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Chi Powerbook

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• Move objects without touching them

• Move an object with your eyes only

• Extinguish a candle flame with your eyes
• Learn how you can make select breaks
• Control animals, birds, fish, with Chi
• Move faster than a cat with Chi Power
• Try to lift a bowl of water with Chi
• Ring the chimes with a Chi throw


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
Chi Gung (Deep-breathing) .........................3
Gravity and Antigravity ...............................4
Yin/Yang Balance..........................................5
Acupressure with Chi Power .......................5
Animal, Bird Control ............................. 6, 7
Lifting A Bowl Of Water.............................. 7
Striking With Yang Chi Power................... 7,8
Focused Yang Chi for Break Test ..............8
Selective Breaks ..'........................................8
Ringing the Chimes with Yang Chi ...........9
Keeping Warm ........................................... 9
Cool Anger-Anxiety-Grief........................... 9
Visualization Of Internal Organs ..............9
Using Chi Power For Protection.................10
Angels, Yin And Yang .................................11
Created Time, Light, And Darkness .........12
Ring Worlds .................................................12
Audio Tape Record Your Own Voice..........13
The Third Eye .............................................17
Chi Focus Tests ...........................................18
Extinguish A Candle With Your Eyes ....….19
Time Control Test ...................................... 19
Building a Chi Power Voice .......................20
Problem Solving ..........................................20
Sample Chi Power Plus Program…………..21


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
when new practitioners begin to practice
SPC'USA Chi Power, they will overlook the
most vital information in the Chi Plus Book:
how to breathe correctly. They will then
begin to question if this is another hoax. So
please, read the entire book first. Follow all
of the instructions. Everything works! And
it will probably work much better than you
expect. We are still getting calls offeats that
someone does that surprise us. After you
have fully read the book, and listened to the
Tape, make your own recording. You can't
learn the art of focus without it!
Deep-breathing, called Chi Gung,
increases the energy level in the body. It
adds body chemicals from your glands, as
well as more fully oxygenating the blood,
giving the muscles an extra measure of
power. By directing the enhanced blood to
the tips of your fingers, your kinetic or
electrical energy (Chi, pronounced Chee)
can be forcefully expelled outside your body.
Note: Chi is often called Ki, Qi, Ji, Chy, or
Kee, but it is all the same thing.

Your Chi Point is located about 2" below

your navel (belly button). Draw your breath
in slowly thru your nose, downward thru
your lungs and intestines to your Chi Point.
Your actual breath extends only to the
bottom of your lungs (see #4 on Poster). But
the electrical energy force (Chi) can be
directed to any part of your body. The
location of your Chi Point is so your Chi will
pass thru the massive blood supply in your


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
abdominal area. During relaxed breathing, NEGATIVE ION FORCE: This should be
your abdominal muscles should expand. Do your usual state while relaxed deep-
not attempt to regulate your breath by breathing. The ion pulling force (Yin Chi)
counting. It causes great confusion to the will draw objects toward you. You will more
art of learning to focus your mind thru easily feel the Chi energy of others and
developed reflex action.Chi Gung should be increase your mental awareness. Even with
practiced at your natural breath rhythm as your eyes closed, you should feel the
if you are deep-sleeping. movement of others. This will be especially
Exhaling the waste products, which true if they intend you harm. They will be
your blood has carried to your lungs, is as creating a Yang Chi force you can actually
important as inhaling the oxygen. Chi feel at a distance. As the Yang Chi force gets
Power practice should be performed in an very near you, you can be shocked awake
oxygen-rich atmosphere with few air even if you're asleep.
pollutants. If you are indoors, you should
have live plants in the room (especially the POSITIVE ION FORCE: It is veiy impor-
sleeping room) because the plants produce tant to have your body so well-trained that
oxygen. Air purifiers, such as electronic you can instantly focus to any part of your
ionizers, are now available for home, office, body. The positive ion force (Yang Chi) will
or automobile. They emit negative ions act as your shield. Forced, vocal, deep
which attach themselves to air pollutants breaths, along with strongly tensing your
and remove them from the air, thus freeing muscles in a wave from your toes up thru
the oxygen molecules. They are highly your entire body, can build your protective
recommended for use where practicing Chi shield, and power your strikes in battle.
Gung. A good one can be purchased for $50 Tensing your muscles begins the blood
and up, and will clean microscopic particles, vessel shrinking process. Your glands then
including viruses and radon from a room. will release chemicals to help shrink your
Ion filters are NOT mere air filters. Ion entire vascular system (about 60,000 miles
filters free the oxygen to breathe. long). The shrinking of your blood vessels
greatly speeds the flow of blood cells.
YIN AND YANG: There is a balance in Electrical energy and heat are generated by
nature, which the Chinese call Yin and the dynamic action of the blood cells as they
Yang. It is two opposite forces, like the poles rotate and speed in orbit throughout your
of a magnet. Sky is thought to be the body. The stars and planets create gravity
brightest and most Yang thing God created this same way, as they rotate and speed in
in the universe (positive). Earth is orbit thru the heavens. You can actually
considered the darkest thing, or Yin control one of the most powerful forces that
(negative). God created, because you were created in
His Image, not the image of an animal!
GRAVITY AND ANTIGRAVITY: Your body Animals do not have your powers.
is powered by electrical energy, called Chi. THE OBJECT OF CHI POWER PRACTICE
Yin Chi (negative ions) attracts or will draw IS TO: (1) Build your breathing into a
an object to you. It is a force of gravity. Yang natural deep-breathing habit. The number
Chi (positive ions) pushes objects away. It is of breaths you normally take per minute
a force of antigravity. Yang Chi is the ion should decrease. (2) Keep your internal
shield that protects your body, and powers organs in a constant state of balance. (3)
your strikes in battle.


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
Increase the size of your blood vessels. Your Holy Spirit, remaking us into Image Beings,
ability to greatly enlarge and shrink your so that we may have power to resist
blood vessels, naturally and without drugs, temptation of those things that are hurtful
is the key to great Chi Power. (4) Increase to the flesh. This Holy Spirit is known as
proportionally, the volume of blood your the Comforter to those who believe in the
body will hold. This requires traditional Savior. There will always be a way to escape
type exercise, as well as Chi Power practice. temptation! To please God, giving part of
It is the secret of endurance and great one's time for exercise in order to properly
strength. (5) Teach you to focus your care for this fleshly temple is essential.
thoughts instantly to any spot on or in your Moderation in exercise, eating, drinking,
body, for the purpose of tensing or relaxing and work, is required.
your muscles. This combination will greatly Both the quality and quantity of food
increase your mental and physical aware- should be carefully considered, in order for
ness. God commands us to rest, as well as to the temple to be useful. It is not the same
labor. By your continual affirmation to trust for everyone. The air that you breathe
God, He will forewarn you of danger, expose should be reasonably free of pollutants and
untruths, better your life quality in every filled with oxygen. In a city atmosphere,
manner, and increase your lifespan. Speak oxygen can be added with live leafy plants
out for God, and God will reward you. Test in your practice area.
Him! That's His Written Promise!
BALANCE: Yin/Yang balance is essential Your ancestors helped form your body by
for good health. Yin/Yang muscle control what they ate and drank. You have the
(tensing and relaxing). Yin/Yang breathing. obligation to eat foods that are nutritionally
People inhale oxygen and exhale carbon balanced. Scriptures forbid the eating of fat
dioxide. Plants "inhale" carbon dioxide and or blood. Your body will often develop
"exhale" oxygen. Certain foods are Yang allergies to foods for your own protection.
foods, that will raise the body temperature. You should choose foods, even though they
Yin foods will lower the body temperature. may be higher priced, that are fresh and
The pharmaceutical companies have good in all aspects. Better to go a bit hungry
exploited this knowledge, to develop than to suffer the many viruses caused by
chemicals which offer cures for nearly every spoiled food. Be sure to thoroughly wash
disease. But many people now rely solely meat, poultry, fish, fresh fruits and
upon these chemicals and become addicted. vegetables, just before eating them, to
This throws the natural healing force of the remove harmful germs or chemicals.
body out of balance. All medicine is simply
an aid to the natural healing powers in your CHI POWER & SPC-USAACUPRESSURE:
own body, and should be treated as such. The injured person should Chi Gung
The Spirit of God is not even considered breathe to ease the pain. Before using
by many physicians. But that Spirit is acupressure, first rub your hands together
essential for healing and keeping healthy for friction warmth. Then place them in the
both body and mind. chest level praying position and draw Chi
Your body is considered the temple of heat into your hands. The heat from your
the Spirit. God, Who humbled Himself to hands can penetrate deeper to quickly relax
become flesh, took away the corruptible the constricted muscles. The muscle con-
spirit of mankind and replaced it with His striction causes pain by constricting the


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
bloodflow into the injured area, thus caus- to direct your Chi outward from that spot,
ing a muscular spasm in that area. The while exhaling sharply.
result of the muscle spasm is pain that
ranges in intensity from mild to severe.
Simple pressure over knotted muscles and
muscle-stretching exercises will then
remove the pain permanently. Ice slows the
flow of blood and will prolong pain.
Currently in China, it is reported a Chi
Power practitioner is using Chi Power with
Acupressure to cause paralysis to disappear.
He has had much success. The patients are
those whom the Medical Doctors have
declared hopeless! Anyone can develop Chi
Power. If you are infirm (physically unable
to stand on your feet), lie flat on your back,
and follow the directions. Mentally direct all
your strength to that end. Also get help from We have deliberately left the body part
someone who will use Acupressure. for the user's discretion. Examples: (A) In
It is easier to develop Chi Power with order to kick with more force and provide
an empty stomach and pure concentrated maximum protection for your foot, you
thought. Chi Practice is best performed would direct the Chi with concentrated
after a night's sleep, and before eating (food thought to a small part of your kicking foot.
digestion requires a large amount of your (B) If in danger of receiving an injury to
blood). If you have trouble sleeping, practice your leg, you would flex the muscle while
the Chi before retiring for the night. This is slightly twisting and direct the Chi to the
an individual or private family practice, so specific part being attacked, to minimize the
the voice of most authority should beused. damage. (C) When throwing a punch: You
Aperson listens best to his or her own voice, would direct the Chi to the open palm. Then
or that of a parent. It should not be used in slightly twist your hand with fingers tightly
a school atmosphere. The sharp command together to build Chi and to harden your
discipline of an instructor may prevent hand for your own protection. (See your
communication with your Creator. Martial Arts instructor for specific
You need to record the directions on an directions of how to protect your fingers
audio cassette, or have someone else read when using an open hand punch.)
them to you while you go thru it; so that you
can more fully concentrate on what you are ANIMAL CONTROL: Creatures understand
doing. Your powers of concentration and your thoughts and intent. You are their
focus will build with regular practice. master or their foe. Choose now to be their
master. Don't abuse them, but cultivate
FOCUS TEST: (1) Breathe Chi Gung them. Build your Yin Chi (warm praying
rhythmically. (2) Direct your thoughts to a hands at chest level, relaxed Chi Breathing)
portion of your body. You choose the part. and you may be able to draw an animal,
(3) Feel that body part with your senses. (4) fish, or bird, to rest near you, or in your
Tense it. Imagine that part to be as hard as hand. Concentrate on your Yin (inward)
stone. Then with a quick twist, you are able breath. You may even be able to cause the
animal or bird to sleep, by directing your
Chi from your eyes and hand, to its
heat-sensitive point (head, between its


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
eyes). You must learn to convey a deep intention! Give respect to those who deserve
affection for the creatures. Remember, the respect. Really bow only to God. Keep your
animals, fish and birds have personalities, eyes open when facing other people. Even
too. Some are quite suspicious and hard to teachers. You must learn to trust only God.
control. Even the best teachers are human. But,
everyone can teach you something. We were
all created in the Image of God. But none of
us are yet...Gods!

ATTRACT BIRDS: Doves are not the same

as pigeons. About the size of a pigeon, they
have a small head, a long tail, and make a
distinctive cooing sound. They always
foretell good times. Don't use Yang Chi on
these wonderful birds. They help the
farmer by eating weed seed. They do not
eat farm grain. Use Yin Chi to draw them,
and other birds you want, to your area. LIFTING ABOWL OF WATER WITH CHI
POWER: Use a shallow bowl and partly fill
REPEL DIRTY BIRDS, such as it with water. After building your Chi, place
starlings, greckles, pigeons, or other your hand under the water in the bowl.
pest-type birds, by placing your hands With each of your fingers extended, touch
together in the praying position at chest the lower sides of the bowl. Your fingertips
level. Direct your Chi to your hands until can press against the sides of the bowl with
your hands are warm. Tighten your gut, enough pressure so that you can then lift
then push hands together hard, while the bowl. Begin with a lightweight bowl that
focusing your eyes on the bird. Then sharply won't break if dropped. Be prepared to clean
exhale your breath. This same Yang Chi up water spills. This is a very difficult test.
technique should work on animals of any Only the strongest Chi Power practitioners
size, and cause them to move away if can perform it.
stationary, or alter their course away from
you. Larger animals may require the use of STRIKING WITH YANG CHI POWER: Do
your Chi Voice and the *Joshua Jericho Shout this only when you have learned the art of
'YAH-HWAH" (on Tape) while throwing your focus thru much practice using the
Chi to repel them. Remember, you must learn SPC-USA Chi Power Chart. Your mind
to build strong Chi Power first, or it may not must learn to focus automatically to each
be effective. *Joshua 6:20 in the Bible muscle. Repetition) along with the
deep-breathing, is very necessary to learn
THE MARTIAL ARTS BOW: The chest level
praying position, with eyes directed at other
people, can now have a much different


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
the art of focus. Without regular practice, would you? If you choose to break with your
your body will not respond in a predictable hands, be very sure of your focused Chi
manner; and should you attempt these Power first. That is why we recommend a
break tests, serious personal injury could be wooden sword as a first practice instrument.
the result. We strongly advise against the We recommend that you practice finger
break tests until you have complete pushups, to harden the muscles of your
confidence in your mental focus abilities. hands. Then wear leather gloves for hand
When you strike with Yang Chi Power, breaks. For head breaks, wear a cloth or
you take with the strike electrical energy, leather headband. The Chi will pass thru
that gives more power to your strikes. This the leather as easily as it does eyeglasses,
power is able to penetrate deep within the boards, or concrete blocks, and the leather
object of your strike. Since Chi is smaller will help protect you against splinters.
than an atom, it can penetrate even ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE ACHIEVED
concrete blocks, bricks, or wooden boards, SUCCESS WITH THE SWORD, begin to
even thru your eyeglasses (if you wear break with your hands. Use the gloved fist
them). Focus Point~— /\~ of your hand. Start with a very wide
one-inch thick pine board. Cut a short wide
strip from the board. The pine board grain
(lines of growth) should be placed so that
when you strike, you will strike with the
grain parallel to your strike. If you strike
against the grain, you may suffer injury.
Exhale sharply as you strike.


Use a wooden sword to break a one-inch
thick board. (1) Prop each end of a board on
a block. Focus your eyes on the center of the
board. (2) Build your Chi. (3) Inhale to your
Chi Point and hold. (4) Exhale sharply, as
you direct your Chi to the point of impact
against your sword. The board should Yang Chi
break. The sword should stop exactly thru Fist Strike
the thickness of the object of strike. Not a
fraction more nor less!
We do not recommend toughening
hands, except by finger pushup exercise. SELECTIVE BREAKS WITH YANG CHI:
Your Chi should be sufficient to protect you. Use two boards. Try to break the
We believe you can keep your hands very bottom board, but not the top. Your strike
sensitive, to feel others' Chi or even flowing should stop exactly at the bottom depth of
air. Destruction of your surface blood vessels your top board. Your Chi will then continue
and nerve system can cause arthritic to the exact depth of the selected board and
crippling to your hands. You would not cause it to break. This takes concentration
think of toughening your elbow or forehead, and practice. Add boards and focus your Chi
to break a specific board from a stacked pile,
by stopping your Yang Chi at that selected


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
You may wish to graduate to shallow your Yang Chi breath from your Chi point
cement slabs or bricks. Try putting stress oi out the top of your head. The Chi will excite
the object you wish to selectively break witt the pituitary gland located at the back
a pro-strike. This is a dangerous practice, center of your skull. This works also to calm
even for highly trained Chi Power your anxieties, or lessen your grief. This
practitioners; but well worth learning, technique can also help you to sleep.
because you learn to exactly control your Another technique is to hold the top of your
Chi Power. Again, use a glove to protect ear between your forefinger and thumb for a
your very valuable hands. few moments. This will usually cause a
yawn. Asthma patients can stop the muscle
spasm that prevents normal breathing by
pushing the skin with a finger over and
under the collarbone joint (sternum) at the
base of the neck.

ORGANS: The purpose of the Chi Power
Poster and the detailed drawings is to help
you visualize the location and shape of your
internal organs, in order for you to direct
your Chi to that location. The visualization
methods described are for the purpose of
restoring the natural chemical action within
your internal organs.
First, examine carefully each internal
organ shown and numbered on the poster,
RINGING THE CHIMES WITH YANG and its relative position. Where shown on
CHI: Purchase or build a set of very the body drawing, the broken lines indicate
lightweight wind chimes. As you regularly those organs or parts of organs located
pass by them, throw your Chi to make them behind other organs. Your spleen is located
chime. The visual and audio stimulation can under your left front ribcage. Your pancreas
cause you much pleasure and joy! begins near the liver, extends behind your
stomach and in front of your kidneys. Your
KEEPING WARM: While Chi Gung gallbladder is behind your liver, extending
breathing, direct the Chi thru your nose and above and to the right of your pancreas.
down your spine, which contains major Beginning under your back ribs, your
nerves. Aheat buildup should occur and you adrenal glands are located on top of each
can actually feel the heat as it passes down kidney. Your kidneys are on each side of
your spine. Then breathe outwardly up from your backbone.
your Chi Point slowly thru pursed lips. The thymus, once thought to be of little
Blood-vessel-shrinking chemicals can be use, is important in building additional
drawn from any and all of your glands, from energy, as well as keeping your immune
the pituitary near your brain to gonad system functioning properly. Your liver and
glands for giving life. spleen perform similar functions to filter
your blood. You're probably already familiar
KEEPING COOL: In this case, by cool, we with the functions of the other organs.
mean keeping your temper. Forcefully direct


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
Then, study the drawings of the thought. Everyone is in a hypnotic state,
positions of the hands that appear within while being fully conscious, as they ride a
the recording instructions. bicycle or even watch television. The
This Chi Power exercise should be hypnotic thoughts will affect you. Choose
performed while sitting, preferably in the very carefully what you see or hear.
cross-legged position, with back straight for Repeating meaningless phrases or sounds
easy breathing. (such as mantras) can do you harm by
Place your hand over each organ as the wasting valuable focus practice. Your mind,
name is mentioned. Force the Chi into each like unexercised muscles, will lose strength.
organ, to open the bloodflow to the organ. An unexercised mind loses its flexibility of
By the forced deep-breathing, you also force thought. It can continually return to an
oxygen into the blood vessels that feed your unhealthy thought to destroy your mind
internal organs. Then direct the Chi flow and body.
out thru each organ. A visitor to a mental hospital spoke to
the administrator on the way out. The
USING CHI POWER FOR PROTECTION: visitor said, "All the patients seemed very
Simply by breathing Chi Gung and normal to me. Many of them were highly
progressively tensing the muscles of your intelligent." "Yes", said the administrator,
body, you can increase and direct the blood "they may seem normal, but all of their
and Chi flow to any part of your body that conversation is about themselves. That
you choose. Muscular flex (contraction), is what brought them here. They could only
along with the pumping movement of legs think of themselves." Looking inward leads
and arms, will increase the Chi and to self-pity and insanity.
bloodflow. The rest of your body can be
relaxed, while you progressively flex your THE SPIRITUAL MESSAGE is the most
muscles in a particular part. important to strengthen your mind as well
Look at the inside of your left wrist. By as your internal organs. This Chi Practice is
flexing your left forearm and hand, making to establish and keep a right relationship
a fist and opening it, and pumping your with your Creator. With practice, you also
arm, you can increase the size of the blood learn the art of focus. You should be able to
vessels in your left wrist to be visibly larger focus your mind instantly where you wish.
than the vessels of your right wrist which is Along with the focus of your mind goes the
still at rest. living energy called Chi. Learn to direct the
Using this type of Chi Gung breathing, Chi to any object as an extension of your
flexing, and pumping action, you can direct arms or eyes. You will be amazed at your
Chi Power to any part of your body: your new accuracy. God then directs your aim.
hand, foot, elbow, etc. You control the
thought as well as the power. Direct it CHI POWER AWARENESS: Chi can help
where you will, but use caution. Your Chi you improve your awareness of what may be
Power can be far more forceful than you impending danger. Begin practicing
may imagine. awareness: Close your eyes, close one hand
You are able to flex your muscles to into a fist and hold out your other open
become as hard as stone. This requires hand. Move it slowly back and forth to see if
mentally directed thought to a degree that you can feel (without touching them) solid
is self-hypnotic. But unlike hypnosis that is objects that are a few inches, then a few feet
directed by another, YOU control the distant from you. Concentrate. You should


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
feel a temperature change in the tips of your Often, the spirits will have invaded the body
fingers. If you do not feel a change, build of a human being. An example is found in
your Chi Power and try it again. the New Testament account of Jesus casting
Practice Relaxed Chi Breathing out demons from the man called Legion.
continually and you will also feel the Satan was a serpent. He wanted to be
presences of other people and their like an Image Being, such as we are, but
movements. Try it: Sit relaxed with your God said NO! Satan still pretends he is a
back to another. As the person moves, you man or woman, because he is able to invade
will feel a temperature change on your the thoughts of people. But God said that
head, ears, or back of your neck. With Chi we humans are His Image Beings, and we
Power awareness, there are no surprise are to become Partners with God.
attacks! Even if you sleep and a hostile
intruder bumps your Chi, you will suddenly
waken. Remember to think of the Chi
Relaxation, as well as the Chi Buildup, for
self-defense. When you become adept at
both, you will often find it easier to relax a
muscle away from impending danger than
to tense it against it.
With regular SPC USASA Chi Power Yin Angels of Protection are led by
practice, your mind can develop enough God's Holy Spirit to warn you ofYang
focus of muscular constriction that you can deception and danger. The Yin Angels are
cause a wave of constriction to flow from able to choose both the time and the place
your toes to the tips of your fingers in an for "accidents" to happen to you. The
instant. The potential power that can be accidents are not by chance. This is the way
generated in this manner is truly awesome! God renders justice on Earth.
Be extremely careful, and learn to control God is much more merciful than men or
your temper. Speak softly because your women, so heed those feelings that warn
voice is also filled with Chi Power. This Chi you. But use reasoned thought to make
Power from your voice can cause illness. decisions, not simply your feelings. Examine
People have been reported to knock a bird the thought message very carefully to see if
from the air with voice! it is from Yin or Yang. Let your conscience
help guide you. Faith is trusting God and
ANGELS, YIN AND YANG: The ion shield not yourself. You can be an easy target for
is only partly protecting you. Even though Yang deception if you trust injust your own
light is considered Yang, the light causes a abilities. With God, all things are possible.
Yin Chi attraction. AYin Angel of Light can God wishes you good continually. Tb know
shield you from injury. God is to love Him.
But Yang Angels of Deception try to
trick you. They conduct "sting" operations to TIME CONTROL: While in the Chi Power
cause you to do hurtful things to yourself state of generating a positive ion force, you
and others. God permits this because we are will see things moving in slow motion. The
given freewill choices. But there is always a strength of the Yang Chi force that you
terrible price to pay, so that you will correct create will slow the movement of time for
your behavior. The Yang Angels are often you. Often in a near death experience, you
called demons. They are in spirit form. will see an actual time reversal. Many
people report seeing their entire life flash
before their eyes.
This gives the Chi Practitioner a very
P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
great advantage. To others, you will seem to cold fusion of molecular gas is formed like
move with blinding speed. water in a cloud of gas. With the fusion,
The late scientist Albert Einstein, in his heat is created. The heat causes movement
Speed of Light Theory, stated that time of other free-floating molecular bodies which
stops when a moving mass reaches the in turn cool to form even more complex mol-
speed of light. Light speed is also a force of ecules (minerals) to form mass. This mass
gravity (Yang Chi). Other scientists proved forms a layered wall at the edge of the
the time theory is true by using a jet celestial equator of a star system. A similar
airplane and two atomic clocks. Time on the wall is formed around the planets in our
speeding jet greatly slowed, in comparison Solar System, as well as our Milky Way
to the stationary clock on Earth. A person Galaxy. The most famous of these walls are
who practices Chi Power sees this scientific the rings around the Planet Saturn and
principle in practical application. around the "Sombrero Galaxy".
Because of its huge size, the wall
CREATED LIGHT, DARKNESS, TIME, around a star system or a galaxy is called a
AND SPEED: The speed of light is thought "Ring World".
to be about 186,000 miles per second. But Amolecular mass of any size acts the
this is a flawed theory. (That is the speed of same way. All create both a Yin and a Yang
some reflected light, measured from the force of gravity. The smallest mineral is
Moon.) When an atomic molecule leaves a hydrogen. When hydrogen fuses with
burning mass, such as the Sun, it is in a another hydrogen molecule it becomes
high state of agitation (see drawing below). helium. As the molecule becomes more
complex thru fusion, it takes on new
character. Iron is 26 molecules of hydrogen
fused together. Uranium has 92 molecules of
hydrogen fused together. Uranium is very
unstable (comes apart easily). Uranium is
used in fission (separation of molecular or
atomic mass) that also creates heat.
) Our current atomic power electric
generators are creating energy by a fission
reaction. The fission creates radio activity
that can harm or help people, depending
Then as the molecule loses heat, its upon its use. In a bomb it is destructive. But
state of agitation slows; and the light that in small amounts it can help the growth of
was caused by the agitated molecule begins plant life, or kill cancerous cells within a
to dim. It also begins to slow in speed. So living body. Our future atomic power electric
the speed of light is a variable speed. The generators will be fusion generators. The
molecule will eventually cool and float as a only known byproducts effusion are heat
gas molecule in space, and will be affected and minerals. These minerals will usually
by gravitational forces. As an example, be water or gas.
though extremely lightweight, the molecule Some of the gas formed could be quite
of light can be diverted to a very erratic poisonous. Unless carefully controlled, any
path by forces of gravity from celestial type of energy created by Yin and Yang
bodies as it travels thru space. gravity forces has the potential for harm.
The cold molecules will fuse to form a This includes your personal use of it! The
'wall" at the edge of a star's gravitational
field. The wall is held in place just as the
Earth is held in place by the mutual pull of
gravity between the Sun and the Earth. A
P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
so-called "Light Year of Time" is as fictional Nationalities and races must merge.
as the speed of light. However, the forces of This is why God directs sons and daughters
gravity can increase or slow time to give the to leave their parents. There are many good
illusion of speed. "Time" and "speed" are reasons why incest or family intermarrying
both illusions of the mind used by God to are illegal. God wishes for the world to be
create levels of existence. God sees light, repopulated with people who are not
darkness, and time, as created forces to be Atheists, but believers in One God.
controlled and used for heavenly purposes. The completion of the Earth Garden
(SPC •USA's Prolepsis History ofChi Power must be done by people who have mastered
booklet explains more about created the powers that God gave to every human,
anti-light (darkness), and anti-sound. If the but not to animals. God is very patient. He
booklet is not included, send long will give Atheists all the time they need to
self-addressed envelope to SPC*USA; Dept determine His existence. Some of it will not
CM; P.O. Drawer 10; Middletown, OH be very pleasant. It has been said, there are
45042-0010. Ask for the Prolepsis History of few Atheists in foxholes!
Chi Power and Pressure Points.)
TIME: Other planets and other star systems TAPE, YOU ARE READY TO MAKE YOUR
are for human expansion. And, they are so RECORDING. You need to see a clock with
numerous they are beyond our ability to a second hand or a stopwatch while
count. There are billions of stars injust our recording, so that you leave the actual
own small Milky Way Galaxy. And the number of seconds on the tape. In PART
number of galaxies are beyond counting. I, use a light weight, big enough to see rise
The astronomers are astounded by the order and fall. (Later on, as your strength
within the universe, and the spacing increases, add more weight and length of
between galaxies. time. Your Chi Power will also increase.) In
PART II, your practice hanging object can
LEVELS OF EXISTENCE fall within the be simple wind chimes or an elaborate work
dimension called time. They can and do of mobile art. You should be far enough
overlap each other. Prophets, often called away that the object is moved by Chi Power
Seers, can and do see events in historic and not wind. Speak every word of the
perspective. The Christian Book of instructions, except the words that are
Revelations was seen as a vision by John, in parentheses, into the recorder. After
the Apostle of Christ. John saw the entire you have your recording made, you'll play it
history of Earth, from its first creation by back while you do what you say.
God, thru the birth of God from the Holy AUDIO TAPE RECORD YOUR OWN
Spirit's conception into a woman, to Earth's VOICE (BEGIN SPEAKING INTO THE
final conclusion as the completed Garden. RECORDER):
Because many religions can't believe God PART 1. First, lie on the floor on your
could or would become flesh and sacrifice back. Place a weight on your abdominal
Himself for the forgiveness of sin for anyone muscles, gut or tummy. When you breathe
who believes in His Grace, there is still in, your abdomen should rise. When you
much division in the world. Many wars have breathe out, your abdomen should fall. Your
been fought to retain political power within breath rate should be as if deep-sleeping.
a religious group.


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
(ADD 3 MINUTES TO TAPE)...30 Left thigh, tense. Hold. Right thigh,
seconds...1 minute...I minute,30 seconds... 2 tense. Hold. Buttocks, tense. Hold. Breathe
minutes...2 minutes,30 seconds...3 minutes. Chi Rhythm. Lower back, tense. Hold.
Abdominal muscles, tense. Hold. Upper
PART II. Now, stand'with your hands back, tense. Hold. Chest, tense. Hold.
to your side in rest. Feet should be Breathe Chi Rhythm.
shoulder-width apart. Take a slow, deep Neck, tense. Hold. Left shoulder, tense.
breath. Direct your thoughts to your Chi Hold. Right shoulder, tense. Hold. Left
Point, located about 2 inches below your upper arm, tense. Hold. Right upper arm,
navel. Forcefully breathe inward to your tense. Hold. Breathe Chi Rhythm. Left
CM Point. Then force your breath out slowly elbow, tense. Hold. Right elbow, tense. Hold.
thru pursed lips. Try to form a deep vocal Left forearm, tense. Hold. Right forearm,
sound as you inhale and exhale. Repeat the tense. Hold. Breathe Chi Rhythm.
slow, deep breaths, feeling the Chi Point Left wrist, tense. Hold. Right wrist,
continually. tense. Hold. Left fingers, tense. Hold. Right
Develop a comfortable, slow, deep, fingers, tense. Hold. Left thumb, tense.
breath rhythm, to and from the Chi Point. Hold. Right thumb, tense. Hold. Breathe
Your abdomen should expand with each Chi Rhythm. Your entire body should now
inhalation. You will be reminded about the be in a state of tension. Hold that tension!
breathing, so you can concentrate on fully Continue to breathe Chi Rhythm.
tensing each set of muscles, to build your
Begin with the big toe on your left foot.
Direct your thoughts to that toe. Mentally
feel its bottom; then top. Then contract it,
by grabbing the floor with it. Breathe Chi
Rhythm. Now direct your thoughts to your
right big toe. Feel its bottom; then top.
Contract it the same way. Breathe Chi
Rhythm. Now focus your attention back to
the toes of your left foot. Place them in a
state of tension, by strongly contracting
them. Grasp the floor, and even deeper, with
them. Hold the tension. Breathe Chi
Rhythm. Now tense the toes of your right NOW PLACE YOUR HANDS FIRMLY
foot the same way. Hold the tension. TOGETHER AT EYE LEVEL, fingers
Breathe Chi Rhythm. tightly together, pointing upward as in
Now tense the arch of your left foot. praying. Exert pressure, one hand against
Hold. Tense your right arch. Hold. Breathe the other. Continue the pressure as you
Chi Rhythm. Tense your left heel. Plant it bend your knees in a half-kneebend, feet
deep into the floor. Hold. Tense your right flat on floor. At the same time, lower your
heel. Hold. Breathe Chi Rhythm. Left ankle, hands, still pressed together, to your chest
tense. Hold. Right ankle, tense. Hold. Left while breathing inward. Having filled your
calf, tense. Hold. Right calf, tense. Hold. lungs, begin to expel the air thru pursed
Breathe Chi Rhythm. Left knee, tense. lips, making a louder sound. Do this as you
Hold. Right knee, tense. Hold. Breathe Chi begin to straighten your legs and lift your
Rhythm. still pressed together hands to the heavens.
9A When your praying hands are fully
extended above your head and your legs are


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
straight, you should have expelled all the PART III. Now look at the Chi Power
air in your lungs. Then as you slowly Poster for the locations of the organs (ADD
breathe inward, lower your hands and TIME IF NECESSARY). Sit cross-legged on
knees again to the previous position to fill the floor. Now draw the Chi to your hands
your lungs. Repeat this pumping action to in praying position. Remember your
build Chi inhaling should cause your tightened gut to
extend slightly against the tension. To help
you remember, make a deep noise when
inhaling and exhaling. Direct your Chi flow,
along with the statements, into and out thru
your internal organs, by firmly placing your
hands over the organs. Close your eyes. As
you visualize
forcefully and feel
breathe Chieach
into internal
and out organ,
each organ.


HANGING OBJECT. Push-throw your
Chi at the object thru your right hand,
fingers cupped tightly together and thumb
folded toward your palm. Direct the Chi out
from the butt of your palm while using the
YAH-HWAH Shout. Remember to use the
circular movements for building strong
throwing Chi. Then throw the Chi at the (1) Place one hand over your thyroids.
object thru your right elbow and continue to Place your thumb on one side, and fingers
shout with each throw. Repeat with your on the other. Place your other hand over
left fingers, and left elbow. Then kick at the your thymus. Breathe Chi flow out thru
object with your right knee, then kick with thyroids. THYROIDS: My spirit is at peace,
your right foot. Now kick with your left as I direct Chi Power to my internal
knee; and left foot. Repeat the exercises and organs...My spirit is at peace, as I direct Chi
shouts with your fingers fully extended as a my internal organs...My spirit is at
knife. Alternate and repeat several times. peace, as I direct Chi Power to my internal
The object of this Practice is to throw
additional bloodflow thru your joints. It also
keeps you ready to defend yourself when

(2) Place one hand over your thymus,

the other just below it over your heart.
Breathe Chi flow out thru thymus.


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
THYMUS: I am strong and courageous ...I your liver, left hand over your spleen.
am strong and courageous...I am strong and Breathe Chi flow out thru liver. LIVER: I
courageous. Now tap on the sternum, over am happy. I am cheerful. I am kind. ..I am
the thymus, like Tarzan beating his chest. happy. I am cheerful. I am kind. ..I am
Tap three times with each fist. This helps to happy. I am cheerful. I am kind. (6) Keep
strengthen the immune system and enlarge hands in same position. Breathe Chi flow
the thymus. out thru spleen. SPLEEN: I am filled with
(3) Keep your hands in same position. faith and confidence. I expect only good. ..I
Breathe Chi flow out thru heart. HEART: I am filled with faith and confidence. I expect
forget the bad. I remember the good. I am only good...I am filled with faith and
generous and forgiving. I am relaxed...I confidence. I expect only good.
forget the bad. I remember the good. I am
generous and forgiving. I am relaxed...I
forget the bad. I remember the good. I am
generous and forgiving. I am relaxed.

(7) Now move hands closer to each

other, fingers should interface and touch,
just below your ribs. Breathe Chi flow out
thru stomach. STOMACH: I am patient
and content.. .1 am patient and content...I
am patient and content.
(4) Lower your hands to both sides of (8) Keep hands in same position.
your ribs. Breathe Chi flow out thru lungs. Breathe Chi flow out thru pancreas.
LUNGS: I am reverent, and without fear. PANCREAS: I look for the best in myself
God is the giver of life and death. All that and others...I look for the best in myself and
happens is meant for my ultimate good. For others...1 look for the best in myself and
this, I am thankful...I am reverent, and others.
without fear. God is the giver of life and (9) Keep hands in same position.
death. All that happens is meant for my Breathe Chi flow out thru gallbladder.
ultimate good. For this, I am thankful...1 am GALLBLADDER: I reach out with love
reverent, and without fear. God is the giver and peace ...I reach out with love and
of life and death. All that happens is meant peace ...I reach out with love and peace.
for my ultimate good. For this, I am thankful.

(5) Lower your hands; right hand over (10) Move both hands to your back,
with the heels of your palms just touching


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
fingers, relax. Left thumb, relax. Right forward and backward as far as they will go.
thumb, relax. Breathe Chi Rhythm. Your Relax and repeat three times. (ADD 15
entire body should now be completely SECONDS).
relaxed. Remember to speak to any part Now, bend your left leg at the knee.
which may have tensed again. With both hands, pull your knee toward
The Vision your head. Try to touch your knee with your
nose by moving your head to also meet your
knee. Don't be discouraged if your nose does
not meet your knee. The movement is only
meant to stretch your muscles. Repeat the
stretch with your right leg. Stretch 3 times,
Now, look to the spot on your forehead
just above your nose, the "third eye". You
should see light. The light will vary in color
depending upon your physical and mental
condition. If you are truly relaxed and at
peace, the light should be white or golden in
color. The light may now form into a shape
or shapes. Some people see "visions" thru
the "third eye". Don't force the vision. Allow
it to open naturally. Take your time. God Then, with your knees bent, lift your
may show you things meant for your buttocks as high as you can, and tighten
understanding. You may not fully your rectal orifice. Hold for 30 seconds.
comprehend the things you will see, but be (ADD 30 SECONDS)...15 seconds..-30
patient. As time passes, God will reveal the seconds.
meaning of your vision. Now stand on your feet. To improve
(ADD SILENCE)...30 seconds. your balance, stand on your left foot, while
Pull Knee toward Head holding your right foot next to your groin.
~ Try it. You can do it! (ADD 30
SECONDS)...15 seconds...30 seconds.
Repeat, standing on your right foot, and
holding your left foot to your groin. (ADD 30
SECONDS)...15 seconds...30 seconds.
Devise your own balance exercises and
length of time in training; but don't "test"
God by taking foolish risks. Ask for
EXERCISES: Gently begin to stretch. First, courage and He will give you His!
lift your chin high, to stretch your neck. (You will need a focus devise for each person
Hold. Next, slowly push your chin down as doing the practice. We recommend that you
far as you can toward your chest. Now very add all the focus exercises to your tape.)
slowly roll your head to the left; then as far FOCUS EXERCISE - MOVE STRAW:
back as it will go; then very slowly to the A soft drink straw suspended with a thread
right; and down toward your chest. Then makes an excellent Chi Focus exercise
reverse the process. (ADD 15 SECONDS). device. Simply tie one end of a long thread
Next, lay on your back. Stretch your toes


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
around the middle of the straw to a level
balance. Use a thumbtack, or tape, to attach
the other end of the thread to the bottom
side of a surface that permits the straw to
freely float in the air, without friction, at
your eye level.


Occasionally, you will need to wipe PRACTICE:
straws with a dry cloth to clear ions that Next, from 3 feet away, focus your eyes on
may pollute them. When developing your one end of the straw. With hands gently
Chi, direct your thoughts to draw the Chi pressed together, in the praying position,
from your hand to your Chi Point. Slowly just below your eye level, deeply breathe to
deep-breathe to your Chi Point, and allow your Chi Point. By gently drawing your Yin
your abdominal muscles to expand only Chi from your eyes to your Chi Point, you
slightly. should cause the end of the straw to pull
Do not hold your breath while toward you. Again, emphasize your inward
concentrating. You must continue to breathe breathing.
deeply and slowly (Chi Gung). Next, forcefully press your hands
With your hand about 12 inches away together, and reverse the Chi from your Chi
from the straw, and arm outstretched, Point out your eyes, and cause the Yang Chi
gentlytense your hand and arm muscles. to push the straw away. Emphasize your
Direct your thoughts to draw the Chi from outward breath, but do not breathe directly
your hand to your Chi Point. Emphasize at the straw.
your inward breath. Gently beckon one end Try the eye practice from various
of the straw with your forefinger. The end of distances. Push or pull the straw with your
the straw should move toward you. You are eyes, by reversing your Chi flow. This, too,
using Yin Chi. Be sure you do not inhale or takes a small mental effort. This is NOT
exhale directly at the straw, and that it is black magic. This power is a gift from the
not being moved by any air currents in the Creator of the Universe and given to people
room. You must move the straw with your who are created in His Image. It is NOT
Yin Chi Power only. This requires mental given to any other creature. It proves you
concentration. are NOT an animal. Give God the thanks!
Now strongly tense your forefinger, and (Note: Many first-time users fear the
point it at one end of the straw. Push the next exercise will cause harm to them. It
straw with your Yang Chi, by mentally will not! It is a vital exercise to practice if
reversing your Chi flow. This takes a small you are to control animals or birds. The
mental effort. And watch the payoff! highest medical authorities flatly state it
This practice makes a great game to causes no harm. The difficulty may be so
play with a friend, to see who has the great that you think you will become
stronger Chi. unconscious. Do it anyway! You must
master this exercise!)


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
FLAME: After you build your Chi, close one
hand in a fist. From several feet away, open
the other hand. With your fingers tightly
cupped together, throw your Yang Chi at the
candle flame. At the same time, use the
YAH-HWAH Shout. Your Yang Chi should
be able to extinguish the candle flame on
impact. Chi moves slower than wind, so
allow time for your Chi to reach the flame.


II, fast tense your muscles in a wave from
toes to fingertips, while standing. Again
pump-build your Chi Power with hands
tightly together in praying position.
Use a standard household emergency
candle. Birthday candles burn too quickly
and will not be extinguished. Place the
candle, with a very short wick and small FOCUS EXERCISE - TIME
flame, before you. Clip the wick to shorten CONTROL: Do not build your Chi. Sit
it. Focus your eyes on the flame. Now place cross-legged on the floor, hands at rest on
your hands in the praying position at chest your knees. Have a friend drop a pen or
level, and press together very hard, while pencil at your arm's length away from you
forcing the Yang Chi out of your eyes. Keep and at your eye level. Try to catch the object
your gut very tight, while you slowly before it hits the ground or floor.
force-breathe into and out from your Chi Now build your Chi, by force-breathing
Point. Don't breathe at the candle. Direct to and from your Chi Point, while your
your outgoing breath toward your tensed hands are pressed together in the praying
gut. Your head may break out in a sweat. position at your chest level and your gut is
Watch the candle flame slowly die. With tight. Direct your Yang Chi to your hands.
each of your Yang Chi, outgoing breaths, the Your hands should become very warm. Then
flame becomes smaller until it goes out. place your warm hands at rest on your
This takes much effort and endurance. knees again. Do not focus your eyes on the
Beginners may wish to place the candle
inside a pot lying on its side. DONT GIVE


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
respect will be given you by others that will
object. Leave your eyes unfocused. You humble you. Pride and learning are
must incompatable. A proud person cannot learn.
continue to force-breathe to your Chi Point. A humble person is willing to listen, and
Have your friend drop the object again. learns much.
You should now easily catch the object. Again we caution you to use the Chi
This test is not simply quickened re- Power Voice with extreme care. Do not
flexes. This is using Yang Chi to slow time. hurt others with it except under extreme
You are made in the Image of God, Creator provocation.
of Time. The proof is in the use of the PROBLEM SOLVING: If you have trouble
aforementioned gravity forces and it can getting things to work, ask a friend to help
save your life! you. EVERYTHING WORKS EXACTLY
(End of Recording.) AS
STATED. Don't give up.
BUILDING A CHI POWER VOICE: Static electricity in a very dry room
Deeply can void your Chi. It may help to boil
breathe to your Chi Point. Lower the tone of water, to add moisture to the room. Also,
your voice and force the words you speak. anxiety drugs or sleeping pills can void your
They should come out from your throat Chi Power. Regular use of prescription or
strongly and slowly. Speak as if your voice nonprescription drugs can shrink your blood
were coming from your Chi Point. Try to vessels to the point of causing great
add a rasping, cutting sound to your voice. weakness. You may have Yin Chi, but your
It should be a very low, powerful, rasping Yang Chi will usually be very weak. More
sound. Each word must be forced from your than that, your glandular system will be
throat with as much power as you can unbalanced. Regular Chi Power practice can
muster. As time passes, the Chi Power help restore the size of your blood vessels,
Voice you create will become a habit. This and balance your internal organs.
habit also requires you to think strongly of If you are directing Chi to pull or push
every word before you speak it. astraw, wipe the straw with a dry cloth
Never use slang or curse words! Words first, to remove dust and ion pollution.
are like two-edged swords. They can wound, Overbreathing (too fast breathing)
kill, or heal. Make it a habit to use words can cause hyperventilation, with
that ennoble the person or creature to undesirable symptoms. Simply hold your
whom you speak. If you don't understand breath and run in place, or pump your
the exact meaning of words, use a dictionary arms, for the symptoms to disappear. (Or
to learn them. Almost all English words breathe into a bag.) Then correct your
have several meanings. It is extremely breathing by slowing the number of breaths
important to know the exact meaning of the per minute. You probably will have to repeat
word you wish to speak or write. There are the tensing process.
small hand-size computer-type dictionaries WEIGHT-LIFTERS: Because you
with a thesaurus of words that have the have very large blood vessels caused by
same meaning. A dictionary should be your every day practice, you may have a bit of
constant companion for quick reference. difficulty when first trying to build your
Voice communication is the most Chi. We suggest you limit your weight-
important skill you will ever learn. While -lifting to three times per week.
you are learning the Chi Power Voice, you
will be gaining self respect. It was by words
that worlds were created and angels fell.
Treat words with extreme respect, and


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America


stretching and loosening up your muscles BALANCE EXERCISES - Perform these
and joints. No maximum stretching unless exercises like on the tape. If you do just the
your body is sweating. Spend about five exercises only, it takes about 15 mins.
minutes on this exercise. 5. STANDING MEDITATION-Learn
2. LIGHT SLAPPING EXERCISE - to perform this exercise on a daily basis m
Start slapping or hitting all of your body order to build strong Yang Chi. Refer to the
surface areas with the palms of your hands, "How To Start Your Chi Program" sheets,
concentrating especially around the inside of Page 3, to learn this exercise. After you can
each elbow, back of each knee, kidney area, do this exercise for at least 10 mins, start
up and down each armpit, and on your performing the Bone Marrow / Energy Pack-
thymus area (refer to Chi Chart for loca-. ing Exercise while doing your standing
tions). By slapping lightly on each of these meditation exercise (refer to handout sheet
areas, you will open up the skin pores and in order to perform this exercise). Beginners
stimulate your nerve fibers more effectively. spend five or more minutes. Advanced spend
Spend 60-90 seconds on this exercise. from 20-60 mins. This is a hard exercise, but
3. BLOOD WASHING / SENSITIVITY if you train your body to perform this exer-
TRAINING EXERCISE - Learn to perform cise every day, you will find that it will get
this exercise regularly, as it will greatly easier to perform, over time. Learn to relax
increase your Chi by making your nerve your body, even though it wants to tighten;
fibers bigger and stronger. The exercise also try to disassociate yourself from the pain
helps your body maintain a stronger polar- while performing this exercise. Also, don't
ity. Refer to the handout sheet provided, in stare at a clock while doing this exercise, but
order to learn the exercise. Spend 3-5 mins close your eyes and you will be able to do it
on this exercise. longer; or you can even perform this exercise
4. PROVIDED TAPE EXERCISES: while playing music or watching TV in order
a) 3-MIN LUNG BUILDING to disassociate yourself from the pain in
EXERCISE - Really try to push yourself, your feet and legs. The pain you feel at first
since you're only doing this exercise for will go away in time as you are able to train
three mins. Try to inhale and exhale as long your body to handle this type of exercise.
and as slowly as you can, breathing through 6. FINISHING EXERCISE - Finish up
your mouth only to begin with. your exercise routine by performing the
You will be able to open up your lower Blood Washing / Sensitivity Exercise again.
lung system easier and quicker, by using Perform the Palm Test to see how strong
your mouth instead of your nose for the first couple of your Chi is, after doing the Chi exercises
months practice. (refer to Page 6 of "How to Start Your Chi
Program" sheets).


P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
doing the Palm Test (refer to Page 6 of "How
1. LIGHT STRETCHING - Do some to Start your Chi Program") with this varia-
light stretching before going to bed. Spend 3' tion: Since the Chi energy will go through
5 mitis. practically anything you send it through,
2. BLOOD WASHING / SENSITIVITY stand m a doorway and put one hand on one
TRAINING - Perform this exercise just side of the wall and your other hand on the
before getting into bed. Spend 3-4 mins on other side of the wall. Do not touch the wall,
exercise. but leave a 5 - 10 inch gap between your
3. LYING DOWN MEDITATION palms and the wall. Now do the Palm Test.
EXERCISE - Perform this exercise in your You will find that you can feel the Chi
bed (refer to Page 4 of "How To Start Your energy go right through the wall.
Your attracting power (Yin Chi) will This time, while you. do the Palm Test, have
increase with. regular practice of this exer- someone put his or her hand into the space
cise. Beginners spend 15-20 mins. Advanced between your palms, so that they feel the
perform tills exercise from 30-60 mins. energy pass through their hand.
Practice sending the Chi energy
through an object, as well as stopping it at
or within an object.
Concentrate on performing the
cises we have included in the SPC-USA Chi
exercises with quality rather than quantity
Power Plus program should cause you no
for better results. Perform the exercises
bad side effects. Some Chi programs avail-
daily (not only three times a week) for
able elsewhere can. cause side effects. If you
fastest results. All the exercises will become
plan to study other Chi courses along with
easier to perform over time as you make
our program, be sure you have opened the
them a habit. Your Chi power will also be
Chi channels in your arms and legs first. Be
enhanced by providing your body with
absolutely certain you have done this before
proper diet/nutrition and by taking vitamin,
working on methods which take Chi energy
mineral and herb supplements.
straight up to your head, or you will defin-
FOCUS TESTS: Try practicing putting itely experience side effects. When you
out the candle or moving the straw exercises stimulate any part of your body, it is done by
using both methods, as explained in the Chi an electrical pulse which travels back and
Power Plus Booklet (Yang Chi/Yang Style) forth from the brain to the part stimulated,
or in the "How To Start Your Chi Power using nerve fibers in your body to send the
Plus Program", Pages 5 & 6 (Yang Chi/Yin message. If too much electrical energy is
Style). See which method is easier for you to sent through a nerve fiber before it is pre-
perform and use that way. Don't use the pared to handle it, it can cause an overload
hanging straw for yang throws. Put up some and possible damage. Learn to develop and
other type of hanging object in order to work strengthen your nerve fibers by doing our
on getting your throws down. Practicing exercises regularly (especially the Blood
regularly on creating the steady flow of Chi Washing Exercise).
helps you to create a better yang throw. If on any day, you do not have time to
do all the SPC-USA Chi exercises, be sure
you get the Night Exercises/Yin Time done.
P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America
P 0 Box 9516 • Hamilton, New Jersey 08650 • United States of America

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