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(PGDM BATCH: 2018-2020)






Project of Email Marketing Campaign for Selected Company By

Ruchi Sahay

PGDM (Marketing)
Batch 2018-2020

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of

Masters in Business Administration (MBA)

Under the guidance of PROF. Mangesh Mangaonkar Submitted

“Savitribai Phule Pune University”


I hereby declare that Summer Internship Project in “MACHINTEL SYSTEM PVT LTD” is an
original piece of work done by me under the guidance of Mr. Sanket Chourasia (Sr. Manager).
All secondary data and other relevant information drawn from different sources for this report
are duly acknowledged by me. I have put all my sincere efforts in making the report since the
light of the day.
No part of this report has been submitted by me to any university / institution for the award of
any diploma or degree.


DATE: 15th JULY 2019


I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to all those who have
contributed significantly by sharing their knowledge and experience in the completion of this
project work. I am greatly obliged to several people for providing me with the right kind of
opportunity and facilities to complete this project.

My first word of gratitude is due to my guide, Mr. Sanket Chaurasia, Sr. Manager of
MACHINTEL SYSTEM PVT LTD, Pune fortheir help, support and valuable guidance
throughout my project. I am thankful to them for providing me with necessary insights and
helping me out whenever needed. I am also thankful to all the employees of organization
who helped throughout the project.

I am extremely thankful to Mr. Mangesh Mangaonkar, my internal faculty guide under

whose guidance this project work was carried out. I thank him for his continuous support
and mentoring during the tenure of the project.

Finally, I would like to thank my college INDIRA SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES, for
giving us an opportunity to get experience and understand the Customer requirement helping us
in carrying out the summer internship project with all needed help and guidance, which
contributed significantly towards the completion of report.

This is to certify that Miss. Ruchi Sahay, student of our Institute is pursuing MBA in Marketing
Management (Batch 2018-2020) has successfully completed this project titled, “Project of
Email Marketing Campaign for Selected Company” at Machintel Systems Private Limited
from 15/05/2019 till 15/07/2019 (two months) under the guidance of Proff. Mangesh
Mangaonkar. He has duly acknowledged all the sources of reference used in the above project
work in partial fulfillment of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program of Indira
School Of Business Studies, Pune.

Proff. Mangesh Mangaonkar Dr. Renu Bhargava

(Internal Guide) (Director ISBS)


TITLE: “Lead generation, Traffic generation & Data Services ”





MACHINTEL is a private corporation and is part of the multi-national Lotus Group. Founded
in 1999, Machintel strives to be amongst the world's most innovative online marketing and
digital media companies. Clients count on us to be the best source of customer acquisition at

Our mission is to provide digital marketing services to to build our company into a leading
provider of digital marketing solutions for our clients.
By providingservices to agencies, publishers, and marketers using the best technologies and
practices for customer acquisition at scale. To build our company into a leading provider of
digital marketing solutions for our clients.

The Summer project was done to study and carry out the marketing activities used by
MACHINTEL SYSTEM PVT LTD. The basic idea behind doing this project was to
understand the process and procedure of distributing messages using email
communication in order to establish and develop the relationship of a company with its
potential or current customers.

The project part which is concentrated on the strategy and action plan for the email marketing
campaign for Machintel. The first thing performed in this part is objective definition for email
marketing campaign. It will provide company with both long-term vision and short-term goal
while implementing email marketing as a customer acquisition and communication tools.

Among its goals are: attracting new customers, stimulating the business with valid
customers, increasing their brand loyalty and trust, et
Sr. No Contents Page No.
1 Introduction
2 Industry/ Company overview
3 Review of Literature/ Theoretical Background 10
4 Objectives 10
5 Research Methodology 11


Creating email marketing Campaigns 23
3.1 Setting Email Marketing goals 23
3.2 Types of email messages 26
3.3 Targeting 27
3.4 Timing in Email Marketing 29

4 Analysis 32
4.1 Profile of Company 32
4.2 Process of Email Marketing Campaigns 38
4.3 Time and Risk analysis 43

5 Evaluation of project efficiency 45

6 Conclusion 49
7 Bibliography 50

The Summer project was done to study and carry out the marketing activities used by
MACHINTEL SYSTEM PVT LTD. The basic idea behind doing this project was to
understand the process and procedure of distributing messages using email
communication in order to establish and develop the relationship of a company with its
potential or current customers.

The project part which is concentrated on the strategy and action plan for the email marketing
campaign for Machintel. The first thing performed in this part is objective definition for email
marketing campaign. It will provide company with both long-term vision and short-term goal
while implementing email marketing as a customer acquisition and communication tools.

Among its goals are: attracting new customers, stimulating the business with valid
customers, increasing their brand loyalty and trust, et
Despite the rise of latest online communication tools as social media, email marketing remains
one of the most credible and profitable tool from digital marketing. Based on different
researches of more than 800 digital marketers, email marketing was seen as “excellent” or
“good” in terms of returns on investment for 70% of the respondents. The only tool which also
got such a high score is search engine optimization, leaving other digital tools far behind.
Besides generating revenues, email marketing is highly appreciated for its possibility of
quick deployment, immediate and highly measurable results, advanced customer
segmentation and personalization. But the biggest benefit for the company from email
marketing is the cost-effectiveness. The additional advantages are ease-of-use and the fact
that emails are in list of the most common forms of communication, used by almost everyone
who owns or digital or mobile device.

Email marketing is a way to send emails to your customers or clients in order to maintain or
foster interest in your product or service. Examples of email marketing include newsletters,
special offer messages, and instructional or automated emails. With Click Dimensions, you
can track information about how your customers or clients interact with your emails such as
how many times they open a message and which links they click on. Using such information
can help you determine which contacts or leads have the most interest in your company. You
can also design your own email templates, receive email statistics, and manage subscription

Email marketing is one segment of a company’s overall digital marketing strategy. Email
marketing is the use of email to promote products or services and to develop a relationship with a
database of existing and potential customers, that helps us achieve our marketing goals.

Machintel Systems Private Limited is one of the most competitive areas on digital market,
though in order to existclients and keep updating the clients list, a good quality, variety and price
of the product is not enough to be a leader. Company also has to build strong brand image and
communicate with clients and customers with tailored messaged for satisfying their unique needs
and demand. Adding email marketing with toother tools of marketing model which Machintel is
currently usingwill enhance the quality of company-customer communication. The continuous
desire of overcoming the current company status quo and achieving more is another reason why
the topic of email marketing was selected for this thesis. In order to create an effective email
marketing campaign for Machintel following goals of this work were established:

 The analysis and evaluation of the theoretical background of current situation with
email marketing.

 Internal analysis of company and its marketing practices.

 The development of an appropriate email marketing campaign.

 Drawing up the conclusions based on the overall project.

Theoretical part covers latest numbers and trends in email, marketing. It encompasses the
approaches of how to create an email marketing strategy, follows with thorough explanation of
the different parts of email messages, targeting and timing. The goal main goal of this part is to
create a suitable background, to which a concrete example could be set.

The analysis part will introduce Machintel and its process. This part will focus on the
current marketing situation of Machintel System Private Limited with respect to their
competitors. It will help with targeting in future email marketing campaign. The another part of
the analysis includes the review of company’s digital marketing activities in order to design an
appropriate email marketing campaign which will stick to the overall digital marketing strategy
of a company.

The next step is the project part which is concentrated on the strategy and action plan for the
email marketing campaign for Machintel. The first thing performed in this part is objective
definition for email marketing campaign. It will provide company with both long-term
vision and short-term goal while implementing email marketing as a customer acquisition
and communication tools.

After the objectives are set we will create the overall strategy for email marketing. As soon as
the email marketing strategy is created, the cost, time and risk analyses will be performed.

The last part of the current project will include conclusions in order to draw the overall picture
of the performed analysis and email marketing project design. We believe that the current
objective plan will help Machintel to strengthen the brand image and acquire new customers.

 Email marketing definition Fast development of Internet technologies opened a new

page in the Marketing world. In comparison with traditionally widely used
instruments, such as broadcast, direct mail and telemarketing, it constitutes a
considerably more cost-efficient environment for enhancing interaction with
customers. Role of some of the traditional methods considerably suffered due to
popularization of internet marketing technologies, as in the case of paper-based direct

 Michael Williams (2011) defines email marketing as a direct digital marketing

method, which is used to advertise products and services via email. While on the other
hand D.J. Waldow and J. Falls (2013) defined email marketing as “a marketing
channel which allows companies to communicated en masse with their customers,
prospects, fans and subscribers.”

 Generally, email marketing may be understood as the process of distributing

messages using email communication in order to establish and develop the
relationship of a company with its potential or current customers. Among its
goals are: attracting new customers, stimulating the business with valid
customers, increasing their brand loyalty and trust, etc. (A. Charles worth, 2014).
Gaining popularity of email marketing went along with a significant increase in the
volume of unsolicited commercial emails (spam).

That situation requires settling a clear border between them:

 Spam is an unsolicited message, sent to a broad group of addresses. Being

impersonal and irrelevant, it has a number of practical negative effects, like
consuming network bandwidth and receiver’s time, and is a subject of various
restriction regulations.

 Permission-based emailing, on the other side, is based on the concept of a recipient’s

prior consent to receive certain type of marketing communication, which is
individually expressed and confirmable (R. Damian, 2014).

Email marketing Metrics and Performance Indicators

Email is a marketing method which needs to be tracked and evaluated permanently to ensure
best optimization (R. Damian, 2012). Understanding how to evaluate the key performance
indicators (KPI) is a basic component of successful email marketing practice, being a foundation
of each email campaign. Specific goals should be set already on the level of planning the
marketing campaign, and improvement of marketing efforts can be done by comparing results
with initial goals (B. Brown, 2007). It is possible by using a set of measurable efficiency
indicators. Besides, they allow comparison of various campaigns with different methods, goals,
content, etc. on a common scale.

 Open rate is the percentage of received emails which were opened by recipient. It is
calculated by dividing number of opened messages by the number of delivered ones. It al
 lows assessing how the subscribers‟ are interested by the email information they see
in Inbox - From and Subject fields. Purpose of these two fields is to convince the
person to open the email. After that, role switches to the design and the content of email
(L. Weber, 2009). Good Open Rate is considered between 15 and 25 %. Yet, Open Rate is
sensible to the way how email clients handle images. Many marketing statistics software
packages calculate Open Rate basing on whether recipient viewed an image in the body of
the email. When email client blocks the image, opening of the email is not registered
by software. For these reason, relying just on Open Rate is not reliable.

Click-Through Rate (CTR) in the context of email marketing is percentage of delivered

emails which attracted minimum one click. It is expressed by percentage and calculated by
dividing number of click through by the number of delivered messages
( Higher CTR is, more effective is the campaign. Typical CTR can be
very different depending on the specifics of the campaign (industry, environment, etc.). For
example advertising messages have a much higher CTR than fundraising ones. For most of
campaigns it stays in the range of 1 to 10 %.
 Click-to-open rate (CTOR) ,also known as Adjusted Click-Through Rate is a popular
variation of CTR, which represents number of unique click-through divided by number
of messages opened. Although it mostly proportional to CTR (figure X), it allows to
consider more factors and can’t be ignored.

 From the example chart above, it can be concluded that emails 1, 3 and 6 had an
unsuccessful design and/or content for targeted recipients, while emails 2, 4 and 5 had a
favorable content and attracted more subscribers. Using CTOR removes the influence of
Open Rate which it has over CTR and allows measuring the effectiveness with which
design and content of email is directing recipients to the links. A good CTOR rate is
considered between 20 and 40% ( in the case of CTR, good
CTOR is different depending on email type, industry, targeted group, etc. Therefore, it’s
not correct to specify a common good value. A much more viable approach is to
benchmark CTOR over time for each campaign type.

 Conversion (Response) Rate: It represents percentage of recipients who accessed a link in

received email and did the desired action. It is calculated as the number of desired
responses divided by number of delivered messages (G.Anon, 2012). Conversion Rate is
commonly considered one of the best indicators to measure the effectiveness of email
campaign, being more important than CTOR. Completing the desired final action by a
person is more important than just opening the link. Rate itself mostly depends on the type
of desired action. Lowest Response Rates are registered for fundraising events, good being
considered 0.75 to 2 % rate, while much higher values are typical for advocacy campaigns
with 3 to 15 %. Recipients can forward the emails for some types of campaigns, and
people taking action who were not in the recipient’s list can distort the real rate (L. Weber,
2009). A useful variation is Adjusted Response Rate, which is the number of actions
completed divided by the number of click-through. This rate gives an image of how
favorable the web page where people are redirected to take the action is (landing web
page). It eliminates Open and Click-Through Rates and shows how many people take
action after they click through. Measurement of Response Rate requires and integration of
email platform and web analytics. It can be done by creating unique tracking URL for
email links to acknowledge email as the source of the click.Measurement of Response Rate
requires and integration of email platform and web analytics. It can be done by creating
unique tracking URL for email links to acknowledge email as the source of the click.
 Bounce Rate – percentage of total number of emails that were not delivered to
recipients‟ inbox. It is calculated dividing total number of undelivered emails by the
number of sent emails. An acceptable Bounce Rate should be kept under 2% in order to
prevent deliverability problems (P. Smith and D. Chaffey, 2013). Arnold John 2009,
classified bounces in two types:

 “Hard”, which are caused by a permanent error, like wrong or deleted email
address. Emails to these addresses can never be delivered. Hard bounces should be
paid attention, because internet providers use bounce rates to determine the
senders‟ reputation and classify spammers.
 “Soft”, which is a result of a temporary cause, like full inbox, server failure or large
size of message? Email server on recipient side can store the emails to send them
when the problem is solved or emails may be resent by sender when soft bounce is

 Unsubscribe rate reflects the ability of marketer to hold subscribers‟ interest in long-
term perspective. It is determined as the number of unsubscribes divided by number of
messages delivered. Contacts will react by unsubscribing to increased frequency or
unfavorable content of emails ( Unsubscribe rate can be
especially important to assess return on investment for purchased email lists from a third
party. Normal unsubscribes rate lies in between 0.3 and 1 % for a single email. As in the
case of previously described indicators, this can vary depending on addressed issue, time,
etc. Bigger fluctuations of Unsubscribe Rate are characteristic for small email lists.

 List Growth Rate represents the rate at which the email list is growing. Besides keeping
track of direct performance indicators, marketer should pay attention to expanding the
email list in order to expand his coverage, increase audience and face the concurrence.

 It is calculated according to the relation :

List Growth Rate = No of new subscribers – no of unsubscribes + spam

complaints/total no of email addresses on the list multiplied by 100.

It is especially important, considering that there is a natural decay of 22.5% for email marketing
databases every year. This happens disregarding the unsubscribe rate due to reasons like
abandoning the unused emails and changing the emails when moving to another company. This
makes vital the regular refreshment of contacts; otherwise the foundation of marketing campaign
risks to be set on a dead-end asset.

 Email Sharing (Forwarding) Rate – is the percentage of email recipients who posted
the email content to a social network using “Share” button, or forwarded the email. Is
calculated by dividing the number of clicks on share or forward
button by the number of total delivered emails (P. Smith and D. Chaffey, 2013).

This indicator is an important reflection of how new leads are attracted into the
database by subscribers themselves. Keeping track of this rate allows noticing which
type of message content gets shared the most, using this considerations in future

 Overall ROI: Generally, the overall return on investment is the total income divided on
total cost of the campaign. ROI calculation may depend on the purpose and the type of
campaign though. As with any other marketing channel, ROI of email marketing has to
be regularly evaluated. A Service-Level Agreement system can be set to assign certain
values to different types of leads, basing on their probability to generate income for
the company. Translating email marketing efforts into tangible results using these
metrics and exposing potential revenue help promoting the value of email marketing to
its potential beneficiaries.

OVERALL ROI= additional sales income – investment in the campaign/ investment in

the campaign multiplied by 100
Email marketing statistics and trends
Despite modern variety of internet communication options like social networks, RSS
and blogs, email remains the main communication instrument for relationship with
customer. According to Direct Marketing Association, 75.4% of retailers are investing
in email campaigns.

Same studies show that email marketing offers a twice return on investment, comparing
to other internet marketing methods – 57.25 USD for 1 USD spent versus 22.52 USD.
During last decade it had a constant annual growth of ~10%. Being an electronic analogy
of postal direct mail, email marketing has still a lower response rate compared to
traditional marketing tactics.
However, same studies show the gradual decline by 25% of direct post mail marketing since
2003. Having a higher response rate, response value of these two methods is comparable.
Mean cost per order for direct mail was 51.4 USD, while for email – 55.2 USD. In the same
time, email marketing has much lower costs. It doesn’t require any post or printing costs and is
less time-consuming. Another advantage is the content, allowing direct reference to web pages
using hyperlinks. A more important advantage though is high customization possibilities,
offering broad possibilities of targeting and addressing recipients according to their
individual features. Rapid growth of email marketing had brought relative downsides to its
own efficiency. The advantage of low communication costs resulted in generating a high
amount of commercialinformation transmitted through email channel from non-reliable
sources. This led to overwhelming volume of incoming advertising, creating a situation of
informational overload, when the volume of information cancels its positive effect. Shading of
useful information by the amount of web-broadcasted advertising results in negative impact
on return on investment and general efficiency of the branch. A valuable source of
statistical information about email marketing is data, provided by major players in the
industry basing on their activity. In order to assess the efficiency of campaigns they are
interested in obtaining data of highest reliability (S. Collins and M. Ward, 2010).
Comparative assessment of efficiency is possible by bringing up click through, delivery and
open engagement rates of different sectors. A complex analysis of dynamics and trends requires
both mean indicators by industry sectors and by email types. A 2016 report by marketing
platform Get Response gives a general image of engagement rates for various branches.
 From the graph we can see that some branches, like e-commerce and retail are much
challenging for email marketing than the others, like finance and consulting. It can be seen
that segments which provide basic services, consumer goods, have highest mean email
open rates. In the same time, average click-to-open rate is highest for online advertising
and finances. Email marketing directly depends on the technological means of receiving
emails, and therefore major trends are influenced by their development, especially the
software platforms which are used by recipients. A crucial technological trend of last
years is defined by a rapid growth of mobile technologies. Litmus platform produced a
report, where it analyses email market share of email clients. Most visible point in it is the
fast advance of mobile technologies. Percentage of emails open from mobile devices grew
from 8% in 2011 to 48% in 2014, which is a 500% increase (figure X). In these
conditions, a focus on adapting email messages to a maximal mobile compatibility,
ensuring best rendering, becomes a key direction.
 Web and mobile email apps are constantly replacing desktop ones. A representative
example of current transition is the shift of many companies from expensive and
resourceful desktop products to adaptable and universal services like Google Apps or
Outlook 365.

 In the same time, a realistic view upon email opens statistic requires attentive look at
causes of fluctuations. It is noticeable on the recent example of Gmail impact on the
email marketing statistics. Fast increase of Webmail share after 2014 was influenced
by Gmail changing the way how incoming emails are treated. Gmail started caching
images for emails opened in the browser and mobile app, opening images by default.
This beneficial for email advertising change increased the efficiency of email
information, but affected analytic tools operation. Both mobile and webmail opens in
Gmail apps are treated as Webmail ones as a result. It is already not enough though to
generalize mobile experience in one group. The mobile environment is differentiating,
influencing the reception of information. The way of usage of a simple mobile phone
and a tablet is different for the same person, so care should be taken not just about
email optimizing for various browsers, but for environment itself.

 Advancing harnessing of new technologies sets a number of upcoming trends in email


 Email platforms move to “hyper-personalization”. It is based on multi-channel

marketing, making communication more relevant from the point of delivering suitable
content at a right time to a right person and through the best channel. Many companies
have already shifted from broadcast campaigns to segmented ones; further step is
providing an individual communication experience.

 Email marketing is continuously blending with marketing automation field.

Platforms, formerly focusing solely on email marketing are actively using
datadriven and behavioral emails.
 More focus on content optimization comparing relating to delivery methods, which
recently has been a dominant point.

 Making a bigger use of observed behavior and less of data shared by customers in the
condition of ongoing strengthening of data-protection laws in EU. That includes
implementing dynamic email content, basing more on the context of message than on
supposed preferences.
 Rising importance of machine learning. This prospective field is just starting its path in
email marketing. Decision content-delivery algorithms based on previously acquired data
opens wide possibility for continuous improvement and optimization of email campaigns.
Risks and Limitation of Email Marketing

Email marketingproves itself as an efficient tool, but to make use of its advantages, marketer has to
be aware with a number of challenges which accompany it. MarketingSherpa agency annually
performs email marketing studies surveying a large number of marketing companies on the theme of
challenges they face.

 These studies allow us to identify most actual ones and analyze their possible

 Integration of email information with various data systems: Marketers tend to have a
maximal possible amount of data which can be used for creating optimal marketing
message which will attract more customers. This integration is done in several steps:

 Using advanced data integration instruments: Proper data-integration tools allow

collection and synthetization of data resulting from email marketing and other
internet-marketing methods, and generate a clear report which can serve as a reliable
base for marketing decision process.

 Segmentation: Processing of marketing databases allows defining distinct

consumer segments, making possible generation of suitable content which
addresses them.
 Content development: Collecting together all the marketing data allows creating an
improved content, being aware of actual customer’s preferences.

 Improvement of deliverability: Deliverability rate can be understood as the ratio of sent

messages versus number of messages that actually got into inboxes of recipients.
Handling it relies on acquiring and maintaining accurate information for contacts. Not
every sent message actually makes it into the recipient’s inbox. Failure of email
delivery to the recipient is called “bounce”. Main problems caused by bounces are the
possible block by internet provider because of low deliverability and the fact that
undelivered emails are a waste of resources (time and money).

 Keeping deliverability at a satisfying level can be assured by a number of actions:

 Constant update and maintenance of email contacts list: Marketing software should
provide tools to clearing the list from inactive contacts, who never open or click
received emails.

 Optimizing email opt-in procedure: A number of wrong email addresses can be caused
by mistakes at opt-in step. They can be reduced by such measures as email
confirmation or repeated email entry.

 Provide the functionality for contacts to update their information: Customers change
their email addresses sometimes. An ease and accessible procedure for self updating
their information increases the chances that contacts will not be lost.

 Giving customer an option to customize content and email frequency preferences.

That way recipients will receive a more personalized and relevant information at an
acceptable frequency.
 Retaining and increasing amount of subscribers: Besides filtering out inactive
recipients to increase deliverability rate is beneficial, not less important is to retain and
grow the number of subscribers to ensure that email marketing campaign covers a large
enough number of recipients to create a visible effect from it. In order to keep up with
this challenge, many marketers appeal to buying email lists and using them for sending
unsolicited emails (spam) to a wide range of recipients, without considering their
personal preferences. These methods being ineffective and even self-destructive, there
are better strategies which allow attracting subscribers rather than buying the lists. They
involve good practices and don’t contribute to “polluting” email marketing methods:

 Customers should be able to see a value in opt-in: They should be able to see a benefit
for themselves when subscribing for the emails, thus being interested Offered value can
be represented by information about product updates, news and advices in relevant
industry, information about special offers, etc. If recipient doesn’t see a value in the
emails, they will just be ignored.

 Targeting emails according to subscriber’s category: Emails should appeal to

recipient’s point of interest. Segmentation of subscribers list according to information
which is available about them, like their position in economic chain and interests,
helps creating a targeted message.

 Continuous review and optimization of content: Feedback information from

campaigns should be considered in order to review used methods and approach. It is
possible to see which messages are effective and which, on the contrary, have a negative
impact, to improve future results and follow the trends.

 Aiming for measurable return on investment (ROI): Keeping track of ROI for
marketing actions requires a developed possibility of collecting and collating of data
from email marketing. It lets the marketer and its customers to assess the value and
benefits of their marketing investments. Having this ability requires a functioning
Closed-Loop Marketing system. It supposes keeping track of a contact from their
first interaction with marketer (accessing web-page, opening
an email) to the final stage when they become a customer, noting all the interactions
between web page and email marketing. Closed-Loop Marketing systems generally
offer a possibility to manage ROI of all marketing efforts, making integration of email
marketing with other marketing systems easier.

 Building funnels optimization through email: Email is one of the possible tools for
sales funnel optimization. Instead of sending a one-time email wave, a system of
lead nurturing emails can be constructed which will make attracting the customer and
obtaining information about it faster and more automated.


In a world where social media gives businesses more one of the most effective ways to connect
with their customers, is e-mail marketing. A successful and carefully designed email marketing
campaign can improve the overall marketing situation of the company. Nowadays, thanks to
advances in technology, company now have the ability to adopt the messages they send based on
their customers' interests, preferences and purchase history. That helps company to define the
limitations of the created campaign, but before that it should be appropriately created.

Setting email marketing goals :

Before launching an email marketing campaign that delivers real results, there is a need to
establish the goals of the future email marketing project. It is very important for the company to
decide on goals of email marketing, so that the appropriate resources can be directed at
achieving these goals (Chaffey and Smith, 2013). The general goal of every marketing effort is
to drive profits and digital marketing hold the promise not just of increased profitability, but of
better understanding where those profits come from, and why
 Goal 1: To drive sales

 Email marketing is still one of the leading source of growth and sales for many
companies. Mary R. Butler, 2009 claims that compared to social media and content
marketing, email is a leading channel for acquiring online consumers. Its longevity is a
testament to its ability to convert leads into buyers and buyers into repeat customers.
Based on Forrester report put out on September 24, 2014 email stays the top factor in
influencing repeat purchases.

 Goal 2: To reduce marketing costs

One of the main objectives for every business wants is to reduce costs. . Email
marketing executed is a very cost effective tool of digital marketing when
correctly planned, in comparison to other marketing mediums. According to John
Arnold (2008) email marketing permits company to dramatically reduce the
marketing costs, using the email marketing due to the fact that a company doesn’t
need to recover postal costs, calling costs or printing and advertising costs. The only
requirement needed for running the successful email marketing campaign is a
good Internet service provider that will be able to provide company with great
copy with appropriate graphics and the right offers to send to customers. Besides
that, email marketing can provide company with even further cost reductions and
savings on print and distribution, administration costs and so on.
 Goal 3: Too keep brand image top of mind

Due to the fact, that people are more likely to purchase from the brand they are
already aware of and have a trust to, email marketing is a great tool which places
company’s brand in front of its prospective list of customers repeatedly. It will
help to make them remember the brand name if it used with an appropriate
frequency. With purposeful preparation, creative description and planned content, a
company can continually bring value to their brand, which will help them to remain
their brand in the customers‟ minds, and will increase the brand popularity. In
most cases emails serve as gentle reminders about company’s business and stay
in front of customers on a regular basis.

 Goal 4: To reduce time and effort

Nama Norman (2009) states, that unlike email marketing, direct B2B and B2c
marketing campaigns take too much time. According to Michael Williams
(2015) email marketing is a best tactic and one of the prime marketing tools,
which helps company to save time and effort. Thanks to email marketing a
company can reach all its customers‟ inboxes in a very short time by a pressing a
send button. Marketers and businesses have also possibility to use email
templates to reduce both time and efforts, and the possibility to communicate
with a huge list within a particular segment in a very little time is another
huge advantage.

 Goal 5: To nurture relationships

Email marketing is a great possibility for a company to turn their prospective leads
into active customers in their sales funnel. Once a customer made an action and
purchased something from company, it is very important not to let
them go. Company has to take an advantage of email marketing to foster their
relationship by sending customers, which just made a purchase, a thank you email,
related products and upgrades. In this way there will be constant growth in email
marketing list with product related contacts.

Types of Email Messages

In each of the phases of a customer life cycle and following different goals, marketers have to
choose from different types of email messages. It is important to mention that the same message
size and contend is not suitable for everyone. Simms Jenkins, (2009) classifies email messages to
6 types:

1. Newsletter

2. Digest

3. Dedicated Email

4. Lead Nurturing

5. Transactional Email

6. Reengagement Email

 Newsletters are sent on a regular basis messages, such kind of emails are efficient
way for a company to reinforce their industry expertise, build loyalty and engagement
with subscribers and grow a list of qualified customers characterizes newsletter by
three main advantages. The first one, is, that newsletter can spread your brand
awareness. By building constant communication with customers through email,
company enables them to recognize the brand and associate it with positive
statement. The second advantage of email newsletters is the possibility to leverage
existing content. The majority of the companies perform quick summaries of their most
post send link to the article in their newsletter. And the last one newsletter gives
companies the freedom to include diverse content that might be important to the

 Digest emails are usually easier to consume comparing to newsletters due to the fact that
they generally consist of links and lists. One popular option of digest is the blog digest,
which collects notifications about the articles company has published throughout
some particular time frames and releases an email with the links. Dedicated emails, also
referred as stand-alone emails, usually contain information about just one offer.
Arnold, (2008) characterizes dedicated emails
by three main advantages. First one consists in helping company setting up the context
in order introduce a main call-to-action. Second advantage of the dedicated emails is
that, they are easy to build. And the third one they are easy measurability. When
company promotes one main message or call-to-action, it will be easy for company to
track progress.

 Lead Nurturing refers to building relationships with potential customers even if they
are not currently interested in buying a product or service. Identified following
advantages of the lead nurturing emails: it’s timely, it’s automated, and it’s targeted.

 Transactional email refer to messages which are activated by a specific action

company’s contacts have taken, enabling them to complete that action. The biggest
benefit of transactional emails is the fact they enjoy a high click-through rate (CTR).
Customers open these communications and click on them. A good example of
transactional email is in ecommerce; after the customer has purchased an item he has
received the email receipt that contains the detailed information about purchasing.
Transactional email is usually sent to individuals rather than a large list of recipients

 Reengagement email help maintain a perfect email list by identifying and keeping only
engaged subscribers and those, who are truly interested in hearing organization.
Reengagement emails are usually sent to inactive subscribers – it refers to those who
haven’t opened or clicked on an email in period of 6 months or more. This kind of email
not only reduces company’s level of inactive subscribers, but also encourages customers
to come back and buy.

 As was previously mentioned, one of the biggest advantages of the email marketing
is, that it offers sophisticated opportunities to target email messages which, helps to
reach company’s audiences where they anticipate hearing from you. The focus of
every email campaign has to be aimed at getting the right message to the right
customer at the right moment. In order to easily target relevant offers to appropriate
groups and boost the better response rates a company has to divide its customers into
According to Lyris Annual Email Optimizer Report 2013 when marketers were asked to
indicate the top three results, 39% of respondents who segmented their email lists
indicated the higher open rates, 28% indicated lower unsubscribe rates, and 24% indicated
better deliverability and greater revenue. And as you can see, the list goes on.
 According to George Anon (2012), there are four main strategies for segmenting
company’s email marketing campaigns:

1. Geographic Location

2. Gender

3. Age

4. Interests

 Segmenting company’s emails by geographic location can be a very efficient

tool for speaking directly to the particular group of consumers. This
segmentation works especially well when the location has a significant impact on
the purchasing decision process. It is also an appropriate strategy to use when
sending timely, time-based email messages. (For instance segment your emails
by geographic time zone).

 Speaking about gender segmentation it is not a secret that there is needed different
approach for men and women. There are some general differences in what a
company needs. Segmenting the emails to target each gender may be an
efficient tactic for company’s business. This segmentation technique works
particularly well if a company either has a wide range of products, or if there are
any gender specific products. Gender segmentation should be used for both tone
and message of emails.

 The next segmentation strategy is – age segmentation. Each email list includes
people of all ages respond. Depending on company’s subscriber’s age, they
respond to the emails can be vastly different. Simply knowing the age of
company’s different target markets could take its email conversions to the higher
level. That is why, company’s needs to segment their emails accordingly.

 Segmenting company’s emails by consumer’s interest’s leads to creating

personalized emails that get click-through. There are a vast variety of methods to segment
email lists by what particular customers like.
Segmenting email list by interests may be one of the most efficient strategies of
segmenting the consumer prospects into various email marketing campaigns.
Timing in Email Marketing
 Even a perfect design, content and compatibility don’t guarantee that the email message
will be delivered to the subscriber. Not less important is the time when the email is sent.
Studies suggest that in order for the emails to have a high open rate and efficient
distribution, they should be sent in certain time windows when recipient is more likely
to pay higher attention to them. Best timing for the email message depends mainly on
the target audience. There are still general timing trends supported by various studies:

 Day of the week. According to Experian email benchmark report (,

the best overall open rate for emails is noted on Tuesday, around 18%, while Saturday
has the lowest one – 10% (figure X). Besides, Tuesday is the most popular day for email
sending. More than 17% of all emails are sent on Tuesday. In the same time messages
sent on Friday, having an open rate slightly lower than Tuesday, have a much higher
click-through rate – 4.9 over
on Tuesday according to Get Response ( explanation to that is
the fact that they might get the reaction on the next two weekend days. Therefore,
although the probability of opening the email by recipient is higher for emails sent on
Tuesday, the chance of him following link in the email is higher for Friday.

 Best day depends on character of the email. Informational emails should be sent in the
beginning of the week, actionable ones – in the end. This conclusion can be driven from
data from previous point. Emails which just carry information and require the
subscriber just to open the email, like communicating news or updates, sharing an article
in the content, are better to be sent on Tuesday, which has higher open rate. For emails
with a purpose of driving recipient for an action, like taking a survey, signing up for a
course, sending it on Friday is more efficient, having a higher chance to get a click.
Email flow is lower on weekends and subscriber more likely will pay more attention
to email content.
Best open rate is in the afternoon. Time of the day is not less important than the day
when email is sent. Considering that most people check their emails in the morning, it
might appear that it is the best time for distributing emails. But checking the morning
email, work stress has to be considered. People tend to start the day in a productive
vector and pay low attention to irrelevant emails. Respectfully, more likely a
marketing email will be deleted or archived without being read.
 Best time for emails which need a reply is evening. According to the same sources,
although most of the emails are sent in the morning, highest reply rate is observed
between 8 PM and 12 AM. That is a result of typical personal day time management.
Being at work, people make an effort to finish job-related tasks before leaving the
office. After getting home and taking relax and dinner time, many people would check
their emails and pay more attention to information not related to their job.

 Most emails are opened in less than an hour after arrival in the inbox. After an hour,
open rate drops to less than 5% in 4 hours. After 24 hours, open rate drops to 1%.
Therefore, emails should be sent as close as possible to the time when recipients will be
likely to read them.

 Overall statistics give a general impression about best timing. However,

individual features of each campaign should be considered when assessing optimal
timing. The most important is to know the targeted audience. Several general
audience characteristics can be mentioned:

 Location of subscribers. Time zones should be taken into account. If audience is

distributed on a large geographical area, it can be segmented to send emails at best

 Targeted age. Younger people are more likely to check emails in the late

 Targeted interests. Type of industry which is engaged in is very important. For

example, food-related information shall be better to send at lunchtime and Friday
is a good time for entertainment-related content, when people are looking for
ideas to spend their weekend.

 Used devices. Standard statistics are based mainly on desktop email opens. Opposing
general trends, mobile users are very active during the late evening.

 A study done by Braftonshows that 25% of emails are opened from mobile devices,
but mobile web usage has grown impressively over last 2 years. However, some
studies shown that although today a majority of customers check their email on
mobile phone; open rate is 35% comparing to desktop email checks. On that reason,
some marketers try to hit the best desktop viewing time.

 Timing is influenced not just by recipient, but by sender type as well. Besides
mentioned industry type, best times can vary for large marketers who send out big
amounts of data and small businesses with a more personalized message.
 A universal approach is to take common statistics into account, but develop
individual timing plan basing on continuous testing ad self-improvement. Same emails
can be scheduled for sending in different times and days. Studies show sometimes
controversial data, and going against common rules often has a positive effect. It
makes sense especially in the context of “infomercial effect”. It relies on using off-
peak time when people have less informational options in front of them. This effect
proves to be useful for testing new email features (style, content structure, etc.)
 Profile of Company

Machintel provides performance-based digital marketing services using multiple

inbound and outbound methods in B2B and B2C markets.
Depending on our clients’ preference and requirements, campaign activities often
include content marketing, search optimization, paid advertising, and social media
marketing across multiple media channels.

 Machintel is a private corporation and is part of the multi-national Lotus Group.

Founded in 1999, Machintel strives to be amongst the world's most innovative online
marketing and digital media companies.

 Clients count on us to be the best source of customer acquisition at scale. Our mission is
to build our company into a leading provider of digital marketing solutions for our
clients. Guiding Principles We believe that companies should be profitable, conduct
themselves with the highest ethics, and succeed through a determined focus on
customer success and measurable results.

 Industry Expertise We provide expertise in several industry verticals like computers

and information technology, banking, accounting and financial services, insurance,
marketing, healthcare, entertainment, travel and hospitality, retail and wholesale and
several others to help achieve the best results for our clients.
Breadth and Depth of Media Reach We provide our clients with breadth and depth of
media reach including all the major forms of online traffic, including our owned and
operated destination sites, PPC search, third-party publishers, opt-in email, and
 Ethical Marketing We follows the highest standards of ethics and corporate
governance in managing brand and regulatory compliance using proprietary
technologies and processes to protect your brand and your customers. Our standards
are consistent across all our internet and mobile marketing solutions.

 Specialties: Email Marketing, Paid Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Search

Engine Optimization, Conversation Rate Optimization, Lead Generation, Traffic
Generation, Data Services, Website and Mobile Development, Content Development.

 Services:

Lead Generation

Machintel delights in working with clients to help them meet their B2B and B2C lead
requirements so that their businesses enjoy growth through increased sales and
profitability. We work with clients across multiple industry verticals and markets using
both inbound and outbound marketing methods to generate high quality leads in volume.
We use several methods like email, social media, SEO, PPC, CRO, proprietary
publishing properties, third-party publishers, content syndication, and telemarketing. We
also provide flexible options for our clients through our pay-for-performance model that
covers CPL, CPA, and a variety of pricing models. After all, our clients must delight in
working with us as much as we do with them.

Traffic Generation

Machintel helps generate high-quality traffic and conversions for publishers and
marketers. The traffic could be directed for particular promotions or for on-going
customer engagement and sales. We use a strongly data-driven marketing approach that
focuses on targeted personas and matching customer data, and then add the strengths of
SEO, paid advertising, social media, and most importantly, our proprietary community-
based networks to drive large volumes of traffic for our clients. We engage a variety of
technologies and techniques across multiple marketing channels to not just drive traffic
but also to measure and evaluate the success of different tactics and trials so our clients’
marketing efforts keep seeing increased success and ROI
Data Services

Machintel provides a complete range of services to help our clients enhance their
marketing programs by leveraging off of the foundation of a strong marketing
database. We provide customer insight and market intelligence data for our client’s
target companies and markets, and we also work with clients to improve the quality and
completeness of their existing databases through our data validation and enhancement
services. The data we provide includes business card information, company revenues,
employee counts, SIC and NAICS codes, customer behavior and profiles, and several
other parameters to meet the specific data needs for our clients.


1. Search Engine Optimization: Search Marketing Optimization has become a critical

part of every effective digital marketing strategy. A well thought out web design
or product means nothing unless your target audience can find it. Machintel uses
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to
connect your target audience with your website or product. We create tailored,
data-driven campaigns for our clients to improve their online visibility, improve
their search engine ranking and and to capture new users.

We use a number of different strategies to increase our clients search engine

rankings, including an organic approach as well as paid advertising. Our SEO
campaigns are track able at every stage and deliver measurable results. We rely
heavily on analytics to pinpoint successes and failures and to continuously
improve our clients SEO efforts and effectively reach their target audiences.

2. Social Media Marketing: A solid social media marketing strategy is an

essential piece of every successful marketing campaign and one of the most
effective ways to engage your target audience.
Machintel creates tailored data- driven social media marketing strategies
for our clients that encourages engagement and conversation from your
target audience. Our specialists strive to create transparency into our
systems, providing our clients with analytics that tracks performance and
We create quality content across many social media channels including Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and other similar channels.

3. Paid Advertising: Machintel can help your business take advantage of the
benefits that come from paid advertising no matter what industry your business
is in. We strategically use different forms of paid advertising to maximize your
online exposure to a wide-ranging audience. We offer Paid Search Engine
(Google, Bing and Yahoo), Pay per Click (PPC) and Social Media Advertising.

Machintel can create a custom paid advertising plan to maximize potential by

launching ads on certain days of the week, during different times of the day, or
geographically targeted. By using paid advertising you will improve the quality of
traffic to your website while only paying for performance.

4. Email Marketing: Machintel provides full-service email marketing campaigns that

will engage current customers while also adding new users. We deliver creative,
customized, data-driven email marketing campaigns that are track able at all stages.
We partner with our clients to understand their business needs and targeted
audience in order to support and execute an effective email campaign that fits our
clients objectives and goals.

Machintel collaborates with our clients to design engaging and appealing email
templates and content to maximize email marketing campaigns efforts.

5. Conversion Rate Optimization: At Machintel, we use Conversation Rate

Optimization (CRO) tools and tactics to make sure that our clients are getting
as many leads or customers as they possibly can. It is not only important to
drive traffic to your website but to also optimize your conversions once they
are there. We focus on creating quality landing pages and rely heavily on
analytics to make our client’s campaigns as effective as possible. Our
experienced team creates user-friendly and easily navigable pages to make the
conversion process as seamless as possible for potential customers. Using our
team’s experience along with our data and analytics, Machintel will increase
your conversions and continuously turn leads into customers.
6. Content Development: Quality content is a necessity for every digital
marketing strategy and proves extremely effective in driving superior leads to
your business. Machintel curates customized content that engages your target
audience while driving traffic to your website. Our specialists will develop an
effective content marketing plan for your business that is consistent with your
overall digital marketing strategy and catered to your guidelines.

Machintel creates a wide variety of content including white papers, blog posts;
email marketing campaigns, newsletters, info graphics, webinars, social media
content, landing site, micro sites and more.

7. Content Syndication and distribution: Content Syndication and Distribution is a

very effective way to grow your business by distributing your content across
many different channels and reaching a lot more potential leads or customers than
by solely posting on one site. Machintel uses content syndication networks to
produce more online exposure to larger audiences for your business. It is a great
way to build your business’s visibility and strengthen your reputation. If you are
just starting out a business or growing your business, it is an effective way to get in
front of different audiences.

Machintel also owns many different publishing sites that are accessible to our
clients and we use to optimize content syndication.

8. Web and mobile development: Machintel offers our clients custom website and
mobile application development or help with improving the ones they already have.
We focus on our client’s goals and objectives to create the most effective and
useful websites and applications to build their businesses. Machintel prides
ourselves on our ability to quickly develop websites and mobile applications by
leveraging our talented 24/7 software development teams. Our Software
Development team can create websites across a variety of browsers and can build
mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms. We place a strong
emphasis on quality and usability for all developed websites and applications to
create an enjoyable user experience.
9. KPI Reporting and Analytics: With all of Machintel’s services, we offer our clients
KPI Reporting and Analytics to measure performance and to identify areas of
success and areas that need improvement. The more data and analytics we have the
better we can build a focused and successful campaign.

Machintel relies heavily on KPI Reporting and Analytics to ensure our clients
success. We believe that in order to make smart decisions and add value to your
business we need a strong understanding of what metics and KPI’s are most
important to you and formulate a plan to reach your digital marketing goals. We use
KPI Reporting and Analytics to continuously track each campaign and collaborate
with our clients to find trends and solutions.

 Clients
 Machintel partners have clients from a wide range of industry verticals and
markets. Each industry and market presents itself with its own special
opportunities and issues for customer acquisition and competitive growth. Clients
depend on our prior experience and our understanding of the best practices for
customer acquisition in their industry.

We work extensively on campaigns for clients in these industries:

 computers and information technology

 banking, accounting and financial services

 insurance

 marketing

 healthcare
 entertainment, travel and hospitality

 retail and wholesale

 human resources, compensation and benefits

 transportation and logistics

 government
Process of Email Marketing Campaigns

1. Analyze the campaign:

The very first thing which we have learnt before working on the campaign is to analyze
the client’s requirement with respect to the campaign and what types of leads or prospect
which they are demanding for. This step is the most important part of running the
campaign because it holds the root level of any campaign and the result of the campaign
is impacted through it.

2. Creating POC and LP:

The next step is followed with the creation of Proof of Concept and Landing page, where
we give an idea to our client regarding the newsletter format and ask for their approval. It
consists of different types of designs where the information and content of the product
of client is shown. There are different POCs and LP depending upon the client’s
requirement. If the client approves the POCs and LP then we go ahead in creating the
mail or newsletter on ESP (Email Service Provider).
Landing Page
3. Data Requirement:

Before creating POC and LP, we send mail to database team regarding the data by
providing them with appropriate requirements of the client and also attach the sheet if we
don’t want any of the respective data for the particular campaign.

Once the data come from the Database Team, we clean the data with respect to the fields
which are required and simultaneously remove the unwanted fields.
Data requirement are asked on the basis of criteria such as GEO, Job title, Industry and
Employee Size. After revising the data we upload it on ESP.

4. Creating newsletter on ESP:

By the time data will come, we make newsletter on ESP with the help of POCs. Most of
the time it should be like the POC made because it has been approved by the client or in
some campaigns, client themselves provide with the POCs and LP, so we have to make
according to that.

After making newsletter on the ESP, we make sure to add the pixel and prefill links of the
landing page in the content as well as the images. This part is mos important because the
client can then track the mail with the help of that link and also it helps in increasing
the reach of the visitors to the site. Once it is made, we send a test mail to our self in
order to check whether the content image and links are working or not.

5. Scheduling Mail:

Once the newsletter is created with the links added into it, we schedule the mail on the
basis of GEO and the timings when we can get as many opens.

6. Opens:

After scheduling the mail, we get the opens on the next day where we can get the details
of the prospects lead that had opened our mail and we can target them for our leads.
Downloading the opens and checking them with the exclusion list or named account list
plays a crucial role in this step, because it has provided to us and the client don’t or do
want the leads from that list.
7. Linkedin Verification:

In LV, we check whether the prospect is live in that company or not, so we check it on
Linkedin profile of the person and whether that person is matching with the criteria of
the client or not.

Once the leads are sorted according to the client’s requirement when send them for Pass
Verification, where the PV team call and confirms the presence of the prospects. Those
prospects after PV are live, we send them for the quality check to the Quality Manager for
the cross check and if there is any necessary changes we make the changes.

8. Posting:

Once it has checked from the quality manager, we make the changes if required and post
the leads through ways based on the different client’s.
Time and Risk Analysis

 The email marketing campaign for Machintel includes a variety of tasks and
activities which are depended on each other in order complete the campaign. Therefore,
a detailed time plan for email marketing activities will serve as a good contribution to
future email marketing campaign for Machintel.

 The main purpose of the risk analysis is to identify the risk factors, to assess their
significance and to determine the risk greatness of the project. In the table below there
are represented possible risks, which can appear during email marketing project
realization and thus significantly influence on its success.

 There was used a matrix of probability and impact for the risk analysis, which helps
to clearly illustrate the possible risks and determine their quantification according to
intervals specifying a low, middle and a high risk.

Main risks linked with implementation of the project:

 The quality of rented email list

 The deterioration of the company's reputation

 Low deliverability level

 Perception of email messages as spam

 Touch frequency risk

 Three risk groups are defined based on the risk analysis. For each of them it is necessary to take
relevant measures that eliminate the risk.

 High risk and measures to take

 The quality of rented email list

When purchasing the rented list for Machintelemail marketing campaign, one of the most important
factors might be the quality of rented list. The level of success of the email marketing campaign is
depended on the quality of rented email list. That is why;Machintel should buy the rented list from
trusted company and evaluate the quality of the rented list carefully.
 Low deliverability level

Email message deliverability is another important measurement of the success of

company’s emails reaching the inbox without bouncing, or being marked as spam. In
case if Machintel will have issues with high bounces, or low engagement, company
may have email deliverability issues which will affect the overall profitability of the

 Middle risks and measure to take

 Perception of email messages as spam

The amount of spam messages has been increasing enormously during the last years due to the
fact, frequent email usage and the easy to spam with current technology. As a result, because of
number of spam escalation it is harder to marketers really to get their message delivered to
customers. Machintel will try to take measures, in order to prevent customers‟ spam

 Touch frequency risk

Touch frequency risk refers to the wrong usage timing strategy, which can ruin the overall
effectiveness of the campaign. This risk is also closely related to the spam risk, as if there is
wrong timing strategy is used it increases the chances of spam perception by customer.
Machintel will pay more attention to the timing strategy and touch frequency.

 Low risks and measurements

 The deterioration of the company's reputation

Another risk which can Machintel run into, while introducing email marketing campaign to
their customers is the deterioration of company’s reputation. This kind of risk is directly
connected to the other types of risk as spam and touch frequency. And the company’s
reputation depends on customer’s perception of the emails received and which part of the
messages is sent to the spam folder.

In order to prevent the deterioration of the Machintel reputation following measurements

will be taken:
 To prevent spam perception
 To pick up the most appropriate touch frequency
 To take into consideration the design and the content of each message sent
 To respect subscribers
 To create beneficial conditions of the email marketing for both company and customers.
Evaluation of the Project Efficiency

Final phase of the email marketing project part does not end with impletion and realization of
the project itself, but another significant part of the project includes monitoring, regular control
of every individual activity and subsequent evaluation, whether the project was successful or

The project dealing with email marketing for Machintelcan be evaluated by the following measures:

 Bounce Rate

 Delivery Rate

 List Growth Rate

 Click-Through Rate (CTR)

 Email Sharing/Forwarding Rate

 Conversion Rate

These measures will help Machintel to reveal critical information to improve your
marketing campaigns, acquire more customers, and increase conversation rates and to keep the
email campaign profitable for the company.
Scope of Email Marketing

Email marketing occurs when a company sends a business message to a group of people using
an email. Most commonly through advertisements, desires for business, sales or donation
solicitation, any email communication is considered email marketing. It helps to build customer
reliability, trust in a product or company or brand recognition.

Email marketing has become a very popular way to spread your offer and make it visible to
millions of people. It is very effective advertising tool that became popular day after day,
allowing the advertiser to launch targeted messages to thousands of viewers while monitoring
and accurately measuring the response.
Many business owners with an online presence use e-mail marketing to expand their
business at a rapid pace. It’s fast, reliable, cheap and most proficient way to get a message.
Bulk Email marketing campaigns of India must be very attractive to attract the attention of
viewers. Without any striking object line, it is very easy for people to ignore email
advertising without even glancing at the mail. The message must be direct and trigger an action
such as downloading a file, quoting a query or even linking another URL. This can be the name of
the company or product, because the recipient will learn more. The best thing about email
advertising is that you do not need to wait years to develop a list of your choice.

Email Marketing can have a great reach and put your message in front of a lot of people. An
efficient Marketing strategy turns ideas into actions. So for every trader, developing an effective
email marketing strategy should be at the top to achieve business goals.

The following 3 steps will assist to guarantee that your campaigns are ultra-focused:

1. Define Your Objectives:

Identifying your objectives is step one in developing structure inside your e mail
campaigns. These targets are dependent on your enterprise and might include:

Promoting products or services

Driving visitors on your website

Promotional events

Brand consciousness and reputation constructing

Generating leads
2. Define Campaign Objectives:

Email advertising is so flexible in its potential to accomplish a extensive range of dreams

that it turns into clean to fall off target and strive to overcome the arena in a single marketing
campaign. Since this are nothing short of not possible, its miles fine to be sensible and only try to
accomplish a small number of goals for every campaign.

3. Allocate Your Budget:

With your strategy all drawn up, the handiest component left to do is to don’t forget your costs.
Email Marketing can be a low fee task but it does require a budget. Additionally, there are
components you frequently should keep in mind out of doors of a provider issuer or software
program answer.

Perceptive of Email Marketing :

“Email marketing is nothing but the online version of direct mail. Instead of sending flyers and
coupons to a customer’s home, email marketing sends these same items digitally to a
customer’s inbox.

While the impact of direct mail can be difficult to track, e-mail marketing allows companies to
see exactly who opens their mail and emails leading to sales.

Companies can use e-mail marketing in a variety of ways, build brand loyalty and find new
customers to encourage loyalty and repeat business.

 The main purpose of the thesis is to develop the project for email marketing campaign
for Machintel. In the high competitive environment in marketing market. Machintel needs
to enhance channels, tools, new models and concepts in order to improve the
communication with its customers and increase brand awareness. Email marketing is a
good opportunity for Machintel acquires new customers.

 increase sales and maintain current customer base. The another purpose of the theses
was to understand full email marketing potential and provide ideas for redefining the
strategic uses of email as an effective marketing device for the company.

 In order to define approaches for leveraging email practices, in the beginning of the
project there were set following goals:

 To analyze and evaluate the theoretical background of current situation with email

 To perform internal analysis of company and its marketing practices

 To develop an appropriate email marketing campaign.

 To draw the conclusions based on the overall project.



 ARMSTRONG, Gary, KOTLER, Philip, 2013. Marketing: an introduction

 ARNOLD, John, 2008. Email marketing for dummies.

 BROWN, Bruce C, 2007. The complete guide to email marketing: how to create
successful, spam-free campaigns to reach your target audience and increase sales.

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