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NEW IHeartUmami Whole30 Recipe Book 2017 2.6MB

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        

Tender Pork
Slow cooker
Dutch oven

Copyright ©
Tender Pork Roast The night before: Chop shallots, garlic cloves, red chili pep-
pers, and cilantro. Combine all ingredients listed under “pork
marinade”. Combine the marinade with boneless pork loin.
Seal in a large ziplock bag and marinate overnight in the
3 lbs boneless pork loin roast
Pork marinade: Day of cooking: Slightly drip off the marinade and brown the
meat with 1 tbsp ghee over the stovetop. When both sides of
L medium sized shallots
I PSUM the pork are seared to light golden brown, turn off the heat.
Add the juice of one whole California orange to the dutch oven
6 small
1. Loremgarlic cloves
ipsum dolor sit amet (half of one whole orange juice to slow cooker), ½ tsp coarse
2 red
2. chili peppers,
Consectetur remove elit,
adipisicing seeds
sed(fresno chili
do eiusmod sea salt, and the remaining liquid and marinade in the zip lock
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna bag.

1 ½aliqua.
cup cilantro (alt. flat parsley) .
1 tspUtground
enim ad minim veniam,
coriander powder quis exercitation For Dutch oven - roast in the oven at 375F or 400F. Cover
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo with a lid and bake 30 minutes total - 1st side 20 mins, flip
4 tbsp olive oil
consequat. side 10 mins. Or until the internal temperature reaches 145F.
1 whole lime juice For slow cooker - slow cook on High for 6 to 6 ½ hours.
4. Duis aute irure dolor in in voluptate velit esse
2 tsp coarse
cillum sea salt
dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. .

1 tsp ground black pepper If there’s a lot of liquid left in the dutch oven or slow cooker,
reduce it over medium-high heat for 2-3 mins or thicken it
with arrowroot/sweet potato powder. Pour the sauce over
Day of cooking: roasted pork.

1 whole California fresh squeezed orange juice

        


Copyright ©
Paleo Mongolian Beef Thin slice 1lb. beef against the grain. Add coconut aminos, fish
sauce, and sesame oil. Marinate the beef for 20 minutes. In
the meantime, prepare ingredients listed under “aromatics”.

1lb beef sirloin tips, thin sliced against the grain Heat 1 tbsp cooking fat over medium-high heat in a skillet/
Cooking fat of your choice - ghee, coconut oil saute pan. When hot, lower the heat to medium. Stir-fry the
beef with the marinade until it’s no longer pink. Set aside.
Beef marinade:
Add a bit more cooking oil, saute the ginger, garlic, red chili
1. Lorem
2 tbsp ipsum
coconut dolor sit amet
aminos peppers, and white color part of scallions under medium to
2. Consectetur
1 tbsp adipisicing
red boat fish sauce elit, sed do eiusmod medium-high heat until fragrant. Season with a small pinch of
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna salt.
2 tsp toasted sesame oil
. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis exercitation
Add beef and green color part of scallions back to the saute
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo
Aromatics: pan. Toss everything to combine.
3 large garlic cloves, finely minced
4. Duis aute irure dolor in in voluptate velit esse
3-inch long thin sliced ginger, from index through
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
ring finger quantity
2 red chili peppers, remove seeds, slice to thin
3 bulbs scallions, cut into 3-inch length. Separate
white and green parts.

        


Copyright ©
Whole30 Teriyaki Chicken Pat dry the chicken and remove the bone. Lightly season the
chicken with a bit salt on the skin. Heat 1/2 tbsp ghee over a
medium-large saute pan over medium/high heat. When hot,
add chicken. Skin side down. Pan fry  about 10 mins until the
skin is crispy.
1 ½ lbs (about 4 pieces) chicken thigh, skin on (alt.
Chicken breast with skin on) Flip and pan fry the flip side until the chicken is completely
cooked through. Drain the oil in the saute pan and set the
Sea salt to taste
L OREM I PSUM chicken aside.
Toasted white sesame seeds (optional)
1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet .
Chopped scallions (optional)
2. Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod To make the sauce, add ingredients under "Teriyaki sauce" to
½ tbsp gheeincididunt
tempor (to pan fryutthe chicken)
labore et dolore magna the saute pan. Heat the sauce over medium to medium-low
heat. When it starts to get thick, add chicken pieces back to
. aliqua.
the pan. Coat the sauce over the chicken.
3. Ut enim
Teriyaki ad minim veniam, quis exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo .
3 ½ tbsp coconut aminos
consequat. Wait for 5 mins before slicing the chicken. Sprinkle toasted
¾ to 1 tbsp red boat fish sauce white sesame seeds and chopped scallions (optional). Serve
4. Duis aute irure dolor in in voluptate velit esse
2 tbsp apple cidereu
vinegar with steamed broccoli, mashed potato, or cauliflower rice.
cillum dolore fugiat nulla pariatur.
1 tsp fresh grated ginger
1 tsp fresh grated garlic

        

Paleo Asian

Copyright ©
Paleo Asian Meatballs Finely chop carrots, yellow onion, flat parsley, scallions, and
prepare grated ginger. If use a food processor, toss the ingredi-
ents a few times but do not over process them. It will be too

1 ½ lbs ground beef .

1 cup carrots, finely chopped Preheat oven to 410 F. Combine ground beef, ingredients un-
Half 1 whole small yellow onion, diced der “Meatball seasonings”, and ingredients from Step 1. Com-
bine and mix well. Lightly grease a muffin tin with coconut oil.
1 cup Italian flat parsley, finely chopped
L OREM I PSUM Use your hands to gently apply some pressure to form the
3 bulbs scallions, finely chopped meatballs. Make sure the chopped veggies and the ground
1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet meat are coherent well.
1 ½ tbsp fresh grated ginger
2. Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
Coconut oil (to grease the muffin tin) .
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
Meatball seasonings:
aliqua. Bake the meatballs in a muffin tin. First side about 15 mins.
Use a small spoon to carefully flip them and bake the flip side
13.½ Ut
tsp enim
salt veniam, quis exercitation
for an additional 10 mins. In the meantime, heat ½ tbsp cook-
2 tbsp coconutlaboris
aminosnisi ut aliquip ex commodo ing oil in a large skillet over high heat. When hot, lower the
consequat. heat to medium, add minced garlic & squash noodles. Give
2 tbsp toasted sesame oil
them a quick stir-fry until the noodles are softened yet still
1 ½ Duis aute potato
tbsp sweet irure dolor in in voluptate
or arrowroot flour velit esse
crisp. Season w/ salt and black pepper to taste.
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Optional pairing: .
Butternut squash, sweet potato, or turnip spiralized
Scoop out the meatball juice inside the muffin tin and use that
as dressing over meatballs & noodles.
1 tsp minced garlic

Cooking fat of your choice to saute the noodles

        

Coconut Cream Sauce

Copyright ©
Zucchini Carrot Patties w/ Patties:

Shred/grate zucchini and carrots. Sprinkle lightly with salt. Af-

Coconut Cream Sauce ter 10 mins, use a cheese cloth or hand to squeeze out the liq-
uid as much as you can.
Patties :
2 cups shredded/grated zucchini
Add eggs, almond flour, scallions, sea salt and black pepper.
2 cups shredded/grated carrots Stir the mixture until it’s combined. Scoop the mixture (about
3 tbsp per fritter) into the pan. Gently press them into round
⅔OREM I PSUM flour
cup almond
shape. Cook until they are golden brown. Transfer the fritters
3 large
1. eggsipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem to a large plate lined with paper towel. Serve with Paleo
coconut cream sauce and sprinkle with scallions.
½ cup
2. sliced scallions
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
Avocado oil or coconut oil
Coconut Cream Sauce:
Fine sea salt + black pepper
3. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis exercitation
Chill the coconut milk can in the fridge overnight until it thick-
½ tsp coarselaboris
ullamco sea salt
nisi ut aliquip ex commodo ens. Pour off the thin liquid and scrape out only the thick/top
consequat. part of coconut cream. Add lemon juice, apple cider vinegar,
and sea salt to taste. Whisk until smooth and serve.
Coconut Cream Sauce::
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
1 can full-fat unsweetened coconut milk
1 ½ tbsp lemon juice
½ tbsp apple cider vinegar
Fine sea salt to taste

        

Easy Beef
With Broccoli

Copyright ©
Easy Beef With Broccoli Slice beef into about ¼ inch thin. Marinate thin sliced beef
with ingredients under “beef marinade”. Mix well. Place broc-
coli florets in a microwave safe container. Add 1-2 tbsp water.
Cover with a lid or wet paper towel and microwave for 2 mins.
Cook until broccoli is tender but still crunchy. Set aside.
1 lb beef (sirloin, skirt steak, boneless short
Heat a wok over medium heat w/ 1 ½ tbsp ghee. When hot,
1-2 heads broccoli, break into florets
lower the heat to medium, add garlic and ginger. Season w/ a
L garlic Icloves,
2 OREM PSUM minced small pinch of salt & stir-fry until fragrant (about 10 secs).

2 thin
1. sliced
Lorem ginger,
ipsum finely
dolor sit chopped
amet .

2. Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod Turn up the heat to medium-high, add marinated beef. Spread
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna beef evenly over the bottom of the saute pan and cook until
Beef marinade:
aliqua. the edge of the beef is slightly darkened and crispy. Do the
2 tbsp coconut aminos same thing for flip slide - about ¾ way cooked through with
3. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis exercitation slightly darkened and crispy surface.
½  tsp coarse
ullamco sea salt
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo
consequat. .
1 tbsp sesame oil
4. Duis autepepper
irure dolor in in voluptate velit esse Add “Sauce Combo”. Stir-fry about 1 min. Add broccoli. Stir-
¼  tsp black
fry for another 30 secs. Toss everything to combine.
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
1 tsp arrowroot/sweet potato powder
Sauce combo:
2 tbsp coconut aminos
1 tbsp red boat fish sauce
2 tsp sesame oil

        

Crispy Baked
Potato Skins

Copyright ©
Crispy Baked Potato Skins Preheat oven to 420 F. Wash and scrub the potatoes/yams
and slice them in half from tip to end. Lightly season with salt,
black pepper, and drizzle with olive oil. Bake until the yams/
potatoes are soft (about 30-40 mins total. Rotate the baking
tray at half baking time point for even baking).
4 large size Russet potatoes/Yam/Sweet potatoes
Tender roast pork (see tender pork roast recipe)
Use a slightly pointy small spoon to scoop out the pulp until a
½ tbsp ghee thin layer of potato remains. Place skin side down at 420F for
L OREM I PSUM 10 minutes or until the shells are crispy.
Salt + Black pepper + Olive oil
1. Lorem ipsum
Cilantro/Flat dolor
parsley sit amet
(optional) .

2. Consectetur
Lime adipisicing
juice (optional elit,recommended!)
but highly sed do eiusmod Mash the potato/yam with ghee, chopped pork, cilantro, red
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna chili peppers, and salt and pepper to taste.  Place the shells on
aliqua. a serving platter and top with mashed potatoes and pork and
drizzle with lime juice.
3. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo
4. Duis aute irure dolor in in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

        

Grilled Pork

Copyright ©
Caramelized Grilled Pork Slice the pork into thin pieces, about ¼ inch thick bite-sized
pieces. Soak the bamboo skewers in room temperature water

Skewers 2-3 hours before grilling.

Combine all ingredients listed under “Pork marinade”. Pour it

I NGREDIENTS : over sliced pork and make sure the marinate is coated evenly.
Store in an airtight container in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
1 lb pork tenderloin, slice into ¼ inch thick bite- Best overnight for maximum flavor.
sized pieces
L ½ tbspI PSUM
1 OREM coconut oil for grilling
Day of Grilling:
1. 15 bamboo
Lorem skewers
ipsum dolor (4 inch length)
sit amet
Slightly drip off of the marinate before threading. Thread the
. Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
2. pork onto the skewers kabob-style.

Porktempor incididunt
marinade: ut labore
(Marinade for atetleast
dolore magna
2 hrs. Best Try to pack the meat tight and scrunch up together.This will
overnight) help the meat stay tender as opposed to flat pieces that are dry
3. and tough after grilling.
1 ¼Ut enim
cup ad minim
cilantro, veniam, quis exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo Heat a griddle pan with 2 tbsp coconut oil. When hot, grill the
4 garlic cloves, crushed
consequat. pork skewers about 2-3 mins. per side until they are slightly
1 ½Duis
4. tsp white pepper
aute irure powder
dolor in in voluptate velit esse charred on the outside and cooked through on the inside.
Brush the marinade over the pork occasionally when it’s on
6 tbsp dolore
coconut eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
the grill.
2 tbsp fish sauce (Whole30 compliant)
Enjoy while it’s hot & watch them gone quickly than you think
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil !!

Half fresh lime juice

1 tsp red chili pepper powder

        

Pork Hash
Sprouts &
Sweet Potato

Copyright ©
Caramelized Pork Hash w/ Slice the cooked grilled pork into bite sizes. Heat 1tbsp coco-
nut oil over medium-high heat in a sauté pan. When hot add

Brussels Sprouts & Sweet pork and sweet potato and sauté until the sweet potato is
cooked through.
Potato .

I NGREDIENTS : Add shallots, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and brussels sprouts.

Season with a small pinch of salt & black pepper. Keep stir-
For the Caramelized Grilled Pork recipe - pls see 1 frying for an additional 2 minutes.
. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Serve hot and enjoy!
2. Ingredients:
Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
½ cup incididunt
sliced ut labore et dolore magna
brussels sprouts
¼ cup shredded carrots
3. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis exercitation
½ cup diced sweet potato
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo
1-2 consequat.
tbsp diced shallots
4. Duis
4 mini aute irure
cherry dolor(optional)
tomatoes in in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Sea salt & black pepper to taste
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp red chili pepper powder

        

Coconut Milk

Copyright ©
Coconut Milk Creamed Saute mushrooms: Heat 1 tbsp ghee in a large saute pan.
When hot, lower the heat to medium. Add half amount of

Spinach chopped garlic, season with a small pinch of salt. Saute until
fragrant. Add quartered mushrooms. Season w/ another
pinch of salt. Keep sauteing until the mushrooms turn slightly
I NGREDIENTS : softer. Add 1 tbsp stock to help stir-frying. Set aside. If there’s
any liquid left in the saute pan, dump the water.
6 cups spinach, washed & roughly chopped
0.75 oz. baby bella mushrooms, quartered
2 OREM I PSUMcloves, minced
large garlic Saute spinach: Heat 1 ½ to 2 tbsp ghee in a large saute pan.
When hot, lower the heat to medium. Add the other half
1. Lorem
⅔ cup ipsum
coconut dolor(use
cream sit amet
½ cup for less coconut amount of chopped garlic, season with a small pinch of salt.
2. Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod Saute until fragrant. Add spinach. Keep sauteing until the spin-
tempor incididunt ut labore ach turns slightly wilted but not mushy. Season w/ another
1 tbsp chicken or vegetable stocket dolore magna
pinch of salt. Set aside. Discard the liquid in the saute pan.
Olive oil, ghee, salt, black pepper
3. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo Warm up sauce: In a medium size saucepan, uncovered, gen-
consequat. tly warm up ⅔ cup coconut cream w/ 1 tbsp ghee. Stir occa-
sionally until thickened. Season w/ salt and pepper to taste.
4. Duis aute irure dolor in in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. .

Combine mushrooms + spinach. Pour the sauce over. Give it a

gentle toss. Optional - serve with toasted almond slices or
lemon zest if desired.

        

Taco Meat
Sauce Meal
Prep Bowls

Copyright ©
Chinese-inspired taco meat Ground meat: Melt 1 tbsp ghee in a large saute pan. When
hot, add ingredients under “aromatics”. Season w/ a small

sauce meal prep bowls pinch of salt. Saute until fragrant (about 10 secs.) Add
ground meat and use a wooden spoon to further break up
.the meat into finger pieces. Season w/ 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 ½

I NGREDIENTS : tsp tomato paste, and a small pinch of salt. Cook until the
meat is no longer pink. Add ingredients under “sauce”.
½ lb ground pork + ½ lb ground chicken or turkey Lower the heat to medium-low. Cover with a lid.
2-3 Italian eggplants, diced to larger bite size cubes
Ghee .
Broccoli florets, cherry tomatoes, cauliflower rice, as
much as you like Eggplants: In the meantime, heat 1 ½ tbsp ghee in a separate
. large saute pan. When hot, add diced eggplants. Cook until
Aromatics: the eggplants become soft and withered but not mushy
2 large garlic cloves, minced (about 6-9 mins.).
1 large shallot, minced
1 ½ tbsp ginger, chopped finely .
3 bulbs scallions (separate white & green parts), chopped
½ tsp chili pepper flakes (optional) Combine: Add cooked eggplants to the meat sauce. Give a
few quick toss. Garnish with green parts of scallions.
Meat Seasonings:
1 tsp sesame oil
1 ½ tsp tomato paste .
Sauce: To make meal prep bowls: Once the meat sauce is cool to
3 tbsp coconut aminos room temperature, add cauliflower rice, meat sauce, broccoli
1 tbsp sesame oil florets, and chopped cherry tomatoes. Seal the containers and
1 ½ tbsp Red Boat fish sauce store in the fridge for up to 4 days.
1 ½ tbsp aged balsamic vinegar
8 tbsp chicken or vegetable stock
½ tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp grated ginger
        

Thai Grilled
Beef Salad

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Thai grilled beef salad Season the steak with salt & black pepper to taste. Heat 1tsp
ghee in a grill pan over high heat, when hot, grill the steak for
about 2-3 minutes per side or until your desired doneness. Set
the steak aside to rest and cover with aluminum foil.

¾ lb sirloin steak Mix all ingredients listed under “dressing” together with the
2 small seedless cucumber, sliced exception of lime juice.

shallot,I PSUM
sliced thinly .
Handful ofipsum
fresh cilantro, Heat a small saucepan over medium-high heat, when hot, add
1. Lorem dolor sitroughly
amet chopped
dressing from the previous step. Use a wooden spoon to gen-
2. of mixed
Consectetur greens elit, sed do eiusmod
adipisicing tly stir the dressing. Once it’s warmed, stir-in 2 tbsp of lime
Sea tempor
salt andincididunt ut labore
black pepper et dolore magna
to taste juice. Turn off the heat. Pour it into a bowl and set aside.
1 tsp ghee .
3. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis exercitation
. Mix chopped cucumber, cilantro, thinly sliced shallot, and
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo mixed greens in a large salad tray. Thin slice the beef against
consequat. the grain.
3 small
4. Duisgarlic cloves,
aute irure crushed
dolor in in voluptate velit esse .
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
1 red chili pepper, seeded and chopped finely
Pour the dressing over the beef & greens. Toss to combine.
2 tbsp coconut aminos Wait for 1-2 mins. and taste again to see if 1 more tbsp of lime
juice is needed. Serve warm and immediately.
1 tbsp fish sauce (Whole30 compliant)
2 tsp red chili pepper sauce (Whole30 compliant)
2-3 tbsp fresh lime juice (Use 2 tbsp first)

        


Copyright ©
Savory Breakfast Meatballs Preheat oven to 400/420 F. Peel the skin of sweet potato. Dice
it to smaller chunks. Add a bit water to a microwave safe con-
tainer. Nuke them until they are soft and mash. (Note: add a
bit water to mash the sweet potato if it’s too dry).
1 ¾ lbs mixed ground pork & ground chicken
breast Slightly crisp up bacon strips. Chop them into smaller pieces.
Mix ground pork/chicken with 3 ½ tbsp chopped fresh herbs,
1 small garnet sweet potato (about 8 oz.)
sweet potato mash, bacon pieces, and chopped mushrooms.
L bacon
OREM strips, no sugar added
1. 3 ½ipsum
Lorem tbsp finely
sit amet fresh herbs
Line a non-stick aluminum foil over a large/flat sheet pan and
(rosemary, sage, oregano)
2. Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod make about 22 meatballs (small golf size balls). Bake until
2 tsp sea salt
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna they are golden brown and cooked through. Baking time
about - 1st side: 16 mins. Flip side: 10 mins. To give the meat-
1 tspaliqua.
ground black pepper
balls a golden brown color, turn oven to High broil for an addi-
2.5 Ut enim ad minim
oz mushrooms, veniam, quis exercitation
chopped tional 2 minutes.
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo
consequat. .

4. Duis aute irure dolor in in voluptate velit esse To freeze: Once the meatballs are cool, put them in ziplock
bag and store in the freezer. Reheat in the microwave in the
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
morning for a quick and savory delicious breakfast !

        

Yam Chowder

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Cauliflower Yam Chowder Heat 1 ½ tsp ghee over a medium/large soup pot. When hot,
lower the heat to medium, add chopped onion and garlic. Sea-
son with a small pinch of salt. Saute until fragrant and the on-
ions turn slightly translucent.
2 cups sweet potatoes, peeled and diced to 1-inch
small cubes Add diced yam, cauliflower, ¼ tsp turmeric powder, and ¼
tsp black pepper. Keep sauteing for another 3-4 mins. Season
(sweet potatoes w/ white color flesh inside. Alt. 2
with a tab more salt. Add chicken stock. Cover and bring the
½ cups Russet potatoes)
L OREM I PSUM soup to boil then lower the heat to medium low and simmer
1 ½ cups cauliflower, roughly chopped for about 10-15 mins or until the yam turns very soft. Taste
1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet and see if more salt or pepper is needed.
Half of 1 whole yellow onion, chopped
2. Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
2 small garlic,
tempor cloves, finely
incididunt chopped
ut labore et dolore magna
aliqua. Add 1 cup full-fat coconut milk. Blend/puree the soup until
2 cups chicken stock/broth (low sodium)
creamy and smooth.
3. Utfull
1 cup enimfatad minimmilk
coconut veniam,
fromquis exercitation
a can
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo
¼ tsp turmeric powder
¼ tsp
4. ground
Duis blackdolor
aute irure pepper
in in voluptate velit esse
Sea cillum
salt to dolore
taste eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
1 ½ tsp ghee

        

Grilled Salmon

Copyright ©
4 tbsp olive oil
Half one whole lemon juice
5 x 6 oz. atlantic salmon fillets, skin on or off
¼ tsp cumin powder
1 cup fresh pineapple juice
½ tsp fine sea salt
1 garlic clove, grated
¼ tsp black pepper
½ tbsp ginger, grated
L Salmon:
Half one Iwhole
OREM PSUMlime juice
Add pineapple, lime, garlic, ginger, red chili, and salt to a sauce-
1. Lorem
1 tbsp ipsum
red fresno dolor
chili sit amet
pepper, seeds removed, finely
pan. Bring it to boil. Thicken w/ 1 tsp arrowroot powder. Stir until
2. Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod no lumps. Set aside to cool. Cover the fish fillets with the sauce.
½ tsp fine sea salt Place the fillets skin side down and marinate overnight.
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
1 tspaliqua.
arrowroot or sweet potato powder Spray cooking spray over parchment paper in a large baking sheet
pan. Place fish fillets over (skin side down). Brush remaining mari-
3. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis exercitation
Tabbouleh: nade from the dish. Position top oven rack about 5 inch below the
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo
2 cups cauliflower rice heat source & boil for 6 mins total on high. Rotate the baking
consequat. sheet pan at halfway baking time point to ensure even baking. Af-
2 small persian cucumbers, diced ter 6 mins, brush on more sauce and boil for 2 additional mins or
4. Duis aute irure dolor in in voluptate velit esse until the fish is caramelized.
1 cup cherry tomatoes, diced
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
1 large bundle flat parsley, finely chopped
Process the cauliflower in a food processor until it reaches roughly
¼ cup mint leaves, chopped
the size of rice grains. Microwave on high for 2 mins a microwave
⅓ cup scallions, finely diced safe container. Once it’s cooled, gently squeeze out the water using
a cheese cloth or hand. Chop cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley, mint,
1 small shallot, finely chopped scallions, and shallots. Mix well the dressing & combine every-
thing together.

        

Paleo Sweet
and Sour

Copyright ©
Paleo Sweet and Sour Sweet & sour sauce:

1/3 cup pineapple juice (not in heavy syrup)

Chicken ¼ cup dry apricots, chop to small bite sizes (alt. dry figs or
prunes, pitted)
2 tbsp coconut aminos
1 ¼ lbs chicken breasts
1 ½ tbsp rice vinegar (alt. 2/3 tbsp apple cider vinegar)
Coconut oil or ghee
½ tbsp tomato paste
Half Green
L OREM bell pepper, cubed to bite sizes
I PSUM 1 pinch of sea salt
Half Red bell pepper, cubed to bite sizes
1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet .
2. Consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod In a medium saucepan over low heat, covered w/ a lid & cook
Quarter of one
tempor whole yellow
incididunt onion et dolore magna
ut labore the ingredients under “Sweet & Sour Sauce” until the fruit sof-
tens, about 10 mins. Stir occasionally. Add 3-4 tbsp stock/
1 scallion bulb water to the paste and puree until very smooth & no chunks.
3. slices
2-3 Ut enim ad roughly
ginger, minim veniam,
chopped quis exercitation Thin slice chicken breasts. Mix well w/ “Chicken Marinade”.
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex commodo
Chicken marinate: Heat 3 tbsp coconut oil or ghee over medium-high heat in a
large non-stick frying skillet. When hot, lower the heat to
1 ¼ tsp coarse sea salt
4. Duis aute irure dolor in in voluptate velit esse medium-high. Carefully layer the chicken in the skillet & pan-
1 ½ tbsp coconut aminos fry until golden brown. Set aside to drain.
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
¼  tsp white pepper Heat ½ tbsp coconut oil or ghee, when hot, lower the heat to
medium. Add “aromatics”. Season w/ a small pinch of salt.
½ tsp ginger powder Stir-fry for 5-10 secs. Add diced  bell peppers. Season w/ an-
other small pinch of salt & stir-fry for 5-10 secs. Add chicken
1 egg white back to the skillet. Add 3 to 4 heaping tbsps of sweet & sour
1 tbsp sesame oil sauce. Keep stir-frying until the chicken is completely cooked
2 tsp arrowroot powder

        


Copyright ©
Chinese Chicken Dressing: (can be easily doubled)
3 tbsp rice vinegar (or 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar)

Cabbage Salad 2 tbsp toasted sesame oil

2 tbsp coconut aminos
1 tsp grated ginger


Chicken seasonings: Season the chicken thighs w/ salt, garlic, onion, sweet paprika
powder on both sides. Pan fry with 1 tbsp ghee until both sides
1 ¾ lbs chicken thighs (boneless, skinless) alt. are golden brown & cooked through. Lightly covered w/
Chicken breasts aluminum foil & set aside.

Salt, Garlic, Onion, Sweet paprika powder, lightly .

sprinkle over both sides Saute“aromatics” w/ 1 tbsp ghee. Season w/ a small pinch of
Salad: salt. Stir-fry until fragrant (about 10 secs.). Add thin sliced
savoy cabbage & julienned carrots. Lightly toss them a few
8 cups, savoy cabbage, cored and thinly sliced alt. times until the vegetables turn slightly softer yet still crisp.
Nappa cabbage Season w/ a pinch of salt. Set aside to cool.
2 ½ cups carrots, julienned
Small handful, red cabbage, cored & thinly sliced Prepare dressing. Taste and see if more vinegar is needed.
Combine sauteed veggies w/ thin sliced red cabbage, chopped
Sugar snap peas or snow peas, roughly chopped & sugar snap peas, almond slices, and sliced chicken. Pour
almond slices, as much as you like dressing over. Give a quick toss and serve.
1 large garlic clove, minced
2 thin slices ginger, finely chopped
2 bulbs scallions, chopped. Separate white & green
¼ tsp red pepper flakes, optional
Half piece, star anise (or ⅛ tsp five spice powder)
        

Coconut Milk

Copyright ©
Creamy Coconut Milk Meat- Bend ingredients under “meatball seasonings”in a food proces-
sor until finely chopped and blended well. Preheat oven to

balls 410/420 F. Line a non-stick aluminum foil over a large sheet

pan. Mix ground meat and the seasonings. Form golf ball size
I NGREDIENTS : meatballs (about 20 meatballs). Bake first side 20 mins and
flip side 15 mins or until the meatballs are completely cooked
2 lbs ground chicken (50 % breast, 50% thigh) or turkey or through.
Lime juice .
Cilantro for garnish
Mix ingredients under “sauce”. Slow simmer over medium-
Meatball seasonings: low heat. Keep stirring the sauce until everything is combined
¾ cup cilantro & reduced to a thicker sauce (similar to tomato soup texture).
2 small shallots Taste and see if more salt, tomato paste, or red curry paste is
¾ cup diced carrots

¼ cup basil leaves .

½ tbsp ginger
Once the meatballs are cooked through and the sauce is thick-
1 tbsp fish sauce
ened, add the meatballs back to the sauce. Simmer for another
½ tsp salt 3 minutes. Coat the sauce over meatballs. Drizzle w/ lime
½ tsp cumin powder juice and garnish w/ cilantro before serving.
2 tbsp coconut cream
1 can (14oz.) full-fat coconut milk
1 tbsp red curry paste
1 tsp fish sauce
1 tbsp tomato paste (no salt & sugar added)
¼ tsp ground coriander powder
¼ tsp garam masala powder
        


Copyright ©
Hamburger Steak with Dice yellow onion into small chunks. Sauté over medium heat
w/ ghee until golden & soft. Season w/ salt and black pepper.
Whole30 Wocestershire In a large mixing bowl, combine ground beef and pork, sau-
téed onion, egg, almond flour, coconut milk, and nutmeg. Sea-
Sauce son w/ salt and pepper. Mix everything well.


⅔ lb ground beef Take a portion and form into a patty, then throw it from one
⅔ lb ground pork palm of your hand to the other several times as if you are hit-
ting the patty. This will enhance the texture of the patty and
1 yellow onion, minced
hold its shape during cooking. Repeat and make about 6 pat-
1 egg
½ -¾ cup almond flour
4 tbsp full-fat coconut milk .

½ tsp nutmeg Heat a large skillet w/ 1 tbsp ghee. When hot, lower the heat
Salt & pepper to taste to medium. Add the patties to sear the outside, about 2-3
. mins. per side. Reduce the heat to medium-low and continue
to cook until the patties are completely cooked through. You
Worcestershire sauce
can cover w/ a lid leaving a little opening for the steam to es-
½ cup beef stock
cape. This will ensure to cook the patties all the way.
3 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp aged balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp coconut aminos Serve with grilled portobello mushrooms, sliced cucumbers
¼ tsp onion powder and red radish (optional).
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp mustard powder
⅛ tsp black pepper

        

Velvet Cashew
Nut Chicken

Copyright ©
Velvet Cashew Nut Chicken Combine thin sliced chicken breasts w/ ingredients under “To
make chicken tender”. Mix well. Set aside. Bring a pot of wa-
ter to boil. After boiling, lower the temperature to simmering,
add 1 tbsp oil, and add chicken. Stir the water gently to sepa-
I NGREDIENTS : rate the chicken pieces and prevent them from sticking to one
another. After about 1 min, or as soon as the chicken turns
1 ½ lbs chicken breasts, thin sliced white color, drain & set aside.
3 garlic cloves, minced .
1-inch fresh ginger, grated In a large saute pan, heat 1 ½ tbsp ghee over medium-high
1 ½ tbsp Harissa chili paste @entube heat. When hot, saute diced onions, green & red bell peppers
with a pinch of salt and white pepper. When the onions just
1 small yellow onion, diced turn translucent and the peppers are still crunchy. Set them
aside over a large serving bowl.
1 red & 1 green bell peppers, diced (or ¾ pint shishito
peppers) ,
⅓ cup raw cashew Use the same saute pan, heat 1 tbsp ghee over medium-high
heat. When hot, add minced garlic, grated ginger, harissa
Sea salt to taste
paste, and a small pinch of salt. Stir-fry for about 10 secs until
ghee fragrant. Add chicken back to the pan. Stir-fry for an addi-
tional min. Add “stir-fry sauce”. Keep sauteing until the
Stir-fry sauce: chicken is cooked through. Before turning off the heat, add ⅓
2 tbsp coconut aminos cup raw cashew. Toss to combine. Pour the chicken and
cashew over bell peppers & onions. Serve hot.
1 tbsp red boat fish sauce
To make chicken tender:
1 egg white, lightly beaten
½ tsp sea salt
Pinch of white pepper
¾ tbsp arrowroot powder

        

Paleo Chinese
Sparerib Soup
Instant Pot
Slow Cooker

Copyright ©
Paleo Chinese Chicken To make the best broth, fill-in a large pot of water that’s just
enough to cover the raw chicken and pork ribs. Bring the wa-

Sparerib Soup ter to boil then add raw chicken and pork ribs. Cook under
high heat until the water returns to a boil and there is no
blood coming out (about 5-7 mins after the water returns to a
I NGREDIENTS : boil). Turn off the heat. Dump the murky water. Rinse the
6 chicken drumsticks (either skin on or w/o skin) chicken and pork ribs under room temperature water.

1 lb. baby spareribs .

1 3/4 cups celery, diced Add the cleaned chicken and ribs to instant pot/slow cooker
w/ the rest of ingredients. Add enough water or broth to cover
1 3/4 cups carrots, diced
the top of the ingredients.
4 oz. fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced
1 ½ cups lotus root, peeled and diced (optional)
For Instant pot, turn the valve to Sealing position. Press Soup
1 piece (about a thumb-size) fresh ginger
- Adjust to 50 mins.
Sea salt to taste before serving
For Slow cooker, press Slow Cook - (pressure normal) - Adjust
Water or low-sodium store bought chicken broth to 8 to 10 hours.

Once the cook time is finished and if you use instant pot,
please let it come to natural pressure release. The soup might
burst through the valve if use quick release. Season w/ sea salt
to taste before serving.

        

Paleo Party

Copyright ©
Paleo Party Meatballs
I NGREDIENTS : MAKE 25 1- INCH SIZE MEATBALLS Combine all ingredients listed under “meatballs”. Mix well.
Dust a bit coconut flour over a large baking tray. Form 25 1-
Meatballs: inch size meatballs. Refrigerate the meatballs for 10-15 mins.
1 lb ground chicken thigh
1 tsp fine sea salt
Combine 2 tbsp sweet potato flour and 1 tbsp coconut flour.
½ tsp white pepper
Lightly coat each meatball with the flour. Heat ¼ cup oil in a
½ tsp garlic powder dutch oven or large frying pan. When hot, lower the heat and
¼ tsp five spice powder pan fry meatballs in separate batches until they are golden
brown and cooked through. Drain over paper towel. Serve hot
¼ tsp ginger powder with fine sea salt and white pepper or your favorite dipping
3-4 tbsp shallots, finely chopped sauce !
1 1/2 tsp toasted sesame oil
1 tbsp arrowroot flour
2 tbsp coconut flour
Meatball dusting:
2 tbsp sweet potato flour
1 tbsp coconut flour
Coconut flour for dusting the tray
¼ cup coconut or ghee to pan fry the meatballs

        

Chicken Wings

Copyright ©
Crispy Malaysian Chicken Dipping sauce (blend everything together in a food processor/

Wings Half roasted red bell pepper

1 red fresno chili, remove seeds

2 small garlic cloves
1 ½ lbs chicken wings 1-inch fresh ginger
White sesame seeds (optional)
2 tbsp rice vinegar

2-3 tbsp chicken broth

Marinade group A:
½ tsp salt
6 garlic cloves
1 thumb size fresh ginger
1 red fresno chili pepper, remove seeds Pat dry chicken wings. Blend “Marinade Group A” in a food
1 large shallot processor until smooth. Coat Marinade groups A + B evenly
over chicken wings. Marinate overnight.
Half pear

Marinade group B: Preheat oven to 420/430 F. Drip off the marinade (or it won’t
⅓ cup coconut aminos get crispy). Place wings on a baking rack w/ a large sheet pan
underneath. Bake 1st side for 20 mins. Flip and brush with a
2 - 2 ½ tbsp fish sauce
bit more marinate sauce and bake for another 20 mins. Brush
1 tbsp toasted sesame oil a little more sauce. Turn oven to broil for 2-3 additional mins.
½ lime juice to make the skin crispy.
1 tsp white pepper

        

Korean Kalbi -
Grilled Short

Copyright ©
Korean Kalbi - Grilled In a food processor, puree half pear, half kiwi, and half small
onion. Place the ribs in a deep container, meat-side down.

Short Ribs Combine all ingredients listed under “beef marinade”. Make
sure the marinade covers all of the ribs evenly. Marinate over-
I NGREDIENTS : night if not 24 hours.

Beef + Marinade: .
2 lbs beef short ribs
When ready to cook, heat a large skillet over high heat and
1 cup coconut aminos cook both sides of short ribs until outside is browned/charred.
Half pear Make sure to let the marinade drip off the meat before placing
Half kiwi it in the pan. If there is too much marinade in the pan, the
meat will be boiled instead of pan-fried and the meat will be
1/2 small onion
less tasty.
2 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp rice vinegar (W30 compliant) .
6 cloves garlic, crushed Finish cooking the short ribs in the oven (450 -475 F) until
2 tbsp ginger, grated your desired doneness. Reduce the marinade sauce. Bring to a
2 tbsp chopped scallion boil over high heat in a sauce pan. Reduce the sauce until it is
1 tbsp chili pepper (optional) sticky and slightly thick.

. .
To garnish:
Slice the beef and brush on some of the reduced marinade.
Sliced green onions
Garnish with sliced green onions, toasted sesame seeds and a
toasted sesame seeds (optional) drizzle of toasted sesame oil.
1-2 tsp toasted sesame oil

        

Thai Red Curry

Copyright ©
Thai Red Curry Chicken Blend everything under “my curry flavor enhancer” in a food
processor until a fine mixture. Heat 2 tbsp coconut oil over a
saute pan, when hot, add 3 ½  tbsp curry flavor booster. Stir
the ingredients w/ a wooden spoon. Add 2 tsp store-bought
I NGREDIENTS : red curry paste. Keep stir-frying over medium/medium-high
heat until fragrant.
1 ½ lbs chicken breast, slice into thin pieces
2 tbsp coconut oil
Add 1 can full-fat coconut milk. Turn the heat down to me-
14 oz. full fat coconut milk
dium. Cover w/ a lid and let it simmer until slightly thickened.
2 tsp red curry paste Add sliced chicken breasts. Turn the heat up to medium-high.
Cook until the chicken is cooked through.
1 medium size Italian eggplant, cubed
2 tbsp fresh pineapple juice (optional) .

Handful basil Add diced eggplants. Cover with a lid. Cook until the egg-
plants turn softer. Taste and see if more salt or fish sauce is
My curry flavor enhancer: needed. If you like, add 2 tbsp fresh pineapple juice to make
5 garlic cloves the curry slightly sweeter. Add basil to the curry pot, give a
quick stir, and then turn off the heat. Before serving, garnish
½ shallot w/basil (optional) and a bit more lime zest.
1 ½ tbsp sliced ginger
1 cup fresh cilantro
2 red Fresno chili pepper, remove seeds
½ lime zest
½ lime juice
1 tsp sea salt
½ tsp Red boat fish sauce
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

        

Tomato Beef

Copyright ©
Soup seasoning:
Vietnamese Pho-Inspired 6 cups beef broth
Tomato Beef Soup 2 tsp red boat fish sauce

2 tsp rice vinegar

½ tbsp coconut aminos
¾ lb to 1lb beef sirloin (chill in freezer for 20 mins then slice
1 medium tomato, sliced
into paper thin).
1 tbsp coconut oil
Beef marinade (after sliced): Thin slice the beef to paper thin & marinade w/ ingredients
under “beef marinade”. Heat 1 tbsp coconut oil in a medium
2 tsp crushed garlic size soup pot. When hot, lower the heat to medium. Stir-fry
¼ tsp black pepper Aromatics (A) group. Season w/ a small pinch of salt. Saute
until fragrant about 1 ½ mins.
2 tsp fish sauce
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
Aromatics (A): Add ingredients under “Other”. Cover the soup pot. Bring it to
boil then lower the heat and simmer for about 5 mins. Before
2 tsp garlic, crushed serving, bring the soup to boil again. Add thin sliced beef &
3 pieces of thin sliced fresh ginger simmer for about 1 min. Turn off the heat. Add ingredients un-
der “Aromatics (B)”.
2 scallion bulbs, chopped
1 tsp grated ginger
Aromatics (B): Taste & see if ¼ or ½ lime juice is needed. If your prefer
stronger flavor, add another ½ tbsp coconut amino. Garnish
½ lime zest + ½ lemon zest w/ cilantro & green parts of scallion.
Before serving:
Cilantro for garnishing (optional)
¼ to ½ lime juice

        

Style Grilled

Copyright ©
Vietnamese Restaurant- Prep:

Use a food processor and blend ingredients under “Pork mari-

Style Grilled Pork nade” until a fine mixture. Pour the marinade sauce over pre-
sliced pork and marinate overnight in the fridge


Day of grilling:
2 lbs pork shoulder, slice to ¼ inch thick pieces
2 fresh lime, slice into wedges Preheat a grill over medium-high to high heat. When hot, grill
the pork slices for about 3-4 mins. each side. Brush with the
. remainder of the pork marinade sauce on each pieces, then
Pork marinade: grill for 2 more minutes until the meat is cooked through and
slightly charred on the surface.
6 garlic cloves
2 shallots
Serve with lime wedges and eat while they are sizzling hot !
1 ½ tbsp grated ginger
2 tbsp fresh lemon zest
1 tbsp fresh lime zest
2 tbsp coconut aminos
¼ cup Red Boat fish sauce (Whole30 compliant)
3 tbsp fresh pineapple chunks & puree in a food
3 tbsp olive oil
Black pepper to taste


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