Austral Precats
Austral Precats
Austral Precats
East Coast
style and
Who are we 4
Cladding Panels 8
Flooring 12
Other Products 14
Finishes 16
Services 18
Technical Information 20
Contact 28
style and
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Who are we
World-class style is built on attention to detail, so we’re proud of our Austral Precast is Australia’s premier and systems, Austral Precast produces Austral Precast offers a full product
supplier of high quality and innovative, a diversified range of customised and service package with the ability
relentless focus on the use of advanced technology, quality control customisable precast concrete wall, floor, column, and client specific to design, detail and manufacture a
and commitment to service. product solutions, and industry precast solutions, taking pride in our diverse range of precast products and
leading installation and construction ability to exceed the expectations of provide industry leading installation
services designed to meet the our customers and find solutions that services either using our own team
needs of an evolving building and meet their needs. of installation experts or one of our
construction industry. experienced and respected sub
We service a range of markets and
contracting partners.
Operating from five plants located focus primarily on the industrial,
across Australia, using state of the art commercial, multi residential and
technology, production techniques community sectors.
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Why use Precast
For a stylish solution with a host of benefits, the answer is Precast Concrete.
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Cladding Panels
Style with Distinction
Precast wall cladding offers all the exposed aggregate, applied and honed
benefits of other precast concrete finishes. For a facade that suits your style,
materials including thermal mass, the solution is precast concrete wall
sound insulation, longevity and cost cladding.
efficiency with the ability to use a range
of finishes including: off form (smooth),
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Load Bearing Panels
Style & Function
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Foundation Built on Style
Size Reinforcement Weight Saving Faster Construction Clean & Safe Soffit Finish
A Transfloor™ panel is a factory The bottom reinforcement Polystyrene void formers, added Up to 150 m2 per hour can be Fewer trades are required resulting A class 2 off-form grey finish is easily
made precast concrete slab of embedded in the panel can consist at the precast factory, allow for placed by crane, reducing building in a less cluttered, cleaner and safer achieved, suitable for painting with
variable width up to a maximum of a layer of fabric, the bottom construction of voided slabs with a time significantly. building site. An immediate work minimum preparation (refer Figure 3).
of 2.5 metres and variable length, chords of the trusses and additional significant reduction in self weight platform is provided.
Transfloor™ panels provide both
usually limited to about 12 metres for reinforcing bars as required by the (typically 30%). Balcony Upstands
the working platform and part of
transport and handling purposes. designer. Lighter Structure
the completed floor while eliminating Balcony upstands can be provided
the need for formwork. Use of polystyrene void formers as an integral part of the Transfloor™
Thickness Handling
In contrast with most other reduces the self weight of the panel, eliminating costly edge
Reduced Propping
The panel thickness can be varied The Transfloor™ trusses provide prefabricated systems, Transfloor™ slab and provides cost savings in formwork and scaffolds. Precast
and will depend on reinforcement strength and stiffness for handling imposes few restrictions on designers Propping requirements are reduced foundations, columns and beams. balcony upstands also offer
size and concrete cover. For many and transport, allow panels to because there are no standard panel when compared with traditional The void formers also reduce the early installation of temporary or
applications a nominal thickness of support construction loads with a sizes. The length, width, thickness, formwork meaning less cluttering of volume of in-situ concrete. permanent balustrades.
55 mm is satisfactory. minimum of temporary propping, plan geometry and reinforcement the floor below and earlier access by
contribute to the bottom steel and to steel can be varied to suit design following trades.
the top steel and can also serve as requirements and allow considerable
continuous bar chairs to support the flexibility for both the Architect and
top reinforcement. the Engineer.
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Other Products
Style Solutions
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Finished in Style
Finishes (Applied)
Applied finishes are achieved through the application of
materials, such as tiles or bricks, to the surface of the concrete
panel in various patterns to create a truly distinctive look. Whether
you want a traditional brick veneer finish or a striking tiled pattern
that captures the eye, applied offer a range of choices.
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Service with Style
Austral Precast offers an industry Austral Precast Service Areas: Erection Department - Experts at
leading installation service either putting the pieces of the project
Contract Department - Offering
through our own team of installation together, our erection teams are
estimating services to find a solution
experts or through a number of experts in their field.
that not only suits your project but
Austral accredited installers.
also fits within your budget. Post Erection Department - Offering,
Years of experience and the Grouting, Caulking, Welding, Patching
Detailing Department - Offers
knowledge developed from this and Brace removal, Post Erection
comprehensive design advice to
means we understand the intricacies apply the finishing touches.
help you bring your creation to life,
of precast installation and offer
while giving advice on how to design
an industry leading installation
panels to achieve economy and
service offering: quality, efficiency,
easy installation.
affordability and an unrivalled level
of attention to detail. Manufacturing Department - For
expertise on how the panel you need
can be made, our manufacturing
department offer a wealth of
knowledge and experience.
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Technical Information
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Technical Information
Tie-back fixing
(lateral restraint)
Arrows indicate
Packers (vertical adjustment) and
possible freedom
non-shrink grout pad under corbel
of movement
in fixing
Dowel cast in floor inside beam
(in plane of panel)
90* reinforcement or grouted into
60 Ø cored hole
25 250*
* With dowel cast in as illustrated,
250 with dowel grouted into
No cored-hole option
Corbel and dowel
(load-carrying fixing)
20 Ø bolt through hole slotted parallel
Joints between into panel (horizontal adjustment into
panels ferrule located inside beam reinf.
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Associated Companies
Brickworks Group of Companies
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style and
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Austral Precast National Offices
New South Wales
37-39 Elliott Road
33-41 Cowpasture Road
Dandenong VIC 3175
Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Tel. +61 3 9794 5185
13 Whyalla Place
Fax. +61 3 9706 7607
Prestons NSW 2170
Tel. +61 2 9604 9444
Fax. +61 2 9604 9477
A division of