Formal Invitation: By: Deby Lia Shellyana N
Formal Invitation: By: Deby Lia Shellyana N
Formal Invitation: By: Deby Lia Shellyana N
By : Deby Lia
Shellyana N
For example :
1. invitation wedding party
2. invitation to graduation ceremony
3. Invitation to meeting
Palangkaraya, 28th September 2012
To : Mr. Stewart
Jalan Hiu Putih No. 9
At Palangkaraya
Good morning, Mr. Stewart. We are from the jewelry company want to inform
you that we have make a meeting on :
Day/date : Monday, 14th January 2019
Time : at 8.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
Place : at Aquarius Hotel Ballroom