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Asic Prototyping Aldec

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HES-7 ASIC Prototyping

Rev. 1.9
September 14, 2012

Co-authored by:
Slawek Grabowski and Zibi Zalewski, Aldec, Inc.
Kirk Saban, Xilinx, Inc.

This paper highlights possibilities of ASIC verification
using FPGA-based prototyping, considering the latest
Virtex®-7 devices and Aldec HES-7 dual Virtex-7 2000T
FPGA ASIC prototyping board. In addition, the most
common partitioning issues and resolutions are
Aldec White Paper HES-7 ASIC Prototyping

Table of Contents
HES-7 ASIC Prototyping ................................................................................................................................. 1
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 2
New opportunities for ASIC prototyping ................................................................................................... 3
Partitioning ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Balancing FPGA resources while creating design partitions .................................................................. 4
Placing and routing partitions on FPGA board ...................................................................................... 5
Meeting required timing........................................................................................................................ 5
Debugging of prototyped design ............................................................................................................... 6
Xilinx design example ................................................................................................................................ 7
Stacked silicon interconnect .................................................................................................................. 7
Breaking through ................................................................................................................................... 8
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Aldec HES-7 ASIC prototyping board – key features ................................................................................. 9
About Aldec, Inc. ..................................................................................................................................... 10

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New opportunities for ASIC prototyping

In the current verification world no one doubts that ASIC prototyping is beneficial to the ASIC delivery
process, and the most common way to do that is through the usage of constantly-improving FPGA
technology. This does not mean it is an easy and straightforward process, though, especially with the
most common sizes of ASIC (under prototype) being 10-20 million gates. Considering currently available
FPGAs like Xilinx® Virtex-6 LX760 devices it is necessary to use prototyping boards that contain six or
more devices. However, using multiple FPGAs introduces challenges, as the ASIC design needs to be
partitioned and shared. That introduces new problems, such as managing timing constraints, inter-FPGA
connectivity congestion and clocking problems, even proper FPGA resources estimation becomes
difficult when trying to determine how many FPGAs are required on the prototyping platform.
Fortunately there is a new player in the game – Xilinx introduced its mammoth Virtex-7 2000T device
which can accommodate up to 12M ASIC, not including DSP and memory resources. Prototyping boards
with one or two Virtex-7 2000T FPGAs can therefore accommodate most ASIC projects, certainly in
terms of shear capacity.

When design partitioning, there are two choices: manual partitioning done by the engineer (on the RTL
sources) and semi- or fully-automatic partitioning performed by EDA tools (on both the RTL source and
the design netlist). See figure 1.

RTL Partitions
Design RTL Partitioning
(engineer) for Synthesis

Design RTL NetlistPartitions
or Netlist Partitioning
(tool) for Implementation

Figure 1: Common partitioning options used in ASIC prototyping.

In cases where an ASIC design needs to be partitioned and shared between six or more FPGAs, manual
partitioning requires tremendous effort and frequently results in poor speed (of the design under test)
and functionality problems. In such cases the only solution is to use the EDA partitioning tools available

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on the market. Of course, even for those tools the problem increases when the design size grows -
which means the number of FPGAs also increases, further complicating the partitioning process.
Clearly, the fewer partitions (i.e. FPGAs) the easier the implementation of the ASIC prototyping will be.
The Virtex-7 2000T FPGA, with its 12M ASIC capacity, should accommodate most designs. A single
Virtex-7 FPGA will be ideal for small- to medium-size designs; and all that’s required for the prototyping
is the Virtex-7 FPGA board and Xilinx Vivado™ Design Suite. For bigger designs, two Virtex-7 devices
should suffice and partitioning is greatly simplified, as there is only a single partition with which to
Assuming multiple FPGA devices are employed for ASIC prototyping the engineer must:
1. Balance FPGA resources while creating design partitions
2. Place and route the partitions on the FPGA board
3. Meet timing requirements
4. Be able to debug of the prototyped design

These problems grow in severity with the number of FPGAs. We will discuss in the next sections how to
divide the problems into smaller ones that are easier to solve. However, the complexity to create an
optimal prototype using a multi-FPGA platform is very high. Most users settle with a suboptimal solution
for the above problems because finding a better solution requires too much effort. It is essential to use
the largest FPGA devices and avoid the complexity that rapidly grows when using multiple small FPGAs
for prototyping.

Balancing FPGA resources while creating design partitions

Balancing FPGA resources between multiple partitions is the most basic problem that must be solved
during partitioning. In order to find the optimal solution an engineer should:
 Observe different FPGA resources and keep them balanced in multiple partitions:
a. Look Up Tables (LUTs)
b. Registers,
c. Block RAMs
d. DSP blocks
e. Clock buffers
 Map large memories to on-board RAM, usually to DDR2/DDR3 RAM.
 Perform global logic optimization to remove redundant or unused logic

Resource balancing is also a part of these partitions during placing and routing. Frequently, while trying
to find the ideal balance between partitions we run into routing problems. Optimally balanced partitions
usually do not have optimal interfaces and require a high number of PCB tracks. Going further, we will
run also into timing issues if routing is not optimal. In conclusion, the partitioning, partition placement
and routing, and timing problems cannot be really solved in separation. Focusing on one of these
problems may lead to trouble with the others.
It is essential to map big memories to on-board DDR2/DDR3 devices. Offloading FPGAs with some
memories always helps with partitioning. However, it does not help too much with placing and routing.
Each FPGA platform has limited DDR2/DDR3 resources and usually the memories are connected only to
selected FPGAs on the board. Mapping a memory to on-board RAM also requires the placement of its
associated logic close to the memory. This leads to additional considerations for placing and routing.

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Most of the partitioning tools on the market try to find an optimal solution by following design
structure. Partitions are created from instances of different modules. However, separating some
modules may lead to poor logic optimization and speed that is too low to run the prototype efficiently.
Some redundant or unused logic may not be removed and complicate partitioning and resources
balancing. This reinforces the message that the larger the device the better.

Placing and routing partitions on FPGA board

Prototyping engineers usually pay lots of attention to FPGA resource balancing during partitioning and
run into trouble with partitions placing and routing. It is much better not to balance FPGA resources
perfectly so as avoid problems with partitions placing and routing. In order to achieve an optimal
solution for place and route engineers should:
 Observe and try not to exceed FPGA pin count in partitions interface
 If the partition interface exceeds the FPGA pin count, try to keep the lowest multiplexing ratio
 Find shared wires and avoid routing them multiple times
 Pay attention to constraints applied by DDR2/DDR3 memory locations
 Avoid routing signals without source or without load
 Do not route constant signals between partitions

It is very difficult not to exceed an FPGA’s pin count while mapping partitions, especially for big ASIC
designs. In most cases pin multiplexing is required. Multiplexers are used to share the same connection
in time between multiple signals. Transferring multiple signals over the same connection usually
requires design clock frequencies to be reduced, typically in accordance with the multiplexing ratio. It is
essential to keep the multiplexing ratio as small as possible and avoid performance problems caused by
reduced clock frequencies.
A partition is usually created from multiple design modules grouped together. It is difficult to find a
single module instance that fits perfectly to given partition resources. Some designs are implemented to
be partition-friendly and engineers intentionally create hierarchy that corresponds with FPGA platform
architecture. However, design hierarchy usually is created according to design functionality and does not
fit well to the architecture of any prototyping board. In such cases, multiple modules must be grouped
to create the partition. Frequently, there is a group of the same signals connected to several modules. It
is essential to find such signals and avoid routing them multiple times between partitions; which may
increase the multiplexing ratio and reduce performance.
As mentioned in the previous section, partitions that contain modules mapped to on-board DDR2/DDR3
RAM must be placed in the FPGAs that have access to the required memory. This is an additional
constraint for partition place and route because such partitions can be placed only in specific FPGA chips
and cannot be moved to other chips where memory is not available.
Separating design modules and juggling with them to create partitions may again lead to optimization
problems. During routing the most important are constant signals or source/load less signals. They
should not be routed between partitions and consume critical routing resources.

Meeting required timing

The prototype must meet timing and performance requirements. Most of the timing issues that must be
solved in FPGA prototype are concerned with building the clock tree for the partitioned design and
managing the timing of FPGA interconnections. In order to achieve a high performance solution
engineers should:

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 Ensure low clock skew between multiple FPGAs

 Control the number of clocks and use dedicated resources for clocking
 Avoid gated clocks
 Group logic with the same clock
 Isolate clock generators and clock buffers to enable replication
 Avoid combinatorial paths between FPGAs
 Provide timing constraints for the FPGAs’ interconnections

All clocks must be distributed using dedicated resources on the board. Clock lines are the critical
resource on each FPGA board. Especially when the number of global clock lines is limited. All internal
clocks should be implemented inside the FPGA devices. Gated clocks are not recommended in FPGAs
and should be converted to clock enables.
Routing internal clocks between FPGA devices is usually not possible because of the lack of sufficient
clock lines and clock buffers. This is why logic clocked by an internal clock should be grouped and placed
inside a single FPGA device. If the logic is too large and must be partitioned between multiple devices, it
is better to replicate the clock generators in each FPGA device to avoid routing the clocks over PCB. The
best solution is to distribute global clocks only to each FPGA device using dedicated clock lines and
replicate local clock generators in each FPGA to avoid routing any additional clocks between FPGAs.
Similarly it is not recommended to route any clock domain crossings between FPGAs. All signals crossing
clock domains should be implemented inside FPGA device.
Signals routed between FPGA devices should be registered. Partitioning big combinatorial logic between
FPGAs complicates constraining and may result in poor performance. Each path routed between FPGAs
should be properly constrained in each FPGA to make sure that it will work at its required speed.

Debugging of prototyped design

The debugging of high-speed ASIC prototypes is the most challenging task. Usually, hardware engineers
create debug probes by connecting some essential signals to test points or external connectors available
on a given board. In such instances, an external logic analyzer is used to capture the states of all the test
points. Built-in checkers are also very popular. Analyzing waveforms captured by a logic analyzer is
tedious and time-consuming. Frequently, design engineers add probe points or assertions to the code
that can be synthesized to hardware. The embedded logic analyzers insert simple test status information
and do not require analysis of complicated waveforms. The FPGA and EDA vendors also provide these
embedded logic analyzers, such as ChipScope™ analyzer from Xilinx or Identify from Synopsys that can
be inserted into the FPGA devices. These embedded logic analyzers are easier to use but usually have
limited memory capacity and cannot capture longer waveforms.
Engineers should be prepared for bug fixes and ECO changes too. Bug fixes or ECOs may complicate
prototyping if the design hierarchy is changed or the interfaces of some modules are significantly
increased to implement the bug fix. This may lead to FPGA resource balance problems or partitions
place and route problems. Bug fixes, if possible, should be done locally without changes in design
hierarchy and interfaces. In such cases only one FPGA chip needs to be re-implemented. Discovering
and fixing bugs on multi-FPGA prototypes is a daunting task, but help is on the way.
In the following section we present a design example where the use of the Virtex-7 2000T device shows
how much easier and better ASIC prototyping has become.

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Xilinx design example

Xilinx leveraged ASIC prototyping and emulation methodology internally with the creation of the Zynq™-
7000 All Programmable SoC emulation platform. This platform was used to emulate the first Zynq-7000
device prior to silicon tape-out. Utilizing a combination of four Virtex-5 LX330T and two Virtex-6 LX240T
FPGAs, the Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC emulation platform enabled Xilinx and its ecosystem
partners and customers to get a jumpstart on IP and SW development. Xilinx has since ported the Zynq-
7000 All Programmable SoC emulation platform to a single Virtex-7 2000T device. The entire design
occupies less than half of the Virtex-7 2000T devices and enables a 5X increase in performance, a 6X
reduction in devices required, and an 80% reduction in total system power.

The single chip Virtex-7 2000T FPGA implementation also resulted in dramatic improvements in
productivity. The design no longer needs to be partitioned across six FPGAs; the entire RTL for the full
design can be implemented in the Virtex-7 2000T FPGA. This eliminates the need for IO multiplexing and
dramatically reduces time to market for end users. The implementation of the Zynq-7000 All
Programmable SoC on the Virtex-7 2000T FPGA utilized the new Vivado Design Suite from Xilinx. With
the new analytical place and route engine in the Vivado Design Suite, no manual placement constraints
were required to achieve 50MHz performance across the device. See figure 2 below:

Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC All 6 FPGAs combined into one

› 6 FPGAs (4x V5LX330, 2x V6LX240T) Virtex-7 FPGA
› Weeks of laborious partitioning effort › No manual design partitioning
› Emulates Cortex-A9MP @ 10MHz › ARM processor increased performance
by 5x from 10 MHz to 50 MHz
› Utilization: 48% LUTS, 34% BRAM, 52%

Stacked silicon interconnect

Over the past five years Xilinx has worked with a number of partners in packaging and related
technologies to provide a mature and reliable manufacturing flow for 3D FPGAs. Microbumps have been
used for years in the image array space and are very reliable. Nearly every smart phone or cell phone
includes the technology to integrate the camera. These microbumps are used to link each FPGA slice
(power, ground, IOs) to the interposer. Through-Silicon-Vias or TSV are used to transmit power, ground,
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and IO signals from each FPGA slice though tens of thousands of routes in the interposer.

The 65nm passive silicon interposer contains no active components, which increases the reliability of
both the interposer and the TSVs. Due to the fact that the interposer is also manufactured from silicon,
it provides thermal conductivity and helps to mitigate package stress.

The side-by-side layout of the FPGA die allows for efficient heat dissipation and also reduces warping.
The layout maintains a conventional FPGA topology that minimizes the impact to software place and
route algorithms. All these technologies individually have been proven to be very reliable and their
application in stacked silicon interconnect (SSI) is equally as reliable The resulting Virtex-7 2000T device,
the first FPGA using SSI technology has been shipping since October 2011.

Breaking through
ASIC prototyping with FPGAs enables fast and accurate SoC system modeling and verification as well as
accelerated software and firmware development. Xilinx takes FPGA-based prototyping one step further
with the introduction of the Virtex-7 2000T device which allows end users to break through multi-chip
partitioning barriers with the capacity and performance needed to prototype complex ASICs in a single

Implementing a high-speed prototype using multiple FPGAs is very challenging and requires an engineer
to find optimal solutions to several technical problems. Anyone who had to deal with multi-FPGA
prototyping can confirm that. To help ease this difficulty, it is essential to use a prototyping board with
the largest possible FPGA devices. The number of FPGAs determines the complexity of the prototype
implementation and debug. Previously, using fewer FPGAs was impossible due to FPGA capacity, at the
time, but with the latest Virtex-7 2000T device most ASIC designs can be accommodated with one or
two devices; which will make the design bring-up less painful and much quicker. To accommodate, that
Aldec provides the HES-7 product with the largest Virtex-7 FPGA devices. The next section provides
more information about the main features of HES-7.

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Aldec HES-7 ASIC prototyping board – key features

Figure 2: HES-7 ASIC Prototyping board.

Configuration Capacity (Up To) FPGAs FPGA I/O Connectivity

720 I/O/360 LVDS 44x GTX (6.6 Gbps)

HES-7 XV690 4m ASIC Gates 1 XC7VX690T 240/120 FPGA1 16 FPGA1
240/120 FPGA1 16 GTX FPGA1
HES-7 XV1380 8m ASIC Gates 2 XC7VX690T 480/240 FPGA2 28 GTX FPGA2
HES-7 XV2000 12m ASIC Gates 1 XC7V2000T 240/120 FPGA1 16 GTX FPGA1
240/120 FPGA1 16 GTX FPGA1
HES-7 XV4000 24m ASIC Gates 2 XC7V2000T 480/120 FPGA2 28 GTX FPGA2
240/120 FPGA1 (3/5/7) 16 GTX FPGA1 (3/5/7)
HES-7 Backplane 96m ASIC Gates 8 XC7V2000T 480/240 FPGA2 (4,6,8) 28 GTX FPGA2 (4/6/8)

I/O Connectivity (Cont.):

 322 high-speed inter-FPGA connections
o FPGA0 ↔ FPGA1: 96/48 (SE/Diff)
o FPGA1 ↔ FPGA2: 226/113 (SE/Diff)
 High-speed 25 Gbps connectors for expansion
o Backplane and daughterboard interface
 5 Global clock inputs connected to all FPGAs
 89 special purpose global lines to all FPGAs
o For programming, expanded debug, etc.

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Customizable Clocking:
 5 customizable, low skew, global clocks from backplane
o User programmable PLLs (2KHz to 1.4GHz)
o MMCX connectors for external clock inputs (0 - 450MHz)
 60 differential local clock inputs from backplane
o 20 multi-region and single region differential pairs to FPGA1
o 40 multi-region and single region differential pairs to FPGA2
 Up to 16GB of DDR3 memory supported with SO-DIMM sockets
 UP to 64GB of DDR3 with 4 HES-7 boards connected through backplane
 8GB Flash memory connected to FPGA0
 Micro SD card socket available for stand-alone configuration

Protocol Support:
 PCI-Express finger connector for inside PC operation
 PCI-Express cable connector for outside PC operation
 USB 2.0/3.0 connector
 JTAG connector
 2 SATA connectors (Device/Host)

 Self -diagnostic button and status LEDs for hardware diagnostic

Daughterboard Support:
 Leverages non-proprietary 25 Gbps backplane connectors
 Technical specification on the interface available for daughterboard development

About Aldec, Inc.

Established in 1984, Aldec Inc. is an industry leader in Electronic Design Verification and offers a
patented technology suite including: RTL Design, RTL Simulators, Hardware-Assisted Verification, Design
Rule Checking, IP Cores, DO-254 Functional Verification and Military/Aerospace solutions. Continuous
innovation, superior product quality and total commitment to customer service comprise the
foundation of Aldec’s corporate mission. For more information, visit

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