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The Effectiveness of Water Spinach Fertilizer To The Growth Performance of Rice Plant

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OF RICE (Oryza sativa) PLANT

Research Paper

Presented To

Morong National High School

Morong, Rizal

In Partial Fulfillment

In Practical Research 2

SY 2019-2020

Yeohj Andrei E. Vallestero

G12- Irigaray

March 2020
Chapter 1


This chapter covers the Introduction, Background of the Study, Theoretical

Framework, Conceptual Framework, Scope and Limitations, Statement of the

Problem, Hypothesis, and Definition of Terms.


Since back then, one of the existing problems of global economy are

related to the agricultural aspects. Affected by the climate change, pests, lack of

machineries, fertilizers that are being used, and other problems affect the growth

of agricultural sector. Farmers are primarily affected by this problem because

they invested capital in growing crops. The problem becomes broader that it

affects the economy and it shows a large impact to the society.

Related to this, some Asian countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, India,

and China suffer from the mentioned problem. Chemical-intensive agriculture is

taking its toll on China. The massive, widespread use of toxic chemical pesticides

and fertilizers is poisoning lakes and rivers, damaging the soil, killing wildlife and

sickening people; that even Philippines is suffering from agricultural problem.

Rizal Province also faces this issue. Farming is the primary livelihood of

people living in Rizal. It provides employment and it gives income in every family.

If this problem continuously takes place and cannot be resolved or lessen it will

always be a problem and will definitely affect the large portion of the population.
As we all know this past years, many people worldwide buy expensive fertilizer

for the good growth performances of their plants, but have a high percentage of

chemicals. This lead the researchers to conduct a study that can help the

consumers to see better results and achieve the expected outcome they want by

making a multipurpose fertilizer, using the available resources, the water


It is indeed a fact that water spinach ranked high among the world’s

healthiest foods and there are plenty of reasons for it being so. Also known as

‘kangkong’ or ‘swamp cabbage’, water spinach is one of the popular green leafy

vegetables. It is basically herbaceous aquatic or semi aquatic perennial plant that

is found in tropical and subtropical regions. Just like other dark green leafy

veggies, water spinach is a powerhouse of nutrients that benefit your body as

well as your skin and brain. It contains abundant quantities of water, iron, vitamin

C, vitamin A and other nutrients and it is rich in phosphorus and calcium.

The researchers believe that it would be an eminent help to all farmers to

improve the performance growth of their crops and to constrain the massive

usage of chemical fertilizer.


Agriculture is the science and art of cultivating plants and livestock. It is

one of the most important sources of livelihood of the Filipino. According to

Nations Encyclopedia, Philippines is still primarily an agricultural country despite

the plan to make it an industrialized economy by 2000.

Most citizens still live in rural areas and support themselves through

agriculture. But, small land-holders find it more profitable to sell their land to

developers in exchange for cash, especially since they lack capital for seeds,

fertilizers, pesticides, and wages for hiring workers to plant and harvest the

crops. Another concern is farmers' continued reliance on chemical-based

fertilizers or pesticides that have destroyed soil productivity over time.

According to hunker, Chemical fertilizers or inorganic fertilizers are

manmade soil enhancers used to raise the level of nutrients found in soil.

Although chemical fertilizers improve the growth of plants and increase the yields

of fruits and vegetables in a relatively short period of time, there are certain

disadvantages of using chemical fertilizers as opposed to organic fertilizers

derived from natural sources like ground water pollution, soil friability effect, and

deduction of micro-organism.

One of best solution for this issue is to make organic fertilizers which have

a high element composition that a soil and plant needs. Since they are the

ultimate slow-release fertilizers, it’s very difficult to over fertilize your plants. In

addition to releasing nutrients, as organic fertilizers break down, they improve the

structure of the soil and increase its ability to hold water and nutrients. Over time,

organic fertilizers will make your soil–and plants–healthy and strong.


This study was based on theory of Angelita Prado started that water

spinach is a simple green vegetable but we don’t know that water spinach is
nutritious food also like any vegetables. Water spinach is ranked high among the

world’s healthiest foods and there a plenty of reasons for its being so. The

nutrients of water spinach can be transfer by making it fertilizer. We know that

fertilizer release their nutrients move slowly in the soil, when the plants need

them, so they last longer. The nutrients are contained in complex molecules that

won’t leach away with the first rain. When the nutrients of the fertilizer went to

plant equipped its. The plant will produce a healthy and abundant fruit, no matter

what kind of climate have.

Based on the theory of Jirapon Inthasan, state that fertilizer has the

treatment with compost 200ml CTM/week showed the best result in terms of

yield, head compactness co-efficient and vegetative growth characteristics

among organic treatments. Thus it can be concluded to obtain the higher yield,

this the best treatments from among the organic fertilizers combination studied,

though it was not as effective as the mineral fertilizer treatment for some growth

variables. The positive dose-response pattern of the CMT applications suggests

that there is good potential to optimize this soil amendment. Also, an economic

analysis of the costs and benefits of the high performing organic treatments

would be valuable.

Conceptual Framework

The first frame includes the input. This frame composes of the research

title, research plan and proposal. These things are required to know the main

objectives of the study to know the procedures to be done. It states the main
problem to be solved in the study. Then the materials, which is needed to know

the objects that will be used to conduct the study.

The second frame is the process. This includes gathering of data from the

respondents using the questionnaire checklist. Next, the researchers undergoes

in different process like collecting, boiling, washing and many more. Then the

tabulating of data within the checklist given to the respondents. Last is conclusion

and recommendation that can help the researchers to improve their study.

And last but not the least is the output. It shows the final product of the

study. The water spinach fertilizer for tomatoes advantages can see in this frame

just like its affordability which means it can be made by any people.


*Title Defense *Gathering of

*Research Plan data

*Materials *Experimentation

-Water Spinach -Washing

-Sugar -Mixing Fertilizer out of
-Mixing bowl water spinach
-Chopping Board -Applying
-Ladle *Collecting Data
*Tabulating of


Figure 1
Figure 1. The Conceptual Model of the study showing the effect of water

spinach to the growth performance of rice plant.


The study aimed to determine the effect of water spinach as fertilizer to

the growth performance of rice crops.

Specifically this study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of improvement of the rice crops with the water spinach

fertilizer in terms of:

1.1 size;

1.2 height:

1.3 color; and

1.4 quality?

2. What is the level of effectiveness of the water spinach fertilizer as perceived by

the farmers?

3. Is there a significant difference between the water spinach fertilizer and the

commercially-made fertilizer with the respect to the above mentioned factors?


The study found out that there is no significant difference on the effect

between the commercial fertilizer and water spinach fertilizer.


People these days usually sacrifice their money for buying organic

fertilizers. While on the other hand, the researcher tries to figure out a plant

which people might use as an alternative fertilizer for the specific plant which is

tomatoes, instead using their money from buying those expensive medicines.

The researchers are trying to conduct a new project if water spinach and

sugar can be a source of organic fertilizer. If the researcher study is successful

then it might be that thus fertilizer will be used not only for the rich ones but also

for the poor ones. After all, this research study can be considered as a new

discovery in the field of science and technology.

In conducting this study, first, to be able for us to know that our study is a

flourishing success, we need first to experiment. We conducted this experiment

with the assist of the materials needed namely: water spinach, sugar and planted

tomatoes. To attain the aim of this study, the experiment conducted at the

backyard or little garden with two (2) planted rice. The first one, the researchers

apply the ordinary or commercial fertilizer on it. And the second test, they apply

the locally made fertilizer which is the water spinach fertilizer. This experiment

will show the effect of the two fertilizers for 5-6 months.


For a better and clear understanding, the following words or group of

words are operationally or conceptually defined.

Agriculture. The science, art or practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops,

and raising livestock and in varying degrees the preparation and marketing of

resulting products.

Capital. Refers to financial assets or the financial value of assets, such as cash

and funds held in deposit accounts, as well as the tangible machinery and

production equipment used in environments such as factories and other

manufacturing facilities.

Chemical Fertilizer. Any inorganic material of wholly or partially synthetic origin

that is added to the soil to sustain plant growth.

Climate Change. A long-term change in the earth's climate, especially a change

due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature.

Consumers. A person who purchases goods and services for personal use.

Crops. A cultivated plant that is grown as food, especially a grain, fruit, or


Farmers. A person who owns or manages a farm.

Fermentation. The chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or

other microorganisms, typically involving effervescence and the giving off of heat.

Global Economy. Intertwined economic activity of various countries considered

worldwide by their impact on other countries negatively or positively.

Income. Money that an individual or business receives in exchange for providing

a good or service or through investing capital. Income is consumed to fuel day-

to-day expenditures.

Industry. Economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and

manufacture of goods in factories.

Iponomoea aquatica. The scientific name for water spinach

Pests. A destructive insect or other animal that attacks crops, food, livestock,

Chapter 2


This chapter deals with Research Design, Setting of the Study, Subject of

the Study, Source of the Study, Procedure of the Study and, Statistical



The researchers primarily need to identify the problems that can be

tackled by the study. After identifying the problems, the researcher will start

identifying some possibilities the water spinach can be in the terms of chemical

and physical properties. The researchers utilized the experimental method of

research since the study seeks to present the effectiveness of water spinach.

The experimental method was used in this study to determine the effect of

water spinach fertilizer to the growth performance of rice plant. It involves

observation for a scientific purpose, usually to test cause-and–effect relationships

between variables under conditions which, as far as possible, are controlled by

the researcher. It is used in this kind of study because it is the best method in

determining the result. It also determines if the water spinach fertilizer has a

great effect on the growth performance of rice plant.

Setting of the Study

The study will be conducted in Morong, Rizal. Morong is also known for

having education as its priority, that’s why during the early 1970’s and early
1990’s, it became Rizal’s center of education, so that many students from

different places mostly in the nearby towns of Rizal would come and study in

Morong. According to the 2015 census, the population of Morong have been

raised at 58,118 inhabitants.

Morong is politically subdivided into 8 barangays with 3 situated in

the poblacion. The 8 barangays are Bombongan, Caniogan-Calero-Lanang,

Lagundi, Maybancal, San Guillermo/ San Guilmo and the 3 poblacion are San

Pedro (Pob.), San Jose (Pob.), San Juan (Pob.). The map of Morong, Rizal is

presented below in Figure 2.

Map of Morong, Rizal

Figure 2


Rice has a scientific name “Oryza sativa”. It is a type of grass (genus

Oryza) that belongs to a family of plants that includes other cereals such as

wheat and corn. Rice grain is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals and is the
staple food for more than 3 billion people. It is grown across the world, and there

are many varieties of rice and different ways of cultivating them. However, all rice

plants share common features and go through three main stages of growth –

vegetative, reproductive, and ripening – before the seed can be harvested.

Water Spinach or Ipomoea aquatica is a semi-aquatic, tropical plant grown

as a vegetable for its tender shoots and leaves. It is found throughout the tropical

and subtropical regions of the world, although it is not known where it originated.

This plant is known in English as water spinach, river spinach, water morning

glory, water convolvulus, or kang-kong.

This plant is abundant where it can found in waterways, banks of streams,

ponds, ditches, lakes, and marshes. It is usually floating or creeping along

shorelines but it can climb over emergent vegetation. The researcher consider

the water spinach because it has an elements that makes the fertilizer become



The researchers made a questionnaire-checklist to determine the

effectiveness of water spinach fertilizer by using scales from 1-5.

The equivalent rating scales to the response are as follows:

5 Very Much Effective

4 Much Effective

3 Effective
2 Less Effective

1 Not Effective

The checklist will be answered after five to six months, before harvesting

the rice. This is to know if the water spinach is effective in the growth

performance of rice plant. The checklist contains six questions about the

effectiveness of the water spinach fertilizer. The researchers hope that this study

will help the farmers to save money and have a healthy crop.

Directions: Put a ( / ) below the number that corresponds to your

perceptions on the extent of effectiveness of water spinach fertilizer to the growth

performance of tomatoes.


1. Does the water spinach fertilizer

helps to increase the growth

performance of Rice plant?

2. Does the water spinach fertilizers is

not delicate to use?

3. Does the water spinach fertilizer did

not destroy your crops?

4. Does the fertilizer help you to save

money in buying commercial fertilizer?

5. After using it every day, does it help

you to make your business


6. Are the tomato fruits grown in the

water spinach fertilizer bigger than the

ordinary grown rice plant?


In conducting the study, the accompanying procedural advances were


• Development of the Study

This started with the observation, choosing a topic, and formulation of a

title; the title undergo a title defense for approval; after the title being approved

the researcher immediately find related literatures and studies; the researcher

make ideas in gathering information based on the given topic including the

identification of problems, determining the setting, knowing the scope and

limitations of the study, conceptual and theoretical framework; the researchers

started working out on their research methodology.

• Selection of Respondents

The researcher chose the respondents who have a rice field that is

aligned to the study. They were chosen using the simple random sampling


• Conduct of the Study

This study was conducted at Morong, Rizal. The study was conducted to

determine the effectiveness of water spinach fertilizer.

This as well includes the preparation of materials to be used. In the actual

making the fertilizer from water spinach, the researcher followed a series of steps

namely: washing, mixing, extracting and fermenting.

The final product was brought to the Department of Science and

Technology to test the reactivity to certain bacteria.

• Experimentation

Application to the rice plant.

• Administration of Questionnaire Checklist / Survey Form

The questionnaire checklist was used to determine the effectiveness of

water spinach as fertilizer. After doing the questionnaire checklist form, the

researchers interpreted, computed and tabulated the data that they gathered

from their respondents. After being answered by the respondents, the

researchers analyzed, interpreted and tabulate the data and made their

conclusions and recommendations based on the results.


To present the Effect of water spinach fertilizer to the growth performance

of rice plant, experimental method was used. After producing the water spinach

fertilizer we will be applying ANOVA as our statistical treatment.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests the hypothesis that the means of two

or more populations are equal. ANOVAs assess the importance of one or more

factors by comparing the response variable means at the different factor levels.

To perform an ANOVA, you must have a continuous response variable and at

least one categorical factor with two or more levels. ANOVAs require data from

approximately normally distributed populations with equal variances between

factor levels. However, ANOVA procedures work quite well even if the normality

assumption has been violated, unless one or more of the distributions are highly

skewed or if the variances are quite different. Transformations of the original

dataset may correct these violations.

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