamentals and Applications (2nd Ed.), PHI (P) Ltd. 4. M.K. Bagde and S.P. Singh: Element of Electronics, S. Chand & Co. 5. Gupta and Kumar: Handbook of Electronics, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut 6. John Watson: Mastering Electronics, Macmillan, London 7. B.L. Theraja: Basic Electronics, S. Chand & Co.


Paper- III(3rd Semester) Practical (30 marks)

Code: EL 301(i) Minimum 15 Contact hours

One (1) experiment is to be performed within 3 hours time from this paper in the End Semester examination. A minimum of 6 experiments is to be performed by the students. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To study the characteristics of a FET and determination of its parameters. Study of OP Amplifier parameter. To determine the time constant ( ) of LC circuit. To study the characteristics of a SCR. To study the characteristic of a UJT. To study how a UJT works as an oscillator. To study Zener diode voltage regulating characteristics. To find Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMMR) of a differential amplifier. To study the close loop gain of an OP Amplifier and CMRR. Study of OP Amplifier as a differentiator.

Recommended Books : 1. 2. 3. 4. S.S. Srivastava and M. Gupta: Experiments in Electronics, S. Chand & Co. College Laboratory Manuals and Semiconductor Manuals. C.L.Arora: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand & Co. H.Singh: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand & Co.

Note: Experiments may be added or deleted subject to the availability of facilities in the College.


Paper IV (4th Semester) Pulse Switching Circuits (70 marks)

Code : EL 401 Minimum 35 Contact hours

Unit 1: (10 Lectures) Feedback: General theory of feedback, loop gain, properties of negative feedback, voltage gain with feedback, stabilization of gain, reduction of distortion, reduction of noise, change in input impedance, change in output impedance, increase in bandwidth, lower cut off frequency of a feedback amplifier, higher cut of frequency of a feedback amplifier, Instability gain and phase margins, frequency compensation. Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Classification of oscillators, Sinusoidal oscillators and non-sinusoidal oscillators, Barkhausen criterion for sustained oscillations, Tuned collector oscillator, Hartley, Colpitt, Unit 3: (10 Lectures) Phase Shift, Wien Bridge. Negative resistance oscillators, Crystal oscillators frequency stability, piezo electric effect -problems. Unit 4: (10 Lectures) Bistable multivibrator, Monostable multivibrator, Astable Multivibrator, High-speed multivibrators, tunnel diodes, Astable multivibrator with tunnel diode, emitter coupled multivibrators (Schmitt trigger), high frequency sinusoidal oscillators. Unit 5: (10 Lectures) Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog conversion, Digital Voltmeter, Digital speedometer, Digital Odometer. Recommended Books : 1. B.L. Theraja: Basic Electronics (Solid State), S. Chand & Co. 2. Gupta and Kumar: Handbook of Electronics, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut 3. M. L. Gupta: Electronics and Radio Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons 4. M.K. Badge & S.P. Singh: Elements of Electronics, S. Chand & Co. 5. V.K.Mehta: Principles of Electronics, S.Chand & Co. 6. D.C. Tayal: Basic Electronics, Himalaya Publishing House 7. VK Puri: Digital Electronics:Circuit and Systems, Tata McGraw Hill


Paper- IV(4th Semester) Practical (30 marks)

Code : EL 401(i) Minimum 15 Contact hours

One (1) experiment is to be performed within 3 hours time from this paper in the examination. A minimum of 6 experiments is to be performed by the students. Laboratory Experiments: 1. Study of D.C Power supply and filters. 2. Study of single stage RC-coupled amplifier and frequency response. 3. Study of OP-Amp (IC 741) as a) Inverting amplifier. b) Non- inverting amplifier. c) Comparator. 4. Study of OP-Amp (IC 741) as a) Integrator. b) Differentiator. 5. Study of OP-Amp as Wien bridge oscillator 6. Determination of frequency of Astable multivibrator (using IC741 OpAmp). 7. Determination of pulse width of Monostable multivibrator (using IC 741OpAmp). 8. Study of AM modulator and Demodulator. Recommended Books : 1. 2. 3. 4. S.S. Srivastava and M. Gupta: Experiments in Electronics, S. Chand & Co. College Laboratory Manuals and Semiconductor Manuals. C.L.Arora: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand &Co. H.Singh: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand &Co.

Note: Experiments may be added or deleted subject to the availability of facilities in the College.


Paper V (5th Semester) Transmission Line and Radar System (75 marks)
Code: EL 501 Minimum 50 Contact hours

Unit 1: (10 Lectures) Transmission Line I: Distributed parameters, Types of Transmission Lines, Voltage and Current Relation on Radio Frequency Transmission Line, Voltage and Current Relation with Distance from sending end. Voltage and Current Relation with Distance from Load end or Receiving end, Propagation Constant, Line distortion and attenuation, Conditions for Distortionless Transmission, Condition for Low distortion and achievement, Loss free line. Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Transmission Line II: Transmission Line termination, Transmission Line Matching, Maximum Power Transfer, line termination by zero load, line termination by infinite impedance, Standing Wave Ratio, Input impedance of dissipationless transmission line, Input impedance of a line terminated with any impedance, with short circuit and open circuit lines, Voltage and Current distribution along a Terminated Line, Unit 3: (10 Lectures) Basic antenna principles, co-ordinate system, radiation fields, polarization, the isotropic radiator, power gain of an microwave antennas, antenna, Hertzian dipole, Folded dipole, Rhombee and Yagi antenna and their Radiation pattern, vertical antenna, microwave antennas, antenna equivalence. Unit 4 : (10 Lectures) Radar System - introduction, Simple radar system, Frequency and Powers used in radar, Range Equation, Factors Influencing maximum range, Target properties major components of a Pulse radar system, Radar Antennas, radar Receiving systems, Indicators for radar receivers. Unit 5: (10 Lectures) Satellite Communication Introduction, Keplers laws in relation to satellite, Orbits, Polar and Geo-synchronised satellites, power system, Station keeping satellite, attitude control, Antenna look angle, limits of visibility, transmission path, Uplink, downlink and overall link power budget calculations, path loss. Recommended Books : 1. B.L. Theraja: Basic Electronics- Solid State, S. Chand & Co. 2. Gupta and Kumar: Handbook of Electronics, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut 3. M. L. Gupta: Electronics and Radio Engineering, Dhanpat Rai & Sons 4. Wayne Tomasi: Advanced Electronic Communication System, 6th Edn, Pearson. 5. D.C. Tayal: Basic Electronics, Himalaya Publishing House 498

Paper VI (5th Semester) Analog Circuits and Modulation (75 marks)

Code : EL 502 Minimum 50 Contact hours

Unit- 1 (10 Lectures) Power Supplies: Rectifiers. Halfwave, fullwave and bridge rectifiers- EfficiencyRipplefactor- Regulation. Harmonic components in rectified output, Types of filtersChoke input (inductor) filter- Shunt capacitor filter- L section and Pi-section filters, Block diagram of regulated power supply, Series and shunt regulated power supplies Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Transistor biasing: Self-Bias, Stability Factor, Operating Points, Power Amplifiers: Class A, B, and C amplifiers: Direct coupled, Transformer Coupled amplifier; Push-pull amplifiers; Class A and B Push Pull circuits; Harmonic Distortion; Complimentary Symmetry Amplifier (Qualitative). Construction; Equivalent Circuits; Frequency Response; Auto-transformer, Application in Electronic Circuits. Unit 3: (10 Lectures) Operational Amplifiers: Differential amplifier- Block diagram of Op-Amp- Ideal characteristics of Op-Amp, Op-Amp parameters, Input resistance, Output resistanceCommon mode rejection ratio (CMMR)- Slew rate- Offset voltages . Input bias current- Basic Op-Amp circuits- Inverting Op-Amp- Virtual ground- Non-inverting Op-Amp- Frequency response of Op-Amp, Interpretation of Op-Amp data sheets.

Unit 4 : (10 Lectures) Applications of Op-Amps: Summing amplifier- subtractor-Voltage followerIntegrator- Differentiator - Comparator- Logarithmic amplifier- Sine wave [Wein Bridge] and square wave [Astable] generators- Triangular wave generatorMonostable multivibrator- Basic Op-Amp series regulator and shunt regulator. Unit 5 : (10 Lectures) Modulation: Need for modulation-Types of modulation- Amplitude, Frequency and Phase modulation. Amplitude modulation-side bands- modulation index- square law diode modulator-Demodulation- diode detector. Frequency modulation working of simple frequency modulator- Radio detection of FM waves- Advantages of frequency modulation. AM and FM radio receivers [block diagram approach].


Recommended Books: 1. 2. 3. Millman and Halkias: Electronic Devices and Circuits- Tata McGraw Hill J. Millman and A. Grabel: Microelectronics- TMH Ramakant A. Gayakwad: Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits-

Prentice Hall of India (PHI). 4. K. Lalkishore: Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits- Pearson

Education 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. L.K. Maheswari and M.M.S. Anand: Analog Electronics- PHI V.K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta: Principles of Electronics- S Chand &Co George Kennedy & Bernard Davis: Electronic Communication Systems - TMH. D. Roddy & J. Coolen: Electronic Communication - PHI Louis E. Frenzel: Principles of Electronic Communication Systems TMH


Paper VII (5th Semester) Computer Fundamentals (70 marks)

Code: EL 503 Minimum 35 Contact hours

Unit 1: (10 Lectures) Number System: The unitary system, the decimal system, Binary system, Binary to decimal and decimal to binary conversion, Arithmetic binary operations- Binary addition, subtraction using 1s and 2s complement method, Binary multiplication and division, Related problems. Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Introduction to Boolean Algebra, De Morgans Theorems, AND, OR, NOT, NOR, XOR, NAND logic gates. Half Adder, Full adder, Binary adders, Half Subtractor, Full Subtractor and Binary Subtractor, DeMorgans 2nd Theorem : Bubbled OR gate, more than two inputs, Exclusive-OR Gates: Two inputs, logic symbol and Boolean sign, four inputs, Any number of inputs, parity, Controlled Inverter Exclusive-NOR Gates, Unit 3: (10 Lectures) Sequential Circuits, Flip-Flops: RS Flip-Flops, Clock RS Flip-Flops, D Flip Flops, Clock Data Latches, Positive Edge-Triggered Data Flip-Flop,Positive Edge Triggered J-K FlipFlop, T Flip Flop, J.K. Master-Slave Flip-Flop, Registers and Counters: Shift Registers Shift Left Registers and Shift Right Registers, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters, Ring counters. Unit 4: (10 Lectures) Hard DISK, CD-ROM, Cache Memory, Virtual Memory, ROMS, PROMs, and EPROMs RAMs, Secondary Storage Devices : Sequential and Direct-Access Devices; Magnetic Tape Basic Principles of Operation, Types of Magnetic Tapes: Advantages and Limitations, Uses of Magnetic Disks; Optical Disk :Advantages and Limitations, CD ROM, DVD, Floppy Unit 5: (10 Lectures) I/O Interfacing, Memory Mapped I/O, Asynchronous data transfer, Synchronous Data transfer, Baud rate, Modes of transfer (Interrupt initiated, Programmed I/O, DMA), DMA Technique, DMA Controller, DMA Transfer. Recommended Books : 1. M.Morris Mano: Digital Logic and Computer Design, PHI 2. V. Rajaman: Introduction to Computers, PHI. 3. Morris M. Mano: Computer System Architecture, Prentice Hall of India 4. Malvino & Brown: Digital Computer Electronics, 3rd Edition 5. VK Puri: Digital Electronics-Circuit and Systems, Tata McGraw Hill 6. P.K.Sinha and Priti Sinha: Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publications(2003) 501

Paper- VII(5th Semester) Practical (30 marks)

Code : EL 503 (i) Minimum 15 Contact hours

One (1) experiment is to be performed within 3 hours time from this paper in the examination. A minimum of 6 experiments is to be performed by the students. 1. Experiments with passive filter (a) To study the response of a high pass filter. (b) To study the response of a low pass filter. 2. To study AND, OR and NOT gates. 3. Study of various types of Flip-Flops. 4. To study the characteristic of an A.C circuit having L-C-R in series. 5. To study the characteristic of an A.C circuit having L-C-R in parallel. 6. To study a rectifier circuit using -type filter. 7. To build Exclusive OR and Exclusive NOR and verification of Exclusive OR and Exclusive NOR logic using NAND gates. 8. To build half and full adder using IC NAND gates and verify its logic. 9. Study of Left and Right shift Registers and Ring Counter. 10. Study of 2-bit Binary counter Recommended Books : 1. 2. 3. 4. S.S. Srivastava and M. Gupta: Experiments in Electronics, S. Chand & Co. College Laboratory Manuals and Semiconductor Manuals. C.L.Arora: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand &Co. H.Singh: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand &Co.

Note: Experiments may be added or deleted subject to the availability of facilities in the College.


Paper VIII (5th Semester) Optional-I (a) Electronic Instruments (70 marks)
Code: EL 504(a) Minimum 35 Contact hours

Unit 1: (10 Lectures) Electronic Voltmeter: VTVM, differential amplifier, difference amplifier type Electronic Voltmeter, DC Voltmeters with direct coupled amplifier, AC Voltmeters, RMS Voltmeters, Electronic multimeters, Electronic ohmmeters, D.C. and A.C. current measurements using electronic instruments, diode sensor based instruments, measurement of power at radio frequency. Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Regulated Power Supply: Use of Filters in Rectifiers; Principle of Regulation; Regulated Power Supply using Zener and Transistors; Regulated Power Supply using ICs; short Circuit Protection; Constant Current Supply; Positive and Negative Supplies, LCR Bridges: General form of AC Bridges; Scherring Bridges; Maxwell Bridges; Andersons Bridge, Waveform Generator: Generation of Triangular and Square Wave and Single Pulse (Monostable) by IC 741 Chip; Introduction to Signal Generator. Unit 3: (10 Lectures) Cathode Ray Oscilloscope: Basic CRO Operation; Block Diagram of a CRO; Cathode Ray Tube; Construction; Brief Idea about Principle of Focusing and Deflection of Electron Beam; CRT Screens; Vertical Defection Systems; Basic Elements, Attenuator, Vertical Amplifier, Delay Line; Horizontal Deflection Systems; Sweep Generator; Synchronization of Sweep, Horizontal, Horizontal Amplifier. CRO probes; Application of CRO; Dual Trace and Dual Beam CRO, Q-Meter and Frequency Counter : Basic QMeter Circuits; Q-Measurement Method. Unit 4: (10 Lectures) Transducer - General measurement system characteristics - definition static & dynamic transducers different types - resistive transducer - strain gauge capacitive - inductive transducers-LVDT (variable inductive transducers ) piezo electric transducer temperature transducers, thermo couple, thermistors ultrasonic temperature transducer - photoelectric transducers. Unit 5: (10 Lectures) Biomedical instrumentation; Introduction - origin of bioelectric signals Resting & Action potentialpropagation, physiological transducers active & passive transducer for medical application - diagnostic & Analytical equipments - ECGEEGPH meter colorimeter - therapeutic & imaging equipments - Ventilator, defibrillators - pace makers, Xray machine - CT ultrasound - principles of MRI Laser applications.


Recommended Books: 1. Sawhney: Electrical & Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai & Sons 2. 3. Khandpur: Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation TMH Hellfrick &Cooper: Modern Electronic Instrumentation & Measuring Technique, PHI 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9. 10. Leslie Chronell : Biomedical Instrumentation Morris M Mano: Digital Design, Prentice Hall. D.R. Chaudhury: Digital Circuits (Vol.I and II), Platinum Tocci: Digital Systems: Principle and Application, Prentice Hall TL Floyd: Digital Fundamentals, Prentice Hall. R.P.Jain: Modern Digital Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill. Salibahanan : Digital Systems H.S.Kalsi: Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, Tata

McGraw Hill


Paper VIII (5th Semester) Optional-I (b) Solid State Electronics (70 marks)
Code: EL 504(b) Minimum 35 Contact hours

Unit 1: (10 Lectures) Crystal Properties of Semiconductors: Semiconductor Materials, Crystal Lattices, Periodic Structures, Cubic Lattices, Planes and Directions, The Diamond Lattice, Energy Bands and Charge Carriers in Semiconductors: Bonding Forces in Solids, Energy Bands, Metals, Semiconductors, and Insulators, Direct and Indirect Semiconductors, Variation of Energy Bands with Alloy Composition. Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Charge Carriers in Semiconductors: Electrons and Holes, Effective Mass, Intrinsic Material, Extrinsic Material, The Fermi Level, Electron and Hole Concentrations at Equilibrium, Temperature Dependence of Carrier Concentrations, Compensation and Space Charge Neutrality, Drift of Carriers in Electric and Magnetic Fields: Conductivity and Mobility, Drift and Resistance, Effects of Temperature and Doping on Mobility, High-Field Effects, Invariance of the Fermi Level at Equilibrium Unit 3: (10 Lectures) Metal-Semiconductor Contacts: Formation of Barrier, Current Transport Processes, Measurement of Barrier Height, Device Structures, Ohmic Contact, Metal-InsulatorSemiconductor Capacitors: Ideal MIS Capacitor, Silicon MOS Capacitor Unit 4: (10 Lectures) Tunnel Devices: Tunnel Diode, Related Tunnel Devices, Resonant-Tunneling Diode, IMPATT Diodes: Static and Dynamic Characteristics, Power and Efficiency, Noise Behavior, Device Design and Performance, BARITT Diode, Transferred-Electron Device, Thyristor Characteristics, Thyristor Variations. Unit 5: (10 Lectures) Integrated Circuits: Scale of integration, Classification of IC by structure and function, Linear ICs, Digital ICs, IC Terminology, Fabrication of IC Components, Monolithic IC Circuits, Popular applications of ICs, MOS Integrated Circuits


Recommended Books: 1. 2. C. Kittel: Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, S.O. Pillai: Solid State Physics, New Age International (2001).

New York, (1996) 3. BG Streetman and SK Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, Prentice Hall of India (2006) 4. D.A. Newman, Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 3rd Ed. Tata McGraw Hill Co., (2007). 5. S.M. Sze: Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd Ed, John Wiley & Sons (2003). 6. Gupta, Kumar, Sharma: Handbook of Electronics, Pragati Prakashan,Meerut 7. B.L. Theraja: Basic Electronics (Solid State), S. Chand & Co.


Paper VIII (5th Semester) Project I (30 marks)

Code: EL 504(i) Minimum 15 Contact hours

Project work based on Electronics to be assigned/ supervised by teachers, which is to be completed before End Semester examination. College Lab. Manuals and Semiconductor Manuals can be used for references. Recommended Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. S.S. Srivastava and M.Gupta: Experiments in Electronics, S. Chand & Co.,Delhi College Laboratory Manuals and Semiconductor Manuals. C.L.Arora: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand &Co. H.Singh: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand &Co.


Paper IX (6th Semester) Analog and Digital Electronics (75 marks)

Code: EL 601 Minimum 50 Contact hours

Unit 1: (10 Lectures) Wave shaping in R.C. Circuit, Response of an R-C Circuit to different voltage wave forms, effect of source output resistance, and variation of output waveform with different source frequency. Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Diode switching Circuit, Zener diode for wave shaping, UJT transistor circuit as a pulse source, circuit with SCR, input output circuits of a transistor for switching and pulse formation equivalent circuit to represent switching, R-C, Circuit. Unit 3 : (10 Lectures) De Morgans Second Theorem : Bubbled or gate, more than two inputs. Exclusive-OR Gates: Two inputs, logic symbol and Boolean sign, four inputs, Any number of inputs, parity, Boolean Algebra and Karnaugh Maps: Booleans relations, sum-of-product Method, Algebraic simplification, Karnaugh Maps, Pairs, Karnaugh simplification, don't care conditions. Unit 4: (10 Lectures) Main Logic families: Saturated and Non-saturted logic circuits, Characteristics of Logic families, RTL, DTL, TTL Circuits, ECL, I2L Circuits, MOS Family, PMOS Circuit, NMOS Circuit and CMOS Circuit. Unit 5: (10 Lectures) The Controlled Inverter Exclusive-NOR Gates, TTL-Circuit: Introduction to digital integrated circuits, 7400 devices, standard TTL, TTL characteristics, Floating inputs compatibility, standard loading Rules, TTL overview, buffer-driver, Encoders, Decoder, Schmitt Triggers, And-OR Invert Gates, TTL devices, Expandable AND-OR Invert Gates, Expanders, open-collector gates, Multiplexer, Data selection, Boolean Function generator. Recommended Books : 1. G.N. Navneeth, V M. Gokhale, R.G. Kale: Digital and Analog Technique, Kitab Mahal 2. John D. Ryder: Electronics Fundamentals and Application, PHI (5th Edition) 3. Gupta and Kumar: Handbook of Electronics, Pragati Prakashan, Meerut. 4. V.K.Mehta: Principles of Electronics, S.Chand & Co. 5. Malvino: Digital Computer Electronics, PHI 7. M. Morris Mano: Digital Logic and Computer Design, PHI 8. V.Rajaraman: Introduction to Computers, PHI 508

Paper X (6th Semester) Computer Organization and Microprocessor (75 marks)

Code: EL 602 Minimum 50 Contact hours

Unit 1: (10 Lectures) CPU Organization: ALU Organization, Floating point ALU, Control Unit, Operand data type, Register Organization, Micro-operation, Control Memory Organization, Register transfer operation, Instruction Sequencing, Instruction Cycle, Machine Cycle, Process, Parallel Processing, Multiprocessing, Multi-threading, Types of Interrupts. Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Processor : The Central Processing Unit (CPU) (The Control Unit, The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Instruction Set, Registers, Processor Speed, Types of Processors), The Main Memory: Main Memory Organization, Main Memory Capacity, RAM, ROM, PROM and EPROM, Cache Memory, Memory Hierarchy, Memory Mapping of cache memory, Virtual Memory Unit 3 : (10 Lectures) Memory Organization: Parallel In Parallel Out Register (Buffer register & Controlled buffer register), Shift Registers, Ring Counter, Asynchronous Counter (Ripple Counter), Synchronous Counters, Controlled synchronous Counter, Three state switch, Three state buffer registers, Paging, Page file, Swapping technique, Memory Addressing schemes, Stack Memory Organization. Unit 4: (10 Lectures) Microprocessors: History of development, Introduction to Intel 8085 microprocessor, block diagram of Intel 8085A, Timing and Control unit, Registers, Data and Address bus, Pin configuration, Intel 8085 instructions, Opcode and Operands, Instruction word size, Timing and Control signals, Instruction and Data flow, system timing diagram, Instruction set for Intel 8085, Addressing modes, Basic 8085 instructions

Unit 5: (10 Lectures) Computer Languages: Machine Language, Advantages and Limitations, Assembly Language, Assembler, Advantages over Machine Language, Limitations of Assembly Language, High-Level Language: Compiler, Linker, Interpreter, Advantages and Limitations; Structure/modular programming, Object-Oriented Programming Languages, High-Level Languages, Characteristics of a Good Programming Language, Subprogram.


Recommended Books : 1. Morris M. Mano: Computer System Architecture, Prentice Hall of India 2. Malvino & Brown: Digital Computer Electronics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, Third Edition 3. Douglas V. Hall: Microprocessors and Interfacing Programming and Hardware, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 4. A.B. Bhattacharya: Electronic Principles and Applications, New Central Book Agency, Kolkata (2006)


Paper XI (6th Semester) Opto-electronic Devices (70 marks)

Code: EL 603 Minimum 35 Contact hours Unit 1 : (10 Lectures) Optical properties of semiconductors: Dipolar elements in direct gap semiconductors, Optical susceptibility of a semiconductor, Absorption and spontaneous emission, Conditions for optical amplification in semiconductors, Optical index of semiconductors Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Semiconductor quantum wells: Envelope function formalism, The quantum well, Density of states and statistics in a quantum well, Optical inter band transitions in a quantum well, Hole states in the valence bands, Optical transitions between the valence and conduction bands, Optical absorption and angle of incidence, Quantum wires and boxes (basic ideas). Unit 3 : (10 Lectures) Photodetectors: Current and Voltage in an illuminated Junction, Gain, Bandwidth, and Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Photodetectors, Light-Emitting Diodes, Light-Emitting Materials, LED Displays, Photoresistors, Photodiodes, Solar Cells, Phototransistor, Photo-FET Unit 4 : (10 Lectures) Laser: Einsteins A and B coefficients, Optical pumping, Population inversion, Optical resonators, Ruby Laser, High power laser, Raman laser, applications of lasers Unit 5 : (10 Lectures) Semiconductor Lasers: Population Inversion at a Junction, Emission Spectra for p-n Junction Lasers, The Basic Semiconductor Laser, Heterojunction Lasers, Materials for Semiconductor Recommended Books : 1. BG Streetman and SK Banerjee: Solid State Electronic Devices, Prentice Hall of India (2006) 2. D.A. Newman: Semiconductor Physics and Devices, 3rd Ed. Tata McGraw Hill Co., (2007). 3. S.M. Sze: Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd Ed, John Wiley & Sons (2003). 4. Gupta, Kumar, Sharma: Handbook of Electronics, Pragati Prakashan,Meerut 5. Emmanuel Rosencher, Borge Vinter: Optoelectronics, Cambridge University Press (2004) 6. A.B. Bhattacharya: Electronic Principles and Applications, New Central Book Agency, Kolkata (2006)


Paper- XI (6th Semester) Practical (30 marks)

Code : EL 603(i) Minimum 15 Contact hours

One (1) experiment is to be performed within 3 hours time from this paper in the examination. A minimum of 6 experiments is to be performed by the students. Laboratory experiments: 1) To draw V-I characteristics for forward bias and calculation of impedance. 2) To study load and line regulation of a Full Wave power supply. 3) To study ripple factor of Half-Wave and Full-Wave rectifier with type filters; to study waveform on CRO. 4) To study forward bias and reverse bias characteristics of a Zener diode. 5) To study load and line regulation of a Zener diode as voltage regulator. 6) To study load regulation of power supply with Zener or IC as voltage regulator. 7) To study percentage regulation and ripple factor of stabilized variable power supply. 8) Using Astable, Monostable and Bistable Multivibrators: a) To generate square wave and to see waveform on CRO. b) To measure the frequency of square wave on CRO. c) To study the effect of changing base resistor or coupling capacitor on the frequency of the square wave. 9) To observe the output wave shape of differentiating and integrating circuit on CRO. 10) Measurement of phase and frequency with CRO. Recommended Books : 1. S.S. Srivastava and M. Gupta: Experiments in Electronics, S. Chand & Co. 2. College Laboratory Manuals and Semiconductor Manuals. 3. C.L.Arora: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand &Co. 4. H.Singh: B.Sc. Practical Physics, S. Chand &Co. Note: Experiments may be added or deleted subject to the availability of facilities in the College.


Paper XII (6th Semester) Optional-II (a) Power Electronic Devices (70 marks)
Code: EL 604(a) Minimum 35 Contact hours

Unit 1 : (10 Lectures) Introduction to power electronic system, Power electronic converter, Requirements of Power switches, Ideal switch, Classifications of power electronic devices, Power Semiconductor Devices: Diodes, Schottky diodes, Zener diodes, Tunnel Diodes, UJT, Diacs, Photodiodes, LEDs Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Thyristors: Silicon Controlled Rectifiers, Triggering, Thyristir gate characteristics, Turn off, Ratings and Protection of Thyristor, Triac, Light Activated SCR, Asymmetrical SCR Unit 3 : (10 Lectures) AC Voltage Regulators: Principle of Phase Controlled Switching, Full wave with R Load, Harmonic analysis of converter, AC Voltage Regulator with R Load, Full wave with RL Load, AC Regulators with pure inductors, Three phase Regulators, Electronic Tap Changer, AC Chopper Regulator. Unit 4 : (10 Lectures) Phase Controlled Converter(AC to DC): Converter rectifier, Half wave and Full wave converter (uncontrolled & controlled), Analysis of converters, Three phase and Multiple converters, DC to DC Convereter: DC Choppers, Forced and Load Commutated Chopper, Linear DC power supplies, DC to DC Converter (without isolation & with isolation) Unit 5 : (10 Lectures) Inverters: Classification, Thyristor based Inverter, Single phase- Half bridge and Full bridge inverters, Pulse width modulated inverters, Three phase inverters, Current source inverters, UPS and SMPS: Disturbances in Commercial power supply, Uninterrupted Power Supplies, Storage batteries, Switch Mode Power Supplies, Power Factor correctors. Recommended Books: 1. M.S. Jamil Ashgar: Power Electronics, PHI Learning(P) Ltd. (2008) 2. V.K.Mehta: Principles of Electronics, S.Chand & Co. 3. B.L. Theraja: Basic Electronics (Solid State), S. Chand & Co.


Paper XII (6th Semester) Optional-II (b) Fiber Optic and Electronic Communication (70 marks)
Code: EL 604(b) Minimum 35 Contact hours

Unit 1 : (10 Lectures) Optical fiber communication: Optical fibers structures & wave guiding fundamentals, fiber types step index fiber structure - ray optics representation wave equation for step index fiber, graded index structure - modes in graded index fibers optical communication & block diagram overview attenuation attenuation units - scattering & absorption losses core & cladding losses fiber materials & properties . Unit 2: (10 Lectures) Television Broadcasting: Elements of television systems scanning composite video signals camera tubes different types principles of operation picture tubes vestigial side band - TV broadcasting TV receivers TV transmitters sound & picture signal transmission - TV receivers color Television, color TV cameraluminance signal - color picture tubes -Basic principle of color picture transmission & reception concept of PAL systems. Unit 3 : (10 Lectures) Optical Resonators: Modes of a rectangular cavity and the open planar resonator, Quality, Ultimate linewidth of laser, Transverse and Longitudinal mode selection, Q switching, Mode locking, Confocal resonator, Planar resonator, General spherical resonator. Unit 4 : (10 Lectures) Noise Frequency domain representation source of noise Thermal noise shot noise - concept of noise band width, noise figure - noise temperature concept of information entropy information rate Shannons thermo signal to noise ratio Unit 5 : (10 Lectures) Converters: A/D and D/A Converters, Potentiometric A/D converter, Voltage to time A/D converter, Voltage to Frequency converter, Integration and Differentiation Using R.C. Circuits- Low Pass A. C. filter as an integrator, High Pass R. C. filter as an differentiator, clipper circuits, clamper circuits


Recommended Books: 1. Kennedy: Electronic Communication Systems 2. R.R Gulathi: Monochrome of Color Television 3. Dr. B.C Agarwal: Satellite Communication 4. Keiser : Optical Fiber Communication. 5. A.K. Sawhney: A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, Dhanpat Rai & Sons: (latest edition) 6. K.Thyagarajan and A.K.Ghatak: Lasers: Theory and Applications, Macmillan India (1997)


Paper XII (6th Semester) Project II (30 marks)

Code: EL 604(i) Minimum 15 Contact hours

Project work based on Electronics to be assigned/ supervised by teachers, which is to be completed before Final Semester examination. College Lab. Manuals and Semiconductor Manuals can be used for references. Recommended Books: 1. S.S. Srivastava and M.Gupta: Experiments in Electronics (S. Chand & Co.,Delhi) 2. College Laboratory Manuals and Semiconductor Manuals. 3. C.L.Arora: B.Sc. Practical Physics (S. Chand &Co.). 4. H.Singh: B.Sc. Practical Physics (S. Chand &Co.).


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