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Embedded Systems: Course Content

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Embedded Systems

email: web: call: (+91) 120 2540300 / 400, 333774
Embedded C
1. Introduction to Embedded System

 History & need of Embedded System

 Basic components of Embedded System
 Hardware Classification of Embedded System
 Programming Language Classification of Embedded System
 Advantage & Disadvantage of Low level & High level programming language of
Embedded System

2. Introduction to Embedded C

 Introduction to Embedded C
 Different between C & Embedded C
 Data type of Embedded C
 Operators of Embedded C
 Statements & loops of Embedded C

3. Programming Embedded Systems In C

 Introduction
 What is an embedded System?
 Which processor should you use?
 Which programming language should you?
 Which operating system should you use?
 How do you develop embedded software?

4. Hello, Embedded World

 Introduction
 Installing the Keil software and loading the project
 Configuring the simulator
 Building the target
 Running the simulation
 Dissecting the program
 Aside: Building the hardware

email: web: call: (+91) 120 2540300 / 400, 333774
5. Adding Structure To Your Code

 Introduction
 Object-oriented programming with C
 The Project Header (Main .H)
 The Port Header (Port .H)
 Example: Restructuring the ‘Hello Embedded World’ example
 Example: Restructuring the goat-counting example
 Further examples

6. Programming & Interfacing Using Embedded C

 Programming of Timer & Counter

 Programming of Serial Port
 Programming of Interrupt
 LCD Interfacing
 Motor Interfacing
 Key board Matrix Interfacing

8051 μC
1. Introduction to Embedded System

 History & need of Embedded System

 Basic components of Embedded System
 Hardware Classification of Embedded System
 Programming Language Classification of Embedded System
 Advantage & Disadvantage of Low level & High level programming language of
Embedded System

2. Microprocessor & Microcontroller Classification

 Difference between Microprocessor & Microcontroller

 Classification based on architecture
 Classification based on Instruction Set
 Type of Microcontroller
 Memory Classification

email: web: call: (+91) 120 2540300 / 400, 333774
3. Introduction To 8051 Microcontroller

 Introduction of ATMEL 8051 family

 Block diagram description of AT89C51
 Special feature of AT89c51
 Pin description of AT89c51

4. Intel 8051 Architecture

 Introduction to 8-bit microcontroller 8051

 Inbuilt features of 8051
 Block diagram explanation, pin descriptions
 Bit addressable and byte addressable registers
 About some imp SFRs like PSWA and stack operations
 Addressing modes and assembler directives
 Different addressing modes with examples and assignments and lab
demonstrations with examples of addressing modes Instruction sets
 Explanations about 4 different instruction sets and with assignments
 Serial communication concepts with programming
 Interrupt programming and embedded c concepts how to use KEIL with C concepts
 Timer programming concepts in mode 1 and mode 2 with assignments

5. Intel 8051 μC Pin Configuration Diagram

6. Registers & Memory Of AT89C51

 Description of RAM
 Description of CPU Registers
 Function of SFR

7. Interfacing Of LED

 Introduction of LED’s
 Interfacing Circuit Description of LED’s
 Programming of LED’s Interfacing

8. Interfacing Of Seven Segment Display

 Types of 7 Segment Display

 Interfacing Circuit Description of 7 Segment Display
 Programming of 7 Segment Display Interfacing

email: web: call: (+91) 120 2540300 / 400, 333774
9. Interfacing Of LCD

 Introduction to 16 x 2 LCD
 Commands of 16 x 2 LCD
 Interfacing Circuit Description of 16 x 2 LCD
 Programming of 16 x 2 LCD

10. Interfacing Of Switches & Keyboard Matrix

 Introduction to Switches & Keyboard Matrix

 Interfacing Circuit of Switches & Keyboard Matrix
 Programming of Keyboard Matrix & Switches
 Controlling of LED’s by using Switches
 Key board Matrix & LCD Interfacing Program

11. Interfacing Of Motors

 Introduction to Motors
 Types of Motors used in Embedded System
 Programming & Controlling of Motors in Embedded System

12. Timers & Counter Programming

 Introduction to Timer & Counter

 Difference between Timer and Counter
 Description of SFR associated with Timer & Counter
 Programming of Timer & Counter

13. Serial Communication Programming

 Introduction to Serial Communication

 Types of Serial Communication
 Description of SFR associated with Serial Communication
 Introduction & Interfacing of UART
 Programming of UART

14. Interrupt Driven Programming

 Types of Interrupts
 Programming of Software & Hardware Interrupts

email: web: call: (+91) 120 2540300 / 400, 333774
15. Interfacing of ADC

 Introduction to ADC
 Interfacing circuit of ADC
 Working & Interfacing of Temperature Sensor (DS1621 & LM35)

16. Interfacing Of External Memory

 Introduction to External Memory Interfacing

 Introduction to I2C Protocol
 Using I2C library to read/write External Memory

17. Introduction Of Embedded C

 Introduction to Embedded C
 Different between C & Embedded C
 Data type of Embedded C
 Operators of Embedded C
 Statements & loops of Embedded C

18. Programming Embedded Systems In C

 Introduction
 What is an embedded System?
 Which processor should you use?
 Which programming language should you?
 Which operating system should you use?
 How do you develop embedded software?

19. Hello, Embedded World

 Introduction
 Installing the Keil software and loading the project
 Configuring the simulator
 Building the target
 Running the simulation
 Dissecting the program
 Aside: Building the hardware

email: web: call: (+91) 120 2540300 / 400, 333774
20. Adding Structure To Your Code

 Introduction
 Object-oriented programming with C
 The Project Header (Main .H)
 The Port Header (Port .H)
 Example: Restructuring the ‘Hello Embedded World’ example
 Example: Restructuring the goat-counting example
 Further examples

21. Programming & Interfacing Using Embedded C

 Programming of Timer & Counter

 Programming of Serial Port
 Programming of Interrupt
 LCD Interfacing
 Motor Interfacing
 Key board Matrix Interfacing

22. Motor Interfacing

 DC motor interfacing using UL2803 with controllers

 Stepper motor interfacing using UL2003 with controllers
 Servo motor interfacing with controllers

23. Sensors

 Introduction to sensors
 IR sensors module
 Ultrasonic sensors
 Photoelectric sensors
 Sensor Categories
 Binary Sensor
 Analog versus Digital Sensors
 Shaft Encoder
 A/D Converter
 Position Sensitive Device
 Compass
 Gyroscope, Accelerometer, Inclinometer
 Digital Camera

email: web: call: (+91) 120 2540300 / 400, 333774
24. Actuators

 DC Motors
 H-Bridge
 Pulse Width Modulation
 Stepper Motors
 Servos
 References

25. Multitasking

 Cooperative Multitasking
 Synchronization
 Scheduling
 Interrupts and Timer-Activated Tasks

26. Wireless Communication

 Communication Model
 Messages
 Fault-Tolerant Self-Configuration
 User Interface and Remote Control
 Sample Application Program

27. Case Study: Intruder Alarm System

 Introduction
 The software architecture
 Key software components used in this example
 Running the program
 The software

1. Introduction to Embedded Systems

 Components of Embedded systems

 Evolution in Microcontroller technology
 Past, Present & Future of Embedded System
 Power supply
 Memory

email: web: call: (+91) 120 2540300 / 400, 333774
 Microcontroller
 Sensors
 Actuators
 Introduction to PIC family
 Features of PIC16F877A

2. Microcontroller PIC16F877A

 Hardware Details
 PIC Architecture
 Pin Diagram
 Port I/O configuration
 Interrupts & Timers

3. Assembly Language & Programming

 Microcontroller PIC Assembly Language

 Programming in Embedded C
 Introduction to programming software
 Examples programs for PIC

4. I/O Device Interface and Practical

 Study of Input Output Devices

 LED Display,7-Segment
 DIP Switch
 Intelligent LCD Display
 Matrix Keyboard
 Stepper Motors and Types of Stepper Motors
 Serial Communication Concepts
 Practices on interfacing circuits
 Practices of ICP
 Opto-Isolators, Relay
 I2C, SPI Protocol
 Serial Memory
 On chip Peripherals PWM

email: web: call: (+91) 120 2540300 / 400, 333774
5. Advance Assembly and C Language

 Preprocessor directives
 Inline assembly in C
 Calling of Assembly function in C
 Convert all Assembly Program in C
 HI-TECH C Complier

6. Conclusion

 Latest trends in embedded fields

 In Circuit Emulators
 ICD debug interface

7. Project

 Projects in Embedded System using PIC

 Electronic Voting Machine
 Robotic ARM
 Remotely Controlled Application

1. Introduction

 Introduction of Embedded System

 Evolution in Microcontroller technology
 Past, Present & Future of Embedded System

2. Microcontroller ATMEL ATmega8515/ATmega32

 Hardware Details
 Pin Diagram
 AVR Architecture
 Interrupts and Timers
 Microcontroller AVR Assembly Language
 AVR Studio

email: web: call: (+91) 120 2540300 / 400, 333774
3. Assembly Language

 Assembly Language of AVR Microcontroller

 Use of Assemblers & Simulator
 Programming for AVR
 Examples programs for AVR

4. IO Device Interface and practical

 Study of Input Output Devices

 LED Display,7-Segment
 DIP Switch
 Intelligent LCD Display
 Matrix Keyboard
 Opto-Isolators, Relay
 Stepper Motors and Types of Stepper Motors
 Serial Communication Concepts
 Practices on interfacing circuits

5. Advance IO

 SPI Protocol
 TWI, I2C
 Serial Memory
 On chip Peripherals PWM

6. Advance assemble and C Language

 Preprocessor directives
 Inline assembly in C
 Calling of Assembly function in C
 Convert all Assembly Program in C
 AVR Studio, WINAVR C, Code Vision AVR

7. Conclusion

 Latest trends in embedded fields

 Introduction to In Circuit Emulators
 Introduction to JTAG debug interface
 Introduction to RTOS

email: web: call: (+91) 120 2540300 / 400, 333774
8. Projects

 Projects in Embedded System using AVR

 Electronic Voting Machine
 Robotic ARM
 Remotely Controlled Application

ARM 7 μP
1. Introduction to Embedded Systems

 Definition for embedded System

 Features of embedded system
 Examples about present applications of embedded systems
 Difference between CISC and RISC processors
 Difference between Von Neumann and Hardware systems
 Difference between processor and controllers
 About compilers, cross compilers and IDE (brief information of all these things)

2. Basics of Microcontrollers

 Introduction to Microcontrollers
 8/16/32 Bit Microcontrollers
 General Architecture of Microcontrollers
 Pin Configuration of Microcontrollers (Packages)

3. Introduction to ARM Processors

 Introduction of ARM Processors

 Evolution of ARM
 32 - bit Programming

4. ARM7 Architecture

 ARM7 Architecture
 Instruction Set Architecture
 LPC21xx Description
 Memories & Peripherals

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5. ARM Processor Programming

 ARM Processor Programming in C

 Using ARM Programming Tools
 Debugging Techniques (JTAG)

6. I/O Device Interface and practical

 Study of Input Output Devices

 LED Display
 Intelligent LCD Display
 Stepper Motors and Types of Stepper Motors
 Serial Communication Concepts
 I2C Protocol
 SPI Protocol
 Practices on Boards

7. Advance I/O

 SD/MMC Card
 GSM Module
 Practices on Board

8. GPIO and hardware timers programming

 PIN connect block description

 PINSEL register description
 IODIR, IOSET, IOCLR description
 Style of coding for I/O
 Timer registers descriptions (MR, TC, TCR etc)
 Timer C programming
 Generating 1 sec delay using hardware timers

9. Serial communication in ARM7

 Serial communication introduction

 UART0 and UART1 description
 U0TH, URBR, U0LSR etc registers description
 Sample code for receiving and transmitting

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10. Creating Simple Embedded Operating System

 Introduction to real time systems

 Hard real time systems v/s soft real time systems
 Steps for creating tasks scheduler
 Setting timer in FIQ interrupt mode

11. Project

 Projects based on ARM processor

12. Conclusion

 Latest trends in ARM Processor

 Introduction to ARM9
 Introduction to RTOS
 Introduction to Embedded Linux on ARM
 Introduction to Robotics

email: web: call: (+91) 120 2540300 / 400, 333774

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