d120-84 FGRP Tank
d120-84 FGRP Tank
d120-84 FGRP Tank
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
Committee Personnel
Consumer Members
Producer Members
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
Table of Contents
Foreword 5 Retest
5.1 Retest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1. History of Standard . . . . . . .......... iv
11. Information Regarding Use of 6 Marking
This Standard . . . . . . . . . .......... iv 6.1 Manufacture and Service
111. information to resupplied Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
by Purchaser . . . . . . . . . . .......... v 7 Shipping and Handling
IV. Information to resupplied 7.1 Shipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
by Manufacturer . . . . . . .......... v 7.2 Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1 General
1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . A Expression of Hoop Tensile
1.2 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . Modulus ofaf-aminate ........... 15
1.3 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . B Explanatory Notes to D120-84 . . . . . . . 16
1,4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .
1.5 inspection and Testing Tables
by Purchaser . . . . . . . . . ........... 2
I Requirements for Typel
1.6 Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 3
Contact-Molded Reinforced-
1.7 Affidavit of Compliance . ........... 3 PolyesterLaminates .......... .... 5
2 Materials 2 Minimum Widths of
2.1 Resin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Overlayed Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 7
2.2 Reinforcing Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Pipe for Nozzle Assembly . . . . . . . .... 8
2.3 Surfacing Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Minimum Flange Thickness for
3 Requirements Reinforced Polyester Nozzles . . .... 8
3.1 General Requirements ... . .... . ... . . 4 5 Shear Bond Area—Nozzles . . . . . . .... 10
3.2 Physical Properties . . . ... . .... . ... . . 4
3.3 Chemical Properties . . ... . .... . ... . . 5 Figures
3.4 Construction . . . . . . . . ... . .... . ... . . 5 1 Flanged Nozzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 9
4 Testing Methods 2 Reinforcement of Cut Tank
4.1 Physical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 10 Wall for Nozzle Attachment . ...... 9
4.2 Hardness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... II 3 Installed Nozzle (With
4.3 Chemical Resistance . . . . . . . . . . ..... 11 Pipe Penetration) . . . . . . . . . . ...... 10
4.4 Surface Burning Characteristics . ..... 12 4 Installed Nozzle (Without
4.5 Hydrostatic Testing . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 12 Pipe Penetration) . . . . . . . . . . ...... 10
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(,) American Water
AN SVAWWA D1 20-84
Works Assoclatlon
(First Edition)
A W WA Standard for
Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced
Plastic Tanks
Section 1—General
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
2 AWWA D120-84
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
Section 2—Materials
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
4 AWWA D120-84
Section 3—Requirements
Sec. 3.1 General Requirements helically-wound tank having a maximum
The plastic tanks shall be compounded angle of wind of 80 degrees measured
and constructed so as to conform to the from the tank axis.
requirements of this standard. The minimum wall thickness
3.1.1 E.t-tei-ior ,finish. The exterior (z) shall be determined by:
finish shall bean unpigmented resin coat- P/l 0.036 Y HD
ing or a pigmented protective coating.
2SH 2 (ET) (z)
3.1.2 Workmanship. The workman-
ship shall be in accordance with good Where:
commercial practices. The tank manu- P= pressure 0.036 H, psi
factured shall be free of injurious defects H = fluid head, in
y = specific gravity
of fluid
and shall meet the appearance require-
D = inside diameter of tank, in.
ments of Sec. 3.4.2.
SH, El; and Z are as defined in Sec.
Sec. 3.2 Physical Properties The minimum thickness shall not be
3.2.1 Filament -\~’ound iaminates. less than 0.18 in.
The maximum hoop stress of the total 3.2.2 Contact-molded laminates.
laminate, defined as the filament winding Type I tanks and the joints and heads of
plus inner surface and interior layer, shall type 11tanks shall be shop fabricated by
be limited by the allowable movement the contact-molding process in the manu-
(strain) of the tank wall when filled with facturer’s plant. Contact-molded lami-
fluid. . nates for type I tanks shall meet the The maximum allowable hoop minimum property requirements listed in
stress shall be determined by the following Table 1. (See note in Appendix B.)
3.2.3 Head. The head shall be able
S/, = (ET) (z) to support a 250-lb load on a 4-by-4-in.
Where: area. The minimum thickness shall be ~/16
S}{= hoop stress in. (See note in Appendix B.)
ET= hoop tensile modulus of the total 3.2.4 Be/tom. The minimum thick-
laminate (see Appendix A) ness for a flat, fully supported bottom
Z = allowable strain. shall be:
(See notes in Appendix B.) The allowable hoop strain of Tank Diameter Minimum “I”hickness
fi in.
the tank wall shall not exceed 0.0010
in. /in. 56 J/!
6 Tanks shall have a longitu- >6but S12 ‘A
> 12 %
dinal strength at least equal to that of a
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
Requirements .fc)r T\’pe [ Tank Contact-Molded Reinforce(t- Pelt’es!er Laminates
[,aminate Thickncw
Property at 23° C (73.2° F)
~/16 in. 1/4 in. ~/16in. -f/x in. and ,qreater
The radius of reinforcement shall not be be acceptable for the chemical environ-
less than 1 in. ment, including the concentration and
3.2.5 Swface cure. The degree of service temperatures.
cure of the resin-rich surface shall be
checked by the Barcol hardness test. The Sec. 3.4 Construction
surface shall have Barcol hardness of at 3.4.1 Laminate construction. The
least 90 percent of the resin’s manu- laminate shall consist of an inner surface,
facturer’s minimum specified hardness an interior layer, and an exterior layer.
for the cured resin, when tested in (See notes in Appendix B.)
accordance with Sec. 4.2. This applies to The inner surface exposed to
both interior and exterior surfaces. (See the contents shall be a reinforced layer 10
note in Appendix B.) to 20 mil thick. Reinforcing materials
3.2.6 Vents. Closed-top tanks shall shall be chemically resistant glass-surface
be positively vented to the atmosphere. mat, or a synthetic veil. (See notes in
Minimum vent size shall be equal to the Appendix B.)
largest outlet or inlet. The interior layer shall follow
3.2.7 Testing. Tanks shall be tested the inner surface and be reinforced only
hydrostatically and jnspected for leaks with noncontinuous glass strands applied
before being placed into service. Leaks in a minimum of two plies of chopped
shall be repaired with the same materials strand mat or, alternately, in a minimum
used in the tank construction. of two passes by the spray-up process.
3.2.8 Dimensions and tolerances. Glass content shall be 20 to 30 percent by
Tank diameters shall be measured in- weight. Before the filament winding is
ternally. Tolerance on the inside diameter, applied, the interior layer shall be allowed
including out-of-roundness, shall be f 1 to gel completely so that the corrosion
percent. Measurements shall be taken barrier will not be squeezed down to a
with the tank in a vertical position. thin layer of glass content of more than 30
Tolerance on overall height shall be f ~ percent. The combined thickness of inner
in. surface and interior layer shall not be less
than 0.10 in. (See note in Appendix B.)
Sec. 3.3 Chemical Properties If the exterior layer is fila-
3.3.1 Chemical re.~istance. The fiber- ment-wound, then subsequent reinforce-
glass-reinforced resin shall have been ment shall be continuous-strand roving in
evaluated in accordance with Sec. 4.3 to accordance with Sec. That rein-
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
6 AWWA D 120-84
forcement, in combination with Sec. of not more than 2 pits/ sq ft, providing and Sec., is needed to the pits are less than Ifiin. in diameter, not
satisfy the minimum wall thickness speci- more than 1/~2in. deep, and are covered
fied in Sec. The thickness of the with sufficient resin to avoid exposure of
filament-wound portion of the tank shell the inner surkce reinforcement. Some
may be varied with tank height (tapered- wrinkles are permissible, provided their
wall construction), providing the require- surfaces are smooth and free of pits.
ments of this standard are met at any The finished laminate shall be
height level. If additional longitudinal as free as commercially practical from
strength is required, other reinforcement. objectionable visual defects, such as
such as woven fabric, chopped-strand foreign inclusion, dry spots, air bubbles,
mat, or chopped strands, may be inter- pinholes, pimples, and delamination.
spersed in the winding to provide addi- The exterior surface shall be
tional strength. Glass content of filament smooth with no exposed fibers or sharp
winding shall be 50 to 80 percent by projections.
weight. Only those constructions evalu- The outside surface of the
ated for design properties in Sec. tank shall not be pigmented, painted, or
shall be used. dyed, unless agreed on by the manu- If the exterior layer is contact- facturer and the purchaser. (See note in
molded, then the exterior layer or body of Appendix B.)
the laminate shall be of a chemically 3.4.3 Join[s. Joints between tank
resistant construction suitable for the wall sections shall be overwound or over-
designated service and provide the addi- laid to a thickness as calculated in Sec.
tional strength necessary to meet the, using the appropriate modulus
tensile and flexural requirements. Where value for the type of laminate construction
separate layers such as mat, cloth, or and dimensional values at the point
woven roving are used, all layers shall be height level. (The flexural modulus values
lapped a minimum of 1 in. Laps shall be from Table 1 may be used as an approxi-
staggered as much as possible. If woven mation of the tensile modulus of hand
roving or cioth is used, a layer of lay-up laminates.)
chopped-strand glass shall be placed as The width of the first layer of
alternate layers. Hand-work finish is joint lay-up shall be 3 in. minimum.
acceptable, but enough resin shall be Successive layers shall uniformly increase
present to prevent exposed fibers. The in width. The reinforcement shall be
appearance of the exterior surface shall be centered on the joint and shall extend on
in accordance with Sec. 3.4.2. each side of the joint a sufficient distance For added chemical resistance to make it at least as strong as the tank
an exterior surface of chopped glass or wall in the vertical direction. Minimum
surfacing veil, or both, made from either joint widths are given in Table 2.
glass or organic fibers, may be used. The interior of the joint shall
Unless otherwise specified, the exterior be sealed by a laminate of a minimum of
shall contain stabilizers to prevent ultra- two layers of 1.5-oz mat overlayed with
violet degradation. appropriate surface mat or veil. Minimum
3.4.2 Appearance. (See note in width is 4 in. This inner reinforcement
Appendix B.) shall be considered to be a corrosion- The exposed surfaces shall be resistant barrier only and not a structural
free of cracks and crazes. The surface material.
shall have a smooth finish with an average Joints shall be free of objection-
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
Mininllii]l Willths @ O\’erlat’ed Joint.y
60 I 00 I40 180 220 260 300 340 380 420 460 500
Minimum width
of outside
oterlay. 117. 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14
Minimum width
of inside
overlay, in. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
*H is the distance in feet from the top of the liquid level to the joint.
able crevices. Crevices between joined fluid as the tank wall (Sec. and
pieces shall be filled with resin or thixo- Sec. 3.4. 1.2). Joints between head and
tropic resin paste leaving a smooth surface shell wall shall conform to Sec. 3.4.3.
for lay-up. Top heads may be integrally All cured, noninhibited resin attached or removable and may be any
surfaces where parts are to be joined shall shape.
first be roughened by sanding or sand Bottom heads may either be
blasting. The roughened area shall extend fabricated integrally with the shell wall or
beyond the work areas so that no lay-up is be separately molded with a flange and
made on a molded surface. Surfaces shall subsequently jointed to the shell. In either
be clean and dry before lay-up. The entire case, the inner surface of the head shall
roughened area shall be resin coated present the same corrosion-resistant con-
when the joint is made. struction to the fluid as the tank wall (Sec. All cut edges shall be coated and Sec. 3.4. 1.2). Joints between
with resin so that no glass fibers are head and shell wall shall conform to Sec.
exposed and all voids are filled. 3.4.3. When air-inhibited resins are For integral heads, shell and
cured with an air-t?xposed surface, the bottom reinforcement shall overlap a
lay-up shall be coated with a paraffin- minimum of 4 in.
containing resin to achieve full surface For separately molded
cure. (The acetone sensitivity test can be heads, the minimum straight flange length
used to check surface cure. ) Use of other is 4 in.
techniques such as sprayed or wrapped The knuckle area (the
films are also acceptable methods of radiused transition of the head to the
attaining an air-free cure. shell) shall be reinforced to the same
3.4.4 Heads. Heads may be fabri- thickness and width as a joint (Table 2). It
cated integrally with the tank wall or shall be centered over the knuckle, and
separately by contact molding. Heads the reinforcement shall taper uniformly
fabricated by contact molding shall satisfy into the bottom thickness over a distance
the mechanical property requirements of of not less than 6 in.
Sec. 3.2.2. In either case, the inner surface Flat bottom tanks must have
of the head shall present the same full bottom support. Tanks with conical
corrosion-resistant construction to the or rounded bottom heads must have
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
AWWA DI 20-84
Pipe .fi>r Nozzle A .ssemhlj Flange Thick ne.~.~,fi~rReinjijrced
Polj’ester Nozzles
Contact-Molded Polyester Pipe Minimum
Wall Thickness Pipe Sile Minimum Flange Thickness
Pipe Size Minimum Wall Thickness in. in,
tn. in. 2 I/2
14-24 I/4 4 I ]2
30 S/1~ 6 I/2
36 ‘/8 8 9/16
42 3/8 10 11/,6
12 3/4
Filament-Wound and Centrifugally Cast-Polyester
Pipe Minimum Wall Thickness 14 13/,6
16 718
Pipe Size Minimum Wall “rhickness
in. in. 18 15/1,6
20 I
2-3 0.140
24 1 l/~
4-6 0. [80
30 I 3/8
8-12 0.200
36 1 3/4
42 2
other means of support, such as a cradle,
skirt, or extension legs.
NOTE 1: Based on flat-faced flanges with full-
3.4.5 Fittings. Standard flanged face soft gaskets.
nozzles shall be fabricated either from
contact-molded polyester pipe and a suit- NC)I~ 2: Flange dimensions (except thickness)
able flange, from integrally molded pipe and bolting correspond to the following
standards: 2-in. through 24-in. sizes—
and flanges, or from polyester machine- ANSI Standard B16.5, Pipe Flanges
made pipe and a suitable flange. Vents do and Flanged Fittings, for 150-lb steel
not require flanges, but they shall use flanges; 30-in, through 42-in. sizes—
either contact-molded, integrally molded, ANSI Standard B16.1, Cast Iron Pipe
Flanges and Flanged Fittings Class 25,
or polyester machine-made pipe. Where 125,250, and 800, for 125-lb Cl flanges.
flange fittings are used, suitable gaskets
shall be furnished. Flange gaskets shall be No’r~ 3 This table is based on a safety factor of
full face, M in. minimum thickness, and 8 to I and a ffexural strength of 20000
have a durometer hardness of 40 to 60, psi, a value slightly under the minimum
flexural strength for laminates ~/s in.
unless otherwise specified or required for
and up (see Table 1) due to the
the service conditions. (See notes in manufacturing technique.
Appendix B.) The pipe used shall have mini- ness of flange hub reinforcement measured
mum wall thickness as shown in Table 3. at the top of the fillet radius shall be at Flanges shall be of the mini- least one half the flange thickness, and
mum thickness given in Table 4. Bolting shall be tapered uniformly the length of
- pattern shall be in accordance with API*
or ANSI~ standards.
*American Petroleum Institute, 21OI L Street, The minimum flange shear N. W., Washington, DC 20037.
surface shall be four times the flange ~American National Standards Institute, 1430
thickness, indicated in Table 4. The thick- Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
Fillet Reinforcement Diameter
Nozzle 02
‘ad’”’> +%----f
- Diameter .__F --1
Surface E
P * m
—— —_— .__—_—
Figure 1. Flanged Nozzle
TABLE 5 Reinforcement Y
Shear- Bond A Yea— Nozzle.Y * ( In Accordance I
With Sec. 3.4.5 .3.3 I
Pipe Wall Thickness Bond Area I.ength
;)1. ;}1.
> { Typical)
*Shear-bond areas A are shown in Figures 3 ;ind 4. Nozzle -’-+ ~ A = Shear Bond
\ >
a ring bonded to the top of the shell.
Alternatively, the shell shall be overwound INN i
or overlaid to provide sufficient rigidity Figure 3. Installed Nozzle
for retaining the shape of the tank. (With Pipe Penetration)
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
12 AWWA D120-84
25-perccmt sulfuric acid Ethyl acetate
Hydrochloric acid 15-percent methyl ethyl ketone
5-percent nitric acid Monochloroberrzene
25-percent acetic acid Perchloroethylene
Phosphoric acid n- Heptane
5-percent sodium hydroxide Kerosene
10-percent sodium carbunate Toluene
Saturated sodium chloride 5-percent hydrogen peroxide*
95-percent ethanol Distilled water*
5fi-Percent sodium hypochlorite* Ammonium hydroxide, concentrated
5-percent aluminum potassium Carbon tetrachloride
15-percent sulfate Soda ash (sodium carbomitc)
Sodium chloride 16-percent sodium hypochlorite
Lime slurry (calcium hydroxide) Ferrous sulfate
Ammonium sulfate Ltquid sodium silicate
Liquid alum Ferric sulfate
Sodium aluminate Aqua ammonia
Ferric chloride Sodium polyphosphate, glassy
Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) Powdered activated carbon slurry
Sodium tripolyphosphate Copper sulfate
Sodium bisulfite Sodium fluoride
Potassium permanganate Hydrofluosilicic acid
Sodium silicofluoride Proprietary coagulant aids
Sodium chlorite Obtain data for specimens Report data in tabular form
exposed for 30, 90, and 180 days and 1 for all parameters tested. Describe ade-
year immersion; also obtain data for one quately the composition, including resin,
set of control specimens immediately accelerators, catalysts, and reinforce-
following the curing period and for ments, and the fabricating and curing
another set after aging in air at the test conditions of the laminate tested.
temperature for the total test period.
Sec. 4.4 Surface Burning Determine thickness, Barcol Characteristics
hardness, flexural strength and modulus, The surface burning characteristic shall
and appearance at each time interval. be determined in accordance with ASTM
Appearance observations shall include E84. Test results of a similar tank maybe
any surface changes, color changes, submitted, unless otherwise specified by
obvious softening or hardening, crazing, the purchaser.
delamination, exposure to fibers, or other
effects indicative of complete degradation Sec. 4.5 Hydrostatic Testing
or potential failure. Calculation of per- The tank shall be filled with water and
centage change in a property shall be left standing for 24 hours. The tank shall
based on the property value obtained show no visual evidence of leakage or loss
immediately following the curing period. of water during the test period.
Section 5—Retest
Sec. 5.1 Retest
If any failure occurs, the plastic tank accordance with agreement between the
may be retested to establish conformity in purchaser and the manufacturer.
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
Section 6—Marking
Sec. 6.1 Manufacture and Service 1. Name and location of manufac-
Identification turer.
The tank shall carry a plaque, perma- 2. Date of manufacture.
nently affixed to the outside shell, near 3. Capacity.
the inlet or outlet nozzle or other location 4. Type and grade.
as approved, that shall show the following 5. Designed service media and condi-
information with permanently applied tion.
letters and numbers at least K in. high: 6. Precautions, if any.
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
14 AWWA D 120-84
lifting lugs shall be used for lifting. shall be placed on the shipping cradles
7.2.6 Storing. When storing the and tied down so that it cannot roll due to
tank on the ground prior to installation, it winds or sloping elevation.
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A
Expression of Hoop Tensile Modulus of a Laminate
The hoop tensile modulus of a laminate, EF~ = hoop modulus of filament winding,
composed partially of filament winding psi
and partially of a contact-molded liner, is Et = modulus of liner, psi
Copyright (C) 1998 American Water Works Association, All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B
Explanatory Notes to D120-84
This appendi.v i.f,ji)r infi)rnla(ion onl.i and is nof a part of’ A W WA D120.
The following notes refer to various equipment may require additional local
sections of AW WA D 120-84. These notes reinforcement or the use of stiffener ribs,
are meant to further explain the sections or both.
to which they refer. 3.2.5 NOTE. Barcol hardness is af-
1.2.1 NOTE. Filament-wound tanks fected by the type and concentration of
are normally constructed in combination reinforcing materials and fillers in the
with contact molding. The primary surface layer and the test temperature.
method used for constructing the tank 3.4. I NOTE 1. The compositions
shell is used to define the type. specified for the inner surface and interior NOTE. Additions to the resin layer are intended to achieve optimum
may interfere with visual inspection of chemical resistance.
laminate quality. NOTE 2. Different resin systems NOTE 1. Tanks for outdoor may be used within the tank; that is, the
installation shall be designed for the effect resin used for the liner may be different
of wind loading and other environmental than the resin used for the filament
factors. windings.
NOTE 2. Tanks with significant phy- NOTE /. This resin-rich layer
sical loadings other than fluid head, such will usually contain less than 20 percent of
as, but not restricted to, side-mounted reinforcing material. A specific limit is not
equipment, violent agitation, unusually included because of the impracticability
high flow rates, and unsupported bot- of determining this value in the finished
toms, shall be given special design con- product.
siderations. NOTE 2. The use of organic mate-
3.2.2 NOTE. If the specified thick- rials, such as acrylic and polyester fibers,
ness for a laminate is 1Ain., reading from may give lower readings for the Barcol
Table 1, then a minimum tensile strength hardness of the surface. However, this
of 12000 psi is required. By multiplying lower Barcol reading does not necessarily
thickness times minimum tensile strength, indicate undercure of the surface under
a value of 3000 lbf breaking load for a these circumstances.
l-in. wide specimen is obtained. A lami- NOTE. The use of resins in
nate having tensile strength of 10000 psi the inner surface and interior layer having
will, therefore, be acceptable for the ‘~-in. an elongation (as measured on a pure-
requirement if it has an actual thickness of resin casting) of less than 2 percent may
at least 0.3 in. require a design that will maintain strain
3.2.3 NOTE. Support of auxiliary level below 0.0010 in. / in.
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