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Common Causes of Malnutrition Among Children In Barangay2 Purok 4,

Mercedes, Camarines Norte

A research proposal presented to the faculty of Mabini Colleges In partial fulfillment

of the requirements for Practical Research 1 and 2

Maria Consuelo S. Quindara

Research Instructor


Yanaleen Azaler E. Peregrino

Patricia Bea Lopez

Ronielyn Malaluan

Karla Salvanera

Christine Joy Naing

Lindsay Reufrir

Leoj Barrameda

Venus Arriane Postre

Chapter 1

The Problem


Malnourished children discover their body’s difficulty in doing things such as

growing and resisting diseases. Playing and doing some physical activities become

hard for them and even learning activities can be diminished. Children suffering from

malnutrition could lack energy because they don’t take in enough nutrients to sustain

body needs. This study would focus on common causes of malnutrition among

children on Barangay 2, Purok 4, Mercedes Camarines Norte. This will show us on

how to deal with children who undergo Malnutrition.

Malnutrition is a general term for a medical condition caused by an improper or

insufficient diet. It more often refers to under nutrition resulting from inadequate

consumption, poor absorption or excessive loss of nutrients, but the term can also

encompass over nutrition resulting to overeating or excessive intake of specific

nutrients (Dr.Marcus Dy 2003)

Malnutrition Is diagnosed based on certain factors like duration and

precipitating causes if any. Clinical symptoms of malnutrition are often the major

determinants of malnutrition and there is a little role of diagnostic and imaging studies

in evaluation of malnutrition (Dr. Ananya Mandal, MD)

Mercedes is a second class municipality in the Province of Daet, Camarines Norte.

According to the census 2015, it has a population of 50,841 people. The town was

originally named "Barra", and it was a barangay of Daet. The provincial capital. Its

name was changed to Mercedes after Doña Mercedes, a rich woman who devoted

her life of helping the community, especially the poor ones.

Mercedes was created from the barrios of Babatnon, Lanot, Lalawigan,

Pinagdamhan, Hamoraon, Colasi, Tarum, Pambuhan, Masalong-salong, Hinipaan,

Matoogtoog, Cayucyucan, Mambongalon, Manguisoc, Gaboc, Mercedes,

Tanayagan, Tagontong, Catandonganon, Cariñgo Island, Quinapaquian Island,

Apuao Island, all formerly part of Daet, Camarines Norte, by virtue of Republic

Act No. 341, approved on July 26, 1948.

We chose Brgy 2, Mercedes Camarines Norte Purok 4 because we saw

many children who don’t get enough nutrients. As if they were starving or they just

don’t eat the right food that contains different kind of nutrients.

This study focus on the common causes of malnutrition among children in

Purok 4, Brgy 2 Mercedes Camarines Norte. This will show us on how to deal with

children who undergo malnutrition. Malnutrition is a general term for a medical

condition caused by an improper or insufficient diet. It more often refers to under-

nutrition resulting from inadequate consumption, poor absorption or excessive loss of

nutrients, but the term can also encompass over nutrition resulting to over eating or

excessive intake of specific nutrients. Mercedes is a second class municipality in the

province of Daet, Camarines Norte. According to the census 2015 it has a population

of 50,841 people.

We decided to conduct our research in Mercedes because we know that we

can somehow help the children on Brgy 2, Mercedes Camarines Norte Purok 4 by

giving them some tips or by telling them the right things to do. And also by

conducting a small feeding program that consist of food which contains the nutrients

they needed, at least once a week.

This study is very important because there is a big chance that this study can

help those children who are in Barangay 2, Purok 4, Mercedes, Camarines Norte.

We chose this topic because we pity those children who can’t do what they want

because they lack energy and nutrients that hinder them to do physical activities.


This chapter presents the related literature and studies . It includes

conceptual framework and paradigm. The researchers browsed the internet and books

as sources of information.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO) [17], malnutrition has three

commonly used comprehensive types named stunting, wasting and underweight

measures by height for age, weight for height and weight for age indexes respectively.

Stunting or growth retardation or chronic proteinenergy malnutrition (PEM) is

deficiency for calories and protein available to the body tissues and it is inadequate

intake of food over a long period of time, or persistent and recurrent ill-health. This

height-for-age index (stunting) is less sensitive to temporary food shortages and thus

seems to be considered as the most reliable indicator. Because studies have shown

that wasting is volatile over seasons and periods of sickness and underweight shows

seasonal weight recovery and being overweight for some children can also affect

weight-for-age index [8]. Wasting or acute protein-energy malnutrition captures the

failure to receive adequate nutrition during the period immediately before the survey,

resulting from recent episodes of illness and diarrhoea in particular or from acute food

shortage. Underweight status is a composite of the two preceding ones, and can be

due to either chronic, acute malnutrition or PEM.

Mosley and Chen [20] in their study of the causes of death in children in

developing and low income countries, placed risk factors within an analytical
framework or including the interactions among socio-economic, cultural,

environmental and biomedical factors. The framework focuses on the factors or

determinants according to how direct the impact of the determinant was on the risk of

death, i.e. the proximity of the risk posed to the children.

Osmani (1997) attempts to explain the "South Asian Puzzle", i.e., why South

Asia's child malnutrition rate is so much higher than Sub-Saharan Africa's, despite

almost equal poverty rates, higher food availability in South Asia, and comparable

levels of public provision of health and sanitation services. The study employs OLS

regression to explore the determinants of child stunting for 66 developing countries in

the early 1990s. The initial explanatory variables are per capita GDP ($PPP), health

services (proxied by population per physician), extent of urbanization, and the female

literacy rate. All are found to be important determinants of stunting. A South Asian

dummy variable is significant and quite large, indicating (as does UN ACC/SCN

1993), that additional factors explain South Asia's extreme child stunting rates. Under

the hypothesis that the presence of relatively high low-birth-weight (LBW) rates are at

the root of the South Asian puzzle, this variable is added into a second estimating

equation, causing the South Asian dummy variable to lose its significance. In a third

estimating equation, the dummy variable is dropped and replaced with the LBW

variable. The latter is statistically insignificant in this equation. The author concludes

that LBW and factors influencing it—particularly the low status of women in South

Asia—are important determinants of stunting. However, since LBW is endogenous (it

is partially determined itself by both per capita income and female literacy), the OLS

coefficient estimates are likely to be biased, weakening the study’s conclusions.

Frongillo, de Onis, and Hanson (1997) examine the determinants of child stunting

using data from 70 developing countries in the 1980s and 1990s. They find national
income per capita, DES, government health expenditures, access to safe water, and 10

female literacy rates all to be statistically significant factors. In addition to these

variables, the study tests for the significance of four others representing countries'

socioeconomic and demographic structure: proportions of population urban,

proportions of population in the military, population density, and female share of the

labor force. It finds none of these variables to be significant determinants of stunting.

As for previous studies, regional effects are found to be strong and significant. They

are particularly strong for the “Asia” region, which is represented by 17 countries

from South Asia, East Asia, and the Near East.


Karin du Plessis Ph.D. (2001) wrote an article entitled “diet and

nutrition” She stated that nutrients are consumed through the food that we eat, and

through metabolic processes in the digestive system these nutrients are absorbed at a

cellular level in the body. A nutrient-rich diet could assist apprentices to maintain a

healthy body and mind. The nature of most construction industry apprenticeships is

such that it requires concentration and moderate to high levels of physical activity,

and consequentially apprentices need a diet which can support these required high

energy demands. Anecdotally, apprentices display a range of dietary practices, which

appear to be moderated by their taste preferences, nutritional beliefs and knowledge,

environment (e.g., availability of food; healthful dietary messages) and degree of

prescription to traditional masculine stereotypes.

According to Detroit (2007) food justice task force (2004): Recent

research suggests that many of Detroit’s children are consuming “foods” which do not

promote optimal health.  The study indicated that many children are getting energy
primarily from powdered fruit flavored drinks. Children who do not have an adequate

diet perform poorly in school because they are absent more due to illness, have

shorter attention spans, retain less, and often exhibit inappropriate behaviors.


Far too many children and adults are overweight or obese and as a result

suffer from poor self-esteem, lack of energy, social challenges and various health

problems.  Obesity should be of major concern in the city of Detroit.  Clearly, at the

heart of efforts to address obesity must be the understanding that this is a cultural

phenomenon that is deep rooted in the habits that have been developed by post World

War II generations of the American populace and federal policies that greatly

subsidize less healthy processed foods making them abundant and cheap over fresh


The movement towards convenience slowly led families away from the

preparation of fresh foods that sustained health and wellness, to pre-packaged, instant

foods that reduced the time spent in kitchens, but compromised nutrition.  That

downward spiral has continued with the proliferation of “fast food” restaurants

throughout the city of Detroit.  Many families get significant percentages of their food

from such establishments.  Research has shown that the fat contained in burgers and

fries contribute significantly to obesity in children and adults.  The tendency of those

establishments to “supersize” their product has led to over-consumption, and again

contributes to obesity and poor health.

Many Detroiters suffer from illnesses that could be prevented or controlled by

improved eating habits including hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.  It has
been suggested that certain cancers may be caused by nitrates and nitrites in

processing meats that are used frequently in the African-American community such as

smoked meats, bacon, sausage and lunch meat.  African American communities also

face higher risk from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other diet-related illnesses.


The study aims to determine if the common cause of malnutrition among children are

properly observed in Barangay 2, Purok 4, Mercedes, Camarines Norte. The

researchers made few questions to answer the following sub-problems.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Educational Attainment

C. Number of siblings

2. What are the common causes of malnutrition among children in Barangay 2,

Mercedes Camarines Norte?

a. RHU data/record

b. Researchers Evaluation

3. What measures may be recommended to improve the health condition of

malnourished children in Barangay 2, Mercedes Camarines Norte?


After conducting the research, there are some assumptions that was made

regarding the common cause of malnutrition among children in Purok 4, Brgy 2

Mercedes Camarines Norte. These assumptions can be acknowledged or rejected

depending on the result of the research.

The following statements are the assumptions that concerns to the topic:

1). Profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. 3-12 years old

b. Preschool-Elementary

2). The weekly nutrition feeding is the measure recommended to improve the health

of malnourished children

3). Eating a healthy and balanced diet is an important part of maintaining a good



This research was performed to determine the level of malnutrition of children in

Purok 4, Barangay 2, Mercedes Camarines Norte .The collection of data was

conducted in the Barangay inside the area of Mercedes Camarines Norte. On

September 16,2017. Also the study focuses on children aged 3-12 .


The outcome of this study is a great help for everyone and specifically to it


-Children. Because it will help them to gain more weight and also improve their


-Parents, beacause it will help them to gain knowledge on handling the health of their



Malnutrition- a condition that results from eating a diet in which nutrient are either not

enough or are too much such that the diet causes health problems malnutrition is

also one of the main problem of our country.

Lack- to not have something or to not have enough of something

Iron fortified- an iron rich food this includes meat,egg,leafy green vegetables and iron

fortified foods.


According to Nathan Gray (2011) who conducted a study entitled poor childhood

diet linked to low IQ . A diet with high I fats, sugars, processed foods in early

childhood may result in lower IQ scores, While a diet rich in healthy foods packed

with vitamins and nutrients may work in reverse .

Researchers led by Dr. Kate Northstone (2005) from the department of social

medicine at the University of Bristol also said that “In this population of

contemporary British children, A poor diet associated with increased intake of

processed food, fat and sugar in such early childhood associated with lower IQ at the

age of 8.5 years in addition a concurrent healthy diet maybe associated with higher


According to the study conducted by Dr. Mandal, Ananya (2011), one of the

causes of malnutrition is inadequate diet because of the lack of intake of fruits and

vegetables and increased consumption of refined carbohydrates and fats.

Our data suggest that both maternal and paternal education are strong predictors

of of child stunting: greater levels of formal education achieved by both mothers and

fathers were associated with a decreased odds of child stunting. Previous reports have

examined the effect of no education versus some formal education, or the completion

of primary secondary school, with child height or stunting; there is also paucity of

data for the effect of paternal education on child development. The large sample sizes

studied here allowed sufficient power to discern the effects of levels of formal

parental education on the risk of child stunting.


In the presented study entitled Common causes of malnutrition among children in

Purok 4, Brgy 2 Mercedes Camarines Norte. There are some similarities and between

our present study to some previous study and these are the following

In the study conducted by Nathan Gray and Dr. Kate Northstone (1997) that

saids A diet with high I fats, sugars, processed foods in early childhood may result in

lower IQ scores, While a diet rich in healthy foods packed with vitamins and nutrients

may work in reverse meaning if you eat unhealthy foods or you don’t eat at all it can

result to low IQ or difficulty in maintaining good grades in school and if you eat

healthy foods and maintain good and healthy diet it may result to high IQ which

means good and High grades in school

In the study of Dr. Ananya Mandal (2011) that inadequate diet is one of the

causes of malnutrition it is similar to our study because not taking enough nutritional

food or lack of vitamins is or means inadequate diet.


This framework will support the theory of Dr. Ananya Mandal, MD that

malnutrition is a condition which occurs when there is a deficiency or certain vital

nutrients in a person’s diet. Also malnutrition occurs when a person undergo

inadequate diet.

In figure 1 I present the theoretical paradigm of the study

Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm
Input Process Output
1. Profile of the respondents Searching for qualified

A. Age

Conducting survey
B. Educational attainment

Conduvting weekly feeding

C. Number of siblings To avoid malnutrition,
parents must know the
2. Common Causes of malnutrition
Analyzing the respondents proper balance diet for
among children in Purok 4 Barangay
feedbacks their children and the
2, Mercedes Camarines Norte
proper nutrition of the
Generating conclusion out
A. RHU Data record
food of their children in
of the survey
3. Measures may be recommended to need
Documentation of al the
improve the health of malnourished
data gathered
children in Mercedes camarines


Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm

Chapter 3

This chapter particularly deals with malnutrition on children , First of all let us

define what malnutrition and children means . Malnutrition is a condition that results

from eating a diet in which nutrients are either not enough or are too much such that

the diet causes health problems , Malnutrition is also one of the main problems in our



To inform parents that when their child is not getting enough food, malnutrition is

just around the corner . to let parents know the possible things that could happen if

their children undergo malnutrition. Parents define malnutrition as just a small thing,

they don’t make it a big deal they think that malnutrition is just a stage in childhood in

which they are very thin.


The respondents of this study Is the Children on Mercedes Camarines Norte

purok 4, Barangay 2.


We researchers have used purposive sampling on determining the population,

The total population of malnourished infant children in Brgy 2, Purok-4, Mercedes,

Camarines Norte are 9 malnourished infant children.

The respondents were chosen by their knowledge on handling infant children,

Most of the respondents were mothers that has kids 5 years old below.


To determine the data, The researchers will use survey questionnaires.

Likewise, the study used percentage technique and ranking with the formula

below. The percentage technique was used to organize score to facilities analysis and



P=f/n *100

Where P=Percentage

F=frequency response

N=total number of respondents

100=constant multiplier


We followed the following steps to obtain the needed information first we

selected respondents. The respondents that we chose were mothers of infant children,

then we construct some questionnaire. Below is the questionnaire ↓



Educational attainment:
Do you eat vegetables? Yes? No?

If yes how often?

Do you drink vitamins? Yes? No?


Chapter 4

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data and evaluation and
the problem encountered by the respondents. This also includes a discussion about the
causes of malnutrition In Brgy 2, Purok-4 Camarines Norte.

Respondents Profile

Table 1


10-11 6 25%
8-9 5 20.83%
7-8 7 29.1%
6-7 3 12.5%
3-5 3 12.5%
TOTAL 24 99.93%

Table 1, shows the profile of the respondents in Brgy. 2 Purok 4 Mercedes

Camarines Norte. 7 or 29.1% belongs to the age of 7-8; 6 or 25% are 10-11 years old;
5 or 20.83% respondents are 8-9 years old and 3 or 12.15% are the ages of 6-7 and 3-
5years old.
The data revealed that the majority of the respondents are ranged from 3-11years
Table 2

Respondents by Gender


MALE 5 20.83%

FEMALE 19 79.16%

TOTAL 24 99.54%

Table 2 shows that 5 or 20.83% are male and 19 or 79.16% are females. Therefore
this table shows that the majority of the respondents are females

Table 3

Respondents educational attainment


PREP 3 24.97
KINDER 3 24.97


TOTAL 24 99.94

Table 3 shows the educational attainment of the respondents 3 or 24.97% are

Kinder and prep students 18 or 74.92% are elementary students . Most of the
respondents are elementary students

Table 4
Problem encountered by the respondents



POVERTY 11 13.5%


UNAWARE 9 11.11%


PARENTAL 18 22.2%
TOTAL 81 99.99%
Table 4 shows the problems encountered by the respondents 21 or 25.92% were
Unbalanced Diet, 18 or 22.2% Parental Negligence, 10 or 12.34% Less Food Intake
and 9 or 11.11% Unaware.
Majority of the respondents chose Unbalanced Diet as their problem encountered.
According to the study of Dr. Ananya Mandal, one of the causes of malnutrition
is inadequate diet because of the lack of intake of fruits and vegetables and increased
consumption of refined carbohydrates and fats

Chapter 5


This Chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the findings of the study.


The primary objective of this study was to determine the Causes of Malnutrition
on Children in Brgy 2, Purok 4, Mercedes Camarines Norte .

Specifically, This study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of their ages, gender and
educational attainment?
2. What are the problem encountered by the respondents?
3. What are the causes of malnutrition in their Barangay?


This study focused on the Causes of malnutrition on children in Brgy 2, Purok 4,

Mercedes Camarines Norte The respondents of this study are The Malnourished
children in Brgy 2, Purok 4, Mercedes Camarines Norte.

The researchers used descriptive survey method of research utilizing

questionnaire are the main gathering instrument. The computation used to evaluate the
data was percentage technique.


After the data gathered and analyzed and interpreted, The researchers had the
following findings:

1. Most of the respondents belong to the ages 10-11. nineteen (19) or 79.16 %
were females. Majority was Elementary students They belong to the poor
socioeconomic condition. Most of them were married.
2. Majority of the respondents chose unbalanced diet for their encountered
3. The causes of malnutrition is inadequate diet because of the lack of intake
of fruits and vegetables and increased consumption of refined carbohydrates and


Based on the aforementioned findings and conclusion the following

recommendations are offered:

1. Established ways to avoid malnutrition for malnourished children.

2. Raised the awareness of the community about malnutrition and its causes and
consequence on children health through social media and establish child-friendly
health and welfare services.
3. The government should formulate a feeding program for the children that
belongs to the poor socio economic condition

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