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Assignment 2

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NPTEL Online Certification Courses

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Digital Circuits
Assignment 2- Week 2
Number of questions: 15 Total mark: 15 X 1 = 15

Which of the following is the IEEE single precision Floating Point Represention of 6.62510 .

a) 0 10000001 10101000000...........
b) 0 01000001 10100100000..........
c) 0 11011100 10010001100..........
d) 0 10000010 10110000000..........

Correct Answer: a

Detailed Solution:

IEEE single precision FP numbers represented using 32 bits

sign of mantissa – 1bit
Biased exponent – 8 bits
Normalised mantissa - 23bits

Represent the single precision FP binary number C070000016 in decimal
a) 2.75
b) -3.75
c) 3228565504
d) -3228565504
Correct Answer: b

Detailed Solution:

IEEE single precision FP numbers represented using 32 bits

sign of mantissa – 1bit
Biased exponent – 8 bits
Normalised mantissa – 23bits
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

simplifiy the given boolean expression ABC + A’B + ABC’ to minimum numbers of literals
a) B
b) 1
c) ABC + A’B + BC’
d) A

Correct Answer: a

Detailed Solution:

AB(C+C’) +A’B = AB+A’B = B(A+A’) = B


simplifiy the given boolean expression a’bc + abc’ + abc + a’bc’ to minimum numbers of literals
a) 1
b) a
c) b
d) c

Correct Answer: c

Detailed Solution:

a’b(c+c’) + ab(c+c’) = a’b + ab = b


(1.5)10 + (3.25)10 = X, the value of X in IEEE 754 single precision FP representation is

a) (40980000)16
b) (C0980000)16
c) (20980000)16
d) (40C80000)16
Correct Answer: a
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Detailed Solution:

IEEE single precision FP numbers represented using 32 bits

sign of mantissa – 1bit
Biased exponent – 8 bits
Normalised mantissa – 23bits

(1.5)10 + (3.25)10 = 4.7510

represent 4.75 in IEEE SP FP representation

410 = 1002

0.7510 = 0.112

4.7510 = 100.112

1.0011 * 22 here sign bit = 0, Biased exponent = 127+2 = 129 = 1000_00012

Normalized mantissa = 001100000000000000000002

0 10000001 00110000000000000000000



x + yz = (x + y)(x + z) is
a) De Morgan's Theorem
b) The associative law
c) The commutative Law
d) The distributive law

Correct Answer: d

Detailed Solution:


NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

P + P’ + Q in Boolean algebra is

a. Fallacy
b. Tautology
c. Cannot be determined
d. Neither Tautology nor Fallacy

Correct Answer: b

Detailed Solution:

If the output of Boolean expression is always True or 1 is called Tautology.



3. X and Y represent two Boolean expressions where X is in SOP (Sum-of-Products) form whereas Y
is in POS (Product of Sum) form. For which of the following cases the Boolean expression X is
equal to Y?
a. X = AB + A’B’, Y = (A+B’).(A’+B’)
b. X = AB + A’B’, Y = (A+B).(A’+B’)
c. X = AB’ + A’B, Y = (A+B’).(A’+B)
d. None of the above

Correct Answer: d

Detailed Solution:

First option:

Y = (A+B’)(A’+B’) = AA’ + AB’ +A’B’ + B’B’ = 0 + AB’ +A’B’ + B’ = B’ ≠ X

Second option:

Y = (A+B)(A’+B’) = AA’ + AB’ +A’B + BB’ = 0 + AB’ +A’B + 0 = AB’ +A’B ≠ X

Third option:

Y = (A+B’)(A’+B) = AA’ + AB +A’B’ + B’B = 0 + AB +A’B’ + 0 = AB + A’B’ ≠ X

No options are correct

NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur


4. Which of the following statements is false?

a. A maxterm is sum of all the literals within the Boolean expression.
b. The maxterm should evaluate to zero for each combination of input variables.
c. For any two input binary variable x and y, if x+y represents one of the maxterm, then x’+y’
would be its corresponding minterm.
d. For any two input binary variable x and y, if xy represents one of the minterm, then x’+y’
would be its corresponding maxterm.

Correct Answer: C

Detailed Solution:

Option A, B and D is correct. However, option C is wrong.

If x+y represents one of the maxterm, then its corresponding mintermwould be x’y’.



5. What is the Minterm equivalent of A’ + B’

a. ∑(0,1)
b. ∑(0,1,2)
c. ∑(1,2)
d. ∑(1,2,3)

Correct Answer: b

Detailed Solution:

A’ + B’ = A’ (B + B’) + B’ (A + A’)

= A’B + A’B’ + B’A + B’A’

= A’B + A’B’ + AB’

= ∑ (0, 1, 2)
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur



What is the Maxterm equivalent of A (B’ + A) B

a. П (0,1)
b. П (0,1,2)
c. П (1,2)
d. П (1,2,3)

Correct Answer: b

Detailed Solution:

A (B’ + A) B

= (A + B) (A + B’) (A +B’) (A + B) (B + A’)

= (A + B) (A + B’) (A’ + B)

= П (0, 1, 2)



Which of the following expression is dual of

(A + B) (C + D) = AC + AD + BC + BD

a. (AB + CD) = (A + C) (A + D) (B + C) (B + D)
b. (AC + BD) = (A + C) (A + D) (B + C) (B + D)
c. (AB + CD) = (A + B) (A + D) (B + C) (C + D)
d. (AD + BC) = (A + B) (A + C) (B + C) (B + D)

Correct Answer: a

Detailed Solution:

(A + B) (C + D) = AC + AD + BC + BD

NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

(AB + CD) = (A + C) (A + D) (B + C) (B + D)



Consider a light bulb, which has two switches. Which of the following statement is true?
a. A series connection between the bulb and the switches can be represented by either AND
gate or OR gate
b. A parallel connection between the bulb and the switches can be represented by either AND
gate or OR gate
c. A series connection between the bulb and the switches can only be represented by an AND
d. A series connection between the bulb and the switches can only be represented by an OR

Correct Answer: c

Detailed Solution:

AND gate is equivalent to series connection. Both the inputs must be 1 for the output to be 1.

OR gate is equivalent to parallel connection. Either of the input is required to be 1 for the output

to be 1.



Consider the following floating point representation of a binary number in single precision IEEE-754
format with 1 sign bit, 8 bit exponent and 23 bit significand. What would be the equivalent decimal

1 10000001 01000000000000000000000

a. -5.0
b. -1.0
c. -129.25
d. -2.25
NPTEL Online Certification Courses
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Correct Answer: a

Detailed Solution:

Sign = 1

Fraction = (01000…00)2 = 0.25

Exponent = (10000001)2 = 129

Therefore the decimal fraction = (–1)1× (1 + 0.25) × 2(129 – 127) = -(1.25×4) = -5



What are the values of exponent and significant respectively to represent infinity in IEEE
Single precision FP number system

a) 255, 1

b) 127,0

c) 255,0

d) 256,0

Correct Answer: c

Detailed Solution:

An exponent of 255 and significant is zero indicates the value of infinity


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