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Elastomeric Seals and Materials at Cryogenic Temeratures

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. '--D. H. Weitzei, R. F. Robbins, P. R. Ludtke, Y. Ohori, R. N. Herring

National Bureau of Standards

Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory
Boulder, Colorado



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D. H. Weitzel, R. F. Robbins, P. R. Ludtke, Y. Ohori, R. N. Herring

National Bureau of Standards

Cryogenic Erigineering Laboratory
Boulder, Colorado

Directorate of Materials and Processes

Contract No. AF 33(616)-61-04
Project No. 7340



This report was prepared by the National Bureau of Standards

under USAF Contract No. 33(616)-61-04. This contract was initiated
under Project No. 7340, "Nonmetallic and Composite Materials",
Task No. 73405, "Elastomeric and Compliant Materials". The work
was administered under the direction of Directorate of Materials and
Processes, Deputy for Technology, Aeronautical Systems Division,
with Mr. Roger Headrick acting as Project Engineer.

This report covers work conducted from November,1960 to

November, 1961.

This research deals with investigations of elastomeric polymers, with

particular emphasis on their usefulness as seals at cryogenic temperatures.
O-ring seals utilizing various flange configurations have been extensively
evaluated at temperatures between 76 and 300 0 K. A supporting program
of property measurements includes thermal expansivities, shear and
compression modulus, differential thermal analysis, and the force-tempera-
ture effects of prestressed elasto.mers. 0-rings and other specimens have
been prepared and supplied by Aeronautical Systems Division.


This Report has been reviewed and is approved.


M.elble, Chief
Elsorers and Coatings Branch
Non-Metallic Materials Laboratory
Directorate of Materials and Processes


Introduction 1
1. Static Seals 1
1.1 O-Ring Seals 1
1.2 Heavy Plate Seal Tests 3
1.3 Functional O-Ring Seals 11
1.3.1 Extreme Lightweight Flange 13
1.3.2 Successful Flat Flanges 16
2. Moving Seals 21
3. Physical Properties Program 21

3.1 Properties and Their Relation to Sealability 21

3.1.1 Compression Dilatometer 21
3. 1. 2 Sealing Theory 29
3. 2 Force Evaluation Experiment 31
3.3 Thermal Expansion and Second Order Transitions
of Polymers in the Temperature Range 300-76°K 35
3.3. 1 Introduction 35
3. 3. 2 Brief Theory 35
3. 3. 3 Apparatus and Procedure 36
3. 3.4 Results and Interpretations 38
3.4 Torsion Testing 42
3.4.1 Introduction 42
3.4. 2 Apparatus and Experimental Procedure 43
3.4.3 Results and Discussion 45
3.5 Differential Thermal Analysis 45
3.5.1 Introduction 45
3. 5. 2 Apparatus and Experimental Method 49
3. 5.3 Results and Discussion 51

Table of Contents (continued)

3. 6 Compression Testing of Some Composite

Inorganic Seal Materials 54

3. 6.1 Materials and Apparatus 55

3.6. 2 Testing Procedure 57

3.6. 3 Discussion of Results 58

4. Summary and Plans 65

References 67


Figure Page

1 O-Ring Seal Test Jig 2

2 Heavy Flange O-Ring Tester 5

3 Schematic of Seal Test Fixture 12

4 Extreme Lightweight Flange 14
5 Typical Flange Assembly with O-Ring Retaining
Sleeve 15

6 Flange for 2. 5" O. D. Line 17

7 Flange for 3" 0. D. Line 18

8 Packing Tester for Low-Speed Rotating Shaft 22

9 High Speed Rotating Seal Tester 23
10 Compress ion Dilatometer 25
11 Contracticri of Compressed Elastomer Before and
During Cooldown 27
12 Thermal Expansion Before and After Sustained
Strain 28

13 Force Evaluation Test Jig 32

14 Forces During Cooldown 34

15 Cryogenic Dilatometer 37
16 Thermal Expansion of Elastomers 39

17 Torsion Modulus Apparatus 44

18 Differential Thermal Analysis 50

19 Differential Temperatures and Warming Curve,
Sample 8A 52
20 Differential Temperatures in Sample 8A 53

21 Compression Cryostat and Loading Members 56

22 Room Temperature Compression Loading
of Inorganric Composites 59

List of Figures (continued)

Figure Page
23 Loading and Unloading of Sample A at Room

Temperature 60

24 Loading Curve of Sample B at 76°K 61

25 Loading Curves of Samples D, C, and E at 76*K 62
26 Relaxation of Compressed Composites at Constant
Strain, Room Temperature 63
27 Relaxation of Compressed Composites at Constant
Strain, 76°K 64

Table Page
1 Flat Flange Seal Tests 4
2 Heavy Flange Test Results 7
3 Recipes and Properties of ASD Materials Used
for Heavy Flang Tests, Thermal Expansion,
and T 8
4 Seal Tests Using 2. 5" and 3" Diameter Flat
Flange s 19
5 Thermal Expansion and Tg 40
6 Torsion Tests at 76°K 46
7 Recipes and Properties of ASD Materials Used
for Torsion Tests 47
8 Composite Inorganic Test Specimens 55


This research is concerned with the study of elastomeric poly-

mers for applications at cryogenic temperatures. Emphasis has been
on the development of effective seals for use at very low temperatures,
and principles for this purpose have been established. An increasing
emphasis on measurement of physical properties has accompanied the
seal testing. This phase of the program should expand its usefulness
to other applications as well as contribute to the understanding of basic
polymer structure and compounding.
1. Static Seals
A fixture for testing highly compressed elastomer o-ring seals is
shown in Figure 1. This fixture and the seal test procedure have been
described in previous reports [11 . It has been found that standard com-
mercial o-rings of 1/8 inch cross section diameter can be used to make
excellent seals at cryogenic temperatures.

It has also been shown by previous work [ 1 I that thin flat gaskets
of poly (ethylene terephthalate) or nylon make excellent cryogenic seals
with relatively low flange loads. The key to success in this case is the
method of applying sealing force to the gasket, and consists essentially
of setting up a narrow ring of highly concentrated stress to form the seal.
1. 1 O-Ring Seals
The elastomer o-ring concept has been explored in two additional
ways. These are the use of o-rings of small cross section in the tongue
and groove flange design and the use of o-rings between flat plates. 0-
rings of 1/16 inch cross section diameter have made satisfactory seals
in a tongue and groove flange design and required about half as much
bolt loading as 1/8 inch o-rings of the same material. Thus one of the
principal disadvantages of the original seals of this design can be sub-
stantially reduced.
The original tongue and groove flange design was dimensioned
to closely confine the o-ring at the end of the linear compression, and
then subject the confined elastomer to about 5% volume compression.
This required close machining tolerances in the flange construction, and
high bolt loads at the end of the compression. Although the resulting
seal is very reliable, and can be made with a large number of elastorner
compounds, it has now been found that some of the elastomers make
satisfactory seals without lateral or "side" confinement.

Manuscript released by the authors January 1962 for publication as an

ASD Technical Documentary Report.

x .


___ - cn

There are several advantages to this modification: (1) the
flange loading is about half that required for a confined o-ring of the
same cross section; (2) the flanges require a minimum of machining
and there are no close machining tolerances; and (3) the surface
finish of the flanges is not critical - in fact, a somewhat rough
machine finish is advantageous since it helps prevent excessive flow
of the otherwise unconfined elastomer.

Minimum bolt loading will be required to make the seal if an

o-ring of minimum cross-section is compressed between ungrooved
flat flanges. A preliminary study of this type of seal was made by
compressing 1-inch diameter by 1/1 6-inch thick o-rings between
smooth surfaces. The fixture used was that shown in Figure 1, with
the tongue and groove machined off to form flat surfaces.

Results of this testing are shown in Table 1. These tests were

not exhaustive, but two commercial elastomer compounds and a common
plastic made excellent seals with little or no material failure when
tested at 76"K and 1000 psig. There is little doubt that further experi-
mentation would show that other polymer compounds can be used to
make successful seals of this kind. Further testing of similar seals
will be described in the next section.

The top flange used for the tests shown in Table 1 was 3/8-inch
thick stainless steel, and compression of the 1-inch diameter o-ring
was by means of six 3/8-inch steel studs on a 2 1/4-inch bolt circle.
This construction is quite rigid, considering the size of the o-rings
used, but flange loading was in most cases high enough to cause
significant strains in the metal parts. This distortion of flanges and
studs "spring loads" the o-ring so that differential shrinkage during
cooldown is less likely to separate the brittle elastomer from the
confining flanges. A more severe test of the o-ring seals would be
one in which this spring loading effect of bolts and flanges has been

1. 2 Heavy Plate Seal Tests

Shown in Figure 2 is a heavy plate fixture which was designed
to test o-ring seals without the complications introduced by stretching
of bolts or flexing of flanges. The flanges were made of 2 inch thick
stainless steel, and compression was by means of six 3/4 inch dia-
meter stainless steel studs. A machined depression in the center of
one flange allowed the studs to be pulled up tight for metal-to-metal
contact after the o-ring had been compressed the desired amount.

-0 0 u. r0 0l 00 0- 0n 0n
-4 Cd -


to UU) U

0 0L0 0 0A
0 04 0
za LA LA
>4 4 0 z

$400 0 0 0'. 0 0


z z z Z~ > z
(44) ) 4) (0

En V u

0n 10 knl)C 0l

0. 4

4.~0 L t Ln tn 0 Ln LA A

00. Ln 00 N~

4) 0 0 0 0 0 04
.0( 0 0

0 9.0.
>.. 0 :
0. NC -' N 0 V
0 0 ' '3 N - to
ot 0 0
M U 0 0 t
0 t0 : , 0 0

>. 11 z

.00 (4..
-- 4 - ~4 U ~ ~ ~ 1.
0 0
.0 .. 0

0 004 Z ~ u i.. W 0 04 4 ) 0
044) 4) $ 04
4) (44 0 0
0. 04 4.8 0>

.00 ( 0 0

84 0 0






FIG. 2. Heavy Flange O-Ring Tester

]> 5

The amount of squeeze (percent compression) of the o-ring was in-
creased by placing thin metal discs in the bottom of the depression,
or decreased by placing a thin metal insert between the flanges at the
bolt circle. All surfaces were given a normal machine finish.

With this heavy fixture, flexing of flanges was reduced to a

negligible level through overdesign, and stress due to stretching of
bolts was absorbed by metal-to-metal contact at the bolt circle. There
remained the spring loading which results from compression of the
steel flange faces. For high squeezes the compression of metal
above the o-ring was sufficient to result in a slight permanent depres-
sion showing that the elastic limit of stainless steel had been ex-
ceeded in the region immediately adjacent to the ring. There appeared
to be no easy way to design around this effect, and it is present in
all our tests. The amount of spring loading obtained in this way is
very small, however, in comparison with that experienced with
flanges of practical thickness.

It should be emphasized, of course, that spring loading

inherent in most flange designs contributes to the effectiveness of o-
ring seals for cryogenic use and thus should be utilized rather than
eliminated. Since this has been a largely unknown and variable
parameter, however, it has complicated the study of o-ring seal
performance. Results with the oversize jig, even without strain
gauge instrumentation, has been quite informative. These resultL are
summarized in Table 2.

Commercial and Aeronautical Systems Division compounds'-

of chlorosulfonated polyethylene (hereafter called c. s. p. ), natural
rubber, vinylidene fluoride/perfluoropropylene (hereafter called
v. f. p. ), and neoprene, all of which have been good seal materiais in
previous functional tests, were tested in the heavy jig. The o-rings,
in . 070 and . 140-inch thicknesses, were tested at progressively
higher compressions until either a satisfactory low temperature seal
was achieved or severe material failure resulted. Neither v. f. p. nor
c. s.p. performed well under the conditions of this test. Apparently
a certain amount of spring loading is required before either of these
materials, as compounded in our samples, will make satisfactory
cryogenic seals. The compounds based on natural rubber and neo-
prene, on the other hand, performed quite well without spring loading.

* For compounding recipes and original physical properties of A.S. D.

materials see Table 3.

v AE ' 1.1 II 4 li 'A A l I 14I 4.

rj Qs. Q-NN 'D - - 'D 2 ' 4)'

ir-t - r- r- r- P- f- N a

4) * E

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4) . -(d. o~r

00 4H.9 H
o U* 4 X~.~- 0

x0j* ~ o 0 (
$4 N 0 W
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0 0

Z: U u
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U u u x u9
In . 070-inch width the latter two materials showed little or no material
failure at 88% true compression, and made reliable high vacuum seals
at temperatures from room temperature to between 76 and 93°K, and
at pressures to 1250 psig. Satisfactory seals were also obtained with
these compounds in . 140-inch width o-rings, but only after com-
pression reached the point of severe material failure.

From these tests we can conclude that standard compounds of

neoprene and natural rubber will make satisfactory seals for use at
cryogenic temperatures, with little or no spring loading required, if
.070-inch o-rings are compressed to just short of material failure.
Compression beyond material failure does not necessarily mean that
the seal will leak but this requires more flange loading than necessary
and of course destroys the o-ring.

The pressure and temperature cycles indicated in Table 2 were

introduced to provide a more severe test of seal reliability. Pressure
cycling was done after the seal was cold, and consisted of 10 cycles
between 1 atmosphere and the maximum pressure shown in Table 2.
The jig was cooled in liquid nitrogen for 2 hours at 100 psig, which
brought the temperature of the seal to about 97°K. After this the
pressure was raised to maximum and cooling continued for 30 to 60
minutes. If the seal was tight the pressure was reduced and the jig
warmed in hot water, which completed one temperature cycle. The
second cooldown was with 1000 psig on the seal, and this was raised to
1250 psig after 2 to 3 hours in liquid nitrogen.

In general, neither pressure nor temperature cycling caused

an initially satisfactory seal to leak. The seal in test 4-H leaked
when cooled down a second time after being assembled for a week-end.
This indicates that relaxation may be an additional factor which should
be investigated. In test 1-P the seal was tight through 10 pressure
cycles and while cold at 1000 psig, but began to leak when removed
from the bath and jarred against the concrete floor. It is interesting
to note that every seal which held at 100 psig was also satisfactory at
1000 or 1250 psig.

Perhaps the greatest value of this series of tests is that it

makes possible some further differentiation among materials and o-
ring sizes which have passed all previous tests. Thus it appears now
that compounds of natural rubber and neoprene may make reliable
cryogenic seals under more severe conditions than compounds of
v. f. p. or c. s. p. It is also quite clearly indicated that the . 070-inch
o-ring width is to be preferred over the larger . 140-inch width. The

Pr essu r e

To Leak Detector

Flange Seal

I Liquid
N2 or H2

FIG. 3. Schematic of Seal Test Fixture

cycling was accomplished by means of an off-on switch which operated
the three-port solenoid valve shown in Figure 3.

1. 3. 1 Extreme Lightweight Flange

One application involving airborne hardware required that

weight be kept to an absolute minimum. The flange proposed for this
application is shown in Figure '. The flange, which fits a 3" 0. D. pipe,
was made of type 304 stainless steel with faces only . 095" thick. There
were eight holes for 1/4" bolts, equally spaced on a 4" bolt circle, and
further reduction in weight was made by cutting out scallops of material
between the bolt holes.

Various methods for sealing pairs of these flanges were tried,

using three different seal materials. These were commercial o-rings
of chlorosulfonated polyethylene and chloroprene and film of poly
(ethylene terephthalate). On some of the o-ring tests a short stainless
steel sleeve was fitted snugly inside the flange to hold the o-ring in
position and prevent inward extrusion. A typical cross section of a
flange assembly using such a sleeve is shown in Figure 5. Poly
(ethylene terephthalate) film was used by making a "sandwich" of two
flat gaskets separated by an o-ring shaped compression ring made of
nichrome wire. The ends of the wire were tapered and silver soldered
to make a smooth joint.

No really satisfactory method for sealing these extremely light-

weight flanges was found. Some of the seals held at room temperature,
and one o-ring used with the sleeve was leak detector tight at 76°K.
But even this successful seal was probably borderline since a second
attempt of the same kind failed when cooled to 76°K.

The reason for failure of these seals was lack of sufficient

stiffness in the flange faces. Attempts to overcome this weakness by
various schemes were not successful. It is felt that the flange could
be designed for greater rigidity with little or no increase in weight.
In the present design there is minimum stiffness between bolts, which
is precisely where maximum stresses occur. The price of a more
carefully engineered flange design is likely to be higher machining
costs, but a rib between the bolt holes, for example, would not add
much to the cost and would greatly improve the flange characteristics.



.0 9 0

.00 -. 09


Scale: Full Note Fractional tolerance +-1/64

Material: 304 S.S. Decimal tolerance + .010, except
where noted.
FIG. 4. Extreme Lightweight Flange

FIG. 5. Typical Flange Assembly with O-Ring Retaining Sleeve

1. 3. 2 Successful Flat Flanges

Additional flanges specified for the above program are shown

in Figures 6 and 7. These flanges, for 2. 5" and 3" 0. D. pipeline-
respectively, were made of stainless steel with flange faces .200"
thick. The smaller flange was drilled for ten 1/4" NF 18-8 stainless
steel bolts on a 3. 345" bolt circle, and the inside corner was given
additional beef at the expense of some reduction in pipe I. D. The
larger flange lacked this reinforced corner and used only 8 bolts
(same bolts as the other flange) on a 4" bolt circle.

Certain parts of some fuel handling equipment call for a tran-

sition from stainless steel to aluminum. The flanges shown in
Figures 6 and 7 were therefore duplicated from 6061, T6 aluminum,
except that the flange faces were made . 300' thick instead of . 200".
These were tested, both before and after anodizing to a black hardcoat
finish, by mating with the corresponding stainless steel flanges. Ex-
cept for the anodizing treatment, which was tested both polished and un-
polished, all flange surfaces were used in the as-machined condition.

Table 4 gives the results of testing various combinations of

these flanges with seais of readily available commercial o-rings and
one film. The o-rings were compounds of chloroprene, chlorosulfo-
nated polyethylene, and vinylidene fluoride/perfluoropropylene; the
film was poly (ethylene terephthalate).

Successful seals were obtained with all of the flange combina-

tions and with all of the seal materials. The film "sandwich" seal was
very reliable when the proper combination of film thickness, com-
pression ring cross section, and compressive force were used. In
both types of seal a spacer ring to control the amount of compression
would be advantageous. A machined step in one of the flange faces
would also serve this purpose. The film seals require only about
half as much flange loading as the . 070-inch thick elastomer o-rings,
but this advantage is somewhat offset by the fact that the elastomers
can more easily adjust to flange irregularities. Another problem in
the use of poly (ethylene terephthalate) film is the possibility of
cracking if the compressive stress is too concentrated or too high.

An important factor present in these tests was flexibility of the

flanges. In every case there was appreciable flexing of the flanges
which resulted in a more or less uniform spring loading of the seals.
In the case of the extreme lightweight flange, flexing was so non-uniform
that a reliable seal could not be achieved. The other flanges flexed


I 7 0.200A

1 5/32
f J-
j~ 2 .5 10 D

FIG. 6. Contour Flange for 2.5 O.D. Line


- 3 .0 8 5 D


3.005 D 0.200

FIG. 7. Centaur Flange for 3"' O.D. Line

Fitinge. (-Riitg Si ite Tlo,1 oil Bolts Colillivits and Reisults

li g. 7 ' 1.H
. D). I 2" i-Il, Al. lnot anodlized. (Jsed( retainintg
steel to Al. 070''0W sl-eve. No ltak at 1 50Opsig, roomn

ditto~t (I~ (IK. artd 7itt

D~ouble 'l~till t,-rplitlolat. ) with Njchrontie Wirt- ]etw.eeln

Fi g. 7 (07' li I1ii
I. 0 itll 11) 1I hu
itwate(-r to .N 2 (yclIe s 1I WE'
st vI to ,tt-l 0. Y"' Wir-v ove rnight bake. 410 cycles, warm
i-.'4 Ring. all(d (1l, 1 'JO psig to I attn. No
I iatil leak at 250O p5 ig rootii t(-ttip. Nfo
le,-ak at 1 5 0 ps ig 7 f, "K.

Vi g. 7 0 07Y-' I- ili 7', it-Il, (Iitti, above except no I1.0' F bake.

Steel to, steetl 0, .", Wire. No leaks &armi or 71,'K. 810
i-I -l" Rinig. pres-sure- ycll.

ditto dlitto li In- lb Slight leak both warii and 70.K

at I 51) p.)5Ig.

ditto dlitto 70 inl- I, NoI, lak warlti and 7t K at 1 'JO psig.

IAikell (old1 at -)10 psig.

dittol OW"' Vlil, 7, ill-Il, l.ea;kelli %arini Film c racked when

0i,~ W ire in, rvai tg to(rqiue.
i-I I' Ring

V1g 7 0 1-li11111ii loo i- I OK warm, lea.ked( c-old. Warmed

steel t,, Wh
ul) Wir, and tllr(1 ltei to 1 25 in- lb. which cot
i1 iIC Ring throughl thet film.

I-i L. , (m7:,' lli7, 11-11, IAak,ll \%.r:li. l'ormqued to 80 in-lb,

steel to Al lit Wt v i,h (itt thlroulgh the film.

I'h , -1. SEA I. 1'i(I) % '.i L I -IA (I:

Chloroprene ("Parco" Compound 307-50)

Flange O-Ring Size Torque on Bolts Cotrinients and Results

Fig. 7 3. 239" 1. D, 75 in-lb Flange edges just touched. OK

steel to steel 070" W warm. Leaked while cooling.

ditto ditto 180 in-lb Additional squeeze after flange

edges touched. Seal deformed
inward to flower shape. Leaked

ditto ditto 120 in-lb OK warin. Leaked approx. 1 liter/

hr when cold.

Fig. 6 2. (14" 1. D. 125 in-lb Al. anodized, unpolished. Temp

steel to Al. 070' W cycld twi e, pressure cycled to
1(0 psig 5 times. No leak at 7( 'K.

ditto ditto ditto Al. anodized, polished. No leak

at 7( *K, 1(0 psig.

Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene ("Parco' Compound 921-50)

Fig. 7 3.489" 1. D. 155 in-lb (Flange Pressure cycled I atrn to It 0 psig

steel to steel . 070" W edges touch at 50 40 times during cooldown, 25 times
in-lb) at 7#,AK. Temp cycled 25 times. o

ditto 3. 30' 1. 1). 100 in-lb (Flange OK warm, held 1 atm at 7t 'K
.070"W edges touch at 50 Small leak at 1 50 psig, 7i 'K
in- lb)

Fig. i. 2 .14" 1. ). 135 in-lb Al. not anodized. OK warm. No

steel to Al . 070" W leak at 7,,K, 240 psig: No leak at
20' K. 150 psig.

Fig. 7 2. 84 I. I). 1_ S I-lb Al. not anodized. U.,ed .hvev
steel to Al . 070 W OK at I 0 p. , warm. l,eaked
during t'ooldtwn.

ditto ditto 1 "0 in - lb Sane as a .xc ept torque

-oye No
leak v.r:n or 7t K

ditto ditto ditto New lv machined steel :langc. Used

siveve No leak warm or 7t 'K,
225 psig.

Fig. 7 3. 239" 1. I). 150 in-lb Al. not anodized. renip cycled 5
steel to Al . 070' W times, pressure cycled 10 times.
No leak at 7t,'K, 110 psig.

ditto ditto ditto Al. not anodized. Used retaining

sleeve. No leak at 150 psig and
ronin temp, 7,,"K, 20'K.

Table 4 (Continued) SFA[L TESTS USING 2. 9" and 3" DIAMETER FLAT FLANGES

into a fairly uniform cone shape (although some of the seals deformed
into a flower pattern, showing some bowing between bolts). When
the flexing was relatively uniform it served to reduce the initial
compression required to maintain the seal during cooldown. Measure-
ments indicated that good seals were being made with 65 to 70%
compression of the o-ring, whereas 80 to 90% is required if spring
loading through distortion of flange parts is eliminated.

2. Moving Seals
An apparatus for study of packings for slow-turning shafts has
gone through several modifications and is shown in its present form
in Figure 8. It was necessary to go to the double seal arrangement
shown in order to eliminate end thrust on the shaft when pressure
was applied to the seal. Attempts to oppose this thrust through a
ball bearing were partially successful, but measurements of the
torque required to turn the shaft were more difficult to interpret
because the resistance of this bearing varied with pressure and
temperature. Another important improvement in the present
apparatus is lining the packing sleeves with molybdenum-filled and
reinforced polytetrafluoroethylene.

The shaft is turned at 16 rpm through a variable clutch and

flexible drive. These allow the tests to be performed with the jig
clamped in a vice on the bench or, alternately, in a dewar of liquid
nitrogen or hydrogen. Preliminary tests with chevron-type packings
of polytetrafluoroethylene indicate that the problem of bearing
resistances has been solved. The apparatus is presently on a stand-
by basis with no testing planner' for the immediate future.

Figure 9 is a sketch of a high speed rotating seal tester which

has been designed for testing bellows-type face seals. There is an
important need for work in this area, and considerable effort has
gone into the background and test design study. Much of the equip-
ment and instrumentation for the tester shown in Figure 9 is on hand,
but the program has been halted short of machining and assembly
stages because of budget limitations.

3. Physical Properties Program

3. 1 Properties and Their Relation to Sealability

3. 1. 1 Compression Dilatorneter
When ani aln orphous rubber-like material composed of long
chain trolecul'(- rdnird,,1y distributed is compressed, the chains tend








FIG. 8. Packing Tester for Low-Speed Rotating Shaft

! Warm Seal and
Drive Pulley Leak "a out
at top - -

--Hollow Drive
Shaf t

'I Coupling

Pressure and
'Condensate Line

Seal Housing
and Torque Tube
Rotating Face

Lopped Surfaces "- .

Stationary Nose --

Type '-S
Sleeve Seal s

. :. Leak "b"out

Liquid N2
Liquid H2

S Cryogenic 0-ring Seal
B Cryogenic Bearing
T Torque Tube Bearing

FIG. 9. High Speed Rotating Seal Tester

to become more oriented. For most copolymers and polymers with
complex side chain constituents this orientation does not lead to
crystallization, but it does result in anisotropy. To investigate the
behavior of elastomers compressed highly and subsequently cooled
to some low temperature, the apparatus shown in Figure 10 was
designed and built. Specifically, the contractions of 1/2-in thick by
1 in cross section compression set buttons when compressed 20-50%
and cooled to 76°K, were studied. To measure contraction for a
wide range of initial applied forces, a bellows capable of translating
3000 lbs. force to the sample was obtained. The actual bellows
pressure used varied from 20 psi to 500 psi, and was kept constant
for the duration of each test. Length measurements were made by
using a lever which translated vertical movement of the sample and
part of the stainless steel compression platens into horizontal
movement outside the cold area. Several compression platens were
used, each having a different length; accordingly, the same lever
could be used for widely varying values of initial contraction. Con-
traction of the long vertical portion of the stainless steel lever had a
very small effect on the measurements, but calibration of the lever
was necessary due to contraction between the fulcrum and the lever
pointers touching the top compression platen. The bellows top plate
was free to move with the sample and was aligned by three rods
connecting the stationary brass plales. Two thermocouples were
attached to the sample just before cooldown, and temperatures were
recorded continuously during the tests. The dilatometer was cooled
by continuously transferring cold nitrogen (gas initially, and liquid
during final cooldown) into the dewar which surrounded the dilatometer.
Since large masses of brass and stainless steel were in contact with
the sample, no further means was provided to insure uniform cooling.
Cooling rate was controlled by regulating the pressure over the supply
dewar, and rates as low as 0. 5 K"/min were attained in this manner.

This apparatus was developed to nicasure contraction of

compressed elastomers during cooldown. Before preliminary results
are presented, a brief discussion of what causes the contraction is in
order. Even before the sample is cooled, a time-dependent deformation
begins: as time increases, the sample contracts. Other investigators
have shown deformations at around 300°K, due to shear strain, to be
a linear function of log time in the range one minute to one week[ 2]
and the same dependence is expected in compression.

As the elastomer starts to coot, creep continues at a somewhat

reduced rate, and at least two other effects add to the overall contraction.
First, the normal volume contraction causes linear shrinkage; it is






Fig. 10. Compression Dilatometer

expected that the amount of this contraction is changed by the con-
figurational changes in the compressed sample, but experimental
verification has not been possible. Secondly, an appreciable linear
contraction at constant volume is caused by the applied force when the
sample is cooled. This effect, due to molecular configuration con-
siderations, is referred to as the Gouge-Joule effect by Payne and
Scott[ 31 and predominates at temperatures above the glassy-state

The above effects change radically when the C-istomer reaches

its glassy-state transition temperature. At this point, random thermal
motion of the chains is inhibited by the fact that free rotation of chain
elements about single bonds will not take place at an appreciable rate,
and the material becomes hard and rigid like a glass. At tempera-
tures below this point (Tg) the behavior is similar to that of any
ordinary solid. Therefore the Gough-Joule effect, as well as the
creep effect, does not appear below Tg. Only the normal thermal
expansion below the brittle point should be present.

The results shown in Figures 11 and 12 were obtained using

commercially available samples of a copolymer of hexafluoropropylene
and vinylidene fluoride. It should be emphasized that the results are
still preliminary in nature, and thus should be considered qualitative
rather than quantitative. Figure II is a plot of the contraction of a 1
in x 1/2 in elastomeric button as a function of time. This sample
was compressed 24%, corresponding to a pressure of 150 psig.
Before cooldown the contraction was a linear function of log time,
which agrees with the results in shear as previously mentioned. After
cooldown had begun, the normal thermal contraction and Gough-Joule
effect added to the already rapid contraction until the glassy-state
transition was complete, after which only a small change in length
was observed, not discernible on the scale used in this plot.

Figure 12 shows how the overall contraction of the material can

be reduced by keeping a small strain on the sample for several days.
During the pre-stressing period at room temperature the stress was
about 40 psi, and resulted in an appreciable reduction in contraction
during cooldown. It is believed that this small stress could not have
induced cr stallinity, or otherwise affected the true properties of the
elastomer 14] . The reduction is attributed solely to diminishing the
contribution of creep. The obvious conclusion is that if an o-ring
were stressed prior to actual use (by assembling the seal ahead of
time, for example) and then re-stressed just before using (by re-
tightening the bolts) it would effect a satisfactory seal at lower

z 0

-,cr 0

0 crw0


-0 -0- a
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C__ _







N 0

0* 0 o0

SS40U!' HIOLN3-1


0' V

U 0
o ho

if I

2 0



0 0


temperatures than if the pre-stressing were not performed. Alternately,
a smaller squeeze (and smaller bolt torque) would effect a good seal at
some given temperature. This result was observed in a few of the
functional seal tests, but has not been studied with specific reference to
creep effects.

3. 1. 2 Sealing Theory
We suggest now a method for analytically treating the system
where an o-ring is compressed between two flat plates and cooled
for sealing service in the cryogenic temperature range.

When an o-ring is compressed by bolts between two metallic

flanges, the effectiveness of the resulting seal depends solely on the
existence of a force normal to the surfaces of the flange faces. During
cooldown this force must remain above a minimum value determined
by the system pressure required in the specific application. To
determine how the force varies with temperature the following analysis
is offered to relate experimental measurements with sealability.

Considering only the changes in force on the sample due to

temperature change, the relation between the stress - ) at
(initial) and that at T is I 1 1 t

UT - = a E(T I - T2 ) (1)
T T ?1

The coefficient of expansion a, and E, the modulus of elasticity in

compression, are assumed constant. If a and E vary,their product must
be integrated over the temperature range in question, giving

T - 12
TT aEdT (2)
1 I

for the change in force with temperature after pre-loading at T 1 . In

the actual situation, length changes due to bolt and flange shrinkage
during cooldown also affect the stress, and they may be taken into
consideration in the following way. Since all force changes are a
function of either temperature or sample length, L, we may write

T-= u(T, L)


(8T )L
(dT + a
8"L 2 T dL (3)

A common idertity gives us

Multiply the right side of equation (4) by L,/L:

a- La (8L -

By definition:

L -iE,
and - (lia

Substituting in (3) gives

do- = -aEdT E dL (5)

The first term is identical with that given in equation 1, and the second
term takes into consideration all length changes from "external"
sources, such as bolt shrinkage. Integrating (5) we get:
L 2 T 2

- dL -- aEdT. (6)
1 1

dL is a function of T also, due to shrinkage in the bolts and flanges,

so the temperature function could be used to evaluate this integral. If
only a and T affect the stress, equation (5) shows that,if volume changes
and end effects are small,the stress at any temperature T 2 may be
estimated by knowledge of: 1) the initial stress; 2) continuous curves
of E vs T and a vs T for the sample; and 3) the bolt shrinkage. How-
ever, if the flanges have flexed during the room temperature pre-
load, changes in the flex angle will help maintain a-. Consequently,less
initial stress is needed to achieve a required stress at some low
temperature if flange flexing is present.

3. 2 Force Evaluation Experiment

The purpose of this experiment is to measure the variation

in the force exerted by a compressed o-ring as the o-ring is cooled
from 300'K, through the brittle transition point to 76 0 K.

The apparatus employed is shown in Fig. 13. This is essen-

tially the heavy flange o-ring tester shown in Fig. 2 on page 5,
modified to contain an assembly of washer-type force gages which
measure the force on the o-ring. Previous experiments have proven
it absolutely necessary to maintain the force gages at a constant
temperature. This is accomplished by immersing the whole gage
assembly in liquid nitrogen, which is contained by a sealed flexible

The force washer assembly contains three washers (only one

is shown in Figure 13) which are strained and one temperature
compensating washer which is not strained. The strained washers
have loading sleeves on each side which serve to minimize friction
as increased loading tends to slightly extrude the force washer and
stretch the resistance wire wrapped around it. By using the three
strained force washers as one arm of a Wheatstone bridge, and the
unstrained washer as a second arm, the AR resulting from force on
the strain sensitive wire will show a bridge imbalance. This imbalance
is calibrated in terms of force exerted on the washers.

Four thin layers of mica insulation are placed on the top and
bottom of the bellows caps to provide insulation for the bellows
assembly. The floating plate further isolates the o-ring from the
liquid nitrogen in the bellows and transmits the force exerted by the

Thermocouples are placed at the points indicated to check the

average temperature of the o-ring, the AT across the o-ring, and
the temperature at the middle of the stud.

Initially, the o-ring is compressed to some arbitrary value

(usually 70%) by tightening the stud nuts. This gives a definite initial
loading forcq. At the start of cooldown the whole apparatus is
immersed in liquid nitrogen. Cooling starts from the entire exterior
surface. Nitrogen also flows through the stainless steel tube into the
bellows and starts cooling from the inside.








FIG. 13. Force Evaluation Test Jig

Ideally, the thickness of the compressed o-ring should remain
constant during cooldown and any variation in force shown by the
washers would be due to the thermal contraction of the o-ring.
Actually, this ideal condition does not exist because of differential
contraction between the studs and strain gage assembly.

The differential contraction takes place in the following manner.

The force washers, loading sleeves, and bellows caps come to liquid
nitrogen temperature as soon as liquid nitrogen enters the bellcwVs.
The total contraction of these components is approximately . 004".
This lowers the initial compression and decreases the initial force
on the o-ring. As the cooldown continues, the six studs begin to
contract slowly. This much slower cooldown and contraction of the
studs gradually restores the initial loading force.

The results of this differential contraction are easily seen in

Fig. 14. For one cooldown a stainless steel disc was used instead of
an elastomer o-ring. During the first four minutes the force decreases
approximately 8600 lbs. , then gradually increases back to the initial
loading force as the studs contract.

For comparisu , there is a similar curve for which an ASD

neoprene o-ring was used. Again the initial unloading is present, but
it is less because of the elasticity of the rubber as compared to the
stainless steel disc. The gradual increase i, force, as the stud
temperature drops, is again present. The bottom part of this curve
is not reproducible, which is attributed to the differential contraction
problem and not to the change in force brought about by the cooling
o-ring. It has become evident that the differential contraction problem
must be eliminated or made negligible if the force variation of a
cooling elastomer o-ring is to be measurable.

At present a modification is under way which should almost

eliminate the differential contraction problem. This modificat ion
eliminates the floating plate and places the insulated bellows
arrangement directly on top of the elastomer o-ring. The loading
sleeves will be made of invar instead of stainless steel. In addition,
a 3/4-inch diameter invar pillar will be placed adjacent to each stud.
These pillars will be very securely tightened between the 2" thick top
plate and the 2" thick base. Invar is being used because its thermal
expansivity is only 10% that of stainless steel throughout the tempera-
ture range of interest.



CP o

0o 0

- 0

IA~ -
0 0 VO

0~ In0 ,-

X* '3niL3~

With this arrangement there will be an initial contraction of the
invar sleeves, force washers, and bellows caps. This will take
place immediately and the "initial" force on the o-ring will be taken
at this point. After this initial contraction, the only further con-
traction affecting the percent of compression will be due to the invar
pillars contracting; this should be about . 0004" instead of . 008" as
with the previous arrangement.
3. 3 Thermal Expansion and Second Order Transitions of
Polymers in the Temperature Range 300--76°K
3. 3. 1 Introduction
In the reporting year considerable effort has been directed
toward the experimental measurement and theoretical understanding
of the second order transition point (T ) and the thermal expansion of
polymer materials classed as elastomirs. The objectives of this
part of the program are three-fold:
1. To experimentally measure the low temperature thermal
expansion of elastomers, most of which have not been reported
comprehensively in the literature. Thermal expansion can be re-
lated to o-ring sealability, and is important in other possible low
temperature uses of elastomers.
2. To relate the thermal expansion to molecular structure
and compounding procedures, with the idea of directing the synthesis
of materials with lower thermal expansions.
3. To determine the direction to be taken if one tried to
synthesize a gum elastomer of appreciably lower T than thoseg! avail-
able at present.
A dilatometer has been developed to measure thermal expansions
at low temperatures, and some measurements have been made. The
results, together with a brief discussion of thermal expansion and
some possible interpretations of the measurements, will be reported.

3. 3. 2 Brief Theory
Thermal expansion of polymers seems to be due to changes in
the configuration of the chains. The expansion is due not so much to
the motion of one chain past another, but to the internal motion of the
units within the molecules[ 6]. This change depends on the energy
changes of the long chain molecules and the units which make up the
molecules, and on the various forces present. These forces include
surface tension, primary atomic forces, and secondary molecular
forces. The forces can be varied by many method ': 1) inserting
fillers, 2) plasticizing, 3) varying molecular weight (length of chain),
polarity, symmetry, and orientation.

The two commonly designated points which signify the stiffening
of an elastomer when it is cooled are Tg and the brittle point. The T
of high polymers is usually very close to the brittle point. The Tg is
the temperature at which the rotation of the units in the molecules of
polymers stops or begins, depending on whether one is following the
temperature up or down. The brittle point is the temperature at
which a substance shatters under specified standard test conditions.
This depends on how fast the molecules can absorb the applied force.
If the molecules do not react fast enough, the material shatters.

The T arrived at experimentally by thermal expansion tests

and the thermal expansion coefficient itself are dependent slightly on
the rate of temperature change. Ideally, the sample should be allowed
to come to equilibrium at infinitesimal successive AT's. In this case,
the total thermal motion of the molecules would be accounted for. In
the real case, some of the thermal expansion action is "frozen" before
it is completed. For example, when contracting, the molecules have
a smaller effective volume, creating "holes", which gradually diffuse
to the surface. Some of these "holes" are frozen inside the sample.
But since the amount of contraction which tdkes place below T is
small compared to the overall contraction usually measured, his effect
is small. However, if ;he rate is very great, as in quenching, the
effect can be noticeable[ 7 ] .

3. 3. 3 Apparatus and Procedure

Figure 15 shows the dilatometer which is being used to measure
thermal contraction and expansion of elastomer samples in the
temperature range of 76 to 3000K.

A 2-inch long by 1/2-inch diameter sample is surrounded by a

heavy-wall copper tube or shield which helps maintain uniform sample
temperature. The sample and tube are supported by three invar rods
connected to a brass top plate. On top of the sample rests an invar
rod with brass ends, which applies a constant force of 98 grams to the
sample. The top plate and sample support assembly can be easily
lifted out of the cooling system in order to change samples.

Around the sample support assembly is a second copper shield

which has soldered around it a coil of copper tubing which carries a
small flow of nitrogen gas. This gas is discharged inside the shield,
near the bottom, and serves as the heat transfer medium which cools
the sample. The shield is supported and surrounded by expanded
polystyrene which serves as insulation to slow down the cooling rate.





- GAS 2-

FIG15. . Croei -iaoee

0 37. *-
The polystyrene is enclosed by a flanged metal can which is immersed
in a bath of liquid nitrogen. Thus the major part of the cooldown is
by slow conduction through the N2 gas and expanded polystyrene
surrounding the sample. The final part of the cooldown is achieved
by introducing liquid nitrogen directly into the space around the
sample. Average cooldown rate is maintained at about 40 Kelvin
degrees per hour.

Both length and temperature are measured electrically, and

continuously recorded by a 6-point millivolt recorder. One thermo-
couple (introduced with the aid of a sewing needle) is located inside
the sample and a second thermocouple is taped to the sample surface.
When these temperatures are not exactly the same, an average of the
two is used. Length measurement is achieved by means of a sensitive
differential transformer which is activated by a hinged finger. The
free end of the finger rests on a lever which moves up and down as
the length of the sample changes with temperature. Sensitivity can
be adjusted by moving the transformer to different positions along the
length of the lever. Calibration is achieved at constant tempera-
ture by slipping the leaves of a thickness gauge between th: lever and
the top of the rod which rests on the sample. A check on the accuracy
of the entire system was made by using a sample of pure aluminum
having known expansivity. Overall accuracy is about * 3%.

3. 3. 4 Results and Interpretations

To date, eight samples have been tested and each repeated at
least once. The results are shown in Figure 16 and Table 5. The
samples supplied by ASD are listed with their compounding ingredients
in Table 3.

Of these samples, 8A has the largest total expansion and also

the lowest T ; 12D has the highest T , and the others all fall within
the upper half of the interval between these extremes.

The comparison of 12D and IZE seems to be of interest. The

thermal expansion coefficient before and after their T g 's are similar,
but the two values of Tg are about 150 apart. Assuming all other
characteristics and processing to be the same, we find that 12D and 12E

differ only in the monomer ratio of vinylidene fluoride

C =


.020 _ __

.018_ _

.0 16 2


.0 14 -1 D __

.00 2 - - 12

0 15 12820 25030


FIG. 16. Thermal Expansion of Elastomers

Expans ivity Expansivity ALfo 9*
below T above T frmL9

Sample cm 9 T 9in *K cm to7K

No. cm K* cmK*

5 241 13.O0x 10 12. 9x 10

8D 3. 6 x10

12B 3.6 241 13.0 13.5

12A 3.6 240 14.0 12.6

12D 4.5 262 18.6 14.1

12E 4.5 248 18.6 15.8

12C 3.3 249 17.9 13.2

8A 5.0 207 17.5 21.4

8B 3.5 234 14.6 14.5



and monochlorotrifluoroethylene C = C If it is assumed
C1 F I
that the chlorine and fluorine atoms in monochlorotrifluoroethylene
are similar or more similar in size than the fluorine and hydrogen
atoms are in vinylidene fluoride, then it can be seen that the con-
figuration of I2D with a monomer ratio of 50/50 will be rougher and
have available more "hooks" on its chains than that of 12E with a
monomer ratio of 70/30. This may be one of the causes for the higher
T g of
. 1ZD, which results in lower total expansion even though the ex-
pansion coefficients of the two compounds are identical. Besides
inhibiting the lengthening of the chains, the "hooks" may serve to
capture other branches and hold them in close contact, enabling the
molecules to act on one another with greater force. This may be a
mechanism by which the units in these molecules are hindered in
rotating, thereby resulting in a higher T in 12D than in 12E.

The comparison of 8D, 1ZB and 12C, all of which are copolymers
of vinylidene fluoride and perfluoropropylene with monomer ratios of
70/',, and having the same compounding recipes, should be instructive.
According to ASD, the molecular weight of 1ZB is greater than that of
I2C, which in turn is greater than 8D, and all are between 60, 000
and 100, 000. It can be seen that the expansivities of 8D and 12B are
very similar, with that of 12C larger in the temperature interval
above T Also, the T 's of 8D and 12B are similar, with that of 12C
slightly'igher. From this information we see that molecular weight
is not an important factor in influencing the T or thermal expansion,
providing, at least in the case of T Is 18] the molecular weight is
lar ge. g

The terpolymer, 12A, has expansivity and T close to those of

8D and 12B with a curious flattening in the expansivify curve near

Samples 12E (70 vinylidene fluoride/30 monochlorotrifluoro-

ethylene) has a higher expansion than any of the vinylidene fluoride/
perfluoropropylene polymers, although its T is close to that of 12C.
Sample 12D has higher expansivity below 1804K and higher T than
the others. This difference in expansion may be due in part fo the

difference between the form of perfluoropropylene C I = CI

F= F

Cl F

and monochlorotrifluoroethylene
C C The former
I =

presents a jagged branch which would hinder movement, while the

latter is smoother and presents a less obstructive form.

The above has been a preliminary examination of the results.

These interpretations have leaned heavily on the form of the chain
molecules. The effects of molecular forces such as the hydrogen
bond and van der Waals force also have important influences, and
these are marked for future study. We hope to probe deeper into
the mechanisms of thermal expansion and second order transition
by more study of the literature and careful analysis of our experi-
mental results above and forthcoming.

3.4 Torsion Testing

3.4.1 Introduction

Early in the elastomer testing program it was decided that

the low temperature stress-strain behavior of various rubber-like
materials might be used to calculate low temperature seal behavior.
With this in mind the deflection under compressive load at 76 0 K was
measured using a representative sampling of elastomers and the
results were reported[ 9, 17, 18] . Theoretically, the modulus cal-
culated from these measurements should be identical with that derived
from tensile stress-strain data if the deflection of the sample is
sufficiently small. However, since frictional forces play a large (and
unknown) part in any compression tests, an apparatus was designed to
measure the strain when a sample is subjected to a torsional stress.
This approach yields data which is free from frictional effects and has
been used on metals and plastic foams at NBS[ 10, 11]. Samples having
circular cross section were used, but Timoshenko[ 5] has shown that
shear modulus can also be approximated from data based on rectangular
samples by use of the following equation:

G ~M t
MG (1)
kI O(Za) 3 (Zb)

where G = shear modulus, psi

Mt = applied torque, pound-inches

0 = twist angle per unit length, radians/inch

a = sample thickness, inches
b = sample width, inches
k = a constant determined by a and b (values given in
[lZ] ).

Equation 1 yields a good approximation for G if b/a is at least

4. In our experiments b/a varied from 4. 8 to 6. 5; the use of equa-
tion (1) should therefore be valid. In this report results using avail-
able ASD sheet stock cooled to 76°K will be reported and discussed.

3. 4. 2 Apparatus and Experimental Procedure

Figure 17 shows the apparatus used for the tests. Two con-
centric stainless steel tubes are designed to accommodate elastomer
samples clamped between them. The inner tube is allowed to rotate
when weights are placed on the weight pans. The pans hang from fine
nylon threads which run over pulleys to convert vertical force to
horizontal torque. The torque is applied to the inner cylinder through
a constant radius wing. The wing and inner tube are supported and
aligned by three ball bearings riding in grooves. Twist angle is
measured by reading movement of the wing on a circular scale scribed
on the plate which supports the outer cylinder.

During a test the top plate rests on a dewar, and the test area
is immersed in the coolant. Weights are placed on the pans and the
resulting twist angle is measured. Hysteresis effects are reduced by
cycling the load several times before the readings are taken. At least
two tests were performed on each sample, and each reported test
result is an average of several load applications. Twist angles are of
the order of 2 to 10 degrees. The weight involved is around 1/2 pound,
which applies about 1. 5 pound-inches of torque to the sample. Sample
dimensions are of the order of 0. 511 x 0. 08" x 2"1 free length.








FIG. 17. Torsion Modulus Apparatus

3. 4. 3 Results and Discussion
Table 6 gives the 76°K shear modulus results using samples
cut from sheet stock supplied by ASD. * The values given are within
* 5% of all test data available; since hysteresis effects were accounted
for more reliably in later tests, the actual values may be on the low
side of those reported. However, the test is intended to screen many
compounds, and in all tests the comparative results on the various
elastomers are as reported.

The results indicate that 21D and ZlE are the softest
compounds at 76°K with 8A, 21B and 21A also having shear moduli be-
low 3 x 104 psi. However, the moduli of all materials tested are
within a factor of 2. Assuming a Poisson's ratio of 0. 25, the relation
between G and Young's modulus E is:

E = Z. 5G (Z)

Values for E derived from Equation 2 are also given in Table 6.

Compression tests using identical samples have not been made; how-
ever, comparisons with compression values taken with similar
samples L91 indicate that the values derived from torsion measurements
are lower by a factor of 3 or more, showing that frictional forces play
a very significant role in the stress-strain properties of compressed
elastomers at 760K.

3. 5 Differential Thermal Analysis

3. 5. 1 Introduction
A method commonly used to detect first and second order
transitions in various materials is differential thermal analysis (DTA).
A relatively recent book has been written on the subject [Z], and a
review article covers recent progress in the many applications of the
method[ 13]. Basically, DTA measures the thermal effects when
some transition results in a change in heat transport properties or
heat capacity of a material. Usually these measurements are made
while a sample is being heated or cooled at a constant rate, so that
heat flux is constant throughout the experiment. However, since
changes in state result in abrupt changes in the characteristic curves
obtained by DTA, the heat flux need not be constant as long as no
abrupt changes in heat flux occur.
In most polymer applications to date a differential thermo-
couple measures small differences between the sample temperature
and that of an inert reference body which has similar heat transport

* Recipes and properties given in Table 7.

ASD Monomer G E
No. Polymer Ratio (psi) (psi)
8A Natural Rubber -- 2.47 x 10 4 6. 19 x 1

1 8D Isobutylene (A)
and 97. 5/2. 5 3.51 8.77
Is oprene
18D Isobutylene
aa-d 97. 5/2. 5 3. 7Z 9. 31
18C Ditto 99/1 3.63 9.07
21D Butadiene
and 77/23 2.23 5.59
21E Ditto 57/43 2. 26 5.65
18B Chlorinated
Isobutylene 1/97/2 3.42 8. 57
21 F Polyurethane Unknown 3. 57 8.92
21G 1, 1 Dihydroper- -- 2 .9 4 (B) 73 B
Ac rylate
21 B Butadiene
and 70/30 2.74 6.84
Ac rylonitrile
21A Butadiene
and 80/18 2.50 6.25
Ac rylonitr ile

(A) Resin Cure

(B) During second test, material shattered while cooling



wA 0A at 0 IA


04= 0 0 0 0 0
r In In In 0 a

4)0 00 !; 0 0A

M n In Ns

In o ' IA

IV- '. 0IA .N 0x.- 00 0 -0

0~~ If) 0 z0

'A In 0) t) u e 0n
0 Ri 1 0
- *0 0.- N 0 0

11 01 O~4

" " , : 4) 4)N 4 0 0 03L

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properties but has no phase changes in the temperature range of
interest. The sample and the reference are cooled or warmed at the
same rate, and any abrupt changes in the differential between the two
indicates a first or second order transition in the sample. A some-
what simpler approach to DTA has been reported recently[ 14]. This
more recent method, which eliminates the reference material by
measuring the thermal lag in the sample, has been incorporated into
the elastomer program and will be continued through the coming year.
At this time the apparatus will be described and preliminary data
obtained with a natural rubber sample supplied by ASD will be dis-

3. 5. 2 Apparatus and Experimental Method

It was decided that the simplest and most meaningful method
of measuring the thermal effects in an elastomer would be to measure
the temperature difference between a point near the center of the
sample and a point near the surface. Although small, this difference
will always exist when heat is being transferred into (or out of) the
system. In the Figure 18, the differential thermocouple is shown in
test position. To position the copper-constantan thermocouple in the
1/2" diameter x 1/2" long sample, the wires are first threaded
through the sample with a sewing needle, the needle is removed, and
the junctions are adjusted to be in the proper position. An additional
thermocouple is positioned on the exterior of the sample to read the
sample temperature, using room temperature as the reference.

The sample is suspended by the thermocouple wires from a

support tube, which passes through a vacuum coupling. The coupling
is soldered directly to the upper tube of a vacuum-tight can which
surrounds the sample area. The can is copper, to insure uniform
heat transfer to all surfaces of the sample. The thermocouple wires
leave the vacuum area through a wax seal. A fore and diffusion pump-
ing system is available to keep the sample area free from most
condensibles. The sample temperature is indicated by a small
portable potentiometer which is manually read at the time of any
significant event during a test. The differential across the sample is
amplified, and a voltage divider is incorporated in order to reduce the
stray emf generated by the amplifier. The differential is partly
counterbalanced by a bucking potentiometer, in order to keep the signal
on scale and obtain a highly magnified picture of events taking place.
This instrumentation is good enough to indicate a one micro-volt
change of differential as full scale (ten inches) change on the 10 millivolt
recorder; however, the present cooling rates do not allow the full








7 DIFF. T.C.


FIG. I8. Differential Thermal Analysis

sensitivity of the system to be utilized.

To allow a reasonably stable condition prior to a test, the

apparatus is immersed in liquid nitrogen and allowed to cool over
night. For preliminary testing the procedure has been to allow the
system to warm to 150°K before the differential measurements are
commenced. Heat transfer rates are higher between 76°K and 150°K,
and conditions are not very close to steady state. Also, radical changes
are not expected in the lower range. When the sample reaches 1 50°K,
the recorder is turned on and a continuous record of the differential
is recorded while the sample warms to 280°K. Above this tempera-
ture the warming rate is very slow, and a heater will have to be used
to make measurements practical.

3. 5. 3 Results and Discussion

Results of a preliminary test to demonstrate the type of

information available using DTA techniques is shown in Figures 19 and
20. The natural rubber used for the test was obtained from ASD, and
the compounding recipe is given in Table 7. In Figure 19, two curves
are shown to illustrate the complete test. The dotted line refers to
the warming rate of the sample, which shows a smooth, steadily
decreasing rate except for the area around 240°K. At this temperature
the rate slows almost to zero for a short time, then recovers and
continues as before. This indicates that either the heat input to the
sample was interrupted for a short time, or the sample underwent an
endothermic transition of some sort, such as the melting of crystals
previously formed. Further description of the behavior around 240°K
is shown by the differential curve on the same figure, which plots the
differential potential between the two copper constantan junctions.
Since the sample is warming, the differential is considered positive
when the outer temperature is warmer than that of the inner volume.
At about 240°K a very abrupt increase in differential is noted, increas-
ing AE by about 50 micro-volts, or 2°K. We remember, however,
that the warming rate of the exterior of the sample decreased in this
area. Therefore the center volume must have cooled in this region,
indicating strong melting at 240°K. This meltinrg peak was not ex-
pected until about 284°K, as reported by Dannis[ 1 4 ] in a similar
experiment using oth pale crepe and smoked sheet natural. However,
it has been shownL15, 16] that the temperature range in which melting
of crystals occurs depends on the temperature at which crystallization
takes place, and further it was found that melting commences when the
temperature is 4-6 K . higher than the temperature of crystallization.
For this consideration to adequately explain the sharp melting peak

oo '3nlV83,

0* 0 3fL~d~ I 0

o0 0 0 0
____ ___T___

PE N >

z E


ul CM
-ldn3OW 3H0

16 - _ _ _ _

42 201 K
0 14


6 (25-3§L~y) ________

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

19.1 mni n.\

FIG. 20. Differential Temperatures in Sample 8A

observed, it would be necessary to have a large portion of the
crystallization to take place around 230°K. Since the cooling rate of
the sample was uniform, it was instead expected that the crystal would
melt slowly and no sharp melting climax would be observed. The
results are preliminary in nature and possibly rther factors not yet
considered are responsible for this phenomenon. Although we cannot
be sure of the validity of the sharp melting peak at present, further
tests may give additional stature to this quite unexpected result.

At temperatures below 240°K several additional events take

place. These are not well defined in Figure 19; however, the original
data, as shown in a direct tracing in Figure 20, are more clearly
defined. It should be noted that a one micro-volt change in differential
corresponds to a change in AT of 0. 03 to 0. 04K 0 , depending upon the
temperature of the measurement. Between 190 and 201 0 K the glassy
state transition is indicated, although this event was expected between
200 and 210°K. Since the temperature-indicating thermocouple used
a room temperature reference, it is possible that variations in room
temperature caused the temperature indication to be slightly low
throughout the test. Between 201 and 2140K the curve dipped sharply,
showing formation of crystals in addition to those formed during cool-
down. After this crystallization the curve continued on the hypo-
thetical "normal" curve shown by the dotted line for about 10 degrees,
where further crystallization, and probably some melting at about
228-K, were events preceding the proposed melting peak at 240°K.

Additional comments on the above phenomena will be reported

in future reports, as we become more familiar with DTA and the
primary and secondary transitions in elastomers.

3.6 Compression Testing of Some Composite Inorganic Seal

The Armour Research Foundation materials testing laboratory
has investigated the possibility of combining the structural properties
of hard metals with the conforming properties of soft, ductile metals
to be used primarily for high temperature seals. In coordination with
this effort N. B.S. - C. E. L. has tested several compounds supplied
by Armour to determine their low temperature behavior. Sealability
tests have been reported previously. In brief, it was found that gaskets
containing the metal indium as the soft impregnate made leak tight
high vacuum, high pressure seals at temperatures as low as 20°K.
The testing conditions and flange designs were similar to those pre-
viously used in the functional elastomer seal tests.

The promising results obtained from these tests prompted
preliminary investigations of the mechanical and viscous behaviors
of the composites, at room temperature and at 76K. It is hoped
that comparisons between results at various test temperatures will
aid in understanding the composite structure and its possible use for
low temperature seals.


Sample A B C D E
Skeleton 430 ss*',c 430 ss 304 ss Molybdenum 430 ss
Skeleton bonded? Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Skeleton density 23% 23% 22% 31% 23%
Impregnate indium indium indium silver silicone
'. Stainless Steel

3. 6. 1 Materials and Apparatus

The five samples tested were supplied by Armour; they are
designated A, B, C, D, E in Table 8 and were cylindrical (approximately
1 in 2 x 1/2 in. long) before testing. Since only a limited number of
tests could be performed on each sample, stress-strain curves in
compression and load relaxation were chosen to describe the behavior
of the materials. Tests were performed using an Instron universal
testing machine and graphs of applied load vs. time were made using
the Instron recorder. Crosshead speed was maintained at a constant
rate of 0. 002 inches per minute during all tests.

Figure 21 shows the compression cryostat and loading members.

The overall deformation was calculated from the relative time rates of
the chart and the crosshead. Deformation of the loading members was
measured, and subtracted from the overall to determine the actual
sample deflection. The loading members were responsible for more
than 60% of the total deflection in most cases; consequently the measure-
ments are not quantitatively accurate. This is particularly true at
stresses less than 200 psi. In order to use the Instron machine directly
in compression a load cell was mounted on the bottom of the moving
crosshead, and the compression cryostat was placed on a large plate
mounted on the base of the machine.






FIG. 21. Compression Cryostat and Loading Members

3. 6. 2 Testing Procedure
Two samples of the 430 ss + indium composite and one each of
the other three composites were available for testing; therefore more
tests were performed on the 430 ss + indium than on the others. The
tests were performed and reported by T. F. Durham of the Mechanical
Properties section of the N. B. S. Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory.
The deformations refer to total deflection. Thus "the sample was
deformed 5%" means that the total deformation of the sample and the
loading rods was 0. 05 x 0. 5 = 0. 025 inches. Following is Mr.
Durham's report of test procedure on each sample:

Specimen A: Nominally 0. 505" thick with a diameter of

1. 130". All loads were applied at room temperature and the
sample was deformed successively to 1%, 5% and 20% deflection
with stress relaxation curves of I minute duration and unload-
ing curves obtained for each test. Final thickness of the
specimen was 0. 417 inches. The sample was then reloaded to
obtain a stress relaxation curve of 10 minutes at 20% deflection.
No further measurements were made.

Specimen B: Nominally 0. 505" thick with a diameter of

1. 130". All loads were applied at 76°K and the sample was de-
formed successively to 5% and 6%. Stress relaxation curves of
1 min. and 6-1/2 min.,respectively, and unloading curves were
obtained. Deforming this sample beyond 6%o would have involved
loads much greater than 5000 lbs and this was considered un-
desirable with the particular loading apparatus being used. Also
the sample was thought to have been deflected to 1% but this
amount was later found to be "take up" in the loading members.
On all subsequent tests this "take up" was compensated for.
The sample was permanently deformed 0. 012".

Specimen C: Nominally 0. 505" thick with a diameter of

1. 130". At room temperature the specimen was deformed 1%.
It was then cooled to 76°K and again deformed 1%, and following
this it was deformed 5%. Stress relaxation curves of sufficient
duration to establish the behavior, and unloading curves were
obtained for each test. After warmup the specimen was found
to have sustained only about 0. 001" permanent deformation.

Specimen D: Nominally 0. 502" thick with a diameter of

1. 130". At room temperature the sample was deformed 1%. It
was then cooled to 76°K and deformed successively 1%, 5% and
again 1%. Stress relaxation curves for periods up to 20 minutes,

and unloading curves were obtained for all tests. After warm-
up the specimen was found to have sustained only about 0. 001"
permanent deformation.

Specimen E: Nominally 0. 502" thick with a diameter of

1. 130". The specimen was deformed 1% at room temperature
and then 1% and 5% at 76°K. Stress relaxation curves for periods
of about 3 to 10 minutes and unloading curves were obtained.
There was approximately 0. 003 inches permanent deformation.

3. 6. 3 Discussion of Results
Since the deformation of the loading members played an im-
portant part in the total deflection recorded on the original graphs, the
data were translated to working curves and these corrected curves
plotted in Figures 22 thru 27. In all cases the stre -s was calculated
on the basis of the initial cross section area of the sample.

Figure 22 shows room temperature loading curves for each

sample. Only sample A was loaded extensively at room temperature,
and a complete curve for this test is shown in Figure 23. With reference
to Figure 22, it should be re-emphasized that difficulties in measuring
the exact deformation of the loading members in this range of loads cause
some doubt as to the quantitative value of the curves. However, the
shape of the curves should be valid. The steadily increasing slope was
not observed in tests by Armour at room temperature shown in WADC
Tech. Report 59-338, Part I. The increasing slope in the NBS curves
(Figure 22) is probably due to two effects not representative of the
materials as a whole. These are 1) initial compression of surface
irregularities, which reduces the actual loading area; 2) compression
of a film of the soft impregnant which is closest to the surfaces. In
other words, the main body of the sample does not "see" the entire
applied load until these initial effects have been overcome- However,
they cannot be disregarded, since they are present each time a sample,
or a gasket type seal, is compressed at room temperature. The strain
rate also plays an important role in the measurements. The curves
might have entirely different characteristics if the strain rate were in-
creased or decreased by a factor of five. This could also be a reason
for discrepancies between the NBS tests and the Armour tests. The
Armour tests were taken with a constant rate of stress during the load-
ing period, whereas the present testing used a constant rate of strain.

Figure 23 shows two tests run on sample A at room temperature,

including the unloading portion of the second test. Hysteresis in the
loading rods prevented accurate analysis of the unloading curves
in general; however, in Figure 23 the deformation was much greater

0 0
o 0L
o 0.


0 .2


0 cm




0- 0
0 0
0- 0
cm -
i (V/A 3M
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z L0.



0 8 8 0
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0 0



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0J S

o U)



q~. cr




"w E

* 0


o 0
w cm 0

o 0 0) 0 0 0
i$d (V/_-) SS381S oM

63 u.




0 00 0

0 w 00
V cm to
isd S380 (/j)

than that for other tests, and some analysis of the recovery was
possible. Note that stress was calculated on the basis of the initial
cross section of the sample, not a good approximation for this test
since the area increased significantly during the loading period. Note
also the yield for both tests, and the non-recover,,.ble plastic flow
after yield for the second test.

Figures 24 and 25 show loading curves taken at 76°K. The

curve for sample C, 304 ss + indium, was actually the second test
performed on the sample, and therefore can be compared with the
second test performed on sample B, 430 ss + indium. It can be seen
that the stronger 430 skeleton caused a higher yield strength, but
after yield the indium was the more predominant material and the
slopes of the curves were similar. Sample D did not show a yield,
probably due to the greater skeleton density and higher strength of the
impregnate. The non-bonded skeleton of sample E was not as strong,
and behaved in a manner similar to the post-yield curves of samples
B and C. Permanent deformation was so.newhat greater for this
sample, but even so,most of the deflection was recovered.

After a seal has been assembled, it is important that most of

the Initial sealing force be maintained throughout the use of the seal.
Hence some knowledge of the viscoelastic behaviors of the composite
inorganic seal materials is important to the design engineer. To
this end stress relaxation at constant strain was measured as a function
of time during the stress-strain tests described above. Figures 26
and 27 show the results of these tests at room temperature and at
76°K, respectively. Sample D was omitted from Figure 26 because no
relaxation was measured from a stress below 200 psi; however, the
relaxation was very small - from 450 psi to 435 psi in 4 minutes,
with a shape similar to that of sample E, Figure 26. Sample B was
omitted from Figure 27 because irregularities in the testing procedure
are believed to have affected the results.

4. Summary and Plans

It has been shown by the above work that standard o-rings of
ordinary elastomeric polymer compounds can be used for high
performance seals at cryogenic temperatures. Very satisfactory seals
have been obtained with several elastomers, including neoprene and
natural rubber. Simple flat flanges are suitable if used with highly
compressed o-rings of small cross section.

These results are somewhat unexpected in the light of accepted

ideas regarding the properties of elastomers at extreme low tempera-

tures. It is well known, for example, that polymers have high ex-
pansivities and become glass-like below characteristic transition
temperatures. These properties might lead one to expect that
elastomers clamped between metal flanges cannot retain a seal at
cryogenic temperatures. The fact that o-ring seals have neverth .less
remained strong and tight far below their brittle point emphasizes the
need for a better understanding of changes in physical properties
throughout the low temperature range.

The work to date has shown that there are no simple correla-
tions between seal performance and expansivity, brittle point temperature,
or compression and shear modulus at 76°K. The measurement of
these properties, and others, from above the brittle point to cryogenic
temperatures is nevertheless very valuable and will eventually enable
us to explain and predict the performance of elastomers as seals.
Thermal expansivity measurements will continue to receive important
emphasis and an attempt will be made to determine shear modulus
and compression modulus at all temperatures between the brittle
point and 76°K. The force evaluation experiment will yield diagrams
of the forces exerted by an o-ring during cooldown and while function-
ing as a seal. Other information, continuous with temperature, will
be obtained from DTA measurements, as described above, and a
rebound experiment which is in the design stage. It is hoped that
most of these properties can eventually be correlated with seal per-
formance, with polymer variation, and with compounding parameters.


1. Walker, W. R. , Design Handbook for O-Rings and Similar

Elastic Seals, WADC Technical Report 59-428, Part II (1961)

2. Martin, G. M., Roth, F. L., and Stiehler, R. P., Behavior

of Pure Gum Rubber Vulcanizates in Tension, Trans. Inst.
Rubber Ind. 32, 189 (1956)

Payne, A. R. and Scott, J. R. , Engineering Design With

Rubber, Interscience Publishers, Inc. , New York (1960)

4. Treloar, L. R. G., The Physics of Rubber Elasticity,

Clarenden Press, Oxford, England (1958)

5. Timoshenko, S. , and Goodier, J. N. , Theory of Elasticity,

2nd Ed. , McGraw-Hill (1951)

6. Schmidt, A. X. , and Marlies, Principles of High Polymer

Theory and Practice, 89, McGraw-Hill (1948)

7. Spencer, R. S., and Boyer, R. F. , Journal of Applied Physics

17, 399 (1946)

8. Reference [6) , 193

9. Weitzel, D. H., Robbins, R. F. , Bopp, G. R., Elastomers

for Static Seals at Cryogenic Temperatures, Advances in
Cryogenic Engineering VI (K. D. Timmerhaus, Editor), Plenum
Press (1961)

10. McClintock, Low Temperature Properties of Plastic Foams,

Soc. Plastics Engineers J. , 14, No. 11 (1958)

11. Mikesell, R. P., Unpublished Data, NBS-Cryogenic Eng. Lab.

12. Smothers, W. J. , Chiang, Y. , Differential Thermal Analysis,

Theory and Practice, Chermical Publishing Co. , Inc. , New
York (1958)

13. Murphy, C. B., Anal. Chem 32, 168R (1960)

References (continued)

14. Dannis, M. L. , Transition Measurements Using Differential

Thermal Analysis (DTA) Techniques, Presented at 140th Am.
Chem. Soc. Meeting, Chicago (1961)

15. Treloar, L. R. G. , The Physics of Rubber Elasticity, Clarenden

Press, Oxford, England (1958)

16. Wood, L. A.,Advances in Colloid Science, II, 57, Interscience,

New York (1946)

17. Robbins, R. F. , Weitzel, D. H. , Herring, R. N. , The

Application and Behavior of Elastomers at Cryogenic Tempera-
tures, Presented at 7th Cryogenic Engr. Conf, Ann Arbor,
Mich. (1961)

18. Trepus, G. E., Roper, R. S., Hickman, W. R., Design Data

for O-Rings and Similar Elastic Seals, WADC Tech. Report
56-272, Part IV and V (1959, 1960)


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