750°C), reduced ductility results from helium embrittlement caused by neutron irradiation. 3) At intermediate temperatures, hardening and helium effects combine synergistically to produce lower ductility than from either effect alone. Irradiation concentrates plastic deformation in bands, allowing earlier fracture initiation.">750°C), reduced ductility results from helium embrittlement caused by neutron irradiation. 3) At intermediate temperatures, hardening and helium effects combine synergistically to produce lower ductility than from either effect alone. Irradiation concentrates plastic deformation in bands, allowing earlier fracture initiation.">
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E. E. Bloom and J. R. Weir, Jr.

Metals and Ceramics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830

E. E. Bloom
Metals and Ceramics Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Post Office Box X
Oak Ridge, .Tennessee 37830

17 Pages
1 Table
7 Figures -MOTICE-
Thii report m i prepared ss.an account of work
sponsored by the United Stites Government. Neither
the United Stites nor the United Stite* Atomic Energy
Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of
their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees,
make* any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any
legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, com-
pleteness or usefulness of any information, apparatus,
product or process disclosed, or represent! that its use
would not infringe privately, owned rights.

*Research sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission under

contract with the Union Carbide Corporation.



The effects of fast neutron irradiation on the tensile and creep-

rupture ductility of austenitic stainless steels are presented. At
low temperatures, below 450°C, radiation causes a reduction in the
strain hardening exponent and thus the uniform strain. At high temper-
atures (above 750°C) reduced ductility results from helium embrittle-
ment. At intermediate temperatures', hardening and helium effects act
synergistically to produce lower ductility than would result from either
effect alone. Possible mechanisms responsible for the observed changes
are discussed.


Ductility, the ability of a material to deform without fracturing,

is only infrequently used in a quantitative sense by the structural
designer. The use of austenitic stainless steels for fuel cladding and
core structural materials in Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors (LMFBR)
will require these alloys to operate at temperatures and stresses which
produce plastic strain. Neutron irradiation causes a reduction of most
ductility parameters. It is probable that strain, e.g., fracture strain
or ductility, will be the design-limiting factor for many reactor com-
ponents. The fast reactor fuel pin is an example: The failure criterion
postulated in the fuel pin performance model of Boltax et al. (l) involves
failure when the thermal creep strain in the clad reaches a fixed limit.
The need for examining the effects of irradiation on ductility for con-
ditions where the irradiation and test temperatures are similar is thus
apparent. Analyses and predictions of the behavior of irradiated com-
ponents under transient conditions are also important, since an irra-
diated material may be subjected to temperatures and stresses which are
substantially different from these which exist during normal or steady-
state operation. It is thus necessary to examine the effects of irra-
diation on ductility at temperaturts different'from the irradiation

This paper presents the effects of irradiation on the tensile and

creep-rupture ductility of austenitic stainless steels, and discusses
the mechanisms responsible for the observed changes. Understanding
these mechanisms should improve our confidence in extrapolating and
interpolating empirical correlations of existing data into regions
where little or no data exist.

The effects of irradiation to fluence in the range 1.5 to 3.5 x 1 0 2 2

neutrons/cm2 (> 0.1 MeV) on the tensile properties of annealed type
304 stainless steel when irradiated and tested at the same temperature
are shown as a function of temperature in Fig. 1. The increased yield
stress at the lower irradiation temperatures has been discussed and
related to the irradiation-produced defects (voids and dislocations)
by several investigators (2), (3), (£).
A major factor affecting ductility at the lower temperatures is
that the ultimate tensile stress does not increase as much as the yield
stress. True stress-true strain curves for four temperatures are shown
in Fig* 2. The behavior of the irradiated material over the entire
plastic strain range and that of £he unirradiated material at strains
above about 1 to 2$ can be approximated as:

a = K(e")n (1)

where c is the true stress, e the true strain, T\ the strain-hardening

exponent, and K is a constant. For this deformation law, plastic insta-
bility (or the end of uniform strain and the onset of necking) occurs
when "e = TJ. Since irradiation at the lower temperatures (e.g., 450 and
550°G in Fig. 2) decreases n, the uniform strain decreases as a conse-
quence. Irradiation produces hardening (an increase in yield stress)
by virtue of the fact that the microatructural damage produced during
irradiation (voids, dislocations, and precipitates) increases the force*
which must be applied to a dislocation to move it through the matrix.
The decrease in strain-hardening exponent at high fluences is associated
with the fact that once the yield stress has been exceeded and deforma-
tion initiated, the deformation is confined to "bands or channels (3)
as shown in Fig. 3. The passage of the first few slip dislocations
weakens the barriers within the bands, and subsequent deformation within
the bands occurs with little strain hardening. The damage responsible
for this behavior is expected to saturate with increasing fluence.
Bullough et al. (5) and Harkness (6) have speculated that the swelling
ceases either by the attraction of the irradiation produced dislocations
to void surfaces by image forces; or at a time when the voids become
interconnected by the dislocations. In either case, the accumulation
of additional lattice defects and thus the mechanical property changes
would cease. Recent microstructural investigations show that a satura-
tion in the concentration of voids does occur in annealed type 304
stainless steel (2). Tensile results (8), (9) for annealed type 304
stainless steel irradiated to fluences up to about 5 x 1 0 2 2 neutrons/cm2
(>"0.1 MsV) indicate that the uniform strain for specimens irradiated
and tested at 450°C decreases to a value of about 2$. The trends in
the data indicate a saturation of the property change near this value.
A second ductility parameter, the reduction of area, is also
reduced by irradiation. This implies either tha£- tus- fracture mechanism
is changed or tha": the initiation of the fracture occurs at lower total
strains. Specimens irradiated to about 2.5 x 1 0 2 2 neutrons/cm2
(> 0.1 KeV) and tested at 450° C failed in a ductile, transgranular
mode. The fracture shown in Fig. 3 was similar in appearance to those
of unirradiated specimens. In unirradiated specimens tested at low
temperatures (e.g., 45Q°C), the fractures probably initiate in a manner
similar to that proposed by Rogers (10) and Puttick (ll). Cavities
initially form in regions of high stresses caused by inhoraogeneous defor-
mation or at precipitate particles due to inhomogeneous strain at the
matrix-precipitate interface. As straining proceeds, the cavities grow
and eventually link to form a central crack. This crack propagates as
deformation is concentrated at its tip with large numbers of cavities
being nucleated in the region of heavy shear strain. Figure 3 shows
that near the tensile fracture of an irradiated specimen, cavities have
formed at points where the deformation bands are interrupted, that is,
at precipitates, grain boundaries, and twin boundaries, Irradiation
did not change the local fracture mechanism but caused fracture initia-
tion at low strains by concentrating the strain in the deformation bands.
Thus, cracks may initiate and propagate by the same process in irra-
diated as in unirradiated material, but produce lower overall strains.
Additionally, it appears that important effects on the macroscopic
fracture stress are produced by irradiation at 450 and 550° C (Table I ) .
These effects are not associated with irradiation produced voids and
dislocations (12) and the attendant reduction in strain hardening. We
speculate that the precipitates'produced during irradiation at 450 and
550°C produce an increased number1 of cavity nuc^eatoon sites. Fracture
thus interupts the deformation at lower macroscopic strains and stresses.

With increasing irradiation and test temperature, the yield stress

Increase becomes smaller and the strain-hardening exponents of irra- '
dieted and unirradiated specimens approach the same values. The duc-
tility loss at the highest temperatures (e.g., 750°C) has the character-
istics of high-temperature helium embrittlemeat (13)j in particular,

the fracture mode changes from mixed intergranular and transgranular
for unirradiated material to entirely intergranular following irradiation.
For temperatures intermediate between 450°C, where ductility losses
occur primarily as a result of different stress-strain behavior, and the
highest temperatures, where ductility losses are due primarily to helium
ejribrittlenient, the two mechanisms act synergistically. The results
presented in Fig. 2 show that at intermediate temperatures the reduction
in uniform strain is larger than can be accounted for in terms of reduced
strain-hardening exponents. For example, for the specimen irradiated
at 450°C, T\ = 0.05 and e .f =0.06 in agreement with the observation
that the uniform strain is controlled by the strain-hardening exponent
within the limits of experimental error. However, at 600°C, r\ = 0.18
and e ifo = 0.10, a value inconsistent with the strain-hardening
exponent. Kramer et al. (14) have shown that 30 at. ppm He (about a
factor of 10 higher helium content than in the Fig. 2 samples) has no
significant effect on the uniform tensile elongation of annealed type
304 stainless steel at or below 650eC. The ductility loss is greater
than that expected from hardening effects or helium effects when either
is considered separately.


The effects of fast neutron irradiation on the creep-rupture proper-

ties of austenitic stainless steels have been studied for a narrow range
of irradiation conditions compared to the range of conditions to be
expected in LMFBRs: (1) properties of annealed type 304 and annealed
and 20$ cold-worked type 316 stainless steel have been Investigated as
a function of temperature for fluences up to about 5 x 1 0 2 2 neutrons/cm2
(> 0.1 MeV); and (2) the effects of fluence have been investigated to
about 1.7 x 1 0 2 3 neutrons/cm2, but only for annealed type 304 stainless
steel irradiated at 370-460°C and then tested at higher temperatures
(15)-(18). Nearly all of the creep-rupture properties (primary creep,
secondary creep rate, rupture life, and ductility) are changed by
irradiation. For irradiation temperatures at which a void and disloca-
tion structure is formed, the amount of primary creep and the secondary
creep rate are reduced. At higher temperatures, phase transformations
(precipitation of carbides, sigma and other intermetallic phases),
and/or recovery of cold-worked structures can cause increases in creep
rate by as much as 1 or 2 orders of magnitude compared to the preirra-
diation condition. The rupture life is affected to various degrees,
depending on the change in strength (creep rate) and ductility. Hie
most important effect of irradiation is a reduction in creep^rupture
ductility. The ductility after irradiation is strongly dependent on
both the irradiation and test temperature as well as the fast neutron
When austenitic stainless steels are irradiated and tested at the
same temperature, the reduction of ductility as .measured eitlier by
6train at the beginning of tertiary creep or total elongation depends
on both temperature and initial microstructure. The creep-rupture
ductilities of annealed and 20$ cold-worked type 316 stainless steel in
the unirradiated condition and after irradiation to fluences in the range
1.2 to 2.7 x 1 0 2 2 neutrons/cm2 (> 0.1 MeV) are shown in Fig. 4. Irra-
diation of the annealed material caused a reduction in both the strain
at the beginning of tertiary creep and the total elongation at all
temperatures. Irradiation reduced the ductility of 20$ cold-worked
material in the range 550 to 650°C while at 700 and 750°C increased '
ductility was observed. Metallographic examination of these samples (19)
(reported in detail elsewhere) showed that the fractures were predomi-
nantly intergranular and occurred by the linking of cracks on grain
boundaries which were approximately normal to the applied load. The
cracks formed by the stress-induced growth and linking of grain boundary
cavities. Fhenomenologically, the temperature dependence of the duc-
tility is associated with the extent to which cracks propagate, which
in turn depends on the strength of the matrix. For example, irradiation
of annealed type 336 stainless steel at the lower irradiation tempera-
tures (550 and 600°C) caused relatively high concentrations of voids
and dislocations. Cracks in the region of the fracture propagated for
large distances, often across several triple grain junctions [Fig. 5(a)].
Well away from the fracture cracks had also formed, but these cracks
remained very narrow, -indicating that little grain-boundary sliding or
matrix strain had occurred. In contrast, at 650°C where the concen-
tration of irradiation-produced defects was considerably lower, cracks
seldom extended across more than one or two triple"grain Junctions
[Fig. 5(b)]. In addition, these cracks (even at locations far from the
fracture) were wedge-shaped, indicating that deformation had occurred
to open the crack. At the highest temperatures, nearly all of the
boundaries contained either cracks or cavities [Fig. 5(c)J. Crack
propagation and the percentage of intergranular fracture was greater
for specimens irradiated in the cold-worked condition at 550 to 650°C
than for the specimens irradiated in the annealed condition at 550 and
600°C. The low ductility in 20$ cold-worked material irradiated at
650qC compared to the higher values for the annealed condition may be
related to the fact that the cold-worked structure was not reerystallized
during irradiation. As a result the matrix strength was higher than
for the annealed material. Significant crack propagation occurred in
the cold-worked specimens where, as in the annealed material, crack
propagation appeared to be most difficult at this temperature. The
higher ductility for specimens irradiated in the cold-worked condition
at 700 and 750°C as compared to the annealed condition was associated
with extensive recovery and recrystallization and may result from the
fine grain size which developed (20)..

The damage structure in the matrix and grain-boundary crack

initiation and propagation appeared to be related in the following way.
The stress-induced growth of grain-boundary cavities (21) and the
linking of these cavities to form a crack occurred at all temperatures.
Helium bubbles may have served as cavity nuclei. Once a crack had
formed a stress concentration existed at its tip. For low irradiation
and test temperatures (550 to 600°C for the annealed condition and
550 to 650°C for the 20$ cold-worked condition)',* this stress concentra-
tion could not be relaxed due to the high flow stress of the matrix,
and cavities near a crack tip were subjected to higher stresses and
grew faster than cavities on an uncracked boundary. The cracks became
self-propagating and caused failure before significant matrix deforma-
tion could occur. Intergranular fractures were observed under these
conditions except over the last area to fail, in which case shear

fracture at a high strain rate occurred. At higher temperatures (650°C

for the annealed specimens) cracks still formed by the stress-induced

growth and linking of cavities. The cracks did not propagate, however,

because the stress concentration in the vicinity of the crack tip was

reduced by flow in the relatively soft surrounding matrix. Fracture

occurred only when a large number of cracks formed and caused an increase

in the stress due to the reduction in the effective cross-sectional

area. Higher ductility is observed compared to lower temperatures

because the time to fracture is sufficiently long compared to the creep

strength to allow creep deformation to occur. Further increases of

temperature increase the cavity growth rate by diffusion, again allowing

the cavities to link and cause fracture before significant deformation


The importance of the irradiation-produced defect structure is

further illustrated in Fig, 6 which shows strain-time curves for speci-

mens of annealed type 304 stainless steel which were irradiated at

temperatures of 450, 550, 600, and 780°C to a fluence of about 1.9 x 1 0 2 2

neutrons/cm2 and tested at a common stre.ss and temperature of 35,000 psi

and 550°C. The creep rate decreased sharply for the lower irradiation

temperatures, consistent with the'larger concentration of barriers

(voids and dislocations). Corresponding to this decreased creep rate,

there was a marked reduction in ductility. Since these samples were

irradiated to about the same fluence, they contained similar amounts

of helium. The differences in ductility cannot be attributed solely

to helium embrittlemeht. Since the samples were tested at a common

temperature and stress, the results indicate that the radiation-produced

defect structure (i.e., voids, dislocations, and possibly precipitates)

Influences the properties.

An important aspect of the results shown in Fig. 6 is that large
reductions in ductility and rupture life occur when a material is irra-
diated at a low temperature and then testel at a higher temperature.
Hie total creep elongation c*" annealed type 304 stainless steel irra-
diated at 370 to 470°C and tested at 550 and 600°C at stresses of
35,000 and 27,500 psi, respectively, decreased sharply with increasing
fluence (Fig. 7). Total elongations were about 0.1$ at the higher
fluences. Correspondingly large reductions in rupture life also
occurred (from about 320 hr and 185 hr for the 550 and 600°C in the
unirradiated condition to values of about 0.5 hr at the highest fluences).
Althougu ae fracture of these samples was intergranular, stress-induced
growth of cavities may not be involved in this case. Indeed, the rup-
ture times are much too short for this mechanism to be operative.
Because only one crack was usually observed in the sample, that is, the
fracture, it is suggested that once a crack initiated, it propagated
by* ductile tearing of the damage-denuded zone adjacent to the boundary.
Ihe high flow stress of the matrix and inability to relax stress con-
centration at the crack tip may also be important in this situation.


Neutron irradiation produces significant changes in the physical

and mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steels. Ductility
is the most adversely affected property, and it is reduced for nearly •
all irradiation and test conditions. The fracture mechanisms responsible
for and the magnitude of the ductility loss depend upon irradiation
temperature, fast neutron fluence, initial microstructure, composition
of the alloy, and test variables such as test temperature and strain rate.
For the relatively high strain rates, such as in tensile tests,
irradiation and testing at 45O°C and below causes reduced uniform strain
as a result of the lower strain-hardening exponent and plastic insta-
bility at low true strain values. For temperatures of 750°C and above,
the reduced ductility results from helium embritt lenient. For interme-
diate temperatures, hardening and helium effects act synergistically
to produce lower ductility than would result from either effect above.
The low temperature effect appears to saturate at a uniform strain of
1 to 2$. Loss of ductility.due-to helium embrittlement is not expected
to saturate since the helium content increases monotomically with fast
For low strain rate creep-rupture tests performed at the irradi-
ation temperature, intergranular fractures and a severe loss' of ductility
occur in the range 550 to 650°C. Total elongations of 0.5 to 4.0$ are
observed at fluences of about 3 x 1 0 2 2 neutrons/cm2. . The loss of duc-
tility appears to be related to both the strength of the matrix and to
helium content and thus should become more severe at higher fluences.
In annealed specimens, the ductility increases with increasing temper-
ature up to about 650°C due to the decreasing concentration of damage
in the matrix. In cold-worked material, low ductilities are observed
to somewhat higher temperatures, about 650°C, above which temperature
recovery and recrystallization begin to occur and the ductility increases.
The loss of ductility is so severe that it must be considered in
the analysis of both steady-state and transient operating conditions.
The results on annealed and cold-worked type 316 stainless steel show
that, of the temperatures of interest for steady-state operation in
IMFBRs, the range 550 to 650°C produces the most pronounced reduction
in creep-rupture ductility. In this temperature range, no mechanism
is apparent which would cause saturation of the effect. Indeed, in
type 304 stainless steels irradiated to high fluences, total elonga-
tions as low as 0.1$ have been observed.
In the case of a specimen which accumulates damage ab a low temper-
ature (e.g., 450°C) and then is stressed at a higher temperature (e.g.,
550°C), a very severe loss of ductility and rupture life occur. This
result must be considered in the analysis of behavior of components
under transient conditions.

1. A. BOLTAX, P. MURRAY, t.nd A. BIANCHERIA, Kucl. Appl. Technol., 9, 326

2. J. J. HOLMES, R. E. ROBBINS, J. L. BRIMHALL, and B. MASTEL, Acta Met.,
16, 955 (1968).
3. E. E. BIOOM and J. 0. STIEGLER, "Effects of Fast Neutron Irradiation
on the Tensile Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steals," pp. 768-772
in Second International Conference on ihe Strength of Metals and
Alloys, Conf. Proc., Vol. II, The American Society for Metals, Metals
Park, Ohio, 1970.

4. P. J. BARTON and P.R.B. HIGGINS, p. 362 in Irradiation Effects in

Structural Alleys for Nuclear Reactor Applications, Spec. Tech. Publ.
484, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, March
5. R. BULLOUGH and R. C. PERRI.1, "Theory of Void Formation and Growth in
* Irradiated Materials," paper presented at the Radiation Induced
Voids in Metals Conference, State University of New York, Albany,
June 9—11, 1971 (to be published in- the proceedings).
6. S. D. HARKNESS and C. Y. KC, "Theoretical Study of the Swelling of
Fast Neutron Irradiated Materials," paper presented at the Radiation
Induced Voids in Metals Conference, State University of New York,
Albany, June 9-11, 1971 (to be published in the proceedings).
7. E. E. BLOOM, J. 0. STIEGLER, and C. J. McHARGUE, "Radiation Damage
in Annealed Type 304 Stainless Steel," (to be published in
Radiation Effects).
16 •}
8. H. CAHLANDER, S. D. HARKHESS, and Y. L. YAGGEE, Nuel. Appl. Technol., j
7, 67 (1969). S
C. N. SPALARIS, and J. R. WEIR, JR., "Fundamental Behavior of j
Structural Materials in Fast Reactor Environments/' paper presented |
at the Fourth United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful j
Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 6-16, 1971 (to be I
published in the proceedings).
10. H. C. ROGERS, !Krans. Met. Soc. AIMS, 22£, 493 (I960).
11. K. E. PUTTICK, Phil. Mag., 4, 964 (1960).
12. J. 0. STIEGIER and J. R. WEIR, JR., "Effects of Irradiation on
Ductility," p. 311 in Ductility, American Society for Mstals, Metals
Park, Ohio, 1971.
13. D. R. HARRIES, J. Brit. Nucl. Energy Soc., 5, 74 (1966).
14. D. KRAMER, H. R. BRACER, C. G. RHODES, and A. G. PAAD, J. Kucl.
Mater., 25, 121 (1968).
15. A. J. IOVELL and R. W. BARKER, "Uniaxial and Biaxial Creep Rupture
of Type 316 Stainless Steel after Fast Reactor Irradiation/'
pp. 46S-483 in Irradiation Effects on Structural Alloys for Muclear
Reactor Applications, Spec. Tech. Publ. 484, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1971*. ..
16. J. STRAWDRING, I. P. BELL, K. TICKBS, and A. GXENDUIHIN6, "Effects j:
* !
of Neutron Irradiation on the Creep-Rupture Properties of Type 316
Stainless Steel Tubes/' p. 414 in Irradiation Effects in Structural
Alloys for Thertsal and Fast Iteactora, Spec. Bach. Publ. 457,
American Society for Testing &nd Materials, Philadelphia,
17. M. WEISS, J . MAIXIN, J . ERIER, and J . P. ANDRB, "High Temperature
Embrittleoient of AISI Type 316 Austenitic Stainless Steels After
I r r a d i a t i o n / ' p . 352 in Irradiation Effects in Structural Alloys
for Thermal and Fast Reactors, Spec. Tech. Publ. 457, American
Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1969.
18. E. E. BXOOM and J . 0. STIEGIiiB, "Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation
on the Creep Rupture Properties of Type 304 Stainless Steel at
600°C," pp. 451—46? in Irradiation Effects on Structural Alloys for
Huclear Kcaetor Applications, Spec, itech. Publ. 48**, American
Society for Seating and Materials, Philadelphia, 197I.
19. E. E# toWQM and J . 0. SXIKGI2R, "Effect of Irradiation on the
Microstructure and Cree^i-Rupture of Typs 316 Stainless Steel,"
paper t o be presented a t th@ itasxlc&n Society for 'letting and
Materials Symposium on Effects of B&di&tlon on Structural ^ t c r i a l s ^
Los Astgelsa, Califoroia, Jvm 2^-29, 1972 ( t o be published in the

, proeeeclir^a).
20. M. R. HARIIN and J . R. UBXA, "Solutions t o ib» Vntohta* of IligJt-
Irr&diation Ewbrittlfiesant," pp. 44,0-4J? i n gfTiecta of
on Structuyal MStula, S^ec*»

Society for Testir^ m& Katcritola, Hiil&cicipjiitt, )M*L

21. M. V. SLIGHT am! J . E. IMMilS, M|t, Sei. J.,, 1, S3

• aiWrL-u
Effect of Irradiation on the True Fracture Stress and
True Fracture Strain of Type 304 Stainless Steel.

Temperature True Fracture Strain True Fracture Stress

(°c) Uftirradiated Irradiated Unirradiated Irradiated

450 0.88 0.44 126,030 101,000

550 0.67 0.22 92,000 86,000
600 0.61 0.18 46,000 46,000

Fig, 1. Effect of Irradiation on the Tensile Properties of Annealed.

Type 304 Stainless Steel Vftien Irradiated and Tested at Approximately the
Same Temperature.

Fig. 2. Effect of Irradiation on the True Stress-True Strain

Behavior of Annealed Type 304 Stainless Steel. Specimens were irradiated
near the respective test temperatures to 1.5 X 1 0 2 2 neutrons/cm2
(>0.1 MeV).

Fig. 3. Deformation Bands and Fracture in Type 304 Stainless Steel

Irradiated in the Annealed Condition at 45C°C to 2.5 x 1 0 2 2 neutrons/cm2
(>0.1 MeV) and Tensile Tested at 450°C and 0.002 min" 1 .

Fig 4. Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation on the Creep-Rupture

Ductility of Annealed and 20$ Cold-Worked Type 316 Stainless Steel.
Samples were irradiated to fluences in the range 1.2 to 2.7 x 1 0 2 2
neutrons/cm2. Irradiation and test temperatures we're approximately
the same.

Fig. 5. Creep-Rupture Fractures of Type 316 Stainless Steel

Irradiated in the Annealed Condition and Tested at the Indicated Tempera-
ture3 and Stresses. '' "

Fig, 6. Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation Temperature on the

Creep Rupture of Annealed Type 304 Stainless Steel.

Fig. 7. Effect of Fast Neutron Fluence on the Creep-Rupture

Elongation of Annealed Type 304 Stainless Steel at 550 and 600"C.
OHNL-D*O 72-4(43
I*IO3> (i 10s)

*\ jao
S 60 60

40 40 \

SO too 1 1
• f.bMO^Mutrons/cm*
V t.9»(O22t>ciilrons/cm2
•2 Irom/cm*
• • • - • 3 5»IO z a Mii tfon«/cmJ

30 \
•—-—1 L

i 4Q \
« \ p w
ii '

10 *
20 -
I • •
t t

400 500 600 700 800 400 500 600 700 800

Pig. 1. Effect of Irradiation on the Tensile Properties of Annealed

Type 304 Stainless Steel When Irradiated and Tested at Approximately the
Same Temperature.

ORML-DWG 72-4509


450* C
- *

— • I - *

— I—

Uf-U. P |1 l-i
-T «=- S • *
1 .<]
n 1
W 1
^ * IIRF


III 10' -I - —t—i FT--

1tt1— - t
— ••pipp


10*' 10" 10°
—, I

- *- I" "

1 1— *"i*T
10"Z ,2 22 10"

Fig. 2. Effect of Irradiation on the True Stress-True Strain

Behavior of Annealed Type 304 Stainless Steel. Specimens were irradiated
near the respective test temperatures to 1.5 x lCr2 neutrons/cm2
(>0.1 MeV).
Fig. 3. Deformation Bands and Fracture in Type 304 Stainless Steel
Irradiated in the Annealed Condition at 450°C to 2.5 X 10 2 2 neutrons/cm2
(> 0.1 MeV) and Tensile Tested at 450°C and 0.002 min" 1 .
ORNL DWG. NO. 72-5010


550 650 750 550 650 750

20% COLD E3%?\Vo22%


550 650 750 550 650 "50


Fig. 4. Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation on the Creep-Rupture

Ductility of Annealed and 20$ Cold-Worked Type 316 Stainless Stael.
Samples were irradiated to fluences in the range 1.2 to 2.7 x 1 0 2 2
neutrons/cm2. Irradiation and test temperatures ware approximately
the same.


?a) Irradiated 580°C, 2.7 x 10 22 neutrons/cm2 (> 0.1 MeV) (b) Irradiated 630°C, 2.3 x 10 22 neutrons/cm2 (> 0.1
Tested 550°C, 45,000 psi Tested 650°C, 25,000 psi

Fig. 5. Creep-Rupture Fractures of Type 316

Stainless Steel Irradiated in the Annealed Condition
and Tested at the Indicated Temperatures and Stresses.

(c) Irradiated 735 to 795 °C, 2.7 X 10 22 neutrons/cm2 (> 0.1 MeV)
Tested 750°C, 7,500 psi

780° C j.


£2 f 600° C

— •

~r^ ~^ ——-*"
= = = = =

20 40 60 SO 100 120 140 160 180

TIME (hr)

Fig. 6. Effect of Fast Neutron Irradiation Temperature on the

Creep Eupture of Annealed Type 3Q4 Stainless Steel.

•C 35,000 psi 27,500 psi
550 *C 600 *C
'4 370 T V
, 460 • o

1NO* 5
6 9 10x10

Fig. 7. Effect of Fast Neutron Fluence on the Creep-Rupture

Elongation of Annealed Type 304 Stainless Steel at 550 and 600°C.

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