KD 3.17 Lesson Plan KD 3.17: Indicators
KD 3.17 Lesson Plan KD 3.17: Indicators
KD 3.17 Lesson Plan KD 3.17: Indicators
KD 3.17
3. Understanding, applying, analyzing factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge based
on his curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with insights
on humanity, nationality, state and civilization related to the causes of phenomena and
events, and applying procedural knowledge to Specific fields of study are in
accordance with their talents and interests to solve problems.
4. Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the concrete realm and the abstraction
domain related to the development of what he learned in school independently, and
able to use methods according to scientific rules.
3.17Analyze social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of the text of personal
letters, in accordance with the context of their use
4.17Compose specific texts in the form of personal letters related to the activities of themselves and
those around them, oral and written, taking into account social functions, text structures, and
linguistic elements, correctly and in context
3.17.1 Identify the social functions of personal letter text
3.17.2 Identify the text structure of the personal letter text
3.17.3 Identify linguistic elements of past tense and present tense
3.17.4 Analyze the social functions of personal letter text
3.17.5 Analyze the text structure of the personal letter text
3.17.6 analyze linguistic elements of past tense and present tense
4.17.1 Determine the main idea, and detailed information from the text of the personal letter clearly.
4.17.2 write certain text in the form of a personal letter well.
1. Given example of personal letter, Students are able to identify the social functions of personal
letter texts appropriately.
2. Students are able to identify the structure of the text from a personal letter appropriately.
3. Students are able to identify linguistic elements of personal letter text correctly.
4. Students are able to analyze the social functions of personal letter texts appropriately.
5. Students are able to analyze the structure of the text from a personal letter appropriately.
6. Students are able to analyze linguistic elements of personal letter text correctly.
7. Students are able to determine the main idea and detailed information from the text of the
personal letter clearly.
8. Students are able to compose special texts in the form of personal letters well.
1. Factual : Personal letter text is a type of letter (or informal composition) that usually concerns
personal matters (rather than professional concerns) and is sent from one individual to
2. Conceptual : Understanding of personal letter
3. Procedural : (1) Identify the social functions of personal letter text (2) Identify the text
structure of the personal letter text (3) Identify linguistic elements of past tense and present
tense (4) Analyze the social functions of personal letter text (5) Analyze the text structure of
the personal letter text (6) analyze linguistic elements of past tense and present tense
(Subject matter attached)
4. Metacognitive : Given the text, students analyze the technical points in the personal letter
Approach : Scientific (observing, asking, gathering information, associating,
Model/ method : Cooperative Learning
Technique : Discussion, presentation, assignment
Learning Media
Meeting 1
Pre Activities (10 minutes)
The teacher greets (greetings)
The teacher allows one student to lead a prayer together.
The teacher checks student attendance.
Teachers check the readiness of students to study both physically and psychologically.
The teacher asks students' experiences about Personal Letters after having watch the video.
The teacher explains the learning objectives or competencies to be achieved.
The teacher outlines the scope of the material.
Core activities (70 minutes)
Students pay attention to various personal The teacher provides examples of personal
letters given by the teacher. letter texts.
Students practice determining the main The teacher invites students to practice
ideas, and detailed information. determining the main ideas and detailed
Ask The teacher provokes students to ask about
Students are provoked to question the social social functions, structures, linguistic
functions, structures, linguistic elements elements used in personal letters
used in personal letters.
Explore The teacher provides examples of personal
Students identify the social functions of letter texts.
personal letter texts
Students identify the structure of the text
from the text of a personal letter
Students identify linguistic elements of the
text of personal letters (past tense and
present tense)
Students in groups find patterns of social
function, structure, and linguistic elements
of the text.
No. Indikator Soal Butir Instrumen
1. Diberi contoh surat pribadi Read the personal letter carefully Scoring
dan 5 soal mengenai fungsi and answer the questions based on
sosial teks dan informasi the text. (Short Answer)
rinci, siswa dapat (Lampiran)
menjawab, dengan benar
2. Diberi contoh teks surat Please identify what each part of Scoring
pribadi dan 6 soal mengenai personal letter is about (Short
struktur teks, siswa dapat Answer) (Lampiran)
menjawab, 4 diantaranya
3. Diberi teks surat pribadi Please complete the following text Scoring
rumpang dan 5 soal, siswa by choosing appropriate words in
dapat menjawab, 3 brackets. (Short Answer)
diantaranya benar. (Lampiran)
4. Diberi teks surat pribadi dan Please correct the errors in the Scoring
following text. (Short Answer)
10 soal, siswa dapat
memperbaiki kesalahan, 7
diantaranya dengan benar.
5. Arrange the paragraphs into good Rubric
Diberi 6 potongan-potongan
order of personal letter.
bagian teks surat pribadi,
siswa dapat menyusun
menjadi surat pribadi
setidaknya 3 dengan benar.
Aspek Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan
1. Pengetahuan
Pengetahuan I
Instrumen : Task 1
Pedoman penskoran :
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑒ℎ𝑎𝑛
NA = X 100
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙
Pengetahuan II
Instrumen : Task 2
Pedoman penskoran :
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑒ℎ𝑎𝑛
NA = X 100
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙
Pengetahuan III
1. Diberi teks surat pribadi rumpang dan 5 soal, siswa
Lampiran 3
dapat menjawab, 3 diantaranya benar.
Instrumen : Task 2
Pedoman penskoran :
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑒ℎ𝑎𝑛
NA = X 100
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙
Pengetahuan IV
Instrumen : Task 4
Pedoman penskoran :
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑒ℎ𝑎𝑛
NA = X100
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙
Pengetahuan V
Instrumen : Task 5
Pedoman penskoran :
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑒ℎ𝑎𝑛
NA = X 100
𝑆𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙
𝑃𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑡𝑎ℎ𝑢𝑎𝑛 𝐼 + 𝐼𝐼 + 𝐼𝐼𝐼 + 𝐼𝑉 + 𝑉
𝑁𝐴 𝑃𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑡𝑎ℎ𝑢𝑎𝑛 =
2. Aspek Keterampilan
Indikator Instrumen Menentukan gagasan utama, Decide the content, and detail information of the
dan informasi rinci dari teks surat personal letter
pribadi Menyusun teks khusus Presentasi:rearrange the jumble personal letter, then
Make a personal letter of 2 0r 3 students then present it
dalam bentuk surat pribadi secara
in front of the class room!
benar. Rules:
Your text must contain:
1. 200-400 words
2. Past Tense sentences, can be Present Tense
3. Generic Structure: Date,Salutation, Opening
paragraph, Content, Closing and Signature
3. Aspek Sikap
Indikator Instrumen
Siswa dapat menumbuhkan rasa 5.Selalu jujur
Jujur 4.Sering jujur
3.Kadang-kadang jujur
2.Jarang jujur
1.Tidak pernah jujur
Percaya diri
5.Selalu percaya diri
4.Sering percaya diri
3.Kadang-kadang percaya diri
2.Jarang disiplin percaya diri
1.Tidak pernah percaya diri
b. Salutation : Dear ....
c. Opening paragraph : Greetings, give news of the current situation and what is being done.
d. Content : Announce things that have / will happen.
e. Closing : Closing the letter with the wishes of the author.
f. Signature.
Language features
(1) Standard words and grammar
(2) Clear and neat spelling and handwriting and printing.
(3) Reference words
(4) Simple present, simple past, clear and neat spelling, punctuation, and handwriting
Task 1
Read the personal letter carefully and answer the questions based on the text.
November 10th, 2009
Dear Mark,
I am quite well here and hope that you and your parents are also well. I hope your
examinations are over and now you are enjoying your holidays.
We are planning to visit Balekambang Beach. But, why don’t you first come to my house?
We shall have a few enchanting days here, visiting historical museum, monuments, and other
historically important places in Surabaya.
I think you will fully enjoy visiting these places and add to your knowledge about our culture
and tradition.
Yours lovingly,
1) What is the purpose of the text?
2) Who writes the letter?
3) Where does the author plan to visit?
4) When did the author write the letter?
5) In the end of letter, what does the author want Mark to do?
Please identify what each part of personal letter is about.
Dear Geoffrey,
How are you doing? We all are doing well here. I hope your studies
are going good.
This letter is in reference to invite you and your family to come here
Texas for this summer holidays. As we are apart since a long time
because of our studies, I want to spend this summer holidays with our
families and I am sure we will enjoy a lot.
We are planning to go some cool places during this time so that we
enjoy a lot. We have various options to choose from. If we decide a
place we can make trips to near places as well. We will make this trip
as a memorable one.
Please let me know if you have any other place in mind we can
consider that as well. Reply me soon so that we can plan and have a
great time.
Please complete the following text by choosing appropriate words in brackets.
March 30th, 2010
What would we do without great friends like you? Your friendship has meant so much to us
over the years.
Stan and I ______ 1.(appreciate/appreciated) your taking the twins to the park last Saturday
afternoon, so that we _____2.(can/could) have a little alone time.
It's wonderful to have friends like you, who _____3. (are/were) always there for us when we
need you most. We ____4. (want/wanted) you to know that we cherish your friendship. We'll
be ready when you need to get away for a few hours by yourselves. Your little Peter is a joy
to be with. He _____4. (is/was) thoughtful and well-mannered, just like his wonderful parents.
Thank you so much for your kindness. When you _______5. (need/needed)us in any way,
please don't hesitate to let us know.
With warm affection,
Please correct the errors in the following text.
My dear Pharrel,
Hey buddy, I never thought I will ever have to write this one & that to for a one like you.
Anyways without reminding about that dreadly moment when I had to be rude & a bit
arrogant with you for just a not so important issue.
I 1.realize my fault & just that I should not have been at any cost or point of time reacted
with you I did to you. So without any hesitance I would like to sincerely 2. apologized for
anything & everything to be on safer side & taking a back foot just not to 3. losing you as a
one beyond just a friend, guide, philosopher etc.
Lastly it’s just a sincere request to4. took me in to consideration & understand me for the
feelings I 5. want to express & smoke that incident in the polluted air.
Arrange the paragraphs into good order of personal letter.
1. Dear Brett,
2. If you want any kind of help feel free to tell me. I will be very happy to help you in
your studies. Also keep in touch with mom she was worried about you. I know you
might don’t get time to do so because of your busy schedule but at least once in a
week give her a call she will be happy to hear from you. With best wishes from your
brother !
3. Yours affectionately,
4. It’s great achievement. I know how hard you have worked to get this degree and just
because of your efforts and your excellence you have finally achieved it. More
importantly, I think now you should start seeking admission in famous engineering
college for attaining PhD. I just want you to upgrade your qualification to the
maximum level without thinking about the job right now.
5. November 25th, 2011
6. How’s life? It give me massive pleasure to congratulate you on the occasion of your
successful Graduation in final year engineering from Oxford university.
1. To invite Mark to the author’s house.
2. Jessica
3. Balekambang Beach
4. November 10th, 2009
5. Write her about his holiday plans.
1. Date
2. Salutation
3. Opening Paragraph
4. Content
5. Closing Paragraph
6. Signature
1. Appreciate
2. Could
3. Are
4. Want
5. Is
1. Realized
2. Apologize
3. Lose
4. Take
5. Wanted
Instruction : Read the text carefully and what the text is about.
September 2nd, 2013
Dear Alice,
Thanks for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you. I’m writing to you in order to tell you
about my summer holidays.
We stopped learning in the end of May. So, from the very beginning of June I was free. At
first, I went to my grandmother to the village. It was really nice to see all my relatives and old
Then it was my Birthday in July so I spent it at my countryside with my parents and friends.
It was very fun. We played different games like volleyball and badminton. We even went to
swim in the lake.
In August, in the end of the summer, we went to Egypt and had a rest at the wonderful
seashores. There was amazing sea in Egypt and very beautiful sites. I enjoyed these holidays
a lot.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Instruction : Read the text and pay attention to the bold words.
September 2nd, 2013
Dear Alice,
Thanks for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you. I’m writing to you in order to tell you
about my summer holidays.
We stopped learning in the end of May. So, from the very beginning of June I was free. At
first, I went to my grandmother to the village. It was really nice to see all my relatives and
old friends.
Then it was my Birthday in July so I spent it at my countryside with my parents and friends.
It was very fun. We played different games like volleyball and badminton. We even went
swimming in the lake.
In August, in the end of the summer, we went to Egypt and had a rest at the wonderful
seashores. There was amazing sea in Egypt and very beautiful sites. I enjoyed these holidays
a lot.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Instruction : Read the text and find the purpose of the text.
Dear John,
Please accept my deepest apologies for my mistake in regard to inform Giselle about your
new address and your new life.
It was not my intention to create such an awkward and embarrassing situation for you and
your wife. If there was any good that came out of this unfortunate experience, it is that I have
grown and learned alternative approaches to these situations.
Please feel free to let me of your thoughts and concerns over this matter. You can reach me at
Instruction : Read the text and find the purpose of the text.
Dear, Mona.
Please accept my most sincere apology for my behavior yesterday. I have thought long and
hard about what happened and I realize how very angry you must have been.
I am really sorry for creating the situation which I know I should have handled better. I admit
that I was in the wrong and can only say how sorry I am. I can promise you that this will
never happen again and hope that you will give me the opportunity to prove this to you.
I understand that it might be difficult for you to accept my apology but hope that this letter
will help. I will call you later this week to apologize in person and hope that you will be able
to give me another chance.
Yours sincerely,
Hi, Frank,
It's been said that "A friend in need, is a friend indeed." No words could better describe what
your friendship has meant to us over the years.
I appreciate your taking the kids out to dinner last Thursday, so that my wife and I could be
with her mom at the hospital. It's wonderful to have friends like you, who are always there for
us when we need you most.
Marie and I want you to know that we cherish your friendship. Should you ever need us in
any way, please don't hesitate to call on us.
Dear Lucy,
Thank you for your letter and the postcard from Australia. I hope that you had a great time on
the trip. I will describe to you my holiday in Italy.
I spent the few days on Island in shape whale. I was there with my friends. I flew by plane at
first. I enjoyed the flight. Next time I won’t be afraid of flying. The sea was clear and warm
and the weather was the best. One night we wanted to swim in the sea, but our lifeguard
stopped us. He said that the waves in the sea would be dangerous. If we hadn´t listened him,
we would have drowned. We ate in the hotel, where we had an accommodation too. The chef
cooked the Italian food. I’m a big fan of pizza and pasta. I played on the beach with white
sand the beach volleyball with my Italian friends. They visited me on the disco last night.
I looked forward to home. We arrived to Bratislava in the night. I had to wait my father on
the airport. When he was coming there, it was a joy to watch him. When I arrived to Zilina, I
said, “Home sweet home”.
Best wishes,
Instruction : Read the text carefully. Underline the past form of ‘verbs’ and ‘to be’
and circle the present verbs.
May 20th, 2015
Dear, Carlos,
Please accept my sincere regrets for being unable to attend your daughter's wedding last
weekend. Due to a family emergency, I had to go out of town suddenly and was unable to let
you know in advance that I would not be able to come. I am sure it was a lovely occasion and
I am very sorry to have missed it.
Please convey my disappointment to Jane, and wish her and John much happiness in the
years to come.
Taken from: http://www.writeexpress.com/apolog18.html
Instruction :
Instruction : Present your group work in front of the class.
Syukur Nilai
No Nama Siswa/ Kelompok
1 2 3 4 Akhir
1. Deny Bagus
2. Vegal Firmansyah
Nama Siswa/ Aktif Santun Percaya diri Nilai
No jawab
Kelompok Akhir
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. Deny Bagus
2. Vegal Firmansyah
Keterangan :
No Aspek Sikap Indikator Pernah Kadang- Tidak
tidak kadang pernah
1. Terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran personal letter 4 3 2 1
Terlibat aktif dalam diskusi kelompok
Tanggung Menyelesaikan tugas dengan sungguh-sungguh dan tepat 4 3 2 1
2. jawab waktu.
Menerima risiko dari tindakan yang dilakukan
3. Santun Mempresentasikan isi dan struktur personal letter yang 4 3 2 1
disampaikan teman dengan menggunakan pilihan kata yang
tidak menyinggung orang lain
Berinteraksi dengan teman secara ramah
No Rubrik Nilai
1 Sudah konsisten (selalu) sesuai dengan yang diharapkan 4
2 Mulai konsisten (sering) sesuai yang diharapkan 3
3 Belum konsisten (kadang-kadang) sesuai yang diharapkan 2
4 Tidak konsisten (tidak pernah) sesuai yang diharapkan 1
Keterangan :
Penilaian Sikap diambil dari nilai modus, yaitu nilai yang sering muncul pada nilai sikap spiritual dan
Opening paragraph………………………………………………………………………………………
Closing ........................................................................................
Total Nilai : 100
title: Nilai
Date Menjelaskan dengan sangat detail 10
Menjelaskan dengan cukup detail 8
Menjelaskan dengan kurang detail 5
Tidak menjawab 0
Salutation Menjelaskan dengan sangat detail 30
Menjelaskan dengan cukup detail 20
Menjelaskan dengan kurang detail 10
Tidak menjawab 0
Opening paragraph Menjelaskan dengan sangat detail 30
Menjelaskan dengan cukup detail 20
Menjelaskan dengan kurang detail 10
Tidak menjawab 0
Content Menjelaskan dengan sangat detail 30
Menjelaskan dengan cukup detail 20
Menjelaskan dengan kurang detail 10
Tidak menjawab 0
Closing Menjelaskan dengan sangat detail 20
Menjelaskan dengan cukup detail 10
Menjelaskan dengan kurang detail 5
Signature Tidak menjawab 0
Title : Nilai
Content 50
Detail information 50
Total Nilai 100
Title : Nilai
Content Menyebutkan 3/+ dan Menjelaskan dengan sangat detail 50
Menyebutkan 2 dan Menjelaskan dengan cukup detail 30
Menyebutkan 1 dan Menjelaskan dengan kurang detail 20
Tidak menjawab 0
Detail information Menyebutkan 3/+ dan Menjelaskan dengan sangat detail 50
Menyebutkan 2 dan Menjelaskan dengan cukup detail 30
Menyebutkan 1 dan Menjelaskan dengan kurang detail 20
Tidak menjawab 0
Total 100
Rumus penilaian: