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The passage discusses the approaches to governmental liability in countries like England, the US, and France. It also outlines some of the issues with governmental liability in India and recommendations for legislation.

The passage discusses how in England, the Crown was initially immune from suits but this was changed by the Crown Proceedings Act of 1947. In the US, the doctrine of sovereign immunity was applied but this was addressed by the Federal Tort Claims Act of 1946. In France, the theories of fault, risk, and contribution are used.

The passage notes issues like the lack of objectivity in distinguishing between sovereign and non-sovereign functions, uncertainty in the law leading to abuse, and excessive dependence on outdated precedents. It argues that the long list of exceptions proposed weakens governmental liability.

Cochin University Law Review Vol. IX, 1985 p. 413-435"

Tortious Liability of Government


It is a well established principle of law of torts that the

master is vicariously liable for the torts of his servants if the
alleged torious act is done in the course of his employment.
Lawyers base this principle on the latin maxims - Qui tacit per
alium facet per se' or Respondeat superior. 2 Another reason for
this rule is the lack of funds in the hands of the servants to bear
the burden of civil liability. So if the burden is put on the em-
ployer, liability can be easily imposed on him.
How far this rule of vicarious liability be applied against
the Government? In the modern social welfare State of increased
governmental activity, the State pervades every aspect of human
life. Running buses, railways and industries, maintenance of
hospitals, slum clearance, sewage disposal and supply of neces-
saries like food, gas and electricity are now the concern of the
Government. Administrators who are the executors of these
policies may at times commit wrongs in the discharge of these
duties. Can the Government as the employer be sued for such
torts committed by these employees?



In the United Kingdom, for many years, the Crown was

not suable for the torts of its servants because of the accept-

* LL.M., Senior Research Fellow, Department of Law, Uni-

versity of Cochin.
He who acts through another is deemed to act in person.
Let the principal answer.

ance of the feudal maxim "the king can do no wrong". But

this immunity in tort never extended to its servants. The offi-
cials were personally liable for any injury for which they could
not produce legal authority. But the aggrieved persons found it
impossible to recover damages from Government servants per-
sonally because the latter might not be in a position to pay
compensation. So serious discussion and protest arose against
the immunity of the Crown. Consequently the Crown Proceed-
ings Act 1947 was passed making the Crown freely suable in
Under the Crown Proceedings Act, the extent of the lia-
bility of the Crown is the same as that of a private person of
full age and capacity 3 and it leaves untouched the personal
liability of the Crown servants except in certain cases concern-
ing armed forces. The principle evolved by the law is that
where a servant of the Crown commits a tort in the course of
his employment, the servant and the Crown are jointly and
severally liable. But the extent of vicarious liability imposed by
the law is not absolute because of the exemption clauses.
Accordingly judicial functions, execution of judicial process,
post office, armed forces etc. are exempted from the purview
of the law.

In U.S.A. also the English doctrine of sovereign immunity
was applied to protect the Government from suits relating to
the torts of its employees. However, this immunity was not

3. The nature of the Crown's liability under the Crown Proceedings

Act is best illustrated in Home Office v. Dorset Yacht Company
Ltd., [1970] 2 All E.R. 294. In that case ten borstal trainees work-
ing in an Island under the control of three officers, escaped during
night and set in motion a yacht which collided with, and damaged,
another yacht belonging to the respondents. The court found that
the officers failed to discharge a duty of care which they owed to
the respondents. The damage done by the trainees to the respond-
ents ought to have been foreseen by the borstal officers as likely
to occur if they failed to exercise proper control of supervision.
The Home Office was held vicariously liable under the Crown
Proceedings Act.

shared by the officers of the Government except the judicial

officers. The result was that talented men were disuaded from
entering the Government service due to the fear of account-
ability. Further, the remedy by way of personal liability was
futile where the official doing a wrong was not financially sound
enough to pay adequate compensation to the aggrieved party.
The United States found a solution to these problems by enact-
ing the Federal Tort Claims Act 1946 which set aside a major
chunk of sovereign immunity.
The law made the United States liable for tort claims in
the same manner and to the same extent as a private individual
under like circumstances. However it provides a number of ex-
ceptions in which liability can be evaded. Most of these excep-
tions 'exempt specific administrative functions or agencies in
addition to all claims arising in a foreign country. Moreover, it
is provided that there is no liability for intentional torts. Thus
jurisdiction of the courts is denied over any claim arising out
of assault, battery, false imprisonment, false arrest, malicious
prosecution, abuse of process, libel, slander, misrepresentation,
deceit or interference with contract rights. Thus the aim of
State liability which is sought to be achieved by the Act is con-
siderably weakened by evading liability in deserving cases
through the exemption clauses provided therein in the law. a So
there is no need to limit the scope of these exceptions by judi-
cial interpretation or by amending the Act.

In France the ideas of French Revolution led to the con-
viction that sovereign responsibility should replace the out-

4. Dalehite v. U.S., 346 U.S. 15 (1953), forms the best illustration

in which a claim made against the United States, for damages
resulting from an explosion of ammonium nitrate while being
loaded for export, failed. The Court held that the United State
was not liable because the act in question involved the exercise of
discretion which fell within the exceptions of the Federal Tort
Claims Act,

moded concept of sovereign infallibility. There, the administra-

tive courts have jurisdiction to annul illegal administrative acts
or award damages against the administration when a citizen is
injured by an administrative act. This is done on the basis of
two principles which the Conseil d' Etat evolved - legalite' and
`responsibilite'. 5 According to the former the administration
must act in accordance with the law. As per the latter the
administration will be responsible to indemnify the citizens
whose rights are infringed through any unlawful act on its part.
Regarding administrative torts the Conseil d' Etat evolved
two principles .6 - Faute de Service and Faute Personnelle. If
the agent of the administration was at fault in carrying out
administrative responsibilities then a person injured in conse-
quence could sue the State in the Conseil d' Etat for Faute de
Service. If the tortious act was done due to the personal fault
of the individual officer then the liability could be imposed on
him personally in the civil courts for Faute Personelle. A com-
bination of service fault and personal fault is recognised as
what is called Cumul.7 In such cases the victim can sue the
official both in civil courts and in administrative courts. This
does not mean that the victim can obtain damages twice. Instead
the damages are contributed by the joint tort feasors. The judg-
ment debtor who pays damages has the right of action against
the other for contribution.

In France the administration can be made liable even if

there is no fault on its part. This liability without fault is based
on the risk theory. 8 According to this theory the administration
has a duty to compensate anyone injured as a result of the
carrying out of public works involving risk. Thus France has
the most advanced system of case law on governmental liability.

L. Nevil Brown and J. F. Garner, French Administrative Law

(1973), p. 97.
Id., p. 100.
Id., p. 101.
Id., p. 104.

In India there is no legislation relating to governmental
liability in torts. The only provision is Article 300 9 of the
Indian Constitution which imposes the same liability on the
Union and the States as that of the liability of the Dominion
and the provinces before the enactment of the Constitution.
Before the Constitution there was a chain of enactments" which
ultimately made the liability same as that of the East India
Company before the passing of the GovernMent of India Act
It is in the landmark decision of the Calcutta Supreme
Court, Penninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co. v. Secre-
tary of State, • " 'that the extension of immunity of the Crown to
the Company was directly discussed. The facts of the case are
as follows. One of the horses of the plaintiff's carriage was

Ar. 300(1) of the Indian Constitution reads as follows:

"The Government of India may sue or be sued by the name of
the Union of India and the Government of a State may sue or be
sued by the name of the State and may, subject to any provisions
which may be made by Act of Parliament or of the legislature of
such State enacted by virtue of powers conferred by this Consti-
tution, sue or be sued in relation to their respective affairs in the
like cases as the Dominion of India and the corresponding Pro-
vinces or the corresponding Indian States might have sued or been
sued if this Constitution had not been enacted."
The relevant document immediately before the Constitution is the
Government of India Act 1935. Section 176(1) of the Act reads
thus: "The Federation may sue or be sued by the name of the
Federation of India and a Provincial Government may sue or be
sued by the name of the province, relation to their res-
pective affairs in the like cases as the Secretary of State in Council
might have sued or been sued if this Act had not been passed."
In order to understand the liability of the Secretary of State in
Council one should look to Section 32 of the Government of India
Act 1915.
Section 32(2) of the Act stated:
"Every person shall have the same remedies against the Secretary
of State in Council as he might have against the East India Com-
pany if the Government of India Act 1858 and this Act had not
been passed."
5 Bom. H.C. R. App. 1. Hereafter referred to as the 'P & 0 case'

injured by the iron funnel dropped on the road by the workers

of the Government dockyard. Hence the plaintiff sued the Secre-
tary of State claiming damages for the injury caused to the
horse by the negligence of the Government workmen.
Here the liability of the Secretary of State had to be deter-
mined according to the Government of India Act 1858. Section
65 of the Act made this liability co-extensive with that of the
East India Company before 1858. The Court found that after
the Charter Act of 1833 the company exercised both sovereign
functions and commercial functions within the limits of it's
jurisdiction. But accordingly to the Court the company was not
a sovereign though it exercised sovereign functions and there-
fore not entitled to sovereign immunity. 12 Though certain powers
were delegated to the company the servants of the company
were not public servants.
The scope of actual liability of the company was not in
issue in the above case. Still Chief Justice Barness Peacock
stated the proposition that where an act was done or a contract
entered into in the exercise of powers, usually called the
sovereign powers, which could not be lawfully exercised except
by a sovereign or private individual delegated by a sovereign
to exercise them, no action would lie against the company. "On
the other hand if the company were allowed for the purpose
of Government to engage in undertakings such as the Bullock
Train and the conveyance of goods and passengers for hire,
they should do so, subject to the same liabilities as individuals.
Thus in the P & 0 case the Court made a distinction bet-
ween sovereign and non-sovereign functions as the basis of
liability. If the function is one that can be carried on by a
private individual without delegation of sovereign powers it is
a non-sovereign function and liability can be imposed on the
Government. On the other hand if sovereign power or delega-
tion of such power is essential for the carrying out of the act
in question, the function is "sovereign" and no liability can be
imposed. This test formed the basis for determining the liability

Id., p. 13.
Id., p. 15.

of the Union of India or the States for the tortious acts of its
employees in later years because of the retroactive effect of
Article 300 of the Indian Constitution and the chain of refer-
ences in the laws of the past.
This test is so broad that it confers wide discretion on the
judge to characterise a function as sovereign or non-sovereign
according to his will and pleasure. If he is inclined to do justice
to individuals he may interpret the term "non-sovereign func-
tion" widely and make the State liable. On the contrary, if he
is biased in favour of the State he may give a liberal interpreta-
tion to the term "sovereign function" and save the Government
from liability.
However the development of the case-law in this area is
interesting. There is a shift in the judicial attitude when India
has changed from Police State 14 to Welfare State. Laissez-faire
concept favoured non-liability of the State. while Welfare State
concept State liability. This can be illustrated through case law.



In the old colonial era when the Government was con-

cerned more with policing function than with welfare activities,
most of the functions exercised by the Government of India
were considered as sovereign functions. Accordingly defence
functions of the State, maintenance of law and order, admini-
stration of justice through courts and matters incidental thereto
and also imposition and collection of taxes were interpreted as
sovereign functions.
Defence functions
Defence functions considered traditionally as a sovereign
function extend to commandering goods during war, 15 bombing

In a Police State, the functions of the State were limited to the

protection of the country from external aggression and maintenance
of law and order within the State. State intervention in the affairs
of the people was minimum.
A.I.R. 1928 Cal. 75.

practices, 16 maintenance of military road" and even driving of

military vehicles IS both in war time and peace time.
Some form of Government immunity may be needed for
the successful prosecution of war. At the same time it is unjust
to impose loss on individual companies who in obeyance of
the orders of superior officers, deliver war goods. Kesoran Podar
& Co. v. Secretary of State 19 is an example for this injustice. In
this case failure of the Secretary of State to take delivery of
and pay for certain war goods bought by commandering orders
was an act of the sovereign power. It would have been proper
for the court to direct the Government to pay the price of the
goods from the defence fund of the Union so that the loss could
be shared by all subjects protected by the State.

Functions of Police

Functions of the Police Department included in the cate-

gory of sovereign functions extend from arrest 20 and detention,21

In Secretary of State v. Nagarao Limbaji (A.I.R. 1943 Nag. 287)

the plaintiff lost the phallenge of his finger due to the explosion
of an ignition set lying near the area which was used as a practice
bombing ground by the military authorities. The court interpreted
bombing practice as a sovereign function to immune the State
from liability.
In Secretary of State v. Cockraft (A.I.R. 1915 Mad. 993) main-
teance of military road was interpreted as one of the sovereign
functions of the Government to evade liability arising out of injuries
sustained jas a result of allowing a heap of gravel to remain on
the road.
In Union of India v. Harbans Singh (A.I.R. 1959 Punj. 39) a claim
arising from an accident, occurred due to the negligence of the
driver of a military lorry engaged in supplying meals to military
personnel was not maintainable as the function involved was inter-
preted as a sovereign function. Same wide interpretation was given
in Thangarajan v. Union of India (A.I.R. 1975 Mad. 32) to save
the Government from liability arising out of rash and negligent
driving of a military driver while transporting carbon dioxide gas
from the factory to the military ship.
A.I.R. 1928 Cal. 75.
In M.A. Kadar Zailani v. Secretary of State (A.I.R. 1931 Rang.
(f. n. contd.)

seizure of property 22 to activities for the maintenance of law

and order. 23 However, this classification has led to injustice in
individual cases. Kasturilal Ralia Ram Jain v. State of U.P.24
forms the best illustration, The Police seized some gold from
the appellant on the suspicion that they were stolen property
and kept it in the Government Malkhana. It was later mis-
appropriated by the constable in charge of the malkhana. The
Government was sued. It was proved that the authorities were
negligent in keeping the gold in safe custody. But the court held
that the act of negligence was committed by the police officers
while dealing with the property of Ralia Ram which they had
seized in exercise of their statutory powers. 25 Further the power
to arrest a person, to search him and to seize the property
found with him are powers which can be characterised as
sovereign powers and so the claim against the Government
could not be sustained.26
The decision in Kasturilal's case is quite unsatisfactory.
The trader failed to get compensation from the Government for

294) the plaintiff's claim for damages for wrongful arrest and im-
prisonment by certain police officers was dismissed as the function
involved was sovereign in nature.
In Gurucharan Kaur v. Province of Madras (A.I.R. 1942 Mad.
539) a complaint against wrongful detention was held not main-
In Shivabhajan v. Secretary of State (28 I.L.R. Bom. 314 (1904)
the illegal seizure of certain bundles of hay by the police was
justified as an act done in the discharge of a statutory duty. This
rule was followed in Ross v. Secretary of State, 39 I.L.R. Mad.
279 (1916) to save the Government from liability arising out of
an illegal closure of a labour-recruting depot belonging to the
In State v. Padmalochan (A.I.R. 1975 Ori. 41) injuries sustained
by the plaintiff by the police lathi-charge while dispersing an un-
lawful mob and in State of M.P. v. Chironjilal (A.I.R. 1981 M.P.
65) loss caused to the plaintiff by police lathi-charge were dis-
missed on the ground of sovereign immunity.
A.I.R. 1965 S.C. 1039.
Id. at p. 1048.

the huge loss he had suffered because of the wide interpretation

given to the term 'sovereign function'. It would have been pro-
per for the court to narrow the scope of sovereign function in
this case, so that governmental liability could be imposed to
redress the grievance of the appellant. Instead the court unani-
mously rejected the claim of the appellant and expressed its
regrets about the unsatisfactory position in law. The learned
Chief Justice Gajendragadkar suggested the need for legislative
enactments to regulate and control the claim of government
immunity, on the lines of the Crown Proceedings Act 1947.

Kasturilal's decision was seriously criticised by eminent

jurists. According to one author "the distinction between sove-
reign and non-sovereign functions, which the Supreme Court
has now perpetuated though its pronouncement in the Kasturi-
lal's case is errational in the modern context when the State
embarks on so many varied activities. It is therefore necessary
that the liability of the State should match its present day role
and not to be confined to the laissez-faire era which the P & 0
case signifies". 27 Another has suggested that water tight com-
partmentalization of the functions of the State as "Sovereign"
and "non-sovereign" or "Governmental" or "non-governmental"
is highly remniscent of laissez-faire era. It is out of tune with
modern jurisprudential thinking and unworkable in practice.28
So in order to find a practical solution to the problems in this
branch of law, our courts should benefit from the experience
of the continental countries especially France. 29

Imposition and collection of taxes

Imposition and collection of exercise and customs duties

and other taxes 10 including land revenue and adoption of revenue

M. P. Jain, Indian Constitutional Law (1970) p. 743.

Alice Jacob, "Vicarious liability of Government in Torts" 7
J.I.L.I. 247 (1965) at p. 249.
Id., p. 250.
In Secretary of State v. Ramnath Bhatta (A.I.R. 1934 Cal. 128)
the plaintiff-respondent claimed damages from the Secretary of
(f. n. contd.)

recovery proceedings 31 are classified as sovereign functions of

the State. Sometimes these functions are interpreted widely by
the Courts so as to include matters incidental thereto, which
may often lead to injustice. In Nobin Chunder Day v. Secre-
tary of State, 32 the plaintiff was the highest bidder for the
licences for sale of gania and sindhi. The bids were recorded.
The plaintiff paid the requisite money. Subsequently, the excise
authority refused to give licences to the plaintiff. But the Court
refused to enforce the claim against the Government holding
that the act of the authorities in refusing licence to the plaintiff
related to the imposition and collection of excise duties which
are part of the sovereign functions of the State. This position
is quite unsatisfactory. It is not just for the authorities to refuse
licence to a person who has complied with all the procedural
formalities required by them. It would have been proper for the
Court to construe the 'imposition and collection of excise duties'
strictly so as to exclude incidental matters from its purview
thereby imposing liability on the Government.

State, for a wrongful act of the collector of Chittagong who paid

the surplus sale proceeds of a Taluk not to the plaintiff who was
the real owner, but to the recorded proprietor. The Secretary of
State was held not liable for the act done by the deputy collector
in the discharge of his statutory duties.
In Chetty & Co. v. Collector of Anantapur (A.I.R. 1965 A.P. 457)
the attachment by Tahsildar of immovable property under the
Madras Revenue Recovery Act by following the procedure pre-
scribed for the attachment of movable property was illegal, but the
Government was held not liable for the tort committed by the
Tahsildar. Similarly in State of A.P. v. Pinessetti Ankanna (A.I.R.
1967 A.P. 41) the High Court rejected the claim for damages from
the State of Andhra Pradesh, for the destrainment of the plaintiff's
bullock cart by the revenue officers for realising the land revenue
due from another. The reason was that the collection of land
revenue, though delegated to certain specified authorities by statute
the function would not cease to have the essential character of a
sovereign function.
I.L.R. 1 Cal. 11.

Judicial functions

Traditionally, administration of justice " was treated as a

sovereign function. In the British India, the East India Com-
pany was never held responsible for the acts of its judicial
officers. The Courts remained entirely separate from the Com-
pany, and the company had no liability for the acts of the courts.
This practice of non-liability continues. Still persons aggrieved
by wrong orders of the courts are without any remedy. P.A.
Maha Nirbani v. Secretary of State 34 is an illustration. The pre-
siding officer of the criminal court directed to return to the
original owner, and not to the plaintiff, some ornaments which
was delivered by the plaintiff to a police officer. In a suit by
the plaintiff, the Court expressed the view that the Government
was not liable for loss resulting from a wrong order of the
For upholding the dignity of the Court the orders of the
Court should be respected. But the Court in issuing orders
should always be vigilent to maintain the correctness thereof.

Maintenance of public path

Maintenance of public path was characterised as a sove-

reign function in some cases. In Mclnerny v. Secretary of State35
the Calcutta High Court held that the Government was not
carrying any commercial operations in maintaining a public path

33. In Matti Prasad v. Secretary of State (A.I.R. 1931 Oudh. 29) the
Government was held not liable in respect of matters arising out
of the administration of justice through its Courts.
In Secretary of State for India v. Sukhadeo, (1899) 21 All. 341,
suit was brought by Sukhadeo against the Secretary of State to
recover certain property which had been seized by a magistrate in
satisfaction ofa fine imposed on his son. The Secretary of State
was held not liable for the seizure of property by the Court. Simi-
larly acts of the official receiver in the discharge of his duties
under the orders of the Court were held to impose no liability on
the Secretary of State in Ram Sankar v. Secretary of State (A.I.R.
1932 All. 575).

and was not liable for damages for the injury sustained by the
plaintiff through coming into contact with a post set up by the
Government on a public road. In K. Krishnamurthy v. State of
A.P. 36 the plaintiff lost his right palm in an accident due to the
rash and negligent driving of the road roller belonging to the
Government. Justice Kumarayya of the Andhra Pradesh High
Court observed that the road roller was used for the maintenance
of highways which was a public purpose; the Government was
not undertaking any commercial activity in the .discharge of
that duty and so no liability would be attached.
Strictly speaking, maintenance of public paths or highways
is part of the welfare functions undertaken by the Government
in the interest of the public at large. The inclusion of this func-
tion in the category of sovereign functions reveals the reluc-
tance of the Indian Judiciary to deviate from the laissez-faire
judicial thinking.

Act of State

Act of State is a defence in the hands of the Government

to get immunity from suits. In International law, "an act of
State is an act of the executive as a matter of policy performed
in the course of it's relations with another State including its
relations with the subjects of that State, unless they are tem-
porarily within the allegiance of the Crown." 37 According to this
definition, there must be involved the relations with another
State or the subject of another State for the concept of act of
State to become operative. But the Courts in India have charac-
terised a wide variety of governmental activities as act of State
so as to uphold the Government's claim of absolute immunity
from liabilities arising out of torts. Acquisition of territories by

A.I.R. 1922 All. 276.

(1911) 38 I.L.R. Cal. 797.
A.I.R. 1961 A.P. 283.
E.C.S. Wade & G. Godfrey Phillips, Constitutional Law (1960)
p. 249.

the sovereign Government, 38 integration 39 or cession 4° of Indian

States with the Dominion of India, resumption of property by
the Government, 41 acts of governors acting on behalf of the
Government of India 42 were interpreted as act of State to confer
sovereign immunity in respect of such acts. This judicial ten-
dency seems to be prompted by the eagerness to protect the
Dominion of India from diverse claims which would have other-
wise become enforceable against it in numerous grants and
agreements entered into between former native states and their

Nayak Vajesingji v. Secretary of State, A.I.R. 1924 P.C. 216;

Virendra Singh v. State of U.P., A.I.R. 1954 S.C. 447.
Gujarat v. Vohra Fiddali (A.I.R. 1964 S.C. 1043). In this case
forest rights were granted by the ruler of sant to some persons.
Later sant merged into the Dominion of India. The new Govern-
ment repudiated the grants made by the former ruler. In a suit
against the Government the Supreme Court held that integration
of Indian States with the Dominion of India was an act of State
and so the grantees of forest rights by the former ruler could not
enforce those rights against the new sovereign.
In Buland Sugar Co. v. Union of India (A.I.R. 1962 All. 425) the
appellant was granted through agreement concession in respect of
excise duty by the former rule of Rampur State which was ceded
to the Dominion of India in 1949. After the cession the Union of
India ignored the previous agreement. Action against the Govern-
ment failed as the new sovereign had not recognised the previous
In State of Saurashtra v. Merlon Haji Ismail (A.I.R. 1959 S.C.
1383) the administration of the princely State of Junagadh was
taken over by the Government of India. The administrator resumed
same property which had been gifted by the former Nawab of
Junagadh. A suit against the Government of India claiming the
price of the property so resumed, failed as resumption of pro-
perty by the administration was interpreted as an act of State.
In Cipriano v. Union of India (A.I.R. 1969 Goa 76) the Govern-
ment of India acquired the territories of Goa, Daman and Diu
from the Protuguese in 1961. Later the Governor of these terri-
tories acting on behalf of the Government of India passed an
order closing the Air Transport Service of Portuguese India
(T.A.I.P.). This was challenged. But the High Court dismissed the
petition characterising the acts of the Military Governor as an act
of State.

subjects. The pitiable condition of the judicial process in the

past has been described in no better words than the following.
"The defeated and impoverished princes of Hindustan who
had no sovereign powers after their defeat were raised to
the status of sovereign on a par with the status of His
Britanic Majesty so that all agreements entered into with
them by the East India Company could be violated with-
out they ever getting a chance to agitate their case before
a court of law". 43
This line o f cases reveal the diplomacy of the Indian judiciary
at the infancy of the Indian Republic rather than the traditional
craving for individual justice to the citizens. Further the courts
allowed the defence of act of State doctrine even against the
subjects of the same State. Accordingly acts done in the exer-
cise of sovereign powers of the State in times of war, insurrec-
tion, rebellion or other emergency of a like character affecting
the person or the property of the subjects were saved if the
necessity or reasonableness of the action was proved by the
State claiming immunity. 44 In this line of cases there is no
foreign State or foreigner involved. Still the courts read the
concept of act of State to these cases because the judgments
were written at a time when the judicial thinking was coloured
by the laissez-faire philosophy. With the loosening of the grip
of this ideology on the judiciary, courts have begun to think
that these cases are instances where the concept of act of State
is plainly inapplicable.45

Markose, A. T., "State of Rajasthan v. Vidyavati - Acceptance of

Vicarious Liability by Government for the Tortious Acts of Go-
vernment Servants - The Responsible State", 4 J.I.L.I. 279 at p. 282.
See Secretary of State for India v. Haribhanji (1882) I.L.R. 5
Mad. 273) and Union of India v. Ramkamal, A.I.R. 1953 Ass. 116.
In State of Kerala v. Ravi Varma Raja (A.I.R. 1964 Ker. 123)
the High Court of Kerala held that the formation of the State of
Kerala from the former Travancore-Cochin State was not an act
of State. See also Hardial Singh v. State of PEPSU, A.I.R. 1960
Punj. 644.



The influence of the social welfare concept is seen also in

other areas of case law involving governmental liability. In most
of the cases decided after 1950, governmental liability was im-
posed, giving a restrictive interpretation to the term 'sovereign
function'. Accordingly commercial functions, welfare functions,
civilian functions of the military etc. are included in the non-
sovereign category.

Commercial functions

Commercial functions are interpreted by the courts to

include removal of timber from the forest, 46 running of rail-
ways, 47 driving of vehicles, 48 treasury business 49 and activities

In Secretary of State v. Sheoramjee Hanumantrao. (A.I.R. 1952

Nag. 213) the respondent purchased a certain forest coupe at an
auction sale. But the Forest Range Officer hampered and interfered
with the removal of timber, thereby causing loss to him. He sued
the Secretary of State for damages. The liability of the Secretary
of State was affirmed holding that the acts of the Forest Range
Officer arose out of the exercise of commercial or merchantile
functions and were not in the exercise of sovereign powers.
In Pratap Chandra Biswas v. Union of India (A.I.R. 1956 Ass.
85) the respondent undertook to facilitate transport of labourers
by rail through a prohibited area. On failure to do so the plaintiff
suffered loss, who in turn sued the State. The suit was allowed
since in the opinion of the court the Government was carrying on
business when providing transort of all description for which no
sovereign immunity could be claimed. See also Maharaja Bose
v. Governor General (A.I.R. 1952 Cal. 242).
In Amulya Patnaik v. State of Orissa (A.I.R. 1967 Ori. 116)
vicarious liability was, imposed on the Government for the injuries
caused to the plaintiff's husband while travelling in a police van.
See also State of Rajasthan v. Vidyawati A.I.R. 1962 S.C. 933,
infra, n. 50.
In State of U.P. v. Hindustan Lever (A.I.R. 1972 All. 486) the
Allahabad High Court held that the State was liable for the loss
caused to the respondent by the embezzlement of money deposited
in the treasury as treasury was running ordinary banking business
which any private individual could do.

of the Public Works Department."

In State of Rajasthan v. Vidhyatitiati " a jeep, owned and
maintained by the State of Rajasthan for the official use of the
Collector, was driven rashly and negligently while being taken
back after repairs from the workshop to the Collector's resi-
dence and a pedestrain was fatally injured. The Supreme Court
held that the State was vicariously liable as no sovereign func-
tion was involved. The Court did not expressly over rule the
ratio in P & 0 case but pointed out the need to abolish the
practice of conferring unnecessary immunity on the Govern-
ment organs. Sinha C. J. speaking for the Court observed:
"The immunity of the Crown in the United Kingdom was
based on the old feudalistic notions of justice, namely, that
the King was incapable of doing a wrong and therefore,
of authorising or instigating one and that he could not be
sued in his own courts.... Now that we have, by our
Constitution, established a Republican form of Govern-
ment, and one of it's objectives is to establish a socialistic
State with its varied industrial and other activities, employ-
ing a large army of servants, there is no justification in
principle or in public interest, that the State should not
be held liable vicariously for the tortious acts of its

Vidhyawati has thus opened a new trend. In this case

the Court has qualified the significance of the distinction bet-
ween sovereign and non-sovereign functions laid down in P &
0 case especially in view of the concept of a Welfare State. The
multifarious activities undertaken by Government in a Welfare
State involve not only use of sovereign powers but also its

In State of M.P. v. Ram Pratap (A.I.R. 1961 Punj. 336) the State
was held liable for injuries caused to the plaintiff by the negligent
driving of a: truck belonging to the Public Works Department as
most of the activities carried out by the P.W.D. could be carried
on by the private contractors. See also Rap Ram v. The Punjab
State, A.I.R. 1972 Born. 93.
A.I.R. 1962 S.C. 933.
52. Id., p. 940.

power as employer. So it is too much to claim that the State

should be immuned from the consequences of tortious acts of
its employees committed in the course of employment. In a
democratic country, in order to meet individualised justice, the
Government also should be made liable for the torts of its em-
ployees just as an ordinary employer. To achieve it, sovereign
immunity should be kept at a minimum level. Sinha C.J. had
made a good move in this direction in Vidhyawati by restricting
the sovereign immunity through the liberal interpretation of non-
sovereign functions. Jurists also agree with the view that this
branch of law has received a fresh stimulus in the Vidhyawati.53

Welfare functions
Welfare Functions imposing governmental liability include
construction of reservoir 54 famine relief work, 55 and maintenance
of hospitals. 56 It is suggested that the State can be sued by
citizens for the negligence of Government employees in the
course of providing welfare services like medical relief, control
and prevention of epidemics and infectious diseases, the repair

Alice Jacob, "Vicarious Liability of Government in Torts", 7

J.I.L.I. 247 at p. 248 (1965).
In State of Mysore v. Ramachandra (A.I.R. 1972 Bom. 93) the
plaintiff sued the Government for the loss caused to him due to
the negligence of the Government servants. Proper precautions were
not taken by the Government servants to prevent the overflow of
a reservoir constructed by the Government for supplying drinking
water. The Government was directed to pay damages as the func-
tion involved was a welfare act and not an act done in the sovereign
In Shyam Sunder v. State of Rajasthan (A.I.R. 1974 S.C. 890) the
pllaintiff claimed damages against the Government for the death
caused to her husband while travelling in a truck belonging to the
P.W.D. engaged in famine relief work. The claim was upheld by
the Supreme Court. Famine relief work was held a non-sovereign
In Mohamed Shafi Suleman Kazi v. Dr. Vilas Dhondu Kavishwar,
(A.I.R. 1982 Born. 27) running of hospitals was characterised as
a welfare function coming within the category of non-sovereign
function. The State was held liable for the death caused to the
plaintiff's wife due to negligence of the doctor.

and removal of encroachments on public streets and public

places, extinguishing and fighting fire and repairing of Govern-
ment buildings.
Traditionally, acts of military employees in the discharge
of their duties were held to be sovereign functions. No liability
was imposed on the Government for such activities. But con-
trary to the earlier approach now the judicial tendency is to
include civilian functions of the military in the category of non-
sovereign functions. So claims of compensation for injuries sus-
tained while transporting coal" machineries 58 and vegetables59
or while carrying hockey and basket ball teams 60 or officers
from the place of exercise to the college of combat 61 are held
to be maintainable as the functions are interpreted as 'non-
This extension of State liability to the civilian functions of
the military forces was the consequence of the change in judi-
cial attitude induced by the emergence of the Welfare State.
In Union of India v. Harbans Singh 62 the Punjab High Court
was not able to delineate civilian function of the military forces
as a basis of liability. In Thankarajan v. Union of India, 63 the
Madras High Court was rather mistaken in styling as sovereign
function the transportation of carbondioxide gas which actually
was a civilian function of the military forces.
In a recent case Pushpinder Kour v. Corporal Sharma64
the Punjab High Court has gone a step further. It allowed a
claim that arose when a car dashed into a missile carrier of the
Military Department parked on the road without parking lights.
Correcting the error committed by the claims tribunal in absolv-

Union of India v. Smt. Jasso, A.I.R. 1962 Punj. 315.

Union of India v. Sugrabai, A.I.R. 1969 Born. 13.
Union of India v. Kumari Neelam, A.I.R. 1980 (N.O.C.) 60 M.P.
Satyawati Devi v. Union of India, A.I.R. 1967 Delhi 98.
Nandram Heeralal v. Union of India, A.I.R. 1978 M.P. 209.
A.I.R. 1959 Punj. 39.
A.I.R. 1975 Mad. 32.
A.I.R. 1985 P. & H 81 at p. 83.

ing the Union of India from liability on the plea of sovereign

immunity, the court observed that it is a mixed question of law
and fact whether the accident had been caused in the exercise
of the sovereign functions of the State and is not thus a matter
that can be decided in the absence of pleadings and proof.

Illegal detention

The law till recently was that no compensation or damages

was payable by the State for wrongful detention. This position
has changed recently. In Rudul Sah v. State of Bihar 65 the peti-
tioner was detained in prison for fourteen years even after his
acquital. The Supreme Court awarded a compensation of Rs.
35,0001- against the State for the illegal act done by the offi-
cials. Chief Justice Chandrachud observed:
"The right to compensation is some palliative for the un-
lawful acts of instrumentalities which act in the name of
public interest and which present for their protection the
powers of the State as a shield. If civilisation is not to
perish in this country as it has perished in some others too
well-known to suffer mention, it is necessary to educate
ourselves into accepting that, respect for the rights of the
individuals is the true bastion of democracy. Therefore,
the State must repair the damage done by its officers to the
petitioner's rights. It may have recourse against those
officers." 66

Justice Bhagawati and Justice Mukherjee decided in the

same year the case of Bhima Charan Oraon, 67 awarding compen-
sation of Rs. 15,000- for retaining a sane person unnecessarily
in the mental asylum for six years. In the view of the Court,
compensation is the only remedy for the illegal deprivation of
personal liberty. For the same reason recently the Supreme
Court has awarded Rs. 50,000 as compensation to Mr. Bhim
Singh, a member of the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative

A.I.R. 1983 S.C. 1086.

Id. at p. 1089.
See Indian Express, Cochin ed., Aug. 13, 1983.

Assembly for illegal detention and high-handedness by the

police. 68
Judicial attitude shows today the tendency to widen the
scope of Governmental liability through a liberal interpretation
of non-sovereign functions. In the laissez-faire era almost all
the functions exercised by the Government were described as
sovereign functions. The area of non-sovereign functions was
too narrow. In the Welfare State the multifarious activities
newly undertaken by the Government are added by judicial
interpretation to the category of non-sovereign functions.
Besides this, the changed judicial attitude has restricted the
scope of sovereign functions by including matters incidental to
sovereign functions also in the non-sovereign category.

In India Government is not liable in tort for acts done in
the exercise of sovereign functions. It is liable for the torts
committed by its servants in the discharge of non-sovereign
functions. Functions carried out by Government, which can be
carried out by private individuals without any delegation of
sovereign powers of the Government are non-sovereign func-
tions. Before independence when India was a Police State, the
judicial attitude was to give a very wide interpretation to the
term 'sovereign function' by including matters incidental to
sovereign function. Accordingly, defence and police functions,
and matters incidental thereto, were included in the category
of sovereign functions.

After independence we have adopted a Constitution com-

mitted to Welfarism. Judicial attitude has changed in time with
the ideals of the Welfare State. Courts began to curtail sovereign
immunity through a restrictive interpretation. Civilian functions
of the military, acts of Public Works Department and main-
tenance of hospitals were thus excluded from the category of
sovereign functions. By such interpretation courts attempted to
impose tortious liability on Government in suitable cases.

68. See Indian Express, Cochin ed., Nov. 23, 1985.


The test of sovereign functions and non-sovereign func-

tions cannot be treated as an appropriate one to decide the
liability of Government since it lacks objectivity. If a judge is
biased in favour of Government, he can hold the activity in
question as a sovereign function and exclude liability. If he
wants to help the aggrieved he can characterise the function as
non-sovereign. This is not a satisfactory position. A balanced
approach is needed.

Uncertainty in law will lead to abuse of judicial process.

Justice Holms has said that uncertain justice is better than
certain injustice. But can it be said that uncertain law will always
do justice? Excessive dependence on precedents will not solve
the problems. If courts in India are still allowed to base their
decision on the old rule laid down by the British Judge in 1861
in P & 0 case and other outmoded principles following the
case, this important branch of law will be lost in 'that codeless
myriad of precedents' or in 'that wilderness of single instances'.
This situation should not be allowed to continue. Legislation in
this branch of law is a crying necessity. The Law Commission
of India had suggested that the old distinction between sovereign
and non-sovereign functions, or Governmental and non-Govern-
mental functions, should no longer be invoked to determine the
liability of the State. 69 The Commission made many recom-
mendations on the basis of which legislation should proceed."
Accordingly Bills were introduced in Parliament more than
once. But till now no law has been passed.

A perusal of the Law Commission Report on Tortious

Liability of Government and the Bills that followed it shows a
long list of exceptions for which the Government should not be
made Liable. These exceptions include act of State, act done by
the President or Governor of the State in the discharge of legi-
slative duties, acts done by the Government for training or
maintaining the armed forces, police functions, judicial acts,
execution of judicial process, foreign torts and acts done under

Law Commission of India, First Report (Liability of the State in

Tort) (1956), p. 32.

certain statutes. If the law is enacted with this long list of

exceptions it will substantially weaken the Governmental lia-
bility sought to be achieved. It may be true that for the effective
governance, Governmental immunity should not be ruled out
completely. But this should be to the minimum degree. Essential
sovereign functions should be protected. But matters incidential
to them should not be protected. For instance while defence
functions of Government should enjoy immunity civilian func-
tions of the military should not. The defence of act of State
should not be allowed to be raised as it is appropriate to the
domain of international relations and not to relations between
the State and its' citizen.
If the French theories of fault, risk and contribution are
adopted in India the ends of justice will be more effectively
met. Legislation should be modelled on the lines of the French
Law of Governmental liability. Personal liability of the officials
and the compulsion to contribute their share to the damages
will make the Government officers more responsible.

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