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Introduction To Asics: Ni Logic Pvt. LTD., Pune

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Introduction to ASICs

ni logic Pvt. Ltd., Pune

The Wonderful World of Silicon

About every two years, the number of transistors on a CMOS silicon chip doubles
and the clock speed doubles… ..This rate of improvement will continue for the
next 20 years.

• Technology Drivers:
– Decreasing lithographic feature size, typically measured by the transistor gate
0.35 µm … . 0.25 µm … . 0.18 µm 0.15 µm … etc.... 0.050 µm (?)
– Increasing wafer size:
6 inch diameter … .. 8 inch diameter … ..etc… .. 12 inches (?)
– Increasing number of metal interconnect layers:
4 … .. 6 … .. 8 … … 9 (?)

The Wonderful World of Silicon

• With the advent of VLSI in the 1980s engineers began to realize the advantages
of designing an IC that was customized or tailored to a particular system or
application rather than using standard ICs alone.

• This design paradigm shift was due to advancement in semi-conductor

technology to satisfy the increasing complexity and performance needs of the

• Building a microelectronic system with fewer ICs allows you to reduce cost and
improve reliability.


• An Introduction
• ASIC Cell Library
• Types of ASICs and their comparison.
• Applications of ASICs
• ASIC Design Flow and Approach
• ASIC Design Issues and Verification
• Backend Design and Issues
• FPGA to ASIC Conversion
• Packaging Technology
• Current Trend and Conclusion

What are ASICs..?

• ASICs are silicon chips that have been designed for a specific application. Putting
in other words, it is a chip designed to perform a particular operation as opposed to
general purpose integrated circuits:
• An ASIC is NOT software programmable to perform different tasks.
• ICs that are not ASICs are :
Silicon Die
– 74xx series ICs
• ICs which are ASICs:
– Baseband processor in mobile phone
– Chipsets in PCs
– MPEG encoders/ decoders
– DSP functions in hardware, e.g. FFT

What Is In Them..?

• These are made on a thin circular wafer, with each wafer holding hundreds of

• Each wafer consists of many mask layers, built on top of one another.

• Every mask layer corresponds to either a transistor

– (semiconductor ) mask or the interconnect ( metal wires ).
• The logic cells made up of transistors are fabricated on the semiconductor mask
and the metal mask is used for the interconnection between them.


Design Requirements
• Technology-driven:
– Greater Complexity
– Increased Performance
– Higher Density
– Lower Power Dissipation
• Market-driven:
– Shorter Time-to-Market (TTM)
– Cheaper with the competition

ASIC Cell Library

• Everybody has seen PCBs designed with the MSI or SSI discrete
components..? How do they make it..?
• The PCB designer uses TTL, CMOS etc. component library for it.
• The libraries contains standard components with their mechanical, electrical and
other specifications, which are fixed for the specific technology.
• The basic design principles are the same for designing on silicon as for using
standard MSI or SSI parts on a PCB.

ASIC Cell Library
• The cell library is the key part of ASIC design.
• What is a Cell..?
– An electronic functional unit normally defined in terms of its layout on silicon.
• Similar to PCB components, ASIC vendors have libraries build of Core Cells of the
specific technology, viz 0.5 µ, 0.25 µ, or 0.18 µ.
• Each cell in an ASIC cell library must contain the following:
– A physical layout
– A behavioral model
– A Verilog/VHDL model
– A detailed timing model
– A test strategy
– A circuit schematic
– A cell icon
– A wire-load model
– A routing model

A standard cell library includes the primitive cell library, the I/O cell library, RAM/ROM
blocks, and Megacell functional blocks.
• Primitive Cell Library
– Consists of basic primitive gates like, AND, NAND,XOR, Half & Full Adder, decoders,
D F/Fs, Pull ups, Multiplexers, etc.
• I/O Cell Library
– Divided into many groups.
– True 2.5V programmable I/O
– True 3.3V programmable I/O
– 3.3V PCI I/O(66MHz)
• Megacells
– 16-bit & 8-bit Micro Controller, MIPS R3000 compatible RISC, Programmable
Peripheral Interface, Direct Memory Access Controller, etc.

The FS9000A is a 0.25 µm standard cell library from Faraday Inc.,USA 10

Inverter Cell
Symbol Schematic

• Group Name : INV

• Function : Inverter
• Pin Order O I
Truth Table

XOR Gate Cell
• Group Name : XOR2
• Function : Exclusive OR2
Truth Table

Pin Order O I1 I2

D- F/F Cell
• Group name : QDFF Symbol
• Function : D Flip-Flop, Single Output
Truth Table Schematic

Pin Order: Q D CK
Tsu = 0.37 ns
Th = 0.11 ns

Types of ASICs

• ASICs are fabricated on a circular silicon wafer. The fabrication process remains
the same, but the architecture makes ASICs to be divided into types.
• We will categorize the ASIC broadly in four types;
– Full custom ASIC
– Semi custom ASIC
– Gate Array based ASIC
– Programmable ASIC

Full Custom ASIC

• When engineers have a specific application to be designed and they are

bothered about the performance, speed, power and cost, they go for designing
Full Custom ASIC.
• The circuit is partitioned into a collection of sub-circuits according to some
criteria such as functionality. Which are laid out specifically for one chip.
• Every transistor is designed and drawn by hand.
• Typically only way to design analog portions of ASICs.
• Usually used for layout of microprocessors.
• Full-custom design is very time consuming; thus the method is inappropriate for
very large circuits, unless performance is of utmost importance

Full Custom ASIC

Actual 0.35? full-custom layout 16

Semi Custom ASIC

• A semi-custom ASIC, also known as a ‘cell-based’ASIC, uses pre-designed

logic cells (AND gates, OR gates, Multiplexers, Flip-flops etc.) known as
standard cells.
• Simpler than full-custom design.
• Only the placement of the standard cells and the interconnection is done in a
semi-custom ASIC. However, the standard cells can be placed anywhere on the
silicon die.
• Possibly megacells , megafunctions , full-custom blocks , system-level macros(
SLMs ), fixed blocks , cores , or Functional Standard Blocks ( FSBs ). Eg.
Microprocessor, multiplier, etc.

Semi Custom ASIC

• All mask layers are customized - transistors and interconnect

– Automated buffer sizing, placement and routing
• Custom blocks can be embedded
• Manufacturing lead time is about eight weeks.

Gate-Array Based ASICs

• In a gate-array-based ASIC, the transistors are predefined on the silicon wafer.

• The predefined pattern of transistors is called the base array.
• The smallest element that is replicated to make the base array is called the base or
primitive cell.
• The top level interconnect between the transistors is defined by the designer in custom
masks - Masked Gate Array (MGA)
• Design is performed by connecting predesigned and characterized logic cells from a
library (macros).
• After validation, automatic placement and routing are typically used to convert the
macro-based design into a layout on the ASIC using primitive cells.
• Types of MGAs:
– Channeled Gate Array
– Channelless Gate Array
– Structured Gate Array

Gate-Array Based ASICs
• Channeled Gate Array
– Only the interconnect is customized.
– The interconnect uses predefined spaces between rows
of base cells.
– Manufacturing lead time is between two days and two

Channel gate-array die

• Channelless Gate Array

– There are no predefined areas set aside for routing,
routing is over the top of the gate-array devices.
– Achievable logic density is higher than for channeled
gate arrays.
– Manufacturing lead time is between two days and two
Sea-Of-Gates (SOG) array die

Gate-Array Based ASICs
• Structured Gate Array
– Only the interconnect is customized
– Custom blocks (the same for each design) can be
• These can be complete blocks such as a processor or
memory array, or
• An array of different base cells better suited to
implementing a specific function
– Manufacturing lead time is between two days and two Gate array die with embedded block

Programmable ASICs
Programmable Logic Device (PLD) die
• Programmable Logic Devices
– No customized mask layers or logic cells
– Fast design turnaround
– A single large block of programmable interconnect
• Erasable PLD (EPLD)
• Mask-programmed PLD
– A matrix of logic macrocells that usually consist of
programmable array logic followed by a flip-flop or latch.

Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) die

• Field Programmable Gate Array
– None of the mask layers are customized
– A method for programming the basic logic cells and the
– The core is a regular array of programmable basic logic cells
that can implement combinational as well as sequential logic
– A matrix of programmable interconnect surrounds the basic
logic cells.
– Programmable I/O cells surround the core.
– Design turnaround is a few hours.

Comparison of different design styles

Architectural Difference

Full Standard cell Gate array FPGA
Cell size Variable Fixed height Fixed Fixed

Cell type Variable Variable Fixed Programmable

Cell placement Variable In row Fixed Fixed

Interconnections Variable Variable Variable programmable

Comparison of different design styles
Comparison of Area, Performance, and Fabrication layers

Full Standard cell Gate array FPGA

Area compact Compact to moderate large


Performance high High to moderate low


Fabrication layers all all Routing layer none

ASIC Applications

• The application field for ASICs could, in theory, be considered endless. Here are
a few applications :
– Aerospace subsystems and sensors
– Wireless communication systems
– Medical instrumentation
– Telecommunications products
– Consumer electronics, CDs, digital synthesizers, mini-discs
– Computer products, graphics cards, MPEG technology.
– Etc… … .

ASIC Design Flow
Simulation Design Entry

Pre-Layout Logic Synthesis

Simulation Static Timing Analysis

System partitioning and

Simulation Placement and Routing

Physical Verification

Fab proto type and




After going through the design flow, we can categorize it into three major phases;

The ASIC Domains

Design Representation

Behavioral Structural
Algorithms Processors
Register Transfers Registers
Boolean Expressions Gates
Transfer Functions Transistors





Gajski and Kuhn ‘Y’chart

Logical Design, Phase - I
• HDL (Verilog, VHDL)
HDL or – Synthesis from a HDL is the standard
Schematic design entry method today.
– Easier to update.
Test Bench
– Easier to understand module level function.
verification • Schematic entry
– Traditional method. Still quite often used.
Synth. Lib – Good system overview.
– Simple to trace a signal flow.
Constraints Synthesis – What you see is what you get...

Gate netlist Static Timing

Timing Lib.

Test Bench

To next stage 29
Logical Design, Phase - I
HDL or
• Functional Verification
– Functional simulation of the design.
Test Bench – No timings are considered.

Synth. Lib

Constraints Synthesis

Gate netlist Static Timing

Timing Lib.

Test Bench

To next stage 30
Logical Design, Phase - I
HDL or
Schematic • Synthesis
– Process for converting design
Test Bench specifications into gate level netlist.
Functional – Needs synthesis library containing target
verification technology information.
– Driven by the constraints.
Synth. Lib

Constraints Synthesis

Gate netlist Static Timing

Timing Lib.

Test Bench

To next stage 31
Logical Design, Phase - I
HDL or
Schematic • Static Timing Analysis
– Make sure the chip can run at specified
Test Bench frequency.
Functional – Detect and correct race conditions.
verification – Independent of test vectors.
– Helps synthesis into optimizing the logic.
Synth. Lib

Constraints Synthesis

Gate netlist Static Timing

Timing Lib.

Test Bench

To next stage 32
Logical Design, Phase - I
HDL or
Schematic • Pre-Layout Verification
– Verification of design on the specified
Test Bench frequency, including the gate delays.

Synth. Lib

Constraints Synthesis

Gate netlist Static Timing

Timing Lib.

Test Bench

To next stage 33
Physical Design, Phase - II
From previous stage

Floor • Floor Planning

Synth. Lib
Planning – This stage of the design flow
involves arranging the circuit
blocks on the chip.
Physical Lib. – We have a netlist describing
circuit blocks, the logic cells
within the blocks and their
Placement & connections.
Timing Lib.
Routing – What is now required is to
Technology DRC arrange these circuit blocks
intelligently on the silicon die.
Test Bench

Sign Off 34
Physical Design, Phase - II
From previous stage

Floor • Physical Synthesis

Synth. Lib
Planning – Provide backend/physical
information to the RTL
synthesis tool to take care of
Physical Lib. timing coverage problem at
Synthesis the front end.
? More powerful logic re-
Placement & synthesis.
Timing Lib.
Routing ? Need routing engine to
Technology DRC provide accurate backend
? Interconnect delays are longer
Post-Layout than the logical delay.
Test Bench

Sign Off 35
Physical Design, Phase - II
From previous stage

• Placement and Routing

Synth. Lib – Placement decides the exact
Planning location of cells in a circuit
Physical – Follows the floorplanning
Physical Lib. stage.
– Finally connect the cells with
interconnect material.
Timing Lib. Placement &
? DRC(Design Rule Check)
Technology DRC ? Checks for rules against the
placement and routing of the
Libraries logic cells.
Post-Layout ? To avoid interference, cross
Simulation talk.
Test Bench

Sign Off 36
Physical Design, Phase - II
From previous stage

Floor • Post-Layout Simulation

Synth. Lib
Planning – Verifying the design
functionality considering the
interconnect delay also.
Physical Lib. – Check that the design still
works with added load of
Timing Lib. Placement &
Technology DRC
Test Bench

Sign Off 37
Testing, Phase-III
From previous stage

Testing aims at the detection of

Fault Sim Lib.
physical faults (production
errors/defects and physical
• ATPG(automated test pattern
Tester Lib. Tester Interface

Technology Libraries

Ship for ASIC

Semiconductor Manufacturing Process

• Silicon Wafers – The Chip's Foundation

– Silicon wafers are preferred in today’s chips because silicon is a natural
semiconductor; it can conduct electricity or be converted to an insulator which
prevents conduction.
– Inexpensive and abundant; wafers are made of highly purified sand which has been
refined to produce 99.9999% pure silicon.
• Semiconductor Fabrication-- Wafer Processing
– Semiconductor manufacturers produce many kinds of ICs or chips. DRAMS,
microprocessors, ASICs, and more. The precise process followed to make a chip
varies according to the chip type and manufacturing company. However all wafer
processing involves six basic steps:

Silicon Wafer Processing

3-8 are the six basic steps involved in wafer processing.

Top-Down Approach

• In Top-Down design approach, the system is defined in ever-increasing levels of

detail. Presumably, one then has everything defined completely before actually
specifying a single gate.
• Usually possible when you start by having a very clear idea of the problem and
how to solve it, which is better in most cases.
• Well suited for purely digital designs with relatively short turn-around times and
moderate area performance requirements.
• Layout, place and route, differs between ASICs and FPGAs

Bottom-Up Approach
• Starts by defining the “low-level”design then moves up towards a more complex
design using those that are already defined.
• Better suited for the design of very dense, high-performance digital blocks as
well as analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits.
• Flexible at low level design issues (transistor size and parasitics optimization)


Biggest Difference - Designers mindset, because

• Waste is allowed.
• Cost per Gate is very Low in FPGA.
• No penalty for errors in FPGA Design.
• The experimental FPGA design mindset.
• Unsure about something? Try it and see what happens.
Is dead wrong for designing ASICs.
• FPGA will always have extra resources then required.

Why Of FPGA?

• Why to choose an FPGA for the application?

Why Of FPGA?

• Why to choose an FPGA for the application ?

ASIC Designers spend less and less time

in the "window of innovation" (authoring,
creating, and determining optimal feature sets)
and too much time in the simulation and
verification stages of the design cycle.
In fact, studies show that only 20% of the
typical ASIC design process is spent in the
innovation stage.

Basic differences in FPGA and ASIC Design strategies.

• FPGA have low-skew global networks for Clock and Reset.

These have to created by the ASIC designer.
• There is a huge cost to making an error in an ASIC in terms of foundry charges
and lead-time. This requires a careful, cautious, and conservative design
approach with extensive testing.
• ASIC will have only the resources demanded by the design thus it will be
smaller, use less power and operate at higher speed.
• High NRE ( non recurring engineering ) Costs.
• Test program development cost
– Is the cost for generating test vectors & test programs for production testing.

FPGA vs ASIC Design Cycle

ASIC vs FPGA Design

ASIC Design $M per re-spin!!

Logic Logic ASIC Physical Fab Logic ASIC Physical Fab
Design Verif. Synthesis Design Chip Verif. Synthesis Design Chip

Waiting for
Software Dev. Hardware SW Debug
FPGA Design Verification

Logic Logic FPGA Physical Fab

Design Verif. Synthesis Design Chip System
Verification with
RTL Prototype
fewer iterations

Software Dev. and Debug

Software Complexity

• ASIC designers are logic designers

– Risk- averse and methodical
– Spend lot of time verifying.
– Don’t want to spend time in physical design.
– Separate engineers for physical design.

• FPGA designers
– Would rather debug on the bench.
– Realize must spend time in physical design.
– Expect physical design to be “hands- off”.

When to choose what? ASIC or FPGA

• Highly application dependent. What kind of algorithm are you trying to

– ASICs are used for specific application.
– FPGAs are used for custom applications.

• Performance. High data rates?

– ASIC have highest performance.
– FPGAs can outperform in many applications.

• Flexibility, can the function of the device easily be altered?

– FPGAs can be reconfigured.
– Function in an ASIC is fixed.

When to choose what? ASIC or FPGA

• Is power consumption an issue?

– ASICs have the lowest power consumption. Silicon is tailored for the specific

• Time to market
– FPGAs, short.
– ASICs, very long.

• Volume, cost
– ASICs have high initial costs. Best choice for high volume designs makes them
cheaper at the end.
– FPGAs are most expensive, but low initial cost.

ASIC Design Issues & Verification

• Factors to consider before design

– Performance
– Functionality
– Design techniques
– Physical dimensions
– Fabrication technology
• Specifications
– Area
– Speed
– Power

What is RTL?

• RTL description: A design description in which the system is specified by:

– Combinational logic blocks
– Sequential Elements
• RTL description incorporates:
– Specific architecture
– A Clocking scheme
• An RTL design can be partitioned into two parts:
– Data path design
– Controller design.

RTL Designs

Pipelining [ pre-computation ]
• Pre-compute the output logic value one cycle before they are required and use
this pre-computed value to reduce circuit switching in succeeding cycle.

• For a huge combinational Logic embedded within register, stages create large
delays, thus effecting speed.
– Solution is Split the combinatorial blocks and balance them using registers .

The Role of Synthesis

• What is logic synthesis?

– It is the process of mapping a design specification into a detailed logic design based
on a given library technology.
• Why logic synthesis?
– Engineering Time
– Improve Design Quality
– Design Trade- Offs
• How logic synthesis is performed?
– Transformation
– Optimization
– Technology Mapping

Clocking Strategy

• A lot of things must be considered when choosing clocking strategy:

– Nature of the design
– Power consumption
– Chip area
– Performance
– Tool limitations
– Design simplicity
– Block reuse
– Electromagnetic interference (EMI)
• Therefore, clocking strategy must be considered early in the project,

Clocking Methods

• Single phase clocking

– "Industry Standard" method.
– Well supported by synthesis and timing tools.
– Clock skew is critical, requires clock tree synthesis.

• Two phase clocking

– Clock skew not critical.
– Lower peak power, reduced EMI.
– Lower power consumption. (Not always true!)

• Multi phase clocking

– May be needed in special cases (e.g. CCD control).

Low Power Design

• Total power consumption in an ASIC is given as

• PTotal = PSW + PINT +PLEAK
• PSW - Switching Power is 70%-90% in active circuits, also referred to as
Capacitive Power. ( dynamic dissipation)
• PINT - Internal Power is 10-30% in active circuits.
It is due to Short circuit power and any power consumed internal to gates (
dynamic dissipation )
• PLEAK - Leakage Power(<<1 % in active circuits)
Sub-threshold leakage, some due to substrate leakage (static dissipation )

Power Optimization - Themes

• Power optimization can be done at

– System level
• Operate the circuit at lower supply voltage.
• Operate the circuit at lower Frequency
e.g. Laptop.

– RTL level
• Gated Clocks P = FCV2
– Gate level
• Buffer Insertion [ To increase fanout ]
• Pin Swapping

RTL Level Tradeoff’s

Using gated clocks

• Pros
– Reduces capacitance on the clock network
– Reduces internal power in the affected registers
– Reduces need for muxes.
– Large opportunity for power reduction exists as no. of registers in a design is large.
• Cons:
– Testability
– Complicates Clock skew balancing and Clock tree Synthesis.

Design Verification

• Is the design consistent with the original specification?

• Design is verified at different stages during the flow.
• Software Simulation
– Application of simulation stimulus to model of circuit
• Hardware Accelerated Simulation
– Use of special purpose hardware to accelerate simulation of circuit
• Emulation
– Emulate actual circuit behavior - e.g. using FPGA’s
• Rapid prototyping
– Create a prototype of actual hardware
• Formal verification
– Model checking - verify properties relative to model
– Theorem proving - prove theorems regarding properties of a model

Test Requirements

• A number of things have to be considered when selecting the test methods:

– Engineering time.
– Fault coverage.
– Tester limitations.
– Manufacturer requirements.
– Impact on chip area and timing.
– Portability.
– Compatibility with design styles.

Test Generation

• Purpose:
– To create stimuli patterns for production test.

• Automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) :

– The creation of signals by computer-run algorithm for use with an integrated circuit tester.
– ATPG signal sets (often called test vector sets) are commonly developed in conjunction with a
specific Design- for-test technique, such as Scan design.

• Approaches:
– Functional test vectors.
– Scan chains.
– BuiIt In Self Test (BIST).
– "Nonfunctional" tests.
Note this step is done by the FPGA Vendor when he ships the FPGA, The designer has to do

Status of Design Verification

• Software Simulation
– Too slow
– Moving to higher levels is helping – but not enough
• Hardware Accelerated Simulation
– Too expensive
• Emulation
– Even more expensive
• Rapid prototyping
– Too ad hoc
• Formal verification
– Not robust enough
• Intelligent Software Simulation
– Symbolic simulation – not robust enough
– Coverage metrics – useful, but not useful enough
– Automatic vector generation – not robust enough

Frontend Design

• Starts from the system level with a top-down synthesis approach, which is
technology independent (i.e., at this level, it is “irrelevant” whether the design
will be implemented in CMOS or bipolar technology).
• The design is then transformed into the circuit level, in which the logic
functionality, timing delays, speed and power, etc., are the primary
concerns. This level is technology dependent but relatively process
• If more detailed study on the transistor performance is needed, it can be
supplemented at the device level based on the device physics which, in general,
requires process information.

Backend Design

• At the backend, the final design must be translated into the physical layout
representation, which is to be used to implement in wafer fabrication.
• In the “conventional” hierarchy, technology development (manufacturing) is
relatively independent of the design.
• The “feedback”only occurs at the circuit level where the fab provides the circuit
designer a set of SPICE parameters for the particular process through electrical
measurement and parameter extraction of the fabricated transistors.
• I.e., Backend designing is not only technology dependent but also process

ASIC & FPGA Backend

• Logical designing for both remains the same up to the synthesis level, but the
approach changes after the design is proceeded for the further stages.
• For an ASIC, there is a team for backend design, they prepare library, and
convert the netlist , floor plan with front end designers, place the cells , design
clock tree, routes the blocks ,estimates power consumption, etc.
• In FPGA design, the same team can lead for the backend process, as because
the fabricated FPGA has less overheads than the ASIC.


• This stage of the design flow involves arranging the circuit blocks on the chip,
• The goals of Floorplanning are:
– To arrange the circuit blocks on the chip.
– To decide the location of the I/O pads
– To decide the location and number of power pads (already done on an FPGA)
– To decide the location of clock distribution nets.
– To minimize the chip area.


• In FPGAs
– Placement problem is very similar to ASICs
• Fewer movable objects
• 10M FPGA ~ 300,000 movable elements
– Estimating delays during placement
• Easier than ASICs
• Finite set of routing resources
• In ASICs
– Each block is movable.
– Guarantee the router, for completing the routing step.
– Better timings are achieved.

Delay Estimation In Placement

– Fixed set of most likely routes
– Pre- computed delays for routes
– Architecture makes delay predictable

– RC tree analysis for proposed route
– Computationally expensive
– Very little pre- computation


• Interconnects placed instances

• Objective - minimize wire length and wire congestion within given constraints
• Use of channel-routing, over-the-cell routing, and routing layers
• Provides the most accurate delay data
• Routing Stages
– Global routing - identifies general path for each net relative to other nets
– Detailed routing - implements specific paths based on the general paths obtained
from global routing


• For ASICs
– Routing algorithms works according to the placement reports.
– All interconnections are fixed.
– Special nets are build for interconnecting the logic cells.
– More tedious.
• For FPGAs
– Routing algorithms are fixed, as the placement of the CLBs is predefined and fixed.
– Interconnection is flexible.
– Depends on the architecture.
• Conductor segments are nodes
• Programmable point are arcs
• Architecture represented as a
routing connectivity graph.

Engineering Change Orders (ECOs)

• Minor incremental changes in a design that make only changes to deal with a
specific problem.
• Affect only small part of netlist.
• Applications:
– Problem fixes late in the design process.
– Changes in versions after chip deployed.
• Examples:
– Timing failure - add or delete logic to solve.
– Design rule violation - change to faster drivers.

State-of-the-Art : Failures

Failures %
Logical 55
Slow Path 13
Clocking 10
Power 6
Race Condition 4

Yield 4
Misc 3
IR drops 2
Mixed signal interface 1

With increasing competition it is better to SUICIDE than to

commit mistake 74
A Designer’s Life
module counter (q1, q2, q3, q4, clk, d1, d2, d3, d4);

input clk, d1, d2, d3, d4;

output q1, q2, q3, q4;
wire s1, s2, s3,s4;
always @posedge(clk)
q1 = d1 * d2 + d3;
q2 = d2 ^ d3 * d4;
q3 = d3 + d1 * d3;
q4 = d4 * d1 ^ d3;
if (d1 == '1b1)
then q1 = '1b0
else q1 = '1b1;


15% Design Specification

8% Beh / RTL Description

15% Functional Verification

7% Synthesis

15% Place & Route

20% Timing Validation Post-Placement

20% System Verification


Why this Slide..?

FPGA Prototyping

• Need for FPGA to ASIC Requirement comes from the fact that FPGA is an
excellent prototyping platform.
• Most of the time is consumed in verification and testing for ASICs.
• But once the Design is finalized, then all the advantages of FPGA become a
• E.g. requirement of configuration at power up and configuration memory.

FPGA to ASIC Conversion

List of Conversion Requirements.

• Netlists
– Gate netlist, Simulation results
• Architectural/Design Information
– A list of clocks and clock frequencies.
– Gate-count estimate
– No. of I/Os with drive strength, tristate, latched.[ all I/O’s in ASIC do not have the same
– ASIC technology cell library
• Physical specifications
– Temperature grade
– Pin list and locations. This includes power, ground, configuration, and unused pins.
– Type of package(decided by the amount of pins, eg. BGA, PBGA)
• Others
– Critical timing paths, RAM, FIFO’s and other special logic modules.

Packaging Technology

• Today’s products can feature more than 10 million gate count. Having such
greater number of functions on a die of silicon, manufacturers & users faces new
and increasingly challenging electrical interconnect issues.
• At the same time, electronic equipment designers are shrinking their products,
increasing complexity, and setting higher expectations for performance. To meet
these demands, package technology must deliver higher lead counts, reduced
pitch, reduced footprint area, and significant overall volume reduction.
• While packaging cannot add to the theoretical performance of the device design,
it can have adverse effects if not optimized.

Package Family

• Actually, two mainstreams can be seen in packaging trend, which is going

towards high performance, high pin count and the other in direction of small
dimension packages to reduce the form factor of the device.
• New package types keep on adding to the family, few of the standard types are:
– Ball Grid Array (BGA)
• Has solder balls at the bottom of the device for lead connection.
• High density
– Chip Size Package (CSP)
• Package with a small outline and high density.
– Quad Flat Pack (QFP)
• Cheap solution for low pin count.

Package Family

Packaging Map

State-of-the-Art : Technology

% Designs
.5u .35u .25u .18u .15u .13u

Current Trends

• SOC(System On Chip)
– ASICs & FPGAs are rapidly evolving to SOCs.
• IP(Intellectual Property)
– Fueling the SOC paradigm.
• Design Planning
– Merging Logical/ Physical/ Timing.
• VDSM(Very Deep Sub Micron)
– Designs moving towards nanometer technology.
– Interconnect delays are dominating gate delays.
• Power Analysis & Optimization.
– With the extensive growth in gate count the power consumption is also increased.
– Separate tools and engineers for power analysis of the chips.


• ASIC is a great solution for mass production and high-tech products. But, it
requires non-significant investment in terms of cost, time, and human resources.

• If the complexity of the microelectronics technology will continue to grow, the

migration towards higher abstraction level will continue.

• Technology is changing rapidly. It took 21 years to get to a 1Ghz processor,

after it took 1 year to get to a 2Ghz processor, soon 3 Ghz processors would be


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